With Stefan Żeromski trough the Masłów Municipality

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With Żeromski through the Masłów Municipality 1

Stefan Żeromski

“The Fir Forrest” (Puszcza jodłowa) Excerpts Over many years of my youth, I became well-acquainted with those lively waters in the woods, the Nida, which from clear streams into a lush river grows. She was the river that would cradle me in a sympathetic, icy embrace as I threw myself confidingly into her black depths, having woken from a deep, heavy sleep, directly dawn had made the sky over the summit of Łysica glow. She would hold me to her bosom as a good mother when I was swimming: standing, on my back, on my front and on my side. . . .

one) poet in the whole Świętokrzyskie Mountains who pretended to be a hunter and a fisherman. I had in myself the nimbleness of a fox, the legs of a deer, and something like the wings of a snipe on my shoulders. I would write my mediocre poems in the woods or in the middle of nowhere - during long summer rains, under the shades of a drooping alder tree — under a hay roof in a hallow field in Wilków – and in the shrines in the woods, by Saint Catherine’s Convent. . . .

Back then, I knew well the habits and nature of fish, cunningness, wisdom and instinct of ducks, garganeys, snipes, common moorhens, wood pigeons and hawks. Human spying and cunningness were my answer to spying and defensive measures of stags, foxes and hares. I was a hunter and a fisherman, but rather – in name only, not by the effectiveness of my hunting. For I was the greatest (as the only

In the days of my youth, conquering expanses with the use the power of muscles, which so easily managed to cover various distances, left an indelible impression on the understanding, or rather growing awareness of all kinds of measurements. The measurement of space has always been for me the distance between various places in these parts. Two versts – that’s


a dirt road from Ciekoty to Wilków, three versts – the roadside from Krajno to Górno, three miles – a straight line from Kielce to Święta Katarzyna. Every difficult, big and hard work of any nature, literary, library or other, is measured through images and comparisons in my imagination, in the power of my muscles and nerves – it measures the height of Radostowa Mount. Here I am, at the foot of the mountain, in Leszczyny, in Mąchocice, in Bęczków – I am on the first rise, the second, the third – I am close to the summit – I am on the top! I can see my end and my destination: my family home! I go down with gusto. Here I am at the boundary of our fields. I can see the doors, I cross the threshold… After the effort, I fall into quiet and blissful repose…

With Stefan Żeromski through the Masłów Municipality

The Head of Masłów Municipality

Ryszard Pazera

Thanks to its attractive location in the central part of the Świętokrzyskie Province, the Masłów Municipality is especially open to tourists. The situation of the Municipality means that it is also a natural recreational base for Kielce, the lack of manufacturing enterprises allowing holidays clo-

se to nature. The convenient location near important routes makes it possible to get here quickly from Warsaw, Łódź, Lublin, Cracow, Rzeszów and Silesia. In the Municipality, there are hostels, agritourism farms, guesthouses and holiday centres. The choice of tourist accommodation depends on both financial means and a preference for the free time activities. The Masłów Municipality is still expanding and diversifying options of tourist accommodation, for example lodgings and campsites are being created. Currently, the number of accommodation places in the Masłów Municipality (over 600) is the highest in the province. Beautiful landscapes, a well-developed system of biking and hiking trails, gentle hills and picturesque lakes in Ciekoty and Cedzyna - it all encourages active tourism. It is worth visiting so called “The Devil’s Stone“ (Diabelski Kamień), the outcrop on Klonów-


ka Mount. What is more, a number of vantage points enables one to admire the beauty of the scenery, for instance the Lubrzanka Water Gap, which separates two mountains in Mąchocice Kapitulne. Masłów is also a paradise for the enthusiasts of skiing, water sports, cycling and aviation (a sports and business airport). It is possible to say that the Masłów Municipality is a gateway to the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Holy Cross Mountains) with the icon of the region: “The Glass House” and Stefan Żeromski’s manor in Ciekoty. The creation of “The Glass House” and Stefan Żeromski’s manor is an important element of the promotion of the Świętokrzyski region and the Masłów Municipality through commemoration of the great and famous Polish writer. I cordially invite you to the Masłów Municipality.


