web_Aquaculture Magazine June_July 2024 Vol. 50 No.3

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Unlock the Secrets to Shrimp Farming Success: Discover Why Scale Matters Are Economies of Scale Driving the Development in Shrimp Farming from Penaeus monodon to Litopenaeus vannamei? The Case of Indonesia

Volume 50 Number 3 June - July 2024


AQUACULTURE: Productive Alternative?




An Economic Analysis Ecoshrimp White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Concept on Shrimp Culture with Plastic Pond, Indonesia

Are Economies of Scale Driving the Development in Shrimp Farming from Penaeus monodon to Litopenaeus vannamei? The Case of Indonesia ON THE



IRTAmar®, a successful RAS history in aquaculture


Challenges and Contemplations of Using Probiotics in Aquaculture

Shrimps and Shorebirds: Allies for Commerce and Conservation? ARTICLE

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Serving the aquaculture industry for 50 years

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Aquaculture Magazine (ISSN 0199-1388) is published bimontly, by Design Publications International Inc. All rights reserved. www.aquaculturemag.com


editor`s comments

AQUACULTURE: Productive Alternative?

It is a common concern among aquaculture forums globally that overfishing and illegal fishing are significant issues. However, according to the FAO (SOFIA 2024), global fish consumption increased from 146.3 million tons in 2014 to slightly over 162 million tons in 2021, global fish consumption reached 5 million tons (live weight equivalent), a 10% increase over 2014 levels. This growth is driven by population expansion, with the global population projected to reach 9.5 billion by 2050. This expansion will require an additional 40 million tons of seafood by 2030, representing a nearly twofold increase in current human consumption levels.

Against this background, the key question is how to overcome this deficit in a sustainable manner. In this regard, the FAO (2022) considers that “... in the next decade, the total production of fish caught and farmed will exceed that of beef, pork, and poultry.” However, to meet the challenges of adequate nutrition, aquaculture must achieve a sustained and sustainable growth in aquatic protein production.

Globally, there has been a growing demand for aquatic products for health reasons and an increasing awareness among governments of the importance of supporting aquaculture for poverty alleviation. It has been determined that aquaculture represents an excellent tool for closing the gap between demand and supply of fish. Additionally, there are extensive areas with suitable aqua-

culture potential. These regions are home to a diverse array of native species with the potential for cultivation and high nutritional and commercial value. It should be noted that the majority of aquatic foods are processed, and traditional preservation methods are being replaced by value-added processes in many other countries. The aquaculture industry can be established as a sustainable business as the species can be conditioned to recirculation systems and integrated into aquaponic systems due to the availability of resources. As with water and food, these standards can be met with low consumption (RAS), allowing for the production of a range of products and by-products suitable for conversion into food and other medical, pharmaceutical, and packaging applications.

While the general population may perceive the cultivation of aquatic organisms to have other benefits, such as direct sales from the production site, which allows for the sale of fresh, live products, Alternatively, the product can be sold live in the region of production through networks of producers who can offer a continuous supply of high-quality produce to large markets using demand-based marketing mechanisms.

Despite the advantages of aquaculture, there are some challenges that must be addressed:

» It is important to consider the impact of investment costs on sectors with limited financial resources.

This can result in difficulties accessing the latest technology for continuous monitoring and prevention of disease outbreaks. Potential environmental impacts, such as water contamination, can have a negative impact on production and profitability if they are not properly addressed.

» The challenge of managing fluctuations or changes in consumer preferences, which can affect the profitability of the production unit.

» The changing weather patterns and natural disasters can impact production performance.

» The absence of regulations governing the use of soil, water, and resources increases production costs and restricts growth opportunities.

In conclusion, it can be stated that aquaculture is a sector capable of closing the gap between the growing demand for fish and seafood and a stable supply, provided that it is planned and conducted in a sustainable manner. Furthermore, it will act as an important driver for local economies, strengthening the recovery of species. It is also important to consider how the sector can become more resilient to climate change and market demands. It is clear that a comprehensive and cross-sectoral approach is needed to strengthen the economy, with a focus on financial, health and housing support, as well as protection against future external shocks.

* Marco Linné Unzueta Associate Editor

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Comprehensive Analysis of Cargill Aqua Nutrition’s 2023 Sustainability Achievements

Cargill Aqua Nutrition Sustainability Report 2023 outlines the company’s efforts and achievements in promoting sustainable practices within the aquaculture industry. The report is structured around four key pillars: Product, People, Planet, and Engaging Stakeholders. The document highlights Cargill’s commitment to long-term sustainability, addressing the challenges of global aquaculture, and achieving significant milestones in carbon footprint reduction, ethical practices, and stakeholder engagement.

Key Points

1. Introduction and Leadership Overview

» Emphasis on improving ocean health and supporting the global aquaculture sector amidst market and environmental disruptions.

» The global population will increase by 2 billion by 2050, necessitating sustainable protein sources, including seafood.

» In 2023, Cargill captured over 12,000 tons of CO2 equivalent, a significant increase from the previous year.

2. Sustainability Performance

» Product: Focus on enhancing feed sustainability and incorporating novel ingredients. Achievements include.

» 34.5% of marine ingredients from fish byproducts.

» Over 50% of marine ingredients certified or from Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs).

» People: Commitment to gender parity and ethical practices.

» Nearly 43% of the Global Leadership Team are women.

» Over 97% completion rate for employee ethics training.

» Planet: Significant reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

» 8.6% decrease in energy use per ton of production in coldwater mills since 2017.

» Scope 3 footprint for coldwater feeds reduced to 1.89 tCO2e per ton.

3. Detailed Performance Analysis

» Product Innovations: Advances in sustainable feed ingredients, including algal oil, soy protein concentrate, single-cell proteins, and insect proteins.

» Feed Distribution and Efficiency: Improvements in shrimp and salmon feed delivery systems to reduce environmental impact and enhance performance.

» Packaging Initiatives: Reduction of plastic usage in packaging and increased use of recycled materials.


Social and Community Impact

» Gender parity and women’s empowerment are core priorities, with significant progress in leadership representation.

» Human rights assessments conducted for high-risk supply chains to improve industry practices.

» Support for smallholder farmers and community projects, such as tilapia farming in Honduras.

5. Climate and Environmental Goals

» Alignment with Cargill’s corporate targets for reducing Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

» Expansion of the SeaFurther Sustainability program to reduce the carbon footprint of farmed seafood by 30% by 2030.

» Collaboration with partners to scale up regenerative agricultural practices, capturing significant CO2 equivalents.

6. Stakeholder Engagement and Certifications

» Engagement with organizations like SeaBOS and participation in initiatives like Fishery Improvement Projects.

» Commitment to certifications such as MSC and MarinTrust for marine ingredients, and ProTerra and RTRS for terrestrial ingredients.


Cargill Aqua Nutrition’s 2023 Sustainability Report showcases the company’s comprehensive approach to sustainability, focusing on product innovation, ethical practices, environmental stewardship, and community support. The report highlights significant progress and sets ambitious goals for the future, reinforcing Cargill’s position as a leader in sustainable aquaculture.

Boilers & Boiler Skids
Chillers & Heat Pumps

An Economic Analysis Ecoshrimp White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Concept on Shrimp Culture with Plastic Pond, Indonesia

* By Aquaculture Magazine Editorial Team

Shrimp is the most famous seafood species entering international trade, with about one-third of global shrimp production coming international trade. Worldwide production is approaching three billion MT. Sources include 40 countries, of which 15 produce 80% of the shrimp. Major nations include India, China, the United States, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, and Mexico (Liao & Chien, 2011).

