IMS2012 Program

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International Microwave Symposium 17–22 JUNE 2012


Montréal Awaits

Credit: © Tourisme Montréal, Mario Melillo

Credit: © Tourisme Montréal, Mario Melillo

Credit : © Tourisme Montréal, Stéphan Poulin

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas


0800 - 1200 AM Workshops & Short Courses

General Interest

1200-1320 Panel Session

1300 -1700 PM Workshops & Short Courses

WSA: Unconventional Power Amplifier Architecture with High Efficiency (Cont. in PM)

WSA: Unconventional Power Amplifier Architecture with High Efficiency (cont. from AM)

WSB: Modern Techniques for Tunable and Reconfigurable RF/Microwave Filter Development (Cont. in PM) WSC: 3D Integrated Circuits (Cont. in PM) WSD: RF & mmW PAs: Linearization and Power Challenges (Cont. in PM) WSE: Towards Watt-Level mm-Wave Efficient Silicon Power Amplifiers (Cont. in PM) WSF: Wide-Band (Multi-Octave), Fast-Settling, RF Frequency Synthesis (Cont. in PM) WSG: RF and Modem Techniques for Multi-standard Radios Coexistence (Cont. in PM) WSH: RF and Analog ICs for Biomedical Applications WSI: RF at the Nanoscale WSJ: RF Spectrum Sensing and Signal Feature Detection Circuits WSK: Recent Development in CMOS Mixer Design and Application (Cont. in PM) WSL: Recent Developments of High-Speed Wireline Transceivers

WSB: Modern Techniques for Tunable and Reconfigurable RF/Microwave Filter Development (cont. from AM) WSC: 3D Integrated Circuits (cont. from AM) WSD: RF & mmW PAs: Linearization and Power Challenges (cont. from AM) WSE: Towards Watt-Level mm-Wave Efficient Silicon Power Amplifiers (cont. from AM) WSF: Wide-Band (Multi-Octave), Fast-Settling, RF Frequency Synthesis (cont. from AM) WSG: RF and Modem Techniques for Multi-standard Radios Coexistence (cont. from AM)

Social Events

RFIC Reception (Palais des Congrès, Level 7Room 710a): 1900-2100 WSK: Recent Development in CMOS Mixer Design and Application (cont. from AM)

17 June 2012

Technical Track Key:

WSM: Advances in Noise Analysis for RF Circuits WSN: Short-Range Near-Field Communications (NFC) WSO: Advancements in Front End Modules for Mobile and Wireless Applications WSP: Digital transmitters and PAs for wireless applications. SC-1: Graphene and RF Applications (Cont. from AM)

SC-1: Graphene and RF Applications (Cont. in PM)

Registration: 0700-1800 • RFIC Plenary: 1740-1900

1200-1320 Panel Session


WMA: Introduction to Advanced Dielectric Measurement Techniques (Cont. in PM) WMC: Advanced Techniques for Electromagnetic-Based Model Generation (Cont. in PM) WMD: Wireless Positioning and Tracking in Indoor and Urban Environments (Cont. in PM) WME: THz devices and systems based on nanotechnology (Cont. in PM) WMF: Wireless energy transfer and scavenging techniques (Cont. in PM) WMG: Broadband PAs for Wireless Communications (Cont. in PM) WMH: GaN's Destiny: Reliable CW Operation at Power Densities Approaching 40 W/mm - Can it Be Fulfilled (and When)? (Cont. in PM) WMI: Towards Development of Smarter Substrate Integrated Waveguide Components and Advanced Fabrication Methodologies (Cont. in PM) WMJ: Emerging Technology and Technological Challenges in Low Phase Noise Oscillator Circuit Designs WMK: Analytic Concepts and Design Techniques for Low-Noise and Low-Distortion Mixers WML: Measurement, Design, and Linearisation Techniques for High-Efficiency Amplifiers SC-3: Theory and Design of Frequency Synthesizers (Cont. in PM) SC-4: Nonlinear Microwave Circuits — Their Dynamics, Bifurcation, and Practical Stability Analysis/Design (Cont. in PM) SC-5: Dielectric Resonator Antennas, Theory, Design and Applications with Recent Advancement (Cont. in PM)

THz Integrated Circuits: Do future markets support highly integrated silicon-based IC development?

1300 -1700 PM Workshops & Short Courses WMA: Introduction to Advanced Dielectric Measurement Techniques (Cont. from AM) WMB: Device Model Extraction based on Vectorial Large-Signal Measurements WMC: Advanced Techniques for Electromagnetic-Based Model Generation (Cont. from AM) WMD: Wireless Positioning and Tracking in Indoor and Urban Environments (Cont. from AM) WME: THz devices and systems based on nanotechnology (Cont. from AM) WMF: Wireless energy transfer and scavenging techniques (Cont. from AM) WMG: Broadband PAs for Wireless Communications (Cont. from AM) WMH: GaN’s Destiny: Reliable CW Operation at Power Densities Approaching 40 W/mm - Can it Be Fulfilled (and When)? (Cont. from AM) WMI: Towards Development of Smarter Substrate Integrated Waveguide Components and Advanced Fabrication Methodologies (Cont. from AM)

SC-3: Theory and Design of Frequency Synthesizers (Cont. from AM) SC-4: Nonlinear Microwave Circuits — Their Dynamics, Bifurcation, and Practical Stability Analysis/Design (Cont. from AM) SC-5: Dielectric Resonator Antennas, Theory, Design and Applications with Recent Advancement (Cont. from AM)

IMS2012 Welcome Reception: (Palais des Congrès, Viger Lobby): 1900-2030

18 June 2012

0800 - 1200 AM Workshops & Short Courses

Chapter Chair’s Meeting and Reception (Hyatt, Grand Salon): 2000-2200

Registration: 0700-1800 • RFIC Symposium: 0800-1720 • IMS Plenary: 1730-1900

1200-1320 Panel Session RF scaling: Can it keep up with digital CMOS? Should it?

RF MEMS for Defense and Aerospace

1350 - 1530 Early PM Technical Sessions TU3A: Optimization of Microwave Circuits Through Nonlinear Analysis TU3B: Metamaterial Transmission-line Structures TU3C: Space-Mapping-Based Modeling and Design TU3D: Novel Packaging Technology and Techniques TU3E: Globalization of Engineering Education and Research: Opportunities and Challenges TU3F: Frequency Conversion and Control Circuits TU3G: SiGe/CMOS for Phased Array Applications: A World Perspective TU3H: Novel Planar Filter Structures

1600 - 1720 Late PM Technical Sessions TU4A: New Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Periodic Structures TU4B: Coupled Multi-Physics Modeling of High-Power and High-Frequency Electronic Devices TU4C: Advances in Broadband Communication Systems TU4D: Terahertz Imaging TU4E: Advances in PLL and Oscillator Technology TU4F: Power Harvesting Related to Communication Systems TU4G: Active Arrays and Power Combiners TU4H: GaN Power Amplifiers Exploiting Harmonic Enhancement

RFIC Interactive Forum: 1330-1550 Registration: 0700-1800 • RFIC Symposium: 0800-1140 • Exhibition: 0900-1700 • MicroApps: 0905 to 1750 • IMS Student Paper Competition and IMS Student Design Competition: 1330-1550


0800 - 0940 Early AM Technical Sessions

WE1A: Semiconductor-Based Integrated Passives WE1B: Silicon and Indium Phosphide MMICs Achieve New Performance Milestones for Radiometers in Earth Remote Sensing WE1C: New Developments in Multi-Band Planar Filters WE1D: Packaging for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave and Radiating Integrated Systems WE1E: Industrial Microwave Power Applications: Systems and Process Development WE1F: Novel Mixed Mode Circuits for High-Speed Communication up to 100 Gbps WE1G: Passive Feeds and Arrays WE1H: A Retrospective of Field Theory in Microwave Engineering

1010 - 1150 Late AM Technical Sessions

WE2A: Circuits for Systems at W-band and Beyond WE2B: Silicon RF and Microwave Circuits WE2C: Tunable Filters I: Tunable Filters with Narrow Bandwidths WE2D: Retrospective and Outlook of Microwave CAD WE2E: Digital Pre-Distortion and Behavioural Modeling of High-Power Amplifiers WE2F: RF Devices for Wireless Health Care Applications and Biosensing WE2G: State-of-the-Art of CMOS Low-Noise Technologies WE2H: Microwave Components for Space: Trends and Developments WE2J: Emerging Systems and Applications

1200-1320 Panel Session

How will LDMOS and III-V device technologies play in cellular infrastructure future markets?

1350 - 1530 Early PM Technical Sessions

WE3A: Unprecedented Microwave Devices Based on Nano-materials WE3B: High Power Wideband Technologies WE3C: Advances in CAD Algorithms WE3D: Unconventional Measurement Techniques WE3E: Millimeter-Wave CMOS Signal Sources WE3F: Advances in Silicon-based Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Integrated Circuits and Systems WE3G: Short-Range Radar and Positioning Systems WE3H: A Tribute to Rüdiger Vahldieck WE3J: Multi-Mode Resonator and Wideband Planar Filters


0800 - 0940 Early AM Technical Sessions

1010 - 1150 Late AM Technical Sessions

TH1A: Rectifiers for Microwave Wireless Power Transmission TH1B: HF, VHF and UHF Power Amplifiers and Applications TH1C: High Performance non-Planar Filters Technologies 1 TH1D: Advanced Transceiver Architectures for Wireless Communication Systems TH1E: Unconventional RFIDs TH1F: Biomedical Imaging TH1G: Advanced Low Noise Circuits TH1H: Tunable FBARs

TH2A: Nonlinear Measurement Techniques TH2B: Novel Transmission-Line and Guided-Wave Structures TH2C: Novel Technologies and Components TH2D: GaN-Based Power Amplifiers TH2E: 60 GHz CMOS TH2F: RF-MEMS Capacitive Switches and Circuits TH2G: Advances in Sensors and Sensor Systems TH2H: The Evolution of Some Key Active and Passive Microwave Components

1200-1320 Panel Session

The Mathematics and the Physics of MIMO (Multi-inputmulti-output) Systems


0800 - 1200 AM Workshops & Short Courses

WFJ: A World Survey of the State-of-the-Art in RF MEMS WFK: Advanced RF, Microwave and MMW Technology for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Detection Systems SC-6: Microwave Filters and Multiplexing Networks for Communication Systems (Cont. in PM) SC-7: A Look at Some of the Principles of Wireless Communications from a Maxwellin Viewpoint SC-2: EMI/EMC Fundamentals for RF & Microwave Engineers

Student and GOLD Receptions (Pub St-Paul): 1930-2130 Rump Session: Human Aspects of Communication and Persuasion: First Impressions and Subtext (Westin, St. Antoine AB): 1700-1900

Industry Hosted Cocktail Reception (Palais des Congrès, Level 2- Exhibition Hall): 1700-1800

MTT-S Awards Banquet (Palais des Congrès, Level 7- Room 701): 1800-2200

1350 - 1530 Early PM Technical Sessions

TH3A: Linearizability of GaN from Device, Circuit to System Levels TH3B: Novel III-V MMIC Techniques TH3C: High Performance non-Planar Filters Technologies 2 TH3D: Efficiency Enhancing Techniques for Linear Power Amplifiers TH3E: Microwave Photonic Systems and Techniques TH3F: Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic Analysis TH3G: Multi-port Technology for Radio and Radar Applications TH3H: Remembering Roger Pollard

IMS Interactive Forum: 1330-1550 Registration: 0700-1600 • Exhibition: 0900-1500 • MicroApps: 0905 to 1435 • Closing Ceremony: 1600-1730 WFA: Integration and Technologies for mm-wave Sub-systems (Cont. in PM) WFB: White Space Technologies Future Emerging Technology Needs (Cont. in PM) WFC: Emerging Technology of Terahertz Imaging Systems, Devices, and Algorithms (Cont. in PM) WFD: High-Efficiency Transmitters with Dynamic Supplies (Cont. in PM) WFE: Gallium Nitride for Low Noise Amplifier Applications WFF: Advances in Reconfigurable RF Systems and Materials WFG: RF Coils and Components for MRI Receiving Applications WFH: RFID-Based Low-Cost Smart Sensor Networks for Challenging Environments

Ham Radio (Hyatt Hotel, Soprano Room): 1830-2130

1600 - 1720 Late PM Technical Sessions

WE4A: Terahertz Communication Technology WE4B: Advancements in Passive Technologies WE4C: Tunable Filters II: Filters with Broad Tuning Bandwidth WE4D: RFID Technologies and Applications WE4E: High Power GaN Amplifiers WE4F: Advances in Ohmic Switches WE4G: Biomedical Sensors WE4H: Tunable Systems: Enabling Future Handset Technologies WE4J: Novel Periodic Structures and Metamaterials

IMS Interactive Forum: 1330-1550 Registration: 0700-1800 • Exhibition: 0900-1800 • MicroApps: 0905 to 1900

Women in Microwaves Reception (Pointe A Callière Museum): 1800-1930

19 June 2012

TU2A: Time-Domain Modeling: Advances and Applications TU2B: New Implementations of Couplers and Hybrids TU2C: Nonlinear Device Modeling TU2D: Applications of Carbon-Based RF Nanotechnology

20 June 2012

TU1A: Novel Devices, Waveguiding Structures and Analysis Methods TU1B: Ferroelectric, Ferrite and Acoustic-Based Resonators and Filters TU1C: Advances in RF MEMS Ruggedness and Reliability TU1D: Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers

MTT-S Student Awards Luncheon (Le Westin Hotel, Level 9- Fortifications Ballroom): 1200-1400 NVNA Users’ Forum to Thursday Night (Fortifications Ballroom, Westin): 1600-1730

21 June 2012

1010 - 1150 Late AM Technical Sessions

IMS2012 Closing Reception (Palais des Congrès, Viger Lobby): 1730-1830

1300 -1700 PM Workshops & Short Courses

WFA: Integration and Technologies for mm-wave Sub-systems (Cont. from AM) WFB: White Space Technologies Future Emerging Technology Needs (Cont. from AM) WFC: Emerging Technology of Terahertz Imaging Systems, Devices, and Algorithms (Cont. from AM) WFD: High-Efficiency Transmitters with Dynamic Supplies (Cont. from AM)

WFI: The Development of Precision GPS Solutions in 4G WFL: System, MMIC and Package Design for a Low-Cost, Surface- Mountable Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor SC-6: Microwave Filters and Multiplexing Networks for Communication Systems (Cont. from AM)

ARFTG Interactive Forum: 1000-1050 and 1520-1600 Registration: 0700-0900 • ARFTG Conference: 0800-1700

22 June 2012


0800 - 0940 Early AM Technical Sessions



Invitation from the General Chair....................................................... 2 What’s New in Microwave Week?...................................................... 3 Celebrating 60 years....................................................................... 4-5 Accommodations................................................................................ 6 Advance Registration..................................................................... 8-9 On-Site Registration......................................................................... 12 IMS2012 Badge Cash and Print on Demand Stations....................... 13 Visa Information .............................................................................. 14 IEEE MTT-S Administrative Committee............................................. 15 Future IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposia Sites........... 15 Technical Coordinating Committees:............................................... 15 IEEE Fellows...................................................................................... 16 IEEE MTT-S Awards.......................................................................... 17 À la Montréal.................................................................................... 18 Transportation.................................................................................. 20 IEEE and MTT-S Memberships.................................................... 20-21

Chair’s Message............................................................................... 91 RFIC Plenary Session........................................................................ 93 Steering Committee.......................................................................... 94 Advisory Board................................................................................. 94 Executive Committee........................................................................ 94 RFIC 2012 Technical Program Committee........................................ 94 RFIC 2012 Panel Sessions................................................................. 95 Monday Technical Program........................................................96-97 Tuesday Technical Program....................................................... 98-99




Chair’s Message.............................................................................100 ARFTG Steering Committee............................................................100 ARFTG Technical Program Committee...........................................100 Technical Sessions.......................................................................... 101 Interactive Forum........................................................................... 101

IMS WORKSHOPS AND SHORT COURSES Sunday.................................................................................... 102-112 Monday.................................................................................. 113-118 Friday...................................................................................... 118-119



Commercial Exhibit................................................................. 122-123 Microapps...............................................................................124-125 Historical Exhibit............................................................................ 125

SOCIAL EVENTS Social Events, Guest Lounge, and Special Tours..................... 127-129 Convention Center Maps................................................. Back Cover ARFTG SESSIONS

Welcome from Technical Program Committee Chair........................ 22 IMS Steering Committee................................................................... 23 IMS2012 Technical Paper Review Committee (TPRC)...................... 24 Plenary Session Talk......................................................................... 25 Flowers Greet Microwaves............................................................... 26 Microwaves without Borders............................................................ 27 Tuesday....................................................................................... 27-43 »» Focus, Panel, Rump, and Special Sessions......................... 27-28 »» Technical Sessions............................................................. 29-40 »» IMS2012 Student Design Competitions.................................... 41 »» Graduate Student Challenge.................................................... 42 »» Student Paper Competition................................................42-43 Wednesday................................................................................. 44-70 »» Focus, Panel, and Special Sessions................................... 44-45 »» Technical Sessions................................................ 46-54, 61-70 »» Interactive Forum.............................................................. 55-60 Thursday..................................................................................... 71-85 »» Thursday Focus, Panel, and Special Sessions........................... 71 »» Technical Sessions................................................ 72-79, 86-89 »» Interactive Forum.............................................................. 80-85 Closing Ceremony Talk..................................................................... 90



Bienvenue à Montréal! Yes indeed, we are all very much excited about IMS2012, which is finally coming to Montréal. It is only the second time since its inception that this Symposium has been held outside the United States. This Symposium is poised to be a truly international event with the historic 60th anniversary celebration of MTT-S, and of course, unforgettable personal memories. Microwave Week, with IMS as its centre piece together with the RFIC and ARFTG conferences as well as the largest commercial exhibition of its kind, will add a special flavour to Montréal’s beautiful summer decorated by its well-known festivities. This year, you can see a number of fine-tuned programs and innovations, which are summarized in the section “What’s New”. You will find a wealth of useful and important information in this Program Book, which facilitates your Microwave Week attendance and your Montréal stay. Founded in 1642, Montréal has been recognized as one of the most romantic, welcoming, artistic, innovative, and culturally diverse cities in the world. The city offers everything to everyone with easy access to everywhere. Our motto “MICROWAVES WITHOUT BORDERS” or “MICRO-ONDES SANS FRONTIÈRES” not only reflects our unique international destination, French heritage and culture in North America but also the international cooperation and spirit of our community. The IMS2012 Steering Committee and our colleagues of IEEE Meeting & Conference Management and MP Associates have been working selflessly for you and for our IMS events around the clock to make sure this year’s Microwave Week will be a unique success. In spite of the worldwide economic turmoil, but encouraged by early indications, we are expecting to experience one of the most attended Microwave Weeks in history. We have already broken historic IMS records including an all-time record number of technical paper submissions, an all-time record number of received MicroApps presentation proposals, and there have never been before so many commercial exhibit booth reservations at such an early date. The opening ceremony highlights the presentation of our plenary speaker, Mr. Steve Mollenkopf, President and Chief Operating Officer of Qualcomm. He provides a keynote address on “3G/4G Chipsets and the Mobile Data Explosion.” This year’s closing session features a presentation of our keynote speaker, Professor Thomas H. Lee of Stanford University. He talks about “The Fourth Age of Wireless and the Internet of Everything.” On behalf of the IMS2012 Steering Committee and the City of Montréal, I feel privileged and honoured to invite you, your family and friends to take part in this unparalleled event and explore the friendly atmosphere of Montréal. To plan your trip, visit and stay, you can find useful information on the city of Montréal at http://www.tourism-Montré about our famous international festivals and happenings like the world famous Formula 1 racing, the International Fireworks competition at the amusement park La Ronde (of the Six Flags family), and the international Jazz Festival, all for your enjoyment right before and after Microwave Week. Please prepare your attendance to ensure a memorable time and experience that you cannot afford to miss. You should go to or download our mobile apps for information and the latest news on IMS2012 and Microwave Week. I promise that you will discover a world of colourful ethnicity, rich culture, multiple languages, new ideas, international cuisines, and of course, the warm camaraderie and sheer joie de vivre to be found all united in one place, our unique Montréal. A bientôt! See you soon!

Ke Wu ›2

MICROWAVE WEEK WHAT’S NEW IN MICROWAVE WEEK? As always in previous years, the IMS Steering Committee is striving to build a better IMS, not just a larger IMS. Therefore, a series of innovations and fine-tuned features are implemented and envisaged for Symposium programs and activities. They are designed to facilitate your attendance and enrich your experiences during the Microwave Week. Some of those changes that you will see at this year’s IMS are:

Technical Program:

Publication and Publicity:

• Comprehensive outreach activities to attract and encourage new authors (emerging leaders in microwave industry and academia, from all parts of the world) to contribute to the technical, workshop and short course program

• A mobile web version for iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and Android devices to enable convenient access to the entire website of the symposium

• Clarification of the policy for publishing material from IMS papers in the MTT Transactions (special and regular issues), in collaboration with the Editor of the Transactions • Reduction of the paper length to three pages to encourage the timely reporting of the latest industrial research and development results. In addition, university students and researchers have better opportunities to expand their papers for possible journal publications. The maximum allowable file size has been extended to 2 Mb to allow the publication of good quality figures • Significant expansion of the Technical Program Review Committee (TPRC), to handle a record number of submissions to the technical program, including the addition of two new sub-committees to review papers in the following two emerging areas: »» Wireless power transmission »» RF devices for wireless health applications and biosensing

Operations and Features: • Experiments and experiences for holding IMS outside the US for attracting more international and first-time attendees • Blended 60+ experienced and fresh members on the Steering Committee from Canada and US in the regions close to Montréal • IMS2012 will present the 60th anniversary (1952-2012) for our MTT society in addition to our regular Microwave Week with special feature sessions in the Symposium Program. Special celebration will be organized for everyone and in particular for MTT-S members • Re-arranged committee meetings for a more flexible schedule and a better conclusion of Microwave Week • The Guest Lounge (previously called Hospitality Suite) will be open to the registered guests of the IMS attendees for a nominal fee • Local city and governmental support for IMS2012 and Microwave Week through grants and sponsorships

• A more complete searchable program book and personalized schedule on the website including features such as: »» A searchable data base, allowing attendees to search papers by author, title, session, location, etc. »» A personalized scheduler of symposium activities that enables attendees to coordinate among different paper presentations and other events while checking for schedule conflicts »» Available on desktop and mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android devices) • New online discussion forum for IMS2012 participants to continue technical dialogue with authors and other attendees beyond the time-slots of the technical sessions, providing extra opportunity for technical exchange among IMS attendees • Early access of advance program information including symposium information, and preliminary session information (Program Book at Glance) on the website, available in February 2012 • Specially designed advertisements and presentation materials for IMS2012 promotions in various venues and journals/magazines in addition to the conventional Call for Papers • Unique features in the Program Book making the book more reader friendly and the trip to IMS2012 more memorable. Large session-grid and new tabs; a postcard and a more attractive design of local tourism information; presence of flowers extending Montreal’s welcome to IMS; interesting facts on microwave without borders and MTT stimulating attendee’s passion with the microwave community, and more.

Local Arrangements: • All attendees reserving their hotel room through the IMS website will receive a complimentary public transport weekly pass, valid for Montréal city circulations within the Microwave Week thanks to the sponsorship of Tourisme Montréal • All social activities will be held on Tuesday, all in close proximity. Since this will be the first time for many attendees to visit Montréal, we hope that you will spend time visiting our beautiful city with our specially tailored guest tour programs • Our welcome reception on Monday evening is expected to be more dynamic for social networking and meeting with MTT-S AdCom members and VIPs • A specially-organized reception will be offered to all attendees after the Closing Session on Thursday afternoon



Celebrating 60 years First Symposium Although the term “symposium” was not introduced until 1958, the very first “Microwave Meeting” took place in New York City on 7 November 1952. This Meeting was sponsored by the Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques (PGMTT), which was formed earlier in March of 1952, with the approval of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE), a predecessor to the IEEE. The PGMTT was a professional group with a focus on those fields that “encompass microwave theory, microwave circuitry and techniques, microwave measurements and microwave tubes.” The scope of this group would also include “scientific, technical, industrial, or other areas that contribute to the field of interest, or to utilize techniques or products of the field where necessary to advance the art and science in the field, subject, as the art develops, to additions, subtractions, or IRE at Lüchow’s in New York City in 1915. other modifications directed or approved by the Institute Committee on Professional Groups”. This Meeting was attended by 210 participants, and the 12 papers presented there became, in March 1953, the first volume of the Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques, which is the very first title used for IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

IMS Outside the US

George Sinclair 1912-1993 (A’37SM’46-F’54-LF’78)

Only once before has the IMS ventured outside US borders. This happened in June of 1978 when the IMS was held in the Château Laurier hotel in the city of Ottawa, Canada. The Symposium extended over three days, preceded by two workshops on Monday and followed by two workshops on Friday. This Symposium received 230 paper submissions, of which 160 were published in the symposium digest. There were 269 attendees and among them there were 12 students. The registration fees were $50 for IEEE members and $65 for non-IEEE members. Although the records do not explicitly state that there was a main theme for that year’s symposium, one can sense its general mood from the titles of the panel sessions: There were two parallel sessions, one on “High Speed Logic for Digital Microwave Systems” and one on “Millimeter-Wave and Optical/IR Technologies”.

The Banquet speaker that year was the late Dr. George Sinclair who was one of a group of Canadian pioneers that included Ed Jordan, Allan Love, and James Wait, who were at the forefront of the technological wave that grew out of World War II. Dr. Sinclair was a professor at the University of Toronto. He was also the founder of Sinclair Radio Laboratories Ltd. in 1951 which maintains, to this day a strong international presence.


MICROWAVE WEEK IMS Viewed from the Number of Papers The number of papers presented at IMS over the past six decades reveals a story of continuous growth. This year’s IMS marks the first time that the number of accepted papers (in the oral sessions and interactive forums) has broken the 600-paper barrier. Also the IMS Digest publications illustrate the development of publishing technology. The first “Digest” appeared in 1961 and was an 8 1/2 x 11-inch, 64-page volume, which included 20 papers. The first time the Digest has been published in hardcover was for the 1983 Symposium and it contained 161 papers in a single volume. The first CD of the Proceedings was presented with the hardcopy Digest in 1996, the Digest purchase was made optional in 2003 and no hardcopy Digest was published since 2006.

The First Microwave Prize The first Microwave Prize was presented during the 1956 “Symposium on Microwave Properties and Applications of Ferrites” , which was one of the several titles of the “IMS” used prior to 1966. At that time, the Microwave Prize was also called the “Annual Prize” and was presented to “ outstanding contribution to the art published in the Transaction of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques.” The first recipients were Nicholas Sakiotis and Herman Chait from the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington D.C. , for their paper entitled “Properties of Ferrites in Waveguides”.

The History in the Title

First Interactive Forum The idea of having an interactive forum, also known as the “poster session”, was first adopted by the IMS during the 1983 symposium in Boston. This idea was well received and became a regular component in subsequent symposia.

The First “International” IMS The first time that the Symposium title included the word “international” was in 1964, which was held, interestingly enough, at the International Hotel at the JFK International Airport on Long Island. However, only 24 of the 657 attendees were from outside the US. Needless to say that “International” has now become an indelible characteristic of the IMS, with more than two thirds of the contributions coming from 49 countries throughout all parts of the globe.


MICROWAVE WEEK ACCOMMODATIONS: The IMS2012 has secured special rates for Attendees at the official IMS2012 hotels in Montréal. The map below shows the location and rates of these hotels. For advanced hotel reservations visit for online reservations, or submit the Attendee Housing Form by fax or postal mail before 14 May 2012.

Number on Map 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Hotel Name


Le Westin Montréal (Headquarter)

$219 single/double $269 deluxe corner room $169 gov't rate


Hyatt Regency Montréal (Co-Headquarter)

$245 single/double $175 gov’t rate


Fairmont Queen Elizabeth

$219 single/double $114.50 gov't rate


Le Centre Sheraton Montréal $241 single/double $291 club level Holiday Inn Select

Embassy Suites Montréal Hilton Montréal Bonaventure

$160 single/double $200 executive level $151 gov’t rate $221 single/double $199 gov't rate $220 single/double $195 gov’t rate

Number on Map

11 12 13

Hotel Name


Marriott Chateau Champlain $240 single/double

Holiday Inn Midtown

$154 single/double $145 government rate


$229 single/double $264 triple $299 quad

Delta Centre-Ville

$195 single/double

Hotel Gouverneur

$139 single/double

Hotel Dauphin

$154 single/double

MICROWAVE WEEK All reservation requests must be received by 14 May 2012. Changes to existing reservations may be made through the housing bureau until 8 June 2012. Listed convention rates are available until 14 May 2012 based on availability. Phone: 514-844-0848 Toll free North America: 1-888-722-2220 Fax: 514-844-6771 Email: reservation@tourisme-Montré Online:

Mail: IMS2012 Housing Bureau Tourisme Montréal 1555 rue Peel, bureau 600 Montréal, Quebéc, Canada H3A 3L8

Instructions and Housing Bureau Policies: 1. Acknowledgements will be sent after each reservation booking, modification and/or cancellation If you do not receive a confirmation via e-mail within 24 hours after any transaction, contact the Housing Bureau by phone or e-mail. You will not receive a confirmation from the hotel. 2. All rates are per room, per night and are subject to 3.5% lodging tax plus a 5% Goods and Services Tax (GST) and 9.5% Provinicial Sales Tax (PST) (subject to change). 3. Request room and bedding and please indicate special requests in the section provided on the form. Specific room types will be assigned at check-in. Please be advised that requests are not guaranteed. 4. A credit card is needed to guarantee a room reservation. Credit cards must be valid through June 2012 to be used for deposits. 5. Changes, modifications and cancellations prior to 14 May 2012 must be made in writing through the Housing Bureau. Reservations guaranteed by a credit card may be cancelled without penalty until 14 May 2012. 6. Any hotel reservation changes or cancellations after 8 June 2012 must be made with the hotel directly. 7. You will receive your hotel confirmation number two weeks before the start of the 2012 IMS Conference.

Housing Reservation Information: Full Name:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________________________State:_____________________________ Zip:_____________________


Daytime Phone:


Frequent Hotel Stay Number: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Credit Card Type (Circle):





Cardholder Name (As it appears on card)____________________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder Signature (REQUIRED)__________________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number:________________________________________________________ Exp. Date__________________________________________ Hotel names, locations and rates are on the facing page. Please list a minimum of three choices. First Choice:_________________________________ Second Choice:________________________________ Third Choice:__________________ First Choice Rate:_____________________________ Second Choice Rate:___________________________ Third Choice Rate:______________ Arrival Date___________________________________________________________Departure Date_____________________________________ If hotel choice is not available, which is most important:

Rate:________ or Location____________ (Please select one)

Special Requests Government Rate

King Bed

Two Beds

Wheelchair Accessible

Other Requests_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If more than one room is required, attach a list of occupants names and the above information for each additional room.



The Registration process is split into three tiers in order to better serve membership needs. The 1st tier is the Early Bird Registration period. It begins Tuesday, 1 February and will last through Monday, 21 May. This period provides an opportunity to register for the Symposium at the lowest possible cost. Immediately following the Early Bird period is the 2nd tier or Advance Registration period. It extends from Tuesday, 22 May through Friday, 15 June, just prior to the start of Microwave Week. The 3rd and final tier is the On-Site Registration period that will remain the same as in past Symposia, starting on Saturday, 16 June, the first day of Microwave Week, and ending on Friday, 22 June. Early Bird Period

1 February

21 May (thru midnight EST)

Advance Period

22 May

15 June (thru midnight EST)

On-Site Period

16 June

22 June (throughout Microwave Week)

Register online: PromoCode.aspx?confid=138


For one low price, registrants can attend as many technical sessions from any of the three contributing organizations, IMS, RFIC, and ARFTG, as well as attend one full-day workshop (or two half-day workshops, if desired). SUPERPASS registration includes the electronic proceedings for IMS, RFIC, ARFTG, and the All Workshop electronic proceedings. Also included is admission to the exhibits. In addition, the SUPERPASS will allow you to attend the RFIC Reception on Sunday, the IMS Welcome Reception on Monday, the Awards Banquet on Wednesday and the Thursday closing ceremonies, as well as, the ARFTG luncheon on Friday.

Early Bird Registration

Please follow these instructions for completing the Early Bird Registration Form on the following page. Early Bird Registration rates provide significant savings from the onsite fees and are available through midnight (EST) 21 May. Registration is required for all attendees including SESSION CHAIRS and PRESENTERS. Only paid attendees will be admitted to the workshops, technical sessions, and exhibit hall. This form is not used for guest tour registration, which is described elsewhere in this program book. Each registrant must submit a separate form with payment.


1) Methods of Registration

Individuals can register online, by fax or by mail. All registrations must be accompanied with a payment; we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and checks drawn from a U.S. bank. Registration forms received without a form of payment will be discarded. We do NOT accept phone registrations.

2) Personal Information

If you would like to receive information by email from the IEEE, MTT-S, or microwave companies, simply select the appropriate boxes.

3) Membership

Check boxes of all organizations of which you are a member. To receive IEEE member rates, enter your member number and present your IEEE card upon check in at the conference. Registrants who do not have a current IEEE membership card at check in will be charged non-member rates. If you are not a member and would like to learn about the advantages of being a member and receiving the conference member rate, please visit or call 1-800-678IEEE. Please note that you must be a member at the time of registration to receive the member rate. Students, Retirees, and IEEE Life Members receive a discount on some registration fees. To qualify as a student, a registrant must be either an IEEE Student Member or a full time student carrying a course load of at least nine credit hours.

4) Symposia

Microwave Week includes the IMS technical program, and exhibit, as well as the RFIC Symposium (, and ARFTG Conference ( Select the conference(s) you wish to attend. IMS Technical Sessions are held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Registration includes admission to the exhibition and the electronic proceedings. RFIC Technical Sessions are held on Monday and Tuesday. Registration includes admission to the RFIC Reception, the exhibition, and the electronic proceedings. ARFTG Technical Sessions are held on Friday. Registration includes breakfast, lunch, electronic proceedings, and admission to the ARFTG Exhibition. ARFTG Conference member rates are available to both ARFTG and IEEE Members. Microwave Week hosts the largest exhibition of its kind with over 500 companies. Exhibit only registration is available.


9) Guest Registration

6) Boxed Lunches

10) Payment

The MTT Awards Banquet will be held on Wednesday, 20 June from 1800 to 2000 at the Palais des Congrès, Level 7Room 701. The evening will include fine dining, an awards presentation, and excellent entertainment. Major Society Awards will be presented.

Optional boxed lunches are available for purchase by all attendees but are especially convenient for those attending the panel sessions or exhibit hall during lunchtime. It is encouraged to purchase boxed lunches before Microwave Week, as orders will not be available on-site. Refunds for lunches will not be available since these are ordered in advance.

7) Workshops

The workshop fee includes electronic proceedings for all the workshops being presented on that particular day. For Early bird registration ONLY, the workshop’s printed notes are also included for the workshop you are registered for with the workshop’s fee. For Advance and On-site registration, the workshop’s printed notes are NOT included in the workshop’s fee and must be purchased separately. Full-day workshops include a continental breakfast, a morning refreshment break, a lunch, and an afternoon refreshment break. Morning workshops include a continental breakfast, and a morning refreshment break. Afternoon workshops include a lunch and an afternoon refreshment break.

8) All-Workshop USBs

Purchase two full-day workshops and receive the USBs for all three days of workshops (Sunday, Monday, and Friday). The All-Workshop USBs are not available for individual sale.

Attendees registered for the technical portion of the conference may add a Guest to their registration for an additional fee. Guest Registration includes access to the guest lounge, plenary session, and exhibit hall, but does not allow access to technical sessions and workshops.

Individual payment must accompany the registration form and is payable in U.S. dollars only, using a personal check drawn on US bank or credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express) or bank wire transfer. Personal checks must be encoded at the bottom with the bank account number and check number. Bank drafts, cash, international money order and purchase orders are UNACCEPTABLE and will be returned. Please make checks payable to “2012 IEEE IMS”. Written requests for refunds will be honored if received by 21 May 2012. Refer to the Refund Policy for complete details.

11) Refund Policy Written requests received by 21 May 2012 will be honored. Refund requests postmarked after this date and on-site refunds will be generated only if an event is cancelled. This policy applies to the registration for the symposium sessions, workshops, digests, extra electronic proceedings, awards banquet and boxed lunches. Please state the pre-registrants name and provide an email address for the refund check. If registration was paid for by credit card, the refund will be made through an account credit. An account number must be provided if the initial registration was completed on-line. Address your requests to: MTT-S Registration Nannette Jordan MP Associates 1721Boxelder St., Ste. 107 Louisville, CO 80027

Microwaves without Borders: The USA is the largest contributor to the IMS this year, with over 329 initial paper submissions. In fact, the paper submissions from USA has increased by about 20% compared to previous year.


IMS - RFIC - ARFTG Registration Form

MontrÊal Canada, Palais des Congrès - 17-22 June 2012 1 All Early Bird and Advance registration must be received by 21 May and 15 June, respectively, for appropriate costs to apply. online: by fax: +1 (303) 530-4334

by mail:

IMS2012, MP Associates, Inc. Attn: Registration Desk 1721 Boxelder St., Ste. 107 Louisville, CO 80027 USA

2 Attendee Information First Name

Last Name


Mail Stop

Address: Street State

City Postal Code


Guest Information:


Email IEEE Membership #

First Name Email

Member of:


Last Name I would like to receive emails from: q IEEE and MTT-S


q Industry

3 Attendee Survey 1) What is your principal job function?

q 101 Executive/Senior Management q 102 Engineering Management q 103 Design Engineering q 104 Engineering Services q 105 Manufacturing/Production Engineering q 106 Application Engineer q 107 Procurement/Purchasing q 108 Professor/Research - Academic q 109 Research & Development - Government q 110 Research & Development - Industry q 111 Student q 112 Financial or Industry Analyst q 113 Editor/Publisher q 114 Marketing/Sales q 115 Consultant q 116 Retiree

2) What primary end product or service do you work on? q 201 Communication systems, equipment q 202 Wireless (WiFi, WiMAX, UWB) q 203 Optoelectronics and Photonics q 204 Government - Military q 205 Government - Other q 206 Defense Electronics q 207 Medical Electronics q 208 Navigation/telemetry/GPS systems q 209 Industrial automation/control systems q 210 Transportation (Automotive/Aviation)

q 211 Consumer Electronics q 212 Computers or peripherals q 213 Test & Measurement q 214 Components/Hardware q 215 Data Transmission q 216 Semiconductors & Ics q 217 Materials q 218 Services q 219 Software q 220 Other____________________

3) Which products and/or services in the following areas do you recommend, purchase or influence the purchase of? (Answer all that apply) q 301 Active Components q 302 Antennas q 303 Control Components q 304 Materials q 305 Manufacturing Equipment q 306 Optoelectronics & Fiber-Optics q 307 Passive Components q 308 Semiconductors/Integrated Circuits q 309 Services q 310 Signal Processing Components q 311 Software & CAD q 312 Subsystems & Systems q 313 Test Equipment and Instruments q 314 Transmission-Line Components q 315 Consultant Services

4) At what frequency is your primary work?

q 401 RF q 402 Microwave q 403 Millimeter-wave q 404 Terahertz q 405 Other_______________________

5) Number of engineers in your organization q 501 10 or fewer q 502 11 to 40 q 503 41 to 100 q 504 More than 100

6) Is this the first time you have attended International Microwave Week? q 601 Yes q 602 No

7) Are you an MTT member? q 701 Yes q 702 No

IMS provides an email list of attendees to exhibitors. If you do NOT want to receive this correspondence, check here: q

4 Registration Pricing

Early Bird (1 Feb - 21 May)



All IMS, RFIC, & ARFTG Sessions, Awards Banquet, & All Workshop USB (RFIC/IMS) plus Full Day (or 2 Half Day) Workshop Attendance

IEEE or ARFTG Membership Student, Retiree, Life Member




m$75 m$425 All IMS Sessions m$215 Single Day Registration Select day: m Tuesday mWednesday mThursday

RFIC Symposium All RFIC Sessions

ARFTG Conference All ARFTG Sessions


Exhibition Only Pass Wednesday Exhibition Only Pass

Guest Badge


Advance (22 May - 15 June) IEEE or ARFTG Membership Member

Student, Retiree, Life Member






m$1,730 $

m$635 m$320

m$495 m$85 m$250

m$740 m$370

$ $















# x $25

# x $25

# x $25

# x $25

# x $25

# x $25







$ $








# # # #

# # # #

# # # #

$ $ $ $

5 Extra Proceedings & Digests IMS Electronic Proceedings (EP) USB RFIC Digest RFIC EP USB ARFTG EP USB

# # # #

x $50 x $50 x $50 x $50

x $75 x $75 x $75 x $75

x $60 x $60 x $60 x $60

x $90 x $90 x $90 x $90

6 Events Awards Banquet (Wednesday Night) RFIC Reception Only

# x $55 # x $30

# x $55 # x $50

# x $65 # x $40

# x $65 $ # x $60 $

# x $25

# x $25

# x $25

# x $25 $

7 Lunch

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Boxed Lunches m m m m

8 Workshops and Short Courses Please select from the following: Full Day Workshops:


Half Day Workshops:


mWSH mWFF Full Day Short Course: mSC1 Half Day Short Course: mSC2

Full Day Workshops Half Day Workshops Full Day Short Course Half Day Short Course Printed Notes 2 Full day workshops or equivalent (includes All 3 Days of Workshop USBs)




# # # #

x $165 x $85 x $285 x $200

# included # $435

# # # #

x $125 x $65 x $200 x $140

# included # x $325

# # # #

x $245 x $125 x $425 x $300

# included # x $645

Expiration Date mVisa

mAmerican Express

10 Submit via Fax or Mail to:



9 Card Number mMasterCard


Security Code


# # # #

x $180 x $95 x $335 x $235

# x $20 # x $475

# # # #


x $135 x $70 x $235 x $165

# x $20 # x $355

# # # #

x $265 x $140 x $500 x $350

$ $ $ $

# x $30 $ # x $700 $

Total Remittance: $ Signature:______________________________

Refund Policy: Written requests for cancellations received on or before 21 May 2012 will be honored. Cancellations received after 21 May 2012 will NOT be honored and all registration fees will be forfeited. After 8 June 2012, faxed registrations will not be accepted in office - You MUST register IMS2012, MP Associates, Inc. Fax registrations accepted with on-site. Attn: Registration Desk credit card payment only! 1721 Boxelder St., Ste. 107 Phone Number: (303) 530-4562 TELEPHONE REGISTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! ANY REGISTRATION WITOUT PAYMENT WILL BE DISCARDED! If payment is received from a non-US bank, attendees will be charged a Louisville, CO 80027 USA Fax Number: (303) 530-4334 collection fee of $45.00. Make checks payable to: IMS2012


Registration Fees

On-Site registration for all Microwave Week events will be available in Palais des Congrès, Place Riopelle Lobby. Registration hours are:

On-site registration fees are as follows:



IMS, RFIC, and ARFTG Sessions and Electronic Proceedings, Awards Banquet, Thursday Evening Event, Full Day (or 2 Half Day) Workshop Attendance and All Workshop USBs



Student, Retiree, Life Member SuperPass






Saturday, 16 June

1400 – 1800

Sunday, 17 June

0700 – 1800

Monday, 18 June

0700 – 1800

Tuesday, 19 June

0700 – 1800

Wednesday, 20 June

0700 – 1800

All IMS Sessions



Thursday, 21 June

0700 – 1600

IMS Single Day Registration



Friday, 22 June

0700 – 0900

IMS Sessions - Student, Retiree, Life Member



All RFIC Sessions



RFIC Sessions - Student, Retiree, Life Member



All ARFTG Sessions



ARFTG Sessions - Student, Retiree, Life Member



Exhibition Only Pass





IMS Electronic Proceedings



RFIC Digest



RFIC Electronic Proceedings



ARFTG Electronic Proceedings



RFIC Reception Only (Sun. Night)



Awards Banquet (Wed. Night)



Full Day



Full Day Student/Retiree



Half Day



Half Day Student/Retiree



Full Day Short Courses



Full Day Short Courses Student/Retiree



Half Day Short Course



Half Day Short Course Student/Retiree



Two Full Day Workshops includes AllWorkshop USBs



Two Full Day Workshops includes All Workshop USBs Student/Retiree



Printed Workshop Notes



Printed Workshop Notes Student/Retiree



Exhibit Only Registration


RFIC Symposium

Exhibit only registration is available.

Guest Tour Registration Registration for guest tours will be available Palais des Congrès, Place Riopelle Lobby. Please refer to the Guest Tour Program section of this program book for further details and tour descriptions.

ARFTG Conference

Exhibition Only Guest Registration Guest Badge (requires technical conference registration)

Press Registration Credentialed press representatives are welcome to register without cost, receiving access to IMS technical sessions and exhibits. Digests are not included. The Press Room (523A) will be available from Tuesday thru Thursday of Microwave Week.

ARFTG Registration Late on-site registration will be available at the Palais des Congrès, Place Riopelle Lobby on Friday from 0700 to 0900. If at all possible, please pre-register earlier in the week to reduce the on-site workload.

› 12

Extra Proceedings and Digests

Evening Events


MICROWAVE WEEK IMS2012 BADGE CASH AND PRINT ON DEMAND STATIONS Badge Cash: IMS2012 is continuing the Badge Cash and Print on Demand programs this year as part of a continued effort to improve your experience as an attendee of the symposium. Attendees registered for All IMS Sessions will have a value of $45.00 credit put onto their badge that can be used at selected locations in the Palais des Congrès for breakfast each morning (approximately $15.00/day). This replaces the continental breakfasts that the conference has provided to the IMS attendees in previous years. Attendees registered for the Superpass will have a value of $60.00 on their badge and this includes both IMS and RFIC. Attendees registered for IMS Single Day will have a value of $15.00 on their badge. Attendees registered for RFIC Sessions will have a value of $30.00 on their badge.

How does Badge Cash work? Select your items at a participating station and hand the cashier your badge. The cashier will scan your badge and the amount purchased will be deducted from your badge. If there is not enough cash value left on your badge you will be responsible for paying the difference. If I lose my badge, will I receive a new one with the cash value on it? No, if you lose your badge you will only receive a new badge that WILL NOT have Badge Cash on it. If I don’t use all the money, do I receive the remaining amount in cash? No, Badge Cash is NOT redeemable for cash, it is only good for food products sold at specific vendors within the Palais des congrès.

IMS2012 Badge Cash locations at the Palais des Congrès: 1. Lower level, under the escalator - Place Riopelle Lobby - for breakfast ONLY 2. West Lobby – breakfast and lunch 3. Viger Hall – breakfast and lunch NOTE: this area will have outdoor seating weather permitting 4. Exhibit Hall- as space is available

Print on Demand Stations: There are three Print on Demand Stations located throughout the Palais des Congrès. 1. Fifth level in the corridor outside of rooms 511/512 2. Viger Lobby 3. West Lobby by the Cyber Café NOTE: ONLY IMS2012 Technical Papers can be browsed and printed at these terminals. Please use the Cyber Café for internet related activities.

Microwaves without Borders: China was the third largest contributor in IMS this year after the United States and Canada with a total of 125 paper submissions. China is a very important member of region 10 of the IEEE and is contributing 10 active chapters for the MTT Society.

› 13

MICROWAVE WEEK VISA INFORMATION For General information on visiting Canada please refer to the following url

IMS2012 attendees who require an invitation letter IMS attendees who need an invitation letter for a visitor visa should complete the application found on the IMS2012 Conference Webpage and send it via e-mail to: US citizens traveling to Canada: Passport is Needed A visa is not needed for US citizens traveling to Canada. Please note, however, that a valid passport is required (a driver’s license is no longer sufficient for travel to Canada).

Exhibitors: IEEE along with MP Associates has obtained special privileges from the Canada Border Services Agency in order to facilitate the entry of goods into Canada for exhibition. Mendelssohn Event Logistics has been appointed as the official customs broker, and will look forward to working with you. Our exhibition management team is working with the in-house customs broker/freight forwarder to coordinate the shipping of exhibition material through customs directly to the convention center, eliminating duties on any materials sent to the show. Please feel free to contact our exhibitions management at or check the exhibition pages in our website for contact information of Mendelssohn Event Logistics for more information on crossing the Canada/US border.

International Students Studying in US: For foreign students who are currently studying in the US, traveling to Montréal is straightforward. Detailed information on entry to Canada and reentry to the US can be found in Most students do not require a new US visa to return to the US from Canada if the stay in Canada is less than 30 days. Note that a visa to enter Canada may still be required depending on your country of origin.

Recommendations To avoid frustration and disappointment, please note the following: • Advance planning by travelers is essential. Review your visa status and find out if you need a visa or a visa renewal to enter Canada. • Plan to submit your visa application well in advance of your intended departure date. Contact your nearest Canadian embassy or consulate for a current time estimate and recommendations. • Visit the embassy or consular section where you plan to apply for your visa. Visit their website to find important information on how to schedule an interview appointment and pay fees. • An interview is required as a standard part of processing for most visa applicants. Disclaimer: Please note that this information is provided in good faith, but regulations may change and the only authoritative sources of information are government websites and consular services.

Microwaves without Borders: Canada was the second largest contributor to IMS this year after the United States with 137 paper submissions. Canada has 9 active chapters in the MTT-S.

› 14


President Elect



Nicholas Kolias

Madhu Gupta

William Chappell

Gregory Lyons

Elected AdCom Members Term Expires in 2012:

Luciano Boglione

William Chappell

Mark Gouker

Shiban Koul

George Ponchak

Robert Weigel

Roberto Sorrentino

Tim Lee

Amir Mortazawi

Tom Brazil

Quan Xue

Mohammad Madihian

Nicholas Kolias

Term Expires in 2013: Vijay Nair

Term Expires in 2014: Alaa Abunjaileh

Silvio Barbin

Kenji Itoh

Dominique Schreurs

Bela Szendreyi

Ke Wu

Daniel Pasquet

Immediate Past Presidents 2011



Richard Snyder

Samir El-Ghazaly

Barry Perlman

Honorary Life Members Tatsuo Itoh

Arthur Oliner

Peter Staecker

Kiyo Tomiyasu


2014: Tampa, FL

2015: Phoenix, AZ

2017: Honolulu, HI

2018: Philadelphia, PA

2019: Boston, MA

2-7 June Tom Raschko, Chair Sea-Port Technical Sales

1-6 June Larry Dunleavy, Chair Univ. of South Florida

4-9 June Kevin Miyashiro, Chair TeraSys

2016: San Francisco, CA

15-22 May Vijay Nair, Chair Intel Corporation

11-15 June Mohammad Madihian, Chair Institute of Microelectronics

22-27 May Amarpal Khanna, Chair Phase Matrix, Inc.

3-7 June Mark Gouker and Larry Kushner, Co-Chairs MIT Lincoln Lab. and BAE Systems,


Computer-Aided Design


Biological Effects & Medical Applications


Microwave Technology Business Issues


Microwave Acoustics


Microwave Measurements


Wireless Communications


Microwave Photonics


Microwave & mm-Wave Packaging & Manufacturing




Terahertz Technology and Applications


Microwave Ferrites and Ferroelectrics


Signal Generation & Frequency Conversion


Microwave High-Power Techniques


Microwave Low-Noise Techniques



Microwave & mm-Wave ICs


Microwave Field Theory


RFID Technologies


Microwave & mm-Wave Solid State Devices


Microwave Systems


RF Nanotechnology


Filters and Passive Components


HF/VHF/UHF Technology


Wireless Energy Transfer and Conversion


Digital Signal Processing


Microwave Superconductivity

› 15

MICROWAVE WEEK IEEE FELLOWS The member grade of fellow is conferred in recognition of unusual and outstanding professional distinction. It is awarded at the initiative of the IEEE Board of Directors following a rigorous nomination and evaluation process. Individuals receiving this distinction have demonstrated extraordinary contributions to one or more fields of electrical engineering, or related sciences. The total number of Fellows selected in any one year does not exceed one tenth of one percent of the total voting Institute membership. Twelve MTT-S members who were evaluated by our Society were elevated to the grade of Fellow, effective 1 January 2012. The new IEEE Fellows are: Jia-Sheng Hong

for contributions to microwave planar filter technologies

Wei Hong

for contributions to substrate integrated waveguide circuits and computational electromagnetics

Mao Jun Fa

for contributions to interconnects and passive components in integrated circuits and systems

Jerzy Krupka

for contributions to high frequency measurements of electromagnetic properties of materials

Ferran Martin

for contributions to metamaterial-based transmission lines for microwave applications

William Palmer

for leadership and contributions in microwave and millimeter wave systems and sources

Ian Robertson for contributions to monolithic microwave integrated circuits and millimeter-wave system-inpackage technology Mark Rosker for leadership in microwave and millimeter-wave phased arrays, gallium nitride semiconductors, and terahertz electronics Dominique Schreurs

for contributions to nonlinear vectorial measurement-based experimental design and modeling

Almudena Suarez

for applications of stability concepts to the computer-aided design of nonlinear microwave circuits

Jianping Yao

for contributions to photonic generation and processing of ultra-wideband signals

Lei Zhu

for contributions to modeling, design and development of planar microwave filters

MTT-S members who were evaluated by another IEEE Society are shown below; the other society is shown in parentheses. David Davidson (AP)

for contributions to computational electromagnetics

Zhenghe Feng (AP) for contributions to smart antennas and mobile communications, and for leadership in microwave and antenna education Jiro Hirokawa (AP)

for contributions to high-gain and high-efficiency millimeter-wave planar waveguide slot arrays

Kathleen Melde (AP)

for contributions to tunable antennas and their integration in electrical packaging

Thomas Weiland (AP) for development of the finite integration technique and impact of the associated software on electromagnetic engineering Eric Miller (GRS)

for contributions to inverse problems and physics-based signal and image processing

Thomas Linnenbrink (IM) for leadership in standards for instrumentation and measurement systems Yoon-Ha Jeong (NTC)

for the development of single-electron and high-electron mobility transistors

Ci-Ling Pan (PHO)

for contributions to optoelectronic and liquid crystal devices for ultrafast and terahertz photonics

Keh-Chung Wang (SSC) for contributions to GaAs HBT integrated circuits for high speed data conversion and optical fiber communication systems

› 16

MICROWAVE WEEK IEEE MTT-S AWARDS Microwave Career Award: This award recognizes an individual for a career of meritorious achievement and outstanding technical contribution in the field of microwave theory and techniques. This year’s recipient is George I. Haddad. “In recognition of a career of meritorious achievement and outstanding technical contribution in the field of microwave theory and techniques”

Distinguished Service Award: This award recognizes significant contributions and outstanding service to the MTT-S and the microwave profession over a sustained period of time. This year’s recipients are J. Michael Golio and Steven N. Stitzer. “In recognition of a distinguished record of service to the MTT Society and the microwave profession over a sustained period of time”

Distinguished Educator Award: This award was inspired by the untimely death of Prof. F.J. Rosenbaum (1937–1992), an outstanding teacher of microwave science and a dedicated AdCom Member and contributor. The award recognizes a distinguished educator in the field of microwave engineering and science who best exemplifies the special human qualities of Fred Rosenbaum who considered teaching a high calling and demonstrated his dedication to the Society through tireless service. This year’s recipients are Peter Asbeck and Andreas Cangellaris. “For outstanding contributions as a teacher, mentor, and role model for students in the microwave profession”

Microwave Application Award: This award recognizes an individual or team for outstanding application of microwave theory and techniques. This year’s recipient is Zoltan J. Cendes. “In recognition of outstanding application of microwave theory and contributions to the development of finite element theory and to microwave simulation techniques”

Pioneer Award: Recognizes a major, lasting contribution in the field of interest of MTT-S, published in an archival journal, at least 20 years prior to the year of the award, by an individual or team of up to three (3). This year’s recipients are Peter Russer and Herbert Hillbrand.

“In recognition of pioneering contributions and the publication of an efficient method for computer aided noise analysis of linear amplifier networks”

Outstanding Young Engineer Award: This award recognizes MTT-S members, who have distinguished themselves through technical achievements, service to the MTT-S, or a combination of both. Nominees must not have reached their 39th birthday and must be an MTT-S member at the time of nomination. This year’s recipients are N. Scott Barker and Ryan Y. Miyamoto. “For outstanding early career contributions to the microwave profession”

Microwave Prize: This award recognizes on an annual basis the most significant contribution by a published paper within the MTT-S’s field of interest. Papers under consideration are those published during the calendar year preceding the Fall meeting of the AdCom. This years recipients are Simone Bastioli, Cristiano Tomassoni, and Roberto Sorrentino for their paper, entitled “A New Class of Waveguide Dual-Mode Filters Using TM and Nonresonating Modes”, published in the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 58, No. 12, December 2010, pages 3909-3917.

Microwave Magazine Best Paper: The IEEE Microwave Magazine Best Paper Award recognizes the peer-reviewed technical feature from the prior calendar year that is judged to provide a clear overview of the state of the art in a given area of the MTT Society’s field of interest. This year’s recipient is Richard Cameron, for his paper entitled “Advanced Filter Synthesis,” published in IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 42-61, October 2011.

MWCL “Tatsuo Itoh” Best Paper Award: The Tatsuo Itoh Award is given annually to the best paper published in the IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters in the previous calender year. This year’s recipients are W. R. Deal, X. B. Mei, V. Radisic, K. Leong, S. Sarkozy, B. Gorospe, J. Lee, P. H. Liu, W. Yoshida, J. Zhou, M. Lange, J. Uyeda, and R. Lai, for their paper entitled, “Demonstration of a 0.48 THz Amplifier Module Using InP HEMT Transistors,” IEEE MWCL, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 289-to-291, May 2010.

› 17


À la Montréal

A little European charm, a lot of urban vibe, Montréal is always an exciting place to meet. The city is compact, safe and pedestrian-friendly, so from the Palais des Congrès (Convention Centre) to your hotel to off-site venues, everything is always within easy reach. Montréalers, of course, are renowned for being easygoing and friendly and take pride in sharing all of the discoveries of their city with you. Montréal is an international metropolis, the world’s second-largest French-speaking city after Paris, and home to 3.7 million people representing no fewer than 80 cultural groups. Each year, this compact and green island gem welcomes thousands of visitors who come here to enjoy its combination of Old World charm and new world verve. Grand Prix du Canada (6-10 June)

2012 International Microwave Syposium (17-22 June) Quebec National Holiday (24 June) Festival International de Jazz de Montréal (28 June - 7 August)

© Marie-Reine Mattera

› 18

© Ville de Montr√©al, bureau du patrimoine, de la toponymie et de l’expertise

Les FrancoFolies de Montréal (8-16 June)

MICROWAVE WEEK Walking distance from the convention center Montréal boasts extraordinary sites to visit. Located just south of the convention center, the Old Montréal is a great place to visit. Take a walk to see the numerous landmarks with historical values, including the Notre-Dame Basilica and the Marché Bonsecours or to shop in one of the artisanal boutique. For a more educational walk, visit the Pointe-à-Callière Museum of Archaeology and History or the Montréal Science Center. Tired? Hop in a Caleche to explore Old Montréal aboard one of these romantic horse-driven carriages.

Grand Prix du Canada: The best Formula 1 drivers meet at the demanding Gilles-Villeneuve Circuit.

© Jean-Guy Bergeron

An incredible cultural effervescence infuses entertainment venues, among the best in the country, and spills out into the streets, home to major international events and a host of hundreds of free shows. For your own pleasure IMS2012 is held right in the middle of the festival season. In June, Montréal is the host of hundreds of free shows in the Quartier des spectacles, a square kilometer of the city packed with more than 80 cultural venues. Enjoy!

Les FrancoFolies de Montréal: Thousands of artists from a dozen countries meet up in North America largest Francophone city. Festival International de Jazz de Montréal: Over 650 shows, including 370 free outdoor concerts, are presented in the heart of downtown Montréal. Quebec National Holiday: Holiday parade, family activities and the historical Fête nationale show. If you like the museum, you will love Montréal. Take some time to explore the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts with its encyclopaedic collection, the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal dedicated exclusively to contemporary art or the McCord Museum which celebrates Montréal life. © Just For Laugh Festival

Montréal is also renowned for its shopping, restaurants and nightlife. Hundreds of stores and restaurants are spread around the convention center. Take advantage of the rainy days to visit the Underground City. With over 32 km of tunnels connecting shopping malls, hotels, museums and universities, this is the largest underground complex in the world. Montréal nightlife is all about the party and welcoming everyone in on the vibe.

By metro To the east of downtown is the Olympic Park. The site is now the home of the Montréal Biodome and the Botanical Garden. The Montréal Biodome brings together five ecosystems of the Americas, reproduced with striking accuracy, under one roof. The Montréal Botanical Garden ranks as one of the world’s largest and most spectacular botanical gardens. While in the Olympic park you can enjoy the breathtaking view of the Montréal Tower. It is the highest inclined tower in the world at 165 metres high and with a 45 degree angle. Finally, make sure to visit the Chalet du Mont-Royal. The lookout in front of the chalet offers a striking view of the downtown area and the St. Lawrence River. © Tourisme Montréal

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Via Rail

Located only 20 minutes from downtown, Montréal-Trudeau International Airport is one of the most important in Canada with direct flights from some 40 carriers to over 130 international destinations in Canada, the United States and abroad.

VIA Rail Canada serves more than 450 Canadian cities. If you are coming from the United States, hop aboard an Amtrak train, with daily departures from several American cities to downtown Montréal. Visitors pull into Montréal’s Central Station, which is conveniently linked to the Underground Pedestrian Network and the Bonaventure metro station.

An array of information and services is available upon arrival, including several options for making your way to the heart of the city: car rental and limousine transportation companies are on site as well as airport shuttles, like the 747 Express bus. Featuring 24-hour service, 7 days a week, 365-days a year, the 747 Express bus costs only $8 (subject to change). The route features nine downtown stops conveniently located near major hotels and takes approximately 25 – 30 minutes each way, depending on traffic. If you are going by taxi, a trip downtown will cost you a flat rate of $40, tip not included. More information about Montréal-Trudeau (Dorval) airport can be found at:

Official Airline Air Canada is the IMS2012 official airline partner. They will provide 10% discount on all tickets purchased on their website.

If you are planning a trip by bus, many American and Canadian operators come to Montréal, including Orléans Express. You will arrive directly downtown at the Montréal Bus Central Station, which is also connected to the Underground Pedestrian Network via the Berri-UQAM metro station.

Via Car If you are travelling by car from elsewhere in Canada or the United States, Montréal can be easily accessed by highway. The island of Montréal is only 75 kilometres (46 miles) from the US border, and many roads and expressways lead to the city, including the Trans-Canada Highway. Depending on your point of origin, you may take one of the major bridges—Champlain, Jacques-Cartier or Victoria, or the Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine bridge tunnel—to head downtown.

In order to have the discount, you must use the following promotional code: CF9GNRZ1. This promotional code is valid for tickets to Montréal within the June 10 to June 29 period.


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The IEEE is a nonprofit, professional association with more than 400,000 members (including 100,000 students) in over 160 countries. This global organization helps support the development and application of technology and science around the world for the benefit of humanity, the individual, and the profession.

The benefits of IEEE membership include:

MTT-S The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) is a transnational society with more than 11,000 members and 150 chapters worldwide. Our society promotes the advancement of microwave theory and its applications, at frequencies from 200 MHz to 1 THz and beyond. As we enter into an exciting future, our mission is to continue to understand and influence microwave technology.

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Join the IEEE and MTT-S Web: Phone: (US and Canada): + 1.800.678.4333 (Worldwide): + 1.732.981.0060

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MICROWAVE WEEK IEEE AND MTT-S MEMBERSHIPS (CONT.) IEEE and MTT-S Membership Dues 2012 IEEE membership dues Residence

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Member Half Year*

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Student Half Year*

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Developing Nations e-Membership


*Half year rates apply to new members only. 
1This amount represents base dues plus IEEE-USA assessment. In the United States, depending on region, an additional regional assessment is added that ranges from US$1 to US$5.
2Except in Japan, where full year dues are US$168 and US$84 half year. • All dues pricing is listed in US Dollars. • IEEE membership runs from 1 January through 31 December. • NEW applications received between 16 August 2011 and 28 February 2012 will automatically be processed at the full year dues rates. Services begin immediately. • NEW applications received between 1 March and 15 August 2012 will automatically be processed for half-year membership ending 31 December 2012 at the half-year dues rates. Exception is when the applicant specifically requests their application be processed for the full year. However, we cannot guarantee availability of back issues of all publications for the first half of the calendar year. • The e-Membership option is only available to higher grade members in developing nations ( membership/join/emember_countries.html). • Membership in IEEE Technical Societies involves additional dues. See the table below for information on Society membership dues. All IEEE members are given online access to Potentials magazine as part of their basic IEEE membership. Student members in the U.S. and Canada receive Potentials in print as part of their dues. For Student members from all other countries and for IEEE Higher grade members who wish to receive a print subscription to Potentials, see rates provided below.

2012 MTT Society membership dues Society IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society

Member Full Year

Member Half Year*

Student Full Year

Student Half Year*





MTT-S dues include a subscription to IEEE Microwave Magazine. MTT-S members can also purchase subscriptions to the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technology, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letter, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE/ OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, and IEEE MTT CD-Rom Collection. See IEEE Membership website for pricing.

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IMS WELCOME FROM TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIR On behalf of the Technical Program Committee of IMS2012, I extend you a warm welcome to the largest and most prestigious IEEE microwave conference in the world. As the premier event of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technique Society (MTT-S), IMS brings together professionals from around the world to showcase their research in RF, microwave, millimeter-wave and Terahertz devices, components, circuits and systems. IMS2012 has set a record with 1,225 technical papers submitted from 49 countries around the world. The previous record of more than 1,000 papers had been set by IMS2003 in Philadelphia. Since 2004, the symposium has received an average of 825 submissions, and 841 in 2011. Almost one third of the IMS2012 papers (351) came from student authors, setting one more record for IMS. We were very thrilled at the level of enthusiasm for this year’s conference and the high quality of papers we received. We attribute the record-breaking number of submissions to both the shortened threepage limit we have implemented this year and the glamour of having the conference in Montréal. We continued this year with the double blind review process introduced in IMS2011. All authors were required to remove all personal and institutional identifying information from the papers they submit for review. Thus, to the best of our ability, review decisions were based entirely on the merits of each paper. All submissions were reviewed by the IMS2012 Technical Paper Review Committee (TPRC), approximately 290 TPRC members, which met on January 15, 2012 and made decisions on which papers to accept. Out of the 1225 papers received, a total of 612 papers were accepted, 448 were selected for oral presentation and 164 were selected for the Interactive Forum. The Technical Program Committee has worked very hard to provide an exciting technical program that will be of interest to researchers and well-seasoned practicing microwave engineers as well as students and those who are just starting out in this dynamic field. IMS2012 will have 40 workshops of which several are jointly organized with RFIC, 7 short courses, 18 special/focus sessions, 4 panel sessions, one rump session, 79 MicroApps presentations, 11 student design competitions, student paper competitions and graduate student challenge competitions. This comprehensive technical program could have not been possible without the dedication and commitment of many volunteers on the Technical Program Committee; Costas Sarris, the TPC Vice-Chair, the Workshop Chair, Ming Yu and his team, the Chair of Focus/Panel/Rump sessions, Natalia Nokolova and her team, the Chair of the Student Design Competition, Slim Boummaiza and his team, Zhizhang (David) Chen the Chair of the Student Paper Competition, Guoan Wang, the Short Courses Chair, the Interactive Forum Chair, Mohamed Bakr and his team, the MicroApps Chair, James Weiler and his team and Christophe Caloz, the Chair of the Special and Plenary sessions. A tremendous amount of guidance to the Technical Program Committee was provided by George Heiter and many others. We sincerely hope that you will find IMS2012 in Montréal professionally rewarding and technically inspiring as well as thoroughly enjoyable. Raafat R. Mansour IMS2012 Technical Program Committee Chair

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Management & Operations General Chair: Ke Wu Vice-Chair: Christophe Caloz Secretariat: Nazih Khaddaj Mallat Advisers: Fred Schindler, Dick Sparks, Peter Staecker Administrators: Nazih Khaddaj Mallat, Amanda Scacchitti Finance: Samer Abielmona, Robert Alongi Registration & On-Site Printing: Jianping Yao Convention & Visitors Bureau: Caroline Biron, Anader Benyamin-Seeyar Historical Exhibit: Daniel Gratton, Steven Stitzer, Christophe Caloz

Social Activities: Simone Winkler

Workshops: Ming Yu, Costas Sarris, Slim Boumaiza, Carlos Saavedra

Guest Program: Ammar Kouki, Frédéric Domingue

Short Courses: Guoan Wang, Halim Boutayeb

Hotels: Caroline Biron

TPRC: Costas Sarris, Frédéric Domingue

Transportation: Roni Khazaka, Frédéric Domingue

Publications & Publicity

Student Activities: Simone Winkler, Serioja Tatu Women in Microwaves: Milica Popovich, Natalia Nikolova Audio-Visual: Serioja Tatu IT/Signage: Nazih Khaddaj Mallat Daybooks: Dominic Deslandes, Serioja Tatu GOLD: Chan-Wang Park,Ammar Kouki

Chair/ Vice-Chair: Q.J. Zhang, David Vye Adviser: George Heiter Branding & Logo: Ke Wu Call for Papers: Roni Khazaka, Carlos Saavedra, Halim Boutayeb Program Book: Emad Gad, Carlos Saavedra, Ammar Kouki

Ham Radio: Anader Benyamin-Seeyar, Shirook Ali

Session Management: Ahmed Kishk, Khelifa Hettak

60th Anniversary: Christophe Caloz

Technical Program

Signs: Khelifa Hettak, Chan-Wang Park

US/International Liaison/Visa: Jules Gauthier, Afshin Daryoush

Chair / Vice-Chair: Raafat Mansour, Costas Sarris

Gifts & VIP Protocol: Ke Wu, Fred Schindler

Advisers: George Heiter, Ramesh Gupta

Exhibition: Lee Wood, Susie Horn, Jules Gauthier

Student Design Competition: Slim Boumaiza, Winter Yan

Conference Management: Elsie Cabrera

RFIC/ARFTG Liaison: Ian Gresham Grant Applications: Nazih Khaddaj Mallat, Frédéric Domingue, Halim Boutayeb

Open Forum Sessions: Mohamed Bakr, Daniel Gratton, Shirook Ali

Video Archive: Brian Rautio, Muhammad Kabir

Special and Focus Sessions: Natalia Nikolova, Ahmed Kishk, Ammar Kouki

Local Arrangements

Panel & Rump Sessions: Natalia Nikolova, Mohamed Bakr, Deep Gupta

Chair / Vice-Chair: Dominic Deslandes, Nazih Khaddaj Mallat

Plenary Session: Christophe Caloz

Banquet: Dominic Deslandes, Nazih Khaddaj Mallat

Student Paper Competitions: Zhizhang (David) Chen, Steve Kirchoefer, Ibrahim Haroun, Yi-qiang Yu

Receptions: Nazih Khaddaj Mallat, Dominic Deslandes

MicroApps: James Weiler, Jean Rautio, Bela Szendrenyi

Electronic Submissions: Jeff Pond, J.B. Hacker Web Site: Roni Khazaka, Xinyu Xu, Brian Rautio, Muhammad Kabir Special Issues: Ming Yu, Ian Gresham, Afshin Daryoush Photography: Jim Lyle, Tammy Lyle, Ibrahim Haroun Proceedings and Workshop USB: Emad Gad, Jean Rautio Publicity & Sponsorship: Denis Jacques, Jules Gauthier, Daniel Gratton Electronic Communications: Roni Khazaka, Muhammad Kabir, Steve Kirchoefer, Tim Lee, Brian Rautio, Pavan Gunupudi, Anader Benyamin-Seeyar

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IMS IMS2012 TECHNICAL PAPER REVIEW COMMITTEE (TPRC) Field Analysis And Guided Waves Tapan Sarkar, Chair Paolo Lampariello Jan Machac Ingo Wolff Francisco Mesa David Jackson

Passive Circuit Elements I Nickolas Kingsley, Chair Kavita Goverdhanam Rashaunda Henderson George Ponchak Ramesh Abhari Maher Bakri-Kassem Siamak Fouladi

Frequency-Domain EM Analysis Techniques Luca Perregrini, Chair Jin-Fa Lee Jianming Jin Dan Jiao

Passive Circuit Elements II Guoan Wang, Chair Jesse Taub Ke-Li Wu Alejandro García Lampérez Anthony Grbic Ashwin Iyer George Shaker

Time-Domain EM Analysis Techniques Zhizhang David Chen, Chair Poman So Nathan Bushyager Fernando Teixeira Wolfgang J. R. Hoefer Costas Sarris Ji Chen Daniel Van Der Weide CAD Algorithms And Techniques Roni Khazaka, Chair Slawomir Koziel Peter Aaen Michel Nakhla John Bandler Jose Rayas-Sanchez Arvind Sharma Linear Device Modeling Michel Nakhla, Chair Slawomir Koziel Peter Aaen Roni Khazaka John Bandler Jose Rayas-Sanchez Arvind Sharma Nonlinear Device Modeling Yusuke Tajima, Chair John Atherton Thomas Brazil Robert Leoni Matthias Rudolph Christopher Snowden Nonlinear Circuit And System Simulation Almudena Suarez, Chair Kevin Gard Christian Fager Jose Carlos Pedro Christopher Silva Steve Kenney Transmission Line Elements Tatsuo Itoh, Chair Victor Fouad Hanna Atsushi Sanada Branka Jokanovic George Eleftheriades Frederic Domingue

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Planar Passive Filters And Multiplexers I Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Chair Christopher Galbraith Bo Pan Jiasheng Hong Jeff Pond Soeren Peik Planar Passive Filters And Multiplexers II Chi Wang, Chair James Rautio Winter Yan Kawthar Zaki Paul Laforge Sanghoon Shin Non-Planar Passive Filters And Multiplexers Ming Yu, Chair Giuseppe Macchiarella Ali Atia Vicente Boria Richard Snyder Huiwen Yao Roberto Sorrentino Active, Tunable And Integrated Filters Roberto Gomez-Garcia, Chair Ian Hunter Douglas Jachowski Bernhard Schoenlinner Har Dayal Clark Bell Andy Guyette Stephen Holme Ferroelectric, Ferrite And Acoustic Wave Components Amir Mortazawi, Chair Robert Weigel Harvey Newman Thomas Lingel Clemens Ruppel Spartak Gevorgian

MEMS Components And Technologies Pierre Blondy, Chair Charles Goldsmith Dimitrios Peroulis Tom Weller James Hwang Gabriel Rebeiz Mojgan Daneshmand John Ebel

High Power Amplifiers John Wood, Chair Allen Katz Paul Tasker James Schellenberg Joe Qiu Fadhel Ghannouchi Slim Boumaiza James Komiak Bumman Kim

Semiconductor Devices And Monolithic ICs Ho Huang, Chair Nicholas Kolias George Duh Dietmar Kissinger Jonathan Comeau Timothy Lee P.C. Chao Amin Ezzeddine

Low Noise Components And Receivers Terry Cisco, Chair Phillip Smith James Sowers François Danneville James Whelehan Joseph Bardin Madhu Gupta Marian Pospieszalski William Deal

Signal Generation John Papapolymerou, Chair Thomas Ussmueller Bhaskar Banerjee Scott Wetenkamp Bert Henderson Deukhyoun Heo Amarpal Khanna Frequency Conversion And Control Huei Wang, Chair Chinchun Meng Hiroshi Okazaki Kenji Itoh Mohammad Madihian Brad Nelson Stephen Maas Yi-Jan (Emery) Chen HF, VHF And UHF Technologies And Applications Frederick Raab, Chair Frank Sullivan Richard Campbell John Heaton Marc Franco Robert Caverly Charles Weitzel Power Amplifier Devices And Circuits I Douglas Teeter, Chair Peter Asbeck Rüdiger Quay Manfred Schindler Raghu Mallavarpu Franco Sechi Wolfgang Heinrich Wayne Kennan 19b. Power Amplifier Devices And Circuits II Anh-Vu Pham, Chair Debasis Dawn Ali Darwish Aryeh Platzker Shabbir Moochala Paul Draxler Youngwoo Kwon Leo De Vreede

Millimeter-Wave And THz Components And Technologies I Edward Niehenke, Chair Jae-Sung Rieh Danny Elad Kenichi Maruhashi Scott Barker Millimeter-Wave And THz Components And Technologies II Reynold Kagiwada, Chair H. John Kuno James Buckwalter Imran Mehdi Peter Siegel Microwave Photonics Dieter Jaeger, Chair Tibor Berceli Ronald Reano Mona Jarrahi Adil Karim Asher Madjar John Cunningham Dalma Novak Mixed Mode And Digital Signal Processing Circuits And Systems Koichi Murata, Chair Hermann Boss Johann Luy Edward Gebara Agnieszka Konczykowska KC Wang Shamsur Mazumder Packaging, Interconnects, MCMs And Integration Zaher Bardai, Chair Ching-Kuang Tzuang Daniela Staiculescu Robert Jackson Morgan Chen Alexandros Margomenos

Instrumentation And Measurement Techniques Andrea Ferrero, Chair Alfred Riddle Ken Wong Michael Janezic Leonard Hayden Nuno Carvalho Jon Martens Biological Effects And Medical Applications Anand Gopinath, Chair Arnaud Pothier Shahed Reza Claude Weil Abbas Omar Arye Rosen Guglielmo D’Inzeo Arrays As Antennas And Power Combiners Constantine Balanis, Chair Roberto Vincenti Gatti RongLin Li Aly Fathy Wayne Shiroma Glenn Hopkins Goutam Chattopadhyay Chris Rodenbeck Julio Navarro Radar And Broadband Communication Systems Arne Jacob, Chair Gregory Lyons Rudy Emrick Roger Kaul Ryan Miyamoto Mohamed Abouzahra Reinhard Knoechel Darren Goshi Wireless And Cellular Communication Systems Vijay Nairm, Chair Jonathan Wells Ethan Wang Shoichi Narahashi Debabani Choudhury Alexander Koelpin Chang-Ho Lee Sensors And Sensor Systems Alan Jenkins, Chair Gaetano Marrocco Kiki Ikossi Hiroshi Kondoh Lora Schulwitz Ian Gresham George Heiter RFID Technologies Luca Roselli, Chair Li Yang Apostolos Georgiadis Peter Staecker Kazuya Yamamoto Atef Elsherbeni

High Power Microwave Industrial Applications Malgorzata Celuch, Chair Vadim Yakovlev Yoshio Nikawa Monika Willert-Porada John Osepchuk RF Nanotechnology Fabio Coccetti, Chair Stephen Goodnick Rhonda Franklin Luca Pierantoni Joachim Oberhammer Dominique Baillargeat Peter Russer Wireless Power Transmission Manos Tentzeris, Chair Mauro Mongiardo Ki Young Kim Morris Kesler Zoya Popovic New Technologies And Applications Ramesh Gupta, Chair S. Jerry Fiedziuszko Cheng (CP) Wen Andreas Weisshaar Telesphor Kamgaing Reza Mahmoudi RF Devices For Wireless Health Care Applications And Biosensing J.-C. Chiao, Chair H. Alfred Hung Yanzhu Zhao Mohammad-Reza Tofighi Dominique Schreurs Ada Poon Changzhi Li Katia Grenier Special Sessions And Invited Papers (By Invitation Only) Christophe Caloz, Chair Brian Sequeira Ke Wu Focus Sessions (By Invitation Only) Natalia Nikolova, Chair Dalma Novak Ahmed Kishk Mohamed Bakr Deep Gupta Ammar Kouki Raafat Mansour

IMS PLENARY SESSION TALK 3G/4G Chipsets and the Mobile Data Explosion Monday, 18 June 2012 1730 - 1900 Room 710 Plenary Speaker: Steve Mollenkopf The Plenary talk will be given by Steve Mollenkopf, President and Chief Operating Officer of Qualcomm. From his leadership role in Qualcomm, one of the greatest and most successful global telecommunication corporations, as well as pioneer of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology, Mr. Mollenkopf is ideally positioned to provide an acute and authoritative perspective on microwave technology and business which should be in the interest of all the attendees of the IMS. His talk will be entitled “3G/4G chipsets and the mobile data explosion.”

Abstract of the talk The rapid growth of wireless data and complexity of 3G and 4G chipsets drives new design and deployment challenges for radio and device manufacturers along with carriers. This talk will provide a perspective on the problem from the point of view of a large, worldwide manufacturer of semiconductors and technology for cellular and connected consumer electronics devices. The increase in device and network complexity will result in significant business opportunities for the industry.

Biography of the Speaker Steve Mollenkopf serves as president and chief operating officer of Qualcomm, leading the company’s business operations, product and worldwide sales groups. In this role, Mr. Mollenkopf also serves as president of Qualcomm CDMA Technologies (QCT). Moreover, he is a member of Qualcomm’s Executive Committee, helping to drive Qualcomm’s overall global strategy. Since 2008, Mr. Mollenkopf led QCT and served as executive vice president and group president of Qualcomm, driving growth and providing critical technical and operational leadership. QCT, the company’s semiconductor business, is the world’s largest wireless chip supplier and fabless semiconductor company, in terms of revenue. A published IEEE author, Mr. Mollenkopf holds patents in areas such as power estimation and measurement, multistandard transmitter system and wireless communication transceiver technology. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Semiconductor Industry Association and serves as a Board Member and is on the Board Executive Committee and CEO Council for the Global Semiconductor Alliance. Mr. Mollenkopf holds two electrical engineering degrees, a bachelor of science in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech and a master of science in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

Microwaves without Borders: Spain represents the third largest European contributor, after France and Germany, to IMS this year with over 40 initial submissions. Spain is part of IEEE region 8 and has an active MTT-S chapter.

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IMS FLOWERS GREET MICROWAVES As part of bringing the vibrancy of the Montreal cultural scene to IMS this year, the Steering Committee has selected six unique flowers to represent the 6 technical tracks presented at IMS2012. Furthermore, the pairing of flowers to the technical tracks also symbolizes the passion of the microwave community for the microwave profession.

Microwave Field and Circuit Techniques SUNFLOWER - Who has not seen the beautiful sunflower fields in the south of France. The sunflower heads are circling around to follow the sun in perfect unity, but with radiating individual strength and nourishment to man and nature. This year, IMS has chosen the sunflower to represent all sessions in the microwave field and circuit techniques technical track. Please follow the signs to the Sunflower Rooms.

Systems and Applications TULIP - The tulip, once a highly prized commodity in the 17th century, has had many applications. Its name comes from the Persian word meaning turban because the turban was once decorated with the tulip. The tulip bulb was dug up and used for food during the Dutch hunger winter of WWII. Today as in the past, this easily recognized flower, grown in many colours, plays a significant role in art and culture. Please follow the Pink Tulip to the Systems and Applications technical track.

Passive Components

Emerging Technical Areas

ORCHID - Something as passive as a flower can still be versatile and be a gift of strength and power, like the Orchid. The Orchid, long-lasting and particularly elegant, exotic and unusual is one of the world’s most evolved flowers and grows naturally in almost all climates. The Aztecs were said to drink a mixture of the vanilla orchid and chocolate to give them power and strength.

GERBERA - The emergence of new technical ideas is as exciting as the sight of the vibrant orange coloured gerbera. Its cheerfulness will brighten anyone’s day and therefore set the mind in motion. The gerbera is the fifth most popular flower overall and originates in South Africa.

Please follow the purple Orchid to technical presentation connected to passive components.

The presence of the Orange Gerbera, throughout the symposium or on the pages of the program book, is an indication of a novel idea being presented.

Active Components

General Interest

RED ROSE - This beautiful red flower is definitely a symbol of one of the active components in our life. We want this flower as an emblem, a given token of love and passion, and as a universal identification for our ideas. The rose was named floral emblem of the US in 1986. It is the national flower of England, symbol of social democracy and the rose is widely used as the flower for Valentine’s Day, in bride’s bouquets and during courtship.

CALLA LILY - The elegant Calla Lily is successfully used as decoration for any general occasion. Its neutral white color brings harmony to its surroundings. The flower’s beauty has inspired many cultures and civilizations in both daily life and special occasions. The Calla Lily was already grown by the Romans, she was prized by the ancient Jews and she was a sacred flower to the Minoans. The Calla Lily or ‘Fleur de Lys’ is the flower emblem on the Flag of Québec. While the flag is fairly recent (1948), it has a lengthy lineage. Designed in 1902, based on a banner discovered in 1848, it evokes the lilies of the kings of France, which appeared around the year 1000.

Please follow the Red Rose to the Active Components track.

The nature and character of a Calla Lily suggested that it would be ideal to signify the existence of papers and presentations that belong to the track of general interest.

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IMS this year has been characterized by a strong international presence with papers submitted from over 49 different countries. In fact, this is a reflection of the MTT-Society which has over 150 active local chapters located throughout the world. This year, IMS has received a record number of 1225 paper submissions. Contributing countries to IMS this year include countries from six continents; a sign that reaffirms the increasingly emerging borderless nature of the Microwave Theory and Techniques community. This fact is celebrated throughout this year’s program book, where we endeavor to highlight the contributions of various MTT communities and its role in shaping the IMS experience this year.

Distribution of technical papers submitted to IMS by continent.


0800 – 0940

Room 512CDGH

TU1C: Focus Session - Advances in RF MEMS Ruggedness and Reliability


1200 – 1320

Room 516A-C

Panel Session: RF scaling: Can it keep up with digital CMOS? Should it?

Chair: James C. M. Hwang, Lehigh University Co-Chair: Harvey Newman, Naval Research Lab, Washington

Organizers: Jeffrey Walling, Rutgers University Oren Eliezer, Xtendwave

Abstract: This session will include presentations from participants in the recently completed Harsh Environment, Robust Micromechanical Technology (HERMIT) Program, which was funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency from 2002 to 2011. Through the program, significant advances in establishing RF MEMS ruggedness and reliability were made, which will be highlighted and discussed. The speakers will also share important lessons learned through the program and will highlight remaining challenges and potential opportunities for system insertion of RF MEMS. As RF-MEMS are on the verge of being deployed in cell phones and defense systems, their ruggedness and reliability becomes increasingly important. The session will give potential users a fair assessment of the technology and its potential in future applications.

Panelists: 1. David Allstot, Professor, Univ. of Washington, USA 2. Dominique Brunel, Fellow, ST-Ericsson, France 3. Jonathan Jensen, Principal Engineer RF/Analog Circuits, Intel, USA 4. Li Lin, Director RF IC Design, Marvell Semiconductor Inc. 5. George Chien, Director RF Circuit Design, MediaTek, Taiwan 6. Raf Roovers, Dept. Head, RF Int. Sol., NXP Semiconductors 7. Robert Staszewski, Associate Professor, TU Delft, Netherlands 8. Masoud Zagari, Senior Director of Engineering, Qualcomm, USA Panel Description: The benefits of continued scaling of CMOS transistors are well appreciated within the digital design community, allowing ever increasing integration. The resultant increase in speed and performance has enabled RF-CMOS to evolve to the point where single-chip RF-SoC integration is possible. However, the drawbacks to the continued scaling for RF functions are plentiful. Device scaling comes at the cost of decreases in gain and SNR, and increased power consumption due to leakage. In recent years, RF CMOS designers have been able to compensate for these drawbacks with adept changes in architectures and design topologies as CMOS has roared into the nanotechnology realm. Most recently, various cognitive radio (CR) applications have emerged for which integration is likely the key to their widespread adoption. These applications typically require wide bandwidth, high dynamicrange, and high output power, which cannot be easily accomplished simultaneously. Integration in scaled CMOS also includes challenges associated with the linearity and efficiency of the power amplifier. This fine group of panelists will present their ideas and opinions about the future of RF scaling. They will also engage the audience and respond to their questions or comments.

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1200 – 1320

Panel Session: RF MEMS for Defense and Aerospace

Room 513 D-F

Organizers: Dr. Brandon Pillans, Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems Dr. Volker Ziegler, EADS Innovation Work Panelists: 1. Dr Bill Chappell, DARPA MTO Program Manager, USA 2. Dr Bob Newgard, Rockwell Collins, USA 3. Dr. Edgar Martinez, Raytheon Network Centric Systems, USA 4. Dr. Afshin Ziaei, Thales Research and Technology, France 5. Dr. Peter Feldle, Cassidian Electronics, Germany Panel Description: Following up on the successful (and widely attended) Lunch Panel Session at IMS2011 “Commercial Viability of RF-MEMS: A Reality or a Dream?,” this session will focus on other markets for RF MEMS devices namely the defense and aerospace market. This market has lower overall volume compared to the commercial market, but requires higher performance in survivability as well as cutting edge RF performance. Recent results in reliability and device performance from companies such as Raytheon, Radant MEMS, EADS and MEMTronics (among others) have enabled system demonstrations of phased array radars and agile filtering in defense and aerospace applications. This panel session will focus on what specific needs the defense and aerospace industry has for RF MEMS devices and what their insertion allows from a system perspective. In addition, the panelists will call out defense and aerospace requirements that are unique compared to commercial RF MEMS and see where crossover may exist.


