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Fall 2005
The Magazine of Aquinas College
A New Library
To Become A Reality
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Grace Hauenstein Library
MISSION STATEMENT Aquinas College, an inclusive educational community rooted in the Catholic Dominican tradition, provides a liberal arts education with a global perspective, emphasizes career preparation focused on leadership and service to others, and fosters a commitment to lifelong learning dedicated to the pursuit of truth and the common good. Fall 2005 Vol. 4 No. 2
VISION STATEMENT Aquinas College conducts an array of educational programs whose quality and effectiveness cause it to be considered consistently as a premier Catholic liberal arts college in the Midwest. In doing so, it is the college of choice for increasing numbers of students who seek a diverse, but inclusive, learning community that will enable them to increase their knowledge, hone their competencies, develop their character, and answer God’s calling to use their gifts and talents to make a positive difference in our world through their lives, work and service. Aquinas strives to graduate students of competence, conscience, compassion and commitment.
EDITORIAL TEAM Marty Fahey, staff René Palileo ’98, staff Sally Reeves, staff Julie Ridenour, staff
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Scott Assenmacher, junior Joelle Kwiatkowski Baldwin ’02, staff Laura Bennett-Kimble ’95 Terry Bocian ’70, staff Damon Bouwkamp ’00, staff Rebecca Braden, senior Eric Bridge ’92, staff Michael Buck, senior Cecilia Cunningham, staff Rose Daum, junior Cynthia Dorman, staff Roger Durham, Ph.D., faculty Gary Eberle, faculty Ali Erhan, Ph.D., faculty Marty Fahey, staff Julie Ferstle, senior Kathy Fore ’05, staff Sara Frees, staff
Susan Gasster, Ph.D., faculty Brenda Hennink ’96, staff Michaeleen Kelly, Ph.D., faculty Harry Knopke, Ph.D., president Crystal Lubbers Laska ’01, staff Rabbi Albert Lewis, D.H.L., staff Tom Mikowski ’89, staff Michael Miller, senior Tony Nolan ’67, staff René Palileo ’98, staff John Pinheiro, Ph.D., faculty Sally Reeves, staff Jennifer Johnson Reynolds ’98, staff Julie Ridenour, staff Gary Robertson, faculty Tonya Schafer ’02 Jessica Skwir, senior Matt Tueth, Ph.D., faculty Ronda Varnesdeel William Weitzel, staff
DESIGN LAYOUT Jason Bardwell, D&D Printing Silvija Visockis, staff desktop publisher
PHOTOGRAPHY Scott Assenmacher, junior Rebecca Braden, senior Eric Bridge ’92, staff Michael Buck, senior Rose Daum, junior Eric Draper, White House photographer Katy Moore McAvoy ’01 Michael Miller, senior Elizabeth Reilly Mark Schmidbauer, staff Amy Venn Shepard ’87 Jessica Skwir, senior Andris Visockis
Aquinas magazine, created in Spring 2002, is a semi-annual publication of Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is published in August and February each year by the College Relations Department for alumni, friends and benefactors of the College as well as parents of enrolled students. Aquinas is a private, four-year Catholic Dominican Liberal Arts College. Letters, comments and suggestions are encouraged. E-mail: Web site: Alumni news: Main number: (616) 632-8900
Mail to: College Relations Department 1607 Robinson Road, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506-1799 (616) 632-2844 / Fax: (616) 459-2563 AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 2
The Magazine of Aquinas College
4 5 6
International Program Overview Carter Partnership Award Five Generations of Aquinas Graduates Commencement 2005 Hall of Fame Gala Event Jordan Hall Renamed Wege Speaker Series: William Reilly Sustainable Business Seminar
8 14 15 16 18 18 19 23
ATHLETICS Hall of Fame Inductees Teams in the National Finals Champions of Character
42 43 45
DEVELOPMENT Reflection Award Science Initiative AQ Fund
48 48 49
TRUSTEES New Trustees
EMERITUS Fall Classes
ALUMNI NEWS Director’s Message Homecoming/Reunions Profile: Amy Venn Shepard ’87 in Rwanda
26 29 30
STUDENT NEWS SIFE Team Shines in Chicago Service Learning: A Student’s Perspective MCC Awards
32 34 36
ADMISSIONS Admissions Outlook AQ and You Freshmen Legacies Spectrum Winners
54 54 55 55
FACULTY NEWS Dr. John Pinheiro Meets the President Profile: Sr. Rosemary O’Donnell, O.P. ’61 Faculty Notes
page 8
page 54
38 40 41
page 48
page 43
Aquinas College is committed to equality. This statement of the College speaks to this commitment, as do our history and heritage. We believe that diversity is a blessing, which brings a richness of perspective to our intellectual, cultural, social and spiritual life. All members of our community—faculty, staff, students—will demonstrate respect for each other regardless of our differences. All of us will be sensitive in our actions, words and deeds. We will demonstrate these sensitivities in our classrooms, curricula, offices, meeting places and living environments. We will maintain the diversity of our Board of Trustees, faculty, student body and staff and appreciate the different gifts each brings to this community regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or disability.
gift results in the creation of
President’s Message
the Grace Hauenstein Library
Harry J Knopke, Ph.D.
great sacrifice.” “I didn’t worry too much,” Grace states, “I knew God was watching over Ralph’s shoulder every day.”
This issue of Aquinas magazine highlights two different yet very important connections with the rest of the world that we maintain at the college: our library and our international programs. As with any good college or university library, ours serves to connect the Aquinas community with the world of ideas. For decades it has done so principally through use of traditional paper resources, such as books, periodicals, and reference materials. In recent years, the technological advances that have become integral parts of library science have generated a different kind of library, one employing internet-based resources involving search engines and electronic databases that provide instant connection with the rest of the world. This contemporary library is a far cry from the library of my childhood, one that featured a monthly stop by a bookmobile not far from our farm. While the library needs of the College community have outgrown the second floor of the Academic Building, and with them the kinds of accommodations necessary to meet those needs, one constant over time at Aquinas has been the competent, supportive library staff willing and able to help all patrons resolve their information needs quickly and effectively. When they move into the Grace Hauenstein Library featured in the following pages, I’m quite confident their use of the new facility’s expansive print and electronic resources will enable them to provide exceptional services to members of both the campus and the broader communities. The library enables our students and the rest of the Aquinas community to make connections with the rest of the world while staying in Grand Rapids. At the same time, our international programs, described on pp. 8-12, offer opportunities for our students to travel to other places in the world to engage in intensive, on-site connections with other cultures and languages. Based on the same kinds of principles that have underscored our long-standing and highly regarded Ireland program, the semester-long immersion experiences in Costa Rica, Spain, France, Germany and Japan give our students challenging yet highly rewarding opportunities to learn first-hand about other cultures by living and working daily with individuals and families of the host countries. You’ll see in the students’ recollections how these programs substantially broaden their understanding of their own place in the world, create lasting relationships with people of different cultures and foster fluency in a language other than English. In this latter regard, our faculty’s goal is to help each student begin to think in the language, rather than mentally translate to and from English as is frequently the case with foreign language instruction and, ideally, to help them begin dreaming in the language, a sure sign that language facility is being accomplished. It’s reaffirming to hear from scores of students returning from their semester abroad who report they do indeed dream in the language they’ve chosen to study. It’s also gratifying to hear them characterize their experiences as life-changing, an outcome repeated by each of the students describing our programs in this issue. The connections made through the library with the world of ideas-classical, sacred and emerging-or those accomplished through our international programs connecting with other peoples and languages, are all instrumental in helping our students develop the capacity to make all the difference in the world.
Grace and Ralph Hauenstein
A common refrain spoken by friends of Grace Hauenstein is that she is one of the finest women in West Michigan, a model for women and men alike in the way she’s lived her life for the past 93 years. Gracious, thoughtful, considerate, generous to a fault, for decades she has quietly gone about fulfilling her many roles as student, nurse, wife, mother and Catholic leader.
College—University of Detroit Mercy—Saint Mary’s Health Center baccalaureate degree program). She worked as a nurse at Saint Mary’s for about two years when she married Ralph, then a young reporter for The Grand Rapids Press. “He was my first boyfriend and I was his first girlfriend,” Grace says, to which Ralph replies “We were just out of the cradle, what do you expect?”
“I’ve never heard her say a bad word about anyone,” says her husband of 73 years, Ralph Hauenstein, whose lead gift to the Aquinas College Library project has resulted in the creation of the Grace Hauenstein Library. “She’s always been involved in Catholic endeavors and is all that a Catholic woman should be.”
When World War II began, the Hauensteins faced the most difficult challenge of their married life. Ralph was a colonel in the U.S. Army and was appointed Chief of the Intelligence Branch (G-2) at the headquarters of the European Theatre of Operations. For nearly four years, Ralph’s top-secret work prevented him from communicating with Grace, save for an episodic letter. “It was very hard for her, having to raise three small children by herself and not being able to know where I was, much less if I was all right,” Ralph recalls; “It was a
A native of Big Rapids, Michigan, Grace graduated from the nursing education program of Saint Mary’s Hospital (the precursor of the current Aquinas
After the war, the Hauensteins devoted their attention to their family, the church and civic life in Grand Rapids as Ralph was developing his multifaceted business interests. An active parishioner at St. Stephen’s for over 60 years, Grace first assumed her Catholic leadership role by organizing study clubs in the parish, a major undertaking in U.S. Catholic parish life in the 40’s and 50’s. She was later president of the Grand Rapids Council of Catholic Women, an organization whose purpose is to bring women together to share their faith, grow spiritually and unite in performing works of charity in the community and the world. She is also a Lady Commander of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher, an international organization with roots in the Crusades whose purpose is to serve the Catholic Church in the Holy Land. Her work in these areas led to her appointment as a member of the Papal Foundation. Grace has also been a long-time friend and supporter of Aquinas College. In addition to numbering Aquinas graduates among her children and grandchildren, Grace was President of the Friends of the Aquinas College Library and continues to place the library among her priorities. The entire Aquinas College community is privileged to honor her in perpetuity with the Grace Hauenstein Library.
A New Library
To Become A Reality By Laura Bennett-Kimble ’95 Contributing Writer
This new chapter of the library story began in 1997, when incoming President Harry Knopke addressed faculty for the first time and spoke of one of his major priorities: a new library. In 1999, a committee was formed to brainstorm the idea. By 2002, a 12-member committee included faculty from the Schools of Arts and Sciences, Education and Management, Provost Ed Balog and staff. Next, a survey was taken to get input from employees and students. During this period, Gary Eberle, English Department chairperson, realized that the Jarecki Center appeared to offer much that has been identified as desirable in a library. In 2003, a four-member subcommittee was formed: Eberle, Balog, thenlibrary director Teresa Sturrus, and Tom Summers, director of physical plant.
IT’S BEEN RUMBLING AROUND CAMPUS ALMOST AS LONG AS THE COLLEGE HAS BEEN AT ROBINSON ROAD – TALK OF A NEW LIBRARY Now, after decades of talk, plans, and even announcements about its existence, construction of a new library on the Aquinas campus began in July after the location and design had been decided, funding pledged and approval given by the Board of
Trustees. Now, the time is right. Over the coming months, the Jarecki Center for Advanced Learning will be enlarged and, except for space for the School of Management, converted into the Grace Hauenstein Library.
“After the subcommittee spent two hours touring Jarecki with a detailed checklist, it turned out that, at first glance, the building met 90 percent of what we wanted in a library,” Eberle said, listing items including natural lighting, nearby parking, access for the disabled, technology infrastructure, and meeting spaces. “Looking at this from the point of view of the institution, if this could work, we could save the College $6 million… I thought that was a pretty nifty idea.”
said Balog. “The funds were raised more quickly than if the building had been more expensive and will thus be ready for student use earlier.” The three-story library, which will cost $6.7 million for construction and an endowment, was designed by Progressive AE, which also designed Jarecki. It will be approximately 50,000 square feet when completed. Construction by Erhardt Construction should take about 12 months, said Knopke, with fall 2006 targeted for comple-
“Not surprisingly, the library staff is delighted…” tion. The new building is being created with the goal of receiving Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). And, it will contain shelving and other library furnishings donated by Kalamazoo College and Steelcase furnishings donated by Peter Wege. Faculty with offices in Jarecki will be displaced
Others thought so, too. “The most significant aspect of this new library is that by attaching it to an existing building, the College can reduce construction costs by at least 40 percent,” AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 7
for about a year, Knopke noted. “The School of Management has been in makeshift quarters for three years, using the former chapel for offices. Once the library is complete, they – along with the provost, deans and other faculty – will have permanent offices in the three wings of the renovated second floor of the Academic Building, where the library has been located since 1977.” Renovation will begin after the library vacates the second floor. Not surprisingly, the library staff is delighted with all of this. In May, Francine Paolini, library co-director with Shellie Jeffries, said, “We have been providing premium library services for years. It would be really great to have a building that reflects those services.” “In many ways, this opens up the campus with a second major hub,” said Chad Gunnoe, chairperson and associate professor of history. “In some ways, it’s our completion as a liberal arts college to have a full-fledged freestanding library that’s in a suitable home.” “The entire library staff is really excited”, Paolini said. “It’s just a huge step forward for the entire Aquinas community.”
International Flair
Costa Rica, with its lush rainforest landscapes and rich Latin American culture, provides a perfect setting for a program rooted in Spanish and ecological curricula. The program is
By Joelle (Kwiatkowski) Baldwin ’02 Director of the International Studies Program
La Paz Waterfall Gardens Nature Park
HAIKU Modern with traditional Tranquil park setting Amid gritty city life
The Roppongi Hills make their mark on the Tokyo skyline.
Why Study Abroad? Expand horizons, develop fluency in a new language, create a connection to another culture, experience a lifelong dream, build a resumé and inspire a career are some of the reasons students want to study abroad. And as we become more globally connected, an increasing number of students are reaching out to experience a new culture. Aquinas College offers six international programs, each of which entails a semester-long cultural and language immersion experience: Salamanca, Spain; Tully
Cross, Ireland; Santa Ana, Costa Rica; Tokyo, Japan; Perpignan, France; and Tuebingen, Germany. Evidence of the strength of our programs can be found in the longevity of our Ireland Program, celebrating its 33rd year in 2006, and in the growth of our Japan program, which will have its largest group of students to date studying at Seikei University during the 2005-06 academic year. Students may also opt to spend a semester at one of our sister schools through our Dominican Exchange AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 8
program with Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida; St. Thomas Aquinas College in Sparkill, New York; and Dominican University in San Rafael, California. We are proud to offer these international and domestic opportunities to our students seeking to open their eyes to diversity and to experience an opportunity that will forever impact their world view. Our students offer the most revealing perspectives on our programs.
based in Santa Ana, Costa Rica, a city located approximately 20 minutes from the capital city of San José. In a program specifically designed for Aquinas College students, participants are taught by Costa Rican professors and take courses in Spanish language and Central American/Costa Rican culture, history, literature and environmental issues. In addition to building fluency in the Spanish language, the program places a heavy emphasis on ecological, historical and cultural issues. Students enjoy the opportunity to participate in a reforestation service project as well as numerous
excursions to the country’s famous national parks, forest reserves, and indigenous reservations. Jessica Skwir, senior 2005 Costa Rica Program Snorkeling, hiking, white-water rafting, beaches, salsa dancing, and more! Who knew studying Spanish could be this exciting? Located outside the capital of San José, students can breathe the fresh country air by morning and feel the exciting city breeze by night. Students are housed with local families to eat, live, and enjoy life as a traditional Costa Rican. Not only does learning and speaking the language of the region become second nature for students, but, in addition, each learns about and participates in a reforestation program to cultivate organically prepared trees that are used locally to reduce deforestation in the area. Classes are held in the town library during the week, while weekends are spent traveling to take a deeper look at the ecological developments of the rich, green country. If culture, adventure, and experience are what you are looking for: ¡Pura Vida Costa Rica!
