Comprehensive analysis of application of Biomimicry in architecture to enhance functionality

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Comprehensive analysis of application of Biomimicry in architecture to enhance functionality

Dissertation Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the 9th Semester of Bachelor of Architecture (B. ARCH.) (GOURISHA BAJAJ-16028006002) Dec 2020


Certified that this Dissertation titled ‘Comprehensive analysis of application of Biomimicry in architecture to enhance functionality’ is the bonafide work of (Gourisha bajaj16028006002) who carried out the work under my supervision. Certified further that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other Dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.

Dissertation Supervisor Ar. Aastha Kalia Dissertation Supervisor Ar. Pulama Oinam

Department Dean Prof. Shaleen Sharma July-Dec 2020 GOURISHA 16028006002 B.Arch. SEM 9 December 2020

SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, Plot No. 1, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Sonipat, Haryana 131029

STATEMENT OF SOURCES I hereby declare that I, GOURISHA BAJAJ, Roll Number 16028006002 the sole author of this Dissertation, titled, “Comprehensive analysis of application of Biomimicry in architecture to enhance functionality”, and that no part of this Dissertation, in part or full, has been submitted for the award of a Degree or Diploma to any other University or Institution. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my Dissertation does not infringe upon anyone’s copyright nor violates any proprietary rights. Further, any ideas, techniques, quotations, or any other material, published or otherwise, drawn from the work of other people and included in my Dissertation, have been fully acknowledged in accordance with standard referencing practices. I agree that I have been informed by the Dissertation Coordinators about the legal consequences of infringing copyright of any work and therefore in case any content of this report or research work is found to be infringing copyright of any work, then the University, Department, or any of its faculties and staff shall not be liable for any legal action and that I shall be solely responsible for such actions and the consequences thereon.

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Full Signature of Student GOURISHA 16028006002 B.Arch. SEM 9 December 2020

SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, Plot No. 1, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Sonipat, Haryana 131029

LEGAL DECLARATION The contents of this Dissertation work bear the following copyright:

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Full Signature of Student GOURISHA 16028006002 B.Arch. SEM 9 December 2020

Contents 1.




INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5


What is Biomimicry? ...................................................................................... 5


History ............................................................................................................. 7


Inspiration from Nature ................................................................................... 7


Definitions ....................................................................................................... 8


Current Scenario............................................................................................ 10


Problem Statement ........................................................................................ 11

RESEARCH DESCRIPTION ........................................................................... 12 2.1

Aim ................................................................................................................ 12


Objectives ...................................................................................................... 12


Scope ............................................................................................................. 12


Limitation ...................................................................................................... 12


Hypothesis ..................................................................................................... 12


Research Methodology.................................................................................. 13

LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................. 16 3.1

Published papers............................................................................................ 16


Published Books ............................................................................................ 17


Case Studies .................................................................................................. 18


East gate center building ........................................................................ 18


Eden project ........................................................................................... 20


Lavasa Hill city ...................................................................................... 22


BIQ House ............................................................................................. 23


Beijing Olympic Stadium ...................................................................... 27


St. Mary axe ("Gherkin" or "Swiss Re")................................................ 31


Council House CH2 ............................................................................... 34


Pearl river tower ..................................................................................... 37


Milwaukee art museum, Wisconsin ....................................................... 39


Wuhan New Energy Center ................................................................... 42


National Taichung Theater .................................................................... 44

Research Specific Chapters ............................................................................... 47 4.1

Levels of Biomimicry.................................................................................... 47


NATURE AS MODEL (Organism level) .............................................. 48


NATURE AS MEASURE (Process level) ............................................ 50


NATURE AS MENTOR (Ecosystem level).......................................... 52


Principles of Biomimicry .............................................................................. 55


Approaches to Biomimicry ........................................................................... 57


Problem based approach-Design looking to Biology ............................ 57 1

4.3.2 5

Solution based approach-Biology influencing design ........................... 59

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 60 5.1

Benefits of Biomimicry ................................................................................. 60


Criticism ........................................................................................................ 61


Future Scope .................................................................................................. 61


Final Conclusion ........................................................................................... 61


INFERENCES .................................................................................................... 62


BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................... 64


Figure 1-Fan vaults-structure form derived from the trees- Gloucester Cathedral ........ 7 Figure 2- Sketch of airplane, form inspired from birds by Leonardo Da Vinci ............ 7 Figure 3-Guggenheim Museum interiors ..................................................................... 10 Figure 4- Gherkin mimics the shape and lattice structure of the Venus Flower Basket Sponge.......................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 5- Guggenheim Museum .................................................................................. 10 Figure 6- Research Process followed in the dissertation ............................................. 14 Figure 7- Factors studied from larger topic to concise the dissertation ....................... 15 Figure 8-East gate Building Elevation ......................................................................... 18 Figure 9-Zoomed in view of the facade ....................................................................... 18 Figure 10- Section of Air movement inside a room of the East gate........................... 19 Figure 11- - Air flow of termite mound ....................................................................... 19 Figure 12- Air flow inside throughout the night .......................................................... 19 Figure 13- Visual similarity of..................................................................................... 19 Figure 14- Air flow inside throughout the day ............................................................ 19 Figure 15- The Eden project ........................................................................................ 20 Figure 16-Fibonacci series found in a pine cone and sunflower ................................. 20 Figure 17-Inside Mediterranean biome of The Eden Project....................................... 21 Figure 18- Inside Rainforest Biome of The Eden ........................................................ 21 Figure 19- Self-sustaining mechanism of the Eden project (inter-dependent.............. 21 Figure 20- Lavasa city Bird's eye view ........................................................................ 22 Figure 21- Sketch of the city street view ..................................................................... 22 Figure 22- Sketch of the city........................................................................................ 22 Figure 23-The BIQ house ............................................................................................ 23 Figure 24-Functioning of the living algae facade ........................................................ 24 Figure 25- Living Algae Facade Close up ................................................................... 26 Figure 26-Beijing Olympic Stadium in night .............................................................. 27 Figure 27-Structure formulation of the stadium .......................................................... 29 Figure 28-Exploded axonometric details of the stadium ............................................. 30 Figure 29- St. Mary axe commonly known as ............................................................. 31 Figure 31- Planned lobbies for better ventilation ........................................................ 31 Figure 30- Openable windows provided ...................................................................... 31 Figure 32-Air flow movement to resist the wind ......................................................... 32 Figure 33- The shape development responding to the high intensity wind flow ......... 32 Figure 35- Día-grid structure ....................................................................................... 33 Figure 34- Similarity of form of the building with the sea sponge .............................. 33 Figure 36-Council House 2 .......................................................................................... 34 2

Figure 37-Section showing the functioning of the council house 2............................. 35 Figure 38- The pearl river tower .................................................................................. 37 Figure 39- Air flow of the building.............................................................................. 38 Figure 40-Milwaukee art museum ............................................................................... 39 Figure 41- Milwaukee art museum model ................................................................... 40 Figure 42- Perspective view......................................................................................... 40 Figure 43- Details of the Brie Soleil ............................................................................ 41 Figure 44-Wuhan New Energy Center ........................................................................ 42 Figure 45- Form similarity with Cala lily .................................................................... 42 Figure 46- Characteristics achieved by mimicking the lily form ................................ 43 Figure 47-National Taichung Theater .......................................................................... 44 Figure 48- Curved interiors of the building ................................................................. 44 Figure 49- Initial model of the theatre ......................................................................... 45 Figure 50- Staircase in the form of a Shell .................................................................. 45 Figure 51- Dramatic Facade to create sense of a Cave entrance ................................. 46 Figure 52- Bird's Eye view .......................................................................................... 46 Figure 53-Factors affected by Biomimicry .................................................................. 47 Figure 54- Biological cycle followed in cradle-to-cradle approach ............................ 48 Figure 55- Wind turbines inspired from the humpback whale flippers ....................... 48 Figure 57- The animal pangolin with flexible scales all over...................................... 49 Figure 56- Waterloo international terminal roof inspired pangolin ............................. 49 Figure 58-Facade developed by Chen, inspired by a pinecone ................................... 50 Figure 59-BIQ house, smart facade ............................................................................. 51 Figure 61- Cradle to cradle system approach followed by Mobius project ................. 53 Figure 60- Mobius Project, Cradle to Cradle system................................................... 53 Figure 62- The oak tree functioning ............................................................................ 54 Figure 63-Principles of Nature..................................................................................... 55 Figure 64-The processes that are followed by Nature ................................................. 56 Figure 65-Two different approaches for Biomimicry in design .................................. 57 Figure 66- Velcro hook design functioning inspired from .......................................... 57 Figure 67-The Biomimicry Design Spiral ................................................................... 58 Figure 68-Lotus flower cleaning process, inspiration for developing self-cleaning paint.............................................................................................................................. 59