1350 – 1530

Room 511BE

TU3G: Focus Session - SiGe/CMOS for Phased Array Applications: A World Perspective Chair: Gabriel M. Rebeiz, University of California at San Diego Co-Chair: Mark J. Rosker, Raytheon Abstract: SiGe and CMOS circuits are now being used in most modern phased arrays, either at the backend, or in the entire T/R module (including the LNA and PA). In just a few years, they have revolutionized how phased arrays are built. Currently, every major defense and commercial company in the world has a SiGe/CMOS effort for phased arrays or is starting this effort. This focus session will bring to the MTT community, which is GaAs centric in phased arrays, a world perspective on SiGe/CMOS with speakers from around the world all of whom are renowned experts.


1350 – 1530

Room 510AC

TU3E: Special Session - Globalization of Engineering Education and Research: Opportunities and Challenges Chair: Magdy F. Iskander, University of Hawaii Co-Chair: Samir El-Ghazaly, University of Arkansas Abstract: As the world continues to flatten and the global marketplace relies more heavily on brain and economic powers of people from across the globe, engineering education and research enterprises are rapidly changing with focus on educating engineers as global citizens. In this session, papers reviewing innovation, transformation, and globalization of engineering education, over the past 60 years, will be presented, with focus on opportunities and challenges presented by this fast growing globalization trend. The session will start with an overview presentation on innovation and transformational trends in microwave education followed by papers describing rationale for developing global competence, preparing engineers for the global workforce, conducting research in global society and understanding and comparing education and training systems and their relationship to economic performance and national security issues.

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1600 – 1720

Room 512ABEF

TU4B: Focus Session - Coupled Multi-Physics Modeling of High-Power and HighFrequency Electronic Devices Chair: Peter H. Aaen, Freescale Semiconductor Inc. Co-Chair: John Wood, Freescale Semiconductor Inc. Abstract: As communications systems become more sophisticated, transistors are required to operate at ever higher frequencies, output powers, and improved linearities. As a result, design methodologies are becoming increasingly complex and they require new comprehensive modeling strategies, which incorporate the interactive coupling between device physics, electromagnetic theory, and thermal diffusion. Traditionally, these multiphysics simulations have been too computationally demanding for widespread application, but with recent advances in computer hardware and numerical methods, these techniques are now becoming feasible. Recent advances will be presented in multi-physics modeling for high-frequency and high-power electronic devices. The Session will illustrate the need for multi-physics simulations and will present key developments in this topic.


1600 – 1720

TU4D: Focus Session - Terahertz Imaging

Room 510BD

Chair: Goutam Chattopadhyay, JPL/Caltech Co-Chair: Jon B. Hacker, Teledyne Scientific Abstract: Imaging at terahertz frequencies has received unprecedented attention for security screening and standoff weapon detection. Impressive progress has recently been demonstrated. Due to its short wavelength and ability to penetrate dust, smog, and clothes, this frequency band is ideal for imaging person borne contrabands concealed under garments. Microwave and millimeter wave systems are capable of doing the same, however, they require a much bigger aperture for the same spatial resolution, a crucial parameter for differentiating guns from cell phones. On the other hand infrared systems cannot penetrate clothes and are inoperable in dust, smog, and rain. Different concepts in terahertz imaging will be highlighted such as passive, active, and radar imagers. Talks will also address the challenges in the deployment of these imaging instruments in real world conditions.


1700 – 1900 Westin, St. Antoine AB

Rump Session: Human Aspects of Communication And Persuasion: First Impressions and Subtext Presenter: Dr. John W. Bandler, McMaster University Description: When confronted with delivering a public speech, making a technical presentation, attending a job interview, or appearing in front of a panel of judges, apprehension is normal. This is not only because of valid concern over a first impression. Once into any communication/persuasion event, subtext—an underlying and often distinct theme—comes into play. The very nature of empathetic communication dictates that sensitive human issues have to be addressed, either consciously or unconsciously. For example, an unexpected negative (positive) word/gesture about a person or situation may take years to put into perspective; a first impression seems to have a life of its own; the notion of an open (impression-free) mind may be a myth. Mastering impressions and subtext may be keys to landing a job, getting promoted, being inducted into a prestigious society, making an effective technical presentation, and more. Traps and hidden agendas include perceived respect, believability, conflicts of interest, even simple attribution of the contributions of others. Any presenter must be aware of the subtext carried by his/her slides/speech/mannerisms. My proposed talk will acknowledge ideas by such figures as Malcolm Gladwell, R.J. Sternberg, and Robert McKee. It will draw on personal contributions and experiences (with humor) in both the technical and non-technical domains, and should enjoy wide interest. It will not only identify certain subjective perceptions during, for example, a technical presentation, but will also suggest ways of controlling and/or correcting perceptions. It seems essential for all of us (particularly aspiring professionals) to be aware that others will make life-altering decisions about us, of which we may forever be unaware.


0800 – 0940

TU1A: Novel Devices, Waveguiding Structures and Analysis Methods Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 513ABC Chair: Ingo Wolff, IMST GmbH Co-Chair: Tapan K Sarkar, Syracuse University

TU1B: Ferroelectric, Ferrite and Acoustic-Based Resonators and Filters Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 512ABEF Chair: Harvey S. Newman, Naval Research Laboratory Co-Chair: Clemens Ruppel, EPCOS AG

TU1A-1 0800 – 0820 Hybrid Modes Propagation inside Parallel Plate Waveguide Using Anisotropic Graphene Plate S. Malek Abadi1, S. Charlebois1, D. Deslandes2, 1Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada, 2Université du Québec à montréal, Montréal, Canada A tunable parallel plate waveguide with a metal plate and a sheet of graphene is presented. The anisotropic conductivity of the graphene is modeled by a conductivity tensor. The Maxwell equations are solved and it is shown that a hybrid mode can propagates inside the waveguide. The amount of power which propagates in each TE and TM modes can be adjusted by the magnitude of applied fields. The proposed guide demonstrate good properties in comparison to metal waveguides in the 0.4 to 1 THz region.

TU1B-1 0800 – 0820 Tunable and Flexible Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) Varactors on Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Substrates Y. Shen, S. Ebadi, P. Wahid, X. Gong, University of Central Florida, Orlando, United States Tunable inter-digital capacitors (IDCs) are presented on flexible Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) substrates. Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) is used as the tuning mechanism. A new transfer process is used to realize BST on LCP. Due to the monolithic integration, no wire bonding or packaging is needed. Tunability of 22-28% and Q factors of 80–7 have been measured within 0.01–50 GHz. This is the first demonstration of a tunable device on 100% flexible materials without any rigid components.

TU1A-2 0820 – 0830 Compact Terahertz Surface Plasmon Switch inside a Two Dimensional Electron Gas Layer M. A. Khorrami, S. El-Ghazaly, S. Yu, H. Naseem, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, United States The possibility of realizing a terahertz switch by employing surface plasmons along a two dimensional electron gas layer of a hetero-structure is presented. A compact and efficient THz switch with high On/OFF signal ratio is reported. This micro-meter size plasmonic switch demonstrates a very promising method for navigating the subwavelength THz signals inside future plasmonic circuits.

TU1B-2 0820 – 0830 Large Signal Performance of Ferroelectric FBARs V. Lee, S. Lee, S. A. Sis, A. Mortazawi, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States Ferroelectric FBARs have been of growing interest due to their electric field dependent properties. Resonators based on the ferroelectric BST have resonances that switch on with a dc bias voltage. In this paper, the large signal performance and nonlinear behavior of BST FBARs are investigated. Measurement results show as the dc bias voltage increases, the nonlinear behavior due to high RF input power decreases. Measurement results of BST FBARs are fitted to a nonlinear MBVD model.

TU1A-3 0830 – 0850 Novel Surface Integral Equation Formulation for Accurate Broadband RL Extraction in Transmission Lines of Arbitrary Cross-Section A. Menshov, V. Okhmatovski, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada The volume integral equation (IE) used in MoM based RL extractors is reduced to a novel surface IE with a global surface impedance operator and a product of volume and surface integral operators. This is achieved via equivalence principle representation of E-field in the conductor cross-section and boundary surface current density. The MoM solution of novel surface IE does not compromise the accuracy of volumetric current approximation as no approximation is utilized in the reduction procedure.

TU1B-3 0830 – 0840 Stacked Multistage Lumped Element Circulator A. G. Schuchinsky, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom The novel concept and architecture of the vertically stacked multistage circulator has been proposed. The distinctive features of the new arrangement and the main aspects of the circulator design are discussed. The experimental prototype of the VHF stacked double isolator exhibits low loss, high isolation, excellent thermal stability and high power handling capability. The proposed class of circulators can increase dynamic range of the transceivers for emerging white space UHF/VHF applications.

TU1A-4 0850 – 0910 Upper Frequency Limit of the Power Loss Method for the Estimation of Ohmic Losses in Hollow Metallic Waveguides C. A. Leal-Sevillano1, J. A. Ruiz-Cruz2, J. R. Montejo-Garai1, J. M. Rebollar1, 1Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain The ohmic losses of waveguides are estimated by the power loss method. This method is based on using the solution of the ideal problem and the impedance boundary condition. In this paper the highest frequency where the power loss method can be used is investigated. This frequency is determined by the cross-sectional dimension and the behaviour of the conductors. The estimation of the upper frequency is presented, very useful and with practical consequences from an engineering point of view.

TU1B-4 0840 – 0900 Non-Reciprocal Tunable Low-Loss Bandpass Filters With Ultra-Wideband Isolation Based on Magnetostatic Surface Wave J. Wu, X. Yang, J. Lou , S. Beguhn, N. Sun, Northeastern University, Boston, United States A new type of non-reciprocal C-band magnetic tunable bandpass filter with dual functionality of ultra-wideband isolator is presented. The BPF was designed with a rotated YIG slab loaded on an inverted-L shaped microstrip transducer pair. This filter shows an insertion loss of 1.6~2.3dB and an ultra-wideband isolation of more than 20dB, which was attributed to the magnetostatic surface wave. The tunable resonant frequency of 5.3~6.8GHz was obtained with the magnetic bias field 1.1kOe~1.6kOe.

TU1A-5 0910 – 0930 THz Holographic Imaging: A Spatial-domain Technique for Phase Retrieval and Image Reconstruction A. Enayati1, A. Tamminen2, J. Ala-Laurinaho 2, A. V. Räisänen2, W. D. Raedt1, G. A. Vandenbosch3, 1IMEC, Leuven, Belgium, 2Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 3Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium A method has been introduced for the phase-retrieval step in the field of holographic imaging. In contrary to the phase-retrieval methods available in the literature which are mainly implemented in the wave-number domain the method introduced here retrieves the phase directly in the spatial domain. Although, the method is applicable to holographic imaging at any frequency and wavelength, its validity is investigated at 310 GHz practically.

TU1B-5 0900 – 0920 High Performance Surface Acoustic Resonators in 1-3 GHz Range Using ScAlN/6H-SiC Structure K. Hashimoto1, S. Sato1, A. Teshigahara2, T. Nakamura2, K. Kano2, 1Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, 2DENSO, Nisshin, Japan This paper describes use of ScAlN for wideband RF SAW devices. First, it is shown theoretically that large SAW velocity and coupling factor are achievable when ScAlN is combined with a substrate with high acoustic wave velocities. Next, SAW delay lines are fabricated on the ScAlN/6H-SiC structure, and it is shown that SAW properties are simulated well theoretically. Finally, a one-port SAW resonator is fabricated, and it is shown how high performances are achievable by use of the structure.

TU1A-6 0930 – 0940 Peculiarities of Distributed Passive Intermodulation Generation in Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Lines A. Shitvov, A. Schuchinsky, Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom A phenomenology of distributed passive intermodulation generation in coplanar waveguide transmission line is presented. The theoretical analysis is based upon the generalised nonlinear transmission line model, which accounts for the coupling of two propagating modes. The case of weak substrate nonlinearity is considered and the model is given qualitative verification through the mapping of passive intermodulation products generated in coplanar waveguide fabricated on a commercial laminate.

TU1B-6 0920 – 0940 A New BAWR (Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator) Structure for Near Zero TCF (Temperature Coefficient of Frequency) S. Son, I. Song, J. Shin, H. Park, J. Cui, C. Kim, D. Kim, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Yong-in, Republic of Korea Resonance frequency of BAWR (bulk acoustic wave resonator) shifts as an environment temperature changes, normally ranging -25~-30 ppm/°C, which is referred to TCF (temperature coefficient of frequency). A large TCF value reduces the gap between adjacent bands and gives rise to interference in their operation. To overcome this problem, a new BAWR structure with SiO2/SiN layers was designed enabling TCF -0.3~-7.8 ppm/°C, Q 2400, and kt2 5.4%, which has been applied to LTE Band-7/25 filters.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 29






0800 – 0940

TU1C: Advances in RF MEMS Ruggedness and Reliability Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 0800 –0940 Room: 512CDGH Chair: James C. M. Hwang, Lehigh University Co-Chair: Harvey Newman, NRL

TU1D: Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 510BD Chair: Debasis Dawn, Georgia Institute of Technology Co-Chair: Aryeh Platzker, Raytheon Corporation

TU1C-1 0800 – 0820 The Harsh Environment Robust Micromechanical Technology (HERMiT) Program: Success and Some Unfinished Business C. T. Nguyen, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, United States This invited paper summarizes the history behind the creation, execution, and eventual success and commercial impact of DARPA’s Harsh Environment Robust Micromechanical Technology (HERMiT) program. Originally proposed in late 2002 as a program to explore micro-scale environmental control via new packaging technology, the HERMiT program morphed into a vehicle to explore and address reliability and long-term stability issues for microelectromechanical devices.

TU1D-1 0800 – 0820 92-96 GHz GaN Power Amplifiers M. Micovic, A. Kurdoghlian, A. Margomenos, D. F. Brown, K. Shinohara, S. D. Burnham, I. Milosavljevic, A. Williams, P. Hashimoto, R. Grabar, C. Butler, P. Willadsen, R. L. Bowen, A. E. Schmitz, D. H. Chow, HRL, Malibu, United States We present a family of 92-96 GHz GaN power amplifiers (PA) with increasing gate peripheries (150-1200 um). The 1.2 mm,3-stage PA produces Pout of 2.1 W with PAE of 19% at 93.5 GHz.The PA offers Pout over 1.5W with PAE over 17.8% in the 92-96 GHz range. The measured data show that the Pout scales linearly with increasing gate periphery at an almost constant PAE around 20%. This demonstrates the high efficiency of on-chip power combining and enables W-band high power single chip solid state PAs.

TU1C-2 0820 – 0840 MEMS Packaging for Reliable Resonators and Oscillators B. Kim, R. Melamud, R. A. Candler, M. A. Hopcroft, T. W. Kenny, Stanford University, Stanford, United States MEMS resonators have been discussed as replacements for quartz crystals in timing applications for more than 40 years. However, MEMS resonators have shown unacceptable levels of long-term frequency drift. Recent work has shown that placement of MEMS resonators in high-quality packages can eliminate the sources of drift. The emergence of high-quality, low-cost packaging for MEMS resonators has enabled demonstration of long-term stability and opened the door for commercial applications.

TU1D-2 0820 – 0840 High Efficiency Ka-band Power Amplifier MMICs Fabricated with a 0.15um GaN on SiC HEMT Process C. F. Campbell, M. Kao, S. Nayak, TriQuint Semiconductor, Richardson, United States The design and performance of two high efficiency Ka-band power amplifier MMICs utilizing a 0.15um GaN HEMT process technology is presented. Measured in-fixture continuous wave (CW) results for the 3-stage amplifiers demonstrates 8-9W of output power for the balanced MMIC and 4.5-6W for the single-ended configuration. The associated power added (PAE) efficiency of both amplifiers exceeds 25% at Ka-band. The die sizes for the balanced and single-ended MMICs are 2.55x3.80mm and 1.39x3.42mm.

TU1C-3 0840 – 0900 Robustness of RF MEMS Capacitive Switches in Harsh Environments C. Goldsmith1, J. Hwang2, C. Gudeman3, O. Auciello4, J. Ebel5, H. Newman6, 1MEMtronics Corporation, Plano, United States, 2Lehigh University, Bethlehem, United States, 3Innovative Micro Technology, Santa Barbara, United States, 4 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, United States, 5AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, United States, 6Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, United States RF MEMS switches have come a long way since the early days of testing unpackaged devices in an uncontrolled environment with failure modes that could only be guessed at. Today, MEMS switch technology has effective wafer-level packaging, demonstrated temperature robustness, and failure modes that can be characterized and modeled. This presentation overviews advances in packaging, reliability, and environmental robustness for RF MEMS switches made on DARPA’s HERMIT program.

TU1D-3 0840 – 0900 A 58.4mW Solid-State Power Amplifier at 220 GHz Using InP HBTs T. B. Reed1, M. J. Rodwell1, Z. Griffith2, P. Rowell2, M. Field2, M. Urteaga2, 1University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States, 2Teledyne Scientific and Imaging, Thousand Oaks, United States A 220 GHz solid state power amplifier MMIC is presented demonstrating 58.4 mW of output power with 5.4dB compressed gain. The 8-cell amplifier has a small signal gain of 8.9 dB at 220 GHz, and 3-dB bandwidth from 206 to 242 GHz. Amplifier cells are formed using a 250nm InP HBT technology and 5um BCB thin-film microstrip interconnects. Power combining of the eight cells is done by a 2-1 combiner series connected to a 4-1 combiner. More than 50mW of output power was observed from 215 to 225 GHz.

TU1C-4 0900 – 0920 Stiction in RFMEMS Capacitive Switches J. B. Muldavin, P. Wyatt, C. Bozler, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, United States Stiction is a major limiter in the reliability of RF MEMS capacitive switches and varactors. There are three major categories of stiction: temporary, voltage-independent, and permanent. This paper will examine the effects of bias waveform, ambient, and moisture on permanent stiction in RF MEMS capacitive and direct contact switches.

TU1D-4 0900 – 0920 A 45GHz Doherty Power Amplifier with 23% PAE and 18dBm Output Power, in 45nm SOI CMOS A. Agah1, B. Hanafi1, H. Dabag1, P. Asbeck1, L. Larson2, J. Buckwalter1, 1University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, United States, 2Brown University, Providence, United States A 45GHz Doherty power amplifier is implemented in 45nm SOI CMOS. Two-stack FET amplifiers are used as main and auxiliary amplifiers, allowing a supply voltage of 2.5V and high output power. The use of slow-wave coplanar waveguides improves the PAE and gain by approximately 3% and 1dB, and reduces the die area by 20%. This amplifier exhibits more than 18dBm saturated output power, with peak power gain of 7dB. It occupies 0.64 sqmm while achieving a peak PAE of 23%; at 6dB back-off the PAE is 17%.

TU1C-5 0920 – 0940 Rugged and Reliable Ohmic MEMS Switches J. J. Maciel, S. Majumder, J. Lampen, C. Guthy, Radant MEMS, Stow, United States MEMS switches are important building blocks for a variety of applications. Packaging and contact metallurgy have contributed to the steady progress that has been made in improving switch reliability. Lifetime and RF testing were conducted on ohmic microswitches under the DARPA HERMIT program. This led to a median cycle to failure greater than 1 trillion cycles with the longest recorded lifetimes of 1.5 trillion cycles. A series of environmental tests were successfully conducted per MIL-STD-883E.

TU1D-5 0920 – 0940 A 1.2V Broadband D-band Power Amplifier with 13.2-dBm Output Power in Standard RF 65-nm CMOS Z. Tsai2, H. Liao1, Y. Hsiao1, H. Wang1, J. Y. Liu3, M. F. Chang3, Y. Teng4, G. Huang4, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, 3University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States, 4National Nano Device Laboratories, Hsinchu, Taiwan A D-band CMOS power amplifier in 65-nm CMOS with wider than 30 GHz small signal gain bandwidth is developed by using proposed impedance transform network to split original matching network into 8-ways to integrate 8 transistors. Without using additional combining networks, the 4-stage power amplifier achieves 13.2 dBm saturation output power with 1.2 V supply at 140 GHz in a compact size of 0.38 mm^2. The peak power-added efficiency is 14.6% with 115.2 mW dc consumption.

Microwaves without Borders: Do you know that India has 19 MTT-S chapters and has contributed to the IMS with 15 paper submissions?

Technical Track Key:

› 30

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest


1010 – 1150

TU2A: Time-Domain Modeling: Advances and Applications Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 513ABC Chair: Poman P.M. So, University of Victoria Co-Chair: Wolfgang J. R. Hoefer, High performance computing

TU2B: New implementations of couplers and hybrids Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 512ABEF Chair: Guoan Wang, University of South Carolina Co-Chair: Rashaunda Henderson, University of Texas at Dallas

TU2A-1 1010 – 1030 Low-order Macromodels of Planar Waveguides Exhibiting Geometric, Material, and Layout Uncertainty A. C. Cangellaris, A. Rong, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, United States A methodology is presented for the development of low-order macromodels of planar waveguides exhibiting uncertainty in their geometric, material and layout attributes. The methodology makes use of stochastic collocation, polynomial chaos expansion and a Laguerre-based model order reduction process to generate a stochastic model of dimension significantly smaller than that of the original numerical model.

TU2B-1 1010 – 1030 A Lumped-Element Directional Coupler with Arbitrary Output Amplitude and Phase Distributions. E. Gandini1, M. Ettorre2, R. Sauleau2, A. Grbic1, 1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States, 2IETR, Rennes, France A directional coupler with arbitrary output amplitude and phase distributions is proposed. Design equations and experimental results are presented and compared with numerical simulations. During the presentation, the use of the coupler as a building block for a Butler matrix will be shown. The proposed coupler achieves a significant size reduction over conventional couplers and may provide an attractive solution for applications that require size reduction.

TU2A-2 1030 – 1050 A Three-Dimensional Spatially Filtered FDTD with Controllable Stability Beyond the Courant Limit C. Chang, C. D. Sarris, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada It has been recently shown that the stability limit of the FDTD method can be controlled by iterative spatial filtering and extended beyond the conventional stability limit. Yet the trade-off comes from implementing the spatial filtering and manifests itself most significantly in 3D simulations. This paper contributes the algorithm needed for the efficient extension of the spatially filtered 3D FDTD and further demonstrates a 3D late-time stable subgridding scheme based on spatial filtering.

TU2B-2 1030 – 1050 Wideband 15-50GHz Symmetric Multi-Section Coupled Line Quadrature Hybrid Based on Surface Micromachining Technology N. A. Sutton1, J. M. Oliver2, D. S. Filipovic1, 1University of Colorado, Boulder, United States, 2Nuvotronics LLC, Radford, United States This paper demonstrates a quadrature hybrid developed using the surface micromachining technology PolyStrata™. Circuit model designs are optimized over 15-50GHz and a full-wave 3D model is tuned computationally to better approximate ideal performance. The full-wave results show misbalances below 0.5dB and 5° for magnitude and phase, respectively. Designed device is fabricated and good agreement with simulations is obtained.

TU2A-3 1050 – 1110 A Subgridding Scheme Using Hybrid One-Step Leapfrog ADI-FDTD and FDTD Methods 1 S. Yang , Z. Chen2, Y. Yu2, W. Yin1, 1Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada A novel subgridding scheme that hybridizes the recently developed unconditionally stable one-step leapfrog alternately-direction-implicit finite-difference time-domain (ADI-FDTD) method and the conventional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is proposed. The conventional explicit FDTD method is applied to coarse mesh or grid regions and while the leap-frog ADI-FDTD method to locally subgridded mesh ones.

TU2B-3 1050 – 1110 New Wideband Integrated Miniature Branchline Coupler for Beamforming Applications 1 D. Titz , F. Ferrero1, R. Pilard2, C. Laporte3, S. Jan2, H. Ezzeddine3, F. Gianesello2, D. Gloria2, C. Luxey5, G. Jacquemod4, 1 Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Valbonne, France, 2STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France, 3STMicroelectronics, Tours, France, 4Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 5Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France In this paper, we present a new wideband miniature branchline coupler as a key element to be integrated for 60 GHz beamforming networks. Theory and equations as well as a first proof-of-concept at 2.2 GHz are presented. A 25% matching bandwidth (-10 dB), 1 dB amplitude imbalance and 2° phase imbalance are all obtained with a reduced footprint. Then, this coupler is optimized in a BiCMOS9MW technology and IPD technology, both from ST Microelectronics and compared to recently published couplers.

TU2A-4 1110 – 1130 Transient Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Exploiting FDTD Y. Zhang, M. Bakr, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada We present an accurate technique for efficiently estimating the gradient of time-varying responses at each time step. Using only one extra simulation, the sensitivities of a transient field response with respect to all the system parameters are evaluated regardless of their number at all time steps. A step function excitation is used to generate the adjoint fields. Our approach is validated through a waveguide filter example modeled with the FDTD method.

TU2B-4 1110 – 1130 Multiband Pi-shaped Structure with Resonators for Tri-band Wilkinson Power Divider and Tri-band Rat-Race Coupler Z. Wang, C. Park, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, Canada This paper presents a novel Pi-shaped structure with resonators for multiband application. By employing resonators in conventional Pi-shaped structure, multiband quarter wavelength transmission line is achieved. In order to demonstrate our proposed multiband structure, we designed and fabricated one tri-band Wilkinson power divider and one tri-band rat-race coupler. Compactness is well kept. Measured results are in good agreement with simulated results.

TU2A-5 1130 – 1150 A Second-Order Domain-Decomposition Method for Modeling Material Interfaces in Finite-Difference Discretizations R. B. Armenta, C. D. Sarris, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Averaging the material functions at the location of a material interface is the most popular way to enforce the field continuity conditions in finite-difference methods. While this approach offers great simplicity, the global error performs poorly when the sign of the material functions changes. In this paper, a new domain-decomposition method for enforcing the field continuity conditions is introduced that offers a consistent second-order accurate global error performance.

TU2B-5 1130 – 1140 Miniaturized Rat-Race Coupler with Out-of-Band Suppression using Double-Layer Synthesized Coplanar Waveguides H. Chiu, C. Lai, T. Ma, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan We investigate a new miniaturized rat-race coupler with out-of-band suppression. The new design consists of six synthesized CPW cells, formed by meander line inductors, parallel-plate and interdigital capacitors. The coupler, with a bandwidth of 13%, is merely 6.2% the size of its conventional counterpart. Benefitting from the embedded parallel LC tank, the coupler shows signal suppression from 1.75 to 2.45 GHz. The rejection level is greater than 25 dB at the first harmonic (1.8 GHz). TU2B-6 1140 – 1150 Compact Wilkinson Power Divider on Multilayer Organic Substrate H. H. Ta, A. Pham, University of California at Davis, Davis, United States A compact Wilkinson power divider on a multilayer Liquid Crystal Polymer substrate is presented. The power divider achieves a size reduction of 97.5% compares to conventional microstrip Wilkinson power divider design at a center frequency of 1.1 GHz. The power divider has a measured bandwidth from 0.95 to 1.25 GHz. The size of the power divider is 4.4 mm x 5.0 mm x 0.35 mm. This power divider achieves largest size reduction percentage reported to date in planar PCB technology.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 31






1010 – 1150

TU2C: Nonlinear Device Modeling Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Robert E. Leoni III, Raytheon Co. Co-Chair: John Atherton, Win Semiconductor

TU2D: Applications of Carbon-Based RF Nanotechnology Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 510BD Chair: Rhonda Franklin, University of Minnesota Co-Chair: Stephen Goodnick, Arizona State University

TU2C-1 1010 – 1030 Handling Long-Term Memory Effects in X-Parameter Model A. Soury1, E. Ngoya2, 1Agilent Technologies, Massy, France, 2XLIM, Limoges, France Recently the X-parameter paradigm has been introduced providing a comprehensive description of the relationships between all the harmonics of the scattered and incident power waves at the ports of a device. The formalism however still needs effective handling of the long term memory effects. In this paper, a simple and efficient approach is proposed to model long-term memory effects within X-parameter. It ensures both a simple extraction procedure and an efficient numerical implementation.

TU2D-1 1010 – 1030 Acoustic Charge Transport in Graphene V. Miseikis, J. E. Cunningham, K. Saeed, R. O’Rorke, A. G. Davies, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom We present experimental evidence for an acoustically induced current flow in single-atomic-layer carbon (graphene). CVD-grown layers of graphene were subjected to surface acoustic waves generated by interdigital transducers on a highly piezoelectric lithium niobate substrate. An RF signal applied to the transducers at their resonant frequency generated a DC current with a linear dependence on the applied RF power, even in the presence of a counter-flow of current induced by an applied bias.

TU2C-2 1030 – 1050 Scaling of X-parameters for Device Modeling D. E. Root, M. Marcu, J. Horn, J. Xu, R. Biernacki, M. Iwamoto, Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, United States The relationships between X-parameters of a first device and a second device geometrically scaled with respect to the first are derived for the first time. Different X-parameter functions have different scaling rules. Theoretical predictions are validated with numerical results from simulation and experimental NVNA measurements on devices of different sizes. This endows X-parameters with the scaling capability of compact models and better enables their application to circuit and MMIC design.

TU2D-2 1030 – 1050 Graphene Frequency Doubler with Record 3GHz Bandwidth and the Maximum Conversion Gain Prospects M. E. Ramon, K. N. Parrish, J. Lee, C. W. Magnuson, L. Tao, R. S. Ruoff, S. K. Banerjee, D. Akinwande, The University of Texas - Austin, Austin, United States We report a 500nm graphene field-effect transistor operating at the Dirac point for frequency doubling with maximum output power of -23dBm and a record bandwidth of 3GHz, 2x higher than the state-of-the-art. The experimental device exceeds its ft and fmax by about 50%. The record performance of the graphene doubler is enabled by the growth of high-quality graphene affording carrier mobilities as high as 5000cm2/V-s and 2200cm2/V-s on smooth quartz and flexible substrates respectively.

TU2C-3 1050 – 1110 Application of a NVNA-based System and Load-Independent X-parameters in Analytical Circuit Design assisted by an Experimental Search Algorithm A. M. Pelaez-Perez1, J. I. Alonso1, M. Fernandez-Barciela2, P. J. Tasker3, 1Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Universidad de Vigo, Vigo, Spain, 3Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom Recently, X-parameters have been introduced to model device non-linear behavior. Moreover, they can also provide an analytical design tool. Exploiting this design tool aspect, this work presents an application which combines the PNA-X & a tuner to extract a PHD model, focused around a circuit target impedance. Furthermore, an experimental search algorithm, based on analytical computations, has been proposed in this paper, which purpose is to speed up the characterization/design process.

TU2D-3 1050 – 1100 Noise Figure Characterization of a Subharmonic Graphene FET Mixer M. Andersson, O. Habibpour, J. Vukusic, J. Stake, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden We report on the first room temperature noise figure measurement of a graphene FET subharmonic resistive mixer in the interval fRF=2-5GHz. Due to an 8nm thin Al2O3 gate dielectric it can operate with a conversion loss (CL) of 20-22 dB at only 0 dBm of LO power. The measurement yields a noise figure close to the CL, thus determining the noise to be thermal in origin, which is promising for cryogenic applications. The general route to lower noise figure is an improvement of the CL.

TU2C-4 1110 – 1130 Waveforms-Based Large-Signal Identification of Transistor Models 1 G. Avolio , D. Schreurs1, A. Raffo2, I. Angelov3, G. Crupi4, G. Vannini2, B. Nauwelaers1, 1Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Università di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, 3Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 4 University of Messina, Messina, Italy The I-V and Q-V nonlinear functions of a FET nonlinear model are identified by exploiting low- (2 MHz) and high- (8 GHz) frequency calibrated large-signal waveforms and numerical optimization. At low-frequency the reactive contributions can be neglected and the identification of the I-V function is more accurate while remarkably reducing the optimization time. The proposed procedure is quite general and independent on the type of active device. As case study a 0.25-μm GaAs pHEMT is considered.

TU2D-4 1100 – 1120 Trade-offs in Designing Antennas from Bundled Carbon Nanotubes 1 P. Franck , D. Baillargeat2, B. Tay3, 1XLIM, Limoges Cedex, France, 2CINTRA, Singapore, Singapore, 3Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore As a first step towards designing carbon-nanotube-based nano-antennas, we investigate the resonant behavior of bundled carbon nanotubes in a monopole configuration. Simulation is performed using a 3D EM method to ensure comprehensive coverage of the various effects in the bundle. The necessary trade-offs between size reduction, impedance matching, and operating frequency are highlighted.

TU2C-5 1130 – 1150 A Comprehensive Electrothermal GaN HEMT Model Including Nonlinear Thermal Effects J. B. King, T. J. Brazil, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland A novel nonlinear high-power GaN HEMT equivalent circuit model is described. Features of the model include a nonlinear thermal subnetwork extracted using straightforward measurement techniques, and a modified Angelov/Chalmers single function drain current equation. The model can very accurately predict the pulsed IV curves at different pulse widths and duty cycles. Large-signal tests show good fidelity with measurements for the first three harmonics.

TU2D-5 1120 – 1130 Low-Terahertz Transmissivity with a Graphene-Dielectric Micro-Structure C. Kaipa1, A. B. Yakovlev1, G. W. Hanson2, Y. R. Padooru1, F. Medina3, F. Mesa4, 1The University of Mississippi, University, United States, 2University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, United States, 3University of Seville, Seville, Spain, 4University of Seville, Seville, Spain In this paper, we report on the analysis of transmissivity of electromagnetic waves through a stack of dielectric slabs loaded with atomically thin graphene sheets at low-terahertz frequencies. The transmission resonances in the bandpass region are identified as coupled Fabry-Perot resonances associated with the individual dielectric slabs loaded with graphene sheets. The study is carried out using a simple circuit theory model, with the results verified against the numerical simulations. TU2D-6 1130 – 1140 Compact Radio Frequency Model of Graphene Resonant Channel Transistor O. Li, Y. Xu, Y. Wu, Y. Guo, Y. Zhang, R. Xu, B. Yan, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China A compact electrical equivalent circuit model has been given out based on the analysis of electromechanical model of doubly clamped beam and electronic field effect transistor model. And the experimental results show that the simulation result fits the measurement results excellently. The results of this paper can impetus the development handset high-sensitivities sensors. TU2D-7 1140 – 1150 Contactless Impedance Measurement of Large-Area High-Quality Graphene H. S. Skulason1, H. V. Nguyen2, A. Guermoune3, M. Siaj3, C. Caloz2, T. Szkopek1, 1McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2 École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Canada, 3Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada We present experimental work on contactless measurements of graphene sheet impedance at frequencies up to 110 GHz in different waveguide geometries. Low-loss coplanar waveguides in series and shunt configuration have been demonstrated. A new coaxial waveguide coupled Corbino disk geometry with facile fabrication is introduced. We have applied our technique to the characterization of sheet impedance and contact impedance of large-area, high-quality graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition.

Technical Track Key:

› 32

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest


1350 – 1530

TU3A: Optimization of Microwave Circuits Through Nonlinear Analysis Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 513ABC Chair: Christian Fager, Chalmers University of Technology Co-Chair: Christopher P. Silva, The Aerospace Corporation

TU3B: Metamaterial Transmission-Line Structures Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 512ABEF Chair: Victor Fouad Hanna, University of Paris Sorbonne Co-Chair: Atsushi Sanada, Yamaguchi University

TU3A-1 1350 – 1410 Increasing Low-Frequency Stability Margins in Microwave Amplifiers from Experimental Data N. Otegi1, A. Anakabe1, J. Pelaz1, J. M. Collantes1, G. Soubercaze-Pun2, 1Universidad Del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain, 2Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), Toulouse, France A method for measuring and controlling the stability margin of low-frequency resonances in microwave amplifiers is proposed. Using an extra RF port the critical poles of the circuit are experimentally obtained. Pole-placement techniques are then applied to increase the stability margin of the critical resonances and reduce the risk of running into a low frequency oscillation when amplifier conditions are varied. The complete approach is experimentally validated in a demonstrator prototype.

TU3B-1 1350 – 1410 Balanced and Symmetric Design of Active Composite Right-/ Left-handed Transmission Line with Gain K. Chang, Q. Tang, H. Xin, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States We present a balanced and symmetric design of microwave composite right- / left-handed active metamaterial transmission lines incorporating gain devices. Our results show that by inserting a Ge tunnel diode at the unit cell level, the negative phase constant (i.e., left-handedness) and gain (negative attenuation constant) can be obtained simultaneously. By considering the parasitic effects of the diode, balanced and symmetric responses are achieved over a significant bandwidth.

TU3A-2 1410 – 1430 In-depth Stability Analysis of Degenerate Parametric Amplifiers M. Ponton1, A. Suarez1, B. R. Gray2, F. Ramirez1, J. S. Kenney2, B. Melville3, 1Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain, 2Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States, 3New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, United States A relevant instability phenomenon in degenerate parametric power amplifiers is the division by two of the pump frequency. Because of the existence of an input source at the same frequency of the instability, the degenerate paramp will exhibit a specific bifurcation behavior. The anomalous shape of the solution curves and generation of new paths will be associated with an imperfect Pitchfork bifurcation. A global stability analysis of a broadband phase-coherent degenerate paramp is presented.

TU3B-2 1410 – 1430 Novel Even/Odd Mode-Based CRLH Unit Cells M. A. Othman1, A. D. Alwakil2, M. A. Shafee2, T. M. Abuelfadl1, A. M. Safwat2, 1Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, 2Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Two composite right/left handed (CRLH) unit cells based on conventional microstrip components that support even and odd modes are proposed. The cells consist of a microstrip line loaded, in one cell, by a slotted open-circuited shunt stub, and in the other one, by diagonally-connected coupled lines. The CRLH behavior of these cells is investigated by circuit models and verified by EM simulations and measurements. The measurements show good agreement with theoretical predictions.

TU3A-3 1430 – 1450 Implementation of X-Parameter Models in Harmonic-Balance Simulators A. Soury1, E. Ngoya2, 1Agilent Technologies, Massy, France, 2XLIM, Limoges, France X-parameter modeling paradigm constitutes a major advancement in circuit and system simulation and design. However being a frequency domain defined nonlinear model, its implementation in harmonic-balance simulators is not trivial. The implementation available in commercial simulators does not fully respond to the needs. The multi-tone simulations and the prediction of the dynamic effects remain a challenge. This paper presents a method to implement such behavioral models into the RF engines.

TU3B-3 1430 – 1450 Hybrid Combination of Dual Band Isolation Circuits Based on Conventional and CRLH Transmission Lines for Triplexers H. Lee, T. Itoh, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States This paper presents dual band isolation circuits based on conventional transmission lines (TLs) and Composite Right/Left Handed (CRLH) TLs. Combination of two dual band isolation networks using CRLH TLs and one dual band isolation network based on conventional TLs can form a triplexer. Since it is not necessary to modify filters and there is no limitation to choose filters in the design, commercial filters can be used for a triplexer. Also, the design process is simple and straightforward.

TU3A-4 1450 – 1510 Modeling Chaos in On-Chip Ultra-Wideband Chaotic Oscillator M. Park, J. Rodgers, D. Lathrop, University of Maryland at College Park, College Park, United States An ultra-wideband on-chip chaotic oscillator is demonstrated. This consists of a Boolean chaotic oscillator and a source follower buffer. Frequency spectrum is widespread from DC to 300MHz. To model chaos in the circuit, CMOS inverter coupled with an electrostatic discharge protection circuit is designed and fabricated. In the numerical model, three nonlinearities such as ESD equivalent capacitance, high dynamic short current in the inverter, and transmission equivalent are included.

TU3B-4 1450 – 1510 A Dual-Polarized Transmission-Line Metamaterial Unit Cell M. Selvanayagam, G. V. Eleftheriades, University of Toronto, Toronto, United States Volumetric metamaterials are usually designed to work with an incident wave of a single polarization. In this paper we propose a new volumetric transmission-line metamaterial unit cell which supports two different polarizations. The proposed metamaterial is amenable to standard planar fabrication. We verify our unit cell through full-wave simulations by finding the one-dimensional dispersion relation of the unit cell. We also use a multiconductor transmission-line model to verify our results.

TU3A-5 1510 – 1530 General Phase-Noise Analysis from the Variance of the Phase Deviation S. Sancho, A. Suarez, F. Ramirez, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain A method is presented for the calculation of phase noise, taking into account the nonlinearity in the phase deviation and enabling an accurate prediction of the phase-noise spectrum at large frequency offset. The method analyzes the total phase noise at the particular observation node, considering the influence of the amplitude modulation due to the noise sources. The method is applied to a semi-analytical formulation, based on a reduced Jacobian matrix extracted from harmonic-balance simulation.

TU3B-5 1510 – 1530 A Beam-Shifting Slab Implemented Using Printed, Tensor TL Metamaterials G. Gok, A. Grbic, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States This paper presents the implementation of a beam-shifting slab (a transformation optics device) using tensor transmission-line (TL) metamaterials. The slab consists of printed unit cells exhibiting anisotropic effective material parameters, while the surrounding medium consists of printed isotropic unit cells.The results experimentally verify the anisotropic properties of tensor TL metamaterials and open new opportunities to design transformation optics devices at microwave frequencies.

Microwaves without Borders: IMS has seen a strong technical presence from the Republic of Korea with over 40 papers submitted this year. The Seoul council is an active chapter of IEEE region 10.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 33






1350 – 1530

TU3C: Space-Mapping-Based Modeling and Design Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Jose E. Rayas-Sanchez, ITESO Co-Chair: Arvind Sharma

TU3D: Novel Packaging Technology and Techniques Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 510BD Chair: Morgan Chen, Huawei Technologies Co-Chair: Zaher Bardai, IMN Epiphany

TU3C-1 1350 – 1410 An Enhanced Analytical Neuro-Space Mapping Method for Large-Signal Microwave Device Modeling L. Zhu, K. Liu, Q. Zhang, Y. Ma, B. Peng, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China In this paper, an advanced Neuro-Space Mapping (SM) modeling technique for nonlinear device modeling is proposed. The novelty of our work is to introduce a Neuro-SM model combining separate mappings for voltage and current and to derive analytical mapping representation to train the mapping neural networks to learn DC, small and large-signal data. Application examples on modeling MESFET devices in DC, combined DC . S-parameter and Harmonic balance (HB) simulation are also given in this paper.

TU3D-1 1350 – 1410 Test and Verification of Micro Coaxial Line Power Performance P. E. Ralston1, K. Vanhille1, A. Caba1, M. J. Oliver1, S. Raman2, 1Nuvotronics , Radford, United States, 2Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, United States This paper presents the characterization of rectangular micro-coaxial transmission lines assembled in a high power test system. In addition to straight transmission lines, vertical solder transitions between stacked layers of rectangular coax are presented. These test assemblies utilize standard integration techniques and components: wire bond and flip-chip transitions and edge coaxial connectors. Assemblies were tested at continuous wave power levels as high as 200 W at a frequency of 2 GHz.

TU3C-2 1410 – 1430 Passivity Enforcement for Passive Component Modeling Subject to Variations of Geometrical Parameters Using Neural Networks Z. Guo1, J. Gao2, Y. Cao1, Q. Zhang1, 1Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 2East China Normal University, Shanghai, China A novel passivity enforcement technique for passive component modeling subject to variations of geometrical parameters is proposed using combined neural networks and rational functions. A constrained neural network training process to enforce passivity of Y-parameters is introduced. Once trained, the parametric model can provide accurate, fast and passive behavior of passive components for various values of geometrical variables within the model training range.

TU3D-2 1410 – 1430 Microwave Susceptor Design for Wafer Bonding Applications A. Toossi, M. Daneshmand, D. Sameoto, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada In this paper we present a new approach in the design of microwave susceptors to develop a low-cost, controllable and rapid localized heating technique for wafer bonding. In this technique, a commercial microwave oven is used as microwave source due to its low cost and wide accessibility. The microwave oven is modeled and efficient microwave susceptors are designed. Fabricated susceptors are tested inside a commercial microwave oven and show controllable rapid selective heating.

TU3C-3 1430 – 1450 Robust Space Mapping Optimization Exploiting EM-Based Models with Adjoint Sensitivities S. Koziel1, S. Ogurtsov1, J. W. Bandler2, Q. S. Cheng2, 1Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada A robust space mapping algorithm for microwave design optimization is presented that utilizes cheap derivatives obtained through adjoint sensitivity. Adjoint sensitivities are used at each stage of the process: to improve the matching between a low- and high-fidelity models (parameter extraction), and to speed up the parameter extraction and surrogate optimization processes. As a result, design can be performed at low cost in terms of the number of both high- and low-fidelity EM simulations.

TU3D-3 1430 – 1450 Wafer-Level BCB Cap Packaging of Integrated MEMS Switches with MMIC S. Seok, iEMN CNRS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France This paper presents a 28 µm high BCB cap packaging of MEMS switches integrated with MMIC and its electrical and mechanical effects to the packaged devices have been also investigated. The BCB cap packaging effect to microstrip line has been investigated by parameter extraction from the measured S-parameters before and after the packaging. Also, the packaged MEMS switch shows the insertion loss of 0.7 dB, the return loss of 25 dB and the isolation of 18 dB at 30 GHz.

TU3C-4 1450 – 1510 A Space Mapping Schematic for Fast EM-Based Modeling and Design Q. S. Cheng1, J. W. Bandler1, N. K. Nikolova1, S. Koziel2, 1McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 2Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland A simplified schematic is presented to implement fast and accurate space-mapping-based modeling and design. It can match a surrogate model with both fine model responses and approximated responses. The implementation allows us to study aspects of modeling, including sample selection, time cost and accuracy. A nominal design is obtained with selected models and verified through high-fidelity EM simulations. We demonstrate the procedure using a twelve-section H-plane filter problem.

TU3D-4 1450 – 1510 Passives Partitioning for Single Package Single Chip SoC on 32nm RFCMOS Technology T. Kamgaing, V. R. Rao, Intel Corporation, Chandler, United States We demonstrate that future system-on-chip with co-existing digital and RF circuits can be partitioned to have critical RF inductors/transformers on package and active devices and capacitors on silicon, which enables cost and form factor reduction as well as radio integration on low resistivity substrate. A WLAN bandpass filter has been designed and fabricated using 3D inductors on-package and capacitors on a 32nm silicon process. Experimental validation results are reported.

TU3C-5 1510 – 1530 CPU-Budget-Driven Automated Microwave Design Optimization Using Variable-Fidelity Electromagnetic Simulations S. Koziel, S. Ogurtsov, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland A robust technique for microwave design optimization is presented. It is based on variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations. The algorithm automatically switches between models of different fidelity to account for the computational budget assumed for the design process. Additional enhancements of the algorithm include frequency scaling to reduce the misalignment between the models of different fidelity and the local response surface approximation to reduce the number of EM simulations.

TU3D-5 1510 – 1530 Efficient Modeling of Metal Fill Parasitic Capacitance in On-Chip Transmission Lines V. S. Shilimkar, S. G. Gaskill, A. Weisshaar, Oregon State University, Corvallis, United States We present a general modeling methodology for metal fill parasitic capacitance in on-chip transmission lines. Our approach is based on reducing the problem complexity in all three dimensions. Typical speed-up is 16 fold. The maximum error in self and mutual capacitance is 6 % and 10 %, respectively over a wide range of parameters. The agreement with measurements is within 2.1 %. We predict the slow-wave factor of transmission line designs with 1.2 % error and Q degradation with 4 % error.

Technical Track Key:

› 34

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest


TU3E: Globalization of Engineering Education and Research: Opportunities and Challenges Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 510AC Chair: Magdy F. Iskander, University of Hawaii Co-Chair: Samir El-Ghazaly, University of Arkansas

1350 – 1530

TU3F: Frequency Conversion and Control Circuits Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1510 Room: 511AD Chair: Chinchun Meng, National Chiao Tung University Co-Chair: Hiroshi Okazaki, NTT DOCOMO, INC.

TU3E-1 1350 – 1410 Sixty years of Microwave Innovation, Transformation, and Globalization M. F. Iskander1, S. El-Ghazaly2, 1University of Hawaii, College of Engineering, Honolulu, United States, 2National Science Foundation, Arlington, United States In this paper, we will start by reviewing innovation and key milestones in the development of the microwave technology, followed by transformation in the playing field, and the final section discusses reasons for an urgent call for global competence in the preparation of future microwave engineering workforce.

TU3F-1 1350 – 1410 A Low Voltage Low Power Highly Linear CMOS Quadrature Mixer Using Transconductance Cancellation Technique K. Wang1, K. Ma1, K. Yeo1, H. Zhang2, Z. Wang2, 1Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 2Southeast University, Nanjing, China We presents a quadrature mixer using transconductance cancellation technique for SDR applications in a 90nm CMOS technology. The negative value of gm’ in saturated pseudo differential transistor (PDT) is compensated by the positive value of PDT in subthreshold region. The IIP3 is 7.9~12.3dBm in 0.3~6GHz. It consumes a dc power of only 3.8 mW under 1V supply. Compared to the other state-of-the-art CMOS mixer, we achieved highest IIP3/PDC and FOM, with smallest chip area.

TU3E-2 1410 – 1430 Global Engineering Education: What Difference does it Make? J. M. Grandin, University of Rhode Island, Wakefield , United States In this paper, the author describes the findings of his study of fifteen representative graduates of the University of Rhode Island International Engineering Program (IEP). The IEP program enables the students to earn a language degree alongside their engineering curriculum and involves one year of immersion study and professional internship abroad. The study seeks to define the long-term impact of the IEP experience on the lives and careers of its students.

TU3F-2 1410 – 1430 A New Doubly Balanced Sub-harmonically Miniature Mixer Using Dual Marchand Balun in CMOS 0.18-um Technology C. Kuo, H. Lu, H. Wang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan In this paper, a new doubly balanced sub- harmonically resistive mixer topology is presented. In this new topology,the twice of LO frequency signals are cancelled due to differential property. This circuit has a measured conversion loss of 7 dB of RF frequency from 25 to 40 GHz, and 2LO-to-RF isolation better than 35 dB, with a chip size 450 × 450 um2. To the author’s knowledge, this mixer occupies the smallest size (lamda/13)2 with good performance for MMW application.

TU3E-3 1430 – 1440 Engineering Globalization: Implications for Engineering Education R. Hira, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, United States There is strong evidence, based on news reports and supported by experts, that engineering work and tasks are being restructured and reallocated across different countries. Yet this significant transformation of the engineering enterprise hasn’t been explored systematically. This paper will summarize current trends inthe size, scope, and trajectory of engineering globalization. The implications of engineering globalization for engineering education will be explored based on these findings.

TU3F-3 1430 – 1450 Passive Subharmonic Generation Using LC-Oscillators Z. Safarian, H. Hashemi, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States This paper presents a passive subharmonic generation and frequency downconversion method using a memoryless nonlinear circuit coupled to a linear passive resonator. The frequency downconverter can be used to transfer the energy from a high frequency signal to a lower frequency without requiring any DC power supply. In the synchronous mode, the passive downconverter acts as a self-powered frequency divider.

TU3E-4 1440 – 1500 Globalization in Engineering Education: Current Challenges and Opportunities R. Cheville, NSF, Arlington, United States The paper discusses challenges and opportunities in preparing students to work in globalized engineering workforce. There has been an increasing focus on the need for engineers to practice and think globally. However, there are still challenges in developing courses, curricula, and programs to address this need. Unlike technical engineering preparation, “globalization” is difficult to operationalize, has few well-researched practices, and takes place in a changing socio-economic landscape.

TU3F-4 1450 – 1510 A 50MHz-16GHz Low Distortion SOI Voltage Controlled Attenuator IC with IIP3 +38dBm and Control Range of 25dB E. Franzwa, A. Ellis, B. Nelson, M. Granger-Jones, G. Valenti, RFMD, San Jose, United States This paper discusses a 50MHz-16GHz wideband, low distortion, voltage controlled attenuator (VCA) on silicon on insulator (SOI) CMOS flip chip technology. The VCA design is based on passive FET absorptive attenuator structures but uses stacked FET techniques to dramatically improve the distortion characteristics and signal handling capability. The VCA achieves 25dB attenuation range, IIP3 of +38dBm and IP1dB 25dBm up to 16GHz. The insertion loss at 16GHz is 5.0dB at minimum attenuation.

TU3E-5 1500 – 1510 Research, Education and Training and Advancing Technology for the Benefit of Humanity: An IEEE View P. W. Staecker, AMP M/A-CoM, Lexington, United States IEEE’s values and purpose have always been focused on advancing technology, while striving to maintain highest standards of excellence in its community of practitioners and educators. In recent years, as the geographical boundaries between countries and continents have blurred, it has become increasingly clear that advances in the global sense require a thorough understanding of neighboring cultures and a corresponding development of trust and partnership, even in a competitive environment. TU3E-6 1510 – 1520 Changing the Charge of Engineering Education – Preparing Students for the Global Work Place Through an Integrated International Dual Degree Curriculum S. Berka, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, United States In this paper, we review the five year dual degree program developed at the University of Rhode Island to address the globalization needs of Rhode Island companies. In this program, students simultaneously pursue a B.S. in an engineering discipline and a B.A. in Chinese, French, German, or Spanish. The 4th year of the study involves a one year-long immersion abroad for exposure to a foreign culture. TU3E-7 1520 – 1530 An Industry View of Industry/Academic Research Collaboration G. Peters, J. Wenstrand, R. Stancliff, T. Wu, Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, United States Society benefits from collaboration of industry and centers of higher education. Collaboration is now taking place on a global scale. Fundamental advancements in a wide variety of areas benefit from partnership with industry leaders. Industry brings a deep understanding of market problems and a means to commercialize discovery. Academia provides deep technical knowledge and novel approaches (often cross-discipline) to problem-solving.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 35






1350 – 1530

TU3G: SiGe/CMOS for Phased Array Applications: A World Perspective Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 511BE Chair: Gabriel M. Rebeiz, UCSD Co-Chair: Mark J. Rosker, Raytheon

TU3H: Novel Planar Filter Structures Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1520 Room: 511CF Chair: Soeren Peik, Bremen University of Applied Science Co-Chair: Dong (Winter) Yan

TU3G-1 1350 – 1410 An Application of Advanced SiGe to Millimeter-Wave Phased Arrays H. B. Wallace, DARPA, Arlington, United States This talk will discuss a millimeter-wave defense applications of SiGe-based phased arrays. The unique advantage of this technology is its ability to deliver large wafers with high yield and low-cost, coupled with acceptable RF performance such as NF and output power for 94 GHz applications. Also, the entire control circuitry can be integrated on the same chip using the SiGe BiCMOS process. System-level considerations will be described as the basis for the suitability of the technology.

TU3H-1 1350 – 1410 Wideband Balun Bandpass Filter Based on a Differential Circuit W. Feng, W. Che, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing, China A wideband balun filter based on a symmetric four-port differential circuit is proposed. A pair of open coupled lines is used to realize DC suppression and in-band balance improvement. The bandwidth can be easily adjusted by changing the characteristic impedance of transmission lines in the differential circuit. Excellent in-band balance performance is achieved. A wideband prototype with center frequency 3.75 GHz and 3-dB bandwidth 33.8% is designed and fabricated for demonstration.

TU3G-2 1410 – 1430 SiGe System on a Chip for Radar Applications M. S. Hauhe, G. M. Sakamoto, M. A. Teshiba, R. Tayrani, M. Stading, A. Von, T. C. Cisco, Raytheon, El Segundo, United States A System on a chip is presented with the end application for an Active Array Electronically Scanned Antenna, AESA. The design is implemented using IBM’s SiGe 5HP process. The device operates across 7 to 11 GHz in both transmit and receive and maintains a gain flatness of 0.5 dB across the band in transmit and has 12 dB of linear gain in receive. The device also provides an interface and logic control for advanced ASEA functionality such as fail safe operation during power interrupt.

TU3H-2 1410 – 1430 Transformed Radial Stub Cell Embedded Resonator for High Performance Filter Applications K. Ma, S. Mou, K. Wang, M. Nagarajan, K. Yeo, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Abstract— A bandpass filter topology designed based on the embedded transformed radial stub cells is proposed for the first time. The implemented filter with center frequency fc=1.73 GHz and bandwidth of 200MHz (fractional bandwidth of 1.2%) using transformed radial stub cell embedding demonstrates more than 45dB rejection up to 10.4fc i.e. 18 GHz. The measured group delay is around 3.6~4.3 nS. The sizes is only 5.4Cm by 3.3 Cm.

TU3G-3 1430 – 1450 Advances in Silicon Phased-Array Receiver IC’s F. E. van Vliet1, E. A. Klumperink2, M. C. Soer2, K. Garakoui2, L. de Boer1, P. de Hek1, W. de Heij3, B. Nauta2, 1TNO, Den Haag, Netherlands, 2University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 3Thales, Hengelo, Netherlands (Bi-)CMOS implementations of three phased-array receivers will be presented: 1) A 4-channel receiver exploiting switches and capacitors; 2) a 4-channel gm-RC implementation of a true-time delay beamforming receiver with more than 1.5 GHz bandwidth and 3) a SiGe implementation of an integrated receiver targeting a digital beamforming phased-array, where dynamic range and flexibility of use were the main driving factors.

TU3H-3 1430 – 1450 Ultra-Compact X-Band SIW Filter in LTCC Technology Using High Permittivity Substrate for a Space Application J. Garreau1, B. Potelon1, E. Rius1, J. F. Favennec1, C. Quendo1, C. Caille2, H. Leblond2, J. C. Azzara2, L. Raynaud2, 1LabSTICC, Brest, France, 2Thales Alenia Space, Toulouse, France Substrate Integrated Waveguide provides a better Q-factor compared with the other planar techniques. Its integration capabilities and fabrication cost are other benefits that make it attractive. But SIW filters are bulkier than their equivalents achieved in microstrip technology. This paper reports on the association of LTCC technology to stack cavities and high permittivity substrate to reduce size. The solution is tested on a X-band-dedicated filter with specifications for space application.

TU3G-4 1450 – 1510 CMOS-based Bi-directional T/R Chipsets for Phased Array Antenna M. Cho1, S. Yoon1, S. Sim2, L. Jeon2, J. Kim1, 1Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2RFcore, Seongnam-si, Republic of Korea This paper presents the bi-directional CMOS-based T/R circuits. X-band bi-directional amplifier shows the gain of 12 dB at 8-12 GHz. X-band 5-bit phase shifter shows the RMS phase error of 2.6o, and the amplitude error of 0.5 dB at 8-12 GHz. 9 bit TTD is developed to enable the time delay up to 198 ps. The distributed bi-directional amplifier shows the gain of 8.5 dB and the P1dB of 7 dBm at 8-15 GHz. The 6-bit attenuator with the maximum attenuation of 31 dB shows the insertion loss of 13 dB.

TU3H-4 1450 – 1500 New Approach to Multi-stage Directional Filter Based on Band-Reject Filter Design J. S. Sun1, H. Lobato-Morales2, A. Corona-Chavez2, T. Itoh1, 1University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States, 2INAOE, Puebla, Mexico A new method for realizing multi-stage directional filter is proposed. Instead of using one-stage directional filter as the building block, this approach relies on stand-alone band-reject filters. This allows us to synthesize the directional filter responses more precisely based on the rich legacy from the filter community. A three-stage directional filter prototype with elliptic response is developed. The measurement and simulation agrees well, which validates the concept.

TU3G-5 1510 – 1520 A 16-Element Transmit/Receive Q-Band Electronically Steerable Subarray Tile 1 J. Hacker , C. Hillman1, A. Papavasiliou1, C. G. Kim4, A. Abbaspour-Tamijani3, C. Y. Kim2, D. W. Kang2, G. Rebeiz2, 1 Teledyne, Thousand Oaks, United States, 2University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, United States, 3Freeform Wave Technologies, Scottsdale, United States, 4Arizona State University, Tempe, United States We report on a 44-GHz transceiver array architecture that integrates all required functionality for rf beamforming and radiation using a silicon digital control interface and rf beamforming IC, with wide-scan apertures, into a compact, rugged, micromachined three-dimensional structure. Embedded in the array, and key to the success of the architecture, is an advanced Silicon-Germanium transmit-receiver beamformer chip that integrates 16 channels on the same chip.

TU3H-5 1500 – 1510 Compact Diplexer with Edge-Coupled and Nonbianisotropic Split-Ring Resonators A. Garcia-Lamperez1, R. Gomez-Garcia2, M. Salazar-Palma1, 1Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain, 2 Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain A microstrip 6th-order compact diplexer formed by SRRs coupled between them and with the ports, with no additional junction structure, is presented. The central element, connected to the common port, is a conventional SRR that shows dual band behaviour with a central transmission zero. Each first order band corresponds to one band of the diplexer. An increase up to third order and the isolation between channels are provided by two single-band nonbianisotropic SRRs, one for each channel.

TU3G-6 1520 – 1530 Built-In Self Test Systems for Silicon-Based Phased Arrays O. Inac1, S. Kim1, D. Shin1, C. Kim2, G. M. Rebeiz1, 1University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, United States, 2Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Phased array silicon chips with built-in-self-test (BIST) have been demonstrated at X-band and W-band using integrated couplers and on-chip receiver circuitry. Measurements indicate that BIST results in accurate phase and gain measurements for every channel on the chip, and allows the measurement of an on-chip array factor, all at microsecond speeds. It is expected that BIST functionality will greatly reduce the cost of phased array testing and allow for on-site calibration and control.

TU3H-7 1510 – 1520 Novel Substrate Integrated Waveguide Bandpass Filter with Broadside-Coupled Complementary Split Ring Resonators L. Huang1, I. D. Robertson1, N. Yuan2, J. Huang2, 1University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China A novel substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filter employing integrated broadside-coupled complementary split-ring resonator (BC-CSRR) pairs is presented. It is shown the proposed resonator can be miniaturized by simply using a thin substrate. The proposed filter operates below the cutoff frequency of the SIW and has the advantages of compact size, high selectivity, easy fabrication and integration with other circuits. The measured results agree well with the simulations.

Technical Track Key:

› 36

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest


1600 – 1720

TU4B: Coupled Multi-Physics Modeling of High-Power and High-Frequency Electronic Devices Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1600 – 1720 Room: 512ABEF Chair: Peter H. Aaen Co-Chair: John Wood

TU4A: New Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Periodic Structures Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1600 – 1720 Room: 513ABC Chair: Jan Machac, Czech Tech. Univ. in Prague Co-Chair: Francisco Mesa, University of Seville TU4A-1 1600 – 1620 Spectral-Impulse-Response Approach for Analyzing the Aperiodic Excitation of a Periodic Diffraction Grating M. Memarian, G. V. Eleftheriades, University of Toronto , Toronto, Canada In this paper we present a method to solve the aperiodic excitation of a periodic diffraction grating. Expressions are derived for the scattered field due to a point source excitation, thus determining the aperiodic Green’s function for both field polarizations. Spectral techniques, and the introduction of a Spectral Impulse Response (SIR) are used to find the scattered spectrum. The theoretical model is validated against a full-wave field simulator at different field regions.

TU4B-1 1600 – 1620 Process-Orientated Physics-Based Modeling of Microwave Power Transistors: Small- and LargeSignal Characterization J. P. Everett1, M. J. Kearney1, C. M. Snowden1, H. Rueda2, E. M. Johnson2, P. H. Aaen2, J. Wood2, 1University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom, 2Freescale Semiconductor, Tempe, United States The coupling between charge transport, heat and energy flow required to model high frequency power devices is developed in the context of a computationally efficient physics-based model, which has been successfully applied to microwave laterally diffused MOS transistors. The accurate prediction of small- and large-signal microwave characteristics, and the physical insight gained, can be used in the process-orientated optimization and process sensitivity analysis of LDMOS power FETs.

TU4A-2 1620 – 1640 A Methodology for Expedient Analysis of the Impact of Disorder in Periodic Waveguides J. S. Ochoa, A. C. Cangellaris, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, United States An expedient methodology is presented for the predictive analysis of the impact of statistical disorder on the electromagnetic attributes of periodic waveguides. The proposed methodology makes use of ideas from the Anderson localization theory to derive closed-form expressions for the calculation of an effective exponential decay ratio that quantifies the impact of periodicity disorder on the transmission properties of the waveguide.

TU4B-2 1620 – 1640 Multi-Physics Modeling of High-Power Microwave Transistors 1 P. H. Aaen , J. Wood1, D. Bridges1, L. Zhang1, E. M. Johnson1, T. Barbieri1, J. A. Pla1, C. M. Snowden2, J. P. Everett2, M. J. Kearney2, 1Freescale Semiconductor, Tempe, United States, 2University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom We present a multiphysics approach for the simulation of high-power microwave transistors in which electromagnetic, thermal, and nonlinear transistor models are linked together within a harmonic-balance circuit simulator. The effects of three different gate bond-pad metallizations on the transistor efficiency are studied on a 102-mm packaged transistor. Spatial distribution plots of the drain efficiency, and time-domain current and voltage provide a unique insight into the device operation.

TU4A-3 1640 – 1700 Fully Analytical Circuit-like Approach for the TE Scattering by Narrow-Slit Printed Gratings R. Rosriguez-Berral1, F. Mesa1, F. Medina2, 1University of Seville, Seville, Spain, 2University of Seville, Seville, Spain A fully analytical solution for the scattering of a uniform TE polarized plane wave by an infinite periodic printed array of narrow slits is provided in this contribution. The model is based on some simplifications made on the formulas arising from a rigorous full-wave formulation. The present approach gives the topology of the transverse equivalent network as well as closed-form expressions for all its components, and overall very accurate results.

TU4B-3 1640 – 1700 Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifier Circuit-Device Simulations Through Coupled Harmonic Balance Monte Carlo Particle-Based Device Simulator D. Guerra, D. K. Ferry, M. Saraniti, S. M. Goodnick, Arizona State University, Tempe, United States We describe the large-signal characterization of mm-wave FET power amplifiers with high-Q matching network performed through full band Monte Carlo particle-based device simulations self-consistently coupled with a Harmonic Balance frequency domain circuit solver. Such circuit-device simulations allow to include the effect of the matching network as well as parasitic elements in the large-signal characterization of mm-wave FETs.

TU4A-4 1700 – 1720 Analytical Modeling of a Printed-Circuit Tensor Impedance Surface A. M. Patel, A. Grbic, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States Analysis of a printed-circuit tensor impedance surface is presented. It consists of a periodic metallic cladding over a grounded dielectric substrate. It is analytically modeled as a tensor sheet impedance over a grounded dielectric substrate. A method for extracting the sheet impedance of the patterned metallic cladding using a full-wave solver is reported. By combining this method with the dispersion equation, the dispersion characteristics of the structure can be analytically predicted.

TU4B-4 1700 – 1720 On the Design of Package-Integrated RF High-Power Amplifiers D. A. Calvillo-Cortes1, K. Shi2, M. de Langen2, F. van Rijs2, L. C. de Vreede1, 1Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, 2NXP Semiconductors, Nijmegen, Netherlands For wireless infrastructure applications, package-integrated power amplifiers are an appealing approach to achieve improved RF performance. This work discusses the specific design aspects for low-cost package-integrated PAs and the implementation deviations and tolerances when using bondwires. Two class-E PAs with bondwirebased matching networks are evaluated for their predicted versus realized performance. Their high performance shows the potential for realizing ultra-compact PAs modules.

Microwaves without Borders: With around 80 technical paper submissions, Germany has signaled a strong presence in IMS making it rank as the fifth largest contributor to IMS this year. The German chapter which is part of the IEEE region 8 was founded in 1984 and is currently chaired by Prof. Dr. Ing. Georg Böck, from Technische Universität Berlin.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 37






1600 – 1720

TU4C: Advances in Broadband Communication Systems Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1600 – 1720 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Rudy Emrick, Orbital Sciences Co-Chair: Reinhard Knoechel, University of Kiel

TU4D: Terahertz Imaging Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1600 – 1720 Room: 510BD Chair: Goutam Chattopadhyay Co-Chair: Jon B. Hacker

TU4C-1 1600 – 1620 A Low-Power SiGe Impulse Radio-UWB Transmitter with Biphase Modulation Function D. Lin, A. Trasser, H. Schumacher, Universität Ulm, Ulm, Germany In this paper a compact and low-power IR-UWB transmitter is presented. The transmitter is based on a crosscoupled LC oscillator core which is transiently turned on and off by current spikes generated on-chip. A simple phase control circuit enables biphase modulation by controlling the start-up phase condition of the oscillator. The UWB transmitter has a low power consumption of 9.8 mW when biphase modulated with a 200 MHz impulse sequence. The transmitter IC occupies an area of 0.3 mm2.

TU4D-1 1600 – 1620 Carrier Noise-Limited Penetration in THz Radar Imaging K. B. Cooper1, J. F. Trabert2, R. J. Dengler1, 1NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States, 2Technischen Universität Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany We investigate the limitations of terahertz (THz) radar imaging in the regime of weak penetration, and present evidence that noise carried by the radar signal itself, rather than the receiver’s thermal noise floor, is the limiting factor for imaging through thick clothing. This means that higher power sources or lower noise figure receivers at 675 GHz will not improve radar penetration. Rather, efforts in this direction should focus on lowering the THz source’s phase noise.

TU4C-2 1620 – 1640 Synthesis of Angle Modulated Ultra Wideband Signals Based on Regenerative Sampling C. Carlowitz, M. Vossiek, Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany For efficient low power UWB communication and ranging systems, fine grained control of the UWB signal spectral properties is desirable to maximize throughput and SNR at a given power budget and spectral mask. In this paper, a completely novel concept for the synthesis of UWB signals based on regenerative sampling is introduced that brings complex pulse angle modulation to UWB signals while at the same time retaining the feasibility of low power implementation using low complexity hardware.

TU4D-2 1620 – 1640 Terahertz Detection and Coherent Imaging from 0.2 to 4.3 THz with Silicon CMOS Field-Effect Transistors A. Lisauskas1, S. Boppel1, D. Seliuta2, L. Minkevicius2, I. Kasalynas2, G. Valusis2, V. Krozer1, H. G. Roskos1, 1Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania We investigate patch-antenna-coupled Si MOSFETs as plasmonic detectors of THz radiation. We explore detection at frequencies up to 4.3 THz searching for fundamental limits of the detection principle. We address the issue of enhanced sensitivity by a current bias and conclude that the increased noise prevents an improved signal-to-noise ratio. We then simulate a 100x100-pixel heterodyne camera with a few detectors and show that real-time operation of a camera is possible with 30 dB dynamic range.

TU4C-3 1640 – 1700 220 GHz Wireless Data Transmission Experiments up to 30 Gbit/s J. Antes1, S. König1, A. Leuther2, H. Massler2, J. Leuthold1, O. Ambacher2, I. Kallfass2, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics, Freiburg, Germany A wireless data link using active MMIC components at a carrier frequency of 220 GHz is supporting record data rates of up to 30 Gbit/s. The paper presents receiver sensitivity measurements for data rates up to 30 Gbit/s and wireless data transmission experiments for distances up to 20 m. For this distance a 2^(31)−1 bit pattern with a data rate of 15 Gbit/s was transmitted. For a transmission distance of 10 m it was possible to transmit a 25 Gbit/s signal.

TU4D-3 1640 – 1700 Developments Towards Real-time Active and Passive Submillimetre-Wave Imaging for Security Applications A. Luukanen1, J. Ala-Laurinaho2, D. Gomes-Martins1, M. Grönholm1, J. Häkli1, P. Koivisto1, M. Leivo1, S. Mäkelä2, P. Pursula1, M. Sipilä1, J. Säily1, A. Tamminen2, H. Toivanen1, R. Tuovinen1, A. Rautiainen1, A. Räisänen2, P. Rantakari1, 1 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, Finland, 2MilliLab and SMARAD, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland Both active and passive submm-wave stand-off imaging systems are under development for security imaging applications. The drivers for operation at higher frequencies have been the desire for better image resolution, smaller optics package, reduced susceptibility to specular reflections from the human skin and capability for stand-off imagery. In this paper we summarise our efforts which could eventually pave the way for fast, real time, highresolution imaging systems for the submm-wave range.

TU4C-4 1700 – 1720 Aircraft Cabin-integrated 57-64GHz WLAN Communication System 1 V. Ziegler , B. Schulte1, J. Sabater4, S. Bovelli1, J. Kunisch2, K. Maulwurf2, M. Martinez-Vazquez2, C. Oikonomopoulos-Zachos2, S. Glisic3, M. Ehrig3, E. Grass3, 1EADS , Ottobrunn, Germany, 2IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany, 3IHP GmbH, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 4AED Engineering GmbH, Munich, Germany This paper reports for the first time on a novel 57-64GHz Point-to-Multipoint WLAN system, which is completely installed into an aircraft cabin mock-up. All the system components, from the RF-chip-set, LTCC-integrated antennas and modules, to the baseband and application software were specifically developed. In addition, the integration of these system components into a passenger aircraft cabin mock-up (ceiling and seat-integration) as well as successful system tests were carried out.

TU4D-4 1700 – 1720 Image Plane Coded Aperture Detectors for THz Imaging O. Furxhi, E. L. Jacobs, The University of Memphis, Memphis, United States Image plane coded aperture (IPCA) detectors consist of a single detector, a spatial light modulator, and a lens or horn that collects the radiation. The IPCA detector is placed in the image plane of an imager and makes linear measurements on the image by modulating the signal spatially and/or temporally in amplitude, frequency, phase, or polarization. The image is then reconstructed computationally. We present an IPCA detector for Terahertz imaging and discuss other possible implementations.

Technical Track Key:

› 38

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest


1600 – 1720

TU4E: Advances in PLL and Oscillator Technology Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1600 – 1720 Room: 510AC Chair: Bert Henderson, Cobham Sensor Systems Co-Chair: Scott Wetenkamp, SCEAN

TU4F: Power Harvesting Related to Communication Systems Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1600 – 1720 Room: 511AD Chair: Zoya Popovic, University of Colorado Co-Chair: Manos Tentzeris, Georgia Tech

TU4E-1 1600 – 1620 Load Independent Bulk-Coupled Low Power Quadrature LC VCO P. Liu1, S. P. Sah1, J. Jung1, P. Upadhyaya2, D. Heo1, 1Washington State University, Pullman, United States, 2Xilinx, San Jose, United States A novel low voltage bulk-coupled CMOS LC quadrature voltage controlled oscillator (QVCO) implemented in a standard 0.18 um BiCMOS process is presented in this paper. Quadrature signals are achieved by using injection of output signals of independent complementary LC VCOs into body terminal of each cross-coupled pair. Tapped capacitor technique is used to lower phase noise and achieve load independence. The results obtained are among the best compared to recently published QVCOs.

TU4F-1 1600 – 1620 Improving Wireless Power Transmission Efficiency Using Chaotic Waveforms A. Collado, A. Georgiadis, Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Castelldefels, Spain The use of chaotic signals as an optimal source for wireless power transmission as well as electromagnetic energy harvesting is proposed. The improved performance of rectifier circuits, in terms of higher RF to DC conversion efficiency, when using chaotic signals in comparison to one-tone signals is demonstrated. A 433MHz chaotic generator and a rectifier circuit are designed and implemented in order to demonstrate the improved efficiency of the system when using chaotic waveforms.

TU4E-2 1620 – 1630 A 65-nm CMOS 250uW Quadrature LO Generation Circuit C. Bryant, H. Sjöland, Lund University, Lund, Sweden This paper presents a quadrature LO generation circuit with ultra-low power consumption. Apart from applications such as such as sensor networks etc., we show that it could even be used as part of a secondary WCDMA receiver, since most of the time the signal conditions are significantly relaxed from the worst case scenario. Consisting of an oscillator and frequency divider, the circuit, manufactured in 65nm CMOS, consumes less than 250μW from a 0.65V supply while operating in the 2.14GHz band.

TU4F-2 1620 – 1640 A Battery-Less, Energy Harvesting Device for Long Range Scavenging of Wireless Power from Terrestrial TV Broadcasts R. J. Vyas1, H. Nishimoto2, M. Tentzeris1, Y. Kawahara2, T. Asami2, 1Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States, 2University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Use of Japanese Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial (ISDB-T) standard has resulted in broadcast of perpetually on, wireless digital TV signals over the air at wider bandwidths in UHF bands for smart phones & videoon-demand. This paper presents a unique energy harvesting prototype capable of scavenging wireless power from such broadcasts and well capable of powering on electronics operating at 3V from wireless TV signals for limited duty cycle at distance of 6.5km from source.

TU4E-3 1630 – 1640 A Dual-band Oscillator with Reconfigurable Cavity-Backed Complementary Split-Ring Resonator Y. Dong, T. Itoh, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States A novel C-band low phase noise dual-band oscillator using a reconfigurable cavity-backed CSRR resonator is proposed and developed. The resonator consists of a PIN diode switch and a CSRR resonator embedded in an SIW cavity. It is able to provide two different resonance frequencies by selecting different diode modes. Measured results show that the proposed oscillator is able to operate at 2.675 and 3.77 GHz, respectively, with a phase noise of 105.5 and 99.6 dBc/Hz at a 100 KHz offset.

TU4F-3 1640 – 1650 Self-Biased Self-Oscillating Mixing Receiver using Metamaterial-Based SIW Dual-Band Antenna C. M. Wu, T. Itoh, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States A novel receiver consisting of both “self-biased” and “self-oscillating mixing” schemes is proposed. The receiver is self-biased since it does not require an external DC bias from a power supply but rather the DC voltage is provided through the rectifier branch of the receiver, which converts the received RF power to DC; the receiver is also integrated with a self-oscillating mixer so that it does not require an external LO source that is usually necessary in a mixer circuit.

TU4E-4 1640 – 1700 A Low Noise Multi-PFD PLL with Timing Shift Circuit K. Tsutsumi, Y. Takahashi, M. Komaki, E. Taniguchi, M. Shimozawa, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Kamakura, Japan The proposed PLL utilize parallel circuit architecture to improve SNR of the circuit. To enhance the effect of reducing noise, timing shift circuit is proposed. The proposed PLL is demonstrated using a custom 0.18um SiGe-BiCMOS integrated circuit. The experimental results show the effectiveness of noise-reduction of the proposed circuit. The normalized PLL phase noise floor of -237.7dBc/Hz is the lowest value among the reported PLL-ICs.

TU4F-4 1650 – 1700 A Novel Resonator for Simultaneous Wireless Power Tranfer and Near Field Magnetic Communications M. Dionigi, M. Mongiardo, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy On one hand resonant Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) can be realized by using resonant coils coupled via their magnetic fields; on the other hand Near-Field Magnetic Communications (NFMC) are currently receiving considerable attention for several possible applications. We present a novel structure that can be used for both WPT and NFMC; this structure shows a dual band transmission channel thus enabling simultaneous transmission of power and data.

TU4E-5 1700 – 1720 Microdegree Frequency and Phase Difference Control Using Fractional-N PLL Synthesizers B. R. Gray1, M. Masood1, J. Galloway2, R. Caplan2, S. Kenney1, 1Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States, 2Silicon Creations, Suwanee, United States Two independently programmable on-chip delta-sigma fractional-N phased-locked loop (PLL) synthesizers were developed in 65 nm CMOS to demonstrate a millidegree phase shifter. Both PLLs use a 24 bit fractional modulator, thus a theoretical phase shift as small as 21 microdegrees is possible. Due to limitations in the noise floor at microwave frequencies, data was collected at postdivided frequencies 50 MHz and 400 MHz resulting in a best case measured phase step of 21 millidegrees at 50 MHz.

TU4F-5 1700 – 1710 Wireless Power Transfer Versus Wireless Information Transfer T. K. Sarkar1, E. P. Caspers1, M. Salazar Plama2, M. A. Lagunas3, 1Syracuse University, Dewitt, United States, 2Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3CTTC, Castelldefels, Spain Currently, there is a great need for power harvesting but also in many cases it is necessary to send information along with power over the same channel like in a RFID scenario. The goal of this paper is to illustrate by using a set of dipole transmit/receive antennas that these objectives of simultaneous power transfer and information transfer are contradictory and a balance must be reached for the optimum operation. TU4F-6 1710 – 1720 Wireless Charging System of Mobile Handset Using Metamaterial-Based Cavity Resonator C. Liou, C. Kuo, M. Lee, S. Mao, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan A metamterial-based cavity resonator using artificial magnetic conductor surfaces is presented and applied to realize a wireless charging system of mobile handset. This wireless charging system demonstrates the advantages of broad bandwidth, small size, long transmitting range, high transferring efficiency and EMI-free feature. The holistic architecture of wireless charging system for a smartphone is established to experimentally validate the usefulness of the metamaterial cavity resonator.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 39






1600 – 1720

TU4G: Active Arrays and Power Combiners Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1600 – 1720 Room: 511BE Chair: Goutam Chattopadhyay, JPL Co-Chair: Chris Rodenbeck, Sandia National Laboratories

TU4H: GaN Power Amplifiers Exploiting Harmonic Enhancement Tuesday 19 June 2012 Time: 1600 – 1720 Room: 511CF Chair: Paul Tasker, Cardiff University Co-Chair: Bumman Kim, POSTECH

TU4G-1 1600 – 1620 An Active CMOS One-to-four Power Splitter for 60-GHz Phased-Array Transmitter I. Chang, J. Kao, J. Kuo, K. Lin, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan This paper presents a V-band active one-to-four power splitter in 90-nm LP CMOS process for phased-array transmitter. This power splitter demonstrates a gain which is better than 0 dB from 57 to 65 GHz for each RF path. Besides, 0.75-dB gain imbalance and 4.3° phase imbalance are achieved. The isolation between two adjacent output ports is better than 15.2 dB, and the measured OP1dB is better than -2.67 dBm at 60 GHz while the dc power consumption is 40 mW with 2-V supply voltage.

TU4H-1 1600 – 1620 Wide Bandwidth Inverse Class F Power Amplifier with Novel Balun Harmonic Matching Network A. N. Stameroff, A. V. Pham, University of California at Davis, Davis, United States In this paper we present a novel wide bandwidth inverse class F power amplifier using a broadside coupled Marchand balun to achieve optimal matching up to the third harmonic. A prototype power amplifier (PA) was constructed to verify this concept and its feasibility. The prototype power amplifier uses two gallium nitride pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors and a multilayered low loss substrate.

TU4G-2 1620 – 1640 Polarization Friendly Retrodirective Antenna Array J. H. Choi, Y. Dong , J. S. Sun, T. Itoh, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States A polarization friendly rectrodirective array (RDA) is presented. The proposed RDA can receive any polarization and always retransmit the signal back to the interrogator with the predictable (orthogonal) polarization. This added feature can mitigate polarization mismatch loss and provide a more secure communication link. The proposed polarization friendly RDA shows excellent retrodirectivity for various received polarization states.

TU4H-2 1620 – 1640 Design of Broadband High-Efficiency Power Amplifier using in-Band Class-(1/F)/F Mode-Transferring Technique K. Chen, D. Peroulis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States A mode-transferring technique for designing high-efficiency broadband power amplifiers is presented in this paper. It is demonstrated, for the first time, that by properly tuning the second and third harmonic impedances, a PA can operate between inverse Class-F and Class-F modes within a 1.5:1 bandwidth. A broadband PA is designed by employing this technique. Simulation and experimental results show that Class-F$^{-1}$ and Class-F PA modes are performed at 1.8 and 2.8 GHz, with 80% efficiency.

TU4G-3 1640 – 1700 Active Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Antenna with Phase-Shifterless Beam-Scanning Capabilities F. Giuppi1, A. Georgiadis2, A. Collado2, M. Bozzi1, 1University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, 2CTTC, Castelldefels, Spain A novel active antenna array in SIW technology is designed and demonstrated. It is based on cavity-backed antenna oscillators, and the coupling is obtained by properly connecting the cavities. Accurate control of amplitude and phase of the coupling is achieved. Beam-scanning capabilities without using any phase shifter are demonstrated. Based on the dynamic properties of coupled oscillator arrays, a beam scan of +/-20 deg is obtained by tuning the oscillation-frequency control voltages.

TU4H-3 1640 – 1700 Novel Dual-Band Matching Network Topology and its Application for the Design of Dual-Band Class J Power Amplifiers X. Fu, D. T. Bespalko, S. Boumaiza, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada In this paper, a systematic design of a dual-band power amplifier is presented. The impedance matching flexibility of a Class J operating mode was used to lessen the requirements of the matching networks (MN). Then, a novel dual-band MN topology is devised to present adequate source and load impedances at both targeted operating frequencies. This technique was successfully applied to design a dual-band 45W GaN Class J PA operating at 0.8GHz and 1.9GHz with peak efficiencies of 74.4% and 57.6%.

TU4G-4 1700 – 1710 Injection-Controlled Charge Pump and Phase-Locked Loop Array for Beam-Scanning in Millimeterwave Automotive Radar M. Y. Chia, S. Leong, S. Woon, A. Mulya, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, Singapore An injection-controlled method for charge pumped phase-locked loop (CP-PLL) has been developed for beam scanning in a 76-77 GHz automotive radar. It exploits an external current source with the CP-PLL to control the voltage controlled oscillator in a production-ready SiGe front-end transceiver to create phase shift. A new 76 to 77 GHz phased array system has been implemented using this technique. The results obtained from measurements and computer simulations validate its performance.

TU4H-4 1700 – 1720 L-Band 360W and 65% PAE GaN Amplifier with Mixed Class-E / F Harmonic Control K. Yamanaka, N. Yunoue, S. Chaki, M. Nakayama, Y. Hirano, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Kamakura, Japan In this paper, an L-band partially internally matched GaN amplifier is presented, which is designed so that Class-F condition is met for the 2nd harmonic and Class-E condition is met for the 3rd harmonic. Utilizing these harmonic conditions, high output power together with high efficiency was obtained overcoming power limitation of ClassE. As a result, 360W output power and 65% PAE was successfully obtained at L-band with in-house GaN HEMT.

TU4G-5 1710 – 1720 Simultaneous Transmit and Receive with a Small Planar Array A. T. Wegener, W. J. Chappell, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States A small three element linear planar array designed to have high isolation between elements for Simultaneous Transmit And Receive (STAR) is demonstrated. High isolation is achieved through use of tunable resonators that control near fields of the array. By transmitting on the outer two elements and controlling the phase of the coupling from these elements to the middle element with the resonators, the energy coupled into the receiver can be reduced by up to 51 dB.

Microwaves without Borders: The French technical papers submitted to IMS this year makes it the fourth largest contributor to the Montreal Symposium. With over 80 papers submitted, French engineers have actively shaped the technical content of IMS. The French section is an active chapter of IEEE region 8.

Technical Track Key:

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µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest


The International Microwave Symposium IMS2012 will include several student-centered events. IMS2012 registered students from around the world will have the opportunity to demonstrate the application of strong microwave engineering design principles in the development of the most eloquent hardware solutions to predetermined design requirements. Students will work in teams to design and build components or systems that will be measured at the symposium. Entries may also take the form of a technical paper. The student design competitions will be sponsored by the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society’s Technical Coordination Committees as well as various industry partners. The objective is to encourage students to become involved in the dynamic profession of microwave engineering, to apply their knowledge to practical design use, and to promote team work. A number of student design competitions will be organized across the diverse technical areas covered by IMS2012. Multiple sponsoring companies will provide participating student teams with test equipment, components and computer aided design software. The student design competition’s statements, guidelines and associated deadlines for each competition will be posted at the IMS2012 Web site. They will provide enough background information to enable the teams to design the required component or system for each competition. The best designs, as judged by the technical committee sponsors, will be recognized at the Student Awards Luncheon to be held on Thursday at IMS2012. In addition, students of the winning designs will be invited to submit an article to IEEE Microwave Magazine in order to share their design techniques and experience with the microwave community.

General Competition Rules • To enter the competition, the student(s) must have been a full-time student (enrolled for a minimum of nine hours per term as graduate students or twelve hours per term as undergraduates) during the time the work was performed. • The student(s) must have a signed statement from their academic advisor that the work is principally the effort of the student(s). • The student(s) must attend the conference to present their design for evaluation at the specified time and location (Room 517CD). • The student(s) should use the email address issued by their respective institutions for all communication regarding the competitions, rather than their personal emails (e.g., Gmail, Hotmail). • The student(s) must submit an entry form ( to both the competition coordinator and the Student Design Competition chair at ( by Saturday 31 March 2012.

