Coach Like a Girl - Working with Master Coach Aprille

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Like a Girl

We help women coaches, experts, + therapists grow profitable brands online without the patriarchy.

Family Fun Flights Feelings Profitable Business

OurMis sion


We help women business leaders who are over hustle culture, align with their life and business goals without sacrificing their values, the people they love or their sanity.



Meet Our President + CEO Aprille Franks is a master community builder and launch strategist whose mission is to close the gender pay gap by helping women make more money through entrepreneurship. She works exclusively with women who want to build a brand that supports their most ambitious lifestyle goals. By coaching and training her clients, they are able to galvanize communities that align with their energy + experiences + expertise. Working with coaches, subject matter experts and authors looking to be empowered economically to create a life with more options, to be a contribution to her family and society. Driven and non-negotiable when it comes to success, Aprille honed her business acumen


while managing eight-figure real estate portfolios for real estate investment teams. She was earning multiple six figures as a sought-after consultant when the market crashed in 2008 and she went bankrupt. Determined to rebuild, she discovered a love for transformational business coaching and training. After figuring out the formula of passion and perseverance that lead to profitability, Aprille did what big-picture thinkers do and created a model to teach other women the way -- without sacrificing their sanity, families or integrity. Also a five time author and a two time film producer, Aprille establishes powerful platforms across various mediums. Just know that wherever she is, Aprille shows up as exactly who she is. Epic. Innovative.

Meet the Core Team

Rodara Nelloms

COO and Co-owner of Women Recharged, LLC

Rodara Nelloms, COO and co-owner of Women Recharged, LLC describes herself as a “recovering perfectionist” and “professional nag”. In striving to always offer the best of herself, she has learned over the years that success does not equate to sacrificing her emotional and mental well-being. Under the Women Recharged, LLC umbrella, Rodara has helped multiple business owners implement their branding/rebranding strategies by not only managing their projects at a high level, but also stepping in to assist in the creation of lead magnets, write email sequences, design workbooks and develop website pages. Now as COO, Rodara has her hand in almost everything. Her passion has always been helping other business owners achieve their goals so that they can lead the life they’ve always dreamed of.

Team Melis sa Hinton

Online Business Manager

Melissa T. Hinton is the Online Business Manager (OBM) at Aprille + Co. She has over 25 years of experience in the executive administrative arena ranging from the military, medical, university, restaurant, trucking, business coaching and many other industries. As a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, she understands transitioning and community service. Her reputation of dedication, commitment, service, and integrity precedes and follows her presence and work ethic. It is her nature to help others and in alignment with that natural instinct her superpower is realization. She uses her education and experiences to help business coaches and other entrepreneurs fulfill their goals in business and life. Melissa is a proud mother of three sons. During her free time, she enjoys music, dance, plays, and movies. She is also a foodie who loves arts and travel.

Maya Franks

Stacey Cusimano

Brand Experience Coordinator

Maya is a visual learner, social media enthusiast, and the Brand Coordinator here at Aprille + Co. in Las Vegas. She enjoys listening to music, being a mother to her amazing daughter Ava and Netflixing. Maya loves that her job allows her to interact with such amazing individuals. She thinks it's amazing seeing so many people grow professionally and personally.


Client Services Coordinator Stacey was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada and has obtained a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Nevada Las Vegas in 2013. Her background has a heavy influence in marketing and sales, as well as customer experience. Stacey has almost always been client facing and enjoys helping people any way she can. She is the newest member of the Aprille & Co. family and is enjoying every second of helping women reach their goals.


Our Coaches

Stedman Graham

Precious Brown

Chairman and CEO of S. Graham and Associates

Stedman Graham is the author of 12 books, including two New York Times best sellers and one Wall Street Journal bestseller. As a businessman, educator and speaker, Graham lectures and conducts training programs for corporations and educational organizations worldwide on the topic of Identity Leadership, based on the philosophy that one cannot lead anyone else until you first lead yourself. Stedman Graham has served in the United States Army and played professional basketball in the European League. Graham holds a Bachelor Degree in Social Work from Hardin-Simmons University and a Masters Degree in Education from Ball State University and has been awarded three honorary Doctorates. Graham serves on several boards and has received numerous awards.