Table a-Learnings of the case studies .......................................................................... 62 Table b- Learnings of the case studies ......................................................................... 63


ABSTRACT Nature has always been an inspiration for design as long as humans have existed. Only after the 1990’s the term Biomimicry was introduced and described as the process that seeks solutions to human challenges by emulating Nature’s Time-tested patterns and strategies. Biomimicry expounds and helps in emerging a methodological framework for translating biological strategies into design innovations. The inspiration from nature is a driving force in architecture, resulting in majestic works of architecture. Nature has existed for 3.8billion years and has subsisted in the most fascinating ways and is still flourishing. Nature has immense amounts of knowledge we just have to look in the right direction and comprehend the most of it. Biomimicry is a simple elixir. Despite all the accomplished instances, in the 21st-century people are still unaware about the applications of Biomimicry in architecture. The notions seem to be clear but the ways to associate the two fields is a conundrum. Therefore, the research uses an analytical approach and literature reviews to evaluate the simulation of Nature with Architecture. The key principle for this dissertation is to arrive at a better understanding of the levels of implementation and applications of Biomimicry in current architectural design, resulting in a set of design approaches, levels and principles. KEYWORDS; Biomimicry, Architecture, Applications, Implementation, Design approaches


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is Biomimicry? Biomimicry is a design inspired by Nature and comes from Greek - Bio, which means Life and Mimos, which means mimic (Benyus, 2002). Living organisms have managed to exist in total harmony with a world created by Mother nature (Benyus,2002). Over the last few years, Biomimetic approach to technology and innovation has been recognized to suppress the pernicious effects of the industrial age. Sustainability has become a vital element for the built environment to be resource-efficient and biomimicry helps to expand upon thinking through ‘principles’ that include interdependence and integrating processes. Sustainability and Nature go hand in hand as the principles (i.e., Sunlight, Functionality, Recycling, zero waste etc.) around which nature revolves are extensively feasible with that of sustainability. And by following these in an insightful manner it would help us to create a pleasant environment to live in. Biomimetic approach to technology and innovation has been recognized to suppress the pernicious effects of the industrial age. With the current world population of 7.6 billion (2018; World Bank data) and increasing, humans should just go back to nature as with current practices there seriously would be no world left to live in. The functioning of Nature is such that it does not produce waste energy; it works on the principles of Reusing and recycling therefore it is a viable source to be inspired from. Seeing buildings as living forms (Berkebile and McLennan 2004). Buildings also breathe therefore the lifecycle of the building can be correlated with that of a Human or any Living organism. For instance, the youth time of a human, a tree and a building can be called as the most active years of their lifetimes, the kids are the most energetic at that time, and trees produce the maximum number of fruits and the building functions at its peak. Similarly, in the older years, the humans become weak, lazy and slow, the trees produce lesser amounts of fruits, turns pale and weak likewise the functionality of the building also slows down, it ages beautifully and all these eventually lead to an end, the human, the tree and the building die. If the functioning and operating are alike why not the concepts applied for enhanced functionality be similar. Therefore, applying the concepts of how Nature operates can be applied upon a building which would lead it to be celebrated and remembered edifice. With the industrial revolution, the environment is the one affected most out of it. And a major percentage of the issues are caused by the built typologies. Keeping all these factors in mind Architects, Designers are acquiring knowledge from Nature. As a holistic creation, use of Nature as a mentor enables the understanding of the concepts of ecologically sustainable design and its design vocabulary. After 3.8 billion years of evolution, Nature has become supremely efficient and sustainable by carrying forward what works, what is appropriate and what lasts (Benyus 1997). Nature embraces a wealth of knowledge having enormous potential. In today's context, sustainable design has turned to Nature in search of answers to solve problems through an approach now known as Biomimicry. Unsurprisingly, biomimicry is capable of initiating a paradigm shift in creative and problem-based learning necessary for education towards sustainability (Staples 2005:7). The idea behind the concept of biomimicry is emphasizing sustainability as a major objective of biomimicry which when applied to building design in order to increase 5

the strength of materials through self-healing and self-assembling properties. Studying innovative natural methods that mimic the environment to minimize negative environmental impacts. By studying these approaches under a broad definition of ecological architecture, which is designing with the environment in mind by incorporating it into the design as well as preventing harm to the environment through alternative design and energy strategies. Biomimetic architecture seeks solutions for sustainability in nature not by replicating the forms but by understanding the rules of the forms. It is an integrated approach to sustainable design that works upon a set of principles. Biomimicry works on three levels. 1. The organism 2. It’s behaviour 3.The ecosystem Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It introduces an era based not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it. Biomimicry is related with biological factors of life sciences of different organisms. Ample amount of research and exploration of any Process, organism and Ecosystem needs to be done before applying it in architectural functioning or concepts. Therefore, the organism study needs additional time hence, it is a limitation in the field of architecture. Even if an error arises the complete project would fall miserably. Also, there are probabilities that the biological prototype is miscalculated or misjudged at any point it would cause biomimetic architecture to break down. Benyus writes in her book Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by nature, "what will make the Biomimicry revolution any different from the Industrial Revolution?" She argues that once the world sees what nature is capable of, it may be used to create designs that "campaign against life" rather than provide for it. She uses the Wright Brothers airplane as a prime example, the brothers studied birds, (vultures specifically). "To learn the nuances of drag and lift." In 1903 the bird taught humans how to fly for the first time and in 1914 we were using this technology as a weapon of war to drop bombs from the sky. Benyus specifies that if humans are to "fit in on Earth" it will only be possible if we change our thinking and become sensible, sensitive and susceptible towards nature. This research pertains to the levels of biomimicry and its implementation in the field. Therefore, this study explores a biomimetic approach to augment architectural functionality. The goal is to acquaint Designers and Architects about the concepts, principles and maneuvers of biomimicry, and using them to devise a well thought design.


1.2 History Since ancient times designers and philosophers have looked towards natural organisms for the balance of aesthetics and functionality. The relationship of architecture and nature can be noticed in the earliest civilizations such as Egyptian, Mayan, Polynesian, Incan and many others, the common factor found in all these is the strong alliance of life and nature with their cultures. Otto Schmitt (an American inventor), coined the term “biomimetics” in the 1960s and described it to transfer ideas from biology to technology (Schmitt, 1938). Later in 1990’s, biomimicry was famed by Janine Benyus who is commuting the plausibility and credibility of Biomimicry in a design approach to the fresh set Figure 1-Fan vaults-structure form derived from the of designers through her book trees- Gloucester Cathedral Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature (Benyus, 1997). Biomimicry, as defined today, involves learning from and emulating biological forms, processes, and ecosystems tested by the environment and refined through evolution (Baumeister, 2014)

1.3 Inspiration from Nature Biomimicry has always been a source that could be researched to initiate a design. Earliest examples where Biomimicry is used as inspiration are known to be from the Stone Age where the nomads mimicked the animals' way of feeding, shelter and living for a better and safer livelihood. In later years during the Renaissance period, Leonardo Da Vinci (1485) was influenced by the flying proficiency of Birds and created drawings using their flapping techniques to depict flying machines. Even Wright brothers (1899) spent time observing birds flutter and applied similar principles in their airplane module. And now we all know how efficient Airplanes are. Architects and designers have also looked in the direction of biology for inspiration since the beginnings of science in the early Figure 2- Sketch of airplane, form inspired nineteenth century. They have endeavored to from birds by Leonardo Da Vinci imitate the forms of animals and plants despite that discovered upon the intents of progressions in Nature. In various architectural-historical periods, a group of designers apprehending and designing keeping harmony with nature have been found. Similarly, in the modern era of architecture architects like Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright can be named from the many. Le Corbusier declared biology to be the “great new word in architecture and planning”. 7

1.4 Definitions The dissertation addresses various words the definitions of which are mentioned below: 1) Algorithms: set of well-defined instructions or methods used to solve a problem 2) Biogenesis; The scientific investigation of life. 3) Biological strategy: A characteristic, mechanism, or process that performs a function for an organism. 4) Biomimicry Approach: A design approach that seeks to comprehend the effective adaptation and integration strategies of nature’s processes. 5) Biomimicry thinking: The analogue thinking it often inspires leads to several unexpected benefits that have a dramatic impact in the practice of biomimicry. 6) Biomimicry; Emulating or taking creative inspiration from nature. 7) Bionics: application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology. 8) Biotechnology: Technologies based on biology Biomimetic Transformation of the form, structure or function of biological materials, mechanisms and processes to human systems. 9) Design Propositions: Theoretical or practical understanding that informs design that is expressed through design requirements. 10) Eco mimesis; Emulation of ecosystems in design. 11) Eco mimicry Design of communities and built environments that emulate or take creative inspiration from nature. 12) Ecologically sustainable development: Using, conserving and enhancing the resources - ecological processes, life depends, maintaining quality of life. 13) Ecosystem; a community of living organisms in conjunction with the non-living components of their environment, interacting as a system. 14) Emulate; to mimic deep patterns or principles rather than directly copying them. 15) Enhance; to improve value, quality. 16) Environment; The external conditions of an organism or population. 17) Environmental sustainability; Cross-generational maintenance of ecosystem components and functions. 18) Epistemology; the philosophical study of nature, origin, and the extents of human knowledge. 8

19) Ecosystem engineers; Organisms with the ability to control the resources distribution that may cause change in the ecosystem 20) Evolution; change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. 21) Factor; A component or independent variable. 22) Habitat: A type of natural environment in which a species of organism lives, reproduces and functions. 23) Holistic/Holism; The view that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 24) Hydromorphic materials: Materials that respond to the changes is environment by changing its geometry(form) 25) Integration; bringing together parts of a whole. 26) Mentor; an experienced and trusted adviser. In this case it is referred to nature. 27) Methodology: A set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline. 28) Methods; Research techniques and tools. 29) Model: a thing used as an example to follow or imitate. In this case it refers to organisms of nature.


