Sandy Springs Crier - November 16, 2023

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WellStar hospital marks 40-year anniversary ► PAGE 4

N ov e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 2 3 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 , N o . 4 6

Los Niños Primero to hold art auction


Lawrence Kass, who lives at the site of the drainage improvement project, speaks during public comment at the Sandy Springs City Council meeting Nov. 7. Kass said the failed storm drain system has flooded his family’s home three times in four years.

Drainage project ends frustration for Sandy Springs property owner By HAYDEN SUMLIN SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — Sandy Springs resident Lawrence Kass rose Nov. 7 to thank the City Council for ending his 14 years of frustration with the city over flooding at his family home on Thornhill Lane. Public Works Director Marty Matrin presented a resolution authorizing a contract award to Vertical Earth to construct a drainage improvement project at 7236 Thornhill Lane. Overall, the $800,000 project will install retaining walls to create additional stormwater

storage capacity and improve runoff rates. The contract also calls for replacing and improving pipes, reconstructing a concrete driveway and adding some erosion control. Kass, a wealth management adviser for Merrill L ynch, lives with his family at the address. He told councilmembers he was glad the city was taking responsibility for a problem it had identified since 2009. “It has taken us a long time to get here,” Kass said. “I’d like to thank all who have worked hard on this project.”

See KASS, Page 9

SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — Los Programs focus on the Niños Primero, or The Children earliest years of childhood First, announced its first “Art for through college, offering a Cause” fundraiser, an online comprehensive academic, silent auction scheduled from leadership and community Nov. 10-Nov. 17. programs. The auction showcases an The silent auction is open to assortment of accessibly priced the public, with bids beginning contemporary art, featuring Nov. 10 and closing Nov. 17. renowned Latino and American “Just in time for the visual artists. holidays, this unique silent Some of the featured artists auction will allow you to bring include Argelia Bravo, Fran one of a kind, inspired art pieces Beaufrand, Mitchell Biggio and into your home or the home of Kevin McLean. a loved one,” the organization’s The nonprofit plans to use Instagram post said. every dollar generated from Established in 2001, Los the auction tol go directly Niños Primero is steadfast in its toward supporting its cultural mission to uplift Latino students enrichment and art programs. and their families. Los Niños Primero uses As of 2023, the organization holistic programs to instill the serves over 1,000 children, values of respect, integrity, youth and their families. responsibility, a passion for For more information, learning and community please contact lperez-marrero@ engagement.


A poster for Los Niños Primero’s new fundraiser, “Art for a Cause,” shows some of the artworks available for bidding. The online silent auction will run from Nov. 10-Nov. 17.

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