s e c n e r e e Diff s make u
Table of contents Message from the President and Chief Executive Officer
Economic Operation
Production Management
es c n e r e f The Dif us make E L B A N I SUSTA
One of the business operation growths that lead the business achieving to the sustainability is product development and product performance for competing with a technological change in commercial USBOTQPSUBUJPO PG B HMPCBM NBSLFUT JODMVTJWF of a balanced production cost management. Product development, individual development and the technology from 3 3 $)0 4DIPPM 73 ESJWJOH JOOPWBUJPO for sustainability **Remark R2R is Routine to Research VR.7 is V = Vision R = Robot 7 = 7 axis
Sustainable Development Report 2014
*O XF XFOU UISPVHI FDPOPNZ BOE QPMJUJDBM fire and water with our aims on business operation for creating satisfaction to the customers and sustainable development of organization and surrounding DPNNVOJUJFT 8F UIFSFGPSF DPOTJEFSFE BQQPJOUJOH $43 #PBSE PG %JSFDUPST GPS UIF QVSQPTF PG PSHBOJ[BUJPO EFWFMPQNFOU GSPN JOTJEF PVU UP FYQSFTT PVS JOUFOUJPO PO MFBEJOH $)0 UP B HMPCBM DPNQBOZ XJUI TVTUBJOBCMF management systems by managing our capacities for overall social benefits. The significant cog that lead the organization CSFBLJOH UISPVHI BMM DSJTFT XFSF LOPXMFEHF BOE FYQFSJFODFE QFSTPOOFM $)0 SFBMJ[FE PO UIF JNQPSUBODF PG DPOTUBOUMZ EFWFMPQJOH JO LOPXMFEHF NBOBHFNFOU PG $)0rT FNQMPZFFT BMTP JOEJWJEVBM EFWFMPQNFOU JO BDDPSEBODF XJUI $)0rT HSPXUI BOE TUSBUFHJD plans by focusing on the cooperation and VOJUZ PG s$)0rT TQFDJFTtSFTVMUJOH CFOFGJU to business operation and quality production for the customers and target DVTUPNFS )PXFWFS $)0 DPODFSOT on community and environment development in surrounding factory. 5IF TJHOJGJDBOU $)0rT QPMJDZ is to stimulate organizational cooperation from inside and expand to surrounding communities. 8JUI UIJT PQQPSUVOJUZ * XPVME MJLF UP UIBOL UP BMM FNQMPZFFT for being collaborative developing the organization towards sustainable and unstoppable on moving forward.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
CSR Env iro nm
t en
Activity mmunity d Co n a ial oc
CSR Special
Acti vity
**Remark R2R = Routine to Research KM = Knowledge Management CQI = Continuous Quality Improvement
Sustainable Development Report 2014
V i s i o n C H O 2 0 2 3 S T R O N G B R AV E DIFFERENTIATION CHO is aiming to be the leader in designing, creating, manufacturing, innovative designs world-class technologies with professional management integration and unique knowledge in order to reach the eYcellence, building the conʺdent and the satisfaction to the customers with the consciousness in corporate social responsibilities and environment concern. The company has its target in oʹering the quality products under the brand ƯCHOư as a world class brand with the proud and to create the happiness to the copartners, also to enhance the competitive power to be the leader of technology innovations for the sake of Thailand.
Mission - To build unique knowledge of CHO and a professional development - To eYpand acknowledgement and #rand reali[ation as well as create a conʺdence under brand ƯCHOư - To produce an environmentally friendly products, sustainability, safety, friendly user and variety of tasks. - To create happiness to the employees and stakeholders. - To search and constantly develop a new technology. - To be an eYcellence in ʺnancial and marketing. - To receive TQA and National Innovation Agency award by the year 2018 as well as the Petty Patent not less than 5 projects a year. - To build the identity of ƯCHOư species.
Unique C
= Creativity to innovation
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
nces e r e f f i The D s make u ABLE SUSTAIN
Sustainable able Development Developme ent RReport epport 2 2014 014
265 Moo 4, Klangmuang Road, Muangkhao, Muangkhonkaen, Khon Kaen 40000, Thailand Tel: +66 4334-1412-18 Fax: +66 4334-1410
Company Establishment November 18, 1994
$PNNPO 4UPDL Authorized Capital Paid-up Capital
270,000,000.00 Baht 180,000,000.00 Baht
May 13, 2013 Registered in Market for Alternative Investment ( MAI)
4IBSFIPMEFST Majority Shareholders Minority Shareholders
71.315 % 28.685 %
Employees "HF BOE HFOEFS DMBTTJGJDBUJPO Age under 30 Age between 30-50
Age over 50
Overall employees
Male Female
Age under 30 Male
200 320 49 478 91 9 9
persons persons persons persons persons
N/A Contractor
persons Age between 30-50
Age over 50
New Employees
Male Age under 30 Age between 30-50
Male Female
3 23 25 1
persons persons
7 4 7 4
persons persons persons persons
Chief Officers
persons persons
Resigned Employees
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
1SPEVDUT BOE 4FSWJDFT Made to order production to private and public sectors for both domestic and overseas, there are 3 products as follows:
1. Standard product group Full Open Door Dry Van
Fiber Refrigerator T Tr ruck Truck
Low Bed Semi-Trailer 3 axles
Trailer Dump Dry Van Fiber Full Trailer Catering Hi-Loaders Truck
2. Special Design product group
Trailer 16 axles
Passenger Stair Way
Sustainable Development Report 2014
Products Services 3. Management and Service Group
Project of repair and maintenance and repairing Center for Linfox and Tesco-Lotus
Project management of Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV)
CHO provided a service of the project management of Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) by using the vessel’s model adopted from BAE systems (United Kingdom) and receiving a technology transmission in vessel building.
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Sale of Product Group Proportion Management and Service Group
19.64% Standard Product Group
38.24% Special Designed Product Group
- Truck, Trailer-Semi Trailer 38.00% - Fiber Refrigerator Truck 0.24%
42.12% - Catering Hi-Loader Truck 39.64% - Army Vehicle 3.08%
Overseas Sales Proportion
United Arab Emirate
15.84% Thailand Overseas Sales Proportion!
0.86% Singapore
Other Country
Sustainable Development Report 2014
Risk management is one of the signiʺcant principles of C)0 forwarding to the searching of risk at subordinate line level, and passing to risk management at the organizational level, focusing on the protection and preserving the international standard as increasing, complying to the target of the organization. C)0 lends the signiʺcant to the risk management. C)0 has its structure in risk management complied with the principle of corporate good governance by having the committee of Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Nomination and Compensation. C)0 has appointed the working committee in 2014 with clearly authorization and responsibility, for the purpose of managing the risk with systematic eʹectiveness. C)0 has the controllable dimension in many aspects corresponded to C0S0 such as the strategic risk, the operational risk, the ʺnancial risk, the legal and regulation risk, the business risk, the reputation risk and the environmental impact. C)0ƭs subordinate line has contained the incurring risk in the regulation of IS0 9001 system for the decreasing of the violent, including the monitor of reporting the risk to C)0ƭs Board of Director in each quarter.