Concerning aquaculture, one of the main species of interest in Indonesia is shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, or white shrimp is the dominantly farmed species. Introduction of L. vannamei has revitalized the industry and bolstered shrimp’s position as Indonesia’s main fishery export commodity by value. The objective of this research was to evaluate the interaction effect of two kinds of ponds were small (400 - 600 m2) and large ponds (1,000 m2) using plastic ponds HDPE (Highdensity polyethylene) in the Pacitan district, East Java Indonesia.

Material and Method

Data Source

One site, Pacitan district was investigated a major white shrimp using plastic ponds producing area in Pacitan. The research was conducted from July to September 2017. The reason of this study was to evaluate the economics of white shrimp through two different kind of ponds size. To assess and compare the effects of production scale on profitability, production cost and input intensity, the farms were categorized based on kind size of farms were small size <1,000 m2 and large size >1,000 m2. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information about economics of the white shrimp. The total of data were 40 farms, were divided into two kinds of farms, they are 20 small sizes <1,000 m2 and 20 large size >1,000 m2) of farms through interview from different location among area in Pacitan district.

Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Multivariate analysis of variance of MANOVA is a generalized from of uni-

This article resumes a study about an economic analysis of white shrimp farming at the different size of ponds. The results showed that ponds set was significant different on biological and economic variable. The principal component analysis showed that large ponds farm had higher intensity in overall

input than a small pond. The study also reported the small size pond was much better according to its overall performance in the benefit cost ratio.

variate analysis of variance (ANOVA). It is used when there are two or more dependent variables. A one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) (Johnson and Wichern, 1998; Stevens, 2002) was applied to examine the effect of biological variable and economic variable on the economic performance of white shrimp. A principal component analysis (Manly, 2004) was further conducted to evaluate the individual economic perfor-

mances with quantitative comparisons. A computer software developed by SAS enterprise guide 5.1 was used for the preceding analysis with a significant level set at p > 0.05.

Result and Discussion

The result showed that the stocking density and survival rate of small and large ponds were significantly different respectively. The production cost of white shrimp farming in the

Farming or culture shrimp using HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) become popular right now in Indonesia.

small and large size ponds can be divided into fixed cost and variable cost. The result of economic variable was significant different between two of ponds. A principal component analysis was applied by using the three original variables such as: feed, labor, and electricity. After standardization two principal component by using the major input intensity variables I1 and I2 (Table 1). For the function I1 overall input intensities had high coefficients at feed (0.4614), labor (0.6199), electricity (0.0702) respectively. Regarding in function I2, the coefficient of feed (0.8843), labor (-0.3781), and electricity (0.6874) (Table 1). Furthermore, two principal components in variable biological had been maintained due the percentage they accounted for out of total variation, were I1 the coefficients of stocking density (0.7831), survival rate (-0.4059) and feed conversion ratio (0.4709). Considering the function I2 the coefficients of stocking density (-0.0317), survival rate (0.7302) and feed conversion ratio (0.6824) (Table 2). For the function I1 Benefit Cost Ratio were feed (0.6106), labor (0.5719), and electricity (0.5477), therefore for the function I2 were feed (-0.1162), labor (-0.6194) and electricity (0.7763) (Table 3).

The average of stocking density in small size was 125.150 m2 and average of stocking density in large small size was 252.500 m2. It was high density for both of ponds. There were had reason why the farmer used high density in both ponds which stocking in the morning or evening (calm weather). Farming or culture shrimp using HDPE become popular right now in Indonesia. In this study, the farmer

in both small and large size ponds choose HDPE technology to culture white shrimp because it’s easy, can maintain high density of shrimp, and used biofloc to culture become proper management.

The survival rate in both small and large ponds was significantly different from each other in shrimp farming the growth and production of shrimp species depend on population density (Shakir et al, 2014). Two ponds had high density, which affected in survival rate. In the small ponds the survival rate average was 90%, and in the large ponds was 89%. The highly survival rate can achieve because of broods-tock domestication program. All shrimp used in the grow-out operations originated from Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) brood-stock from the company High Health Aquaculture.

A summary of feed conversion ratio (FCR) for two scales farming. No

significant differences in FCR were detected between farms. In this study both farming had the same on time to give feed in each pond. Timing to feed shrimp in two farming was in the morning, afternoon, and night. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) of white shrimp in both farming small pond sizes and large pond sizes was high. Although high FCRs indicated that feed was wasted and not consumed by shrimp, pond water quality did not appear to be affected significantly. The variable cost includes four individual costs: seed, feed, labor, and electricity. In this study, we can know that a large pond has high seed cost compared with the small pond. Bigger in the size ponds higher in the seed cost. White shrimp seed in Pacitan region is mainly supplied by government owned hatcheries either regional or local area with the quality of the seed and SPF (Specific Pathogen Free). The

Principle component analysis of input cost variable.
Table 1
Principle component analysis of biological variable.
Table 2
Principle component analysis of benefit cost ratio.
Table 3
The farmer in both small and large size ponds choose HDPE technology to culture white shrimp because it’s easy, can maintain high density of shrimp, and used biofloc to culture become proper management.

preferred size stocked by the producer was post larva 12 in both of ponds. The seed price in both ponds was the same. Consequently, the seed intensity in Pacitan region farms was higher. The other two important costs were feed and labor. Both small and large ponds had significant differences in feed cost. The price of feed in both of ponds was the same. Feed management in both of ponds such as small size and large size was had feed dosage 3-4% of the total biomass, which feed proteins contain 34-36%, used feed supplement was vitamin C. Feed is one of the essential inputs to increase shrimp production. Growth

of shrimps is primarily dependent upon an adequate supply of feed, in terms of quality and quantity. The average feed cost constituted the highest operation cost of large size pond and followed small size pond. Hatch (1997) found that intensive farming is characterized by low fixed costs per kilogram, but have high variable cost mainly for feed and water quality maintenance. Additionally, the feed intensity between scales also revealed that large scale ponds had the highest cost. Therefore, large scale ponds had higher input intensity. Additionally, white shrimp culture requires intensive labor for daily

chopping, feeding, taking care and harvest. Differences in both of the ponds because of size and area. Regarding the labor input between two ponds were the small size and large size, in large size of pond made labor working extra hours to handle more ponds and contributed to higher labor input. Hence, proper management of labor is needed and the use of modern technology could be directed to create work efficiency.

The other significant cost in small and large ponds is electricity. There

were extremely significant different p < 0.0001 between small size pond and large size pond. In this study, we can see that large size pond had the highest cost compare with small size ponds. The large size pond needs more cost to build construction in pond compare with small size pond.

A principal component analysis was applied by using the three original variables such as: feed, labor, and electricity. After standardization two principal component by using the major input intensity variables (I1 and I2), had

Concerning both small and large ponds we can explain that large pond had the highest input intensity for overall input intensity variables: seed, feed, labor, electricity and fix cost as mention costruction in this study; whereas the small size pond had the lowest input intensity for the overall variables.

been maintained based on the Table 1. As a result of the table 3, any farms had higher in feed, labor and electricity. Therefore, I1 could be referred as an index of measuring intensity of feed, labor and electricity. Regarding in function I2 (Table 1) determine not only an absolute quantity of I2 but also a direction (with a sign of plus or minus). An increasing pattern of I2 indicated that any farm or two kind of ponds had high score in I2 would be spending more unit input in labor, but decreasing pattern indicated that conversely. Therefore, the function I2 can be defined as an index of an input intensity contrast between feed, labor and electricity for a given farm.

