Tenant Scams — ApproveShield

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Tenant Scams

A number of tenant scams happen regularly, victimizing landlords who do not have effective procedures in place for screening renters, collecting rents, and writing the right contract. These scams can pose a great risk to the business. 1. False Prior Rental Verifications The most common tenant scam we find is false prior rental verifications. Someone will answer the phone as the landlord of a property they either did not live in or was not really the actual landlord of the property they live in. We at Approveshield will verify rental history using proven methods that minimize chance of fraud. 2. Tenants Doing Things to Reset the Eviction Process One of the most common tenant scams is when a tenant pays partial rent, perhaps $50 or $100, when they owe significantly more and are in the eviction process. By accepting their payment you are resetting the clock on the eviction and you’re being forced to start the entire eviction from scratch. Another scam is when former tenants who have been evicted will, on the day of the eviction, ask for a few more hours or an extra day to move their things. By allowing them to stay the extra few hours, I’ve had people basically squat in the dwelling, resetting the eviction process again. Once the officer leaves, it’s difficult to force them out without starting from scratch again. 3. Providing a Fake Credit Report

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