SDC1: High Efficiency Power Amplifiers

SDC5: Optical-to-Microwave Converters

SDC9: Software Defined Radio and Digital Signal Processing

SDC2: Rugged High-Linearity, Low-Noise Amplifiers

SDC6: Packaged Tunable Filters

SDC10: Development of a LargeSignal-Network-Analyzer RoundRobin Artifact

Sponsor: MTT 5 Kiki Ikossi ,Joe Qui

Sponsor: MTT 6, 14, 16, 20 Rüdiger Quay, Zhizhang (David) Chen

SDC3: Microwave Transistor Modeling Sponsor: MTT 1 John Atherton, Peter Aaen

SDC4: Wireless Energy Harvesting

Sponsor: MTT 3 Yifei Li, Peter Herczfeld

Sponsor: MTT 12, 8 Robert Jackson, Paul Garland

SDC7: Voltage-Controlled Oscillators Sponsor: MTT 22 Carlos Saavedra, Scott Wetenkamp

SDC8: Wideband Baluns Sponsor: MTT 17 Robert Caverly, Marc Franco

Sponsor: MTT 9 Jeffrey Pawlan

Sponsor: MTT 11 Rashaunda Henderson, Jon Martens

SDC11: Novel Application of EM Field Simulators Sponsor: MTT 15 David R. Jackson

Sponsor: MTT 26, 24, 20 Ali Darwish, Zhizhang (David) Chen

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GRADUATE STUDENT CHALLENGE This year the MTT society will be hosting for the second time the Graduate Student Challenge during the 2012 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in Montréal. All PhD and MS students who are registered at IMS can participate in this event. As opposed to other IMS student competitions and activities, all of the activities related to the Graduate Student Challenge competition will take place only during the IMS2012. The aim is to encourage graduate student members who attend the IMS conference to form teams, conduct brain storming meetings, develop new ideas and propose applications based on the papers presented at the IMS and on themes indicated by the jury. During the IMS2012, each team will prepare a poster to summarize its results and major achievements. On the last day of the IMS, Thursday afternoon, student teams will compete by presenting their posters and detailing their ideas in front of judges from industry and academia. The winning team for the Graduate Student Challenge will be announced on Thursday evening during the IMS closing ceremonies. The winning team will be presented a $2,000.00 cash award. All the participants who fully contribute and give presentations on Thursday will receive a gift from the conference organizers. Students who are interested in participating in this new competition are asked to attend a meet and greet event on Monday, 18 June afternoon at 1600 in Room 525AB at the Palais des Congrès (before the IMS plenary session and welcome reception). During this meeting, the participants will form teams consisting of maximum three members. The student team members must not be from the same university. Transnational teaming is encouraged. During the meeting on Monday, several themes will be presented that should serve as the basis for the Graduate Student Challenge. Each team is to develop new ideas and propose novel applications consistent with one of the themes that they have chosen. The ideas should be based on at least two papers presented at IMS. The selected papers must not be authored/co-authored by the team members or be from their universities. This is to assure a level playing field for the competition. Teams are required to prepare a poster and to present it to the judges, during a poster session on Thursday afternoon at IMS. The selection criteria will be based on the originality, content, practicality and clarity of the presentations.



Room 517 CD

In its annual symposia, the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) holds the student paper competition. The purpose of the competition is to recognize outstanding technical contributions from individual students and to encourage student involvement in research and development in the areas of MTT-S. This year, we continue this tradition: all the papers submitted online to the conference and entered as student papers are considered for the competition; and finalists are then selected from these submissions. They will be invited to present in a special competition session to be held during the symposium, in addition to their regular paper presentations. This year, the finalists selected are: “Highly Dispersive Delay Structure Exploiting the Tight Coupling Property of the CRLH-CRLH Coupler for Enhanced Resolution Analog Signal Processing,” S. Gupta, C. Caloz, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.

“Compact Wide-Stopband Quad-Band Bandpass Filter with Tunable Transmission Zeros,” K. Hsu, W. Tu, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan;

“A Three-Dimensional Spatially Filtered FDTD with Controllable Stability beyond the Courant Limit,” C. Chang, C. D. Sarris, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada;

“Ultra-compact Filters using TM Dual-mode Dielectric-loaded Cavities with Asymmetric Transmission Zeros,” L. Pelliccia, F. Cacciamani, C. Tomassoni, R. Sorrentino, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy;

“Macromodeling of Interconnect Networks from Frequency Domain Data using the Loewner Matrix Approach,” M. Kabir, R. Khazaka, McGill University, Montréal, Canada; “Simultaneous Electric and Magnetic Two-Dimensional Tuning of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity Resonator,” S. Adhikari, A. Ghiotto, K. Wu, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada; “A Lumped-Element Directional Coupler with Arbitrary Output Amplitude and Phase Distributions,” E. Gandini, M. Ettorre, R. Sauleau, A. Grbic, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States; Institut d’Electronique et de Telecommunication de Rennes, Rennes, France;

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“A 6 to 24 GHz Continuously Tunable, Microfabricated, High-Q Cavity Resonator With Electrostatic MEMS Actuation,” M. S. Arif, D. Peroulis, Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States; “Tunable and Flexible Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) Varactors on Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) Substrates,” Y. Shen, S. Ebadi, P. Wahid, X. Gong, University of Central Florida, Orlando, United States;


“An RF-MEMS Switch for High-Power Applications,” C. D. Patel, G. M. Rebeiz, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, United States; “GaAs MMIC Tunable Directional Coupler,” R. Scheeler, Z. Popovic, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, United States;

“Microwave Chemical Sensing Using an 3-18 GHz Wideband Overmoded Coaxial Cable,” Y. Huang, K. M. Hotopp, B. C. Dian, W. J. Chappell, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States;

“Load Independent Bulk-Coupled Low Power Quadrature LC VCO,” S. P. Sah, J. Jung, P. Upadhyaya, D. Heo, Washington State University, Pullman, United States; Xilinx, San Jose, United States;

“A Novel “Universal” Inkjet-Printed EBG-Backed Flexible RFID for Rugged On-Body and Metal Mounted Applications,” H. Lee, S. Kim, D. D. Donno, M. M. Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States, Universita Del Salento, Lecce, Italy;

“A Novel Wideband and Reconfigurable High Average Efficiency Power Amplifier,” D. Gustafsson, C. M. Andersson, C. Fager, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden;

“A Battery-Less, Energy Harvesting Device for Long Range Scavenging of Wireless Power from Terrestrial TV Broadcasts,” R. J. Vyas, et. al., Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States; University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan;

“Wide Bandwidth Inverse Class F Power Amplifier with Novel Balun Harmonic Matching Network,” A. N. Stameroff, A. V. Pham, University of California, Davis, Davis, United States;

“A Max 349 GHz 18.2mW/Pixel CMOS Inter-Modulated Regenerative Receiver for Tri-Color mm-Wave Imaging,” A. Tang,, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States; University of Florida, Gainesville, United States; HRL Laboratories, Malibu, United States;

“A CMOS 135-150GHz 0.4dBm EIRP transmitter with 51dB P1dB extension using IF envelope FF gain compression,” A. Tang, et. al. , University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States; University of Florida, Gainesville, United States; HRL Laboratories, Malibu, United States; Notrhrop Grumman Corporation, Renondo Beach, United States; “A 6-bit Segmented RZ DAC Architecture with up to 50-GHz Sampling Clock and 4 Vpp Differential Swing,” A. Balteanu, P. Schvan, S. P. Voinigescu, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; Ciena Corporation, Ottawa, Canada; “Microwave Susceptor Design for Wafer Bonding Applications,” A. Toossi, M. Daneshmand, D. Sameoto, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; “New Thermometry and Trap Relaxation Characterization Techniques for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using Pulsed-RF Excitations,” Y. Ko et. al., B. Poling, The Ohio State University, Columbus, United States; WrightPatterson Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton, United States; “Micromachined 100GHz Near-Field Measurement Probe for High-Resolution Microwave Skin-Cancer Diagnosis,” F. Töpfer, S. Dodorov, J. Oberhammer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; “Polarization Friendly Retrodirective Antenna Array,” J. H. Choi, Y. Dong , J. S. Sun, T. Itoh, University of California, Los Angle, United States “Hybrid Silicon-Organic Packaged Antenna Array at 60 and 80 GHz Using a Low-Cost Bonding Technique,” A. L. Vera Lopez, et. al., Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States; Sony Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, John H. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, United States; “Synthesis of Angle Modulated Ultra Wideband Signals Based on Regenerative Sampling,” C. Carlowitz, M. Vossiek, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany;

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0800 – 0940

Room 512ABEF

WE1B: Focus Session - Silicon and Indium Phosphide MMICs Achieve New Performance Milestones for Radiometers in Earth Remote Sensing Chair: Steven C. Reising, Colorado State University Co-Chair: Pekka Kangaslahti, Jet Propulsion Laboratory IMS WEDNESDAY SESSIONS

Abstract: The recent performance leaps in Silicon and Indium Phosphide MMICs open new opportunities for design of various scientific instruments. This session focuses on the latest developments in millimeter-wave and sub-millimeter wave components and subsystems that enable advances in radiometry for Earth remote sensing. These technologies generally improve performance for related applications such as radar remote sensing, radio astronomy, and personnel screening.


0800 – 0940

Room 511CF

WE1H: Special Session - A Retrospective of Field Theory in Microwave Engineering Chair: Poman So, University of Victoria Co-Chair: Zhizhang (David) Chen, Dalhousie University

1010 – 1150

Room 510BD

WE2D: Focus Session - Retrospective and Outlook of Microwave CAD Chair: Natalia K. Nikolova, McMaster University Co-Chair: Q.J. Zhang, Carleton University

Abstract: This special session pays tribute to Professor John W. Bandler on the occasion of his 70th birthday for more than forty-five years of pioneering contributions to the field of microwave theory and techniques, especially the development and application of computer-aided design and optimization methods for microwave design. The invited speakers, while highlighting Dr. Bandler’s major achievements and assessing the impact of his work on the development of microwave modeling, simulation, sensitivity analysis and optimization, will present an up-to-date overview of computer-aided design, which is of broad interest to all MTT members.

1010 – 1150

Room 511CF

WE2H: Focus Session - Microwave Components for Space: Trends and Developments Chair: Jim Sowers, Space Systems/Loral Co-Chair: Steve Holme, Space Systems/Loral Abstract: The need for commercial satellite services is increasing rapidly. Advanced satellite systems are being introduced to handle applications from communications to navigation to weather monitoring. To enable these systems, components need to meet the challenging requirements for satellite systems including electrical efficiency, size, mass, power, and functional integration. Additionally, these advanced systems are demanding flexibility and wideband operation to allow for cost effectiveness both in manufacturing and payload capacity. These paradigm shifts in system operation require advanced technologies at the component level to achieve their desired performance. The Session will present an overview of recent developments in component technologies that will enable the development of modern commercial satellite systems.


Abstract: This special session presents a retrospective of electromagnetic field theory that constitutes the foundation of microwave technology. The session begins with a paper on J. C. Maxwell and the Maxwellians. The next two papers are on engineering electromagnetics and microwave engineering, respectively. They are followed by a historical overview on the evolution of wireless communications. Finally, the session closes with a paper on metamaterials and related concepts looking towards future horizons.



1200 – 1320

Room 516 AC

Panel Session: How will LDMOS and III-V Device Technologies Play in Cellular Infrastructure Future Markets? Organizer: Basim Noori, Freescale Semiconductor Inc. Panelists: 1. Dr. James Wong, Manager RF Power at Alcatel-Lucent 2. Dr. Steve Cripps, Professor, Cardiff University 3. Ray Pengelly, Strategic Business Development Manager, Cree Semiconductors Inc. 4. Paul Hart, Systems Engineering Manager, Freescale Semiconductor Inc. 5. John Gajadharsing, Application Manager, NXP Semiconductors 6. Khan Salam, Principal Electrical Engineer (RFPA), Rockwell Collins Radio 7. Dr. Oleh Krutko, Device Design Engineering Manager, TriQuint Panel Description: The cellular infrastructure market space is the largest consumer of high power RF amplifier devices in the world. In the early days of cellular, from 1985 thru 1993, radio amplifiers developed for this market utilized standard Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT). Starting in 1993, when the first Laterally Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor (LDMOS) Field Effect Transistors (FET) devices started to emerge, there was a rapid and almost complete shift in amplifier technology from BJT’s to LDMOS active devices, due to their lower cost and higher linearity at back off under class AB operation. This first technology conversion occurred between 1993 and 2000 and it forced RF BJT devices into the smaller niche markets of pulsed radar and others. Ever since 2000, almost all cellular infrastructure amplifiers have been designed with LDMOS devices as the main core amplifier component. Within the last 3 to 5 years, several competing alternative amplifier technologies emerged that challenged LDMOS for market dominance, namely GaN FETs and GaAs Hetrojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBT). Even though these alternative technologies are initially higher in cost than the LDMOS standard, they have made some slight inroads into the infrastructure market, mostly in tower-top applications. Will these newly developed technologies become dominant in the cellular Infrastructure in the near future? Do they have enough of an increased RF performance edge to offset their currently higher cost basis? Or will they be dominant in 5+ years? If so in what PA architectures, Doherty, Switched-Mode, class-J, Envelope tracking? This group of experts covers wide area of expertise in LDMOS, GaN and GaAs device technologies as well as industry power amplifiers. They will present their vision of how the technology will develop in the near future.

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IMS Wednesday

1350 – 1530

Room 513ABC

WE3A: Focus Session - Unprecedented Microwave Devices Based on NanoMaterials Chair: Luca Pierantoni, Università Politecnica delle Marche Co-Chair: Christophe Caloz, École Polytechnique de Montréal


1350 – 1530

Room 511AD

1350 – 1530

WE3H: Special Session - A Tribute to Rüdiger Vahldieck

Room 511CF

Chair: Wolfgang J.R. Hoefer, Institute of High Performance Computing Co-Chair: Jens Bornemann, University of Victoria Abstract: This session is a tribute to the life and work of Professor Rüdiger Vahldieck who passed away on 21 March 2011 at age 59. Rüdiger has made seminal and pioneering contributions to microwave theory and techniques throughout the last thirty years of his life, ranging from rigorous computer-aided design of optimized microwave filters to integrated circuit design and manufacturing, microwave communications, field theory, computational electromagnetics, and electromagnetic compatibility. He leaves a rich legacy of scientific discovery, technical innovation, engineering education, and service to the profession. The latter includes his contributions as Editorin-Chief of the IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Member of MTT-15, President and Chair of numerous international symposia, workshops and program committees, and Chair of the Swiss Joint IEEE MTT, AP, and EMC Societies Chapter. The session features nine invited speakers – former students, colleagues, associates and friends of Rüdiger – who will not only report on new research of their own, but also illuminate how Ruediger’s work has influenced their own perspectives and the evolution of microwave theory and techniques. With this session we wish not only to showcase Rüdiger’s considerable technical and scientific legacy, but also to honor his personal memory and his dedication to his students, associates and colleagues.


1600 – 1720

Room 511CF

WE4H: Focus Session - Tunable Systems: Enabling Future Handset Technologies

WE3F: Focus Session - Advances in Silicon-Based Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Integrated Circuits and Systems

Chair: Shirook M. Ali, RIM Co-Chair: James Warden, RIM

Chair: Dietmar Kissinger, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Co-Chair: Robert Weigel, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Abstract: Cellular handsets must meet demands for increasing functionality, particularly, roaming capabilities on multiple frequencies. Additional demands arise from the exponentially increasing data usage, bigger display screens, and the need to ensure that performance is not compromised. Current levels of network capacity are simply not sufficient. Operators have responded by spending billions of dollars on infrastructure and new expensive spectrum. On the other hand, the handset development can address the demands of the new standards but a shift in thinking is needed regarding the radio frequency front-end in order to avoid high cost, size increase, and power-consumption increase. Tunability enables flexibility and fewer radio components while ensuring that the system is operating at peak performance. This Session addresses advanced tunable technologies applied in: multi-band handsets with a single antenna system that supports wide frequency diversity (for example, LTE plus GSM/GPRS/EDGE, which comes to 11 bands in 7 modes ranging from 704 MHz to 2690 MHz); multi-band RF chains and impedance matching networks ensuring best usage of battery power, etc.

Abstract: The advancement of silicon technologies has enabled the lowcost fabrication of fully integrated millimeter-wave transceivers for consumer applications in communication technology and sensor systems. Current research in silicon technology is targeting transition frequencies of 500 GHz which enable the integration of systems with operational frequencies well above 100 GHz, paving the way toward monolithic electronic THz solutions. The focus is on recent advancements in millimeter-wave and terahertz circuits based on silicon technologies for emerging applications beyond 100 GHz.

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Abstract: Nanotechnology has tremendous potential in various areas of science and technology. Specifically, RF nanotechnology represents an emerging branch of nanotechnology with possibilities for unprecedented microwave, millimeter-wave and THz devices and systems. A myriad of exciting research projects on novel materials and nano-science are currently carried out around the world and some of them may pave the way for a new generation of microwave circuits, offering higher integration capabilities and densities, lower power consumption, enhanced electrothermal/ mechanical properties and novel functionalities. As there is little doubt that RF nanoelectronics will play a major role in the advancement of microwave technology in the forthcoming decades, this area represents a major opportunity for the MTT Society. Our Society is best placed to apply and extend its wealth of expertise towards the analysis, the modeling and the design of nano-structured devices and systems. The Session features authoritative speakers from both the academia and the industry. Their topics cover the entire RF spectrum, including carbon-nanotube high-fT graphene transistors and related ambipolar devices, novel graphene-based RF electronics for ubiquitous applications, (e.g. graphene-based RFID tags on plastics), carbon-based interconnects, and multifunctional and packaged systems, graphene non-reciprocal passive components with huge bandwidths, high-tunability metamaterial-assisted THz quantum lasers, and semi-conductor and carbon THz sensors and imagers.




0800 – 0940

WE1B: Silicon and Indium Phosphide MMICs Achieve New Performance Milestones for Radiometers in Earth Remote Sensing Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 512ABEF Chair: Steven C. Reising Co-Chair: Pekka Kangaslahti

WE1A: Semiconductor-Based Integrated Passives Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 513ABC Chair: Nickolas Kingsley, Auriga Microwave Co-Chair: Jesse Taub, Innovative Technologies Inc.


WE1A-1 0800 – 0820 A D-Band Compact Rat-Race Coupler Using Novel Phase Inverter in Standard CMOS Process D. Hou1, W. Hong1, W. Goh2, A. Arasu3, Y. Xiong4, C. Liu3, M. Madihian3, 1Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 2 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 3A*STAR, Singapore, Singapore, 4MicroArray Technologies, Chengdu, China This paper describes a D-band on-chip rat-race coupler using a novel phase inverter and developed in a standard CMOS process. The study of the phase inverter has demonstrated its potential for wideband applications. The developed rat-race coupler using the proposed phase inverter, features a 40% size reduction compared to conventional structures. In the D-band range, measured amplitude and phase imbalances are within 0.5 dB and 15 deg, and the isolation is better than 25 dB.

WE1B-1 0800 – 0820 InP HEMT Integrated Circuits for Submillimeter Wave Radiometers in Earth Remote Sensing W. R. Deal1, G. Chattopadhyay2, 1Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, United States, 2NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States The operating frequency of InP integrated circuits has pushed well into the Submillimeter Wave frequency band, with amplification reported as high as 670 GHz. This paper provides an overview of current performance and potential application of InP HEMT to Submillimeter Wave radiometers for earth remote sensing.

WE1A-2 0820 – 0840 High-Performance Reduced-Size 70-80 GHz CMOS Branch-Line Hybrid using CPW and CPWG GuidedWave Structures S. Shopov, R. E. Amaya, J. W. Rogers, C. Plett, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada A folding technique is proposed to reduce the size of CPW based branch-line couplers without compromising their electrical characteristics. The technique is used to fabricate a high-performance 70-80 GHz hybrid coupler in 130nm CMOS with a 35% layout area reduction. CPWG based structures are used for the low impedance lines while complying with CMOS layout rules. Measurements across the bandwidth show best reported performance in terms of insertion loss, amplitude imbalance, and phase imbalance.

WE1B-2 0820 – 0840 Low Noise Amplifier Receivers for Millimeter Wave Atmospheric Remote Sensing P. Kangaslahti1, B. Lim1, T. Gaier1, A. Tanner1, M. Varonen1, L. Samoska1, S. Brown1, B. Lambrigtsen1, S. Reising2, J. Tanabe1, O. Montes1, D. Dawson1, C. Parashare1, 1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States, 2Colorado State University, Fort Collins, United States We currently achieve 3.4 dB noise figure at 183GHz and 2.1 dB noise figure at 90 GHz with our MMIC low noise amplifiers (LNAs) in room temperature. These amplifiers and the receivers we have built using them made it possible to conduct highly accurate airborne measurement campaigns from the Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle, develop millimeter wave internally calibrated radiometers for altimeter radar path delay correction, and build prototypes of large arrays of millimeter receivers.

WE1A-3 0840 – 0900 Broadband and Low-loss Ruthroff-type Transmission Line Transformer in Integrated Passive Devices Technology H. Y. Chung1, Y. C. Hsu1, H. K. Chiou1, D. C. Chang2, Y. Z. Juang2, 1National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan, 2 National Applied Research Laboratories, Hsinchu, Taiwan Two broadband, low-loss Ruthroff-type transmission line transformers (TLTs) that are implemented in integrated passive devices (IPD) technology are presented in this paper. The TLTs are realized by spiral broadside-coupled lines with proper characteristic impedances to optimize the insertion loss and bandwidth. The measured minimum insertion losses of 1:4 and 1:9 TLTs are 0.5 dB at 2.2 GHz and 0.57 dB at 2.4 GHz, respectively. The correspondent 1-dB bandwidths of these TLTs are 175% and 140%.

WE1B-3 0840 – 0900 Design and Characterization of a SiGe RFICs for Millimeter-Wave Radiometers J. W. May2, M. Uzunkol1, G. M. Rebeiz1, 1University of California San Diego, La Jolla, United States, 2HRL Laboratories, LLC, Malibu, United States This paper presents the design and characterization of SiGe RFICs for millimeter-wave radiometers. It is seen that SiGe technology results in high gain millimeter-wave amplifiers, high responsivity detectors and low overall 1/f noise, making it ideal for on-chip radiometers. Two example radiometer systems, one at W-band and one at Dband, are presented in detail.

WE1A-4 0900 – 0920 A New Type of GaN HEMT Based High Power High-Pass/Low-Pass Phase Shifter at X Band K. Hettak1, T. Ross2, J. Wight2, D. Gratton3, 1CRC, Ottawa, Canada, 2Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 3Canadian Space Agency, St-Hubert, Canada This paper presents a new type of robust GaN HEMT-based high power phase shifter operating at X-band. The proposed 0°/45° high-pass/low-pass phase shifter exhibits low insertion loss (2.5 dB), good return loss, and amplitude variation lower than 0.5 dB for the two phase states over the entire operational bandwidth ranging from 6 to 13 GHz. The relative phase performance is fairly constant over the bandwidth.

WE1B-4 0900 – 0920 InP HEMT Low-Noise Amplifier-based Millimeter-Wave Radiometers from 90 to 180 GHz with Internal Calibration for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Wet-Path Delay S. C. Reising1, P. Kangaslahti2, S. T. Brown2, D. E. Dawson2, A. Lee1, D. Albers1, O. Montes2, T. C. Gaier2, D. Hoppe2, B. Khayatian2, 1Colorado State University, Fort Collins, United States, 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States The recent introduction of 35-nm gate length InP MMIC low-noise amplifiers has enabled significant advances in Earth remote sensing. The addition of higher-frequency millimeter-wave (90-170 GHz) radiometers to current Jason-class radiometers is expected to improve retrievals of wet-tropospheric delay in coastal areas and to increase the potential for over-land retrievals.

WE1A-5 0920 – 0940 An Extremely Miniaturized Ultra Wide Band 10-67 GHz Power Splitter in 65 nm CMOS Technology. M. Ercoli1, D. Dragomirescu1,2, R. Plana1,2, 1CNRS, Toulouse, France, 2Université de Toulouse II, Toulouse, France An extremely compact power splitter based on a modified Wilkinson power divider is presented. The design optimization, based on the use of lumped component, yields state of the art RF performances and an unrivaled size reduction. The splitter is design to operate over 3 octaves (10-80GHz) and measurements in the 10-67GHz frequency range show an IL better then 0.8dB, a power unbalance below 0.05dB and isolation better than 10dB starting from 35GHz and which reaches a maximum of 27dB at 60GHz.

WE1B-5 0920 – 0940 Multifunction Low Noise Millimeter-Wave MMICs for Remote Sensing H. Zirath, V. Vassilev, M. Abbasi, S. E. Gunnarsson, N. Wadefalk, I. Angelov, R. Kozhuharov, J. Svedin, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden Integrated millimter-wave heterodyne receivers for remote sensing applications in the frequency range 90 to 220 GHz utilizing active mHEMT devices have been designed, fabricated and characterized. Packages for the MMICs have also been designed and evaluated. For the integrated receivers, noise figures of 3.5 and 8dB are obtained at 100 and 220 GHz respectively at room temperature. When cooled to 20 K, a noise temperature of 60-80 K is obtained from 90-112 GHz for a packaged amplifier MMIC.

Microwaves without Borders: Tunisia has recently been in the news as the country where the Arab spring started. But did you know that Tunisia is part of IEEE region 8 and that it has an MTT-S chapter? Three paper submissions were received from Tunisia to IMS this year.

Technical Track Key:

› 46

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



0800 – 0940

WE1D: Packaging for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave and Radiating Integrated Systems Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 510BD Chair: Robert W. Jackson, University of Massachusetts Co-Chair: C-K Clive Tzuang

WE1C: New Developments in Multi-Band Planar Filters Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Christopher Galbraith, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Co-Chair: James Rautio, Sonnet Software

WE1C-2 0820 – 0840 Miniaturized Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Using λ/2 Spiral-Resonator and Loaded Open-Stub 1 2 X. Luo , S. Sun , E. Li3, 1Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, China, 2The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 3A*star, Singapore, Singapore A compact dual-band bandpass filter using the half-wavelength (λ/2) spiral-resonators and loaded open-stubs with a spiral-coupled scheme is proposed. The dual-resonances are employed by the λ/2 spiral-resonator with a loaded open-stub. Besides, the spiral-coupled scheme and loaded-tapping scheme are introduced to achieve bandpass filter with good dual-band frequency responses. Then, a dual-band bandpass filter is fabricated, which shows a good agreement between the simulation and measurement. WE1C-3 0840 – 0900 Highly Flexible and Miniaturized Triple-Band Bandpass Filter Design Using Coupled Stacked Spiral Resonators C. Chen1, Y. Lin1, T. J. Horng1, S. Wu2, 1National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan This paper describes a triple-resonance stacked spiral resonator (SSR) for designing very compact triple-band bandpass filters. The resonant frequencies of SSR can be determined by designing the spiral geometry and controlling the mutual coupling in a stacked structure. The triple passband bandwidths can be determined by the spacing of different layer patterns between two coupled SSRs. An adequately designed geometry of SSR with a tapped-line can achieve matching conditions for all passbands. WE1C-4 0900 – 0910 Microwave Single/Multi-Band Planar Filters With Bagley-Polygon-Type Four-Port Power Dividers R. Gomez-Garcia, M. Sanchez-Renedo, Universidad de Alcala, Alcala de Henares, Spain This work reports a planar signal-interference filter structure based on Bagley-polygon-type four-port power dividers. It is shaped by the cascade of two equal transversal filtering sections made up of this power splitter and applied to synthesize single/multi-band responses with sharp-rejection characteristics. Analytical equations helping in the theoretical design of this filter approach are provided. Also, its practical viability is proven with the development of three microstrip prototypes. WE1C-5 0910 – 0920 Novel Multi-band Filter Design and Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter Realization F. Yang, H. Yu, X. He, Y. Zhou, R. Liu, China Academy of Space Technology (Xi’an), Xi’an, China Novel dual-band band-stop filter coupling networks are introduced in the paper. Based on the topology, the design of dual-band, triple-band and four-band band-stop filters are firstly proposed and synthesized. The entire multi-band bandstop filter can be designed on the bases of several Chebyshev filters, which is easy to be realized with a good property. By using Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW), a dual-band band-stop filter is first designed and fabricated with good performance. WE1C-6 0920 – 0930 Compact Dual-Band Quasi-Elliptic Bandpass Filter with Transmission-Zero Control 1 C. K. Chio , S. W. Ting1, E. H. Lim2, K. W. Tam1, 1University of Macau, Macau, Macau, 2Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Bangkok, Malaysia A novel compact dual-band bandpass filter based on a simple defected ground structure is proposed. This filter offers quasielliptic responses at both the passbands, and all its four transmission zeros can be controlled to design for a wide range of center frequencies and bandwidths, without degrading the in-band performance. Two dual-band bandpass filters are designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. The measurement shows a very good agreement with the simulation results.

WE1D-1 0800 – 0820 A 4-Element X-Band CMOS Phased-Array RFIC in a QFN Package D. Shin1, C. Kim2, D. Kang3, G. M. Rebeiz1, 1University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, United States, 2Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 3Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Suwon, Republic of Korea This paper presents a QFN packaged phased-array RFIC for X-band applications. The transmit X-band phased array is differential except for baluns at the input and output ports. Electromagnetic simulation is done to result in low channel-to-channel coupling. Measurements show a wideband impedance match and a worst-case channel-tochannel coupling of -29 dB at 8-10 GHz. The results show that phased-array chips can be packaged using QFN techniques, and paves the way for low-cost phased arrays. WE1D-2 0820 – 0840 Development of a Single Board Microwave Sub-System Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Technology J. Chen1, W. Hong1, Z. Hao1, P. Yan1, X. Zhu1, J. Zhou1, P. Chen1, K. Wu2, 1Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 2École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Canada In this paper, a novel microwave planar integration scheme is proposed based on SIW technology. All the passive components in RF transceiver are implemented using SIW, including antenna, duplexer, TX/RX filters and LO power divider. A demonstration X-band transceiver are designed in a single layer PCB. The design of SIW components and aspects of system integration are discussed. To author’s knowledge, this work is the first to demonstrate a fully integrated solution based on SIW-like technology. WE1D-3 0840 – 0900 A Micromachined Double-Dipole Antenna for 122 - 140 GHz Applications Based on a SiGe BiCMOS Technology R. Wang1, Y. Sun1, M. Kaynak1, S. Beer2, J. Borngraeber1, J. Scheytt1, 1IHP GmbH, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 2 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany This paper presents an on-chip double-dipole antenna by applying micromachining techniques. It enables the fully integration of millimeter-wave transceiver and antenna into a single chip. A parametric study has been made which reveals the influence of the key design parameters over the radiation performance. A prototype has been fabricated and measured to verify the design. The measured peak gain is 8.4 dBi at 130 GHz with a simulated efficiency of 60%. The 3-dB gain bandwidth is 122-140 GHz. WE1D-4 0900 – 0920 122-GHz Chip-to-Antenna Wire Bond Interconnect with High Repeatability S. Beer1, H. Gulan1, M. Pauli1, C. Rusch1, G. Kunkel2, T. Zwick1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2 Hightec, Lenzburg, Switzerland This paper presents a 122-GHz chip-to-antenna wire bond interconnect for low-cost, fully integrated transceivers. It is based on the standard ball-stitch bond technology and uses planar transmission lines for matching. A study on the effects of process tolerances is given. Finally, an antenna which is integrated into a QFN plastic package is characterized together with the chip-to-antenna interconnect. WE1D-5 0920 – 0940 A W-Band CMOS PA Encapsulated in an Organic Flip-Chip Package C. E. Patterson, D. Dawn, J. Papapolymerou, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States This paper presents for the first time an organic Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) based system-on-package (SOP) module for a W-band CMOS power amplifier. The integrated circuit is flip-chipped and fully encapsulated into an all-LCP platform through construction of a cavity to host the chip. This fully encapsulated packaged W-band 45-nm SOI CMOS PA achieves 5.0 dBm output power at 6.0 dB power gain and 5.2% PAE at 90 GHz with 1.0 V supply.

WE1C-7 0930 – 0940 Design of a Compact Dual-Band Dual-Mode Microstrip Filter with an Adjustable Transmission Zero Z. Yang1, L. Zhang1, Z. Ma2, X. Yang1, 1Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 2Saitama University, Saitama, Japan A novel compact microstrip dual-band filter with an adjustable transmission zero is proposed in this paper. The filter mainly consists of a microstrip stub-loaded dual-mode resonator and a half-wavelength resonator.Through adding the half-wavelength resonator, another resonance is produced to form a two-order filtering property in the second passband. Besides, one of the Transmission Zero is adjustable by changing the length of a microstrip tuning line.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 47


WE1C-1 0800 – 0820 Characterization of a Slotted Circular Patch Resonator for Adjustable Dual-Mode Dual-Band Bandpass Filters R. Zhang1, L. Zhu1, S. Luo2, 1Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 2National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore A slotted circular patch resonator is proposed to design a dual-mode dual-band bandpass filter. Three sets of slots are etched into a circular patch to individually adjust one of its resonant modes. Two prototype dual-band filters are designed with different frequency ratios so as to verify the design principle. The measured results agree well with the simulated ones.



0800 – 0940


WE1E: Industrial Microwave Power Applications: Systems and Process Development Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 510AC Chair: Malgorzata Celuch, Warsaw University of Technology Co-Chair: Vadim Yakovlev, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

WE1F: Novel Mixed Mode Circuits for High-Speed communication up to 100 Gbps Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 511AD Chair: Koichi Murata, NTT Photonics Labs. Co-Chair: Edward Gebara, I2R Nanowave Inc.

WE1E-1 0800 – 0820 High Power and Efficiency Power Combining with Multi-way TWTAs for Satellite Communications S. Dong, Y. Dong, Y. Wang, L. Gong, CAST(Xi’an), XI’an, China A high efficiency power combining demonstration is presented of 4 K-band TWTAs based on magic-T corporate combiners. A low loss, amplitude and phase balanced, high power corporate magic-T combiner is designed. Power combining efficiencies of greater than 90% and output power of more than 340W over a 0.6 GHz frequency band are successfully demonstrated. Such hybrid junctions can also be considered as elements within a corporate combining architecture for much higher power applications.

WE1F-1 0800 – 0820 All Digital Compensation Scheme for Spur Induced Transmit Self-Jamming in Multi-Receiver RF Front-Ends M. Omer1, R. Rimini2, P. D. Heidmann2, S. J. Kenney1, 1Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States, 2 Qualcomm, Sandeigo, United States In radios with multiple receivers, the Rx LO frequencies are close. Different LO frequencies can couple through the substrate to the nonlinear PLL systems thus generating spurs. Such spurs can demodulate the local Tx signal and degrade the Rx SNR severely. We propose to counter Tx self-jamming by mimicking this mechanism in the Rx signal path. We show that one can realistically cancel the Tx interference. We provide the theoretical feasibility and prototype measurements of the proposed system.

WE1E-2 0820 – 0840 Characterization of Free Falling Drops Inside a Microwave Cavity M. Cabanes-Sempere1, C. Cozzo1, J. Catalá-Civera2, F. L. Penaranda-Foix2, K. Ishizaki3, S. Vaucher3, M. Pouchon1, 1 Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland, 2Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 3EMPA, Thun, Switzerland Microwave Internal Gelation is a chemical process proposed for the production of nuclear particle fuel. The reaction is triggered by a temperature increase by the means of microwave heating. This paper describes a new procedure that enables the measurement of dielectric properties of aqueous droplets that freely fall through a microwave cavity. These measurements provide the information to determine the optimal values of the parameters that dictate the heating of a material under microwaves.

WE1F-2 0820 – 0840 A 6-bit Segmented RZ DAC Architecture with up to 50-GHz Sampling Clock and 4 Vpp Differential Swing A. Balteanu1, P. Schvan2, S. P. Voinigescu1, 1University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2Ciena, Ottawa, Canada A novel, RZ power DAC architecture is presented, featuring 14 data bits, 7 for the 3 MSB’s and 7 for the 3 LSB’s, each running at up to 50Gb/s. Fabricated in a 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS technology, it operates as a large swing AWG suitable for wireline, fiber optic, and instrumentation applications. The small signal differential gain and bandwidth of the clock path are 19dB and 43GHz, respectively. An output swing of 2Vpp per side is observed. Measurements show multi-bit modulation up to 50GHz.

WE1E-3 0840 – 0900 Microwave Antenna for Selective Heating of Glass Melts M. A. Willert-Porada, T. Gerdes, A. Rosin, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany Glass processing is energy intensive, new methods to reduce energy consumption, e.g., by selectively overheat portions of glass immediately before forming operation are needed. We show how microwave radiation is guided into a limited volume of a glass melt before extrusion into a mold. A simulation study was performed to establish the best geometry and positioning of an antenna within an existing industrial glass forming unit. Simulation results and experimental proof are presented.

WE1F-3 0840 – 0900 A 6.2-Vpp 100-Gb/s Selector-Driver Based on a Differential Distributed Amplifier in 0.7-µm InP DHBT Technology J. Y. Dupuy1, A. Konczykowska1, F. Jorge1, M. Riet1, P. Berdaguer1, V. Nodjiadjim1, J. Godin1, A. Ouslimani2, 1AlcatelLucent, Marcoussis, France, 2ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise, France We report the design and measurement of a differential distributed driver amplifier integrated with a 2:1-selector, realized in a 320/380-GHz Ft/Fmax 0.7-µm InP technology. The realized Selector-Driver provides a high quality differential signal at 100 Gb/s with up to 6.2 Vpp differential swing for a power consumption of 3.8 W. It is well suited to drive electro-optical modulators for optical communications systems based on binary signaling at 100 GBd.

WE1E-4 0900 – 0920 Modeling of Hybrid (Heat Radiation and Microwave) High Temperature Processing of Limestone 1 S. M. Allan , M. L. Fall1, E. M. Kiley2, P. Kopyt3, H. S. Shulman1, V. V. Yakovlev2, 1Ceralink, Inc., Troy, United States, 2 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, United States, 3Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland Incorporation of radiant boundary conditions is proposed for multiphysics modeling of hybrid thermal processing of materials. The algorithm is implemented by making the radiation models in ANSYS Fluent available for the electromagnetic models in QuickWave-3D. The heating of samples of limestone in a hybrid kiln is simulated, and time-temperature history and the temperature fields are computed. Hybrid heating is shown to be more efficient in terms of heating rate and temperature uniformity.

WE1F-4 0900 – 0920 A 50-GHz-Small-Signal-Bandwidth 50 GSa/s Track&Hold Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology 1 J. Deza , A. Ouslimani2, A. Konczykowska1, A. E. Kasbari2, M. Riet1, J. Godin1, G. Pailler3, 1Alcatel-Lucent, Marcoussis, France, 2ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise, France, 3Thales, Brest, France A differential 50 GSa/s Track and Hold Amplifier with a large bandwidth and a high dynamic range is designed and fabricated with a 320 GHz-Ft-InP-DHBT process. Transient, S-parameters and spectral measurements are presented. For -4 dBm input power, spectral measurements in track mode give a THD and a SFDR of -56.3 dB and -57.3 dB respectively up to 3 GHz and -45.6 and -46.2 dB respectively up to 17 GHz. These measured THD are equivalent to 9 and 7.3 ENOB.

WE1E-5 0920 – 0940 Rapid Microwave Sintering of Protective ZrO2 Coatings on Reactive Metal Powder Compacts P. Veronesi, R. Rosa, E. Colombini, Universita Degli Studi Di Madena E Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy The heat released by microwave assisted combustion synthesis of Ni+Al powder compacts is used to concurrently synthesize aluminides and sinter an overlaying zirconia coating. FEM simulation, fully coupling electromagnetic, heat transfer and chemical reactions application modes is used to investigate and optimize the process. The innovative procedure proposed is a promising strategy to obtain in a single step high temperature intermetallics protected by well adhered ceramic coatings.

WE1F-5 0920 – 0930 Low-Power BiCMOS Track-and-Hold Circuit with Reduced Signal Feedthrough B. Sedighi1, Y. Borokhovych2, H. Gustat2, J. C. Scheytt2, 1The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, 2IHP, Frankfurt(Oder), Germany This paper presents a new circuit for high-speed BiCMOS track-and-holds. The proposed approach improves the signal feedthrough in the hold mode and the bandwidth in the tracking mode. A prototype circuit is implemented in a 0.13 μm BiCMOS technology, operating at 10 GS/s and consuming 19 mW from 3.3 V supply. It is shown that the circuit is capable of providing a harmonic distortion below -50 dB. WE1F-6 0930 – 0940 A 25 GHz Analog Demultiplexer with a Novel Track and Hold Circuit for a 50 GS/s A/D-Conversion System in InP DHBT Technology D. Ferenci1, M. Grözing1, M. Berroth1, R. Makon2, R. Driad2, J. Rosenzweig2, 1University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 2Fraunhofer IAF, Freiburg, Germany A novel architecture of a track and hold (T&H) circuit for the realization of a high speed analog demultiplexer is presented in InP DHBT Technology. The architecture allows a sampling rate flexible demultiplexing of an analog input signal. The demultiplexer features a measured THD above 32dB and a SFDR above 35dB with a differential input voltage of 0.5V-PP when operating at 25GHz. This allows the realization of a 50GS/s analog-to-digital conversion system.

Technical Track Key:

› 48

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



0800 – 0940

WE1H: A Retrospective of Field Theory in Microwave Engineering Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 511CF Chair: Poman So, University of Victoria Co-Chair: Zhizhang (David) Chen, Dalhousie University

WE1G-1 0800 – 0820 Multi-Dimensional Scanning Multi-Beam Array Antenna Fed by Integrated Waveguide Butler Matrix A. Guntupalli, K. Wu, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada A one-port two-dimensional (2-D) radiating antenna element is proposed and then used to form a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) multi-beam antenna array. The output port of the leaky wave antenna (LWA) is loaded by antipodal linearly tapered slot antenna (ALTSA) to radiate all the remaining amount of power in the orthogonal direction. The passive phase shifting based on Butler matrix is used and experimentally evaluated to prove the multi-dimensional scan capability.

WE1H-1 0800 – 0820 The Shoulders of the Giants on Which We Stand J. C. Rautio, Sonnet Software, Inc., North Syracuse, United States Maxwell’s equations did not first appear in the nicely packaged form we use today. In fact, for a full 23 years after Maxwell first introduced his equations and pointed out that they predicted the speed of light based solely on electrostatic and magnetostatic constants, Maxwell’s equations were widely ignored. We describe the process by which Maxwell’s equations came to be accepted, culminating with the publication of the experiments of Heinrich Hertz in 1888.

WE1G-2 0820 – 0840 Hybrid Silicon-Organic Packaged Antenna Array at 60 and 80 GHz Using a Low-Cost Bonding Technique A. L. Vera Lopez1, G. E. Ponchak3, A. Akiba2, S. Mitarai2, K. Ikeda2, J. Papapolymerou1, 1Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States, 2Sony, Kanagawa, Japan, 3NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, United States This paper presents a hybrid silicon-organic packaged mm-wave antenna that is flip-chip bonded to a 400 μm thick silicon substrate through gold bumps and a non-conductive film (NCF) adhesive layer. Two different antennas were designed, at 60 and 80 GHz respectively. It is demonstrated that the organic substrate can be successfully integrated into a package at mm-wave frequencies by securing it mechanically with the NCF layer. Both designs yielded over 15% bandwidth and greater than 10 dBi gain.

WE1H-2 0820 – 0840 The Evolution and Impact of Advanced Analytical and Computational Electromagnetics during the Last 60 Years C. A. Balanis, Arizona State University, Tempe, United States Electromagnetic theory, analytical and computational developments and advancements, and their impact on electromagnetic technology, especially during the last 60 years, is discussed in this contribution.

WE1G-3 0840 – 0900 Ultra Broadband 4×4 Compact Butler Matrix using Multilayer Directional Couplers and Phase Shifters A. Abdelghani1, T. Denidni1, M. Nedil2, 1Université du Québec , Montréal , Canada, 2Université du Québec , Val-d’Or , Canada The design of a novel ultra wideband compact 4×4 Butler matrix operating between 3 an 10.6 GHz is presented. In this design, the multilayer topology is used to provide compact size. This matrix combines a compact ultra wideband 3dB multilayer microstrip directional coupler and a new 45° phase shifter. An innovative approach for realization of broad band 45° phase shifter using the same configuration of the coupler and a reference line as a phase correction network is presented.

WE1H-3 0840 – 0900 Microwave Engineering Education from Field Theory to Circuit Theory D. Pozar, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, United States While the foundations of microwave engineering remain firmly based on Maxwell’s equations, the practice of microwave engineering has changed over the last 60 years in terms of an increasing shift to circuit / transmission line theory for the design and analysis of problems of practical importance. This paper will discuss the changing roles of field theory and circuit theory, and the ways in which microwave engineering education has evolved to meet these changes.

WE1G-4 0900 – 0920 A TM Guide for Surface Wave Power Routing and Application to Planar Quasi-Optical Dividing/Combining Arrays S. K. Podilchak1, A. P. Freundorfer1, Y. M. Antar2, 1Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, 2Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Canada Surface waves (SWs) on planar substrates are generally an adverse effect that can degrade the performance of millimeter-wave circuits and antennas. However, with appropriate boundary conditions, such SWs can be harnessed as an efficient means of power transport achieving bound propagation along a grounded dielectric slab. Specifically, this work investigates SWs generated from a planar directive surface-wave launcher and power routing concepts for quasi-optical power combining.

WE1H-4 0900 – 0920 A Cursory Historical Overview on the Evolution of Wireless Communications M. Salazar-Palma1, T. K. Sarkar2, 1Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain, 2Syracuse University, Syracuse, United States This presentation offers a historical overview on the evolution of field theory for wireless communications.

WE1G-5 0920 – 0930 An Optimized Low Loss Feed Network of a Compact Vivaldi Antenna Array for High Quality Radar Imaging System R. Kazemi1, A. Fathy2, R. A. Sadeghzadeh1, 1K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States A low cost Vivaldi subarray with low dispersion and almost constant gain has been developed for high quality imaging applications. The array is fed by a low-loss SIW feed over 8-12 GHz. The SIW feed is comprised of optimized T and Y junctions to achieve less than 1 dB insertion loss, ±4° and ±0.9 dB phase and amplitude imbalances, respectively. The antenna has 9-13 dB gain, -14 dB SLL, and occupies 10cm×6cm. Obtained images show improvement compared to previously developed feeds.

WE1H-5 0920 – 0940 Field Theory for Electromagnetic Metamaterials and Beyond C. Caloz, D. L. Sounas, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada After a general definition and an overview of some historical milestones, we describe the two main theoretical approaches of metamaterials, the periodic structure and the polarization approaches, and point out their complementariness. We next present the concept of multi-scale and multi-substance structures as a novel paradigm for next-generation metamaterials, and discuss the subsequent multi-physics challenges and opportunities at the light of some examples.

WE1G-6 0930 – 0940 A Novel Dual Polarization Antenna Array Fed by a Dual Mode Non-Radiative Dielectric Waveguide U. Schmid1, D. Lin2, W. Menzel3, 1Cassidian, Ulm, Germany, 2University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 3University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany This paper presents the design and implementation of a dual polarization antenna with a low loss, planar feeding structure applicable for both, communication and radar applications at mm-wave frequencies. The array and feed network efficiency is approximately 50%. Radiation patterns are given and discussed in detail. A higher gain can be achieved by duplicating the feed structure and the antenna subarrays.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 49


WE1G: Passive Feeds and Arrays Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 511BE Chair: Roberto Vincenti Gatti, University of Perugia Co-Chair: Wayne A. Shiroma, University of Hawaii



1010 – 1150


WE2A: Circuits for Systems at W-band and Beyond Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 513ABC Chair: H. John Kuno, Quinstar Co-Chair: Jae-Sung Rieh , Korea University

WE2B: Silicon RF and Microwave Circuits Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 512ABEF Chair: Dietmar Kissinger, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Co-Chair: Tim Lee, Boeing

WE2A-1 1010 – 1030 W-band Heterodyne Receiver Module with 27 K Noise Temperature R. S. Gawande1, R. Reeves1, K. Cleary1, A. C. Readhead1, T. Gaier1, P. Kangaslahti1, L. Samoska2, S. Church2, M. Sieth2, P. Voll3, A. Harris4, R. Lai5, S. Sarkozy5, 1California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States, 2California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States, 3Stanford University, Stanford, United States, 4University of Maryland, College Park, United States, 5Northrop Grumman Corporation, Redondo Beach, United States We present measurements of a W-band heterodyne module populated with MMIC LNAs designed and fabricated using a 35 nm InP HEMT process. The module has a WR-10 waveguide input. At 25 K physical temperature, the module has a noise temperature in the range of 27-45 K over the frequency band of 75-111 GHz. The band-averaged module noise temperature of 350 K and 33 K were measured over 80-110 GHz for the physical temperature of 300 K and 25 K, respectively. The resulting cooling factor is 10.6.

WE2B-1 1010 – 1030 A 60 GHz BiFET Constructive Wave Power Amplifier T. Kijsanayotin, J. F. Buckwalter, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, United States A V-band BiFET Constructive Wave Power Amplifier (BiFET CWPA) is presented that allows for a graceful degradation in operation. The four-stage amplifier operates from 52-62 GHz with a peak small-signal gain of 10.7 dB at 60 GHz. Peak output saturation power (Psat) is 16.4 dBm with associated power-added efficiency (PAE) of 15.3%. The amplifier nominally consumes 52 mW (4 V x 0.13 mA) and the active area occupies only 0.074 mm2 of die space.

WE2A-2 1030 – 1040 W-Band Cryogenic InP MMIC LNAs with Noise Below 30K L. Samoska1, M. Varonen1, R. Reeves2, K. Cleary2, R. Gawande2, P. Kangaslahti1, T. Gaier1, R. Lai3, S. Sarkozy3, 1NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States, 2California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States, 3 Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, United States We describe two monolithic millimeter-wave integrated circuit (MMIC) low noise amplifiers (LNAs) for W-Band which have a noise temperature of 30K or better over a wide bandwidth when cryogenically cooled. The LNAs were designed in NGC’s InP HEMT MMIC process having 35 nm gate length. A two-stage amplifier has a minimum noise temperature of 25K at 95 GHz, and 40K noise between 75-105 GHz. A three-stage amplifier exhibits a cryogenic noise temperature below 30K over the range of 94-109 GHz.

WE2B-2 1030 – 1050 A 57-64 GHz Low-phase-variation Variable-gain Amplifier C. Hsieh, J. Kao, J. Kuo, K. Lin, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan A 57-64 GHz current-steering variable-gain amplifier (VGA) with low-phase-variation characteristics is presented in this paper. The phase analysis of current-steering topology reveals the effect of the phase compensation capacitor. The proposed VGA achieves peak gain of 13-15 dB from 57-67 GHz, and the phase variation is lower than 6.6° within 15.5-dB gain control range (GCR) in the desired band. The dc power consumption is 36 mW from 2-V supply voltage.

WE2A-3 1040 – 1050 Full W-band Power Amplifier/Combiner Utilizing GaAs Technology B. Kim, A. Tran, J. Schellenberg, QuinStar Technology, Torrance, United States This paper reports the first full-band, W-band (75-110 GHz) power amplifier utilizing GaAs MMICs. The MMIC, developed using a commercially available 0.1µm GaAs pHEMT process, demonstrated a small-signal gain of greater than 15 dB with a typical Psat of 14 dBm across W-band. Four of these MMICs were combined using a low-loss, 4-way septum combiner to produce an output power of 19 dBm ±1 dB across the 75 to 110 GHz band.

WE2B-3 1050 – 1100 Compact Low Phase Imbalance Broadband Attenuator based on SiGe PIN Diode A. O. Mikul1, S. Zhu1, P. Sun2, Y. You1, S. P. Sah1, D. Heo1, 1Washington State University, Pullman, United States, 2IBM, Hopewell Junction, United States A compact low phase imbalance broadband attenuator has been proposed and fabricated in a standard 0.18-um SiGe BiCMOS process. This inductor-less attenuator takes advantage of high linearity and low junction capacitance of the SiGe PIN (P-type Intrinsic N-type) diodes to achieve comparable performances with its GaAs counterparts.

WE2A-4 1050 – 1110 A W- and G-band MMIC Source Using InP HBT Technology R. Kozhuharov1, M. Bao2, M. Gavell1, H. Zirath1, 1Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2 Ericsson AB, Mölndal, Sweden A frequency doubler/quadrupler is designed and fabricated. The cross-coupled topology is used for broadband fundamental and odd mode harmonic suppression. The multiplier is integrated with balanced V-band VCO. Choosing a waveguide with appropriate cutoff frequency at the output enables application of the integrated chip combining VCO with the multiplier as a W- band and G- band source which delivers -2dBm and -4dBm output power respectively in a 7% tuning range.

WE2B-4 1100 – 1120 A 1.8GHz Stacked Power Amplifier in 45nm CMOS SOI Technology with Substrate-Transferred to AlN J. Chen, S. R. Helmi, H. Pajouhi, Y. Sim, S. Mohammadi, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States A 1.8GHz power amplifier is implemented with a stack of 16 thin-oxide transistors in a standard 45nm CMOS SOI process. The conductive Si substrate of the PA is etched and replaced by Aluminum Nitride substrate to reduce the adverse effect of parasitic capacitances. The PA delivers a saturated output power of 26.5 dBm and a peak PAE of 19% when biased with low drain current. The results demonstrate the feasibility of implementing a PA using very low breakdown voltage transistors.

WE2A-5 1110 – 1130 A CMOS 135-150 GHz 0.4 dBm EIRP Transmitter with 5.1dB P1dB Extension Using IF Envelope FeedForward Gain Compensation A. Tang1, D. Murphy1, F. Hsiao1, Q. J. Gu2, Z. Xu3, G. Virbila1, Y. Wang1, H. Wu1, L. Nan1, Y. Wu4, M. F. Chang1, 1University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States, 2University of Florida, Gainesville, United States, 3HRL, Malibu, United States, 4Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, United States A CMOS D-band 135-150 GHz transmitter is presented with digital control and on-chip antenna. The transmitter employs an IF feed-forward compensation scheme which improves the gain compression of the power amplifier by 5.1dB to provide a more linear AM-AM profile allowing reduced power back-off for modulation schemes with a high peak-to-average ratio. The proposed D-band transmitter consumes 255mW and occupies 2000 x 1500 um of silicon area. The proposed transmitter delivers a 0.4 dBm EIRP.

WE2B-5 1120 – 1140 A Low Voltage Q-band CMOS LNA with Magnetic Coupled Cascode Topology H. Yeh1, H. Wang1, C. Chiong2, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Academia Sinica, , Taiwan A Q-band low noise amplifier (LNA) is designed using in 90-nm low power (LP) CMOS.Besides,a transformer is placed between the cascode devices to reduce the noise figure and enhance the stability,also bandwidth.The LNA features a maximum gain of 13.8 dB and a minimum noise figure of 3.8 dB at 37 GHz,with a power consumption 18mW.The chip size is 0.93 x 0.52mm2,including all the testing pads.To the best of our knowledge,this is the first magnetic coupled cascode LNA in Q-band reported to date.

WE2A-6 1130 – 1150 28mW 10Gbps Transmitter for 120GHz ASK Transceiver K. Katayama1, M. Motoyoshi1, K. Takano1, N. Ono2, M. Fujishima1, 1Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 2 STARC, Meguro-ku, Japan In this paper, we describe a low-power millimeter-wave amplitude-shift-keying transmitter architecture and its design technique. This architecture adopts a push-push-type oscillator and load-pull-like design technique. The transmitter is fabricated using a 40nm CMOS technology. The measured carrier frequency is centering at 122GHz. The maximum output power is +0.1dBm with 28.3mW power dissipation. The on-off ratio is 18.2dB and the maximum modulation speed is more than 10Gbps.

WE2B-6 1140 – 1150 A Single Inductor Approach to the Design of Low-Voltage CMOS MB-OFDM UWB Frequency Synthesizer W. Li, K. M. Cheng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong This paper presents the frequency synthesizer for UWB applications.The proposed approach features a new system architecture and circuit implementation with reduced number of on-chip inductors, silicon area and power consumption. The synthesizer is fabricated in 0.18-µm CMOS process, with the measured phase noise of -119.4 dBc/Hz at 10 MHz offset and sideband suppression of better than 43.7 dBc. This chip occupies a core area of 1.2×0.35 mm2 and consumes 29.6 mW from a 1.2 V power supply.

Technical Track Key:

› 50

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1010 – 1150

WE2D: Retrospective and Outlook of Microwave CAD Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 510BD Chair: Q.J. Zhang Co-Chair: Natalia K. Nikolova

WE2C-1 1010 – 1030 Fully Integrated Switchable Filter Banks E. R. Crespin, R. H. Olsson III, K. E. Wojciechowski, P. J. Clews, J. M. Gutierrez, D. W. Branch, R. B. Hurley, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, United States Fully integrated switchable filter banks at S-band have been successfully demonstrated using a radiation hardened CMOS SOI process and an aluminum nitride microresonator process. Each had separate yet concurrent design cycles and was demonstrated prior to integration. After design improvements, a full monolithic integration was implemented. A 4-channel single chip switchable bank of 7MHz bandwidth filters at S-band was demonstrated with 8 dB of insertion loss and 60dB of stop band rejection.

WE2D-1 1010 – 1020 Retrospective on Microwave CAD and Optimization Technology J. W. Bandler, Q. S. Cheng, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada Some 45 years of microwave CAD technology includes least pth and minimax objectives, direct search and gradient methods, and adjoint sensitivity techniques. The 1980’s saw the acceptance of commercial CAD software and yield-driven methodologies. The 1990’s introduced space mapping for design and modeling based on full-wave electromagnetic simulations. We address these and further advances in the context of today’s stringent requirements for CAD solutions.

WE2C-2 1030 – 1040 Ultra-Narrowband Tunable Superconducting Filter with Constant Bandwidth and Same Transmission Zero Points H. Kayano, T. Kawaguchi, N. Shiokawa, K. Nakayama, M. Yamazaki, Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan We have proposed an ultra-narrowband tunable superconducting filter with constant bandwidth and same transmission zero points for X-band RF applications. This tunable filter tuned center frequency by dielectric rods with actuator. At the same time, coupling coefficients and external Q of the filter change with individual gradient. The tunable filter was tuning range of 150 MHz and fractional bandwidth of 0.04%. This is 40 times compared with 3 dB bandwidth.

WE2D-2 1020 – 1040 Space Mapping and Beyond: Knowledge-Driven Microwave Design Optimization S. Koziel1, K. Madsen2, 1Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2Denmark University of Technology, Lyngby, Denmark This paper reviews the concept of knowledge-driven microwave design optimization as well as specific design techniques, including space mapping, simulation-based tuning, and various response correction methods. Numerical examples, as well as discussion on open problems and perspectives of these methodologies is also included.

WE2C-3 1040 – 1100 Compact 2-Pole and 4-Pole 1.5-0.9 GHz Constant Absolute Bandwidth Tunable Filters R. Stefanini, M. Chatras, P. Blondy, XLIM, Limoges, France Compact 2-pole and 4-pole tunable filters have been developed to cover the 0.9-1.5 GHz bandwidth. The filters are based on a mixed coupling so as to result in a near constant absolute bandwidth during tuning operation. They are fabricated on a duroid substrate (er=3.2) and tuned using varactor diodes. The 2-pole and 4-pole filters respectively result in a 60 +/-9 MHz and 74 +/- 15 MHz 3-dB absolute bandwidth on a wide tuning range ( 40 %).

WE2D-3 1040 – 1100 Advanced Design and Optimization of Large Scale Microwave Devices M. A. Ismail1, Y. Wang 2, M. Yu1, 1COM DEV Ltd, Cambridge, Canada, 2University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Canada This paper presents a summary of space mapping optimization application for the design of microwave devices used in satellite systems. Output multiplexers and switches are considered large scale microwave devices since they have a large number of parameters and they are very time consuming to simulate by electromagnetic simulators. Finite element EM based simulators and space-mapping optimization are combined to produce an accurate design for T-switches and manifold-coupled output multiplexers.

WE2C-4 1100 – 1120 Combline Tunable Bandpass Filter Using RF-MEMS Switched Capacitor Bank S. Fouladi1, F. Huang1, W. D. Yan2, R. Mansour1, 1University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 2Huawei, Kanata, Canada This paper presents the design and implementation of a tunable combline filter based on tuning with the use of RF-MEMS capacitor banks. The use of MEMS tuning circuit results in the compact implementation of the filter with high-Q and near to zero DC power consumption. A two-pole filter is designed and measured. The filter operates at 2.5 GHz with a bandwidth of 22 MHz. Measurement results demonstrate a tuning range of 110 MHz while the quality factor is above 374.

WE2D-4 1100 – 1120 On Knowledge-Based Neural Networks and Neuro-Space Mapping J. E. Rayas-Sánchez1, Q. J. Zhang2, 1ITESO, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada We review the most significant milestones in CAD methodologies for EM-based modeling and design optimization using artificial neural networks and space mapping. We consider knowledge-based and automatic neural network model generation. Neural space mapping methods for EM-based modeling, statistical analysis and yield estimation are described. Inverse modeling is addressed. Embedded passives, microstrip filters, active devices and waveguide structures illustrate the techniques.

WE2C-5 1120 – 1130 Tunable High Quality-Factor Absorptive Bandstop Filter Design T. Snow1, J. Lee2, W. J. Chappell2, 1NAVSEA, West Lafayette, United States, 2Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States A two-pole, substrate-integrated, high Q-factor absorptive bandstop filter is demonstrated that exhibits enhanced selectivity over traditional reflective bandstop filter designs and higher Q-factor components than previous absorptive designs. With a Q of 729, the presented filter has a peak isolation of 30 dB, a narrow 10-dB rejection bandwidth of 3.9 MHz that is tunable over 3.4-3.8 GHz, exhibiting the same attenuation of a standard two-pole reflective notch filter with a Q-factor of 3100.

WE2D-5 1120 – 1140 Statistical Analysis and Yield Optimization in Practical RF and Microwave Designs R. Biernacki, S. Chen, G. Estep, J. Rousset, J. Sifri, Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, United States This paper provides a historical perspective of advances in statistical design methodologies for microwave design tools. We focus on some of the early efforts by John Bandler to turn his research advances into practical results. We describe the formulation of the powerful one-sided ℓ1 yield optimization problem. We discuss modeling requirements and also describe applications of yield sensitivities and design of experiments as well as a recent technique for fast CMOS mismatch analysis.

WE2C-6 1130 – 1150 A Ka-band Planar TE011 Mode Cavity Tunable Filter using a Mode-Splitter Ring B. Yassini, M. Yu, B. Keats, COM DEV, Cambridge, Canada A TE011 Ka band tunable filter with a stable and continuous tuning performance is presented. A novel modesplitter resonator and coupling configuration enabling cross-coupled planar TE011 filter realization is introduced. The concept can be applied to back-to-back coupled TE011 resonator as well. The idea is verified through fabrication of a three-pole Ka-band tunable filter that demonstrates 500 MHz of tuning range with a stable RF tuning performance.

WE2D-6 1140 – 1150 Re-discovering Adjoint Sensitivities: Toward Field-based Analysis N. K. Nikolova1, S. Dadash1, M. H. Bakr1, Q. Zhang2, 1McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 2Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Computing the derivatives of the scattering parameters of microwave devices with respect to shape and material parameters is a problem of significant interest in high-frequency computer-aided design. The pioneering work of Bandler, Monaco, Tiberio and others in the late 1960s and the early 1970s brought about the circuit-based sensitivity analysis of microwave networks. Here, we discuss several recent developments in adjoint sensitivities.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 51


WE2C: Tunable Filters I: Tunable Filters with Narrow Bandwidths Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Stephen Holme, Loral/Space Systems Co-Chair: Clark Bell, HF Plus



WE2E: Digital Pre-Distortion and Behavioural Modeling of High-Power Amplifiers Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 510AC Chair: John Wood, Maxim Integrated Products Co-Chair: Slim Boumaiza, University of Waterloo

1010 – 1150

WE2F: RF Devices for Wireless Health Care Applications and Biosensing Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 511AD Chair: Katia Grenier, LAAS-CNRS Co-Chair: Yanzhu Zhao, Medtronic Inc.


WE2E-1 1010 – 1030 Band-Limited Volterra Series-Based Behavioral Modeling of RF Power Amplifiers C. Yu, L. Guan, A. Zhu, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland This paper presents a new behavioral modeling technique for RF power amplifiers in future ultra wideband wireless systems. It is achieved by inserting a band-limited function into the Volterra operators to control the bandwidth of the output signal being modeled, which provides a simple and logical way to transform general Volterra seriesbased models into band-limited versions. Experimental results show that the new approach provides much higher accuracy compared to the conventional ones.

WE2F-1 1010 – 1030 Simultaneous Localization and Respiration Detection of Multiple People Using Low Cost UWB Biometric Pulse Doppler Radar Sensor Y. Wang1, Q. Liu1,2, A. E. Fathy1, 1University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States, 2Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China In this paper, we present a low cost ultra wideband (UWB) biometric pulse Doppler radar sensor for respiration detection and monitoring applications. The developed sensor goes beyond detecting the breathing of a single person as conventional radars do; to simultaneously localizing and monitoring multiple human objects as well. The biometric sensor achieves a high range resolution of 3mm, which makes it capable of detecting very tiny motions, such as breathing and heartbeat.

WE2E-2 1030 – 1050 Modeling of Long Term Memory Effects in RF Power Amplifiers with Dynamic Parameters A. Soltani Tehrani, T. Eriksson, C. Fager, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden This paper presents a new radio frequency power amplifier behavioral model that is capable of modeling long term memory effects. The proposed model is derived by assuming linear dependence of the parameters of a conventional model to a long term memory parameter, which enables the model to better track the signal-induced changes of the power amplifier electrical behavior. The model is experimentally tested and shows a 2--3 dB improvement compared to common behavioral models.

WE2F-2 1030 – 1050 2-D Wireless Human Subjects Positioning System Based on Respiration Detections Y. Su1, C. Chang1, J. Guo1, S. Chang1, 1National Chung-Cheng University, Chiayi , Taiwan, 2National Chung-Cheng University, Chiayi , Taiwan, 3Center of Advanced Institute of Manufacturing for High-tech. Innovations,National Chung-Cheng University, Chiayi , Taiwan This paper presents a 2-D wireless positioning system for human subjects. A quadrature Doppler radar is developed to sense the presence of human subject upon the respiration signal detection, while the switched-beam phased antenna array is utilized to determine the target’s angular information. With two radars employed, the 2-D positioning can be achieved based on angle of arrival (AoA) algorithm. Experiments by 2.28-GHz switched-beam radar systems have been performed for verification.

WE2E-3 1050 – 1110 A New Architecture for Frequency-Selective Digital Predistortion Linearization for RF Power Amplifiers. J. Kim1, P. Roblin1, X. Yang1, D. Chaillot2, 1Ohio State University, Columbus, United States, 2CEA, Gif sur Yvette, France A new frequency selective DPD for 2-band PA linearization. The algorithm used accounts for differential memory effects up to 5th order for bands with arbitrarily spacing. The preliminary test is performed using 2-band multitone signals with various tone spacing and band separation. All test signal and algorithm were implemented on a FPGA. The algorithm was applied to an RF amplifier at 965 MHz. The 3rd and 5th order distortion were reduced below the noise floor with IMD/ACPR of 55 dB.

WE2F-3 1050 – 1110 Accurate Nanoliter Liquid Complex Admittance Characterization up to 40 GHz for Biomedical Applications T. Chen, D. Dubuc, K. Grenier, LAAS, Toulouse, France In this paper is demonstrated an accurate liquid sensing technique in the nanoliter-range from 40 MHz to 40 GHz. The sensor is based on an interdigitated capacitor with a microfluidic channel placed on top to confine the liquid. Its sensing volume corresponds to 0.9 nL. Both alcohol and biological aqueous solutions have been precisely defined and distinguished in terms of capacitance and conductance’s contrasts with respect to pure water.

WE2E-4 1110 – 1130 Concurrent Dual-band Digital Predistortion L. Ding1, Z. Yang1, H. Gandhi2, 1Texas Instruments, Dallas, United States, 2Texas Instruments, Sunnyvale, United States This paper focuses on digital predistorter design for dual-band signals with centers separated over a wide frequency range. We provide theoretic analysis of the connection between wideband and dual-band memory polynomial models and propose two efficient implementation schemes. Performance was evaluated on an experimental setup using a Doherty PA and a dual-band signal with 97 MHz center separation. 31% drain efficiency was achieved with 41.2 dBm output power and both bands meeting -45 dBc ACLR.

WE2F-4 1110 – 1130 Remote Detection of Gastroesophageal Reflux Using an Impedance and pH Sensing Transponder H. Cao1, V. Landge1, S. Thakar1, S. Rao2, L. Hsu1, S. Tang3, S. Spechler4, H. Tibbals5, J. Chiao1, 1The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, United States, 2MED-WORX, Grand Prairie, United States, 3The University of Mississippi, Jackson, United States, 4The University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, United States, 5University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, United States We developed a dual-sensor system to monitor the symptoms in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The system consists of an implantable transponder and an external reader. Bench-top experiments were conducted to examine the robustness of the wireless transponding system. Preliminary in vivo experiments were conducted with a live pig.

WE2E-5 1130 – 1150 Reducing Estimator Biases due to Equalization Errors in Adaptive Digital Predistortion Systems for RF Power Amplifiers R. N. Braithwaite, Powerwave Technologies Inc., Santa Ana, United States This paper investigates degradations in a DPD-corrected amplifier due to biases in the coefficient estimation. Of specific interest is the effect of equalization errors in the observation path. It is proposed that the frequencies allocated to the input signal be notched within the estimator to reduce the effects of equalizer errors. Results show that the use of an estimator notch improves the ACLR2 performance by 11 dB and 16 dB for DPD implemented using memory and gain polynomials.

WE2F-5 1130 – 1150 A Compact-Size Packaged Third-Order Harmonic Tag for Intraocular Pressure (IOP) Monitoring inside a Mouse Eye D. Ha1, T. Lin1, W. N. de Vries2, B. Kim1, A. L. Chlebowski1, S. W. John2, P. P. Irazoqui1, W. J. Chappell1, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States, 2The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, United States This paper presents the fabrication process of an ultrasmall size Parylene tag in which a micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) capacitive pressure sensor is packaged with a self-expandable Nitinol antenna and a diode. From the device implanted inside the mouse eye, a resonance frequency shift of the third-order harmonic signal was detected with a sensitivity of approximately 1.5 MHz/mmHg at an 11.5 cm distance from the sensor as the pressure inside the mouse eye changed.

Microwaves without Borders: Italian researchers submitted 31 papers to this year’s IMS. Italy is one of the few region 8 countries with more than one MTT-S chapters: a northern chapter and a central/south chapter.

Technical Track Key:

› 52

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1010 – 1150

WE2H: Microwave Components for Space: Trends and Developments Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 511CF Chair: Jim Sowers Co-Chair: Steve Holme

WE2G-1 1010 – 1030 RF Noise Investigation in High-k/Metal Gate 28-nm CMOS Transistors Y. Tagro1, L. Poulain1, B. Dormieu2, S. Lepilliet1, D. Gloria2, P. Scheer2, G. Dambrine1, F. Danneville1, 1CNRS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, 2STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France In order to pursue Moore’s law, the recent introduction of new Gate stack using High-k dielectrics and Metal Gate (H-K/MG) for CMOS has been a key point to downscale the “equivalent oxide thickness” (EOT). This paper investigates RF noise performance of a recent 28-nm H-K/MG CMOS Technology. For this purpose, S-parameters have been measured up to 110GHz and a two-temperature noise model have been used. The technology offers a NFmin of 0.8dB and a Gav of 14dB @20GHz, for Ids of 135mA/mm.

WE2H-1 1010 – 1030 MEMS Multi-Port Switches and Switch Matrices for Satellite Applications M. Daneshmand1, A. A. Fomani2, M. M. Fahmi2, J. A. Ruiz-Cruz3, R. R. Mansour2, 1University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 2University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 3Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Mass and volume of payload electronics are significant contributors to the overall cost of space systems. Satellite systems rely on switch matrices to provide system redundancy and to enhance capacity by providing flexible interconnectivity. The RF-MEMS technology offers the potential of large reductions in the mass and volume of satellite switch matrices. This paper presents various configurations for highly miniature RF MEMS switch matrices and high power multiport waveguide switches.

WE2G-2 1030 – 1050 A 75.5-to-120.5-GHz, High-Gain CMOS Low Noise Amplifier D. Lu1, Y. Hsu1, J. Kao1, J. Kuo1, D. Niu2, K. Lin1, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taoyuan County, Taiwan In this paper, a high-gain and wideband low-noise amplifier using 65-nm CMOS process is proposed. A four-stage cascode configuration is adopted to achieve the high gain and wideband performance. With 24-mA dc current and 2-V supply voltage, the LNA not only provides gain higher than 20 dB from 75.5 GHz to 120.5 GHz, but also has a measured noise figure between 6 and 8.3 dB from 87 to 100 GHz. The output 1-dB compression power (OP1dB) is -3 dBm at 110 GHz, and the chip size is 0.55 × 0.45 mm2.

WE2H-2 1030 – 1050 Passive Components for Advanced Satellite Systems M. Yu, B. Yassini, A. Panariello, G. Healy, COM DEV, Cambridge, Canada This paper overviews some recent key passive component developments in the areas of passive filtering and multiplexing, addressing improvements in aspects such as tunability, size/mass and insertion loss reduction, flexible and large frequency coverage and power allocation. Measured or projected improvements in each case are identified and the operational benefit derived articulated. Further projected developments are also addressed.

WE2G-3 1050 – 1110 A 917-μW Q-band Transformer-Feedback Current-Reused LNA Using 90-nm CMOS Technology M. Huang1, J. Tsai2, T. Huang1, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan In this paper, an ultra-low-power LNA is presented. By employing current-reused, and forward-body-bias techniques, a LNA can operate with micro-watt dc power consumption while maintaining reasonable gain performance. To reduce noise factor and bias current simultaneously, transformer feedback technique is selected. From the measurement results, the LNA exhibits a gain of 10.6 dB and noise figure of 5.4 dB at 40.2 GHz. Operated at a supply voltage of 1.0 V, the dc power consumption is 917 μW.

WE2H-3 1050 – 1110 Active Components for Advanced Commercial Satellite Systems N. H. Chiang, J. J. Sowers, M. Willis, L. Do, Space Systems/Loral, Palo Alto, United States Advanced satellite systems require high performance RF/Microwave active components including LNA’s, Downconverters, Local Oscillators, and Linearized Channel Amplifiers to name a few. Vital parameters such as size/mass, DC power consumption, linearity, noise figure, RF output power, and bandwidth are optimized to meet the demanding requirements and competitive advantages for space applications. This paper will describe the latest advances in RF/Microwave active front-end components.

WE2G-4 1110 – 1130 A V-band Low-Noise Amplifier with 5.3-dB NF and over 8-kV ESD protection in 65-nm RF CMOS M. Tsai1, S. S. Hsu1, T. Yeh2, C. Jou2, F. Hsueh2, 1National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2TSMC, Hsinchu, Taiwan This paper presents an ESD-protected V-band LNA in 65-nm CMOS. Instead of using the conventional diode-based RF ESD design, a high current capability spiral inductor and a high breakdown MOM capacitor are employed as effective bi-directional ESD protection network, and also as part of the input matching by the co-design approach. The measured results demonstrate an over 8-kV ESD protection level with a NF of 5.3 dB and a power gain of 17.5 dB at 58 GHz, under a power consumption of 18 mW.

WE2H-4 1110 – 1130 Highly Flexible Linearizer/Channel Amplifiers Using a Microcontroller A. Katz2, R. Gray1, G. Conway1, R. Dorval1, J. MacDonald1, 1Linear Space Technology, Hamilton, United States, 2The College of New Jersey, Ewing, United States The Ku-band linearizer/channel amplifier (L/CAMP) in this paper is designed for use on a satellite. It employs an electrically controllable active FET predistortor with a wideband frequency response (2,050 MHz) that can be tailored over frequency. It can be used with either a TWTA or an SSPA. It is the first flight L/CAMP design with a microcontroller-based architecture to provide the ability to be reconfigured for multiple bus interfaces.

WE2G-5 1130 – 1150 An 18 - 32 GHz Ultra Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier with a Low Variation of Group Delay B. Seo, S. Jeon, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea This paper presents an 18-to-32-GHz ultra wideband (UWB) low-noise amplifier (LNA) in a bulk 0.13-μm CMOS technology. The LNA consisting of four stages exhibits a flat gain of 14.5 ± 1.5 dB over the entire 18-to-32 GHz and a noise figure of 5.5 ± 0.4 dB at K-band (18 to 26.5 GHz). Moreover, the group delay variation is suppressed as low as 63.5 ± 6.5 ps over 21 – 26 GHz. The wideband characteristics of gain and group delay are achieved by a slope offset technique.

WE2H-5 1130 – 1150 Frequency Synthesizer Design for Communications Satellite Payloads L. Dayaratna, Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems, Newtown, United States Frequency Synthesizer design techniques for Communications Satellite Payloads are discussed. The growing complexity of satellite services, require the necessity to generate and control multiple frequencies simultaneously. They are required to be SEU hard and total dose tolerant.The design requirements are small size and mass, low phase noise and spectral purity, and low dc power.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 53


WE2G: State of the Art of CMOS Low-Noise Technologies Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 511BE Chair: Joseph Bardin, University of Massachusetts Amherst Co-Chair: Francois Danneville, IEMN



WE2J: Emerging Systems and Applications Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 513DEF Chair: R. Mahmoudi , Technical University Eindhoven (TU/e) Co-Chair: Cheng P. Wen, Peking University

1010 – 1150

St. Joseph’s Oratory


WE2J-1 1010 – 1030 A Max 349 GHz 18.2mW/Pixel CMOS Inter-modulated Regenerative Receiver for Tri-Color mm-Wave Imaging A. Tang1, Q. J. Gu2, Z. Xu3, G. Virbila1, M. F. Chang1, 1University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States, 2 University of Florida, Gainesville, United States, 3HRL, Malibu, United States This paper presents a mm-wave imaging CMOS regenerative receiver which is inter-modulated by a second oscillator to provide multiple receive bands at 349, 201 and 53 GHz for false color imaging. The proposed receiver consumes 18.2mW per pixel and occupies 0.021 sqmm of silicon area. WE2J-2 1030 – 1050 Microwave/Digital Signal Correction with Integrable NGD Circuits B. Ravelo, Y. Liu, ESIGELEC, Saint Etienne du Rouvray , France This paper presents a correction technique of signal integrity with fully integrable NGD circuit. Theory illustrating the NGD topology functioning is introduced. The method for synthesizing the NGD circuit is established. The relevance of the technique is verified with a prototype showing the RC-effect annihilation. A correction of mixed signals with 1Gsym/s-rate is validated with simulations. Experimental results with 25Msym/s-rate input confirm the technique feasibility. WE2J-3 1050 – 1110 Direct Calculation Method for Matching Network Dynamic Control Q. Gu, A. S. Morris, WiSpry, Inc., Irvine, United States This paper presents a novel direct calculation method for matching network dynamic control utilizing an analytic algorithm based on an integrated measurement of load impedance. In principle, this approach has no limitations on the match tuned load impedance and the operating frequency, but in practice its operation is restricted by the matching network tolerances and the accuracy and dynamic range of the load impedance measurement circuitry.

© André Charron

WE2J-4 1110 – 1130 CMOS Enabled Silicon Photonics for Data Center Packet Switching L. Chen, Y. Tang, J. E. Bowers, L. Theogarajan, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States A low-power high data rate optical packet switch integrating MZI based optical switch and 0.13um CMOS IC for data center switching. A novel truly diff. TIA w/high BW PSRR as frontend for 2.5Gbps packet header Rx is presented. The TIA achieves 55.7dBOhm and 1.97GHz f3dB. We also demonstrate optical switch driver enabled by a compact supply-regulated driver that features variable output and for fast rise times. The driver chip is wirebonded to photonic IC, achieving 5ns switching time and 250uW. WE2J-5 1130 – 1140 A High Range Resolution 9.4/18.8 GHz Harmonic Radar for Bees Searching 1 2 Z. Tsai , P. Jau , N. Kuo2, J. Kao2, K. Lin2, F. Chang2, E. Yang2, H. Wang2, 1National Chung Cheng University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan This paper demonstrates a 9.4/18.8 GHz harmonic radar to investigate the phenomenon of colony collapse disorder (CCD). Using the technique of C/A code positioning, a distance resolution of 0.15 m is achieved. The transponders are designed to minimize the effect from the bodies of bees. The outdoor experiments indicate the sensitivity of the radar system to be -95 dBm and with the distance of 65 m with 6-W peak power. With 3-kW peak power, the distance range are expected to be 450 m. WE2J-6 1140 – 1150 Results of Field Trials with Wide-Area Ubiquitous Network H. Hayashi1, O. Kagami2, M. Harada3, 1NTT , Yokosuka, Japan, 2NTT, Yokosuka, Japan, 3NTT , Atsugi, Japan For the “Internet of Things,” wireless devices are required that have small size, long life, and long range communication capability. One technology that meets these requirements is the wide-area ubiquitous network. This paper reports the field trials conducted over three years; services were remote reading / remote control of gas meters and bicycle management (location estimation / radio reachability). The test results confirm that the network can well support remote monitoring service.

Technical Track Key:

› 54

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

© Marie-Helene Moccia

Construction works on Saint Joseph’s Oratory Basilica started in 1904 as a small chapel. The Oratory’s dome is the third-largest of its kind in the world after the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro in the Ivory Coast and Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. More than 2 million visitors and pilgrims visit the Oratory every year. Saint Joseph’s Oratory Basilica is memorable part in any visit to Montréal. It is located at 3800 Queen Mary Road, at Côte-des-Neiges near to Côte-des-Neiges metro station.

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1330 – 1550

WEP Wednesday 20 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Shirook Ali, Research In Motion (RIM)


WEPA-2: A DC Voltage Dependent Switchable Acoustically Coupled BAW Filter Based on BST-onSilicon Composite Structure S. A. Sis, V. Lee, J. D. Phillips, A. Mortazawi, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States A DC voltage dependent switchable, bulk acoustic wave (BAW) filter is presented in this paper. The filter has a composite structure consisting of a barium strontium titanate (BST) layer sandwiched between top and bottom platinum (Pt) electrodes deposited on silicon (Si) and oxide (SiO2) layers. The electrostrictive property of ferroelectric BST allows for the filter to be turned on and off by applying an electric field across the BST layer.

WEPC WEPC-1: A 24 GHz CMOS Power Amplifier Using Reversed Body Bias Technique to Improve Linearity and Power Added Efficiency J. L. Kuo1, H. Wang2, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan The linearity and power added efficiency (PAE) of the power amplifier (PA) are improved by reversed body bias (RBB) using 0.18-μm CMOS technology and the bias dependence of the circuit performances is investigated. Negative bias to the bulk and forward bias to the deep n-well of the MOSFET devices are used to reduce the effects of the parasitic diodes and change the threshold voltage (Vth), leading to enhanced linearity and power added efficiency for the PA.

WEPA-3: Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators of Low Lateral Energy Leakage using Air Edge Reflector J. Shin1,2, I. Song1, M. Lee1, H. Park1, S. Son1, C. Kim1, D. Kim1, J. Cui1, S. Hwang1, J. Rieh2, 1Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Yongin, Republic of Korea, 2Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea A novel bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator structure with air edge reflectors is proposed. The air reflectors provided at the border of the resonator suppress the acoustic wave leakage travelling in lateral direction. As a result of optimized lateral structure, the Q-factor at anti-resonance frequency (Qa) is improved significantly to 2740. The effective electro-mechanical coupling coefficient (kt2) which is essential to achieve wide band-width of RF filters is increased considerably by 14%.

WEPC-2: A 24-GHz Low Power and High Isolation Active Quasi-Circulator D. Huang, J. Kuo, H. Wang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan A 24-GHz novel active quasi-circulator is developed in TSMC 0.18-um CMOS. We proposed a new architecture by using the canceling mechanism to achieve high isolations and reduce the circuit area. The measured insertion losses |S32| and |S21| are 9 and 8.5 dB, respectively. The isolation |S31| is greater than 30 dB. The dc power consumption is only 9.12 mW with a chip size of 0.35 mm^2.

WEPA-4: Dielectric-less Quad-Ridge Adapters for Ferrite Faraday Rotators A. Morini, G. Venanzoni, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy This paper presents an adapter between empty and ferrite filled circular waveguides, having quite different crosssections, based on the use of empty quad-ridge waveguide sections. The absence of dielectrics improves the overall reliability of the device with respect to standard solutions, which employ partially filled waveguide transformers. Measurements of a built Faraday rotator are shown and discussed.

WEPC-3: Layout-Dependent Effects on High Frequency Performance and Noise in Sub-40nm MultiFinger N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFETs K. Yeh, C. Chang, J. Guo, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan Layout dependent effects on high frequency performance parameters like fT, fMAX, and RF noise in sub-40nm multi-finger MOSFETs is investigated. Narrow-OD MOSFET with smaller finger width and larger finger number can achieve lower Rg and higher fMAX. However, these narrow-OD devices suffer fT degradation and higher noise figure. The mechanisms responsible for the trade-off between different parameters provide an important guideline of device layout for nanoscale CMOS RF circuits design.

WEPA-5: Novel C-Band Tunable Bandpass Filter with Low Bias Magnetic Fields Using Partially Magnetized Ferrites X. Yang, J. Wu, S. Beguhn, Z. Zhou, J. Lou, N. Sun, Northeastern University, Boston, United States A compact magnetically tunable bandpass filter on partially magnetized YIG substrate is presented. The bandpass filter led to a large frequency tunability of 7% (from 5.77 to 6.2GHz) under a low bias field of 0 to 100 Oe, while partially magnetized ferrites exhibit a tunable permeability μr range from 0.71 to 0.94. The bandpass filter also exhibited a good impedance match and a low insertion loss of about 1 dB.

WEPC-4: Copper Redistribution Layer Process for GaAs MMICs S. Takatani, T. Hsiao, K. Wu, Y. Chen, J. Wu, J. Chung, C. Lin, S. Tsai, WIN Semiconductors Corp., Kuei Shan Hsiang, Taiwan A new Cu metallization process is proposed that fabricates a redistribution layer on GaAs MMICs. This process enables the placement of Cu bonding pads and pillar bumps over an MMIC. PBO is used as the low-k polymer for isolation, and its thickness is designed to be 10 um to minimize the parasitic capacitance introduced by bonding pads placed on the active region of a HEMT. A HEMT switch fabricated by the proposed process exhibits good RF performance with negligible effect of the bonding pads.


WEPC-5: Design of Low Phase Noise LC VCO using Asymmetric Inductance Tank and HNFF Technology in InGaP/GaAs HBT Process C. Wang, N. Kim, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea A harmonic noise frequency filtering LC voltage-controlled oscillator is fabricated using asymmetric inductance tank in InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor MMIC technology. In order to optimize phase noise, the AIT and HNFF techniques are presented. The proposed VCO exhibited the phase noise of -117.3 dBc/Hz and -129.96 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz and 1 MHz offset frequencies and a tuning range from 1.46 GHz to 1.721 GHz. The total on-chip LC VCO is implanted in 0.85 × 0.85 mm2 chip area.

WEPB-1: RF Burn-in of Dielectric-Charging Characteristics of Micro-Electromechanical Capacitive Switches D. Molinero1, C. Palego1, X. Luo1, J. C. Hwang1, C. L. Goldsmith2, 1Lehigh University, Bethlehem, United States, 2 MEMtronics Co., Plano, United States We report, for the first time, the benefit of RF burn-in at high power levels of MEMS capacitive switches. The switch, after burn-in, remain permanently much less vulnerable to dielectric charging and, presumably, more reliable. It was speculated that high levels changed the dielectric bond configuration, which prevented charge injection under DC bias. Obviously, more detailed study is needed, but this initial result is very encouraging and can facilitate the application in many RF systems. WEPB-2: Packaged BiCMOS Embedded RF-MEMS Switches with Integrated Inductive Loads M. Kaynak1, M. Wietstruck1, W. Zhang1, J. Drews1, R. Barth1, D. Knoll1, F. Korndoerfer1, R. Scholz1, K. Schulz1, C. Wipf1, B. Tillack4, K. Kaletta2, K. Zoschke2, M. Wilke2, O. Ehrmann2, T. Purtova3, A. C. Ulusoy3, G. Liu3, H. Schumacher3, M. Suchodoletz2, 1IHP GmbH, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 2Fraunhofer IZM , Berlin, Germany, 3Universität Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 4Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany This paper presents packaged BiCMOS embedded RF-MEMS switches with integrated inductive loads for frequency tuning at mm-wave frequencies. The developed technique provides easy optimization to maximize the RF performance at the desired frequency. Insertion loss less than 0.25 dB and isolation better than 20 dB are achieved from 30 to 100 GHz. SPDT switches for different frequency bands and a 24 – 77 GHz reconfigurable LNA are also demonstrated with excellent performance parameters.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

WEPC-6: 40 Gb/s VCSEL Driver IC with a New Output Current and Pre-Emphasis Adjustment Method B. Sedighi1, J. Scheyyt2, 1The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, 2IHP, Frankfurt(Oder), Germany Design of a 40 Gb/s VCSEL driver IC capable of providing up to 10mA current to common-cathode VCSELs is presented. Using low-power bandwidth enhancement techniques, a prototype IC is successfully developed in 180-GHz SiGe BiCMOS technology. Measured results show 34 GHz of bandwidth, open eye diagram with rise/fall time below 10 ps, and power dissipation of 130 mW.

