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Aquaculture Solutions/Singapore’s aquaculture innovators at World Aquaculture 2022, November 29-December 2, Singapore

Aquaculture Solutions

Aquaculture Solutions

has announced that it will showcase its aquaculture solutions at the World ADM has announced that it will showcase its aquaculture solutions at World Aquaculture 2022 in Singapore. It will feature three aquaculture Aquaculture 2022 in Singapore. It will feature three aquaculture brands BernAqua, Epicore brands BernAqua, Epicore and Ocialis. Experts will be presenting their state-of-the-art findings at the Experts will be presenting their state-of-theseminars on feeding strategy and growth performance solutions for fish and shrimp nursery: art findings at the seminars on feeding strategy and growth performance solutions for fish and • High Quality Early Nutrition as a Strategy for a Productive Aquaculture by Delphine Weissman, shrimp nursery: Manager Research & Application Aquaculture • Early Caring of Fish drives Growth Performance by Francois Jegou, Veterinary Aquaculture Health and Performance • Are You Feeding the Right Pellet Size to Your Fingerlings? by Henry Cuong Tran, Aquaculture Technical Manager Asia • A New Paradigm of Nursery Feeding: Case of Tilapia by Gaetan Gutter, Regional Sales Manager • Intensive Nursery System for Whiteleg Shrimp L. vannamei in Low Salinity Water and High Disease Pressure Areas by Minh Anh Pham, Asia R&D Director

Quality Early Nutrition as a Strategy for a Productive Aquaculture by Delphine Weissman, Manager Research & Application Aquaculture Early caring of fish drives growth performance by Francois Jegou, Veterinary Aquaculture Health and Performance Are You Feeding the Right Pellet Size to Your Fingerlings? by Henry Cuong Tran, Singapore’s innovators in aquaculture at Aquaculture Technical Manager Asia A New Paradigm of Nursery Feeding: Case of Tilapia by Gaetan Gutter, Regional World Aquaculture 2022 Sales Manager Intensive Nursery System for Whiteleg Shrimp L. vannamei in Low Salinity Water and High Disease Pressure Areas by Minh Anh Pham, Asia R&D Director

Save the dates and meet team ADM at Booth #s. 607, 609, 510 & 508 at the trade show and explore Page 58 ADM’s practices on both products and services, as well as a virtual tour on its shrimp farming model. More about WAS: https://www.was.org/meeting/code/WA2020 Sections: Show Preview Singapore’s innovators in aquaculture at World Aquaculture 2022

WA Singapore 2022 will be taking place after a two-year gap with the relevant COVID-19 safety measures in place from November 29-December 2. An exciting program will be offered at this long awaited large-scale in-person global conference and exhibition to be hosted in Asia Pacific. Key highlights include the Singapore Pavilion showcasing its aquaculture industry’s innovation and advancement which encompasses major local aquaculture farms, Institutes of Higher Learning, startups, and the Marine Aquaculture Centre (Singapore Food Agency’s aquaculture R&D facility). In pages 59-63, AQUA CULTURE Asia Pacific features some of them.

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