Maintenance Technology December 2011

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DECEMBER 2011 • VOL 24, NO 12 •






FEATURES Profiles Of Leading Suppliers To Industry ■ The A.W. Chesterton Company ■ Baldor Electric Company ■ CyberMetrics Corporation ■ Fastenal ■ Fluke Corporation ■ Inpro/Seal ■ NEC Avio Infrared Technologies, Ltd. ■ NSK Corporation ■ Scalewatcher North America, Inc. ■ U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC ■ American Trainco ■ Azima DLI ■ LUDECA, INC. ■ Meltric Corporation ■ NTT Workforce Development Institute ■ PdMA Corporation ■ Process Industry Practices (PIP) ■ Tri Tool, Inc.


CAPACITY ASSURANCE SOLUTIONS Taking A Balanced Approach To Lubricant Formulation In this Q&A, we learn how a leading supplier of industrial lubricants is working to support your preventive-maintenance and energy-efficiency efforts. Jane Alexander, Editor


MAINTENANCE LOG Powered With Preventive Maintenance: Longer Standby Generator Life Emergency-power availability is priceless. The guidelines in this article can help ensure that your generators are there for you whenever and wherever duty calls. Robert K. Breese II, Generac


THE FUNDAMENTALS ■ A Cautionary Maintenance Tale Raymond L. Atkins, Contributing Editor


■ Solving The Problem Of A Stagnating Workforce Enrique Mora, Consultant


Problem-Solving Answers. Money-Making Solutions. A review of your hydraulic fluids can help reduce operating costs and downtime.





DEPARTMENTS 6 8 12 50 55 56 62 62 63 64

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Maintenance Technology® (ISSN 0899-5729) is published monthly by Applied Technology Publications, Inc., 1300 S. Grove Avenue, Barrington, IL 60010. Periodicals postage paid at Barrington, Illinois and additional offices. Arthur L. Rice, III, President. Circulation records are maintained at Maintenance Technology®, Creative Data, 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Maintenance Technology® copyright 2011 by Applied Technology Publications, Inc. Annual subscription rates for nonqualified people: North America, $140; all others, $280 (air). No subscription agency is authorized by us to solicit or take orders for subscriptions. Postmaster: Please send address changes to Maintenance Technology®, Creative Data, 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Please indicate position, title, company name, company address. For other circulation information call (630) 739-0900. Canadian Publications agreement No. 40886011. Canada Post returns: IMEX, Station A, P.O. Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5, or email: cpcreturns@ Submissions Policy: Maintenance Technology® gladly welcomes submissions. By sending us your submission, unless otherwise negotiated in writing with our editor(s), you grant Applied Technology Publications, Inc. permission, by an irrevocable license, to edit, reproduce, distribute, publish, and adapt your submission in any medium, including via Internet, on multiple occasions. You are, of course, free to publish your submission yourself or to allow others to republish your submission. Submissions will not be returned. “Maintenance Technology®” is a registered trademark of Applied Technology Publications, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

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W O R R Y- F R E E


Jane Alexander, Editor-In-Chief

Them’s Fightin’ Words


ou don’t need me to remind you that you’re in a war out there: a war on downtime and wasted, sometimes misguided, efforts around your facilities. Many of you reading this column are dug in deep, waging a 24/7 battle against any number of enemies that threaten the reliability, safety, compliance, efficiency, productivity and sustainability of your operations. Most of you are well armed with weapons to overcome whatever’s hurled your way. We’ve been presenting these types of powerful solutions and strategies to you in Maintenance Technology for, as of January 1, 2012, more than 25 years. My question here is what are some of the rallying cries or words of wisdom that help you slog through the muck and minefields? We want you to share them with others through a new department in this magazine called (duh!) “Fightin’ Words.” Think in terms of notable, quotable quotes—most of them elegantly simple—that inspire you and could be inspiring others to keep fighting. To prime the pump, consider the following quotes often used by other “warriors” in the reliability and maintenance field. You’ve probably come across them on more than one occasion, including in our pages… Contributing Editor Bob Williamson, quoting Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” Contributing Editor Ken Bannister, quoting Albert Einstein: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Consultant Enrique Mora, author of our December article on dealing with the problem of a stagnating workforce (pg. 46), quoting legendary coach Vince Lombardi: “Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” We’re not looking merely for the motivating insight of dead philosophers, physicists, football coaches and the like. Fightin’ words for those in the maintenance and reliability wars can come from any source and any place (i.e., words you may have read, heard, seen, thought or written down yourself.) The shorter and sweeter, the better: Shoot for quotes in the 25-words-or-less range—they’re easier for your fellow soldiers to remember on and off the field of battle. (We will, however, consider slightly longer ones.) Send your favorites to us at Include your contact info, as well as details on where you encountered the quote you’re submitting. Be sure to give full credit to the person or character (dead, alive, real or fictional) that uttered or wrote the words, and tell us what makes the idea reflected in them inspiring to you. We’ll pick one or two (maybe even three) of these submissions each month to highlight in our “Fightin’ Words” section. We look forward to hearing from you soon. So do others who are engaged in the good fight!

P.S. Best wishes from all of us at MT for a glorious holiday season and a very prosperous new year! 6|

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Bob Williamson, Contributing Editor

A Visit from St. Nicholas (2011 Capacity Assurance Version) As 2011 winds down, I can’t resist dusting off my December 2010 column and weaving in themes from this year’s “Uptimes.” While some readers commented that last year’s poem reminded them of their plants, I assure you that it was (as this 2011 update is) based on a mythical facility. Although many of the cited incidents may ring true around your operations, St. Nicholas notes in the end that there is hope for all. …B.W. The poem that begins “Twas the night before Christmas,” (presumably penned by Clement C. Moore) has been part of an enduring holiday tradition for many of us. Here, let’s again consider the repercussions if some of the problems we see in our plants and facilities were to befall “the most famous workshop of all” a week before Christmas… ’Twas the week before Christmas and all through the place, Not a person was loafing, with one week to the race. The packages were moving down the conveyors to load, While the elves all had visions of hitting the road.


From their perches above, on roofs and on cranes From their shops and their projects and underground trains, Came mechanics and technicians with bright shiny tools And electricians and fitters from all the best schools. They pounced on the wrappers, the valves and the seals With their tools and meters, they were startled to see The machines were all shot. They were down for the count! “Give maintenance a call!” was the solution to mount. “Give maintenance a call!” was the fix all had seen. But maintenance alone could not fix a machine. The budget was planned for maintenance last year With much less for bearings, for seals and gears. The labelers and loaders and conveyors all ran With little to none of a maintenance plan. There was tightening and scrimping on every new part, And cutbacks on time to check, lube and chart. The numbers looked good. All the schedules were met. The warehouse and shelves were being filled with no debt. But all is not lost ’cause the sleigh has a load, Albeit lots less than was planned for the road.

The machines were all humming, to the max they could go, With all parts and all motors producing the flow Of goodies and toys and clothing and games, All running and churning the presents with names.

Some presents with names would surely be missed, But bad news like this clearly wouldn’t persist. Then back in the shop, the sleigh gave a groan. Its load and its driver could now not be flown.

When all of a sudden, there came a huge clatter Announcing that the schedule was ready to shatter. First the labelers, then robots, then presses and all, They clattered and sputtered and went into a stall.

“Give maintenance a call! The sleigh fell apart. The runners are rusted and loose from the cart!” “Give maintenance a call!” was all that was heard. “Give maintenance a call!” for what was deferred.

The bearings and seals all suffered from heat And the worst folks imagined was ’bout to be seen. All loading was stopped, but the sleigh was not full. All leaders and workers gave maintenance a call!

Soon after last year’s long late-night sortie, The maintenance was cut to 10 dollars 40. So, it sat there all year, while nothing was done, Just rusting and failing. PM? There was none.

“Give maintenance a call!” was the cry from the shop. “Give maintenance a call!” was spread from the top. “Give maintenance a call!” was heard all around. “Give maintenance a call!” Their feet hit the ground.

Now Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, And Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen All heard the bad news from the shops over there. Should jolly old St. Nick be told of the scare:




(c) 2010 Greg Joens - Greenville, SC

That the presents with names were about to be stopped? And the children whose wishes were about to be chopped? Oh, what would we do if our mission should fail Or to deliver the gifts with the speed of a snail?

He got up and he dressed in his brightest new clothes, Then he wandered the shops and the plant to disclose: His bad dreams were a warning that all had to hear. “Give maintenance a call. We’ll tell them right here.”

Then all of a sudden, St. Nicholas appears, Aroused from his sleep by the shouts and the tears. He looked at the labelers, the presses and all. He looked at bearings and things that had stalled.

“We’ll give up our machines each month for a check To be sure that our plans don’t turn into a wreck.” He told workers and leaders, “Tis not a wild dream! We win this or lose this as one great big team.”

“Give maintenance a call!” was all that he heard. “Give maintenance a call!” for what was deferred. He pondered the destruction, the sorry state that he saw. He wandered the mess: “This is the last straw!”

“So, look at your habits, your checklists, your plans. Find new ways to stop machine failures and scams. Beware of all parts that come from low bids, Part quality that’s suspect we all must forbid.”

His fears had come true. It had come down to the worst. All the presents with names could not be disbursed. The merry old soul grew sad and then cried, “’Tis the season to be jolly,” he sneered at his ride.

“Our elves who maintain are greying with age. Write their knowledge and skills on one great big page, Then put training new elves near the top of our list, So when they retire not a beat will be missed.”

The sleigh, it just sat there, rusted, tilted and broke Then suddenly St. Nicholas really awoke! The cobwebs of sleep and nightmares he knew Were all a bad dream, one not to come true.

Twas the week before Christmas and all through the shops All lines should be humming. There should be no flops. PMs, they seem pricey but failures are worse. Breakdowns stop flow and their cost’s a big curse.

DECEMBER 2011 | 9


Although many of the incidents cited here may sound as if they could have come from your operations, as St. Nicholas notes in the end, there is hope for all. For assets, our people, our customers, our name. A lesson was learned, even though in a dream That maintenance is shared, and that’s a new scheme. You plan all the work and work all you plan, For reliability’s our goal, and we know you all can.

May your holidays be blessed with good tidings and cheer…

Deploy all new tasks, new lists and techniques. Give your attention to noises, to rattles and leaks. Assuring capacity is the name of our game,

The next time you’ll see us, it’ll be a whole brand new year! MT

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FOR ON THE FLOOR An outlet for the views of today’s capacity assurance professionals Rick Carter, Executive Editor

2011 In Review: Forging Ahead As 2011 draws to a close, our MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY Reader Panelists offer their views on their professional and personal experiences over the past 12 months. For many of them, this was a good year. Not surprisingly, positive views are tempered with negatives, but at least some of the problems our respondents faced in 2011 are of an evolutionary nature (such as the omnipresent skilled-labor shortage). Many Panelists indicate that, through training and strategic focus on improving asset management, they may be better equipped than in previous years to deal with this and other realities of modern manufacturing—and are working harder than ever in the process. The best summation may be that, barring a gamechanging event between now and December 31, most Panelists rate 2011 as, at worst, a year of important lessons learned and, at best, a year of progress, despite “flies in the ointment.” A good year “One of our standout successes this year was the ability to develop a core KPI list for the maintenance department,” says a production-support manager in the Midwest. “In the past we had some KPIs, but their definitions did not drive change to align with asset reliability. Another success for us was the development of key reports derived from our CMMS. In the past, we spent so much time on the input of data into our CMMS that no one used the data for any analysis. With the newly created reports,” he notes, “our plants will be able to see where their labor is being utilized and they’ll be able to Pareto-chart failures for RCA analysis.” A Panelist in the Midwest reports similar successes. “I have spearheaded a major PM coup, and we are getting some good work in and seeing our throughput increase,” explains this PM leader for a heavy manufacturer. “As a whole, our company has been extremely busy.

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We have seen a major demand for our product [despite] the struggling economy. A lot of this has happened,” he adds, “since we were separated from [a former owner] and became an independent company.” From the lessons-learned department, a consultant in a mid-Atlantic state says that this year, his clients are increasingly interested in equipment reliability and are striving to find and hire reliability professionals to provide the technical resources and capabilities to improve the OEE of their assets. “Unfortunately,” he says, “demand for these individuals appears high, and ability to fill these openings is strained.” That’s a critical issue facing maintenance professionals everywhere. A corporate engineer in the Northeast perhaps typifies the yin/yang of 2011. For goals reached, he simply lists “training and more organized shop procedures.” For goals missed, it was “CMMS implementation, new machines and new technology,” which, implementation aside, sounds like a problem to have. In fact, when asked to compare 2011 with 2010, he says this year he was “too busy to do anything but monster projects!” While that may have been frustrating, it’s probably another situation common to all in this field. But not without problems For a utility journeyman in the Northeast, strained resources were a top challenge for the year. As he puts it, “An overview [of 2011] would reveal many shortcomings for us, due mostly to more work than personnel and time to accomplish it. We also learned valuable lessons in tool control, where we finally discovered that self-monitoring and voluntary control just do not work.” From a performance standpoint, he continues, “The year has not been stellar, but if we stay the course and practice what we have learned, we should have a much better chance next year.”