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 55


WEPA-1: High Electromechanical Coupling MEMS Resonators at 530MHz using Ion Sliced X-cut LiNbO3 Thin Film S. Gong1, L. Shi1, G. Piazza2, 1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States, 2Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, Pittsburg, United States This paper reports on a new type of micro-resonators enabled by micromachining of ion sliced X-cut LiNbO3 thin films. The demonstrated devices have shown a high electromechanical coupling (kt2) of 8.23%, the highest attained for laterally vibrating MEMS resonators. Device orientation was also varied to investigate its impact on kt2 and experimental data have shown good agreement with theoretical predictions.

WEPB-3: Laser Machined Microsystems for Active Frequency Selective Surfaces D. Robben1, S. F. Peik1, T. Henning1, M. Becker2, K. Froehner2, 1Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany, 2NB Technologies GmbH, Bremen, Germany Presented is the large scale integration of laser machined cantilever switches onto FSS for pass-band switching. A sheet of aluminum is patterned through laser cutting and attached by point laser welding to a frequency selective surface. The switch cantilever positions are adjusted by local thermal laser heating. As a result the response of the FSS can be shifted by electrostatic actuation of the switches. The design is verified by measurements on a 100 element active FSS at X-Band.



1330 – 1550

WEP Wednesday 20 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Shirook Ali, Research In Motion (RIM)


WEPC-7: Development of a RF Waveform Stress Test Procedure for GaN HFETs Subjected to Infinite VSWR Sweeps W. McGenn1, H. Choi1, J. Lees1, M. Uren2, J. Benedikt1, P. Tasker1, 1Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2 University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom An RF waveform stress test has been developed in order to assess device degradation caused by the infinite VSWR conditions that could result from the removal of a protection isolator. The procedure was first applied with the device being stressed whilst driving into its optimum impedance and secondly with the device being stressed by one of the three potential failure regions that result from an infinite VSWR sweep.

WEPF-2: Direct Optimal Synthesis of Microwave Bandpass Filters with A General Loading Effect H. Meng, K. Wu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong This paper presents a direct synthesis method for a Chebyshev filter that is matched to a frequency variant load. By renormalizing the frequency variant load to the unity load, three necessary conditions for synthesizing the required polynomials are derived. The conditions can lead to a filter model cascaded by a piece of optimally designed transmission line. The method offers a deterministic yet flexible way for optimally designing a diplexer or a multiplexer with a realistic loading effect.


WEPF-3: Filter Tuning and Coupling Matrix Synthesis by Optimization with Cost Function Based on Zeros, Poles and Hausdorff Distance T. Kacmajor, J. Gulgowski, J. J. Michalski, TeleMobile Electronics Ltd., Gdynia, Poland This elaboration proposes and investigates a new cost function used in filter tuning algorithm and coupling matrix synthesis. The cost function is defined based on the Hausdorff distance between the template sets (the sets of zeros and poles of template filter reflection and transmission characteristics) and the sets of zeros and poles described from optimized characteristics of a filter. The experiments showed the performance of the proposed cost function definition.

WEPD-1: A Modified Construction Method of Synthetic Basis Functions for Phased Antenna Array S. Xiang, G. Xiao, J. Mao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China This paper introduces a modified construction method of synthetic basis functions (SBFs) for analyzing the radiation problems of phased antenna arrays. The effect of the feeding sources and the responses of incident electromagnetic fields are two relatively independent solution spaces. Singular value decomposition (SVD) method is used to extract the characteristic modes to the array from the two solution spaces separately. Numerical examples are given to validate the proposed method. WEPD-2: Trapezoidal Envelope Pulse Dynamics in Debye-Model Dielectrics K. E. Oughstun, C. L. Palombini, The University of Vermont, Burlington, United States The evolution of a trapezoidal envelope microwave pulse as it penetrates into a Debye-type dielectric is described using asymptotic methods and numerical simulations. When the initial pulse rise time exceeds a critical value independent of the material relaxation time, the pulse evolution is dominated by a Brillouin precursor whose peak value decays algebraically with distance. The pulse then penetrates much farther into the material than that described by Beer’s law.

WEPF-4: A Ka-band Dual Mode Dielectric Resonator Loaded Cavity Filter for Satellite Applications S. C. Holme, J. S. Fiedziuszko, S. D. Berry, Space Systems/Loral, Palo Alto, United States A high performance, Ka-Band, dielectrically loaded dual mode cavity filter has been developed. It utilizes higher order HE12δ modes to achieve high Q factors, wide tuning range, and a large range of bandwidths. Similarity of the design with a more conventional HE11δ design results in high commonality of parts with Ku-band designs and thus lower cost. Index Terms — Ceramics, dielectric resonators, microwave filters, miniaturization, dielectricresonator filters.

WEPD-3: Method of Moments Modeling of Microstrip Patch Antennas with Automatic GPU Acceleration A. Cerjanic1, B. Sheikman2, I. Chatterjee1, 1University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, United States, 2GE, Minden, United States Interpreted languages such as MATLAB often provides efficiency at the cost of performance. To sidestep this tradeoff, we demonstrate how a frequency domain method of moments routine written in MATLAB for microstrip patch antennas can be automatically accelerated on GPU hardware. The MATLAB code performance is compared with the accelerated code. Acceleration of the matrix filling routine was observed to be around 99 times the interpreted MATLAB code in the results described.

WEPG-1: Linear Amplification Apparatuses of Class-C Power Amplifier Using Partial Envelope DeltaSigma Modulation J. Kim1, C. Park2, 1ETRI, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 2KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea A new signal processing method that partially encodes the envelope signal using a delta sigma modulator (EDSM) into a bi-level signal according to the magnitude of the envelope, has been introduced to utilize a high efficiency class-C amplifier for linear amplification.

WEPE WEPE-1: A Ka-Band Broadband Active Frequency Doubler Using a CB/CE Balanced Configuration in 0.18 um SiGe BiCMOS Process G. Chen, Y. Yeh, H. Chang, Y. Hsin, National Central University, Jhongli City, Taiwan A Ka-band broadband frequency doubler in 0.18 um SiGe BiCMOS technology is presented in this paper. The frequency doubler employs a configuration of a CB/CE pair to enhance the second harmonic. This frequency doubler features a conversion gain of higher than -7 dB between 26 and 40 GHz. The maximum output P1dB is 4.3 dBm and the output Psat is higher than 5 dBm at 31 GHz. This work demonstrates the first SiGe-based frequency doubler using CB-CE configuration covering the entire Ka band.


WEPG-2: 2-Watt Broadband GaN Power Amplifier RFIC Using the ft Doubling Technique A. El-Gabaly, C. E. Saavedra, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada A broadband power amplifier (PA) is reported using the ft doubling technique which delivers more than 2 W of saturated output power over a span of 6 GHz. The PA exhibits a power gain of 12.2 +/- 0.2 dB over its operating frequency range, yielding a gain-bandwidth product of more than 1.5 ft. The PA has an OP1dB and an OIP3 of more than 31 dBm and 40 dBm respectively. The IC was fabricated using a 0.8-um GaN process and the core circuit occupies an area of 925um X 895um.

WEPE-2: E-Band Active Frequency-Multiplier-by-Eight MMIC with > 20 dB Conversion Gain and Excellent Spurious Suppression U. J. Lewark1, A. Tessmann2, H. Massler2, A. Leuther2, I. Kallfass1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2Fraunhofer IAF, Freiburg, Germany We present an active eight-fold frequency-multiplier with more than 20 dB conversion gain. The output 3-dB bandwidth is 72 to 85 GHz, forming a tunable frequency source within the 71 to 76 and 81 to 86 GHz communication bands with a saturated output power of 10 dBm for LO generation with an input power of only -8 dBm. The suppression of unwanted harmonics is better than 37 dBc. The MMIC is realized in a metamorphic HEMT technology with 100 nm gate-length.

WEPG-3: Continuous-ClassF3 Power Amplifier Mode Varying Simultaneously First 3 Harmonic Impedances V. Carrubba1, R. Quay1, M. Schlechtweg1, O. Ambacher1, M. Akmal2, J. Lees2, J. Benedikt2, P. J. Tasker2, S. C. Cripps2, 1 Fraunhofer IAF, Freiburg, Germany, 2Cardiff University , Cardiff, United Kingdom This paper presents for the first time the broadband Continuous-ClassF3 mode power amplifier (PA) extended to include a variable reactance third harmonic impedance. It will be demonstrated that by proper manipulation of the voltage and current waveforms different optimum first three impedance solutions can be identified. This allows the design of high efficiency and broadband power amplifiers.


WEPG-4: Envelope Tracking Power Amplifier with Dual-Mode Supply Modulator for LTE Appliciations J. Kim1, D. Kim1, Y. Cho2, D. Kang3, B. Park2, B. Kim1, 1POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea, 2POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea, 3Broadcom, Matawan, United States This paper presents an envelope tracking power amplifier (ET PA) using a dual-mode supply modulator for handset applications. The dual-mode supply modulator operates in high power mode and low power mode by converting the supply voltage of the linear amplifier. The ET PA delivers a power-added efficiency of 39.8 / 22.6% at an average output power of 27 / 18 dBm with a 10-MHz LTE signal having a peak-to-average power ratio of 6.44 dB.

WEPF-1: Hemispherical and Aspheric WGM Dielectric Resonators with Conducting Plane: Radiation and Conductivity Losses in Millimeter Wavelength Range N. T. Cherpak1, A. A. Barannik1, M. S. Kharchenko1, S. A. Vitusevich2, 1Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2Peter Gruenberg Institute, Juelich, Germany Electromagnetic properties of a number of WGM dielectric resonators with conducting endplates are studied. They differ in the shape. For the hemispherical resonator the results of analytical calculation and Ka-band experimental measurements of radiation losses are correlated, although the experimental values are higher. A resonator in the form of aspheric+cylindrical disk is the most promising for surface impedance characterization of unconventional superconductors and other conductors.

Technical Track Key:

› 56

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1330 – 1550

WEP Wednesday 20 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Shirook Ali, Research In Motion (RIM) WEPG-12: Overlapped Segment Piece-wise Polynomial Pre-distortion for the Linearisation of Power Amplifiers in the Presence of High PAPR OFDM Signals S. Bensmida1, K. Mimis1, K. A. Morris1, M. A. Beach1, J. P. McGeehan1, J. Lees2, J. Benedikt2, P. J. Tasker2, 1University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom A modified piece-wise polynomial pre-distortion is proposed, investigated and compared against classic memoryless polynomial pre-distortion. The proposed method is shown to consistently outperform classical polynomial predistortion in terms of required coefficients and linearity improvement. The method is applied for the linearisation of an envelope tracking Class-J PA at 1.7GHz, under a 1.4MHz LTE signal with a 14.4dB PAPR.

WEPG-6: A Low/High-Mode Power Amplifier With Envelope-Tracking Operation Y. Cho1, D. Kang3, J. Kim2, D. Kim2, B. Park1, B. Kim1, 1POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea, 2Broadcom Corporation, Matawan, United States This paper presents a low/high-mode power amplifier that improves the efficiency in low-power regions. This PA operates in two modes through path control by a shunt switched-capacitor. We use an long term evolution signal at 1.71 GHz. The dual-path PA with a boosted supply modulator for the envelope-tracking operation exhibits a power-added efficiency of 39.9% \ 30.3% and an adjacent channel leakage ratio of -35.7 dBc \ -32.8 dBc at an average output power of 27 dBm \ 15.5 dBm, respectively.

WEPG-13: First Demonstration of AlInN/GaN HEMTs Amplifiers at K Band O. Jardel1, G. Callet1, D. Lancereau1, J. Jacquet1, T. Reveyrand2, N. Sarazin1, R. Aubry1, S. Léger1, E. Chartier1, M. Oualli1, C. Dua1, S. Piotrowicz1, E. Morvan1, M. Di Forte Poisson1, S. Delage1, 1III-V Lab, Marcoussis CEDEX, France, 2 XLIM, Brive-la-Gaillarde, France AlInN/GaN HEMTs have shown outstanding power performances for high frequency applications. In this paper, we present the first published power results of two K-band hybrid amplifier demonstrators at 20GHz and 26.5GHz using 0.25µm gate length devices. At these frequencies, respectively, cw RF output power of 4.5 Watts with 20% PAE and 1.65 W with 15.5 % of PAE were obtained. These state-of-the-art results confirm the potential of AlInN/ GaN technology for high frequency applications.

WEPG-7: Effect of Input Second Harmonic Control for Saturated Amplifier J. Moon2, S. Jee1, S. Kim1, J. Kim1, J. Son1, J. Lee 1, S. Kim1, B. Kim1, 1POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea, 2Samsung Electronics Company Ltd., Suwon, Republic of Korea Effect of input second harmonic control on saturated amplifier is investigated. With both input and output nonlinear capacitors, the output capacitor, which generates a lot of second harmonic with small higher harmonics, can be employed for the half-sinusoidal voltage shaping. Thus, the input second harmonic can be terminated to reduce the conduction angle for high efficiency.

WEPG-14: An 8W GaN-Based H-Bridge Class-D PA for the 900 MHz Band Enabling Ternary Coding A. Wentzel1, C. Meliani1, G. Fischer2, W. Heinrich1, 1FBH, Berlin, Germany, 2Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany This paper presents an H-bridge class-D power amplifier (PA) for the 900 MHz band based on GaN MMICs. For a classical BPDS modulated signal, a maximum output power of 34.5 dBm with a drain efficiency of 22% is obtained. Using a periodic square-wave input signal, the PA achieves a peak output power of 39 dBm and maximum drain efficiency of 48%. Investigating different binary and a ternary coding schemes, up to 30% drain efficiency at 6 dB power back-off is achieved.

WEPG-8: Design of Dual-Band Multi-Way Doherty Power Amplifiers X. Li1, W. Chen1, Z. Lu1, Z. Feng1, F. M. Ghannouchi2, Y. Chen1, 1Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada A design technique for dual-band multi-way Doherty power amplifier (PA) using dual-band networks is proposed in this paper. A T-network and a two-section line network are used to implement dual-band impedance transformer. Experimentally, the proposed PA achieves a power added efficiency (PAE) of 33% at 7dB backoff and 29% at 8 dB backoff from the saturated output power at 0.92 GHz and 1.99 GHz. Compared to other dual-band Doherty PAs, the back-off range of the proposed Doherty PA is much wider.

WEPG-15: RF Switch-Mode Power Amplifier with an Integrated Diplexer for Signal Reconstruction and Energy Recovery S. Nijam Ali, T. Johnson, The University of British Columbia, Kelowna, Canada A new RF switch-mode amplifier circuit topology is proposed that is motivated by implementation challenges using class D and class S circuit topologies. The amplifier concept can be implemented with a single power device (switch) with a broadband output match and diplexer load. The diplexer simultaneously provides signal reconstruction filtering to extract the source signal from the encoded pulse train and a bandstop output port that is configured to recover out-of-band energy.

WEPG-9: A 40W Push-Pull Power Amplifier for High Efficiency, Decade Bandwidth Applications at Microwave Frequencies R. M. Smith, J. Lees, P. J. Tasker, J. Benedikt, S. C. Cripps, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom A high-efficiency push-pull power amplifier has been developed across a bandwidth of 250MHz to 3.1GHz. The output power was 46dBm with drain efficiency above 45% between 700MHz and 2GHz, with a minimum output power of 43dBm across the entire band. The design was realized using a transmission line balun, which provides a broadband 2:1 impedance transformation ratio and reduces the need for conventional matching. The performance is believed to be the best reported to date at these frequencies.

WEPG-16: Kahn Envelope Elimination and Restoration Technique Using Injection-Locked Oscillators C. Chen1, Y. Lin1, T. Horng1, K. Peng2, C. Li3, 1National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan This paper presents a novel EER transmitter using injection-locked oscillators. In the proposed architecture, an injection-locked oscillator that is combined with a mixer and a low-pass filter generates a corresponding envelope signal and a phase-modulated RF carrier signal of the input-modulated RF signal. The constructed prototype of the EER transmitter achieves a 21-dB overall gain and a 36% power-added efficiency at an average output power of 23 dBm for EDGE signals.

WEPG-10: Low Frequency Dithering Technique for Linearization of Current Mode Class D Amplifiers F. Arfaei Malekzadeh, A. van Roermund, R. Mahmoudi, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands Combination of a band-pass signal with a low frequency sinusoid signal, also known as dithering, will linearize the performance and reduce the reactive power loss of class D amplifiers. The expectations are verified through realization and measurement of a 2 watt current mode LDMOS class D amplifier operating at 2.014 GHz. The drain efficiency is enhanced from 55 to 59 percent, while giving ACPR levels below -33dBc for first WCDMA adjacent channel.

WEPG-11: Ultra Broad Band CMOS Balanced Amplifiers Using Quadrature Power Splitters on Glass Integrated Passive Device (GIPD) and Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic (LTCC) with Flip Chip Interconnects for SiP Integration H. Lu1, C. Kuo2, S. Wei1, P. Huang1, H. Wang2, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Two balance amplifiers at 2.5~12GHz with 1dB gain flatness and under 10dB return loss are presented. Low loss broadband quadrature power splitters for BAs are realized on GIPD and LTCC. 3rd order bandpass filter is used for output matching network of 0.18um CMOS unit amplifier in BA for good output power and S22. These BAs have widest bandwidth with smallest gain variation among power amplifiers under 15 GHz. Highest ratio of OP1dB to power stage transistor size is achieved on CMOS process.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

WEPH WEPH-1: L-band Wideband Filter in 0.13 µm CMOS with High Common-Mode Rejection A. Taslimi, K. Mouthaan, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore An L-band filter in 0.13 µm CMOS with high common-mode rejection over a wide bandwidth range is presented. The high common-mode rejection in the passband is realized by shifting the common-mode transmission zeros into the passband while maintaining the differential-mode bandpass response. The measured differential-mode insertion loss and return loss of the filter with 62% bandwidth from 1 GHz to 1.9 GHz and the common-mode rejection are better than 3.2 dB, 12.3 dB and 23.5 respectively. WEPH-2: Power Handling of High-Q Evanescent-Mode Tunable Filter with Integrated Piezoelectric Actuators K. Chen1, H. H. Sigmarsson2, D. Peroulis1, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States, 2The University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States This paper investigates for the first time the power handling versus tuning ratio trade-off for high-Q evanescentmode tunable cavity bandpass filters with piezoelectric actuators. A non-linear circuit model is proposed to prescribe the high-power effects on the filter performance. A new parameter, distortion ratio (DR), is utilized to quantify the non-linear frequency-response distortion induced by unwanted displacements of the filter’s piezoelectric actuators due to high RF signals.

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Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

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WEPG-5: Efficiency-Enhanced Doherty Amplifier with Extended Bandwidth Based on Asymmetrical Drain Voltage Q. Lei, S. He, N. Zhang, F. You, L. Dong, Z. Hu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China The paper presents an asymmetrical Doherty power amplifier (A-DPA) improving back-off efficiency and operating bandwidth through considering knee-voltage and impedance-transformation-ratio of inverter. Within a bandwidth of 300MHz, measurements perform drain efficiency above 41% and Gain of 13.5~14.7dB over 7dB back-off. At average output 43 dBm and with linearization, the A-DPA shows ACLR less than -45.8dBc with drain efficiency above 41.4% in 2.25~2.55GHz under WCDMA signal with 7.8 dB PAPR.



1330 – 1550

WEP Wednesday 20 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Shirook Ali, Research In Motion (RIM)


WEPH-3: A Tunable Low-Pass Filter Using a Liquid-Metal Reconfigurable Periodic Defected Ground Structure S. Guo, B. Lei, W. Hu, W. A. Shiroma, A. T. Ohta, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, United States A new type of tunable low-pass filter is demonstrated that uses liquid metal to reconfigure a defected ground structure (DGS). By filling in different DGS lattices with Galinstan liquid metal, the tunable low-pass filter provides tuning of up to eight cutoff frequencies. Measurements of four of the cutoff frequencies show a 62% tuning range while maintaining a stopband of more than 5 GHz.

WEPJ-5: Efficiency and Linearity of Power Amplifiers with External Harmonic Injection A. R. Dani, M. D. Roberg, Z. Popovic, University of Colorado Boulder , Boulder, United States This paper discusses a method for improving the efficiency of linear power amplifiers by externally injecting power into the output at the second harmonic frequency. An experimental proof-of-concept PA based on class-A/AB mode with a 10-W GaN pHEMT at 2.45GHz is presented, and its efficiency improved from 58% to 75% with –6.5 dBc injected 2nd harmonic power. Two-tone measurements confirm improved linearity with simultaneous increase in efficiency and gain compression at higher input power.

WEPH-4: Novel Stretchable Electrically Conductive Composites for Tunable RF Devices F. Cai, Z. Li, J. C. Agar, C. P. Wong, J. Papapolymerou, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States Stretchable RF devices that are flexible and tunable fabricated by Poly(dimethylsiloxane)(PDMS) electrically conductive composites (ECC)are presented. This type of composite allows to mechanically change the length of a device, thus, resulting in tuning of its frequency response. A tunable loop antenna and low-pass filter operating at 1.5 GHz are demonstrated. This technology opens the door to mechanically tunable RF devices integrated on flexible substrates.

WEPJ-6: Tunable Outphasing for Power Amplifier Efficiency Improvement under Load Mismatch C. Sanchez-Perez1, D. Sardin2, M. Roberg2, J. de Mingo1, Z. Popovic2, 1Instituto de Investigacion de Inegnieria en Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain, 2University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, United States Load mismatch in RF high power amplifier leads to efficiency reduction or amplifier failure. Instead of impedance tuning, in this paper an outphasing architecture with a tunable non-isolated combiner is used to reduce sensitivity to load variations. Experimental results with two GaN class AB amplifiers at 2.14GHz show it is possible to maintain the efficiency above 50% over a wide range of impedances, while maintaining the output power within a few dB around 20W.

WEPH-5: Varactor-Tuned Dual-Band Filter with Constant Absolute Bandwidth Y. Zhao, T. Liu, T. Xu, Q. Nie, Y. Xia, R. Wang, G. Jiang, Y. Ye, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China This paper proposed a novel varactor-tuned dual-band filter with constant absolute bandwidth. It is composed of a pair of half-wavelength open-ended resonators and a pair of quarter-wavelength short-ended resonators. The resonators utilized two different methods to control the electric and magnetic coupling so as to achieve constant absolute bandwidth. A dual-band tunable filter is designed, and the measured results of the filter illustrate the effectiveness of this design method.


WEPJ WEPJ-1: Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Power Amplifier Using CBCPW-to-SIW Transition for Matching Network Z. Wang1, S. Adhikari2, D. Dousset2, C. Park1, K. Wu2, 1Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, Canada, 2PolyGrames Research Center, Montreal, Canada A novel substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based 10W power amplifier (PA), designed with conductor-backed coplanar waveguide (CBCPW)-to-SIW transition matching network (MN), is presented. Asymmetrical and symmetrical types of CBCPW-to-SIW transition MN are proposed. Measured results show that the maximum PAE is 54.24 % with 39.74 dBm output power and the maximum gain is 13.31 dB. The size of the proposed SIW-based PA is comparable with other microstrip-based PAs. WEPJ-2: Digital Predistortion Using Non-Stationary Windowed Sequences for LTE Power Amplifier Linearization L. Aladrén, P. García-Dúcar, J. de Mingo, P. . Carro, C. Sánchez-Pérez, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain Digital PreDistortion (DPD) is a well-known method to reduce nonlinear distortion in RF power amplifiers. We present a study on the performance of this linearization technique using non-stationary windowed training sequences. In a Long Term Evolution uplink transmission, the modulation schemes are adaptive. Thus, the DPD behavior may change decreasing its linearity performance. This effect can be reduced using a suitable training signal, observing improvements in adjacent channel leakage ratio. WEPJ-3: Novel Wideband GaN HEMT Power Amplifier Using Microstrip Radial Stub to Suppress Harmonics Z. Wang, C. Park, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, Canada In this paper, a novel wideband GaN HEMT power amplifier (PA) using microstrip radial stub (MRS) in both input and output matching networks to suppress harmonic components of 2.14 GHz is presented. With the wideband harmonic suppressing charateristic of MRS, the measured maximum power added efficiency (PAE) is 80.52% with 40.53 dBm output power at 2.14 GHz. At least 50% PAE and 37 dBm output power over a 12% bandwidth from 2 GHz to 2.26 GHz is achieved. The maximum gain is 20.25 dB.

WEPJ-4: Highly Efficient GaN Doherty Power Amplifier with 100 MHz Signal Bandwidth for 3.5 GHz LTE-Advanced Application J. Xia1, X. Zhu1, L. Zhang1, J. Zhai1, J. Wang2, M. Yang1, Y. Sun1, 1Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 2Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China This paper presents highly efficient GaN Doherty power amplifier with 100MHz signal bandwidth for 3.5GHz LTE-A system. The carrier and peaking amplifiers are implemented with unequal saturation power to maintain high drain efficiency(DE) at large backed-off power(BOP). The highest DE at 6-dB BOP for continuous wave reaches 52.6%. The DE achieves 40.2% for 100MHz LTE-A signal with ACLR of -32dBc at 40dBm. With digital pre-distortion, the ACLR is improved to -50dBc for 50MHz signal with 40.5% DE.

Technical Track Key:

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µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

WEPK-1: Broadband Leaking Carrier Cancellation for RFID Systems G. Lasser, R. Langwieser, R. Dallinger, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria Reader systems for passive RFID tags suffer from a strong self generated interferer. This problem is often addressed by narrow-band leaking carrier cancelers. In this paper we present measurements of the leakage channel in an RFID system. We evaluate the leakage reduction that can be achieved by a novel analog broadband leakage canceller in the RF domain. Our proposed method allows for suppression of transmitter noise components and facilitates new broadband technologies. WEPK-2: Design and Characterization of a Miniaturized Patch Antenna for Passive UHF RFID Applications A. E. Abdulhadi , H. Memarzadeh Tehran, R. Abhari, McGill University, Montreal, Canada A low profile RFID tag consisting of a compact microstrip patch antenna for operation at UHF RFID band is proposed. The patch is backed by a mushroom-type Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structure in order to achieve an area reduction of 29.11% in comparison with a conventional patch design. The frequency response of the assembled tag was obtained from measurement and compared with simulation. The maximum reading range of the tag was found to be around 11 m.

WEPK-3: Increasing Performance of SDR-based Collision-Free RFID Systems D. De Donno1, V. Lakafosis2, L. Tarricone1, M. Tentzeris2, 1University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, 2Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States In this paper, we show that a significant reduction of 26% in the RFID inventory time with collision recovery is feasible in real time relying, for the first time, on actual measurements taken with an SDR RFID Reader and off-theshelf programmable Tags. The advantages of deploying our working prototype testbed in conveyor belt systems are highlighted. We achieve a 26% belt speed increase maintaining the exact same reading reliability and up to 84% of RFID Reader power consumption savings.

WEPL WEPL-1: Complex Frequency versus Complex Propagation Constant Modeling and Q-Balancing in Periodic Structures S. Otto1, A. Rennings1, K. Solbach1, C. Caloz2, 1Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany, 2École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada The paper compares the complex frequency modeling and the complex propagation constant modeling of periodic structures based on a generalized unit cell model, and derives the mathematical relation between these two approaches. Moreover, it shows that only under the condition of Q-balancing, the phase-frequency responses calculated by the two approaches are identical. The Q-balancing condition corresponds to the Heaviside condition for distortionless uniform lossy transmission lines. WEPL-2: External Cloak with Axial Constitutive Parameter as Constant K. Zhang, Q. Wu, F. Meng, J. Fu, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China A type of external cloak with axial constitutive parameter as constant is proposed, and z component is a constant that could be adjusted by the radius of the virtual air region, which make it possible to construct this kind of cloak with 2D metamaterials. The effects of loss and perturbations of parameters on the performance of the cloak are also investigated. This study highly improves the flexibilities for 2D cloak design.

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1330 – 1550

WEP Wednesday 20 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Shirook Ali, Research In Motion (RIM) WEPM-4: Efficient Large Electromagnetic Problem Solving by Hybrid TLM and Modal Approach on Grid Computing M. Alexandru1, T. Monteil1, P. Lorenz2, F. Coccetti1, H. Aubert1, 1CNRS, Toulouse, France, 2Lorenz Solutions, Lenggries, Germany This paper deals with the electromagnetic modeling of large and complex electrical structures by means of extensive parallel modeling based on grid computing (GC). The numerical modeling is based on a hybrid approach which combines Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) and the mode matching methods. The former is applied to homogeneous volumes while the latter is used to describe planar structures presented within the entire simulation domain. The results prove the benefits of the GC.

WEPL-4: Direction of Arrival Estimation using Luneburg Lens M. Liang, X. Yu, R. A. Sabory-Garcia, W. Ng, M. E. Gehm, H. Xin, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States In this paper, a Luneburg Lens is employed for direction finding application. Using Luneburg lens property that every point on its surface is the focal point of a plane wave from the opposite side, a number of detectors are mounted around the lens to estimate the incident wave direction. To demonstrate the proposed direction finding (DF) system, a lens with 5 detectors mounted on its surface is measured. Initial DF results show that the error is smaller than 2º within ±15º incident angles.

WEPM-5: Stability of the Extended 3-D LOD-FDTD Including Lumped Elements F. Xia, Q. Chu, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China Stability of the extended 3-D LOD-FDTD including lumped elements is analyzed in this paper, and the elements are inserted into the LOD-FDTD in the explicit, semi-implicit and implicit schemes. Stability analysis shows the extended LOD-FDTD methods are unconditionally stable in the semi-implicit and implicit schemes, whereas, it is conditionally stable in the explicit scheme. Finally, a microstrip circuit including an inductor is simulated to demonstrate the validity of the stability analysis.

WEPL-5: High-Frequency Characteristics of a Via Connection R. Rodreguez-Berral1, F. Mesa1, D. R. Jackson2, 1University of Seville , Seville , Spain, 2University of Houston, Houston, United States The high-frequency characteristics of a via connection that connects two infinite microstrip lines on either side of a ground plane is examined. The assumption of infinite lines allows for a semi-analytical solution, where the lines are treated essentially in closed form. This results in an accurate solution that captures all of the physics of high-frequency wave excitation on the lines by the via. The high-frequency scattering parameters of the via are obtained from this solution.

WEPN WEPN-1: Characterization and Compensation of AM-AM and AM-PM Distortion in Mixed Polarization Radio over Fiber Systems B. Hraimel, X. Zhang, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada We experimentally characterize and compensate the amplitude and phase distortion of a radio over fiber link (RoF) using mixed polarization electro-optical modulator (EOM). The mixed polarization makes use of the polarization dependent electro-optic coefficients of the EOM to suppress nonlinear distortion. The AM-AM compression and AM-PM conversion are newly expressed and directly evaluated from static one tone measured S21. The P1dB compression is improved by more than 4-dB.

WEPL-6: An Efficient and Simple Approach to Suppressing the High-Frequency Power/Ground Plane Noise G. Lei, GTG Research, Rochester, United States This paper presents a new method based on modifying the conventional power/ground (P/G) cavity model by using an inhomogeneous medium in the P/G structure. The new model allows us to control the solution of the model equation such that the oscillatory property of the electrical eigenfunction can be changed, and thus the power/ground noise can be suppressed. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simulation for the P/G structure demonstrates the effectiveness of the method.

WEPN-2: RF-Down and RF-Up Converting Optoelectronic Oscillator for Spurious Suppression M. Mizuma, M. Tsuru, S. Kameyama, T. Ando, Y. Hirano, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Kamakura, Japan This paper describes a RF-down and RF-up converting optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) using a band-pass filter (BPF) for spurious suppression. This OEO is able to suppress the spurs with the BPF whose fractional bandwidth is wider than that of the BPF in a conventional OEO.This fractional bandwidth broadening of the BPF allows the OEO to achieve lower phase noise without the spurs.


WEPN-3: 1 Gb/s Wireless Link at 200 GHz Using Heterodyne Detection M. J. Fice, E. Rouvalis, C. C. Renaud, A. J. Seeds, University College London, London, United Kingdom A wireless link operating at a frequency of 200 GHz and data rate of 1 Gb/s is demonstrated. Photonic carrier generation and modulation was employed, with the optical signal converted to millimeter waves using a uni-traveling carrier photodiode. Heterodyne detection was used to demodulate the signal, the first time, to our knowledge, that this approach has been used for Gb/s data on a carrier above 100 GHz. Baseband data was recovered from the intermediate frequency signal by offline processing.

WEPM-1: Time-Domain Electrothermal Circuit-Level Modeling of Microwave and RF PIN Diodes R. H. Caverly, Villanova University, Villanova, United States This paper outlines a novel electrothermal model for the microwave and RF PIN diode suitable for use in timedomain simulators. The model builds on previous time-domain models and for the first time includes a thermal component that uses easily obtained datasheet parameters such as thermal resistance. The model is verified with resistance-temperature measurements. A link to a spreadsheet allowing calculation of the model parameters is included for the microwave engineer. WEPM-2: Implementing Voltage Controlled Current Source in Electromagnetic Full-Wave Simulation using the FDTD Method K. ElMahgoub, A. Z. Elsherbeni, The University of Mississippi, University, United States The implementation of a voltage controlled current source (VCCS) in full-wave electromagnetic simulation using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) is introduced. The VCCS is used to model a metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) commonly used in microwave circuits. This new approach is verified with several numerical examples including circuits with VCCS and MOSFET. Good agreement is obtained when the results are compared with those based on analytical solution and PSpice.

WEPN-4: A 1-20 GHz InP HBT Phase-Lock-Loop IC for Optical Wavelength Synthesis E. Bloch1, H. Park2, M. Lu2, T. B. Reed2, Z. Griffith3, L. A. Johansson2, L. A. Coldren2, D. Ritter1, M. J. Rodwell2, 1 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 2University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States, 3Teledyne Scientific and Imaging, Thousand Oaks, United States We report a PLL IC for locking, at a controlled frequency offset between 1 and 20 GHz, the optical phase and optical frequency of a slave semiconductor laser to that of a reference semiconductor laser. The IC, implemented in a 500 nm InP HBT process, contains an ECL digital single-sideband mixer to provide phase-locking at a +/- 20 GHz offset frequency, and also contains a wideband phase-frequency detector to provide loop acquisition given up to +/-40 GHz initial frequency offset.

WEPM-3: Memory Efficient Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Exploiting 3D Time Domain Transmission Line Modeling O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, X. Li, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada We present a memory efficient implementation of transmission line modeling based adjoint sensitivities. In the original theory, an extensive storage is required especially for problems with dielectric discontinuities. We show that only 10% of this storage is required to estimate the adjoint sensitivities with the same accuracy. Our technique exploits a factorization of the scattering matrix that eliminates redundancies in the stored impulses. This technique is illustrated through a 3D example.

WEPN-5: High-Performance Photoconductive Terahertz Sources Based on Nanoscale Contact Electrode Gratings C. W. Berry, M. Jarrahi, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States A photoconductive terahertz emitter based on nanoscale gratings is presented and experimentally demonstrated. The nanoscale grating enables efficient, ultrafast operation by reducing the carrier transport path to the contact electrodes. The photoconductor eliminates the need for a short-carrier lifetime substrate, which limits the efficiency of conventional emitters. The photoconductor is fabricated, and emitted radiation is characterized in a THz-TDS setup, showing a 670 fs FWHM response time.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 59


WEPL-3: Analysis of Coupling Effects in Waveguides Using the BLT Equation and Numerical Methods J. Du1, J. Yook1, J. Ahn2, S. Hwang2, 1Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2Hanwha Corporation, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea The BLT equation has been used as a useful technique for analyzing coupling effects inside the huge devices in the frequency domain. To expand its applications into further complicated systems, it has been applied with numerical solutions. In this paper, the combination techniques are used to investigate the coupling effects in a waveguide structure. Consequently, it shows excellent agreements with the results calculated using much more time consuming full-wave analysis.



1330 – 1550

WEP Wednesday 20 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Shirook Ali, Research In Motion (RIM)


WEPN-6: An Electronically Controlled Semiconductor Laser Phased Array F. Aflatouni1, H. Hashemi2, 1California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States, 2University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States A two-element laser phased array is implemented where two commercially available DFB lasers are phase locked to a reference laser using two heterodyne Electro-Optical Phase Locked Loops with integrated CMOS electronics. The phase of each laser is controlled by phase shifting of the radio frequency signal outside the PLLs, eliminating optical phase shifters. By electronically adjusting the relative phase between lasers, beam steering over more than 1 mrad at the far field has been demonstrated.

WEPP WEPP-1: A New Power Amplifier Behavioral Model for Simultaneous Linearity and Efficiency Calculations J. C. Pedro, P. M. Cabral, T. R. Cunha, P. M. Lavrador, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal This paper proposes an innovative PA low pass equivalent behavioral model, BM, intended to enable the simultaneous prediction of linearity and efficiency in modern wireless transmitter chains. Beyond predicting the device’s input-output power characteristics in the fundamental zone, this new model also provides predictions of the PA absorbed dc power. Beyond the model format, a model extraction methodology and the corresponding laboratory test bench are shown. WEPP-2: Electrothermal Behavioral Model Identification and Validation from Time Domain Load Pull Measurement of a RF Power Amplifier F. Besombes1, E. Ngoya2, J. Mazeau1, R. Sommet2, S. Mons2, J. Martinaud1, 1THALES, Elancourt, France, 2XLIM, Limoges, France This paper presents a behavioral model for RF power amplifiers including load-pull and self-heating effects for radar applications. The model topology combines nonlinear scattering functions with a thermal model. This work focuses on model identification from time domain load-pull measurements and thermal simulations of the power amplifier. Comparisons between model and pulsed measurements, demonstrate its ability to accurately reproduce the signals and temperature for arbitrary load impedances.

WEPS WEPS-1: Overcoming Coil Misalignment using Magnetic Fields of Induced Currents in Wireless Power Transmission R. Jegadeesan1,2, Y. Guo1, M. Je2, 1National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 2A*Star, Singapore, Singapore Coil Misalignment in a inductively coupled wireless power transfer link reduces the power transfer efficiency significantly. We address the issue by boosting the flux linkage between the misaligned coils using a passive third coil positioned properly. By studying the flux sharing between three coupled coils, we proceed to boost the flux linkage between any two coils by positioning the third coil aptly. The significant improvement in power transfer efficiency is verified experimentally. WEPS-2: Wireless Power Transfer by Inductive Coupling for Implantable Batteryless Stimulators Y. Seo1, M. Nguyen1, Z. Hughes1, S. Rao2, J. Chiao1, 1The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, United States, 2 Med-Worx, Grand Prairie, United States This study investigated wireless power transfer with inductive coupling at a distance addressing the power requirement for chronic gastrostimulator implants. The system was designed to collect 10 to 20 mW of power to operate an implantable stimulator. The power transfer system efficiencies were investigated with different dimensions and turn numbers in coil antennas, distances between the two antennas, and variable loads. A maximum efficiency of 13.25% and working distance of 9 cm were achieved.

WEPS-3: Transmitter Illumination Taper as a Design Parameter for Wireless Power Transmission Systems S. J. Blank1, M. F. Hutt2, 1New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, United States, 2Hutt Systems, Wantagh, United States Wireless power transmission (WPT) is being studied for a variety of important applications. This paper presents a technique to compute the effect of varying transmitter aperture illumination tapers on beaming efficiency and on the power density variation incident on the receive aperture of a WPT system. Results are presented showing the effects on beaming efficiency and on incident power density variation. The optimal choice for transmit illumination taper is discussed.

WEPP-3: G-Functionals for Nonlinear Power Amplifier Digital Predistortion F. Mkadem, D. Y. Wu, S. Boumaiza, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada This paper expounds on the pruning of Volterra series used to linearize PAs with memory effects. This pruning approach identify a minimum set of dominant kernels needed in a Volterra series model. The pruned model is then applied to synthesize a DPD function. The proposed DPD model achieved more than 50dBc ACPR and -38dB EVM when a 45W GaN PA was driven by a 20MHz signal. The pruning of the Volterra series was found to lead to reduced span of the kernels values and better numerical conditioning.

WEPQ WEPQ-1: Nonlinear analysis of pulsed injection-locked oscillators F. Ramirez, A. Suarez, S. Sancho, E. Fernandez, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain Previous works have demonstrated the advantages of pulsed-waveform injection-locked oscillators for the generation of ultrawideband signals. Here an in-depth nonlinear analysis of these circuits is presented, clarifying the locking mechanism and enabling the determination of the synchronization band versus the pulse frequency. The response to small noise perturbations is analyzed and related to the phase noise spectrum. The analysis has been applied to an oscillator at 5 GHz.

WEPR WEPR-1: Experimental Visualization and Group Velocity Evaluation of Wave Packet on Left-Handed Transmission Line M. Tsuchiya1, T. Shiozawa2, 1NICT, Koganei, Japan, 2Kagawa National College of Technology, Mitoyo, Jordan Experimental visualization of a wave packet traveling along a composite right/left-handed transmission line in its left-handed band is successfully demonstrated. The demonstration is based on the RF wave visualization scheme of live electrooptic imaging technique in conjunction with composition of Fourier component video images. Propagation speed of the wave packet was evaluated spatially on its propagation video. In addition, its group velocity dispersion was characterized. WEPR-2: Design and Realization of Compact Folded Lange Coupler Q. Xu, Y. E. Wang, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States A compact folded Lange coupler is presented. To reduce the area, a single layer realization in a folded configuration is adopted. The measurement results indicate an insertion loss of 1.7dB, a phase difference of 93.5 degrees between coupled port and through port at 1.5GHz and an isolation better than 17dB from 1GHz to 2GHz. The proposed folded Lange coupler is well suited for MMIC technology and hybrid microwave integrated circuits.

Technical Track Key:

› 60

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1350 – 1530

WE3B: High Power Wideband Technologies Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 512ABEF Chair: George Duh, BAE Systems Co-Chair: PC Chao, BAE Systems

WE3A-1 1350 – 1410 Towards Ubiquitous RF Electronics Based on Graphene H. Wang, A. Hsu, B. Mailly, K. Kim, J. Kong, T. Palacios, MIT, Cambridge, United States Graphene electronics, with its extremely flexible surface and excellent transport properties, has the potential to play a key role in ubiquitous electronics applications, especially for building analog IC on highly flexible and transparent substrates. This paper discusses our recent progress in developing the basic device technology, the novel circuit design, and the new fabrication process towards making graphene flexible analog IC.

WE3B-1 1350 – 1410 8-42 GHz GaN Non-Uniform Distributed Power Amplifier MMICs in Microstrip Technology P. Dennler, D. Schwantuschke, R. Quay, O. Ambacher, Fraunhofer IAF, Freiburg, Germany Two 8-42 GHz monolithic non-uniform distributed power amplifiers with Pout 0.5 W have been designed and fabricated in MSL technology using AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. The first is a single-stage topology with an S21 of 6±1 dB, the second a dual-stage topology with an S21 of 14±2 dB, respectively, both measured over the entire frequency range. A large-signal methodology for the broadband design of the amplifiers given soft compression of the FETs and low PAE over large bandwidth is proposed and verified.

WE3A-2 1410 – 1430 Carbon Based Multi-Functional Materials Towards 3D system integration. Application to Thermal and Interconnect Management W. Chow2, C. Yap2, D. Tan2, M. Shakerzadeh2, M. Samani2, C. Brun3, E. Teo4, D. Baillargeat1, B. Tay2, 1Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 2Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 3Université de Limoges, Limoges, France, 4National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore In order to meet the demands of increasing package density and miniaturization of devices without compromising performance, the most challenging issues to tackle are thermal and interconnect management. In this paper, we will first understand the interfacial transport between Si and Carbon for better system integration and discuss how novel carbon films can be used for thermal extraction. Second, we will show how carbon nanotubes can be used as RF interconnects using a flip chip approach.

WE3B-2 1410 – 1430 Effective Suppression of Current Collapse in Both E- and D-Mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si by [(NH4)2Sx] Passivation S. Vicknesh1, S. Arulkumaran1, G. Ng2, 1Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 2NOVITAS, Nanoelectronics Centre of Excellence, Singapore, Singapore An effective suppression of drain current (Id) collapse was realized in both Enhancement (E)-mode and Depletion (D)-mode AlGaN/GaN High-electron-mobility-transistors (HEMTs) on 4-inch Silicon substrate by ammonium sulfide [(NH4)2Sx] passivation. The current collapse was studied using the pulsed I-V characteristics. With reference to the AlGaN/GaN HEMTs without sulfur passivation, about 30% of the Id collapse was suppressed for drain quiescent biases of 25 to 30 V.

WE3A-3 1430 – 1450 Non-Reciprocal Gyrotropy in Graphene: New Phenomena and Applications D. L. Sounas1, T. Szkopek2, C. Caloz1, 1École Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, 2McGill University, Montreal, Canada The non-reciprocal gyrotropic properties of magnetically biased graphene are presented and potential applications are proposed. Graphene exhibits strong Faraday rotation at microwave frequencies. As an application, we present a waveguide setup for the extraction of the conductivity tensor of graphene. Moreover, it is shown that a graphene strip supports surface magneto-plasmon modes at THz frequencies. Exploiting this effect, a non-reciprocal phase shifter is proposed.

WE3B-3 1430 – 1440 A Broadband Power-Reconfigurable Distributed Amplifier J. Kim1, Y. Kim1, S. Lee1, J. Jeong2, Y. Kwon1, 1Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea, 2Sogang University, Seoul , Republic of Korea The output power is reconfigured by employing double gate-bias control scheme to the bottom and middle FET’s, which maintains the efficiency under power back-off without degrading input and output return losses. At high power mode, the DA shows output power of 26.7 ~ 18.3 dBm from 1 to 40 GHz. In the low power mode, the output power is reconfigured to 25.2 ~ 14.2 dBm with the same input power. The efficiency degradation was less than 2 %. degradation.

WE3A-4 1450 – 1510 Transmission-line Metamaterial Antennas for THz Quantum-Cascade Lasers B. S. Williams1, A. Tavallaee1, P. W. Hon1, Z. Liu1, Q. Chen2, T. Itoh1, 1University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States, 2Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, United States We present a scheme for achieving active composite right/left handed (CRLH) transmission line metamaterial waveguides in the THz by loading THz QC-laser metal-metal waveguides with sub-wavelength capacitive and inductive structures. We discuss our progress in using transmission-line metamaterial concepts for the engineering of THz active leaky-wave antennas that provide amplification and exhibit beam steering.

WE3B-4 1440 – 1500 GaN Single-Chip Transceiver Frontend MMIC for X-Band Applications S. Masuda, M. Yamada, Y. Kamada, T. Ohki, K. Makiyama, N. Okamoto, K. Imanishi, T. Kikkawa, H. Shigematsu, Fujitsu, Atsugi, Japan An X-band transceiver frontend MMIC has been successfully developed by using GaN HEMT technology. The MMIC contains a power amplifier (PA) with output power higher than 19 W at 10.5 GHz, a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with a gain of 18.5 dB and noise figure of 2.3 dB at 10 GHz, and an SPDT switch. The fabricated transceiver MMIC occupying only 3.6 × 3.3 mm2 delivers an output power of 6.3 W. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first GaN single-chip transceiver frontend MMIC in the X-band.

WE3A-5 1510 – 1530 Semiconductor- and Carbon-Devices for Innovative Nanoscale THz Sensors and Imagers Y. Kawano, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku, Japan We present THz sensors and imagers based on a carbon nanotube (CNT) and a two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs/AlGaAs. The unique properties of CNT quantum dots have led to the development of a highly sensitive and frequency-selective THz detector. We have further developed a THz near-field imager in which all the components: an aperture, a probe, and a THz detector are integrated on one GaAs/AlGaAs chip. This scheme allows highly sensitive, high-resolution detection of the evanescent field.

WE3B-5 1500 – 1520 Comprehensive Thermal Analysis of Pulsed GaAs HPAs for Lifetime Estimation J. W. Pomeroy1, M. Kuball1, G. D. Morrison2, D. M. Craig2, B. Wilkinson2, M. Bernardoni1, 1University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2SELEX Galileo, Edinburgh, United Kingdom In pulsed applications, such as radar, estimates of FET channel temperature based on time-averaged modeling are inaccurate; the analysis must be done dynamically. A thermal model of an X-band power amplifier is constructed and validated against direct measurements by time-resolved Raman thermography, complemented by laser thermo-reflectance and infrared imaging. The consequences for radar system design are discussed, including the impact of RF drive on channel temperatures. WE3B-6 1520 – 1530 Novel 4-Way Combiner for Ka-Band AlGaN/GaN Power MMIC A. M. Darwish, J. X. Qiu, E. A. Viveiros, H. A. Hung, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, United States A Ka-band GaN MMIC power amplifier (PA) with a novel 4-way combiner/divider is presented. The on-chip balanced 4-way combiner results in improved input and output return loss, and increased bandwidth. The 32 – 38 GHz two-stage PA produces a maximum power of 6 watts under class-A operation. This is the first report of this novel compact, combiner concept.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 61


WE3A: Unprecedented Microwave Devices Based on Nano-materials Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 513ABC Chair: Luca Pierantoni Co-Chair: Christophe Caloz



1350 – 1530


WE3C: Advances in CAD Algorithms Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Roni Khazaka, McGill University Co-Chair: Peter H. Aaen, Freescale Semiconductor

WE3D: Unconventional Measurement Techniques Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 510BD Chair: Ken Wong, Agilent Technologies Co-Chair: Jon Martens, Anritsu

WE3C-1 1350 – 1410 Fast Electromagnetic Interference Analysis of Distributed Networks using Longitudinal Partitioning Based Waveform Relaxation S. Roy, A. Beygi, A. Dounavis, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada This paper presents a waveform relaxation algorithm for the fast incident field analysis of transmission lines. The proposed work realizes transmission lines using a delay extraction based model where the incident field coupling with the line is added as lumped sources distributed over the length of the line. A longitudinal partitioning scheme which ensures that the subcircuits are weakly coupled using delayed linear equations is presented for the fast convergence of the relaxation iterations.

WE3D-1 1350 – 1410 Contactless Measurement of In-circuit Reflection Coefficients R. Hou1, M. Spirito1, B. Kooij1, F. van Rijs2, L. C. de Vreede1, 1Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, 2NXP Semiconductors, Nijmegen, Netherlands A new contactless method to measure in-circuit reflection-coefficients is proposed. By local scanning of the EM field induced by a known structure embedded in a normally operating circuit, the reflection coefficients at the boundaries of this structure can obtained without interfering the circuit operation. Measured results are verified by conventional techniques. Reflection coefficients offered by individual wires in an array as used in large-periphery power device are also measured.

WE3C-2 1410 – 1430 Efficient Transient Simulation of Transmission Lines and Distributed Circuits Using High-Order Stable Methods M. A. Farhan1, E. Gad2, M. Nakhla1, R. Achar1, 1Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 2University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada This paper describes an efficient method for simulating large linear circuits in the time-domain using high-order stable methods. The target area of the proposed method is in circuit-based simulation of the large linear circuits that arise from full-wave modeling of distributed passive structures such as transmission-lines and microstrip elements. In these applications, the cost of linear system solution typically dominates the computational effort at each time-step.

WE3D-2 1410 – 1430 Generalized Solving Scheme of Line-Series-Shunt Type Calibration for Broadband On-Wafer Scattering Parameter Measurements C. Huang, Y. Chen, Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan This paper presents a generalized solving scheme of line-series-shunt type calibration, instead of lossy transmission line models on series/shunt standards in previous studies, for on-wafer S-parameter measurements. We utilize additional transmission lines for series/shunt standards to acquire parasitic elements directly, by two more determining equations in self-calibration procedure. The proposed method is examined by GaAs microstrip structure with verifications of other calibration methods.

WE3C-3 1430 – 1450 Macromodeling of Interconnect Networks from Frequency Domain Data using the Loewner Matrix Approach M. Kabir, R. Khazaka, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Recently, Loewner Matrix based methods were introduced for generating time-domain macromodels based on frequency domain measured parameters. These methods were shown to be very efficient and accurate for systems with a very large number of ports, however they were not suitable for distributed transmission line networks. In this paper, an LM based approach is proposed for modeling distributed networks. The new method was shown to be efficient and accurate for large-scale distributed networks.

WE3D-3 1430 – 1450 A 1-to-8 GHz Miniaturized Dielectric Spectroscopy System for Chemical Sensing A. A. Helmy, K. Entesari, Texas A&M University, College Station, United States This paper presents a miniaturized broadband dielectric spectroscopy system for dielectric characterization for 1-to-8 GHz frequency range. Sensor operation is based on detecting the phase shift of a signal passing through a true-time-delay cell at the presence of an organic chemical. Cascaded TTD cells are used to improve the detection accuracy and sensing bandwidth. Measurements show accurate detection of frequency dependent permittivity for organic chemicals with permittivities up to 20.

WE3C-4 1450 – 1510 Statistical Prediction of Temperature Effects Inside Through-Silicon Vias by Means of Orthogonal Polynomials P. Manfredi, F. G. Canavero, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy This paper presents a stochastic SPICE model for through-silicon vias (TSVs). The model is based on recent state-ofthe-art equivalent-circuit models for TSVs and allows to inherently include possible random variations of physical parameters. The underlying idea is the description of the stochastic circuit equations in terms of orthogonal polynomials, whose unknown coefficients are obtained from the deterministic solution of a modified system.

WE3D-4 1450 – 1510 Interferometric Technique for Microwave Measurement of High Impedances K. Haddadi, T. Lasri, IEMN, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France An interferometric technique for accurate and broadband measurement of microwave impedances is proposed. The method is based on the association of a vector network analyzer and a precise interferometer built from a power divider, a phase-shifter and an attenuator. The technique can be applied in a wide range of applications. In particular, an experimental demonstration of a near-field microwave microscope operating in liquid media is proposed.

WE3C-5 1510 – 1530 Second-Order Time-Domain Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Exploiting TLM M. H. Negm, M. H. Bakr, N. Nikolova, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada A novel adjoint variable method for estimating second-order sensitivities with time-domain TLM is introduced. For a structure with n designable parameters, the complete Hessian matrix is estimated using O(n) extra simulations as compared to O(n^2) using finite difference. Our approach is illustrated through estimating the second-order sensitivities with respect to dimensions and material properties of a dielectric discontinuity. A very good match is achieved compared with finite difference.

WE3D-5 1510 – 1530 A New Approach on Broadband Calibration Methods for Free Space Applications B. Will, I. Rolfes, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany This contribution deals with a calibration technique for free space applications, which uses the change of the electrical length by means of small frequency variations. Thus, this technique enables free space calibrations without the necessity of antenna displacements. Furthermore, the bandwidth of this procedure is not limited due to ambiguities of mechanical displacements. Additionally, symmetrical and reciprocal measurement objects can be characterized within the calibration procedure.

Technical Track Key:

› 62

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1350 – 1530

WE3F: Advances in Silicon-based Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Integrated Circuits and Systems Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 511AD Chair: Dietmar Kissinger Co-Chair: Robert Weigel

WE3E: Millimeter-wave CMOS signal sources Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 510AC Chair: John Papapolymerou, Georgia Tech Co-Chair: Deuk Heo, Washington State University

WE3F-1 1350 – 1410 Development of W and D-band Si-based MMICs at National Taiwan University H. Wang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan This paper summarizes the development of W and D-band Si-based MMICs at National Taiwan University. We have demonstrated many impressive results, including LNAs, PAs, VCOs, switches, and mixers. Both CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS technologies were applied in these designs.

WE3E-2 1400 – 1410 A 1.0V 31GHz Differentially Controlled CMOS VCO with 191.9 dBc/Hz FOM K. Miyashita, Asahi Kasei Microdevices, Atsugi, Japan 0.18um CMOS technology for low cost MMIC is demonstrated. This novel differentially controlled LC-VCO is very stable versus power supply variation and offers wide frequency turning range. The proposed VCO exhibits a tuning range of -2.5GHz from 28.5GHz to 31.0GHz, a phase noise of -110.3dBc/Hz at 1MHz (less than 1%) with VDD changing from 1.0~2.0[V] and FOM is -191.9[dBc/Hz]. This linear, low noise VCO is an ideal candidate for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar application.

WE3F-2 1410 – 1430 Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Sources and Imaging Systems Based on 45nm CMOS Technology M. Uzunkol1, F. Golcuk1, B. Cetinoneri2, Y. A. Atesal3, O. D. Gurbuz1, J. M. Edwards1, G. M. Rebeiz1, 1University of California San Diego, La Jolla, United States, 2Qualcomm, San Diego, United States, 3Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, United States This paper presents the recent advances in sources and imaging arrays for 100 GHz applications. For sources, multiplier approach has recently demonstrated 1 mW of power at 200 GHz using 45 nm CMOS technology. For active imaging arrays, high-efficiency on-chip antennas coupled with low-noise CMOS SOI detectors are built at 300 GHz and 1 THz for low NEP systems.

WE3E-3 1410 – 1430 A 20.7% Locking Range W-band Fully Integrated Injection-Locked Oscillator Using 90 nm CMOS Technology Y. Yeh, C. Huang, H. Chang, National Central University, Jhongli City, Taiwan A 20.7% locking range W-band injection-locked oscillator (ILO) using 90 nm CMOS technology is presented in this paper. The free-running oscillation frequency of the ILO is 97.6 GHz. The ILO demonstrates a locking range of from 88.1 to 108.5 GHz without bias tuning, a minimum conversion loss of 14.6 dB, and an output power flatness of within 2 dB. As compared to the previously reported ILOs in the MMW band, our proposed ILO has the widest locking range, and good power flatness.

WE3F-3 1430 – 1440 Characterization of a 400-GHz SiGe HBT Technology for Low-Power D-Band Transceiver Applications A. Balteanu1, I. Sarkas1, V. Adinolfi1, E. Dacquay1, A. Tomkins1, D. Celi2, P. Chevalier2, S. P. Voinigescu1, 1University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2STMicroelectronics , Crolles, France This paper describes a methodology for extracting the HICUM/L0 model of a 400-GHz SiGe HBT in the presence of strong self-heating. Good agreement is observed between measurements and simulations for DC characteristics, fT, fMAX, and Y parameters in a wide range of frequencies (DC to 170 GHz) and bias conditions. The low power capability of this process is demonstrated in a fundamental frequency 139-150 GHz VCO+16:1 prescaler consuming less than 99 mW when operated from a 1.5V supply.

WE3E-4 1430 – 1450 D-Band Frequency Synthesis Using a U-band PLL and Frequency Tripler in 65nm CMOS Technology A. Tang1, D. Murphy2, G. Virbila1, F. Hsiao1, S. Tam1, H. Yu2, H. Hsieh4, C. Jou4, Y. Kim1, A. Wong1, A. Wong1, Y. Wu3, M. F. Chang1, 1University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States, 2Broadcom, Irvine, United States, 3 Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, United States, 4TSMC, Roc, Taiwan This paper presents a digitally controlled frequency synthesizer in 65nm CMOS technology for D-band transceiver applications. The synthesizer uses a low frequency U Band (44-48 GHz) phase-locked loop to track a 50 MHz reference and then employs an injection locked frequency tripler (ILFT) to provide 130-133 GHz output. The proposed D-band synthesizer offers a phase noise of –82.5 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and consumes 92mW of power. The entire synthesizer occupies 0.68mm2 of silicon area.

WE3F-4 1440 – 1500 SiGe BiCMOS Transceivers, Antennas, and Ultra-Low-Cost Packaging for the ISM Bands at 122 and 245 GHz J. C. Scheytt, Y. Sun, K. Schmalz, R. Wang, IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany A transmitter IC with 5 dBm output power and directional on-chip power measurement for built-in-self-test is presented. A 122 GHz passive HBT diode mixer design is discussed and results are shown. Furthermore a highly integrated 245 GHz transmitter with 1 dBm maximum output power was realized. A low-loss on-chip antenna for 130 GHz with 60% efficiency was implemented and measured. It uses localized backside etching techniques and allows for simplified and very cost-efficent mm-wave packaging.

WE3E-5 1450 – 1510 A W-Band Divider-less Cascading Frequency Synthesizer with Push-Push ×4 Frequency Multiplier and Sampling PLL in 65nm CMOS L. Ye, Y. Wang, C. Shi, H. Liao, R. Huang, Peking University, Beijing, China A fully integrated 79-to-87GHz cascading frequency synthesizer, which combines a W-band push-push ×4 frequency multiplier and a K-band divider-less fundamental PLL with sampling phase detector, is implemented in a standard 65nm CMOS process. It consumes low power of 54mW, achieves as low as -100.1dBc/Hz @ 100kHz and -106.2dBc/Hz @ 1MHz phase noise performance at divide-by-2 frequency, covers 9.6% tuning range from 79 to 87GHz, and occupies smaller than 1.48×0.8 mm2 silicon area.

WE3F-5 1500 – 1510 A SiGe-Based 140-GHz Four-Channel Radar Sensor With Digital Beamforming Capability M. Jahn1, R. Feger1, C. Pfeffer1, T. Meister2, A. Stelzer1, 1Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 2Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany We present a multi-channel radar sensor operating at 140GHz that uses fundamental-wave SiGe-based chips which feature HBTs with 340GHz fmax. A separate voltage-controlled oscillator chip provides the LO signal with frequencies from 136 to 150GHz for four cascaded transceiver chips. The saturated transceiver output power is 4dBm. The maximum receiver gain is 19.5dB and the minimum double-sideband noise figure is 13.5 dB. The equivalent isotropically radiated power of a single channel is 5 dBm.

WE3E-6 1510 – 1530 A 32GHz Delay Locked Loop with a Full Rate Sub-psec Phase Detector in 40nm CMOS F. Aryanfar1, E. Ho2, X. Shi2, K. Desai2, C. Werner2, 1Samsung, Richardson, United States, 2Rambus, Sunnyvale, United States A mm-wave DLL using a full rate sub-psec PD is presented. The PD employs a differential lumped hybrid coupler to create and combine quadrature phase components of the input signals and performs amplitude measurement in order to measure phase difference between the inputs. The DLL and PD were implemented using the TSMC 40nm CMOS. PD works from 20-41GHz requiring significantly less input power than a divider based approach. The DLL has an 800MHz locking range centered at 32.3GHz and consumes 11mW.

WE3F-6 1510 – 1530 An Integrated 125 GHz Sensor with Read-Out Circuit for Permittivity Measurement of Liquids B. Laemmle1, K. Schmalz2, C. Scheytt3, R. Weigel1, D. Kissinger1, 1Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 3University Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany An integrated dielectric sensor designed as a 500 μm shorted half-wave coplanar waveguide transmission line in the top metal layer with read-out circuit in SiGe BiCMOS technology at 125 GHz is presented. Read-out of the sensor is performed by measurement of its reflection coefficient with an integrated multiprobe reflectometer and a VCO. Functionality of the sensor is demonstrated with a stimulus frequency from 118 to 133 GHz with immersion of the sensor into a binary methanol-ethanol mixture.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 63


WE3E-1 1350 – 1400 A 100-GHz Varactorless CMOS VCO Using Source Degeneration Y. Shiao1, G. Huang1, C. Chuang1, H. Hsieh2, C. Jou2, F. Hsueh2, 1National Nano Device Laboratories, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2 TMSC, Hsinchu, Taiwan We present a new varactorless voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) technique at 100GHz in 65nm CMOS technology. Using source degeneration, the new technique is able to change the output frequency of a VCO in a 100GHz fundamental mode with an at least 4GHz wide tuning range. The phase noise of the VCO is -85.1dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset from the 98.6GHz carrier frequency. The power consumption is 7.4mW when the supply voltage is 1.2V and the output frequency is 102.7GHz.



1350 – 1530


WE3G: Short-Range Radar and Positioning Systems Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 511BE Chair: Mohamed D. Abouzahra, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Co-Chair: Gregory Lyons, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

WE3H: A Tribute to Rüdiger Vahldieck Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 511CF Chair: Wolfgang J. R. Hoefer, Institute of High Performance Computing Co-Chair: Jens Bornemann, University of Victoria

WE3G-1 1350 – 1410 A 77-GHz Cooperative Secondary Radar System for Local Positioning Applications R. Feger1, C. Pfeffer1, W. Scheiblhofer2, C. M. Schmid1, M. J. Lang3, A. Stelzer2, 1Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 2Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 3DICE GmbH & Co KG, Linz, Austria A cooperative radar system for local positioning applications operating at 77 GHz is presented. It is based on multiple FMCW stations which transmit their measured signals to a processing unit. The required synchronization accuracy is relaxed due to the centralized processing. Phase noise and sweep non-linearity effects can be mitigated in the signal processing. Measurements show a performance improvement of approx. 6 dB compared to conventional methods.

WE3H-1 1350 – 1400 Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Transitions to Planar Transmission-Line Technologies F. Taringou1, D. Dousset2, J. Bornemann1, K. Wu2, 1Victoria University, Victoria, Canada, 2École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Canada For the purpose of integrating active, nonlinear and surface-mount components in substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) technology, this paper presents a variety of new and modified transitions from SIW to other planar transmission lines. Typical performances are shown involving connections to microstrip, coplanar waveguide (both conductor-backed and regular), coplanar strip line and slot line technologies. Measurements and full-wave simulations validate the proposed designs.

WE3G-2 1410 – 1430 Wireless Sensor Network with 24 GHz Local Positioning Transceiver D. Shmakov, R. Ebelt, M. Vossiek, Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany This paper reports on an innovative cooperative wireless localization network layout and the design of its network nodes. Each node consists of a 24 GHz FMCW secondary radar for bilateral range measurements between all nodes. A novel concept to distributedly pre-synchronize all network nodes with an error of less than 125 ns was implemented and combined with the 24 GHz local positioning radar. With prototypes of the sensor nodes a ranging precision of about 1 cm is demonstrated experimentally. WE3G-3 1430 – 1440 A Six-Port Interferometer Based Micrometer-Accuracy Displacement and Vibration Measurement Radar F. Barbon, G. Vinci, S. Lindner, R. Weigel, A. Koelpin, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany A new six-port based vibration and displacement measurement system is introduced featuring an RF frontend based on a passive six-port interferometer working at 24 GHz. Displacement detection and vibration measurement are important requirements to detect position and diagnose mechanical stress in diverse industrial environments. Unlike laser based optical interferometers the proposed hardware works also in harsh environments when a direct optical line of sight is not present due to fog or dust. WE3G-4 1440 – 1450 An IQ-Modulator Based Heterodyne 77-GHz FMCW Colocated MIMO Radar System C. Pfeffer1, R. Feger1, C. M. Schmid1, C. Wagner2, A. Stelzer1, 1Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 2DICE, Linz, Austria In this work the realization of a 77-GHz FDMA-based FMCW MIMO radar with four TRX channels in conjunction with a non-uniform linear antenna array is presented. The radar system, consisting of an RF-frontend utilizes transceiver chips with integrated IQ-modulators to generate the frequency shifted TX signals and a baseband board, is used for measurements to verify the system performance and to demonstrate the beamforming capability as well as the accuracy of the digital-beamforming method. WE3G-5 1450 – 1510 Millimeter-Wave Broadband Positioning System for Indoor Applications M. Bocquet2, C. Loyez1, M. Fryziel1, N. Rolland1, 1IEMN, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, 2IEMN, Valenciennes, France This paper presents the performance of a MMW positioning system operating in indoor environment and using impulse signals. Our approach is based on a focusing technique to minimize the performance degradations due to the multipath propagation. Experimental results validate the ability of the topology to perform multi-laterations based on a cooperation between sensors. The used focusing technique is detailed and its impact on the positioning accuracy is validated by numerous measurements. WE3G-6 1510 – 1530 Improvements in Distance Measurement and SAR-Imaging Applications by Using Ultra-High Resolution mm-Wave FMCW Radar Systems T. Jaeschke, M. Vogt, C. Baer, C. Bredendiek, N. Pohl, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany Due to advances in technology, resulting in coverage of higher frequency regions with lowcost semiconductors, ultra wideband radar is getting more feasible for several applications. In this contribution the effects of using radar systems with an ultra high spatial resolution for high precision distance measurements (also for bulk goods) and SAR imaging are discussed. Measurements with an 80 GHz wideband radar (24.5 GHz bandwidth) in these applications demonstrate the achieved advantages.

WE3H-2 1400 – 1410 TLM-based Time Domain Adjoint Sensitivities: State of the Art and Outlook M. Bakr, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada The pioneering work of Johns, Hoefer, Vahdlieck, and others has paved the way for the most recent developments in TLM-based adjoint sensitivity analysis reviewed in this work. We show through two examples that with one extra TLM simulation, the sensitivities of an arbitrary objective function are obtained with respect to all parameters, regardless of their number. WE3H-3 1410 – 1420 Simulation of Automotive EMC Emission Test Procedures Based on Cable Bundle Measurements 1 M. Gonser , C. Keller1, J. Hansen1, V. Khillkevich2, A. Radchenko2, D. Pommerenke2, R. Weigel3, 1Bosch, Stuttgart, Germany, 2Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, United States, 3University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany Two efficient simulation methods for predicting conducted and radiated automotive EMC emissions are presented. To verify the cable bundle model, a novel 32-port cable bundle test bench has been developed. The conducted emission is simulated in four parts connected on the circuit level. For the radiated emission we present a novel method using Huygens’principle to partition the setup. WE3H-4 1420 – 1430 Concept of Plasmonic Waveguide Inspired by Half-Mode Substrate-Integrated Waveguide 1 D. Baumann , C. Fumeaux2,W.Withayachumnankul2, R.Vahldieck1, 1ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia A new plasmonic HMSIW concept for optical frequencies is introduced.The design accounts for the particularities of the materials in the optical regime, yielding design rules different from those at microwave frequencies. It is shown that a plasmonic HMSIW of very compact size can guide electromagnetic waves over a short distance. The design parameters are derived from FVTD simulations. WE3H-5 1430 – 1440 Domain and Modal Decomposition for Efficient Signal and Power Integrity Analysis of Multilayer Packages and PCBs 1 2 1 E. P. Li , E. X. Liu , A*STAR, Singapore, Singapore, 2A*STAR, Singapore, Singapore This paper explores a special domain and modal decomposition approach that advances the modeling and simulation of multilayer electronic packages and boards for signal and power integrity analysis. Results obtained with this special decomposition approach are compared against measurements and full-wave simulations. The decomposition approach yields higher simulation speed with good accuracy. WE3H-6 1440 – 1450 On the Theory and Modeling of Dual-Mode Cavity Microwave Bandpass Filters S. Amari, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Canada The paper discusses the fundamentals of dual-mode cavity bandpass filters employing both field and circuit modeling. Fundamental constraints imposed by mode orthogonality and boundary conditions are emphasized. The role of tuning elements, coupling elements and polarization is addressed. Examples which challenge some of these concepts are presented. WE3H-7 1450 – 1500 Sampling of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields J. A. Russer1, T. Asenov2, P. Russer1, 1Technische Universität München, Munich,, Germany, 2University of Nis, Nis, Yugoslavia Characterization of noisy electromagnetic fields by sampling the field values in pairs of sampling points is discussed. Sampling of the electric or magnetic field in all pairs of a set of sampling points yields the correlation matrix of the field samples. Sampling the near-field in a surface enclosing the stochastic field sources yields the radiated far-field by means of their correlation matrix. WE3H-8 1500 – 1510 Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Transmission Loss of CMOS Process-Based Substrate Integrated Waveguide H. Tang, G. Yang, J. Chen, W. Hong, K. Wu, Southeast University, Nanjing, China Transmission loss of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) made with a CMOS process is investigated over millimetric and terahertz (THz) frequencies. The loss is dominated by the conductor loss. The extra loss is due to the periodically meshed metallic layers and the random surface roughness. An equivalent conductivity value of 8.6e7 S/m is found, which can be used for the design of SIW circuits and components made with a CMOS process. WE3H-9 1510 – 1520 Overview of the Research and Applications of the Space-Spectral Domain Approach (SSDA) M. Yu1, Y. Wang2, 1COM DEV, Cambridge, Canada, 2University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Canada This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Ruediger Vahldieck. An overview of the SSDA is presented, which combines the advantages of the 1D SDM and 1D MoL. Besides calculation of resonance frequencies, SSDA has been extended to analyze equivalent circuit parameters and S-parameters of planar discontinuities using the deterministic quasi-static SSDA. The algorithms are highly efficient for the design of MMIC’s and MHMIC’s. WE3H-10 1520 – 1530 The Superlens as a Filter of the Spatial Spectrum W. J. Hoefer, A*SAR, Singapore, Singapore Rüdiger Vahldieck has been an early pioneer in microwave filter design and optimization. His perspective of any multi-port as a filter, evident in much of his later work, has led to new insights and innovative approaches in Computer-Aided Design of microwave and mm-wave components. Adopting Rüdiger’s view, this paper treats the Veselago/Pendry Superlens from the perspective of a filter in k-space.

Technical Track Key:

› 64

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



WE3J: Multi-Mode Resonator and Wideband Planar Filters Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 513DEF Chair: Magdalena Salazar-Palma, U. Carlos III de Madrid Co-Chair: Sanghoon Shin, NRL

Notre-Dame Basilica of Montréal IMS WEDNESDAY SESSIONS

WE3J-1 1350 – 1410 Bandpass Filter With Generalized Multiple-Mode Ring Resonator Configuration T. Lin1, J. Kuo2, S. Chung1, 1National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan A new multiple-mode ring resonator is proposed for filter design. The ring trace is designed to achieve size reduction and wide stopband. A quintuple-mode resonator filter is realized for demonstration. Its area is only 72% of that of a conventional dual-mode ring. Coupling matrix is used for synthesis of the passband. In addition to a zero created due to inductive cross coupling, two zeros near the passband are generated by source-load coupling. Measured data match well with the simulation.

1350 – 1530

WE3J-2 1410 – 1430 Synthesis and Design of Four Pole Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) Bandpass Filter (BPF) Employing MultiMode Resonators (MMR) S. Khalid, W. P. Wen, L. Y. Cheong, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Malaysia A complete synthesis and design of fourth order UWB BPF has been presented in this paper. Based on MMR, equivalent circuit is used to derive transfer function which is then used to extract the filtering function. For optimal solution, mathematical formulation is used to calculate characteristic impedance of filter in order to have Chebyshev type frequency response. To validate the synthesis a prototype is designed and fabricated. Experimental results show good agreement with proposed synthesis.

© Daniel Matte

WE3J-3 1430 – 1450 A New Triple-Mode Microstrip Bandpass Filter Using a Patch-Loaded Cross Resonator R. Zhang, L. Zhu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore A microstrip triple-mode bandpass filter using a single patch-loaded cross resonator is reported. First, a square patch is added at the center of a cross resonator, which separates the first and second modes. Then, a pair of slots is etched into the square patch, which splits the first pair of the degenerate modes. Thus, these three resonant modes are individually controlled. Stub-loaded coupled lines are used to feed the resonator and to suppress the lowest harmonic passband. WE3J-4 1450 – 1510 Novel Multi-Mode Ring Resonator Transversal Array Bandpass Filter with Very High Skirt Selectivity Using Multiple Transmission Zeros M. Ohira, Z. Ma, Saitama University, Saitama, Japan This paper proposes a novel transversal array bandpass filter (BPF) composed of two ring resonators, which are arranged in parallel connection with respect to input/output lines. The multi-mode filter is modeled with five-path circuit formed by four resonant modes and source/load coupling. The designed BPF realizes a very sharp roll-off response because of transmission zeros located very close to the passband edge. The validity of the BPF is proven by design, fabrication, and measurement. WE3J-5 1510 – 1520 UWB and WiLAN Microstrip Diplexer for Differential-Mode Operation H. Lobato-Morales1, J. S. Sun2, A. Corona-Chavez1, J. L. Olvera-Cervantes1, T. Itoh2, 1INAOE, Puebla, Mexico, 2University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States A balanced microstrip diplexer integrating directional filter and UWB structures for electronic communications is presented. The proposed structure channelizes UWB and WiLAN bands at different ports in its differential-mode. Good noise attenuation is obtained for the common-mode operation. The prototype presents low dimensions and ease of fabrication, which add important characteristics for integration into existing systems. Simulated and experimental results are presented with good agreement. WE3J-6 1520 – 1530 Theoretical Design of Wideband Filters With Attenuation Poles Using Improved Parallel-Coupled Three-line Units C. Chen1, J. Oda1, T. Anada1, Z. Ma2, S. Takeda3, 1Kanagawa University, Yokohama-shi, Japan, 2Saitama University, Saitama-shi, Japan, 3Antenna Giken Co.,Ltd., Saitama-shi, Japan To implement wideband bandpass filters with improved skirt-selectivity and out-band characteristics, a new parallel-coupled three-line unit is proposed. After revealing its work mechanism, an efficient filter-design-scheme is correspondingly proposed for the proposed structure. The simulated frequency responses of the filter agree well with the theoretical ones, which validates the effectiveness of the newly-proposed three-line unit and the corresponding design scheme.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

© Tourisme Montréal, Stéphan Poulin

Located at only 8 minutes walking distance from the IMS convention center in downtown Montréal, this church was designed by James O’Donnell, a New Yorker Irish American, who was a strong proponent of the Gothic architecture and reflected his passion in the church architecture. The cornerstone was laid at Place d’Armes on September 1, 1824, and the final interior work was completed in 1879.

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 65



1600 – 1720


WE4A: Terahertz Communication Technology Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1600 –1720 Room: 513ABC Chair: Edward Niehenke, Niehenke Consulting Co-Chair: Imran Mehdi, JPL

WE4B: Advancements in Passive Technologies Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1600 –1720 Room: 512ABEF Chair: George Shaker, University of Waterloo Co-Chair: Ramesh Abhari, McGill University

WE4A-1 1600 – 1620 Efficient G-band Digital Communications Using Continuous Phase Modulation J. X. Qiu, C. R. Dietlein, T. G. Ivanov, D. A. Wikner, A. S. Hedden, E. A. Viveiros, H. A. Hung, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, United States Use of continuous phase modulation (CPM) for digital communications at G-band (216GHz) has been investigated and demonstrated. The unique combination of constant envelope and multi-level symbol-maps of CPM offer advantages of simultaneous high power-efficiency and spectral-efficiency. Waveforms with minimal distortion at full saturated power of the transmitter were demonstrated. The technique is ideal for upper millimeter-wave and terahertz communications where output power is limited.

WE4B-1 1600 – 1620 Isolator Utilizing Artificial Magnetic Gyrotropy T. Kodera1, D. L. Sounas2, C. Caloz2, 1Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan, 2École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada A novel isolator, consisting of a raised microstrip line on a substrate supporting two periodic rows of resonant metal rings loaded by a unilateral semiconductor lumped element, is proposed, analyzed, and measured. As a result, symmetrically configured FETs allow/prohibit power propagation in the pass/stop directions by allowing/ prohibiting the corresponding power flow along the rings. The prototype exhibits more than 30 dB of isolation at 3 GHz, in close agreement with the simulations.

WE4A-2 1620 – 1630 215GHz CMOS Signal Source based on a Maximum-Gain Ring Oscillator Topology J. Sharma, H. Krishnaswamy, Columbia University, New York, United States We introduce a Maximum Gain Ring Oscillator topology that maximizes power gain to maximize oscillation frequency while accounting for passive losses in a closed form. A 107.5GHz oscillator is implemented using 56-nm body-contacted devices of IBM’s 45nm SOI CMOS technology (~200GHz fmax). The 2nd harmonic is extracted using a load-pull-optimized network. The oscillator generates -14.4dBm of power at 216.2GHz with 57.5mW of DC power. The modeling of 45nm SOI CMOS for mmWave design is described.

WE4B-2 1620 – 1640 Study of the Mach-Zehnder Interferometric Technique for Dielectric Resonator Tuning H. J. De Los Santos1, C. Rusch2, Y. Chen3, 1NanoMEMS Research, Irvine, United States, 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 3Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany The modulation of a metallic microwave-scale Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) coupled to a dielectric resonator (DR) may be used to tune the resonance frequency of the latter. In this paper, we report on a theoretical study to develop an understanding of the intrinsic tuning properties of an MZI Ring-DR-Microstrip line system and, for the first time, present an experimental verification of the concept.

WE4A-3 1630 – 1650 A Single-Chip 630 GHz Transmitter with 210 GHz Sub-Harmonic PLL Local Oscillator in 130nm InP HBT M. Seo1, M. Urteaga1, A. Young1, J. Hacker1, A. Skalare2, R. Lin2, M. Rodwell3, 1Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, Thousand Oaks, United States, 2NASA Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, United States, 3University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States We present a 630 GHz transmitter IC based on a 210 GHz PLL and 3rd-order sub-harmonic transmit mixer in an 130nm InP HBT process. The transmitter output can be tuned across 15 GHz with -51 dBc and -74 dBc of phase noise at 100 Hz and 10 KHz offset, respectively. Measured saturated RF power was -30 to -33 dBm, while consuming 750 mW. The PLL occupies 1.37 mm2. To the authors’ knowledge, this work represents the first terahertz transmitter with on-chip (phase-locked) frequency generation.

WE4B-3 1640 – 1700 Compact and Low Cost Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity and Bandpass Filter Using Surface Mount Shorting Stubs A. Doghri, A. Ghiotto, T. Djerafi, K. Wu, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, Canada A compact and low cost substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity and bandpass filter using Surface Mount (SM) shorting stubs is proposed in this paper. These cavity and filter allows a drastically reduction in Printed Circuit Board (PCB) footprint. They are compact and also low cost as there fabrication involves standard PCB process and SM technologies. For demonstration purpose, one cavity and one 7th order bandpass filter were designed and fabricated over Ka-band.

WE4A-4 1650 – 1710 A Subharmonic Chipset for Gigabit Communication around 240 GHz D. Lopez-Diaz1, I. Kallfass2, A. Tessmann1, A. Leuther1, S. Wagner1, M. Schlechtweg1, O. Ambacher1, 1Fraunhofer IAF, Freiburg, Germany, 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology , Karlsruhe, Germany In this paper, we present monolithic integrated I-Q receive and transmit MMICs for wireless data transmission in the frequency range around 240 GHz. The chipset features an RF bandwidth of more than 80 GHz which corresponds to an IF bandwidth of more than 40 GHz. This enables the direct up and down-conversion of broadband IF signals like On-Off Keyed modulations.

WE4B-4 1700 – 1710 Design and Measurement of a Planar 9-Way Metamaterial Power Divider W. Lee, T. Chu, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan A planar 9-way metamaterial power divider composed of positive refractive index (PRI) material with right-handed unit cells and zero refractive index (ZRI) material with left-handed unit cells is presented. A semi-circular interface is between PRI and ZRI materials. The infinite wavelength phenomenon in the ZRI material with an equal magnitude and phase distribution is experimentally verified via field and circuit measurements. They are shown in good agreement with simulation results.

WE4A-5 1710 – 1720 RTD-based THz-MIC by Film-Diode Technology O. Cojocari1, C. Sydlo2, M. Feiginov2, P. Meissner2, 1ACST GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany, 2Technisce Universitaet Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany This work aims at development of extremely compact and low-cost THz sources. Resonant-tunneling diode (RTD) is monolithically integrated with planar resonator and Vivaldi antenna on transferred membrane-substrate by FilmDiode (FD) process. The highest obtained oscillation-frequency is 1111GHz. This is the highest frequency RTD-based oscillator reported so far, and the highest-frequency Terahertz Monolithic Integrated Circuit (THz-MIC) realized so far by FD-technology.

WE4B-5 1710 – 1720 Differential UWB Power-Distribution Network with Equal Power Ratio and Out-of-phase Singleended Outputs S. Shi1, W. Choi1, K. Tam1, W. Che2, Q. Xue3, 1University of Macau, Macao SAR, China, 2Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, 3City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China A novel differential UWB power-distribution network is proposed. By converting 4-port balanced filter to 3-port balun filter, differential power-distribution network based on two balun filters is realized. Prototype centered at 4 GHz for lower UWB band is designed and fabricated. The selective differential-mode passband response with 45% bandwidth and wideband common-mode rejection greater than 20 dB is obtained. The phase and amplitude imbalances are 180 +/- 2 degrees and 0.1 dB +/- 0.2 dB.

Technical Track Key:

› 66

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1600 – 1720

WE4D: RFID Technologies and Applications Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1600 –1720 Room: 510BD Chair: Apostolos Georgiadis, CTTC Co-Chair: Kazuya Yamamoto, Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

WE4C-1 1600 – 1620 A 6 to 24 GHz Continuously Tunable, Microfabricated, High-Q Cavity Resonator With Electrostatic MEMS Actuation M. S. Arif, D. Peroulis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States An all-silicon capacitive post loaded cavity tunable resonator, continuously tunable from C to K frequency bands is presented for the first time. All parts of the resonator are fabricated using silicon microfabrication techniques. The presented device is tuned electrostatically from 6.1 to 24.4 GHz (4:1 tuning range) with a measured unloaded quality factor (Qu) from 300-1,000.

WE4D-1 1600 – 1620 A Passive UHF RFID Pressure Sensor Tag with a 7.27 bit and 5.47pJ Capacitive Sensor Interface. A. Beriain1, I. Rebollo2, I. Fernandez1, J. F. Sevillano1, R. Berenguer1, 1Universidad de Navarra, San Sebastian, Spain, 2 FARSENS, San Sebastian, Spain A full passive UHF pressure RFID tag is presented. The characterization of the fabricated sensor interface connected to a MEMS pressure transducer shows a digital output with an ENOB of 7.27 bits and an FOM of 5.47pJ. The complete pressure sensor tag was also implemented and characterized inside a PVC pressure chamber. Successful ID and measurement communication with an EPC Gen 2 standard reader over a distance of 1.5m was achieved.

WE4C-2 1620 – 1630 Tunable Differential-Mode Bandpass Filters with Wide Tuning Range and Constant Bandwidth J. Mao1, W. Che1, Y. Ma1, J. Chen2, 1Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing, China, 2Nantong University, Nantong, China A tunable differential-mode filter with constant ABW is proposed. By introducing negative coupling, the bandwidth control is more flexible. Capacitors are introduced to adjust Qe. A tuning range of 74.5% can be achieved by controlling the coupling coefficient and Qe and the suitable choice of the varactor. A capacitor is loaded on the symmetry plane to separate the resonant frequencies of common modes, causing high common-mode suppression. SIRs are utilized to shift the harmonic up to 3 GHz.

WE4D-2 1620 – 1630 UHF Solar Powered Active Oscillator Antenna on Low Cost Flexible Substrates for Wireless Identification Applications A. Georgiadis1, A. Collado1, S. Kim2, H. Lee2, M. M. Tentzeris2, 1CTTC, Castelldefels, Spain, 2Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States The design of a 920 MHz active oscillator antenna using low cost flexible substrate materials is presented. Flexible amorphous silicon a-Si solar cells are properly integrated in the available area of the circuit substrate preserving the conformal nature of the circuit and providing operational autonomy by harvesting solar power without affecting the radiation properties of the active antenna.

WE4C-3 1630 – 1650 Tunable Bandstop Filter with a 17-to-1 Upper Passband 1 E. J. Naglich , J. Lee2, D. Peroulis1, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States, 2Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea Tunable bandstop filters with wide upper passbands are valuable in systems that operate over a wide frequency range in the presence of dynamic interference. This paper shows a tunable bandstop filter with a 17-to-1 ratio between its upper passband cutoff frequency and its lowest notch center frequency. The wide upper passband results from the combination of highly-loaded resonators and a new external coupling structure that is matched to the filter’s port impedance over a wide frequency range.

WE4D-3 1630 – 1650 Detection of Closely-spaced Objects by a Low-cost Reader at 2.45 GHz 1 N. Arbizzani , M. Del Prete2, D. Masotti1, A. Costanzo2, 1Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 2University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy A new microwave reading system is introduced, called RID (Remotely Identify and Detect), to locate and identify objects in indoor spaces. This is obtained by augmenting standard RFID reader activities with the electronic beam scanning capabilities. The technique is experimented at 2.45 GHz and is frequency-scalable: the higher the operating frequency the closer can be the tags to be detected. The system operations are demonstrated locating and selecting closely-spaced objects, fixed or moving.

WE4C-4 1650 – 1700 Octave Tunable Lumped-Element Notch Filter D. R. Jachowski, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, United States A new lumped-element notch filter architecture with uniform attenuation characteristics over an octave tuning range is described. The approach is demonstrated by a 20 to 55 MHz varactor-tuned two-resonator notch filter with minimum notch attenuation of 40dB, 3dB bandwidths of ~2.5 MHz, tuning times of less than 3 microseconds, control voltages below 5V, and passband insertion loss less than 0.2dB from 18 to 60 MHz.

WE4D-4 1650 – 1700 Wireless Impedance Measurement of UHF RFID Tag Chips H. Chen, Y. Mak, S. Bae, A. Bhadkamkar, D. van der Weide, University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States We present wireless impedance measurement for passive UHF RFID tag chips. The measurements are performed on the tag chip when it is connected to the tag antenna in the balanced mode as it operates; neither test fixture nor matching network is needed. The chip impedance measurement in absorbing state and reflecting state by using a time-domain vector reflectometer system. The experimental results are presented for a UHF RFID Gen2 device.

