Education leaders lock in priorities for ’24 Legislature ► PAGE 3
N ov e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 2 3 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 , N o . 4 7
Businesses mix it up with chamber’s help at networking event
City Green will feature new ice rink SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — Sandy Springs residents and visitors can enjoy a new ice rink on the City Green at 1 Galambos Way beginning Nov. 24. The ice rink, Skate City Springs, will be open until Jan. 21. People are invited to glide, spin, stride and laugh with friends as they skate, or just watch from the sidelines with a cup of hot cocoa. Adult tickets are $15 per hour. Tickets for children (ages 2-10) are $13 per hour. Admission includes skate rental. Attendees of Skate City Springs must purchase a timed admission online and arrive a few minutes early to pick up their skates. Skate City Green will be open daily and is scheduled for special hours while kids are out of school for the holidays. The City of Sandy Springs encourages folks to bundle up and check availability before coming in person. The City Green is a 4-acre park, which serves as the outdoor component of the City Springs complex. The park features a large lawn, covered seating, picnic tables and free WiFi.
Decorations are beginning to appear around City Hall, next door to where Skate City Springs will kickoff Nov. 24.
SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — It’s tough enough running a small business these days, but being bashful can be a real handicap. Each month, the Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber of Commerce gathers business owners – introverts and extroverts – and puts them in a room to rub elbows. Financial planners, real estate agents, entrepreneurs and other small business owners gathered at City Barbeque Nov. 16 to forge some new connections in a laid-back setting at the chamber’s Networking at Noon. The event is a unique networking opportunity, where each guest gives a 1-minute elevator pitch to present their business over lunch. Each attendee is also guaranteed two contacts from a drawing out of the group’s business cards. Afterward, the contact information of everyone present at the event is shared with all attendees for network strengthening purposes. Attendees can meet each other without leaving their seat. Jon Wittenburg, owner of Minuteman Press at 7840 Roswell Road, said he has been a chamber member since he opened his business in Sandy Springs 11 years ago. “I’m an introvert, so these things, especially when I first started, were never easy for me,” Wittenburg said. “But, you can’t sit by the closet and expect to meet people.” Wittenburg said events like Networking at Noon are more attractive to small business owners because of the affordable price. Admission is $20 for members and $35 for non-members. About 40 business professionals from an array of industries showed up for the lunch and networking opportunity Nov. 16.
See BUSINESS, Page 12