While positive reviews of 2011 were tempered with negatives, some problems, like the skills crisis, were evolutionary in nature. Another Panelist says his team was handicapped in 2011 both by fewer resources and problems caused by an inexperienced maintenance team leader. “We haven’t had any standout successes in 2011,” he reports, “and our major challenges have been to continue to operate with fewer people in the department. There doesn’t seem to be any interest in replacing individuals as they leave. As of now, I am down two senior mechanics and one electrician on the third shift, so it gets interesting when we have machinery failures.” This Northeast-based maintenance manager adds that his maintenance team’s new leader “lacks the necessary skills to lead and operate the department successfully, which has led to many downfalls as we move on.” The good news is his expectation that a late-year management change will get his facility “back into the mainstream.” Gains and goals Despite setbacks on the floor, most Panelists indicate that this year has been good for them personally and professionally—and their expectations for 2012 are high. “For me, 2011 was a learning year,” says the utility journeyman in the Northeast. “Financially it was good, and my professional and personal development was superior.” He adds that he looks forward to following this rewarding year with more of the same in 2012. “We have proved that we are a learning organization,” he adds, “and now we must prove that we can stay the course.” He expects his organization to continue with its excellent training program, which includes monthly meetings designed to uncover and address weaknesses. This approach, he believes, has given his organization some of the best-performing maintenance sections in the industry. The Midwest-based production-support manager tells us he learned more leadership skills from the people around him this year. “I also learned more about asset reliability, which I hope to use to help my company become more


efficient and disciplined in maintaining its assets.” Additionally, he hopes to obtain his CMRP certification, noting that “with the economy in the mess it’s in, I am happy to be with a company that values hard work and continuous improvement, and shows its appreciation for people that practice those values.” Optimism about the future is reflected in different ways by our Panelists: One discusses being grateful to be employed as he moves past traditional retirement age. “I am lucky to still have a job, as I will be 67 on my next birthday,” he explains. Others look forward to a busy year ahead. According to the Midwest-based PM leader, all indications point to growth in 2012. He notes a recent announcement of $150,000,000 in investments at his site, as well as news of long-term customer contracts that will be retained through 2018. “For 2012,” he vows, “I am planning to be there the whole year and will continue to be a thorn in the side of our leadership with our PM program!” MT

About the MT Reader Panel The Maintenance Technology Reader Panel is comprised of working maintenance practitioners who have volunteered to answer bimonthly questions prepared by our editorial staff. Panelist identities are purposely not revealed, and their responses are not necessarily projectable. The Panel welcomes new members: Have your comments and observations included in this column by joining the Reader Panel at com. Click on “Reader Panel” under the “MT Resources” header, and follow the instructions. If accepted, you will automatically be entered into a drawing for a cash prize after one year of active participation.


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2012 issue. In the meantime, we congratulate Chuck and Chris for throwing their innovative “hat” into the ring and walking away with this December win. Good luck to them and all other monthly winners in the final round of judging!


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U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC .p.25 American Trainco .......................p.26 Azima DLI ................................p.26 LUDECA, INC. ............................p.27 Meltric Corporation .....................p.27 NTT Workforce Development Institute .p.28 PdMA Corporation ......................p.28 Process Industry Practices (PIP) .....p.29 Tri Tool, Inc.. .............................p.29

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Made in the USA

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or over 20 years, CyberMetrics Corporation has been developing world-class software solutions that are scalable to meet the demands of the largest and smallest of companies and are easy to implement, manage and use. More than 12,000 facilities worldwide—across virtually every type of industry—use CyberMetrics products to manage their assets, calibrations, preventive maintenance and supplier quality while maintaining standards compliance. Tim Miller, Director of Technical Service at CyberMetrics, is most excited about the company’s CMMS product, FaciliWorks 8i, being offered in the Cloud at a low-cost entry point. “As IT budgets are slashed or eliminated, companies are faced with having to manage the delegation and documentation of the maintenance that is performed on their equipment,” says Miller. “It’s still important for management to maximize not only equipment lifecycles, but ensure that their facilities or maintenance staff has the appropriate tools at their fingertips to run KPIs and review reports that show where their team is doing well and where it needs improvement. That’s why the hosted version of FaciliWorks 8i CMMS makes sense to a growing number of companies; it’s very much a budget decision because management doesn’t have to pay for new hardware or for IT to manage the solution.” “Security is also very important to our clients. The Department of Homeland Security vetted the security of FaciliWorks 8i Hosted and felt it was more than sufficient,” says Miller. “And FaciliWorks isn’t a niche solution: Harvard University and Kaiser Permanente are among our long-time users. Columbia Sportswear uses it to manage its 500,000square foot Kentucky distribution center, and pharmaceutical companies, Herbalife and PharMEDium use FaciliWorks to maintain standards compliance.” With all of the advantages of Cloud computing, it still comes down to how well the product works and that it has a small learning curve. “I’ve witnessed trainees master FaciliWorks over the course of a two-day training session and I’ve seen others master the program by just reading the user guides, and that makes our clients very happy,” notes Kathleen Moser, FaciliWorks Trainer and Product Manager.

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It’s important to note that Phoenix, AZ-based CyberMetrics also offers a local install of its Web-based FaciliWorks 8i product along with a desktop version, which allows many smaller facilities to use an affordable enterprise-level turnkey software solution that is built to scale to their needs. “We want to continue to offer FaciliWorks products that fit our customers’ current needs and will lead them aggressively into an ever-competitive market where cost and flexibility are paramount,” concludes Miller.

CyberMetrics offers demonstrations and free trials of all of its FaciliWorks products. Please contact the company if you’re in the market for a CMMS. CyberMetrics Corp. 1523 West Whispering Wind Drive Phoenix, AZ 85085 Ph. 800.776.3090

For more info, enter 262 at



For more info, enter 263 at DECEMBER 2011 / THE CORPORATE REPORT

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Take a vibration expert along

New Fluke 810 Vibration Tester: When you need an answer now… Control unplanned downtime, prevent recurring problems, set rep repair priorities and manage your resources with an entirely new approach to vibration vibratio testing. The new problems and prioritize Fluke 810 helps you locate and diagnose common mechanical pro repair actions in three simple steps.:




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©2010 Fluke Corporation. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ad no. 3542778B

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Fluke. Keeping your world up and running.® For more info, enter 264 at THE CORPORATE REPORT / DECEMBER 2011



he inventor of the original bearing isolator, Inpro/Seal has been delivering innovative sealing solutions and superior customer service for more than 30 years. Now part of Waukesha Bearings and Dover Corp., we’re stronger than ever! Our technologies increase the reliability of rotating equipment and provide real cost savings by improving mean time between repair (MTBR). Plus, we offer same- or next-day shipments, even on new designs.

The Bearing Isolator The Inpro/Seal Bearing Isolator is a non-contacting, non-wearing permanent bearing protection device. Its patented design consists of a unitized stator and rotor that form a compound labyrinth seal with no wearing parts—ensuring permanent protection. The stator is typically pressed into the bearing housing, while the rotor turns with the shaft. Inpro/Seal Bearing Isolators protect in multiple ways. Lubricant is captured in the inner portion of the labyrinth and flows back to the bearing housing. Outside contamination attempting to enter the bearing housing is captured in the outer labyrinth paths and expelled through a port in the stator by centrifugal force and gravity. Their patented VBX® vapor blocking rings inhibit the free transfer of vapor contamination when rotating equipment is cycled off. Our custom-engineered Bearing Isolators have proven to reduce maintenance costs and increase the life of rotating equipment, including pumps, motors, gearboxes, pillow blocks, steam turbines, sleeve-bearing motors and paper-machine rolls. Committed To Innovation Committed to delivering innovative solutions, Inpro/Seal continues to invest in technology and product development. While we built our strong reputation on the superior performance

of the original Bearing Isolator, in response to customer needs, we went on to develop the Air Mizer® and Current Diverter Ring™ (CDR®). Air Mizer The Inpro/Seal Air Mizer is a complete non-contacting shaft seal designed to use minimal amounts of air, gas or water to permanently seal against product loss, harmful emissions and contamination. The Air Mizer provides an effective shaft seal in a variety of applications, including agitators, mixers, blenders, powder conveyors, pulpers, rotary valves and other product-handling equipment. Current Diverter Ring (CDR) & Motor Grounding Seal™ (MGS®) Inpro/Seal’s Current Diverter Ring (CDR) protects motor bearings and

coupled equipment from damaging electrical currents by safely diverting the currents to ground—maximizing equipment reliability and minimizing unscheduled downtime. Inpro/Seal’s Motor Grounding Seal (MGS) combines CDR technology with the complete protection of a Bearing Isolator to safeguard bearings against electrical currents and contamination. Headquartered in Rock Island, IL, Inpro/Seal maintains a global sales and distribution network to provide responsive, localized support to customers worldwide. Inpro/Seal A Dover Company 4221-81st Avenue West Rock Island, IL 61201 Ph: 309.787.4971

For more info, enter 265 at DECEMBER 2011 / THE CORPORATE REPORT

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EC Avio Infrared Technologies is now offering a complimentary Simon Says…on Infrared Thermography DVD featuring Dan Simon, GM Predictive Technologies Lab Manager/General Motors Thermography Expert. On the DVD, Mr. Simon discusses industrial applications of infrared technology. He has been using infrared technology for 27 years and continues to use it in everyday manufacturing processes such as injection molding, steel or aluminum forming, forging operations, painting operations, glass, rubber and many other industrial applications. The DVD focuses on the cost savings made possible by using NEC Avio Infrared Technologies Infrared Cameras—savings that will help bring your product to market faster, boost the throughput of your facility, provide greater safety for your workers and help reduce the cost of scrap—as well as on how to utilize infrared technology in product design. Mr. Simon also teaches you about several inspection techniques. Most important, as Simon Says, NEC Avio Infrared Thermal Imaging Cameras will help you “Turn a Seemingly Impossible Measurement and Control Problem into a Practical Working Process.” To request your free copy of the Simon Says DVD, please contact NEC Avio Infrared Technologies by email:; or by telephone: 800.423.2344 Ext. 411, or 818.365.0800 Ext. 411. If you have applications in your plant that require a thermal-imaging solution, NEC Avio Infrared Technologies has representation and engineers—including Dan Simon himself— available to provide that solution for you. In the event you have a need for thermal-imaging cameras, please contact us for more information or to schedule an onsite demonstration of our products.

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For a complete product list, please visit to check the NEC Avio latest product updates for Infrared Cameras, Infrared Modules and Analog Data Acquisition Recorders. While there, you can also view new product offerings, technical articles and application notes.

