Your Boating Navigation Equipments in Dubai Based on UAE law, you need to have basic boating equipment onboard at all times. Failure to do so will lead to hefty fines. The fines, however, ought to be only a minor reason for making sure you has everything you need onboard? There are other safety issues involved. The following checklist will ensure that you have all of the necessary boating equipment.
Federal Requirements for Boating Gear: Life Jackets - These are required for each person onboard. Be sure to have jackets for people of all ages and sizes. Fire Extinguisher - If your boat has an enclosed engine or fuel tank, you must carry a fully charged Coast Guard-approved fire extinguisher onboard. Check the federal law for larger vessels as additional fire extinguishers may be required. Visual Distress Signals - Necessary for both day and night voyages, these signals must be within the expiration date. Navigation Lights - Required for powered boats operating after sunset. Check the federal law for specific requirements. Horn or Whistle - Required on all vessels in federal waters