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Neighbors air concerns over winery enterprise By AMBER PERRY amber@appenmedia.com
Clergy wait to deliver remarks and pray at the Alpharetta Community Thanksgiving Service at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church Nov. 14. The service featured readings from the Bible and the Quran.
Community counts blessings at Thanksgiving observance By SHELBY ISRAEL shelby@appenmedia.com
Church, remarks from Alpharetta officials, psalms, liturgical dance and readings ALPHARETTA, Ga. — Some 100 from the Bible and the Quran. guests gathered on a Tuesday Williams’ sermon highlighted evening at St. Thomas Aquinas the theme of gratitude through Catholic Church for prayer and Luke 17:11-19. song at the annual Alpharetta “Couldn’t they pause for Community Thanksgiving one second to say thank you Service. and to glorify God?” Williams The Nov. 14 service featured asked. “And I started thinking a sermon by the Rev. Gregory about America. I started S. Williams, senior pastor at See SERVICE, Page 22 St. James United Methodist
Residents protest park land opening ► PAGE 3
The Rev. Gregory S. Williams, senior pastor of St. James United Methodist Church, delivers the sermon at the Alpharetta Community Thanksgiving Service at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church Nov. 14. Williams asked the audience to thank God daily for all of life’s blessings.
New pickleball facility bound for North Point ► PAGE 8
Meyers: City namesake, mystery of John Milton ► PAGE 27
MILTON, Ga. — Jim Rosenberger’s at-home “hobby” winery in the gated Boxwood Estates subdivision off Blakmaral Lane is causing a stir among many of its neighbors, specifically those who live in Providence Plantation. The issue, Providence Plantation residents say, is Rosenberger’s intent to offer wine tastings at the location. To visit D’Rose Vintners, customers will have to drive through the hilly Providence Plantation neighborhood. Safety is the primary concern for Sarah Moen, whose house is near the bottom of a steep slope on Providence Plantation Drive. Her 19-year-old son, with severe autism, is prone to elopement — Moen fears that Rosenberger’s business could mean heightened traffic and potential drunk driving, putting her son at risk. “I already have to watch him with regular traffic,” Moen said. “If all of a sudden we have people who are leaving a wine tasting coming down, that just adds extra stress and a completely new level of safety concerns that I just don’t need.” An afternoon visit to the area showed several cars and even school buses took the 25-mph speed limit as
See WINERY, Page 22