FRANCE Participants in our France Program enjoy the program’s location of Perpignan—a place diverse with its mix of French and Spanish flavor. Perpignan lies in the south of France, only 20 miles north of the Spanish border and 12 kilometers
The 2005 Costa Rican Group
off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The beautiful sites around Perpignan, including the 14th century St-Jean Cathedral, the Palace of the Kings of Mallorca, and the breathtaking Pyrenees Mountains, offer our students the perfect environment to live French culture for a semester. Students take courses in French language and culture, history and literature in a program specially designed for foreign students learning French as a second language at the University of Perpignan. Students with advanced language training have the opportunity to enhance their curriculum by taking classes alongside French students. Michael Buck, senior 2005 France Program Three airplanes there and two airplanes back. Between these two voyages, four months pass. In that time I experienced the adventure of a lifetime– going out to cafes, buying bread every day, trips to exotic places in Europe, studying at a foreign university and simply living in France. Throughout my stay in southern France I learned not only a new language, but a new way of life. This is not something that can be learned from our own country but by actually traveling to a country and immersing yourself in the experience. However, studying at an international school went beyond learning about French culture and customs. I also had the opportunity to learn about other world cultures. There were 15 students representing ten different nations on four continents in my class. An adventure of this magnitude changes a person, putting life into perspective– leaving home young and coming back an adult.
Aquinas Shows Its
Each year, Aquinas College offers its students the opportunity to become part of an Irish community. Tracing its beginning back to 1972, the program is located in Tully Cross, a small rural town located in the beautiful Connemara region on the west coast of Ireland. The village, surrounded by the landscape of the towering Twelve Bens mountain range and the rocky beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, mottled with thatched-roofed cottages and stone walls, embraces the Aquinas group each spring semester. This setting provides an intimate perspective on Irish culture for the students to take courses in Irish history, literature and various aspects of Irish studies. Two Aquinas faculty members accompany the students and direct the program throughout the semester. Students are also given the opportunity to work as teachers’ aides in the Irish National schools as well as to travel on program excursions to many of Ireland’s prominent historical sites. Rose Daum, junior 2005 Ireland Program Crowded into the flagstone-floored living room of Cottage Eight, the 22 of us sat in a circle trying to bring something called closure to our past four months together in Ireland. I looked at the faces all around me,
A bridge in Carcassonne, a town that neighbors Perpignan where Aquinas students are housed.
each conveying its stories and memories without words. The narrative traveled around the circle as each person shared first impressions of Tully Cross, the tiny village of western Ireland that was our home. I watched as the sweet pleasure of memory warmed each face and brought laughter to the group. But the restrained sorrow I also saw in their eyes nearly caused me to lose the composure I was struggling so hard to maintain. I thought to myself, how did we get to this point? The four months between boarding the plane in Grand Rapids and this moment of goodbyes had passed so quickly and yet was seemingly full of years of experiences. The stories each person shared were wonderful to revisit. One person told of the actual journey to Tully Cross, when the bus just kept driving us further and further from anything remotely resembling a city. The landscape was rugged and wild, dominated by rolling granite mountains and expansive bogs. Contrary to the green pastures which
Sitting around the circle that day in April, we all chuckled to relive our first experiences in Ireland, unsure of each other and the new environment in which we found ourselves. From the naiveté of that first day, we had come so far. After that, we started classes, made friends in town, and adjusted to the slowness of life in Tully Cross. We explored the Connemara landscape, learned to dance and drink like true Irishmen, and fell in love with people and places. As a group, we became neighbors, then friends and finally family. There in that cottage, my heart felt so full of affection for these people who, mostly unknowingly, meant so much to me. The next day, after the excruciating tragedy of being forced to board buses and planes which took us farther and farther away from everything we had
The 2005 Ireland group celebrates the 32nd year of the program.
The Castillet in downtown Perpignan, France is one of the city’s chief sights. This 14th century building is a combination gateway and fortress.
The 2005 Ireland group travels to the Cliffs of Moher.
come to love, a new dimension was added to our relationships within the group. As we sat in airports, singing songs we had so often heard in Ireland, we all realized that no one at home would ever fully understand the amazing experience we had just shared. The other people in the Aquinas group were the only ones who could relate to or know, in one glance, what we were each enduring. Looking around at my classmates on the plane, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness and sadness. I wanted the experience of Ireland to last forever. It was such a dream world. And yet, as we were leaving, I knew we could never go back to that world as it was when we lived there. It was untouchable, unreachable. I knew things would be different from then on. Ireland, to me, is like a snow globe. We were all blessed to live in an idyllic, priceless, magical world with breathtaking moments and heartwarming people. But now, all we can do is look back at the memory and wish we could get back inside that world, being forever outside of it. All we can do is remember. That will have to be enough. Try as I have, there is no way, even with millions of words, to share our experiences perfectly. We all learned and grew, loved and hurt, so much. I’m sure not one of us would trade that journey for anything, all the highs and lows included. Perhaps some of us will return to Ireland, but there will never be anything like those amazing four months. Ireland was our home, our dream, and so much more. The song two local brothers sang to us before we left describes perfectly what was, and still is, in many of our hearts: “Back across the ocean to my home away from home, I’m glad to be returning but sad to have to go. I’d like to find a way to be two places at one time, it’s easy going back again but hard to say goodbye.”
GERMANY The Germany Program takes place in the beautiful town of Tuebingen, located in the southwest portion of the county just 25 miles south of Stuttgart. With nearly one-third of its residents affiliated with its 500year-old university, Tuebingen is sincerely academic. Though Tuebingen is a moderately-sized city, it is a well-connected hub to Europe. The city offers our students a genuine German cultural experience and serves as a gateway to European travels. Students who participate in this intensive German language and culture program are taught by faculty at the University of Tuebingen. Throughout its history, the University has hosted many great minds of European thought, including Hegel, Holderlin, Kepler, Schelling, and Hesse. Even Pope Benedict XVI was counted among its faculty in the 1960s. Students live in international university housing and have the opportunity to augment their experience with excursions to important regional sites. Scott Assenmacher, junior 2005 Germany Program My experience in Germany has been nothing short of life changing. Sometimes it seems I am trying to cram a lifetime of experiences into four short months. I have seen only a small fragment of what this country has to offer, but what I have seen has been incredible. From the ancient churches and castles to the modern cities and automobiles to the wild
Tuebingen’s castle overlooks the terra cotta roofs of the city center.
and rolling wilderness, Germany is a much more diverse and interesting country than I could have anticipated. I was lucky enough to be included in a wonderful group of people from across the United States, and this made my experience even better. This program made me realize my love of language and history; I have since resolved not only to become at least tri-lingual, but to live in Europe after college. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to have seen and experienced such wonderful things with such wonderful people.
JAPAN Aquinas College and Seikei University in Tokyo, Japan have created an exchange agreement which allows for the exchange of two students per academic year. Situated in a metropolis that over 12 million people call home, Seikei University offers students the vitality of Japan’s capital city while providing an academic setting that upholds Aquinas’ standards of personalized instruction and rigorous education. Aquinas students have the opportunity to spend either a semester or year at Seikei University studying Japanese language and culture. Students live in the International House on the
Salamanca: Students take courses in Spanish language, culture and communication, Spanish literature, art and business.
A picturesque view of Tuebingen along the Neckar River
greeted us at the Shannon Airport, we were now surrounded by brown, rocky fields as far as the eye could see. Amidst such a formidable, yet gloriously beautiful landscape, the presence of people was dwarfed. The bus was silent, perhaps out of sleep or maybe awe, as we drove towards the lives awaiting us. The cottages looked like a post card with their thatched roofs and bright red doors, lining one side of the (only) street in town.
Michael Miller, senior 2004-2005 Japan Program People often ask me, “What is it like in Japan? I tell them Japan is like New York in a jungle with the manners of the 1950s, housing from the ‘70s, fashions of the ‘90s but with the technology from 2010. It’s like being an alien on another planet. Everything is smaller, shorter, and still somehow more expensive. I don’t want to stand out, but at the same time those years of living in the Land of the Free have given me a certain sense of personal liberty when it comes to making my own style that seems to have set me apart from everyone else here, even other foreign students. Being a student here has given me so much more than a fluency I could have never achieved in the U.S. Living in Japan has been the crucible of my life thus far. Japan has taught me to be like the flower in the rain spreading its petals gently, opening myself up just enough to drink without drowning.
SPAIN Students who participate in our Spain Program study at the University of Salamanca, regarded as one of Europe’s most renowned universities. Founded in 1218, the University of Salamanca is the oldest university in Spain. Having been designated by the Spanish government to create an innovative educational program for foreigners to learn Spanish, the University is Spain’s leading national institution in the teaching of Spanish as a second language. Another advantage for students is that Salamanca is located in the region of Spain where the purest Castilian Spanish is spoken. Students fluent in Spanish who test into the superior level may enroll in the many courses offered within the University alongside Spanish students. Other students take Spanish language and culture courses designed for foreign students that are taught by University professors in Spanish and validated by the University.
Rebecca Braden, senior 2004 Spain Program The general rule in studying a foreign language is that you will never completely learn it until you are placed in a situation in which you must use it on a daily basis. My time in Spain allowed me to continue learning the language in an educational setting through Los Cursos Internacionales. However, it also forced me to use my Spanish every day with my host family’s home, around the city, and with the other international students. Experiencing the culture was more than just experiencing the language. Through this program, I also was able to travel throughout Europe. Excursions offered through the program to places such as Madrid, Portugal and Andalucia, as well as personal travel throughout other European countries, was what gave me a complete experience. For three months, from September to December, Europe was my reality. Every day I woke up to new experiences, new people and a new culture. Studying and living in Salamanca, Spain helped me not only to learn another language, but gave me the feeling that everyday I was waking up to my new home.
Salamanca is home to our Spain Program students each fall semester.
Students in the Spain program travel to places like San Sebastian, Madrid, Portugal as well as Toledo, pictured.
The 2004 Spain Group enjoys a program excursion to Granada.
campus of Seikei University and are encouraged to participate in the various program excursions to historical and cultural sites.
Best Ever
Haiti Garage Sale For the past six years, Campus Ministry has held a garage sale to raise funds for the College’s Haiti Project. This year, May 25-27, the Campus Ministry Gate House was transformed into a community market for the 7th annual Haiti Garage Sale. The festive event meets several needs. First, it raises funds and awareness of Aquinas’ ongoing sponsorship of seven Haitian teachers at our sister school in Borel, Haiti. Second, it provides an outlet for hundreds of clothes and other items left by on-campus students at the conclusion of the academic year. Third, it encourages reuse of items so less is sent to the landfill.
The event netted over $2,300. All proceeds from the Haiti Garage Sale directly benefit the Andre Pierre School in Haiti, where 225 Haitian students are enrolled. Unsold items following the sale are donated locally. The Campus Ministry/ServiceLearning Team of Eric Bridge, Mary Clark-Kaiser and Terry Marshall thanks patrons, donors and the numerous volunteers who made this year’s event possible.
Haiti Sale volunteers
Donate items or join us for next year’s Haiti Garage Sale, May 24-26, 2006. Haiti Sale shoppers
For more info on Service-Learning at Aquinas, go to:
Aquinas Launches
Heritage and Traditions Web Site of the Historical Commission about how best to make the history of the College accessible to alumni and friends of the College as well as incoming students who might want a glimpse of the College’s past.
The Aquinas College Historical Commission was established in the 1990s to raise awareness of the College’s history and traditions. The latest project of the Commission is a new Web page on the Aquinas College site called “Heritage and Traditions,” which features photos, audio clips and a timeline of major events in the College’s history. It launched officially in July. The idea for the Web page grew out of discussion among members
Members of the Aquinas College Historical Commission have spent the past year reviewing yearbooks and other sources for historical photos. The selected photos were scanned into electronic format and laid into the Web page along with text. Aquinas College English professor Gary Eberle produced the text of the Web site and oversaw the project. The timeline was prepared by Sr. Jean Milhaupt, O.P., College archivist, and on the scripts of “Historically Speaking: Narrative Recollections of Aquinas College History,” a five-part oral history AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 13
project produced by the Historical Commission three years ago. The Web site “Heritage and Traditions” is organized decade by decade and includes not only major events but also some interesting sidelights that alumni might remember. In addition to pictures and text, visitors to the site can click on audio links to hear such well-known College figures as Monsignor Bukowski and former faculty members sharing their reminiscences about the College. The site also provides links for alumni to share their memories of Aquinas College with the college archivist via email. The full Web address is www.aquinas. edu/heritage, or access the site through the Aquinas College home page.
Service Learning
The Honduran Way By Susan Gasster Ph.D., Professor of French and Spanish
San Pedro Sula, Honduras. A group of eight Aquinas College students spent 10 days, May 9-19 in Honduras on a service learning trip. In preparation for the visit, students took a full-semester academic course dealing with the economy, history, politics and literature of the region, with special emphasis on the role of Christianity and especially the Catholic Church since the 1960s and the development of Liberation Theology. Students analyzed CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) and learned how the agreement affects the people of
Honduras. The group was accompanied by Linda Nash, women’s athletic director for Aquinas, and Professor Suzanne Gasster, who taught the course. Aquinas students worked with local Hondurans to help construct small cement block houses with solid floors and tin roofs. The houses replaced washed-away structures in the low ground near the river. Each of the houses being built would be paid by the potential owner’s labor. Aquinas worked mainly on two small houses about 15 feet by 12 feet, mixing cement and pouring the floors.
The most difficult and perhaps complicated experience was the visit to the prison where exactly a year ago 106 prisoners were killed in a fire that most people believe was caused by, or at least augmented by, gasoline thrown by the guards. At the time, the prison personnel delayed a whole hour before calling the firemen, who in turn took an hour to arrive. Aquinas extends thanks to Sr. Joan, Sr. Doris, Fr. Tom, and the Honduran people for their hospitality and for this life-changing experience.
L-R: Bill, Gwen, Charlotte, Kecia and Rodney
POHI Graduates
Family Celebrates
Aquinas College garnered another first in a growing list of distinctions when it graduated its first group of teacher-conductors from the Physically or Otherwise Health Impaired (POHI) program. The students (l-r) Jamieson McCormick, Melissa Kelly, Andrea Gainok and Clare Avery, also became the first individuals to graduate as teacher-conductors from the Hungariandeveloped Conductive Learning program in North America. McCormick, Gainok and Avery elected to stay on at Aquinas, following graduation, to deliver conductive learning services to clients at the College’s Conductive Learning Center.
Fifth Member to Graduate
CLI’s Get the Lead Out! Finalist for Carter Partnership Award The Aquinas College Community Leadership Institute’s collaborative effort with the Baxter Wholistic Health Center was a finalist for the Carter Partnership Awards. Get The Lead Out! is a collaborative of more than two dozen organizations working together to end childhood lead poisoning, which has resulted in a reduction in the number of childhood lead poisonings by 50 percent in Kent County since 2000.
efforts with their local communities. The award was presented for the first time in Michigan during the annual Governor’s Service Awards Dinner held in Dearborn on June 18.
The Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Partnership Award (Carter Partnership Award) recognizes college/university collaborative
Bill Bennett, the family patriarch, was instrumental in encouraging the other four to attend Aquinas. His decision to attend as a Continuing Education student came as a result of the College’s flexible class schedule, which, at the time, meshed nicely with his full-time job with the GRPS. He now works for General Motors. Gwen, Charlotte and Rodney also came to Aquinas as Continuing Education students.
