a technology and finance company that is unlocking a variety of business solutions in the shrimp industry, an interview with the CEO In an exclusive in-depth Q&A interview with Aquaculture Magazine, Valerie Robitaille who is the CEO of the Canadian company XpertSea, shares her business vision and experience within the aquaculture industry and the international shrimp market in relation with technology, computer science, data trading, and the role of women in the aquaculture industry and markets.
What is your studies background, and how has it led you to work in the aquaculture industry? I’ve been fascinated by the oceans from a young age. I pursued my interest in the oceans by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology from Maine Maritime Academy in 2007, and then I completed a master’s degree in Geoengineering from the National Institute of Scientific Research in Quebec City. During my studies I learned about optics and photonics and, together with my partner Cody, designed an application for commercial marine environments, which we also patented. Then we were contacted by a shrimp hatchery which only had very basic tools for counting larvae, and that helped us understand how our technology could bring significant benefits to the shrimp industry. More generally speaking, we understood that for such a huge 36 »
Valérie Robitaille XpertSea CEO landscape.