Furthermore, two principal components in variable biological had been maintained due the percentage they accounted for out of total variation (Table 2). As result I1 can be defined as a contrast between stocking density and survival rate. The related position of ponds in the plot I1 and I2 most of large size of ponds located at the I2, that had high stocking density and feed conversion ratio and small in survival rate. As we know that higher in stocking density it will

less in the survival rate on the white shrimp culture. It because they had competition in the life.

A principal component analysis was also applied to benefit cost ratio variables (Table 3). For the function I1 BCR (Table 3) were all positive and high. That means the value of the function I1 is mainly determined by coefficient of BCR feed, BCR labor and BCR electricity. Therefore, this function can be defined as an index of overall benefit cost ratio for a given pond. These two kinds of ponds, the small size pond was much better according to its overall performance in the benefit cost ratio based on their score of I1.

Concerning both small and large ponds we can explain that large pond had the highest input intensity for overall input intensity variables: seed, feed, labor, electricity and fix cost as mention in this study; whereas the small size pond had the lowest input intensity for the overall variables. Indeed, the framers who operated or culture white shrimp in small pond farms had lower input cost per unit area (m2) than those who operated large size pond farms in the Pacitan district. This could be explained by the price of labor, electricity and mostly for feed input, which could vary according to the size of the farm.

small pond.

The variable cost includes four individual costs: seed, feed, labor, and electricity. In this study, we can know that a large pond has high seed cost compared with the

This informative version of the original article is sponsored by: REEF INDUSTRIES INC.

This is a summarized version developed by the editorial team of Aquaculture Magazine based on the review article titled “AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ECOSHRIMP WHITE SHRIMP (Litopenaeus vannamei) CONCEPT ON SHRIMP CULTURE WITH PLASTIC POND, INDONESIA” developed by: WAHYU PUJI ASTIYANI, EGA ADITYA PRAMA, MUHAMMAD AKBARURRASYID, RANI REHULINA T., GUNTUR PRABOWO and DINNO SUDINNO - Pangandaran Polytechnic of Marine and Fisheries, Indonesia; and MIAO SHA - National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan. The original article was published, including tables and figures, on DECEMBER, 2020, through AQUACULTURA INDONESIANA. The full version can be accessed online through this DOI: 10.21534/ai.v21i2. 203.

Are Economies of Scale Driving the Development in Shrimp Farming from Penaeus monodon to Litopenaeus vannamei?

The Case of Indonesia

Over the past two decades, global shrimp farming has surged due to increasing demand driven by population and income growth, and a rising preference for healthy food, while wild shrimp catches have stagnated. Litopenaeus vannamei has led this growth, with global production rising from 155 thousand tons in 2000 to 5.8 million tons in 2020. In contrast, Penaeus monodon production has remained relatively stable, increasing from 631 thousand tons to 717 thousand tons in the same period (FAO, 2022).

In Indonesia, the trend mirrors global developments. L. vannamei production first recorded in 2004, surpassed P. monodon by 2007. By 2020, L. vannamei production was 2.5 times greater, reaching 722 thousand tons, while P. monodon production increased to 208 thousand tons (FAO, 2022). This research uses Indonesia as a case study to explore the production economics of these species.

The rapid growth of L. vannamei and the stagnation of P. monodon production raise questions about the economic dynamics at play. L. vanna-

mei’s growth is associated with larger farms and potentially increasing returns to scale, while P. monodon remains viable in smaller, traditional farms.

This paper analyses the economics of scale in L. vannamei and P. monodon production in Indonesia. Using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and a permutation test (RonnNielsen et al., 2022), technical efficiency and production possibility frontiers are compared. Results suggest L. vannamei benefits from economics of scale, making it ideal for larger operations, while P. monodon

Over the past two decades, global shrimp farming has grown substantially due to rising demand driven by population and income growth, while wild shrimp supply stagnates. This growth is mainly in Litopenaeus vannamei, with production surpassing Penaeus monodon, especially in Indonesia. Interviews with farmers revealed that L. vannamei farms benefit from the economics of scale, excelling in larger operations, while P. monodon farms perform better in smaller setups, serving high-quality international markets.

is advantageous for smaller farms, targeting high-quality international markets.

The study contributes to the existing literature by combining tests of increasing returns to scale with comparisons of production possibility frontiers, providing insights into the optimal industry structure for these shrimp species.

Material and Method

For the present study, data was collected in Sidoarjo, one of the top producing shrimp districts in Indonesia, located in East Java Province.

Interviews were conducted with 96 L. vannamei farmers and 87 P. monodon farmers, from October 2017 to June 2018. The data collected include inputs for production such as seed, feed, labor, and other costs (including lime, medicine, and gas).

In Table 1, the average size in hectare, the output yield in weight (kg) and value (USD) and input costs are shown for the two species investigated.

In Figure 1, the average running cost component structure for the four inputs used are shown for the two species. Feed, labor, and seed are

the most important inputs for L. vannamei’s production, respectively. For P. monodon farmers, the highest running cost shares are used for labor, seed, and feed, respectively, with a relative lower amount spent on other cost items.

The researchers used DEA. Some of the advantages of DEA are that it can simultaneously consider multiple inputs and multiple outputs, and does not require a specification of the functional form of the relationship between inputs and outputs, nor of the distribution of the (in)efficiency scores.

Results Returns to scale

Since the overarching premise of the analyses is that the production possibilities for the L. vannamei and the P. monodon producers might be different, the frontiers and resulting efficiency scores are estimated within each species separately. Consider first the scale efficiency scores plotted against a measure of size (output quantity) within each species, as illustrated in Figure 2.

It is clear from Figure 2 that there is a positive relationship between size and scale efficiency within each species since larger producers tend to have higher scale efficiency scores than the smaller producers, and the lowest scale efficiency scores are found amongst the smallest producers (with one exception amongst the L. vannamei producers). Since larger scale efficiency scores (≤1) indicate that farms are operating closer to the optimal scale (or most productive scale size), the positive relationship between scale efficiency and size indicates the presence of increasing returns to scale (IRS) within each species. Furthermore, it is observed that the scales of operations are quite different between the species, with the mean produced quantity being 2,506 kg for the P. monodon producers and 5,791 kg for the L. vannamei producers, and even bigger differences in terms of the total revenue, with the mean being 7,394 USD for the P. monodon producers and 23,695 USD for the L. vannamei producers.

Comparing production possibilities between species

Modifying the permutation tests for frontier differences from Rønn Nielsen et al. (2022) to the case of IRS, means that we can first determine whether the production possibilities for the P. monodon and the L. vannamei producers are similar or significantly different and next determine whether one frontier is nested within the other.

The p-value from the first of these tests (= 0.02) tells us that the frontiers for the production possibilities for

the P. monodon and the L. vannamei producers are significantly different. The p-value from the second of the tests (= 0.80) tells us that one is not nested inside the other.

