Newsletter EUR-Lex February 2018

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Catch up on the latest EUR-Lex news and improvements

EUR-Lex Newsletter

N° 01 February 2018 ISSN 2443-6380

Latest developments on the EUR-Lex website: Here are the latest improvements and corrections:

1. Document view The value 'no longer in force' is now enriched with the date of end of validity and a reference to the repealing act. The value 'not yet in force' is now enriched with the date of effect. The relationships between proposals and adopted acts are now more clearly displayed. In the 'Related documents' heading of 'Relationship between documents', documents are now displayed in chronological order. Hyperlinks have been added behind the CELEX numbers present in annotations.

2. Internal Commission procedures The internal procedure view now includes the following metadata in the 'Planning' workflow: 'Initiative summary' - a short description of the initiative of maximum 500 characters. 'EuroVoc thesaurus' - a number of keywords describing the policy domain of the initiative. 'Planned adoption period' - the period within which the Commission plans to adopt the upcoming act.

3. Statistics on legal acts The statistics on legal acts page has been revamped to offer more comprehensive and better structured information.

4. Accessibility Tooltips have been made accessible for 'keyboard only' users. Visibility of keyboard focus indicators has been increased. Both improvements are aimed at making it easier for users relying on the use of the keyboard rather than mouse for navigating on the site.

5. Machine translation MT@EC, the machine translation tool of the European Commission, has been implemented in order to allow for the translation of titles of national transposition measures. The tool is available both from the country table in the 'National transposition' tab of directives and from the notice page of every national measure published on EUR-Lex. Contact us if you have any feedback or questions about these changes.

ELI - the European Legislation Identifier

The European Legislation Identifier (ELI) is an initiative of EU Member States in collaboration with the Publications Office of the European Union to improve digital interoperability, discoverability, access, and interconnection of legislative data. The EUR-Lex website features a section dedicated to the ELI register and serves as a central access point to all information about the ELI initiative, including the standard's governance rules and references of the appointed national ELI coordinators. To get started, we recommend you watch a brief explanatory video, which describes what the system is about and how it works. The ELI register hosts the specifications of the ELI standard and provides multiple documentation resources about ELI. Among these you will find the ELI best practices guide, as well as the ELI technical implementation guide with frequently asked questions and answers. The register also offers a wide range of technical tools such as the ELI link validator - an online service that checks published ELI metadata against rules derived from the ELI ontology. To access the ELI register click here.

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You can look up the latest implementation status of ELI throughout Europe and other announcements of interest in our news section. For more information on this, you can contact the ELI mailbox. EU Law and Publications


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