1.5 Current Scenario An Architect, Engineer, interior designer, product designer or anybody who originates and creates anything needs a reliable source. What better inspiration would be learning and scrutinizing the oldest existing life form- NATURE. In today’s scenario, of rapid development we need to apply mechanisms which reduce the harmful effects. Architects and designers favor and idolize the concepts of nature. Janine Benyus has developed a website with experts which connects one to the knowledge of nature to obtain solutions to society’s greatest challenges. The algorithm of the website provides information about the viable processes of functioning, formulations and fundamentals of various organisms which may be of help in different fields of innovations, designing and inventing. Looking for biological inspirations in the right place and the right organism results in the desired outcome. Talking about Architecture we can find various examples of buildings which work with Biomimicry as their key point. Be it modern day architecture or the buildings from Greek, Roman, Renaissance or Byzantine period. At present prominent architects such as Santiago Calatrava, Norman Foster, Michael Pawlyn, Moshie Safdie and Frank Lloyd Wright are designing keeping Biomimicry as their concept which concludes to generate a sustainable building design. “The best way to predict the future is to design it” (Mansour, H. "Biomimicry: strategy integrating with nature in a sustainable way") to achieve sustainability working in the field of architecture on form regulation, skin of the building and various other methods are being mimicked. Incorporating technological advancements with Nature has given architecture a whole new direction which is aesthetical and maintains the ecological balance.

Figure 4- Gherkin mimics the shape and lattice structure of the Venus Flower Basket Sponge

Figure 5- Guggenheim Museum

Figure 3-Guggenheim Museum interiors designed similar to the form of a Shell (Conch)


1.6 Problem Statement Humans are parting away from nature because of all the advancements happening and have created massive sustainability problems for future generations. The irresponsible use of resources has led to severe exploitation of surroundings. Main goal of Biomimicry is to create processes, policies and products which lead to new ways of living that are well adapted to life on earth for a very long term. Similarly coming back to our roots and making our way by studying the problemsolving operations of nature to achieve the ecological fraction. Architecture is a field which brings major impact. And by bringing the smallest of changes with the cliché features would be rewarding and fruitful. After all these years the most abundant factor on Earth comprises of Flora, Fauna and other living organisms who have already been dealt with situations similar to those which are being faced by humans. “DESIGN IS INVISIBLE”- Design is one factor which can be found anywhere or everywhere we just have to have an eye to see it and a functioning brain. And architects have the potential and authority to do it and leave an influence. Globally various discussions, seminars and TED talks are being conducted concerning the environmental changes occurring and how we can revamp everything from being as small as a design of the glove to designing a wholesome city in any part of the world. These practices sow the seeds of interest which leads to productive outcomes.




2.1 Aim To analyze the applications in architecture of the three levels of Biomimicry and evolving a framework which are suitable in architecture to enhance functionality.

2.2 Objectives To achieve the aim, the following research objectives will be attained. ● Identifying the different levels of biomimicry. ● Determining the approaches of biomimicry and its applications in the field. ● Learning about the principles and characteristics in defiance to Biomimetic architecture ● Researching the effects of biomimicry in the field of architecture. ● Analyzing the significance of architectural functionality. ● Identifying the future perspectives of biomimicry in architectural design.

2.3 Scope The dissertation will focus on researching the levels, approaches and applications of Biomimicry. Focal point of the research would revolve around the application of principles of biomimicry in the building. The main attention will only be drawn towards the aspects of biomimicry which intend upon enhancing the architectural functionality.

2.4 Limitation ● The biggest limitation in this research is lack of case studies available in the country. ● Biomimicry is a vast topic therefore the research limits till application-based study in correlation between Biomimicry and architecture. ● Amidst the pandemic the movement is restricted therefore assessing any building for the concept of Biomimicry is also limited. ● Also, Biomimetic is a less known term, hence there are limited authentic materials to study upon.

2.5 Hypothesis It seems that conscious emulation of nature ‘s genius through the biomimetic approach could be a solution to solve buildings functionality challenges aiming to optimize the efficiency.


2.6 Research Methodology The methodology used in this paper is based on the solution-based approach for generating biomimetic architectural concepts. The research is based on the analytical methods.

Dissertation follows the following flow of work and research.


Figure 6- Research Process followed in the dissertation


Figure 7- Factors studied from larger topic to concise the dissertation




3.1 Published papers 1. Biomimicry in Architecture (Journal by Raj Shekhar Rao) Description- The journal explores the applications of biomimicry in architecture in the present architectural innovations and practices based upon approaches, principles and levels of Biomimicry. It has also identified the architects designing with nature’s functioning and formulating as their core concept. 2. The implementation of nano-biomimicry for sustainability in architecture (journal by Dr. Wijdan Deyaa Abdul Jalil,Hussaen Ali Hasan Kahachi)Description-The paper describes the development of architectural biomimicry philosophies. It also explores the technologies associated with Biomimicry. It also presents the conceptual knowledge and ways to put these in application. 3. Learning from nature: Towards a research-based biomimicry approach to ecologically sustainable design (research paper by Arosha Gamage, Ranjith Dayarathne) – Description-The paper identifies various projects and separates them on the basis of different categories. Also, it identifies the theory of biomimicry and its techniques in design processes. The paper also gives an understanding and corelationship of the species (nature as a mentor) with buildings. (paper by Arosha Gamage, Ranjith Dayarathne)- The paper identifies various projects and segrates them based on different categories. Also, it identifies the theory of biomimicry and its techniques in design processes. The paper also mentions understanding and co-relationship of the species (nature as a mentor) with buildings. 4. Biomimicry dissertation (Ar. Ratna Gandhe 2010) Description-This study focuses on understanding biomimicry and its implementations in the field of architecture. It also explores the use of forms and shapes seen in nature. According to the study, biomimicry helps to create processes and designs that are sustainable, performs well, saves energy, cuts material costs, redefines and eliminates waste. It also has thorough analysis about buildings that are built upon the concepts of Biomimicry and highlights the key features. 5. Biomimicry, Architecture learnt from nature (Ateeb Husseein 2015) Description- The paper offers an alternative approach on the three levels of biomimicry and develops a typological approach. Paper also details the characteristics of biomimicry buildings on the three different levels of Biomimicry.


3.2 Published Books 1. Biomimicry innovation (book by Janine Benyus) Description- The book describes the term Biomimicry, the factors affecting it and its principles. The book expresses the need for Biomimicry in the current scenario. The book also explains about the advantages of using Biomimicry. Additionally, the author has stated various fields which are impacted by Biomimicry citing research and studies about the same. Also, the book has some examples looking towards the creative edge of nature and applications of its principles in architecture.