This means that it can be concluded that the frontiers are different, but one is not better than the other meaning that they intersect. Thus, for some farms, producing P. monodon provides better production possibilities than producing L. vannamei,

whereas for others is the other way around. This means that “one species does not fit all” and the best choice of production technology (species) will depend on other factors such as size, input mix, etc., which we will look further into in the following.

Implications of findings

The implications of the findings are important in four directions. First, the identified increasing returns to

scale in L. vannamei farming indicate that investments in extensions of large farms may be economically advantageous and may drive continued productivity growth. This favors an increasing global production of L. vannamei compared to P. monodon

Second, while increasing returns to scale is identified also in the farming of P. monodon, it is only superior to L. vannamei when produced in smaller farms, as reflected by the FD measure that tends to be low for small farms, indicating that P. monodon is superior at smaller farm sizes. This implies that investments in small P. monodon farms, specialized in supplying large-sized shrimp to the world market at a premium price, are economically advantageous. However, the export earnings from P. monodon may be more fluctuating than those from L. vannamei because large-sized shrimp to a larger extent is a luxury good, so its demand

The larger and more intensive the farms become the more important bio-security and optimization of input use becomes.

is more affected by peaks and lows in the world economy than that for the smaller L. vannamei shrimp.

Third, although it remains an issue for future research, the results indicate that the growth of the two species might be achieved in different ways. The reason is that the extensive production of P. monodon depends on the natural feed base available at the farms, which increases with space. Conversely, the intensive production of L. vannamei depends on the added feed with space being of less importance.

Fourth, the identified industry structure, where it seems appropriate both to expand L. vannamei production on large farms and continue P. monodon production at small farms, indicates that an optimal aquaculture policy must strive to offer proper framework conditions for the benefit of both types of farms to exploit the full potential of the shrimp farming industry.

Finally, the larger and more intensive the farms become the more important bio-security and optimization of input use becomes. This is because the economic losses due to diseases and in-optimal use of inputs, such as feed, also become large when farm size increases. Here it seems that L. vannamei has an advantage because pathogen-free seed can be produced from domesticated broodstocks and the feed conversion rate is better (Esparza-Leal et al., 2010; Shakir et al., 2014; Supono, 2021).

The identified increasing returns to scale in L. vannamei farming indicate that investments in extensions of large farms may be economically advantageous and may drive continued productivity growth. This favors an increasing global production of L. vannamei compared to P. monodon.


Increasing returns to scale in L. vannamei farming have driven the shift from P. monodon to L. vannamei in Indonesia. Although P. monodon also benefits from rising returns to scale, its production has stagnated due to L. vannamei`s superiority in large-scale farming. This advantage stems from better pathogen-free seed and more efficient feed use. Consequently, L. vannamei has dominated the global shrimp market, while P. monodon re-

The larger and more intensive the farms become the more important bio-security and optimization of input use becomes.

mains viable in smaller farms targeting premium markets.

Optimal policy should support large L. vannamei farms and small P. monodon farms, leveraging their advantages. While this conclusion is based on Indonesian data, it may apply globally, reflecting similar production trends. Future research should explore whether these findings hold in other countries. Combining tests of increasing returns to scale with production possibility frontier

comparisons, the method used is broadly applicable to determining optimal industry structures.

This is a summarized version developed by the editorial team of Aquaculture Magazine based on the review article titled “IS ECONOMIES OF SCALE DRIVING THE DEVELOPMENT IN SHRIMP FARMING FROM PENAEUS MONODON TO LITOPENAEUS VANNAMEI? THE CASE OF INDONESIA)” developed by: ASMILD, M. - University of Copenhagen; HUKOM, V. - KALEKA, JL.; NIELSEN, R. and NIELSEN, M.University of Copenhagen. The original article was published, including tables and figures, on SEPTEMBER, 2023, through AQUACULTURE. The full version can be accessed online through this link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.740178

IRTAmar®, a Successful RAS History in Aquaculture

Our story begins at IRTA 25 years ago when we had to work in complex and changing environmental conditions. The location of this research center, in the heart of Alfacs Bay in the Ebro Delta, meant that using seawater directly from the environment, due to toxic phytoplank-

ton blooms and thermal changes, prevented the performance of controlled experimental tests. Initially, a considerable number of trials failed, and researchers had to make an extraordinary effort to adapt to those conditions.

After a risk analysis, we concluded that we needed to incorporate

recirculation technology to ensure results and adapt to the needs of the researchers. Twenty-five years ago, recirculation was an emerging technology, and very few research facilities, if any, had tested systems. There were hardly a couple of publications per year (2000-2005), and all of them were very experimental, not

Our story begins at IRTA 25 years ago, allowing us to reach our current proposal, integrated by IRTA and INGESOM , into a Comprehensive Service Platform aimed at promoting aquaculture using RAS technology. We focus on facilitating the conditions to generate knowledge that can be easily transferred from research institutions to the industry.

detailing the system used, which was handcrafted.

We began a process of trial and error, testing alternatives and materials, and after a series of prototypes to validate their functionality with various species, the RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) were born at IRTA. In 1999, we designed the first

version of what would later become our patented IRTAmar® process, now an internationally registered trademark.

After numerous projects and component evaluations, always seeking maximum energy efficiency, test safety, and total flexibility, we have developed the current IRTAmar® Platform.

Smart RAS in Aquaculture

Our current proposal, integrated by IRTA and INGESOM, is not a conventional RAS system service but has been transformed into a Comprehensive Service Platform aimed at promoting aquaculture using RAS technology. We focus on facilitating the conditions to generate knowl-

edge that can be easily transferred from research institutions to the industry. Species, age, size, environmental conditions, and various risk situations are combined to design trials with fish, crustaceans, and bivalves, both marine and freshwater.

Therefore, we have designed a system with a highly efficient and sophisticated level of monitoring and control, supported by a SCADA application, which is presented on an attractive, functional, and interactive web interface. This system addresses multiple and varied cultivation conditions, where research is key, and guarantees the acquisition of primary data for certification and traceability (Figure 1). In addition to controlling and monitoring the main RAS variables, the system allows for control of feeding, lighting, and the possibility of using cameras to monitor the population’s behavior in realtime, as well as adding multipara-

metric probes adapted to each user’s needs.

Experimental design is a priority, and safety in research is essential. Therefore, we have incorporated comprehensive training in the use of RAS into our platform. This allows both technicians and researchers to transform their own IRTAmar® systems into advanced systems that adapt and evolve according to their changing needs. Despite these adaptations, they will continue to have our support and expert assistance, as well as the ability to integrate the improvements we develop. These improvements, once evaluated, can be incorporated to further optimize the systems, as we have been doing for the past 20 years with improvements in nutrition, reproduction, larval culture, and pathology. We are backed by 192 scientific publications in the last 5 years (2019-2023), with 80% in top-tier journals.

After numerous projects and component evaluations, always seeking maximum energy efficiency, test safety, and total flexibility, we have developed the current IRTAmar® Platform.

Science Turned into Technology

When science turns into technology, it solves some of the challenges we face. For this reason, we have worked to ensure that our users not only access the latest technological innovations in RAS systems but can also im-

Figure 1
IRTAmar® Comprehensive Service Platform.

plement these improvements safely and efficiently. The comprehensive training covers both theoretical and practical aspects, ensuring that technicians and researchers deeply understand the operation and maintenance of RAS systems. Additionally, we provide continuous resources and updates, allowing the IRTAmar® systems to remain at the forefront of aquaculture research and production.