WE4C-5 1700 – 1720 Multi-Band Tunable Bandpass Filter with Nested Switchable Inductive Subcircuit for Multi-Decade Tuning A. Abbaspour-Tamijani, Freeform Wave Technologies, Los Angeles, United States A method is introduced for implementing tunable bandpass filters with ultra-wide tuning range. This method relies on varactors for fine tuning and switchable inductive sub-circuits for course sub-band selection and is suitable for implementing filters with constant fractional bandwidth. A two-pole tunable filter is reported that utilizes this technique to achieve tunability over the 21-460 MHz frequency range using standard diode varactors and PIN diode switches.

WE4D-5 1700 – 1720 Enhanced Front-End to Extend Reading Range of Commercial RFID Readers Using Efficient Multisine Signals A. S. Boaventura, N. B. Carvalho, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Aveiro, Portugal In this paper, multisine excitation signals are used to extend the reading range of commercial RFID readers. To do so, a commercial reader is equiped with an external multisine front-end that implements previous mathematical proposals. A reading range improvement is achieved when compared with conventional single carrier, even with the same average power being transmitted. A reading range improvement of near 43% is obtained for a 8-tone multisine signal with 2MHz tone separation.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 67


WE4C: Tunable Filters II: Filters with Broad Tuning Bandwidth Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1600 –1720 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Ian Hunter, University of Leeds Co-Chair: Andy Guyette, Naval Research Laboratory



1600 – 1720


WE4E: High Power GaN Amplifiers Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1600 –1720 Room: 510AC Chair: Jim Komiak, BAE Systems Co-Chair: Joe Qiu, Army Research Laboratory

WE4F: Advances in Ohmic Switches Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1600 –1720 Room: 511A Chair: Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue University Co-Chair: Chuck Goldsmith, Memtronics

WE4E-1 1600 – 1620 An X-Band Internally-Matched GaN HEMT Amplifier with Compact Quasi-Lumped-Element HarmonicTerminating Network H. Uchida, H. Noto, K. Yamanaka, M. Nakayama, Y. Hirano, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Kamakura, Japan A compact quasi-lumped-element resonator is proposed as a harmonic terminating network for power amplifiers. It consists of an inter-digital capacitor and a transmission line, and its compactness is suitable for packaged internally-matched FET amplifiers. An X-band internally-matched GaN HEMT amplifier has been fabricated with the proposed network to boost its power-added efficiency (PAE). As a result, PAE of 50 % with output power of about 20 W has been obtained in 10 % relative bandwidth.

WE4F-1 1600 – 1620 An RF MEMS Switch for High-Power Applications C. D. Patel, G. M. Rebeiz, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, United States This paper presents a stress- and temperature-stable RF-MEMS ohmic switch exhibiting high power handling (10W) and high reliability (100 million cycles at 2W of RF power) for DC-40 GHz applications. The device, which employs a Au/Ru contact, is fabricated with a surface micromachining process and achieves a contact force of 1.5mN per contact pair at Vp=90V, and a restoring force of 1.0mN. The on-resistance is 1-2 Ohms, the off-capacitance is 8fF, the Vp is 68V, and the switching time is 10us.

WE4E-2 1620 – 1640 A 80 W Broadband GaN HEMT Envelope Tracking PA Harmonically Tuned for WCDMA and LTE with 50% Average Efficiency N. Giovannelli1, A. Cidronali2, M. Mercanti1, R. Hernaman1, G. Wimpenny1, G. Manes2, 1Nujira, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy We discuss the development of a balanced GaN ET PA with optimised peak power and efficiency over 720 MHz to 960 MHz; the design was enabled by a wideband second harmonic control. The PA achieved performance delivers greater than 60% average efficiency across band at 80 W average power supporting multi-standard operations with both 2 channel WCDMA and 10MHz LTE signals. The overall system efficiency, including the ET modulator, is 50% or greater with a target -50 dBc ACR across the bandwidth.

WE4F-2 1620 – 1640 Low Temperature Superconducting DC-Contact RF MEMS Switch for Superconducting Tunable Resonators S. S. Attar1, S. Setoodeh1, R. R. Mansour1, D. Gupta2, 1University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 2HYPRES, Elmsford, United States A novel niobium-based superconducting DC-contact RF MEMS switch is presented. A comparison of the switch RF performance at room and cryogenic temperatures indicates a great improvement in the insertion loss of the switch. The mechanical characteristic of the switch at 4K is investigated. A niobium-based superconducting tunable resonator is designed and fabricated employing the proposed switch as the tuning element. The concept can be extended to realize a high-Q switched capacitor bank.

WE4E-3 1640 – 1700 Highly Efficient Doherty Amplifier with Peaking Cell Controlled Using Optimized Shaped Gate Voltage J. Kim1, C. Park2, 1ETRI, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 2KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea The optimum gate control for a peaking cell of a Doherty amplifier is proposed. The proposed gate voltage waveform based on a variation in transcoductance provides a sufficient fundamental current for a peaking cell, which is relevant to the performance of a carrier cell. For further verification, a fabricated Doherty amplifier controlled by the proposed method provides a drain efficiency of 49.2% at an average output power of 45.6 dBm with an 8.5 dB PAPR signal maintaining an ACLR of -48 dBc.

WE4F-3 1640 – 1700 A Compact, Low Loss Piezoelectric RF MEMS Relay with Sub 100-ns Switching Times R. M. Proie Jr., T. Ivanov, J. S. Pulskamp, R. G. Polcawich, ARL, Adelphi, United States This work reports on the effort to develop a low voltage, high performance RF MEMS relay within an existing MEMS process. The 54 x 43 µm2 relay achieved an insertion loss of under 0.2 dB from DC to 23.75 GHz at 5-V and an isolation from DC to 18-GHz of better than 30-dB. Additionally, the small, stiff structure achieved switching times of sub 100-ns with a 7-V actuation voltage and temperature measurements indicate stable operation from 0°C to 125°C.

WE4E-4 1700 – 1720 A 2.6GHz Band 537W Peak Power GaN HEMT Asymmetric Doherty Amplifier with 48% Drain Efficiency at 7dB H. Deguchi, N. Watanabe, A. Kawano, N. Yoshimura, N. Ui, K. Ebihara, Sumitomo Electric Device Innovations, Inc., Yamanashi, Japan A 537W saturation output power GaN HEMT asymmetric Doherty amplifier for 2.6GHz band was developed. The main and peak amplifiers were implemented with 210W and 320W GaN HEMTs. The newly developed 320W GaN HEMT consists of a single GaN die, both input and output partial match networks and a compact package. The asymmetric Doherty amplifier exhibited 48% drain efficiency with -50.6dBc ACLR at 7dB backoff power using a W-CDMA 4-Carrier signal and commercially available DPD.

WE4F-4 1700 – 1710 Shunt RF MEMS Contact Switch based on PZT-on-SOI Technology T. G. Ivanov, J. S. Pulskamp, R. G. Polcawich, R. M. Proie, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, United States This paper presents a novel RF MEMS contact switch based on PZT-on-SOI technology. PZT transducers provide 0.7 mN contact force at 16V bias voltage. Single crystal Si actuators, formed from the SOI device layer, ensure 0.7 mN restoring force. The switch has -0.1 dB insertion loss, -29.0 dB return loss and -27.4 dB isolation at 2 GHz. Unpackaged devices were tested in a single-cycle-resolution reliability test system and demonstrated lifetime of 100 million cycles.

WE4F-5 1710 – 1720 A Miniature RF MEMS Metal-Contact Switch with High Biaxial and Stress-Gradient Tolerance C. Niu, G. Rebeiz, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, United States This paper presents a miniature RF MEMS (Micro- -Electro-Mechanical System) switch design optimized for the high residual stress and stress gradient available in a thin metal layer process. The switch demonstrates a stress gradient tolerance of ±100 MPa/µm, with 40% pull-down voltage change. The up-state capacitance is 9.4 fF and results in 20 dB isolation at 20 GHz. The contact resistance is 3.6 Ω for an Au-Au contact under 30 V actuation voltage.

Technical Track Key:

› 68

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1600 – 1720

WE4H: Tunable Systems: Enabling Future Handset Technologies Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1600 –1720 Room: 511CF Chair: Shirook M. Ali Co-Chair: James Warden

WE4G-1 1600 – 1620 Microwave Biosensors for Identifying Cancer Cell Aggresiveness Grade L. Zhang1, C. Dalmay1, A. Pothier1, P. Blondy1, C. Bounaix Morand du Puch2, C. Laurette2, A. Lacroix3, F. Lalloue3, S. Battu3, M. Jauberteau3, 1Xlim, Limoges, France, 2Oncomedics, Limoges, France, 3Université de Limoges, Limoges, France This paper illustrates the potential of microwave frequencies for biological purpose analysis and demonstrates that cell cancer grades can be identified using microwave characterisations. Hence, based on permittivity measurements on 3 colon cancer cell lines loading RF resonators, the presented results show significant electromagnetic signature differences as function analyzed cell cancer grade.This sensing methode appears very promising to develop new powerful tools for early cancer diagnostic.

WE4H-1 1600 – 1620 Automatic Integrated Filter Tuning Techniques N. Zahirovic, R. R. Mansour, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada Multi-band and multi-mode radios are becoming prevalent and necessary in order to provide optimal data rates across a network with a diverse landscape of coverage areas. As the number of required bands and modes increases, the aggregate cost of discrete RF signal chains justifies the adoption of tunable solutions. In-circuit filter tuning of tunable filters will be crucial in order to ensure that the absolute tuning accuracy can be achieved despite process, voltage and temperature variations.

WE4G-2 1620 – 1640 Micromachined 100GHz Near-Field Measurement Probe for High-Resolution Microwave Skin-Cancer Diagnosis F. Töpfer, S. Dodorov, J. Oberhammer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden This paper reports on a novel millimeter-wave measurement probe for high resolution skin-cancer diagnosis. A 18times smaller tip size than conventional probes was achieved by micromachining a silicon-core tapered dielectric waveguide. Furthermore, a unique concept of micromachined test samples of tailor-made permittivity for mimicking tissue is presented. Fabricated probes and test samples were successfully characterized, and multiple layers emulating skin anomalies were clearly distinguishable.

WE4H-2 1620 – 1640 Dynamic Measurement of Complex Impedance in Real-Time for Smart Handset Applications S. M. Ali, M. E. Buckley, J. B. Deforge, J. P. Warden, Research In Motion, Waterloo, Canada The evolution of the mobile handset in support of 4G technology requirements continues to introduce significant challenges. Tunable systems promise improvements in performance and flexibility with the potential to relax limitations currently imposed on traditional RF components. This paper introduces techniques based on tunablity enabling the handset knowledge in real-time of the complex impedance at any stage of its RF front-end. The method is presented through simulations and measurements.

WE4G-3 1640 – 1700 Characterization of a TEM Cell-based Setup for the Exposure of Biological Cell Suspensions to Highintensity Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEFs) S. Kohler1, T. Vu1, P. Vernier2,3, P. Leveque1, D. Arnaud-Cormos1, 1XLIM, Limoges, France, 2MOSIS, Los Angeles, United States, 3University of South California, Los Angeles, United States In this paper, we propose and characterize a setup based on a Transverse ElectroMagnetic (TEM) cell to expose a Petri dish filled with a biological suspension to nanosecond high-voltage pulsed electric fields. Monopolar and bipolar pulses of 1.2 ns duration and 1.6 kV amplitude are delivered to the TEM cell. Time domain measurements and numerical results show that the system is well suited to deliver high-intensity pulsed electric fields with 1.2 ns duration and amplitudes of at least 100 kV/m.

WE4H-3 1640 – 1700 Tunable BaSrTiO3 Applications for the RF Front End A. H. Cardona, Agile RF, Santa Barbara, United States With the proliferation of radio bands within the cellular spectrum, specifically Long Term Evolution (LTE), a tunable RF front end is becoming a necessity. This article presents the design and performance of tunable antenna configurations for mobile device antennas using the company’s barium strontium titanate (BST) thin film technology.

WE4G-4 1700 – 1710 A 96 GHz Radar System for Respiration and Heart Rate Measurements S. Ayhan1, S. Diebold1, S. Scherr1, T. Zwick1, I. Kallfass1, A. Tessmann2, O. Ambacher2, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2Fraunhofer IAF, Freiburg, Germany Stand-off detection of vital signs with radar based sensors is a highly promising approach for applications in the field of medical surveillance, emergency and security. A 96 GHz continuous wave (CW) radar system based on waveguide-packaged MMIC radar components is set-up for accurate determination of human chest displacements. The radar set-up is described and its boundaries and limitations are analyzed. Measurements using a person in 1 m distance are analyzed in time and frequency domain.

WE4H-4 1700 – 1720 CMOS-MEMS Tuning and Impedance Matching Circuits for Reconfigurable RF Front-Ends 1 S. Fouladi , F. Domingue2, R. Mansour1, 1University of Wateloo, Waterloo, Canada, 2Université du Québec à TroisRivières, Trois-Rivières, Canada Tunable radio-frequency microelectromechanical system (RF-MEMS) impedance matching networks for the compact implementation of reconfigurable RF front-ends for multistandard applications are presented in this paper. Different networks are presented which improve the overall performance in terms of power handling, size, insertion loss and DC power consumption by utilizing RF-MEMS technology. The integration of the RF-MEMS impedance matching networks in standard CMOS technologies is presented.

WE4G-5 1710 – 1720 Design of a UWB Radar System for Remote Breath Activity Monitoring S. Pisa, E. Pittella, E. Piuzzi, M. Cavagnaro, P. Bernardi, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy In this paper a theoretical approach has been followed for designing a ultra wideband radar for breath activity monitoring. The designed radar complies with the Federal Communication Commission emission mask and is able to discriminate among breath activity phases. This radar has been implemented by using an indirect time domain reflectometry system and tested for pulmonary function monitoring. It has been able to follow the breath activity of a subject in agreement with spirometry results.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 69


WE4G: Biomedical Sensors Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1600 –1720 Room: 511BE Chair: Claude Weil, NIST Boulder Co-Chair: Arnaud Pothier, XLIM Research Institute



WE4J: Novel Periodic Structures and Metamaterials Wednesday 20 June 2012 Time: 1600 –1720 Room: 513DEF Chair: David R. Jackson, University of Houston Co-Chair: Paolo Lampariello, ‘La Sapienza’ Univ. of Rome


WE4J-1 1600 – 1620 Artificial Surfaces of Intertwined Square Spirals: A CPW Model A. Vallecchi1, A. Schuchinsky2, 1University of Siena, Siena, Italy, 2Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom Intertwining planar spirals arranged in doubly periodic arrays enables a strongly subwavelength response of the unit cell smaller than 1/40 of wavelength with large fractional bandwidths. A coplanar waveguide (CPW) model has been developed to analytically estimate the equivalent capacitance and inductance of intertwined spiral array elements in terms of their geometric parameters. This CPW model accurately predicts the fundamental resonance frequency and can be instrumental in the array design.

1600 – 1720

Dorchester Square Place du Canada

WE4J-2 1620 – 1630 Development of Semi-Planar Chiral Metamaterials D. Zarifi, M. Soleimani, V. Nayyeri, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran Development of chiral metamaterial (CMM) structures in order to achieve miniaturized CMMs and dual-band CMMs are aimed. for the first purpose, two general ideas are proposed: using dendritic fractal geometry, and using wideband antenna designs. Afterwards, a novel dual-band CMM structure is designed and fabricated. The results show that the proposed structure exhibits giant optical activity and negative refractive indices for the RCP and LCP waves in two adjustable frequency bands. WE4J-3 1630 – 1650 Highly Dispersive Delay Structure Exploiting the Tight Coupling Property of the CRLH-CRLH Coupler for Enhanced Resolution Analog Signal Processing S. Gupta, C. Caloz, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, Canada A novel dispersive delay structure (DDS) based on a CRLH-CRLH coupler is proposed, analyzed using a quasi-TEM transmission line model, and demonstrated by both full-wave and experimental results. Compared to conventional all-pass C-sections, the proposed CRLH based DDS provides a much larger group delay swing, thereby leading to much higher resolution in analog signal processing (ASP) applications, due to its capability of providing extremely high coupling levels.

© Tourisme Montréal

WE4J-4 1650 – 1710 A Dual Band SIW Leaky Wave Antenna J. Machac, M. Polivka, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic The results of an investigation of a new version of a leaky wave antenna based on a CRLH substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) are presented. The antenna radiates in two frequency bands. The radiation pattern main lobe can be steered by changing the frequency in both bands from backward to forward direction. The measured characteristics are in good agreement with those predicted by the simulation. The SIW structure based on standard PCB technology makes the antenna suitable for integration. WE4J-5 1710 – 1720 Mode Analysis of Nonreciprocal Metamaterials Using a Combination of Field Theory and Transmission Line Model A. Porokhnyuk1, T. Ueda1, Y. Kado1, T. Itoh2, 1Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 2University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States An approach to describe transmission characteristics of nonreciprocal metamaterials is proposed by using a combination of field theory and transmission line model. It is implemented into the analysis of nonreciprocal negativeepsilon transmission line composed of a normally magnetized ferrite-rod-embedded microstrip line periodically loaded with shunt stubs. The approach describes epsilon-negative characteristics below the cutoff, nonreciprocity in phase, and agrees well with FEM simulation.

Technical Track Key:

› 70

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

© Tourisme Montréal

Oases of greenery in the very heart of Montréal, Dorchester Square and Place du Canada are lined by churches and superb older buildings, as well as more recent ones. This Square was formerly the site of the Montréal Catholic Cemetery, between 1799 and 1854.

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest


0800 – 0940

Room 511CF

TH1H: Focus Session - Tunable Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators (FBARs) Chair: S. Gevorgian, Chalmers University Co-Chair: A. Vorobiev, Chalmers University

Abstract: Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators (FBARs) based on piezoelectric AlN are one of the success stories in recent years. The production yield of these devices may be increased by very tight processing tolerances and post fabrication adjustment processes. These costly processes may be eliminated if the resonant frequency of the FBAR is tunable. The tunability, in addition, offers extra flexibility especially in applications in agile microwave communication systems. The Session addresses different tuning mechanisms and methods being currently investigated. Both intrinsic and extrinsic tuning mechanisms will be discussed in this Session. The intrinsically tunable FBARs utilize electric field and temperature induced changes in the acoustic parameters of the piezoelectric films. The extrinsically tunable AlN and ZnO FBARs make use of external tuning capacitors and inductors. Tunable resonators based on polar (piezoelectric) and paraelectric phase ferroelectrics will be considered as well.

1010 – 1150

Room 511CF

TH2H: The Evolution of Some Key Active and Passive Microwave Components Chair: Lawrence R. Whicker, LRW Associates Abstract: This session reviews some key active and passive microwave component developments during the past 60 years and points out the importance of these activities. It covers passive and adaptive filters, ferrite components, vacuum tubes, low-noise devices and amplifiers, power amplifiers, and T/R modules for active arrays.


1200 – 1320

Room 516 AC

Panel Session: The Mathematics and the Physics of MIMO (Multi-inputmulti-output) Systems Organizer: Dr. Tapan Sarkar, Syracuse University Panelists: 1. Miguel Lagunas, The Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Spain 2. Micheal Wicks, Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory 3. Magdalena Salazar Palma, Professor of Microwave and Electromagnetic Theory 4. Magdy Iskander, Professor and Director of Hawaii Center for Advanced Communications 5. Christos Christoudoulou, Professor of Electromagnetics, University of New Mexico Panel Description: The basic principle of MIMO is similar to a simultaneous multimode propagation in an over moded waveguiding system. The philosophy is that simultaneous transmission in parallel using multiple modes is better than using a single mode. This is basically the principle in MIMO Radar, MIMO communication and so on. The objective of the panel session is to look at the scientific basis of such a system. Specifically, even though such a system may be unique form a philosophical standpoint, but does that still carry over to practical system implementations? The goal will be to delineate under what conditions this methodology will yield meaningful results and when it will not.


1350 – 1530

Room 513ABC

TH3A: Focus Session - Linearizability of GaN from Device, Circuit to System Levels Chair: Joe Qiu, U.S. Army Research Laboratory Co-Chair: Ali Darwish, The American University in Cairo


1350 – 1530

Room 511BE

TH3G: Focus Session - Multi-port Technology for Radio and Radar Applications Chair: Serioja Ovidiu Tatu, INRS-EMT Co-Chair: Adriana Seban, ITN Linkoping University, Sweden Abstract: The multi-port circuit theory was first developed in the 1970s for the accurate automated measurements of the complex scattering coefficients in microwave networks. Since 1994, the multi-port techniques were further developed for microwave and millimeter wave radios. Several multi-port architectures for specific applications such as communications receivers, automotive radar or imagery have been developed and implemented. Basically, the multi-port is a passive circuit, composed of several couplers, interconnected by transmission lines and phase shifters. The multi-port acts as an interferometer. By using appropriate devices connected to output ports, this circuit can provide specific functions such as quadrature down-conversion or direct modulation. The Session will highlight unconventional multi-port technology developed during the past decades and recently. It will also give the six-port community an opportunity to honor the Emeritus Professor Renato G. Bosisio, who dedicated a major part of his brilliant research carrier developing and promoting this technology.


1350 – 1530

TH3H: Special Session - Remembering Roger Pollard

Room 511CF

Chair: John Barr, Agilent Technologies (retired), Santa Rosa, United States Abstract: Dr. Roger Pollard was a long time active volunteer for the IMS, MTTS, IEEE and ARFTG, and he was a distinguished educator, researcher, and administrator for the University of Leeds, UK. Roger served as IEEE Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE Board of Directors Secretary and MTTS President. His IEEE activities first started with UKRI chapter & section. While on the MTTS AdCom, he became a leader in electronic information access and as Chair of the TAB/PAB Products Committee, Roger provided the leadership for the creation of IEEE Xplore, which has evolved into a world-class resource for technical information. Roger recently retired as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for University of Leeds after a distinguished career which included supervising 56 successful Ph.D. candidates. His personal research interests were in microwave network measurements, calibration and error correction, microwave and millimeter-wave circuits, terahertz technology and largesignal & nonlinear device characterization. During this time he also worked as a consultant to Agilent Technologies contributing to new generations of Vector Network Analyzers for RF / microwave / millimeter frequencies. In this memorial session, speakers will reflect on the many aspects of the microwave community that Roger touched.

› 71



Abstract: The Gallium Nitride (GaN) semiconductor is a recent breakthrough in materials technology, which supersedes the performance of traditional technologies. In fact, due to its semiconducting properties, GaN has a wide band gap which enables high-power densities, high operating frequency, large voltage breakdown, and radiation hardness. The low output capacitance of the GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) enables fast switching speed and high-frequency operation. For these reasons, GaN devices will be the dominant enabling technology in the future for a wide variety of high-frequency systems over other semiconductor technologies such as Silicon, Gallium Arsenide, and Indium Phosphide. On the other hand, the wide application of GaN power amplifiers has been hindered by several challenges at multiple levels of the GaN technology (device, circuit and system). This Session addresses the major challenges in the wide adoption of GaN based power amplifiers by discussing the different device, circuit and system level design considerations for enhancing linearity.



0800 – 0940


TH1A: Rectifiers for Microwave Wireless Power Transmission Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 0800 –0930 Room: 513ABC Chair: Manos Tentzeris, Georgia Tech Co-Chair: Zoya Popovic, University of Colorado

TH1B: HF, VHF and UHF Power Amplifiers and Applications Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 0800 –0920 Room: 512ABEF Chair: Marc Franco, RFMD Co-Chair: Frank Sullivan, Raytheon Company

TH1A-2 0800 – 0810 An Improved Analytical Model for RF-DC Conversion Efficiency in Microwave Rectifiers J. Guo, X. Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China This paper presents an improved analytical model for diode efficiency in microwave rectifiers. This model provides a method to determine the input power at which the peak reverse voltage across the diode starts to exceed the diode breakdown voltage, resulting in efficiency drop. Closed-form equations are derived to calculate the diode efficiencies at various input power levels. A 2.45 GHz microwave rectifier is designed and measured. The experimental results agree well with the proposed model.

TH1B-2 0800 – 0810 Low-Cost 63% Efficient 2.5-kW UHF Power Amplifier for a Wind Profiler Radar B. Lindseth1, T. Kelly3, W. O. Brown1, T. Hock1, S. A. Cohn1, Z. Popovic2, 1NCAR, Boulder, United States, 2University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, United States, 3NXP Semiconductors, Smithfield, United States This paper describes a low-cost 449-MHz 2.5-kW peak pulse amplifier for use in a wind profiling radar. New highpower LDMOS transistors are enabling the use of kilowatt level pulse power amplifiers for under US25¢/W in transistor costs. With pulse duty cycles of 10-20%, kilowatt modules with efficiencies greater than 60% can be combined to achieve multi-kilowatt transmitters, allowing higher transmit powers and improved radar signal to noise ratio.

TH1A-3 0810 – 0830 A Class E Synchronous Rectifier based on an E-pHEMT Device for Wireless Powering Applications M. N. Ruiz , R. Marante, J. A. García, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain In this paper, the design of a class E synchronous rectifier, working in the 900 MHz frequency band and based on an Enhancement-mode Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor (E-PHEMT), is proposed. This type of device may offer an excellent performance when operated as a switch without biasing its gate terminal. An efficiency peak of 83% has been measured, staying above 70% for a 14 dB input power range, a distinguishing characteristic when compared to Schottky diode based alternatives.

TH1B-3 0810 – 0830 A UHF Class E2 DC/DC Converter using GaN HEMTs R. Marante1, M. N. Ruiz1, L. Rizo1, L. Cabria2, J. A. Garcia1, 1University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, 2TTI Norte, Santander, Spain In this paper, the design of a class E2 resonant DC/DC converter, operating at UHF band, is proposed. Combining the use of GaN HEMT devices, both for the inverter and the synchronous rectifier, with high Q lumped-element multiharmonic matching networks, a peak efficiency value of 72% has been obtained at 780 MHz with a 10.3 W output power. By means of a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) over the gate driving envelope, a small-signal bandwidth and a slew rate of 11 MHz and 630 V/uS were estimated.

TH1A-4 0830 – 0850 High-Efficiency Harmonically-Terminated Rectifier for Wireless Powering Applications M. D. Roberg, E. Falkenstein, Z. Popovic, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, United States In wireless powering, rectifier efficiency has a large effect on system efficiency. This paper presents an approach to efficient microwave rectifier design based on reduced conduction angle amplifier theory. A class-C 2.45 GHz Schottky-diode rectifier with short-circuit harmonic terminations is designed using source-pull measurements, and demonstrates an efficiency of 72.8% when matched to 50 Ohms. The approach is applied to integration of a rectifier with a dual-polarization patch antenna.

TH1B-4 0830 – 0840 A 25.6 W 13.56 MHz Wireless Power Transfer System with a 94% Efficiency GaN Class-E Power Amplifier W. Chen1, R. A. Chinga2, S. Yoshida3, J. Lin2, C. Chen1, W. Lo1, 1ITRI, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2University of Florida, Gainesville, United States, 3NEC Corporation, Tsukuba, Japan In this work, we propose a 13.56 MHz GaN Class-E power amplifier, which takes into account transistor parasitic effects. The design uses the parasitic capacitance of the transistor to replace the charging capacitance, simplifying the circuit structure and obtaining a 93.6% efficiency at output power of 26.8 W. In addition, a wireless power transfer system using the proposed Class-E amplifier is demonstrated, achieving a 73.4% system efficiency when the power delivered to the load is 25.6 W.

TH1A-5 0850 – 0900 Compact Class-F RF-DC Converter with Antisymmetric Dual-Diode Configuration A. Noda, H. Shinoda, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan A compact configuration of RF to dc power conversion circuits that approximately operates as a class-F rectifier is proposed. Stub filters for even harmonics are eliminated by using an antisymmetric configuration of two singleshunt-diode rectifiers. Although a fabricated circuit is composed of only a impedance matching network at fundamental frequency and a third harmonic rejection filter, approximately short terminations for the second and the forth harmonics are also achieved.

TH1B-5 0840 – 0900 A 25 dBm Parallel Class E Power Amplifier with Minimal Efficiency Degradation under 10 dB Back-off N. Singhal, R. Patel, S. Pamarti, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States This paper implements a Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) Contour based power amplifier previously proposed theoretically by the authors. The proposed PA, implemented using discrete components on an FR4 PCB, achieves a peak power of 25dBm and a peak drain efficiency of 65% at about 6dB back-off from the peak output power at 100 MHz from a 3V supply.

TH1A-6 0900 – 0910 RF to DC CMOS Rectifier with High Efficiency over a Wide Input Power Range for RFID Applications S. Scorcioni, A. Bertacchini, L. Larcher, A. Ricciardi, D. Dondi, P. Pavan, Universita Degli Studi Di Modena E Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy We present a novel RF-DC rectifier that converts the energy received from a RFID reader into a regulated DC output voltage. Our design proposes a novel active load circuit that adjust the delivered output current as a function of the incoming RF energy. Circuit prototype fabricated in ST130nm CMOS technology is able to convert an -14÷+1dBm RF input power at 868MHz into an output voltage of 1.6÷1.8V. Rectifier efficiency remains above 30% in the -12÷+1dBm input power range, with a peak of 45%.

TH1B-6 0900 – 0920 Class-E RF Power Amplifier with a Flat-Top Transistor-Voltage Waveform A. Mediano1, N. O. Sokal2, 1University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, 2Design Automation Inc., Auburndale, United States This paper introduces a Class-E RF amplifier topology designed to obtain a flat-top transistor-voltage waveform whose peak value is 2.9 times the DC supply voltage instead of the 3.6 times (81%) associated with “Classical” Class-E amplifiers. A normalized design, simulation and verification with laboratory measurements are presented. The ratio of output power versus transistor peak voltage times peak current is 0.118 versus 0.098 in “Classical” designs.

TH1A-7 0910 – 0930 Spintronics-Based Devices for Microwave Power Harvesting S. Hemour1, D. Houssameddine2, R. Whig2, J. M. Slaughter2, K. Nagel2, S. Aggarwal2, Y. Gui3, C. M. Hu3, K. Wu1, 1 École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2Everspin Technologies, Chandler, United States, 3University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Schottky diode rules today in most rectifying circuits. However, for µW power harvesting applications, the diodes fail to provide satisfying RF-to-DC conversion efficiency. This work introduces for the first time a spintronics-based nonlinear component for power rectification. Along with an analysis of the role of the nonlinearity and the zero bias resistance in the rectification process, it will be shown how the spindiode can provide 10 times more power than a Schottky diode.

Technical Track Key:

› 72

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



0800 – 0940 TH1D: Advanced Transceiver Architectures for Wireless Communication Systems Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 0800 –0940 Room: 510BD Chair: Shoichi Narahashi, NTT DOCOMO, INC. Co-Chair: Chang-Ho Lee, Qualcomm

TH1C: High Performance Non-Planar Filters Technologies 1 Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 0800 –0940 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Roberto Sorrentino, University of Perugia Co-Chair: Richard Snyder, RS Microwave

TH1D-1 0800 – 0820 Evaluation of Pulse Modulators for All-Digital Agile Transmitters N. V. Silva, A. S. Oliveira, N. B. Carvalho, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal All-digital transmitters are gaining increased access over the last years, mainly due to white space technology needs. In this paper a new FPGA-based multichannel multimode agile transmitter architecture is presented. The new configuration includes improvements in PWM and Σ∆ modulators, which are designed in order to optimize important figures of merit for RF transmitters, such as coding efficiency, usable bandwidth and SNR.

TH1C-2 0820 – 0840 A New Class of Pseudo-Elliptic Waveguide Filters using Resonant Posts C. Tomassoni, R. Sorrentino, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy A new class of rectangular waveguide filters using resonators composed of two identical metal posts in antipodal position has been presented. Such filters exploit the non-resonating modes of double post resonators in order to obtain filtering functions with transmission zeros. The filter structure is simple as it is composed only of posts of the same diameter. The feasibility of the proposed structures has been demonstrated by the experimental results of a 4th order filter with 2 transm. zeros.

TH1D-2 0820 – 0840 RF Sub-sampling Receiver Architecture based on Milieu Adapting Techniques N. Behjou1, T. Larsen2, O. K. Jensen2, 1Radiocomp, Hilleroed, Denmark, 2Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark A novel sub-sampling based architecture is proposed which has the ability of reducing the problem of image distortion and improving the signal to noise ratio significantly. The technique is based on sensing the environment and adapting the sampling rate of the receiver to the best possible selection. The proposed technique is applied to an RF sub-sampling receiver and has revealed great improvements in the SNIR of the receiver.

TH1C-3 0840 – 0900 Dual-Resonance Combline Resonator for Dual-Band Filters J. A. Ruiz-Cruz1, M. M. Fahmi2, R. R. Mansour2, 1Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada A novel combline resonator is introduced in this paper for realizing compact microwave dual-band filters. The basic resonator is based on the well-known combline topology, where an additional metallic conductor is introduced. The resonant frequencies of the two resonant modes are controlled by the length of the two concentric conductors and their spacing. The proposed structure is used for a dual-band filter, presenting simulations as well as measurements, showing excellent agreement.

TH1D-3 0840 – 0900 Digital Pre-distortion for Improving Efficiency, Linearity and Average Output Power of Microwave Point-to-Point Power Amplifiers used in Cellular Backhaul Telecommunication Systems R. A. Branson, C. Steinbeiser, K. Tran, B. Loran, D. Wohlert, TriQuint Semiconductor, Richardson, United States Digital Pre-distortion (DPD) has been demonstrated to significantly improve linearity while increasing efficiency and average output power in microwave Point-to-Point power amplifiers, such as those used in microwave backhaul for cellular communication systems. By applying Digital Pre-distortion to a three-stage 15 GHz amplifier, linearity was improved more than 20 dB, efficiency at back off was improved from 2.5% to 8.9%, and average output power increased from 22.5 dBm to 26.3 dBm.

TH1C-4 0900 – 0920 Ku-Band High Power Dielectric Resonator Filters A. Panariello1, M. Yu1, C. Ernst2, 1Com Dev, Cambridge, Canada, 2European Space Agency, Noordwijk ZH , Netherlands In this paper, a novel dielectric-resonator filter configuration is presented. The new filter offers superior Q and wider spurious-mode free range at Ku-Band. Moreover it offers 70% mass savings over the TE114 dual mode design and over 50% foot print reduction compared with the TE113 dual-mode implementation. These characteristics make this novel technology extremely suitable for output multiplexer used in Ku-Band satellite application.

TH1D-4 0900 – 0920 Spectral Spike Reduction for Ultra-wideband Impulse Radio System A. Pearce1, H. Nie2, Z. Chen3, 1Cobham, Dartmouth, Canada, 2University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, United States, 3 Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada The ultra-short impulse transmission technologies, such as the recently developed differential code-shifted-reference system, provide a promising time-domain transceiving technology for new UWB designs. Unfortunately, such short impulse transmission often generates spectral spikes that force UWB transmit power back off of more than 10dB. In this paper, we present an application of a simple technique to reduce these spectral spikes. UWB impulse radio output power can then be maximized.

TH1C-5 0920 – 0930 Compact Ku Band Filter based on BMT Dielectric Resonators Made in a Single Part using 3D Ceramic Stereolithography Process L. Carpentier1, N. Delhote1, S. Verdeyme1, L. Estagerie2, H. Leblond3, D. Pacaud3, 1XLIM, Limoges, France, 2CNES, Toulouse, France, 3Thales Alenia Space, Toulouse, France A Ku band 6 pole quasi-elliptic filter based on dielectric resonators is presented. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that temperature stable BMT ceramic material (er = 24.4 and tan δ = 0.95.10-5 at 11.1 GHz) is associated with stereolithography process for the manufacturing of 3D parts. The proposed filter is composed of 6 dielectric resonators, their support and a dielectric negative coupling element all connected into one single ceramic part.

TH1D-5 0920 – 0930 Optimization of Subsampling Dual Band Receivers Design in Nonlinear Systems J. G. Oya1, A. Kwan2, S. Bassam2, F. Muñoz Chavero1, F. Ghannouchi 2, 1University of Seville, Seville, Spain, 2University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada This paper presents an optimization of the noise performance for a dual band receiver based on subsampling in a nonlinear scenario. The focus is on designing a multiband receiver for software defined radio. Thus, another goal of the presented architecture is its flexibility, focusing on the jitter and folded noise optimization of the subsampling receiver and covering as many wireless standards as possible. To approach this, different architectures based on subsampling technique are analyzed.

TH1C-6 0930 – 0940 Coping with Spurious Effects in Full-Wave Electromagnetic Design of a Wide-Band Waveguide Multiplexer H. Hu, K. Wu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong The demands on wideband satellite services have imposed research on the full-wave EM design of wideband output multiplexer (OMUX). In this paper, three spurious mode effects affecting waveguide OMUX, namely cavity higher-order resonance, manifold higher-order resonance and the spurious dispersions of channel filers are investigated. The remedies to these effects are discussed. The dispersion problem facing the design of a wideband OMUX channel filters is also studied by full-wave EM models.

TH1D-6 0930 – 0940 Design of a High Performance RF Transceiver for TDD-LTE System K. Zhou, J. Zhou, Z. Xu, Southeast University, Nanjing, China In this paper, the development of a RF transceiver for TDD-LTE system is presented. The RF transceiver designed in this paper has 8 channels form 3.411Ghz to 3.551Ghz, steps by 200Mhz and shows a high performance, such as high output power, good linearity, low EVM.The experimental results show that the RF transceiver designed has a high performance for TDD-LTE system.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 73


TH1C-1 0800 – 0820 In-Line Pseudoelliptic TE01δ Mode Dielectric Resonator Filters S. Bastioli, R. V. Snyder, RS Microwave Co. Inc., Butler, United States A new configuration for pseudoelliptic dielectric resonator filters with in-line structure is presented. The proposed configuration uses TE01δ mode resonators with different orientations. Thanks to a pair of orthogonal evanescent modes that can alternatively by-pass or excite the resonators, coupling between non-adjacent pucks can be established. Pseudoelliptic filters can be designed without using cumbersome cross-coupled architectures or reduced spurious performance dual-mode resonators.



0800 – 0940


TH1E: Unconventional RFIDs Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 0800 –0930 Room: 510AC Chair: Atef Elsherbeni, University of Mississippi Co-Chair: Luca Roselli, University of Perugia (DIEI)

TH1F: Biomedical Imaging Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 0800 –0940 Room: 511AD Chair: Abbas Omar, University of Magdeburg Co-Chair: Shahed Reza, Raytheon

TH1E-1 0800 – 0820 A Compact Chipless RFID Tag with Environment Sensing Capability A. Vena1, E. Perret1, S. Tedjini1, D. Kaddour1, A. Potie2, T. Baron2, 1Grenoble-Inp, Valence, France, 2CNRS, Grenoble, France This paper presents a chipless RFID tag having both identification and sensing capability. It is based on 5 resonant scatterers that behave as signal processing antennas in the band from 2.5 to 7.5 GHz. Only one scatterer is used to monitor a physical parameter variation, while the four others allow identifying the remote sensor with 13 bits. To make a resonator sensitive to the temperature or humidity, a material based on Silicon Nanowire is deposited on the tag surface using a simple process.

TH1F-1 0800 – 0820 Time-Domain Microwave Cancer Screening: Optimized Pulse Shaping Applied to Realistically Shaped Breast Phantoms E. Porter, A. Santorelli, S. A. Winkler, M. Coates, M. Popović, McGill University, Montreal, Canada We compare the tumor detection ability of a time-domain microwave radar system for breast cancer screening fed with two different pulses. We conduct measurements on breast phantoms using as inputs to our system both a generic pulse and a pulse reshaped with a synthesized broadband reflector (SBR) designed to have an advantageous frequency profile. Our results in both time and frequency domains demonstrate that this pulse shaping technique improves the tumor response and system efficiency.

TH1E-2 0820 – 0840 Temporal Multi-Frequency Encoding Technique for Chipless RFID Applications R. Nair, E. Perret, S. Tedjini, Grenoble Institute of Technology, Valence Cedex 9, France A novel temporal multi-frequency encoding technique based on group delay for chipless Radio Frequency Identification tag is presented. Cascaded microstrip transmission line sections coupled at alternative ends(C-sections) are utilized to generate the tag ID.The proposed device is designed, prototyped and experimentally verified for 2 bit coding.Furthermore the transformation of the prototype into chipless tag using simulation results is also incorporated.

TH1F-2 0820 – 0840 Terahertz Imaging for Margin Assessment of Breast Cancer Tumors A. M. Hassan1, D. C. Hufnagle2, M. El-Shenawee1, G. E. Pacey3, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, United States, 2 Miami University, Oxford, United States, 3Ohio State University, Dayton, United States This work presents experimental terahertz measurements of excised formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) human breast cancer tissues. The data are collected using a terahertz pulsed system operating from 0.1 THz to 3THz. The results represent preliminary investigation of terahertz imaging technique for assessing the tumor margins. The direct imaging method will be compared with inverse scattering imaging methods using the experimental data along with histopathological images as references.

TH1E-3 0840 – 0850 UWB-IR-Based Detection For Frequency-Spectra Based Chipless RFID P. Kalansuriya, N. C. Karmakar, Monash University, Clayton, Australia A novel approach that uses an ultra wideband impulsed radar (UWB-IR) technique to accurately estimate the resonant features of a multi-patch-backscatter based chipless RFID tag is presented. The backscatter is analyzed in the time domain and it is shown that the information carrying component is contained in the antenna mode of the backscatter through simulation. The proposed method does not rely on calibration tags for operation and has a greater degree of freedom in tag orientation.

TH1F-3 0840 – 0900 Sensitivity-based Microwave Imaging with Raster Scanning Y. Zhang, S. Tu, R. K. Amineh, N. K. Nikolova, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada A recently proposed sensitivity-based microwave imaging algorithm shows good sensitivity and resolution in numerical experiments. Here, the algorithm is applied with measured data from the raster scanning of tissue phantoms. The sensors are two dielectric-filled TEM horn antennas. Images of scatterer(s) embedded in lossy tissue phantoms of thickness 5 cm are successfully obtained using the transmission coefficients acquired in the frequency range from 3 GHz to 10 GHz.

TH1E-4 0850 – 0910 Inkjet-Printable UHF RFID Tag Antenna on a Flexible Ceramic-Polymer Composite Substrate A. Babar1, J. Virtanen1, V. A. Bhagavati2, L. Ukkonen1, A. Z. Elsherbeni3, P. Kallio2, L. Sydänheimo1, 1Tampere University of Technology, Rauma, Finland, 2Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, 3The University of Mississippi, Oxford, United States The utilization of inkjet-printing technique to develop a printable UHF RFID tag antenna on flexible ceramicpolymer composite material is demonstrated. The substrate material is fabricated using high permittivity Barium Titanate (BaTiO3) ceramic powder mixed with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymer. A UHF RFID tag antenna is inkjet-printed using silver nano-particle to exploit the potential advantages of high dielectric flexible composite material when used as a tag substrate.

TH1F-4 0900 – 0920 RF Multi-Channel Head Coil Design with Improved B1+ Fields Uniformity for High-Field MRI Systems S. Sohn, L. DelaBarre, J. T. Vaughan, A. Gopinath, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States In the high-fields MRI, the wavelength inside the body is short and smaller than the human anatomy. At these shorter wavelength, interference effects appear; the uniformity of the RF excitation B1+ field over the whole subject becomes inhomogeneous. In this study, double trapezoid-like shape is proposed to obtain gradual impedance variation and flatten B1+ field profile along the coil length using microstrip transmission lines, the TEM coil.

TH1E-5 0910 – 0930 A Novel “Universal” Inkjet-Printed EBG-Backed Flexible RFID for Rugged On-Body and Metal Mounted Applications H. Lee1, S. Kim1, D. D. Donno2, M. M. Tentzeris1, 1Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States, 2Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy A novel inkjet-printed electromagnetic bandgap-backed (EBG) RFID tag has been designed and tested for wearable and metal mount applications. An array of split-ring resonators and a dipole antenna matched to an RFID chip at 915 MHz were designed and inkjet printed on paper substrate. Measurements of the tag in free space show that the range increases by nearly a factor of 2 for on-body and on-metal measurements.

TH1F-5 0920 – 0940 Computational and Experimental Studies of Orthopedic Implants Heating under MRI RF Coils Y. Liu1, W. Kainz2, F. Shellock3, J. Chen1, 1University of Houston, Houston, United States, 2FDA, Silver Spring, United States, 3University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States The heating of orthopedic implants under MRI RF fields were investigated 1.5T and 3T systems. Modeling and experiments were performed on an orthopedic device at different sizes inside an ASTM phantom. It is observed that the induced energy deposition near the device is almost linearly related to the dimension of the orthopedic implants when the device is less than 10 cm in length. Higher temperature rises were found in 1.5T from both computational and experimental studies.

TH1E-6 0930 – 0940 Hybrid Time-Frequency RFID System B. Nikfal, C. Caloz, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Canada A novel hybrid time-frequency RFID system is proposed. The idea is to use an interrogating signal consisting of a sequence of pulses modulated by different frequencies. The resonators of the tags select out some of the pulses of the sequence corresponding to their resonant frequency, which produces the RFID code in the form of a modified sequence of time-domain pulses. The proposed system overcomes the complexity and loss issues of frequencybased and time-based RFID systems, respectively.

Technical Track Key:

› 74

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



0800 – 0940

TH1H: Tunable Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators (FBARs) Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 0800 –0940 Room: 511CF Chair: Andrei Vorobiev, Chalmers University Co-Chair: Spartak Gevorgian, Chalmers University

TH1G-1 0800 – 0820 Highly Linear 1-3 GHz GaN HEMT Low Noise Amplifier P. Chehrenegar2, M. Abbasi1, J. Grahn1, K. Andersson1, 1Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2 Ericsson AB, Gothenburg, Sweden A highly linear LNA based on commercial GaN HEMT technology is presented. The amplifier is designed to operate at three frequency bands of 1-3 GHz. The low noise amplifier shows a maximum gain of 31 dB at 1GHz. The OIP3 is measured to be constant for all three frequency bands and equals 41±1 dBm at a power consumption of 1.2W. A minimum NF of 0.5 dB is measured for the same bias point. The presented LNA shows outstanding linearity and low noise performance with reasonably low power consumption.

TH1H-1 0800 – 0820 Tunable Composite Piezoelectric Resonators: a Possible “Holy Grail” of RF Filters ? A. Reinhardt, E. Defaÿ, F. Perruchot, C. Billard, CEA, Leti, Grenoble Cedex, France We develop the idea of tuning a composite Bulk Acoustic Wave resonator made of two piezoelectric thin films by modifying the external electrical boundary conditions applied to one of them. We show that an AlN/AlN composite is hardly suitable for the synthesis of a tunable channel selection filter while the use of piezoelectric materials with larger piezoelectric properties enable theoretically the synthesis of a front-end filter capable of being tuned over several communication standards.

TH1G-2 0820 – 0840 Commercial Wideband MMIC Low Noise Amplifier with 50nm Gate-Length E-Mode InGaAs PHEMT B. Ma, J. Bergman, D. Kim, P. Chen, Z. Griffith, J. Hacker, M. Urteaga, C. Huang, Q. Vo, N. Salam, Teledyne Technologies, Thousand Oaks, United States This paper reports a wideband MMIC low noise amplifier using a 50nm Lg E-mode InGaAs PHEMT technology. It demonstrates simultaneous 22dB S21 gain and 1.0dB noise figure at 24GHz operation. The MMIC was designed for 18-35GHz bandwidth; however, noise figure is low and gain is appreciable from 4-40GHz. The amplifier survived being separately subjected to high-power bursts and elevated temperature burn-in to verify its power handling capability and long-term reliability.

TH1H-2 0820 – 0840 Temperature Dependence of DC Voltage Activated Switchable Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 Solidly Mounted Resonator G. N. Saddik, R. A. York, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States Temperature dependent s-parameter data was collected on a 30x30µm2 voltage activated barium strontium titanate solidly mounted resonator. The frequency variation over the temperature range of -40oC to 120oC normalized to room temperature was as low as 0.41% and as high as 0.84%. The resonant frequency measurements also show a step at -10oC which is believed to be a structural phase transition of the ferroelectric material. The data was collected at a dc voltage range of 0V to 30V in 5V steps.

TH1G-3 0840 – 0900 Cryogenic 0.5-13 GHz Low Noise Amplifier with 3 K Mid-band noise temperature J. Schleeh, N. Wadefalk, P. Nilsson, P. Starski, G. Alestig, J. Halonen, B. Nilsson, A. Malmros, H. Zirath, J. Grahn, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden A 0.5-13 GHz cryogenic MMIC low-noise ampli¬fier (LNA) was designed and fabricated using a 130 nm InP HEMT process. A packaged LNA has been measured at both 300 K and 15 K. At 300 K the measured minimum noise tempera¬ture was 48 K at 7 GHz. At 15 K the measured minimum noise temperature was 3 K at 7 GHz and below 7 K within the entire 0.5-13 GHz band. The gain was between 34 dB and 40 dB at 300 K and between 38 dB and 44 dB at 4 K.

TH1H-3 0840 – 0900 Intrinsically Switchable Thin Film Ferroelectric Resonators S. A. Sis, V. Lee, J. D. Phillips, A. Mortazawi, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States This paper presents DC voltage dependent thin film bulk acoustic wave resonators (FBARs) based on ferroelectric barium strontium titanate (BST). The electrostrictive effect in BST film that enables the resonances to switch on and off with dc bias is discussed. Composite BST FBARs that consist of BST, platinum (Pt), silicon (Si), and oxide (SiO2) layers are discussed by comparing with the conventional FBAR structure.

TH1G-4 0900 – 0920 4-12 GHz and 25-34 GHz Cryogenic MHEMT MMIC Low Noise Amplifiers for Radio Astronomy B. Aja1, M. Seelmann-Eggebert2, A. Leuther2, H. Massler2, M. Schlechtweg2, C. Diez3, J. D. Gallego3, I. LopezFernandez3, I. Malo3, E. Artal1, E. Villa1, 1University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, 2Fraunhofer IAF , Freiburg, Germany, 3Observatorio Astronomico Nacional, Yebes, Spain MMIC Broadband LNA for radio astronomy applications with 100 nm GaAs mHEMT process have been developed. Cryogenic performance of a 4-12 GHz and a 25-34 GHz LNAs is presented. The 4-12 GHz LNA cooled at 15 K exhibits an associated gain of 31.5 dB and average noise temperature of 5.3 K with a low power dissipation of 8 mW. Cooled to 15 K the 25-34 GHz amplifier has demonstrated a flat gain of 24.2 dB with 15.2 K average noise temperature, and a very low power dissipation of 2.8 mW on chip.

TH1H-4 0900 – 0920 Tunable FBARs: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Tunability S. Gevorgian, A. Vorobiev, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden This paper reviews the methods used to make the Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR) tunable. Intrinsically tunable FBARs make use ferroelectrics in ferroelectric and paraelectric (non-polar) phases have tunabilities up to 5% and more. Extrinsically tunable resonators are based on traditional piezoelectric FBARs and make use of external varactors and inductors. The low tunability ( 2%) and low Q-factor (Q 100 due to tuning components) limits applications of these resonators.

TH1G-5 0920 – 0940 Microwave Stabilization of HEB Mixer by a Microchip Controller A. Shurakov1, E. Tong1, R. Blundell1, G. Gol’tsman2, 1Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, United States, 2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russian Federation The stability of a Hot Electron Bolometer (HEB) mixer can be improved by the use of microwave injection. In this article we report a refinement of this approach. We introduce a microchip controller to facilitate the implementation of the stabilization scheme, and demonstrate that the feedback loop effectively suppresses drifts in the HEB bias current, leading to an improvement in the receiver stability. The measured Allan time of the mixer’s IF output power is increased to 10 s.

TH1H-5 0920 – 0940 Microwave Characterization of Intrinsically Tunable FBARs A. Vorobiev, S. Gevorgian, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden Unlike the traditional piezoelectric film (AlN, ZnO etc.) based FBARs, the experimental characterization of the tunable ferroelectric FBARs typically start with low frequency DC measurements. In this work wide band microwave measurements are used to generate DC dependent analytic approximations for the parameters of the BVD model. Mason’s model and curve fitting procedure is used to extract the DC bias dependent acousto-electric material parameters of the ferroelectric filmsE

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 75


TH1G: Advanced Low Noise Circuits Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 0800 – 0940 Room: 511BE Chair: James Sowers, Space Systems LORAL Co-Chair: Marian Pospieszalski, NRAO



1010 – 1150


TH2A: Nonlinear Measurement Techniques Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1010 –1130 Room: 513ABC Chair: Nuno Borges Carvalho, IT-Universidade de Aveiro Co-Chair: Alfred Riddle, MAcom Technology Solutions

TH2B: Novel Transmission-Line and Guided-Wave Structures Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1010 –1150 Room: 512ABEF Chair: George Eleftheriades, U. Toronto Co-Chair: Tatsuo Itoh, UCLA

TH2A-1 1010 – 1030 Harmonics Induced Uncertainty in Phase Noise Measurements D. E. Calbaza, C. Gupta, U. L. Rohde, A. K. Poddar, Synergy Microwave Corp., Paterson, United States This paper focuses on the relationship between the signal’s harmonic content and the precision of the phase noise measurement in test equipment. The phase noise measurement’s accuracy is degraded when the measured signal has high harmonics. We demonstrate a case in which a 3rd harmonic level of -7dBc results in a 12dB variation in the phase noise measurement’s accuracy. Based on our studies, the phase noise test setup should include filters to bring down the harmonic level to -20 dBc max.

TH2B-1 1010 – 1030 On the Symmetry Properties of Coplanar Waveguides Loaded with Symmetric Resonators: Analysis and Potential Applications J. Naqui, M. Duran-Sindreu, F. Martin, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain This paper is focused on coplanar waveguides loaded with resonators whose symmetry plane behaves as an electric wall at the first resonance frequency. If the resonators are symmetrically etched in the back substrate side, signal propagation is allowed. If symmetry is truncated, signal propagation is inhibited in the vicinity of the first resonance. That can be of interest for the design of sensors or radiofrequency barcodes. The principle of operation is illustrated and experimentally validated.

TH2A-2 1030 – 1050 A New Method to Measure Pulsed RF Time Domain Waveforms with a Sub-Sampling System T. Reveyrand1, Z. Popovic2, 1XLIM, Limoges, France, 2 University of Colorado, Boulder, United States This paper describes a new method that enables time domain pulsed RF measurements with a sub-sampling system. It consists of replacing the FFT with a rectangular windowed short-time Fourier transform. The algorithm automatically extract Fourier coefficients within the pulses and the system does not need any trigger signal or clocking circuit. This minimal software modification enhances the standard Large Signal Network Analyzer, enabling pulsed measurements without any hardware modifications.

TH2B-2 1030 – 1050 A Single-Ended All-Pass Generalized Negative-Refractive-Index Transmission Line Using a Bridged-T Circuit C. G. Ryan, G. V. Eleftheriades, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada An all-pass microstrip generalized negative-refractive-index transmission line is presented. A very wide return loss bandwidth (1GHz-8 GHz) is obtained while preserving the quad-band phase characteristics.

TH2A-3 1050 – 1110 New Thermometry and Trap Relaxation Characterization Techniques for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using Pulsed-RF Excitations Y. Ko1, P. Roblin1, C. Yang1, H. Jang1, B. Poling2, 1Ohio State University, Columbus, United States, 2AFRL, Dayton, United States This paper presents characterization techniques to estimate the device temperature and extract the trap relaxation time constants in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. The temperature under CW/RF operation is obtained using pulsed-IV/ RF measurements. The emission and capture times are measured by monitoring the transient bias drain current. Illumination is further verified to accelerate the emission process. It is also verified that high load impedances increase the trapping due to high peak drain voltages.

TH2B-3 1050 – 1110 Dual-Band Phase Offset Line with Required Transmission Phases at two Operational Frequencies K. Rawat1, M. Rawat1, M. S. Hashmi1, F. Falcone2, F. M. Ghannouchi1, 1University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, 2 Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain Abstract — The paper presents analytical design methodology for realizing dual-band phase offset line using multi-section coupled lines. The circuit is designed to emulate a transmission line of 50 Ω characteristic impedance with two different arbitrary phases at the two frequencies. A prototype has been design at 1960 /3500 MHz that is used in dual-band Doherty power amplifier operating for CDMA and WiMAX applications.

TH2A-4 1110 – 1130 IMD Phase Analysis at mm-wave Frequencies J. Martens, K. Noujeim, Anritsu Company, Morgan Hill, United States IMD phase measurements have sometimes had accuracy issues at mm-wave frequencies due to limitations in dynamic range, stability, combiner behavior, and other items. A modified structure that relies on broadband VNAbased measurements can get stable phase data and uses a calibration process similar to those of other nonlinear techniques. Residual IMD floors below -120 dBm (for offsets ~ 5 MHz), 3 degree phase stability and 0.2 dB amplitude stability were observed at W-band.

TH2B-4 1110 – 1120 A Liquid-Metal Reconfigurable Double-Stub Tuner B. Lei, W. Hu, A. T. Ohta, W. A. Shiroma, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, United States A liquid-metal reconfigurable double-stub tuner is presented. The double-stub tuner consists of two fluidic channels whose stub lengths L1 and L2 can be tuned with Galinstan liquid metal using pressure-driven flow. The measured input impedance of this tuner shows wide Smith Chart coverage.

TH2B-5 1120 – 1130 Simultaneous Electric and Magnetic Two-Dimensional Tuning of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity Resonator S. Adhikari, A. Ghiotto, K. Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Canada A concept of simultaneous electric and magnetic 2-D tuning of cavity resonator based on SIW technology is presented and demonstrated. Magnetic tuning is achieved by loading a YIG ferrite slab and electric tuning is achieved by placing a varactor diode and capacitors in the cavity. Considering only electric tuning using varactor diodes 1.3% of total tuning range is measured, while for simultaneous electric and magnetic tuning it is 7.9% with unloaded Q-factor better than 130. TH2B-6 1130 – 1150 Low-Loss Millimeter-Wave Propagation of the E11x mode in a Synthesized Insulated Image Guide 1 N. Dolatsha , J. Hesselbarth2, 1ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany An insulated image guide operating in E11x mode is investigated experimentally and by simulations in the frequency range of 80 GHz to 100 GHz. The proposed waveguide is characterized by a thick low-permittivity gap layer sandwiched between the ground-plane and the main high permittivity dielectric slab. A resonator method is applied for accurate measurements. A waveguide based on alumina ceramic as a dielectric has an attenuation constant of 0.07 dB/mm at 90 GHz. A 60º bend adds 0.33 dB loss.

Technical Track Key:

› 76

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1010 – 1150

TH2D: GaN Based Power Amplifiers Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1130 Room: 510BD Chair: Ruediger Quay, Fraunhofer IAF Co-Chair: Wolfgang Heinrich, Ferdinand Braun Institute

TH2C-1 1010 – 1030 Superlens Image Reconstruction using Deslauriers-Dubuc Interpolation Wavelets R. S. Hegde, E. Li, W. J. Hoefer, A*Star, Singapore , Singapore We demonstrate how the superlens image can be recovered by processing discrete samples taken in a plane other than the focal plane (a plane where perfect image appears). To achieve highly accurate image recovery we process these image field samples using Deslauriers-Dubuc interpolation wavelets as sampling functions. This approach lays the groundwork for the development of a 3D image reconstruction algorithm for sub-wavelength objects having finite depth normal to the superlens.

TH2D-1 1010 – 1030 A 72% PAE, 95-W, Single-Chip GaN FET S-Band Inverse Class-F Power Amplifier with a Harmonic Resonant Circuit K. Motoi, K. Matsunaga, S. Yamanouchi, K. Kunihiro, M. Fukaishi, NEC Corporation, Nakahara-Ku, Kawasaki, Japan This paper describes a high-efficiency, highoutput- power GaN power amplifier for S-band radar applications. The amplifier uses an inverse class-F configuration for high efficiency. The matching circuit includes a 2nd harmonic resonant circuit to compensate for GaN FET parasitics. The developed GaN single-chip power amplifier delivers output power of 95 W with power added efficiency (PAE) of 72% and high linear gain of 19.8 dB at 2.6 GHz under 100-μs pulsed conditions.

TH2C-2 1030 – 1050 A Millimeter-Wave Elastomeric Microstrip Phase Shifter S. Hage-Ali1, Y. Orlic1, N. Tiercelin1, R. Sauleau2, P. Pernod1, V. Preobrazhensky3, P. Coquet1, 1Université Lille Nord de France, Villeneuve d’Asq, France, 2Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France, 3Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation We report a low-cost millimeter-wave microstrip phase shifter using the mechanical reconfiguration of a metallized polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomeric ground plane. The phase shifter is studied both numerically and experimentally in the 30-60 GHz band, and its fabrication using flexible electronics micromachining is detailed. The maximum experimental figure-of-merit is 118°/dB at 57.5 GHz and can be further improved.

TH2D-2 1030 – 1050 Wideband 50W Packaged GaN HEMT With Over 60% PAE Through Internal Harmonic Control in S-Band J. Chéron1, M. Campovecchio1, D. Barataud1, T. Reveyrand1, M. Stanislawiak2, P. Eudeline2, D. Floriot3, 1XLIM, Limoges, France, 2Thales, Boos, France, 3United Monolithic Semiconductors, Villebon sur Yvette, France This paper presents an internally-matched packaged GaN HEMT for achieving not only high-efficiency and highpower performances but also wide bandwidth and insensitivity to harmonic terminations in S-band. The internal matching circuits of the optimized package enable to reach a wider bandwidth and to confine harmonic impedances seen by the GaN powerbar into high-efficiency regions. In a 50Ω environment, the packaged GaN HEMT delivers 45 W output power with more than 55% PAE from 2.9 to 3.7 GHz.

TH2C-3 1050 – 1110 Directional Cloak Formed by Photonic Crystal Waveguides N. Yogesh, V. Subramanian, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India A method to cloak larger dimensional scattering objects against normal incident linearly polarized microwave is reported in this work. The cloaking device utilizes the principle of photonic crystal wave guiding mechanisms that mould and steer the wave path smoothly around the scattering objects. The proposed method is scalable at all length-scales from cm to nm band frequencies. This approach may be employed for the development of microwave devices capable of multiple e-m wave operations.

TH2D-3 1050 – 1110 Continuous Harmonically Tuned Class-B Power Amplifier : A Closed Form Equation Design Approach K. Mimis, S. Bensmida, K. A. Morris, J. P. McGeehan, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom A set of closed form equations for the calculation of the impedances for the continuous harmonically tuned (HT) Class-B power amplifier is presented. The resulting impedances were verified in simulations using a large-signal GaN transistor model at three frequencies. Moreover, a PA was built and measured at 2.1GHz, based on a 10W GaN HEMT transistor, achieving a power added efficiency (PAE) of 72.8% at maximum output power confirming the proposed design approach.

TH2C-4 1110 – 1130 Tunable Terahertz Metamaterials based on Metal-Insulator Phase Transition of VO2 Layers A. Crunteanu1, J. Leroy1, G. Humbert1, D. Ferachou1, J. Orlianges2, C. Champeaux2, P. Blondy1, 1XLIM, Limoges, France, 2SPCTS, Limoges, France We designed a tunable metamaterial in the terahertz frequency domain (0.1- 1 THz) based on periodical arrays of metallic resonators on top of vanadium dioxide thin films deposited on a sapphire substrate. We simulate and show experimentally that the frequency response of the fabricated metamaterial is drastically changing as the vanadium dioxide under layer performs a reversible temperature-driven phase transition from an insulating to a metallic state.

TH2D-4 1110 – 1120 Investigation of Class-B/J Continuous Modes in Broadband GaN Power Amplifiers S. Preis, D. Gruner, G. Boeck, Technische Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany The class-B/J mode continuum in PAs defined at the current source plane is discussed considering different parasitic elements. It is shown that the design flexibility predicted by the continuum decreases if the transistor package is taken into account. The investigations lead to the design of a broadband GaN power amplifier. At 0.9-1.8 GHz this PA achieves a saturated output power of higher than 70 W with a drain efficiency of 56-63 %. Up to 2.3 GHz still 60 W with 53 % efficiency are available.

TH2C-5 1130 – 1140 Paint On Metamaterial: Low Cost Fabrication of Absorbers at X Band Frequences C. R. Mutzel, S. MacNaughton, S. Sonkusale, Tufts University, Medford, United States This paper presents a new “paint-on” method for low cost metamaterials. Latex paint, silver conducting ink, and copy paper are used to create a perfect absorber. The metamaterial is symmetrical and arranged in a cross-dipole like structure, making it polarization insensitive. Results show absorbency depths of over 90% and near perfect reflection at all other frequencies. This new manufacturing method offers the ability to create low-cost, large-scale high-performance meta-materials.

TH2D-5 1120 – 1130 Decade Bandwidth High Efficiency GaN HEMT Power Amplifier Designed With Resistive Harmonic Loading C. M. Andersson1, J. Moon2, C. Fager1, B. Kim2, N. Rorsman1, 1Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea The use of resistive loading at higher harmonics in wideband power amplifier design is proposed. A decade bandwidth (0.4-4.1 GHz) GaN HEMT power amplifier was thereby designed, delivering more than 40 dBm output power with 10-15 dB gain and 40-62% drain efficiency. Linearized modulated signal amplification was successfully demonstrated at multiple frequencies (0.9 to 3.5 GHz), using various downlink signals (LTE, WCDMA, WiMAX).

TH2C-6 1140 – 1150 Varactor-Tuned Substrate Integrated Waveguide Phase Shifter and Modulator Y. Ding, K. Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Canada In this paper, a 360o substrate integrated waveguide phase shifter is reported. With this phase shifter, an integrated phase modulator is thus implemented and demonstrated, whose control voltage is adjusted by an external encoder circuit. The performance of the proposed phase modulator is simulated in the framework of ADS package and then correlated to measurements. Simulated and measured results have validated the proposed structure and design techniques.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 77


TH2C: Novel Technologies and Components Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1140 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Telesphor Kamgaing, Intel Corporation Co-Chair: Ramesh Gupta, LightSquared



1010 – 1150


TH2E: 60 GHz CMOS Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1010 –1150 Room: 510AC Chair: Reynold Kagiwada, Northrop Grumman Co-Chair: James Buckwalter, UCSD

TH2F: RF-MEMS Capacitive Switches and Circuits Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1150 Room: 511AD Chair: Jeremy Muldavin, MIT Lincoln Lab. Co-Chair: Ron Polcawich, Army Research Laboratory

TH2E-1 1010 – 1030 A 44-to-60GHz, 9.7dBm P1dB, 7.1% PAE Power Amplifier with 2D Distributed Power Combining by Metamaterial-based Zero-Phase-Shifter in 65nm CMOS W. Fei1, H. Yu1, K. . Yeo1, X. Liu2, W. Lim1, 1Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 2Marvell, Santa Clara , United States With the use of metamaterial based zero-phase-shifter, a 2D distributed power combining network is developed to provide distributed amplification and power combining simultaneously. Measured results show that the fabricated PA has 8.3dB gain, 7.1% PAE, and 9.7dBm P1dB with 16GHz bandwidth (44 to 60GHz).

TH2F-1 1010 – 1030 Advances in RF MEMS Phase Shifters from 15 GHz to 35 GHz B. Pillans1, L. Coryell2, A. Malczewski1, C. Moody1, F. Morris1, A. Brown3, 1Raytheon Systems , Dallas, United States, 2 CERDEC, Ft. Monmouth, United States, 3A.Brown Design, Plymouth, United States This work reports progress towards building low-loss phase shifters using RF MEMS switch technology for use in phased array antennas. Four phase shifters centered at 15 GHz, 21 GHz, 30 GHz and 35 GHz were designed, built, packaged and tested. The average packaged insertion losses were -1.7 dB, -1.8 dB, -2.3 dB and -2.7 dB respectively with RMS phase errors less than 7 degrees. An innovative liquid crystal polymer packaging technique was used to package these parts at the wafer level.

TH2E-2 1030 – 1050 A 60-GHz Fully Integrated CMOS Sub-Harmonic RF Receiver with MM-Wave On-Chip AMC-Antenna/ Balun-Filter and On-Wafer Wireless Transmission Test H. Kuo1, H. Wang1, H. Yue1, Y. Ou2, C. Lin1, H. Chuang1, T. Huang1, 1National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 2 NARL, Hsinchu, Taiwan A first reported 60-GHz fully integrated CMOS RF sub-harmonic receiver with an AMC on-chip antenna and a balunfilter is presented. The AMC structure can reduce the substrate loss and increase the antenna efficiency. The balunfilter integrates the balun and RF BPF. To mitigate the DC offset, the sub-harmonic receiver is used. The on-wafer wireless transmission test (R=1m) is conducted. The measured total gain CGant+Rx of the integrated RF receiver (with the on-chip antenna and filter) are 16 dB.

TH2F-2 1030 – 1040 A Very Low Loss 1.9-2.1 GHz RF-MEMS Phase Shifter C. Cheng, C. Ko, A. Morris, G. M. Rebeiz, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, United States This paper presents the design, fabrication and test of a very low loss phase shifter built using the wiSpry RF MEMS switched capacitor. The phase shifter covers 360o at 1.9- 2.1 GHz with an insertion loss of 1.1+/-0.6 dB over all phase states. The measured linearity shows an IIP3 46 dBm over all phase states. The phase shifter has a measured power handling of 1 W before any self-actuation occurs. To our knowledge, this is the lowest loss phase shifter at 2.0 GHz using any technology.

TH2E-3 1050 – 1110 Silicon Interposer with Integrated Antenna Array for Millimeter-Wave Short-Range Communications L. Dussopt1, Y. Lamy1, S. Joblot1, J. Lantéri1, H. Salti1, P. Bar2, H. Sibuet1, B. Reig1, J. Carpentier2, C. Dehos1, P. Vincent1, 1CEA-Leti, Grenoble, France, 2STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France A 60 GHz cavity-backed antenna array integrated on high-resistivity silicon is demonstrated, making use of Through-Silicon-Vias (TSV), and silicon micromachining to meet the bandwidth and radiation gain requirements for short-range multi-Gbps communications. Several fixed-beam four-element antenna arrays demonstrate the capabilities for beam-steering across a range up to ±60°.

TH2F-3 1040 – 1050 A Quasi Bistable RF-MEMS Switched Capacitor C. Guines, A. Crunteanu, M. Chatras, A. Pothier, P. Blondy, XLIM, Limoges, France This paper presents a novel concept for the realization of RF-MEMS switched capacitors. The proposed device uses a tilting metal beam combined with a non-linear electrostatic force generated by DC voltage to maintain the device in two stable mechanical positions. Fabricated devices with very simple fabrication process exhibit very good RF performances, with very low loss and a capacitive contrast of 8.5. Actuation requires voltage pulses only, toggling the device from one position to the other.

TH2E-4 1110 – 1130 A 60GHz Digitally Controlled 4-bit Phase Shifter with 6-ps Group Delay Deviation Y. Chiang1, W. Li1, J. Tsai2, T. Huang1, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan A 57–64 GHz passive 4-bit switch type phase shifter with low group delay deviation and low loss flatness using 90nm CMOS is presented. The proposed switched delay networks are using transmission lines instead of small-size capacitors. It is measured with excellent loss flatness of ±0.8dB for a specific phase shifting state, across 57–64 GHz. For all 16 states, the S21 is -12.5±2dB. The phase shifter has low group-delay deviation of +/-6 ps, which is important for a wideband phased array.

TH2F-4 1050 – 1110 High Power (> 10W) RF-MEMS Switched Capacitor H. Zareie, G. Rebeiz, The University of California San Diego, La Jolla, United States This paper presents the design and characterization of a high power RF MEMS switched capacitor. The switch is based on a 4 micro meter thick metal plate and four symmetrical springs. The design has low sensitivity to residual stress and stress gradients. S-parameter measurements result in Cu=0.08 pF, Cd=0.55 pF (Cr=6.9), power handling 10 W, and a switching time of 12-15 micro second. The pull-down and release voltages are stable to +/-3 V over 20-120 C.

TH2E-5 1130 – 1150 60 GHz Active Phase Shifter using an Optimized Quadrature All-Pass Network in 45nm CMOS W. Shin, G. M. Rebeiz, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, United States This paper presents a differential 60 GHz phase shifter based on a vector modulator approach. The inclusion of a series resistor in the all-pass I/Q greatly reduces the effect of the capacitance loading change vs. bias current and results in a wideband phase shifter. The phase shifter achieves a gain of -6+/-2 dB with IP1dB of 0-3dBm at 55GHz, and an rms phase error of 11˚ at 40-70GHz (PDC=23 mW, VDD=1.5V). This is the first demonstration of a wideband 45nm 60 GHz phase shifter.

TH2F-5 1110 – 1130 Intelligent CMOS Control of RF-MEMS Capacitive Switches G. Ding1, W. Wang1, S. Halder1, C. Palego1, D. Molinero1, J. C. Hwang1, C. L. Goldsmith2, 1Lehigh University, Bethlehem, United States, 2MEMtronics Corporation, Plano, United States A CMOS control circuit capable of closed-loop capacitance sensing and control of RF MEMS switches was designed, fabricated, and tested. The control was based on fine-tuning the magnitude of the bias voltage of the switches according to the difference between sensed and targeted capacitances. The circuit can intelligently compensate C-V drifts caused by dielectric charging, process variation, temperature change, and RF power loading. TH2F-6 1130 – 1140 A Fast High-Q X-band RF-MEMS Reconfigurable Evanescent-Mode Cavity Resonator J. Small, W. Irshad, D. Peroulis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States This paper presents the design, fabrication, and measurement of an X-band evanescent-mode tunable RF-MEMS cavity resonator with a fast response (84-112 us) and a high quality factor of 593-1,077 between 10.7-13 GHz. An array of MEMS fixed-fixed beams biased against their own substrate are used as the tuning mechanism. To the best of our knowledge, this is the fastest response for a tunable X-band cavity-resonator with this quality factor. TH2F-7 1140 – 1150 Nonlinear Effects in MEMS Tunable Bandstop Filters X. Liu1, E. Naglich2, D. Peroulis2, 1University of California at Davis, Davis, United States, 2Purdue University , West Lafayette, United States This paper provides the first study of electromechanical non-linearities of MEMS tunable bandstop filters. The studied non-linearity sets a limit on the power handling capability of such filters. Good agreement is observed between measurement and modeling. The fabricated tunable bandstop filter exhibits more than 2 W power handling capability around 2 GHz. To the authors’ best knowledge this is the highest power handling reported for an L-band bandstop filter based on evanescent-mode resonators.

Technical Track Key:

› 78

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1010 – 1150 TH2H: The Evolution of Some Key Active and Passive Microwave Components Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1010 –1150 Room: 511CF Chair: Lawrence R. Whicker, LRW Associates

TH2G-1 1010 – 1030 Microwave Chemical Sensing Using a 3-18 GHz Wideband Overmoded Coaxial Cable Y. Huang, K. M. Hotopp, B. C. Dian, W. J. Chappell, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States A waveguide based room-temperature chirped pulse Fourier transform microwave spectrometer was recently demonstrated. The operation frequency range is limited by the waveguide, and the effective sensing area is small. This paper shows a new overmoded coaxial cable spectrometer design utilizing a Hamming function tapered transmission line method to increase the operation bandwidth. The successful chemical detection proves the application of using the overmoded coaxial cable as a chemical sensor.

TH2H-1 1010 – 1020 Evolution of Passive and Active Microwave Filters R. V. Snyder, RS Microwave, Butler, United States The study of passive networks stemmed from the need to understand the performance issues associated with the early power grid at the beginning of the 20th century. The evolution of distributed elements as extensions of lumped descriptions led to significant developments in the area of synthesis.This paper will explore history, discuss the present, and try to look into the crystal ball to see what might be just around the corner.

TH2G-2 1030 – 1050 On-chip Sensing and Actuation Methods for Integrated Self-Healing mm-Wave CMOS Power Amplifier K. Sengupta, K. Dasgupta, S. Bowers, A. Hajimiri, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States This paper presents various low power, compact, low insertion loss sensors with digitized ADC output and digitally controlled actuation methods for on-chip characterization and healing of a mm-Wave power amplifier. We demonstrate low insertion loss (0.4dB) RF sensors, very low-headroom (10-30mV) DC sensors with built-in regulators and thermal sensors, as ways of measuring PA efficiency. The paper also presents digitally controlled matching network tuning and PA bias actuation in 45 nm SOI CMOS.

TH2H-2 1020 – 1040 The Evolution of Ferrite and Other Passive Control Components L. R. Whicker, LRW Associates, Waxhaw, United States The evolution of microwave Control Components from 1960 to the present is described. Early work on ferrite isolators and phase shifter are reviewed. In the mid 1960s work on toroidal non-reciprocal phase shifters are described. These phase shifters are optimized for use in microwave passive arrays. Later efforts on reciprocal dual mode phase shifters are described. The wide application in millitary systems of both types of phase shifters are described.

TH2G-3 1050 – 1110 Interferometric Radar Sensor with Active Transponders for Signal Boosting and Clutter Rejection in Structural Health Monitoring C. Gu1, G. Wang1, J. Rice2, C. Li1, 1Texas Tech University, Lubbock, United States, 2University of Florida, Gainesville, United States A CW radar sensor system with active transponders is designed for Structural Health Monitoring to accurately measure the structures’ vibration while rejecting clutters reflected from the environment. The proposed radar system was tested in lab environment to successfully capture vibration movements from 4.1 m with SNR over 35 dB. Experiments also showed that the radar sensor can isolate the target motion from the interferences from surrounding shaking bodies and sinusoidal phantom motions.

TH2H-3 1040 – 1100 The Evolution of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Tubes R. B. True, L-3 Communications, San Carlos, United States The evolution and importance of vacuum electron devices for applications that require high levels of microwave or millimeter wave power is the topic of this presentation. Klystrons, magnetrons, travelling wave tubes, fast-wave and other devices will be discussed as well as microwave and millimeter wave power modules that are vital building blocks in many modern systems.

TH2G-4 1110 – 1130 Direction of Arrival Estimation Utilizing Incident Angle Dependent Spectra X. Yu, H. Xin, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States Inspired by monaural (one ear) localization ability of human auditory system, a novel direction of arrival (DoA) technique for broadband microwave signals is proposed. A microstrip leaky wave antenna (LWA) as a receiving component is designed, fabricated and tested. By exploiting the incident angle dependent frequency response of the LWA, the DoA of a broadband signal can be estimated with high accuracy. Good DoA performance of this technique is demonstrated in both simulation and experiment.

TH2H-4 1100 – 1110 The Evolution of Low Noise Devices and Amplifiers E. C. Niehenke, Niehenke Consulting, Elkridge, United States This paper traces the development of low noise devices and amplifiers. The device technology changed significantly over time starting with the vacuum tube, then varactor diode parametric amplifiers, and evolving to the three terminal solid state transistor. Technological transistor innovations will be presented that have lowered the low noise amplifier (LNA) noise figure and raised the frequency of operation.

TH2G-5 1130 – 1140 Passive Wireless Permittivity Sensor Based on Frequency-Coded Chipless RFID Tags D. Girbau, A. Lázaro, R. Villarino, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain This paper proposes to integrate the functions of identification and sensing into a passive chipless RFID tag. A frequency-coded tag which contains a dual-band capacitive-loaded resonator is proposed. The first resonance is used for identification and the second one is used for sensing the permittivity of the material attached to the tag. A theoretical model is proposed and simulated and measured results are presented.

TH2H-5 1110 – 1130 The Evolution of Solid-State Power Devices and Power Amplifiers 1 K. R. Varian , J. J. Komiak2, J. Horton3, 1Raytheon Company, Dallas, United States, 2BAE Systems, Nashua, United States, 3Rancho Palos Verdes, United States The paper will review the development of solid state power amplifiers that are used in active phase arrays. The paper covers from initial solid state arrays to the present with an emphasis on tools, techniques, and process that led to power amplifiers. TH2H-6 1130 – 1150 The Development of T/R Modules for Radar Applications N. J. Kolias, M. T. Borkowski, Raytheon Company, Andover, United States The last 40 years has seen the migration from mechanically steered radars to the AESAs of today. The key enabler for AESAs has been the development and improvement of the T/R modules that sit behind each radiating element of the array. This paper traces the evolution from the first hybrid silicon T/R modules through the development of the GaAs MMIC based modules that power today’s systems to the emerging GaN and silicon based modules of future active phased array radars.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 79


TH2G: Advances in Sensors and Sensor Systems Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1010 – 1140 Room: 511BE Chair: Ian Gresham, NXP Semiconductors Co-Chair: Kiki Ikossi, DTRA



1330 – 1550

THP Thursday 21 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Daniel Gratton, Canadian Space Agency

THPA THPA-1: A New Vertical Transition for FR-4 Based Millimeter-Wave MCMs J. Purden, D. Zimmerman, M. E. Miller, Delphi, Kokomo, United States A new vertical transition is presented that enables the use of epoxy-resin (FR-4) substrates for multi-chip modules (MCM) at millimeter-wave frequencies. A short microstrip trace on an FR-4 motherboard is connected to standard WR-10 waveguide for integration with other system components (e.g. antennas). The microwave transition is accomplished within a small (3 mm by 4 mm) three metal layer miniature PCB that is placed on the FR-4 motherboard. THPA-2: Thermal Pyrolytic Graphite Composite with Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Matching for Advanced Thermal Management W. Fan, X. Liu, J. Mariner, Momentive Performance Materials Inc., Strongsville, United States As demonstrated in this study, bonding TPG with CTE-matched alloys, such as MoCu, simultaneously achieves high TC ( 900 W/m-K) and low CTE ( 9x10^-6/K). The TC and CTE measurements as a function of TPG loadings on the TPG-MoCu composites match the theoretical calculation. Compared with the traditional 2-component architecture, heat spreaders made of this TPG composite not only increase the efficiency of thermal spreading, but also eliminate one thermal interface and reduce the integration cost.

THPC-4: Π(Pi)-maching Technique for RF Coil of MRI Systems S. Sohn, L. DelaBarre, J. T. Vaughan, A. Gopinath, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States RF coils are an essential parts in MRI systems. These RF coils based on microstrip transmission line has been widely used and most coils use the L-matching network consisting of two capacitors, in series and in parallel and the impedances matched 50 ohm under the various loading conditions. A series connection on the signal line, however, causes problems. In this study, Π-matching is proposed to overcome the loss and coupling issues for the implementation of the auto-tuning unit.

THPD THPD-1: Mixed Simulation Approach for Direct Connection between Power Amplifiers and Antenna Arrays without the Use of Isolators G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torres, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, E. Ngoya, T. Monédière, R. Quéré, M. Thevenot, XLIM, Limoges, France A mixed simulation approach of electromagnetic macromodel and nonlinear circuit bilateral model was developed to correct the output signal for a power amplifier and obtain an optimal radiation pattern for an active antenna array transmit chain. Various experimental results show the accuracy of EM, nonlinear PA models and mixed simulation approach as well. The originality of this work is the elimination of isolators between PAs and antennas.


THPA-3: A GPS/BT/WiFi Triple-Mode RF FEM Using Si- and LTCC-based Embedded Technologies B. C. Ham1, D. H. Kim1, J. M. Yook1, J. I. Ryu1, J. C. Kim1, J. C. Park1, Y. C. Park2, D. Kim1, 1Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Seongnam-si, Republic of Korea, 2Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin-si, Republic of Korea This paper presents a compact GPS/BT/WiFi triple-mode RF front-end module (FEM) with Si-based embedded actives and LTCC-based embedded passives. The proposed RF FEM consists of a triplexer, baluns, matching circuits in the LTCC substrate, and a PA, an LNA, a SAW filter on the LTCC substrate. Furthermore, the proposed FEM has a silicon module on top of the LTCC substrate in which three active devices and several DC blocking capacitors are embedded using cavity structure and IPD process.

THPD-2: On the Feasibility of an Antenna in Package With Stacked Directors A. Hamidipour1, A. Fischer1, L. Maurer2, A. Stelzer1, 1University of Linz, Linz, Austria, 2DICE, Linz, Austria This paper investigates the feasibility of an antenna in package with stacked directors. A 77GHz antenna designed for automotive radar applications and a frequency multiplier were integrated in a 6x6mm2 embedded wafer level ball grid array package. Parasitic directors were etched on a low-loss 2.54mm thick RT duroid 5880LZ laminate by means of photolithography and were mounted on the eWLB package. Theoretical analysis and full electromagnetic simulations were verified against the experiments.


THPD-3: Design and Performance of Log-Periodic Substrate Integrated Waveguide Slot Antennas L. Jin, R. M. Lee, I. D. Robertson, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology is combined with the classical theory of log-periodic antennas to realize SIW slot antennas with broadband performance. Based on the orientation of the slots, two variations are compared - the transverse and longitudinal slot antenna. Both techniques achieve much wider impedance bandwidth than a uniform slotted waveguide antenna and a useful radiation pattern is maintained over a 4 GHz bandwidth. Two prototypes have been fabricated and measured.

THPB-1: Complex Permittivity Multi-Frequency Measurements for Dielectric Sheets Using a Circular Disk Resonator H. Suzuki, M. Inoue, Keycom, Tokyo, Japan An improved complex permittivity measurement method from 5GHz to 30GHz is shown that uses a resonator composed of two circular disks of different radii, where (1) the effective radius of each disk due to the fringing field is estimated by comparing two resonance frequencies and (2) the disks of different radii are used to cancel out conductor loss. The method utilizes a balanced-type circular disk resonator excited at its center through coaxial cables.

THPC THPC-1: Biological Cells Proliferation in Microwave Microsystems F. Artis, D. Dubuc, M. Blatche, K. Grenier, LAAS, Toulouse Cedex 4, France This paper presents the biological compatibility of microwave analyzing microsystems of living cells through the indicator of cells proliferation. The cells are Normal Rat Kidney (NRK). First, both their adhesion and proliferation into the high-frequency-based micro-device have been successfully obtained. Then, microwave signal have been applied at different power levels. Experimental studies demonstrate that cells proliferation is not impacted for microwave power levels up to +8,6 dBm. THPC-2: FDTD-based Microdosimetry for High-Intensity Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEFs) Application T. Vu1, S. Kohler1, C. Merla2, D. Arnaud-Cormos1, P. Leveque1, 1XLIM, Limoges, France, 2ENEA, Rome , Italy In this paper, we propose and characterize an FDTD-based method to numerically model biological cell structures. A particular focus is given to the cell membrane modeling which allows accounting, as realistically possible, the cell response under high-intensity nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEFs) application.

THPC-3: Hyperthermia of Large Superficial Tumor with a Flat LHM Lens Y. H. Tao, G. Wang, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Flat left-handed metamaterial (LHM) lens shows great potentials for superficial tumor hyperthermia. In clinic, superficial tumor may occur in a considerably large area, and take different shapes. For such superficial tumors, joint heating by using multiple sources are desired for effective hyperthermia. In this paper, it is demonstrated that by properly arranging the positions of the sources, the heat region in tissue characterized by heating temperature above 42°C can be enlarged properly.

Technical Track Key:

› 80

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

THPD-4: Single-Layer Design of Microstrip Patch Electrically-Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) with Integrated DC Isolation J. J. Luther, S. Ebadi, X. Gong, University of Central Florida, Orlando, United States A single layer ESPAR antenna with reactive mutual coupling control is presented for the first time. A 3-element 1-GHz array without phase shifters and employing tunable reactive loading is fabricated and measured. The prototype greatly simplifies the ESPAR design while with incorporating innovative DC biasing solutions while simultaneously reducing losses. This allows extension of the microstrip ESPAR to conformal, high frequency designs while mitigating fabrication risks.

THPE THPE-1: Low Cost and Miniaturized Helicopter Near Field Obstacle Warning Radar V. Ziegler1, F. Schubert1, B. Schulte2, A. Giere2, R. Koerber2, T. Waanders3, 1EADS, Ottobrunn, Germany, 2Astyx GmbH, Ottobrunn, Germany, 3Eurocopter GmbH, Ottobrunn, Germany This paper reports for the first time on a novel development for a miniaturized and low cost near field obstacle warning sensor for helicopters based on an adapted automotive radar. All system components, from the RF-modules, the baseband, signal processing algorithms and visualization were developed and a complete radar prototype was built. Ground-based system field trials were successfully performed during which typical obstacles like overhead power lines were detected and visualized. THPE-2: A 79GHz UWB Pulse-Compression Vehicular Radar in 90nm CMOS K. Tan1, C. Lai1, P. Lu1, C. Tu1, G. Huang2, J. Wu1, S. S. Hsu1, T. Chu1, 1National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2 National Nano Device Laboratories, Hsinchu, Taiwan A 79 GHz UWB pulse-compression (PC) vehicular radar system is presented. In this work, the internal modulation of the PC waveform is binary phase shift keying (BPSK) with a 31-bit length pseudo noise (PN) sequence. The modulation rate is 1 Gb/s and the maximum pulse width is 31 nsec. The CMOS chip presents a self-contained radar system with the transmitter, receiver, frequency synthesizer, and complete timing circuit fully integrated in a standard 90nm CMOS technology.

