What is a Recruitment Tracking System? Among the modern trends of the society, the Web Based Recruitment is gaining popularity. The simple yet effective ways of applicant tracking system are being widely used by the pioneering companies to improvise their recruitment techniques. There is no doubt that social media has tightened its grip over vivid fields of work, mainly the commercial sector. Interestingly, more than 24.15% people are not aware about what the Web-Based Recruitment and Applicant Tracking System really is. In fact, these features have the potential to improvise recruitment process of your company and help finding the efficient human resources. But, before that, let’s have a close look over these complex terms.
Web-Based Recruitment
E- Recruitment, a.k.a., Web Based Recruitment is a concept of recruiting the human resource via electronic media. It would be worth mentioning here that electronic resources mainly refer to the internet. The recruiters make use of job portals and social media networks in order to keep an eye over the top notch people that have potential skills required for the specific job title. With the collaboration of job advertising boards with job tracking software, it has been made possible to prepare a vast database of employees where the recruiters can easily search for a perfect match for the job title. Several Candidates are, thus, chosen and filtered through various electronic filters, finally bubbling out top grade human resources for final interview with the HR.
Recruitment Tracking System Fulfilling the needs of midsized firms and large MNCs, the Applicant Tracking System (or Recruitment Tracking System) is a software tool which keeps the database of online applications and executes functions such as sorting, filtering, contact details verification, resume filtering, as demanded by its user. In another view, the system mirrors the customer relationship management system, except that it has been optimized for the recruitment process. The application is tracked not only at specific levels, but also at a cross multiple places at different levels with the collaborated global database of employees.
Recruiters do not hesitate in mentioning that Recruitment Tracking System has cut down their manual efforts 100%. These online recruitment systems have made their task of recruitment much easier. The companies can now save time and efforts being wasted in communication, in maintaining clumsy excel sheets and filling email boxes. These advanced features of online services have given flexible and instant means of communication to both the sides. With the help of the application tracking system, the employers can keep a sharp eye over the record of the person without wasting a single minute. Based upon its database profile, which will be genuine, the employers can make the decision of hiring staff. In short, the advantages of these internet elements are much more than just saving time, efforts and money.