Currently, there are about 40 IRTAmar® units operating in our research center, a complex system based on the use of the most advanced RAS technology. This includes researchers, maintenance and cultivation technicians, design-

We have worked to ensure that our users not only access the latest technological innovations in RAS systems but can also implement these improvements safely and efficiently.

ers, web programmers, control and digitization experts, and the construction department.

Our commitment to safety and excellence is reflected in the ability to customize systems according to the specific requirements of each project, without compromising quality or reliability. This way, users can focus on

their research and development goals while we provide the necessary technical support and tools for success. With this collaborative approach, we foster an environment of constant innovation and continuous improvement, ensuring that our RAS systems not only meet current needs but are also prepared for future challenges.

Figure 2
Benefits of IRTAmar®.
IRTAmar® systems can be adapted and customized according to the specific needs of each user, allowing precise adjustments for different species and cultivation conditions.

Advantages Over the Competition

The IRTAmar® system presents several advantages over competitors in the field of aquaculture and RAS, such as:

Customization and Flexibility: IRTAmar® systems can be adapted

and customized according to the specific needs of each user, allowing precise adjustments for different species and cultivation conditions. This customization enables the systems to evolve with the changing needs of projects, ensuring that the system remains relevant and efficient over time.

Expert Technical Support and Assistance: IRTAmar® offers continuous support from IRTA and INGESOM experts, ensuring that users receive technical assistance and consultancy to solve problems and optimize their systems. This support includes the possibility of integrating improvements and updates developed by our team, keeping the systems always at the forefront.

Comprehensive Training: Complete training in the use and maintenance of RAS systems is provided,

covering both theoretical and practical aspects. This ensures that technicians and researchers are wellequipped to operate and improve their facilities. The training includes updated and continuous resources, allowing users to stay informed about the latest innovations and best practices.

Efficiency and Sustainability: IRTAmar® systems are designed to maximize resource efficiency, especially water, through advanced recirculation and treatment technologies. The focus on sustainability reduces the environmental impact of aquaculture operations and improves long-term economic viability.

Constant Innovation: Collaboration with a renowned research entity and a company specializing in system management and control ensures that users benefit from the

Figure 3
Functionalities of IRTAmar®.

IRTAmar® offers continuous support from IRTA and INGESOM experts, ensuring that users receive technical assistance and consultancy to solve problems and optimize their systems.

latest scientific and technological advances. IRTA and INGESOM are constantly developing new technologies and improvements in aquaculture management, control, and efficiency. IRTAmar® users will have direct access to these innovations through a user-specific annual subscription system.

Advanced Control and Monitoring: The integration of real-time monitoring technologies supported by a dynamic and elegant interactive web interface facilitates informed decision-making and quick response to any changes or problems.

IRTAmar® offers advanced monitoring and control tools that allow precise management of critical environmental parameters, ensuring optimal conditions for the growth and health of aquatic organisms.

In summary, the advantages of the IRTAmar® system lays in its adaptability, expert technical support, comprehensive training, efficiency and sustainability, constant innovation, and advanced control and monitoring tools. These features position it as a superior option compared to other recirculating aquaculture systems available on the market.

Ricard Carbó ricard.carbo@irta.cat +34 650 18 76 73 linkedin.com/in/ricard-carbó-97ab9913

Óscar Benavent oscar@ingesom.com +34 607 35 90 37 linkedin.com/in/oscarbenaventcampos

Cristóbal Aguilera cristobal.aguilera@irta.cat +34 659 31 79 58 linkedin.com/in/cristobalaguilera

Challenges and Contemplations of Using Probiotics in Aquaculture

Probiotics have emerged as a promising tool in this endeavor, offering a natural and sustainable approach to enhance growth, boost immunity, and mitigate disease. However, integrating probiotics into aquaculture practices comes with its own set of challenges and considerations that necessitate careful attention and strategic planning.


Probiotic use in aquaculture has attracted a lot of interest as a possible microbial method to improve the general health and wellbeing of different aquatic species raised in aquaculture environments (Singh et al., 2023). In the ever-evolving landscape of aquaculture, maintaining the health and productivity of aquatic organisms is paramount. Probiotics have emerged as a promising tool in this endeavor, offering a natural and sustainable approach to enhance growth, boost immunity, and mitigate disease. However, integrating probiotics into aquaculture practices comes with its own set of

challenges and considerations that necessitate careful attention and strategic planning. The Greek word “for life” is the source of the term “probiotics.” Probiotics are described as “live micro-organisms” by an expert group that was tasked by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) with improving the host’s health when given in sufficient quantities. Probiotic products typically contain microorganisms from the following genera: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Escherichia, Enterococcus Bacillus, and Streptococcus. There have also been some uses of Saccharomyces fungal strains (Gupta et al., 2009).

In addition to all of these advantages, probiotics in aquaculture come with a number of difficulties.

Strain Selection

The efficacy of probiotics largely depends on the selection of appropriate strains that are compatible with the target species and the aquaculture environment. Research and trials are necessary to identify the most effective probiotic candidates for specific applications. Selecting the right strain of probiotics is a crucial process, as different strains can elicit diverse effects on human health. This decision involves several challenges and considerations that must be carefully evaluated.

* By Arya Singh, Nayan Chouhan, Vivek Chauhan and Bhavesh Choudhary

Probiotic products typically contain microorganisms from the following genera: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Escherichia, Enterococcus, Bacillus, and Streptococcus.

1. One of the primary challenges lies in understanding the specific health benefits associated with each strain. Probiotics can target various conditions, such as gut health, immune support, and even mental well-being, so it is vital to choose a strain with the desired therapeutic properties.

2. The viability and stability of the chosen strain during storage and transit are essential factors. Probiotics are living organisms, and their efficacy depends on their ability to survive the harsh conditions of manufacturing, transportation, and storage before reaching the consumer. Ensuring

high viability is crucial to guarantee their effectiveness.

3. Another critical consideration is strain safety. While most probiotic strains are generally safe for consumption, certain individuals, such as those with compromised immune systems or underlying health conditions, may experience adverse reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to select strains that are well-studied and have a proven safety profile. Additionally, strain diversity and synergistic effects within probiotic formulations should be taken into account. Combining multiple strains that work well together

can potentially enhance the overall health benefits, making it essential to understand the interplay of different strains.

Formulation and Stability

Developing stable and effective probiotic formulations for aquaculture feeds or water supplements can be challenging. Factors such as temperature, pH, and shelf life need to be considered to maintain the viability and functionality of the probiotic strains. The formulation and stability of probiotics present significant challenges and considerations in the development of effective and reliable products. One of the primary

The efficacy of probiotics largely depends on the selection of appropriate strains that are compatible with the target species and the aquaculture environment.

challenges lies in formulating probiotics to ensure their viability and potency throughout their shelf life. Maintaining their viability during storage and distribution is crucial for their efficacy.

However, factors such as temperature fluctuations, moisture, and exposure to light can adversely impact their stability, leading to reduced potency and diminished health benefits. Ensuring the survival of probiotic strains in harsh conditions, such as the acidic environment of the stomach, is another critical consideration. Many probiotics must pass through the digestive system before reaching the intestines, where they exert their beneficial effects. Therefore, formulating probiotics with protective coatings or encapsulation techniques to shield them from gastric acidity is a complex task.

