Welcome to Churchill’s Restaurant Portfolio, where interior design and food trends are explored in relation to innovations in tableware design. From the dark tones of industrial spaces to fresh botanical colours, Churchill has a solution to complement every style.
Many interior concepts are taking inspiration from nature and back-to-basics styling. Neutral colour tones are a core design trend and Churchill offers a range of products in natural tones to enhance food presentation. Escapism and scandi-style interiors also remain a major design trend.
Muchos conceptos de interior se inspiran en la naturaleza y el estilo de vuelta a lo básico. Los tonos de colores neutros son una tendencia de diseño relevante y Churchill ofrece una gama de productos en tonos naturales para mejorar la presentación de los alimentos. El escapismo y los interiores de estilo escandinavo también siguen siendo una tendencia de diseño importante.
Molti concept di interni prendono ispirazione dalla natura e dallo stile “come una volta”. Le tonalità neutre sono di tendenza nel design d’interni e anche Churchill, per l’allestimento della tavola, propone una vasta gamma di prodotti realizzati nei toni della natura perfetti per esaltare ogni tipologia di cibo e cucina.
De nombreux concepts d’intérieur s’inspirent de la nature, du minimalisme et du retour à l’essentiel. Les tons neutres sont intemporels et Churchill propose une gamme de produits dans des tons naturels pour assurer le contraste lors de la présentation des aliments. L’évasion et les intérieurs épurés restent également une tendance majeure du design.
Viele Einrichtungskonzepte lassen sich von der Natur inspirieren und die Designs orientieren sich an ihr.. Neutrale Farbtöne sind ein zentraler Designtrend, und Churchill bietet eine Reihe von Produkten in Naturtönen an, um die Präsentation von Lebensmitteln auf ein höheres Level zu heben. Auch der Eskapismus und der Scand-Stil bleiben ein wichtiger Designtrend.
The subtle tones and textures within Studio Prints are perfect to complement neutral interior design; mix Jasper Grey with soft shades in Stonecast to create a simplistic palette. Homespun Accents is ideal for the back to basics trend, with a balance of texture and colour alongside minimal white space.
Los tonos y texturas sutiles dentro de Studio Prints son perfectos para complementar el diseño interior neutro; mezcle Jasper Grey con tonos suaves en Stonecast para crear una paleta simplista. Homespun Accents es ideal para la tendencia de volver a lo básico, con un equilibrio de textura y color junto con un espacio en blanco mínimo.
I toni e le texture di Studio Print si sposano perfettamente con il design neutro degli interni; Mescola Jasper Grey con le sfumature morbide di Stonecast per creare una tavolozza soffice e prestigiosa. Homespun Accents è ideale per il ritorno alla tendenza “come una volta”, un equilibrio perfetto di texture e colori esaltano brillantemente spazi bianchi minimali.
Les tons réactifs et les textures subtiles de Studio Prints sont parfaits pour compléter un design d’intérieur neutre mélangez Jasper Grey avec des nuances douces en Stonecast pour créer une palette intemporelle. Homespun Accents est idéal pour illustrer la tendance du retour à l’essentiel, avec un équilibre de texture et de couleur ainsi qu’un espace blanc, non décoré pour sublimer les plus beaux dressages.
Die subtilen Farben und Texturen von Studio Prints eignen sich perfekt für neutral gehaltene Inneneinrichtungen; kombinieren Sie Jasper Grey mit den sanften Tönen von Stonecast, um eine schlichte Palette zu schaffen. Homespun Accents ist ideal für den “Back to Basics”-Trend, mit einem Gleichgewicht von Textur und Farbe neben minimalem Weißtönen.
Stonecast Peppercorn Grey
Studio Prints Raku Nourish Topaz Blue
Studio Prints Homespun Accents Jasper Grey
Studio Prints Stone Pearl Grey
Stonecast Canvas Grey
Diners continue to explore with their taste buds and the restaurant industry continues to be influenced by Southeast Asian street food. We have seen Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese and Vietnamese cuisine grow in popularity over the years.
Los comensales continúan explorando con sus papilas gustativas y la industria de los restaurantes continúa siendo influenciada por la comida callejera del sudeste asiático. Hemos visto crecer en popularidad la cocina coreana, japonesa, taiwanesa y vietnamita a través de los años.
La contaminazione è sempre più presente in ogni stile e cucina e l’industria gastronomica continua ad essere influenzata dal cibo di strada del sud-est asiatico. Abbiamo visto come la cucina coreana, giapponese, taiwanese e vietnamita si sono fatte sempre più conoscere e apprezzare nel corso degli ultimi anni fuori dai loro confini.
Les convives sont toujours curieux d’explorer les saveurs exotiques. L’industrie de la restauration continue d’être influencée par la cuisine de rue de l’Asie du Sud-Est. Nous avons vu la cuisine coréenne, japonaise, taïwanaise et vietnamienne gagner en popularité au fil des ans.
Die kulinarische Neugier der Gäste ist weiterhin auf Entdeckungsreise, und die Restaurantbranche wird weiterhin von südostasiatischen Street Food beeinflusst. Die koreanische, japanische, taiwanesische und vietnamesische Küche hat in den letzten Jahren stark an Beliebtheit gewonnen.
Asian Fusions remains the largest food trend and where we see the most new restaurant openings. Traditional recipes and innovative fusions are served up on varied and colourful tableware combinations.
Asian Fusions sigue siendo la tendencia gastronómica más importante y donde vemos la mayoría de las aperturas de restaurantes nuevos. Se sirven recetas tradicionales y fusiones innovadoras en combinaciones de vajillas variadas y coloridas.
L’Asian Fusion rimane il più grande trend gastronomico del momento e la presenza così importante di locali e ristoranti a tema ne testimonia l’avvenuto successo. Che siano ricette tradizionali o innovative contaminazioni il mix di colori e finiture nelle stoviglie rimane la scelta migliore per esaltarne le preziose caratteristiche.