SOLTEC Corp. An NEC Avio Infrared Technologies, Ltd. Company Ph: 800.423.2344 Ext. 350 or 818.365.0800 Ext. 350 Fax: 818.365.7839

For more info, enter 266 at




n today’s tough economy, NSK offers solutions that help cut costs, increase efficiency and maximize uptime. Our comprehensive Asset Improvement Program (AIP) provides world-class engineering and technical support for customers looking to maximize their competitive edge. AIP provides a real opportunity to unlock additional profitability via improved machine reliability and increased working knowledge. This proven program combines customers’ knowledge of working environments, cultures, processes and problems within their businesses with NSK’s engineering expertise and innovation. Through close working dialogs with our customers, we identify and address the issues that impact their businesses and their bottom lines. To maximize cost savings, we also share best practices with our customers’ sister companies and plants. NSK approaches each AIP project with three value-added objectives designed to maximize the productivity and uptime of each and every customer: #1. Reduced Maintenance Costs NSK specialists review each application and its working conditions to provide solid recommendations for the most effective bearing option to suit each particular piece of machinery. When the most appropriate bearings possible are used, customers benefit from increased bearing life and lowered maintenance and repair costs. Not all bearings are created equal; whether you’re facing high temperatures, contamination issues, vibration or high speeds, the correct bearing choice can significantly impact the failure rate and maintenance commitment. #2. Improved Machine Reliability Support from NSK offers customers insight into the efficiency and reli-


ability of their in-use machinery and processes. NSK offers a variety of review options: ■ Bearing-failure analysis to identify the cause of premature failure ■ Maintenance schedules for achieving optimum results NSK Molded-Oil™ Bearings

■ On-site inspections to ensure best-practice techniques are followed in inspection, assembly and strip-down processes ■ Diagnostic and vibration analysis to review specific application challenges #3. Increased Staff Knowledge After providing the correct motion and control product and verifying that the machinery is working at maximum efficiency, NSK also engages staff in the installation and maintenance procedures required to keep those machines running smoothly. Training courses cover all areas of bearing use and are available in any combination, depending on the particular needs of each customer. Hands-on education is offered in: ■ Bearing uses and applications ■ Bearing diagnostics ■ Best practices for the fitting and removal of bearings ■ Segment-specific solutions, including machine-tool, minerals and utilities, papermaking, primary metals and more NSK is a key driver of technological advancement in the motion and control industry, investing

significant R&D to create innovative, high-performance products. For example, our Molded-Oil™ Bearings are designed especially for corrosive and dust-contaminated environments. The K1™ Lubrication Unit provides long-term, maintenancefree operation in conditions where grease cannot easily be replenished. These industry-leading solutions are effectively supported by NSK’s AIP program, designed to help you reduce costs, improve machine reliability and increase the working knowledge of your engineering and maintenance personnel. Successful participation in the program can enhance profitability and improve operational competitiveness. For more information on AIP and NSK solutions-based products, contact an authorized distributor or visit NSK Corporation 4200 Goss Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Ph: 800.675.9930 Fax: 734.913.7510

For more info, enter 267 at

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Developed and patented in the Netherlands by Mr. Jan P. de Baat Doelman, Scalewatcher technology was introduced to the European market in the 1980s. With immediate market success, Mr. Doelman brought the technology to the United States and applied for and received a patent in 1991. From that moment, Scalewatcher North America has been on the forefront of environmentally sensitive water treatment. Located in Oxford, Pennsylvania, Scalewatcher North America continues to lead the industry in descaling products that do no harm to the environment. Scalewatcher North America focuses on the elimination of scale and the problems associated with scale build-up. Industries know the costs involved in keeping their capital investments running smoothly. Scalewatcher is there to help. Scaled cooling towers, chillers and associated equipment can negatively impact a company’s bottom line, and not just in cash. The caustic chemicals used to remove scale only create more problems with the environment. Your company can “GO GREEN” and stay within your budget.

If our product does not work for your application, we will buy it back! With our “Performance Guarantee,” you never have to worry about losing cash on a product that does not work.

For more info, enter 268 at

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.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC is a leading manufacturer and supplier of state-of-the-art power transmission and motion control products and is a global leader in roller and conveyor chain production. U.S. Tsubaki is the largest global subsidiary of Japan’s Tsubakimoto Chain Company, which was founded in 1917. Today, Tsubaki’s products are marketed in over 70 countries. U.S. Tsubaki’s corporate headquarters and main distribution warehouse are just outside of Chicago, in Wheeling, IL, and it has full manufacturing facilities in Holyoke, MA, and Sandusky, OH. In addition to this it has service centers strategically located in Los Angeles, CA, Dallas, TX, Atlanta, GA, Philadelphia, PA, Charlotte, NC, and Anoka, MN. The TSUBAKI name is synonymous with excellence in quality, dependability and customer service. An intense focus on research and development, along with constant modernization of its production facilities, are among the key components in Tsubaki’s ability to successfully meet the ever-changing needs of the marketplace. Leveraging its vast, international network of corporate and industrial resources, U.S. Tsubaki offers customers the finest power transmission products in the world. According to the company, it is well positioned to meet the challenges of the 21st century and beyond as it strives to be the “Best Value” supplier in the industry. Tsubaki’s global presence affords the company with unprecedented opportunities to market advanced new products and technologies, and to utilize the intellectual assets of what it characterizes as “some of the brightest minds in business and engineering from around the world.” This strength, combined


with its continuous improvement of quality and processes, has U.S. Tsubaki poised for lasting growth now, and well into the future.

U.S. Tsubaki’s industrial group is currently comprised of four business units: the Roller Chain Division, Engineering Chain Division, Power Transmission Components Division (which includes Sprockets) and the KabelSchlepp Cable & Hose Carrier Division. The Roller Chain Division provides some of the most versatile products on the market. Tsubaki innovations have yielded popular problem solvers such as self-lube Lambda® series chain, corrosion-resistant Neptune® chain, fatigue-resistant Super Chains, and rugged Energy Series™ oilfield chains and attachment chains. U.S. Tsubaki’s Engineering Chain Division offers heavy-duty chains designed specifically to meet the demanding needs of a vast array of industries, all designed to prolong wear life under rigorous operating conditions. They use various grades of steel, heat-treated to precise specifications

and assembled with accurate pressfits to withstand the requirements of today’s powerful, high-production equipment. Tsubaki Sprockets are built from top-grade, heat-treated carbon steel to offer long wear life, resist abrasion, and withstand heavy shock loads. Precision manufacturing at their ISO-certified facilities ensures that every U.S. Tsubaki sprocket stands up to critical design specifications and meets the highest quality standards. Tsubaki’s Power Transmission Components products include all Tsubakimoto products other than chain and sprockets. A partial list includes belts, cam clutches, actuators, dampers, overload protection and reducers. And in the past year, U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC has announced the integration of KabelSchlepp America into its operations as part of the Tsubakimoto Chain Company’s global acquisition of the German-based Cable & Hose Carrier manufacturer. KabelSchlepp America will now operate as the fourth division of U.S. Tsubaki and will expand Tsubaki’s presence in the U.S. market by adding cable & hose carrier systems to its already extensive product lineup. Tsubaki is an ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14000 registered company. U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC. 301 E. Marquardt Drive Wheeling, IL 60090 Ph: 800.323.7790

For more info, enter 269 at

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merican Trainco provides hands-on training in publicseminars or private, onsite formats for maintenance personnel working in large buildings and industrial facilities. We cover hundreds of cities throughout the U.S. and Canada with our seminars, and conduct more than 1500 training sessions annually. More than 135,000 maintenance workers have been trained by our expert staff since 2002. Among our most popular training topics are “Basic Electricity for the Non-Electrician,” “Arc Flash Electrical Safety NFPA 70E,” “Air Conditioning & Refrigeration,” “Boiler Operation, Maintenance & Safety,” “Programmable Logic Controllers,” “Variable Frequency Drives,” “Pumps and Pump Systems,” “Electrical Schematics and Drawings” and many more.

At American Trainco, we approach our students as if they were our own employees. We emphasize practical knowledge that allows them to return to their workplace and apply what they have learned. We make sure they can keep their plant or facility up and running, and we make sure they can do it safely. Students are encouraged to discuss the issues and problems they face in their own jobs every day, ensuring that they will go away with more than just knowledge. They’ll leave with the practical information they need that is specific to their facility, enabling them to fix problems and keep their equipment up and running now!

By providing quality learning experiences for our students and a positive work culture for our employees, American Trainco empowers individuals to become caring, competent and responsible citizens who value the positive contributions they make toward keeping our world running. American Trainco P.O. Box 3397 Englewood, CO 80155 Ph: 303.531.4560 Fax: 303.531.4565

For more info, enter 270 at



zima DLI is the leader and premier provider of predictive maintenance analytical services and products that align with customers’ high standards for reliability, availability and uptime. Azima DLI’s WATCHMAN™ Reliability Services utilize flexible deployment models, proven diagnostic software and unmatched analytical expertise to deliver sustainable, scalable and cost-effective condition-based maintenance programs. The company’s offerings enable customers to implement comprehensive, predictive maintenance programs that ensure asset availability and maximize productivity. Azima DLI is based in Woburn, MA, with offices across the U.S. and international representation in Asia-Pacific, Central America, Europe and South America.

Reliability as a Service™ (RaaS™) Reliability as a Service (RaaS) is a sophisticated collection of integrated professional services to provide a clear competitive advantage to industrial plants and enterprises. Through its depth, virtualization and automation, RaaS from Azima DLI delivers a highly effective condition-monitoring service that supports maximum plant availability, without the capital expense of purchasing data-collection equipment, computer hardware, software or incurring support costs, including those for

initial or ongoing training, power or IT internal/external support. RaaS is implemented for you with Azima DLI’s WATCHMAN™ brand of integrated machine condition-monitoring solutions and unmatched industrialmachine expertise. Azima DLI 300 TradeCenter, Suite 4610 Woburn, MA 01801 Ph: 800.482.2290

For more info, enter 271 at

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he founding partners established LUDECA in 1953. In 1982, LUDECA became exclusive representative of Prüftechnik AG for the United States, the Caribbean and Venezuela. Today, this includes marketing and support responsibilities for the entire Alignment and Condition Monitoring Divisions. LUDECA pioneered laser shaft alignment technology in the U.S. market with the introduction of the legendary OPTALIGN® system, manufactured by Prüftechnik in Germany in 1984. OPTALIGN’s then newly patented reflected-laser technology was years ahead of its time, revolutionizing the field of shaft alignment and saving plants untold thousands of dollars in downtime and repairs.

Today, LUDECA remains America’s leading vendor of laser shaft-alignment technology, headed by ROTALIGN® ULTRA and OPTALIGN® SMART and their SHAFTALIGN® entry-level tool. In addition, LUDECA offers geometric measurement systems, bearing heaters, shims and laser pulley-alignment tools. LUDECA services the vibrationanalysis field with state-of-the-art portable and online condition-monitoring systems, featuring the awardwinning VIBXPERT® II vibration analyzer and balancer with the powerful OMNITREND® software, as well as VIBNODE® and VIBROWEB® online condition-monitoring systems. The company provides alignment, vibration and balancing training, onsite and at its state-of-the-art

Miami Training Center, as well as repair, NIST calibration and high-end engineering consultation services. Visit and learn how LUDECA can help you achieve your reliability goals. LUDECA, INC. 1425 NW 88th Ave. Doral, FL 33172 Ph: 305.591.8935

For more info, enter 272 at



n the early 1950s, Gilles Marechal witnessed an industrial accident that occurred when a defective motor was plugged in. The seriousness of the accident caused Mr. Marechal to embark on a mission to develop an industrial-duty plug and receptacle that would eliminate the hazards posed by ordinary pin-and-sleeve devices. The result was the creation of a safety-focused product line that is now manufactured and sold in North America by the Meltric Corporation. Meltric’s complete line of industrialduty plugs and receptacles features the world’s only UL switch-rated plugs and receptacles. Switch-rated plugs and receptacles can be used to safely make and break electrical connections under full load. Exclusive safety features prevent exposure to electrical


hazards and enable plug-and-play change-outs of motors, welders and other electrical equipment. Meltric products are manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility in Franklin, WI. Corporate headquarters are located under the same roof as the manufacturing facility, allowing for efficient communication and coordination. As a result, many orders ship in less than 24 hours!

Meltric Corp. 4640 Ironwood Drive Franklin, WI 53132 Ph: 800.433.7642

For more info, enter 273 at

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SHA states that your company is responsible for qualifying workers who perform electrical tasks. First, they need electrical safety training. In addition, qualified workers need hands-on classroom training so that they can learn from practical experience. All training should be documented. Now, there’s a single training program that includes both electrical safety awareness and hands-on electrical skills development. It’s called “Electrical Safety Practical Skills,” a new course within NTT’s Skill Circuit™ Training System. After electrical safety training, students develop practical skills in hands-on lab exercises using real electrical equipment supplied by NTT. The course can be customized for the electrical work that your staff most

commonly performs. The program is typically conducted over three to five days at your location and on your schedule. After this course, take the next step with Electrical Qualification Training, which will train your company how to evaluate and qualify your workers. Companies may also enroll 40 or more employees in Skill Circuit™ Online, our Web-based Learning Management System that enables your company to track and document electrical training activities. This ensures that you have evidence of compliance with OSHA training requirements. Additionally, our online assessments and courses guarantee that employees will retain more of the knowledge they learn in the “Electrical Safety Practical Skills” course.

Try A Course For Free. . . Call 1.855.425.2159 and ask to audit a course with code MT1211. Attend a class and discover if NTT training is right for your staff. NTT Workforce Development Institute 7337 S. Revere Parkway Centennial, CO 80112 Ph: 855.425.2159

For more info, enter 274 at



hen you think of predictive maintenance, electric motor testing, condition monitoring, energy cost analysis or motor-circuit analysis training, if you don’t think of PdMA Corporation, you should! An industry leader and innovator, PdMA has over 20 years experience in the predictive maintenance and condition monitoring field. Our MCE™ (offline), Emax (online), and MCEmax™ (offline/ online) testers are utilized by a variety of industries around the world. All testers are designed to monitor and trend the condition of AC induction, synchronous, wound-rotor and DC motors and their circuits. Among the testing capabilities are: power quality, power circuit, stator, rotor, insulation and air gap.