Author Business Strategist, Performance Coach

While many jump out of Corporate America into full-time entrepreneurship for selfish reasons, when Precious Brown left, it wasn’t about her at all. It was about building a legacy for her children’s children, and helping others climb new heights in their journey to dream fulfillment and greatness. The fact that she benefits from helping others rise, and that her ultimate success is strategically tied to the success of others, makes her a force to be reckoned with in the marketplace. After writing her first book in just 45 days, then her second book in a little under 90 days, Precious knew she’d tapped into an innate ability that she—and the world around her—so desperately needed. In addition to authoring four interactive self-help workbooks, she has also co-authored six bestselling anthologies with literary greats of all calibers. It was only a matter of time before her voice transitioned from the page to the stage.

Topsie VandenBosch

Markeith Braden

Executive Mindset Coach

Topsie VandenBosch, LMSW, is an Executive Mindset Coach for 6&7 figure business owners. She helps them identify and crush the negative thought patterns that are preventing them from being able to show up powerfully in their business, and make the bank that they desire to make. To date, Topsie has coached over 300 diverse executives and business owners to crush negative thought patterns that limit their earning potential and belief in themselves. Topsie practiced clinical mental health therapy for 9 years, and closed her successful brick and mortar private practice in 2020 to pursue her other business ventures as a full time Executive Mindset Coach, Educator and Corporate Consultant.


Professional Keynote Speaker & Peak Performance Coach

As the Founder & CEO of Markeith Braden Inspires and the creator of The School of Purpose Podcast, it is Markeith’s primary mission to transform lives by providing transformative inspirational and educational content via his keynotes, podcast programming or coaching. Markeith, is a tireless advocate for personal improvement & personal empowerment. He is a high energy, high content, high impact speaker and coach. His expertise in the fields of character development, soft skills training, leadership, & empowerment are valuable to any individual and/or organization seeking to maximize potential. Today, Markeith shares his experiential expertise at various conferences, high schools, universities, nonprofits and corporations.

We got Receipts

Regina G.

Enisha G.



I had never launched before- never heard of launching. Launching and marketing were not my thing. Everything inside of LDM was totally new to me. Going live was fearful. You have to follow the process for it to work. It won’t working skipping steps. Follow the steps and do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Made $23K during launch – went on Vacation during launch and still made money.

Joining the CEO Collective was a long-overdue decision. Since joining, I have established business collaborations and life-long friendships. These women will be a part of my life, with and without the business. Over the past year, I have launched several magazine issues, secured national distribution in over 1,000 locations, recruited over 100 new contributors to my blog and forthcoming Association, hosted a star-studded virtual summit, tripled my email list, doubled my FB Community, and gained so much confidence in myself.

Yasheka F.

Michelle E.



I was releasing and I was getting the results that go along with a release. A lot of coaches tell you the “who” and the “what” but not the how, that’s what you do. LDM helped me to understand the how – how do the systems work, how do you automate how do you connect everything, and why it’s important to not skip any steps. This isn't just for marketplace – this works in ministry as well. If you’re ready to take your business or ministry up, you're going to have to invest in you – make it happen. What you learn here you aren’t going to learn from every coach out there.

My confidence has grown tremendously, and I thank Aprille and The Collective for this. Because of the things I learned in this process, I have gained clarity, understanding, and confidence in my business. I’ve been able to create other packages in Digital Marketing and make money for skills that I didn't even know I could sell.

Toni M. @tonimoore

People laughed at me, but after this launch program, I’m like “how you like me now?" I spent a lot of money with coaches before and they all spent a lot of time trying to brand me and I was trying to come up with some new, catchy name. [In this program, I learned] you don’t have to start with something new. Sell what you know. I was trying to be something else, but I know law so instead of trying to be someone who everybody liked, this program taught me to be who I already am. Got 10 people into her first program and more people on a waiting list – price was 1999/1499 for first 10.







CASE STUDY This group of people is the most amazing people I’ve ever met in my life. I’ve always felt welcome and I’ve never felt uncomfortable.”



How Jessica Miller-Merrell Leveled Up Her Business & Connected With Her Community

CHALLENGES • Lack of an effective launch strategy prevented her from achieving the growth she wanted • Struggled to find a mastermind or other supportive peer community that fit her needs • Struggled to connect with an expert business coach who could provide honest feedback

SOLUTION • Connected with Aprille online and joined her mastermind group, the CEO Collective • Accessed strategies and tools for creating and repeating successful launches • Found a supportive group of peers who embraced and challenged her

RESULTS • Monthly revenue has increased by as much as $50K • CEO Collective’s common launch strategy has provided results and new opportunities for partnerships • Continues to learn and grow through peer mentorship and with Aprille’s expertise



Jessica Miller-Merrell is the CEO and founder of Workology, a fully online human resources and workplace destination. Workology’s services include manager training, lead generation, branding and content development, and, most recently, coaching for entrepreneurs. Through a variety of online courses and other digital resources, Jessica provides busy professionals with 21st century tools.

