Recruitment & Co Winter 2022

Page 13


Culture eats strategy for breakfast as the famous quote from Peter Drucker goes In the recruitment industry we can at times be focused on the KPI, the goal and financial outcome to the detriment of all else. But does that really create a sustainable business? It may create a successful business in the short or medium term but how is long term success achieved if the organisation lacks a culture to sustain it and its people?

At APSCo's Emerge conference in Sydney, the morning panel discussion hosted by Greg Savage helped to crystalise the importance of culture and how focusing on getting it right will help to future proof our businesses. Each of the industry leaders that were on stage spoke with honesty about how they had navigated the pandemic, and covid had provided a circuit breaker to really look at their businesses. Be it investing in people, developing future leaders, redesigning their work environment, or making use of digital tools. For me each of their actions spoke of having a strategic vision for their business but also one that recognised the importance of culture and the role that it plays to ensure sustainability.

Andrew Turner Director - Specialist Staffing APAC, Medacs Global Group

From my own personal experience, a lot of what the panel talked about, we have acted on, maybe not in the the same way, but we have recognised the changing landscape and have focused our efforts increasingly on culture, engagement and whether our people feel that they belong at Impellam.

As our industry navigates the inevitable upheaval that will come post-covid, I believe it will be those organisations that focus on their culture that will ultimately succeed.

A key component of culture stems from inclusivity and, that our people are supported to thrive and be their authentic self at work – this is an area where we require listening, learning and understanding.

Will we get it right each time?

As it will be those organisations that retain the best talent and whose people are best equipped to respond to change.

No. Will we keep trying? Yes, absolutely yes.

These are not actions or measures that deliver immediate results, but I have a firm view that if we can get this right the results, reward and success will come.


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