APWA Reporter, August 2012 issue

Page 44

Succeeding at succession: a portfolio approach Jay T. Spurgin, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director City of Thousand Oaks, California Presenter, 2012 APWA Congress

ransitioning from a graying workforce to the next generation of leaders is much like running a relay race—the runner about to receive the baton must begin running before the handoff. If your next generation of leaders is standing still when it’s their turn to run, the organization is likely to fall behind. The City of Thousand Oaks has taken a portfolio approach to get the next runner sprinting before handing off the baton. Although succession planning may take time, the need for it can be seen from a long ways away. The average age of our public works staff is 48 years old. Furthermore, over

54 percent of these employees are eligible for retirement within the next five years. While this news may be cause for alarm in some cities, Thousand Oaks has established programs to ease the transition.

Internship Program Over the past four years, the Public Works Department has had 22 interns and an even larger number of volunteers, some of whom have become full-time permanent employees. Too often, internship programs are viewed as an obligatory handout to imminent college graduates or a community service project at the expense of the City. In reality, both parties are better served

when the City’s interests are put first. The end goal to any internship program should be to identify the best talent available and retain them as employees. Being able to test-drive potential job candidates as interns before diving in headfirst with a new permanent hire will ensure your city gets the best that the applicant pool has to offer. The work given to interns is equally as important as selecting the right intern. To truly assess whether an intern is capable of handling complex assignments, they must be given those assignments. Using interns to repetitively perform routine tasks does not give the intern an opportunity to demonstrate their skills set. In the past year alone, our department has used interns to help establish the City’s Green Business Program, develop an Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan, and expand the department’s GIS database.

Thousand Oaks Leadership Academy

The 2011-2012 graduating class of the Thousand Oaks Leadership Academy (TOLA). Seven of the 15 graduates are from the Public Works Department. 42 APWA Reporter

August 2012

The Thousand Oaks Leadership Academy (TOLA) is a six-month program designed to give employees exposure to various functions of the City, develop working relationships among the participants from different departments, and learn how to make a formal presentation to City Council. For one day a month, the participants learn about the City’s various functions, which includes visits to various public works sites, police and fire training

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Articles inside

Products in the News

pages 142-149


pages 140-141

World of Public Works Calendar

pages 154-156

Ask Ann

pages 138-139

Roadway safety data and public works: it’s fundamental

pages 134-137

Green infrastructure the answer for Frog Hollow residents

pages 132-133

How to hire a construction management firm

pages 128-131

Public works agencies in U.S. look to Japan for best practices in delivering more projects within budget

pages 126-127

Students and public works collaborate to keep one small city (and the rest of the world) clean

pages 122-125

Understanding contract documents

pages 120-121

Underground at the 2012 London Olympics

pages 116-119

Converting a degraded quarry into a community asset

pages 114-115

Building a Green Roof to promote environmental responsibility

pages 106-109

Understanding the options in construction management

pages 100-101

Claims mitigation and avoidance

pages 110-113

Pay it forward: volunteers make the difference

pages 98-99

What’s next for public safety in the right-of-way?

pages 78-81

Keyholing and core farming: the perfect match

pages 74-77

Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Jobs Creation Act of 2011

pages 72-73

Utility coordination at FLL: abandoned underground lines

pages 68-71

Case study for automating field data collection with smart phones

pages 60-61

Global Solutions in Public Works

pages 52-59

Pipe bursting of asbestos cement pipe: making it happen

pages 62-63

The Great 8

pages 48-51

Trends in equipment operator training technology

pages 46-47

Trees v. Sidewalks: There doesn’t have to be a loser

pages 38-39

Succeeding at succession: a portfolio approach

pages 44-45

Engage the public and get work done: a shared responsibility strategy

pages 40-43

Don’t miss these at Congress

page 35

One-day passes available for Congress

page 36

Media relations for public works

page 37

Four options to attend Congress

page 34

Awards 2012

pages 20-33

Chapter Membership Achievement Award winners announced

page 15

Boomers Millennials: Are we really that different?

pages 16-17

Washington Insight

pages 8-9

Education Calendar

page 7

Mentoring the next generation of leaders within the APWA Donald C. Stone Center

pages 12-14

A year of diversity

pages 18-19

President’s Message

pages 4-6
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