Asian Fusions reste la plus grande tendance alimentaire représentant le plus grand nombre de créations et d’ouvertures de restaurants dans le Monde. Des recettes traditionnelles et des fusions innovantes sont servies sur des combinaisons de vaisselle variées et colorées.
Asiatische Fusionen sind nach wie vor der größte Küchentrend, und hier werden die meisten neuen Restaurants eröffnet. Traditionelle Rezepte und innovative Fusionen werden auf abwechslungsreichen und farbenfrohen Geschirrkombinationen serviert.
The industrial trend has become popular within restaurant interiors in recent years and is still a key design trend. Patina effects and rough unfinished surfaces remain popular, with stone and concrete tables, exposed brick and raw wood effects and metallic accents.
La tendencia industrial se ha vuelto popular dentro de los interiores de los restaurantes en los últimos años y sigue siendo una tendencia de diseño clave. Los efectos de pátina y las superficies ásperas sin terminar siguen siendo populares, con mesas de piedra y hormigón, ladrillos a la vista y efectos de madera en bruto y acentos metálicos.
Il mood industriale è diventato estremamente popolare negli interni di locali e ristoranti confermandosi la chiave vincente del trend design del momento. Il particolare effetto della finitura “Patina” ruvido al tatto e dalle sfumature accentuate si sposa perfettamente con pietra e tavoli in cemento, mattoni a vista e legno grezzo così come con effetti e accenti metallici.
La tendance industrielle est devenue populaire dans les intérieurs de restaurants ces dernières années et reste une tendance clé du design. Les effets de patine et les surfaces brutes ont du succès tout comme les tables en pierre et en béton, les effets de briques apparentes et de bois brut et des accents métalliques.
Der “Industrial Style” hat sich in den letzten Jahren in der Inneneinrichtung von Restaurants durchgesetzt und ist weiterhin ein wichtiger Designtrend. Patina-Effekte und raue, unbearbeitete Oberflächen sind nach wie vor beliebt, ebenso wie Stein- und Betonoptik, freiliegende Ziegelsteine, rohe Holzeffekte und metallische Akzente.
Dark industrial tones in large open spaces create a raw, urban aesthetic. Complement this design trend with black tableware in Studio Prints Stone, or warm metallic shades such as Patina Rust Red and Vintage Copper.
Los tonos industriales oscuros en grandes espacios abiertos crean una estética urbana cruda. Complemente esta tendencia de diseño con vajillas negras en Studio Prints Stone o tonos metálicos cálidos como Patina Rust Red y Vintage Copper.
Toni scuri di tipo industrial in grandi spazi aperti regalano un aspetto grezzo e urbano. Si abbinano perfettamente a questa tendenza le stoviglie Stone della linea Studio Prints, così come le calde tonalità metalliche di Patina Rust Red e Vintage Copper.
Les tons industriels sombres dans les grands espaces ouverts créent une esthétique brute et urbaine. Complétez cette tendance de design avec de la vaisselle noire en Studio Prints Stone ou des teintes métalliques chaudes telles que Patina Rust Red et Vintage Copper.
Dunkle, industrielle Farbtöne in großen, offenen Räumen schaffen eine raue, urbane Ästhetik. Ergänzen Sie diesen Designtrend mit schwarzem Geschirr in Studio Prints Stone oder warmen Metallic-Tönen wie Patina Rust Red und Vintage Copper.
As a fresh and calming tone, blue is the world’s favourite colour and is the ideal platform for stunning food presentation. The wide range of blue tones, from fresh sky blues to dusky teal, remain popular within interior design themes.
Como tono fresco y relajante, el azul es el color favorito del mundo y es la plataforma ideal para una presentación de comida asombrosa. La amplia gama de tonos azules, desde los azules celestes frescos hasta el verde azulado oscuro, sigue siendo popular dentro de los temas de diseño de interiores.
Da sempre sinonimo di fresco e rilassante, il blu è il colore più apprezzato al mondo ed è stato definito come base ideale per presentare il cibo. L’ampia gamma dei toni blu, dal cielo al turchese, si confermano la scelta più popolare tra gli interior design di tutto il mondo.
Ton frais et apaisant, le bleu est une des couleurs préférées. Cette palette infinie constitue la plate-forme idéale pour une présentation culinaire époustouflante. Toutes les déclinaisons des teintes bleutées restent très populaires dans les thématiques de design d’intérieur.
Als frischer und beruhigender Farbton ist Blau die Lieblingsfarbe der Welt und bietet die ideale Grundlage für eine beeindruckende Präsentation von Speisen. Die breite Palette an Blautönen, von frischem Himmelblau bis hin zu dunklem Türkis, ist in der Inneneinrichtung nach wie vor beliebt.
A striking tableware choice, fresh ingredients stand out against cool blue tones. Subtle shades such as Stonecast Duck Egg can be accented with vibrant Patina Cobalt Blue and Vintage Prints Med Tiles Aquamarine.
Los ingredientes frescos se destacan muy bien sobre los tonos azules fríos. Los tonos sutiles como Stonecast Duck Egg se pueden acentuar con Patina Cobalt Blue y Vintage Prints Med Tiles Aquamarine.
Una gamma di stoviglie veramente sorprendente toni azzurri più freschi e leggeri si contrappongono a quelli freddi e intensi dei blu. Sfumature sottili come quelle proposte in Stonecast Duck Egg le ritroviamo più intense e vibranti nella variante Patina Cobalt Blue e Vintage Prints Med Tiles Aquamarine.
Un choix de vaisselle saisissant, des ingrédients frais se démarquent des tons bleus froids. Des nuances subtiles telles que Stonecast Duck Egg peuvent être accentuées avec du bleu cobalt patiné et les Vintage Prints Med Tiles Aquamarine.