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Group Meetings and free workshops are conducted throughout the year in locations around the world. Free video tutorials on the Six Fault Zones and other predictive-maintenance-related topics are available on the PdMA website (

Designed to increase safety (PPE not required) and reduce connection time for online motor testing, the MTAP2 and MTAP3, motor test ports, allow you to capture data quickly to determine motor health. PdMA offers a variety of training courses, both at the user’s site and in our state-of-the-art-training facility in Tampa, FL. In addition to these training opportunities, Regional User

PdMA Corporation 5909-C Hampton Oaks Parkway Tampa, FL 33610 Ph: 800.476.6463

A Leader In Electric Motor Testing

For more info, enter 275 at




e are a consortium of process plus 59 additional subscriber and licensee ■ Process Control & Analyzers process industry plant owners and engineercompanies. PIP members share the practices goal ■ Vessels/Exchangers/Tanks ing construction contractors of reducing total installed costs of process e are a consortium of process As of November 2009 PIP’s active Specific Practices include design, harmonizing member companies’ internal plants by up to 6% through the implemenSpecifi c Practices include design, selection, plant owners and engineering membership encompasses 55 compaselection, specification, and installastandards for contractors design, procurement, tation common industrysubscriber practices. and specifi cation and installation construction harmonizing niesof plus 46 additional tion information. PIP hasinformation. published member and companies’ internal licensee companies. PIP Members overhas 460published Practices. over A current of construction maintenance into a set PIP 475 listing Practices. standards for design, procurement, share the goal of reducing total published Practices is available at ofconstruction, industrywide and practices for voluntary Our Practices current listing of published Practices is maintenance into a installed costs of process plants by up use. Novemberwide 2011,practices PIP’s active Organized in 1993, PIP is separately available at setAsofof industry for to six percent through thea implemenvoluntary use. tation of common industry practices. membership encompasses 60 companies, funded, non-profi t initiative operating Process Industry Practices under the umbrella of the Construction Process Industry Practices 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500) Our Practices Austin, 78759Lane (R4500) Industry Institute at ThePIP University of Texas 3925 WestTXBraker Organized in 1993, is a separately 512.232.3041 initiative operating at funded Austin. non-profit PIP publishes and maintains Austin, TX 78759 under the umbrella of the Construcrecommended Ph: 512.232.3041 tion IndustryPractices Institutefor at the The process Univerindustry the following disciplines: sity ofin Texas at Austin. PIP publishes maintains recommended ■ and Civil/Structural/Architectural Practices in the following disciplines: ■ Coatings/Insulation/Refractory • Civil/Structural/Architectural ■ Document Management • Coatings/Insulation/Refractory Adopting • Electrical ■ Electrical • Machinery Process Industry ■ Machinery • Piping & Instrument Diagrams Engineering Procurement ■ Piping • Piping& Instrumentation Diagrams Construction Process • Process Control & Analyzers ■ Piping


PIP Practices

PIP Member Co. A PIP Member Co. 1 Engineering Standards

PIP Member Co. B

PIP Member Co. 2 Engineering Standards

PIP Member Co. C

PIP Member Co. 3

• Vessels/Exchangers/Tanks

For more info, enter 276 at



s an OEM manufacturer, Tri Tool produces an extensive line of precision machining and automatic welding equipment. Tri Tool is prepared to support your projects with the qualified personnel and advanced equipment to get the job done right, on schedule and on budget.

■ Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) Repairs ■ Extended Power Uprates (EPU) ■ Technical Support ■ Comprehensive Outage Planning and Special Engineering ■ Equipment Rentals Whether for scheduled or emergency outages, new plant construction, maintenance or decommissioning, Tri Tool has

provided cost-effective equipment solutions to manufacturing, petrochemical and nuclear and fossil plants throughout the world. Tri Tool’s engineering and contract service experience results in top-quality, cost-effective equipment that delivers maximum precision, reliability and ease-of-use. Tri Tool® equipment is the ideal platform for custom modification for job-specific requirements, and can be adapted for remote operation in confined or hazardous environments. Tri Tool’s national network of service technicians is backed by advanced engineering, OEM machinery and parts and regional service offices—ensuring prompt response and the best possible results. Tri Tool Thermal Services division can perform your code welding using the latest technology, including Tri Tool’s new

AdaptARC® line of precision welding equipment featuring the OrbitMaster™ Digital Weld Controller and the new DualARC™ GTAW/GMAW/FCAW Weld Head. When your project calls for unique or custom equipment, Tri Tool Engineering can design and build manual- or remote-control equipment for your most demanding applications. TRI TOOL, INC. 3041 Sunrise Blvd. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 Ph: 888.TRI.TOOL or 916.288.6100

For more info, enter 277 at


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Technology insight‌

Dr. Angela Galiano-Roth, Industrial Lubricants Technology Program Leader, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering

Taking A Balanced Approach To Lubricant Formulation Lubrication is not only a vital component in an effective preventive maintenance program, it offers a quick and effective pathway to efficiency improvements in industrial equipment. In this Q&A , we learn how one leading supplier is working to support your efforts. Jane Alexander, Editor

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oday, companies across all industry sectors are under significant pressure to maximize productivity and stay ahead of their competition. At the same time, they’re seeking new ways to enhance their overall energy efficiency, reduce energy costs and demonstrate to partners and customers that they are committed to sustainable practices. To help strike this operating balance, companies are assessing many promising avenues, including evaluating and improving equipment performance and reliability with the use of high-performance lubricants. DECEMBER 2011


Here, Maintnenace Technology catches up with Dr. Angela Galiano-Roth, Industrial Lubricants Technology Program Leader, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering, to learn more about the latest lubricant trends in the industrial arena. She shares how advances in equipment design have led operations to rely more on synthetic oils to help enhance performance, and discusses the benefits of ExxonMobil’s “balanced approach” to formulation. MT: What do you see as the key challenges faced by industrial operations today? Galiano-Roth: Increasing competition and maintaining an edge on your competitors are paramount concerns in today’s global marketplace. That’s why, in every market we serve, ExxonMobil's research efforts are focused on ensuring that we remain at the forefront of lubrication technology so we can help our customers achieve their operational goals. By so doing, we can offer our customers advanced technology and the highest level of application expertise and be sure that our Mobil-branded industrial lubricants consistently deliver exceptional performance. Combined, these help them maximize their productivity and stay ahead of their competitors. Along with increased global competition, manufacturing companies must also deal with the maintenance challenges that are often associated with today’s industrial machinery. Over the past 10 to 15 years, manufacturers have developed equipment that’s more compact and efficient and delivers high load capacity with a smaller footprint than ever before. Although these newer units deliver better performance and increased productivity, they can be more difficult to maintain, as they typically run hotter and faster than their predecessors—putting more stress on a smaller volume of lubricant. That, in turn, calls for high-performance oils and greases that can deliver extended protection. Today’s successful companies view preventive and predictive maintenance and high-performance lubricants as investments to help ensure long-term success. They recognize that conventional, mineral-based lubricants are limited in their capabilities, especially when compared with advanced-technology synthetics. MT: You’ve explained the rationale for using high-performance synthetics. How does ExxonMobil approach the process of developing the right lubricants for its customers’ needs? DECEMBER 2011

Galiano-Roth: The traditional lubricant-manufacturing method centers on blending conventional base stock with an off-theshelf additive package to create a product that meets basic industry specs. As a company that helped pioneer synthetic lubricant technology, we devote significant resources to product research and development. We use an advanced, scientifically engineered approach that helps leverage our leading technology and application expertise to deliver lubricants that are optimized for the intended applications. We call this “ExxonMobil’s Balanced Formulation Approach.” Our comprehensive process enables us to develop lubricants that deliver exceptional performance across all critical areas for each application—such as oxidative stability, component wear protection, corrosion control, filterability, water tolerance, shear stability and extremetemperature performance. From the outset, our scientists select advanced-technology base stocks and carefully design additive systems to complement the excellent lubrication properties of the base fluids. We then put our technology-driven lubricant candidate through a comprehensive range of industry-standard laboratory tests. Some lubricant-development programs would end at this point, but ExxonMobil goes further.

'Today's successful companies recognize that conventional, mineral-based lubricants are limited in their capabilities…' We supplement industry-standard testing with our full-scale, dynamic testing on industrial equipment. These proprietary rig tests are designed to stress the lubricant candidate under conditions even more demanding than it is likely to experience in severe operating environments. Finally, we follow in-service testing protocols to validate the performance of our candidate in field demonstrations. Throughout the entire process, we collaborate with equipment manufacturers and our customers to ensure that we optimize the performance of our lubricants so they are ready to take on both the specific lubrication requirements of today’s industrial machinery and the operational challenges of a manufacturing plant. Only after successful completion of all of these testing protocols will we designate a lubricant fit to become part of our Mobil SHC family. MT-ONLINE.COM | 31


Some companies may formulate lubricants to deliver exceptional results solely for one or two criteria. But we know that if you focus on maximizing performance in just one area, the process may negatively impact other critical performance areas. Thus, we don’t develop lubricants with the sole purpose of being able to claim a high number in terms of energy efficiency or any other single attribute. Using our comprehensive “Balanced Formulation Approach,” we look at all critical factors of performance and focus on formulating our lubricants to deliver optimized performance for specific applications. MT: You’ve brought up energy efficiency. How important is it now for your products to not only deliver exceptional performance, but also help generate energy-efficiency benefits?

Galiano-Roth: Energy efficiency is a key issue for companies in the manufacturing sector. Obviously, from an operating and financial perspective, reducing energy usage can have a positive impact on a company’s bottom line. Also, minimizing energy consumption can help companies demonstrate to their partners and customers that they are committed to sustainable practices. I’m proud to say that the latest additions to our flagship Mobil SHC line of synthetic industrial lubricants not only deliver exceptional, long-lasting performance and protection, they also feature valuable energy-efficiency benefits. (See Sidebar, pg. 38.)

MT: In addition to choosing the right lubricants, what are some other key lube-related components of a successful preventive maintenance program?

'We know if you focus on maximizing performance in just one area, the process may negatively impact other critical performance areas. . . '

32 |


Galiano-Roth: I can’t overemphasize that choosing the correct lubricants is the most fundamental component of a successful preventive maintenance program. To help our customers with this process, we recently introduced Looble, our advanced online industrial lubricant selector. Looble is a user-friendly tool that delivers targeted Mobil-branded lubricant recommendations, based upon users’ specific industries, equipment and application conditions. Beyond selecting the optimum lubricant, implementing a comprehensive oil-analysis program is another vital component of a successful PM program. ExxonMobil has a solution for companies that want to enhance their oilanalysis monitoring efforts in an efficient and cost-effective way. Our proprietary Signum Oil Analysis Program is a state-of-the-art, Web-based offering specifically tailored to monitor the condition of in-service oil and equipment components, based on leading equipment-builder specifications, international standards and our application expertise. It lets us take oil analysis to the next level, making it easier for maintenance professionals to ensure the long life and productivity of the equipment. Our engineers work closely with customers to create a turnkey program through the following: DECEMBER 2011


Establishing representative sampling points and intervals

Identifying subtle trends that could contribute to sub-optimal performance

Documenting recommendations and confirmation of benefits that are achieved through reductions in unscheduled downtime, machine replacement parts, oil consumption and labor costs

Conducting onsite training to create lubrication awareness

'We formulate our lubricants to deliver optimized performance for the intended applications. . . '

By leveraging Signum Oil Analysis with the application expertise of our engineers, plant end-users always have, at their fingertips, a wealth of valuable information that can help them make informed maintenance decisions. MT Angela Galiano-Roth has worked for ExxonMobil Research and Engineering for more than 20 years, applying her world-class expertise in lubricant base stock and additive technologies to the development of industrial lubricants under the Mobil SHC and Mobil Industrial Lubricants brands. As Industrial Lubricant Technology Program Leader, in ExxonMobil’s Products Research and Technology Department, she is responsible for the development, testing and support of the company’s industry-leading, industrial lubricants. Dr. Galiano-Roth holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Cornell University and is a member of The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, American Chemical Society and American Gear Manufacturers Association. She has also authored numerous technical publications that highlight the benefits of synthetic lubricants and gear technology; and is an inventor for 12 lubricant-technology patents or applications. Continued on page 34 DECEMBER 2011

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With An Eye On Energy Efficiency* The Mobil SHC Family Grows And Delivers Recent additions to the Mobil SHC family include the next generation of the Mobil SHC 600 Series of synthetic, circulating lubricants, and the Mobil SHC Gear Series, a family of supreme-performance synthetic, industrial gear oils. According to ExxonMobil, in controlled laboratory gearbox testing and statistically validated field tests at customer locations, these Mobil SHC synthetic lubricants were shown to deliver energy savings of up to 3.6% when

compared with conventional oils. Based on such results, these oils have earned ExxonMobil Lubricants and Petroleum Specialties Company’s official designation for “Energy Efficient” industrial lubricants. They will now feature ExxonMobil Lubricants and Petroleum Specialties Company’s proprietary “Energy Efficiency” logo on product packaging. Visit for details.

