Targeting the right applicants sets the pace of recruitment drive Hiring process is the most crucial stage in any organization. It is because, with the recruitment of new and inexperienced people the HR manager can directly hit at the operation cost of the company if not done in an efficient way. However, it is hard to know whether the person sitting in front of you will be able to meet your expectations in the coming months. You cannot predict the same thing with the educational qualification also, because at times people, who are brilliant at their academics, might lack performance in the professional field.
With changing times, it is crucial for HRs to get familiar with the technology and get the best results by targeting the right and relevant talent pool. 1. Resume Mining: It is advisable for HRs to maintain their pool of applications at one place where they can mine out the relevant profiles as per their searches. The traditional manual scrutiny is eating up your initial screening time. Automate your work to bring efficiency. 2. Send Bulk eMails: Once you finalise whom to include in your process, it is always preferred to send them the first communication as soon as possible, as they are already active in job hunt. Bulk emails are helpful to reach the potential candidates throughout the country and bring them on a common platform. 3. Go digital: When it comes to the digital world, companies are getting innovative day by day. They create a blog or newsletter informing the general mass about the current openings in the organization. Companies actively post jobs on their website career page, social media and job portals to reach maximum prospective candidates.
4. Be mobile friendly: These days, when HRs are always on move it is advisable for them to be updated about their hiring process, even on the go. HRs are preferring tools and techniques that are device friendly and efficient enough to let them handle the recruitment, track the applicants and keep them updated on the reports. 5. Be creative: Forget about the old style of advertising and adapt the latest or the new way of promoting the opening within the company. Be creative and put the most attractive and genuine lines about your company and job openings. Then only your applicants will find it worth enough to apply and appear for the process. These days, the top employers of the country use the new and innovative recruiting software’s and techniques that are based on the Applicant Tracking Systems to gain the maximum amount of high quality employees. The emphasis is to create a strategy or idea that is applicable in a wide range, so that the companies do not miss even a single candidate who is fit and beneficial for their organization.