Frische Zutaten heben sich von kühlen Blautönen ab und ergeben eine auffällige Präsentation. Subtile Farbtöne wie “Stonecast Duck Egg Blue” können mit leuchtendem Patina Cobalt Blue und Vintage Prints Med Tiles Aquamarine akzentuiert werden.
get the look...
The botanical interior trend continues to be popular in hospitality interiors and has inspired many of our new product ranges. Fresh tropical greens are accented with floral pastels to bring the natural world inside.
La tendencia de interiores botánicos sigue siendo popular en los interiores de hostelería y ha inspirado muchas de nuestras nuevas gamas de productos. Los verdes tropicales frescos están acentuados con pasteles florales para traer el mundo natural al interior.
Il mood “Botanic” si conferma tra i più popolari nella scelta degli allestimenti legati all’ospitalità, ispirazione fondamentale per la creazione di molte delle nostre nuove creazioni. I mix dei verdi tropicali e dei fiori pastello trovano la loro perfetta collocazione all’interno di ambientazioni naturali e fresche.
Les ambiances botaniques et bucoliques continuent d’être populaires dans les intérieurs. Cette thématique a inspiré bon nombre de nos nouvelles gammes de produits. Les verts tropicaux frais sont rehaussés de pastels floraux pour faire entrer le monde naturel à l’intérieur.
Der botanisch, florale Trend ist im Gastgewerbe weiterhin sehr beliebt und hat viele unserer neuen Kollektionen inspiriert. Frische tropische Grüntöne werden mit floralen Pastellfarben akzentuiert, um die natürliche Welt ins Haus zu holen.
From the exotic tone of Stonecast Samphire Green to the earthy shade of Stonecast Plume Olive, the colour green is associated with freshness and the natural world. Churchill offers a wide range of products that would perfectly suit a botanical setting.
Desde el tono exótico de Stonecast Samphire Green hasta el tono terroso de Stonecast Plume Olive, el color verde se asocia con la frescura y el mundo natural. Churchill ofrece una amplia gama de productos que se adaptan perfectamente a un entorno botánico.
Dal tono esotico di Stonecast Samphire Green alla tonalità materica di Stonecast Plume Olive, il colore verde è associato da sempre alla freschezza e alla natura. Churchill offre una vasta gamma di prodotti che si adattano perfettamente a un ambiente in stile Botanic.
Du ton exotique du Stonecast Samphire Green à la teinte profonde du Stonecast Plume Olive, la couleur verte est associée à la fraîcheur et au monde naturel. Churchill propose une large gamme de produits qui conviendront parfaitement à un cadre botanique.
Vom exotischen Farbton Stonecast Samphire Green bis zum erdigen Farbton Stonecast Plume Olive wird die Farbe Grün mit Frische und der Natur assoziiert. Churchill bietet eine breite Palette von Produkten an, die perfekt in ein botanisches Ambiente passen.
Laid back and relaxed dining continues to be on the rise. As the casual dining industry evolves and innovates the tableware used becomes more creative; colour and shape combine to elevate simple but perfectly cooked dishes.
Entornos y comida informal siguen aumentando. A medida que la industria de la comida informal evoluciona e innova, la vajilla utilizada se vuelve más creativa; el color y la forma se combinan para realzar platos sencillos pero perfectamente cocinados.
Ambienti informali e rilassati continuano ad essere la scelta principale ed in forte aumento nel mondo dell’ospitalità. Man mano che il Casual Dining si evolve e innova, le stoviglie utilizzate per l’allestimento della tavola diventano sempre più creative; colori e forme si fondono per esaltare piatti semplici ma perfettamente preparati.
Les repas et ambiances décontractés continuent d’attirer les convives. Au fur et à mesure que l’industrie de la restauration évolue et innove, la vaisselle utilisée devient plus créative la couleur et la forme se combinent pour rehausser des plats simples mais parfaitement cuisinés.
Ungezwungenes und entspanntes Essen ist weiterhin auf dem Vormarsch. In dem Maße, wie sich die Casual-Dining-Branche weiterentwickelt und innoviert, wird auch das verwendete Geschirr immer kreativer; Farbe und Form verbinden sich, um einfache, aber perfekt zubereitete Gerichte aufzuwerten.
Stonecast Barley White pg 32
Stonecast Mustard Seed Yellow pg 32
Stonecast Tangerine pg 30
The Churchill portfolio is perfectly designed to mix and match between collections, enabling different tabletop looks that complement any meal or restaurant setting.
El portafolio de Churchill está perfectamente diseñado para mezclar y combinar entre colecciones, lo que permite diferentes estilos de mesa que complementan cualquier comida o entorno de restaurante.
L’assortimento Churchill è realizzato per consentire la creazione di look sempre nuovi, il mix tra colori e collezioni consente di completare qualsiasi ambiente o cucina con l’allestimento di una tavola perfettamente in linea con il mood scelto.
Les collections Churchill sont parfaitement conçues pour un mix and match de couleurs permettant différents looks à table qui complètent tout type de repas ou cadre de restaurant.
Das Churchill-Portfolio ist so konzipiert, dass sich die einzelnen Kollektionen perfekt miteinander kombinieren lassen, so dass verschiedene Tischgestaltungen möglich sind, die zu jeder Mahlzeit und jedem Restaurant passen.