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1330 – 1550

THP Thursday 21 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Daniel Gratton, Canadian Space Agency THPE-3: Thinned MIMO Frame-Arrays for Radar Imaging K. Rezer, C. Klickow, A. F. Jacob, Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, Germany Thinned multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frame-arrays are proposed for 3-dimensional imaging radars. Their elements are placed on the perimeter of a square, thus allowing for simplified front-end architectures. A synthesis method for large arrays is described. A deconvolution algorithm is implemented for image enhancement. The principle is verified with a 12-transceiver array in a Ka-band radar.

THPG-4: Virtual Receiving Array Method for Direction of Arrival Estimation on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles E. Poliakov1, C. Wu2, Y. Antar1, 1Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Canada, 2Defence Research and Development Canada, Ottawa, Canada UAV emitter geolocation systems force the development of small RF receivers with real-time direction of arrival (DOA) estimation capabilities. This paper introduces the Virtual Receiving Array method. A single element receiver samples an RF signal in time, while the UAV flies with a constant velocity. The data is manipulated and a Direct Data Domain algorithm is used to generate good quality DOA estimates at low SNR, making it ideal for dynamic environments.

THPE-4: Seeing Through Walls with a Self-Injection-Locked Radar to Detect Hidden People F. Wang1, T. Horng1, K. Peng2, J. Jau3, J. Li3, C. Chen3, 1National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3ITRI, Hsinchu, Taiwan This paper presents the use of a self-injection-locked (SIL) radar for seeing through walls to detect hidden people. This goal is achieved for a subject standing still, breathing normally, and located between a wood board and wood wall . In the experiment, the radar scans its carrier frequency to obtain position information about various objects based on the echo signals. As a result, the standing subject was identified owing to the respiration signal fast extracted from subtracted spectra.

THPH THPH-1: Accurate Modeling of Microwave Structures Using Generalized Shape-Preserving Response Prediction S. Koziel, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland A generalized shape-preserving response prediction (GSPRP) method for low-cost and accurate modeling of microwave structures is presented. Our approach exploits kriging interpolation to model a set of characteristic point of the response of interest, subsequently used to restore the entire response. As the locations of characteristic points are easy to model, GSPRP ensures good accuracy without using large amounts of training data, which is in contrast to conventional approximation techniques. THPH-2: Reliable Low-Cost Co-Kriging Modeling of Microwave Devices S. Koziel1, I. Couckuyt2, T. Dhaene2, 1Reykavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2Ghent University - IBBT, Gent, Belgium A reliable methodology for accurate modeling of microwave devices is presented. Our approach exploits co-kriging which utilizes low- and high-fidelity EM simulation data and combines them into a single surrogate model. Densely sampled low-fidelity data determines a trend function which is further corrected by sparsely sampled high-fidelity simulations. With our method, accurate models can be obtained at a fraction of cost required by conventional approximation models.


THPH-3: CAD Models of Losses for Elliptical and Circular Cylindrical CPW on Multilayered Dielectric Substrates P. Majumdar, A. K. Verma, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi, India The paper addresses a CAD oriented closed-form expressions for the losses based on stopping distance for different configurations of elliptical CPW (ECPW) and cylindrical CPW (CCPW) on a finite-thickness multilayered dielectric substrates. The analysis of the structures has been done using conformal mapping and SLR technique. Comparisons with 3D-EM simulators are presented to validate the expressions between 1 GHz – 60 GHz. The average deviation of the model against the comparison is 2.78%.

THPF-1: A Smart Jamming System for UMTS/WCDMA Cellular Phone Networks for Search and Rescue Applications S. Zorn, M. Gardill, R. Rose, A. Goetz, R. Weigel, A. Koelpin, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany This paper introduces one part of the I-LOV project. This paper will introduce a new Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based jamming system which disturbs only the necessary parts of the WCDMA spectrum but reliably cuts all connections between mobile stations (MS) and existing BTS. The whole system including the signal generator and the front end will be discussed. Also measurement results will be shown.



THPG-1: UWB Time Domain Transmission Sensor for Free-Space Moisture Measurements H. Mextorf, F. Daschner, M. Kent, R. Knöchel, Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany An UWB time domain transmission system for free-space moisture measurements is presented. The system is capable of transmitting UWB signals having a bandwidth of several gigahertz which illuminate the samples. The received signals can be sampled instantaneously with just one receiving channel and a special combiner. Multivariate calibration is applied and an accuracy for the determination of the moisture content of 0.61% is achieved while the range of moisture is varied from 1.7% to 20%.

THPJ-1: Methanol Decomposition Reaction using Pd/C as Solid Catalyst under Highly Precise Microwave Irradiation S. Fujii1, H. Kujirai2, D. Mochizuki2, M. Maitani2, E. Suzuki2, Y. Wada2, N. Mayama3, 1Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, 2 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 3M2 Design, Takasaki, Japan In order to obtain highly reproducibility of chemical reactions, a microwave high power amplifier module with an ultra precise oscillator and the ellipsoid shaped applicator have been successfully developed. We also demonstrated a methanol decomposition reaction as a model solid-gas reaction on Pd/C under microwave irradiation. The reaction rate under microwave irradiation was enhanced more than three-fold compared with that under electric furnace heating.

THPG-2: Correction of Frequency Uncertainty in Wide Field of View Interferometric Angular Velocity Measurements J. A. Nanzer1, A. H. Zai2, 1Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, United States, 2University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, United States A method for correcting the frequency uncertainty in wide field of view interferometric angular velocity measurements is presented. At wide angles the frequency shift scales as the cosine of the angle resulting in measurement uncertainty. The correction method consists of estimating the angle using an interferometer with three frequencies spaced over a fractional bandwidth of 3.5%. The uncertainty of the measured frequency shift is shown to be less than 0.1 Hz over a ±72 degree field of view.

THPJ-2: Simulation for Microwave Heating of Catalysts for CO2 Reduction to CO T. Kayser, A. Melcher, G. Link, J. Jelonnek, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany Using the reverse water gas shift reaction (RWGS) one can produce carbon monoxide from carbon dioxide with the help of a catalyst. As the reaction is endothermic external energy in form of heat has to be supplied. This paper describes an applicator in which the heating is done by microwaves at 2.45 GHz and shows the electromagnetic and thermal simulation of this applicator.

THPG-3: 77 GHz Lens-Based Multistatic MIMO Radar with Colocated Antennas for Automotive Applications S. Lutz, K. Baur, T. Walter, Hochshule Ulm, Ulm, Germany With the fast development of highly integrated 77 GHz SiGe-MMICs, cost effective and reliable radar systems are feasible to significantly increase driving safety in all vehicle classes. In this paper we present a new lens based 77 GHz MIMO radar system with Sige MMICs. The center of attention in our investigations is the comparison between conventional lens based radar configurations and lens based MIMO radar configurations.


Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

THPK-1: Low-Power 20-Gb/s SiGe BiCMOS Driver with 2.5 V Output Swing B. Sedighi1, P. Ostrovskyy2, J. C. Scheytt2, 1The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, 2IHP, Frankfurt(Oder), Germany This paper investigates low-power design of high-speed and high-swing electronic driver circuits. A method to estimate and optimize the power consumption of such driver ICs is presented. A 20-Gb/s driver circuit is fabricated in 0.25 μm SiGe BiCMOS process and an output swing of 2.5 Vpp is measured. The driver consumes 0.75 W from 5 V supply.

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 81


THPE-5: Adaptive Noise Cancellation for Two Frequency Radars Using Frequency Doubling Passive RF Tags A. Singh, V. M. Lubecke, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, United States The use of an adaptive noise cancellation technique is explored for Doppler radar measurements of one source of motion, in the presence of a tagged interfering source. A two frequency Doppler radar system (fundamental and harmonic) is used to measure motion for an untagged mechanical source, with a passive harmonic radar tag attached to a second, interfering source. Simulation and experiments are compared for a system with a 2.45 GHz fundamental frequency.



1330 – 1550

THP Thursday 21 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Daniel Gratton, Canadian Space Agency

THPL THPL-1: Wideband 60 GHz Bandpass Filter Based on Flexible PerMX Polymer Substrate S. Seok, J. Kim, N. Rolland, IEMN, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France this paper presents a wideband 60 GHz bandpass filter fabricated on flexible 50 µm-thick PerMX polymer substrate. A wideband filter has been achieved through optimization of the narrow gaps between the adjacent resonators. The implemented filter shows insertion loss of 4.2 dB at the center frequency of 63.5 GHz while its return loss is better than 14 dB including two microstrip to CPW transitions. In addition, 3 dB bandwidth of 19 % at the center frequency of 63.5 GHz is demonstrated.

THPL-8: Compact Wide-Passband and Wide-Stopband Microstrip Bandpass Filter Using Multi-Stub Resonator M. Tsou, S. Chen, W. Tu, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan This paper presents a wideband microstrip bandpass filter with wide stopband. To achieve the wide stopband, a multi-stub resonator is introduced. The proposed resonator features high design freedom and can provide multiple transmission zeros for good near-passband selectivity and deep stopband rejection. The resonator is investigated via transmission-line model and a bandpass filter is fabricated to validate the design concept, which shows an improved performance in comparison to previous works.


THPL-2: Notch-band UWB Bandpass Filter Using Slot-Embedded Short-Circuited Stub S. Wong, X. Wu, Q. Chu, South China University of Technology, GuangZhou, China A notch band ultra-wideband bandpass filter with good out-of-band rejection, controllable and multiple transmission zeros in notch band and good inband performance is presented in this paper. The 1st-order, 3rd-order and 5thorder bandpass filter is discussed to study the improvement of the selectivity and harmonic suppression. Finally, a notch-band filter prototype is fabricated to experimentally verify the predicted results.

THPL-9: A Compact Filtering Rat-Race Coupler Using Dual-Mode Stub-Loaded Resonators C. Chen2, T. Huang1, C. Chen1, W. Liu1, T. Shen1, R. Wu1, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan A compact rat-race coupler with fourth-order bandpass response has been proposed. In this study, the dual-mode stub-loaded resonators are used as the building blocks of the proposed structure. Thus, the proposed rat-race coupler with fourth-order bandpass response can be implemented with only four resonators, resulting in a small circuit size. As a consequence, the proposed filtering rat-race coupler not only has a small size, but also has high selectivity and good out-of-band response.

THPL-3: Miniaturized Dual-Band Microstrip Bandpass Filter with Wide Stopband S. Wu, Y. Tseng, W. Tu, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan This paper presents a compact, wide-stopband, and dual-band microstrip bandpass filter using stub-loaded stepped-impedance resonators. By adjusting the parameters of the resonator, one can control the frequencies of the resonant modes and the transmission zeros. When the transmission zero frequency is close to the spurious resonant mode frequency, one can have a wide-stopband bandpass filter without any external circuits or increasing the resonator to suppress the spurious passbands.

THPL-10: Miniaturized Dual-Band Bandstop Filter Using Defected Microstrip Structure and Defected Ground Structure J. Wang1, H. Ning1, L. Mao2, M. Li3, 1Beihang University, Beijing, China, 2Soochow University, Suzhou, China, 3Anhui University, Hefei, China A miniaturized dual-band bandstop filter (DBBSF) is proposed by using T-shaped defected microstrip structure (DMS) and U-shaped defected ground structure (DGS). Compared with other published filters, the proposed DBBSF occupies the minimal normalized area. Moreover, the center frequency of the first stopband and the second stopband can be controlled separately due to the negligible mutual coupling between the T-shaped DMS and U-shaped DGS.

THPL-4: Miniaturized RF/Microwave Filters using Fractals J. Beneat1, P. Jarry2, 1Norwich University, Northfield, United States, 2Université of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France The analysis and design of miniaturized fractal filters is presented in this paper. It is shown that fractal resonators can be significantly smaller than conventional planar resonators for the same resonant frequency requirements. It is seen that when increasing the number of fractal iterations, the size of the resonators decreases and the quality factor increases.

THPL-11: A Novel Quad-Band Filter using Centrally Shorted-Stub Loaded Resonator and Stepped Impedance Resonator S. Sun, B. Wu, S. Yang, K. Deng, C. Linag, Xidian University, Xian, China This paper presents a quad-band filter using centrally shorted-stub loaded resonators operated at the first and third passbands and stepped impedance resonators fixed at the second and fourth passbands. A special feed structure consisting of two stepped impedance lines is proposed, and a pair of parallel coupling lines are loaded at the center of the shorted-stub loaded resonators to enhance the couple of the first passband without affecting the third one.

THPL-5: Miniaturized High-Order UWB Bandpass Filter Using Third-Order E-Shape Microstrip Structure R. T. Hammed, D. Mirshekar-Syahkal, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom Recently a new systematic design rule was proposed to realize high-order UWB bandpass filters using cascaded E-shape microstrip structures. The responses of these miniaturized filters show one transmission zero at the upper stop-band. In order to improve the selectivity at the lower stop-band, this paper proposes a new generation of miniaturized high-order UWB bandpass filters having an attenuation pole in the lower stopband.

THPL-12: A Novel Wideband Stepped-Impedance Rectangular-Ring Resonator Bandpass Filter with Two Notched Bands A. Nakhlestani, M. Movahhedi, A. Hakimi, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran A new configuration of wideband bandpass filter (BPF) with notched bands is presented. Proposed BPF is based on stepped-impedance resonator. By utilizing dual stepped-impedance resonators in folded topology a rectangularring resonator is formed. Two notched bands in the passband are achieved without utilizing asymmetrical coupled lines. In other words, the filter configuration is capable of producing notched bands.

THPL-6: Compact Wide-Stopband Quad-Band Bandpass Filter with Tunable Transmission Zeros K. Hsu, W. Tu, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan A quad-band bandpass filter using double-layered structure is presented. The proposed filter is composed of four pairs of stepped impedance resonators on the top metal layer and middle metal layer. In comparison to the conventional quad-band bandpass filters, the proposed filter has the advantages of compact size and wide-stopband response. Besides, due to multi-path effect, transmission zeros beside the passbands are created to achieve sharp rejection.

THPL-7: Average Power Handling Capability of Quarter-Wavelength Microstrip Stepped-Impedance Resonator Bandpass Filter L. Wu, J. Mao, W. Yin, M. Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China The average power handling capability (APHC) of quarter-wavelength microstrip stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) bandpass filter (BPF) is fast predicted, according to the transmission line theory for heat conduction and the coupled resonator circuit model. The proposed procedure for determining APHC is validated with good agreement achieved between the temperature rise of an interdigital SIR BPF captured by our method and obtained from the 3D-FEM simulation.

Technical Track Key:

› 82

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

THPM THPM-1: A Novel Ka Band Sliding IF Transmitter for Satellite Communication K. Ma1, K. Yeo1, S. Mou1, C. Liang2, F. Chen2, R. Jayasuriya2, 1Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 2 ST Electronics Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore A novel sliding IF transmitter scheme is proposed for Ka satellite transmitter. The proposed scheme requires a low LO synthesizer frequency of 11.22GHz, which make LO easily be implemented on board level and also provide the advantages on the spurious suppression by reduce the requirements on the RF filters. The system level design and simulation is carried to tradeoff among the power, noise, spectrum purity and linearity. A 2W transmitter is developed. THPM-2: Various Applications and Background of 10-200W 2.45GHz Microplasmas H. Heuermann, S. Holtrup, A. Sadeghfam, M. Schmidt, R. Perkuhn, T. Finger, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany This paper presents a microplasma ignition at 2.45GHz for various applications as well as spark plugs, plasma beams, low and high pressure lamps by using a three stage impedance transformer. The transformation network generates a very high voltage. Using this network, plasma ignition and sustainment are possible under atmospheric pressure, low pressure or even under very high pressure conditions. This concept holds true for 10W to 200W, offering various advantages for a variety of applications.

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1330 – 1550

THP Thursday 21 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Daniel Gratton, Canadian Space Agency

THPN THPN-1: Fabrication and Characterization of a Fully Integrated Biosensor Associating Microfluidic Device and RF Circuit S. Pinon1, D. L. Diedhiou3, A. Boukabache1, V. Conédéra1, A. Gué1, G. Prigent2, C. Quendo4, B. Potelon4, J. Favennec4, D. Bourrier1, E. Rius4, 1CNRS, Toulouse, France, 2Université de Toulouse ; UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE, Toulouse, France, 3 Université Européenne de Bretagne, Brest, France, 4Université de Brest ; CNRS, UMR 3192 Lab-TICC,, Brest, France This paper presents the first results of the fabrication and characterization of a biological sensor based on two complementary parts. A microfluidic channel along with a micromachined stop-band filter are used to detect the type of fluid which flows beneath the electronic circuit. The tridimensional structure of the microstrip technology is integrated using SU8 material. Changes to the cutoff frequency and attenuation allow us to differentiate three values of the salt in water concentration.

THPP-3: Novel Error Correction Memory Compression Technique of a DDS Using the Equi-Section Division Method K. Tajima, K. Kawakami, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Kamakura, Japan This paper presents a memory compression technique of a DDS using the equi-section division method. In the DDS, an error correction memory reduces error after the sine amplitude approximation. In order to reduce the memory size, we propose a phase adjustment technique to realize a shared memory. The proposed technique changes phase data which is equivalent to memory address to optimum value in each section, and reduces the memory size to approximately 1/2^S without affecting spurious levels.

THPP-4: A Method to Lower VCO Phase Noise by Using HBT Darlington Pair S. Lai1, M. Bao2, D. Kuylenstierna1, H. Zirath1, 1Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2Ericsson, Mölndal, Sweden The paper presents a novel method to enhance voltage swing in LC VCOs design using bipolar transistor. The method is successfully demonstrated in an InGaP HBT MMIC process. A gm-boosted VCO and a modified version using Darlington-pair transistors are compared.The gm-boosted VCO has tuning range of 22.8% centered at 5.7GHz and phase noise ranging -103~-95 dBc/Hz@100kHz. The modified version has tuning range of 26% centered at 5.9 GHz and phase noise ranging -103.5~-98.5 dBc/Hz@100kHz.

THPN-3: Inductively Coupled Super-Regeneration Amplifier Based on Integrated Transmission Line for Transcutaneous Data Transfer A. Zahabi, L. Tianyi , M. Anis , M. Ortmanns, Universität Ulm, Ulm, Germany Inductively coupled super-regeneration amplifier is presented for near field transcutaneous data transfer with capacitively-loaded integrated transmission line. In transmitting mode, the SRA generates OOK modulated pulsedsinusoids tuned at 2.4GHz. In receiving mode, the SRA switches in between filtering and oscillation modes to detect data pattern. The SRA consumes 1mA/1.2mA from 2.5V supply in Tx/Rx modes. Data rate of 100 Mb/s and 10Mb/s to detect -75dBm signals in Tx/Rx-mode.

THPP-5: IQ Signal Generator Using 2nd - Harmonic Injection Locked Oscillators J. Lopez-Villegas1, N. Vidal1, J. Sieiro1, J. Macias-Montero2, T. Carrasco-Carrillo1, J. Osorio-Martí1, 1Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 2Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain A new approach to generate quadrature signals is proposed. The method is based on the injection and locking of L-C VCOs at the 2nd harmonic through non-linear feedback. The procedure allows the generation of equal amplitude signals with well-defined phases of 0º, 90º, 180º and 270º, in the tuning range of the VCOs. A demonstrator was built using SiGe BiCMOS technology. The system operates in the frequency range from 1.66 to 2.68 GHz and demonstrates the reliability of the proposed method.

THPN-4: Vital-Sign Detection Doppler Radar Based on Phase Locked Self-Injection Oscillator P. Wu4, J. Jau1, C. Li2, T. Horng3, P. Hsu4, 1ITRI, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 3National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 4National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan A Doppler radar based on a phase locked self-injection oscillator is presented for vital-sign detection. The phaselocked loop (PLL) stabilizes the output frequency and serves as the demodulator. The architecture has a well defined operating frequency compared to a free-running self-injection oscillator. A frequency domain model is developed to calculate the circuit parameters for desired sensitivity requirements. Experiments demonstrate successful detections of the vital signs up to 3 m.

THPP-6: A Dispersion-tapered Reflection Soliton Oscillator. D. S. Ricketts, A. Hillenius, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, United States This paper presents the first demonstration of a dispersion-tapered reflection soliton oscillator (RS0). In this work we show that the stabilizing mechanisms for uniform NLTL soliton oscillators are sufficient to stabilize and self generate solitons using a dispersion-tapered NLTL. Moreover, we show experimentally that the dispersion-tapered NLTL provides a significant benefit in further sharpening the soliton pulses in the soliton oscillator.

THPN-5: A Microwave Sensing System for Aqueous Concentration Measurements based on a Microwave Reflectometer M. Hofmann, F. Trenz, G. Fischer, R. Weigel, D. Kissinger, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany This paper presents a novel parameterized Debye relaxation model for aqueous glucose solutions up to 40 GHz. The influence on all Debye relaxation parameters is given by three equations. A compact microwave demonstrator for concentration measurements, consisting of two directional couplers, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), a six-port-junction, power detectors and a signal processing board is introduced.

THPP-7: Digitally Controlled CMOS Quadrature Ring Oscillator with Improved FoM for GHz Range All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop Applications R. K. Pokharel, P. Nugroho, A. Anand, H. Kanaya, K. Yoshida, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan This paper presents a 14-bit digitally controlled ring oscilla¬tor (DCO) with operating frequency up to 3.4 GHz in 0.18 um CMOS technology. Digital control is employed to control the transis¬tor operation to obtain higher voltage swing in triod region and lower flicker (1/f) noise that in turn results in the lowest phase noise in a ring oscillator. The measured figure of merit (FoM) to be -169.9 dBc/Hz which is 7.7 dB improvement over its recently published analog counterpart.



THPP-1: High Power Solid-State Oscillator for Microwave Oven Applications T. Shi, K. Li, Freescale Semiconductor , Tempe, United States A Solid-state oscillator design with Freescale LDMOS devices is presented. The power booster technique of oscillator with two devices is presented as well. The single device oscillator can deliver up to 157W CW power at 2.45GHz with better than 43% efficiency, the oscillator has a high Q feedback ring which provides stable resonating frequency. The 2UPs oscillator can deliver 310W CW power at 2.45GHz with 46% efficiency.

THPQ-1: State of the Art 200 GHz Power Measurements on SiGe:C HBT using an Innovative Load Pull Measurement Setup A. Pottrain2, T. Lacave2, D. Gloria2, P. Chevalier2, C. Gaquiere1, 1IEMN, Villeneuve D’ascq, France, 2STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France In this paper we report for the first time power measurements on a single ended heterojonction bipolar transistor at 200 GHz with a variation of load impedance by means of an integrated tuner. Integrated impedance tuners are specially designed in order to characterize the device for various load impedance. This is the first report of a non linear measurement on a single ended device in this frequency range.

THPP-2: A V-Band Injection-Locked Frequency Tripler Module with Adaptive Free-Running Frequency Tuning T. Yan, H. Lin, C. Kuo, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan A V-band injection-locked frequency tripler (ILFT) module features adaptive free-running frequency tuning for locking range enhancement. The ILFT free-running frequency is adaptively tuned to the third-order harmonic frequency of the input signal.The control voltage is obtained by frequency detection of the input signal. The realized system is a hybrid of customized ICs and off-the-shelf commercial components. The measured results show that the ILFT is applicable to V-band operation of 2.7 GHz.

THPQ-2: A Millimeter-Wave Cylindrical Modified Luneberg Lens Antenna C. Hua1, X. Wu2, W. Wu1, 1Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, 2Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China A new millimeter-wave cylindrical modified Luneberg lens antenna is designed using parallel plate techniques. The lens consists of two air-filled parallel plates. The plates spacing is varied with the normalized radius to achieve a general Luneberg’s variation of the effective index of refraction. A planar ALTSA is placed between the parallel plates at the focal position of the lens as a feed antenna. A ray-tracing method and CST-MWS are used to analyze and design this antenna at 30 GHz.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 83


THPN-2: A Parallel-Trace High-Q Planar Spiral Coil for Biomedical Implants H. Jiang1, S. Zhou1, D. Lan1, K. Goldman2, J. Zhang1, H. Shahnasser1, S. Roy3, 1San Francisco State University, San Francisco, United States, 2H-Cubed, Inc., Olmsted Falls, United States, 3University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, United States Multiple parallel-connected metal traces, instead of a single trace, have been employed in PSC to achieve high Q. The parallel-trace PSC exhibits 38%~53% improvements in Q when it resonates with a capacitor at ~10 MHz. Measurements indicate that there is ~10% L reduction in the parallel-trace PSC compared to the single-trace PSC of the same design, and, the unbalance among parallel-connected traces can be neglected when the operating frequency is less than the PSC’s self-resonating frequency.



1330 – 1550

THP Thursday 21 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Daniel Gratton, Canadian Space Agency


THPQ-3: Fully Electronic Active E-Band Personnel Imager with 2 m^2 Aperture S. S. Ahmed1, A. Genghammer1, A. Schiessl1, L. Schmidt2, 1Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany, 2University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany The demand on advanced personnel screening systems led to the development of several active and passive imagers. Among them, active multistatic imaging ensures high image quality and allows fully electronic screening. An active E-band imager is introduced in this paper, which operates in real-time and delivers images of 30-dB dynamic range. Imaging of humans is achieved by optimizing the acquisition time using a dedicated digital signal processing solution.

THPR-3: Compact Waveguide Twist Design Fitting with Interfacing Waveguide Cross Sections U. Rosenberg1, R. Beyer2, 1Mician, Bremen, Germany, 2Mician, Bremen, Germany A novel waveguide twist solution is introduced. It is based on one central angular step for the complete offset rotation in combination with double ridge waveguide transformer sections towards the waveguide interfaces. The in- and output cross sections are directly fitting with the interface waveguides - thus accommodating easy manufacturing in one piece by standard CNC milling techniques. A realized twist at 28GHz providing 32 dB return loss over 38% bandwidth validates the new concept.

THPQ-4: Generation of Steerable Continuous-Wave Terahertz Radiation Using Large-Area Photomixer A. Eshaghi1, M. Shahabadi1, L. Chrostowski2, 1University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Generation of CW-THz radiation with a power of 2 microwatts is demonstrated. Two CW laser beams are photomixed in a microstructured large-area photomixer to generate a THz radiation of 1.2THz. We show that the radiated beam is steerable by changing the incidence angles of the pump beams. In our setup, the emission direction of the photomixer can be changed by rotating the beam splitter used for beam combining. Using this setup, we are able to steer the THz beam in a range of -30 to +30 degrees.

THPR-4: Millimeter-wave Broadband Transition of Substrate Integrated Waveguide on High-to-Low Dielectric Constant Substrates N. Ghassemi, K. Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Canada This paper presents a novel wideband transition of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) on high-to-low dielectric constant substrates. The transition has a single layer structure which consists of a tapered high dielectric constant substrate that connects the two SIWs. It has a self-shielded configuration, and its noise interference is minimum. Simulated and measurement results show that the bandwidth of the transition covers almost the entire W and E bands with low insertion loss.

THPQ-5: Wideband Submillimeter Receivers based on Series Distributed SIS Junctions C. E. Tong1, P. K. Grimes1, R. Blundell1, M. Wang2, 1Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, United States, 2Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Taipei, Taiwan The IF bandwidth of an SIS mixer is limited by its capacitance. A series distributed design reduces the effective junction capacitance and the junctions can be reused as low impedance matching elements, limiting the capacitance of the RF matching network. In this paper, the analysis of this novel design is explored. Two receivers incorporating two types of series distributed SIS mixers were tested at 220 and 350 GHz. IF bandwidth of up to 16 GHz and low noise performance have been demonstrated.

THPR-5: Antipodal Fin-Line Waveguide to Substrate Integrated Waveguide Transition T. Djerafi, A. Ghiotto, K. Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada Based on a tapered fin-line, this transition is designed for dielectric substrate having a relative permittivity higher than 4. It is fabricated without modification to the waveguide dimensions. The robustness of the transition with reference to the relative position error is studied showing excellent stability. Measurement results show excellent performance in a bandwidth of 6% (33-35 GHz) with less than 1 dB of insertion loss.

THPQ-6: Micromachined-Silicon W-band Planar-Lens Antenna with Metamaterial Free-Space Matching S. Dudorov, F. Töpfer, J. Oberhammer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden We present a miniaturized planar W-band dielectric-lens antenna which is micromachined in a 300 micron silicon wafer. The antenna edge comprises a metamaterial anti-reflection geometry in order to reduce parasitic reflections between the free-space to high-permittivity dielectric interface. Furthermore, the dielectric lens is matched to a standard metal waveguide by an optimized tapered dielectric-wedge transition. Prototype lens-antennas were fabricated in a single-mask micromachining process.

THPR-6: A Compact Dual-Linear Polarized Dual-Band Bases Station Antenna H. Peng1, B. Zong2, W. Yin1, J. Mao1, 1Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 2ZTE, Shanghai, China A novel compact dual-linearly polarized and dual-band (DPDB) antenna, operating B1 (0.8-1.0 GHz), B2 (1.70-1.88 GHz), B3 (1.91- 2.17 GHz) and B4 (2.3-2.4 GHz) bands, is presented in this paper. The EM simulated models for its radiation element and its feed network, are developed. The antenna can cover GSM, DCS and E-UMTS spectrums. Its 10 dB return loss and 30 dB port isolations are obtained and verified by measurements. It is shown that this antenna is very suitable for cellular communication.

THPQ-7: A 140-GHz Quad-Receivers IC and Sub-Assembly for Compact Passive Imaging Sensors T. Kosugi1, H. Sugiyama1, H. Matsuzaki1, M. Nakamura2, H. Satoh2, K. Throngnumchai2, K. Murata1, 1NTT, Atsugi, Japan, 2Nissan Motors, Atsugi, Japan A CPW-MMIC with quad-channel receiver IC for 140-GHz passive millimeter-wave imaging system was developed. The IC has four low-noise amplifiers (LNA), Dicke switches, and detectors using Schottoky barrier diode. The LNA has 40 dB gain and 5 dB noise figure. The IC was assembled with a four-antenna array fabricated on a polyimide film. The subassembly was finally implemented in 140-GHz imaging system and we confirmed human can be detected at 30 m apart from the imaging system.

THPR-7: Ultra-Compact Millimeter-wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide Crossover Structure Utilizing Simultaneous Electric and Magnetic Coupling A. Guntupalli, T. Djerafi, K. Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Canada An ultra-compact wideband crossover is proposed and realized by using vertical coupling of both electric and magnetic fields simultaneously. The magnetic field (H) is coupled through slots etched adjacent to the side walls of waveguide and the electric field (E) is coupled through slots etched on the middle of waveguide. Measured insertion loss is less than 0.9 dB over an operating bandwidth of 16.6% at 35 GHz.


THPR-8: A Ka-Band Broadband Traveling-Wave Power Divider/Combiner Based on Low-Loss Septum Unsymmetrical E-plane T-junction Series Z. Kang, Q. Chu, Q. Wu, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China A Ka-band traveling-wave power divider based on septum unsymmetrical T-junction series has been designed and fabricated. The high isolation, which guarantees the graceful degradation of a modular solid-state device system, is realized. The proposed structure features easy fabrication and low loss. The simulated isolation is better than 20dB from 28 to 38GHz. The measured reflection of input port is better than 19dB and a maximum transmission coefficient amplitude imbalance of ± 1dB is achieved.

THPR-1: A Fully Passive RF Switch Based on Nanometric Conductive Bridge A. Vena1, E. Perret1, S. Tedjini1, C. Vallée2, P. Gonon2, C. Mannequin2, 1Grenoble Institute of Technology, Valence, France, 2CNRS, Grenoble, France This paper presents a novel fully passive and reversible RF switch based on resistive switching effect observed in CBRAM memory. To maintain the on state or the off state no power is required, since the on state is characterized by a real metallic bridge while the off state is related to the absence of this bridge. A characterisation of the non optimized transition is presented before introducing the design of a switch able to operate up to 10GHz. THPR-2: A Dual-Band Tandem Coupler with an Arbitrary Coupling Coefficient X. Wang1, K. Wu1, W. Yin2, 1The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China A novel dual-band tandem coupler with an arbitrary coupling coefficient is proposed. The coupler consists of a tandem coupler and a transmission line. The coupler can realize arbitrary coupling coefficients over two designated frequencies. Design equations are derived for designing the parameters. A prototype of the proposed coupler which operates at 0.9/1.5 GHz with -6dB coupling coefficient is designed, fabricated and measured for verification. The measured and the simulated agree very well.

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THPR-11: A Planar Ultra Wide Band Single Layer Microstrip BALUN Operating from 200MHz to 10GHz M. Shahidzadeh Mahani, R. Abhari, McGill University, Montreal, Canada In this paper a new single layer BALUN is presented that covers the frequency range of 200MHz to 10GHz. The structure is composed of a two stage Wilkinson power divider followed by a wideband current flipping structure. Measurements show that an amplitude imbalance of below 0.2dB and a phase imbalance of less than 5 degrees is achieved by this BALUN from 1.5GHz to 10GHz. Maximum phase and amplitude imbalance are 12degrees and 2dB respectively.

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1330 – 1550

THP Thursday 21 June 2012 Room: 517CD Chair: Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University Co-Chair: Daniel Gratton, Canadian Space Agency THPR-12: Compact UHF 5th-Order Bandpass Filter with Sharp Skirt B. Lee, S. Kahng, D. Eom , S. Yoo, University of Incheon, Incheon, Republic of Korea We propose a bandpass filter miniaturized by the composite right-handed and left-handed zeroth order resonators. A 5th-order bandpass filter form a cascaded triplet to have a significantly sharp skirt for high frequency selectivity. The proposed filter has the insertion loss less than 1.5dB and the return loss less than -15dB. The simulation and measurement validate the proposed design method, and the CRLH ZOR properties are proven by the no-phase variation electric field and dispersion diagram.

THPR-13: A V-band Waveguide to Microstrip Inline Transition K. Han, C. Pao, QuinStar Technology, INC., Torrance, United States A wideband, low loss inline transition from microstrip line to rectangular waveguide is presented. This transition efficiently couples energy from a microstrip line to a waveguide ridge and subsequently to a regular TE10 waveguide. This unique structure requires no mechanical pressure for electrical contact for the transition because the substrate and ridge sections are placed on a single housing. The measured insertion loss for back-to-back transitions is 0.5 - 0.7 dB over a broad bandwidth.

THPT THPT-1: A 200 GHz 16-pixel Focal Plane Array Imager using CMOS Super Regenerative Receivers with Quench Synchronization A. Tang1, G. Virbila1, Y. Wang1, Q. J. Gu2, Z. Xu3, L. Du1, N. Yan1, Y. Wu1, Y. Wu4, Y. Kuan1, M. F. Chang1, 1University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States, 2University of Florida, Gainesville, United States, 3HRL, Malibu, United States, 4Notrhrop Grumman Corperation, Renondo Beach, United States A 200GHz 4x4 focal plane array (FPA) has been realized by using super-regenerative receiver (SRR) pixels in 65nm CMOS for mm-wave imaging applications. With 16 pixel elements constructed on PCB, the FPA consumes 215mA under 1V power supply and uses quench synchronization to eliminate super-regenerative interference.


THPR-14: Rat-Race Based Microstrip Coupler With Differential Port to Realize Monostatic RF Systems R. W. Jungmaier1, R. Feger1, B. Prammer1, H. Jäger2, A. Stelzer3, 1Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 2DICE, Linz, Austria In this work a rat-race based microstrip coupler, usable to realize monostatic RF systems, is presented. The coupler combines the two functions of separating the transmit (TX) and receive signal together with the conversion from a differential to a single-ended TX signal since two ports of the proposed five port coupler can be used as a differential port. Simulations and measurements at 79GHz confirm the function of the coupler.

THPU-2: Self-Actuating Scanning Microwave Microscopy Probes N. Sarkar, M. Azizi, S. Fouladi, R. R. Mansour, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada We present a scanning microwave microscopy (SMM) system that does not require the use of a conventional atomic force microscope (AFM). Microfabricated SMM probes are actuated in two degrees of freedom by integrated MEMS scanners that are fabricated in a commercially available multi-user process. The scanners can position the tips over a 10µm x 10µm scan range.

THPR-15: Multiple Coupling Inductors Model Based on Four-Port Measurement Z. Zong, K. Kang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China This paper analyzes the coupling effects among four on-chip spiral inductors and develops a multiple coupling inductors model based on four-port S-parameters up to 50 GHz. Each single inductor model is directly extracted from measurement based on a one-port extraction algorithm, as well as mutual coupling elements among inductors. The modeled results agree well with the measured results up to self-resonance frequency. Test structures are fabricated using a commercial 0.18μm RFCMOS process.

THPU-3: Graphene Modeling by a Dirac-Transmission Line Matrix Scheme D. Mencarelli, L. Pierantoni, T. Rozzi , Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy We introduce for the first time a condensed node scheme for solving the Dirac equation in 2D graphene. This scheme satisfies the standard charge conservation requirement and allows adopting boundary conditions for graphene circuits. The correlation between the graphene equations and its self-consistent symmetrical condensed node -transmission line matrix formulation is highlighted. This concept is related to the generalized Huygens principle for the Dirac equations.

THPS THPS-1: Automated Design of Optimized Tunable Matching Networks in the UHF band C. Sanchez-Perez, J. de Mingo, P. L. Carro, P. Garcia-Ducar, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain In this paper a new methodology to design optimized digitally-controlled tunable matching networks is presented. Conceiving the TMN as a concatenation of basic switching cells, an optimization of the parameters can be carried out using a genetic algorithm. This method minimizes switching elements as well as ensures a near-optimum performance. We will present the design of a generic 300-800 MHz 7-cell TMN with 60% coverage and a specific 3-cell design based on an antenna characterization. THPS-2: Using Near Field Probes to Observe Class E Waveforms in HF/VHF/UHF Power Amplifiers A. Mediano, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain Class E RF amplifiers are one of the most used topologies when high efficiency is mandatory. The best approach to fine tuning this amplifier is to observe the drain/collector waveform. But observing this waveform in RF is difficult because the loading and parasitic effects of setup. In this work a technique to solve that limitation is described using near field probes typical from EMI/EMC fields. This work is interesting for HF/VHF/UHF designers and the technique can be extended to class D/F. THPS-3: Highly Compact Lumped Element Resonators in LTCC for Avionic Systems S. H. Mousavi, A. Elzayat, A. B. Kouki, École de technologie supérieure , Montreal, Canada A new system level architecture for multi-standard receivers to cover all the VHF and UHF band avionic systems is proposed. The proposed architecture relies on special RF front-end filtering to separate different services. A dual band-pass filter is designed using only two resonators. The resonators are designed and fabricated in LTCC technology using a lumped element approach. Measured results show close agreement with simulations with very small form factor.

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µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

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Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

› 85


THPU-1: Measurement-Based Effective Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube Networks for Microwave Design Purposes E. Decrossas1, M. A. EL Sabbagh2, V. Fouad Hanna3, S. M. El-Ghazaly1, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, United States, 2Syracuse University, Syracuse, United States, 3Sorbonne Universites, Paris - Cedex 05, France A mathematical model based on the percolation theory is developed to be implemented in simulation software to design CNT-based high-frequency components. For this purpose, two independent measurement setups are used to extract the conductivity of carbon nanotubes in its dry powder form as furnished by the manufacturer. Moreover, the radio frequency-dependent properties of CNT networks are studied experimentally for different packing densities.



1350 – 1530


TH3A: Linearizability of GaN from Device, Circuit to System Levels Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1350 –1530 Room: 513ABC Chair: Joe Qiu, U.S. Army Research Laboratory Co-Chair: Ali Darwish, The American University in Cairo

TH3B: Novel III-V MMIC Techniques Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1350 –1530 Room: 512ABEF Chair: Ho Huang, AMCOM Communications Inc. Co-Chair: Amin Ezzeddine, AMCOM Communications Inc.

TH3A-1 1350 – 1410 Linearity of GaN HEMT RF Power Amplifiers - A Circuit Perspective H. Sarbishaei, D. Y. Wu, S. Boumaiza, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada In this paper, the nonlinearity generation mechanisms causing AM/AM and AM/PM in GaN power amplifier are analyzed from a circuit perspective. The nonlinear device transconductance is found to be the primary source of slow compression in GaN PA’s AM/AM characteristic, while the nonlinear input capacitance is the primary source of AM/PM distortion. Using two 800 MHz GaN PAs, we show that matching networks optimized for linearity can minimize a PA’s nonlinear distortions and memory effects.

TH3B-1 1350 – 1410 A 480 GHz Active Frequency Multiplier-by-Four SMMIC I. Kallfass1, A. Tessmann2, H. Massler2, S. Wagner2, A. Leuther2, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2Fraunhofer IAF, Freiburg, Germany The submillimeter-wave frequency multiplier-by-four consists of the monolithic integrated cascade of a balanced doubler, a cascode buffer amplifier, and a single-ended frequency doubler. Without any post-amplification, an output power of -14.3 dBm is achieved in a 3-dB output frequency range from 435 to more than 480 GHz, resulting in a 45 GHz bandwidth. The balanced frequency doubler uses a coupled-line Marchand balun to drive a push-push transistor stage with cascode topology.

TH3A-2 1410 – 1430 Improved Linearity of Power Amplifier GaN MMIC For Ka-Band SATCOM A. M. Darwish, J. X. Qiu, E. A. Viveiros, H. A. Hung, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, United States The linearity performance of a Ka-band power amplifier GaN MMIC with a novel balanced 4-way combiner is presented. The 32–38 GHz two-stage PA produces a maximum power of 6 watts for class-A bias. Improved linearity is demonstrated by biasing the first and second stages in deep class AB, and class A, respectively. This improvement in overall linearity is achieved as the gain expansion of the first stage is balanced by the gain compression of the second stage. Measured performance is presented.

TH3B-2 1410 – 1430 A W-Band Tunable Push-Push Oscillator with 128X Frequency Division for Frequency Synthesis Applications M. Stuenkel, M. Feng, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, United States A W-Band Push-Push VCO with a 64X static frequency divider, for a total frequency division of 128X, is designed in InP/InGaAs DHBT technology. It operates around a center frequency of 77.75 GHz with a measured phase noise of -94 dBc/Hz at a 1 MHz offset, and employs a unique tuning methodology that uses only the parasitics of the DHBTs to give a tuning range of 1.3 GHz. The oscillator dissipates 84 mW, one of the lowest power dissipations reported for a III-V DHBT based push-push oscillator.

TH3A-3 1430 – 1450 Linearizing High Power Amplifiers with Emphasis on GaN 2 A. Katz , R. Dorval1, 1Linearizer Technology Inc., Hamilton, United States, 2The College of New Jersey, Ewing, United States The trades involved in the decision to include linearization in the design of a microwave high power amplifier will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on the use of predistortion linearization, and particularly on its application with amplifiers employing recently available microwave GaN FET power devices.

TH3B-3 1430 – 1440 A 100 Gb/s Ethernet Modulator Driver Module Based on Coplanar GaAs PHEMT Distributed MMIC Amplifier H. T. Morkner, A. N. Riddle, S. Mahon, W. Kennan, M/A-COM, Santa Clara, United States We present a 100 Gb/s Ethernet modulator driver module based on a coplanar GaAs PHEMT 9 section coplanar integrated distributed amplifier. It has a 30 kHz to 67GHz bandwidth suitable for direct 100 Gb/s clocking. Process technology, MMIC design, and module design are described and are neither exotic nor expensive to produce. The MMIC in this module provides 12dB typical gain and 3.5Vpp output voltage. To the author’s knowledge this is the broadest bandwidth surface mount module made to date.

TH3A-4 1450 – 1510 On the Large-Signal Modeling of High Power AlGaN/GaN HEMTs I. M. Angelov1, M. Thorsell1, K. Andersson1, N. Rorsman1, E. Kuwata2, H. Ohtsuka2, K. Yamanaka2, 1Chalmers Univ, Goteborg, Sweden, 2Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Kamakura, Japan In this paper are given some recent results on modeling of High Power GaN HEMT devices.As we push device to the limits,many issues are becoming critical. Access resistances Rs,Rd are bias and temperature dependent-their extraction from cold FET measurements can lead to over optimistic prediction for output power. Models without dynamic self-heating, breakdown are not practical for GaN such models can easily predict world records for PAE,output power. Some examples are given using LSNA.

TH3B-4 1440 – 1500 Linearized Low-noise Cascode RF Amplifiers Using a Novel Distortion-cancelling Bias Scheme Y. H. Chow, Y. W. Eng, M. H. Mazlan-Huzairi, M. F. Ayob, W. C. Chen, Avago Technologies, Bayan Lepas, Malaysia A distortion-cancelling bias scheme is presented that improves the linearity of RF amplifiers connected in cascode topology. The bias method involves stacking one bias circuit on top another bias circuit so that the same current flows through the bias circuit and distortion is cancelled. Bandwidth is wide and noise performance is also not impacted. Measured results from different broadband amplifiers and a GPS LNA confirm the scalability and bandwidth of the distortion-cancelling technique.

TH3A-5 1510 – 1530 Nonlinearity Consideration of GaN Based Envelope Tracking Power Amplifiers 1,3 P. J. Draxler , D. F. Kimball2,3, P. M. Asbeck3, 1Qualcomm, San Diego, United States, 2MaXentric, La Jolla, United States, 3University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, United States GaN devices have led to PAs with exceptional efficiency over wide operating ranges. Most digital communication signals have a high peak to average ratio, resulting in excessive voltage biasing overhead most of the time. By modulating the power supply voltage to match the needs of the instantaneous RF signal, one can achieve greater efficiency, but this impacts the PA linearity. This paper presents behavioral modeling and digital predistortion techniques being used for envelope tracking GaN PA.

TH3B-5 1500 – 1520 GaAs MMIC Tunable Directional Coupler R. Scheeler, Z. Popovic, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, United States This paper presents a tunable GaAs MMIC directional coupler. Design equations for a hybrid coupler with ideal tunable capacitances are derived to determine the range of capacitances for the desired coupling tuning range. The 2 GHz coupler is implemented in a 0.5 um GaAs process with Schottky varactor diodes, and occupies an area of 2.2 mm x 1.4 mm. Over a bias range of 0 V to -1.5 V the coupling coefficient ranges from 6.6 to 60 dB, or 53.4 dB of dynamic range at 2 GHz. TH3B-6 1520 – 1530 A K-Band Single-Chip Reconfigurable/Multi-Functional RF-MEMS Switched Dual-LNA MMIC 1 R. Malmqvist , C. Samuelsson1, A. Gustafsson1, H. Maher2, T. Vähä-Heikkilä3, R. Baggen4, 1FOI, Linköping, Sweden, 2 OMMIC, Limeil-Brevannes, France, 3VTT, Espoo, Finland, 4IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany A K-band (18-26.5 GHz) single-chip reconfigurable/multi-functional RF-MEMS switched dual-LNA MMIC (optimized for lowest/highest possible noise figure/linearity) is presented. The two MEMS switched low-NF/highlinearity LNA circuit functions present 18.6 dB/9.0 dB, 2.4 dB/3.5 dB and 22 dBm/29 dBm of gain, noise figure and OIP3 at 20 GHz, respectively. Compared with two fixed LNA circuits, the MEMS switched LNA circuits show 0.5-1.0 dB higher NF and similar values of linearity at 15-25 GHz.

Technical Track Key:

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µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



1350 – 1530

TH3D: Efficiency Enhancing Techniques for Linear Power Amplifiers Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1350 –1530 Room: 510BD Chair: Raghu Mallavarpu, Raytheon Company Co-Chair: Wayne Kennan, MA-COM

TH3C-1 1350 – 1410 Design of Narrowband Microwave Filters with Mixed-topology G. Macchiarella1, M. Oldoni1, S. Tamiazzo2, 1Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, 2Commscope, Agrate B., Italy Microwave filters exhibiting transmission zeroscan be typically designed with cross-coupled or extracted pole topologies.In some cases it is more convenient the choice of a mixed topology, i.e. part of the structure with extracted-pole and part with cross-coupled.However, nothing can be found in the literature on this subject. In this work we present two solutions for the synthesis of a low-pass prototype with a mixed topology,which increases the design flexibility of microwave filters.

TH3D-1 1350 – 1410 A Novel Wideband and Reconfigurable High Average Efficiency Power Amplifier D. Gustafsson, C. M. Andersson, C. Fager, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden This work presents theory and measurements of a new power amplifier based on the Doherty topology. The proposed amplifier can provide high efficiency over a much improved bandwidth compared to the conventional Doherty amplifier, as well as simple reconfiguration of the efficiency in back-off. Measurements show state-of-theart efficiency bandwidth and reconfigurable efficiency, thus validating the theory and demonstrating the potential of the proposed amplifier for use in wireless applications.

TH3C-2 1410 – 1430 Generalized Parallel Coupled Line and Interdigital Filters with Unusually Broad Upper Stop Bandwidth W. M. Fathelbab, RS Microwave Company, Inc., Butler, United States This paper presents the design of parallel coupled line and interdigital filters that realize broad upper stop bandwidth. Enhancement of the stopband is achieved due to the fact that the proposed filters comprise new bandpass networks each made of pairs of asymmetrically coupled stepped-impedance resonators. Several parallel coupled line and interdigital filters are simulated utilizing HFSS and demonstrate improvement in the upper stop bandwidth.

TH3D-2 1410 – 1420 A Hybrid Envelope Amplifier with Switching-Controlled Structure for EDGE/WCDMA/LTE Reconfigurable Transmitters H. Son, W. Kim, J. Jang, J. Kim, I. Oh, C. Park, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea This paper presents a new type of the hybrid envelope amplifier (HEA) using a switching-controlled structure for reconfigurable transmitters. The dual switching stage, controlled by an appropriate voltage with respects to the selected mode, is employed to obtain high efficiency. The maximum efficiency of 85%, 84% and 79%, which are approximately 9%, 6% and 5% higher than those of the conventional HEA, are achieved for EDGE, WCDMA, and LTE modes, respectively.

TH3C-3 1430 – 1450 Ultra-Compact Filters using TM Dual-Mode Dielectric-Loaded Cavities with Asymmetric Transmission Zeros L. Pelliccia, F. Cacciamani, C. Tomassoni, R. Sorrentino, Universita di Perugia, Perugia, Italy A solution for ultra-compact waveguide filters using TM dual-mode dielectric-loaded cavities has been introduced to achieve Nth-order filtering functions with asymmetric and arbitrary positioning of N transmission zeros. A dielectric-loaded cavity provides 2 transmission poles and zeros. Higher-order filters are realised by cascading several cavities. A 4th-order filter at 4.35 GHz has been realised. The unloaded Q is 1750. A 75% linear size reduction is obtained compared to an empty TM cavity.

TH3D-3 1420 – 1430 A Single Chip Multiband Power Amplifier using Active Load Modulation Techniques G. Lee, J. Lee, J. Song, GIST, Gwangju, Republic of Korea This paper presents a single chip multiband power amplifier(MBPA) using a proposed active load modulation(ALM) technique. Based on Doherty PA’s concept, the single chip MBPA consists of a main amplifier, an auxiliary amplifier, and transmission lines to modulate the main amplifier’s load line over the frequency. MBPA shows over a 10dB gain, 35.5% of power added efficiency, and 25.5dBc of adjacent channel leakage ratio at 27dBm output power with the 10MHz BW 16QAM LTE signal from 1.6-2GHz.

TH3C-4 1450 – 1510 An NRD Guide Excited Millimeter-Wave Narrow Bandpass Filter using Whispering Gallery Mode High-Q Resonators T. Shimizu, Y. Kogami, Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya, Japan Recent years, millimeter wave applications have attracted much attention. We focused on an NRD guide and Whispering Gallery mode high Q sapphire resonator. In this paper, the NRD guide excited millimeter wave narrow bandpass filter using WG mode sapphire resonators was designed and fabricated. As a result, it was realized that the 3-pole bandpass filter with center frequency 58.64GHz and 3dB bandwidth 273MHz. Moreover, its insertion loss was found to be about 1.5dB.

TH3D-4 1430 – 1450 A 350W, 2GHz, 44% Efficient LDMOS Power Amplifier Design with Capability to Handle a Wideband 65MHz Envelope Signal A. M. Ahmed, J. Babesku , J. Schultz, H. H. Ladhani, J. Jones, M. Bokatius, P. Hart, Freescale Semiconductor, Tempe, United States In this paper we demonstrate high gain, high efficiency, single and balanced Doherty PAs that have the ability to transmit signals which occupy frequency band from 1930MHz-1995MHz. The PAs have been designed using a new generation LDMOS transistors. For the first time we will show the ability of the PA to handle wideband envelope signals ( 80MHz) with excellent nonlinearity correction. These RF Doherty PAs are targeted for use in next generation wideband wireless communication systems.

TH3C-5 1510 – 1520 Accurate Extraction of Coupling Matrix for Coupled Resonator Filters X. Yin, China Academy of Space Technology (Xi’an), Xi’an, China More accurate and complete formulas are developed for extraction of coupling matrix of coupled resonator filters. It takes into account of coupling with frequency dependence and source/load phase loading. Impacts of resonator port impedance and position are also discussed. Examples, including a narrowband dielectric duplexer, are simulated. Results showed that the extracted coupling matrix (changes with frequency) has the same response with EM simulation, and is more efficient for filter design.

TH3D-5 1450 – 1510 A 34% PAE, 26-dBm Output Power Envelope-Tracking CMOS Power Amplifier for 10-MHz BW LTE Applications D. Kang1, B. Park2, C. Zhao2, D. Kim2, J. Kim2, Y. Cho2, S. Jin2, H. Jin2, B. Kim2, 1Broadcom Corporation, Matawan, United States, 2POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea An envelope tracking CMOS power amplifier is implemented in 0.18-m CMOS, and achieves a PAE of 34%, an EVM of 3.2%, and an ACLR of -32.5 dBc at an average output power of 26 dBm and a frequency of 1.8 GHz for a 10-MHz BW 16 QAM 7.5-dB PAPR LTE signal. The envelope tracking operation improves a PAE by 2% to 6.5% over the stand-alone PA for the LTE signal.

TH3C-6 1520 – 1530 The Design of Parallel Connected Filter Networks with Non-uniform Q Resonators M. Meng, I. C. Hunter, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom A method of designing parallel connected lossy filter networks is introduced. The dissipation of each resonator can be considered separately in a transversal array. Some of the resonators are more critical than the others in determining the response and have to be of high Qu, while the Qu of the others can be reduced. Gradient based optimization is used for determining the Qu distribution. It is shown that high performance filters may be constructed with a minimum number of high Qu resonators.

TH3D-6 1510 – 1530 Wideband Harmonically-Tuned GaN Doherty Power Amplifier K. Bathich1, G. Boeck1,2, 1Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2FBH, Berlin, Germany This paper presents the design of a wideband harmonically-tuned Doherty amplifier. The frequency-related backoff efficiency degradation was minimized by compensating the effect of the frequency-sensitive impedance inverters over a given design band. Suitable choice of device size ratio as well as harmonic load tuning at back-off and maximum power operations were also considered, resulting in superior performance over the targeted design band of 1.7-2.25 GHz.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

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TH3C: High Performance non-planar Filters Technologies 2 Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1350 –1530 Room: 512CDGH Chair: Ming Yu, COM DEV Co-Chair: Pino Macchiarella, Politecnico di Milano



1350 – 1530


TH3E: Microwave Photonic Systems and Techniques Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1350 –1530 Room: 510AC Chair: Mona Jarrahi, University of Michigan Co-Chair: Adil Karim, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

TH3F: Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Analysis Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1520 Room: 511AD Chair: Luca Perregrini, University of Pavia Co-Chair: Jin-Fa Lee, The Ohio State University

TH3E-1 1350 – 1410 Ka-Band RF Photonic Link with Optimized Performance M. Alemohammad, D. Novak, R. Waterhouse, Pharad, Glen Burnie, United States We demonstrate a low biased RF photonic link architecture operating over 26–40 GHz with optimized link performance. A 27 dBm EDFA and a low drive voltage, 40 GHz GaAs modulator were used in the configuration. A spurious-free dynamic range in excess of 118 dB-Hz2/3 was measured across the entire Ka-band. The link gain was -15 dB and the noise figure estimated to be 17 dB. A dither-free bias controller was also developed to achieve long-term stability of Ka-band link.

TH3F-2 1350 – 1400 An Efficient Numerical Technique to Predict Phase Responses of Reconfigurable Reflectarray Cells with Mutual Coupling C. Yann1, R. Loison1, R. Gillard1, M. Labeyrie2, J. Martinaud2, 1European University of Brittany, INSA, IETR, Rennes, France, 2Thales, Elancourt, France This paper presents a numerical technique to predict realistic phase responses of active cells within a reflectarray. The phase responses of an active cell are determined as a function of the states of the neighboring cells. The phase probability distributions are computed and realistic phase responses are then evaluated. A synthesis application is presented in order to highlight the interest of the realistic phase responses.

TH3E-2 1410 – 1420 A Multi-Channel Photonic Transceiver J. A. Nanzer, T. R. Clark, T. P. McKenna, M. L. Dennis, E. J. Adles, A. Karim, K. C. Lauritzen, S. H. Talisa, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, United States A photonic transceiver architecture for digital array applications that uses optical remoting and optical phase encoding is presented. Elements are addressed through WDM and photonic downconversion increases linearity. The architecture is evaluated through a 10 GHz, two-element experimental prototype. The phase stability is assessed through the relative phase drift between elements. The transmitter had a phase error of ~10 mdeg; the receiver had a phase error of ~1 deg over a time scale of 2 ms.

TH3F-3 1400 – 1420 Physical-Based Broadband Modeling of Printed Periodic Structures by the MoM/BI-RME Method M. Bozzi, M. Pasian, L. Perregrini, Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy This paper presents a novel physical-based approach for the broadband modeling of printed periodic structures. This approach is based on the use of the MoM/BI-RME method: this method is an efficient integral-equation technique that adopts entire-domain basis functions. By exploiting the physical nature of these basis functions (which are related with the modes of a 2D resonator), an RLC equivalent circuit model is derived, which accurately describes the frequency response over a broad band.

TH3E-3 1420 – 1440 Millimeter-Wave Signal Transmission using Digitized Radio-over-fiber Technique Y. Yang, C. Lim, A. Nirmalathas, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia We propose a digitized millimeter-over-fiber scheme using the more versatile digital optical link. A 40GHz millimeter wave signal is generated in the BS from a digitized IF signal at 500MHz with sampling rate of 2GHz, bit resolution of 5 and optical bit rate of 10Gbps. A DAC is used in the BS to reconstruct the signal and generate high frequency image at 7.5GHz. A 10GHz clock recovered from the digitized signal is 4-time multiplied and mixed with the 7.5GHz signal for millimeter wave generation.

TH3F-4 1420 – 1440 Non-conformal Domain Decomposition Methods for Modeling EM Problems with Repetitions J. Lee, Z. Peng, Ohio State University, Columbus, United States We proposed a non-conformal domain decomposition method (NC-DDM) for solving electromagnetic problems with significant repetitions. An optimal 2nd order transmission condition is introduced to enforce field continuities across domain interfaces. Moreover, we combine directly the finite element domain decomposition method with a generalized combined field integral equation and form automatically the hybrid finite element and boundary integral (FEBI) method.

TH3E-4 1440 – 1500 Carrier Frequency Offset Compensation for 10-Gbaud QPSK RoF Transmission at 90 GHz with Freerunning Optical LO Signal A. Kanno1, T. Kuri1, I. Hosako1, T. Kawanishi1, Y. Yasumura2, Y. Yoshida2, K. Kitayama2, 1NICI, Koganei, Japan, 2Osaka University, Suita, Japan We demonstrate W-band (75-110 GHz) RoF radio signal transmission with two free-running lasers using an optical heterodyne technique. The combination of a laser located at a base station for the optical local oscillator and a data-modulated optical signal from a central office provides a W-band radio signal. The carrier frequency offset fluctuation within 6 MHz can be mitigated by digital signal processing at the receiver side, in a similar manner to that of optical digital coherent detection.

TH3F-5 1440 – 1500 A Linear-Complexity Direct Integral Equation Solver Accelerated by a New Rank-Minimized H2Representation for Large-Scale 3-D Interconnect Extraction W. Chai, D. Jiao, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States We develop a new H2-based representation of the dense system matrix arising from an integral-equation based analysis of large-scale 3D interconnects. The new H2-representation possesses a minimized rank in both nested cluster bases and coupling matrices for a prescribed accuracy. In addition, it is constructed in linear time. The resultant linear-complexity direct integral equation solver is shown to outperform the state-of-the-art linearcomplexity solver in both memory and CPU consumption.

TH3E-5 1500 – 1510 Phase Stabilized RF Reference Signal Dissemination over Optical Fiber Employing Instantaneous Frequency Control by VCO T. Akiyama, H. Matsuzawa, E. Haraguchi, T. Ando, Y. Hirano, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Kamakura, Japan Stable RF reference signal transfer systems are required in many applications. radio over fiber technique is one of candidates which realize precise RF dissemination. We developed the stable RF signal dissemination system in which a fluctuation of phase caused by transmitting fiber. This system monitors a phase of the round-tripped signal reflected at destination, and controls transmitting RF frequency using a VCO. The measurement shows that the phase error is 0.098 deg of the 1 GHz signal.

TH3F-6 1500 – 1520 Fast Extraction of High-Frequency Parallel Admittance of Through-Silicon-Vias and their Capacitive Coupling-Noise to Active Regions C. Xu1, R. Suaya2, K. Banerjee1, 1University of California - Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States, 2Mentor Graphics, Inovallee Montbonnot, France From the analytical expression of TSV’s MOS capacitance and 3D quasi-electrostatic scalar potential Green’s function in layered medium, we introduce an accurate and efficient method to extract high-frequency parallel admittance (capacitance and conductance) among Through-Silicon Vias (TSVs). Compared with a full-wave FEM electromagnetic solver, our method shows great speed-up and good accuracy. Our method is also extended to extract the noise coupling coefficient from TSV to active region.

TH3E-6 1510 – 1530 High-Resolution Microwave Frequency Measurement Based on Temporal Channelization Using a Mode-Locked Laser C. Wang, J. Yao, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada High resolution microwave frequency measurement based on temporal channelization using a mode-locked laser is proposed and demonstrated. A measurement resolution as high as 200 MHz is achieved using an optical channelizer with 25-GHz channel spacing.

Technical Track Key:

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µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest



TH3G: Multi-port Technology for Radio and Radar Applications Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 511BE Chair: Serioja Ovidiu Tatu, INRS-EMT Co-Chair: Adriana Seban, ITN Linkoping University, Sweden

1350 – 1530

TH3H: IMS2012 Special Session - Remembering Roger Pollard Thursday 21 June 2012 Time: 1350 – 1530 Room: 511CF Chair: John Barr, Agilent Technologies (retired), Santa Rosa, United States

TH3G-1 1350 – 1400 Dynamic Linearization of Diodes for High Speed and Peak Power Detection Applications A. Hasan, M. Helaoui, F. Ghannouchi, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada In this work we show that the characteristics of diode based peak power detectors are dependent on the type of input excitation signal. For accurate linearization, two new approaches have been proposed; one using calibration factor and another using dynamic calibration. The proposed approaches improved the accuracy of the diode peak power detector used for measurement validation. TH3G-2 1400 – 1410 LO Leakage in Six-Port Modulators and Demodulators and its Suppression Techniques J. Osth, A. Serban, M. Karlsson, S. Gong, Linkoping University, Norrkoping, Sweden In a six-port demodulator, impedance mismatch at the interface between the six- port correlator and detector diodes generates unwanted LO leakage to the RF port. In a six-port modulator, the use of variable reflection coefficients at specific ports to generate a modulated RF also suffer from LO leakage if there is a static part in the reflection coefficient. How this LO leakage appears in six-port (de)modulators are analyzed together with techniques to suppress the LO leakage to the RF port.

TH3G-4 1420 – 1430 A Wide-Range 77 GHz Direction of Arrival Detector with Integrated Dual Six-Port Receiver G. Vinci, F. Barbon, B. Laemmle, R. Weigel, A. Koelpin, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany The six-port Direction Of Arrival detector has opened a whole new set of possibilities for novel industrial sensors and radar applications. In this paper the design of an innovative detector system is presented. The proposed device works at 77 GHz and features an integrated Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) dual six-port receiver. The highlights are high accuracy, wide range of angle detection with no ambiguity issues, flexibility, low-complexity and low-cost. TH3G-5 1430 – 1440 Multi-Port Technology for Microwave and Optical Communications I. Molina-Fernandez, A. Moscoso-Martir, J. M. Avila-Ruiz, R. Halir, P. Reyes-Iglesias, J. Oliva-Rubio, A. Ortega-Moñux, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain In this work some of the latest advances in multiport technology in microwave and optical frequencies are presented. At microwaves frequencies, an analog six-port receiver with full UWB band coverage has been designed which makes use of a novel multilayer slot coupled hybrid. Application of this receiver for phase noise reduction in microwave VCOs has been studied. Six-port based down converters, which are the base of future optical coherent receivers, will be presented and compared. TH3G-6 1440 – 1450 A Single-Chip 15 to 30 GHz Six-Port Demodulator for Multi-Gbps Communications M. Bao, J. Chen, L. Aspemyr, Ericsson AB, Mölndal, Sweden A novel six-port circuit based on lumped passive components was designed and manufactured in a 65 nm CMOS technology together with power detectors, differential amplifiers, and a transformer balun, to build a demodulator. The measured quadrature output signal has an amplitude imbalance less than 2 dB and a phase error within ±5 for a RF frequency from 15 to 30 GHz. Moreover, this demodulator chip was tested successfully to detect a 2.5 Gbps QPSK signal modulated on a 15 GHz carrier. TH3G-7 1450 – 1500 Integration of Six-Port Circuit Using MMIC Technology B. Huyart, A. Khy, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France This paper presents a state of the art of the design of Six or Five Port circuits using MMIC technology. The advantages and drawbacks of these techniques are presented, and the sensitivity of these systems is calculated. The noise factor of a Five Port circuit using power diode detectors is around 36 dB. New structures using mixers may be an alternative to improve the sensitivity. TH3G-8 1500 – 1520 Millimeter-Wave Multi-port Radar Sensor with Integrated Receiver Front-end for Automotive Applications S. O. Tatu1, B. Boukari1, E. Moldovan1, R. G. Bosisio2, K. Wu2, 1Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Montreal, Canada, 2Ecole Polytechique de Montreal, Montreal, Canada A 77 GHz prototype of heterodyne millimeter-wave radar sensor suitable for automotive applications is proposed and validated in this paper. A radar test bench is built using standard laboratory equipments with a waveguide transmitter and the integrated prototype receiver. A very good accuracy of relative speed detection (simulations) and range estimation (simulations and measurements) is obtained.

TH3H-2: Prof. Roger Pollard and his PhD Students - Memories and Legacy Luciano Boglione, Naval Research Laboratory, United States Teaching and supervising – “advising” in the United States – was a key component of Roger Pollard’s life as an educator at the University of Leeds. All of his PhD students experienced his leadership and support during their years in Leeds before graduating and going back to their lives as professionals, professors or researchers. Prof. Pollard’s PhDs can be found all over the world. The opportunity and the inspiration that Prof. Pollard gave them have deeply affected and changed their lives for the better. The talk will bring back some of the memories that Prof. Pollard’s students treasure and will highlight the legacy of his work as teacher and supervisor. TH3H- 3: The Gift of Time: A Review of Roger Pollard’s MTT-S Contributions JK McKinney, Dura Sales of Southern California, Inc., Diamond Bar, United States Dr. Roger Pollard’s passing on December 3rd, 2011 provided his friends and colleges the opportunity to look back and review his numerous contributions. This paper will dedicate a short amount of time to reviewing the multiple contributions Dr. Pollard made to IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society over his 25 years of service. It will highlight his giving spirit for the greater good of the Society members he endeavored to serve. TH3H-4: Roger Pollard: A Gentleman, Volunteer, and Friend Mary Ward-Callan, IEEE, Piscataway, United States Roger Pollard was a prominent British engineer and educator, as well as a long-time volunteer of the IEEE. Roger’s IEEE contributions were diverse, from publications to conferencing, from membership to governance, having a particular soft spot for “Robert’s Rules of Order”. Although Roger has held many volunteer positions within the IEEE, it was his roles in the IEEE Technical Activities, especially in the IEEE MTT Society, that he loved the best. At the time of his death, Roger was the Secretary of IEEE, a Member of the IEEE Board of Directors, and the Past Vice President of Technical Activities. Roger has left a large volunteer gap within the IEEE but a very warm memory of a gracious, passionate, respectful and insightful leader. TH3H-5: Roger Pollard’s Contributions to ARFTG – the Automatic RF Techniques Group Nick Ridler, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, United Kingdom One of Roger Pollard’s prolonged technical interests, which featured continuously throughout his career, was in the area of high frequency electrical measurements – ranging from RF and microwave, thru to millimeter-wave and terahertz frequencies. It is therefore not surprising that Roger developed a long and productive association with ARFTG – the Automatic RF Techniques Group. He made many contributions, both formally and informally, to the on-going evolution and successful operation of ARFTG and its activities. This presentation reviews these contributions and the impact they made on ARFTG and, consequently, thru ARFTG, the impact made on the global RF test and measurement community. TH3H-6: Dr. Roger Pollard – Innovation, Contribution, and Leadership (His Genius with HP/Agilent for over 30 years) Henri Komrij, Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, United States Dr. Roger Pollard started his association with Hewlett-Packard/Agilent Technologies in 1981. For over 30 years, he made innovative contributions to multiple network analyzer products (e.g. HP 8510, PNA-X) and measurement solutions (e.g. calibration, on-wafer measurements, noise figure). Just as important, however, was his leadership. His ability to harmoniously blend top engineering talent in the development of state of the art solutions and mentor up and coming engineers was exemplary. This presentation will examine the contribution of Dr. Pollard to his friends at HP/Agilent who all miss his passion for people, his enthusiasm and humor, and of course his technical ability.

TH3G-9 1520 – 1530 The Muti-Port Technology for Microwave Sensing Applications K. Haddadi, T. Lasri, IEMN , Villeneuve d’Ascq, France The multi-port technology has gained much consideration from the research community due to a broad range of potential applications, such as network analysis, telecommunications or radar sensors. Since recently, this technology attracts attention for new emerging applications. This paper presents recent developments of multi-port systems dedicated to microwave sensing applications. This includes new experimental demonstrations of microwave and millimeter-wave multi-port near-field microscopes.

Technical Track Key:

µwave Field & Circuit Techn.

Passive Components

Active Components

Systems & Applications

Emerging Technical Areas

General Interest

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TH3G-3 1410 – 1420 Differential Circuit Technique for Six-Port Modulator and Demodulator A. Serban, M. Karlsson, J. Osth, O. Owais, S. Gong, Linkoping University, Norrkoping, Sweden Targeting the differential RF/microwave circuit design methodology for improved broadband wireless data transmission, a novel differential 7.5 GHz six-port modulator and demodulator pair was designed and manufactured. Measurements show a good 256QAM modulated signal at 50 Msymbol/s and an accurately 16-QAM demodulated signal at 200 Msymbol/s.

TH3H-1: Roger Pollard – Four Decades at the University of Leeds Ian Hunter, Ian Robertson, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Roger joined Leeds in 1969 to read for a BSc degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Leeds was to remain his academic home for the next forty-one years. He graduated with a first class degree in 1972, and went on to postgraduate study. In 1974 he was appointed Lecturer. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1985 and full Professor in 1995. He became Head of the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering in 1999, and in 2002, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering He was to continue as Dean until his retirement from the University in 2010.

IMS CLOSING CEREMONY TALK The Fourth Age of Wireless and the Internet of Everything Thursday, 21 June 2012 1600 - 1730 Room 710 Closing Speaker: Thomas H. Lee The Closing talk will be given by Thomas H. Lee, Professor at Stanford University. Prof. Lee is well known as a prolific writer, a pioneer scholar and an outstanding speaker. He will close the symposium by presenting his vision on the future of key aspects of microwave and internet technology.

Abstract of the talk “Making predictions is hard, particularly about the future”. The patterns of history are rarely discernible until they’re obvious and perhaps irrelevant. Wireless may be an exception, at least in broad outline, for the evolution of wireless has been following a clear pattern that tempts us to extrapolate. Marconi’s station-to-station spark telegraphy gave way to a second age dominated by station-to-people broadcasting, and then to today’s ubiquitous people-to-people cellular communications. Each new age was marked by vast increases in value as it enlarged the circle of interlocutors. Now, these three ages have covered all combinations of “stations” and “people,” so any Fourth Age will have to invite “things” into the mix to provide another stepwise jump in the number of interlocutors. This talk will describe how the inclusion of multiple billions of objects, coupled with a seemingly insatiable demand for ever-higher data rates, will stress an infrastructure built for the Third Age. Overcoming the challenges of the coming Fourth Age of Wireless to create the Internet of Everything represents a huge opportunity for RF engineers. History is not done.

Biography of the Speaker Thomas H. Lee received the S.B., S.M. and Sc.D. degrees in electrical engineering, all from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983, 1985, and 1990, respectively. His graduate work at MIT resulted in the world’s first RF CMOS IC in 1989. Since 1994, he has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, where his research focus is on silicon RFIC technology. He has received several “Best Paper” awards, at ISSCC and CICC, and is a Packard Foundation Fellowship recipient. He served for a decade as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of the Solid-State Circuits Society, and has been a Distinguished Lecturer of the Microwave Society as well. He holds 57 U.S. patents and authored “The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits” and “Planar Microwave Engineering” and co-authored four additional books on RF circuit design. He also cofounded the memory company Matrix Semiconductor (acquired by Sandisk in 2006) and Ayla Networks. He is currently on leave from Stanford to serve as Director of the Microsystems Technology Office at DARPA. In 2011, Dr. Lee was awarded the Ho-Am Prize in Engineering (colloquially known as the “Korean Nobel”) for his RF CMOS work.

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WELCOME TO THE 2012 IEEE RADIO FREQUENCY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (RFIC) SYMPOSIUM Welcome to the 2012 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium ( which takes place in Montréal, Canada from 17-19 June 2012. Our Symposium, held in conjunction with the IEEE MTT S International Microwave Symposium, opens Microwave Week 2012, the largest world-wide RF/Microwave meeting of the year. The 2012 RFIC Symposium continues to build upon its heritage as one of the foremost IEEE technical conferences, increasing each year its impact and reputation of excellence. By bringing focus to the technical accomplishments in RF devices, circuits, and systems, the RFIC Symposium has become essential to both the academic and the industrial communities. This year’s technical program will cover a broad spectrum of exciting topics including cellular and wireless-connectivity system ICs, broadband wireless communications, digitally enhanced RF circuits, software-defined radio and reconfigurable front-ends, ultra-low-power frontends, silicon millimeter-wave ICs, integrated power amplifier design, frequency synthesis, RF device technology, and modeling and characterization. The 2012 RFIC Symposium will start on Sunday, 17 June with a full lineup of half-day and full-day workshops. Workshops have been very popular at IEEE RFIC in the past, providing the opportunity for attendees to discuss new technical advances and share their design experiences. Following the success of the RFIC 2011 workshop program, we are pleased to announce a carefully selected, colorful and interesting workshop program for RFIC 2012. The attendees shall expect thirteen RFIC workshops and one joint RFIC-IMS workshop for 2012, which cover a broad range of RF topics including: mm-Wave Silicon PAs; Fast-Settling RF Frequency Synthesis; Wireline Transceivers; RF at the Nanoscale; RF Spectrum Sensing and Signal Detection, Mobile and Wireless Front End Modules; RF and mmW PAs including Linearization, ICs for Biomedical Applications; Digital Transmitters; RF Noise Analysis; ShortRange Near-Field Communications; Active and Passive CMOS Mixers, RF Front-End and Transceiver Techniques, Multi-Standard Radio Coexistence, and finally 3D Integrated Circuits. Our committed workshop speakers are design experts from around the world including professors and practicing engineers. The conference will hold a plenary session on Sunday evening with keynote addresses given by two worldrenowned leaders in the RFIC design community. They will share their views and insights on the direction and challenges that RFIC designers are facing. The first speaker is Professor Thomas Lee of Stanford University, one of the pioneers of RF CMOS research for wireless communications. He will discuss some of the latest research in “Terahertz Electronics: The Last Frontier”. The second speaker is Robert Gilmore, VP of Engineering at Qualcomm. He will bring perspective and knowledge from one of the leading wireless suppliers in the industry. The title of his talk will be “Towards the 5G Smartphone: Greater System Capacity, More Bands, Faster Data Rates, Advanced Applications and Longer Battery Life.” In addition to the keynote addresses, the conference holds a student paper competition to encourage the publication of innovative research from university students. Awards to the three best student papers will be presented in the plenary session to acknowledge their contributions. The highly anticipated RFIC Reception will follow immediately after the plenary session, providing a relaxing time for all to mingle with old friends and catch up on the latest news.

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On Monday and Tuesday, the conference will feature lunch-time panel sessions that traditionally draw strong debate between panel members as well as stimulating interaction between attendees and panelists. The Monday panel session is entitled “THz Integrated Circuits: Do future markets support highly integrated silicon-based IC development?”, while the Tuesday panel session is entitled “RF scaling: Can it keep up with digital CMOS? Should it?” Be sure to attend these lively and entertaining forums. Technical papers will be presented all day Monday, and Tuesday morning. There will be a total of 124 papers presented in 23 technical sessions. The technical program will conclude with the Interactive Forum session on Tuesday afternoon. This session features poster presentations giving attendees the chance to speak directly with authors regarding their work. The RFIC organization is thankful to the IMS2012 team, whose support and hard work make the success of this conference possible. In addition, we are also grateful to all the technical contributors to the RFIC Symposium. We appreciate your support of the 2012 conference which makes our event such a vibrant gathering for the wireless industry! We look forward to seeing you in Montréal!

Albert Jerng

Chris Rudell

Larry Kushner

General Chairman 2012 RFIC Symposium MediaTek

TPC Chair 2012 RFIC Symposium University of Washington

TPC Co-Chair 2012 RFIC Symposium BAE Systems

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RFIC RFIC PLENARY SESSION Sunday, 17 June 2012 1740 - 1900 Room 710A Terahertz Electronics: The Last Frontier Thomas H. Lee Abstract: Semiconductor technology continues to scale along predicted trajectories, delivering transistors with fmax values in the THz range. Unfortunately, a high fmax is not quite sufficient by itself. An inverse-quartic rolloff in specific output power, coupled with a dramatically increasing atmospheric attenuation as frequencies increase, create degraded link margins that frustrate exploitation of the valuable spectrum from roughly 300GHz to 3THz. This talk will describe compelling uses of this spectrum, including spectroscopy, imaging and XWB (extreme wideband) wireless communications, and will discuss how transistor technology limitations might be overcome by architectural innovations, as well as by new device structures. Exploitation of the terahertz realm represents perhaps the greatest challenge in the history of RF technology, and arguably represents the greatest opportunity. Bio: Thomas H. Lee has been at Stanford since 1994, where his research focus is on silicon RF IC technology. His graduate work at MIT resulted in the world’s first RF CMOS IC in 1989. He has received several “Best Paper” awards, at ISSCC and CICC, and is a Packard Foundation Fellowship recipient. He served for a decade as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of the Solid-State Circuits Society, and has been a DL of the Microwave Society as well. He holds 57 U.S. patents and authored “The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits” and “Planar Microwave Engineering”, and co-authored four additional books on RF circuit design. He also cofounded memory company Matrix Semiconductor (acquired by Sandisk in 2006) and Ayla Networks. He is currently on leave from Stanford to serve as Director of the Microsystems Technology Office at DARPA.

Towards the 5G Smartphone: Greater System Capacity, More Bands, Faster Data Rates, Advanced Applications and Longer Battery Life Robert Gilmore During the last few years, there has been an explosive increase in demand for Smartphones with ever increasing capabilities, features and performance. Entertainment features, and mobile connectivity anywhere, anytime has become an accepted norm. There is a very competitive landscape driven by insatiable consumer demands, Operating System wars and chip level performance enhancements. There are numerous hardware challenges associated with this demand. Power consumption is perhaps foremost. There are ever increasing processing power requirements and an increasing number of compute cores. Many of the new capabilities require that some circuitry be always on and always aware. Higher data rates demand wider bandwidth baseband circuits and faster DSP engines. Peak-to-average ratios of the transmitted waveforms increase as well, which increases the demand for more linear PA’s and efficient Tx architectures. Channel aggregation and MIMO increase the number of simultaneously processed channels and demand power-efficient modem design. Increased system capacity and global demand require an increasing number of frequency bands. This leads to a proportional increase in the number of front-end filters and overall RF front-end size and cost. Possibilities include a front end where several filters can be replaced by one tunable filter or by a wideband isolator such as hybrid transformer. This front-end will also require new tunable or broadband PA and LNA designs. Achieving the system capacity required in future years will require a dense deployment of femto cells which will distribute traffic close to the user terminals. There will be an increased use of higher frequencies which will require greater than 5 GHz design, modeling, packaging and test. Finally, we will briefly touch upon semiconductor process, packaging and thermal issues. Bio: Rob Gilmore serves as Vice President, ASIC Engineering in QUALCOMM’s Corporate Research and Development having re-joined QUALCOMM in March, 2008. Mr. Gilmore has more than 30 years experience in engineering, communication systems design and development. Mr. Gilmore joined QUALCOMM as the ninth employee in October, 1985. His experience includes Senior Vice President of Hardware Engineering where he was responsible for the OmniTRACS production system, early testing of the CDMA cellular system, the Globalstar ground segment including gateways, phones and system engineering, and served as Senior Vice President of Engineering for the Consumer Products Division. From 2000-2008 Rob worked at Mobilian Corporation, Via Technology and Nextwave Inc. He worked at Linkabit Corporation from 1978 until 1984.

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RFIC STEERING COMMITTEE Albert Jerng, MediaTek, General Chair

Domine Leenaerts, NXP Semiconductors, Panel Sessions Chair

Jacques C. Rudell, Univ. of Washington, TPC Chair

Bertan Bakkaloglu, Arizona State Univ., Transactions/Guest Editor

Larry Kushner, BAE Systems, TPC Co-Chair

Srenik Mehta, Qualcomm, Invited Papers Chair

Yuhua Cheng, SHRIME Peking Univ., Finance Chair

Freek van Straten, NXP Semiconductors, Student Papers Chair

Albert Wang, UC Riverside., Workshops Chair

Ian Gresham, NXP Semiconductors, IMS RFIC Liaison

Kevin Kobayashi, RFMD, Workshops Co-Chair

Noriharu Suematsu, Tohoku Univ., Asia Pacific Liaisons

Brian Floyd, NC State University, Publications Chair

Takao Inoue, National Instruments, Website Chair

Georg Boeck, TU Berlin, Publicity Chair

Tina Quach, Conference Coordinator

ADVISORY BOARD Natalino Camilleri, RFWDS

Joseph Staudinger, Freescale Semiconductor Inc.

Reynold Kagiwada, NGAS

Stefan Heinen, RWTH Aachen University

Sayfe Kiaei, Arizona State University

Luciano Boglione, NRL

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jenshan Lin, University of Florida

David Ngo, RFMD

Yann Deval, University of Bordeaux, IMS Lab

Albert Jerng, MediaTek


Ranjit Gharpurey, University of Texas, Austin

Tzung-Yin Lee, Skyworks Solutions

Walid Ali-Ahmad, MediaTek Inc.

Aditya Gupta, Northrop Grumman

Domine Leenaerts, NXP Semiconductor

Bertan Bakkaloglu, Arizona State University

David Halchin, Triquint Semiconductor

Salvatore Levantino, Politecnico di Milano

Edward Balboni, Analog Devices

Timothy Hancock, MIT Lincoln Lab

Donald Y.C. Lie, Texas Tech. University

Bob Stengel, Motorola

Jean-Baptiste Begueret, University of Bordeaux, IMS Lab

Andre Hanke, Intel Corp.

Fujiang Lin, University of Science and Technology of China

Freek van Straten, NXP Semiconductors Noriharu Suematsu, Tohoku University

Didier Belot, ST Microelectronics

Gary Hau, Anadigics

Jenshan Lin, University of Florida

Julian Tham, Broadcom Corp.

Li Lin, Marvell Semiconductor

Mark Tiebout, Infineon Technologies

Danilo Manstretta, University of Pavia

Leon Van den Oever, Radio Semiconductor Corporation

Paul Blount, Custom MMIC Design Georg Boeck, Berlin Institute of Technology Luciano Boglione, NRL Pierre Busson, ST Microelectronics Natalino Camilleri, RFWDS Sudipto Chakraborty, Texas Instruments Richard Chan, BAE Systems Glenn Chang, MaxLinear Jinghong Chen, Southern Methodist University Nick Cheng, Skyworks Solutions Yuhua Cheng, Shrime Peking University

Hossein Hashemi, USC Stefan Heinen, RWTH Aachen University Mona Hella, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute Frank Henkel, IMST GmbH Chun-Ming Hsu, IBM Tian-Wei Huang, National Taiwan University Gernot Hueber, NXP Semiconductors Nobuyuki Itoh, Okayama Prefectural University Waleed Khalil, Ohio State University Jaber Khoja, Qualcomm Sayfe Kiaei, Arizona State University

Guang-Kaai Dehng, MediaTek Inc.

Bumman Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology

Yann Deval, University of Bordeaux, IMS Lab

Eric Klumperink, University of Twente

Oren Eliezer, XtendWave

Kevin Kobayashi, RFMD

Ayman Fayed, Iowa State University

Youngwoo Kwon, Seoul National University

Brian Floyd, NC State University

Chang-Ho Lee, Qualcomm

Eric Fogleman, MaxLinear

Fred Lee, Fairchild Semiconductor

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Srenik Mehta, Qualcomm Pedram Mohseni, Case Western Jyoti Mondal, Northrop Grumman Arun Natarajan, IBM Kenjiro Nishikawa, Kagoshima University Jeyanandh Paramesh, Carnegie Mellon University Stefano Pellerano, Intel Corp. Sanjay Raman, Virginia Tech Madhukar Reddy, MaxLinear Bill Redman-White, University of Southampton Francis Rotella, Peregrine Semiconductor Derek Shaeffer, InvenSense, Inc. Osama Shana’a, MediaTek, Inc. Eddie Spears, RFMD

Bogdan Staszewski, Delft University of Technology Joseph Staudinger, Freescale Semiconductor Inc.

Jeffrey Walling, Rutgers University Albert Wang, University of California, Riverside Hua Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology Yanjie Wang, Intel Corp. Haolu Xie, Fujitsu Microelectronic Chen Yang, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Patrick Yue, The Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology Gary Zhang, Skyworks Solution


1200 – 1320

Room 516 ABC

THz Integrated Circuits: Do Future Markets Support Highly Integrated SiliconBased IC Development? Panel Organizers: Mona Hella, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Sanjay Raman, Virginia Tech/DARPA Sayfe Kiaei, Arizona State University Moderators: Sanjay Raman, Virginia Tech Mona Hella, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Panelists: 1. Bobby Brar, President, Teledyne Scientific 2. Tom Crowe, President, Virginia Diode Inc. 3. Baher Haroun, Fellow, Texas Instruments 4. Gabriel Rebeiz, Professor, UCSD 5. Albert Redo-Sanchez, Dir. of Business Development, Zomega THz Corp. 6. Peter Siegel, Senior Research Scientist, JPL Abstract: The THz spectral range has many scientific uses for investigating the fundamental excitations in matter with emerging opportunities in the medical, security, and communications fields that could launch terahertz technology into the public domain. Semiconductor technology is a key to many of these developments, with recent reported InP HBTs of f T ~ 0.8THz, InP HEMTs with fmax > 1THz and SiGe HBTs with fmax of 500GHz. At the circuit and sub-system levels, we have seen MMICS for applications up to 0.82THz. While significant issues related with the output power level and tunability of integrated sub-THz sources as well as detector/receiver noise remain to be resolved, low-cost THz integrated systems appear to be realizable. The remaining question is “what are the killer applications that will drive the IC market within the THz range (above 300GHz)?” Our panel of distinguished experts from industry and academia will cover the various aspects of THz systems, including devices, system integration, applications and standardization, representing the views of different market sectors (commercial, defense and startups), and will deliberate this interesting topic with the audience participation.


1200 – 1320

RF scaling: Can it Keep up with Digital CMOS? Should It?