“Stefan Żeromski’s Manor – ‘The Glass House’ – The Icon of the Świętokrzyskie Region” The realisation of the project “Stefan Żeromski’s Manor – ‘The Glass House’ – The Icon of the Świętokrzyski Region” by the Masłów Municipality was possible, among other factors, thanks to the resources obtained from the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund as a part of the Regional Operational Programme for the Świętokrzyskie Province for the years 2007 – 2013, measure 2.3 The Promotion of the Economy and Tourism of the Region and the resources provided by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The project “Stefan Żeromski’s Manor – ‘The Glass House’ – The Icon of the Świętokrzyskie Region” consists of the following elements: • • • •

building “the Glass House” – Żeromski’s vision, reconstruction of the 19th century manor that used to belong to Stefan Żeromski, creation of The Chamber of Good Taste (Izba Dobrego Smaku) in Ciekoty, making new tourist paths devoted to literature and nature, renovation of bicycle and hiking trails, • publishing promotion materials. The project entails the promotion of the Świętokrzyskie region and the Masłów Municipality through the commemoration of the great Polish writer, known in the country and in the world, Stefan Żeromski. “The Glass House” and Stefan Żeromski’s Manor are not only buildings; they are also places that function as an Education Centre, the centre which provides education about culture, tradition tourism, and local patriotism.


The promotional and educational activities will consist of concerts, workshops, film screenings. Literature meetings, promotions of books, night-time readings – not only of Żeromski’s works, but other writers’ as well. There are also various events, including The Masłów Feast, the Easter Fair, or Stefan’s Name Day. The Education Centre “The Glass House” – Stefan Żeromski’s Manor is also about a centre of a tourist movement. From Żeromszczyzna, you can set off on a hike along trails and walking paths (the ones Stefan used to follow), you can admire nature (the places Żeromski described in his works) while you are taking a didactic path. Of course, there is also something for the cycling tourism enthusiasts. Cycle paths lead eg. around the Pasmo Masłowskie or to Święta Katarzyna. What is more, the activities connected with tourism & recreation are intended for different kinds of people: from ‘weekend tourists’ and usual strollers, through organised school groups attending a field class “Azymut na Żeromskiego (Direction: Żeromski). You can benefit from canoeing, orienteering, travelling evenings, cross-country running, holidays in a forest, as well as a number of other attractive offers. One can say that the Education Centre “The Glass House” – Stefan Żeromski’s Manor is a gateway to the Świętokrzyskie Mountains and also the main point on the tourist map of the Świętokrzyskie Province.


The Landscapes of The Świętokrzyskie Region

The Masłowskie Range and the Wilkowska Valley with nearby Święta Katarzyna and Łysica Mountain constitute the heart of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The oldest mountains which became closely connected to the history of Poland thanks to the location and mineral resources known for a long time. Hard and sharp-edged quartzite sandstone, glittering with grains of quartz, is visible on the Łysa Góra boulder fields and in the old quarry Wiśniówka. It formed at the very beginning of the Paleozoic era - 500 million years ago. Quartzite and Cambrian cleaving stone constitute the first and already distinct chapter of the great geological atlas – of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The mountains, repeatedly uplifted, finally came to show the signs of the passage of time; the ridges are not so soaring and the valleys are not so incised as it is the case with the much


younger Carpathians. On the other hand, it means that they are more accessible to easy family tourism, especially due to the abundance of distant and very picturesque panoramas. Three most typical elements of the local landscape may be distinguished. Firstly, quartzite outcrops along the ridge of the Masłowskie Range, with the Diabelski Kamień on the top of Klonówka. There are also mountain slopes, gentle and long, often undulating. They are marked by narrow plots, stretching downwards, and in summer they resemble a beautiful mosaic, socalled “pasiaki świętokrzyskie” (the name refers a kind of horizontally stripped cloth, typical of Polish folk costumes). The final element is The Lubrzanka Water Gap, separating Klonówka and Radostowa Mountain. This water gap is famous as a geology book example of ‘river-piracy.’ The Lubrzanka used to flow to the north into the Pokrzywianka, but it was captured by the Czarna Nida and it currently runs to the south, across the Masłowskie Range.