The Carter Partnership Award was presented to Kalamazoo College and the local school district by Mrs. Carter.
Nursing Graduates
Aquinas’ CLI has played an essential facilitative role in the development and operation of this effective four-year effort. Attending Carter Partnership Award Ceremony were: (L-R) Eric Bridge ‘92, Aquinas College, Arlene Colbert, Baxter Community Center; Mikki Turnbull, Baxter Wholistic Health Center; Brian Jones, Baxter Community Center; Paul Haan, project coordinator - Community Leadership Institute’s Get The Lead Out! Program; Adriana Jones, president, Baxter Neighborhood Association, Mary Ann Musial Bridge ’92.
Among the hundreds of graduates at this year’s ceremony was Rodney Bennett, the fifth and latest in a line of Bennett family members who have attended Aquinas dating back to the early 1970s. His father, Bill Bennett, graduated in 1971 with a B.S.B.A. His mother, Mary Gwen Bennett and his aunt, Charlotte (Bennett) Washington, received their B.A. degrees in 1974 and 1975, respectively. Each is currently teaching in the Grand Rapids Public School System (GRPS). His sister, Kecia, an accountant for Chicago Title of Michigan, earned her B.S.B.A. degree in 1997.
The 16 members of the second class of graduates from our nursing degree program, which was developed in conjunction with the University of Detroit-Mercy and Saint Mary’s Health Care, pose for their final Aquinas photo. The picture was taken May 3, following a special dinner hosted by President and Mrs. Knopke for the graduates at Aquinas and prior to their pinning ceremony held at the Lacks Cancer Center at Saint Mary’s.
During Commencement remarks, President Knopke singled out Rodney Bennett’s efforts to earn his degree as typical of the sacrifice Continuing Education students make when they decide to return to school while the demands of full-time work and family responsibilities also compete for their attention. “His persistence, commitment to learning, ability to balance daily competing demands and vision for his future are reflective of all the adult students graduating today,” said Knopke. Rodney Bennett works at Forest Hills Central Middle School as Dean of Students and as Athletic Director.
2005 Commencement Aquinas College graduated 599 students May 7, with 340 of them receiving their diplomas in person during the Commencement ceremony. The campus grounds were perfectly manicured for the day’s activities and the College Field House was packed with family and friends looking on with pride as their graduates accepted their degrees. Dr. Bruce Cole, chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, delivered the commencement address. Speaking on “Why the Humanities Matter,” Cole emphasized the importance of the arts in our communities and urged graduates and the audience to support them. Cole received an honorary degree in Humane Letters. Doctor of Fine Arts degrees were awarded to local philanthropists Fred and Lena Meijer and art activist Mary Ann Keeler. The College also recognized Trustee Emeritus and 1961 alumnus Edward “Ned” Smith for his years of service to the College and for his community contributions.
Hall of Fame Gala Ceremony Aquinas College will honor 11 individuals on the evening of September 23 during the 2005 Hall of Fame Gala, the kick-off for Homecoming Weekend (Sept. 23-25). Three of those being recognized will be inducted into the College Hall of Fame. Two are longtime faculty members who will be honored posthumously – Gertrude M. Horgan, a member of the English Department from 1955 until 1979 and who initiated the Ireland Study Program; and Lewis B. Clingman, a history professor at Aquinas from 1946
until 1976. In addition, Trustee Patrick M. Quinn ’58, a Trustee Emeritus for Life, will be inducted into the Hall of Fame for his extended service to the College. Five former athletes will be inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame. They are: Mike Hagan ’83 (Soccer); Mauro Caporuscio ’83 (Soccer); Sherry Wilder ’65 (Golf); Tom Hofmann ’61 (Baseball/Lifetime Achievement Award); and Dennis Alexander ’67 (Basketball). (See related article in the Athletic section.)
The Alumni Association will recognize three people for their service to the College community. Juan Olivarez ’71, the president of Grand Rapids Community College and a graduate of Aquinas, will receive the Outstanding Alumni Award; the late Stella Ferris ’86, an Aquinas graduate and the College’s former director of Multicultural Affairs, will be named the Distinguished Service Award recipient; and the Association will honor one of its own as Board Member of the Year.
Lecturer on Catholic Intellectual Tradition A Dominican biblical scholar will be the second speaker for the St. Thomas Aquinas Lecture on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Sr. Barbara Reid., O.P., Ph.D., ’75, a professor of New Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, will speak on Monday, October 10, 2005, on “The Passion of Women and the Passion of Christ” in the
Performing Arts Center on the Aquinas campus. Reid has a keen interest in relating the study of the scriptures with the ministry of preaching and has done extensive study on the parables and women in the Gospel of Luke. She received her undergraduate degree from Aquinas in 1975 and her Ph.D. from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
William Reilly f o r m e r E P A a d m i n i s t r a t o r Visits AQuinas By Laura Bennett-Kimble `95 Contributing Writer
Lewis B. Clingman†
Stella Ferris†
Gertrude M. Horgan†
Juan Olivarez
Patrick M. Quinn
Board Member of the year
in Honor of Longtime Communit y Actress
Jordan Hall R e n a m e d The College Board of Trustees made it official, renaming Jordan Hall in memory of a great Grand Rapids theatrical legend. The building, located on the east side of campus near the Jarecki Center, has been renamed Brink
Hall in honor of the late Norma Brink, a co-founder of Community Circle Theatre who died on June 12, 2004. Brink, an educator in the Grand Rapids Public Schools system, appeared in more than 140 theatrical productions
locally and was playing a leading role in “Morning’s At Seven,” a Circle Theatre production, when she fell ill and later died. Circle Theatre moved to the new Performing Arts Center on the Aquinas campus in July 2003 as a result of a collaboration between Aquinas, Circle Theatre and the Catholic Secondary Schools. Brink Hall, which had been vacant until this year, now houses the new offices of Community Circle Theatre and Anthony Guest, director of the Aquinas College Theatre Program.
Photo by Elizabeth Reilly
In April, William K. Reilly, World Wildlife Fund chairman and former administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, visited the College to speak at the annual Wege Foundation Speaker Series. Presenting facts and figures showing our impact– both positive and negative– on the environment, Reilly spoke of his Midwestern roots and his concern for the Great Lakes, which are threatened by toxins, sediment disposal, invasive species like the zebra mussels, and calls to divert water from the Great Lakes basin.
Expressing both satisfaction and frustration in the progress of environmental restoration, Reilly said nothing on a grand scale happens overnight; “nothing good comes easily.” However, he did point out that waters are no longer flammable, as they were in 1968 when the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland caught fire. That achievement came about through efforts like the Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative, which developed pollution standards for states in the Great Lakes watershed. Reilly, like 2004 Wege Foundation lecturer Christine Ervin, spoke of concerns regarding climate change. “Science supports the urgency of this issue,” Reilly said. As co-chair of the bipartisan National Commission on Energy Policy, Reilly has been involved in forming and proposing measures regarding acid rain, global warming, and other AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 19
climate issues. The Commission also has sought to “raise the priority for energy policy without risking the economy,” he said. Although he has long been a leader in government and other secular organizations, Reilly spoke at length on the spiritual component. He said the tradition of stewardship and sustainability goes back to St. Benedict, who “created a religious order that confidently shaped, reformed, and nurtured the earth, rendering it more beautiful, more practical, and more productive.” Reilly’s talk concluded with an animated question and answer period, when audience members– including Peter Wege himself– asked questions about hybrid vehicles, bio-diesel fuel, wind power tax credits, government policy, and the role of religion in environmentalism.
Biblical Scholar Selected as Second
Eleven To Be Honored During
Masculinity Authority
Ringgold to Speak Faith Ringgold, internationally renowned painter, award-winning writer, mixed media sculptor, performance artist and activist will present two slide lectures titled “Quilts as Art and Story: The Works of Faith Ringgold” in the Aquinas College Performing Arts Center, Wednesday, October 12 from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Ringgold’s work synthesizes painting, quilting and story telling, bringing together the traditions of Western art with African American craft and
By Laura Bennett-Kimble `95
folklore. Tickets are $10 per person and may be purchased at the Aquinas College Performing Arts Center, 1703 Robinson Road, S.E. or by calling (616) 632-2449. Seating is limited. A book signing will follow each presentation. A number of Ringgold’s award-winning painted story quilts will be on display in the Aquinas College Art and Music Center Gallery from Monday, October 3 through Friday, October 14. Gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The quilt display is free and open to the public. Two video tapes will be available in the Gallery for self-guided tours. A docent-lead tour of the quilts can be arranged. The Aquinas College Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Studies Center is the sponsor of this event that gives members of the Grand Rapids community, young and old, an opportunity to see and hear this multi-talented woman.
© Faith Ringgold 1996 Working Women, 1996 Acrylic on canvas with pieced fabric Border 41 x 31 inches
© Faith Ringgold 1990 Tar Beach, 1990 Silk screen on silk approx 66 x 66 inches
For additional information, please call (616) 632-2979 or (616) 632-2845 or visit the Web site at
Photo: Grace Matthews 1998
In an effort to shed light upon some complex gender issues, masculinity authority Michael S. Kimmel, Ph.D., spoke at two Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Studies Center events in April. Kimmel, who has written and edited books including “Sexualities: Identities, Behaviors and Societies; Gendered Society; and Manhood in America,” presented thought-provoking, goodhumored lectures dealing with gender issues, the differences between men and women, and societal expectations of young boys. When examining gender differences in his lecture “Not Mars or Venus, but Planet Earth: Women and Men in the New Millennium,” Kimmel highlighted the fact that “we are all earthlings.” During “What about the Boys? Masculinity and Risk,” Kimmel told of being the lone male member of a study group that met 25 years ago to discuss gender issues. He then stated one of the central issues then that continues to be critical: “Most men don’t know gender is as important to them as it is for women – masculinity is invisible to them.”
Women’s Studies Center Hosts
Egyptian Presidency
Speaks at Aquinas
By Matt Tueth, Ph.D. Steelcase Foundation Professor of Sustainable Business
By Michaeleen Kelly, Ph.D. Professor of Philosophy
Democracy in Egypt can be viewed from varying perspectives. One comes from a man who spent time in prison for activities that his government viewed as unpatriotic and illegal. Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, director of the Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, intends to pursue his candidacy for the Egyptian Presidency this fall. Ibrahim, a sociologist at the American University of Cairo and a visiting scholar at the Elliott School for International Diplomacy at George Washington University, addressed several classes at Aquinas on March 18 about his experiences in prison and Egypt’s democratic system. At the time, Ibrahim had only recently been released from prison after having been incarcerated for 18 months for allegedly having made Egypt look bad in the eyes of the
international community as well as for having accepted illegal contributions to the Center from the European Union. As a result of international outrage and the work of human rights activists worldwide, those charges were dropped and Ibrahim was released. He has resumed his teaching and delivering presentations to various international groups and universities while working on his memoir. Ibrahim was invited to Aquinas to speak to the Contemporary Arab and Jewish Thinkers Class, which included his book Egypt, Islam and Democracy as one of its texts. He also spoke to the “Arab Women” and “Mideast Politics” classes, providing cogent and persuasive analysis of the relationship between Islam and civic culture in Egypt.
groups have taken on the role of social service organizations in Egypt and provided insight into the Quran’s mandate for responsible, democratic citizenship. Ibrahim is viewed as an international expert on Egyptian democracy. As a result, his stay in the U.S.A. last semester has brought him national exposure with interviews by the New York Times and NPR, editorials in the New York Times and the Washington Post on the issues of democracy and politics in Egypt and Islamic political groups and states. He was scheduled to return to Cairo this summer, where he will pursue his work with the Center as well as his candidacy for the Egyptian presidency.
He talked about evidence that showed how some Islamic
At t e n t io n ! Former Campus Safety Officers Campus Safety Director Tony Nolan still has a few CSO 25th Anniversary pins left for former student officers or employees of Campus Safety at Aquinas. If you would like a pin, contact Tony at
or write to: Tony Nolan, director of Campus Safety, Aquinas College,1607 Robinson Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 and indicate when you were on the staff. Please provide a mailing address. Tony is happy to hear from former campus officers!
Jessica Eimer, AQ Student
Rachel Hood, Metro Health
Dave Rinard, Steelcase
Aquinas College is reaching out to the community to share the story about sustainability. On May 17, the College hosted a sustainable business breakfast seminar that attracted more than four dozen people, including business representatives as well as Aquinas faculty, staff, and students, to the Wege Ballroom.
practices are being incorporated as part of their new hospital under construction in the city of Wyoming. Aquinas College launched its new sustainable business major last year and has had remarkable interest from a number of students. Jessica Eimer, an Aquinas student who made sustainable business her third undergraduate major, offered a student’s perspective on the program and shared her motivation for taking on the additional major.
be scheduled at Aquinas annually. Anyone who is interested in attending future sustainable business seminars can e-mail Brenda Hennink at to be placed on the e-mail invitation list.
The introductory program, “Profitability, People, and Planet,” featured examples of Grand Rapids businesses that have begun to adopt the principles of sustainability. Following an opening introduction to sustainable business with a historical perspective, Dave Rinard, director of Environmental Performance at Steelcase Corporation, outlined his company’s plans to implement sustainable practices. Representatives from Metropolitan Hospital shared how sustainable
The seminar piqued the interest of those who attended. Exit surveys revealed that participants want to hear more about sustainable business practices in future seminars that would also include discussions in the sub-fields of renewable energy, green buildings, biocimitry, and local sustainable communities. Conference organizers anticipate that a series of such innovative educational events will
Aquinas hosts its first
The sustainable business program is the first baccalaureate program of its kind in the country. A more intensive option for interested individuals, typically those already in the workplace, is to complete a six-course certificate in sustainable business offered at Aquinas College. The required course work includes basic courses in both the environment and business as well as four courses in the sustainable business curriculum. For information concerning enrollment in the certificate program, contact the Aquinas Admissions Office at (616) 632-2900.
banking panel
On March 31, Aquinas hosted its first banking panel to inform students about retail, commercial lending and trust services careers. John Hogan (at podium), assistant professor of accounting, introduces panelists from the banking services field, all Aquinas graduates. Jim Blanchard ’76 from Chemical Bank West focused on trust and investments; Jamie Martinez ’02 from Fifth Third explained retail banking and branch management; and Bob Kaminski ’84 from Mercantile Bank spoke about credit and commercial lending.
Sustainable Business Seminar
Candidate for
C o n t e m p or a ry Writers Series
2005-06 Aquinas College
Theatre Schedule
AUGUST 18.........Freshmen Orientation 22.........Fall classes begin
SEPTEMBER 6...........Aquinas College Art Exhibit
This highly successful program brings nationally (and internationally) recognized poets and writers to the campus for readings and informal talks. All readings take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Wege Center Ballroom and are free and open to the public. For more information on the Contemporary Writers Series, contact the Series Director, Pam Luebke at 632-2127.
through Sept. 30 AMC Oil Paintings by Nolan Gerber.
7...........Reflection Award 6 p.m., Browne Center grounds Honoring Twink Frey and Jim McKay. Dinner Ticket: $150 For information, call (616) 632-2805
13.........Aquinas College Lecture Series 12:30-1:20 p.m.,Wege Student Center, Free “Bush’s Counter Terror World: A Comparative Analysis to Counter-revolution” Roger Durham, Ph.D.
19.........Contemporary Writers Series
Award-winning poet Betsy Sholl will read from her collection of books including “The Red Line” and “Pick a Card.”