*Energy efficiency relates solely to the fluid performance when compared with conventional reference oils of the same viscosity grade in gear applications. The technology used allows up to 3.6% efficiency compared with the reference when tested in a worm gearbox under controlled conditions. Efficiency improvements will vary based on operating conditions and application. For more info, enter 01 at


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Powered With Preventive Maintenance:

Longer Standby Generator Life



Availability is priceless when it comes to emergency power. These tips and techniques can help ensure your generators are there for your operations whenever and wherever duty calls. Robert K. Breese II Generac

hile the average life expectancy of a well-maintained service vehicle is approximately 5000 hours (assuming 300,000 miles at 60 mph), a typical standby generator set can last from 10,000 to 30,000 hours. On the other hand, a standby generator might operate as little as 26 hours a year (based on only 30 minutes of weekly exercise and no outages) or as much as several hundred hours a year, depending upon the number and duration of power outages. In either case, a standby generator set could conceivably last 20 to 30 years. One way to ensure a long, reliable operating life is to implement a preventive maintenance (PM) program. Preventive maintenance and service are typically done on a schedule based upon engine hours and/or time periods. The maintenance cycle can—and should— be adapted to meet specific application needs. The more hours per year a unit operates, the more frequently it will require service. Environment also plays a role: The more severe the environment (dusty, extremely hot or cold, highly humid, etc.), the more frequent the need for service may be. 36 |


Most OEM-recommended maintenance schedules for generators—whether a unit is powered by diesel or gaseous fuels—are roughly the same. The typical maintenance cycle includes a general inspection followed by scheduled inspection and service of the following critical systems: ■ Fuel system (diesel fuel requires more maintenance) ■ Coolant system ■ Lubrication system ■ Air system (combustion and cooling air) ■ Starting system (batteries and charger) ■ Alternator (a frequently overlooked item) ■ Transfer switch (another often-overlooked item) DECEMBER 2011


The general inspection At a minimum, a good visual inspection should be done on a monthly basis, as well as after any extended generator run times. Here are some basic tips: ■ Maintain general cleanliness of the generator and its

surroundings. In an enclosed unit, make sure there are no rodents trying to take up residence. ■ Check the oil level when the unit isn’t running. If the generator

has been running, wait for 10 minutes after it shuts down to check the oil level (this allows all of the oil in the engine to drain back into the sump). Maintain the oil level as close to the full mark as possible without overfilling. ■ Make sure there is adequate coolant by checking the level

in the catch tank (overflow tank). ■ For diesel units, check the fuel level and the fuel/water

separators. Add fuel and drain water from the separators as necessary. For gaseous units, inspect the fuel-supply piping for leaks or obvious damage. ■ Confirm that there are no loose clamps or wire connec-

tions, and no corrosion or damage to terminals or wiring. Inspect batteries for cleanliness and signs of corrosion. Check the operation of the battery charger.

The coolant thermal-protection level should be checked every six months.

Annual maintenance Annual maintenance begins with changing the engine oil and filter. If you want to extend oil-change intervals, consider an oil-analysis program. This will give you recommendations based on the actual condition of the lubricating oil. Replace the air filter and fuel filters, as well. If it is a diesel unit that does not use a lot of the fuel in its storage tank, consider having the fuel in the tank filtered and checked for additive content. Two often-overlooked items that require annual inspection—and possible maintenance—are the alternator itself and the transfer switch: ■ Alternators that are producing good power usually only

Checking the engine oil level is one of several routine maintenance items that should be performed monthly.

Semi-annual inspections In addition to monthly inspections, check the coolant thermal-protection level every six months. Use the appropriate tester for the type of coolant being used. At the same time, inspect the accessory drive belts for correct tension and condition. DECEMBER 2011

require a visual inspection. Dirt, heat and moisture are their biggest enemies. Dirt can block the heat transfer necessary to keep the windings cool. Heat can damage the insulation on the windings. Moisture can cause windings to short to each other or to ground. Any of these situations will reduce the power that a winding can produce. Most alternator manufacturers provide recommendations for testing winding resistance and cleaning windings, if necessary. ■ Transfer switches can be a little more challenging to

inspect and maintain. To do a thorough annual inspection requires turning off all power to the switch. This may involve coordinating a planned outage for a specific time period on a weekend or during the night. MT-ONLINE.COM | 37


An annual inspection of the transfer switch requires disconnecting all power to the switch (and may involve a planned outage).

Alternators require an annual inspection, as well as occasional testing of winding resistance.

Other generator PM aspects The above items are by no means a complete list. Other PM aspects worth considering include the conducting of weekly exercise periods under load to test the entire system for proper operation and make the generator work at operating temperature. A monthly load test of at least 30% of rated load is required in some applications, using the building load, a load bank or a combination of the two. 38 |


OEMs provide detailed maintenance guidelines that should be followed to provide the longest most reliable service life possible for their respective equipment. General guidelines for specific applications also can be found in several recognized standards. One such standard is the NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems (2010 Edition). It is an excellent resource on general-maintenance requirements and detailed information on some specific maintenance items. This standard also contains a suggested maintenance schedule which, if followed, will meet minimum maintenance requirements for Level 1 and Level 2 emergency standby power systems. In the meantime, for a handy checklist, refer to the sidebar on page 43. Remember: Establishing and following a thorough maintenance and service plan will provide you with a reliable power supply for many years. MT Robert K. Breese, technical service manager for Generac Power Systems, joined the company in 2006. Retired from the U.S. Coast Guard after 25 years of service in the naval engineering field, he spent 15 months in Iraq providing technical support and project management for prime power services being provided to the U.S. Armed Forces. Breese holds an Associate Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Oregon Institute of Technology. Email: DECEMBER 2011


A Generator Maintenance Checklist ◆

Here’s a handy checklist to help guide you as you work to maintain your standby generator(s). Be sure to take note of the frequency recommendations for these maintenance activities. Weekly Maintenance ◆ Run the generator (typically no-load,

automatic transfer switch exercise cycle). ◆ Verify that the unit ran and

has no alarms or warnings. ◆ Ensure adequate fuel levels. ◆ Ensure that the generator is in

“Auto” mode, for automatic startup. ◆ Check that the circuit breaker is closed. ◆ Make sure there are no fluid leaks.

Monthly Maintenance ◆ Check engine coolant level. ◆ Check engine oil level. ◆ Check the battery charger.

Bi-Annual Maintenance

Annual Maintenance

(Schedule maintenance with a certified technician.) ◆ Inspect the enclosure. ◆ Check the battery electrolyte level and specific gravity. ◆ Check battery cables and connections. ◆ Inspect drive belts. ◆ Inspect the coolant heater. ◆ Check coolant lines and connections. ◆ Check for oil leaks and inspect lubrication system hoses and connectors. ◆ Check for fuel leaks and inspect fuel system hoses and connectors. ◆ Inspect the exhaust system, muffler and exhaust pipe. ◆ Check and clean air cleaner units. ◆ Inspect air induction piping and connections. ◆ Inspect the DC electrical system, control panel and accessories. ◆ Inspect the AC wiring and accessories.

(Schedule maintenance with a certified technician.) ◆ Change oil and filter. ◆ Change the fuel filter. ◆ Change the air filter. ◆ Clean the crankcase breather. ◆ Change spark plugs. ◆ Check coolant concentration. ◆ Flush the cooling system (as needed). ◆ Perform load bank testing. ◆ Fuel testing & reconditioning (diesel-fueled units only). ◆ Remove water from fuel tank (diesel-fueled units only).

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A Cautionary Maintenance Tale Squeaking by on pluck and luck doesn’t count as an effective strategy.

Raymond L. Atkins Contributing Editor 40 | MAINTENANCE TEChNology




his article is a sequel of sorts. The point is so important that it deserves some revisiting, with more details than I provided in my “Maintenance New Year’s Resolutions” article earlier this year (pg. 27, MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY, March 2011).

Many years ago, I worked as a mechanic in an automobile dealership. I was fair at my job, I suppose—selftaught, one automotive failure at a time, while working on the selection of $100 cars I had owned since my sixteenth birthday. I had all the qualifications necessary for a successful career: I was confident, handy and unafraid of hard work. I had plenty of common sense and a knack for working on machinery. Plus, I owned a good set of tools. I’m pretty certain I may have just described well over half of your maintenance workforce—and you can be certain that you’ve wandered into a highly relevant cautionary tale. I assure you it’s a true account. The fact that it’s set in a major automobile dealership is merely a coincidence and has nothing to do with the point of the narrative. This is a story about process, not product. It could happen anywhere. In fact, a situation very much like it could be occurring in your plant right now. Read on… Caught in a paradigm shift Sometime during the early ’70s, it was decided that the venerable $2 set of points and the old, reliable $1 condenser were outmoded technologies. As a result, automobile manufacturers began to shift production toward solid-state ignition. While those of us on the front lines down at the dealership level had heard rumblings of big changes in the wind, we really weren’t concerned. We had received no official notification from our bosses, and none of us had been sent to school to learn about anything new coming our way. Thus, even if the manufacturer did sneak something different in on us—which it was prone to do from time to time—we were confident in our abilities to figure out how to work on whatever rolled off the assembly line. We were, after all, mechanics: Fixing cars was what we did (and they had been running just fine with points and condensers for a long time). Per the general consensus around the break-room table, who in their right minds would mess with that kind of success? If they did, what would stop them from doing other crazy things. . . like turn engines sideways or build bumpers out of plastic? So, I was unconcerned that fateful morning when I finished up a brake job and discovered my next assignment: a fresh-from-the-factory 1975 sedan (I told you this was a DECEMBER 2011

long time ago) that had just been pulled off the transport with a cable because it wouldn’t start. My task was to get it running and out into the showroom. As soon as it was pushed to my stall, I popped the hood, placed a fender cover over the shiny paint job and went to work. This vehicle model had only recently been introduced. Although I had never worked on one before, I wasn’t worried. After all, this wasn’t the first time a new car had failed to start. The basics of the internal combustion engine and troubleshooting procedures when one wouldn’t run were always the same: I hooked up my remote start switch, pulled the coil wire and checked to see if it was firing. Just as I had suspected, it wasn’t. Sometimes, the points on a new car would slip because they hadn’t been tightened sufficiently at the factory. I was convinced that was the case with this one. Accordingly, I fetched my feeler gauge from the toolbox, leaned back under the hood and popped the clips on the distributor cap with my long screwdriver. Then I took a look under the cap. People who find themselves inadvertently mired in a paradigm shift are generally the last to know it—and I was no exception on that day of days. Not only were there no points under the distributor cap to adjust, there wasn’t anything readily identifiable as a condenser screwed to the distributor plate. There was an object that kind of resembled a rotor button, but only to the extent that it resembled a rotor button only slightly more than it resembled, say, a shoe. Though I realized, subconsciously, that I probably wouldn’t find the missing components, I spent most of the next hour combing the car from front to back, looking for them. I finally gave up. I was in trouble, and I knew it. Getting a new car started was a warranty job: As such, it only paid one hour’s labor at a reduced rate. I was already in the hole and still had no idea what was wrong. That’s why I stepped to the next stall and asked my friend and mentor, Cornbread, if he might be available for a consultation. This guy was the best mechanic in the dealership. It was common knowledge that if he couldn’t fix a car, it was simply not fixable. Cornbread stopped what he was doing and came over to my stall, where he spent a full five minutes looking at what I was working on before saying anything. Then, as was his way, he got right to it. MT-oNlINE.CoM | 41

Cornbread: It doesn’t have points. Me: Right. Cornbread: We need to find out what it’s got instead of points. That’s where the problem is. Me: Are you saying you’re going to help me? Cornbread: I might as well. If you can’t fix it, they’ll give it to me anyhow.

