Sandy Springs Crier - December 14, 2023

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Development code sees rule changes ► PAGE 3

D e c e m b e r 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 , N o . 5 0

Wellstar’s Chatman elected board chair for hospital group




The crowd on Galambos Way watches the lighting of the Christmas tree at Sparkle Sandy Springs Dec. 3. The 3-story-tall tree is located outside of the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center.

Sparkle Sandy Springs dazzles crowd By HAYDEN SUMLIN SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — The twinkling lights and magical nighttime parade at Sparkle Sandy Springs Dec. 3 were a huge draw for Metro Atlanta residents looking to dive into the holiday spirit. The City of Sandy Springs estimates 5,000 people showed up to

City Springs Dec. 3 for the Sparkle Sandy Springs Holiday Celebration. Festivities began at 4 p.m. with the opening of Sparkle Village, Skate City Springs and Sparkle Wonderland, as well as the gift market and food trucks for adults. While Sparkle Village will remain open until Dec. 31, Skate City Springs continues until Jan. 21. Signature Events Director Anna

Nikolas manages the production and coordination of the annual event. This year her team doubled the number of food trucks and added a cover overlay on the Christmas tree. The overlay, a new feature, displays 25 light patterns rotating every 15-20 seconds. The Rupert’s Orchestra, a

See SPARKLE, Page 9

ATLANTA — Mary Chatman, the executive vice president of acute care operations for Wellstar Health System, was elected chair of the Board of Trustees of the Georgia Hospital Association Nov.

Chatman has served on the Georgia Hospital Associations Board since February 2020. She will lead the Board in developing strategies for association members, advocating for the highest quality of care for patients and supporting adequate reimbursement of hospitals. Chatman succeeds Dan Owens, who most recently served as CEO of Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta and Emory University Hospital Smyrna. Gov. Brian Kemp appointed Chatman to the state’s Healthcare Workforce Commission in 2021. In her position as executive vice president, Chatman oversees operations for 11 Wellstar hospitals, rehabilitation and palliative services and emergency departments. In 2020, she led the opening of Wellstar Kennestone Regional Medical Center’s new

See CHATMAN, Page 4

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