All You Need Know About Critical Care Certification (CCRN) Review
Critical-care nurses are an elite group of professionals who are equipped with advanced knowledge and skills to care for critically ill patients in acute care hospitals. These group of nurses are considered as the “Navy SEALs” of nursing who are highly trained and experienced in handling life-and-death situations. The competency levels are second to none, backed by a strong background of knowledge and practice. The sleepless nights and missed meal break of these individuals ensures the success of many complex medical and surgical procedures and treatments in today’s healthcare. Critical-care registered nurse (CCRN) is a coveted credential offered by American Association of critical care nurses to acknowledge these individual’s immense professionalism and knowledge. The specialty certification provides a sense of professional pride and dignity for these extraordinary individuals. These credentials are also valued and recognized as the overall quality and dedication of the nursing workforce and hospital systems. Percentage of nurses with these credentials are weighed heavily in assessing the hospital’s worthiness for certification of excellence like Magnet® status.