Cup SWHSCB061 17cl 6oz
H: 5.5cm
Dia: 9cm
CTN QTY 12 €6.94
Saucer SWHSCSS 1 15.6cm 6¼”
€6.60 (Fits SWHSCB441, SWHSCB401, SWHSCB281, SWHSCB111 ,SWHSCB201 & SWHSCB061)
Stacking Cup SWHSVSC81
22cl 8oz H: 7cm
Dia: 8.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €7.17
Intermediate Oval Eared Dish SWHSSOEN 1 20.5 x 11.3cm 8⅛ x 4⅜” 25.5cl 9oz
CTN QTY 6 €19.22
17.5 x 21.5cm
CTN QTY 6 €28.21
Ramekin SWHSLRKN1 9cm 3½’’ 19.5cl 6.9oz
CTN QTY 24 €6.09
Ramekin SWHSSRKN1 7cm 2¾’’ 9cl 3.2oz
CTN QTY 24 €5.34
Noodle Bowl SWHSNDBL1 107.5cl 37.8oz
H: 8cm
Dia: 18.3cm
Zest Bowl SWHSZE121
34cl 12oz
H: 6.5cm
Dia: 12.1cm
CTN QTY 12 €12.06
Ripple Chip Mug SWHSRPCM1 28cl 10oz
H: 9.5cm
Dia: 8.3cm
CTN QTY 12 €10.50
CTN QTY 12 €18.43
Soup Bowl SWHSRBL61
47cl 16oz H: 6.3cm
Dia: 13.2cm
34cl 12oz
H: 11cm
Saucer SWHSVSM 1 15cm 5⅞”
CTN QTY 12 €6.47 (Fits SWHSVSC81)
Espresso Cup SWHSCEB91
10cl 3.5oz
H: 5.5cm
Dia: 6.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €5.60
Saucer SWHSESS 1 11.8cm 4½”
CTN QTY 12 €6.45 (Fits SWHSCEB91)
Beverage Pot SWHSSB301
85.2cl 30oz H: 15cm
CTN QTY 4 €43.10 Replacement Lid SWHSRL301
CTN QTY 6 €11.06
Beverage Pot SWHSSB151 42.6cl 15oz H: 10.5cm
CTN QTY 4 €33.21 Replacement Lid SWHSRL151
CTN QTY 6 €11.06 Jug SWHSSJ4 1 11.4cl 4oz
Stacking Bowl SWHSVB141
36cl 12.6oz H: 5.5cm Dia: 11.5cm
Ripple Dip Pot SWHSRPD21 5.7cl 2oz
H: 5cm
Dia: 5.9cm
Deep Bowl SWHSBSDB1 10.2cm 4” 24cl 8.4oz
CTN QTY 12 €8.55
Sauce Dish SWHSSD3 1
Dip Pot SWHSBSD41 8.5cm 3 ” 11cl 4oz
CTN QTY 12 €8.04
Snack Bowl SWHSBS141 13cm 5 ” 40cl 14oz
Shallow Bowl SWHSBSB91 13cm 5 ” 26cl 9oz
CTN QTY 12 €10.15
Dip Pot SWHSBSD21 7cm 2 ” 6cl 2oz
CTN QTY 12 €6.43
Cappuccino Cup SWHSCB441
CTN QTY 6 €15.15
Cappuccino Cup SWHSCB401 46cl 16oz H: 7cm Dia: 11cm
CTN QTY 6 €10.90
Shallow Bowl SWHSBSB61 11.6cm 4⅝” 20cl 7oz
CTN QTY 12 €8.97
Chip Mug SWHSBSCM1 10cm 3⅞” 29cl 11oz
CTN QTY 12 €10.03
Cappuccino Cup SWHSCB281 34cl 12oz H: 6.5cm Dia: 11cm
CTN QTY 12 €9.14
Cappuccino Cup
SWHSCB111 28cl 10oz H: 6cm Dia: 11cm
CTN QTY 12 €8.38
Cappuccino Cup
SWHSCB201 22.7cl 8oz H: 5.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €7.46
Dia: 8cm
CTN QTY 12 €11.95
CTN QTY 4 €14.76
Jug SWHSSJ2 1 5.6cl 2oz H: 5cm
CTN QTY 12 €8.91
Sugar Bowl SWHSSSGR1 22.7cl 8oz H: 6.2cm
CTN QTY 12 €7.68
Bud Vase SWHSSBV 1 12.5cm 5”
CTN QTY 6 €17.46
Salt SWHSSSA 1 7cm 2½”
CTN QTY 12 €13.70
Pepper SWHSSPE 1 7cm 2½
CTN QTY 12 €13.70
Barley White Code: ZPL
Trace Melamine
Round Handled Melamine Paddle Board
CTN QTY 4 €37.49 (45cm 18” inc handle)
Coupe Plate
Coupe Plate
Coupe Plate
Coupe Bowl
Coupe Bowl
Chefs' Walled Plate CSNTWP261 26cm 10¼”
Chefs' Walled
Triangle Plate
Triangle Plate
Triangle Bowl
Chefs' Oblong
Chefs' Oblong
Plate No.3
Saucer PLGRCSS 1 15.6cm 6¼”
Dia: 6.5cm
Deep Purple
Coupe Plate PAIBEV121
CTN QTY 6 €27.81
Chefs’ Walled Plate PAIBWP211
Coupe Plate PAIBEV111 28.8cm 11¼”
CTN QTY 12 €20.77
Organic Round Plate PAIBOG111 28.6cm 11¼”
CTN QTY 12 €29.17
Coupe Plate PAIBEV101 26cm 10¼”
CTN QTY 12 €16.00
Organic Round Plate PAIBOG101 26.4cm 10⅜”
CTN QTY 12 €21.37
Coupe Plate PAIBEVP81 21.7cm 8 ”
CTN QTY 12 €12.06
Organic Round Plate PAIBOG8 1 21cm 8¼”
Coupe Plate PAIBEVP61 16.5cm 6½”
CTN QTY 12 €9.21
Organic Round Plate PAIBOG7 1
Coupe Bowl PAIBEVB91
CTN QTY 12 €20.77
Organic Round Bowl PAIBOGB11
Triangle Plate
Triangle Plate
Triangle Plate
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.4
Chefs' Oblong
Cappuccino Cup PAIBCB281
34cl 12oz H: 6.5cm
Dia: 11cm