3.3 Case Studies 3.3.1 East gate center building Location- Harare, Zimbabwe Completion date- 1996 Function- Energy efficiency increased Typology- Office building Biomimicry Inspiration- Termite mound Architect- Mick Pearce It is a mixed land use typology having shopping center and office building. In Harare’s climate, the purchase, installation, and maintenance of a traditional air-conditioning system for a building has immediate and long-term costs. The challenge was to create a self-regulating ventilation system that would keep the building at temperatures that are comfortable for workers and Figure 8-East gate Building Elevation residents. Architect Mick Pearce worked with the construction company Arup to design the Eastgate Centre. The façade of the building has traditional patterns and stonework to make it uniquely Zimbabwean in its design. The architect was inspired by models of internal temperature regulation in termite mounds. At the time of the building’s design, researchers had proposed that termite mounds maintained stable internal climates by having a physical structure that enables passive internal airflow. Therefore, ample research on termite mounds was done providing an understanding of the function of mound structure. Instead of using the regular HVAC system to control temperature within the building, the building is designed to achieve more passive and energy-efficient mechanisms of climate control. This process is supported by mechanical fans that function in a well-timed cycle to enhance heat storage during the warm daytime and heat release during the cool nighttime. Various openings throughout the building further enable passive internal airflow driven by outside winds. These design features work together to reduce temperature changes within the building interior as temperatures outside fluctuate. The building has saved 10% on costs upFigure 9-Zoomed in view of the facade front by skipping the addition of the HVAC system. The Eastgate Centre still achieves a controlled internal climate with the help of cost-effective and energy-efficient mechanisms originally inspired by termite mounds. 18

The termite is said to be one of nature's successful builders, creating towering structures and also protecting themselves from the harsh outside temperature. Termite mounds are extremely strong structures of mud, comprising of buttresses and, in compass mounds, a definite shape optimizes the effects of the sun. Inside the building thick insulating walls are created leaving low openings to top holes for air. This is known as stack effect, in which the hot air rises up and cool air sinks down. In the mound, the termites are constantly modifying these openings for optimum performance, sometimes adding wet mud that aids cooling with its evaporative effects. Figure 13- Visual similarity of Termite mound and East gate building

Figure 14- Air flow inside throughout the day

Figure 11- - Air flow of termite mound

Figure 12- Air flow inside throughout the night

Figure 10- Section of Air movement inside a room of the East gate


3.3.2 Eden project Location- Cornwall, UK Completion date- 2001 Function- Energy efficiency increased Typology- Office building

Biomimicry Inspiration- Soap bubbles Architect- Nicholas Grimshaw

Figure 15- The Eden project

It is a project for the public, it is not only a tourist attraction but also a research and educational tool. The Eden Project Functions on the methods of composting puts nutrients back into the soil, feeds earthworms, and diverts food waste from going to landfills, no waste is produced as all of it is utilized in some or the other way. The Eden project is the world’s largest greenhouse Majorly inspired from the honeycomb of bees and even the multifaceted eyes of a fly and also the soap bubbles, and their ability to settle on any shaped surface. Creating a very strong, yet light-weight, solution to build on the uneven sand pits of site. Also, the shape of the biomes is inspired by Geodesic domes. Eden Project promotes the understanding and responsible management of relationships between plants, people, and resources, leading towards a sustainable future for all The Eden Project applies various design strategies that help in completing its goal of sustainability. Jolyon Brewis of Grimshaw Architects was inspired by growth of plants. He used the mathematical concept of plant which helps it bloom and designed the biomes to be constructed on Fibonacci’s series, where each number is the sum of two previous digits. Similar to the sunflower and pinecone.

Figure 16-Fibonacci series found in a pine cone and sunflower


The Eden project has three biomes: the humid–tropics biome, the warm temperate biome, and the moderate temperate biome. Cushions of ETFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) transparent foil are used for the glazing. This very lightweight material weighs approximately 1% of glass. In addition, its strength and the trait that it is selfcleaning makes it suitable for this project. Figure 17-Inside Mediterranean biome of The Eden Project

Figure 18- Inside Rainforest Biome of The Eden

The Eden Project teaches ways by which man can learn to be efficient by mimicking nature. By being aware of how nature solves problems we can improve our everyday lives. Small things such as composting can make a big difference. One example of such technique is that while the construction of the project they saved hundreds of pounds of Stone from saving it out from dump and using it as paving. The project aims to become carbonneutral: CO2 emission will be cut by about 80%.

The Eden Project tries to utilize heat and light and moreover, will supply these resources to approximately 5,000 residents in the neighborhood. Transparent “honeycombs” create a thermal cushion – in summer the building doesn’t need artificial lighting or heating. In Figure 19- Self-sustaining mechanism of the Eden project (interwinter-time the dependent appropriate temperature is maintained by means of biodegradable wastes recycling. The water collection process is also automated as in any genuine ecosystem. The project explores new uses for secondary products gives them a new task to be a part of.


3.3.3 Lavasa Hill city Location- Pune, India Completion date- 2020 Function- Ecologically sustainable environment Typology- Urban city Biomimicry Inspiration- Deciduous forest, Fig leaf Architect- HOK Architects

Figure 20- Lavasa city Bird's eye view

Constructed by HCC Group with the help of an architectural firm, HOK. The idea while designing the city was to restore 70% of the deforested land through detailed landscaping, reforestation and slope greening, reduce 30% of carbon emissions, 65% of potable water consumption, and 95% of waste sent to landfills. The site’s original ecosystem was a moist deciduous forest, which was converted into an arid landscape in recent times. The city’s rooftops are inspired by the morphology of the native banyan fig leaf, whose pointed spear shape at the end that hastens the water run-off and cleans its surface in the process. It has led to the development of tiled shingle rooftops that shed water in the same way. Since the Western Ghats region is prone to seasonal flooding from monsoons and a strategy based on ant nests has been adopted to channel water through the city. This efficient plan is inspired from the local harvester ants that divert water away from their nests through multi-path, low-grade channels. Further, water has been stored in networked building foundations, much like tree roots.

Figure 21- Sketch of the city street view

Figure 22- Sketch of the city


3.3.4 BIQ House Location- Hamburg, Germany Completion date- 2013 Function- Passive Energy house Typology- Residential unit Biomimicry Inspiration- Living Algae Façade

Architect- HOK Architects

Figure 23-The BIQ house

BIQ house is also termed as “building with a Bio-Intelligent Quotient”. Live facade of the residential building is also a source of energy; it provides thermal heating and generates biomass also. The algae are continuously supplied with liquid nutrients and CO2 via a water circuit running through the façade. The light rays are absorbed by the façade and generate heat the same way a solar thermal unit does, which is then either used directly for hot water and heating or stored in the ground using boreholes. The ‘living’ wall is consistently transforming. The algae need to be fed continuously and is always moving and changing different shades of green. The finished building cost for the facade was $6.68 million (approximately 50crores) providing renewable energy for the current residents. Now the amount has been revived in terms of cost per kilowatt-hour produced by the algae bioreactors, would be seven times as much as solar power and fourteen times as much as crude oil (Article by The New York Times).

The bioreactor façades on the southeast and southwest sides of the

building (200 square meters) are used for production of biomass and heat. 23

They consist of 129 sun-tracking reactor modules, called photobioreactors (PBRs), 70 cm wide, 270 cm high and 8 cm thick, arranged in groups. The PBRs are mounted on a steel frame that is simultaneously used for wiring and supporting the vertical axis. The PBRs are filled with water (culture medium), in which microalgae are cultivated. As a nutrient, CO2 is added to the culture, for which flue gas from a biogas-fuelled micro-CHP (combined heat and power unit) is used. The CO2 converts the growing algae to biomass.

Figure 24-Functioning of the living algae facade

In addition, the façade also serves the conventional purposes of insulating the building from sound, heat, and cold, and provides shade in bright sunlight. The living space has underfloor heating. The algae reactor modules PBRs are the main point of all energy processes. Heating and electricity needs are covered by converting and distributing different types of energy. Following the scheme, a brief explanation of this integrated energy cycle is given below: •

Bioreactor façade: Due to sunlight and a constant turbulence to avoid algae aggregation, microalgae grows inside the PBRs producing heat (38% of efficiency vs 60-65% with a conventional solar thermal) and biomass (10% of efficiency vs 12-15% with a conventional PV). The bioreactor façade is 24

competitive in comparison to other technologies, due to the façade providing a similar efficiency level and removing a high amount of CO2 by using flue gas delivered in the gas burner to produce biomass in the PBRs. It achieves up to 6 tonnes per year of CO2 reduction. •

Algae Biomass: The biomass resulting from the growth (30KWh/m2.year) is automatically harvested through an algae separator and collected in a temperature-controlled container. Then, this amount is removed to an outdoor biogas plant to produce biogas.

Heat: The associated heat production of about 40ºC (150KWh/m2y) is reintroduced to the system via the heat exchanger in the heating network or stored in the geothermal boreholes.

Biogas: Upon arrival to the external biogas plant, up to 80% of biomass is converted into methane.

Boreholes for storage: The boreholes consist of wells located under the building subsoil and are used to store heat from 16 to 35 degrees depending on the season.

Heat pump: When a higher temperature is required for heating or hot water, a highly efficient heat pump is used in pumping it back into the system.

Gas burner: A unit is operated to provide the CO2 nutrient (flue gas) required by the microalgae in the bioreactor façade and, at the same time, to cover the supply of hot water at 70ºC or heating in the energy network.

Control centre: A central building management system (BMS) called Rockwell SPS manages all the processes necessary to operate the bioreactor façade and to fully integrate it with the energy management system of the building. This includes the control of the algae cell density and the temperature in the culture medium.

District heating system: "Wilhelmsburg Central Integrated Energy Network" is the name of the local network which provides/receives heat to/from this building.


