Safari Investigating In the event that you experience difficulty perusing the web, attempt the recommendations recorded underneath. Pages won't show up Check your Internet association. Take a stab at working in another application that uses the Internet, for example, Mail. Ensure links are associated, and that your system gadgets, (for example, a switch) are turned on. To analyze association issues, use Network Diagnostics. Issues opening pages In the event that your PC is associated with the Internet however despite everything you have issues, hold up a couple of minutes, then attempt again to see the page. For more, see: In the event that Safari can't open a site In the event that Safari can't open a window In the event that a scrambled website page doesn't open Site pages are confused or difficult to peruse In the event that site pages seem jumbled or fragmented, or the content on them is too little, you may need to change Safari inclinations. For more, see: In the event that a website page is confused
In the event that components on a page don't work In the event that Safari doesn't show website page pictures Zoom in on site pages Inquiries aren't compelling In the event that your web pursuits aren't finding what you need, you can enhance your indexed lists with the right hunt terms. Apple Safari Online Support AutoFill doesn't work The Safari AutoFill highlight recalls data you use to fill in structures on site pages. On the off chance that AutoFill doesn't work, you may need to change AutoFill alternatives in Safari inclinations. Issues downloading documents Click the Show Downloads catch to see the status of things being downloaded. In the event that the download is stopped, click the Resume catch by the record in the rundown. To uncover a downloaded record in the Finder, tap the amplifying glass to one side of its name in the downloads list. For answers for other downloading issues, check whether Safari can't download a thing from the web. Issues with modules On the off chance that a website page experiences difficulty indicating module substance, for example, video, you may see a placeholder with a catch that depicts a module issue. For instance, the module may be old, missing, or blocked. Have a go at tapping the placeholder catch to determine the issue. For more data, check whether a module is missing and If a site has module content.