Moreover, the compatibility of probiotics with various delivery formats poses challenges. Probiotics can be found in various forms, such as capsules, tablets, powders, and even food products. Each format has unique requirements for stability and preservation, necessitating careful formulation to maintain the probiotic’s viability while ensuring consumer convenience. Standardization and quality control are also essential considerations in probiotic formulation. Consistent manufacturing processes and rigorous quality control measures are necessary

to ensure that the labeled probiotic content matches the actual content and potency. The packaging of probiotics is another crucial aspect to consider. Light, oxygen, and moisture can all degrade probiotic viability, so choosing appropriate packaging materials that protect against these elements is essential.

Regulatory Approval

Clear guidelines and regulations governing the use of probiotics in aquaculture are essential to ensure their safe and responsible application. One

significant challenge is the lack of a standardized definition for probiotics, as various strains and formulations exist, each with unique properties and potential health benefits. This variability makes it difficult for regulatory agencies to establish consistent guidelines for evaluation. Safety is a paramount concern when it comes to probiotics, especially considering their widespread use in food and dietary supplements. The potential for adverse effects, particularly in vulnerable populations like fry, adult, or immune compromised fish,

Factors such as temperature, pH, and shelf life need to be considered to maintain the viability and functionality of the probiotic


demands rigorous safety assessments. Moreover, determining the appropriate dosage and duration of probiotic use requires extensive research to avoid unintended consequences.

Another important factor in regulatory approval is efficacy. While probiotics have demonstrated potential outcomes in a variety of health issues, the data basis for particular applications can be inconsistent and limited. Clinical trial data must be thoroughly evaluated by regulatory organizations to see if the claimed health advantages are backed by strong scientific evidence. Standardization and quality control are also major concerns. To ensure the viability and stability of the living microorganisms throughout the product’s shelf life, the production procedure for probiotics must conform to high quality requirements.

It is critical to ensure consistency in the strength and composition of probiotics in order to achieve the intended health benefits. Furthermore, it is important to examine closely any concerns that may arise regarding labeling and marketing claims. Claims that are misleading or overstated might lead to customer misunderstanding and erroneous expectations. Therefore, regulatory agencies must closely scrutinize product labeling and advertising to safeguard public health and prevent misinformation.

Competition with Indigenous Microflora

Within the complex ecosystem of the fish body, probiotic bacteria and native microflora compete with one another in a complex and dynamic interplay. Probiotics are good bacteria that are well-known for improving health. They compete with the body’s natural microflora, or the community of germs that live there, for resources and dominance. This competition mostly takes place in the gastrointes-

tinal tract, where native microflora and probiotics compete with one another to take up spaces and become established. Probiotics seek to balance the microbial ecology in the gut in order to produce their advantageous effects. They might face competition from native microflora for resources necessary for their survival, such as adherence sites throughout the gut lining and readily available nutrients. The entire diversity and composition of the gut microbiota may be impacted by this competitive environment. It’s important to understand that, in spite of this competition, keeping a healthy gut requires a balance between native microorganisms and probiotics.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Probiotics, like any other aquaculture input, come with associated costs. Conducting cost-benefit analyses can help farmers assess the economic viability of probiotic supplementation in their operations. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a vital tool used to evaluate the economic implications of implementing probiotic products, which are

Clear guidelines and regulations governing the use of probiotics in aquaculture are essential to ensure their safe and responsible application.

gaining increasing attention for their potential health benefits. However, conducting a CBA for probiotics poses several challenges and requires careful considerations to yield accurate and reliable results. Determining the true effectiveness of probiotics can be complex. While researchers suggest that probiotics can have positive impacts on gut health and immunity, their effects may vary significantly depending on the strain, dosage, and the health condition they aim to address. Establishing a clear cause-andeffect relationship between probi-

otic consumption and specific health outcomes is crucial for accurate CBA but can be challenging due to individual variability and the presence of confounding factors. The economic evaluation of probiotics also requires accounting for the diverse range of health conditions they target. From digestive disorders to immune-related illnesses, each condition’s prevalence, severity, and economic burden can differ significantly. Estimating the potential cost savings and benefits across such a broad spectrum of health issues requires comprehensive data and reliable models.

Another challenge lies in accurately quantifying the economic benefits of probiotics beyond direct health outcomes. Probiotics might contribute to improved quality of life, reduced absenteeism, and enhanced fish productivity. Additionally, the cost component of CBA involves not only the price of probiotic products but also the expenses associated with research, development, marketing, and distribution. Determining the true costs can be difficult, especially as the probiotic industry continues to evolve and expand. In conclusion, while cost-benefit analysis can be a valuable tool for evaluating probiotics’ economic implications, it is essential to acknowledge and address the challenges and considerations unique to this field.


In conclusion, the integration of probiotics in aquaculture presents a promising avenue for enhancing the health and productivity of aquatic organisms. However, careful consideration of challenges is imperative. Strain selection demands understanding therapeutic properties, viability, safety, and compatibility. Formulation challenges involve maintaining viability, protection during transit, and adherence to regulatory standards. Regulatory approval faces difficulties in defining and ensuring safety and efficacy. Competition with indigenous microflora, host specificity, and conducting accurate cost-benefit analyzes are critical considerations.

Probiotics’ potential long-term benefits and multifaceted economic impacts further complicate assessments. Addressing these challenges necessitates collaboration between stakeholders, rigorous research, and adherence to evolving regulatory frameworks. Ultimately, navigating the complexities of probiotic use in aquaculture requires a balanced approach, integrating scientific advancements with regulatory diligence, to ensure the sustainable and effective incorporation of probiotics into aquaculture practices.

References and sources consulted by the author on the elaboration of this article are available under previous request to our editorial staff.

Arya Singh1, Nayan Chouhan2*, Vivek Chauhan3, Bhavesh choudhary2

1ICAR – Central Institutes of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, 400061

2College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University, Lembucherra, Tripura, 799210

3College of Fisheries Science, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana, 125004

*E-mail: nayan101chouhan@gmail.com

Whether We Like It or Not, Political Will Is Crucial for Aquaculture Development

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, with an abundance of natural resources, suitable conditions for the development of species in temperate, semi-tropical and tropical waters; it also has a vast expanse of arid land that can be used for aquaculture, professionals, research institutions and great academic exchange and cooperation programs. In short, Australia is an ideal place for the development of our activity, but without political will it will go nowhere.

Ihave always wondered why Australia has not become, or is not on the way to becoming, an aquaculture giant. The Aqua Farm 2024 event in Surfers Paradise removed all doubt for me; aquaculture is simply not a priority and there is not the political will to develop it. I know

this may be considered a strong statement, but an event that brings together experts from the United States, Europe, the Middle East and all of Asia, supported by top local professionals such as Roy Palmer, and receives absolutely no attention from the authorities, who have been

repeatedly invited to attend, is a very clear signal.

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, with more than 7.7 million square kilometers, an abundance of natural resources and the right conditions to develop species in temperate, semi-tropical and tropi-


have always wondered why Australia has not become, or is not on the way to becoming, an aquaculture giant… aquaculture is simply not a priority and there is not the political will to develop it.

cal waters. As if that were not enough, Australia’s population density is very low and it has a vast amount of arid land that is not fully exploited or that can be used very well for aquaculture. In addition, it has a significant number of professionals and research institutions to serve the industry, as

well as excellent academic exchange and collaboration programs with the world’s major aquaculture powers. In short, Australia is an ideal place for our activity to develop, but without political will it will go nowhere.