Cornbread was a man of few words. The two of us set about trying to determine what the vehicle had instead of points. We found a similar model on the lot, popped the hood and took a quick look around (just to be sure my lack of points and condenser wasn’t some terrible mistake, a practical joke or a quality-control issue). Once we confirmed that this and another point-less vehicle on the property could actually start and run that way, we went to the parts window to see if the vehicle manual was available. We were told it was—and that it should be delivered either Friday or the following Monday. Unfortunately, it was only Tuesday, and the sales manager had already been back to the shop to check on my progress. As he put it, he had a hot prospect for this car and didn’t want to lose a sale. The pressure is on Let’s review: I was a competent mechanic who had been given an unfamiliar piece of equipment on which to work. I had received no training on it; common sense had utterly failed me in light of the new technology I encountered; and I was already over my allotted time for the job. Trying to salvage things, I had enlisted the aid of a fellow mechanic— which meant he wasn’t working on his own assignment. Furthermore, there were no specs or instructions on hand, although a manual was on order. To make matters worse, the sales department had begun leaning on me because of the customer coming in for a test drive. Regardless of the nature of your business or the actual type of machinery your technicians work on, I bet this story sounds at least vaguely familiar. So, keep reading… 42 | MAINTENANCE technology

A call was put in to the regional service manager. After Cornbread and I explained our predicament and advised him of the steps we had already taken, he advised us to consult the manual regarding troubleshooting protocols for new solid-state ignitions. We agreed that was one heck of an idea were it not for the fact that the manual was en route. He then recommended we use the new diagnostic tool that was being supplied to all dealerships to help with any solidstate issues. After first checking with the supply clerk— who had never heard of this new tool—we returned to the phone and informed the factory man that the device was apparently being shipped with the manual. About that time, the regional service manager said he had to take another call. As he hung up, he suggested that if we couldn’t think of anything else to try, we might want to “replace the black box.” The sales manager was waiting for Cornbread and me when we got back to my stall. He wanted to again check on our progress. The three of us inspected the disabled vehicle from top to bottom, looking for the elusive black box. Although we couldn’t find a black one, we did discover a blue box that seemed to offer some potential. Bolted to the firewall, it had wires coming out of it, implying that it might be electrical in nature. We removed this box and carried it to the parts window where we asked for another one just like it. The parts man looked it up, told us he didn’t have one on the shelf, but could probably get something to us by— you guessed it—the following Monday. Cornbread made a comment I won’t repeat here, then he and I did something that maintenance people have been doing ever since there have been things to fix: We “borrowed” the blue box, installed it in the car we were anguishing over, started it up and let the sales manager have it with our blessings. Hard lessons learned How many times in the history of your maintenance organization has a job gone awry due to new technology, lack of training, no documentation, time constraints, improper tools, parts shortages, inadequate planning or overall lack of information? Admittedly, it is rare for all of these snafus to happen on a single job as they did on mine—I guess I’m just lucky that way. (All snickering aside, such issues are major impediments to the success of your maintenance effort.) How many times, when one or more of these issues has come to bear, have you squeaked by using a combination of parts-swapping, head-scratching and luck? As the old saying goes, that’s no way to run a railroad (or a shop)! MT Ray Atkins is a retired maintenance professional (and award-winning author), based in Rome, GA. He spent his last five years in industry as a maintenance supervisor with Temple-Inland. Web:; e-mail: DECEMBER 2011


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arker Hannifin’s Balston Cabinet Dryers are designed specifically to eliminate moisture inside electrical cabinets and control panels in washdown areas. Over time, these cabinets can become wet inside, leading to premature component failures. Unlike vortec coolers that use considerable amounts of air and have high operating costs, and heaters that raise the humidity of the air inside enclosures, Parker Balston Cabinet Dryers utilize hollow-fiber membrane technology to create a dry air purge without the use of electricity or moving parts. Easy to install and maintain, these compressed air units guarantee an interior cabinet dew point of -7 F (-21 C) and reduce humidity to less than 10% RH. Markets served include meat, beverage, oil and gas, water/wastewater, among others. Because they create a slight positive pressure that keeps out unwanted dust, they’re also suitable for use in mines, bakeries, foundries and other dusty environments.



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Reliability: Own It This MARCH... Save The Date For Keynote Address Tues. March 13, 2012: Managing the Trends


David Boulay, president, Illinois Manufacturing Extension Center

The Capacity Assurance Conference!

MARCH 12-15, 2012

Selection of Confirmed Conference Titles: Optimizing Pump-System Performance: The Link Between Energy Efficiency and Improved Reliability Roland McKinney, SKF Service Division

The Top 5 Best Maintenance Practices of World-Class Companies Enrique Mora, Mora International Consulting Services

Maintenance and Reliability Assessment: Is World Class Right For Your Facility? Dave Rosenthal, Jacobs Engineering

How a Community College Partnership Can Address the Skills Shortage Mark Combs, Parkland College

Leveraging PAS 55 to Optimize Asset Utilization and Increase Productivity

Kris Goly, Siemens Asset Performance Management Services

Now entering its ninth year, MARTS is an exciting learning event in a great location that helps reliability professionals at all levels improve their skills and excel on the job. Pricing and attendance options for every budget make it easy for individuals or groups to share the MARTS experience.

• A four-day educational experience created exclusively for reliability professionals • 30 hour-long Conferences over two days – Tuesday, March 13 and Wednesday, March 14 – kicked off by Keynote speaker David Boulay, president of the Illinois Manufacturing Extension Center, and followed by reliability experts in a variety of disciplines

• 5 full-day Workshops on Monday, March 12 • 5 full-day Workshops on Thursday, March 15 • Two professional certification opportunities

Confirmed Workshop Titles:

Energy and Sustainability Management

Eric Huston and members of SKF Service Division

From TPM to TPR: Move to the Next Level of Maintenance and Process Reliability

Enrique Mora, Mora International Consulting Services

Cause Mapping I: Effective Root Cause Analysis Mark Galley, ThinkReliability

Maintenance Planning and Scheduling: Increase Your Workforce Without Hiring R. D. (Doc) Palmer, Richard Palmer & Assoc.

Motor System Management

Howard W. Penrose, Dreisilker Electric Motors, Inc.

Other Workshop Presenters: Ken Bannister, Engtech Industries, Inc. Mike Gilley, Fox River Systems Dave Krings, Consultant Jim Seffrin, Infraspection Institute Ed Stanek, LAI Reliability Systems Bob Williamson, Strategic Work Systems

For complete schedule and registration information, please go to The Capacity Assurance Conference! MAINTENANCE and RELIABILITY TECHNOLOGY SUMMIT

Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont (Chicago), IL For more info, enter 75 at

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Solving The Problem Of A Stagnating Workforce Digging out from the skilled-crafts hole will require new intellectual muscle and zeal. This industrial-management expert reminds us that an organization may be able to find plenty of both deep within its pool of existing workers.

Enrique Mora, Consultant





tagnation leads to frustration and worse. We’ve all seen them: people who stay in the same (usually entry-level) job for many years, are good associates and loyal. In the long run, though, these individuals may grow apathetic because they “don’t get opportunities” for promotion to more important positions in the enterprise. Even if they don’t show it, they may come to resent their companies, their supervisors or managers and their peers. Rarely, are they aware that their obstacles to promotions can only be removed by their own efforts.

Motivating by talent improvement Businesses need to develop a new feeling of open opportunity in their operations. This results in a win-win situation for both employers and associates. By focusing on multiple opportunities for learning business activities, organizations can develop a more versatile workforce. Examples of how companies can develop open opportunities for their employees include:

These valuable employees find themselves stagnated in positions that provide minimal satisfaction. The common denominator here is typically a combination of education and training—or, more specifically, the lack of education and training. This is especially true for those who don’t have a good command of English or whose level of education is limited. Take Hispanics, for example: One of the main barriers Hispanics confront in the United States comes via Spanish-language newspapers, TV and radio stations. This media caters to the Hispanic community and sends the wrong message: “You don’t need to learn English.” This, in turn, causes many Hispanics to continue behaving at a conformity level and not adapting to a non-Hispanic culture. Consequently, they remain behind in opportunities to progress. Regardless of their nationalities, people with “limited progress opportunities” have something else in common: Their jobs typically absorb most of their time, so their chances for ongoing professional development (i.e., taking advantage of additional job-related education and training) are slim to none. Employers, whether they realize it or not, are greatly affected by this situation. The hiring of a person is already a cost of operation for the business. Given the daily workload, it would seem normal for some people to remain in entry levels forever. Unfortunately, while they end up doing their jobs well, without a path to job growth within an organization, such employees—especially those who have been able to acquire additional training and skills—may look to avail themselves of external options, thus putting their existing employers in vulnerable positions. This doesn’t have to be the case.

■ Paid tuition after successful completion of classes and/or certifications ■ Work-time concessions to attend classes ■ Opportunity for promotions as new skills and expertise are reached


■ Onsite English-language classes for employees ■ Onsite Spanish- or other-language classes for supervisors and managers ■ Partnerships with local technical colleges ■ Incentives to complete studies related to the company’s operations Incentives can include:

Gallup has surveyed and measured the level of engagement of the associates at hundreds of different organizations. Its conclusions: “Organizations that start by investing in an individual’s natural talent—and then add the pertinent knowledge and skills—experience a much greater return on every hour and dollar they spend developing people.” The process for capturing such benefits is simple: 1. Attract people by the reputation of the organization. 2. Select the best candidates. 3. Continuously invest in their development. 4. Engage them in the goals and policies of the organization. 5. Optimize their skills. This process sends the right message to the associate: “We are focusing on your strengths and will help you enhance them.” The resulting loyalty that this message and actions generate will keep an organization’s best associates focused on the development of the business and themselves. They will be more likely to spend their careers with this type of company (60.3%) than the average employee (21.4%). That reflects a trifold increase in the ROI of recruitment, training and development efforts. MT-ONLINE.COM | 47


The global marketplace is extremely volatile these days. Demand for products and services can change at any time, and companies must be prepared with the type of workforce (i.e., a versatile one) to strengthen workstations or even administrative positions as needed. Organizations may also need to consolidate positions that no longer require full-time staffing. That versatility is a positive asset at all levels, in all kinds of activities in the business. It will be those who are the most willing to learn who will advance in this environment. Opening the opportunity to do so is the critical first step. In today’s industrial arena, where so many critical skills are in short supply, companies simply can’t afford to let good talent go to waste. MT Enrique Mora is a senior consultant with Email:

Developing The Workforce You Need As many companies have found, it’s not always possible to maintain a dedicated group of in-house employee-development specialists. External help through consultants is available to help those businesses in the following ways: ■ Analyzing and diagnosing the needs for an employee-development program ■ Assessing and showing the benefits of implementing employment-development programs ■ Developing training programs customized for specific departments and/or employees Whatever effort a business may put into acquiring the new culture referenced in this article, the return on investment will exceed the cost. The ROI will be seen in higher productivity of each individual, as well as their teams as a whole. For more info, enter 03 at

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Overcoming Your Challenges

Efficient Control Of Screw Compressors By Ron Marshall, for the Compressed Air Challenge®


ubricant-injected rotary screw compressors provide continuous flow without the pressure pulsations typically associated with reciprocating compressors. (Two-stage rotary screw compressors are usually more efficient than single-stage units.) In general, the efficiency of rotary screw compressors falls off at part-load. A wide range of models and styles are available from various manufacturers. Users should select units that are most efficient based on their specific application/installation requirements. While it’s good to compare different styles of compressors at full load, if yours will be operating at partial loads for significant hours, you should carefully consider the energy implications of the compressor-control mode. Compressor-control mechanisms are used to match the compressed air volume and pressure delivered by the compressor with facility demand. Compressor controls and available storage receiver capacity are often the most important factors determining a compressor’s ability to perform efficiently at part load. Controls are frequently chosen and configured poorly. Use of proper control strategies can lead to substantial reductions in energy consumption. Control types in order of efficiency at part load… Modulation (throttling) is inlet control that varies the output of a compressor to meet flow requirements. This is the least-efficient mode of operation for part-loaded compressors. Load/Unload (also known as constant-speed control) allows the motor to run continuously, but unloads the compressor when the discharge pressure is adequate. Various strategies are used for unloading a compressor, but in most cases, an unloaded rotary screw compressor will consume 15 to 35% of full-load horsepower while delivering no useful work. As a result, some load/unload control schemes can be inefficient, especially when system-storage receiver capacity is small.