C)0 reported revenues for 1,520.95 million baht in 2014, increased by 73.85% compared to 2013ƭs, and with the up-trend in 2015 due to the re-order purchasing from domestic business and the specialized products sold to airline catering. The factor of growth in tourism industry from the information of 6N8T0 expected that the growth of the tourists around the world during 2010-2030 in average of 3.3% per year or increased by the average of 43 million persons/year, the tourists are expected to be increased to 1,800 million persons in year 2030. This will be aʹected to the organization in the way that, there will be the increased of using the serviced-vehicle product in airline business in South East Asia, 85% of the tourists or equal to approximately of 19 million persons travelling by plane. Furthermore, the opening of AEC in 2015 also being the promoted factor to the member of AEC in developing the products supporting to the airport of each country in AEC. Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
At the present, C)0 has its marketing plan in providing new services and sell the new products to group of existing customers such as the electrical power vehicle used for catering ʻeeting, the existing products for new customers. According to C)0ƭs strategy in uniting the managementƭs idea in implementing marketing plan together with risk management concerning business, short-term and long-term ʺnance, and also looking forward to other services in supporting to the stakeholders.
- The procurement of law material sources both domestic and global: the risk incurred from the procurement of raw material from outside country concerning the currency exchange, the company has managed this kind of risk by doing forward contract agreement - The outsourcing of the assembling and manufacturing - The management of stock in advanced as to the management of minimum stock - The management of over-time working plan, and the control of working hour to be in line with cost of production
C)0 has managed for the development of human resources in the ʺeld relating to the operation. C)0 has also prepared its own bachelorƭs degree curriculum oʹered to the technician who earned less than bachelorƭs degree, by the cooperation with state educational institute. It is due to the factor about the expansion of labor market which requires skillful technician, and also with the factor about the ability of the educational institute in producing the technician, who graduated with vocational certiʺcate and higher vocational certiʺcate, not enough to meet the requirement of labor market. It is also about the higher requirement of the technician upon the opening of AEC. So, the company lends the signiʺcant of handling its bachelorƭs degree in order to building skillful technician to meet with the future expansion, and also creating the opportunity for external people in taking the course and ready for working, it is also the reducing of unemployment problem. In 20122014, there was no breach of laws reported.
CSR Env iro nm
CSR Special Acti vity
t en
Activity mmunity d Co n a ial oc
The management of the organizational sustainability concerns the policy in deʺning vision and strategy. The managements have their signiʺcant duties in setting the goals and transmitting the vision and the management framework to the authorized committees. The transmitting depends on the mechanism, and the operational procedure of various activity groups in reaching the targets and the cooperation of the organizationƭs human resources. The signiʺcant strategic goal of the organization is Ưto be a -earning 0rganizationư. The policy direction in managing the sustainability depends on the application of mechanism from each group in creating the learning at all time. The mechanisms
Sustainable Development Report 2014
are such as the technician school course, the employee development course (C)0 program), and group of various activities. The signiʺcant driving of policy in leading the organization to be a learning organization is the driving and the developing of routine work systematically. C)0 has implemented signiʺcant instrument called R2R (Routine to Research) by having the continuous quality implement (CQI) which is the supporting instrument for the development of routine work to research (R2R) with 32 projects of R2R in year 2014. In summary, the organizationƭs driving policy focused on knowledge as the basic to the development of learning to sustainability by having group of activity and C)0ƭs course as the basic and R2R instrument helping in developing the procedure of learning systematically.
Corporate Governance Cho ThaveeDollasien Public Company -imited (C)0)ƭs business abides on good codes of conducts, transparency, emphasizing on system control, auditing and risk management with ethical and moral on business operation and equally treatment to all stakeholders,also concerning on humans resources development for a better quality of life.
0n +uly 28, 2014, C)0 considered appointing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) committee of Sustainable to conduct on a sustainable organization and human resources development as per C)0 2023ƭs strategic plan. The President and Chief Executive 0ʼcer act as the center of sustainable business movement as follows.
Board of Directors Audit Committees
Corporate Governance, Risk Management Nomination and Compensation Committees
Executive Committees
Social and Community Activity (SCA)
Internal Audit Dept. Mgr
President& Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Company Secretary Environment Corporate Social Responsibility Committees
Special Activity
Senior Vice President (SVP)
Senior Vice President (SVP)
Vice President
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Chief Risk Management Officer (CRO)
Chief Marketing Officer Domestic (CMO)
Chief Marketing Officer Overseas (CMO)
Chief Administration Ofiicer (CAO)
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Chief Design Engineering Officer (CDO)
Chief Production Officer (CPO)
$43 $PNNJUUFF 4USVDUVSF An importance of sustainable organizationƭs strategy is to focus on a learning process of human resources development of employees in each level,aiming to -earning 0rganization. CSR Committee Structure therefore connects and can be transferred the strategic plan from Directors to Committees and directly to President and Chief Executive 0ʼcer. )owever, CSR sustainable organizationƭs pattern concentrates on individualƭs cooperation instead of each of partiesƭ responsibility separately.
C)0ƭs policy of CSR activity is to let everyone in every department cooperate accordingly, by proposing the representative from each of party to be CSR committees and teams. ƴ To Consider appointing by the President and Chief Executive 0ʼcer ƴ To Acknowledge the appointment of CSR Board of Directors in the Executive Directorsƭ Meeting No.5/2014, held on +une 12, 2014 ƴ CSR Committee comprising of Social and Community Activity (SCA), Environment, Special Activity (SPA) and )appy 8orkplace, are voluntary and nominated, both from management parties and other parties within the organization in order to focus on stakeholders impacts from organization inside-out.
ƴ To plan annually and ʺx budget for approval ƴ To operate as plan and review its results accordingly ƴ To report CSR operating results to The Executive Directorsƭ meeting monthly ƴ President and Chief Executive 0ʼcer is a Chairman of consultant by position ƴ To report by the Executive Directorsƭ secretary, the CSR operation results to the Board of Directorsƭ Meeting in the agenda of acknowledging of the Executive Directorsƭ Meeting report. ƴ To do a public relation on CSR activity, operating results and related parties via C)0ƭs website, www.ctvdoll.co.th and via Facebook/ C)0 ThaveeCsr
Term of Office ƴ CSR Committee who is from C)0ƭs Board of Directors or outsider expert can only occupy for years and 2 in order to let CSR continually operate, CSR Committee who retiring by rotation may be re-elected back to the term of office again. ƴ CSR Committee who is from C)0ƭs Executive Directors can occupy for 2 years and in order to let CSR continually operate, CSR Committee who retiring by rotation may be re-elected back to the term of oʼce again.
1. To determine CSR activityƭs policy, plan, budget and code of
2. To consider selecting CSR team for each activity and proposen the appointment to the President and Chief Executive 0ʼcer 3. To determine CSR strategy and policy for each party 4. To control and follow up CSRƭs operating results from each party 5. To review and sign on related document of CSR 6. To determine CSR rules and regulations 7. To review CSR results and arrange the criteria of CSR global standards
1. Social and Community Activity (SCA) is responsible for Anti-Corruption, )uman Right for both inside and outside communities. 2. Environment is responsible for both inside and outside environmental organization, the most important things is to develop the environmental innovation in accordance with C)0ƭs main capacity. 3. Special Activity is responsible for all special activities both from inside and outside organization; the main role is to connect all supporting from the organization to outside parties and advocate the organization for sustainability. 4. )appy 8orkplace is responsible for operating a happy activity in 8 ʺelds according to the organizationƭs happiness standards. In order that ʺlling happiness to individually spiritual and mental part for sustainable happiness development. All employees in each level from each department will be participated in all activities. Each employee also will be listed in each activity according to the assignment from the head of each party this will be resulted a learning process development. In every learning process will focus on helping and paying respect and good attitude to each other, not aiming for competition neither award nor compensation.