On the other hand, places with less initial resources but much more

political will, such as Chile, Ecuador, Egypt and Vietnam, have managed to make aquaculture a very important contribution to the development of their gross domestic product. It is interesting to highlight Saudi Arabia, which is a clear example of how aquaculture can be promoted as a genera-

Of course, there can be the political will to make aquaculture not only a generator of wealth, but also an indispensable tool for achieving food security.

tor of jobs and wealth even under the most adverse circumstances.

Of course, there can be the political will to make aquaculture not only a generator of wealth, but also an indispensable tool for achieving food security. Look at China, which is undoubtedly the world leader in aquaculture production and where a third of the protein consumed daily by more than 1.4 billion people comes from aquaculture.

As I mentioned in my participation in Aqua Farm, love is shown on a budget. Today, aquaculture is still on the lips of decision-makers in a large number of countries, but this is poorly reflected in the budget allocations of most of them. I will continue to insist: “Aquaculture must become a priority at national, regional and global levels because, if done well, it can be the most sustainable way to produce

animal protein worldwide”. Let us all continue to work on reducing our environmental footprint and no doubt many other countries will follow the example of the GCC countries in making aquaculture a national priority.

Finally, I would like to end this column by warmly congratulating the newly elected President of the AsiaPacific Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, Dr. Imad Patrick Saoud, who has been an aquaculture enthusiast for many years and is one of the foremost scientists in translating theory into practice. Dr. Saoud is the first representative from the Middle East region to be elected President of the Asia-Pacific Chapter, perhaps reflecting the importance of this activity in this part of the world and confirming what was mentioned in the column: Political will is crucial for the development of aquaculture. All our

support to Imad in these next 3 years in which he will undoubtedly be a reference for aquaculture in the region and worldwide. Congratulations!

*Antonio Garza de Yta is Senior Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisor for AWJ Innovation, Vice President of the International Center for Strategic Studies in Aquaculture (CIDEEA), President of Aquaculture Without Frontiers (AwF), Past President of the World Aquaculture Society (WAS), Former Secretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Tamaulipas, Mexico, and Creator of the Certification for Aquaculture Professionals (CAP) Program with Auburn University.

Time for Global Seafood Consumers Association (SCA)

In 2010 the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) highlighted that seafood plays an ESSENTIAL role in human nutrition and the low levels of seafood consumption in many countries were impacting chronic diseases estimated not only in lives lost but also in billions of dollars in health care.

FAO made recommendations for Member States in that they should:

1. Acknowledge fish as an important food source of energy, protein and a range of essential nutrients and fish consumption as part of the cultural traditions of many people.

2. Emphasize the benefits of fish consumption in reducing coronary heart disease mortality (and the risks of mortality from coronary heart disease associated with not eating fish) for the general adult population.

3. Emphasize the net neurodevelopmental benefits to offspring of fish consumption by women of childbearing age, particularly pregnant women and nursing mothers, and the neurodevelopmental risks of not consuming fish to offspring of such women.

4. Develop, maintain, and improve existing databases on specific nutrients and contaminants, particularly methylmercury and dioxins, in fish consumed in their region; and

5. Develop and evaluate risk management and communication strategies that minimize risks and maximize the benefits of eating fish.

Many countries have failed to deliver on what they agreed and there is now an organization that aims to take to task countries who are failing to deliver on those promises. The FishProf has found that being a seafood consumer sucks! At high profile hotels and restaurants, he is lied to; in retail shops he is cheated; he is ignored by governments who are limiting commercial fishing to create elitist recreational fishing and in many countries the industry has no customer vision to create excellence!

The FishProf has found that being a seafood consumer sucks! At high profile hotels and restaurants, he is lied to; in retail shops he is cheated; he is ignored by governments who are limiting commercial fishing to create elitist recreational fishing and in many countries the industry has no customer vision to create excellence! It’s time for Global Seafood Consumers Association (SCA)

The Global Seafood Consumers Association (SCA) (www.seafoodconsumers.global) is now up and running. The SCA acknowledges seafood’s critical role in preventing chronic diseases like heart, lung, diabetes, obesity, cancer, kidney, stroke, etc. Consumers believe it is imperative that important communications are based on FACTS rather than OPINIONS and that the whole chain is transparent (this includes NGO’s over the years promoted their opinions as facts). We must highlight the myths and build foundations on truth before this all gets too far out of hand.

The SCA is a global membershipbased, non-governmental, non-profit body created to promote the interests of seafood/aquatic food consumers of goods and services by disseminating information and lobbying for laws to protect consumers against producers or sellers, ensuring that governments recognize consumers’ rights.

The SCA global community recognizes that there is a need for a nonpolitical and non-commercial independent party to voice the issues that impact seafood/aquatic food consumers in a market economy. Seafood is the largest traded food commodity globally and that is essential to support. FishProf is writing this on the day that the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) has reported the total global volume of

fish, shrimp, clams, and other aquatic animals that are harvested by farming has topped the amount fished in the wild from the world’s waters for the first time ever (FAO 2024).

Consumers views are under-represented, and they need to be heard to address the disparity in bargaining power, knowledge and resources between consumers, governments, and businesses in the global economy and creating the SCA is an effective avenue to collectively exercise the civil rights of disadvantaged/vulnerable communities/groups to be represented and heard before decisions affecting their welfare are taken.

SCA acknowledge that at local and national levels, consumer organizations have undertaken various actions that draw on their well-honed skills in independent research, advocacy, testing and publishing but it is time for a truly global approach. A majority of the actions involve, educating consumers intending to change their attitudes and behavior; providing consumers with timely information about popular products and services; monitoring and exposing misleading “claims” by environmental groups, product suppliers/manufacturers and advertisers and helping governments establish codes of practice, laws, standards, and regulations; researching “labeling” schemes to help consumers identify ethical and “green” products, ensuring “greenwashing” does

Consumers believe it is imperative that important communications are based on FACTS rather than OPINIONS and that the whole chain is transparent.

not occur and that there is proven and transparent cost-benefit analysis in favor of the consumer.

SCA aim to be conducting campaigns in response to specific consumer-related problems; advocating for the interests of consumers at relevant global, national, regional, and international fora; and networking and cooperating with other relevant NGOs on consumer issues of shared concern and interest.

The proposition is that, as our fish stocks are a publicly owned resource, domestic consumers of locally caught seafood should be recognized as primary stakeholders in resource allocation processes – this view is expanded to fish/aquatic stocks in international waters.

SCA supports sustainable aquaculture and believe that every country

should have a pro-active aquaculture plan to ease the burden on fisheries and increase fish/seafood for food security and nutrition. Consumers need to be actively involved as primary stakeholders in issues relating to legislation and provide new insights that can be used by some stakeholders, such as retailers and fish farm managers, on how to improve the acceptability of aquaculture and its products.

Ross Winstanley, a concerned Victorian, was reported as saying “Too often, governments are prepared to terminate demonstrably sustainable commercial fisheries in favor of recreational fishing when the overall community benefits from both sectors are perfectly sustainable. Too often, on-water conflicts between anglers and commercial fishers are “resolved” by eliminating commercial

fishing instead of seeking negotiated resolutions or drawing on the range of fisheries management tools. Too often, commercial fishers must accept publicly funded compensation packages to quit sustainable fisheries. Sometimes, compensation packages are funded from recreational fishing license revenue; this effectively reduces resource allocation to a commercial transaction between commercial and recreational fishers. Local consumers generally form the largest stakeholder group for any commercially fished stock to supply domestic markets. Further, in terms of numbers, they roughly equate to “the community” – the owners of the resource” (Winstanley 2017).