October 6-9 Marvin’s Room
7:30 p.m., Wege Student Center, Free Betsy Sholl, Poet
20.........Contemporary Writers Series 12:30 p.m., Wege Student Center, Free Betsy Sholl, Poet
23.........Hall of Fame Gala and Homecoming Weekend Kickoff
December 1-4 Godspell
6:30 p.m., Wege Student Center Ballroom $60 per person For information, call (616) 632-2493
23-25....Homecoming Weekend 24.........Homecoming Reception
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 February 23-26 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Dinty W. Moore, the acclaimed writer of such creative non-fiction works as “Toothpick Men,” “The Accidental Buddhist” and “The Emperor’s Virtual Clothes,” shares his unique vision of the world.
2-4 p.m., AMC Gallery
27.........Master in Education with Initial Certification 6:00 p.m., Information Session For information, call (616) 632-2800
29.........Aquinas Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Studies Center Presentation
April 6-9 An Actor’s Nightmare
12:30-1:30 p.m., Wege Student Center, Loutit Room, Free “Blue Nile Medic: A True Modern-Day Adventure” Kate Dernocoeur
OCTOBER 4...........Aquinas Lecture Series
Stuart Dybek, poet and fiction writer, will read from his critically praised books which include “The Coast of Chicago,” “Childhood and Other Neighborhoods,” and the recently released “I Sailed With Magellan.”
12:30-1:20 p.m. Wege Student Center, Free “Running Out of Dark: Readings from my M.F.A. Creative Manuscript” Pamela Waterbury
3-14......Faith Ringgold’s Quilts Aquinas Gallery For Gallery hours, call (616) 632-2413
10.........The Second Annual St. Thomas Aquinas Lecture on Catholic Intellectual Tradition
For ticket information to all performances, please call the box office at (616) 456-6656.
7 p.m., Aquinas College Performing Arts Center, Free Barbara E. Reid O.P., Ph.D., Professor of New Testament Studies Catholic Union Theological Seminary
12.........Aquinas Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Studies Center Presentation 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Performing Arts Center $10 per person. “Quilts as Art and Story: The Works of Faith Ringgold.” Faith Ringgold’s slide lecture & book signing information, call (616) 632-2449
17-22....FALL BREAK 25.........Master in Education with Initial Certification 6 p.m., Information Session For information, call (616) 632-2800
28.........TPS Seminar & Workshop All Day Wege Ballroom
30.........College Chorus Concert 4 p.m., Location to be announced, Free. Music Department
NOVEMBER 1...........Aquinas Lecture Series 12:30-1:20 p.m., Wege Student Center Ballroom, Free “1905: Einstein’s Memorable Year” Charles R. Frydrych Jr.
8...........Contemporary Writers Series 7:30 p.m., Wege Student Center, Free Dinty W. Moore, author
9...........Contemporary Writers Series 12:30 p.m., Wege Student Center, Free Dinty W. Moore, author
10.........Aquinas Jazz Jam 9:30 p.m., Cook Carriage House, Free.
11.........AQ Day, Nursing All Day, 8:15 a.m. For high school juniors, seniors and their families. For information, visit:
13.........Art Department Faculty Exhibit Through Dec. 16, AMC Gallery Works by Don Kerr, Dana Freeman, Kurt Kaiser, Madeline Kaczmarczyk, Ron Pederson, Sharon Sandberg and Chris LaPorte
24-27....Gallery closed 13.........Aquinas College Band Concert 4 p.m., Art and Music Center, Free
15.........Aquinas Lecture Series 12:30-1:20 p.m., Wege Student Center Ballroom, Free “Family Friendly Policies” Michelle DeRose, Ph.D.
17.........Aquinas Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Studies Center Presentation 12:30-1:30 p.m., Wege Student Center, Free “Leadership Roles of Native American Women” Sharon Detz, Director, Native American Minstry
17.........Fall Jazz Night 7:30 p.m., AMC, Free
18.........AQ Day, General All Day, 8:15 a.m. AQ Day for high school juniors, seniors and their families. For information, visit
18-19....Grand Rapids Sports Hall of Fame Women’s Basketball Classic Van Andel Arena For information, call (616) 632-2474
20.........Opening Reception for Art Department Faculty Exhibit 2-4 p.m., AMC Gallery, Free Works by Don Kerr, Dana Freeman, Kurt Kaiser, Madeline Kaczmarczyk, Ron Pederson, Sharon Sandberg and Chris LaPorte
20.........Fall Choral Concert. 4 p.m, Location to be announced
22.........Master in Education with Initial Certification 6 p.m., Information Session For information, call (616) 632-2800
25-26....Grand Rapids Sports Hall of Fame Men’s Basketball Classic Van Andel Arena For information, call (616) 632-2474
DECEMBER 1...........Aquinas Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Studies Center Presentation Sister Santa visits Aquinas College 12:30-2:00 p.m.Wege Student Center, Lower Level, Free.
9...........AQ Day - Leadership All Day, 8:15 a.m. Aquinas Leadership AQ Day for high school juniors, seniors and their families. – For information, visit:
2...........Fourth Annual Aquinas/Brann’s Charity Basketball Shootout for Toys for Tots 6 & 8 p.m., Field House One new toy, non-violent in nature, in original packaging, not holiday wrapped good for two admissions. Cost for oneday pass is $5 adults, $2 students For information, call (616) 632-2474
3...........Fourth Annual Aquinas/Brann’s Charity Basketball Shootout for Toys for Tots 12 & 2 p.m., Field House One new toy, non-violent in nature, in original packaging, not holiday wrapped good for two admissions. Cost for oneday pass is $5 adults, $2 students For information, call (616) 632-2474
16.........Christmas Break Classes resume January 9
Fall Calendar of Events
2005-06 the Ninth Season of the Aquinas
Sociology Alums
Alumni Director
Come Together
DEAR SAINTS, I love this job! Working for Aquinas Alumni, our office is responsible for reconnecting with you and we have several exciting plans to do just that.
AQ LEAFLETS Every three to four weeks an e-mail is sent to alumni whose e-mail addresses we have with tidbits of information about other alumni, what’s going on around campus, and about the Grand Rapids community. After sending seven messages, we’ve been pleased with the positive response and even more excited about the incoming stories and updates from our alumni.
CLASS REUNIONS We are bringing back class reunions to Aquinas. Through the visioning of Bill Weitzel, director of planned giving, Sr. Alice Wittenbach ’60, coordinator of class reunions, Jennifer (Johnson) Reynolds ’98, coordinator of alumni & parent relations, and Jane Bast ’06, assistant coordinator of class reunions, Aquinas will celebrate six classes this year. The classes of 1954, 1955, 1965, 1980 and 1995, and the Golden Saints (AQ alumni for 50 years or more), will be reconvening on campus for a weekend full of activities! By the year 2008, we will have ten class reunions to celebrate with the Golden Saints, who have celebrated on Homecoming Weekend since 2002. Activities include a signature event for each class, student discount admission to area entertainment vendors, Homecoming weekend activities and, most importantly, special recognition from Aquinas College with a chance to reconnect with old friends, classmates and faculty back on the AQ campus. For more information, please contact Sr. Alice Wittenbach or Jane Bast at (616) 632-2453.
INCREASE COMMUNICATIONS This AQ magazine that you are holding has been an excellent way to inform you of current events at the College. Along with an increase in phone calls, e-mails and letters from the AQ Alumni Web site, the process to communicate with you has reached new heights. Not only are we reconnecting with you but thankfully, you are providing our office with ideas, information, and stories that we want to hear. Those who know me know I love talking to people. For those I have yet to meet, you will learn that I would love to chat with you. Thanks for all of the responses to the AQ Leaflets, the phone calls to suggest ideas and the visits back to campus. Our door is always open and we look forward to visits from family– our alumni.
An effort is underway to pull together alumni from the Sociology Department. About 30 people came together at Aquinas last January in an attempt to begin renewing relationships with those who graduated from the program. This initial effort came on the heels of the announcement that a Memorial Fund had been established in the name of the late Dr. Larry Kielich who passed away in July of 2003. Dr. Michael Cushion, chairman, gave an updated on department activities and issued a call for alums to join an Alumni Steering Committee to begin planning for another event in January or February of 2006.
Letter from the
Former and current faculty and students: L-R: Bruce Frayman, Ph.D; Susan Haworth-Hoeppner, Ph.D; Sr. Nancy Ann Flumerfelt, O.P., Bill Whit, Ph.D; Michael Cushion, Ph.D; Sandy Becker ’83.
Aquinas Alumni
called to donate Bone Marrow By René Palileo’ 98, Director of Alumni & Parent Relations
Meghan McGahey ’03 loves Aquinas. Of the many things Meghan has learned from AQ, giving back is one of the most notable, because it speaks to the character of Meghan. Here is an excerpt of a note we received from Meghan on April 5, 2005: “On April 13, I will be undergoing minor-type surgery. A doctor is going to be acting as Robin Hood and will steal my bone marrow to
give to a 31-year-old woman who is in need of healthy marrow. When I first found out that I was indeed a match, I was very quiet about it and felt uncomfortable. There are many people around the world (who) are in need of bone marrow. I have what she needs. That is all there is to it. On the morning of the 13th, I will be checking into Spectrum Butterworth Hospital, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.” I visited Meghan on the morning of her surgery and asked if it was okay to take some pictures. She said, “Sure, just use the good ones.” She displayed a very calm attitude as we talked and said, “you know,
Proudly, an AQ Alum,
René Palileo ’98, Director Alumni & Parent Relations (616) 632-2494 A nurse checks McGahey’s vital signs
I have to say because Aquinas taught me to give back, this procedure seems like the right thing to do.” The surgical procedure requires two small incisions on the back– about three inches from the spine. The quarter of an inch slits are small enough to not need stitches but are big enough to fit the needle through to extract the bone marrow. After a quart of bone marrow is extracted, recovery for the recipient begins. Two and a half months later, I asked Meghan if she had any lingering effects from the surgery. She said she was doing fine. Aquinas is proud of Meghan and her unbelievable act of kindness. It is apparent that although Meghan feels Aquinas taught her to give back, she has already made it a part of her character by teaching us how to care.
Aquinas College Alumni & Friends
Publishes Novel
Chicago Shopping Trip
By Tonya Schafer ’02, Contributing Writer
Saturday November 19, 2005
7:30 am 11:00 am 8:00 pm
Melinda Simon got a sneak peek at the publishing world in an unlikely place – her psychology classes at Aquinas College. Throughout the course of her undergrad curriculum, Simon got feedback from professor Bruce Frayman, who did the same thing an editor does, Simon explains. “He covered our work with red marks and told us, ‘Here’s what you need to fix.” The experience served her well. Simon recently published her first novel, “Shadow’s Embrace,” under the name M.J. Simon.
The contemporary Gothic mystery/romance is about a woman who inherits a haunted house from a relative; it’s influenced in part by Simon’s interest in writers like Dean Koontz and Stephen King. It also draws on her experience as a psychologist and on the scrawled comments she received on her way to a bachelor of science degree in psychology, which she earned from Aquinas in 1983. Simon later got a master’s degree in social work from Michigan State University and a doctorate in clinical psychology from Central Michigan University. She worked for 12 years at Human Resource Associates in Grand Rapids before joining the staff at
Delta-Waverly Psychology and Counseling Associates in Lansing. Whenever her workload overwhelmed her, Simon turned to writing. It was after a particularly stressful period that she wrote “Shadow’s Embrace.” Initially her agent submitted Simon’s book to a publisher who declined it, but eventually Simon found a Canadian publisher willing to take a chance on an unknown author. The wait was worth it. “Since its publication, people have said it’s a page-turner,” says Simon, who notes that readers can order the novel from Barnes & Noble or Schuler Books, or from libraries. “I enjoy a good ghost story and I like to be spooked. I like that element of mystery.” She credits her professional success in part to the training she received at Aquinas, and to one teacher in particular. “I’ve been to many schools, and Frayman is probably the best professor I’ve had,” Simon says. “The education I received was meaningful and I enjoyed the experience.”
11:30 pm
Bus Departs from Aquinas Arrive in Chicago Depart for Grand Rapids Arrive at Aquinas
The cost is $50 and includes bus ride, muffins, juice, snacks, and door prizes. Seating is limited to the first 45 guests; non-refundable payment reserves your spot.
Contact the Alumni Office by Nov. 9 at (616) 632-2493 or at
Alumni Association
2005 Golf Outing It’s amazing what idyllic weather, a picturesque setting and a set of golf clubs can do for a reunion of sorts. Several dozen Aquinas alumni gathered at Boulder Creek Golf Course, northeast of Grand Rapids, for the Alumni Association’s annual golf outing on Saturday, June 18. The "Aquinas Tour" welcomed, among others, Fred Hesse ’63, Bryan Rizzo ’90 and Tom Breihof ’75 as well as the Smith brothers (far right), Ryan ’00 and Justin ’98, and the Chapla brothers (left), Robert ’70 and Rick ’75.
Aquinas AlumnA
IN Rwanda By Laura Bennett-Kimble ’95 Contributing Writer
As part of a 12-member missionary team from Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville that partnered with World Relief, a Christian organization representing 49 denominations, Amy (Venn) Shepard ’87 spent two weeks in Rwanda in June. While there, the group delivered supplies, helped build houses for widows, fed the ill in
Shepard, who with husband Scott has three sons, Daniel, 8; David, 6; and Andrew, 4; said she and her husband initially were concerned about her safety in Rwanda. But once she arrived, she discovered it to be safe and welcoming. “To say we were received warmly is an understatement. People danced and sang and praised God. It was amazing, and sometimes unsettling – Who are we that
they are so pleased to see us?” Shepard’s first missionary trip has left her asking some big questions, including how to best help those in need. “I am trying to learn and explore how to live and love as Christ did. How are we to be His hands and feet in this world?” Regardless of the answers she finds for these questions, Shepard knows one thing for sure. “My involvement with AIDS in Africa, and perhaps China and India, will evolve and grow… I hope to be back in Rwanda soon, and hopefully can introduce my husband and boys to those incredible people.”
“We visited a food distribution program in an AIDS community on a hillside. This orphan held on to me for a long time! The name of their community, translated, is
We are sick but we are alive and working.”
“We helped build a home for a widow all day. It was a long walk, uphill, back to our vehicles. It was like a parade up the hillside, with the women and children holding our hands and singing the whole way!”
“In conjunction with the local church, we gave food to the patients in the hospital. A group of women and children sit on the hillside waiting for food.”
Aquinas AlumnA
of genocide in 1994, one million people died in Rwanda. Today, AIDS and abject poverty devastate the small African country. It is estimated that 11 percent of the population is HIV-positive. This situation clearly needs attention. The good news is, it’s getting it.
hospitals, and pitched in whenever they saw need. “But what mattered to the people was that we just showed up and loved them,” Shepard said. “We listened to their stories and told them our own. People said they saw the living, loving church in us, and wanted to be a part of it.”
