Table of Contents/目录
Program and Organizing Committess/学术和组织委员会
Map of Stamp Student Union
Special Arrangements/会议特项安排
Conference Program/会议日程安排
Paralell Sessions/分组报告议程安排
Poster Sessions/海报展览安排
Keynote & Roundtable Abstracts/主旨演讲和圆桌研讨发言提要
IACL YSA Competition Finalist Abstracts/国际中国语言学学会 青年学者奖竞赛入围论文提要
Conference Abstracts (alphabetically ordered according to the first authors’ names in Pinyin/English)/会议论文提要 (按第一 作者姓名的汉语拼音或英文字母排列)
Program Committee/大会学术委员会 Chair: Minglang Zhou/召集人: 周明朗 Margorie Chan, William Idsardi, Nan Jiang, Thomas Hun-tak Lee, Wei Li, Yen-Hwei Lin, Jeff MacSwan, Samuel R. Ramsey, Chaofen Sun, Hongkai Sun, Hongyin Tao, Wei-Tien Tsai, Hongming Zhang, Terrence Wiley 蔡維天、陈洁雯、 William Idsardi、 蒋楠、 李嵬、 李行德、林燕慧、 Jeff McSwan、 Samuel R. Ramsey、 孙朝奋、 孙宏开、陶红印、张洪明、 Terrence Wiley
Organizing Committee/大会组织委员会
Chair: Minglang Zhou/召集人: 周明朗
Jingqi Fu, Brook Hefright, Guiling Hu, Mei Kong, Jungjung Lee, Man Li, Yuli Wang, Na Liu, Phoenix Liu, Jenny Wang 傅京起、Brook Hefright、胡瑰玲、孔玫、李蓉蓉、李曼、王玉立、刘娜、 陈凤凰、 王志洁
Proud Sponsor of IACL-22 & NACCL-26 Center for Applied Linguistics
Best Wishes for a Successful Conference The Center for Applied Linguistics is proud to support the 26th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-26) and the 22nd Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-22).
We invite you to visit our website to learn more about our current work and available resources. Join our list online to receive CAL News, our monthly electronic newsletter.
Special Arrangements
TO CELEBRATE THE 22ND ANNIVERSARY OF IACL AND THE 26TH ANNIVERSARY OF NACCL, ONE SYMPOSIUM ON THE GLOBALIZATION OF CHINESE AND TWO ROUNDTABLES ARE TO BE HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE MAIN IACL-22 & NACCL-26 EVENT. INFORMATION AND UPDATES ABOUT THE SYMPOSIUM AND ROUNDTABLES CAN BE FOUND IN THE CONFERENCE WEBSITE: OR 1. Roundtable on the Globalization of Chinese (汉语全球化研讨圆桌) Date & Time: 4:15-6:00, May 2, 2014 Venue: Carrol Room, Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland Organizer: Prof. Minglang Zhou (University of Maryland) Chair: Prof. Nan Jiang (University of Maryland) Invited Speakers/Discussants: Prof. Wei Li (University of London) Prof. Yuming Li (Beijing Language and Culture University) Prof. Hongyin Tao (University of California, Los Angeles) Prof. Minglang Zhou (University of Maryland) 2. Roundtable on the Relationship between Language and Dialect
(语言与方言研讨圆桌) Date & Time: 3:45-5:45, May 3, 2014 Venue: Banneker Room, Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland Organizers: Prof. Hongkai Sun (Institute of Anthropolgy & Ethonology, CASS) Prof. Minglang Zhou (University of Maryland) Chair: Professor Jingqi Fu (St. Mary’s College of Marylland) Invited Speakers/discussants: Prof. Xing Huang (Institute of Anthropolgy & Ethonology, CASS) Prof. Yen-hwei Lin (Michigan State University) Prof. Chao Fen Sun (Stanford University) Prof. Hongkai Sun (Institute of Anthropolgy & Ethonology, CASS) 3. Symposium on the Globalization of Chinese(汉语全球化研讨会) Date & Time: May 2-3, 2014 Venues: Banneker Room A & B, Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland Organizer: Prof. Minglang Zhou (University of Maryland) 13
Program of IACL-22 & NACCL-26 Stamp Student Union, May 2-4, 2014