Places Worth Visiting Nature and History

Ciekoty — Żeromszczyzna In Ciekoty, at the foot of Radostowa, there used to stand a wooden manor where Stefan Żeromski spent his childhood. Here he would discover the world of pristine nature, of mountains, the world that later appeared repeatedly in his works. Currently, it has became the Education Centre „The Glass House” - Stefan Żeromski’s Manor, consisting of a beautiful reconstruction of a period Polish manor, intended as a Museum of Stefan Żeromski and a modern “Glass House” with rooms for trainings and workshops. In the summer, regional outdoor events take place in the amphitheatre by a picturesque lake, reflecting the summit of remote Łysica Mount. Ciekoty constitute an exceptional place in the heart of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. In the closest vicinity, two large agritourism farms can be found. Diabelski Kamień (The Devil’s Stone) Diabelski Kamień is a group of rocks up to 16 feet (5 metres) high which is situated on the ridge of Klonówka. You can get there from Masłów as well as from Ameliówka, following red trail marks (in both cases, it is a 1-hour walk). This outcrop of UpperCambrian quartzite sandstone, known also as “Wielki Kamień” (The Great Stone) is protected as an inanimate nature monument. The place around the rocks is obscured by a young forest. A bit lower, to the north-east, there is a meadow with a small, slightly embanked spring. The Lubrzanka Water Gap The Lubrzanka lazily flows to the east along the wide valley and through Brzezinki, when in Ciekoty it suddenly turns to the south and cuts across the Pasmo Masłowskie with a suprising mountain water gap between the slopes of Dąbrówka and Radostowa.


This area is well-known to tourists. It is the place where the hiking trails and cycle tracks cross, the place where on the slopes of Dąbrówka you will find two recreational centres and hotels situated on a terraced land – “Przedwiośnie”, “Ameliówka”, and the hostel. The Church in Masłów The parish church of the Transfiguration in Masłów was built in 1937. The construction had started in 1927 and proceeded according to the plan of Prof. Karol Sas-Zubrzycki, an architect and historian. Next to the church, there is also a 1940 presbytery and an obelisk – a memento of John Paul II’s visit to Masłów in 1991. Another plaque commemorating the visit stands near the airport in Masłów, where the residents of the Kielecki land welcomed the Pope. The Chapel in Wola Kopcowa A wooden framework chapel was built in the 19th century. Inside, there is a painting of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa. The Lake in Wilków Close to Łysica, on the edge of a large forest complex, there is a beautiful lake based on a spring which flows from the Świętokrzyski National Park. Pure water, quietness and excellent infrastructure are the real values of this place. Cedzyna —The Lake based on the Lubrzanka River Exceptional scenery of these waters creates an opportunity of sport and recreation, but also an atmosphere that helps you to find pleasure in an ordinary walk along the lake shore. Anglers fish here for bream, carp and pike.



A Tourist Map of the Masłów Municipality


1:50 000



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11 Łagów

Culture The Masłów Commune can safely be called ‘a singing commune’ – almost every village has its own folk group, usually centred around Koło Gospodyń Wiejskich (the Farmer’s Wives’ Association). Apart from twelve such groups, there is also a country music band, a youth guitar group and a dance group. This love for the Świętokrzyski folklore and singing originated in the early years of the interwar period. At that time, two factors turned out impor-

tant: a general spirit of joy at regaining the right to unrestrained reaching into the national folk tradition and the activities of Jan Pieniążek, an organist and a talented culture organizer. In the 1920s, the Włościański Choir from Masłów won acclaim not only in the Kielce region, but also abroad. The singing tradition experienced a distinct revival in the 1990s, after autonomy had been regained and the sense of local identity retained.

