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EUR-Lex Newsletter
N° 05 November 2016 ISSN 2443-6380
Summaries of EU legislation
How would you like to navigate through the sea of EU legislation? Take our survey and tell us what you think! #EUlawLite showcase
Would you like to contribute to discussions on finding the best ways of ensuring easy access to EU legislation? If yes, then have a look at the showcase - a small experimental website that aims to highlight and test new, innovative ways of presenting EU legal information. It has been specially designed to stimulate discussions on how to ensure user-friendly and comprehensive access to EU legal information for the public. So go to, play around with the different views and functionalities, and let us know what you think via the feedback form. Your comments will be analysed and used to inform future work on improving access to EU legislation.
European Semester 2017
The 2017 European Semester kicked off with the presentation by the Commission of the autumn package. It sets out general economic priorities for the EU and provides EU countries with policy guidance for the following year. The European Semester is the annual cycle for the coordination of economic policies at EU level. It allows the EU member countries to
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