Flioriography Retold

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Floriography Retold Gabriela Sandoval COMD-371-08 Integrated VisCom: Cross-Platform Prof. Ian Besler Fall, 2021

Themes ●

Using flowers as a way of storytelling

Communication without words

Symbolism and hidden meanings

Project 1 Outcomes Sincerely Iris What in Carnation Mobile quiz game where you are put in silly situations and asked to answer with the correct flower.

Postage stamp collection for UK Royal Mail system that pays homage to the popularization of floriography in the Victorian Era

Collection of LGBTQ+ movie posters that reflects the same secrecy and emotional restraint that brought floral dictionaries into existence.

Proposal 1: What in Carnation (Ext)

Purpose As an update to the game, there will be a new Garden feature in the main menu where players can post and interact in a garden space, uploading information about what flowers mean to them in their culture, or on a personal level.

The purpose of this update is to spread knowledge of the symbolism of flowers in different cultures and personal family stories, as well as create a space where people can share and view information about plants.

Higher Quality Video LINK

Proposal 2: Daisies in Disguise

Purpose “Daisies in Disguise” is a travelling NYC pop up plant shop that sells bouquets based on the type of message the customer is trying to tell to the person they plan to gift it to. Workers and provided signs decipher the symbolism of each flower, allowing the customer and worker to build a bouquet that combines each flower’s symbolisms to create a complex and meaningful message. The pop up will set up shop in varying parks in NYC to create a natural environment for people to “stumble upon” while already enjoying natural elements. The purpose of this pop up is to allow customers to make their own bouquet full of flowers that creates a personalized and complex message to their receiver. The in person environment allows for workers to work one on one with customers more intimately, providing them with the best message they can.

Proposal 3: Smile Immersive Quiz

Purpose Smile is a large scale in person quiz that determines what flower or plant you are based on your shared physical and symbolic characteristics with said plant or flower. Users will be asked to provide answers about their character and general self, receive a scan for physical traits (hair color, height, etc), as well as an entrance fee. Users will leave the experience with a copy of their results, stating which plant they would be and why.

The purpose of this proposals is to create an immersive experience that delves the user into the world of floriography, allowing them to put themselves into the story.

Room 1 Questions Name: Olivia Age: 20 Contact Information

Room 2 Questions Do you get more energy from spending time with others or spending time with yourself: How do you enjoy to spend your down time: Where is your ideal vacation spot: What is your favorite color or color combinations:

Room 3 Scan

Room 4 Questions What aspects about you do you believe would make you stand out to a stranger passing by If your friends were to describe you in three words, what would they say How would you describe your role in your immediate family What is something positive your ex friends or partners would say about you

Room 5 Results Plant: Bluebells Symbolism: Constancy, gratitude, Kindness, everlasting love Shared Characteristics: shared woods/ northern environment, delicate look


Moving Forward

What in Carnation: Showcase more

Smile: Creating a design using adobe

flowers in the garden, have the garden’s

applications that displays how the

adjust to seasons.

results sheet would look, as well as a more in depth mock up of the rooms

Daisies in Disguise: Include a rendering of what the pop up would physically look like, design it’s set up

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