In order to conduct C)0ƭs business abiding on good codes of conducts, transparency, fairness, accountability, also fairly treats to labor. Internal Audit department conduct auditing on risk in each party according to rules and regulations by the Audit committeesƭ approval and the results will be reported quarterly to the Board of Directors. Moreover, C)0 determined the policies related to the code of business conduct as follows;
Sustainable Development Report 2014
The Conduct towards and the "DDPVOUBCJMJUZ UP $VTUPNFST 1. Acting in accordance with contracts, agreements or various terms and conditions that have been agreed upon with the customers. In cases of C)0 being unable to act accordingly, negotiations must be urgently conducted with the customers in advance in order to mutually search for solutions and prevent any damage. 2. Determination to satisfy the needs of the customers making them have conĘşdence in receiving a service of the highest quality under safe conditions and an appropriate technology including a continuously truly increased standard. 3. Revealing complete and correct data/information about the service and also promptly in cases of any occurrences and without distorting any facts. This also includes the maintaining of good and lasting relations. 4. The setting up of a service for customers to facilitate the Ęşling of complaints to proceed quickly with responding to the wishes of the customers. 5. Running the business by having an appropriate cost of service as far as it is possible but by still maintaining the quality of the service up to standard. 6. Not demanding and not accepting from, and also not giving any wrongful beneĘşts in any form to the customers. 7. Stressing the importance of keeping the secret data of the customers truly conĘşdential and prevent seeking beneĘşt of one or others from the customersĆ information.
The Conduct towards and the "DDPVOUBCJMJUZ UP 5SBEJOH 1BSUOFST 1. Acting in accordance with contracts, agreements or various terms and conditions that have been agreed upon with the trading partners. In cases of C)0 being unable to act accordingly, negotiations must be urgently conducted with the trading partners in advance in order to mutually search for solutions and prevent any damage. 2. Equitable and fair treatment of all partners, which is based on the principle that both parties to an agreement receive fair remuneration. 3. Not demanding and not accepting from, and also not giving any wrongful beneĘşts in any form to thetrading partners. 4. Stressing the importance of keeping the secret data of the trading partners truly conĘşdential and prevent seeking beneĘşt of one or others from the trading partnersĆ information.
5IF $POEVDU UPXBSET BOE UIF "DDPVOUBCJMJUZ to Creditors 1. Acting in accordance with contracts, agreements or various terms and conditions that have been agreed upon with the creditors. In cases of C)0 being unable to act accordingly, negotiations must be urgently conducted with the creditors in advance in order to mutually search for solutions and prevent any damage. 2. Equitable and fair treatment of all creditors, which is based on the principle that both parties to an agreement receive fair remuneration.
3. Not demanding and not accepting from, and also not giving any wrongful beneĘşts in any form to thecreditors. 4. Stressing the importance of keeping the secret data of thecreditors truly conĘşdential and prevent seeking beneĘşt of one or others from the creditorsĆ information.
The Conduct towards and the "DDPVOUBCJMJUZ UP $PNQFUJUPST 1. Acting and operating under the framework of fair competition. 2. Not trying to obtain any secret data of the competitors by fraud or inappropriate means. 3. Not discredit the competitorsĆ reputation by any inappropriate allegations without truth.
C)0 has a receipt of complaint policy for all groups of stakeholders by providing a receipt of complaint channel for both internal and external organizationĆs stakeholders. The report of complaints will be investigated and recorded then passed through an internal auditor in order to report to C)0Ćs independent audit committees to consider procedures to be undertaken by protecting and maintaining conĘşdentiality of complainant and keeping conĘşdential the name of complainant also prohibiting from disclosing such information in order to protect the complainant. Accordingly, the audit committees will make a report to the Board of Directors then C)0 will consider investigating information relating to the complaint. In case of breach the code of business conduct by stakeholders, trading partners or customers, C)0 will take corrective action without any compromise.
To aĘźrm that C)0 has a proper policy determining responsibility, guideline, and regulation as a tool to prevent corruption from all business transactions, C)0 has arrange a written guideline called Anti-Corruption Policy considered approving by the Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Nomination and Compensation Committees in order to carefully make a decision on any course of action that could possibly lead to corruption and to serve as an apparent guideline in performing business and eĘšectively developing to sustainability organization.
Corruption means any types of bribery such as oĘšering, promising, giving, accepting or
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
soliciting of an advantage as an inducement (e.g. money, gifts, loans, rewards, fees, entertainments or other advantages) for an action which is illegal or unethical, as well as the abuse of entrusted power by using a title, responsibility and/or information derived from work performed for the company to do anything to render beneĘşt to oneĆs self and/or other parties in order to directly and indirectly acquire money, assets or any other beneĘşts not appropriate for the business or any illegitimate interest for oneself and/ or other parties including any action found conĘťicting with the Code of Conduct practice unless the laws, rules, announcements, regulations and local customs or business practices have allowed so.
Director, Management Team, and C)0Ćs employees are prohibited from operating or accepting every type of corruption both in direct or indirect manner. The Anti-Corruption Policy is needed to be reviewed regularly, including with a possible revision of such policy and implementation provision in order to accord with business changes, regulation, standard, and laws.
1. The Board of Directors is responsible for determining the policy, monitoring, and forming an eĘšective system supporting Anti-Corruption act in order to aĘźrm that the Management Team intensively concerns, emphasizes, and cultivates Anti-Corruption mindset as C)0 culture. 2. The Audit Committee is responsible for revision of Ęşnancial and accounting reports, internal control, internal audit function, and risk management so that such operations are concise, appropriate, eĘšective, and conformed to global standard. 3. President, Chief Executive 0fficer, and the Management team are responsible for determining Anti-Corruption system, promoting, and encouraging Anti-Corruption manner conducted to all Employee and related parties. This also includes reconsideration on system or regulation in order to best adjust with business changes, regulation, standard, and laws. 4. Internal Audit Manager is responsible for auditing, assessment, and evaluations in business transactions whether they are accurate and complied with guidelines, Approval Authority, standard, laws, and policy in such monitored department in order to convince that the internal controls are suĘźcient and suitable for probable risk in corruption. This shall be
directly reported to the Audit Committee. 5. Manager and all employees are responsible for inspecting and reporting the performance or enquiry that may be corrupted to the related parties in order to review and investigate and report to the Audit CommitteeĆs Team.