Figure 25- Living Algae Facade Close up


3.3.5 Beijing Olympic Stadium Location- Chaoyang, China Completion date- 2008 Function- Compact & Optimum design, Improved Ventilation Typology- Sports Stadium Biomimicry Inspiration- Bird’s Nest Architect- Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron

Figure 26-Beijing Olympic Stadium in night

Beijing National Stadium, is an excellent example of the use of these biometric principles in modern architecture. As implied by Its nickname - a 'bird's nest, the stadium rises out of the landscape in the shape of a giant upturned bird's nest. The seemingly random pattern of the steel structural members as the twigs is actually governed by advanced geometrical rules to ensure a compact and optimum design, the seating bowl was established first, with the outer façade wrapping around it. The design ensures that all spectators are as close as possible to the action and have clear sight lines. The Chinese National Stadium was the 2008 Olympic Games' most striking structure, recognized all over the world. The building's dynamic form and vast scale create a new icon for China and the city of Beijing The Exterior Shell – Inflated Cushions as a Filler Just as birds stuff the spaces between the woven twigs of their nests with a soft filler, the spaces in the structure of the stadium are filled with inflated ETFE cushions. On the roof, the cushions are mounted on the outside of the structure to make the roof completely weatherproof. Whilst the rain is collected for rainwater recuperation the sunlight filters through the translucent roof providing the lawn with essential UV Radiation. On the facade, the inflated cushions are mounted on the inside of the structure where necessary, e.g., to provide wind protection Since all of the facilities 27

restaurants, suites, shops and restrooms are all self-contained units, it is possible to do largely without a solid, enclosed facade. This allows natural ventilation of the stadium which is the most important aspect of the stadium's sustainable design Provide best possible spectator view from all directions Sight lines and spectator viewing the ailment circular footprint optimizes the viewing and atmosphere by bringing all the spectators as close to the actions sensible the stands are designed without any interruption to evoke the image of a bowl. This evenly constructed shape serves to focus attention on the spectators and the events on the field. The human crowd forms the architecture the facility provides good comfort, excellent views and a superb atmosphere. It will generate crowd excitement and drive athletes to outstanding performances. Complex structural challenges Since the entire structure is constructed of steel and concrete with a combined weight of around 50,000 tones Hence, Computer simulation, synchronized control and structure monitoring techniques were all used to ensure accurate operation even unloading und timely observation All these provided for a structure that mutually supported each other and converged into a grid-like formation - almost like a bird's nest with its interwoven twigs To form a structure largely dominated by large spank and digital screens. Earthquake resistance Due to the fact that Beijing is located in an earthquake zone, it was imperative to be able to withstand the earth’s movement. By building the stadium in two separate parts, including a steel lattice structure and a concrete bowl separated by 50ft, the designers were able to create a structure flexible enough to handle the considerable seismic activity. The bird’s nest is prepared to withstand an earthquake of up to magnitude 8 on the Richter scale.


Figure 27-Structure formulation of the stadium


Figure 28-Exploded axonometric details of the stadium


3.3.6 St. Mary axe ("Gherkin" or "Swiss Re") Location- London, England Completion date- 2004 Function- HVAC, Structurally strong Typology- Commercial High-Rise Biomimicry Inspiration- Venus flower basket Architect- Foster and Partners Sky time 30 St Mary Axe is rooted in a radical approach - technically, architecturally, socially and spatially Generated by a radial plan, its energy conscious enclosure resolves walls and roof into a continuous triangulated skin, allowing column-free floor space, light and views. The "egg" shape of the building Figure 29- St. Mary axe commonly known as "GHERKIN"

also helps the sustainable approach

that the design team took in this project It reduce the number of volatile winds at pedestrian level and smoothens air flows through the are so there is less heat loss over the surface of the building This low. Pressure system also allows the designers to have large light wells at heights that would be otherwise unfeasible.

Figure 30- Planned lobbies for better ventilation

Figure 31- Openable windows provided


Figure 32-Air flow movement to resist the wind

Venus flower basket. Skeleton of sponge provides strength with lightweight material via its siliceous composition.

Figure 33- The shape development responding to the high intensity wind flow

Silica is widely used as a skeletal material in a great diversity of organisms One such example is found in the siliceous skeletal system of the Western Pacific hexactinellid sponge, Euplectello aspergillum or The Venus Flower Basket In this species, the skeleton comprises an elaborate cylindrical lattice-like structure with hierarchical span levels. This strategy when applied to construction helps building stronger structures with minimal materials. 32

The other advantages are; The benefit of this is that it creates a more pleasant environment for pedestrians at street level. It also means that the wind loads against the building were brought down to a minimum and so the structure of the building could also be reduced. Building wind-resistant structures, Fracture-resistant materials, provides architecture that aids ventilation, Fiber optics and making high performance ceramics, Easy selfassembly processes.

Figure 35- Similarity of form of the building with the sea sponge

Figure 34- Día-grid structure


3.3.7 Council House CH2 Location- Melbourne, Australia Completion date- 2006 Function- HVAC Typology- Office Building Biomimicry Inspiration- Plant’s Ecology Architect- Foster and Partners

Figure 36-Council House 2

Council House 2 is a 10-storey office building for about 540 City of Melbourne staff, located at 240 Little Collins Street, Melbourne Australia. It has ground-floor retail spaces and underground parking and was officially opened in August 2006. CH2 has been designed to copy the planet's ecology using the natural 24-hour cycle of solar energy, natural light, air and rainwater, to power, heat, cool, and water the building. Melbourne Council House 2 (CH2) is a multi-award winning and inspirational building that has reduced CO2 emissions by 87%, electricity consumption by 82%, gas by 87% and water by 72%. The building purges stale air at night and pulls in 100% fresh air during the day. The building exterior moves with the sun to reflect and collect heat, and turns sewage into usable water. The building has improved staff effectiveness by 4.9% and will pay for its sustainable features in a little over a decade.


Heating CH2's north façade has 10 dark colored air ducts that absorb heat from the sun; the hot air rises taking the stale air up and out of the building. The south façade has lightcolored ducts that draw in 100% fresh air from the roof and distribute it down through the building. The west façade has louvers made from recycled timber that move according to the position of the sun and are powered by photovoltaic roof panels. Water CH2 takes about 100,000 liters of toilet water every day from a nearby sewer in Little Collins Street. This sewage is then processed, along with sewage from the building, through a multi-water treatment plant on site. The system filters out the water and sends the solids back to the sewer. (City sewers typically hold about 95% of water, this water is a burden to the system and would otherwise be wasted). The extracted water is treated using a micro-filtration system that creates A-grade clean water suitable for non-drinking uses. Some of the recovered water is used for water-cooling, plant watering and toilet flushing, the rest is used in other council buildings, city fountains and used to water plants. Based on biomimicry in its design, CH2 has managed to earn a six-star energy rating, the highest possible in Australia and a rough equivalent to LEED Platinum.

Figure 37-Section showing the functioning of the council house 2


Technologies involved •

Undulating high thermal mass concrete ceilings which improve air circulation, cooling and natural light and reduce energy demands by 14% in summer.

Photovoltaic cells, which power a façade of louvers. These track the sun to ensure the building is shaded.

Water mining plant delivering 100,000 liters of recycled water per day.

Roof top solar panels for water heating.

Shower towers' that cool water and air using low amounts of energy.

Green roof space generating oxygen.

Roof mounted wind turbines that purge air during the night and generate electricity during the day.

Solar shading on the exterior and interior of the building.

Automatic night-purge windows to cool the concrete ceilings.

The design is passive in its approach to energy, often not needing to the tap into the phase change plant system until late in the day.


3.3.8 Pearl river tower Location- Guangzhou, China Completion date- 2011 Function- HVAC Typology- Office Building Biomimicry Inspiration- Sea sponge skin Architect- Skidmore Owings & Merrill Pearl River a 71-story tower Pearl River Tower, Guangzhou designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill's that completed in 2011 is an awardwinning building. The design won a competition calling for sustainable design. Designers turned to the sea Figure 38- The pearl river tower

sponge for inspiration. Pearl River Tower is a self-sustaining,

environmentally intelligent building. Every element is designed to optimize the building’s energy and sustainability performance. The unique shape is derived from the behaviour of the natural elements on the site and was optimized to local solar and wind patterns, harnessing the energy of these resources and utilizing this natural power to sustain the building. Wind is funnelled down the vertical face of the tower toward a series of energy generating wind turbines and photovoltaic panels in the building’s skin absorb and retain solar energy. The two sets of wind turbines are integrated directly into the building and located at each mechanical floor. These turbines serve to generate power that is fed to the mechanical equipment with minimal losses. By adding curvature to the double wall facade, the entire building acts as an air intake to the turbines, maximizing the velocity and the potential energy rendered from the system. The energy created by the turbines is used immediately or stored in batteries for later use. Additional energy comes from a geothermal heat sink that is utilized throughout the building. The intent of this system is to reduce the electrical and water energy consumption associated with the facilities cooling system. Typical HVAC cooling systems use cooling towers to remove all the heat energy from the building and reject the heat to the outdoors. This process requires large 37

quantities of fan energy and, with evaporative type tower, large volumes of water are consumed by the system. Pearl River Tower's HVAC equipment passes the cooling tower water through embedded tubes, within the building’s caissons, prior delivering it to the cooling towers. Using the energy of the earth, the amount of fan energy and water consumption is reduced greatly. The system will also have the capability of “recharging” the energy in the earth, during hours when the water, within the cooling tower, falls bellows the natural temperature in the ground. This reduces energy consumption on the following day. Pearl River Tower, Guangzhou. They took the structure of the sponge that is about taking gallons of water and organisms into itself in a day and they used this idea to consume less energy in their designs. Sponges can pump thousands of gallons of water a day, from which they draw their food. They also shelter and protect a multitude of tiny inhabitants, which benefit from the flow of foodbearing water. This porous tower has four holes that house wind turbines A turbine in one of the four Figure 39- Air flow of the building

intakes in the Pearl River Tower to create electricity from the strong

winds that blow above the ground Sponge like function of Pearl River Tower. The building soaks up energy from the sun as well, thanks to its photovoltaic system integrated to the building’s external solar shading system and glass outer skin. With these and other energy-saving measures such as radiant cooling, the building’s energy use is reduced by 58 to 60 percent


