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Fe b r u a r y 2 2 , 2 0 2 4 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 1 9 , N o . 8
human Ready to speak out, residents kept in silence Elections, interest stories lead conversation at Appen forum
Milton City Council considering process for public comment By HAYDEN SUMLIN MILTON, Ga. — While Milton officials consider new rules for public comment during City Council meetings, some residents are already a little frustrated. Several residents at the Feb. 12 Milton City Council work session left disappointed after not being allowed to speak. Some came to speak about proposed recommendations from City Attorney Ken Jarrard on streamlining meeting efficiency. Others showed up to give their thoughts on the search for active park space, including the city-owned property on Hopewell Road. Some said they’d wanted to weigh in on the alcohol beverage license for a farm winery in the Boxwood Estates subdivision. City Attorney Jarrard, speaking at a Jan. 17 special-called City Council meeting, recommended limiting public comment to two opportunities during formal sessions, one before the consent agenda and one before new business. Each public comment, he suggested, would be a maximum of 30 minutes, with three minutes provided to each speaker. Other proposed changes include holding a work session once a month an hour before regular meetings,
Residents of Milton are awaiting word on how the City Council will fashion meetings to allow them to comment publicly on pending issues. discontinuing the practice of reading emails into the record and encouraging residents to attend meetings in person. In a Jan. 24 email, Jarrard said the City Council planned to discuss the changes at the Feb. 12 work session. Because the published agenda at the Feb. 12 work session did not include any items related to meeting efficiency, park space or the winery, residents were not allowed to speak on those issues. City Code allows general public
comment only at regular meetings. However, the code allows for public comment addressing agenda items during work sessions. Three former City Council members, including Laura Bentley, attended the meeting but were unable to comment. “It’s definitely something that they are considering,” Bentley said. “To just pull it and not give the community
ROSWELL, Ga. — About two dozen people attended Appen Press Club’s second stop on its 2024 “Listening Tour” Feb. 15 at From the Earth Brewery Company. Members of Appen Media’s newsroom made themselves available to the public to listen to feedback from readers and talk about what they would like to see more of in their local newspaper. The Alpharetta-Roswell Herald has been serving the Alpharetta and Roswell communities since 1983 and is currently delivered to 28,000 homes weekly. It also serves as the legal organ for the City of Roswell, which means that it publishes all of the city’s legal notices about public meeting dates, tax dollar allocation and rezoning of property. Newsroom staff also fielded questions about whether they disclose sources, how news is localized, best practices on facilitating city council debates and other election coverage. Some attendees also encouraged
See FORUM, Page 12
Attendees are encouraged to RSVP at www.
See SESSION, Page 12
Caroline Nalisnick C: 404.513.9226 |
Sam DiVito C: 404.803.5999 |
Allison Kloster C: 404.784.5287 |