Ć´ The Board of Directors, the Management Team, and C)0Ćs employees in every level must follow with Anti-Corruption Policy and the C)0Ćs Code of Conduct by avoiding involving with any course of corruption in direct or indirect manner. Ć´ C)0Ćs employees shall not be careless in any corruption conditions involved directly with C)0. All employees must notify such act to supervisors or responsible person, including collaborate with investigation. Any queries or questions are needed to be consulted by the supervisor or a responsible person who monitors the C)0Ćs Code of Conduct compliance provided in particular channels. Ć´ C)0 shall provide fairness and safeguard for employees who deny or inform corruption cases relating to C)0 by applying Protection Policy for appellant or persons who incorporate with Anti-Corruption information. Ć´ A person who commits the corruption is equivalent to misconduct in the C)0Ćs Code of Conduct. This means such person is needed to consider discipline followed by C)0Ćs standard. Conviction on laws may be applied in case such act violates the laws. Ć´ C)0 concerns the importance of dissemination, knowledge sharing, and communications with other people who involve or aĘšect C)0 so that those parties shall conform eĘšectively to the Anti-Corruption guideline. Ć´ C)0 aims to create and sustain organizationĆs culture representing that corruption is unacceptable in every business transaction dealing with both public and private sectors. Ć´ C)0 does not oĘšer or accept any type of bribery to render beneĘşt to oneĆs self and/or other parties in order to acquire other beneĘşts not appropriate for the business in direct or indirect manner. Ć´ C)0 must not be operating any unfair business transaction related to public sector and/or other parties in direct or indirect manner. Ć´ C)0 does not make contribution or donation in order to support to oneĆs self and/or other parties, shall not be claimed as a bribery channel. Ć´ C)0 does support money or other advantages to political parties/ groups or any politics relationshipin direct or indirect manner in order to obtain or maintain any business advantages or personal advantages.
Provision in Implementation 1. This Anti-Corruption Policy covers to )uman Resource Management process starting from recruitment, promotion, training, evaluation, and beneĘşts provided to employees. Every supervisor in every level must communicate to employees in order to apply in business transaction under their responsibility and to monitor such implementation to be the most eĘšective. 2. Implementation on Anti-Corruption Policy should be followed by guidelines in the C)0Ćs Code of Conduct, Corporate Governance guidelines, StakeholdersĆ Guidelines, standard, every C)0 related operation manual, and additional guidelines which will be formulated afterward. 3. To stress the attention on processes which incur a high risk in corruption, the Board of Directors, the Management Team, and the C)0Ćs employees in every level must conform carefully in the following course of
Sustainable Development Report 2014
action. 3.1 Gifts, Entertainment and )ospitality 0ʹering gifts or entertainment and hospitality activities must be complied with the C)0ƭs Code of Conduct and the principle of Good Corporate Governance. 3.2 Charitable Contribution or Aid Granting contribution or receiving the aid must be transparent and in accordance with stipulated laws by conʺrming that such transaction shall not be claimed as a bribery act. 3.3 Business Relation and Procurement Process with the Public Sector all types of bribery or illegal payments are prohibited in all business transactions, C)0ƭs operation, and connection to the government. Such implementation must be preceded transparently and in alignment with related laws and regulation.
Channel of Complaint for all TUBLFIPMEFST
Receipt of Complaint Box
CHO’s continuously conducts and communicates the policy against Corruption through CHO’s public relation Board, also, informs the policy to the Executive Directors’ Meeting and assigns employees from related parties to attend seminars with public and private sectors such as Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In 2015, CHO plans to participate in “Private sector Collective Action Coalition (CAC) against corruption” in order to establish best practice standards, CHO then proposes the mentioned intention above through CHO’s website.
For the convenience, C)0 puts this box outstandingly
CSR Committee 265 Moo 4, Klangmuang Road, Muangkhao, Mungkhonkaen, KhonKaen 40000
info@ctvdoll.co.th E-mail www.ctvdoll.co.th Website
To record the receipt of complaint
Channel of Complaint
043-341412-18 Extension 101 Telephone To resolve the problems
To review and determine the complaint
043-341410 Facsimile To summarize the results
To assess the satisfaction
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
4VQQMZ $IBJO .BOBHFNFOU 7BMVF $IBJO Research and development Management and CHO School
Repair Service Center
Customer Service
Product Design
Raw Material Distributor
Products and Services
Products Delivery
Procurement C)0 has its procurement system as to the international standard of purchasing for the ultimate quality of products, and C)0 has its supporting to local economy of the customers by purchasing truckƭs chassis from the customerƭs country.
C)0 has designed the products by concerning to the environmental eʹect, with the production of light-weighted container, using the international standard solid and durable material. C)0 has also designed the BIG BA0 product which is friendly to the environment and has won National Innovation Award in 2011
The responsibility to the on-board catering ʻeeting, C)0 has produced to meet with the requirement of IATA standard and ICA0 standard.
The delivery of products within the country and export to abroad, C)0 has its regulation in delivering products as to international standard by concerning to the customerƭs satisfaction.
Sustainable Susta ainable Development Report 2014
C)0 lends the significant of the development of its employeesƭ knowledge, by focusing on those who earned less than bachelorƭs degree in attending the course and have the further examination in part of skillful for much more eʹectiveness of operation. This leads to the project called bachelorƭs degree of Cho Thavee aʹecting to the higher remuneration without having go back to school. It is the real on-the-job training as appropriately, it also building the binding to the organization on many activities often organized by CSR Committee.
Communication Procedure Annual report, CSR report, project of personnel development, C)0 School, )appy Workplace Activity, the suggestion and opinion box.
4UBLFIPMEFST "OBMZTJT C)0 conʺdents in the manufacturing of goods and services to the
customers in acknowledging the business for all sectors, as from the learning of technology development in continuous and the driving of the development at local level to global level, which will bring to the growth in ʺeld of social, economy, and environment all together. All of these matters have been designated as C)0ƭs strategy in responding to C)0ƭs stakeholders both internal and external, with the cooperation of each sector as appropriately, and create the growth beneʺt with fairness and transparent, aware to the operation of business with responsibility to society and community. C)0 has its plan of model scheme for 10 years, with the review annually in building good relationship with suppliers, customers, entrepreneurs, government sector, and employees in the organization, C)0 has surveyed in each year the satisfaction and the demand of customers. C)0 also communicates and coordinates with every sector of the stakeholders, in bringing the information for the eʼciency improvement in designing products and services as accurately, and also for the actual coordination. The issue about responsibility and communication procedure for each group of the stakeholders can be summarized as follows:
The reduction of pollution from C)0ƭs operation concerning the noise and smell, the investigation and coordination with community in responding to the subject requested, and provide the protecting system of pollutions, the development of C)0ƭs economic, the development of temple, school in annual, to support the local communityƭs activities for good health by playing sport, and sport family as increasing for each year.
Communication Procedure The community relation activity, to support in ʺeld of education, technology, sport, culture, religious, the conference with local government sector, to join in the activity of community, government sector, private sector, sport activity ƯFootball C)0 Thavee +unior Cupư, Thai traditional activity, medical examination and blood donation projects.