Triangle Bowl PAIBTRB91
Coupe Bowl PAIBEVB71 18.2cm 7¼”
CTN QTY 12 €13.48
Wide Rim Bowl PAIBVWBL1
CTN QTY 12 €24.73
Triangle Bowl
Chefs’ Walled Plate PAIBWP261
26cm 10¼" H: 2cm
CTN QTY 6 €28.31
Triangle Plate PAIBTR121 31.1cm 12¼”
CTN QTY 6 €31.15
Triangle Bowl PAIBTRB61
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.9
x 24.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €13.29
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.8 PAIBOBL41
x 19.9cm 12 x 7 ”
CTN QTY 6 €41.57
Indigo Blue Code: SHBI
Coupe Plate SHBIEV121 32.4cm 12¾”
CTN QTY 6 €27.81
Triangle Plate SHBITR101 26.5cm 10½”
CTN QTY 12 €22.86
Coupe Plate SHBIEV111 28.8cm 11¼”
CTN QTY 12 €20.77
Triangle Plate SHBITR9 1 22.9cm 9”
CTN QTY 12 €16.19
Coupe Plate SHBIEV101 26cm 10¼”
CTN QTY 12 €16.00
Triangle Bowl SHBITRB91 23.5cm 9¼” 60cl 21oz
CTN QTY 12 €24.80
Coupe Plate SHBIEVP81 21.7cm 8 ”
CTN QTY 12 €12.06
Triangle Bowl SHBITRB61 18.5cm 6” 37cl 13oz
CTN QTY 12 €18.26
Coupe Plate SHBIEVP61 16.5cm 6½”
CTN QTY 12 €9.21
Oval Coupe Plate SHBID12 1 30.5cm 12"
CTN QTY 12 €30.02
Coupe Bowl SHBIEVB91 24.8cm 9¾” 113.6cl 40oz
CTN QTY 12 €20.77
Oval Coupe Plate SHBID10 1 25.4cm 10"
CTN QTY 12 €24.98
Coupe Bowl SHBIEVB71 18.2cm 7¼” 42.6cl 15oz
CTN QTY 12 €13.48
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.9 SHBIXP141 35.5 x 24.5cm 13½
Triangle Plate SHBITR121 31.1cm 12¼”
CTN QTY 12 €31.15
Kochi Barley White
Kochi Duck Egg
Stone Grey Code: SPSG
Slate Blue Code: SPSB
Charcoal Black Code: SPCB
Coupe Plate
CTN QTY 12 €23.04
Oval Coupe Plate SPSGOP121
31.7 x 25.5cm
Coupe Plate SPSGEV101 26cm 10¼”
CTN QTY 12 €16.28
Oval Coupe Plate SPSGOP581
x 22.9cm 10⅝ x 9”
CTN QTY 12 €29.82
Coupe Plate SPSGEVP81
Square Plate SPSGSP111 25.2cm 10”
CTN QTY 12 €24.26
Coupe Plate SPSGEVP61 16.5cm 6½”
Square Plate SPSGSP9 1 21.5cm 8½”
CTN QTY 12 €17.34
Coupe Bowl SPSGEVB91 24.8cm 9¾” 113.6cl 40oz
CTN QTY 12 €23.04
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.4 SPSGXO141 35.5 x 18.9cm 13⅞ x 7⅜”
CTN QTY 6 €45.31
Coupe Bowl SPSGEVB71 18.2cm 7¼” 42.6cl 15oz
CTN QTY 12 €13.77
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.3 SPSGXO111
29.8 x 15.3cm 11¾ x 6”
CTN QTY 12 €30.58
Wide Rim Bowl SPSGVWBL1 28cm 11” 46.8cl 16.5oz
CTN QTY 12 €27.19
Wide Rim Bowl SPSGVWBM1 24cm 9½” 28.4cl 10oz
CTN QTY 12 €23.29
Saucer SPSGCSS 1 15.6cm 6¼”
CTN QTY 12 (Fits SPSGCB201) €8.14 Sugar Bowl
CTN QTY 4 €38.41
CTN QTY 4 €18.23
26.5cm 10½”
CTN QTY 12 €26.72
Triangle Plate
9” CTN QTY 12 €18.46
Triangle Bowl ATBLTRB91
23.5cm 9¼”
60cl 21oz CTN QTY 12
Triangle Bowl ATBLTRB71
18.5cm 7¼”
37cl 13oz CTN QTY 12 €22.64
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.2 ATBLXO101 26.9 x 12.7cm 10½ x 5"
Chefs' Oblong Plate No. 1
Deep Coupe Bowl FSGYEB191 19.6cm
Quartz Black Code: RKBQ
Topaz Blue Code: RKTB
Jasper Grey Code: RKGJ
Jade Green Code: RKJG
Garnet Orange Code: RKGO
Coupe Plate RKBQEV111 28.8cm 11¼”
CTN QTY 12 €23.04
Deep Coupe
Coupe Plate RKBQEV101 26cm 10¼”
CTN QTY 12 €16.28
Chefs' Walled Plate RKBQWP261 26cm 10¼”
CTN QTY 6 €28.31
Organic Round
Coupe Plate RKBQEVP81 21.7cm 8 ”
CTN QTY 12 €13.77
Chefs' Walled Plate RKBQWP211 21cm 8¼” H: 2cm
CTN QTY 6 €22.42
Coupe Plate RKBQEVP61 16.5cm 6½” CTN QTY 12 €9.04
Organic Round
Plate RKBQOG111 28.6cm 11¼”
QTY 12 €38.64
Coupe Bowl RKBQEVB91
9¾” CTN QTY 12 €23.04
Organic Round
Plate RKBQOG101 26.4cm 10⅜” CTN QTY 12 €28.19
Triangle Plate
Agate Grey Code: RKAG
Rose Quartz Pink Code: RKQP