SIFE Team Shines
AQ Student Interns
in Chicago Competition
U.S. Senators S u m m a r y M ay 2 0 0 5
This past April, a little-known group of Aquinas students traveled to Chicago to take part in regional competition that pitted their perceptions and realities of the free enterprise system against those of their peers from other Midwest colleges and universities. Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) fared well, capturing a second place finish for its presentations on four subject areas. Their projects included: TPS – the Toyota Production System; A Nutrition Education Program in conjunction with Saint Mary’s Health Care; Development of a “Guiding Light Fire Evacuation” system; and a Beijing University Exchange Program. The competition consists of developing projects that teach different segments of society about the advantages of the free enterprise system whether the
groups are students in primary school, high school, college, business people or retirees. The SIFE team is required to engage in their projects and then to write a report stating how successful each project was. They are also required to write an annual report about the organization’s activities for the entire year following a format specified by the national SIFE organization. The 2005 Aquinas SIFE team consisted of nine students: Abby LaVoie, Mariel Borgman, Paul Reslock, Amanda Green, David Fedewa, David Osborn, Meg Quinn, Tetsuhiko Maki, & Tomoko Narimichi. After a year’s preparation, the Aquinas team traveled to the Windy City April 9-10. The competition was judged by Midwest business people. The SIFE teams were evaluated AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 32
Catholic college students from around the state were in Lansing April 27 to observe and take part in Michigan’s legislative process. Catholic Legislative Day allowed the students to witness a session in the House of Representatives as well as visit with their state senator. A part of the day’s activities included meetings with the Most Reverend Carl F. Mengeling, Bishop of the Diocese of Lansing, and Sr. Monica Kostielney, President and C.E.O. of Michigan Catholic Conference.
based on their annual report, the projects undertaken, how well the projects worked, and, most importantly, how well the student teams can present their work before this panel of judges. The winning teams go on to compete both nationally and internationally. With four topics to present, it seemed to this advisor an impossible task. However, the Aquinas team amazed the audience, including this observer, with a well paced and informative report. The AQ SIFE team used a Power Point presentation to illustrate their reports and the student speakers themselves carefully articulated what the projects involved and what they had accomplished. In this author’s opinion, the Aquinas team easily outclassed their rivals. And while the judges did seem favorably impressed with the presentations, the Saints finished second in the competition. They returned with their roster nearly intact and with a renewed determination to win their bracket next year, knowing now that they must polish and rehearse their presentation to a professional gleam to do so.
Frances Kabat, a junior from Oxford, Michigan secured summer internships in the offices of Michigan’s two United States Senators. She spent May and June in the Detroit office of Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D), working in the areas of immigration and constituency services. She is also scheduled to work on legislative issues in the Washington, D.C. office of Sen. Carl Levin (D) in July and August. Kabat, a double major in political science and environmental studies, is a member of the AQ Insignis Honors Program and plans to go to law school to study environmental law.
The students learned about several higher education-related pieces of legislation and about the basics of advocacy and how to influence legislation. The college participants were also introduced to the statement, “The Challenge of Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility” and
received information on the broader seven Catholic social teaching principles: 1) Life and Dignity of the Human Person; 2) Call to Family, Community, and Participation; 3) Rights and Responsibilities; 4) Option for the Poor and Vulnerable; 5) Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers; 6) Solidarity; and 7) Care for Creation. One of the highlights of the day happened when Melissa May ’05, invited House Representative John Proos IV (R-79th District) to meet with the Aquinas group. May had previously worked with Rep. Proos and had arranged an informal gathering with him that allowed students to ask additional questions as well as see firsthand how one of their peers had been involved in the political process as an active citizen.
Melissa May ’05, invited House Representative John Proos IV to meet with the Aquinas group.
By Gary Robertson, Associate Professor of Economics
(Front Row L-R) Masato Yamazaki, Ph.D., Abby LaVoie, Meg Quinn, Mariel Borgman, Tomoko Narimichi, Jessi DeLine (Back Row L-R) Tetsuhiko Maki, David Osborn, Paul Reslock, David Fedewa
Catholic Legislative Day
with Michigan’s
A Personal View of Service
I currently tutor children in Grand Rapids Schools in the areas of math and reading. Spending one-on-one time with these children, learning from their experiences, seeing through their eyes and knowing that I am providing them with a positive role model has been one of the most eye-opening and rewarding experiences of my college career.
Photo by: Eric Bridge
Aquinas students were recognized along with peers from other Michigan institutions by the Michigan Campus Compact (MCC) during its annual awards celebration held April 16, 2005 in East Lansing. (L-R) Dr. Harry Knopke with MCC 2005 Outstanding Student Service Awards recipients Julie Ferstle '06, who received the Commitment to Service Award; and Amy Westphal '05 and Jacqueline Hurley '05 received the Heart and Soul Award, which recognizes students for their time, effort, and personal commitment through service.
In UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children, released at the end of 2004, it was reported that over one billion children worldwide are denied a healthy and protected childhood. When I hear statistics like these, I am deeply saddened but I am also motivated to do everything I can to make a difference in the lives of these children. I believe that every child, no matter race, creed, ability level or socioeconomic status, should be given
the opportunity to learn to his or her highest potential. This belief is reflected in almost everything I do. In Grand Rapids, where I currently live and go to school, the school system was labeled a failing system under the No Child Left Behind Act. In 2003, a survey of Grand Rapids children showed that 72 percent of the students in the public school system qualify for free or reduced lunches
My work with children also extends beyond Grand Rapids. I am majoring in learning disabilities for elementary education. For ten hours every week, I apply knowledge from my classes by tutoring students who have learning disabilities. Every summer I volunteer at a Muscular Dystrophy camp and work with about 100 children with neuromuscular diseases. These children spend a week in an environment where they can, for once in their lives, do anything. Last summer, I traveled to Casa Hoga, the Aquinas-sponsored orphanage in Peru where I helped to distribute supplies and create a safe, outdoor play environment for the children. I also experienced the Peruvian
culture and witnessed some of the challenges Peruvians encounter on a daily basis. T h r o u g h m y va r i e t y o f experiences, my knowledge of the innumerable challenges that face our children has grown tenfold. As someone who is active in my community and has come to a broader understanding of community issues, I believe that I have a responsibility
“I believe that I have a responsibility to use my experiences to educate others…”
to use my experiences to educate others and motivate them to get involved. I believe that with knowledge comes responsibility. I take my responsibility to lead others seriously and I do so in a variety of ways. Often, raising awareness of an issue is as simple as talking about it. I am always willing to share my experiences with others. I also lead people to serve through my position as Community Action Volunteer at Aquinas (C.A.V.A.) coordinator. As much as this position is planning service projects, its duties also include educating my fellow Aquinas community members of the needs that exist so they will see the value of g e t t i n g i n v o l v e d . I ra i s e AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 35
awareness through banners and posters, announcements, speakers, meetings, organized tours of different agencies and ministries in the area and other traditional methods of advertisement. Finally, I lead others to serve by example. I cannot think of a better way to show others the importance of a cause than getting involved in it myself. Over the years, service has become a regular part of my everyday life and has provided me with an avenue for applying knowledge acquired in the classroom. The methods I learn for teaching are applied when I tutor or work with children at camp. On the flip side, any new techniques I learn while serving I can add to what I already know and then can take these ideas back to class and share them with my peers. I have no doubt that my service experiences have helped shape me into the person I am. If I had never witnessed extreme poverty in Appalachia, held a sleeping toddler at an orphanage in Peru or helped a child walk at Muscular Dystrophy camp, I do not know where I would be today. I do know, however, that I would not be the same as I am now. I have come a long way and I still have a long way to go. I look forward to the many other service opportunities that lie ahead. For me, service is a wonderful and exciting journey. Now that I have begun, it will be impossible for me to go back.
By Julie Ferstle, senior
and 80 percent of the students from first to sixth grade read below grade level. These facts can seem very intimidating and it is difficult to find the best starting point for turning the situation around. I believe the best place to start is with the children.
The Grand Rapids Higher Education Network (GRAHEN) hosted the 6th annual Outstanding Adult Learner Awards on April 14. Teresa Thome was honored as the Outstanding Adult Learner for Aquinas College. Thome, the executive director for the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum, is a business administration major at Aquinas.
Please join us in congratulating all of the
Aquinas nominees: Petra Carico-Laux Elizabeth Chamberlain Vicky Gless Heidi Gregory Dana Kress Pamella LaPerna Michael McLean Terry Powers Julie Shrontz Teresa Thome
She began as a volunteer at the Museum in 1995 and was hired as executive director in 1998. The Museum is Grand Rapids’ third largest cultural draw behind the Van Andel Arena and the Public Museum. The keynote speaker for the event was Mark Caswell ’04 who was the winner for Aquinas last year. GRAHEN has 14 member schools including Grand Valley, Ferris State, Cornerstone and Aquinas. Each school has its own nomination process and winner. This year, the AQ community nominated 10 Adult Continuing Education students, who were asked to submit letters of recommendation and a brief essay.
Nine outstanding adult scholars were inducted into the Alpha Sigma Lambda (ASL) National Honor Society on March 30. Aquinas is one of only four colleges in Michigan with an ASL chapter. To become a member, students must meet the following qualifications: they must be Continuing Education students studying toward their first undergraduate degree; have completed 24 credit hours at Aquinas; have achieved a cumulative grade point of at least 3.2; and be in the top 10 percent of their class. Please join us in congratulating the following students on their accomplishments.
Robin Axdorff Michael Behm Mary Bockheim Jeralee Bowen-Bradshaw Laura Brandt Dr. Paul Bieneman, professor of geography, nominated Teresa Thome for the Award.
Kimberly Hayes Suzanne Owen Dianna Rottiers
Mark Caswell, the 2004 CE Award winner, speaks to the audience at the 2005 Ceremony at Grand Valley State University.
Colleen Scuiletti
Student Programming
Board Sets Out Its Plans for 2005-06 By Sara Frees, Assistant Director of Campus Life
CHECK IT OUT! This slogan characterized the emphasis by the student-run Programming Board last year to bring the campus alive with some kickin’ events. The Programming Board is responsible for coordinating events and providing a diverse array of entertainment appealing to the entire student body. Last year, AQ hosted performers such as singer/songwriter JP Williams, hypnotist Tom DeLuca, slam poet Abyss and the Irish band, Fonmor. The Programming Board also had opportunities for students to get involved in events such as AQ Last Comic Standing, AQ Idol, Live Band Karaoke and Make Your Own Ceramics, among others. With greater needs for better entertainment, the Programming Board has just signed the up-and-coming Chicago rock band, Down The Line as well as other performers such as comedian Issac Witty, and ghost hunter John Zaffis. Student involvement programs for this coming year include a haunted woods, white water rafting trip, and open mic nights, just to name a few. To see what else the Programming Board is doing, check out the Web page at: students/programming_board
Outstanding Adult Learner Award
Adult Scholars Inducted into Honor Society
ARK BAND - September 2004
Karaoke Event - November 2004
Open Mic Event - February 2005
Aquinas Professor
Visits the Oval Office By John Pinheiro, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History
hen I accepted an appointment as assistant professor of history at Aquinas College in 2004, I figured that leaving Charlottesville, Virginia, meant I would not be visiting Washington, D.C., for quite some time. But on April 29, 2005, I had the opportunity to discuss presidential history with President George W. Bush in the Oval Office at the White House.
The 800-page volume, number 12 in the Presidential Series, documents the transition of "the first GW" (as White House staffers call him) from his first to second administrations. It was published in early 2005 as "the second GW" was going through a similar transition. We presented the book to the President. Our small delegation included my co-editor, Christine Patrick,
“Bush was casual, had a good sense of humor, and proved well-read about Washington.”
Truman in 1950, and the first volume of “The George C. Marshall Papers” was presented to President Reagan in 1981. After greeting the president and briefly discussing the book, we posed for photographs. Next, Bush gave us a tour of the Oval Office, explaining why he chose the various paintings, portraits, and busts.
We then spent about 30 minutes discussing Lincoln and Washington, the presidents Bush most admires (in that order). Our conversation was non-political. Bush was casual, displayed a good sense of humor, and proved well-read about Washington. What really impresses him about Washington, he said, is that he knew he was just a man occupying the office. Bush said Washington helped "make the office bigger than the man. Any man that comes to the presidency thinking that he is bigger than the office is bound to fail." “The Papers of George Washington” came into existence the year I was born, 1969. Its goal is to publish an accurately transcribed, comprehensive edition of Washington's papers, over 135,000 documents. The complete edition will consist of approximately 90 volumes. Each heavily researched and annotated volume takes between two to three years to produce. Fifty-two volumes are now finished.
L-R: Ted Crackel, editor-in-chief, The Papers of George Washington; Christine Patrick, assistant editor; President George W. Bush; Phil Chase, former editor-in-chief; John Pinheiro, former assistant editor; and Bruce Cole, chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities.
White House photo by Eric Draper
The occasion was the publication of a book containing George Washington’s correspondence that I co-edited while assistant editor of “The Papers of George Washington,” a grant-funded project at the University of Virginia.
a past and current editor-inchief, and Bruce Cole, chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Only two other NEH-sponsored editing projects have enjoyed this honor. The first volume of “The Thomas Jefferson Papers” was presented to President
Faculty Notes: Faculty Profile:
Sr. Rosemary O’Donnell O.P. ’61 Assistant Professor of Communication
tenure In March, the College Board of Trustees awarded tenure to the following members of the Aquinas Faculty, taking effect in August 2005:
Michaeleen Kelly, Ph.D., chair of the Philosophy Department,
wide selected to participate as a
Years later she’s still here, teaching communication and humanities courses and serving as a faculty member directing the College’s study abroad program in Ireland. O’Donnell credits that commitment to her undergrad years, when she reaped the rewards of “good, solid” instruction. She also praises fellow communication professors, whose backgrounds offer balance and have helped the department grow to five full-time members since O’Donnell joined the faculty in 1971. “I’m grateful and fortunate to work with them,” she says. Born in Chicago, O’Donnell moved to Muskegon when she was seven, and attended Catholic schools throughout her childhood. She was a senior in high school when she answered
the call to religious life, and began attending Aquinas shortly afterward. Following graduation in 1961 she taught in Catholic high schools for 12 years and earned her master’s degrees in communication and theater from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. O’Donnell eventually returned to Aquinas as a faculty member and now not only teaches a variety of communication classes, but also introduces students to Western art, history and literature as an instructor for the College’s humanities courses. She enjoys her time in the classroom, but O’Donnell says some of her most memorable experiences have come from the three semesters she spent with Aquinas students in Tully Cross, Ireland. O’Donnell also enjoys combining the object of her intellectual study– communication– with her spiritual life in the form of liturgical dance. The practice involves moving the body to the accompaniment of spiritual music. “It’s one of my favorite forms of prayer.” AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 40
She’s even taught liturgical dance to Aquinas students and has shown that– to her– education is an experience that transcends academia. Dancing, especially alongside the students she instructs from the podium, “is an uplifting spiritual practice,” O’Donnell says.
research fellow in a summer
Yashowanto Ghosh, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
seminar on totalitarianism at
Kathy Burgis, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Mathematics
Stanford University in California. The six-week
Michael Cushion, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Sociology
Jennifer Hess, Assistant Professor of Biology
research seminar was scheduled
Michelle DeRose, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English
from June 27 to August 27.
Katharina Gross, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of German
titled “Terror and Culture:
Charles Gunnoe, Ph.D. Associate Professor of History
Kelly participated in a seminar
Molly Patterson, Assistant Professor of Political Science
Hannah Arendt's Origins of
Michel Pichot, Ph.D. Associate Professor of French
She received a $4,200 federal
Deborah Springer, ATC, M.C. Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education, Receation
Endowment for the Humanities
Marcos Romero, Assistant Professor of Spanish
grant from the National
to participate in the program.
Deborah Steketee, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Business
retiring We extend best wishes to retiring full-time faculty:
Sr. Mary Catherine Brechting, O.P. ’50 Associate Professor of Mathematics
V. James Garofalo, Ph.D., Professor of Education
Sr. Alice Wittenbach, O.P., Ph.D.’60 Professor of Biology
The decision to attend Aquinas College was an easy one for Sr. Rosemary O’Donnell, O.P.. “I joined the Grand Rapids Dominicans, and that’s where their students enrolled in classes,” O’Donnell says.