3.3.9 Milwaukee art museum, Wisconsin Location- Milwaukee, Wisconsin Completion date- 2001 Function- Façade system, Ventilation Typology- Recreational center, Museum Biomimicry Inspiration- Bird Wings Architect- Santiago Calatrava The Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) campus has three buildings: The War memorial Centre, Quadracci Pavilion and the Reiman pedestrian bridge. It is located on Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and has a collection of 30,000 works of art and serves over 3,50,000 visitors a year. The Museum's stated mission is to "collect and preserve art, presenting it to the community as a vital source of inspiration and education. The Quadracci Pavilion is a postmodern, sculptural addition to the Milwaukee Art Museum completed in 2001 and designed by Santiago Calatrava and is more specifically, a ship with wings. Calatrava’s designs are often inspired by

Figure 40-Milwaukee art museum

nature, featuring a combination of organic forms and technological innovation. The Milwaukee Art Museum expansion incorporates multiple elements inspired by the Museum’s lakefront location. Among the many maritime elements in Calatrava’s design are: movable steel louvers inspired by the wings of a bird; a cabled pedestrian bridge with a soaring mast inspired by the form of a sailboat and a curving singlestory galleria reminiscent of a wave. Calatrava’s vision was inspired for a building that could take flight by the wings of a bird. The design features a large pavilion containing a glass-enclosed reception hall with aerodynamic planes and mechanical Brise Soleil, which opens and folds like bird 39

Figure 41- Milwaukee art museum model

wings. The project responds to the culture of the lake: the sailboats, the weather, the sense of motion and change. The biggest challenge in the design of the Burke Brise-Soleil was to understand the behavior with wind load on the structure. A wind tunnel study was conducted using a 1:400 aeroelastic model which included the sunscreen, a portion of the underlying structure, and surrounding buildings in downtown Figure 42- Perspective view

Milwaukee. Museum’s signature wings

with a wing span of 217-foot form a moveable sunscreen and is called The Burke Brise Soleil. It varies in length from 26 to 105 feet and is made up of 72 steel fins. The entire structure weighs 90 tons. To open or close the wings take 3.5 minutes. Sensors are fitted in the fins to continuously monitor the wind speed and direction. Whenever the wind speed exceeds 23 mph for more than 3 seconds, the wings close automatically.


Figure 43- Details of the Brie Soleil


3.3.10 Wuhan New Energy Center Location- Wuhan,China Completion date- 2013 Function- Solar Façade Typology- Office building

Biomimicry Inspiration- Flowers Architect- Grontmij and Soeters Van Eldonk Architects

Figure 44-Wuhan New Energy Center

Located in Wuhan, the Wuhan New Energy Center (also called the Energy Flower) was designed to resemble a lily, with a 140-meter tower in the center surrounded by lower towers in the shape of flowers and covered in vegetation. The center tower expands upwards into a bowl and is coated in a large solar array facing the sun, soaking up rays Figure 45- Form similarity just like a real plant. A vertical axis wind turbine shoots up with Cala lily out of the center of the tower like a pistil. Rainwater is collected in the bowl and a 120-meter solar chimney in the tower helps expel hot air from the building while pulling in cooler air below. The stem acts as a solar chimney expelling the hot air entering the buildings and cooler air through the opening edge of the bowl to heat and cool the building through the principle of natural ventilation. All windows are equipped with magnetic sensors that detect if the windows are open or closed. When the windows are open, the sensor provides a signal to the building management system; mechanical air supply is blocked. These tubes bring daylight into the windowless space to help reduce the requirement for lighting. The Energy Flower is the focal point of a vast new center of sustainability research. It is hoped that the knowledge and expertise developed here will help China to meet its international obligations to cut carbon emissions - and reduce the choking smog in its cities - the country moves from fossil fuels to more sustainable energy sources. The structure has gained a Chinese Three Star Green Building certification, with a 99.8% rating, and is awaiting its BREEAM certification However, the proof of the building' success will be revealed through its in-use performance, and the client is aiming to achieve a Chinese green building in use certification. 42

Figure 46- Characteristics achieved by mimicking the lily form


3.3.11 National Taichung Theater Location- Taichung, Taiwan. Completion date- 2016 Function- Improved Acoustics, Earthquake resistant Typology- Recreational, Theatre Biomimicry Inspiration- Sound Cave Architect- Da-Ju Architects The Architects drew inspiration from the formation of rocks, caves and the transience of water. The design is notable for its cavernous, curved and folded interior forms, which produce a dramatic and complex section that is neatly resolved into a rectilinear exterior form. This building is a city-center sound cavity.

Figure 47-National Taichung Theater

Christian Dercks, senior engineer at Arup, who turned the structure into reality, says the building's design is rooted in the way sound carries through space. “The shape was optimized by acoustic consultants. I was told: 'That's the shape, you're not allowed to change it, not even for structural optimization.” Barely contained by the boxy enclosure of its concrete-and-glass skin, hourglass-shaped volumes define the interior of Ito’s building. These sinuous forms cinch in and balloon out with remarkable plasticity, the inside wall of one doubling as the outer surface of the neighboring space.

Figure 48- Curved interiors of the building


Figure 49- Initial model of the theatre

Together these tubelike elements create a spectacular interior dreamscape of deep caverns and soaring canyons within the building. The 2,007-seat theatre's arrangement of circular rooms, known as catenoids, London-based Arup borrowed a method from Japan, putting mesh sheets against the prefabricated structure, two meters at a time, then pouring concrete into the cavity.

Figure 50- Staircase in the form of a Shell

"Normally, if you have a concrete structure you need formwork to keep it in place," "That meant we would have needed to build the building three times over." Not only did the building need to meet the design's ambitious aesthetic and acoustic requirements, but structurally it also needed to cope with Taiwan's frequent earthquakes.


Figure 51- Dramatic Facade to create sense of a Cave entrance

The building consists of 58 catenoids interlinked across four distinct floor levels. The curved geometry has resulted in a total surface area of 21,640 square meters of 400millimetre-thick concrete (finished by hand) on an underlying truss-wall structure. Each catenoid is defined by a system of prefabricated truss frameworks onto which layers of reinforcement were fastened. 28,670 truss sections compose the building, each one curved in only two dimensions but modelled with radial grid lines to compose the complex forms. Truss wall units were created as compounds of 10-20 truss sections and modelled with x, y and z coordinates to optimise construction logistic and workflow.

Figure 52- Bird's Eye view



Research Specific Chapters

4.1 Levels of Biomimicry Nature acts as a MEASURE, MODEL, and MENTOR through which it integrates biology with design processes.