Challenges I decided that if I was going to start growing I needed help, and it wasn’t going to just be something I read in a book, or in a training.

During the fall of 2018, Jessica Miller-Merrell appeared to be a successful online entrepreneur, with a respectable monthly revenue and a sizable social media following. But in reality, Jessica was frustrated by her lack of growth. “I was pretty consistently at 20 or 25 thousand dollars of sales a month, which isn’t bad,” Jessica said. “But I really wanted to grow the course aspect of what I was doing, and to get better at selling, so that I could grow. I didn’t want to sit around for another ten years and be in the same place.” After a series of starts and stops, Jessica was running Workology full-time, putting her efforts into rebranding and launching new programs. But her lack of frameworks and systems prevented her from seeing the results she wanted from her launch. Meanwhile, Jessica was contending with another major issue: a lack of community. Ironically, she found that the more conventional success she gained, the less access she had to reliable support networks. “The bigger you get, the harder it is to find people you trust, and the more important it is to not mess around,” she said.

Jessica looked for mastermind and other peer mentorship groups for business owners, but many of them were geared towards beginners and didn’t provide solutions to the more advanced problems she was facing in her business. Others lacked the robustness she craved, and were more about making social connections than boosting revenue. “I didn’t have anybody in my space that I could talk to,” Jessica explained. “I wanted to talk to somebody like me who had already done it, who was going to tell me what they were doing so I could figure out how to make it work in my business.” It was time for Jessica to find a powerful community, led by an expert coach. That’s where Aprille Franks and the CEO Collective came in.

I needed more friends from different circles, because the ones I had weren’t like me and I wasn’t learning at the pace that I wanted.

Solution The conversations I should have been having were with people who were two or three steps ahead of me, so that I could learn from them—which was why I joined Aprille’s mastermind.

Jessica had been familiar with Aprille and her work for a few years, but she found herself returning to Aprille’s programs on social media, intrigued by her honest and open style. “When you get kind of ‘internet famous’, people tell you what they think you want to hear, not what you need to hear,” Jessica explained. “Aprille tells you how it is.” Jessica also found common ground in Aprille’s community-based approach. “I liked Aprille because she was very much like me in her business—building a tribe of people, but in a different space from mine,” Jessica said. Inspired by the promise of a like-minded community, Jessica joined Aprille’s mastermind group, the CEO Collective. It quickly became clear Jessica’s investment would pay off. “I was paying for the expertise,” she said. Jessica had access to Aprille’s store of launch scripts and templates, and, most importantly, the continued opportunities to watch them in action. “It was incredibly helpful to watch somebody doing it and recognize that what I was watching was a launch,” she said. After seeing the success of her peers in the mastermind and learning to use the same tools they were, it wasn’t long before Jessica was able to run her own successful launch with clarity and confidence.

What was incredibly helpful when I first started was just getting the scripts that Aprille used… and to watch somebody doing it and recognize that what I was watching was a launch

Results Even when we’re sipping champagne, we’re still learning and growing

In October 2020, just two years after joining the CEO Collective, Jessica had the opportunity to speak at Aprille’s annual conference. There, she was able to celebrate a huge milestone: her business had just had its most successful month ever, hitting $70K in revenue. It’s clear that the tools and community Jessica found in Aprille’s mastermind carried Workology to the next level. The relationships Jessica has formed within the mastermind allow not only for support, but also for new professional opportunities when combined with Aprille’s launch methodology. Speaking of a fellow CEO collective member, Jessica says, “ Her product is very different from mine, but the launch process is the same, and that’s what Aprille teaches you. I can learn from that person and what she did with her launch, and then maybe we can collaborate together at some point.” Jessica continues to learn and grow through her peers, guided by Aprille’s expertise.

They challenge me in different ways, and I always learn something,” she said. “I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of it.

How to

g n i k r o w tart us: swith

1) Just getting started:

Learn how to build your list Create a Webinar Understand Automation Start your own community Launch a Program Grasp Facebook ads Get LIVE support weekly Visit and get started for less than $10 per day! 2) Ready for your next level: Do you have a good grasp on your business, offer and want higher level support? Inquire about joining The Ceo Collective Mastermind for women at www.jointheceocollective.Com

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