Communication Channel Annual report, CSR report, FM radio, FACEB00K, advertising, public relation through social media, you tube channel
Cho C ho Thavee Thavee Dollasien Dollaasien Public Public Company Comppany Limited
Customers/ Trading Partners 3FTQPOTJCJMJUJFT
To perform as to the agreement of procedure, to develop the modern innovative design, the new related legal, to take good care for the safety of assets as systematically and orderly, fairly treatment to the trading partners concerning the purchasing and payment
Communication Procedure
To hold the meeting with entrepreneurs, trading partners, to survey on the satisfaction through web page, activity of C)0 Thavee +unior Cup, New :ear party, )appy Workplace project
Communication Channel media
Annual report, CSR report via social
To act as per the agreement condition, transparency in purchasing goods and payment to suppliers with Good Corporate Governance
Communication Procedure
Annual report, ʺnancial report performing complied with laws and regulations and Good Corporate Governance, building on good relationship, welcome for company visit, the disclosure of important to related organization as accurately
Communication Channel -etter, website
To perform as to rules of bidding competition as accurately, complied to the rules and regulations of bidding, to provide useful information, to share the knowledge
Communication Procedure
To hold the meeting, to share the experiences, and legal issues relating to business, company visit, and business cooperation in future
Communication Channel
Annual report, CSR report, memorandum of understanding (M06), conference, letter E-Mail, company visit, exchange of lecturer, website
The stable ʺnancial liquidity, good operation results from Good Corporate Governance, return on investment with process that can be examined, precise and transparency, the organization has positive development in continuous, the expansion of service providing in future
Communication Procedure
Annual report, CSR report, shareholdersƭ meeting, company visit, roadshow E-MAI-
Communication Channel Website, Facebook, E-MAI-
Mass Communication 3FTQPOTJCJMJUJFT
Source of information with the eʹectiveness, accuracy, and promptly
Communication Procedure
Annual report, CSR report, shareholdersƭ meeting, press tour, thank press
Communication Channel
Press conference, E-MAI-, Website, Facebook, -ine, telephone, advertisement through C)0 :ouTube channel
Sustainable Development Report 2014
4JHOJGJDBOU "TQFDUT BOE $)0rT 4USBUFHJD %JSFDUJPOT With the plans and mission, CHO 2023 “Strong Brave Differentiation”
Producing an environmentally friendly products
CHO is aiming at the leader in designing, creating, manufacturing innovative designs world-class technologies. The uniqueness of
aimed for excellence.
Quality production
Acceptance Response to
Responsibility for
For Customers Order delivery
Standard and quality production of CHO
All stakeholders Standard acceptance
มีความมุงมั่นพัฒนาสินคา ดวยนวัตกรรมที่พัฒนาและ คนควาดวยตัวเอง และแสวงหานวัตกรรมจากผูอื่น เพื่อการไดรับการถายทอดนวัตกรรม และตอยอดสูความเปนเลิศกาวเขาสูระดับสากล
Award from National Innovation Agency
National Innovation Agency award Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited (“CHO”) “Technological change to Cost” project - 2011 BIG BAO container award - 2013 Robot welding (VR.7) award
To enhance competitive power aiming to be the technology leader of Thailand
ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Manufacturer
National Innovation Agency award Cho Thavee Thermotech Co.,Ltd (CHO’s subsidiary) “0% interest” project - Mold production - Factory construction
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
$)0rT 4USBUFHJD %JSFDUJPOT Strategic Growth Concentrating on product development equally to global standard
Researching Technology + Technological Transmission
Gathering information Internal and external professional development
R2R project CHO School
RD technology production, low cost
- Modern technology production - Quality production - Competitive power of cost management production - Satisfaction to the customers’ need production
Order increment resulted CHO’s growth
Sustainable Development Report 2014
Marketing Previous Market + Previous Customers Previous Market + New Customers New Market + Previous Customers New Market + New Customers
Economic Operation In 2014, C)0 and its subsidiary reported revenues from contract work of Bath 1,215.92 million, revenues from sale of spare parts for repair and maintenance of commercial trucks of Bath 297.10 million, and revenues from others of Baht 1,520.95 million increasing by 642.08 million Baht when compared to year 2013, increasing from both domestic and overseas sales. For overseas sales revenues are from the production of )i--oader Catering Trucks exporting to overseas aviation due to the economic growth from the Middle East region resulting the increment of ʺght routes to other trade partner countries, therefore the )i- -oader Catering Trucks are necessary for supporting airline services to be more convenient and prompt. For the domestic sales, economic recovery was still low resulting logistic business carefully use the capital budgeting by limited on purchasing new cars and renovated the old truck (Refurbished Trucks), by emphasizing on constantly repair and maintenance services. In 2014 C)0 performed the project of -ight Emitting Diode (-ED) for the public sector which already recognized the revenues from the consolidated ʺnancial statement at 153 million Baht. This project started on the beginning of the year 2014 and already completed in quarter 3, 2014 which was recorded the recognition of revenues as per the beginning and end period of project called non-recurring items. Moreover, C)0 gained the proʺt revenues from the foreign exchange rate of Baht 4.8 million due to the depreciation of Euro currency during the end of year 2014. To compare the revenues in 2013 and 2014 7.93
Unit: Million Baht
Contract work revenues 1,520.95 MB.
874.88 MB.
Other revenues
¾ Total revenues in 2014 reported 1,520.95 million Baht, increasing by 646.08 million Baht or 73.85% ¾ Contract work revenues in 2014 reported 1,215.92 million Baht, increasing by 448.46 million Baht or 58.43% ¾ Sale and service revenues in 2014 reported 297.10 million Baht, increasing by 194.15 million Baht or 188.58%
Sale and service revenues
Revenues proportion in each product group in 2013 and 2014 578.66
Unit: Million baht
Standard Product Group Special Design Product Group
297.10 236.22
¾ Standard Product Group revenues in 2014 reported 578.66 million Baht, increasing by 342.44 million Baht or 144.97% ¾ Special Design Product Group revenues in 2014 reported 637.26 million Baht, increasing by 106.02 million Baht or 19.96% ¾ Management and Service Group revenues in 2014 reported 297.01 million Baht, increasing by 194.15 million Baht or 188.58%
Management and Service Group
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Innovative Movement for sustainability Social and Community Activity Special Activity
Grou pP roc es s
Happy work place
operation plan
Identity and Psychological development
ing n r lea CSR
CHO Program
target Human Development
operation plan
the employees work with happiness and the sustainably developed organization
CHO School Program
KM. and CHO School
Work-based Learning OJT
R2R Routine to Research
Learning and Development
**remarks KM = knowledge management R2R = the development of routine job to research CHO Program = รcode of course derived from the concept corresponded to the company’s strategy
$)0 4DIPPM 1SPHSBN C)0 has designated its important strategy in developing its personnel potential. All of the human resources development strategies have been designed for developing the potential in part of competency, knowledge, attitude, idea, and procedure in managing the mind. The program has been divided for the learning at the level of general oʼcers and the managements, for the development of employees as to the responsibility and growth in profession. C)0 Program will be the development of human resources in form of workshop, focusing on the participation and interpersonal relationship
It is the course designed from the appraisal of competency problem of employee at supervisory level in preparing for the readiness to be teacher in C)0 School.