Figure 53-Factors affected by Biomimicry


4.1.1 NATURE AS MODEL (Organism level) This level connects with the replication of an organism. Like mimicking the form, texture etc. Nowadays, designing is done as mass production which tends to be uncomfortable to all, whereas nature has a diverse classification and is constantly evolving with time. Humans design strategies in a linear format without thinking about the by-products on the other hand nature designs with closed loop concepts with no wastage of any aspect. This working is also known as Cradle-to-cradle technology, one of the most celebrated examples of this technology is The Eden project designed by Michael Pawlyn. Michael Pawlyn states that our planet gets immense amounts of sunlight, yet we are unable to make the most out of it and are lagging behind from reaching our maximum potentials. Sunflower is the most suitable organism to study, which moves with movement of sun to attain the last bits of sunlight also. Biomimicry in architecture is a possible solution for designing cities with less or no amounts of renewable energies (Goodall,2012). Figure 54- Biological cycle followed in cradle-to-cradle approach

A Canadian corporation analyzed the flipper of a Humpback whale and determined the flippers had bumps throughout the edges and produced ‘tubercle effect’. Tubercles are the bumps at the front of a humpback whales ‘fins, and they permit this very large creature to be agile in water. This is an influential example teaching how nature moulds itself to improve the outputs. Through this research it can be said that biomimicry has the ideas to generate a higher amount of energy with lesser power and tools. The design of the product would not have been possible without looking up to the humpback whale. This is important as wind turbines have a Figure 55- Wind turbines inspired from the humpback whale flippers "minimum speed of operation below which they will stop turning and only turn on again once the wind speed has picked up enough to overcome Inertia" (Pawlyn, 2011). 48

Another example of nature as a model is Grimshaw's design for The Waterloo International Terminal which is inspired from the flexible structure of scaled exterior of the animal pangolin. The design had to accommodate variable pressures and shifting forces which occurred as train arrive and depart from the station and the organization of a scaled exterior façade allows for these fluctuations

Figure 57- Waterloo international terminal roof Figure 56- The animal pangolin with flexible scales all over inspired pangolin

This level of biomimicry encourages a designer to discover, organism introduced ways and creating a life friendly proved and tested outcome out of it. Also, this level relates the form and function of organisms and its association with yielding an enhanced outcome. Biophilic design referring to aesthetical factors and beautiful ideas is a part of this level of biomimicry. This carries us to the next level and discovering how it can inspire us to establish an improvised characteristic.


4.1.2 NATURE AS MEASURE (Process level) This level investigates how an organism works and then mimics its behavior, like how an organism develops its form in order to protect itself. This is the most explored level out of all the three levels, as the results are visible mostly with the naked eye which makes the exploration interesting. Pawlyn (2011) states that this area potentially displays the biggest gap between engineering and biology, because buildings are not designed to be 'alive' in a way that is like any life form. Although the ability to develop materials and integrate them into a building would be a great opportunity for architects in addressing a variety of sustainability challenges. Living organisms experience similar environmental and physical problems that humans come across. And these organisms have certain limitations to function in their habitat to overcome those problems. These limits work within the boundaries to protect themselves which results in evolution of the organism and also well-adapted organism behavior’s and relationship patterns between organisms or species. Animal architecture is the term used to define the ways through which organisms manipulate their habitat. Undoubtedly, Humans are the architects, engineers and mathematicians but studying the how other species amend their environments with limited sources available. In behaviour level biomimicry, the organism is not mimicked but its behaviour is. As an example of application of this approach, Chen, a student of art discovered that a pinecone consisted of two layers: one is absorbent and the other impermeable. When the pinecone becomes wet the porous outer layer expands "causing the scale to bend and close the cone" (Goodwin. 2015). Chen imitated the intricate "seedpreserving tactic by using fabric, a thin film and a layer of veneer" the absorbent veneer fibers swell and envelope the fabric, creating a tile which curls when dry and flattens when wet. The product as a material can be used as a building skin, which would contract as a Figure 58-Facade developed by Chen, inspired by a pinecone response to sunlight and flattens to protect from rain. This example is one of the many possibilities of where the processes of nature can inspire for developing naturally responsive designs. In architecture, this method is extensively used in designing facades which are climate responsive. This is the most fascinating and intriguing process as it requires ample time for researching the changing process of an organism and analyzing the factors to which it responds.


Using biomimetic principles, the BIQ house is setting examples for advanced facade systems. Instead of taking inspiration from algae, the designers have used living microalgae contained within glass panels to act as a bioreactor. The algae facade acts as a buffer between the indoors and the outdoors. The moveable panels allow for occupants to use them as protectors to cover up their balcony space or as blinds to cover the windows. Biomass, a non-renewable Figure 59-BIQ house, smart facade energy form of Algae produces food for livestock’s it also produces fuel. The process level of biomimicry is an intriguing way for designing buildings and urban areas which are climate responsive and comparatively efficient. Moving forward to another level, which discusses how man-made manufacturing can be manipulated by mimicking natural ecosystems.


4.1.3 NATURE AS MENTOR (Ecosystem level) This is the last level of Biomimicry and involves a deeper understanding of the ecosystem that the organism inhabits; it discovers how this network thrives and what are the basic fundamentals required by the organism to thrive and mutate according to the changing environment. Ecosystems maintain themselves through the ability to conserve and reuse water, energy and raw materials sustainably (Pawlyn, 2011). "Nature as a mentor. Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It introduces an era based not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what can we learn from it." (Benyus, 2002). One of nature's most interesting achievements is how it respects waste, human-made systems see waste as a useless leftover, which exits a building as pollution, sewage, or is sent to a landfill to be destroyed (Pawlyn, 2011). As discussed earlier, Humans design with a linear system whereas Nature creates a closed loop network and utilizes the product as well to carry forward the loop uninterrupted. The nature’s closed network can be clearly seen in trees, as everything produced by trees is used by either tree itself or any other living organisms. As a model it achieves everything an architect should follow while designing buildings and cities. The oak trees follow a similar working and creates a sustainable ecosystem. The ecosystem functioning of Oak tree is shown in the Figure (figure61) When all the three different are interdependent to each other even if one of them breaks the whole system collapses. The Oak tree is said to be the healthiest when all the three cycles function together as it generates the maximum energy. The Cradle-to-Cradle approach is to see waste as food, as a nutrient for what's to come." It is important, in this modern age, to move away from the 'Cradle-to-Grave' linear way of thinking and provide opportunities to conserve our resources, especially now that we understand the destruction that the fossil fuel age has caused. The Architects and Designers are now designing with a holistic approach towards Natural systems. One of the brilliant examples of implementation designing with sustainable ecosystem design is The Mobius project, the project is inspired by ecosystems interdependent on each other forming a closed loop. The input and output resources are connected in forming a closed loop system. The diagram(figure60) below shows the functioning of the Mobius project. Designing buildings and cities on a similar concept of closed loop system of activities would lead to lesser amount of waste and would handle the problems we are facing with the increase in population, and conservation of resources. As we could discover the ecosystems reliance on one another, even if one of the activities tumbles the overall functioning would get affected. Here is where the real challenge is faced by the Architects and Designers to design a module mimicking biological methods similar to that of the Mobius project, which is a self-dependent, sustainably efficient project. It is a great example to explore and be inspired by.


Figure 61- Mobius Project, Cradle to Cradle system

Figure 60- Cradle to cradle system approach followed by Mobius project


Figure 62- The oak tree functioning


4.2 Principles of Biomimicry

Biomimicry also has nine principles or laws upon which it functions. They solely concentrate upon nature and its associates. 1. Nature runs on sunlight 2. Nature uses the energy only it needs 3. Nature fits form to function 4. Nature recycles everything 5. Nature rewards cooperation 6. Nature banks on diversity 7. Nature demands local expertise 8. Nature curbs excessive from within 9. Nature taps the power of limits

Figure 63-Principles of Nature


Figure 64-The processes that are followed by Nature

These principles are mentioned by Janine Benyus in her book Biomimicry; Innovation inspired by nature and she implies that humans have a lot to learn from Nature’s progressing experience of 3.8billion years. In architectural context, the nine principles of biomimicry can also be used in designing buildings. If we remodel these according to Architecture, the principles that arrive are: 1. Architectural planning is done w.r.t sun 2. Architecture improves if form follows function 3. Architecture transforms with context 4. Architecture improves with local elements 5. Architecture works with collaborative partnership


4.3 Approaches to Biomimicry

There are two approaches as a design process largely divided in two categories; OneOn the basis of behaviors, functions and characteristics of a single organism also known as “Biology influenced design”. Two-Designing according to the human needs or problem solving termed as “Design looking to biology”.

Figure 65-Two different approaches for Biomimicry in design

4.3.1 Problem based approach-Design looking to Biology Also known as top-down approach. In this approach, designers recognize the challenge and then determine the organisms that have solved similar problems. Design looking at biology functions on the process through which design parameters should be modified according to the qualities of a biological model. The figure below, the spiral method introduced by Janine Benyus for the Biomimicry institute, is said to be the working plan for this research type. It describes the seven stages that should be followed while working on a problem-based approach. The figure explains all the steps in a brief manner. An Example of this type of approach is the invention of the Velcro hook in the 1940s by George Mestral, who was inspired by the observation of the behaviors and qualities of the natural hook surface of a cocklebur, under a microscope. A deep scientific understanding of the organism is required to apply this approach, mimicking forms is a simplified approach as compared to mimicking the ecosystem level without Figure 66- Velcro hook design functioning inspired collaboration with biology. Despite from these disadvantages, such an approach might be a way to begin transitioning the built environment from an unsustainable to efficient to effective paradigm (McDonough, 2002). However, designing with such an approach, caters the local context leading to an improved design outcome. 57

Figure 67-The Biomimicry Design Spiral


4.3.2 Solution based approach-Biology influencing design Also known as bottom-up approach. In this approach any biological information. The design outcome is dependent upon the amount of research done by a scientist or biologist.