Auto/Dual provides modulation to a preset reduced capacity, followed by unloading with the addition of an overrun timer to stop the compressor after running unloaded for a pre-set time. Variable Capacity controls allow some lubricant-injected rotary screw compressors to vary their compression volumes (ratio) using sliding or turn valves. These controls are generally applied with modulating inlet valves to provide more accurate pressure control with improved part-load efficiency to about 50% load, using load/unload mode at lower flows. Variable Speed control is possible via integrated variable-frequency AC or switched-reluctance DC drives. Compressor discharge pressure can be held to within +/- 1 psi over a wide range of capacity, allowing significant additional system energy savings. This type of control is not appropriate for significant full-load operating hours. Start/Stop control mode is typically used only for applications with very low-duty cycles in the 30 hp and under range. The advantage of this: Power is used only when the compressor runs. Some compressor controls can automatically choose this mode, if safe to do so. Learn more about this topic in Best Practices for Compressed Air Systems, available at There, you can also learn about a February Web-based compressed air fundamentals seminar and other in-person training opportunities across the country. MT The Compressed Air Challenge® is a partner of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Industrial Technology programs. To learn more about its many offerings, log on to, or email:

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Volume 1 Number 12




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Problem-Solving Answers. Money-Making Solutions. Problem These days, manufacturing facilities face a constant battle to find new ways to increase productivity while lowering or maintaining operating costs. When you’re in charge of maintenance you have to adapt quickly to changing production and business demands, while still considering your operations and, of course, your bottom line. Reducing operating costs and managing the risk of downtime is a big part of the job. A review of hydraulic fluids can go a long way to helping meet this goal. Today’s hydraulic systems are running under extreme pressures and working harder than ever before. Failure to evaluate the hydraulic fluid that protects these systems can result in the use of low-quality fluids with short service lives that can require frequent top-ups or change-outs, and may not be properly benefiting the machines. The resulting downtime and repairs can increase maintenance costs, slow production and ultimately reduce profit margins. Not to mention, the cost of an unplanned line stoppage or machine failure can easily absorb profit and damage productivity—costing companies much more in the long run. When a company’s operations and productivity rest on the performance of its hydraulic systems, it can’t afford to ignore quality. Solution Combating costs with the proper hydraulic fluid… By regularly monitoring your hydraulic systems and switching to a premium-quality hydraulic fluid, you can help reduce downtime and save money in the process. Specially designed for heavy-duty hydraulic systems that operate in industrial plants, HYDREX AW is formulated using crystal-clear 99.9%-pure base oils—some of the purest in the world. By removing the impurities that can hinder the performance of conventional hydraulic oils, HYDREX AW lasts longer. Petro-Canada then blends in specially selected additives to produce the finished product. HYDREX AW delivers advanced anti-wear protection and improved rust and corrosion prevention for extended equipment life. Its excellent thermal stability enables extended drain intervals and reduced change-outs. These benefits equate to optimal cost savings and help reduce maintenance costs. HYDREX AW also minimizes sludge and varnish deposits. Sludge can be incredibly damaging to hydraulic compo-

nents. By minimizing oxidation and consequently reducing sludge build-up, a high-performance hydraulic fluid like HYDREX AW provides longer lubricant life, resulting in fewer change-outs, reduced equipment wear and less downtime for your operations. Return on Investment HYDREX AW’s advanced breakthrough formulation lasts up to three times longer and provides up to two times better wear protection than the leading global hydraulics brand. For you, that means fewer change-outs and lower maintenance costs. To lower costs even further, Petro-Canada’s anti-wear chemistry helps extend equipment life—so your equipment can run longer and harder. And that productivity can easily translate into money and profits. Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc. Mississauga, ON, Canada For more info, enter 278 at

52 |


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Count on the worry-free performance of HYDREX hydraulic fluids to keep your equipment running smoothly. HYDREX lasts up to three times longer and offers up to twice the wear protection of the leading hydraulic oil brand.† For you, that means greater equipment uptime, increased productivity and better energy efficiencies.†† And less to worry about with minimal sludge build-up, long change-out intervals and protection against equipment wear. Improve your bottom-line — get HYDREX working in your operation today.

Call 1-866-335-3369 Petro-Canada is a Suncor Energy business

™ Trademark of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under licence. † Measured against the number one selling North American hydraulic oil brand. †† Energy efficiencies apply to multigrades only. LUB 2303E (2010.03)

For more info, /enter at JULY 2011 THE280 RELIABILITY FILES

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Harness Valuable Knowledge

Capturing, retaining and using valuable technical, process & organizational Knowledge

Knowledge CaptureTM is a unique process and application for the capture, retention, access and use of key knowledge within an operation, whether it is equipment, system or work process based. Knowledge Capture


Knowledge Capture TM has easily configurable & visually interactive knowledge modules that allow for the capture and storage of knowledge in multiple formats (text, video, images, files)

Knowledge Modules

General Operations knowledge Operational Risks Knowledge Defect Knowledge Equipment Spares Knowledge Equipment Image Gallery Walkaround/work practice Video Library Audio Interview Library Reference Documents/Diagrams

TEL : +1 713.339.9070 FAX: +1 832.553.8067

Before It Leaves The Organization


any companies struggle with the loss of experienced staff leaving the organization. Just as challenging—if not more so—is the loss of valuable plant-specific knowledge that these individuals carry with them when they go out the door. This is especially troublesome today, given the current demographics across the country: The knowledge gap between mature, experienced employees who are retiring or departing for other job opportunities and newer, less experienced workers who may be taking their places is significant. i-Quantum Solutions has developed a unique process and software application that provides another tactic to capture the valuable knowledge staff possess on equipment and systems. The process identifies what knowledge and information is critical and relevant for retention by the organization. An easy-to-navigate object-based application links the valuable nuggets of knowledge to images or technical diagrams of the manufacturing or production process using our proprietary “Knowledge Modules.” Each of these modules can be configured to hold multiple categories of knowledge: operating risk, operating practices, equipment defect issues, maintenance tactics, operating notes and repair procedures, for example. In each knowledge category, the information is captured using text bytes, audio clips, video clips or other media such as documents. It essentially encapsulates that “little pocket notebook” operators and technicians use for reference and much more. The i-Quantum approach is to capture typically undocumented knowledge in usable bytes, through multi-media, from the people who are critical to an operation. That’s because most people in today’s world prefer to receive their information in byte-size pieces—through visual and audio formats rather than long text-based procedures and manuals. The interactive, dynamic format allows the software to become a “live” solution to capture knowledge on an ongoing basis, rather than by way of a static approach that only allows a knowledge capture at a given point in time. This type of dynamic environment allows for the quick building of a plantspecific knowledge base. In turn, your invaluable tangible knowledge investment is retained and equates to a significant cost benefit. MT To learn about i-Quantum’s practical performance improvement processes and innovative solutions, visit, or email:

26006 Oak Ridge Drive Woodlands, Texas 77380

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The CMMS/EAM That Went To College Learn how a world-class maintenance management solution got into Harvard.


arvard University is the place to go if you want to create positive social change, run the U.S. Treasury or, as has been the case several times, become President of the United States. Over the last 70 years, Harvard has become the global leader in educating and empowering individuals committed to advancing the public interest. Harvard professors are renowned scholars and accomplished practitioners who are actively engaged in the affairs of the world. Its students are legislators, executives, social entrepreneurs, advocates and aspiring leaders—from every age group and every corner of the globe. A world-class university needs a world-class maintenance management solution and that’s why Harvard chose FaciliWorks from CyberMetrics. Making the technological leap to the FaciliWorks 8i web-based computerized maintenance management software allows Harvard to replace its old, unreliable paper files and provides secure, efficient and accessible asset management for the entire college. Harvard Kennedy School is constantly in flux with the enrollment of new students, the graduation of others and changes to faculty and staff information. The institution uses Windows Active Directory to track these critical information changes. Other than features and functions, one important reason FaciliWorks 8i Web-based CMMS was chosen here is that it seamlessly integrates with Windows Active Directory. This allows Harvard to leverage its existing IT security infrastructure with FaciliWorks. Because FaciliWorks 8i communicates directly with Active Directory in real time, Harvard does not have to manage a separate CMMS user database. This saves the school huge amounts of time and effort. DECEMBER 2011

Whether deployed at a single location or across multiple facilities worldwide, whether used by management, engineers, technicians or students, FaciliWorks 8i can be scaled to fit various needs and budgets and is designed to grow with any organization. Over 12,000 facilities worldwide use CyberMetrics’ products to reduce maintenance costs, improve productivity and ensure greater asset uptime. The company offers free trials of all of their software solutions. FaciliWorks, in conjunction with Windows Active Directory, allows the entire student body, staff and faculty to easily and securely submit service requests to a centralized maintenance department. Submitting service requests through FaciliWorks ensures data accuracy and completeness and eliminates time-consuming phone calls, illegible handwritten requests and incomplete emails. From a burned-out bulb in a lecture hall to an emergency water-main repair, anyone at Harvard who has valid Active Directory credentials can report maintenance issues and request service simply through FaciliWorks. MT CyberMetrics Corp. Phoenix, AZ

For more info, enter 30 at MT-ONLINE.COM | 55

Shaft Alignment

& Geometric Measurement


Hydraulic-Fluid Filter


he SAF1 low-pressure, top-ported spin-on filter for hydraulic applications from Schroeder Industries is intended for return-line applications. Featuring an all-steel housing design for strength and safety, the filter is suited for mining, machine tool, power generation and more. An integrated bypass valve with optional Dirt Alarm® indicators enables operators to identify the appropriate time to change the element. The product is offered with the porting option SAE 3/4” straight thread, with other threading options available on request. Schroeder Industries Leetsdale, PA

For more info, enter 31 at

Rotalign® ULTRA

Vibration Analysis

& Balancing


Easy-to-use solutions for your maintenance needs! Sales • Rentals • Services

305-591-8935 • For more info, enter 79 at


Diagnostics And Control Of Dust Collectors


ilterSense’s B-PAC series of Baghouse Performance Analyzers and Controllers offers a combination of features to help dust-collector operators reduce operating costs, improve the process and meet EPA or OSHA compliance. The controllers integrate control, sensing and signal analysis to provide diagnostics, including the ability to detect/locate filter leaks, failed pulse solenoids and ruptured or frozen pulse-jet diaphragms. They also provide intelligent filter cleaning that extends filter life, lowers emissions and reduces compressed air use. FilterSense, Inc. Beverly, MA

For more info, enter 32 at

Passive, Contactless Transponders


nLine Tag™ Ultra passive contactless transponders from HID Global include the patented HID Global 3D antenna, which delivers omnidirectional read ranges of up to 26’ (8 m) on all materials, including metal. The UHF tags’ broadband capabilities meet worldwide standards, making international logistics processes and infrastructure simpler and more cost-effective. These transponders are suited for a host of demanding applications, including industrial waste management. HID Global Irvine, CA

For more info, enter 33 at DECEMBER 2011


Coated Brush Holder For Harsh Environments


elwig Carbon’s special coated brush holder for harsh industrial environments is available on all of its brush-holder designs. According to the company, use of the product can lead to a significant decrease in the frequency of brush and brush-holder changes. The coating can also help provide enough resistance to harsh atmospheres to ensure that brushes can slide freely in their holders. Helwig Carbon, Inc. Milwaukee, WI

For more info, enter 34 at

Environmentally Friendly Portable Generators


tlas Copco’s Tier 4A generators in the power category above 150 kVA are intended to help portable equipment users meet emission standards. The QAS 150 JD T4a, QAS 250 JD T4a and QAS 330 JD T4a offer minimized energy use, noise levels and environmental impact. Each is powered by a John Deere engine and features variable geometry turbocharger technology. According to the company, one tank of diesel lasts up to 24 hours at full load. Atlas Copco Rock Hill, SC

For more info, enter 35 at

G100/G120 Series Features:

• Panoramic Shot

Panoramic Thermal Imaging Function

• Vibration Alarm

Vibration Alarm Function for Noisy Environments

• Thermal Image Movie Direct Recording of Fully Radiometric Images on SD Card

• 3.5 Inch LCD Screen

Flexible 270 Display Supports Easy Shooting Posture

• Easy Operation

Joystick for Intuitive Operation, Auto Focus / Level Sense

Synthetic Metal-Forming Lubricant

• Image Fusion Function


• Data Storage Format

rawsol® WM 110 from Houghton International is a synthetic, water-soluble lubricant for drawing and stamping ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The oil-free formula minimizes smoke, mist and odors during forming, and does not stick to metalworking tools. Low residual buildup makes it easy to clean and eliminates corrosion of metal and tooling. Houghton International, Inc. Valley Forge, PA For more info, enter 36 at

Allows for Parallel and Synthetic Display 2GB SD Card Radiometric JPEG Tel: (800) 423-2344 Ext. 411 For more info, enter 80 at




Level Sensor For Bins And Tanks

Oil Mist And Smoke Cleanup



BinMaster Level Controls A division of Garner Industries Lincoln, NE

Royal Products Hauppauge, NY

inMaster Level Controls’ SmartBob-TS1 continuous level sensor features a sealed electronics compartment to prevent the ingression of dust, protecting critical components and enhancing durability. The weight-andcable, “bob”-style sensor has proven accurate and reliable when used to measure powders or granular materials in bins, tanks and silos where high levels of dust are present, especially after the filling operation. With the use of a sphere float bob, the sensor can also be used in a variety of liquid and slurry applications.

