Sandy Springs Crier - October 19, 2023

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Act3 Playhouse premiers comedy by Atlanta writer ► PAGE 4


Education Special Section ► STARTS ON PAGE 10

O c t o b e r 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 , N o . 4 2

Perimeter area development requires buy-in from neighbors By HAYDEN SUMLIN

DUNWOODY, Ga. — Dunwoody’s prosperity is tied to partnerships that extend beyond its city limits. But, those partnerships are firm, and the future looks bright, according to Dunwoody Economic Development Director Michael Starling. Dunwoody is really two cities, he said. One is defined by bucolic residential neighborhoods and another of commercial buildings at the Perimeter Center. The housing split in the city between single-family residential homes and apartments is 50-50. “They’re very different and sometimes there’s a challenge,” Starling said. Commercial property owners at Perimeter Center account for around 70 percent of the city’s property tax revenues, easing the burden on homeowners. Perimeter Center is an edge community just north of Atlanta, encompassing parts of Brookhaven, Dunwoody and Sandy Springs at the nexus of Ga. 400, I-285 and the Dunwoody MARTA Station.

See PERIMETER, Page 18


Thousands of community members from across Atlanta and Fulton County gather at City Springs Oct. 10 for the “Stand in Solidarity with Israel” vigil.

Thousands rally to support Israel

Hamas attack ignites Sandy Springs gathering By HAYDEN SUMLIN SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — The Sandy Springs community has shown its solidarity with the Jewish people and the State of Israel following the killing of more than 1,200 people by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7. The commitment was evident Oct. 10 when around 11,000 people participated in

the “Stand in Solidarity with Israel” vigil in Sandy Springs. The gathering at City Springs drew some 5,000 people, with the Byers Theatre and Studio Theatre at maximum capacity and some 2,000 people outside at the City Green watching the vigil. The event’s live stream audience was estimated at 6,500 people. “We worked with the Jewish Federation,

50th Anniversary Celebration!

770-393-0321 | 4500 4500 Old Suite 200, 200, Atlanta, 770-393-0321 Old Perimeter Perimeter Way, way, Suite Atlanta, Georgia Georgia,30346 30346 |

50th Anniversary Celebration!

American Jewish Congress and the local community to put it on,” Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul said the day following the vigil. “We had about 72 hours to pull it together, to get 11,000 participants…that’s the level of passion, concern and anger that the broader community feels about what is happening in Israel right now.”

See COMMUNITY, Page 19

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