Sustainable Development Report 2014
Short-Term Course It is the course of learning the foundation of especially skillful technician of C)0 for short-term period (12 weeks); the learners will be divided in three groups as follows: - New Technician - 0ʼce Employees - New Engineer CHO Mechatronics Program
Operation Results of CHO Mechatronics for year 2014 60
Number of the learners/ persons
50 40 30
Number of learning hours/ hours
20 10 0
18 8 Employees at various sections
Engineering department
This is the course for engineer and general employee, with the target in learning technology of automatic control and able to understand the controlling system. It is the long-term course; the learner must do the project before ʺnishing the course. The course will be taught 48 days/year, comprised of 24 days for engineering level and 24 days for general employees.
CHO Thavee Bachelor’s Degree (year 2015) Course This is the speciʺc course of C)0, developed from Knowledge Management (KM) of the employee in production ʺeld, with the objective in developing the knowledge transformed from generation to generation. It is also the step forwarding to standard of labor at international level, including the adjustment of labor cost and compensation to employee in production as equitable to salary base of those who graduated at level of bachelorƭs degree. Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Sa et
R2R Morale and Motivation
Quality ualit
ost Savin s o e t
Summary of the performance for R2R project R2R statistic (subject)
20 33 projects already sent
15 10 5
16 9
18 projects not passed
7 Aug
1 Oct
15 projects under the process of improving
6 projects have been developed and can be applied in 2014
This is the project of routine job development for all levels of employee, the project aiming at the development of personnel骗s idea concept as systematic thinking, corresponded to the standard of doing research at international level. Every project will be considered by the committee about the output of the applicable (work-based learning), leading to the increased of productivity, reducing waste from production, and learning for further development. Each employee proposing the project will be trained for the writing of proposal. C)0 has its policy in o使ering the compensation as the motivation to the employee. In 2014, there was the consideration of R2R projects as follows:
Sustainable Development Report 2014
The machine for wearing collar of hydraulic line
The machine of wearing collar for anti-dumping line
By Mr. Wichai Teeka / The employee of hydraulic 1
By Mr. Kamol Promjek The employee of Automobile electric 1
Benefit: working hour reduced by 67%, and labor cost reduced by 50%
The machine to oppress the welding of shelf By Mr. Rangsan Yawara The employee of Assembling 5 section Benefit: an accident from welding being zero, correcting hour reduced by 10% and working hour reduced by 50%
The cart saving weights By Mr. Ekkamarl Pakmadok The employee of Parts producing section Benefit: an accident incurred from moving heavy-weighted material being zero, working hour reduced by 50%
Benefit: working hour reduced by 300%
platform for raising the drill in helping the drilling By Mr. Harn Siriwongchan The employee of Wind brake-lower level section Benefit: accident from welding being zero, labor force reduced by 200%
The wind socket releasing brake locked By Mr. Chatuporn Pantasri The employee of Wind brake 2 Benefit: labor cost reduced by 65%, working hour reduced by 65%
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Comppany Limited
$43 0QFSBUJPO v $)0 (SPVQT CSR Committee Social and community Activity
Special Activity
Charity Learning Process and Development
CSR Social and Community Activity - Disabilities - Anti-Corruption - Human Rights -Internal and External Communities
CSR Environment
CSR Special Activity
CSR Happy Workplace
- Internal Environment - External Environment - Environmental Innovation Development
- Other Special Activities within the Company **External activities supporter**
- Happiness in 8 field of Happy Workplace
Participation Process / Respect
CHO. Strength & Core Competency
Sustainable Development Report 2014
4PDJBM BOE $PNNVOJUZ "DUJWJUZ C S R C o m m i t t e e a n d S o c i a l a n d C o m m u n i t y A c t i v i t y Te a m a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e activities relating to Anti-Corruption, )uman Rights and Internal and External 0rganization.
Residence 2015 target: to renovate, repair and maintenance employees’ residences by voluntary from Social and Community Activity
Welfare Shop Future target: to increase the welfare shop for employees
Employees’ Targets
Disabilities In 2014: 100% supporting to disable employees
Social and Community Activity Social and Community Targets
To visit employees’ residence 2015 target: To visit employees’ residential activity is to review a living condition of employees and build relationship
CHO Thavee Junior Cup (CJC) In 2014: expanding opportunities to community
Good Governance Targets
Anti-Corruption In 2014: to set up the receipt of complaint Box and organize the channel of complaint via CHO website.
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Camping/ Activities 2015 target: to organize the Anti-Corruption Camp.
1SPKFDU PG s 'PPUCBMM $)0 5IBWFF +VOJPS $VQt C)0 has organized a youth football competition once a year since 2011 for the age between 12 ƪ 14 years old, under the name of ƯFootball C)0 Thavee +unior Cupư, in order to support youth playing sport activities and stay away from drugs. The added beneʺt is, as youth are our nation future, to oʹer opportunities for them to be our future employees also their parents who are interested in sports would get to know more about C)0.
Number of Teams Total/year 12 years old 14 years old
From Khon Kean Khon Kaen/ Mahasarakham/Chaiyaphum/ Udonthani Khon Kaen/ Mahasarakham/Udonthani/ Loei/ Bangkok Khon Kaen/ Mahasarakam/Sakonnakhon/ Chanthaburi/Bangkok
Sustainable Development Report 2014
Environment Activities
Year 2014: Project in developing canteen, quality of life, by the employee volunteer in cleaning canteen, to publicize the project of: public relation board, radio network
Future project : The project studying light-weighted block made from PU foam which is left from the production process of CHO Thavee thermotech Co., Ltd., in searching for technology and production process with environmental standard by concerning to quantity reducing, and the removing of pollution before letting to nature
Target To produce the products friendly to the environment, with safety, friendly to the users, to create happiness to co-workers and related persons Job process To train for related knowledge To build the motivation for the acknowledging of the important To visit the site for being the example of achievement To build the participation with the employee To discuss as formal and informal To create the policy supporting to CSR activity
Year 2014: The project in changing the company’s electric bulb to LED bulb The outcome - saving of electric cost by 30,000 baht/year - reduce CO2 by 74 tones - energy saving by 69,000 KWH Project 3RS The outcome - cost reduction, energy saving
Monitoring and Appraisal of the project For appraising the impact of project caused to the stakeholders For appraising the productivity from investment of CSR budget To build the trust for project of environmental CSR For appraising the output of project CSR whether it is corresponded to target of Cho Publishing Project To organize various projects, public relation board, radio network Searching for alliance coordination doing activity/ project To contact for the coordination from the surrounding community To contact for the coordination from government sector such as Bureau of natural resources and environment of Khon Kaen Objective To have the appropriated system of environment, and frequently follow up on the performance appraisal, to find the knowledge about environment such as ecosystem, climate changed, pollution, and etc.
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Most of the peoples have misunderstanding about doing the CSR that it is the supporting and the donation in helping social in many forms, this is the misunderstanding from doing CSR for sustainability. C)0 has implemented CSR in the form of development for real sustainability by having special activity in developing idea of being the supporter for Ęşnancial to the supporting and developing with the participation in various activities that C)0 involved.
