10 analytics every recruiter should follow

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10 Analytics Every Recruiter Should Follow

Numbers always facilitate an organization to plan the efficiency of any activity. The same applies for hiring method as well. Using elaborated analytics reports bring out

important insights to enhance the effectiveness of the hiring process.

Here are 10 analytics every recruiter should follow in their hiring process.


1 Open vs Planned Vacancies

Time for Hiring

Plan in advance for

Keep a note of

1. Urgent positions to open

1. Date of opening the position

2. Openings to come in future

2. Date of closing the position

3. Timeline of hiring process

3. Comparison with given timeline

4. Allocation of budget and resources accordingly

4. Better resources to source the profiles and avoid exceeding timeline


3 Channel Sourcing

Referral Rate

Effectiveness of the channels for

Keep an eye on

1. No. of profiles received 2. Relevancy of the profiles

1. No. of Referrals joined / No. of Candidates referred

3. Cost per closure

2. Down sliding referral rate.

4. Allocation of resources and budget accordingly

3. The need to bring modifications in referral incentive policy to motivate current employees


5 Rejection Rate

Offer Acceptance Rate

Keep a note of

Keep a track of

1. No. of Candidates selected / No. of Candidates appeared

1. No. of offers accepted / No. of offers released

2. Upward moving rejection rate.

2. Slow down in the rate

3. Feedback from project team to understand misfit candidates, non-relevant profiles etc.

3. Feedback from candidates to understand mismatch in expectations, better salary by competitor etc.


7 Mixed Gender Ratio

Applicant Tracking Reports

Metric to bring balance in

Bring Automation into

1. All level positions

1. Parsing the resumes

2. All verticals and teams

2. Flow of interview stages

3. Ideas and thoughts

3. Joined or rejected

4. Equality to both gender

4. Exact timeline of each applicant



Recruitment Performance Report

Cost of Hire

Daily, Weekly & Monthly reports of

The Cost Parameters include

1. Profiles Sourced for hiring

1. Offline Advertising

2. Interview Scheduled

2. Online Advertising

3. Closures made

3. Job Sites

4. Time taken to hire

4. Recruitment agency fees

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