Sharpening the cyber security axe in Australia to stay in the race By MySecurity Media Staff Writer ©
he future of cyber security growth in Australia lays in education. That is, in the education of ourselves but also the education of government, industry and businesses, large and small. In line with AustCyber launching Australian Cyber Week 2021 between 25-29 October, the future of cyber security in Australia will be placed under the microscope. Particularly, in the last 12 months of unprecedented cyber activity and the impact it has had on the Australian and global economy.
AUSTRALIAN CYBER SECURITY AND THE PANDEMIC The COVID-19 pandemic continues to define where and how many of us work, and the speed of change has exposed new vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure and business IT systems. With Australia named as the sixth most hacked country in the world, it is integral the nation’s cyber maturity and resilience is assessed and examined. Crucially, the question now is, have our actions of the past 12 months provided the
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foundations for successful economic recovery and the ability to learn lessons to continue to protect our digital borders?
EDUCATION AND THE GROWTH OF CYBER SECURITY The deepening and broadening of the Australian digital economy and digital communications has highlighted the need for deeper education into cyber security. Those in the know and entrenched in the world of digital protection must seek to upskill their knowledge bank, sharpen their cyber security axe and polish the shield. And for those not so cyber aware, it is time right now to educate them, but equally as important, listen to them, gain insight into the gaps, and challenges we may have overlooked in the rush of the last 12 months to stay above water. Shedding some light on this very matter is Sarah Bailey, CFO at Penten. Sarah is an accomplished finance and business executive with more than 20 years’ experience in finance, strategy, and governance. Cyber security is not on Sarah’s name badge as such,