To help for the funeral ceremony of the employee
To support for the sport fair to educational institutes
Year 2009-2013 project “CHO Thavee 1 Year 1 Temple�
Blood donation
CSR Special Activities
To donate money to various organizations
To support the research and development of students
The employees, communities, society and stakeholders have been helped, supported, and developed from
Leading to
Sustainable development
Sustainable Development Report 2014
1SPKFDU s$)0 5IBWFF :FBS 5FNQMFt UP QSFTFOU SPCFT UP #VEEIJTU NPOLT BU UIF UFNQMF JO DPOTUSVDUJOH #VEEIJTU QMBDFT It is the project that C)0 has implemented for the participation of every level of employee with the communities, by donating to the selected temple from the homeland of the employee, the selection basis based on the shortage of the temple as priority. This project has been implemented in continuous for every year since 2008, by the coordination of the employees in Ưpresenting robes C)0 Thavee 1 year 1 templeư - :ear 2009: Tha Phra Nao temple, Tambol Tha Phra, building the temple - :ear 2010: To build the monkƭs residence of Ban Taku temple, Amphur Kae Dam, Mahasarakham province - :ear 2011: To build the temple of Srithong Buddha nimit temple, Amphur Somdet, Kalasin province - :ear 2012: To build the sermon hall in a monastery of Daowadeung temple, Amphur Phrayuen, Khonkaen province - :ear 2013: To build the Buddha temple of Sriwichai temple, Amphur Muang, Khonkaen province - :ear 2014: 0n the processing of consideration new plan which was the project of oʹering the monkƭs residence, causing to no robe presented in this year
%POBUJPO "DUJWJUZ UP &EVDBUJPOBM *OTUJUVUFT In 2014, C)0 has supported for the donation in form of money, goods, or objects for public beneʺt to the foundations, schools, universities, and communities, etc.
- To cooperate with business alliance in giving scholarship grant, educational supplies, text books, to 15 schools in Rayong province
- To support the scholarship for the assembling of racing car under the project TSAE formula of the student from Faculty of engineering, Rajamangkala university at Khon Kaen, and the student from Faculty of engineering, Khon Kaen university, and other scholarship
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
- To support for the competition of robot of the foundation in promoting Thai-+apan technology (TPA 2014)
)"11: 803, 1-"$&
HAPPY Workplace
2015 target:
Debt Relief
2015 target:
Happy Family Activities Engagement
Happy Employees and Sustainability Organizations
Reducing and refraining gambling
2015 target:
Organization cultures
Cheap food
Participation 2014 target:
Employees’ Birthday Activities
2014 target:
Happy Father and Mother’s Day Activities
Monthly making merit on employeesĆ birthday
C)0 foresees the importance of employeesĆ happiness, one of the main problems impacting on their works is the stress and anxiety about their own debts. The resolutions for this problem would help them to break free from their debt burden and to developing their discipline on systematic spending money.
Moral principle training
Spending money training
receiving money
visiting residence
directly pays through account
Sustainable Susttainable Development Report 2014
consultant appointment
Production Management 1. 2. 3.
Quality control in all running processes Audition of production details according to the customersĆ needs Design and production research development in order to increase the quality to be appropriate and modern. Standard, modern and good quality production according to the customersĆ needs 0n-time distribution After sale services, plans following up and after retaining period following up in order to create satisfaction to customers resulting product development and re -creating
4. 5. 6.
Engineering Department
Design and Research
Product design
Presentation to customers
= price
Production procedure
)BQQZ "GUFS TBMF TFSWJDFT QSPCMFN SFWJFX retaining period Retaining period expired
Visiting customers
Marketing team + JODSFBTF PG TBMFT
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Send to RM. and others
Overseas Have/ have no raw materials
Æ Designing Æ reviewing Æ correcting
STOCK Have/ have no raw materials
Marketing following up the production
Capital management
Finance department
Bring to
bill, audit, payment
reviewing and correcting
recording cost
Cost auditing
job assignment, job operation, delivery of job
Test done
acceptable job/ unacceptable
Contract management
Registration department
following up the contract conditions and performing according to the contract
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
reviewing registration pattern
Not enough employees Æ Human Resource Department New employees Æ Education and Training department Safety Officer Lack of skill problems Æ replacing by tools Initiating R2R project Experience employees + professional Experience employees + transmission of VR.7
Product test + Product checked by customers Ready to delivery
Quality Control Test as per check list
Commissioning Team
preparing distribution – presenting – teaching and taking care product completion
Finance bill
LC opening or other documents
AC. Audit firm
Sustainable Develop Development pment Report 2014
Preparing delivery documents and distribution plan by related parties
Marketing delivery and contact the customers
C)0 lends the signiʺcant of water consumption as worthy, by managing the control of quality of waste water from production process, and from the oʼce. C)0 has introduced the measurement and modern technology to be used in the improvement process for the quality of water as appropriately, with the ʺxed waste water treatment for the oʼce which comprised of: grease tap, septic tank, anaerobic ʺlter, for the better quality of waste water before ʻowing into underground well and public duct, enabling for the waste water treatment followed by the standard of waste water before ʻowing to environment.
.POJUPSJOH .FBTVSFNFOU The measurement of environmental RVBMJUZ XJUIJO $)0 BOE JUT TVCTJEJBSZ C)0 and its subsidiary use the electric power for the whole production process, in order to reduce air pollution from production process. The quantity of gas incurred from the process of spraying, is under legal regulations, since more than 80% of the processing apply 2K spray with system of low emission product, and there is also the room for spraying which installed modern air ʺlter to reduce environmental pollution. The particulate quantity from production process was found to be under legal regulations. Furthermore, there is also the monitoring and measurement of weather condition within factory as to standard indicator and frequently complied with legal qualiʺcation by the center of environmental management, Faculty of engineering, Khon Kaen University which is the organization registered and guaranteed by IS0/IEC 17025 standard. C)0 and its subsidiary has the checking of noise level at the operation area and the communities area in every 6 months, and the noise level complied to the legal qualiʺcation at every area that has been checked.
C)0 and its subsidiary has implemented for the sorted elimination of waste or unused materials by the proper method and complied with legal qualiʺcation. In 2014, there were non-hazard wastes for 553 tones that have been eliminated by sorting and sold, for the saving of energy and natural resources by recycle and reused under 3RS project, in order to reduce the cost of wastes elimination with eʹectiveness, the rest will be buried as sanitary at the proper place, and did not aʹected to the internal and external of factory.
C)0 and its subsidiary has also publicized the knowledge about environment preservation and the economically consumption of energy through 3RS project to the youth and the citizen in local area. Furthermore, C)0 and its subsidiary has studied in bringing material left from production process to be developed to new product such as project of studying and developing the light-weighted block from PU foam, the activity in building knowledge for the development of communities with main objective as the promoting of knowledge to the youth and local citizen, and creating the awareness.
C)0 and its subsidiary has the mission in producing the goods friendly to environment, with sustainability, safety, friendly to users, and with various applicable, which are the basic in saving energy. C)0 and its subsidiary look forward in performing strictly as to standard and regulations relating energy for the reducing of energy used in production process, enabling for the products and activities of the company aʹected minimally to environment. C)0 has performed in dealing with energy saving as follow: The project of changing electric bulb to -ED, leaded to the saving of electric cost for 305,429.28 baht/year, and the saving of energy for 68,666.72 KW), in equivalent to C02 quantity of 73.63 tones.