The Choir “Masłowianie” – a choir representing the Masłów Municipality; they continue an 85-year-old singing tradition and boast well-trained voices of balanced sound. The Song and Dance Ensemble “Ciekoty” – their repertoire includes ritual performances, folk songs and dances rooted in the regional tradition, based on the authentic, revived lyrics. The Folk Band “Ciekoty” – instrumental group that has won a number of awards in

regional contests, including the Piotr Gan Grand Prize at the Busko Folklore Meetings. The Singing Ensemble “Kopcowianki” from Wola Kopcowa – the ladies collaborate with the Świętokrzyska Folk Band; the two groups have performed together in Ukraine, in the Diocesan Curia in Kielce, and in Kielce Cathedral with a production prepared for a group from Austria. The Singing Ensemble “Barczanki” from Barcza – a 10-person group of ladies who perform folk, drinking and occasional songs, depending on the character of a show. The Singing Ensemble“Żeromszczanki” from Mąchocice-Scholasteria — There are 10 female members. They take part in the commune celebrations, exhibitions of handicraft products and flowers. The ladies have performed during May Day marches and various events at the Stefan Żeromski School in Mąchocice-Scholasteria: laying the foundation stone, opening, and defence when the school was in danger


of closing down. In 2007, they were also present during the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the school. The Singing Ensemble “Dąbrowianki” from Dąbrowa – 16 ladies who spare no time or effort as they strive to maintain folk traditions and customs. They sing Christmas carols, pastorals as well as sacred and folk songs. The Singing Ensemble “Brzezinianki” from Brzezinki – it functions at the Farmer’s Wives’ Association with a 45-year-old tradition. The singing ladies take part in the cultural life of the commune. The Singing Ensemble “Lubrzanka” from Mąchocice Kapitulne – their repertoire is varied but it includes mainly traditional folk songs and rituals. The Singing Ensemble “NOVE” from Masłów Drugi – they take part in folklore meetings, veterans’ reunions, the old Marian songs festival, Noworoczny Tort Kultury (New Year’s Culture Cake) as well as feasts and bonfires. The Arts Association “Golica” – they perform songs of different types: religious, folk, cabaret and balladic drinking songs. In The Municipality Centre of Culture and Sport in Masłów, there is also: A Senior Citizens’ Club gathers elderly people who cultivate old folk traditions, performing the forgotten songs and rituals on stage. The person responsible for scripts and direction is Ms Stanisława Majcherczyk from Masłów. The Youth Guitar Group – this is a breeding ground for local instrumental talents. The country music band, “Andrzej i Przyjaciele” (Andrew and Friends), is one of them. The band takes an active part in the events organised in the commune and outside it. The Community Club “Babiniec” in Wiśniówka – this 12-person group was created in 2009. One of the ladies makes beautiful ornaments out of crêpe paper, another writes poems, which are later presented during various commune celebrations. Apart from that, the ladies learn how to bake or cook and they share their cooking experiences.

What? When? Where? “The Masłów Feast” — June In June in Ciekoty, there are all-day family festivities organised in “Żeromszczyzna.” The artistic programme includes performances, concerts, interactive art events for children. Additionally, various contests, fairs and exhibitions take place. Farmer’s Wives’ Associations prepare regional dishes. The event ends with a party lasting late into the night. “The Commune Harvest Festival” — August The annual Harvest Festival takes place in “Żeromszczyzna” in Ciekoty. It begins with a Mass for farmers. It is followed by a contest presentation of agricultural produce, prepared by the farmers from the commune. The whole day is full of performances of folk groups and teenage bands, both local and invited. The day ends with a dance ‘on the planks’, lasting late into the night. Stefan’s Name Day — October Great festivities are celebrated in “Żeromszczyzna” in commemoration of its great patron – Stefan Żeromski. We invite music groups, bands and folk groups from the commune and district as well as guests and highlanders from the Świętokrzyskie Mountains to celebrate Stefan’s Name Day. Apart from music, dance and singing, there will be plenty of Świętokrzyski delicacies, while folk artist will present their most beautiful products at a fair. By Ciekoty Waters — Summer A series of summer chamber concerts in a lovely scenery of the Ciekoty manor. On summer evenings, notes of music from different periods, performed by chamber orchestras, will resound by the lake beloved by Stefan, beneath the canopy of stars. Bike Orienteering — September The task for the participants of bike orienteering is to cover on a bike subsequent stretches of the route around “Żeromszczyna”, find marked plates (Passing-By Control Point), and then to copy their features onto a sheet received together with a field map. Sharp competition and great fun guaranteed! Autumn Rally of Classic and Vintage Motorcycles — September The purpose of the rally is to nicely spend time with people sharing such interests, to get to know forgotten corners of the Świętokrzyskie region, and to travel the roads that can usually be seen only on the maps at a scale of 1:100 000. You will find up-to-date, detailed information about cultural events organised throughout the Masłów Municipality on the website: www.maslow.pl


