Sandy Springs Crier - November 9, 2023

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Traveling Quartet transforms folk songs at Roswell concert

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N ov e m b e r 9 , 2 0 2 3 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 , N o . 4 5

Riverwood Baseball sells trees Fulton County drops resolution to remove for 29th Christmas fundraiser Cheeley from CID SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. – Riverwood International Charter School’s baseball team is once again selling premium Fraser fir Christmas trees during its annual fundraiser. Customers are invited to order trees online at RiverwoodTrees. After ordering online, they can opt to select their tree at the Riverwood High School tree lot Nov. 25-26 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., the following Monday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. or the team will choose one for them. Delivery within the Riverwood school district is available for an additional fee. The group does not anticipate being able to offer walk-up sales, so please pre-order securely online. The deadline to order is Nov. 17. “This is the 29th year that Riverwood Baseball has been selling Christmas trees in Sandy Springs,” said Phillip Byrd, Riverwood’s baseball coach. “The service we provide to busy families is what keeps us going, and we are so grateful to our long-time customers. There aren’t many traditions that can boast a 30-year lifespan, but thanks to a lot of work from our coaches, players and families, we’re proud to be going strong.” Riverwood baseball players and parents volunteer at the tree lot, helping customers select the trees they ordered, fresh-cutting the trunks, and loading them onto cars and trucks. For more information email



From left, Robert Childs with Raider Baseball players Brandon Leonard, Zach Stair, Asa Murray and Padgett Wilson drop a donated tree at Fire Station 53 after last year’s tree sale.

METRO ATLANTA — The Fulton County Board of Commissioners dropped its plans to remove Bob Cheeley as its appointee on the True North 400 board after legal staff determined the resolution had no grounds. At a Board of Commissioners meeting Nov. 1, County Attorney Y. Soo Jo said the resolution was removed because of a legal misunderstanding. “This was a resolution brought forward by Commissioner Barrett based on my initial legal CHEELEY advice that only one Fulton County seat was warranted on the CID under current conditions,” Jo said. “Upon realizing there was a mistake in the analysis, I reached out to Commissioner Barrett to obtain her permission to remove the item, and that is why it is being removed.” At the meeting, Commissioner Bridget Thorne read a letter written by True North 400 Executive Director and state Sen. Brandon Beach criticizing the resolution. In the letter, Beach said the effort to target Cheeley was “misguided,” and the CID board should have the chance to address its composition before the Board of Commissioners attempts to alter it.

See CHEELEY, Page 13

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