Thursday, May 1 Time 时间 3-6:00 PM
Activities 活动内容 Registration 注册
Venues 地点 Main Lobby, Stamp
Activities 活动内容
Venues 地点
8:10 AM
Shuttles Depart the Hotels for Stamp 班车准时离开旅馆开往 Stamp
Outside Main Entrances of College Park Marriott, Best Western, & Quality Inn
8 AM - 4 PM
Registration 注册
Main Lobby, Stamp
Opening Ceremony 开幕式 Welcome/Opening Speech 开幕致辞 Prof. Bonnie Thornton Dill, Dean of the College of Arts & Humanities (马大人文艺术学院院长) Prof. Colin Phillips, Director of Maryland Langauge
Grand Ball Room Stamp
Friday, May 2
8:30 - 9 AM
Science Center (马大语言科学研究中心主任) Prof. Feng-fu Tsao, President of IACL (曹逢甫教授、国际中国语言学学会主席)
9 - 9:40 AM
9:40-10:20 AM
Keynote Speech #1 主旨演讲 (1): 汉语的层级变化 (Changing Status of Chinese) Speaker: Prof. Yuming Li,Beijing Language and Culture University/李宇明教授、北京语言大学 Chair: Prof. Hongming Zhang, University of Wiscounsin, Madison/张洪明教授、威斯康星大学 Keynote Speech #2 主旨演讲 (2):从语言规划的观点
Grand Ball Room Stamp
Grand Ball Room 14
谈注音符号与汉语拼音 (Language Planning: A Comparison of Zhiyin Fuhao and Hanyu Pinyin) Speaker: Prof. Feng-fu Tsao, National Tsinghua University/曹逢甫教授、台湾清华大学 Chair: Prof. Chiu-yu Tseng, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica/鄭秋豫教授、中央研究院语言学研 究所
10:20 - 10:40 AM
Poster Session 1 海报展览(1) Tea Break 茶叙
10:40 - Noon
Parallel Session 1 第一分组报告时段
12 - 1:10 PM
Lunch 午餐
1:10 - 2:30 PM
Parallel Session 2 第二分组报告时段
2:35 - 3:55 PM
Parallel Session 3 第三分组报告时段
Jimenez Room Stamp Banneker A & B, Brent A & B, Pyon Su, Marshall Stamp Panda Express, Food Court, Stamp Banneker A & B, Brent A & B, Pyon Su, Marshall, Stamp Banneker A & B, Brent B, Pyon Su, Marshall, Stamp
2:35 - 4:05 PM
IACL Award Finalist Presentations 1 IACL 论文竞赛奖入围报告(1) 1、盛益民:汉语方言中的“处所成分-指示词”演化圈 2、乐耀:北京口语中具有连接作用的“再” 3、胡亚:类型学视野的湘潭方言经历体研究——兼 谈经历体与完成体的分合
3:55 - 4:15 PM
4:25 - 5:55 PM
Poster Session 2 海报展览(2) Tea Break 茶叙 IACL Award Finalist Presentations 2 IACL 论文竞赛奖入围报告(2) 1、王诚:上古汉语位移动词的过程结构——兼谈介 词“于”的情状意义 2、尼扎米丁·尼亚孜:汉维翻译对维吾尔语语序的影 响——基于语码复制理论 3、Si Chen:A Phonetic and Perceptual Investigation on Tone Systems of Chongming
Brent A Stamp
Jimenez Room Stamp
Brent A, Stamp
4:15 -5:55 PM
Roundtable on the Globalization of Chinese 汉语全球化研讨圆桌 Chair/主持: Professor Nan Jiang, University of Maryland/蒋楠教授,马里兰大学 Invited Speakers/特邀报告人: Prof. Li Yuming, Beijing Language & Culture University/ 李宇明教授,北京语言大学 Prof. Wei LI, Birkbeck College, University of London 李 嵬教授, 伦敦大学 Prof. Hongyin Tao, University of California, Los Angeles/ 陶红印教授,加州大学洛杉矶分校 Prof. Minglang Zhou, University of Maryland 周明朗教授,马里兰大学 Parallel Session 4 第四分组报告时段
6 -7:10 PM
Dinner 晚餐
7:20 PM
Shuttles Depart Stamp Union 班车准时离开 Stamp 学生中心返回旅馆
6:15 - 9 PM
IACL Executive Committee Dinner/Meeting IACL 执行委员会会议/晚餐
4:15 - 6 PM
Banneker Stamp
Brent B, Pyon Su, Marshall, Stamp Panda Express, Food Court, Stamp Back to College Park Marriott, Best Western, & Quality Inn Multipurpose Room/Lounge St. Mary’s Hall
Saturday, May 3, 2014 Time 时间
Activities 活动内容
Venues 地点
8:10 AM
Shuttles Depart the Hotels for Stamp 班车准时离开旅馆开往 Stamp
8:30 - Noon 8:30 - 9:50 AM
Registration 注册 Parallel Session 5 第五分组报告时段
9:50 - 10:10 AM
Poster Session 3 海报展览(3)
Outside Main Entrances of College Park Marriott, Best Western, & Quality Inn Main Lobby, Stamp Banneker A & B, Brent A & B, Pyon Su, Marshall, Nanticoke, Stamp Jimenez Room 16