Masłów Info The residents of the Masłów Municipality have their own news media. These independent media are run by young and very young people, mainly secondary school students. On the website www.maslow.info. pl, you will always find news about the life in the commune as well as invitations to various cultural events planned. An interesting addition to the website is “Masłów Info”, an internet television with documentaries, interviews and programmes recorded in a studio. “Masłów Info” hosted for example a debate between the candidates for local authorities in autumn 2010. The website and the internet television created by teenagers have been praised not only in the Świętokrzyskie region but also throughout Poland, for instance, on the Channel 1 of the Polish National Television (TVP1) and on Wiadomości24.pl. The website functions under the aegis of Masłów Info Association and it has a seat in Dom Ludowy (Folk Community Centre) in Wola Kopcowa. Here, the editorial office and studio are placed. The editorial team invites here primary school students hoping to inspire love for journalism in a new generation. Editorial Office address: Świętokrzyska Street 86 Wola Kopcowa 26-001 e-mail: redakcja@maslow.info.pl tel.: 698 408 207


Masłów and the World The Masłów Municipality can boast interesting friendships with twin towns (or rather twin Municipalities) in Europe and the USA. The Masłów Municipality has friends in Hungary, Ukraine and in DuPont in the state of Washington, USA. The young people of Masłów and folk groups often visit these partners from abroad. And they also are eager to come Masłów just as often. Benefits are mutual. It may be said that the Masłów Municipality has been a pioneer as far as relations with international partners are concerned. At the beginning of the 1990s, the contemporary authorities of Masłów with the Secretary Włodzimierz Korona leaned over the borders and established contact with a Swedish Municipality of Skurup. At present, the cooperation is suspended, but the very experience turned out invaluable. For many years, the Masłów Municipality was able to take a closer look at the way the twin Municipality functioned. It was possible to notice for instance the importance of local government informatization. In the times of European integration, the cooperation between Municipalitys is one of the cornerstones of local governments functioning. For years, the Masłów Municipality has maintained the closest relations with the Hungarian Municipality of Börcs. Important target groups of the cooperation are young people and folk groups. Youth exchange has the form of camps and various pastimes. Culture exchange, on the other hand, means visits of folk groups. Apart from the twin Municipalitys, the folk groups from Masłów have travelled to and perform in several other towns, such as Sarvar, Gyor and Eger. The Masłów Municipality has also found friends in the East, namely in beautiful Ukraine. In 2006, an agreement on cooperation between the Masłów Municipality and the city of Yavoriv was signed, while two years later – a similar agreement with the Ukrainian Cossacks. These are excellent examples of the fact that the exchange of local government experience, cultural exchange, youth exchange - are beneficial to both parties. Thanks to these agreements, the music groups are able to take part in the events organised in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian groups in those organised by the Masłów Municipality, e.g. the Masłów Feast or the Harvest Festival. It is similar in the case of the holidays for children and teenagers. In 2009, the Masłów Municipality expanded the circle of friends to include an American partner. Everything was initiated by the visit of Secretary Bogusław Krukowski, who was invited by The Washington City/Country Management Association (WCCMA) to take part in a local government training in March 2009. The training was devoted to issues such as development planning, road building, construction of public buildings, sewage treatment or water treatment. After the visit, the preliminary talks about cooperation between the Masłów Municipality and the city of DuPont, Washington opened. The two Municipalitys cooperate on the basis of the agreement signed by the Świętokrzyskie Province Secretary Forum and The Foundation in Support of Local Democracy in Kielce on one side, and The Washington City/Country Management Association on the other.


