Sandy Springs reassesses ambulance contract ► PAGE 3 Fe b r u a r y 1 , 2 0 2 4 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 3 , N o . 5
Section of I-285 shoulder closes for construction of auxiliary lane
ies. Atlanta has its own continuum of care. Data is then sent to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which uses the results to determine federal funding to address homelessness.
SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — Georgia Department of Transportation contractors closed the I-285 westbound shoulder Jan. 21 from Long Island Drive past the Mt. Vernon Highway bridge. The closure is expected to last three months for work on the I-285 Auxiliary Lane Project, which will add an additional track between Roswell Road and Riverside Drive. The $42 million project also includes the reconstruction of the Mount Vernon Highway Bridge over I-285. GDOT says the closure may be extended beyond the three-month estimate. The project contractors, Archer Western Construction and Heath & Lineback Engineering, began construction in August 2023. Kyle Collins, a communications program manager with GDOT, said completion is anticipated in summer 2025. GDOT classifies the project under the umbrella of the I-285 Advanced Improvement Project. The I-285 projects are a part of the Major Mobility and Investment Program, which seeks to improve freight mobility, decrease travel times and enhance safety across the state. After a tractor-trailer crash closed the Mount Vernon Highway bridge over I-285 in late September 2023, GDOT looked to accelerate the completion of the bridge.
See FULTON, Page 12
See LANE, Page 12
Volunteers assemble at Mary Hall Freedom Village before the annual Fulton County Continuum of Care Point in Time Count Jan. 23. More than 50 volunteers split up into 19 teams to survey North Fulton’s unsheltered population from 8 to 11 p.m.
Volunteers canvass North Fulton to log annual homeless numbers By SHELBY ISRAEL SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — More than 50 volunteers set out from Mary Hall Freedom Village in Sandy Springs Jan. 23 to survey the area’s unsheltered population for the annual Fulton County Continuum of Care Point in
Time Count. Point in time counts provide lawmakers and funding organizations with information on the number, demographics and characteristics of people experiencing homelessness. In Fulton County, the Continuum of Care promotes funding and programs to combat homelessness in Fulton cit-