Room 516 ABC

Panel Organizers and Moderators: Jeffrey Walling, Rutgers University Oren Eliezer, Xtendwave Panelists: 1. David Allstot, Professor, Univ. of Washington, USA 2. Dominique Brunel, Fellow, ST-Ericsson, France 3. Jonathan Jensen, Principal Engineer RF/Analog Circuits, Intel, USA 4. Li Lin, Director RF IC Design, Marvell Semiconductor Inc. 5. George Chien, Director RF Circuit Design, MediaTek, Taiwan 6. Raf Roovers, Dept. Head RF Int. Sol., NXP Semiconductors 7. Robert Staszewski, Associate Professor, TU Delft, Netherlands 8. Masoud Zargari, Senior Director of Engineering, Qualcomm, USA Abstract: The benefits of continued scaling of CMOS transistors are well appreciated within the digital design community, allowing ever increasing integration. The resultant increase in speed and performance has enabled RF-CMOS to evolve to the point where single-chip RF-SoC integration is possible. However, the drawbacks to the continued scaling for RF functions are plentiful. Device scaling comes at the cost of decreases in gain and in SNR, and in increased power consumption due to leakage. In recent years, RF CMOS designers have been able to compensate for these drawbacks with adept changes in architectures and design topologies as CMOS has roared into the nanotechnology realm. Most recently, various cognitive radio (CR) applications have emerged for which integration is likely the key to their widespread adoption. These applications typically require wide bandwidth, high dynamic-range, and high output power, which cannot be easily accomplished simultaneously. Integration in scaled CMOS also includes challenges associated with the linearity and efficiency of the power amplifier. The panelists will present their ideas and opinions and engage in debate with the audience’s participation.

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0800 – 1150

RMO1B: Advances in LNA Design Room: 511BE Chair: Domine Leenaerts, NXP Semiconductors Co-Chair: Danilo Manstretta, University of Pavia

RMO1C: Spectrum Sensing and Cognitive Radio Receivers Room: 511CF Chair: Walid Ali-Ahmad, MediaTek Co-Chair: Glenn Chang, Maxlinear

RMO1E: mm-Wave Power Amplifiers Room: 510BD Chair: Jyoti Mondal, Northrup Grumman Co-Chair: Leon van den Oever, Radio Semiconductor Corp.

0800 – 0820

RMO1B-1: A 1GHz 1.3dB NF +13dBm Output P1dB SOI CMOS Low Noise Amplifier for SAW-less Receivers B. Kim, D. Im, J. Choi, K. Lee, KAIST, Korea

RMO1C-1: A 100MHz-2GHz 12.5x subNyquist Rate Receiver in 90nm CMOS J. Yoo1, S. R. Becker2, M. Loh1, M. Monge1, E. Candes3, A. Emami-Neyestanak1, 1California Institute of Technology, 2Paris 6 University 3 Stanford University

RMO1E-1: Optimized Power Combining Technique to Design a 20dB Gain, 13.5dBm OCP1 60GHz Power Amplifier Using 65nm CMOS Technology S. Aloui1, Y. Luque1, N. Demirel1, B. Leite1, R. Plana2, D. Belot3, E. Kerherve1, 1University of Bordeaux, France, 2Laas-CNRS, France, 3STMicroelectronics

0820 – 0840

RMO1B-2: A Wideband IM3 Cancellation Technique Using Negative Impedance for LNAs with Cascode Topology W. Cheng, A. Annema, G. J. Wienk, B. Nauta, University of Twente, Netherlands

RMO1C-2: A CMOS Spectrum Analyzer Front-end for Cognitive Radio Achieving +25dBm IIP3 and -169dBm/Hz DANL M. S. Oude Alink, E. A. Klumperink, A. B. Kokkeler, W. Cheng, Z. Ru, A. Ghaffari, G. J. Wienk, B. Nauta, University of Twente, Netherlands

RMO1E-2: A 34% PAE, 18.6dBm 42-45GHz Stacked Power Amplifier in 45nm SOI CMOS A. Agah1, H. Dabag1, B. Hanafi1, P. M. Asbeck1, L. E. Larson2, J. F. Buckwalter1, 1University of California, San Diego 2Brown University

0840 – 0900

RMO1B-3: A 1.2-6.6GHz LNA Using Transformer Feedback for Wideband Input Matching and Noise Cancellation in 0.13μm CMOS H. Leung, H. C. Luong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

RMO1C-3: CRAFT: A 5GS/s 12.2pJ/conv. Analog Domain FFT for a Software Defined Radio Front-End in 65nm CMOS B. Sadhu, M. Sturm, R. Harjani, University of Minnesota

RMO1E-3: The Multi-mode 60-GHz Power Amplifier with a Novel Power Combination Technique J. Yeh1, J. Tsai2, T. Huang1, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

0900 – 0920

RMO1B-4: A CMOS Highly Linear LowNoise Amplifier for Digital TV Applications J. Bae1, S. Kim1, I. Lee1, J. Cartwright2, S. Lee1, 1 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, 2Virginia Polytech Univerisity

RMO1C-4: A 12mW, 0.7-3.2GHz Receiver with Resonant Multi-phase LO and Current Reuse Harmonic Rejection Baseband C. Andrews, L. Diamente, B. Johnson, A. Molnar, Cornell University

RMO1E-4: A 60GHz Class-E Power Amplifier with PAE 25% in 32nm SOI CMOS O. T. Ogunnika1, A. Valdes-Garcia2, 1Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

0920 – 0940

RMO1B-5: A 30GHz 2dB NF Low Noise Amplifier for Ka-band Applications Q. Ma1, D. Leenaerts2, R. Mahmoudi1, 1Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, 2 NXP Semiconductors

RMO1C-5: Transformer-Based CurrentGain-Boosted Technique for Dual-Band and Wide-Band Receiver Front-Ends A. W. Ng, H. C. Luong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

RMO1E-5: A W-band Power Amplifier in 65-nm CMOS with 27GHz Bandwidth and 14.8dBm Saturated Output Power K. Tsai, J. Kuo, H. Wang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

RMO2C: Advanced SDR Front-End Techniques Room: 511CF Chair: Oren Eliezer, Xtendwave Co-Chair: Julian Tham, Broadcom

RMO2D: W-band Circuits and Systems Room: 510AC Chair: Paul Blount, Custom MMIC Design Services Co-Chair: Brian Floyd, North Carolina State Univ.

RMO2E: Advanced Transmitters and Power Amplifiers Room: 510BD Chair: Donald Lie, Texas Tech University Co-Chair: Joe Staudinger, Freescale, Inc.

1010 – 1030

RMO2A-1: A 21.8-27.5GHz PLL in 32nm SOI Using Gm Linearization to Achieve -130dBc/Hz Phase Noise at 10MHz Offset from a 22GHz Carrier B. Sadhu1, M. A. Ferriss2, J. O. Plouchart2, A. S. Natarajan2, A. V. Rylyakov2, A. Valdes-Garcia2, B. D. Parker2, S. Reynolds2, A. Babakhani4, S. Yaldiz3, L. Pileggi3, R. Harjani1, J. Tierno2, D. Friedman2, 1Univ. of Minnesota, 2IBM, 3Carnegie Mellon Univ. 4Rice Univ.

RMO2C-1: A 1.8GHz Amplifier with 39dB Frequency-Independent Smart Blocker Suppression E. Janssen, D. Milosevic, P. Baltus, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

RMO2D-1: High-power High-Linearity SiGe Based E-BAND Transceiver Chipset for Broadband Communication O. Katz1, R. Ben-Yishay1, R. Carmon1, B. Sheinman1, F. Szenher2, D. Papae2, D. Elad1, 1IBM Haifa Research Labs, Israel, 2IBM, East Fishkill

RMO2E-1: An 18dBm Transmitter Frontend with 29% PAE for 24GHz FMCW Radar Applications W. Hung, H. Chen, S. Chou, L. Lu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

1030 – 1050

RMO2A-2: A Low-Phase-Noise 61 GHz Push-Push VCO with Divider Chain and Buffer in SiGe BiCMOS for 122 GHz ISM Applications Y. Sun, C. J. Scheytt, IHP, Frankfurt Oder, Germany

RMO2C-2: A Tunable Differential Duplexer in 90nm CMOS S. H. Abdelhalem1, P. S. Gudem2, L. E. Larson3, 1 University of California at San Diego, 2Qualcomm Inc., 3Brown University

RMO2D-2: Three-Channel 77GHz Automotive Radar Transmitter in Plastic Package H. Knapp1, M. Treml2, A. Schinko2, E. Kolmhofer2, S. Matzinger2, G. Strasser2, R. Lachner1, L. Maurer2, J. Minichshofer2, 1Infineon Technologies, 2DICE, Austria

RMO2E-2: Integrated S-Band Transmitter with On-chip DC-DC Converter and Control Loop H. Brouzes1, S. Geurts1, P. de Hek2, G. van der Bent2, F. van Vliet2, 1Thales Nederland, Netherlands, 2TNO, Netherlands

1050 – 1110

RMO2A-3: An Ultra-Wideband D-Band Signal Source Chip Using a Fundamental VCO with Frequency Doubler in a SiGe Bipolar Technology C. Bredendiek1, N. Pohl1, K. Aufinger2, A. M. Bilgic3, 1Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany, 2 Infineon Technologies AG, 3KROHNE Messtechnik

RMO2C-3: A 0.3-3GHz Reconfigurable Digital Transmitter with Multi-bit Envelope Delta-sigma Modulator Using Phase Modulated Carrier Clock for Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks S. Hori, K. Kunihiro, M. Hayakawa, M. Fukaishi, NEC Corporation, Japan

RMO2D-3: A 70-100GHz Direct-Conversion Transmitter and Receiver Phased Array Chipset in 0.18μm SiGe BiCMOS Technology S. Shahramian, Y. Baeyens, Y. Chen, AlcatelLucent

RMO2E-3: A Long-Range, Fully-Integrated, Regulator-less CMOS Power Amplifier for Wireless Sensor Communications W. Wesson, V. Bhagavatula, K. W. Pang, S. Shin, P. Yang, J. C. Rudell, University of Washington

1110 – 1130

RMO2A-4: 125 to 181GHz FundamentalWave VCO Chips in SiGe Technology M. Jahn1, K. Aufinger2, T. Meister2, A. Stelzer3, 1 Johannes Kepler University, Austria, 2Infineon Technologies AG, 3Johannes Kepler University, Austria

RMO2C-4: An RFDAC Based Reconfigurable Multistandard Transmitter in 65nm CMOS B. Mohr1, N. Zimmermann1, B. T. Thiel1, J. H. Mueller1, Y. Wang1, Y. Zhang1, F. Lemke3, R. Leys3, S. Schenk3, U. Bruening3, R. Negra1, S. Heinen1, 1RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2 University of Heidelberg, Germany

RMO2D-4: A 76-84 GHz 16-Element Phased Array Receiver with a Chip-Level Built-InSelf-Test System S. Kim, O. Inac, C. Kim, G. M. Gabriel, University of California, San Diego

RMO2E-4: A Low-power 20Gb/s Transmitter in 65nm CMOS Technology M. Honarvar Nazari, A. Emami-Neyestanak, California Institute of Technology

1130 – 1150


RMO2A: Millimeter Wave Phase Noise Reduction Techniques Room: 511AD Chair: Fred Lee, Fairchild Semiconductor Co-Chair: Timothy Hancock, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

RMO2A-5: High-resolution 60-GHz DCOs with Reconfigurable Distributed Metal Capacitors in Passive Resonators W. Wu1, J. R. Long1, R. B. Staszewski1, J. J. Pekarik2, 1Electronics Research Laboratory/DIMES, Netherlands, 2IBM Microelectronics

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RMO2D-5: A CMOS Centric 77GHz Automotive Radar Architecture C. Kim1, P. Park1, D. Kim1, K. Park1, M. Park1, M. Cho2, S. Lee2, J. Kim2, Y. Eo2, J. Park3, D. Baek3, J. Oh4, S. Hong4, H. Yu1, 1ETRI, Korea, 2Kwangwoon University, Korea 3Chung-Ang University, Korea, 4 KAIST, Korea



1350 – 1720

RMO3C: Advanced Frequency Synthesis: Phase Locked Loops Room: 511CF Chair: Stefano Pellerano, Intel Corp. Co-Chair: Yann Deval, University of Bordeaux

RMO3D: Terahertz Technology Room: 510AC Chair: C. Patrick Yue, University of California, Santa Barbara Co-Chair: Georg Boeck, Berlin University of Technology

RMO3E: Multiband and Reconfigurable Power Amplifiers Room: 510BD Chair: Jeffrey S. Walling, Rutgers University Co-Chair: Nick Cheng, Skyworks Solutions, Inc.

RMO3B-1: A Linear CMOS SOI SP14T Antenna Switch For Cellular Applications Q. Chaudhry, R. Bayruns, B. Arnold, Anadigics Inc.

RMO3C-1: A 90nm CMOS 5GHz Ring Oscillator PLL with Delay-Discriminator Based Active Phase Noise Cancellation B. Bakkaloglu, S. Kiaei, S. Min, T. Copani, Arizona State University

RMO3D-1: A 245GHz Transmitter in SiGe Technology K. Schmalz, J. Borngräber, B. Heinemann, H. Rücker, J. C. Scheytt, IHP GmbH, Germany

RMO3E-1: Concurrent L- and S-Band ClassE Power Amplifier in 65nm CMOS R. Zhang, M. Acar, M. Apostolidou, M. P. van der Heijden, D. M. Leenaerts, NXP Semiconductors, Netherlands

1350 – 1410

RMO3B-2: Monolithically Integrated High Performance Digital Variable Gain Amplifiers Y. Zhao, B. Hou, S. Zhang, Analog Devices

RMO3C-2: A Wideband Fractional-N PLL with Suppressed Charge-Pump Noise and Automatic Loop Filter Calibration S. Levantino, D. Tasca, G. Marzin, M. Zanuso, C. Samori, A. L. Lacaita, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

RMO3D-2: A 108-112GHz 4x4 Wafer-Scale Phased Array Transmitter with HighEfficiency On-Chip Antennas W. Shin1, O. Inac1, Y. Ou2, B. Ku1, G. M. Rebeiz1, 1 University of California, San Diego, 2Qualcomm Inc.

RMO3E-2: A Fully-Integrated Self-Healing Power Amplifier S. M. Bowers, K. Sengupta, K. Dasgupta, A. Hajimiri, California Institute of Technology

1410 – 1430

RMO3B-3: A Harmonic-Rejection Mixer with Improved Design Algorithm for Broadband TV Tuners H. Zhang, T. Gao, S. Tan, O. Shana’a, MediaTek

RMO3C-3: A 2.74-5.37GHz Boosted-Gain Type-I PLL with 15% Loop Filter Area Y. Sun1, J. Li², Z. Zhang³, M. Wang³, N. Xu³, H. Lv³, W. Rhee³, Y. Li³, Z. Wang³, 1Analog Devices, ²University of California, San Diego, ³Tsinghua University, China

RMO3D-3: A 480GHz Passive Frequency Doubler in 65nm Bulk CMOS with 0.23mW Output Power R. Han, E. Afshari, Cornell University

RMO3E-3: A Highly Integrated Dual-band SiGe Power Amplifier that Enables 256 QAM 802.11ac WLAN Radio Front-End Designs C. P. Huang, P. Antognetti, L. Lam, A. Quaglietta, M. Doherty, W. Vaillancourt , Skyworks Solutions

1430 – 1450

RMO3B-4: A Transformer-Feedback Based Wideband IF Amplifier and Mixer for a Heterodyne 60GHz receiver in 40nm CMOS V. Bhagavatula1, M. Boers2, J. C. Rudell1, 1University of Washington, 2Broadcom Corporation

RMO3C-4: A Fully Integrated 1.7-2.5GHz 1mW Fractional-N PLL for WBAN and WSN applications M. Vidojkovic1, Y. Liu1, X. Huang1, K. Imamura2, G. Dolmans1, H. de Groot1, 1Holst Centre/Imec, Netherlands, 2Panasonic

RMO3D-4: A Wideband Gain-Boosting 8mW LNA with 23dB Gain and 4dB NF in 65nm CMOS Process for 60 GHz Applications E. Cohen1, O. Degani1, D. Ritter2, 1Intel, Haifa, Israel, 2Technion, Haifa, Israel

RMO3E-4: A 3bit, 2Watt, Digital-Analog Gallium Nitride Power Amplifier for 64QAM Bandwidth Efficient Modulation with 25% Power Savings M. K. Watanabe, T. R. LaRocca, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems

1450 – 1510

RMO3C-5: An Inductorless InjectionLocked PLL with 1/2- and 1/4-Integral Subharmonic Locking in 90nm CMOS S. Lee, S. Ikeda, H. Ito, S. Tanoi, N. Ishihara, K. Masu, Tokyo Institute of Technology

RMO3D-5: A Three-Stage Cascaded Distributed Amplifier with GBW Exceeding 1.5THz A. Arbabian, A. M. Niknejad, University of California, Berkeley

RMO3E-5: A Class-G Dual-Supply Switched-Capacitor Power Amplifier in 65nm CMOS S. Yoo1, B. Jann2, O. Degani3, J. C. Rudell1, R. Sadhwani2, J. S. Walling4, D. J. Allstot1, 1 University of Washington, 2Intel Corp., Hillsboro, 3 Intel Corp., Israel, 4Rutgers University

1510 – 1530

RMO4A: Low-Power RF Circuits Room: 511AD Chair: Gernot Hueber, NXP Semiconductors Co-Chair: Pierre Busson, ST Microelectronics

RMO4B: Advances in CMOS Receivers Room: 511BE Chair: Ed Balboni Analog Devices Jeyanandh Paramesh Carnegie Mellon University

RMO4E: Power Amplifiers for Wireless Room: 510BD Chair: Gary Zhang, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. Co-Chair: Gary Hau, Anadigics Inc.

RMO4A-1: A 13.56Mbps PSK Receiver for 13.56MHz RFID Applications R. C. van de Beek1, M. Ciacci1, G. Al-Kadi1, P. Kompan2, M. Stark2, 1NXP Semiconductors, Netherlands, 2NXP Semiconductors, Austria

RMO4B-1: A 2.4GHz MEMS based SubSampling Receiver Front End Employing Low Power Channel Selection Filtering at RF A. Heragu, D. Ruffieux, C. Enz, Csem SA, Jaquet Droz 7, Switzerland

RMO4E-1: Wideband Envelope Tracking Power Amplifier for LTE Application D. Kim1, D. Kang1, J. Kim1, Y. Cho2, B. Kim1, 1 Pohang University of Science and Technology, 2 WCU, Korea

1600 – 1620

RMO4A-2: A Low-Cost, Low-Power UHF RFID Reader Transceiver for Mobile Applications Q. Peng, C. Zhang, Y. Song, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, Tsinghua University

RMO4B-2: A 42mW Wideband Baseband Receiver Section with Beamforming Functionality for 60GHz Applications in 40nm Low-Power CMOS V. Szortyka1, K. Raczkowski1, M. Kuijk2, P. Wambacq1, 1Imec, Belgium, 2Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

RMO4E-2: A WCDMA 41% Power Efficiency Direct DC Coupled Hybrid CMOS/GaAs Power Amplifier with Pre-distortion Linearization D. Leipold1, W. Allen2, G. Hau2, P. Sheehy1, 1 Anadigics, Warren NJ, 2Anadigics, Tyngsboro MA

1620 – 1640

RMO4A-3: A 2.45GHz Ultra-Low Power Quadrature Front-End in 65nm CMOS C. Bryant, H. Sjöland, Lund University

RMO4B-3: Harmonic Rejection Mixer at ADC Input for Complex IF Dual Carrier Receiver Architecture L. Sundström1, M. Anderson1, M. Andersson2, P. Andreani2, 1Ericsson AB, 2Lund University

RMO4E-3: 0.75 Watt and 5 Watt Drivers in Standard 65nm CMOS Technology for High Power RF Applications M. Acar, M. P. Heijden, D. M. Leenaerts, NXP Semiconductors, Netherlands

1640 – 1700

RMO4A-4: An Ultra Low Power, Compact UWB Receiver with Automatic Threshold Recovery in 65nm CMOS B. Vigraham, P. R. Kinget, Columbia University

RMO4B-4: A 600MHz to 3.4GHz Flexible Spectrum-Sensing Receiver with Spectrum-Adaptive Reconfigurable DT Filtering D. T. Lin, H. Chae, L. Li, M. P. Flynn, University of Michigan

RMO4E-4: GaAs Bi-FET RF Front-end MMIC for WiMAX Applications P. Wu3, J. Li1, Y. Wang2, P. Hsu3, 1Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2 WIN Semiconductor Corporation, 3National Taiwan University

1700 – 1720


RMO3B: RF Front-End Building Blocks Room: 511BE Chair: Osama Shana’a, MediaTek Co-Chair: Kenjiro Nishikawa, Kagoshima University

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0800 – 1150

RTU1A: Frequency Generation Using Injection Locking and Coupling Techniques Room: 511AD Chair: Nobuyuki Itoh, Okayama Prefectural University Co-Chair: Madhukar Reddy, Maxlinear

RTU1B: Baseband Circuits and Modulators for Wideband Transceivers Room: 511BE Chair: Eric Fogleman, MaxLinear Co-Chair: Ayman Fayed, Iowa State University

RTU1C: Advanced Frequency Synthesis: Building Blocks Room: 511CF Chair: Jaber Khoja, Qualcomm Inc. Co-Chair: Salvatore Levantino, Politecnico di Milano

RTU1D: Silicon Devices for ICs from RF to Millimeter Waves Room: 510AC Chair: Aditya Gupta, Northrop Grumman Co-Chair: Fujiang Lin, University of Science and Technology of China

0800 – 0820

RTU1A-1: Fine Frequency Tuning through InjectionControl in a High-Swing 1.2V 65nm CMOS Quadrature Oscillator A. Visweswaran, R. B. Staszewski, J. Long, Delft University of Technology

RTU1B-1: A High-Dynamic Range, Broadband, RF Transmit Modulator IC E. J. Balboni1, B. Sam2, D. Carbonari2, J. Cowles2, 1Analog Devices, Wilmington, 2Analog Devices, Beaverton

RTU1C-1: Dual Channel Injection-Locked Quadrature LO Generation for a 4GHz Instantaneous Bandwidth Receiver at 21GHz Center Frequency M. Elbadry1, B. Sadhu1, J. Qiu2, R. Harjani1, 1University of Minnesota, 2Army Research Laboratory

RTU1D-1: Millimeter-Wave Characterization of SiGe HBTs Noise Parameters Featuring fT/fMAX of 310/400 GHz T. Quemerais, D. Gloria, S. Jan, N. Derrier, P. Chevalier, STMicroelectronics

0820 – 0840

RTU1A-2: CMOS LC Quadrature Oscillators with Enhanced Tuning Range by Selective Mode Switching M. Bagheri1, R. Bagheri2, L. E. Larson3, 1University of California San Diego, 2BroMarks, 3Brown University

RTU1B-2: A 45GHz, 2bit Power DAC with 24.3dBm Output Power, 14 Vpp Differential Swing, and 22% Peak PAE in 45nm SOI CMOS A. Balteanu, I. Sarkas, E. Dacquay, A. Tomkins, S. P. Voinigescu, University of Toronto

RTU1C-2: A 2.9mW 53.4-79.4GHz Frequency-Tracking Injection-Locked Frequency Divider with 39.2% Locking Range in 65nm CMOS Y. Chao, H. C. Luong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

RTU1D-2: The Impact of Narrow Width Effects on High Frequency Performance and Noise in 35nm Multi-Finger n-MOSFETs K. Yeh, C. Chang, J. Guo, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan

0840 – 0900

RTU1A-3: A 33% Tuning Range High Output Power V-Band Superharmonic Coupled Quadrature VCO in SiGe Technology I. Nasr, M. Dudek, R. Weigel, D. Kissinger, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

RTU1B-3: An IF Digitizer IC Employing a ContinuousTime Bandpass Delta-Sigma ADC R. Schreier1, H. Shibata1, P. Hendriks2, M. Aliroteh1, V. Kozlov1, H. Tong1, A. Del Muro2, P. Shrestha2, T. Caldwell1, D. Alldred1, W. Yang2, D. Paterson2, P. W. Lai2, 1Analog Devices, Toronto, 2Analog Devices, Wilmington

RTU1C-3: A 14.1GHz Dual-Modulus Prescaler in 130nm CMOS Technology Using Sequential Implication Logic Cells W. Chen, E. Roa, W. Loke, B. Jung, Purdue University

RTU1D-3: Nano Crystal Quantum Dots Tunable OnChip ESD Protection Z. Shi1, A. Wang1, Y. Cheng2, 1University of California, Riverside, 2Peking University

0900 – 0920

RTU1A-4: A 0.8V 1.9mW 53.7-to-72.0GHz SelfFrequency-Tracking Injection-Locked Frequency Divider J. Yin, H. C. Luong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

RTU1B-4: A 5 Gbps Low Noise Receiver in 130nm CMOS For Wireless Optical Communications B. Nakhkoob, M. M. Hella, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

RTU1C-4: A PAE of 17.5% Ka-band Balanced Frequency Doubler with Conversion Gain of 20dB J. Li1, Y. Xiong2, W. Wu2, 1MicroArray Technologies, 2Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

RTU1D-4: A Novel Structure of Millimeter-Wave OnChip Transmission Line Using Redistributed Copper Wire and Ground Shield H. Namba, T. Sakamoto, T. Kuramoto, T. Hashimoto, S. Uchida, K. Hayashi, M. Furumiya, H. Ohkubo, Y. Nakashiba, Renesas Electronics Corporation

0920 – 0940

RTU1A-5: A 52-66GHz Subharmonically InjectionLocked Quadrature Oscillator with 10GHz Locking Range in 40nm LP CMOS G. Mangraviti1, B. Parvais1, V. Vidojkovic1, K. Vaesen1, V. Szortyka1, K. Khalaf1, C. Soens1, G. Vandersteen2, P. Wambacq1, 1 IMEC, Belgium, 2Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

RTU1D-5: Stacked-Spiral RF Inductors with FullyFilled Vertical Nano-Particle Magnetic Core J. Zhan1, X. Wang2, Q. Fang 2, Z. Shi2, Y. Yang1, T. Ren1, A. Wang2, Y. Cheng3, X. Li4, C. Yang4, 1Tsinghua University, 2University of California, Riverside, 3Peking University, 4Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology RTU2C: Advanced Modeling and Characterization for RF and mm-Wave Design Room: 511CF Chair: Tzung-Yin Lee, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. Co-Chair: Francis Rotella, Peregrine Semiconductor

RTU2D: 60 GHz Transceiver Circuits Room: 510AC Chair: Arun Natarajan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Co-Chair: Luciano Boglione, University of Massachusetts

RTU2A-1: A 98nW Wake-Up Radio for Wireless Body Area Networks N. E. Roberts, D. D. Wentzloff, University of Michigan

RTU2B-1: Invited Paper : The Path towards Gb/s Wireless LANs M. Zargari, Qualcomm-Atheros

RTU2C-1: An Improved VBIC Model for InP DHBTs Y. Shi1, Z. Jin2, Y. Su2, Y. Cao2, Y. Wang1, 1Tsinghua University, 2 Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

RTU2D-1: A Four-Path 60 GHz Phased-Array Receiver with Injection-Locked LO, Hybrid Beamforming and Analog Baseband Section in 90nm CMOS K. Raczkowski1, G. Mangraviti2, V. Szortyka2, A. Spagnolo3, B. Parvais1, R. Vandebriel1, V. Vidojkovic1, C. Soens1, S. D’Amico3, P. Wambacq2, 1Imec, Belgium, 2Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 3University of Salento, Italy

1030 – 1050

RTU2A-2: Highly Sensitive and Low Power InjectionLocked FSK Receiver for Short-Range Wireless Applications R. Ye1, T. Horng1, J. Wu2, 1National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, 2National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan

RTU2B-2: A WLAN and Bluetooth Combo Transceiver with Integrated WLAN Power Amplifier, TransmitReceive Switch and WLAN/Bluetooth Shared Low Noise Amplifier R. Winoto, M. He, Y. Lu, D. Signoff, E. Chan, C. Lin, W. Loeb, J. Park, L. Lin, Marvell Semiconductor

RTU2C-2: Characterization and Modeling of Enhanced Voltage RF MESFETs on 45nm CMOS for RF Applications S. J. Wilk2, M. R. Ghajar1, W. Lepkowski2, B. Bakkaloglu1, T. J. Thornton1, 1Arizona State University, 2SJT Micropower Inc.

RTU2D-2: A 60GHz Wideband Low Noise Eight-Element Phased Array RX Front-End for Beam Steering Communication Applications in 45nm CMOS S. Drago, M. C. van Schie, A. J. de Graauw, J. F. Osorio, M. Spella, Y. Yu, C. S. Vaucher, R. M. Pijper, L. F. Tiemeijer, NXP Semiconductors

1050 – 1110

RTU2A-3: Multi-channel 180pJ/b 2.4GHz FBAR-based Receiver P. M. Nadeau, A. Paidimarri, P. P. Mercier, A. P. Chandrakasan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

RTU2B-3: A Multiband LTE SAW-Less CMOS Transmitter with Source-Follower-Drived Passive Mixers, Envelope-Tracked RF-PGAs, and Marchand Baluns T. Kihara1, T. Sano1, M. Mizokami1, Y. Furuta1, T. Nakamura2, M. Hokazono1, T. Maruyama1, K. Toyota3, K. Maeda4, Y. Akamine4, T. Yamawaki4, T. Heima1, K. Hori3, H. Sato1, 1Renesas Electronics Corp., Itami-shi, 2Hitachi, Ltd., 3Renesas Electronics Corp.4Renesas Mobile Corp.

RTU2C-3: On-Wafer CMOS Transistors De-Embedding Method Using Two Transmission Lines of Different Lengths H. J. Saavedra-Gómez1, J. R. Loo-Yau1, B. E. Figueroa-Resendiz1, J. A. Reynoso-Hernández2, 1Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del I. P. N. Unidada Guadalajara, Zapopan, 2Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Enseanada, Mexico

RTU2D-3: A CMOS Bidirectional 32-element PhasedArray Transceiver at 60GHz with LTCC Antenna E. Cohen1, M. Ruberto1, M. Cohen3, O. Degani1, S. Ravid1, D. Ritter2, 1Intel, Israel, 2Technion, Israel, 3Ben-Gurion University, Israel

1110 – 1130

RTU2A-4: A 4.9mW 7.5Mbps DAC-less 16QAM Transmitter for WBANs in Medical Applications Q. Zhang, W. Lou, W. Liu, N. Wu, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

RTU2B-4: A 65nm GSM/GPRS/EDGE SoC with Integrated BT/FM C. Chiu1, H. Chang1, T. Wu1, S. Chen1, C. Chin1, W. Hong1, S. Wong2, L. Lai1, C. Wang1, S. Yang1, T. Lin1, J. Chen1, H. Tsai1, H. Yang1, H. Chen1, A. Marques3, C. Wang4, G. Chien5, 1MediaTek, Taiwan, 2MediaTek, Singapore, 3Consultant, Portugal, 4 MediaTek, Austin, 5MediaTek, San Jose

RTU2C-4: An Ultra-Broadband Model for On-Chip Transformers Based on Pole-Residue Formulae C. Qiu, H. Wang, J. Liu, Z. Yu, L. Sun, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China

RTU2D-4: A Flip-Chip-Packaged and Fully Integrated 60GHz CMOS Micro-Radar Sensor for Heartbeat and Mechanical Vibration Detections T. Kao, A. Chen, T. Shen, Y. Yan, J. Lin, University of Florida

RTU2C-5: A Broadband, Millimeter Wave, Asymmetrical Marchand Balun in 180nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology D. C. Howard, C. Cho, J. D. Cressler, Georgia Tech.

RTU2D-5: A 5mW CMOS Wideband mm-Wave FrontEnd Featuring 17dB of Conversion Gain and 6.5dB Minimum NF A. Ghilioni1, E. Monaco2, M. Repossi2, A. Mazzanti1, 1Università di Pavia, Italy, 2STMicroelectronics

1130 – 1150

RTU2B: Advanced Mobile and Wireless Transceivers and SoC´s Room: 511BE Chair: Srenik Mehta, Qualcomm Inc. Co-Chair: Andre Hanke, Intel Corp.

1010 – 1030


RTU2A: Low-Power Solutions for Wireless Sensor Applications Room: 511AD Chair: Pedram Mohseni, Case Western Reserve University Co-Chair: Hua Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology

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1330 – 1600

RTUIF: Interactive Forum Room: 517CD Chair: Waleed Khalil, Ohio State University Co-Chair: Ayman Fayed, Iowa State University

RTUIF1: A Process-Scalable RF Transceiver for Short Range Communication in 90nm Si CMOS A. Shirane, M. Otsuru, S. Lee, S. Yonezawa, S. Tanoi, H. Ito, N. Ishihara, K. Masu, Tokyo Institute of Technology

RTUIF2: A 3.1-10.6GHz Ultra Wide-Band Impulse Radio Transmitter with Notch Implementation for In-Band Interferers in 90nm CMOS H. Hedayati, K. Entesari, Texas A&M University

RTUIF3: A Bluetooth Radio in 45nm CMOS process for multi radio SoC A. Lachhwani1, G. Rajendran1, A. Sivadas1, R. Guntreddi1, A. Joshi1, B. Krishnakutty1, N. Tal2, G. Bitton2, Y. Peled2, S. Manian1, M. Subramaniam1, 1Texas Instruments, India, 2 Texas Instruments, Israel

RTUIF4: An Extremely Low Consumption, 53mW, 65nm CMOS Transmitter for 60GHz UWB Applications M. Ercoli1, D. Dragomirescu1, R. Plana1, D. Belot3, 1 Laas - CNRS, Toulouse, France, 2University of Toulouse, 3 STMicroelectronics

RTUIF5: 5.8GHz Low-Flicker-Noise CMOS DirectConversion Receiver Using Deep-N-Well Vertical-NPN BJT Y. Hsiao1, C. Meng1, J. Syu1, C. Wang1, S. Wong2, G. Huang3, 1 National Chiao Tung University, 2Richwave Technology Corporation, 3National Nano Device Laboratories

RTUIF6: A PA-Noise Cancellation Technique for Next Generation Highly Integrated RF Front-Ends M. Omer1, R. Rimini2, P. D. Heidmann2, J. S. Kenney1, 1 Georgia Institute of Technology, 2Qualcomm Inc.

RTUIF7: A 2-11GHz Reconfigurable Multi-Mode LNA in 0.13µm CMOS X. Yu, N. M. Neihart, Iowa State University

RTUIF8: Bias Optimized IP2 & IP3 Linearity and NF of a Decade-Bandwidth GaN MMIC Feedback Amplifier K. W. Kobayashi, RF Micro Devices

RTUIF9: A -32dBm Sensitivity RF Power Harvester in 130nm CMOS S. Oh, D. D. Wentzloff, University of Michigan

RTUIF10: A 5bit 1GS/s 2.7mW 0.05mm² Asynchronous Digital Slope ADC in 90nm CMOS for IR UWB Radio M. Ding1, P. Harpe2, H. Hegt2, K. Philips1, H. de Groot1, A. van Roermund2, 1Holst Centre, 2Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

RTUIF11: A 30-65GHz Reduced-Size with Low LO Power Modulator Using Sub-Harmonic Pumping in 90nm CMOS Technology P. Tsai, C. Kuo, J. Kuo, S. Aloui, H. Wang, National Taiwan University

RTUIF12: An 84mW 0.36mm² Analog Baseband Circuits for 60GHz Wireless Transceiver in 40nm CMOS M. Miyahara, H. Sakaguchi, N. Shimasaki, A. Matsuzawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology

RTUIF13: A Phase-Shifting Up-Converter for 30GHz Phased Array Applications Y. Pei1, Y. Chen1, D. M. Leenaerts1, R. Mahmoudi2, 1NXP Semiconductors, 2Eindhoven University of Technology

RTUIF14: A Low-power K-band CMOS UWB Radar Transceiver IC for Short Range Detection S. Lee, S. Kong, S. Hong, KAIST, Korea

RTUIF15: A Broadband Millimeter-Wave Passive CMOS Down-Converter A. Moroni, D. Manstretta, Universita degli Studi di Pavia

RTUIF16: A 77GHz Automotive Radar Receiver in a Wafer Level Package C. Wagner1, J. Boeck2, M. Wojnowski2, H. Jaeger1, J. Platz1, M. Treml1, F. Dober1, R. Lachner2, J. Minichshofer1, L. Maurer1, 1DICE, 2Infineon Technologies

RTUIF17: A Novel mmWave CMOS VCO with an ACCoupled LC Tank V. P. Trivedi, K. To, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

RTUIF18: A 4.1-6.5GHz Transformer-Coupled CMOS Quadrature Digitally-Controlled Oscillator with Quantization Noise Suppression S. Zheng, H. C. Luong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

RTUIF19: A Reconfigurable 4.7-6.6GHz and 8.510.7GHz Concurrent and Dual-Band Oscillator in 65nm CMOS A. Li, H. C. Luong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

RTUIF20: A CMOS Flash TDC with 0.84-1.3ps Resolution Using Standard Cells T. J. Yamaguchi1, S. Komatsu2, M. Abbas2, K. Asada2, M. Khanh2, J. Tandon2, 1Advantest Laboratories, Ltd., 2University of Tokyo

RTUIF21: A 0.6-7 Gbps, 1/7 Rate, Burst Mode Clock and Data Recovery Circuit and Demultiplexer Y. Chen, W. Chen, National Chiao-Tung University

RTUIF22: A Performance Study of Layout and Vt Options for Low Noise Amplifier Design in 65nm CMOS Q. Pan1, T. Yeh2, C. Jou2, F. Hsueh2, H. Luong1, P. Yue1, 1 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd.

RTUIF23: Frequency Response Enhancement of Spiral Inductor’s Q-Factor by Adopting Defected Ground Structure in Standard CMOS Process Y. Ye1,2, J. Gu1, R. Qian1, X. Sun1, 1Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, 2Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

RTUIF24: Characterization and Modeling of the Junction Diode for Accurate RF Model in the 36nm MOSFET Y. Wang, W. Tsao, Z. Zeng, MediaTek Inc.


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ARFTG 79TH ARFTG MICROWAVE MEASUREMENT CONFERENCE Welcome to the 79th Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG) Microwave Measurement Conference being held at the Convention Center in Montréal on Friday, 22 June 2012. From: Dominique Schreurs - Chair, 79th ARFTG Conference The conference will include technical presentations, an interactive forum, and an exhibition; all to give you ample opportunity to interact with your colleagues in the RF and microwave test and measurement community. The conference theme is “Nonlinear Measurement Systems” and we are looking forward to the invited talks of Dr. Jacques Sombrin on “Future test benches for the optimization of spectrum and energy efficiency in telecom nonlinear RF components and amplifiers” and Dr. Thibault Reveyrand on “New sampling paradigm dedicated to RF ultra-wideband receivers”. The contributed conference papers focus on nonlinear measurement systems, calibration issues, onwafer measurements, uncertainty, broadband and millimeter-wave measurements, and other areas of RF and microwave measurement. Also, be sure to check out the joint ARFTG/IMS workshops on “Overview of advanced dielectric measurement techniques” and “Device model extraction based on vectorial large-signal measurements” on Monday, as well as the NVNA Users’ Forum on Thursday afternoon. An important part of any ARFTG conference is the opportunity to interact oneon-one with colleagues, experts and vendors in the RF and microwave test and measurement community. Whether your interests include high-throughput production or one-of-a-kind metrology measurements, complex systems or simple circuit modeling, small to large signal measurements, phase noise or noise figure, DC to lightwave, you will find similarly interested technologists. Starting with breakfast, continuing through two exhibition/interactive forum sessions and the luncheon, there will be ample opportunity for discussion with others facing similar challenges. Attendees find that these interactions are often the best source of ideas and information for their current projects. So come and join us.

ARFTG STEERING COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Conference Chair Dominique Schreurs KU Leuven Local Host Zacharia Ouardirhi Nina Di Maria Focus Microwaves Technical Program Chair Jean-Pierre Teyssier University of Limoges XLIM Executive Secretary Jim L. Taylor

President Nick Ridler NPL Treasurer Ronald Ginley NIST

Vice President Mohamed Sayed MMS Membership Ken Wong Agilent Technologies

Secretary and Nominations Jon Martens Anritsu Electronic Communications Mitch Wallis NIST

Sponsorship Joe Gering RF Micro Devices Exhibits Rusty Myers Maury Microwave Publications David Blackham Agilent Technologies

Education Patrick Roblin Ohio State University Electronic Publicity Peter Aaen Freescale Semiconductor Standards Jean-Pierre Teyssier University of Limoges XLIM

MTT-S Liaison Leonard Hayden LeCroy Corporation Publicity John Wood Maxim Integrated Products Technical & Workshops Dominique Schreurs KU Leuven

ARFTG TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Jean-Pierre Teyssier (chair) University of Limoges XLIM

Loren Betts Agilent Technologies

Nuno Borges Carvalho University of Aveiro

Gayle Collins Maxentric Technologies

Leonard Hayden LeCroy Corporation Nick Ridler NPL Mohamed Sayed MMS

Masahiro Horibe AIST Patrick Roblin Ohio State University Dominique Schreurs KU Leuven

Jon Martens Anritsu Yves Rolain Vrije Universiteit Brussel Mitch Wallis NIST

Karam Noujeim Anritsu Andrej Rumiantsev Cascade Microtech John Wood Maxim Integrated Products

Find out more about ARFTG and the latest conference updates at

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ARFTG 79TH ARFTG CONFERENCE, MONTRÉAL, 22 JUNE 2012 TECHNICAL SESSIONS Technical Program chair: Jean-Pierre Teyssier, XLIM Limoges, France 1330 – 1520 Session 3: RF Measurement Systems Chair: Jon Martens, Anritsu, USA

Paper 2-1: Traceability Via Precision Dimensional Measurements of WM-864 (WR-03) Waveguide Standard Shims Including Comparison Between NPL and NMIJ 1050-1110 M. Horibe1, N. Ridler2, A. Wilson2, 1National Metrology Institute of Japan AIST, Tsukuba, Japan, 2 National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, United Kingdom

Paper 3-1: New Sampling Paradigm Dedicated to RF ultra-wideband Receivers, Invited Talk 1330-1400 Thibault Reveyrand, XLIM, University of Limoges, France

Paper 2-2: Verifying Traceability of Electronic Calibration Units for Vector Network Analyzers Using the NIST Microwave Uncertainty Framework 1110-1130 J. A. Jargon, D. F. Williams, NIST, Boulder, USA

Paper 3-2: Metrology method for Error Vector Magnitude Based on Ellipse on IQ coordinates 1400-1420 R. Zhang1, F. Zhou1, L. Guo1, F. Ruan3, Y. Gao2, 1 Telecommunication Metrology Center of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (TMC), Hai Dian Dis, China, 2 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Hai Dian Dis, China, 3Guizhuo Normal University, China

Paper 1-3: Assets of Source Pull for NVNA Based Load Pull Measurements 0900-0920 T. Gasseling, AMCAD Engineering, Limoges, France

Paper 2-3: Influence of Waveguide Width Errors on TRL and LRL Calibrations 1130-1150 J. Stenarson2, K. Yhland2, T. N. Do3, H. Zhao3, P. Sobis 4, J. Stake3, 1GHz Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Boras, Sweden, 3Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 4Omnisys Instruments AB, Gothenburg, Sweden

Paper 3-3: Measurements of Waveguide Flange Repeatability in the 500-750 GHz and 750-1100 GHz Bands 1420-1440 H. Li 1, A. R. Kerr2, J. L. Hesler3, R. M. Weikle1, 1 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA, 2National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, USA, 3 Virginia Diodes, Inc., Charlottesville, USA

Paper 1-4: Synchronizing Modulated NVNA Measurements on a Dense Spectral Grid 0920-0940 Y. Rolain, M. Schoukens, R. Pintelon, G. Vandersteen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium

Paper 2-4: VNA Tools II: S-Parameter Uncertainty Calculation 1150-1210 M. Wollensack, J. Hoffmann, METAS Swiss Federal Office of Metrology, Bern-Wabern, Switzerland

Paper 3-4: Performance of New Design of Waveguide Flange for Measurements at Frequencies from 800 GHz to 1.05 THz 1440-1500 M. Horibe, R. Kishikawa, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan

Paper 1-2: Transistor Vector Load-Pull Characterization for Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifier Design 0840-0900 V. Vadalà1, A. Raffo1, G. Bosi1, G. Crupi2, G. Vannini1, 1 Univ. of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, 2Univ. of Messina, Messina, Italy

1520 Coffee Break: Exhibits and Interactive Forum Chair: Rusty Myers, Maury Microwave, USA

1050 – 1210 Session 2: Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis Chair: Ron Ginley, NIST, USA

1210 Lunch

Paper 1-1: Future Test Benches for the Optimization of Spectrum and Energy Efficiency in Telecom Nonlinear RF Components and Amplifiers, Invited Talk 0800-0840 Jacques Sombrin, CNES, France

1000 Coffee Break: Exhibits and Interactive Forum Chair: Rusty Myers, Maury Microwave, USA

0800 – 1000 Session 1: Measurement of NonLinear Devices Chair: Patrick Roblin, Ohio State University, USA

1600 Session 4: Late News Papers Chair: Mohamed Sayed, MMS, USA

Paper 3-5: Experiment and Analysis of Microwave Termination Stability over Temperature and Time 1500-1520 Y. Lee, Anritsu Company, Morgan Hill, USA

Paper 1-5: Nonlinear Deembedding of Microwave Large-Signal Measurements 0940-1000 G. Avolio1, A. Raffo2, D. Schreurs1, G. Vannini2, B. Nauwelaers1, 1KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy

INTERACTIVE FORUM Chair: Rusty Myers, Maury Microwave, USA Paper 5-1: Precise Microwave Measurement of Liquid Level K. Hoffmann, Z. Skvor, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Praha, Czech Republic

Paper 5-2: Frequency Spectrum of Signal Sampled in Modulation Domain F. Zhou2, R. Zhang2, L. Guo2, D. Shi1, F. Ruan3, Y. Shen1, Y. Gao1, 1Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Hai Dian Dis, China, 2Telecommunication Metrology Center of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (TMC), Hai Dian Dis, China

Paper 5-3: What Can the ABCD Parameters Tell us About the TRL? J. A. Reynoso-Hernandez1, M. A. Puli do-Gaytan1, M. C. Maya-Sanchez1, J. R. Loo-Yau2, 1Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superi or de Ensenada (CICESE), Ensenada, Mexico, 2Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados del I. P. N. Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico

Paper 5-4: Optimal Design of Precision Slab-line for N Type Coaxial Automatic Tuner H. Huang1, M. X. Liu3, X. Lv2, 1National Institute of Metrology, Beijing, China, 2Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, 3National Institute of Metrology, Beijing, China

Paper 5-5: Characteristic Impedance Determination Technique for CMOS On-Wafer Transmission Line with Large Substrate Loss K. Takano, S. Amakawa, K. Katayama, M. Motoyoshi, M. Fujishima, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan

Paper 5-6: A LRL Calibration Method for Dielectric Measurement with Coaxial Air Line X. Liu1, H. Huang2, C. Song1, 1National Institute of Metrology, Beijing, China, 2Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China

Paper 5-7: A New Evaluation Technique of a WR-22 Calorimeter X. Cui, Y. Li, X. Gao, National Institute of Metrology, Beijing, China

Paper 5-8: A Wide-Band Method to Measure the Equivalent Reflection Coefficient of Signal Sources J. Kim, J. Kang, J. Kwon, J. Park, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, Republic of Korea


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WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES WORKSHOPS AND SHORT COURSES Workshops and Short courses are offered on Sunday, Monday and Friday of Microwave Week. Please see daily handout on Sunday, Monday, and Friday in the registration area and from volunteers throughout the meeting floors to confirm room location.



Sunday, 0800 – 1700 WSB

Unconventional Power Amplifier Architecture with High Efficiency Sponsors: MTT-5, MTT-17

Organizers: Bumman Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology Frederick H. Raab, Green Mountain Radio Research Company Allen Katz, The College of New Jersey/Linearizer Technology, Inc. Abstract: As the wireless information transmission has become a part of everyday life, producing highly efficiency power amplifiers (PAs) has become of vital importance. The PA is the key system component, and consequently is experiencing very rapid technological advancement. This workshop will cover recent PA progress with a unique focus on advanced PA architectures. We called the architectures to be presented ‘unconventional’ because for the most part they are not yet being applied in production power amplifiers, and are emerging, and rapidly changing technologies. It is true that these technologies may have been presented in the past individually, but never all together where their advantages and disadvantages can be compared and discussed as a group. The first talk will be an overview of techniques for achieving both highly efficient and linear power amplification. The basic concepts will be reviewed, and recent achievements as well as practical limitations will be discussed. The optimized unit PA, an essential element for enhanced high efficiency performance, will be introduced. The workshop will then cover important recent advances in PA architectures, including Doherty, Envelope tracking/restoration, Outphasing, Class-S voltage-mode, and Digitally modulated amplifiers. Finally, ultra-broad band linear and efficient PAs will be introduced. The leading speakers from all over the globe have been recruited. After the speaker presentations, there will be one hour panel session. During this session the trades between the various technologies presented and related key technology questions will be discussed by the presenters and the audience. Audience participation will be promoted and encouraged. Attendees will be invited to submit a maximum of two slides for presentation as part of this session. 1. “ High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers and Transmitters” F. H. Raab, Green Mountain Radio Research, Colchester, United States 2. “Characteristics of Various Switching Amplifiers and The Optimized Structure” B. Kim1, J. Moon2, S. Jee1, J. Kim1, 1Postech, Pohang, Republic of Korea, 2 Samsung Electronics Company, Suwon, Republic of Korea 3. “High-efficiency Doherty Amplifier Architectures” A. Grebennikov, Alcatel-Lucent Ireland, Blanchardstown, Ireland 4. “Envelope Tracking Power Amplifiers at X-band to W-band” D. Kimball, MaXentric Technologies, La Jolla, United States 5. “Enhanced Outphasing Power Amplifiers” M. P. van der Heijden1, M. Acar1, J. Qureshi1, L. C. de Vreede2, 1NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands 6. “ The class-S Voltage-mode Concept: State-Of-The-Art Results and Efficiency Analysis” W. Heinrich, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Berlin, Germany 7. “Digitally-Controlled Power Amplifiers for Handset Applications” P. Asbeck, UCSD, La Jolla, United States

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8. “ Achieving Linear Power Amplifiers with Both Wide Bandwidth (Multiple Octave) and High Efficiency” A. Katz, The college of New Jersey, Ewing, United States

Sunday, 0800 – 1700

Modern Techniques for Tunable and Reconfigurable RF/Microwave Filter Development Sponsors: MTT-8 Organizers: Roberto Gómez-García, University of Alcalá Xun Gong, University of Central Florida

Abstract: This workshop focuses on the area of tunable and reconfigurable RF/ microwave filters by reporting recent research findings in this exciting field. This includes a large variety of novel planar/hybrid tunable circuit realizations for spectrum management and dynamic broad-band filtering, as well as new high-Q micro-electro-mechanical-system-(MEMS)-based reconfigurable filters for wide tuning ranges and their realization through cut-edge technologies such as substrate-integrated waveguides (SIWs) and evanescent-mode cavity resonators. Latest results on ferroelectric barium-strontium-titanate (BST) materials for highspeed-switching tunable filter design and GaAs and SiGe processes (CMOS, BiCMOS) for MMIC reconfigurable active filter development in single- and differential mode arrangements are also reported. 1. “ New Advances in Tunable Hybrid/Planar Filter Technology for Spectrum Management” A. C. Guyette, D. R. Jachowski, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, United States 2. “Electronically Reconfigurable Planar Microwave Filters” J. Hong, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom 3. “Substrate-Integrated-Waveguide RF MEMS Tunable Filters” K. Entesari1, V. Sekar2, 1Texas A&M University, College Station, United States, 2 Peregrine Semiconductors, San Diego, United States 4. “Frequency-Agile Reconfigurable Filter Structures Based on Tunable Cavity Resonators” W. J. Chappell1, J. Lee2, 1DARPA, Arlington, United States, 2Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea 5. “ Widely-Tunable High-Q RF Front-End Filters” D. Peroulis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States 6. “ Tunable Bandpass and Bandstop Filters Based on Dual-Band Combline Structures” I. Hunter1, A. Abunjaileh2, 1University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2EADS Astrium, Stevenage, United Kingdom 7. “ Tunable Filters Based on BST Materials” B. Lacroix, J. Papapolymerou, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States 8. “Reconfigurable RF and Microwave Filtering Devices in MMIC Technologies” B. Barelaud, B. Jarry, J. Lintignat, XLIM, Limoges, France 9. “ Tunable Bandpass and Bandstop Filter Topologies Using MEMS and Schottky Diodes” G. M. Rebeiz, The University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, United States


3-D Integrated Circuits

Sunday, 0800 – 1700

Sponsors: MTT-12, RFIC Organizers: Robert W. Jackson, University of Massachusetts Wolfgang Heinrich, FBH-Berlin Li Wu Yang, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. Abstract: Three dimensional integrated circuits have been under study for many years now. There are two areas that are of particular interest lately. The combination of high performance indium phosphide with the high integration level of silicon is a type of heterogenous integration which is of particular interest to the military. The second area is the stacking of substrates to combine RF, photonics, signal processing, and control. Topics in this area include wafer bonding techniques, TSV technology, TSV RF modeling, and 3D assembly techniques. Very complex, compact, high performance subsystems result. The current state of the art will be presented. 1. “ 3D Heterogeneous Integration and the DARPA Diverse Accessible Heterogeneous Integration (DAHI) Program” S. Raman1, C. L. Dohrman2, T. Chang2, J. S. Rodgers1, 1DARPA, Arlington, United States, 2Booz Allen Hamilton, Arlington, United States 2. “Heterogeneous Integration of III-V Devices and Si CMOS on a Silicon Substrate” T. E. Kazior, Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems, Andover, United States 3. “Heterogeneous Integration of InP HBTs and RF-CMOS Technologies for RFICs” J. C. Li, Y. Royter, T. Hussain, P. R. Patterson, J. R. Duvall, M. C. Montes, I. Valles, M. F. Boag-O’Brien, D. M. Le, D. M. Zehnder, S. J. Kim, E. F. Wang, D. A. Hitko, M. Sokolich, D. H. Chow, K. R. Elliott, P. D. Brewer, HRL Laboratories, LLC, Malibu, United States 4. “Wafer-Scale Assembly & Heterogeneous Integration Technologies for MMICs” P. Chang-Chien, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Redondo Beach, United States 5. “Optimal Technology Integration through 3D Wafer-Scale Bonding” J. B. Muldavin, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, United States 6. “High Frequency Modeling and Measurement of TSV in 3D IC” J. Kim, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 7. “ TSVs for 3D RF system integration” W. De Raedt, X. Sun, E. Beyne, Imec, Leuven, Belgium 8. “3D Integration for Microwave Application” M. Wolf, Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin, Germany


Sunday, 0800 – 1700

RF & mmW PAs: Linearization and Power Challenges Sponsors: RFIC Organizers: Eric Kerhervé, IMS Didier Belot, ST Microelectronics

Abstract: Power amplifiers in RF and mmW have two main challenges to target in the same time, the linearity and the power. The modulations are more and more complex — from 16 to 64 QAM in mmW and from 64 to 128 QAM in RF — with multicarriers OFDM on wider and wider bands. In the same time, mainly in RF the power remains a challenge in Silicon technologies. We will have an overview of state of the art technologies and design techniques to address such challenges for RF Cellular Mobile, Base stations, WLAN and mmW WLAN applications. 1. “ Embrace Circuit Nonlinearity to get Transmitter ‘Linearity’ and Energy Efficiency” E. McCune, RF Communications Consulting, Santa Clara, United States 2. “RF Power Amplifier Design” L. E. Larson1, P. Asbeck 2, D. Kimball2, 1Brown University, Providence, United States, 2UCSD, La Jolla, United States 3. “PA Design for Base Stations”

D. Leenaerts, NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, Netherlands 4. “ Silicon Based RF Front End Modules” F. Balteanu, Skyworks Solutions, Ottawa, Canada 5. “RF Silicon PA, How to Aim the Linearity/Power/Efficiency…Tradeoff” A. Scuderi, STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy 6. “Cartesian Feedback with Digital Enhancement applied to Fully Integrated CMOS RF Transmitter” N. Deltimple1, N. Delaunay1, W. Sanaa1, B. Le Gal1, C. Rebai2, D. Dallet1, D. Belot 3, E. Kerhervé1, 1IMS Laboratory, Talence, France, 2CIRTA’COM Research Laboratory, Carthage, Tunisia, 3STMicroelectronics, Grenoble, France 7. “CMOS Millimetre-wave Doherty Power Amplifiers” F. M. Ghannouchi, M. Akbarpour, M. Helaoui, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada 8. “Holistic Approaches for Power Generation, Linearization, and Radiation in CMOS” A. Hajimiri, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States


Sunday, 0800 – 1700

Towards Watt-Level mm-Wave Efficient Silicon Power Amplifiers Sponsors: RFIC Organizers: Hossein Hashemi, University of Southern California Sanjay Raman, Virginia Tech

Abstract: Over the past several years, there has been a significant drive in both academia and industry to demonstrate silicon integrated solutions at mm-waves for emerging applications such as short-range high data-rate wireless communications, automotive radars, and biomedical imaging. Monolithic mm-wave transceivers and phased arrays in SiGe HBT and CMOS have been demonstrated by several groups and entered the market as commercial products. In fact, advancements in silicon mm-wave integrated systems have led to consideration for their usage in military and space systems where historically compound semiconductor solutions have dominated. Despite recent advancements, Watt-level power amplifiers at mm-waves are still challenging research topics. Moreover, the reported lowpower (100mW) power amplifiers are typically inefficient (PAE 20%). At this point, virtually all Watt-level mm-wave power amplifiers are implemented in compound semiconductor technologies, but, without the level of integration and complexity offered by advanced silicon technologies. However, there are several research groups that are working towards realizing efficient high-power mmwave power amplifiers and transmitters using standard silicon technologies. In addition, DARPA has recently invested in the development of efficient Watt-level mm-wave transmitters under the Efficient Linearized All-Silicon Transmitter ICs (ELASTx) program. The aforementioned trend at mm-wave resembles that at Radio Frequencies where monolithic CMOS transceivers (e.g., for cellular phones) were followed by Watt-level efficient CMOS/Si power amplifiers several years later. This proposed workshop consists of representatives from 10 leading research groups in academia and industry that have been working on mm-wave efficient silicon power amplifiers with higher output power levels. Many of the talks will include new research results (either unpublished at the time of RFIC/IMS or to be published in 2012 for the first time). Novel design methodologies will be discussed that may be able to overcome the significant challenges in achieving high efficiency and robust power levels in silicon at mm-wave frequencies. 1. “ Design of CMOS mm-Wave Power Amplifier” P. Reynaert, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 2. “Efficient, Watt-class, mmWave CMOS PAs: Stack Devices Aggressively, Switch Them Hard and Power-Combine” H. Krishnaswamy, Columbia University, New York, United States 3. “Mixing Things Up: Analog and Digital Techniques for High Frequency Silicon Power Amplifiers” A. M. Niknejad, J. Chen, L. Ye, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, United States 4. “ The Design of Area- and Power-Efficient mm-Wave PAs in Silicon CMOS and

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WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES BiCMOS Using On-Chip Magnetics” J. R. Long, Y. Zhao, M. Spirito, D. Cheung, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands 5. “Design Paradigm of 30dBm Power Amplifier in SiGe” R. Mahmoudi1, J. Essing1, D. Leenaerts2, 1Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2NXP semiconductors, Eindhoven, Netherlands 6. “High Efficiency Si-Based Mm-Wave Amplifiers Using Free-Space Power Combining” P. Asbeck1, G. Rebeiz2, J. Buckwalter3, L. Larson4, S. Voinigescu5, 1UCSD, La Jolla, United States, 2UCSD, La Jolla, United States, 3UCSD, La Jolla, United States, 4Brown University, Providence, United States, 5University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 7. “Digital and RF Correction of Linear and Nonlinear Distortion for Efficient MillimeterWave SoC CMOS Transmitter Designs” T. R. LaRocca, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Redondo Beach, United States 8. “24-GHz to 150-GHz High-Power CMOS PA Combining Architectures Comparison and Stability Analysis” T. Huang, K. Lin, H. Wang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 9. “High Power, Efficient and Reliable mm-wave CMOS Power Amplifiers, Squaring the Circle?” B. Martineau, STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France 10. “Large Power, Phase and Amplitude Modulated, Switching PAs for mmWave High-Efficiency Digital Transmitters” A. Balteanu1, I. Sarkas1, S. P. Voinigescu1, P. Asbeck 2, G. Rebeiz 2, J. Buckwalter2, L. Larson3, 1University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2University of California, UCSD, La Jolla, United States, 3Brown University, Providence, United States


Sunday, 0800 – 1700

Wide-band (Multi-Octave), Fast Settling, RF Frequency Synthesis Sponsors: RFIC Organizers: Behnam Analui, USC Hossein Hashemi, USC

Abstract: Frequency Synthesizers are at the heart of radio frequency (RF) wireless communication systems. With the emergence of programmable radio systems, e.g. multi-standard, cognitive radio (CR) and software-defined radio (SDR), one new key block that needs to be developed is the RF frequency synthesizer. For example, a modern frequency synthesizer for an integrated SDR must meet a new and challenging set of requirements, e.g., wide frequency coverage, while maintaining or improving on traditional specifications such as low phase noise. This full-day workshop focuses on the state of the art developments on the topic of frequency synthesis for wide-band RF applications. Key aspects which are emphasized and covered include: wide (multi-octave) frequency coverage, fast-settling time for frequency switching and hopping, and low-noise and low-spurious tones. Various architectural choices and circuit topologies for RF frequency synthesizers and their application to wide-band RF systems, e.g. SDR and CR, are discussed. Examples of wide-band RF synthesizers used in SDR radios based on advanced CMOS processes (130nm, 90nm, 40nm, etc.) are also presented. Architectures discussed by multiple presenters include: Direct digital frequency synthesis, fractional-N PLL with multi-phase clock generation, open-loop dynamic phase switching, multi-order harmonic generation, and all digital PLL. In addition, various topologies including cyclic coupled ring oscillators and sub-harmonic injection locking synthesizers for wide-band and/or fast settling time operation are presented. 1. “ Multi-Order Harmonic Generation for Wideband Frequency Synthesis” E. Sánchez-Sinencio, M. M. Abdul-Latif, Texas A&M University, College Station, United States 2. “Injection Locking for Wideband, Fast Settling, RF Synthesizers” R. Harjani, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States 3. “Open Loop Digital Modulation Techniques for Wide Bandwidth Frequency Synthesis” S. Pamarti, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States

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4. “ 100MHz-6GHz Analog and Digital Frequency Synthesis for SDRs in Nanoscale CMOS” J. Borremans, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium 5. “Power Efficient Flexible Clock Generation with Low Phase Error” E. Klumperink, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands 6. “Achieving Fast Locking and Wide Bandwidth Operation through All-digital PLL Techniques” R. B. Staszewski, Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, Netherlands 7. “Digital to Time Converter DDS: Spur Analysis and Mitigation” S. A. Talwalkar, Motorola Solutions, Inc, Plantation, United States 8. “Direct Digital Synthesis Technology in High Performance RF Applications” J. Baird, J. Cavey, Analog Devices, Norwood, United States


Sunday, 0800 – 1700

RF and Modem Techniques for Multi-standard Radios Coexistence Sponsors: RFIC Organizers: Walid Y. Ali-Ahmad, MediaTek Inc. Jacques C. Rudell, University of Washington

Abstract: Year by year, there is a drive to have more wireless functionalities available at the tip of our fingers, and hence, more push is being done towards multi-radios integration with the use of CMOS technology. These radios cover a diverse group of connectivity and cellular standards. This workshop will address the challenges for RF co-existence on SoC level or in multi-radio platform; it will focus on the use of digital baseband assisted radio architectures, RF front-end and transceiver techniques, and coordination at the UE modems level to result in the optimum multi-standard coexistence and multi-mode concurrency in a multi-radio environment. 1. “ High Integration CMOS Frontends in an Increasingly Coexistent MultiStandard, Cognitive and SDR Radio Environment” J. C. Rudell, University of Washington, Seattle, United States 2. “A Cost Effective Approach for Accommodating Multi-Radio Coexistence in Consumer Market Devices” O. E. Eliezer1, N. Tal2, 1Xtendwave, Dallas, United States, 2Texas Instruments, Ra’anana, Israel 3. “Coexistence Issues and Mitigation in Multi-mode Band Cellular Radios” K. Sahota, Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, United States 4. “Uncovering the Mystery of Multi-radio SoC Integration” G. Chien1, C. Wu2, Y. Chung2, T. Wu2, 1MediaTek, Inc., San Jose, United States, 2 MediaTek, Inc., Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan 5. “Multi-Radio Coexistence, Enabling RF Performance by Digital Assistance” A. Hanke, Intel, Neubiberg, Germany 6. “Design Considerations of Multi-functional Radios in SOC Environment” L. Lin, Marvell Semiconductor Inc., Santa Clara, United States 7. “Techniques to Improve Coexistence in Multi-Standard SoCs” M. Kohlmann, Qualcomm Inc., Santa Clara, United States 8. “Integration of Radios into High Performance PC based SoCs” H. Lakdawala, Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, United States


Sunday, 0800 – 1200

RF and Analog ICs for Bio-medical Applications Sponsors: RFIC

Organizers: Fred S. Lee, Fairchild Semiconductor Mona Hella, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Abstract: Applied RFIC and mixed-signal systems have been great enablers in advancing the bio-medical field, ranging from observing bio-molecular interactions to treating cancer. This workshop is designed to expose RF/mixed-

WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES signal designers to the challenges and opportunities of designing bio-medical systems in an interdisciplinary environment where ideas can be exchanged. No prior experience in biological systems will be necessary, as all material covering the bio-medical portion will be tutorial based. Through the half-day workshop, we will be covering: Systems and applications of bio-medical devices, Implantable medical devices, In vivo force sensors, THz imaging, Bio-molecular analysis, Microwaves in cancer detection, and Low power radios for wearable wireless sensors. 1. “ RF Communication for Implantable Cardiac Rhythm Management Devices” E. H. Klaassen, St. Jude Medical, Sunnyvale, United States 2. “Requirements for Implantable RF Medical Diagnostic Systems in Orthopaedic Surgery” E. H. Ledet, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, United States 3. “Chip Design for On-body Wireless Sensing” B. Otis, University of Washington, Seattle, United States 4. “Microwave Technologies for Breast Health and Disease Management” M. J. Burfeindt, N. Behdad, B. D. Van Veen, S. C. Hagness, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, United States 5. “Biomedical THz Studies: From in vivo Skin Imaging to Molecular Spectroscopy” E. Pickwell-MacPherson, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Hong Kong 6. “Solid-state and Biological Systems Interface” D. Ham, Harvard University, Cambridge, United States


RF at the Nanoscale

Sunday, 0800 – 1200

Sponsors: RFIC Organizers: Gernot Hueber, NXP Semiconductors R. Bogdan Staszewski, Delft University of Technology Stefan Heinen, RWTH Aachen Abstract: Advances in CMOS fabrication technology enabled the use of CMOS technology in today RF transceivers for wireless communications. Multi-band and multi-mode radios covering the diversity of communication standards from 2G GSM, 3G UMTS, to 4G LTE and LTE-advanced impart unique challenges on the RF-transceiver design due to limitations in terms of reconfigurable RF components that meet the demanding cellular performance criteria at costs that are attractive for mass market applications.
As well, nanoscale CMOS on the one hand features the possibility for implementing a significant computational power and complex functionality directly on a single IC, on the other hand it shows poor performance in RF circuits compared to other technologies. The focus of this workshop will be on the challenges the cellular standards pose on future multi-radio integration in nanoscale CMOS, along with a thorough discussion of advanced techniques for receivers and transmitters towards integration in a multi-radio SoC or SiP. Approaches include novel architectures, highly configurable analog circuitry, digitally assisted and enhanced analog/RF modules and the integration of digital signal processing into the traditionally purely analog front-end. 1. “ Multimode Transmitters and Power Amplifiers in Nanometer CMOS.” P. Reynaert, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 2. “Digital Intensive Transmitters in Nanoscale CMOS” M. Ingels, Imec, Leuven, Belgium 3. “System Challenges for Future Integration of Multi-mode Multi-band Radios Based on Evolving 3GPP Cellular Standards, Release 9 and Beyond” W. Y. Ali-Ahmad, MediaTek, Singapore, Singapore 4. “Receiver Architectures for Software-Defined and Cognitive Radio Applications H. Darabi, Broadcom, Irvine, United States 5. “Recent Advancements and Future Directions in Digital RF and Digitally-Assisted RF”

R. B. Staszewski, Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, Netherlands 6. “CMOS Switched-Capacitor Circuits for RF Applications” D. J. Allstot, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, United States


Sunday, 0800 – 1200

RF Spectrum Sensing and Signal Feature Detection Circuits Sponsors: RFIC Organizers: Eric Klumperink, University of Twente Ranjit Gharpurey, University of Texas

Abstract: Spectrum sensing and feature detection are crucial for cognitive radio to detect locally free spectrum and predict interference. This workshop provides an overview of theoretical concepts and techniques, as well as practical circuits and architectures for such applications. 1. “ Fundamental Limits on Spectrum Sensing” R. Tandra, Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, United States 2. “Spectrum Awareness: Signal Classification” O. A. Dobre, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada 3. “A Wideband Spectrum Sensing Technique with Integrated Dynamic-RangeScalable Energy Detector” M. Kitsunezuka, NEC Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan. 4. “Cross-correlation Spectrum Sensing” M. S. Oude Alink, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands 5. “Versatile Sensing for Mobile Devices: Cost, Performance and Hardware Prototypes” J. Borremans, Imec, Leuven, Belgium


Sunday, 0800 – 1700

Recent Development in CMOS Mixer Design and Application Sponsors: RFIC Organizers: Osama Shana’a, MediaTek Danilo Manstretta, University of Pavia

Abstract: The design of RF mixers has evolved in recent years. Some of the main observations are perhaps the use of none 50% duty-cycle LO and the increasing popularity of current driven passive mixers compared to the classic 50% LO driven voltage mode active mixers. Furthermore, there is an increasing demand for harmonic rejection mixers in broadband applications such as TV tuners, as well as the use of passive mixers to construct high-Q RF filters. In additions, modern 3G/4G FDD transmitters rely now on low-noise mixers to achieve SAW-less architecture. This workshop reviews all different mixer topologies and sheds more light on the design considerations and tradeoffs plus merits of each approach. 1. “ Passive and Active CMOS Mixers, An Overview” O. K. Shana’a, MediaTek, San Jose, United States 2. “Analysis and Optimization of Transceivers with Passive Mixers” A. Mirzaei, Broadcom Corporation, Irvine, United States 3. “Harmonic Rejection Mixers for Wide-band Receivers” A. A. Rafi, Silicon Laboratories, Austin, United States 4. “Impedance and Noise Interactions Through CMOS Passive Mixers” A. C. Molnar, Cornell University, Ithaca, United States 5. “Second-Order Intermodulation in CMOS Down-Converters” D. Manstretta, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy 6. “Linearity Improvement of Mixers Using Digitally Assisted Mismatch Calibration and Interferer Cancellation” P. R. Kinget, Columbia University, New York, United States 7. “Mixers for High Performance Transmitters in Advanced CMOS”

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WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES J. V. Sinderen, NXP, Eindhoven, Netherlands 8. “ Multi-Path Poly-Phase Passive Mixer Circuits for Flexibly Programmable Harmonic Rejection Mixing and High-Q Filtering” E. Klumperink, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands


Sunday, 0800 – 1200

Recent Developments of High-Speed Wireline Transceivers Sponsors: RFIC

Organizers: Chun-Ming Hsu, IBM Patrick Yue, The Hong Kong University Science and Technology Abstract: The demand for higher bandwidth data transmission systems has brought the wireline transceiver design into the region of tens of gigabits per second. New applications ranging from business area to home entertainment area will undoubtedly continue to drive the developments of such transceivers in the next decade. To enable a transceiver in such a high data rate at a reasonable level of power consumption, advanced equalization in the transmitter and receiver as well as clock-and-data recovery techniques are necessary to conquer the channel impairments. In addition, intensive digital adaptation and calibration become inevitable to overcome degraded analog characteristics in the state-of-the-art CMOS processes. Consequently, such an IO is not a pure digital circuit any more but becomes a complicated mixed-signal system requiring optimization from both the system and circuit perspectives. This educational workshop is designed to go through the challenges and opportunities in this field with several recent implementation examples covering a wide design space. 1. “ A 1.0625-to-14.025Gb/s Multi-media Transceiver with Full-rate SourceSeries-Terminated Transmit Driver and Floating-Tap Decision-Feedback Equalizer in 40nm CMOS” F. Y. Zhong, LSI Corporation, Milpitas, United States 2. “An Adaptive Equalizer for High-speed Backplane Transceivers” Y. Hidaka, Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., Sunnyvale, United States 3. “Designing Low-Power Serial Links” F. O’Mahony, Intel, Hillsboro, United States 4. “Interface Architectures & Circuit Design Suitable for Future Low-Power Memories” J. Zerbe, Rambus Inc., Sunnyvale, United States 5. “An ADC-based AFE for 10Gbps Serial Links over Backplane/MMF and a 2x23Gbps RX/TX Chipset for DQPSK Optical Transmission” J. Cao, Broadcom Corp, Irvine, United States


Advances in Noise Analysis for RF Circuits

Sunday, 1300 – 1700

Sponsors: RFIC

attendee will also have an opportunity to share your experience and challenges. 1. “ Practical Noise Analysis for a 14GHz PLL and Silicon Correlation” N. Bhagwan, GHz Circuits, Inc, Sunnyvale, United States 2. “Low-frequency, High-frequency and Phase Noise of Advanced CMOS” S. Mohammadi, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States 3. “Accurate and Fast Simulation of Noise in RF Transceivers” E. Ngoya1, G. Estep2, A. Soury2, 1XLIM-CNRS, Université de Limoges, Limoges, France, 2Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, United States 4. “RF Circuit Noise Analysis with Full Spectrum Accuracy” Y. Zhu, X. Lai, Y. Li, R. Davis, Cadence Design System Inc, San Jose, United States


Sponsors: RFIC Organizers: Magnus Wiklund, Qualcomm Gernot Hueber, NXP Austria Abstract: Short-Range Near-Field Communications (NFC) has become a technology that is on the way to make an impact on our everyday lives. In mobile phones NFC is used in various applications such as Gaming (Angry birds) and mobile payments (Google Wallet). The technological trend of the RFIC community is to explore boundaries of what our modern integrated circuit processes has to offer. So what kind of challenges and opportunities do 13.56MHz technologies have to offer when advanced research is moving in the direction towards THz circuits? It turns out that RFIC development of NFC circuits is a highly advanced topic. This workshop covers a wide spectrum of what NFC is all about. Leading industrial and academic players are presenting their views on important topics such as - Integration into SoCs - Architecture challenges and systems requirements - Very high data rate systems and RF memories - NFC circuits at the nanoscale - NFC fundamentals (Electromagnetism and circuits, tools, useful theories) - NFC related technologies - New opportunities (both for research and business). 1. “NFC Fundamentals” M. O. Wiklund, A. Wong, Qualcomm Inc, Santa Clara, United States 2. “Design Considerations for Low Power, Multi-Standard NFC SoCs” G. Hueber, NXP Semiconductors, Gratkorn, Austria 3. “Large-Scale Radiating Integrated Circuits” A. Babakhani, Rice University, Houston, United States 4. “From NFC/RFID to Wirelessly Readable and Writable Memories” J. Jantunen1, M. Pelissier2, B. Gomez 2, J. Arponen1, 1Nokia, Helsinki, Finland, 2 CEA-Leti, Grenoble, France 5. “Ultra-low Power MEMS-based Radio for Short-range Wireless Communication” C. C. Enz2, D. Ruffieux1, 1CSEM, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Organizers: Nebabie Kebebew, Cadence Design Systems Vuk Borich, Cadence Design Systems


Abstract: Noise dramatically impacts system-level performance. This is especially pronounced with advanced node RF-IC circuits that have noise sensitive architectures such as sigma-delta ADCs, fractional-N and Integer-N PLLs and SerDes. Thus noise characterization and minimization is a required objective and task for RF-IC designs. Noise sources are inherent in the circuit elements and cannot be eliminated. Because device noise determines the fundamental limits on circuit performance, it plays a significant role in analog/RF circuit design. In this workshop your will hear and learn from experts in different domains; RF circuit designers, research and academia, and noise analysis tool providers. They will present their practical experiences, discoveries, methodology and solutions used to address the challenges with noise characterization for RF-IC designs. You, the

Sponsors: RFIC, MTT-5, MTT-23

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Sunday, 1300 – 1700

Short-Range Near-Field Communications (NFC)

Sunday, 1300 – 1700

Advancements in Front End Modules for Mobile and Wireless Applications

Organizers: Joseph Staudinger, Freescale Semiconductor Inc. Freek van Straten, NXP Gary Zhang, Skyworks Solutions Inc. Abstract: The dramatic growth in cellular and mobile communication devices is placing extraordinary technical challenges to implement the front end electronics in a high performance low cost miniaturized module. Very high module complexity results due to the integration of many components, including switching elements, power amplification, digital controllers, and impedance matching networks, and

WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES adaptive tuner matching and controllers to name but a few. The challenges cross many disciplines including packaging, thermal management, EM modeling, to advancements in semiconductor technologies. This workshop will feature experts and specialists who will provide insight and solutions to these complex issues and share their insight into future research activities. 1. “ Cellular Radio Complexity and the RF Transceiver” D. B. Schwartz, Fujitsu Semiconductor Wireless Products, Tempe, United States 2. “Packaging Technology for FEMs- Thermal Design and Modeling” B. Vijayakumar, Skyworks Solutions, Inc., Irvine, United States 3. “Antenna tuner for hand-sets” A. V. Bezooijen, TDK, Nijmegen, Netherlands 4. “Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) Switches for Cellular and WLAN Front-End Applications” A. Tombak, RFMD Inc., Greensboro, United States 5. “RFIC Front End Module EM Co-Design and Simulation” W. Sun, Skyworks Solutions, Newbury Park, United States


Sunday, 1300 – 1700

Digital Transmitters and PAs for Wireless Applications Sponsors: RFIC Organizers: Ali Afsahi, Broadcom Corp. Waleed Khalil, Ohio State University Waleed Khalil, The Ohio State University

Abstract: The demand for lower size and power consumption wireless transceivers has been increased significantly in recent years to lower the cost and increase the battery life of mobile devices. More recently, breakthroughs in silicon-based technologies along with the introduction of newer generations of communication networks and the unprecedented surge in demand for high data rates, started the race towards purely digital solutions for all radio standards. In addition, the coexistence of “software revolution” has called for the programmability of the communication systems through software to implement a software radio (SWR). Unfortunately, RF transceivers have not taken as much advantage as baseband processors from process scalability due to many design constrains. This workshop will discuss the challenges and recent achievements in more digital transmitters/ PAs to reduce the size and power consumption. Topics will range from digitalfriendly PAs, RF and mm-wave DACs, power DACs and mixers, advances in device technology for high power high switching speed circuits. 1. “ Recent Advances in Digital Polar and I/Q Transmitters” R. B. Staszewski, Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, Netherlands 2. “Flexible Digital-centric Wireless Transmitters” R. Negra1, N. Zimmermann2, B. T. Thiel1, B. Mohr2, J. Mueller2, Y. Wang2, S. Heinen2, 1RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany 3. “InP and GaN Technologies for High-Speed DAC and Switches-Mode Power Amplifiers” D. A. Hitko, HRL Laboratories, LLC, Malibu, United States 4. “ Wide-Band RF Digital to Analog Converter” M. Choe, Teledyne Scientific and Imaging, Thousand Oaks, United States 5. “Digitally-Modulated Polar Power Amplifiers for Multi-Mode Transmitters: Theory, Implementation and Linearization” C. D. Presti, Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, United States 6. “A Digitally Modulated Inverse Class-D Power Amplifier for Modern Wireless Standards” D. Chowdhury2, A. M. Niknejad1, 1University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, United States, 2Broadcom Corporation, San Diego, United States


Graphene and RF Applications

Sunday, 0800 – 1700

Sponsors: MTT-25 Organizers: Luca Pierantoni, Università Politenica delle Marche Max Lemme, Royal Institute of Technology Abstract: In view to the new epochal scenarios that nanotechnologics disclose, nanoelectronics has the potential to introduce a paradigm shift in electronic systems design similar to that of the transition from vacuum tubes to semiconductor devices. Since many nano-scale devices and materials exhibit their most interesting properties at radio-frequencies (RF), nanoelectronics provides an enormous and yet widely undiscovered opportunity for the microwave engineering community. Among these materials, graphene is quickly becoming an extremely interesting solutions for a wide variety of electronic devices and circuits. It offers the possibility of outstanding performances with much lower power draw, using processing technology compatible to that used in advanced silicon device fabrication (CMOS). Graphene science and technology has undergone an astonishing development since its experimental demonstration in 2004, and its unique properties have caught the interest of physicists, chemists and engineers alike. This general excitement has resulted in an explosion of ideas and suggestions for future Radio-Frequency applications and beyond. In this short course, we aim to take a step back and critically evaluate the real potential of this new material in the context of established semiconductor technology. Hence, this course addresses specific areas of interest to semiconductor device engineers and microwave/RF engineeers. The attendants of the course will be able to: • Understand and differentiate the state of the art and the future potential of large area, scalable graphene synthesis methods • Understand the pros and cons of graphene-based electronic devices for RadioFrequency electronics, including applications “outside the box” of standard design rules • Assess the potential of graphene for broadband, high speed optoelectronics up to the THz regime, including photodetection, light modulation and lasing. The method of presentation includes oral presentation and an open discussion on the lecture topics. This proposal is supported by MTT-25.

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Monday, 0800 – 1700

Introduction to Advanced Dielectric Measurement Techniques Sponsors: ARFTG, MTT-11 Organizers: Michael Janezic, NIST Shelly Begley, Agilent Technologies Felipe Peñaranda-Foix, Polytechnic University of Valencia

Abstract: The purpose of this full-day workshop is to provide an overview and demonstration of the state-of-the-art techniques used to measure the dielectric properties of materials that are widely incorporated into microwave devices and components. The first half of the workshop, tutorial in nature, will provide a framework for selecting the appropriate measurement technique and will overview the most relevant techniques for accurately measuring low-loss and high-loss solid and liquid dielectric materials at frequencies ranging from 100 MHz to 100 GHz. In the second half of the workshop, attendees will have an opportunity to see many of these techniques demonstrated in an interactive, laboratory-like environment, where the practical details of dielectric measurements will be emphasized. 1. “ Overview of Dielectric Measurement Techniques” M. Janezic, NIST, Boulder, United States 2. “Broadband Transmission-line Techniques” M. Janezic, NIST, Boulder, United States 3. “Millimeter-Wave Measurements: A Quasi-Optical Techniques” S. Begley, Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, United States 4. “Millimeter-Wave Measurements: On-Wafer Techniques” U. Arz, PTB, Braunschweig, Germany 5. “Measurement of Powders and High-loss Liquids using Resonant Cavities” J. M. Catalá-Civera, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain 6. “Shielded-Open Coaxial Techniques for Liquid Characterization” M. Janezic, NIST, Boulder, United States 7. “Liquid Measurements using and Open-Ended coaxial Probe” S. Begley, Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, United States 8. “Characterization of Low-Loss Solids using TM Cavities” F. L. Penaranda-Foix, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain 9. “Substrate Measurements with Split Post Dielectric Resonator” J. Krupka, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland 10. 1 “Broadband Dielectric Measurements using a Split-Cylinder Resonator” M. Janezic, NIST, Boulder, United States


Monday, 1300 – 1700

Device Model Extraction Based on Vectorial Large-Signal Measurements Sponsors: ARFTG, MTT-11 Organizers: Dominique Schreurs, K.U. Leuven Iltcho Angelov, Chalmers University

Abstract: Microwave transistor models are traditionally based on vectorial smallsignal measurements (S-parameters). The availability of vectorial non-linear measurements opened a new range of modeling techniques. In this educational workshop, both industrial and academic speakers will discuss the added value of vectorial non-linear measurements in transistor modeling and model verification. It will be demonstrated that the newly developed compact and behavioural modeling techniques are able to represent better the device behaviour in operating conditions typical for emerging high-power and high-efficiency microwave circuit designs.