We want to welcome incoming faculty:
was one of 15 scholars nation-
Thomas Bahl, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology By Tonya Schafer, ’02 Contributing Writer
Spring Teams
Bask in the Spotlight
At h l e t ic
Hall of Fame
Mauro Caporuscio ’83
Five Inducted in 2005
Mike Hagan ’83
Tom Hofmann ’61
The AQ Athletic Department has announced its
H a l l of Fa m e C l a s s of 2 0 0 5 These individuals will be honored at the Gala Event on Friday, Sept. 23, of Homecoming Weekend (Sept. 23-25). This year’s class includes: Dennis Alexander ’67 BASKETBALL Mauro Caporuscio ’83 SOCCER Mike Hagan ’83 SOCCER Tom Hofmann ’61 BASEBALL/ LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
Sherry Wilder ’65
The AQ Baseball Team turned in a stellar spring performance, winning the WHAC tournament and its first-ever NAIA Regional and Super-Regional Tournaments. The Saints used an eighteen-game winning streak to propel the team into its first appearance in the NAIA World Series, held in Lewiston, Idaho. In the ten-team double-elimination tournament, the Saints lost an exciting, hard-fought opening game against Ohio Dominican, 9-8. The squad turned things around and gained national respect, with a convincing 11-2 victory against Lee College of Tennessee in its next game. The Saints season came to an end, however, at the hands of Spalding University of Kentucky, with a 13-5 loss. Aquinas finished eighth in the World Series with a final season record of 36-23.
The AQ Baseball Team won the WHAC tournament and its first-ever NAIA regional and super regional tournaments to propel it into its first-ever NAIA World Series tournament in Idaho.
Dennis Alexander ’67
The Lady Saints Softball Team earned a ride to the NAIA National Tournament in Decatur, Georgia, after grabbing its second NAIA Region VIII championship in the last five years with a win over cross-town opponent Cornerstone University in the championship round of the Region VIII tournament. At the national tourney, the Saints finished fourth in their pool, losing to two of the top five seeds in the twenty-team tournament, California Baptist and Point Loma Nazarene of California. Coach Ronda Varnesdeel was named Regional Coach of the Year.
TENNIS In men’s tennis, the team bowed out after the first round of tournament action at the 2005 NAIA Mens Tennis National Championships in Mobile, Alabama, in mid-May. The 14th-ranked Saints were one of two teams upset and, thus, eliminated after first-round action, losing a 6-3 decision to unranked Point Loma Nazarene (Calif.).
The AQ Men’s Tennis Team played at the 2005 NAIA Men’s Tennis National Championships in Mobile, Alabama, in May.
Sherry Wilder ’65 GOLF This outstanding class showcases significant eras in Aquinas athletic history.
The Lady Saints Softball Team earned a ride to the NAIA National Tournament after grabbing its second NAIA Region VIII championship in the last five years.
Champion of Character Honorees
Sips From the
The AQ Athletic Department honored three student-athletes with its annual top awards.
Heather Baker, a senior from Hart, Michigan, is one of two recipients of this year's Sr. Helen Louis Brogger Award. Baker is a fouryear letter winner with the Aquinas volleyball team who also garnered honors as NAIA Academic All-American in 2004 (3.654 GPA). Baker, who majored in mathematics and business administration, was also involved in Math Club, the Actuarial Association and was a member of the Student Ambassador program at Aquinas. Senior Sarah Ellis of Rockford, Michigan was the second recipient of the Sr. Helen Louis Brogger Award. As a four-year member of the track and field team, her track and field accolades include 15 WHAC individual championships, three time Most Valuable Performer in the WHAC indoor championships, six individual school records, three relay school records, three-time All-American and two-time Academic All-
Heather Baker
“Saints Cup”
The Joseph Baker Award was presented to Tomas Kuslikis, a senior from Grand Rapids. He was a four-year member of the mens basketball team and carried a 3.57 GPA while majoring in Accounting/Business. As a member of the basketball team, Kuslikis garnered WHAC AllConference honors as well as NAIA Academic All-American honors in 2004 and 2005. While at Aquinas, Kuslikis also served as a student employee in the Aquinas weight room. Aquinas head mens Basketball Coach Dave Hammer states, “Tom has been the total committed student athlete, whether in the class room or in his career goals, learning and listening to become a better athlete. It has been an extreme pleasure working with Tom over the past two years.”
The Aquinas College Saints are sipping from the newly created “Saints Cup.” The hardware was created last year in collaboration with Siena Heights University and is named for the Reverend Charles Santoro, O.P., the Aquinas chaplain who died on August 3, 2004. Santoro was a sports enthusiast and vocal supporter at Aquinas athletic events. He was proud of the rich Catholic Dominican tradition that Aquinas College and Siena Heights University share and he took special interest whenever the two schools competed. The Cup is awarded to the school that accumulates the most multi-team points in regular season competition throughout the year. Aquinas College finished the 2004-05 school year with 12 points while Siena Heights tallied seven points.
Sarah Ellis
Winter 2004-2005 Kim Gullekson Women's basketball
Leslie Hoffman Women's basketball
Tom Kuslikis Men’s basketball
Spring 2005 Amanda Brewington Women's golf
Matt Garner Men's tennis
Katie Kroft Men's tennis Left to right: Linda Nash, Women’s Athletic Director; Sarah Metiva, junior; Kirsten Hulst, senior; Jill Sanborn, junior; Jeff Luehm, senior; and Phil Hatlem, Asst. Prof. of HPER “Nelson” and Fr. Charels Santoro, O.P.
The Aquinas College Athletic Department, as a proud member of the NAIA’s Champions of Character program, recognizes an individual from Aquinas that best exemplifies the five core values of the program– Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Sportsmanship, and Servant Leadership. This year, the department selected Jeff Luehm, a senior member of the Saints’ Cross Country and Track and Field Teams. He was a member of last fall’s NAIA national runner-up team, which also was honored for the second year in a row as the cross-country team with the nation’s highest GPA. Jeff himself contributes to this honor with a 3.97 GPA. The team award went to the Student Athlete Advisory Board (SAAB), which consists of two representatives from each sport
and includes representatives from the cheerleading and dance squads and athletic trainers. Among the past year’s accomplishments was the organization of “Ernie’s Run” during the fall 2004 homecoming festivities; volunteering at Mel Trotter Missions and helping to raise money for the “Toys for Tots” campaign. The highlight for the year for the SAAB group was sponsorship of Congress Elementary school for their “Circle of Friends” program, which required the coordination of cooperative games. Several AQ student-athletes addressed the group of young students about some of the “core values” that the NAIA emphasizes in its “Champions of Character” program.
Sarah Ellis Track
Jeff Luehm Track
Josh Miller Track
Val Kunde Track
Adam Hoogewind Track
Jenny Millis Track
All Americans Winter 2004-2005 Jeff Jayson Men's basketball
De-Ale-Jo Roberts Track
Boian Marinov Track
Natalie Kent Track
Spring 2005 Noelia Garcia Track
Sarah Ellis Track
Jeff Luehm Track
Nick Gumina Track
Kyle Finc Baseball
Matt Spitzley Baseball
Craig Antekeier Baseball
Matt Soergel Baseball
Tomas Kuslikis
All Americans
The Sr. Helen Louise Brogger and Joseph Baker Awards are given annually to male and female senior student-athletes who meet the requirements established by the alumni board: academic strength, service to other people and athletic involvement and success.
American. Ellis carried a 3.74 GPA while majoring in Spanish and English at Aquinas. As a studentathlete, Ellis was involved in Casa Hogar, the Student Athletic Advisory Board, Eucharistic Ministry and the Student Ambassador program at Aquinas. Her coach, Dave Wood, characterizes Sarah as “an outstanding student and exceptional athlete whose accomplishments on the track and in the classroom are surpassed only by her contributions and service to the Aquinas College campus and community at large.”
Men’s Soccer V ol l e y b a l l
Schedule Schedule Red indicates HOME Gold AWAY
Red indicates HOME Gold AWAY
Fri., Sept. 2 INDIANA TECH
4 p.m.
Tues., Aug. 16 TBA CORNERSTONE (scrimmage)
Tues., Sept. 6 TAYLOR
4 p.m.
Thurs., Aug. 25 GOSHEN COLLEGE
Sept. 10 & 11 LINDSEY WILSON Tournament 4 p.m.
Fri./Sat., Sept. 2/3 CORNERSTONE
7 p.m. TBA
Tues., Sept. 6 GRACE BIBLE
7 p.m. 7 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 17 DAVENPORT
Sun., Sept. 18 St. XAVIER
2 p.m.
Wed., Sept. 7 CALVIN
Tues., Sept. 20 CONCORDIA
4 p.m.
Fri./Sat., Sept. 9/10 INDIANA WESLEYAN
Sat., Sept. 24 MADONNA*
1 p.m.
Tues., Sept. 13 UM DEARBORN
Tues., Sept. 27 SIENA HEIGHTS
4 p.m.
4 p.m.
Tues., Sept. 20 INDIANA TECH
7 p.m.
Tues., Oct. 4 MADONNA
4 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 24 CONCORDIA
1 p.m.
Thurs., Oct. 6 BETHEL COLLEGE Sat., Oct. 8 CORNERSTONE Tues., Oct. 11 DAVENPORT Sat., Oct. 15 CONCORDIA
2:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 2:30 p.m.
Sun., Oct. 16 NORTHWOOD
2 p.m.
Tues., Oct. 18 INDIANA TECH
4 p.m.
Tues., Sept. 27 SIENA HEIGHTS Fri./Sat., Sept. 30/Oct.1 TAYLOR Tues., Oct. 4 MADONNA Thurs., Oct. 6 CORNERSTONE Thurs., Oct. 13 CONCORDIA
TBA 7 p.m.
7 p.m. TBA
Wed., Feb. 1 UM DEARBORN
8 p.m.
Sat., Nov. 12 WHAC – Finals
3 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 15 CONCORDIA
Fri., Nov. 18 REGIONAL Semi-Finals
Wed., Feb. 8 MADONNA
Sat., Nov. 19 REGIONAL Finals
Sat., Feb. 11 CONCORDIA
2005-2006 Men’s Basketball
4 p.m.
Tues., Dec. 27 ST. XAVIER Tournament
Wed., Dec. 28 ST. XAVIER Tournament
Sun., Oct. 16 NORTHWOOD
Thurs., Dec. 29 ST. XAVIER Tournament
3 p.m.
Wed., Oct. 19 INDIANA TECH
4 p.m.
6 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 15 DAVENPORT
8 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
Sat., Jan. 7 UM DEARBORN
1 p.m.
Sat., Feb. 18 INDIANA TECH
3 p.m.
Wed., Oct. 26 WHAC Semi-finals
6 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 29 WHAC Finals
Sat., Jan. 14 MADONNA
1 p.m.
Fri./Sat., Nov. 4-5 REGIONAL Tournament
Wed., Jan. 18 CONCORDIA
Wed., Feb. 22 WHAC – 1st Round
Schedule Red indicates HOME Gold AWAY
Mon., Feb. 27 WHAC – Championship
7:30 p.m.
Tues., Nov. 15 HILLSDALE
7:30 p.m.
Fri/Sat., Nov. 18-19 MARIAN Tournament Tues., Nov. 22 NORTHWOOD
TBA 7:30 p.m.
Fri./Sat., Nov. 25 & 26 TBA VAN ANDEL Tournament Tues., Nov. 30 7:30 p.m. GRAND VALLEY STATE Fri/Sat., Dec. 2-3 BRANN’S SHOOT-OUT Tournament
Tues., Dec. 6 CALVIN
7:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
Fri/Sat., Dec. 9-10 HOPE Tournament
7 p.m.
Sat-Mon., Dec. 21-23 ST. XAVIER Tournament
1 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 1 UM DEARBORN
6 p.m.
1 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 8 MADONNA
1 p.m.
Sat., Feb. 11 CONCORDIA
Fri., Sept. 2 CARDINAL STRITCH Tournament
Tues., Nov. 15 HUNTINGTON
6 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 15 DAVENPORT
Sat., Sept. 3 CARDINAL STRITCH Tournament
Mon., Sept. 5 CARDINAL STRITCH Tournament
3 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 29 WHAC Tourney
Fri./Sat., Oct. 21/22 ST. FRANCIS Joliet, IL
7:30 p.m.
Tues., Nov. 1 WHAC Tourney
Sat. Nov. 5 WHAC Tourney
Tues., Oct. 25 SIENA HEIGHTS
7 p.m.
4 p.m.
Fri., Nov. 25 OLIVET
Sat., Sept. 17 DAVENPORT
2:30 p.m.
Sat., Nov. 26 OLIVET
Wed., Sept. 21 MADONNA
4 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 24 SIENA HEIGHTS Wed., Sept. 28 CONCORDIA
3:30 p.m. 4 p.m.
7 p.m.
Sat., Jan. 21 DAVENPORT
3 p.m.
1 p.m. (EST)
Fri., Nov. 4 MADONNA
7 p.m.
Wed., Jan. 25 INDIANA TECH
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
Sat., Nov. 12 TAYLOR
Sat., Jan. 7 UM DEARBORN
Tues., Nov. 8 WHAC – Quarterfinals
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
* Homecoming time may change
Wed., Jan. 25 INDIANA TECH
Sat., Aug. 27 BETHEL (@ St. Francis)
Tues., Oct. 18 INDIANA TECH
Nov. 9 & 11 NAIA Region 8 Tournament
1 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Thur., Nov. 10 7 p.m. CENTRAL MICHIGAN Exhibition
Sat., Oct. 8 MADONNA
1:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Sat., Jan 21 DAVENPORT
Fri., Aug. 26 ST. FRANCIS
Fri., Sept. 9 TAYLOR
Wed., Jan. 18 CONCORDIA
Red indicates HOME Gold AWAY
Red indicates HOME Gold AWAY
8 p.m.
WomEn’s Basketball
Schedule Schedule
3 p.m.
Women’s Soccer
Sat., Jan. 14 MADONNA
Sat., Oct. 15 UM DEARBORN
Fri/Sat., Oct. 28/29 CALVIN Tournament
Sat., Feb. 25 TBA WHAC – Semi-final Round
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Sat., Feb. 18 INDIANA TECH
7:30 p.m. 1 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 1 p.m.
Thurs., Feb. 23 WHAC Tournament – 1st Round
Sat., Feb. 25 WHAC Tournament – Semifinal Round
Tues., Feb. 28 WHAC Tournament – Finals
NAIA National Tournament TBA
Mon., Nov. 28 6 p.m. GRAND VALLEY STATE Fri., Dec. 2 TRINITY International Tournament
Sat., Dec. 3 TRINITY International Tournament
Wed., Dec. 7 ALMA
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
Tues., Sept. 13 CORNERSTONE
Tues., Aug. 30 TAYLOR (tentative)
Fri., Nov. 11 WHAC - Semi-Finals
Aquinas Fund
Reflection Award Honorees
Reaches Historic High Globe
The Aquinas College Board of Trustees has selected James E. McKay ’82, trustee emeritus, and Mary Caroline “Twink” Frey to be honored at the College’s 13th annual Reflection Dinner to be held September 7.
James E. McKay and Mary Caroline “Twink” Frey
Longtime supporters of the College and outspoken advocates for the rights of women and children, Frey and McKay have extensive volunteer involvements on local, state and national levels. In 2000 the Aquinas Women’s Studies Center was renamed the Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Studies Center and the Mary Caroline “Twink” Frey and James E. McKay Endowment
Fund at Aquinas College was established for the support of the Center. McKay, chairman of the West Michigan Advisory Board of Northern Trust Bank, and Frey, founder and chairwoman of the Nokomis Foundation, have been selected for their representation of the Aquinas values of commitment, service, loyalty and integrity through a lifetime of service to the Grand Rapids area and beyond.