Generally, seafood consumers are not ranked equal to recreational, commercial, Indigenous, subsistence

Barrabundy from Taiwan

and artisanal interests in recognizing “rights” and a clear position in allocation policy processes. This is clearly wrong!

SCA aims to raise awareness of safe, sustainable consumption of seafood/aquatic foods by providing clear and objective messages, clarifying the ‘sustainable’ concept so that consumers have all the necessary information to make the best decisions when choosing the seafood they will consume; and will center the topic on food rather than on resources as a more effective way to raise a broad community because reconnecting consumers and producers could improve knowledge and interest and bring to light new questions relating to nutrition and food security.

In many countries there are Community-based fisheries which enhance the social, ecological, and cultural fabric of our coastal communities. At the heart of communitybased fisheries are community-based fishers who live and work in the communities where they fish. They are typically independent, owner-operators, and are inherently committed to the long-term health of the marine ecosystem.

Community-based fisheries cannot survive without equitable access to the ocean commons where access should be kept affordable, available to future generations, and connected

SCA supports sustainable aquaculture and believe that every country should have a proactive aquaculture plan to ease the burden on fisheries and increase fish/seafood for food security and nutrition.

to the communities where they are fished. The ocean and its resources should be held in public trust and not privatized. This could easily apply to aquaculture if local communities take aquaponics to higher levels.

Paying a fair price to harvesters, processors, and shore-side businesses helps support local economies and increases the quality of life for all those handling our fish. Communitybased seafood should be available and affordable for all communities and must be balanced against the needs and limits of the ocean as well as harvester’s ability to sustain a livelihood with dignity and joy. Paying a fair price is also based on a conservation ethic where fishers are able to attain higher value for lower volume of catch, which places less pressure on the fish stocks. Profiteering by middle operators handling the communities resource needs to be reviewed.

The SCA recognizes that sustainability is a path and a goal to strive for, that ecosystems are the basis of good management, and that ecological sustainability needs to be a government priority and SCA much prefer to see governments controlling this rather than handing over

control to NGO’s who often have hidden agendas and are building businesses between the harvester and the consumer. Consumption of seafood/aquatic food products is highly associated with consumers’ lifestyles; it is essential to identify innovative approaches to promote sustainable seafood consumption among the entire global population.

SCA recognizes that this path must involve as many people as possible, and are looking at some priority issues:

1. Involvement in schools’ education as a significant step towards the implementation of essential concepts such as healthy and sustainable food choices because younger population groups are more flexible in adopting new concepts.

2. Connecting girls and women to the information and knowledge about the ‘1,000 Days Program’ (https://thousanddays.org/).

3. Engagement with aged people and aged care, ensuring they are getting the correct advice about seafood consumption; and,

4. Hospitality (i.e., hotels, clubs, and restaurants) and retail providers as places to educate the popula-

These were listed on Menu as Roasted King Prawns but were they?

SCA aim to be conducting campaigns in response to specific consumer-related problems; advocating for the interests of consumers at relevant global, national, regional, and international fora; and networking and cooperating with other relevant NGOs on consumer issues of shared concern and interest.

tion about seafood consumption by developing menus with sustainable recipes and training staff to create consumer satisfaction/ experience; and

5. Influencing medical professionals by providing correct information about seafood consumption and chronic disease based on sound medical research, information, and knowledge.

An Advisory Board is being established for SCA and the Association is waiting on some final approvals before it can launch but, in the meantime, these have been reserved as communication sites.

Website - https://seafoodconsumers. global/ Facebook - https://www.facebook. com/seafoodconsumersassociation

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/ company/seafoodconsumersassociation/ Instagram - https://www.instagram. com/seafood_consumers_association

X - https://twitter.com/sea_food_ global

In conclusion, the establishment of a Seafood Consumers Association will provide consumers with the tools and information necessary to make informed, responsible choices. It would advocate for increased seafood consumption through higher standards of safety, sustainability, and ethical practices within the seafood industry, ultimately benefiting consumers, businesses, government, and the environment.

Come and join SCA and The FishProf on the journey!

Regular contributor The Fishmonger has now morphed into FishProf and will continue contributing to AQUACULTURE MAGAZINE but also welcomes all the readers to connect through www.fishprof.com and join in our promotions to increase seafood consumption globally.

References and sources consulted by the author on the elaboration of this article are available under previous request to our editorial staff.

The Dory on offer here in a Queensland fishmonger shop is actually Basa likely from Viet Nam (Photo: FishProf, May 21, 2024).

JUNE 2024


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JULY 2024


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July 9-11, 2024

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E: cmosquera@cna-ecuador.com

W: www.aquaexpo.com.ec/


July 25-27, 2024

Quito, Ecuador

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W: https://conave.org/proteina-viva-2024/



Aug. 09-11, 2024

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Aug. 26-30, 2024

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E: worldaqua@was.org

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Aug. 28-30, 2024

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E: fay.lam@ite-gehua.com

W: international@sifse.com


Aug. 28-30, 2024

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E: info@veas.com.vn

W: livestock-asia.com/cambodia-1.html



Sept. 4-6, 2024


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EMPYREAL 5 W: empyreal75.com

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Aug. 26 - 30, 2024. Copenhagen, Denmark. Tel: +1 760 751 5005 E-mail: worldaqua@aol.com www.was.org

AQUACULTURE AFRICA 2024 ...................... 35

Nov. 20-23, 2024. Hammamet, Tunisia

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July 2-5, 2024. Surabaya, Indonesia T: (+1) 760 751 5005 Fax: (+1) 760 751 5003 E: worldaqua@was.org W: www.was.org

LATIN AMERICAN & CARIBBEAN AQUACULTURE 2024 35 Sept. 24-27, 2024. Medellín, Colombia T: (+1) 760 751 5005 E: worldaqua@was.org W: www.was.org


MSC...............................................BACK COVER T: +52 55 5091 7070 www.msc.com/seafood


REEF INDUSTRIES 1 9209 Almeda Genoa Road Z.C. 7075, Houston, Texas, USA. Contact: Gina Quevedo/Mark Young/ Jeff Garza. T: Toll Free 1 (800) 231-6074 T: Local (713) 507-4250 E-mail: gquevedo@reefindustries.com / jgarza@reefindustries.com / myoung@reefindustries.com www.reefindustries.com

E: info-asia@seafoodexpo.com

W: https://www.seafoodexpo.com/asia/



Sept. 11-13, 2024

Taipei City 10461, Taiwan

T: +886-2-2598-2630

E: maurycy_baranski@myexhibition.com.tw

W: https://www.taiwanagriweek.com/en/ about/IAFET/


Sept. 24-27, 2024

Medellín, Colombia

T: (+1) 760 751 5005

Fax: (+1) 760 751 5003

E: worldaqua@was.org

W: www.was.org



Oct. 07-08, 2024

Dubai World Trade Centre

Dubai, UAE

T: +44 (0) 7305288348

E: brent.crosbie@informa.com

W: https://informaconnect.com/agra-middle-east/


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