5 Common Mistakes HRs Can Avoid While Hiring Great people make great organizations. And hiring these potential employees is the daunting task of the recruiter in any company. When these employees contribute in the productivity of the organization it is the HR who saw that capability in him/her first. But many a times the potential candidate turns out to be a bad hire. Such employees can lead to lower productivity, and might come as a backfire to the recruiters from the management. To avoid such situations, it is recommended for HRs to take care of the following points in order to avoid a bad recruit.
Pre-screening of the candidates A half an hour telephone call can set aside hours of the company's period. Pre-screening candidates is the necessity in favour of recruiting and hiring the most excellent employees. It is important to chalk out the initial candidature on his/her past education, work experience and expectations from the current company. This call gives HRs the first signal about the potential of the candidate. Most importantly making a record of these responses will save you from the pain of losing any detail and makes applicant recruiting more convenient. Preparing a candidate well Many a times it is observed that recruiters find a candidate suitable enough during HR screening questions but rejects them because candidates don’t know about the company very well. Candidates could gather the details whatever they could from the website. But instead of rejecting them here, recruiters, being the employees already, should take it as their responsibility to educate the applicant about the company. This activity will build trust factor among the applicants about the company. Prepare the candidate better for interview by describing about the organization, the specifications of the position they are going to hold and what is expected from them. The talks before the interview It is always crucial to give a bird’s eye view about the company functioning and processes to the upcoming candidates. Don’t assume candidates would be perfect in the requirements for this job opening because of their past experience. They might have worked on different platforms, tools or procedures all together. If you are a manufacturing company take them through the procedures you follow or if you are from service industry it is beneficial to bring some flowcharts on the table. Such exposures will help them perform better in the interview and give them a chance to associate themselves for this position. Assessment test as well as Interview is suitable parameters to evaluate Most of the companies tend to skip assessment tests in their hiring process. No matter you are recruiting in bulk or in less numbers, an assessment test gives recruiters a chance to evaluate
the analytical skills of the candidates and even the initial knowledge level of the subject. This step gives an edge to the interviewers to talk in depth about the subject rather than putting efforts in figuring out the basic knowledge of the applicant. A plenty of exhausted interview time can be saved. Assess individuality and not the employment skills Certainly, it would be pleasant for individuals to like everybody at occupation. But, this is a great deal less vital than hiring the smartest, strongest and the most excellent candidates recruiters can come across. HRs tend to be inclined to hire individuals who are parallel to themselves. Such practices in applicant recruiting will kill their association over time. Companies should prefer different people with miscellaneous personalities to deal with varied customers. Consider the client that drives individuals crazy. So it is for all the time better to hire workers of a variety of character traits but cautiously so that the reputation of the company does not get harmed.