Nature and Recreation A Sports Airfield— Masłów The airport in Masłów is a civil sports airfield, in near future intended also for the passenger transport. Currently, Aeroklub Polski (Polish Flying Club) manages the airport, while Aeroklub Kielecki (Kielce Flying Club) is the main user. The airport has an asphalt-concrete runway which is almost 3 000 feet (900 m) long; it is lit at night. The Certified Aviation Training Centre in the Kielce Flying Club provides plane, glider and parachute trainings. Apart from the equipment belonging to the Flying Club at the airport, you may also find disposable airplanes and helicopters as well as micro planes and ultralight trikes. With popular ultralight trikes it is possible to have a bird’s-eye view of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains practically at every time of the year. In the case of more professional tasks, you may be interested in the offer of the Flying Club: flights combined with filming or patrol flights. Years ago, the airport Kielce-Masłów had a dramatic moment in the history of the aerobatic group “Iskry” from Radom. During the airshow, the engine in the plane of the leader, major Albin Kossek, stalled. Fortunately, he managed to make an emergency landing without undercarriage, on the edge of the runway. The Lake in Cedzyna — A Water Sports Centre In a small basin surrounded by pine forests, the waters of the Lubrzanka River were dammed up and a picturesque lake with a clear, sandy beach was created. It is situated very close to Kielce. The surface area of the lake is large enough for sailing and windsurfing, so – combined with sunbathing and swimming - the place is an attractive choice for Kielce residents who decide on a weekend outing. A good idea may also be a bicycle trip, especially because – during weekends – you can go on following the marked biking trails, for example up the Lubrzanka, to Ciekoty and to Żeromszczyzna. It is possible to find a night’s lodging around the lake. In Wola Kopcowa in Kopcówki Street, there is a recreation centre, which can accommodate 20 guests. Horse Riding The Wilkowska Valley is a wide place, revealing the landscape of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. You will find here a farm belonging to the Sarapats, qualified horse-riding instructors, who teach both novices and the advanced. A great way to explore the surroundings of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains is to go on a group horseback tour for a couple of days, covering up to 30 km (18.5 miles) a day. Bicycles The Masłów Municipality is especially interesting to the enthusiasts of cycling tourism. All over the commune, there is a number of well-marked bike roads, which allow for getting to know landscapes, monuments and places connected with exceptional figures.


Paths and Trails Thanks to gentle surface features and a relatively low elevation, the Świętokrzyskie Mountains are especially well-suited for non-strenuous hiking, for the whole families and people of all ages. Apart from the wellknown PTTK trails (the abbreviation “PTTK” stands in Polish for Polish Tourist Country-Lovers’ Society), a number of recently marked out paths (walking and education paths) run trough the Masłów Municipality. The central point is for them so-called “Żeromszczyzna” and the Education Centre ”The Glass House” - Stefan Żeromski’s Manor in Ciekoty. In winter, certain parts of these trails can also be used for crosscountry skiing. Biking enthusiasts can also choose from a wide range of well-marked cycle tracks, leading through interesting and scenic places. Some of them require good physical condition, for instance the yellow trail around the Pasmo Masłowskie.

Walking and Education Paths Red marks – Literature Walking Trail connects the two towns that are most closely linked to Stefan Żeromski’s works: Ciekoty and Święta Katarzyna. The whole trail leads through generally flat land and thus ensures extensive views of the Wilkowska Valley and Łysica. Yellow marks – Literature Walking Trail around Radostowa Mountain, named by the writer ‘a home mountain.’ The trail leads from Ciekoty to the top of Radostowa. Then, it runs across the open upland rise of the Krajeński Grzbiet under Wymyślona. Here, you will be able to find almost a panoramic view of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Finally, the trail makes a loop and goes back to Ciekoty. Green marks – Nature and education path of the Klub 4H leads from the Pri-

Hiking Trails Red Trail dedicated to Edmund Massalski is the main trail that leads across the Świętokrzyskie Mountains; its overall length equals 105 km (65 miles). It cuts through the whole Municipality, from west to east, along the Pasmo Masłowskie. This stretch is characterised by extraordinary scenic values. From a number of places, one can see distant panoramas of the Kielce-Łagów Basin and the Łysogóry but also the Wilkowska Valley and the Klonowskie Range. Blue Trail from Wąchock to Cedzyna reaches the Masłów Municipality from Bodzentyn, that is from the east. Passing Ciekoty and “Żeromszczyzna”, it runs to the south through the Lubrzanka Water Gap, where it crosses the red trail. Finally, through Mąchocice Kapitulne, it reaches the lake in Cedzyna.