Greg Alksnis ’71 O.P.
The annual fundraiser benefits the Aquinas Fund. For ticket and sponsorship opportunities contact: Ellen Harburn (616) 632-2805
Science Majors embrace Science Initiative equipment for our returning students. Besides their financial support, alumni have located in-kind equipment donations, offered to speak to our students’ groups, mentor students and provide internships and advice on pursuing careers in science and health. For more information about the Science Initiative, contact Bill Weitzel, (616) 632-2820. Back Row L-R:
Bob Boguslaski, Ph.D., ’62 Paul Bienemen, Ph.D. Bob Niedzielski, Ph.D., ’58 John Morris, Ph.D., ’91 Richard McCluskey, Ph.D.
Middle Row L-R: Chuck Frydrych, ’62 Li-Heng Chen, Ph.D. Tom Swier, Ph.D., ’76 Joe Veneklase ‘80 Front Row L-R:
Dr. Luis Tomatis M.D. Jane Freer ’74 Sandra Cook ’93 Phyllis Saganski ’62 Ed Balog, Ph.D. Beth Jensen, Ph.D. Bill Wietzel
Sr. Aquinas Weber ’58
The Saints are marching in by the thousands to make the Aquinas Fund Campaign the most successful ever! Aquinas alumni support has reached new levels and continues to grow each year. Greg Alksnis ‘71, Karen Palmore ‘89 and Sr. Aquinas Weber ’58 have led the 2004-05 Aquinas Fund campaign to a new high of $1.8 million with more than 3,000 contributions. Sr. Aquinas, chancellor emerita, indicated “The success, in simple terms, is about people. We have alumni and community leaders wanting to make a difference in the lives of students. We also have a strong group of committed volunteers working hard to make key contacts and the solid backing of the board of trustees. It is people helping people, and in this case, helping students.” Much of the growth in 2004-05 is due, in large part, to two very important challenge matches established by the Wege Foundation: an Alumni Match for $200,000 and a Trustee Match for over $280,000. This has been an exciting time in the history of the Aquinas Fund. Just five years ago, the Fund was raised $780,000. Today it’s at $1.808 million. It’s important to remember that every dollar raised ultimately helps students wanting an Aquinas education. To contribute to the 2005-06 Aquinas Fund please contact Cecilia A. Cunningham at (616) 632-2816.
From Kathleen Sullivan ’72 (in Paris) to Monica Tyler ’98 in (Medjugorje, Bosnia)— Aquinas alumni make a difference all over the world!
You, too, can join in the fun. Whether you’re at a family reunion, a summer vacation or on a business trip: take along your “AQ” T-shirt, snap a photo and send it in. It’s that easy. To purchase a T-shirt, visit or call Cecilia Cunningham at (616) 632-2816.
Karen Palmore ‘89
“I'm so proud of our alumni for answering our call for help!”, said Chuck Frydrych to the Science Advisory Committee. The project began in 2003 after meetings with science faculty and selected alumni reviewed the needs of the science programs at Aquinas. The project has reached $330,000 of its $500,000 goal. This summer, the College will purchase the first installment of needed laboratory
Aquinas Alums –
Aquinas Fund: 5 years of Growth 2005-06
Goal = $1.89 million
$1.81 million YTD
$1.65 million
$1.617 million
$1.52 million
Tom Eggleston ’03 (center) is currently living in Santiago, Chile, as a volunteer for Holy Cross Associates, a lay formation program providing social services to the local community. Eggleston is pictured outside the Associate house with the other Associates. To see how other AQ alums are making all the difference in the world, visit the alumni Web site at
$1.3 million
Evening of
The Legacy OF
The gracious Georgian home of Scott ’91 and Terry Devon – and a warm spring evening– provided the perfect setting for this year’s Aquinas College Evening of Elegance. The event, attended by over 250 people, raised more than $94,000 toward student scholarships through the Aquinas Fund. Huntington Bank was the Presenting Sponsor for the event, which was a sell-out for the third consecutive year. Those interested in receiving an invitation for the 2006 event should contact Ellen Harburn at (616) 632-2805.
Sr. Patrice Konwinski, O.P. and AQ Trustee Fr. Bill Duncan
Bishop Joseph M. Breitenbeck, the eighth bishop of the Diocese of Grand Rapids and a special long time friend of Aquinas, passed away on March 12, 2005. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1942, and, in 1969, he was appointed bishop of Grand Rapids. Throughout his nearly 20-year tenure, he guided the diocese through many changes following the Second Vatican Council and oversaw the launch of seven new parishes. He also led the formation of the Dioceses of Gaylord and Kalamazoo. A scholarship in memory of Bishop Breitenbeck has been established at Aquinas College to benefit students studying church management, pre-law, and sociology. For information about the scholarship, contact Bill Weitzel, director of Planned Giving at (616) 632-2820.
Kathy and Jim Dunlap Huntington Bank Presenting Sponsor
Terri and Scott Devon ’91 and son, Emerson
Watch Out! Lights! Action! Auction! 2005
is going online! No matter where in the world you live, you can donate or participate in the AQ Online Auction. The auction will kick off in October. Watch the AQ Leaflet for more details. If you have a special item you would like to donate, please contact Kathy Fore at (616) 632-2824 or
Bishop Breitenbeck
NEW COLLEGE TRUSTEES JOIN BOARD The Aquinas College Board of Trustees will welcome its newest members at the first meeting of the 2005-06 school year on October 11. They are:
Martita Cudlipp
Mike Zagaroli ’74
Thomas Czerney ’74
Emeritus College
Classes E x pa n de d In an effort to expand its programs and reach out to lifelong learners of all ages, the
Aquinas Emeritus College began A Peruvian native, Cudlipp is the business manager for Samay Travel s.a.c., a travel agency she founded and tailored to promote tours to Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. She lived in New Jersey and Pennsylvania before coming to Grand Rapids in 1986. Cudlipp became involved with the Forest Hills School District where she served on various committees and projects. She studied pedagogy and methodology at Aquinas and with her husband, Pete, has led several student trips to Peru and Spain for the College’s semester long Studies Abroad program.
Zagaroli is a former partner at the law firm of Mika Meyers Beckett & Jones in Grand Rapids. He received an associate degree in art while attending Aquinas between 1971 and 1974 and was among the first participants in the Ireland program in Tully Cross. Zagaroli went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in political science from George Washington University in 1976 and a law degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in 1979. Currently, he is president of the Aquinas College Alumni Association and is co-chair of the 2005-06 AQ Scholarship Fund.
Board of Trustees
offering courses in the evenings i n 2 0 0 2 . T h e s e f o u r- w e e k courses have proven to be so popular among working adults that the college has expanded its offerings to three evening classes during the Fall I term, and will offer additional evening classes throughout the year.
Schedule The Battle for God
September 12 – October 6 The Battle for God Taught by Rev. Maurice Fetty (First Congregational Church). Based on Karen Armstrong’s highly successful book, “The Battle for God,” this course will explore Jewish, Christian and Muslim beliefs which underlie and fuel much of today’s conflict in the Middle East, including Iraq.
Women and Financial Management Taught by Christine Gaiser (Fifth Third Securities). Eighty-five percent of women today will have to mange their own finances at some point in their lives. In this course, participants will learn about budgeting, credit management, investments, retirement and estate planning.
Northern Ireland: The Current Political, Economic and Cultural Climate
Taught by Michael McGuire. Since the Good Friday agreement of 1998, we have heard very little about what is happening in Northern Ireland. This course will examine present-day Northern Ireland in all its many facets.
2005-2006 Schedule of Meetings October 11, 2005 • December 7, 2005 • March 14, 2006 • May 23, 2006
Women and Financial Management Northern Ireland: The Current Political, Economic and Cultural Climate The USA and Immigration in the 21st Century The Secret Air Force of the CIA International Monetary Issues Woodrow Wilson Book Seminar: The United States of Europe Civil Rights Law The Living and the Dead: Irish Voices in the Short Stories of Frank O’Connor and James Joyce Molecular Biology and Genetics: The Promise of the Future and Their Effects on People, Practitioners and Profits
Registration begins August 1. For more information, please call, (616) 632-2430.
Czerney has been a Partner with the firm of Beene Garter since 1985 and has over 30 years as a CPA. He is involved with all areas of taxation including planning, consulting, research, review and compliance. He is designated as an Accredited Estate Planner with the National Association of Estate Planners and is the former president of Western Michigan Estate Planners. Czerney is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants. He is active with a number of local charitable organizations. Czerney graduated cum laude from Aquinas with a B.S.B.A. degree. He also attended Grand Valley State University, DePaul University and Notre Dame.
Monday Evening Classes
Freshmen Legacies
Award Recipients
By Tom Mikowski ’89, Director of Admissions
Aquinas College applications for admission for traditional undergraduates surged to record levels this year as more than 2,000 freshmen, transfers and nursing students looked at Aquinas to pursue their education. The growth is part of an integrated enrollment effort to grow traditional enrollment by 150 new students over the next four years. A breakdown of applicants shows all programs at Aquinas are on the rise: Freshmen 28.5% Increase Transfer Students 25% Increase Traditional Nursing Students 60% Increase
Of this group of applicants, the
Admissions Office anticipates more than 375 incoming freshmen and 85 transfer students will arrive the last week in August for fall classes. The projected enrollment would result in a ten percent increase for incoming freshmen and stabilize transfer enrollment. Nursing students continue to apply at record numbers, already reaching capacity. As with many colleges across the country, Aquinas maintains a wait-list for those wanting to get into the nursing program. Many factors contributed to the large increases in applications this year. The Admissions Office continued to enhance its on-campus visit programs with the addition of “Leadership AQ Day” and “Science and Math AQ Day.”
Over the past couple years, the specialized visit days for athletics, nursing and fine arts have proven to be effective tools in bringing more high school students to the campus. Along with these programs, the Admissions Office launched its new Web site in July 2004 utilizing the College’s new branding campaign, continued to develop its outreach to feeder schools and created a series of new publications to target both prospective students and their parents. If you know anyone who is beginning their college search, have them contact us to set up a personal visit or to register for one of the many Visit Days on the upcoming school calendar.
Visit us at or call us at 800-678-9593
AQ & You Introduces Minority Students to College
We want to recognize and welcome to the 2005 freshman class the following students whose parents are Aquinas alumni: High School
Jaclyn DeJonge
Orchard View
Taryn Dover
City High
Grand Rapids
Joseph Gietzen
West Catholic
Grand Rapids
Patricia Haywood
Lowell Senior
William & Sandra (Egeler ’85) DeJonge Donald Dover & Melvene Tardy ’87 Richard & Patricia Gietzen Sid & Mary (’95) Haywood Rick (’79) & Kimberlee Heuvelman Jeffery & Dolores (‘05) Johansen Jerry (’04) & Becky Keron Joseph & Mary Kuhn Daniel (’85) & Lisa Labinski Andrew Lammas & Maribeth CulverLammas ’82 James (’82) & Helen (Mackey ’83) Lehman Paul (’71) & Virginia Leonard Terrance (’80) & Marcia Madden Jon & Julie (Visscher ’88) Manion Scott Martis & Patricia Wojtaszek Brian & Terese (Bertram ’82) McGee Thomas & Constance Prins Keith & Carol Schrauben David (’79) & Leslie Steffee William Termolen Bert (’84) & Deb Torres Gary (’94) & Ruth Vachon Joe & Barbara (’99) Vezino Alex (’73) & Shirley Wisnieski Thor & Kimberly Ysseldyke
Amanda Heuvelman Rogers
Rachel Johansen
Michael Keron
Catholic Central
Grand Rapids
Christina Kuhn Kristi Labinski
Lowell Senior Union
Lowell Grand Rapids
Lowell Senior
Kathryn Lehman
Rockford Senior
Alexandra Leonard
Kara Madden
West Catholic
Grand Rapids
Dylan Manion
East Kentwood
Grand Rapids
Colleen McGee
Catholic Central
Grand Rapids
Jacqueline Prins
Catholic Central
Grand Rapids
Mallory Schrauben
St. Patrick’s H. S.
Daniel Steffee
East Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids
Jessica Termolen Albert Torres Craig Vachon
Jenison South Christian Catholic Central
Jenison Caledonia Grand Rapids
Mary Vezino
Catholic Central
Elise Wisnieski
Lowell Senior
Bradley Ysseldyke
Forest Hills Central Ada
Duncan Lammas
Jodi Martis
AQ & You celebrated its fourth year with its biggest class yet from June 26-30. Thirty-four students from Detroit, Muskegon and Grand Rapids attended the first of two summer sessions. Every summer, the goal of AQ & You is to increase the number of first generation minority students pursuing higher education by exposing them to the liberal arts college experience.
“AQ and You gave me the experience of going to college courses, living the college life in the dorms and paying the consequences of staying up all night and having a paper due the next morning!” said McMiller. “But my favorite part was the independence of being a college student and being treated like an adult.”
Students attended classes, participated in cultural events and meals and visited the traveling exhibit from the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia. Students were able to choose topics for a research paper and presentation, but also participated in a talent show as one of the week’s highlights. One student had this to share about her experience: “Thank you so much. This is an experience I will never forget. See you in the fall of 2006!” The first student from a previous AQ & You session has enrolled in classes at Aquinas College for this fall. Brandi McMiller, a recent graduate from Murray-Wright High School in Detroit, attended AQ & You in the summer of 2004. AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 54
Dr. Tom Bohl talks about disection
Students visit the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memoribilia exhibit at Aquinas College
Transfers Kelly Edwards
So. Christian/GRCC
Grand Rapids
Danielle Hammel
City/DePaul Univ.
Grand Rapids
David Vandersloot
Catholic Ctl/GRCC
Grand Rapids
Scott (’83) & Gloria Edwards James (’94) & Joyce Hammel Walter & Kathy (Grypma ’78) Vandersloot
The 2009 Freshman Class will include the following Scholarship Award Recipients resulting from the Spectrum Scholarship competition held in February 2005:
JOHN VENEKLASEN FULL TUITION Nicole Storey Noblesville High School (Ind.)
R. PAUL NELSON FULL TUITION Ashley Halvorsen Champlin Park HS (Minn.) Elizabeth Simon Lansing Catholic Central HS (Mich.) Kelly Bryan Tawas Area HS (Mich.)
ST. CATHERINE $1,000 Emily Donohoe Forest Hills Northern (G.R.) Kathleen Pollock Midland HS (Mich.) Randi Van Ocker Greenville HS (Mich.)
ST. ANSELM $500 Kim Belles Traverse City West HS (Mich.) Aaron Yusten JW Sexton High School (Mich.)
AQ Day SCHEDULE General – Friday Nov. 4, 2005 Nursing – Friday, Nov. 11, 2005 General – Friday, Nov. 18, 2005 Leadership – Friday, Dec. 9, 2005 Athletics – Saturday, Jan. 21, 2006 Fine Arts – Friday, March 17, 2006 Math/Science – Friday, Mar. 24, 2006 General – Friday, April 21, 2006
Missy and Justin Orlik, a boy, Connor Justin, Jan. 4, 2005.
Alicia (Richmond) and Tim Parker, a boy, Brady Dayton, Oct. 24, 2003. He joins brother Jaden Richmond.
Katie (Landaal) and Brock Place, a girl, Riley Elizabeth, Mar. 18, 2005.
1993 Valerie (Champagne) and Christopher Woosley, a girl, Adeline Gail, Mar. 23, 2004. Christine (Jarema) and Michael Suchey, a girl, Eva Marie, Jan. 25, 2005. Gina (Manas) and Tom Voss, a girl, Zoe Grace, Mar. 16, 2004.
