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The Passion of returning to Snowsports
The passion of returning to snowsports. Adaptive TechnicalDirector Tom Hodges
Despite closUrEs and restrictions, the adaptive community continued to flock to the hills for snowsport in NSW. Even the (very) short season in Victoria saw many adaptive lessons go out. The passion to return to snowsports was clear among the committed, and seasoned adaptive students. It is truly a privilege to have such dedicated students that we see returning to the snow fields year after year.
With all students, a snow trip can be a fixture in the diary for months, and so is the case with many adaptive students. However, often the simple logistics and planning around a far a way snow trip is multiplied by the dozens for adaptive students. They may have carers, special mobility vehicles, limited accessible accommodations etc all booked months in advance. This year, I was on the phone, email and texting almost daily checking in to see if we could get to a point with the Covid restrictions where they could still come. The hurdles seemed endless. But sure enough, the regular adaptive students started coming to the snow for their annual trip, then week in week out saw old faces coming back. The struggles leading up the time on snow only made the experience more enjoyable. And here the value of their yearly pilgrimage was made clear. The freedom, and thrill of the snow experience remains unparalleled. The pleasure of being part of that special moment is something that all instructors share, no less for adaptive instructors.
This continuity of teaching was a fantastic reminder in 2020 for me. The years of working with a single student, seeing progress, a change of attitude, an acceptance of risk, the understanding of conditions, and the growth on the individual was laid out clear. The importance of continuity of student/teacher relationship is vital. Understanding a student’s struggle and being part of the growth is a huge part of progress in the sport. Being able to reminisce about past trips, favorite runs, failures and joys,

brings a closeness to the lesson that is impossible to fake. Being able to ‘pick up where you left off’ is such a treat and kick starts each lesson.
I’ve seen so many students where it literally took years for them to kick into gear. Year one was full of apprehension and anxiety. The next time they came down there was frustration of just not quite ‘getting it’. Eventually there was a point in time where things did click, there was an understanding of process and a making of familiar routine where the classic learning phases are more evident and the student can make time for joy in each run.
Of course, meeting a new student is its own wonderful adventure and inevitable for every instructor no matter how many seasons you have taught.
I would encourage all instructors to treat each new lesson as the start of a relationship that can span seasons. Of course, not all your students will come back year after year. But hopefully you’ll be able to build that elusive ‘client base’ and be part of the journey with many students. To help with this there’s lots of things you can do, but for a start here are two things I try to do for every student. 1. Take notes. 2. Stay in touch.
It really can be that simple.
So to all our adaptive instructors who stepped up, overcame and conquered the 2020 season AND for all those who had a 4 day season or no season at all I want to send out a HUGE THANK YOU. It is your dedication and commitment to the sport that keeps our students coming back year after year and keeps our sport alive, even in these testing times, I hope you were able to stay in touch with your family and friends this season as well as your regular students whether you were on snow with them or not. So now, if you facing a summer for the first time in a while as I am, or perhaps even braving a northern season in spite, best of luck for the over the next 6 months, stay safe, keep dreaming of creamy laps in the Snowgums, stay in touch with your students and we’ll see you in 2021 for the best season yet!