Coupe Bowl RKBQEVB71 18.2cm 7¼” 42.6cl 15oz
CTN QTY 12 €13.77
Organic Round
Plate RKBQOG8 1
CTN QTY 12 €19.38
Triangle Bowl
Deep Coupe Bowl RKBQEB221
8 ” H: 6.5cm 110cl 39oz
CTN QTY 6 €19.61
Organic Round Plate RKBQOG7 1 18.6cm 7¼” CTN QTY 12 €14.94
Chefs' Triangle Plate RKBQTC361
CTN QTY 6 €41.50
Chefs' Triangle Plate RKBQTC301
x 20.5cm
CTN QTY 6 €37.57
CTN QTY 6 €32.34
Chefs' Oblong
Agate Grey Code: STAG
Pearl Grey Code: STGP
Quartz Black Code: STQB
Aquamarine Code: STAM
Coupe Plate STAGEV111 28.8cm 11¼”
CTN QTY 12 €23.04
Triangle Plate
Coupe Plate STAGEV101 26cm 10¼”
CTN QTY 12 €16.28
Coupe Plate STAGEVP81 21.7cm 8 ”
CTN QTY 12 €13.77
Triangle Bowl STAGTRB91
Chefs’ Oval Plate STAGOV351 34 x 17.3cm 13⅝ x 6¾”
CTN QTY 6 €37.57
Coupe Plate STAGEVP61 16.5cm 6½”
CTN QTY 12 €9.04
Triangle Bowl STAGTRB71 18.5cm 7¼” 37cl
Oval Coupe Plate STAGOV301 29 x 15cm 11¾ x 5⅞”
CTN QTY 12 €24.74
Coupe Bowl STAGEVB91 24.8cm 9¾” 113.6cl 40oz
CTN QTY 12 €23.04
Oval Coupe Plate STAGOP121
31.7 x 25.5cm
12½ x 10
CTN QTY 12 €32.23
Coupe Bowl STAGEVB71 18.2cm 7¼” 42.6cl 15oz
CTN QTY 12 €13.77
Oval Coupe Plate STAGOP581 27 x 22.9cm 10⅝ x 9”
CTN QTY 12 €29.82
Triangle Plate STAGTR101 26.5cm 10½”
Walled Plate KTAGWP261
26cm 10¼" H: 2cm
CTN QTY 6 €28.31
60cl 21oz
CTN QTY 12 €31.13
Triangle Bowl KTAGTRB71 18.5cm 7¼”
37cl 13oz
CTN QTY 12 €21.56
Walled Plate KTAGWP211
21cm 8¼" H: 2cm
CTN QTY 6 €22.42
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.4 KTAGXO141
35.5 x 18.9cm
13⅞ x 7⅜”
CTN QTY 6 €45.31
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.3 KTAGXO111
29.8 x 15.3cm 11¾ x 6”
CTN QTY 12 €30.58
Coupe Plate
Coupe Bowl
Coupe Bowl
Chefs' Geo Plate
Chefs’ Organic Walled Plate TDBKOW211
CTN QTY 6 €35.23
CTN QTY 6 €19.31
Coast Code: HECO Dune Code: HEDU
Fern Code: HEFE
Chefs' Walled Plate HECOWP261 26cm 10¼” H: 2cm
CTN QTY 6 €24.06
Chefs' Walled Plate HECOWP161 15.7cm 6⅛” H: 2cm
CTN QTY 6 €17.31
Tasting Tray HECOOF331 32.3 x 10.5cm 12¾ x 4⅛”
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.4 HECOXO141 35.5 x 18.9cm 13⅞ x 7⅜"
CTN QTY 6 €38.52
Tasting Tray HECOOF301 29.5 x 8.8cm 11½ x 3⅜" CTN QTY 6
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.3 HECOXO111 29.8 x 15.3cm 11¾ x 6"
CTN QTY 12 €25.99
Tasting Tray HECOOF231 24.7 x 8.8cm 96/8 x 3⅜" CTN QTY 6 €19.31
Cappuccino Cup HECOCB281
34cl 12oz
H: 6.5cm
Dia: 11cm
CTN QTY 12 €9.79
Cappuccino Cup HECOCB201 22.7cl 8oz
H: 5.5cm
Dia: 9.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €8.07
Saucer HECOCSS 1 15.6cm 6¼"
CTN QTY 12 €6.92 (Fits HECOCB281 & HECOCB201)
Chefs' Walled Plate HECOWP211 21cm 8¼” H: 2cm
CTN QTY 6 €19.06
Espresso Cup HECOCEB91 10cl 3.5oz
H: 5.5cm
Dia: 6.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €6.31
Espresso Saucer HECOESS 1 11.8cm 4½"
CTN QTY 12 €6.10 (Fits HECOCEB91)
White Code: WHIS
Presentation Plate
Footed Plate WHISIF101 26.1cm 10¼” CTN QTY 12 €8.91
Deep Coupe Plate WHISID251
Organic Round Plate WHISOI111
Footed Plate WHISIF9 1 23.4cm 9⅛” CTN QTY 12 €7.68
Organic Round Plate
Oatmeal Bowl WHISIPOB1
Chefs’ Oblong Plate WHISIO141
Chefs’ Oblong Plate WHISIO111
Saucer WHISISM 1 15cm 5⅞”
CTN QTY 12 €4.82 (Fits WHISISC81, WHISIT121, WHISIT81)
Plate WHISIP8 1 21cm 8¼”
Plate WHISIP651 17cm 6⅝” CTN QTY 12 €4.88
Organic Round Plate
Deep Coupe Plate WHISID271 28.1cm 11” H: 3.7cm
Pasta Bowl WHISIPPB1 30.8cm 12⅛”
Wide Rim Bowl WHISIWBL1 28cm 11”
Consomme Bowl WHISIB141 36cl 12.6oz
Deep Coupe Plate RKBQID271 28.1cm 11”
CTN QTY 12 €28.07 H:
CTN QTY 12 €23.64
Chip Mug
Dip Pot
Dip Pot
Rice Bowl
Stacking Cup
22cl 8oz
H: 7cm
Dia: 8.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €8.55
Stacking Cup
20cl 7oz
H: 5.5cm
Dia: 9cm
Footed Plate
Footed Plate
Footed Plate
Footed Plate
Plate WHBALP651
Rimmed Bowl
CTN QTY 12 €6.21
Beverage Pot WHBALB301 85.2cl 30oz
H: 15cm
CTN QTY 4 €39.90
Replacement Lid
WH RL301
CTN QTY 6 €10.30
Coffee Cup
WHBALT121 34cl 12oz
H: 7cm
Dia: 10.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €8.84
Beverage Pot WHBALB151 42.6cl 15oz
H: 10.5cm
CTN QTY 4 €30.31
Replacement Lid
WH RL151
CTN QTY 6 €10.30
Tea Cup WHBALT8 1 22cl 8oz
H: 6.5cm
Dia: 9.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €6.21
Saucer WHBALSM 1 15cm 5⅞”
CTN QTY 12 €4.82
Jug WHBALJ8 1 22.7cl 8oz
H: 7cm
CTN QTY 4 €16.94
Jug WHBALJ4 1 11.4cl 4oz H: 5.5cm
CTN QTY 4 €13.70
Espresso Cup
9cl 3oz
H: 5.3cm
Dia: 6cm
CTN QTY 12 €6.76
Espresso Cup
WHBALE3 1 11cl 3.5oz
H: 5.8cm
Dia: 6.4cm
CTN QTY 12 €3.91
Jug WHBALJ2 1 5.6cl 2oz H: 5cm
CTN QTY 12 €8.70
Open Sugar Bowl WHBALSGR1 22.7cl 8oz
H: 6.2cm
Dia: 9.8cm
CTN QTY 12 €6.78
WHBALSS 1 12.8cm 5”
CTN QTY 12 €3.91 (Fits WHBALSC31, WHBALE31)
Stacking Cup
28cl 10oz
H: 6.5cm
Dia: 10cm
CTN QTY 12 €8.06
Mug WHBALM121 34cl 12oz H: 11cm
Dia: 10.6cm
CTN QTY 12 €9.78
Optional Lid (Plain)
CTN QTY 12 €9.46
Snack Bowl
Shallow Bowl
Willow Victorian Calico
Code: CAW
Grey Rose Chintz
Code: RCG
Blue Bramble Georgian Code: BBA
Plate CAW VP111 30.5cm 12"
CTN QTY 6 €19.95
Prague Victoria
Code: CAP
Cranberry Rose Chintz
Code: RCC
Bramble Georgian Code: CBA
Plate CAW VP8 1 21cm 8¼"
CTN QTY 6 €10.30
Rimmed Bowl CAW VRSB1 24.9cm 9¾" 50cl 17.5oz
CTN QTY 6 €14.70
Tea Cup BWL GTC71 19.8cl 7oz H: 7cm
Dia: 9cm
CTN QTY 12 €9.86
Tea/Coffee Pot BWL PS301 85.2cl 30oz H: 17.5cm
CTN QTY 4 €44.87
Replacement Lid BWL LS301 CTN QTY 6 €13.28
Tea/Coffee Pot BWL PS151 42cl 15oz H: 14.5cm
CTN QTY 4 €35.69
Replacement Lid
Code: TOP Prague Rose Chintz
Code: RCP
Cranberry Toile
Code: TOC
Blue willow
Code: BLW
Prague Toile
Cranberry Willow Code: CWL
Triangle Plate RCP TR9 1 22.9cm 9"
CTN QTY 12 €15.88
Oval Coupe Plate CAP OP121 31.7 x 25.5cm 12½ x 10”
CTN QTY 12 €32.46
Jug BWL JS251 14cl 5oz H: 10cm
CTN QTY 4 €14.29
Deep Coupe Plate TOP PD271 28.1cm 11” H: 3.7cm
CTN QTY 12 €27.58
Chefs' Oblong Plate No.3 TOC XO111 29.8 x 15.3cm 11¾ x 6”
CTN QTY 12 €30.58
Sugar Bowl BWL B35 1 9cm 3½"
CTN QTY 12 €10.18
Replacement Lid BWL LS 1
QTY 6 €13.28
Saucer BWL GTS 1 14.1cm 5½" CTN QTY 12 €6.57 (Fits GTC71)
Aquamarine Code: MTAQ
Coupe Plate MTAQEV111 28.8cm 11¼"
CTN QTY 12 €23.04
Deep Coupe Plate MTAQPD251 25.5cm H: 3.5cm CTN QTY 12 €23.15
Triangle Plate MAATTR101 26.5cm 10½”
CTN QTY 12 €25.44
Aquamarine Accents Code: MAAT
Coupe Plate MTAQEV101 26cm 10¼"
CTN QTY 12 €16.28
Chefs’ Oblong Plate No.4 MTAQXO141 35.5 x 18.9cm
CTN QTY 6 €45.31
Triangle Plate MAATTR9 1 22.9cm 9”
CTN QTY 12 €17.59
Coupe Plate MTAQEVP81
Deep Coupe Plate MTAQPD271 28.1cm H: 3.7cm
CTN QTY 12 €27.58
Chefs’ Oblong Plate No.3 MTAQXO111 29.8 x 15.3cm
CTN QTY 12 €30.58
Triangle Plate MAATTR7 1 19.2cm 7¾”
CTN QTY 12 €13.74
Round Dish MTAQID6 1 16 x 14.5cm 6¼ x 5¾" 24.7cl 8.7oz
CTN QTY 12 €23.04
Triangle Bowl MAATTRB91 23.5cm 9¼” 60cl 21oz
CTN QTY 12 €31.13
Chefs' Walled Plate MTAQWP261 26cm 10¼" H: 2cm
CTN QTY 12 €18.87
Triangle Bowl MAATTRB71 18.5cm 7¼” 37cl 13oz
CTN QTY 12 €21.56
Chefs' Walled Plate MTAQWP211 21cm 8¼" H: 2cm
CTN QTY 6 €28.31
CTN QTY 6 €22.42
Chefs' Walled Plate WH WP281 27.5cm
