Cyber Security
How old school back-up is holding back the IT industry By Anthony Spiteri Global Technologist, Veeam
46 | Cyber Risk Leaders Magazine
he global pandemic has irrevocably changed the way businesses everywhere operate, tightening the link between a robust IT infrastructure and business continuity. However, the transition has not been seamless with many businesses unable to adapt to the new environment without downtime. In July alone, Australians reported a net loss of $12.3 million from more than 18,500 scams. With all this going on, it’s surprising that many IT teams are still relying on legacy back-up solutions. Most legacy backup solutions in the market today are difficult to use. By putting too much effort into backup, IT admins lack the time, resources and simply the energy to tackle real business challenges. Today’s backup technology landscape is now more agile and multifaceted than ever, offering tons of options for any size and budget, and consequently making it very hard to make the right choice. These days, IT needs to think not one, but several steps ahead, ta king ransomware, vendor lock-in, storage capacity and cloud mobility, as well as unpredictable world economical and health factors, into the equation. To add a cherry on top, the events of 2020 have now compounded these pressures like a match to a tinderbox.
'Australians reported a net loss of $12.3 million from more than 18,500 scams.' Data protection now needs to be a priority. Below are four of the main challenges facing the industry today as it still relies on legacy solutions.
1. Dealing with unreliable back-up Under the pressure of the pandemic, IT teams need to ensure employees work is still backed up from home. This is not an easy job when using legacy solutions, which use 20 year old code and try to retrofit it for the IT challenges of today. In addition, dedupe databases often become errorprone and can cause complete data loss. Many solutions lack data recovery verification or only provide this availability for limited platforms. Another issue is visibility into what is working and what’s not. All too often, IT admins only find out there’s an issue when it’s too late. Many companies chalk this up to a lack of training or skills. This is untrue. If a backup solution is stable, reliable