mary School in Brzezinki to the ridge of Klonówka, under Diabelski Kamień. Then it runs up towards the top of Dąbrówka and down to the bridge over the Lubrzanka, reaching Ciekoty in the end. Bicycle Trails Green marks – Literature Biking Trail, Ciekoty, Wilków, św. Katarzyna. Yellow marks – a circular route around the Masłowskie Range, Ciekoty, Mąchocice-Scholasteria, Klonówka, Diabelski Kamień, Ameliówka, Ciekoty. Blue marks – from Ciekoty to Wola Kopcowa through Mąchocice Kapitulne. Black marks – Koszarka, Masłów Drugi, Brzezinki, Barcza.

Accommodation The Masłów Municipality offers accommodation for up to 600 guests. It mainly concerns hotels and centres picturesquely located near Radostowa in the Lubrzanka Water Gap. The Youth Hostel in nearby MąchociceScholasteria can accommodate 50 guests. A number of places are available in the well-prepared agritourism farms, which often are in fact small, ‘family’ guesthouses, situated in various retreats near tourist trails. “Przedwiośnie” Hotel *** accommodation capacity: 152 Mąchocice Kapitulne 178, 26-001 Masłów Tel.: 41 311 17 92, www.hotelprzedwiosnie.pl Ameliówka ** accommodation capacity: 90 Mąchocice Kapitulne 176, 26-001 Masłów Tel.: 41 311 07 97 Additional 100 places in bungalows hotel@ameliowka.pl, ww.ameliowka.pl Hotel Ambaras accommodation capacity: 16 Dąbrowa 351a, 26-001 Masłów Tel.: 723 393 754, 723 528 763, hotel.ambaras@wp.pl www.ambaras.eu Leśna Biesiada accommodation capacity: 26 Wola Kopcowa, Kopcówki, 26-001 Masłów Tel.: 513 188 400, 502 071 691 info@lesnabiesiada.pl www.lesnabiesiada.pl


Hostel and a campsite in Ameliówka

In the water gap valley of the Lubrzanka, down the slopes of Dąbrówka Mountain, a delightfully situated, extensive recreational centre lays; it is managed by the Masłów Municipality. Within 4.5 hectares, there is a string of small chalets. Each of them has a viewing terrace, where you can admire a mixed forest on the Radostowa mountain ridge. Every room is fitted with a plumbing system including a toilet and a washbasin. There is also a campsite for tents and caravans, and a special place for bonfires. Next to the reception building , you will find shower rooms as well as a kitchen and a dining room. Further information and bookings: The Education Centre “The Glass House” – Stefan Żeromski’s Manor in Ciekoty, Ciekoty 76, 26-001 Masłów Tel. 41 241 38 77 e-mail: szklanydom@maslow.pl www.szklanydom.maslow.pl





ięto krzy skie

Hiking trails

Biking Trails Katarzyna

Gmina Masłów - schemat szlaków Literature iścieżek turystycznych Hiking Trail dedicated to Edmund Massalski Biking Trail Ciekoty, Wilków, św.

Around the Masłowskie Range

From Ciekoty to Wola Kopcowa

Hiking Trail from Wąchock to Cedzyna Pedestrian and education paths

Koszarka, Masłów Drugi, Brzezinki, Barcza


Święta Katarzyna

Literature Walking Trail Literature Walking Trail Nature and education path of the Klub 4H

Mąchocice-Scholasteria Ciekoty

Krajno Zagórze

Krajno Pierwsze

Krajno Parcele

...dla rozwoju Województwa Świętokrzyskiego...





Radostowa Radostowa Podmąchocice





Masłów Drugi


Mąchocice Kapitulne





Świętokrzyskie Voivodship



Wola Kopcowa


Krajno Drugie Młynczyszkowa


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