A below par ratio of ‘Applicant Conversion’ for job openings is a matter of concern for companies. Recruiters have racked their brains to understand the issues behind low conversions. To get to the root of the problem, recruiters should take a step back and analyze the way interviews are being conducted in their companies.
Irrelevant interview questions can not only take your interview wildly off course, but may also show you in a negative light in the minds of candidates.
1. Tell me about yourself • Recruiters treat this as the quintessential ice breaker question to start an interview • Candidates talk on any topic they feel is relevant to the question
Better question
Can you describe why you have chosen this career path?
2. Where do you see yourself in next 5 years? • Honest answer – ‘Sitting on a beach, sipping Pina Colada’ • Framed answer – ‘To progress in the company and earn a management position’
Better question
In the next few years how do you expect to develop your skills to progress within the company?
3. Why should we hire you? • How would candidates know their value relative to the other contenders for the job? • Isn't that recruiters’ job to figure out?
Better question
What is your most valuable skill, that suits the job requirement of our company?
4. What are your expectations regarding compensation? • Based on policies, company might have already decided on salary ranges • Candidates who don’t fit will be at bay; ensuring better conversion rates
Better Situation
It is always advisable to straightaway mention the salary ranges.
5. What is your marital status? • Questions like – marital status, race, religion, gender, age, sexuality or disability • These trivial questions are not only ethical but considered illegal in many countries
Better Situation
Always evaluate candidates on the basis of their skills.
Apart from relooking at the way interviews are being conducted, using online recruitment management systems is also a good way to filter relevant profiles and improving conversion ratios. It helps recruiters to manage and track applicants across various job openings. Analytics generated through the system can be used to get a bird’s eye view of the hiring process in your company as well as identify gaps in your recruitment process. Click here to explore All Features
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