For more info, enter 37 at

he Filtermist FXSeries of oil mist and smoke collectors from Royal Products is suited for all types of metalworking machinery. The low-cost, highefficiency units are available in four sizes ranging from 275-1200 cfm. Their flexible design enables them to be mounted in a variety of ways, including directly to the top of a machine tool, on a stand or suspended from a factory ceiling. According to the company, maintenance and operating costs are minimal.

For more info, enter 38 at

PIP IS SIMPLE. Let PIP’s harmonized engineering Practices simplify your next project. For more info, enter 81 at


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Rigid Conduit Coupling


he T&B® Fitting XD Expansion/Deflection Coupling for rigid conduit from Thomas & Betts supports movement and thermal expansion in conduit runs, providing a flexible and watertight connection. It incorporates an Erickson® conduit union that reduces installation time, and a protective stainless-steel inner sleeve that facilitates wire installation. The coupling accommodates axial or parallel movement up to 3/4”, and angular movement up to 30 degrees from the normal position. Thomas & Betts Corp. Memphis, TN For more info, enter 39 at

Sanitary Accessories For Conveyer Platforms


orner has enhanced the functionality of its AquaPruf and AquaGard sanitary conveyor platforms with two additional accessories: in-feed chutes and incline hoppers. They are designed for all bulk-handling applications where items are fed onto a conveyor. For cleaning, the chutes and hoppers can be rotated away from the conveyor for access to the belt and frame, with no tools required. All components are 300-series stainless steel and adjustable along the length of the conveyor. Dorner Mfg. Corp. Hartland, WI

Features: • High Performance

640 x 480 Pixel Array with 0.03C NETD

• Radiometric Movie Recording Simultaneous Thermal / Visual / Fusion Video Recording Feature (30fps)

• Large 5.6 Inch LCD Display

Equipped with Glare Resistant LCD Screen and View Finder for Sunny Outdoor Conditions

• Superb Auxiliary Functions For more info, enter 40 at

Ball Valve Seats For Handling Hot Liquids, Gases


etallized Carbon Corporation’s carbon-graphite ball valve seats for use in valves designed to handle hot liquids or gases are available in more than 150 grades of the company’s proprietary carbon/graphite material. The seats can be used in temperatures up to 800 F in oxidizing environments, where high-temperature carbon-graphite materials start to oxidize. They are also suited for fire-safe petroleum-industry ball valves. Metallized Carbon Corp. Ossining, NY For more info, enter 41 at DECEMBER 2011


Built-In LED Illuminator and Laser Pointer

• Excellent for Field Work

Field Replaceable Optional Lenses and IP54 Environmental Protection

• Articulate Eyepiece Tel: (800) 423-2344 Ext. 411 For more info, enter 83 at



Updated Workflow Software

Upgradable IR Technology



nvensys Operations Management has released its ArchestrA System Platform 2012 and ArchestrA Workflow 2012 software. System Platform 2012 provides a single, scalable and open platform for the entire spectrum of automation and information applications. New features include support for Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V virtualization and Remote Desktop from Microsoft, enhanced security, tighter integration with ArchestrA Workflow and more. Integration with ArchestrA Workflow 2012 makes it easier for industrial users to streamline work processes within and outside of their facilities.

ahl’s Heat Spy Thermal Imaging Cameras are available in two series with 16 different configurations suitable for a variety of applications. These high-speed 30 hertz, 160x120-pixel cameras can be upgraded in the field to expand functionality, temperature range and more. All models feature a 2x digital zoom, a 3.5” high-resolution display, laser aiming, audible and visible alarms, video output, auto ranging and adjustable display brightness. Wahl Instruments, Inc. Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group Asheville, NC

Invensys Plano, TX

For more info, enter 43 at

For more info, enter 42 at

Flowmeter With Integrated Web Server

Continuous vibration monitoring. Simple. Scalable. Cost effective.

T Wilcoxon Research 4-20 mA vibration monitoring products Easy 4-20 mA data input to existing PLC, DCS or SCADA systems 24/7 real time monitoring Long term trending and automatic condition change alarming Acceleration, velocity and displacement signals available Compact sizes Improved high temperature operational range Wide variety of connectors and integral cable versions IS and EX versions

Meggitt Sensing Systems 20511 Seneca Meadows Parkway Germantown MD 20876 USA Tel: 301 330 8811 Fax: 301 330 8873 Email:

4-20 mA iT transmitters and alarms Easy 4-20 mA data input to existing PLC, DCS or SCADA systems

For more info, enter 84 at


he Endress+Hauser Promag 53 electromagnetic flowmeter with EtherNet/IP connectivity is designed for easy integration with Rockwell’s PlantPAx process automation system. The device measures electrically conductive liquids (> 5 µS/cm) and is suited for applications in food and beverage, water/ wastewater and other process industries. It features an integrated Web server that allows authorized users to remotely view flow data, conduct diagnostics, configure the flowmeter or perform process optimization. Endress+Hauser, Inc. Greenwood, IN

For more info, enter 44 at DECEMBER 2011


Simplified Vibration Calibration


he Modal Shop’s 9100D Portable Vibration Calibrator provides fast and simple precision field calibration for various types of accelerometers, velocity transducers and proximity probes. The unit features a rugged design and a simplified user interface. Calibration capabilities range from 7 Hz to 10 kHz (420 to 600k CPM) over an amplitude range of up to 20 g (196 m/s2).

The Modal Shop, Inc. A PCB Group Co. Cincinnati, OH For more info, enter 45 at

Thermal Barrier For Blast Freezer Cells


he sliding Blast Freezer Curtain Wall from Zoneworks is a light and safe airflow and thermal barrier for blast freezer cells. The curtain eliminates the need for heavy insulated panel doors, providing a safer and simpler alternative for food processors. The product requires minimal maintenance and is available in three design options: between jambs, single slide or bi-parting. Zoneworks Milwaukee, WI

For more info, enter 46 at



• Panoramic Imaging

Vertical or Horizontal Panoramic Thermal Images are Captured without using a PC

• Close Focus Distance

Minimum Focus Distance of 10cm (3.9”) allows user to Image Small Targets without Additional Lens

• Thermal Image Movie

Simultaneous Thermal / Visual / Fusion Video Recording Feature (10fps)

• 3.5 Inch LCD Screen

Equipped with Glare Resistant LCD Screen and View Finder for Sunny Outdoor Conditions

Flexible Industrial Hose

• High Sensitivity & Accuracy


he flexible, lightweight Longhorn® MegaFlex® petroleum transfer hose from Gates is designed for commercial gasoline and diesel, oils and other petroleum products. It bends at a 1-to-1 ratio, or one inch of minimum bend radius per inch of hose I.D. Its high flexibility makes it suitable for use in confined spaces and around obstacles in industrial equipment, and helps decrease overall assembly length. Gates Corp. Denver, CO For more info, enter 47 at

320 x 240 Pixel Array with 0.05C NETD provides High Contrast, Clear Images while Maintaining ±1C / 1% Accuracy

• Unique Emissivity Features

Set Individual Emissivity Values for Multiple Points or R300 Automatically Sets Emissivity Values for Points of known Temperature Tel: (800) 423-2344 Ext. 411

For more info, enter 85 at



INFORMATION HIGHWAY For rate information on advertising in the Information Highway Section Contact your Sales Rep or JERRY PRESTON at: Phone: (480) 396-9585 / E-mail: Web Spotlight: U.S.

Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC

LUDECA, INC. - Preventive, Predictive and Corrective Maintenance Solutions including laser shaft alignment, pulley alignment, bore alignment, straightness and flatness measurement, monitoring of thermal growth, online condition monitoring, vibration analysis and balancing equipment as well as software, services and training. For more info, enter 87 at

U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC is excited to announce the integration of KabelSchlepp America into its operations as part of the Tsubakimoto Chain Company’s global acquisition of the German-based Cable & Hose Carrier manufacturer. KabelSchlepp America will now operate as a division of U.S. Tsubaki and will expand Tsubaki’s presence in the U.S. market by adding cable & hose carrier systems to its already extensive product lineup. For more info, enter 86 at

PIP is a consortium of process plant owners and engineering construction contractors harmonizing member’s internal standards for design, procurement, construction and maintenance into industry-wide Practices. PIP has published over 450 Practices. A current listing of published Practices is available on the PIP website at: For more info, enter 88 at


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DECEMBER 2011 Volume 24, No. 12 •


RS #


A.W. Chesterton Company ..............................62, 260 ..............................1,16 American ...................270, 76 ...........................26,48 Azima DLI .........................................10 Azima DLI .................................271 .......................................26 Baldor Electric .....................................63, 261 ..............................2,17 CyberMetrics, 262 ........................IFC, 18 DuPont Chemicals ............73 .........................................43 ...................................68, 263 ...........................11, 19 ........66 ...........................................7 .......................................20 Foster Reprints ........................77 .........................................49 Grace Engineered Products. .....................71 .........................................35 i-Quantum ..........................................78 .........................................54 Inpro/Seal, LLC, 90 .........................21, BC Ludeca .....................................272 , 79, 87............. 27, 56, 62 MARTS- Applied Technologies, 75 ...............................4, 45 Meggitt Sensing Systems .........................................60 Meltric Corporation ....................................273, 69 ...........................27, 33 National Technology Transfer, ......................................274, 72 ...........................28, 39 NEC Avio Infrared Technologies/, 80, 83, 85, .....22, 57, 59, 61 NSK, 70 ...........................23, 34 PdMA ......................................275, 74 ...........................28, 44 Petro Canada - Suncor ....................278, 280.........................52, 53 Process Industry .............................................276, 81, 88.............. 29, 58, 62 Scalewatcher, 89 ........................24, IBC Strategic Work Systems, .............................82 .........................................58 Tri Tool, .......................................29 U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC ...........................................5 U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC .......................................25 U.S. Tsubaki Power Transmission, LLC .........................................62

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VIEWPOINT David Beckmann, Senior Vice President, Emerson Process Management (Retired)

Maintaining Competitive Advantage


re Microsoft’s glory days behind it? The company has failed to innovate. Steve Ballmer scoffed at the iPhone and last year killed off the Courier tablet computer. Microsoft’s stock has languished for a decade. What about Kodak? It invented, then shelved, the digital camera. As I write this column, Kodak stock, which once traded at $90, has fallen to about $1. Losses have mounted. Bankruptcy is a real possibility. Not all legacy-based companies languish in mediocrity, though. IBM is a good example of one that has reinvented itself—and recently attracted a $10B investment by Warren Buffett. Today, success is built on, in order of increasing importance, operational excellence, product/service superiority, marketing innovation and leadership innovation. Operational excellence, though essential, is just an ante to get in the game. Doing yesterday’s tasks well won’t cause a company to succeed and be a leader. An iconic product or service can lift a company from obscurity to cult status in short order, but such things are quickly copied. Killer marketing innovations can generate billions in market value, but the strategy is quickly decoded and copied. A marketing campaign can backfire and flop overnight. Leadership innovation is the most important— and the hardest for competitors to duplicate. It involves creating a culture where creativity rises from the bottom and is embraced at the top. It’s built on empowered employees who believe they’re on a mission to change the world. Yet leadership innovation can be difficult to put in place. It requires a change in corporate culture—a company’s DNA. That’s tough to change. Fostering innovation In a world where strategy and life cycles are shrinking and customer demands are expanding, winning comes through “Innovative Thinking.” It requires sharpening one’s vision, encouraging a culture of creativity and fostering passion.

Vision means speaking about what everyone else should be thinking about. It’s also about action—the following five actions, according to Dyer, Gregerson and Christensen, authors of the “Innovator’s DNA.” Associate broadly. Expose yourself to different industries. Question why, not how. Everyone knows what they do, some know how they do it, but few know why. Observe. Watch your customers do their work. Experiment. Welcome failure. Network. Test your ideas on a diverse cross section of people. Creativity is key. Countless people—CEOs included— believe creativity is rare. In reality, it can be found in many people across a company. There must be an environment in which creativity bubbles up from the lowest levels and people feel they are empowered and on missions to try to change the world and also change their organizations to better meet customer needs. Passion is vital. A leader’s passion is contagious. A passionate leader carries a vivid image in his or her head of what the future can be, is fascinated with the future and acts as a cheerleader. He/she is restless for change, impatient for progress and deeply dissatisfied with the status quo. A leader convinces the team that present pain is far better than future regret. Keep in mind that innovation is an active endeavor. It’s not preordained, but rather a learned discipline that depends upon your courage to innovate. It requires an active bias against the status quo and an unflinching willingness to take risks. A true innovator is like a salmon—always swimming upstream. MT Editor’s Note: This Viewpoint is based on the author’s presentation at the 2011 Emerson Exchange Users Group. Look for a more detailed article on this topic in an upcoming MT issue.

The opinions expressed in this Viewpoint section are those of the author, and don’t necessarily reflect those of the staff and management of MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY magazine.



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