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Inside/Out: The Essential Guide to the Skin, Gills and Guts of Fish

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Blue Aqua

This new educational resource from Alltech® focuses on the commonalities of the skin, gills and guts of fish, offering an insight into their impact on the health and welfare of today’s farmed fish. The book is written by John Sweetman and Gijs Rutjes, who have a combined experience of over 40 years in the field of aquaculture. John decided to undertake this project to provide the industry – fish farmers in particular – with an applied fish health guide that was accessible to everyone, regardless of the level of knowledge or experience of the reader.

“Inside/Out: The Essential Guide to the Skin, Gills

and Guts of Fish” is designed to deliver a clear understanding of the function and structure of these three vital tissues, that apply to all aquaculture fish species. Opening with an overview of the skin, gills and guts, the authors then discuss how these tissues relate to key areas such as immune defense, stress management and nutrition. Their role and the effect of nutrition and the environment is discussed in terms of growth, performance and disease prevention. Ultimately this guide presents ways to support and maintain the structural integrity of the skin, gills and guts of fish while optimising their functional capabilities. John explains, “Inside/Out helps the reader understand the commonalities of those tissues and their complex responses.”

John was a pioneer in the development of Mediterranean marine species aquaculture. He has 40 years of extensive practical experience in fresh water and marine finfish farm design, construction, production and management. Currently, he is the international project manager of aquaculture for Alltech, charged with implementing its scientific advances in all aspects of industrial aquaculture practices.

His recent areas of interest include innovative advances in the understanding of gut structure and function, mucosal production, mineral nutrition and immune responses that promote robust healthy, well performing fish.

“Every fish farmer is concerned with the health and wellbeing of their stocks, because healthy robust fish perform well and ensure a good financial return,” John explains. “The ability to observe, interpret and understand the behaviour of the fish on the farm is an essential prerequisite to good operational management. That is what we want to help readers achieve.”

John sought the expertise of his longtime colleague Gijs Rutjes, who helped write this book. Gijs studied aquaculture at Wageningen University, Netherlands, specialising in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), fish nutrition and immunity in fish. He joined Alltech Coppens in 2003 and travels extensively to provide technical support on farm. Previously, Gijs worked for a leading African catfish RAS hatchery in Holland and a RAS catfish farm.

Gijs is strongly committed to the Alltech Coppens motto, “Dedicated to your performance,” which is the key intention behind the book.

“Inside/Out” is for fish farmers, feed millers and anyone with an interest in aquaculture. Alltech has always been at the forefront of animal nutrition, and it continues that tradition with aquaculture. There have been significant advances in the industry in recent years, and the authors want to showcase a fresh perspective on fish production.

“We feel that being passionately curious is an important component of good management. Innovation comes from every level of operation and leads to the improvement of standard operating procedures, resulting in better efficiency and profitability for the farmer,”said John.

Pre-order a copy at https://go.alltech.com/aqua-inside-out

John Sweetman is the international project manager of aquaculture for Alltech, responsible for the implementing its scientific advances in all aspects of industrial aquaculture practices. Gijs Rutjes specialises in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), fish nutrition and immunity in fish. He joined Alltech Coppens in 2003 and is currently, Technical Sales Support Manager.

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