2002 Rebecca (Fleeman) and Tyler McCarthy, a girl, Reese Victoria, Dec. 6, 2004 She joins sister Tessa Genevieve. Nikki (Reikowsky) and Matt Vande Steeg, a girl, Melina, May 1, 2005.
1994 Lisa (Butko) and Gary Walter, a girl, Lindsay Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 2004.
Laurie Noall, a girl, Soraya Grace, Dec. 19, 2003.
Julie (Osbourne) and Jeff Kuhn, a girl, Amelia Grace, Nov. 2004.
’33 Helen (Menten) Serfling Apr. 12, 2005
Julia (McHugh) and William Lengemann, a girl, Lilian Patricia, Oct. 13, 2004.
’34 Joseph D. Cavera Apr. 7, 2005
’37 Adam Peter Sowa Nov. 2, 2004
Lisa (Kachur) and Jason Piatek, a girl, Jenna Michelle, Apr. 16, 2005. She joins sister Sarah. Kathleen (Roberts) and Christopher Wright, a girl, Mallory Michelle, Aug. 4, 2004.
’44 Phyllis M. (Krus) Popiel mother of Alice (Popiel) ’76 and George Rozenski, Mar. 8, 2005 ’45 Norrine (Walsh) McDonald Apr. 15, 2005
1998 Alicia Marie Belchack and Matthew Milzarski ’00, a girl, Marie Louise, Feb. 3, 2005. Kate (Kush) and Patrick Palmer, a boy, Daniel Rory, Nov. 1, 2004. He joins brother Aidan Patrick.
1999 Megan (Elliott) and Mike Goodrich, a boy, Matthew Raymond, Oct. 25, 2004. Angie (Walden) and Darrell Faraci ’97, a girl, Ella Marie, Mar. 22, 2005.
’48 Vita McConnaughey wife of Robert McConnaughey Apr. 17, 2005 ’48 Donald O’Brien brother of Audrey (O’Brien) Witham and Robert C. Witham ’50 Jan. 5, 2005 ’49 Gerald N. Woltanski Mar. 28, 2005 ’52 Sr. John Marie Bronersky Jan. 21, 2005 ’53 John D. Ziolkowski Jan. 24, 2005
’65 J. Patrick Osbourne husband of Leona (Mayan) Osbourne ’65 father of John Osbourne ’89, Jeanne (Osbourne) Walch ’90, Julie (Osbourne) Kuhn ’95 and current Aquinas student Jillian Osbourne, Jan. 5, 2005
’55 Frances M. Fierlik Apr. 4, 2005 ’55 Theodore J. Rupp Apr. 11, 2005 ’57 Thomas F. Michmershuizen husband of Mary (Kelly) Michmershuizen ’54, Mar. 27, 2005
’65 Daniel G. Popma Mar. 26, 2005
’58 Ellen J. (Ford) Bonczyk Feb. 23, 2005
’66 Donie Heintzelman sister of Tony and (Patricia Omilian ’66) Nolan ’66 Feb. 10, 2005
’58 Daniel R. West husband of Agnes West O’Neal ’58, Feb. 3, 2005 ’58 Lucille Weber sister-in-law of Sr. Aquinas Weber, Jan. 12, 2005
’66 Francis Guevara mother of Sr. Marie Rachael Guevara, Feb. 10, 2005 ’67 Robert M. Bolger May 6, 2005 ’68 Sr. Rita Barreras Jan. 9, 2005
’59 Paul A. Carpentier Jan. 8, 2005
’70 Dr. Patricia J. Fettig-Vora Mar. 28, 2005
’59 Lawrence A. Farhat Mar. 29, 2005 ’59 James Cummins husband of Mary Grace Cummins, Feb. 4, 2005 ’60 Mary Sullivan sister of John Sullivan, Feb. 12, 2005
’71 Sandra R. (Matson) Charron Jun. 2, 2005 ’72 Edward Hankiewicz father of Rev. Edward Hankiewicz, Feb. 20, 2005 ’73 Michael G. Bubeck Apr. 17, 2005
’61 Lauretta Lehman mother of Lois (Lehman), and Don Jandernoa
’73 Barbara De Vries wife of Donald De Vries, Apr. 23, 2005
’62 Jane Jorgensen mother of Judith (Ellis), and Thomas Jorgensen ’63
’73 Mary Kay Kain mother of Kathy (Kain) and Jerry O’Bee, Feb. 9, 2005
’63 Alice Hillary mother of Sr. Margaret Hillary, Feb. 10, 2005
’75 Eleanore M. (Brakel) Gilson Jan. 25, 2005
’64 Thomas Bryan brother of Sr. Thomas Estelle Bryan, Jan. 18, 2005
’79 Jo Ellen M. O’Connor daughter of Stella and John O’Connor (dec.) ’68 Jan. 16, 2005
’64 Joseph Kamm father of David Kamm, Jan. 27, 2005
’83 Frank Przybysz father of Rev. Mark Przybysz ’83 James W. Mills Mar. 6, 2005 AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 57
Jill and Jonathan Wallace ’03, a boy, Jonathan Dean, May 10, 2005.
’65 Richard W. Mc Donald Mar. 5, 2005
’54 Sally A. (Agostini) Griffin wife of Jerry Griffin ’76, Jun. 3, 2005
Randy Carson father of current student, Erin Carson, Jan. 14, 2005
’83 Marilyn T. Schneider sister of Jill Schneider ’94 and Matthias Schneider ’94, Apr. 3, 2005
Heather Fassbender AQ student, Jun. 4, 2005
’87 George Beattie Apr. 4, 2005
Natalie Knott AQ student, Apr. 17, 2005
’87 Ann Chiaramonte mother of Frederick Chiaramonte ’87 Alfred J. Reynolds brother of Nancy Oppenhuizen, Jan. 11, 2005 ’86 Gerald Howell father of Barbara (Howell) Candela, Mar. 17, 2005 ’86 C. J. Rapp father of Margaret Slade, May 26, 2005
’89 Llewellyn Courson husband of Wilma (Brinks) Courson, Feb. 15, 2005 ’90 Allen McKamey father of Kristi and Mark McKamey, Apr. 6, 2004 ’94 Sean P. Byrne May 26, 2005 ’95 Lloyd Miller grandfather of Christie (Miller) Goldsmith, Feb. 23, 2005
’98 Janie M. (Brinks) Savola sister of Kristin Brinks ’97, Feb. 23, 2005
’02 Ann Leatherman cousin of Chad Buczkowski, Mar. 1, 2005 ’04 Jennie Peszko grandmother of Jennifer Rybski, Feb. 22, 2005
Lorraine Bergman Feb. 18, 2005 The Most Rev. Joseph M. Breitenbeck Mar. 12, 2005
Barbara Kay Grinwis-DeVries Apr. 23, 2005 Betty Haisma mother of Aquinas employee, Dale Haisma, Mar. 3, 2005
Marriages 1997 Colleen (Cone) to Matthew Gish on Nov. 27, 2004.
1998 Kate and Justin Smith on Jul. 10, 2004.
The Hon. R. S. Hoffius Jan. 19, 2005
Sharon Kladde mother of alumna, Jodi Porraz, Mar. 25, 2005
Molly (Noble) to Ed Schief in 04.
Eleanor (Gusmano) and Michael Chichester on Jul. 23, 04.
Dirk Koning Feb. 10, 2005
Shannon (Gurzynski) and David Campbell on Jan. 15, 2005.
Teresa and LaForest Krantz Apr. 10, 2005
Barbara A. Lang Apr. 18, 2005 Robert L. Leigh Mar. 14, 2005 Jean Merren Jan. 9, 2005
Stanford M. Brown Apr. 27, 2005
James W. Simon Apr. 15, 2005
Anne Buczek mother of faculty member, Dr. Michaleen Kelly, Apr. 10, 2005
Elvanor Straw mother of faculty member, Dr. Lorraine Straw, Feb. 2005
George Davis father-in-law of Aquinas employee, Jim Williams, Feb. 4, 2005
Timothy A. Sullivan Feb. 18, 2005
Edward Dewey grandfather of Aquinas employee, Andrea Dewey, Feb. 18, 2005
Alfredas Puodziunas Apr. 27, 2005 father-in-law of faculty member Ricardo Caceres and Rima Puodziunas
Nancy Fisher sister-in-law of Aquinas employee, Lisa Klynstra Yarost, Mar. 23, 2005
Harry Vunge father of Aquinas employee, Sandy Chambers, Jan. 17, 2005
Daniel Gerard Popma Mar. 26, 2005
1948 Margaret McIntire operates the Hotel Iroquois on Mackinac Island, Mich. The hotel was just honored by the readers of Conde Nast Traveler’s annual Gold List as one of the best 700 places to stay around the globe. The hotel scored a perfect 100—one of only two dozen hotels around the world to do so.
1960 Sara (Van Raalte) Ebenreck, member of the Aquinas philosophy faculty from 1966-1968, has retired as an associate professor of philosophy at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. She now resides in Holland, Mich.
1973 William Guerriero is dean of instruction at ChandlerGilbert Community College in Arizona. He and his wife Christine, also class of ’73, have five sons.
1974 Brian Hennigan joined the firm dbaDirect as a marketing communications manager in May of 2005. Based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. dbaDirect is a leader in the field of data infrastructure management.
Hillegonda Zwarensteyn Feb. 5, 2005 AQUINAS MAGAZINE ~ FALL 2005 58
’01 Yuriy Sarkisov father of Mikhail Sarkisov, Mar. 17, 2005
Irene Okerhjelem grandmother of current student, Julie Ferstle, Feb. 3, 2005 Emilie Quinn grandmother of current student, Ryan Engemann, Feb., 2005
’87 Eleanore Gibson mother of Christopher Gibson
’97 John C. McCarthy Feb. 11, 2005
Mike Loew father of current student, Lisa Selter, Apr. 4, 2005
Greg Gordon Apr. 23, 2005
Phyllis Cardenas and husband Zenon welcomed their first grandchild, Colter Xavier this past Nov.
Julie Lough received the Alliance of Women Entrepreneurs Woman of the Year award for 2004. Lough is the founder and owner of Micro Visions, Inc., an information technology solutions company.
Kristen (McBurney) Bennett recently relocated to Colorado Springs, Colo., from Rochester, New York. Kristen works as a Senior Transportation Planner for the City of Colorado Springs, managing neighborhood traffic calming projects, safe routes to school, and all the bicycle and pedestrian projects in the city.
Mikhail Sarkisov was honored in May by the United States Olympic Committee as the 2005 Developmental Fencing Coach of the Year. Mikhail teaches fencing at the Grand Rapids Fencing Academy, which he opened with his brother. When not fencing, Mikhail works as a computer engineer for Access Business Group.
Kate (Pew) Wolters, a trustee emerita of Aquinas College, was named to the board of Grand Valley State University by Governor Jennifer Granholm.
1979 Marlene Ryan received her master of liberal arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania in May 2005. Marlene’s capstone project was a multi-disciplinary integration of philosophy, neuroscience, cognitive science, anthropology and personal ethnography entitled “Embodied Cognition: Hands at the Nexus of Thought and Language from Evolution through Bodylore.” Mark Brown opened his own real estate office in the Rockford, Mich, area in October of 2004. Tom Rosenbach was named chairman of Moore Stephens North America, an accounting and consulting firm.
1982 Denise Christy, a former trustee, has been elected to the board of the Michigan Colleges Foundation.
1983 Beverly Wall, CEO of Languages International, Inc. received an Outstanding Achievement Award from the Center for Empowerment and Economic Development (CEED). Beverly was one of six women honored by CEED for her work to develop and promote businesses owned by women. Jonathan Lein is a school counselor with the Kalkaska (Mich.) Public Schools and a psychotherapist with the Maple Clinic of Traverse City. Melinda Simon recently published “Shadow’s Embrace”, a gothic romance/ghost story novel, under the name M.J. Simon. Melinda is also a practicing psychologist in the Lansing, Mich. area.
Lori Bentley Burns and husband, Sean, own an earth-friendly retail/Internet store in Traverse City, Mich. which specializes in natural mattresses, bedding, baby clothes, and home furnishings.
1987 Dwight Ferguson has been promoted to CEO of Eurofresh, Inc., North America’s largest greenhouse vegetable business. He, his wife Nancy, and their two children live in Tucson, Arizona.
1988 Stephan Cahill graduated from the William Mitchell School of Law and has joined the firm of Mazzoni and Associates in West Dennis, Mass.
1989 Joseph Steve was recently promoted to Metro Installation Manager in Columbus, Ohio, where he lives with his wife Carone and his youngest son, Zach. Vinit Asar moved to the United Kingdom in 2004 as part of a job transfer with Cordes, J&J. He lives outside of London. Christine Groendyk welcomed the birth of her first grandson, Christian Matthew. Last May, she graduated from Mohave (Ariz.) Community College with an associate degree in nursing.
1990 Therese Kerbey graduated summa cum laude from Arizona State University on May 12 with a master of music degree, music education: jazz studies. She has taught fourth-eighth grade band in the Deer Valley Unified School District (DVUSD) for the last seven years and will pursue a doctorate in musical arts at Arizona State University.
1993 Dan Tietema has filed to run for the Third Ward Grand Rapids City Commission seat. He is the founder and owner of Omni Medical Waste, Inc.
Marisa Fernando is working on tsunami relief operations in Sri Lanka. Mary (Koenig) Sens was promoted to director of human resources at DP Fox Ventures in Grand Rapids, Mich. She married Mark Sens in Oct. of 2004.
1995 Allison Case opened a new home interior design store, in Grand Rapids, Mich., Views by Ann Maries, on Apr. 30, 2005. Kathy Lund Dean, an assistant professor of business and management at Idaho State University, received the New Educator Award for excellence in teaching practice at the 2004 national conference of the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society. Sue Ann Robak recently joined the News Channel 5 Sports Department, an ABC affiliate based in Cleveland, Ohio, as a sports reporter, producer, and anchorwoman.
1997 Oleg Kaganovich was recently promoted to CEO of the Sacramento (Calif.) Area Regional Technology Alliance (SARTA). Through SARTA, Kaganovich is also in charge of McClellan Technology Incubator, a high-tech incubation facility in Northern California.
Richard Mills and his wife Mary recently relocated to Coldwater, Mich. Rick received his juris doctorate (magna cum laude) from the University of Detroit Mercy, School of Law. He has accepted a position with the Coldwater, Mich. law firm of Biringer, Hutchinson, Lillis and Bappert.
2003 Sara Schmidt has been accepted into Johns Hopkins University’s School of Engineering to pursue a master of science in applied and computational mathematics. She currently works as a mathematician for the U.S. Government and resides in Baltimore, Md.
2004 Leanne Lawrence is attending Shenandoah University (Virginia), Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy. She is working toward a doctorate of pharmacy.
2005 Victoria Hughes and daughter Patricia Parkhurst graduated with masters in education degrees from Aquinas this past May. Hughes and Parkhurst are secondary English and history teachers. While working toward their master’s degrees, the mother-daughter team took classes together, worked on projects jointly and helped keep each other on schedule.
1998 Sally (Abshire) Schaub accepted a position with AmeriCorps expanding mentorship programs in Ionia County. The mentorship program operates in conjunction with Michigan State University Extension located in Ionia, Mich.
2000 Heather Montie defended her dissertation this past spring for her master of science in physiology from Wayne State University. She will begin post-doctorate work in Philadelphia in the fall. Mary Kopchick was hired by Hermanoff and Associates, a communications firm based out of Farmington Hills, Mich. this past spring.
Richard Verburg, who has served on the Board of Trustees of Grand Rapids Community College since 1997, was elected Secretary of the Board and Alternate Trustee representative to the Michigan Community College Association.