Metro Atlanta schools honor top teachers ► PAGE 4
Fe b r u a r y 2 2 , 2 0 2 4 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 3 , N o . 8
Patrons turn out for district updates on new high school North Springs building set to open in 2027 By HAYDEN SUMLIN SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — Construction of the new North Springs High School is four to six weeks behind schedule, Fulton County Schools officials say. Speaking at a community meeting Feb. 14 at Spalding Drive Elementary, District COO Noel Maloof said the delays are the result of extra care in cost-cutting measures to keep the project on budget. School Board members Michelle Morancie and Katie Gregory hosted the meeting and fielded a number of questions from the crowd of close to 50. While the board members sought feedback on the school district’s new strategic plan, community members were anxious for updates and give input about the new high school, which is to be built at the site of the current high school on Roswell Road. “A new North Springs High School is the most important thing happening in Sandy Springs right now,” City Councilman Andy Bauman said.
See SCHOOL, Page 12
Sandy Springs school patrons and city officials watch a presentation updating progress on construction of the new North Springs High School at a community gathering Feb. 14 held at Spalding Drive Elementary School.
Jewish Film Festival returns to Metro Atlanta theaters SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival returned to Metro Atlanta theaters Feb. 13 for its 24th film lineup, catering to in-person and online audiences. This year, the festival is set for an ex-
panded 24-day lineup, including 14 days of in-theater screenings and 10 days of online streaming. The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, a nonprofit arts organization founded by the American Jewish Committee, brings
the world’s most outstanding Jewish films to five metro-area venues. Films will be screened, Feb. 13-26, in the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center at City Springs; the Tara Theatre on Cheshire Bridge Road; the historic Plaza
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Theatre in Midtown; the Georgia Theatre Company’s Merchants Walk Cinemas in East Cobb; and The Springs Cinema & Taphouse off Roswell Road.
See FILM, Page 12