Dunwoody parks director leaves for Sandy Springs ► PAGE 3 D e c e m b e r 7 , 2 0 2 3 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 , N o . 4 9
North Fulton charity sets annual toy drive to benefit the needy
Mother and daughter Sara and Josie Panzer show off some of their spins and twirls at Skate City Springs Nov. 30.
ROSWELL, Ga. — North Fulton Community Charities will collect toys and gift cards for its annual Toyland Shop, which provides gifts for children in need in the community. New toys, books, gifts and $25 gift cards can be dropped off Dec. 11 to Dec. 13 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Roswell Presbyterian Church on Mimosa Boulevard. Toy distribution will run from Dec. 14 to Dec. 16. Last year, Toyland Shop provided more than 500 families with toys and gifts. With increases in demand for its other assistance services, North Fulton Community Charities (NFCC) anticipates serving more than 600 families this year.
See TOYS, Page 7
Sandy Springs glides into season City Green converted into outdoor ice rink By HAYDEN SUMLIN SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — The City of Sandy Springs has rolled out Skate City Springs, a 5,000-square-foot ice rink on the City Green at 1 Galambos Way, open until Jan. 21.
Residents and visitors are invited to glide, spin, stride and laugh with friends as they skate, or just watch from the sidelines with a cup of hot cocoa. The Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center will operate Skate City Springs and the surrounding amenities on the City Green, a 4-acre park at the City Springs complex. The park, decked out in holiday decorations, features a large lawn, covered seating, picnic tables, free WiFiand
plenty of space for gathering. Adult tickets are $15 per hour. Tickets for children (ages 2-10) are $13 per hour. Admission includes skate rental. There are group discounts for parties of 10-50 people. Attendees of Skate City Springs must purchase a timed admission online and arrive a few minutes early to pick up their skates.
See SKATE, Page 13
North Fulton Community Charities’ (NFCC) anticipates serving more than 600 families in its Toyland Shop event this year, which runs from Dec. 11 to Dec. 16 at Roswell Presbyterian Church.