Figure 68-Lotus flower cleaning process, inspiration for developing self-cleaning paint

An example is the analysis of the lotus flower blooming clean despite being in muddy waters, this phenomenon has inspired many design innovations, including Sto’sLotusan paint which building’s facade to be cleaning itself just like the lotus flower. A benefit of this approach therefore is that biology may influence humans in some ways that might be a design problem solved by nature already. A disadvantage with this approach is that the exploration should be done first later relating it with the design context. Biologists and ecologists therefore are able to evaluate the potential of their research through real time applications. Unlike problem-based approach, there is no specified way to progress in this approach. The solution here is already known; we just need to match it with the right question for the most suitable results.




Nature has been in existence for millions of years and has pertained its identity throughout, similarly the organisms have survived and evolved to be energy efficient. But with humans the scenario changed post industrialization the efficiency cycle was disturbed which led to sustainability issues, all of which led to inclining our research methodology towards nature and emulating it for solution finding. Nature is always present to play its role as a mentor and act as a source of inspiration. Also, it educates us about utilizing and attaining the maximum from the available resources. Biomimicry in Architecture can be called a new terminology even so it can be understood that it has existed since the evolution of mankind. Nature has always been a part of all the activities happening around, corresponding to the fact it has also inspired the developments happening. Initially by living in caves or by using it as building materials or by simply mimicking the natural activities. A comprehensive analysis of buildings designed with biomimicry as their main concepts and inspiration has been presented in the dissertation which have been a pragmatic resolution for ameliorating the overall building functionality in numerous ways. The biomimicry concepts have been anlysed upon the factors in which the biomimetic concept has been approached, how it has been implemented and the achievements attained by its execution. On which account the inferences helped to realize the capabilities and potential Biomimicry as a concept has. Detailed study of the three levels and two approaches of biomimicry has been presented which help in providing a direct and coherent way for reaching towards a solution. Through the analysis done, it can be stated that incorporating biomimicry principles in architecture at initial levels of the designing process can bring a significant change in the complete project and impact on architectural efficiency and sustainability factors etc.

5.1 Benefits of Biomimicry By summarizing the findings and learning from the selected case studies, it can be culminated that by following certain aspects (mentioned below) can lead to a design that has comparatively better functioning. 1. Keeping the context of the site as the main user group, considering the existing environment, material and local aspects leads to a suitable architectural design solution. 2. Linking the design brief with natural factors improves the understanding of the its working process leading to a comparatively sustainable approach. 3. Biomimetic approach can emphasize the thinking approach and bridges architecture and environment for more responsive buildings. 4. Designing with a Biomimetic point of view can surely increase the sustainability, help in subduing environmental issues such as material wastage, and support in using lesser non-renewable resources. 5. By the research it can expressed, with all the technological advancements happening in the industry and depletion of resources Biomimicry in architecture can influence the designing methods for a better development for humans and nature.


5.2 Criticism After learning in detail about biomimicry and its characteristics and linking them with architecture considering them on a practical level the following aspects can be pointed out. There are definitely some downsides of everything hence the drawback of Biomimicry in architecture are mentioned below1. Nature may not have solutions for the evolutions done by humans, the scope of nature is restricted at various levels. It is a local process instead of a global process. One solution may not be successful all over. 2. Natural developments acquire maintenance at continuous intervals which is an advantage in various projects such as cradle to cradle or taking a functioning project the mobius project but mostly it is a reminder to not imitate nature obstinately. 3. Also, designing just for the sake of aesthetics is not always the solution, largely biomimicry is related with form building ignoring the real meaning and reason behind it, therefore a detailed study about the mimicking process is necessary before applying it.

5.3 Future Scope With the passing years nature can be called the most efficient functioning synthesis. In architectural context fusing Biomimicry with building planning, construction and executing can be a sustainable solution. Considering the changes occurring, designing sustainably is the need and applying biomimetic principles logically can be a wise approach.

5.4 Final Conclusion Summarizing the concepts, approaches and levels outlined in the research, at a personal level it can be concluded that Biomimicry as an architectural approach paired with technological advancements can result as an insightful solution. Nature is available as a readily available source of inspiration but also the solutions derived from it are tried and tested over the years and evolved with the human’s progress and enhancements. The trait of developing with time comes with the human psyche similarly nature has been evolving therefore it can be a trusted source of inspiration. Hence, through the Comprehensive analysis (table a and b below) conducted with all the case studies this can presented that biomimicry can be taken as inspiration for enhancing the architectural functionality of the building relating the functioning of local organisms and the building.



























Ch2 uses ventilation strategy similar to termite mound using convention, ventilation stacks, thermal mass, and water for cooling. The council house also mimics the planet's ecology using the natural 24-hour cycle of solar energy, natural light, air and rainwater, to power, heat, cool, and water the building.

The building comprises of two bio-mimicry inspirations, mimicking the plants 24-hr functioning and ventilation system similar to termite mound this results in enhanced functioning and improved thermal conditions.


The form of the high rise tower emulates the functioning of sea sponge skin. Sponges pump thousands of gallons of water into their holes, from which they draw their food. Likewise, the tower sucks winds into its four holes to create electricity by wind turbines. The form tends to invite winds into designated slots that provide pressure relief and hence improves wind resistance. Wind turbines are incorporated in the wind slots.

The 71-storey building has mimicked a mere process of water transportation of a sea sponge and managed to create a system similar to create wind energy using enormous fans at higher levels of the building.

Bio-mimic inspiration in this architectural design is the Burke Brise Soleil is notably inspired from avian forms, even classifying each FAÇADE SYSTEM, i n d i v i d u a l s t r u c t u r e a s “ w i n g s ” . T h e VENTILATION symmetrically-winged shade structure responds to light and wind conditions and is a light weight structure.

The building’s bio-mimicry inspiration module acting as a shading device responsive of the sun not only improves the thermal comfort but also acts as a magnificent piece of attraction.

The building mimics the energy production process of a flower, The form of the building is identical to a lily. The rim of the bowl collects rainwater and it is used to supply water to the building.

Mimicking the form of calla lily flower the building is one of the zero-emission building and manages to recycle the rain water. Mimicking the form and using it’s elements to ameliorate the efficiency.

The building mimics the structure of a sound cave that have been existing since decades and managed to stay withstand all the natural calamities. Similarly because of the building’s construction in such manner the theater has no special acoustics system.

The curvilinear form of the building has resulted in astounding acoustically treated theater without using any particular treatments. Also, the building is a tourist attraction because of it’s unusual form.



Table a-Learnings of the case studies


























The building functions similar to that of a termite mound, internal conditions are regulated to be optimal and thermally stable and the building is working without a HVAC system. It functions in the same way a termite mound does in a larger context.

The termite is a part of local Fauna of the State and the exists in the harsh climate. Mimicking the materials and planning of the termite mound the temperature is regulated throughout the year with no need of HVAC systems.


The building has the form similar to honeycomb of bees and even the multifaceted eyes of a fly as these creatures use their surroundings most effectively to create a very strong, yet lightweight, solution.

The Eden project is modern approach of designing an indoor Biome. The biomes have a geothermal electricity plant which generates about 4MWE, enough to supply Eden and about 5000 households.


The urban city as a whole functions similar to a deciduous forest and individual buildings follow fig leaves functioning. Foundation stores water. Drip tip system water to clean its surface. Responds to the seasonal flooding.

The city has reduced 30% of carbon emissions, 65% of potable water consumption, and 95% of waste sent to landfills. The city is self sustaining and functions like various components of trees.



The facade of the building has lining algae that produces bio-mass and heat. The facade also serves the conventional purposes of insulating PASSIVE ENERGY the building from sound, heat, and cold, and HOUSE provides shade in bright sunlight.

Also known as Solar Leaf-Building. The bio-reactive façade provides around one third of the total heat demand of the 15 residential units. The algae functions all year round and increase the solar thermal efficiency.

Super-structure of the stadium is inspired by the structure of a bird’s nest. Series of triangulations COMPACT & devoid evolve stiffness in the structure. Facade OPTIMUM DESIGN, openings for natural ventilation-panels reduce IMPROVED the dead load supported by the roof. VENTILATION

Mimicking the structure of bird’s nest for building the stadium of such great scale has resulted in a successful bio-mimetic solution, the reduced structural load, lesser use of materials and increased ventilation.

The building employs an aerodynamic form similar to Venus flower that improves wind resistance and the structure maximizes natural light and ventilation and structural performance. the structure of Venus flower basket is said to be tough yet flexible

The building form and curves makes it windresistant , fracture resistant, improves ventilation. Cylindrical lattice-like structure of the building makes the construction easier and the suitable for the high speed winds in the context.


Table b- Learnings of the case studies



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