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1. “ Nonlinear Modeling Based on Non-linear Measurements: Pros and Cons” A. Raffo, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy 2. “NVNA Measurements for Behavioral & Compact Device Modeling” D. E. Root, Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, United States 3. “Recent Results on Using LSVNA for Compact Modeling of GaN FET Devices” I. Angelov, M. Thorsell, H. Zirath, Chalmers Univ, Goteborg, Sweden 4. “Use of the Large Signal Network Analyzer for Improved Transistor Characterization and Nonlinear Model Validation” R. E. Leoni, J. A. Bahamonde, C. A. Gil, S. A. Harris, S. J. Lichwala, Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems, Andover, United States


Monday, 0800 – 1700

Advanced Techniques for Electromagnetic-Based Model Generation Sponsors: MTT-1 Organizers: Peter H. Aaen, Freescale Semiconductor Inc. Michel Nakhla, Carleton University

Abstract: Characterization and simulation of microwave networks based on tabulated data within nonlinear and time-domain simulation environments is becoming a topic of intense research. This workshop addresses recent advances towards the development of multi-dimensional, parameterized, electromagnetic simulation-based models. We shall present an in-depth review of the requirements to interface the electromagnetic and circuit simulators along with state-of-the art macro-modeling techniques. Theoretical background and foundations for constructing models from tabulated data obtained through measurements and/ or simulation will be presented. Key concepts of stability, passivity and causality will be reviewed and advanced techniques used to restore these properties in tabulated data will be presented. Emphasis on these concepts ensures the physical consistency of EM-based models which is a key requirement for their proper integration into various circuit simulation domains. We will review latest developments in mathematical function approximations methods and circuit modeling techniques, which permit the development of models that have the accuracy of an electromagnetic analysis but are numerically efficient and thus simulate at traditional circuit simulation speeds. Reviews and research results from the areas of model-order reduction, rational function approximation, artificialneural networks, and algorithms for automated equivalent circuit extraction will be presented. Advanced techniques for generation of multivariate parameterized models will be presented along the with new research insights to include statistical variations through electromagnetic simulation. 1. “ Physical Consistency of Computer Aided Design Models: Fundamental Results, Practical Impact and Best Practices” P. Triverio, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 2. “Model-Order Reduction: Opportunities and Challenges” M. Nakhla, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 3. “Scalable Compact Models for Complex High-Speed Systems” F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, Ghent University-IBBT, Gent, Belgium 4. “Macromodeling from Measured/Simulated Data” B. Gustavsen, SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway 5. “Automatic Sampling Techniques for Model Generation” K. Bohannan, Agilent Technologies, Canton, United States 6. “Synthesis of Compact Lumped Models From Electromagnetic Analysis Results” J. C. Rautio, Sonnet Software, Inc., North Syracuse, United States 7. “Automated Generation of Parametric EM-behavior Models through Neural Networks” S. Yan1, C. Zhang1, Q.J. Zhang2, 1Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, 2Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 8. “Automatic Model Generation and the Incorporation of Statistics” P. H. Aaen, L. Zhang, Freescale Semiconductor Inc., Tempe, United States

WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES 9. “Model Generation Using Space Mapping Techniques” J. W. Bandler1, Q. S. Cheng1, S. Koziel2, 1McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 2Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland


Monday, 0800 – 1700

Wireless Positioning and Tracking in Indoor/Urban Environments Sponsors: MTT-20 Organizers: Alessandro Cidronali, University of Florence Abbas Omar, University of Magdeburg Upkar Dhaliwal, Future Wireless Technologies

Abstract: This workshop deals with the state of the art techniques for wireless positioning and tracking in indoor and urban environments. It reviews the basic concepts of position estimation based on received signal strength (RSSI), time of arrival (TOA) or time difference of arrival (TDOA), and direction of arrival (DOA) techniques. On this background this workshop presents a number of applications enabled by a broad range of innovative technologies. These span from sectorial tridimensional antenna for coarse positioning, to UWB and synthetic radar aperture techniques for fine local position. The workshop also considers the localization in cellular services in particular for LTE with GPS-like capability in indoor environment. The workshop provides a set of live demo using some of the discussed technologies. 1. “ Fundamentals of Position Estimation Techniques” A. N. Gaber, A. Omar, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany 2. “Indoor and Outdoor Location Based on RSS and DoA Systems” N. B. Carvalho, L. Bras, L. Guenda, P. Pinho, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Aveiro, Portugal 3. “Indoor DOA Based Positioning Augmented WLAN Communications: System Analysis and Technology” S. Maddio, A. Cidronali, G. Manes, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 4. “Wireless Local Positioning System and its Applications in GPS-Denied and GPS-Jammed Environments” S. A. Zekavat, Michigan Tech, Houghton, United States 5. “Indoor Localization Via Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband: From Theory to Application” L. Zwirello, T. Zwick, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany 6. “Investigation of Challenges towards Achieving Sub-mm Accuracy of An Ultra Wide Band Localization System” A. E. Fathy1, E. ElKhouly1, M. J. Kuhn2, M. Mahfouz 2, 1University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States, 2University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States 7. “ Wireless Local Positioning Based on Synthetic Aperture Concepts” G. Li, M. Vossiek, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany 8. “Accurate and Repeatable Indoor location System using 3GPP Release 10 LTE Network Cellular Signals and Standard LTE/White Space Mobile Radios” U. J. Dhaliwal, Future Wirelesss Technologies, San Diego, United States


Monday, 0800 – 1700

THz Devices and Systems Based on Nanotechnology Sponsors: MTT-25, MTT-34, MTT-4

Organizers: Fabio Coccetti, CNRS-LAAS Luca Pierantoni, Università Politecnica Marche Erping Li, A-STAR -IHPC Goutam Chattopadhyay, California Institute of Technology Abstract: The continuous progress of nanoscale technology enables unprecedented

possibilities for novel devices and systems in the THz regime, such as emitters/ receivers, lasers. Existing emitters/receivers exhibit poor performance and/or are too bulky to allow integration in a wireless communication system. Furthermore, as far as electronics are concerned, the devices able to perform in the 100 GHz frequency range are scarce and expensive (e.g. InP HEMTS). Although downscaling of device size is expected to boost performance possibly up to 1 THz, currently no integration-friendly devices able to operate at room temperature in the THz regime exist. In the short-to medium term, the high demand for ultrafast wireless communications will not be fully satisfied using the IC technologies currently developed. In this workshop, we introduce novel THz nanoscale semiconductorand carbon-based devices, sensors, quantum cascade lasers, we address graphene plasmonics and discuss the multiphyisics modeling. 1. “ Terahertz Sensor and Imager with Nanostructured Semiconductor and Carbon Devices” Y. Kawano, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan 2. “Multiphysics Solutions for RF and THz Nanoelectronic Interconnects and Devices” W. Yin, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China 3. “Graphene for Nano-plasmonic Devices” E. Li, C. Gan, A*STAR Institute of High Performance computing, Singapore, Singapore 4. “ Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers and Active Metamaterial Inspired Waveguides” B. S. Williams, A. Tavallaee, P. W. Hon, Z. Liu, T. Itoh, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States 5. “Investigation of THz Properties of Carbon Based Nano-Materials and Devices” H. Xin, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States 6. “Monte Carlo Simulation of THz Quantum Cascade Lasers” P. Lugli, A. Mátyás, C. Jirauschek, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, Germany 7. “Nanoantenna Infrared Detectors” P. M. Krenz1, J. A. Russer2, G. Scarpa2, P. Russer2, P. Lugli2, G. D. Boreman3, W. Porod1, 1University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, United States, 2Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Muenchen, Germany, 3University North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, United States 8. “ THz Applications at Room Temperature Based on Self Switch Diodes Using wide Bandgap Material” C. Gaquiere1, G. Ducournau1, P. Sangaré Demba1, M. Fauchet1, B. Grimbert1, I. Iñiguez-de-la-Torre Mulas2, T. Gonzalez2, A. Iñiguez-de-la-Torre Mulas2, J. Mateos2, 1IEMN, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, 2Dpto. Fisica Aplicada, Salamanca, Spain


Monday, 0800 – 1700

Wireless Energy Transfer and Scavenging Techniques Sponsors: MTT-24

Organizers: Prof. Alessandra Costanzo, University of Bologna Prof. Yoshihiro Kavahara, Tokyo University Abstract: RF/microwave techniques are promising to play a two-fold role in energy autonomous system technologies:1) in developing ultra-low power consumption radio and 2) in developing RF green microwave for power transmission. Highly accurate design of micro-system is a key aspect for their effective exploitation to increase their functionality and their capability to work in harsh environment with limited-energy resources. Low complexity and real time algorithm have to be developed to improve the performances of smart autonomous systems. The goal of this workshop is to address all these key actors presenting the state-of-the-art of the potentials for energy autonomy from the point of view of emerging technologies, hardware and software design solutions, and communication strategies. Topics

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WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES will cover issues from current RF, mechanical and solar harvesting technologies, energy aware systems, and rectenna design for wireless power transmission and energy scavenging. Recent advances in EM/circuital co-design are discussed as the necessary tools to reach the optimum system architecture. Emerging technologies such as nanostructured materials are considered as future candidates for next generation of radiating elements and rectifiers. 1. “ Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications: Principles and Requirements” R. Vullers, H. Visser, imec/Holst Centre, Eindhoven, Netherlands 2. “System Design for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks” Y. Kawahara, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan 3. “Inkjet-Printing, Nanotechnology and Energy Harvesting: The Final Step to Bridge Cognitive Intelligence, & Ubiquitous Wireless Sensor Networks” R. J. Vyas1, V. Lakafosis1, M. Tentzeris1, Y. Kawahara2, 1Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States, 2Tokyo University, Tokyo , Japan 4. “Backscatter Communication and Localization Using the Ultra-wide Bandwidth Technology for Extremely Low-Power Consumption Sensors” D. Dardari, CNIT - University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy 5. “Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs)for Ubiquitous Object Networking” M. Gorlatova, Columbia University, New York, United States 6. “Low-Power Non-Directional Far-Field Wirelessly Powered Sensor Platforms” Z. Popovic, University of Colorado, Boulder, United States 7. “Microwave Wireless Energy Transfer and Conversion for a Communication System” S. Kawasaki, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Sagamihara, Japan 8. “Multi-domain Design of Wearable Energy Generators Harvesting From Ambient RF Sources” A. Costanzo1, D. Masotti2, V. Rizzoli2, 1II School of Engineering - University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy, 2University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 9. “Nanoelectronic Based Integrated Antennas” J. A. Russer1, G. Scarpa1, P. Russer1, W. Porod2, P. Lugli1, 1Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany, 2University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, United States 10. “Hybrid solar-electromagnetic energy harvesting system design and Optimization” A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, CTTC, Castelldefels, Spain 11. “Rectenna Design for Electromagnetic Energy Scavenging Applications” G. Monti, L. Tarricone, University of salento, Lecce, Italy


Broadband PAs for Wireless Communications

Monday, 0800 – 1700

Sponsors: MTT-5, MTT-20 Organizers: John Wood, Maxim Integrated Products Inc. Abstract: The demand for wireless voice, data, and video communications continues to increase. Third-generation (3G) wireless communications infrastructure is already widely deployed, and fourth-generation (4G) systems are just around the corner, to try and keep up with this ever-increasing demand. The wireless service providers are also trying to keep down their capital and operating costs, and are looking to use wider bandwidth, and multi-protocol power amplifiers (PAs) to minimize the capital expense on this costly item; an example is Sprint’s desire to have one PA to cover 65 MHz signal bandwidth that has multi-carrier CDMA signals at one edge of the band, and LTE modulation at the other. This is a significant design challenge for high-power efficiency PAs. In this workshop, we shall have presentations by acknowledged international experts in the field of high-power PA design, addressing these topical challenges of wide bandwidth design.

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1. “ Broadband, High Efficiency PA Design; Reaching and Breaching the Octave Band Limit” S. C. Cripps, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom 2. “Beyond the Smith Chart, Broadband Design of Power Amplifiers” G. F. Collins, MaXentric Technologies, La Jolla, United States 3. “Multi-Octave Practical Power Amplifier Realization using GaN on SiC” D. W. Runton1, T. Driver2, M. D. LeFevre1, K. Krishnamurthy3, K. P. Shallal1, 1 RFMD, Chandler, United States, 2RFMD, Broomfield, United States, 3RFMD, Charlotte, United States 4. “ Wideband Amplifiers Using Loadline Modulation Techniques” J. Gajadharsing, NXP, Nijmegen, Netherlands 5. “Advances in Broadband Doherty Amplifiers” D. Y. Wu, S. Boumaiza, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada 6. “Increasing Bandwidth Trends within the Wireless Infrastructure Sector” R. J. Wilson, Infineon Technologies, Morgan Hill, United States 7. “Envelope Tracking - from Watts to Kilo-Watts” G. J. Wimpenny, Nujira Ltd, Cambourne, United Kingdom 8. “Cool Collector Modulation for Wideband PAs without the Heat Wave” D. Kimball, MaXentric Technologies, La Jolla, United States 9. “Broadband Doherty Power Amplifier for Handset” B. Kim1, D. Kang2, Y. Cho3, D. Kim1, J. Kim1, S. Jee1, 1Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea, 2Broadcom Corporation, Matawan, United States, 3Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea 10. “ What’s New in Digital Pre-Distortion?” J. Wood, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, United States


Monday, 0800 – 1700

GaN’s Destiny: Reliable CW Operation at Power Densities Approaching 40 W/mm - Can it be Fulfilled and When? Sponsors: MTT-6, MTT-7, MTT-20 Organizers: John Pierro, Telephonics Rüdiger Quay, Fraunhofer Institute Applied SolidState Physics Frank Sullivan, Raytheon Company Abstract: The rapidly evolving InAlGaN technology can be credited with dramatically enhancing the performance of power amplifiers in use today. The high power-added-efficiency (PAE) and high power-density the technology offers far surpass that which can be achieved with GaAs. This is due to GaN’s high electron sheet charge density and very high field breakdown field. GaN-based amplifiers (at X-Band) routinely achieve power densities approaching typically 3 to 5X that of GaAs) and PAE’s in the mid-forties to mid 50% range (typically very similar to GaAs) depending on bandwidth and absolute power. At this power density reliable operation with MTTF’s approaching 107 hours has also been reported. As proof, several US manufacturers of advanced Active Electronically Steered Array (AESA) radars have completed extensive in-house reliability studies and have declared GaN ready and fit to serve in their most demanding T/R module applications. So why have yet another workshop on GaN? Simple---the material is theoretically capable of so much more! Examples of GaN HEMT’s with power densities in the 5W/mm to 10 W/mm range have been reported but are not commonplace. Operation at these power densities is an industry concern because reliability can be, and often is, compromised. Channel temperatures must be restricted to 150° C to achieve the required MTTF of 107 hours. In many AESA system applications this limitation currently presents huge challenges to the thermal management of the system and often forces the use of liquid cooling over air cooling, the latter being far simpler to implement, less costly, and lower weight. Reliable operation at temperatures that exceed 200°C would dramatically increase acceptance of the technology. Now, the reasons may be a bit clearer. It is clear that the destiny of GaN has yet to be fulfilled. We have much to be thankful for (thank you DARPA for your visionary WBGS¬RF Program!) but most would agree there is still a long way to

WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES go. Today, devices are operating at power densities that are less than one¬-tenth the material limit of 40W/mm. This workshop will explore all of the bottleneck issues and obstacles in the path toward 40W/mm operation; these include material growth and epitaxy, device design, ohmic contact formation, both alloyed and nonalloyed, refractory metal Schottky/Au mushroom gate structures for stable high temperature operation, thermal management (possibly using diamond), field plate design for reliable high voltage ( 32 V) operation and suppression of micro-cracking under high drive conditions due to the material’s piezoelectric property, etc. 1. “GaN’s Destiny” G. D. Via, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, United States 2. “Physical Phenomena Associated with High Power Operation of AlGaN/GaN HFETs” R. J. Trew, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, United States 3. “Novel thermal management analysis and concepts for GaN Electronics” M. Kuball, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom 4. “Challenges of 40W/mm GaN” C. Whelan, N. Kolias, Raytheon, Tewksbury, United States 5. “Can 40W/mm be achieved ... and be useful?” P. Saunier, T. Chou, C. Suh, J. Jimenez, H. Tserng, TriQuint, Richardson, United States 6. “GaN’s Destiny : From Circuit to Airborne Systems” Y. Mancuso, THALES, Elancourt, France 7. “Overview of the Morgan Consortium on Power GaN Activities” S. L. Delage1, E. Morvan1, O. Jardel1, J. Jacquet1, S. Piotrowicz1, N. Sarazin1, M. DiForte-Poisson1, D. Lancereau1, E. Chartier1, R. Aubry1, U. Heinle2, M. Alomari3, E. Kohn3, U. Harrysson4, P. Johander5, N. Grandjean6, T. Mollart7, 1 III-VLab, Marcoussis, France, 2MicroGaN GmbH, Ulm, Germany, 3Ulm University, Ulm, Germany, 4FCubic AB, Kullavik, Sweden, 5Swerea IVF AB, Moelndal, Sweden, 6EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 7Element 6 Ltd, Ascot, Berks, United Kingdom


Monday, 0800 – 1700

Towards Development of Smarter Substrate Integrated Waveguide Components and Advanced Fabrication Methodologies Sponsors: MTT-6 Organizers: Aly Fathy, University of Tennessee Ke Wu, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada Abstract: There has been significant success in advancing substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology and its applications in communication and mmwave sensors. Recent advances include, for example, slotted substrate integrated waveguides for lumped element integration, development of novel materials for low-cost and flexible SIW transmission lines and components, the implementation of innovative filtering structure based on a multilayered configuration, and the development of active integrated antennas and arrays. SIW technology represents a rapidly emerging technology for the implementation of circuits and antennas in the millimeter-wave region and beyond. It provides a simple means to integrate passive components, active devices, and radiating elements on the same substrate, without the need for complicated and inefficient interconnections. It has been successfully demonstrated that a variety of technological platforms can be utilized for the implementation of SIW circuits, such as PCB, LTCC, MHMICs, MMICs and even CMOS processes, thus paving the road to compact and multilayer solutions and to fully 3D components. It has been recognized that this technology is bound to become the paradigm for millimeter wave and THz circuits in the next decade. Researchers have developed novel low cost methods to fabricate slotted SIWs to embed lumped elements, fold SIW components to significantly reduce their sizes, develop materials to be utilized for flexible structures. They have been pushing their use to higher frequencies, where many are investigating their use in mm

wave and even THz applications. Many have been looking at integrating the feed networks, filter components, and even active devices to the radiating structures. The workshop will cover the latest progress in developing many components including feed networks, antennas, sensor networks, and miniaturized packages. The speakers will compare their results to other conventional technologies like PCB and LTCC and touch upon using nano-technology for further size reduction in the near future. 1. “ Design Mechanism and Application Examples of SIW Structure Family” W. Hong, K. Wu, Southeast University, Nanjing, China 2. “Recent Advancements in SIW Components for Wireless Sensor Networks” M. Bozzi, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy 3. “ Wide-Band Amplifiers Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguides” M. Shahabadi, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran 4. “Multi-Layer Microwave Interconnects, Passive Components and Subsystems in Substrate Integrated Waveguide Technology” A. Ali, F. Coccetti, H. Aubert, CNRS, Toulouse, France 5. “Development of Compact Modified SIW-Based RF Passives for System on Packaging (SoP)” L. Zhou1, W. Yin2, J. Mao1, L. Wu1, W. Shen1, 1Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai, China, 2Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China 6. “SIW technology for low-profile scanning antennas” Sorrentino1, L. Marcaccioli2, E. Sbarra2, R. Vincenti Gatti1, 1University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 2RF Microtech, Perugia, Italy 7. “SIW-fed Integrated Circuit and Antenna Technology” W. M. Abdel-Wahab, S. Safavi-Naeini, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada 8. “Multilayer Substrate Integrated Waveguides Antennas” A. E. Fathy1, M. H. Awida1, R. Kazemi2, S. Yang1, 1University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States, 2K. N. Tossi University, Tehran, Iran 9. “A 2D Hybrid Method to Analyze SIW Circuits” A. Kishk, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada


Monday, 0800 – 1200

Emerging Technology and Technological Challenges in Low Phase Noise Oscillator Circuit Designs Sponsors: MTT-22 Organizers: Dr. –Ing. Ajay K. Poddar, Synergy Microwave Corp. Prof. Kenji Itoh, Kanazawa Institute of Technology Abstract: For long years, frequency controlled circuits and timing devices is one of the hottest topics in our RF & MW engineering. In RADAR systems, low noise signal source is key technology to reduce influence by near-carrier echoes by clutters. Also in high-speed radio communication systems, high accurate QAM/OFDM modulation can be achieved only with low noise local signal sources (oscillators). This workshop tutorial repots the latest technology and technological challenges in frequency controlled circuits and timing devices for current and later generation communication systems, including the transition from high quality factor expensive discrete resonator (Crystal, Ceramic, SAW, and DR) based oscillators to low cost printed resonator solutions. Solutions that are gaining strong demand for low-cost, small form-factor and low-power signal source are described analytically, including CAD simulation and numerous state-of-the-art practical examples for the application of modern electronic and communication systems. We aim to address market demands and associated technological challenges for a given constraints of cost, size, power-consumption, thermal drifts, and phase noise, for commercial and high reliability reference frequency standards. 1. “ Oscillators Design Methodology” U. L. Rohde, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany

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WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES 2. “ Seven Different Aspects on What Role Q Factor Plays in Resonators and Oscillators” T. Ohira, Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan 3. “Q Factor of the Oscillators with Resonance Circuits - Formulation and Experimental Investigations for Low Phase Noise Design” K. Itoh2, T. Ohira2, 1Kanazawa Institute of technology, Nonoichi, Japan, 2 Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan 4. “Noise Minimization Techniques for Tunable Oscillator Circuits” A. K. Poddar, Synergy MIcrowave Corp., Paterson, United States


Monday, 0800 – 1200

Analytic Concepts and Design Techniques for Low-Noise and LowDistortion Mixers Sponsors: MTT-22 Organizers: Carlos Saavedra, Queen’s University Abstract: A mixer’s performance is evaluated using a multiplicity of metrics and new mixer configurations are in constant development. This half-day workshop will present theoretical concepts and design techniques to improve two key mixer performance metrics: linearity and noise figure. In the first talk the distortion behavior of mixers using Volterra series is discussed while the second talk will cover the design aspects of high IP3 passive diode mixers. The third and fourth talks will focus on low-noise mixers. Key concepts of active mixer noise theory will be presented followed by design examples in which mixer-LNA circuits are integrated to significantly reduce the noise figure of the mixer while maintaining high conversion gain. The concept of parametric downconversion is explored and circuits are shown which can yield sub 2-dB noise figure values. This workshop will feature a 40-minute panel session/rump session in which questions will be posed both to the panel and the audience. 1. “ Nonlinear Analysis Tools for Low-Distortion Mixer Design” J. C. Pedro, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal 2. “Improving Linearity in Diode Mixers” B. C. Henderson, Cobham Sensor Systems, San Jose, United States 3. “Low-noise Downconverters through Mixer-LNA Integration” C. E. Saavedra, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada 4. “Parametric CMOS Mixers” S. Magierowski, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada


Monday, 0800 – 1200

Measurement, Design, and Linearization Techniques for High-Efficiency Amplifiers Sponsors: MTT-7, MTT-11 Organizers: Antonio, Raffo, University of Ferrara Domonique Schreurs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Abstract: The design of high-efficiency power amplifiers represents a topic of great actuality thanks to the continuous growing interest in green communications. As a matter of fact, a higher efficiency allows saving power and, hence, minimizing the energy consumption. Energy saving represents an important target considering the huge increase in mobile communication systems. The most critical part of the transmitter is its final stage, as it should transmit high power signals. Nevertheless, high-efficiency should be achieved together with good-linearity. This is because nonlinear effects lead to a bandwidth enlargement of the signal (i.e., spectral re-growth), which implies reduced performance and a sub-optimal use of the available resources. Hence, a trade-off between efficiency and linearity allows obtaining a better usage of the resources, which turns into an enhancement of the sustainability of wireless microwave transmissions.

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1. “ Design and Simulation of Integrated, High-Efficiency Power Amplifier Modules” M. J. Franco, RFMD, Greensboro, United States 2. “Practical Considerations for High-Efficiency Power Amplifier Design” M. S. Heins, B. Loran, TriQuint Semiconductor, Richardson, United States 3. “Digital Pre-Distortion for High Efficiency Power Amplifier Architectures” J. Dooley, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland 4. “New Challenges in Digital Pre-Distortion Linearization for High Efficiency, Wideband Power Amplifier Architectures” P. L. Gilabert, G. Montoro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Castelldefels, Spain 5. “ The Accuracy role in a Non-Linear Measurement” A. Ferrero, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy


Monday, 0800 – 1700


Monday, 0800 – 1700

Nonlinear Microwave Circuits-Their Dynamics, Bifurcation, and Practical Stability Analysis /Design

Theory and Design of Frequency Synthesizers

Sponsors: MTT-16

Organizers: Lama Dayaratna, Lockheed Martin commercial Space Systems Peter White, Applied Radio Labs Cicero Vaucher, Ph.D. NXP Semiconductors Ron Reedy, Peregrine Semiconductor Corporation Patrick Walsh, Analog Devices

Organizers: Almudena Suárez, University of Cantabria Christopher P. Silva, The Aerospace Corporation

Abstract: This one day short course will present the theory, design, and latest techniques for the design of low noise frequency synthesizers. The course provides an in-depth coverage of the design, analysis, simulation, and measurement of Frequency Synthesizers. The course is developed as a laboratory hands-on course with live hardware and software demonstrations. This is an interactive short course where the fundamentals of design, analysis, and modeling of phase lock loops will be covered. Design details will cover Voltage controlled Oscillators, Phase detector Circuits, Loop filter design, Phase Locked loop design, Loop characterization, FractionalN synthesis, DDS, Multi Loop synthesis, Composite DDS/PLL solutions, and Noise in Phase Locked loop circuits. Many of the lectures rely on the use of live demonstrations involving test equipment and computer-based simulation tools to illustrate concepts. This course is an engineer’s guide to planning, designing, and implementing Frequency Synthesizers for RF and microwave applications. During this one-day session participants will have access to hardware and software demonstration ‘set- ups’ for ease of understanding phase locked loop concepts. Examples will be given including real-time demonstrations to a variety of problems relevant to the design of phase-locked loop circuits. The following topics will be addressed in detail. • Coherent and non coherent synthesis • Phase Locked Loop components, VCOs, Mixers, Dividers, Phase Detectors • Loop filter design, active and passive filters • Closed Loop Characterization, Type and Order • Fractional-N loops, • Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) • Multi Loop Synthesis • Composite DDS / PLL solutions • Key Performance Requirements • Demonstrations and applications

Abstract: This full-day course addresses the fundamental topic of stability in nonlinear microwave circuits, covering concepts, qualitative analysis, simulation, and engineering design. A much needed awareness will be provided on not only the unique qualitative behaviors possible in commonly used nonlinear circuits, but also the fundamental means by which these behaviors can abruptly arise with the changing of design parameters (termed a bifurcation). Course attendees will learn to distinguish between different types of steady-state solutions, identify instability problems through small- and large-signal stability analysis in both the time and frequency domains, and understand the dynamical mechanisms responsible for instabilities. The main approaches for stability analysis will be presented and compared, ranging from the familiar and often inadequate (such as the Rollet factor and stability circles) to the advanced that can be implemented using classical harmonic balance methods. The most common types of bifurcation will be presented and classified, so that the designer may confidently identify the bifurcation phenomena in measurement and simulation. Practical examples of instability will be presented for such primary nonlinear circuits as power amplifiers, frequency multipliers and dividers, and voltage-controlled oscillators. In each case, the stability analysis procedure, the impact of instability on measured performance, and techniques for stabilization will be demonstrated. Other more advanced topics will also be addressed, including stability and its analysis in the presence of modulated signals, stability and noise, and the stability analysis/design of coupled and symmetrical systems with multiple oscillatory modes. Finally, the vast research area involving the exploitation of nonlinear dynamics for useful engineering purposes will be briefly toured, providing a glimpse into future and unconventional designs harnessing nonlinearity. The course will end with some video/hardware demonstrations of bifurcation and nonlinear qualitative behaviors, as well as the performance of several stability analysis examples from scratch using ADS. The main topics includes: • Overview of classical dynamical systems, bifurcation, and stability concepts • Fundamentals of harmonic-balance/time-domain analysis and the special problem of oscillations • Fundamentals of stability analysis in time/frequency domain • Stability analysis in small- and large-signal regimes • Global stability analysis with bifurcation detection/gallery • Stabilization techniques and bifurcation control • Stability analysis in presence of modulation • Stability and noise • Stability analysis/design for multiple oscillatory modes • Exploitation of nonlinear dynamics — chaos and bifurcation engineering • Live video/hardware/simulation demonstrations »» Spectrum-analyzer-based diagnostics for bifurcations/unstable behaviors (video) »» Bifurcations and chaos in Chua’s oscillator (hardware) »» ADS-based simulation laboratory on nonlinear stability analysis (interspersed throughout course)

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Monday, 0800 – 1700

Dielectric Resonator Antenna, Theory, Design and Applications with Recent Advancement Organizers: Ahmed A Kishk, Concordia University Abstract: Interest in dielectric resonator antennas has increased because of their attractive features such as small size, high radiation efficiency (98%), wide bandwidth, and high power capability for radar applications and base stations. The short course will start by an overview for the development of the dielectric resonator antennas. The theory of operation will be discussed step by step to provide basic understanding with physical interpretations. The discussion is provided in simple forms to satisfy audience of different background levels. Design curves will be provided for the circular disc and hemisphere dielectric resonators that can be used as a starting point of other geometries. Methods of the analysis and design will be highlighted. Different excitation mechanisms are demonstrated such as the probe, slot, image line and waveguides. Applications of dielectric resonators in arrays are provided with discussion on the mutual coupling level and the wide scanning capabilities of the dielectric resonator antenna array. Dielectric resonators for dual linear polarization for narrow and wideband frequency bands with excellent isolation that is better than 30dB will be presented and the design method that achieve such large isolation. Also, circularly polarized (CP) DRA are presented and how to increase the CP bandwidth in the array environment. Techniques to broaden the DRA bandwidth are discussed. Several examples are provided. Currently the bandwidth is enhanced to have DRA for UWB applications. Finally, Techniques for size reduction of the DRA are presented to demonstrate the flexibility of the DRA to satisfy the required small size for some applications and keeping wide bandwidth performance. The applications of the DRA for wideband spatial power combiners are presented. Recent developments of the dielectric resonators as a multifunction device will be also provided. In this application we will show the use of the same DR as an antenna with low Q-factor and as a resonator with high Q-factor. Also, for the use of DR as 1:N power divider are presented. Course outline is shown below: • Introduction to DRA • Basic characteristics and theory of operation • Advantages of DRA • Methods of analysis and design • Methods of broadband design of DRA with some examples • Size reduction techniques • UWB DRA • Single-fed circular polarized elements and broadband DRA CP Arrays • Wideband dual polarized elements with large isolation. • Array applications: with wide scanning capabilities • DRA based wideband spatial power combiner concepts • Multi-functions DR in antennas and microwave circuits • 1:N efficient power dividers • DRA in energy harvesting environment


22 JUNE Friday, 0800 – 1700

Integration and Technologies for mm-Wave Sub-systems Sponsors: MTT-24, MTT-32

Organizers: Maurizio Bozzi, University of Pavia Apostolos Georgiadis, Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya Manos Tentzeris, Georgia Intstitute of Technology Abstract: This workshop will present the recent achievements of academic and industrial research in the field of mm-wave system integration, including novel technologies and materials, components and systems, advances in numerical modeling, and measurement issues. The variety of topics covered by the presentations will provide the attendees with a clear overview of the main streams of current research worldwide, in a field of absolute relevance for the members of the MTT-S. The speakers are well-known authorities in the field of system integration at mm-wave frequency, coming from both academia and industry, representing very relevant research groups in North America, Europe, and Asia. A significant portion of time will be devoted to open discussion and interaction between the speakers and the audience. 1. “ Aspects of Several Electromagnetic Analysis Problems” J. C. Rautio, Sonnet Software, Inc., North Syracuse, United States 2. “Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits and Sub-systems” W. Hong, K. Wu, Southeast University, Nanjing, China 3. “Reconfigurable Terahertz Integrated Architecture (RETINA) – a Paradigm Shift in SIW Technology” S. Lucyszyn, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom 4. “Multi-band Ultralight mmW Modules for Communication, Sensing and Radar Applications on 3D Conformal Organic Platforms” M. Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States 5. “A Space Qualified Integration and Packing Technology for Millimeter-Wave Systems” I. Wolff, R. Kulke, T. Klein, IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany 6. “mmW Design in Silicon” D. Belot, STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France 7. “60-GHz Phased-array Transmit/receive System-In-Package in 65-nm FlipChip CMOS technology” K. Lin, H. Wang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 8. “Recent Advances in SOC and SOP Integrated mm-wave and sub-mmwave Front Ends” J. Papapolymerou, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States 9. “Design and Integration of Cost-effective and High Performance mm-wave Components and Systems Using Advanced Multilayer Ceramic Technology” K. K. Samanta, Thales Aerospace, Sussex, United Kingdom


Friday, 0800 – 1700

White Space Technologies – Future Emerging Technology Needs Sponsors: MTT-11, MTT-20

Organizers: Nuno Borges Carvalho, Dep. Electronica, Telecomunicacoes e Informatica - Instituto de Telecomunicacoes Alessandro Cidronali, University of Florence Abstract: White Space Technology is imposing new developments in emerging wireless/microwave technology that can drive and change the way we look at radio

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WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES communications, mainly mobile telephony. Some of these emerging technologies include software defined radio, cognitive radio location for the optimization of the radio communication path, but also emerging indoor and outdoor location engines and also optimized techniques for low cost and low consumption devices. This workshop will present a flavor of many of these emerging technologies, and how they collaborate to improve white space technologies. The main idea of the workshop is to open a new window on the future of white space communications, and how technology has to cope with this new instruments and necessities. Thus speakers will cover both high level of abstraction of how white spaces will work, but also low level studies on how technology is being modeled to manage these new advances. The workshop will be divided into three different parts, mainly I – White space systems, where white spaces are presented and discussed, creating a bridge between systems needs and technology development. II - White Space Technology, where some of the new and recent advances in Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio will be discussed, followed by a third topic III – Location Engines, where a flavor on how location engines, both indoor and outdoor, will be presented. Microwave Engineers will profit from this workshop since they will understand how new radios should be designed for improved radio communication scenarios. At the end of the workshop a round table will be promoted to discuss implementation issues related to white space technologies. 1. “ White Spaces Technological Needs” N. B. Carvalho, P. Cruz, N. Silva, A. Morgado, A. Oliveira, J. N. Vieira, J. Borrego, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Aveiro, Portugal 2. “Spectrum Policies in the White Space Environment” M. J. Marcus, Marcus Spectrum Solutions, Cabin John, United States 3. “ The future of Communications Radio in the Framework of TV White Spaces & Future White Spaces” U. J. Dhaliwal, Future Wirelesss Technologies, San Diego, United States 4. “ Transceivers for White Space Applications” K. G. Gard, Analog Devices, Inc., Raleigh, United States 5. “Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio for Whitespace Communications” J. A. Pawlan, Pawlan Communications, San Jose, United States 6. “High Efficiency Transmitter Architectures for White Space Technologies” P. L. Gilabert, G. Montoro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Castelldefels, Spain 7. “Cochlear Radio for White Spaces” J. N. Vieira1, R. G. García2, 1Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, 2 University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain 8. “Planar Input Multiplexers for Wide-Band Sensing in White Space Software-Defined Radio Scenarios” R. Gomez-Garcia, University of Alcala, Alcala de Henares, Spain 9. “Position Location Technologies” A. Cidronali, S. Maddio, G. Manes, University of Florence, Florence, Italy


Friday, 0800 – 1700

Emerging Technology of Terahertz Imaging Systems, Devices, and Algorithms Sponsors: MTT-4 Organizers: Magda El-Shenawee, University of Arkansas Aly Fathy, University of Tennessee Abstract: The rising interest in the terahertz band of frequency and the recent research in this area have motivated the organizers to foster an IMS workshop to address the state-of-the-art of this new technology. The goal of the proposed workshop is to addresses the recent research progress in terahertz systems, passive and active devices, sources, and imaging algorithms. The lack of inexpensive and efficient THz imaging systems is a main challenge that faces the advancement

of THz research in potential applications from medical imaging to radar and communication systems. The workshop will discuss the state-of-the-art research in THz imaging radar systems, quantum cascade lasers, sources and detectors, surface plasmon based devices, low power sources, spectroscopy, biological sensing, chemical imaging, and pharmaceutical and medical applications. Recent applications of THz imaging include non-destructive evaluation, security screening, inspection of IC devices and packaging, detection of bio-threat, and cancer detection and assessment. THz tomography involves 3D reconstruction of unknown targets and their constitutive material properties. The workshop will discuss rigorous inverse scattering algorithms and the current challenges of available THz experimental data for the practical implementation. 1. “ Novel Man-Engineered Bio-Nano-Materials for THz/IR-Based Sensing & Medical Applications” D. L. Woolard1, J. O. Jensen2, 1U.S. Army Research Office, Durham, United States, 2U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, United States 2. “ Technology, Capabilities, and Performance of Low Power THz Sources” G. Chattopadhyay, Submillimeter Wave Advanced Technology, Pasadena, United States 3. “Terahertz Chemical Imaging of Crystal Polymorphism for Pharmaceutical Applications” K. Ajito, Y. Ueno, H. Song, J. Kim, E. Tamechika, N. Kukutsu, NTT Corp., Atsugi, Japan 4. “ Terahertz Generation, Detection Imaging by Nanometer Field Effect Transistors” Knap, Université Montpellier 2 &CNRS, Montpellier, France 5. “Si-based Millimeter-Wave/THz Integrated Technologies” N. Ranjkesh1, A. Abdellatif1, A. Zandieh1, M. Basha2, A. Taeb1, S. SafaviNaeini1, 1University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 2University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia 6. “ THz Imaging Radar Technology Development for Multi-pixel Multi-color Architectures” I. Mehdi, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States 7. “Plasmonics for Imaging and Spectroscopy Between Radio and Light” A. J. Gallant, M. Chamberlain, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom 8. “T-ray Vision: Broadband Focal Plane Array Sensors for Real-time THz Imaging” K. Sertel, The Ohio State University, Columbus, United States 9. “Inverse Scattering Algorithms for Assessing Breast Tumor Margins using Terahertz Waves” M. El-Shenawee, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, United States


Friday, 0800 – 1700

High-Efficiency Transmitters with Dynamic Supplies Sponsors: MTT-5

Organizers: Paul Draxler, Qualcomm Inc. & UCSD Zoya Popovic, University of Colorado at Boulder Abstract: With the drive towards greater bandwidth and higher peak to average waveforms, the challenge of getting efficient power amplifiers is further complicated. The desire is to exceed the efficiency limits of classic PA design techniques, which have significant degradation with these waveforms at full power. In order to address the need for greater efficiency when transmitting high PAR waveforms, many have incorporated some level of dynamic power supply. This workshop assembles a group of experts in the area of operating power amplifiers in dynamic supply environments. The workshop opens with an introduction to the topic, solidifying terminology, historical context and how system requirements fold into the component design constraints. The early talks approach the problem from

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WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES the system side, driving down into the components and include future research directions. The mid-day talks focus on the RFPA and look out to the system. The later talks address the envelope modulator and the system implications. The workshop concludes with a talk that examines closing the loop with signal processing and digital pre-distortion. Some of the talks will be focused on base station applications, others handset applications, yet others are applicable to both. 1. “ Overview of RF Transmitters with Dynamic Supplies” Z. Popovic, University of Colorado, Boulder, United States 2. “Envelope Tracking Amplifier Architecture and System Considerations” P. Asbeck1, D. Kimball2, 1UCSD, La Jolla, United States, 2UCSD, La Jolla, United States 3. “Envelope Tracking PA and Doherty PA for Handset Application” B. Kim1, D. Kang2, D. Kim1, J. Kim1, Y. Cho3, 1Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea, 2Broadcom 4. “Envelope Tracking and Polar Modulation: Similar Schematics with Extremely Different Operation” E. McCune, RF Communications Consulting, Santa Clara, United States 5. “Measurement Systems and Modeling for Dynamic Applications” J. Lees, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom 6. “Optimum Loading Conditions of Dynamic Supply Operated PA Devices” L. D. Vreede1, M. Alavi1, M. Marchetti3, M. Squillante3, F. V. Rijs2, 1TUDelft, Delft, Netherlands, 2NXP, Semiconductors, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3Antvertamw, Delft, Netherlands 7. “Supply Modulator Tradeoffs and Design” J. Hoversten1, M. Norris1, D. Maksimovic 2, 1Texas Instruments Incorporated, Longmont, United States, 2University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, United States 8. “Envelope Amplifier from Digits to PA” G. J. Wimpenny, Nujira, Cambourne, United Kingdom 9. “Closing the Loop: Signal, Modeling and DPD” P. J. Draxler1, D. F. Kimball3, P. M. Asbeck 2, 1Qualcomm Inc. & UCSD, San Diego, United States, 2University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, United States, 3MaXcentric & UCSD, La Jolla, United States


Friday, 0800 – 1200

Gallium Nitride for Low Noise Amplifier Applications

R. Quay, Fraunhofer Institute Applied Solid-State Physics, Freiburg, Germany 4. “ GaN for Low Noise and Robustness Space Applications” B. Lefebvre1, M. Do1, P. Moroni1, J. Villemazet1, J. Muraro1, J. Cazaux1, M. Feudale2, 1Thales Alenia Space, Toulouse, France, 2Thales Alenia Space, Roma, Italy


Sponsors: MTT-14 Organizers: Ingo Wolff, IMST GmbH Rüdiger Follmann, IMST GmbH Abstract: This workshop will deal with latest developments used for tunable and reconfigurable systems. It includes brand new RF materials such as liquid crystals (LC) as well as Si(Ge) and GaAs based systems. In a further talk, space requirements (e.g. radiation, temperature dependence) will be explained. Live measurements on LC phase shifters and a SiGe fractional-N synthesizer will be shown. Each participant will receive a free demo version of a spur and phase noise simulator. A common panel session will close the workshop. 1. “ Liquid Crystal for Microwave Applications” A. Manabe, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany 2. “Liquid Crystal and Ferroelectric Thick-film Technology for Reconfigurable RF Components” A. Gaebler, O. H. Karabey, S. Strunk, W. Hu, T. Franke, C. Weickhmann, R. Jakoby, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 3. “Optimizing Materials and Circuits for Space Applications” D. Köther, R. Follmann, IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany 4. “Analog/Digital GaAs PHEMT Core-Chips for Electronically Steerable Antennas” R. Leblanc, J. Moron, A. Gasmi, N. Santos-Ibeas, M. Rocchi, OMMIC, LimeilBrevannes, France 5. “Reconfigurable Silicon Circuits and Systems” L. Praamsma, H. Gul, C. Vaucher, P. Phillippe, P. Matthijssen, M. Geurts, D. Leenaerts, NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Sponsors: MTT-6, MTT-14, MTT-21


Organizers: Phillip M. Smith, BAE Systems Matthias Rudolph, Brandenburg University of Technology

Sponsors: MTT-17, MTT-18

Abstract: Because of its unique properties, the wide bandgap semiconductor gallium nitride (GaN) is widely used for applications in power amplification and high power switching, and IMS workshops frequently address this topic. This halfday workshop focuses instead on the application of GaN to low noise amplifiers, where GaN offers several advantages over more mature GaAs and InP technologies for receiver parameters such as greatly enhanced input power survivability (i.e. robustness), higher dynamic range, and high temperature operation. The objective of this workshop is to give device, circuit and system designers insight into the low noise properties of GaN devices, discuss tradeoffs in design of LNAs/receivers employing GaN, and review the current state-of-the-art of GaN low noise amplifiers across the microwave and mm-wave frequency spectrum. 1. “ Properties of GaN for Low Noise Front Ends” M. Rudolph, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany 2. “GaN Low Noise Amplifiers and Technology” K. W. Kobayashi1, M. Wojtowicz 2, 1RF Micro Devices, Torrance, United States, 2 Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, United States 3. “Robustness of LNAs for Applications to the mm-wave”

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Friday, 0800 – 1200

Advances in Reconfigurable RF Systems and Materials

Friday, 0800 – 1200

RF Coils and Components for MRI Receiving Applications

Organizers: Robert H. Caverly, Villanova University William E. Doherty, Microsemi-Lowell Abstract: This workshop is an attempt to leverage the rich knowledge base in microwave and RF electronics that IMS provides and focus it on the current problems and developments in the MR Imaging field. 1. “ Overview of MR Scanning Fundamentals” R. Caverly, Villanova University, Villanova, United States 2. “RF Electronics for NMR/MRI Transceivers” M. R. Cummings, Cummings Electronics Labs, Inc., North Andover, United States 3. “RF Coil and Array Design, Construction, and Measurement for MRI Systems” S. B. King, National Research Council of Canada, Winnipeg, Canada 4. “MRI RF Receive Coil Control in the High Field Environment” W. E. Doherty1, R. H. Caverly2, 1Microsemi-Lowell, Lowell, United States, 2 Villanova University, Villanova, United States


Friday, 0800 – 1200

RFID-based Low-Cost Smart Sensor Networks for Challenging Environments Sponsors: MTT-24 Organizers: Hendrik Rogier, Ghent University Abstract: Although RFID technology is well-established as an efficient methodology to perform simple sensing, tracking and limited data communication over a wireless interface, its underlying concepts that provide low-cost energyefficient solutions show promising potential to implement more complex systems with more extensive sensing capabilities as well as more intensive data processing and wireless networking capabilities. However, making these systems robust and reliable in real operating conditions, while accounting for cost and energyconsumption constraints, requires dedicated and innovative design processes. The aim of the workshop is to present to the participants the wide range of applications in which RFID technology might be applied for comprehensive monitoring, communication and actuating systems, to identify adverse conditions impacting system performance and to propose practical design solutions to overcome these problems. 1. “ Active Wearable Sensor Modules for Public Regulatory and Rescue Services” H. Rogier, F. Declercq, C. Hertleer, M. Moeneclaey, P. Van Torre, L. Vallozzi, A. Dierck, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium 2. “ Towards a New Generation of High-Performance RFID Tags: Integration with Sensors and Software Defined Radio (SDR) Technologies” L. Tarricone, L. Catarinucci, R. Colella, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy 3. “Measurement Based Performance Evaluation of Advanced Tyre Monitoring Systems using RFID Technology” G. Lasser, J. Grosinger, R. Langwieser, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria 4. “Design and Implementation of Low Cost, Autonomous Wireless Sensor Nodes” A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, CTTC, Castelldefels, Spain


Friday, 1300 – 1700

The Development of Precision GPS Solutions in 4G Sponsors: MTT-20

Organizers: Joy Laskar, InSite Partners Anh-Vu Pham, UC-Davis Upkar Dhaliwal, Future Wireless Technologies Abstract: Precision global positioning systems (GPS) have become a ubiquitous technology for consumer, military and space technology communities. A growing question is how can we maintain and improve location technology while simultaneously allocating larger amounts of spectrum to high data wireless services as part of land and satellite based broadband networks. This workshop is timely to both the MTT community and the broader technical audience. It has not been addressed in recent workshops and represents one of the more demanding technical challenges in precision location today. The expert speakers will define and discuss the current and future challenges for precision location and the requirements the RF or Microwave designer must address in addition, we present specific RF/Microwave design techniques to address the system challenges. Topics Covered Include: 1. Current and future GPS spectrum (L1, L2, L5, Glonass) and the related frequency planning for ground and satellite based broadband wireless network allocations 2. The evolution of hybrid terrestrial and satellite networks 3. Chip based physical layer approaches for high dynamic range and multichannel GPS 4. Active circuit cancellation techniques for in-band interference mitigation with

applicability to GPS. 1. “ Evolution of Hybrid Satellite/Terrestrial Networks” R. K. Gupta, J. Snyder, LightSquared, Reston, United States 2. “An overview of NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center’s “Navigator” Spacebased GPS Receiver Development and Research Programs” L. M. Winternitz, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, United States 3. “Mitigating Interference for GPS Receivers Using Robust Receiver Electronics” M. Shaw, Tahoe RF Semiconductor, Inc., Auburn, United States 4. “Chip Based Active Cancellation Technology” J. Laskar, InSite Partners, Cupertino, United States


Friday, 0800 – 1200

A World Survey of the State-Of-The-Art in RF MEMS Sponsors: MTT-21 Organizers: Gabriel M. Rebeiz, UCSD Tomonori Seki, Omron

Abstract: RF MEMS is now an essential technology for reconfigurable cell phones, and several products such as tunable antennas and tunable matching networks have been developed for insertion in the 3-G and 4-G platform in 2011-2012 timeframe. Also, Omron Corp. developed an RF MEMS relay which is currently on the market which has been proven to handle 0.1-10 W up to 1 billion cycles and is 100x better than a mechanical relay. Raytheon and other defense companies have now advanced RF MEMS to such a level that they are being considered for low power phased-arrays and tunable filters. There are now more than 20 different universities/labs/companies working on this technology and they are spread all over the world. The effort is divided nearly equally between the US and Europe, and there is a targeted effort in Asia for the commercial sector. It is therefore important to the RF MEMS community and to the MTT community to summarize these efforts in one workshop. The workshop will end with an honest discussion on the reliability of RF MEMS. While this has always been a point of contention, the attendees will be surprised that several of the new RF MEMS devices such as Omron, Cavendish Kinetics, wiSpry and Raytheon, have achieved impressive reliability and over a large number of devices and test conditions. 1. “ RF-MEMS for Aerospace/Defense Applications – North America” N. S. Barker, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, United States 2. “RF MEMS in Asia for Commercial Applications” T. Seki, OMRON Corporation, Yasu, Japan 3. “Commercial RF MEMS Activities in Europe” T. Vaha Heikkila, VTT, Espoo, Finland 4. “RF MEMS Devices for High Volume Production in the U.S.” A. Morris, wiSpry, Irvine, United States 5. “RF MEMS Reliability: Will We Ever Get There?” G. M. Rebeiz, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, United States


Friday, 0800 – 1200

Advanced RF, Microwave and MMW Technology for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Detection Systems Sponsors: MTT-6 Organizers: Frank Sullivan, Raytheon Company Ruediger Quay, Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Solid State Physics Abstract: The potential role of RF/microwaves/millimeter waves in nuclear, chemical and biological weapons detection technology represents an emerging

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WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES opportunity. This workshop will explore some of the novel nuclear, chemical and biological techniques and devices and attempt to summarize the state of the art of current program activities. The technology focus will be on super miniaturization of RF/microwave/mmw sensors and transceivers and the role that can be played by spectroscopy and RF Tag technology. The advanced development of mass and rf/ microwave spectroscopy offers new opportunities in the detection arena. Advances have also been made in the miniaturization of the required circuits/hardware. In the nuclear area ionization effects produced by nuclear radiation, even at very low levels, can affect the microwave transmission and reflective properties of surrounding mediums. Inkjet-printed ultra-low cost wireless sensors for chemical and biological detection and monitoring will be presented. Advanced techniques and unique systems approaches will be discussed along with methods to make these approaches cost effective as a proliferation of sensors may be required. 1. “ RF and Microwave Chemical Sensing” W. J. Chappell, J. D. Maas, Y. Huang, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States 2. “Miniature Mass Spectrometry Systems for Chemical Analysis” Z. Ouyang, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States 3. “Millimeter Wave/Terahertz Radar Sensing” D. Erricolo1, S. Gopalsami2, M. Dutta1, 1University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, United States, 2Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, United States 4. “Inkjet-printed Ultra-Low-Cost Wireless Sensors For Chemical and Biological Detection and Monitoring” M. M. Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States


Friday, 1300 – 1700

System, MMIC and Package Design for a Low-Cost, Surface-Mountable Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor Sponsors: MTT-6, MTT-12 Organizers: Thomas Zwick, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Christoph Scheytt, University of Paderborn Abstract: This workshop covers the complete design and development process of a low-cost, surface-mountable millimeter-wave Radar sensor, starting from a system perspective, covering the MMIC design including innovative methods for Built-in-Self-Test and System-in-Package-Testing, and treating a low-cost package design with integrated antennas. New research results from both academia and industry are included into the workshop, among them SiGe MMIC designs of receivers, transmitters and complete on-chip Radars above 100 GHz, as well as measurements and prototypes of 122 GHz integrated off-chip and on-chip antennas. The workshop not only covers the sensor design, but also explains the extremely challenging testing and measurements of the MMICs, the antennas, and the complete system. 1. “ Motivation for Miniatureized Millimeter-Wave Systems” T. Zwick, S. Beer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 2. “Millimeter Wave Sensor Implementation Aspects” J. Hasch, M. Girma, Robert Bosch GmbH, Gerlingen, Germany 3. “Single-chip 122 GHz and 145 GHz Sensor With Self-test Features” I. Sarkas, A. Balteanu, S. Voinigescu, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 4. “122 GHz FMCW Radar Transceiver and Components in 0.13 μm SiGe BiCMOS Technology” J. C. Scheytt1, Y. Sun2, 1University Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany, 2IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany 5. “Integration and Characterization of Millimeter Wave Antennas” T. Zwick, S. Beer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

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Friday, 0800 – 1700

Microwave Filters and Multiplexing Networks for Communication Systems Sponsors: MTT-8 Organizers: Chandra Kudsia, Matrix Inc. Vicente Boria, UPV Abstract: Microwave Filters and Multiplexing Networks for Communication Systems. Over the past decade, there has been a spectacular increase in demand for cellular communication and satellite-based services. This has been the singular reason in pushing the state-of-the-art of wireless systems to achieve even higher communication capacity within the constraints of the available frequency spectrum. Atmospheric effects limit the commercial viability of the radio spectrum to certain frequency bands; and therefore frequency allocations are regarded as a natural resource. Filters and multiplexing networks play a critical role in maximizing the effective use of the available bandwidth to achieve the highest capacity for a diverse range of traffic scenarios. Filter networks are deemed as critical elements of these communication systems. This filter course is designed to give the attendees a system overview and tradeoffs for microwave filtering requirements in satellite and cellular communication systems. This is followed by a critical review of the modern synthesis techniques using lumped element parameters and circuit models, with special emphasis on the variety of different filter topologies one can realize for a given specification. The next step in filter design is the realization of physical dimensions of the filter from the circuit model. This topic is dealt with: (i) a brief overview of the classical techniques based on circuit models of the physical structures and (ii) an extensive and in depth review of modern techniques based on EM modeling and optimization. A number of examples are included to illustrate the filter tradeoffs and realization of filter networks. The course concludes with a discussion of practical considerations for the design and implementation of microwave filters and multiplexing networks. The main topics include: • Filters and Multiplexing Networks in Wireless Communication Systems »» The System Perspective »» Filter Tradeoffs for Wireless Communication Systems • Synthesis Techniques »» Classical Direct-Coupled Filters »» Synthesis Technique using ABCD Parameters »» Synthesis Technique using Coupling Matrices »» Realization of Different Topologies and Tradeoffs • Physical Realization of Filters »» Classical Techniques based on Circuit Models »» EM Modelling and Optimization Techniques »» Examples in Waveguide and Planar Technologies • Multiplexer Theory and Design • Practical Design and Implementation Issues of Filter


Friday, 0800 – 1200

A Look at Some of the Principle of Wireless Communications from Maxwellian Viewpoint Sponsors: MTT-22 Organizers: Tapan K. Sarkar, Syracuse University Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Abstract: The objective of this course is to present a scientific methodology that can be used to analyze a wireless communication system invoking the electromagnetic principles as outlined by Gabor. Most importantly, we highlight the differences between the near field and the far field of antennas since many systems operate nowadays in the near field instead of in the far field. Moreover, we also highlight the meaning of the radiation pattern which can only be defined for the far field. As the radiation pattern is related to the far field, therefore in the near field of the antenna what is the meaning of performing space division multiple access (SDMA) based on the antenna far field pattern. In addition, there is an important feature that is singular in electrical engineering and that many times is not treated properly in system applications: namely, superposition of power does not hold. The fields or amplitudes can be added in the electrical engineering context and NOT the powers. In addition, appropriate metrics which is valid from a scientific standpoint should be selected to make this comparison. Examples will be presented to illustrate how this important principle impact certain conventional way of thinking in wireless communication. The main topics include: • Near and far field of antennas mounted on a tower • Height loss in a mobile communication system • Propagation modeling over a ground plane based on the surface wave phenomenon and comparison with Okamura’s experimental data • Time domain response of transmit and receive antennas as the impulse responses are different even for the same antenna • Experimental demonstration of generation of multi-gigahertz non dispersive channel using the appropriate transmit and receive systems


Friday, 0800 – 1200

EMI/EMC Fundamentals for RF & Microwave Engineers Sponsors: MTT-17

Organizers: William H. (Bill) Cantrell, Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site Abstract: The complexity of electronic circuits and systems continues to increase, and unfortunately, so does the likelihood for problems caused by Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). This routinely causes severe problems for RF & Microwave engineers, who need basic Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) knowledge to become effective designers. Cost and schedule overruns can be minimized or eliminated through proper design with EMC in mind. Electromagnetic Compatibility – the ability of an electronic device or system to function without error in its intended electronic environment – is of paramount importance. The goals of this tutorial are to (1) understand how to design circuits with EMC in mind, and (2) develop the proper problem-solving skill set so that an EMC problem can be analyzed and solved in an efficient and intelligent manner. This topic has a broad appeal to engineers working at audio up through the microwave frequency range. The main topics include: • Introduction to EMC • EMC Fundamentals • Digital Power Bus Noise - How to Analyze, Quantify & Design a Digital Power Bus • Transients • How shielding actually works – Quantifying the amount of shielding • How to quantify the effect of airholes, seams and gaps in a shield • How to account for I/O wiring that penetrates a shield • RF Shielding Problem Solving Strategy

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EXHIBITION Exhibit hours have been scheduled to provide maximum interaction between conference attendees and exhibitor personnel: Tuesday, 19 June 0900 to 1700 Wednesday, 20 June 0900 to 1800 Thursday, 21 June 0900 to 1500 = First-time exhibitor 525 total exhibitors and 42 first-time exhibitors! 2COMU 3G Metalworx Inc. A-Alpha Waveguide Co. A.J. Tuck Co. A.T. Wall Company AA-MCS Accumet Engineering Corp. ACEWAVETECH, Inc. ADMOTECH Co.Ltd AdTech Ceramics Advance Reproduction Corp. Advanced Chemical Company Advanced Circuitry International Advanced Research Systems, Inc. Advanced Switch Technology Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AdvanSys Electronix Aeroflex Inc. Aethercomm Inc. Agilent Technologies AI Technology, Inc. Aldetec, Inc. Aliner Industries, Inc. Alliance Corp. AMCAD Engineering Amcom Communications Inc. AMCrf American Beryllia, Inc. American Microwave Corp. American Standard Circuits, Inc. American Technical Ceramics Ametek HCC Industries Amphenol Printed Circuits Amplical Corp. AmpliTech Inc. AMT Solutions Co.,Ltd. ANADIGICS Analog Devices, Inc. Anapico Ltd. Anaren, Inc. Anatech Electronics Anoison Electronics Anritsu Co. ANSYS, Inc. APA Wireless Technologies Apollo Microwaves Ltd. Applied Thin-Film Products (ATP) AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation ARC Technologies, Inc. Arlon Tech. Enabling Innovation Artech House ASB Inc. Aselsan Association of Old Crows/Naylor Pub. Astrolab, Inc. ATE Systems, Inc.

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IMS2012 Exhibiting companies as of 20 March 2012: Auriga Microwave Aurora Software & Testing, SL Avago Technologies Averna AVX Corp. AWR Corp. Axiom Test Equipment, Inc. B&Z Technologies Barry Industries, Inc. BEEcube, Inc. Besser Associates, Inc. Bliley Technologies, Inc. Bonding Source Bowei Integrated Circuits Co., Ltd. BSC Filters Ltd. C W Swift Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Cambridge University Press CAP Wireless Inc. CapeSym, Inc. Carlisle Interconnect Technologies Cascade Microtech, Inc. Centellax, Inc. Centerline Technologies, LLC Century Seals Inc. Cernex & Cernexwave Channel Microwave Charter Engineering, Inc. Chengdu Omicron Microwave Tech. Co., Ltd. Chengdu Seekon Microwave Comm. Co., Ltd. Chengdu Tiger Microwave Tech. Co., Ltd. Chin Nan Precision Electronics Co., Ltd. Ciao Wireless, Inc. Cirexx International, Inc. Cobham Coilcraft, Inc. Coleman Cable Systems, Inc. Coleman Microwave Co. Colorado Microcircuits COM DEV Ltd. Communication Power Corp. (CPC) Communications & Power Industries Compex Corp. Component Distributors Inc. Constant Wave Continental Resources, Inc. Corning Gilbert Inc. Corry Micronics Inc Crane Aerospace & Electronics Crane Polyflon Cree, Inc. Crystek Corp. CST of America, Inc. CTT Inc. Cuming Microwave Corp. Custom Cable Assemblies, Inc. Custom Interconnects

Custom Microwave Components, Inc. Custom MMIC Design Services, Inc. Daa-Sheen Technology Co., Ltd. Daisy RS dBm Delta Electronics Mfg. Corp. Delta Microwave Inc. Design Workshop Technologies Inc. Diamond Antenna & Microwave Corp. Dielectric Laboratories, Inc. Diemat, Inc. DITF Thin Film DiTom Microwave Inc. Dong Jin Technology Innovation Co., Ltd. Dow Key Microwave Corp. Ducommun LaBarge Technolgoies, Inc. DuPont Electronic Technologies Dyconex AG Dynawave Inc. Dyne-Tech Co., LTD e2v aerospace and defense Inc EADS North America Eclipse Microwave, Inc. EE-Evaluation Engineering Elbit Systems EW & SIGINT-Elisra Elcom Technologies Inc. Elcon Precision, LLC Electro Rent Corp. ElectroMagneticWorks Inc. Elliptika EM Research, Inc. EM Software & Systems - FEKO EMC Technology/Florida RF Labs Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products Emerson Connectivity Solutions Empower RF Systems Empowering Systems, Inc. EMSCAN ENS Microwave, LLC Epoxy Technology, Inc. ETL Systems ETS-Lindgren EuMW2012/Horizon House Publ. Ltd. Excalibur Engineering Inc. EZ Form Cable Corp. F&K Delvotec, Inc. Farran Technology Ltd. Ferrite Microwave Technologies Ferro-Ceramic Grinding First Level Inc. Flann Microwave Flexco Microwave Inc. Focus Microwaves Inc. Fotofab Freescale Semiconductor Frontlynk Technologies Inc. FTG Corp. G-Way Microwave/G-Wave Inc.

EXHIBITION IMS2012 Exhibiting companies as of 20 March 2012: Gap Wireless Inc. Geib Refining Corp. Gel-Pak Gerotron Communication GmbH GGB Industries, Inc. GigaLane Co., Ltd. GigOptix, Inc. Global Communication Semiconductors, LLC Gova Advanced Material Technology Co.,Ltd Gowanda Electronics Greenray Industries Inc. GuangShun Electronic Tech. Research Inst. Harbour Industries, Inc. HEI Inc. Herley Industries Herotek Inc. Hesse & Knipps Inc. High Frequency Electronics Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. Hittite Microwave Corp. Holzworth Instrumentation Inc. Hong Kong Sun Fung Co., Ltd. HRL Laboratories, LLC Huada Intl. Electronics & Tech. Co., Ltd. Hughes Circuits Inc. Hunter Technology IBM Corp. IEEE Microwave Magazine IEEE Xplore Digital Library IHP GmbH IKE Micro IMST GmbH In-Phase Technologies, Inc. Infineon Technologies Infinite Graphics Innertron, Inc. Innovative Fabrication Instek America Corp. Integra Technologies Inc. Integrand Software, Inc. Intercept Technology Inc. International Manufacturing Services Inc. Intertronic Solutions Inc. inTEST Thermal Solutions Ion Beam Milling, Inc. IPDiA IQD Frequency Products Inc. Ironwood Electronics Isola ISOTEC Corp. ITF Co., Ltd. iTherm Technologies ITT Exelis Microwave Systems IW Insulated Wire Microwave Products Div. JFW Industries, Inc. Johanson Manufacturing Corp. Johanson Technology Inc. JQL Electronics Inc. Jye Bao Co., Ltd. K&L Microwave Inc.

Kaben Wireless Silicon Inc. KCB Solutions Keragis Corp. KEYCOM Corp./Sales Dept. Krytar Inc. KVG Quartz Crystal Technology GmbH Kyocera America, Inc. LadyBug Technologies LLC Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. LanJian Electronics Lark Engineering Co. Laser Process Mfg. Laser Processing Technology, Inc. Laser Services LCF Enterprise Leader Tech. Inc. Liberty Test Equipment Linearizer Technology, Inc. Linwave Technology Ltd. Litron Inc. Logus Microwave Lorch Microwave LPKF Laser & Electronics M/A-COM Technology Solutions M2 Global Technology Ltd. Marcel Electronics International Marki Microwave, Inc. Massachusetts Bay Technologies Materion MathWorks Maury Microwave Corp. McGraw-Hill Professional MCV Technologies, Inc. MECA Electronics, Inc. Mega Circuit Inc. MegaPhase Meggitt Safety Systems, Inc. Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. Mersen Mesuro Metropole Products Inc. Micable Inc. Mician GmbH Micreo Limited Micro Communications, Inc. Micro Electronic Tech. Development Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc. Micro Systems Engineering GmbH Micro-Coax Inc. Micro-Mode MicroApps MicroAssembly Technologies, Inc. MicroFab Inc. Micronetics Inc. Microsemi Corp. Microtech, Inc. Microwave Applications Group Microwave Communications Labs, Inc. Microwave Development Labs Inc. Microwave Dynamics Microwave Engineering Europe Microwave Journal Microwave Product Digest Microwave Technologies Co., Ltd. Microwave Technology, Inc.

Microwavefilters S.R.L Microwaves & RF/Penton Electronics Group MIG Microwave Innovation Group Millitech Inc. Mini-Systems Inc. MITEQ, Inc. Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics Modelithics, Inc. Modular Components National Inc. Molex RF/Microwave Business Unit Momentive Performance Materials Morion, Inc. Mosis MPDevice Co., Ltd. MtronPTI Murata Electronics Nanjing Jiexi Technologies Co., Ltd. NARDA National Instruments NDK NEL Frequency Controls, Inc. Networks International Corp. (NIC) Nitronex Corp. Noise XT NoiseWave Corp. Norden Millimeter Inc. Northrop Grumman NSI Nuhertz Technologies, LLC Nuvotronics NuWaves Engineering NXP Semiconductors OEwaves Inc. OML, Inc. OMMIC ON Semiconductor OPHIR RF Inc. Orient Microwave Corp. P/M Industries Inc. P1dB, Inc. Paciwave, Inc. Palomar Technologies Paricon Technologies Corp. Pascall Electronics Ltd. Passive Plus Inc. Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. PHARAD, LLC. Photo Sciences Inc. Pickering Interfaces, Inc. Piconics Inc. Pivotone Communication Tech., Inc. Planar Planar Monolithics Industries, Inc. Plansee Thermal Management Solutions Plextek Ltd. Pole/Zero Corp. Polyfet RF Devices Ponn Machine Cutting Co. Power Module Technology Precision Connector, Inc. Precision Manufacturing Group Presidio Components, Inc. Presto Engineering, Inc. Q Microwave, Inc.

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EXHIBITION IMS2012 Exhibiting companies as of 20 March 2012: Q3 Laboratory Qingdao Xingyi Electronic Equipment Co. Quest Microwave Inc. Quik-Pak QuinStar Technology, Inc. QWED Sp. z o.o R&K Company Ltd. Radant MEMS, Inc. Reactel, Inc. RelComm Technologies Inc. Remcom, Inc. Remtec, Inc. Renaissance Electronics Corp. Res-Net Microwave, Inc. Resin Systems Corp. RF Depot Inc. RF Globalnet RF Industries RF Logic RF Morecom Corea RF Technology International RFcore Co., Ltd. RFHIC Corp. RFMD RFMW, Ltd. RFS Ferrocom Ferrite Division RH Laboratories, Inc. Richardson RFPD RIV Inc. - Precision Printing Screens RJR Polymers Inc. RLC Electronics, Inc. Rogers Corp. Rohde & Schwarz Rosenberger North America LLC S3 Group Sainty-Tech Communications Ltd. Samtec, Inc. San-tron Inc. Sangshin Elecom Co., Ltd. Sanmina-SCI OMED Sawnics Inc. Schmid & Partner Engineering AG Scientific Microwave Corp. Scintera, Inc. SDP Telecom Inc. Selectron Inc. Semi Dice Inc. SemiGen Semtech Corp. SGC Technologies Inc. SGMC Microwave Shanghai Eagle Industrial Co., Ltd. Shanghai Huaxiang Computer Comm. Eng. Shenzhen Atten Electronics Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Huayang Tech. Development Co. Shenzhen Yulongtong Electron Co.,Ltd. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. Signatone Silicon Cert Laboratories Sinclair Manufacturing Co. SIPAT Co.

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Skyworks Solutions, Inc. Smith Interconnect Sonnet Software Inc. SOURIAU PA&E Southwest Microwave, Inc. Spanawave Corp. Spectra - Mat, Inc. Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH Spectrum Microwave, Inc. Spinner Atlanta Sprague Goodman SRI Connector Gage Company SRTechnology Corp. SSI Cable Corp. State Of The Art Inc. Stellar Industries Corp. StratEdge Corp. Sumida America Components Sumitomo Electric Device Innovations SV Microwave Inc. Symmetricom Synergy Microwave Corp. T-Tech Inc. Taconic Tahoe RF Semiconductor, Inc. Tai-Saw Technology Co., Ltd. TDK-Lambda Americas TE Connectivity Tecdia Inc. Tech Briefs Media Group Techmaster Electronics, Inc. Tektronix Inc. Teledyne Coax Switches Teledyne Cougar Teledyne Defence Ltd. Teledyne Labtech Teledyne MEC Teledyne Microelectronics Teledyne Microwave Teledyne Relays Teledyne Scientific Teledyne Storm Products Teledyne Technologies, Inc. Telegartner, Inc. Telemakus, LLC. Teseq, Inc., Inc. TestEquity LLC Testforce Systems Inc. Texas Instruments Thales Components Corp. THINFILMS Inc. Times Microwave Systems TMD Technologies Ltd. Toshiba America Electronic Cmpts. TotalTemp Technologies, Inc. TowerJazz TRAK Microwave Corp. Transcom, Inc. Transline Technology Inc. TriQuint Semiconductor TRM Microwave TRS-RenTelco TRU Corporation Inc. TTE Inc. TTM Technologies, Inc.

TYDEX UltraSource Inc. UMS (United Monolithic Semiconductors) UTE Microwave Inc. Vacuum Engineering & Materials Co., Inc. Valpey Fisher Corp. Vaunix Technology Corp. VECTRAWAVE Vectria Ltd. Vectron International Verspecht-Teyssier-Degroote VidaRF Viking Tech America Corp. Virginia Diodes Inc. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. Voltronics Corp./Dover VTI Instruments Corp. W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Weinschel Associates Wenzel Associates Inc. Werlatone Inc. West Bond Inc. WEVERCOMM Co., Ltd. Wibicom Wiley-IEEE WIN Semiconductors Corp. WIPL-D D.O.O. Wireless Design & Development Wireless Telecom Group WiSpry, Inc. X-Com Systems X5 Systems, Inc. Xi’an Forstar S&T Co., Ltd. Xi’an Gold Waves S&T Co., Ltd. Yantel Corp. Yokowo Co., Ltd. Yortec Inc. Z-Communications, Inc.










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ADC Multiple Device Synchronization for Advanced High Speed / RF Data Acquisition Maury Wood, NXP

RF Link Prediction - A New and Novel Approach Joel Kirshman, AWR

Custom OFDM Validation of Wireless/Military DSP Algorithms and RF Components Daren McClearnon, Jin-Biao Xu, Agilent EEsof


An Intuitive Cloud-based ADC Performance Analysis Application Lawrence P. Dunleavy, Jiang Liu, Taylor Maddix, Uwe Knorr, Modelithics, Transim Tech

True Differential Mode for the ZVA and ZVT Network Analyzers Jonathan Leitner, Rohde & Schwarz

Synchronized Sweeps for Multi-Tone X-parameter Model Generation for IP3 Estimation Radek Biernacki, Mihai Marcu, Agilent EEsof


Integrated Electrothermal Solution Delivers Thermally Aware Circuit Simulation Rick Poore, Agilent EEsof

Generation and Analysis Techniques for Cost-efficient SATCOM Measurements Richard Overdorf, Agilent

Custom User Interface Enables Seamless Transfer of Simulation, Modeling and Measurement to Manufacturing Floor. Murthy Upmaka, Dingqing Lu, Agilent EEsof


High-Power VNA Calibration Techniques Keith Anderson,Agilent

UWB antenna design with HFWorks M. Jemai1, A. Bostani, A. B. Kouki, A. Khebir, ElectroMagneticWorks, LACIME LAB

Traceable Calibration Method For Mixer Delay Measurements Eliminates The Need For Calibration And Reference Mixers Dara Sariaslani, Agilent


Keynote 1: The Next Generation of Communications Design, Validate, and Test Dr. Mark Pierpoint, Agilent EEsof

QuickWave Multiphysics Software with CAD Input and GPU Processing Dr. Malgorzata Celuch, Dr. Janusz Rudnicki, QWED

Noise Parameter Verification – How Accurate Are Your Measurements? Ali Boudiaf , Maury


Modeling Conformal Antenna Arrays with XFdtd Kyle Labowski, Remcom

A Practical Comparison of VNA Calibration Techniques Rusty Myers, Maury


Automatic Optimization of a Multiband Conformal Antenna and 7T Microstrip Resonator Using XF 7 James F. Stack, Jr., Stefanie Lucas, Remcom

High Speed Active Load Pull for Production Testing Mauro Marchetti, Anteverta-mw, Maury


Basic Amplifier Measurements with the RF Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) Taku Hirato, Agilent

Linking RF Design thru to Test Josh Moore1, David Hall2, 1AWR, 2National Instruments

Position of GaN within RF Power capable Technologies: NXP’s view Mark Murphy, NXP


Bonding Materials used in Multilayer Microwave PCB Applications John Coonrod, Rogers

Passive Intermodulation (PIM) measurement using vector network analyzer Osamu Kusano, Agilent CTD-Kobe

High efficiency RF Power Pump using a class E PA in a package Rik Jos, NXP


A 0.3-67 GHz integrated on wafer Noise and Load Pull Test System Neven Misljenovic, Bryan Hosein, Joseph Slanik, Raymond Jallad, FOCUS Microwave

Precise Dielectric Measurement Set-up for Every Microwave Laboratory Jerzy Krupka1, Wojciech Gwarek 2, 1QWED, 2Warsaw U. of Technology

Optimizing the Design and Verification of 4G RF Power Amplifiers Dustin Hoekstra, AWR


Cost-Effective Millimeter Signal Analysis Approaches Benjamin Zarlingo, Agilent

X-Parameters with Active and Hybrid-Active Load Pull Gary Simpson, Maury

Simulating an NXP Doherty Power Amplifier with Digital Pre-Distortion Mark Saffian, AWR


Practical Techniques for Recognizing and Dagnosing Root Causes of Poor Wafer-level S-parameter Calibrations Craig Kirkpatrick, Cascade Microtech

High Frequency Instructional Toolkit (Waveguide Toolkit & Software for Students) Alexandre Manchec, ELLIPTIKA

SPARK3D: A general tool for RF high power breakdown prediction S. Anza, T. Pinheiro, J. Gil, Dr. Carlos P. Vicente Quiles, V. E. Boria, Aurorasat, Aurora Software and Testing


From Gigahertz to Terahertz: The Essentials of Very High Frequency Signal Measurements Wilkie Yu1, Dr. Jeffrey L. Hesler2, Agilent1, Virginia Diodes2

Panel Session: Device Characterization Methods and Advanced RF/ Microwave Design Moderator: David Vye, Microwave Journal Companies: Agilent, AMCAD, Anritsu, Anteverta, and Maury Microwave

Video bandwidth theory and practical implementation in high power base station amplifiers. Gerard Bouisse, NXP


Innovative Testing Methods for 60GHz devices Targeting WLAN and Video Market Richard Curtin, Dror Regev, Cedric Mayor, Jean-Pascal Mallet, Presto

Accelerated RF power device and circuitry design flow via X parameter characterization Dr Troels Nielson1, Klaus Werner2, 1Agilent , 2NXP


External Harmonic Mixing for Millimeter Wave Measurements Yee-Ping Teoh, Agilent

250W RF Transistor Measurements using a Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzer Keith Anderson, Agilent


Fully Integrating 3D Electromagnetic (EM) Simulation into Circuit Simulation John Dunn, AWR

Practical Electromagnetic Modeling of Parallel Plate Capacitors at High Frequency Justin Magers, National Instruments


Comprehensive Millimeter Wave Simulation Solutions for TSMC’s 60-GHz 65 nm CMOS process Wireless Reference Design Kit. Juergen Hartung, Agilent EEsof

Waveguide Device Design Using XFdtd Joseph J. Rokita, Remcom


Designing MMICs to include Package Effects using the Amkor QFN Package Design Kit Kim Jun Won, Agilent EEsof

Use of FPGAs for Faster Test Times and Repeatability on Cellular Measurements Raajit Lall, National Instruments


Non-linear and small signal amplifier Simulation Techniques Andy Howard, Agilent EEsof

Methodologies for Time Side Lobe Measurements on Pulse Compression Radars John S Hansen, Agilent

Joint Time-Frequency Processing for VNAs Don Metzger, Constant Wave


Multi-Technology RF Module Design Methodology Jack D. Sifri, Agilent EEsof

ATN, ATS and the PNA-X - A Correlation of Noise Parameters through the Ages Sathya Padmanabhan, Maury

Mind Your Reference Plane David Broadbent, National Instruments


A Low Cost, Plastic Packaged, 0.5W, 6-18GHz Amplifier MMIC Liam M. Devlin, Plextek

Virtual Flight Testing of Radar System Performance David Leiss, Agilent EEsof

Phase Noise Choices in Signal Generation: Understanding Needs and Tradeoffs Benjamin Zarlingo, Agilent


SiGe BiCMOS Technologies for Applications above 100 GHz Dr. René F. Scholz, Dr. B. Heinemann, Dr. Wolfgang Kissinger, Dr. H. Rücker, Prof. B. Tillack, IHP

24 GHz Radar System Tobias Klein, Dr. Rüdiger Follmann, IMST

Strengths and Limitations of the SOLR Wafer Level S-Parameter Calibration Technique Craig Kirkpatrick, IMS2013 MicroApps Chair, Cascade Microtech


XR & ISM, ISM optimized extremely rugged LDMOS Mark Murphy, NXP

Scripting and Parameterization Approach for Complex Full-wave Electromagnetic Problems John LaDue, Dr. Raghu K. Settaluri, Dr. Ronald Posner, HeeSoo Lee, Agilent EEsof


Measurement-based FET modeling using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) Jianjun Xu, Agilent EEsof

State of the Art and Future Directions in Electromagnetic Simulation Brian Rautio, Sonnet

Category Legend

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CAD, Semiconductor and Modeling Products and Techniques

Materials, Mechanical and Passive Components

Active Components

Sub-Assemblies and Interconnects

Calibration, Instrumentation and Test Measurement Techniques




STAN TOOL – From Stability Analysis to the stabilization of multi-transistor circuits Stéphane Dellier, PhD, AMCAD

Reducing active device temperature rise and RF heating effects with high thermal conductivity low loss circuit laminates Allen F. Horn, III, Rogers


Performing Accurate Wafer-Level TRL Calibration with Custom Calibration Sets using WinCal™ Andrej Rumiantsev, Cascade Microtech

RF System Design – Moving Beyond a Linear Datasheet Joel Kirshman1, Takao Inoue2, 1AWR, 2National Instruments


A Compact Harmonic Tuner Christos Tsironis, Joseph Slanik, Raymond Jallad, Bryan Hosein, FOCUS Microwave

Improve Microwave Circuit Design Flow Through Passive Model Yield and Sensitivity Analysis Larry Dunleavy1, Lars van der Klooster2, 1Modelithics, 2Ageto


Two Tone Terminator (T3) Doug Jorgesen, Ph.D, Christopher Marki, Ph.D., Marki

RF System Architecture – Techniques for Optimal Design John LaDue, Rulon VanDyke, Agilent EEsof


Ease of implementation of High Performance Quadrature Modulators in wireless infrastructures Randy Cochran, NXP Semiconductors

The Importance of Pulsing for Iso_Thermal Modeling Tony Gasseling, AMCAD Engineering


Comparison and Improvements in Active Injection Harmonic Load Pull Systems Olivier Roy, Christos Tsironis, Zacharia Ouardirhi, FOCUS Microwave

OMP, 3 way Novel Doherty, Design challenges and trade off for OMP Dave Hartskeerl, NXP


SpurSIM – a fractional-N spur and phase noise simulator Dr. Rüdiger Follmann, IMST

Electrical/Thermal Coupled Solutions for Flip Chip Designs John Fiala1, Mike Heimlich2, 1AWR, 2CapeSym


System Simulation Featuring Signal Processing Blocks Joel Kirshman1, David Hall2, 1AWR, 2National Instruments


Keynote 2: James Clerk Maxwell Part II Dr. James Rautio, Sonnet

Category Legend

CAD, Semiconductor and Modeling Products and Techniques

Materials, Mechanical and Passive Components

Active Components


Sub-Assemblies and Interconnects

Calibration, Instrumentation and Test Measurement Techniques

HISTORICAL EXHIBIT This is the year of anniversaries! The IMS2012 will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding in 1952 of the MTT society. To mark this occasion, the Anniversary celebration at IMS2012 will include a suite of 3 special sessions, related to the overall history and key interests of the society. To mark the occasion of the IMS being held outside of the US, for the second time ever, the theme for the IMS2012 historical exhibit is the evolution of microwaves in Canada. Canada has been the land of much progress in microwaves and RF. To name a few: • 111th anniversary of the first transatlantic wireless communication by Guglielmo Marconi on December 12, 1901, the message was received at Signal Hill in St John’s Newfoundland, Canada. • 50th anniversary of Alouette 1 launched on 29 September 1962, the world’s first scientific satellite dedicated to atmospheric studies to learn more about the influence of aurora borealis (also called northern lights) on the propagation of radio waves. • 40th anniversary of the ANIK A1 communication satellite, launched on 9 November 1972, then becoming the world’s first national domestic satellite. • Hermes, launched on 17 January 1976, was the first direct-to-home satellite television broadcast; also used for tele-medecine and tele-education. • 30th anniversary of the first rescue demonstration of the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system. Only nine days after testing began, on 9 September 1982, SARSAT demonstrated its effectiveness in searching for downed aircraft. This year the historical exhibit will be conveniently located on the fifth floor, in the foyer of the session floor thus providing convenient and easy access for all the symposium attendees to enjoy this showcase. The attendees will be treated to a number of exhibits featuring the numerous achievements accomplished by Canadian establishments including contributions from academia, industry and government laboratories such as the Communication Research Center, winner of three Emmy awards for their work in the field of broadcasting, the Defense R&D Centers, and the David Florida laboratories, the Canadian facility for the integration and testing of satellites of numerous space-faring countries.

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SOCIAL EVENTS/GUEST PROGRAM SOCIAL EVENTS Sunday, 17 June 2012 RFIC Reception: 1900-2100 Palais des Congrès, Level 7 – Room 710a Immediately following the RFIC Plenary Session is the RFIC Reception to be held in adjacent Room 710a at the Palais des Congrès. This social event is a key component of the RFIC Symposium, providing an opportunity to connect with old friends, make new acquaintances, and catch up on the wireless industry. Admittance is included with RFIC Symposium registration. Additional tickets can also be purchased separately at registration.

Monday, 18 June 2012

All conference attendees are welcome. You will find that amateur radio operators are utilizing their allocated frequency spectrum for very important uses and you may be interested in obtaining your license so you too can test your new designs and microwave propagation. MTT-S Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) and Student Reception: 1930 to 2130 Pub St-Paul, Old Montréal The IEEE MTT Graduates of Last Decade (GOLD) and Student Committees invite all MTT GOLD and student members to a complimentary reception at the Pub St-Paul in Old Montréal. This will be an excellent opportunity not only to relax and entertain, but also to interact and network with other GOLD and student members.

IMS 2012 Welcome Reception: 1900-2030 Palais des Congrès, Viger Lobby

Sponsor: IEEE MTT-S GOLD and Student Committees

All Microwave Week attendees and exhibitors are invited to attend a reception hosted by IMS2012 in the Palais des Congrès, Viger Lobby.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Chapter Chairs’ Meeting (CCM): 2000 - 2200 Hyatt, Grand Salon All our Chapter Chairs and their designated Chapter representatives are cordially invited to our Reception/Poster Session followed by Dinner and Meeting. For further information contact your Regional Chapter Coordinator, or Bela Szendrenyi at Sponsor: IEEE MTT-S AdCom and the MGA Committee

Industry Hosted Cocktail Reception: 1700-1800 Palais des Congrès, Level 2 – Exhibition Hall Symposium Exhibitors will host a cocktail reception. MTT-S Awards Banquet: 1800-2200 Palais des Congrès, Level 7 – Room 701 The MTT-S Awards Banquet includes dinner, major society awards presentation and entertainment. This year the entertainment will feature one of the most renowned attractions of Montréal: contemporary circus. Discover this nouveau cirque, which blends comedy, performances and visual effects in a unique way. Tickets can be purchased at the time of registration.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012 Women in Microwaves Reception: 1800-1930 Pointe A Calliere Museum, 350 Pl Royale, Montréal Meet with old friends as well as make new connections to the growing community of women who make a career in the field of high-technology. Enjoy great food, refreshing beverages and warm conversation at the WIM Social Event. Ham Radio Social: 1830-2130 Hyatt Hotel, Level 4 – Room: Soprano While enjoying a buffet and open bar, the attendees will have the opportunity to see the accomplishments of amateur radio operators who have skillfully designed and built transceivers for use from VHF to high millimeter wave bands. Some of these transceivers were made from surplus and commercially available components and some are state-of-the-art new designs including SDR. Several will be on display and their builders will be there to answer questions.

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Thursday, 09 June 2012 MTT-S Student Awards Luncheon: 1200-1400 Le Westin Hotel, Level 9 – Fortifications Ballroom All students are invited to attend the luncheon which recognizes recipients of the MTT-S Undergraduate Scholarships, MTT-S Graduate Fellowships, IMS2012 Student Volunteers, IMS2012 Student Paper Awards and the participants/winners of the IMS2012 Student Design Competitions. IMS2012 Closing Reception:1730-1830 Palais des Congrès, Viger Lobby All Microwave Week attendees and exhibitors are invited to attend the Closing Reception hosted by IMS2012 in the Palais de Congrès. Viger Lobby

SOCIAL EVENTS/GUEST PROGRAM Please stop by the Tourisme Montréal information desk on the 5th level of the Palais des Congrès for tourist and restaurant information. Sunday, 17 June - Thursday, 21 June, 1100-1600

Guest Lounge

The Guest Lounge will be located at the Hyatt Regency Montreal on the 6th Floor in the Inspiration Room. It will be a place to relax and meet. The Guest Lounge will also have suggestions and discount coupons for various activities to enjoy while in Montréal as well as fun games and crafts for the families. Guest registration is required and fees do apply. Sunday, 17 June - Thursday, 21 June, 0700-1630 and Friday, 22 June, 0700-1200

Special Tours: To register for the following tours, please refer to the Hotel and Travel tab on the conference website at

City Tour: Montréal Mixes Trendiness & Tradition Tuesday, 19 June 2012 $48.00 CAD per person

9:00am to 12:00pm

This rate includes the following: • Professional English Speaking Guide • Deluxe motorcoach • Admission to the Notre-Dame Basilica • Bottle of water • All taxes Discover Montreal with its bi-cultural heritage and cosmopolitan blend of the old and new on this comprehensive overview of our city. Old Montreal’s rich architectural and historical legacy, the financial district, Montreal’s leading museums, the cultural and performing arts institutions, Montreal’s elegant upper class communities and Montreal’s universities. Along the way, the tour includes a stop at the summit of Mt. Royal for a panoramic view of Montreal and a guided visit of Notre-Dame Basilica, an outstanding example of neo-gothic architecture. We will drive through St-Helen’s and Notre-Dame Islands, sites of Expo 67’, and the Montreal Casino

© Tourisme Montréal

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SOCIAL EVENTS/GUEST PROGRAM Flavors and Aromas of Old Montréal

Wednesday, 20 June 2012 $50.00 CAD per person

9:00am to 12:00pm

© Crudessence

This rate includes the following: • Professional English Speaking Guide • Tastings in 3 different boutiques • Bottle of water • All taxes This gastronomic walk will make you discover the culinary, cultural and historical charms of the oldest district of Montreal. The group will first transfer from the hotel by walk to Old Montreal accompanied by a professional guide.

Hosted in old warehouses and showrooms of the 19th era, some food boutiques open their doors to make you taste their delicacies. Through small and narrow cobblestone streets, the guide explains the influence of the Natives and the nuns on our food habits, and how the venue of the World Expo in 1967 brought exotic food on our tables. That and much more, accompanied by a professional foodie guide who will feed you with historical and gastronomic comments all along. The tour will include stops in 3 different boutiques. You will have the chance to taste local products including macaroon, duck paté and foie gras on baguette, and gelato sweeten with maple syrup. Return to the hotel by foot.

Old Montréal Walk and the Museum of Archeology

Wednesday, 20 June 2012 9:00am to 12:30pm $45.00 CAD per person This rate includes the following: • Professional Guide • Admission Fees

• Bottle of water • All taxes

You will first transfer to Old Montreal by foot with a professional guide. In this historic quarter, you will stroll through a maze of narrow cobblestone lanes and old buildings, providing a perfect opportunity to discover the history and charm of Old Montréal. En route you will see Place d’Armes, Jacques Cartier Square and Montréal City Hall.

© Tourisme Montréal, Pierre-Luc Dufour

One of the highlights of this tour is the visit of the museum of Archeology also called Pointe - à Callières. The museum is recognized as a national historical and archaeological site, leading visitors through centuries of history. The Museum opened in 1992, the result of over 10 years of digs. It showcases major archaeological discoveries made on this site starting in the 1980s.

The visit will start with the multimedia show, Yours Truly, Montréal. It presents the history of Montréal in 18 spellbinding minutes. The City speaks to us and tells us its story over time: the birth of Mount Royal, the arrival of the Amerindians, the founding of Montréal, French and British regimes, the modern era and the development of networks. The Where Montréal Was Born permanent exhibition takes visitors to the heart of an authentic archaeological site: Montréal’s birthplace. The unusual underground route covering six centuries of history, from the times when Natives camped here to the present day, is an emotionpacked look at the very essence of a city born over 360 years ago. Your tour starts in the remains of the Royal Insurance Building (1861-1951), which housed Montréal’s Customs office from 1871 to 1917. Along the way, you’ll cross through an imposing vaulted stone tunnel, where the Little Saint-Pierre River once flowed, and see how it was converted into a collector sewer from 1832-1838. You will return to the hotel by foot with your guide or, if you prefer, stay in Old Montreal on your own.

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SOCIAL EVENTS/GUEST PROGRAM The Richelieu Valley: The Gourmet Region Thursday, 21 June 2012 $105.00 CAD per person

10:00am to 3:00pm

This rate includes the following: • Professional Guide • Bottle of water • Bus Transportation • Taxes • Cider Wine Tastings • Lunch Gratuities • 3 Course Lunch including beer tasting The Richelieu Valley, colonized by the French, was the heart of the seigniorial system and is noteworthy for the panoramic scenery it offers. The Richelieu Valley, also called the Apple Region offers panoramic scenery coupled with an ideal climate for the gardening of market produce. The Monteregians hills are surrounded by huge orchards and apple industries. You will also discover the tasty regional products like apples and apple by-products, as well as delicious wines. During the tour you will visit a cider mill “ La Cidrerie Jodoin” and taste their products derived from apples, as an ice sparkling cider or ice cider. A delicious meal will follow in the village of Chambly at the restaurant Fourquet Fourchette on the banks of the Richelieu River before heading back to Montreal.

A Day in Quebec City and Montmorency Falls Friday, 22 June 2012 $ 105.00 CAD per person

8:00am to 21:00pm

The rate includes the following: • Transportation • Bottle of water • Specialized tour guide in • All taxes Quebec City

© Yves Tessier, Tessima

Classified as an international heritage site in 1985 by UNESCO, the city of Québec, capital of the Province of Québec, is the only remaining entirely fortified city in North America. Founded in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain, Québec was the first permanent European settlement in New France. A natural citadel, the site dominates the St. Lawrence. Renowned for its European flavor, the city offers a rich architecture. Before entering Quebec City, you will first have a look at the 274ft Montmorency Falls. Then, lunch on your own in Old Québec City. After lunch, tour of the city with a specialized guide where you will see the Plains of Abraham, Notre-Dame Church, Place Royale, the National Assembly, the Citadelle and the famous Château Frontenac. See if you can resist the ambiance of Québec City! Free time in petit Champlain before heading back to Montreal.

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2012 International Microwave Symposium 1721 Boxelder St. Ste. 107 Louisville, CO 80027


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