Chefs' Walled Plate
Chefs’ Walled Plate
Chefs’ Walled Plate WH WP161 15.7cm
Chefs’ Triangle Walled
Chefs’ Triangle Plate
Chefs’ Triangle Plate
Chefs’ Triangle Walled
Chefs’ Triangle Plate
Chefs’ Walled Oblong Plate WH WO341
Chefs’ Geo Plates
Chefs’ Oblong
Chefs’ Oblong Platter No.9 WH XP141
Chefs’ Oblong Platter
Chefs’ Oblong Plate No.8 WH OBL41
Chefs’ Oblong Platter No.3
Chefs’ Oblong Plate No.2 WH
Chefs’ Tasting Tray
Chefs’ Tasting Tray
Chefs’ Oblong
Chefs’ Walled Oblong Plate
Triangle Shallow Bowl
Chefs’ Oblong Plate No.7
Chefs’ Oblong Plate No.6
Chefs’ Oval Plate
Chefs’ Tasting Tray
Chefs’ Organic Walled Plate WH OW261
Chefs’ Organic Walled Plate
Chefs’ Organic Walled Bowl WH WOB21
Chefs’ Organic Walled Bowl WH WOB11 20cm 7 ”
H: 4.5cm
Cappuccino Cup MOBLCB281
H: 6.5cm
Dia: 11cm
CTN QTY 12 €9.14
Sapphire Blue Code: MOBL Cinnamon Brown Code: MOBR Onyx Black Code: MOBK Mist Blue Code: MOMB Vintage Copper Code: MOVC Iron Black Code: MOIB White Code: WH
Cappuccino Cup MOBLCB201 22.7cl 9oz
H: 5.5cm
Dia: 9.5cm
CTN QTY 12 €7.48
Saucer MOMBCSS 1 15.6cm 6¼"
CTN QTY 12 €6.60 (Fits MOBLCB281
Small Organic Board
ZCAWOB2 1 32 x 17cm 12¾ x 6⅞"
Large Nesting Riser
L: 44.5cm 17½"
W: 25.8cm 10⅛"
H: 23.5cm 9¼"
CTN QTY 1 €130.51
Medium Nesting Riser
L: 42.1cm 16⅝"
GN 1/1 Tray
53 x 32.5cm 20 x 12 ”
GN 2/4 Tray
ZPL WGN21 53 x 16.2cm
20 x 6 ” CTN QTY 4 €36.01
GN 1/1 Tray
ZPL BGN11 53 x 32.5cm 20 x 12 ”
GN 2/4 Tray
ZPL BGN21 53 x 16.2cm 20 x 6 ”
Rectangular Tile
25.8 x 22.1cm
10 x 8¾"
Melamine Handled Paddle Board
ZPL HPW 1 26.6 x 14cm
10½ x 5½"
CTN QTY 4 €18.45 (37.3cm 14⅝" inc handle)
Rectangular Melamine
Melamine Buffet Tray ZPL MRT21 ZPL MRG21 56 x 15.3cm 22 x 6” CTN QTY 4 €49.21
Melamine Buffet Tray ZPL MRW21 ZPL MRG21
22 x 6”
Buffet Tray
Melamine Buffet Tray ZPL MRT31 53 x 32.5cm 20⅞ x 12¾" CTN QTY 2 €75.98
Melamine Buffet Tray
Melamine Buffet Tray ZPL MRT 1 30 x 14.5cm 11¾ x 5¾" CTN QTY 6 €20.09
Buffet Tray ZPL MST 1 30.3 x 30.3cm 11⅞ x 11⅞" CTN QTY 4 €44.91
Melamine Handled Paddle Board
ZPL HPG 1 26.6 x 14cm 10½ x 5½"
€20.24 (37.3cm 14⅝" inc handle)
Melamine Handled Paddle Board
ZPL HPDW1 26.6 x 14cm 10½ x 5½" CTN QTY 4 €20.24 (37.3cm 14⅝" inc handle)
Melamine Round Handled Paddle Board ZPL RPDW1
CTN QTY 4 €37.49 (45cm 18" inc handle)
Melamine Large Handled Paddle Board
Melamine Tilt Buffet Bowl
33 x 15.5cm
61 x 13cm 24 x 5"
CTN QTY 4 €38.21 *Size inc handle.
ZPL MRTW1 30 x 14.5cm 11¾ x 5¾" CTN QTY 6 €20.09
ZPL MSTW1 30.3 x 30.3cm 11⅞ x 11⅞" CTN QTY 4 €44.91
14 x 11 x 7⅛"
13 x 6⅛"
350cl 123oz
CTN QTY 2 €43.27
35.5 x 35cm
14 x 13¾"
Melamine Bowl
Melamine Bowl
38cm 15"
Exclusively designed in-house by our UK based design team, Churchill cutlery is strong, stylish and designed to perform. The high quality 18/10 stainless steel meets the highest standards in durability and performance, with the Churchill reassurance of continuity and stock availability.
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 577 566
Fax: +44 (0) 1782 524 355
email: info@churchill1795.com
No. 1 Marlborough Way
Business Design Centre
Suite 102 52 Upper Street Islington London
N1 0QH
Rankestraße 8 10789
Berlin Germany
Calle Princesa No 2
7ta Planta
Puertas 4 y 5
Madrid 28008
Tel: 910 004 929
BS 4034 BS 12875 p5
In the printing of this brochure, every effort has been made to ensure perfect reproduction of product colours, but due to printing limitations, they may not be an exact match to the actual product.