Green Innovation
C)0 and its subsidiary has developed the products with energy preservation as sustainability, by using composite material in the production light-weighted-commercially container, which can be increased the potential of much more loading, and being able to reduce of transportation fuel energy by 9%. C)0 has also done the research and development, from the expertise in designing, producing, combining world class technology with professional management, in producing the products friendly to environment, responded to direction of changing in transportation industry for the reduction of cost, the enhancing of eʹectiveness and safety in transportation, also reducing the negative impact to social and environment, by introducing advanced tech-
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
nology in designing and producing the products. In 2014, C)0 has implemented the project of electric truck, and electric catering which used 100% electric power, in order to reduce pollution and global warming.
Quality of life in the work place is important for working, C)0 and its subsidiary concern to the employees and environment, and has implemented many projects such as: project in developing canteen and quality of life, in order to be the place with sanitary, safety, create happiness and stability, the good feeling to the work place will lead to the good impact for human and organization, and helping increase the productivity, morale and motivation to the employees.
Number of complaints on Environment
Number of complaints on labor
Number of complaints on human right
Energy Buying of electric power
Climate, noise level The average rate of dust incurred from production
8.41 (standard = 151)
The average level of noise in work place
-eq 8 hr 78.18 (standard = 90) / -max 97.55 (standard = 140)
8BUFS VTBHF Total water usage
The quantity of water passed the treatment
- Buried
- Reused
- Sell
- 0ther
Garbage management
Sustainable Development Report 2014
0DDVQBUJPO )FBMUI BOE 4BGFUZ BOE 8PSLJOH &OWJSPONFOU C)0 lends the signiʺcant of the employee at every level, every employee has the engagement in creating productivity of the company under the following policies: 1. The safety in working is the priority responsibility of the employeeƭs operation 2. C)0 shall support for the improving of working condition and environmental condition as safety 3. C)0 shall support for the safety activity in stimulating the employeeƭs awareness such as: the training, the motivation, public relation, the competition campaign of safety 4. C)0 and the employees must cooperate for the activity of safety aiming at the ultimate safety with the phrase Ưaccident to be zeroư 5. The superior must behave as role model, being leader, trainer, coacher, motivator, the employee in working with safety process 6. The employees must consider to their own safety, to co-workers, and to the companyƭs assets, at all times of operation 7. The employees must take good care of the cleanliness and the tidy in work place 8. The employees must cooperate for the project of safety and sanitary of C)0, and having the right in giving suggestions in improving working condition and working methodology with safety 9. C)0 will frequently have the appraisal of performance as to the above mentioned policies
Chart of Safety President/ Chief Executive Officer
Safety Management Representative
Safety Committees
Safety Unit Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Operating instruction Stop and Think before working
Number of Accidents
Continue working with carefulness
Look around and identify hazards
12 10
Risk control to prevent hazard that may occur
Risk assessment and searching for hazards that may occur
Year 2012
Sustainable Development Report 2014
Cho Thavee Khon Kaen Saving and Credit Cooperative -imited was registered under the Cooperative Act B.E. 2542 (1999) on May 14, 2004 for the purpose of encouraging the habit of saving, helping each other among members and providing loan services to members according to the rules and regulations of cooperativeĆs law. The Cooperative received the shares deposit for cooperative funds, equally to the cooperative memberĆs shares, from Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company -imited and the companyĆs member. When resigning from C)0, the member, held shares for up to 5 years, can withdraw his/her shares together with accumulated shares paid from C)0. As of December 31, 2014, the CooperativeĆs total of member was 515 persons, total grant funds were 6,696,700.00 Baht comprising of year 2014 was 1,380,090.00 Baht, year 2013 was 940,480.00 Baht and year 2012 was 806,670.00 Baht.
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Absence from work due to accident (employees)
)our case
Absence from work due to accident (contractor)
)our case
The accident was almost happened
Number of employees from work injury
Number of contractor form work injury
Number of dead from work injury (employee and contractor)
Education and training
Chief o始cer level
Manager level
Below manager level
- Male
- Female
- Male
- Female
Khon Kaen
Repairing Centers
- Person
- )our
- Voluntary resignation
- Termination
Number of employees taking maternity leave
Number of employees returning from maternity leave
- Number of complaints
- Discrimination complaints
- Number of complaints that have been investigated and resolved
Procurement and services
Number of complaints concerning on social impacts
Safety operating results
Education and training in Security department )uman Right training Average training hours
Trained and educated employees concerning career development
Number of employees classifying to workplace
Resignation rate of employees
Maternity leave
)uman Resources complaints
Sustainable Development Report 2014
N/A Overall employees
New employees Resigned employees
Chief Officers
Overall employees
New employees
Resigned employees
Chief Officers
Khon Kaen
Lam Luk Ka
Bang Lamung
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
"CPVU UIJT 3FQPSU This is the Ęşrst sustainability report of Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company -imited (C)0), to disclose and report the companyĆs operating results during the period of +anuary 1, 2014 ĆŞ December 31, 2014. We are aiming to communicate the policies in economic, environmental and social aspects by applying the approach of the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI-G4). In 2014 C)0 participated in ĆŻCorporate Sustainability Advisory ProgramĆ° for the purpose of the capacity development in generating this sustainability report, also, the increment of the eĘźciency strategic and social responsibility plans with the assistance from the consultant team from the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Content selection for this report selected the signiĘşcant indication for sustainable business operation of C)0. C)0 is also aiming on )uman Resource development, product development and social responsibility development.
Sustainable b Development Report 2014
GENERA- STANDARD DISC-0SURES Standard Disclosure Requirements Disclosure STRATEG: AND ANA-:SIS Provide a statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organization (such as CE0, G4-1 chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainability to the organization and the organizationƭs strategy for addressing sustainability. G4-2 Provide a description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities. 0RGANI;ATI0NA- PR0FI-E G4-3 Report the name of the organization. G4-4 Report the primary brands, products, and services. G4-5 Report the location of the organizationƭs headquarters. Report the number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries where G4-6 either the organization has signiʺcant operations or that are speciʺcally relevant to the sustainability topics covered in the report. G4-7 Report the nature of ownership and legal form. Report the markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of G4-8 customers and beneʺciaries). G4-9
Report the scale of the organization.
a. Report the total number of employees by employment contract and gender. b. Report the total number of permanent employees by employment type and gender. c. Report the total workforce by employees and supervised workers and by gender. d. Report the total workforce by region and gender. e. Report whether a substantial portion of the organizationƭs work is performed by workers who G4-10 are legally recognized as self-employed, or by individuals other than employees or supervised workers, including employees and supervised employees of contractors. f. Report any signiʺcant variations in employment numbers (such as seasonal variations in employment in the tourism or agricultural industries). G4-12 Describe the organizationƭs supply chain. Report any signiʺcant changes during the reporting period regarding the organizationƭs size, G4-13 structure, ownership, or its supply chain. Report whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organizaG4-14 tion. -ist externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiaG4-15 tives to which the organization subscribes or which it endorses. -ist memberships of associations (such as industry associations) and national or international G4-16 advocacy organizations. IDENTIFIED MATERIA- ASPECTS AND B0UNDARIES a. -ist all entities included in the organizationƭs consolidated ʺnancial statements or equivalent documents. G4-17 b. Report whether any entity included in the organizationƭs consolidated ʺnancial statements or equivalent documents is not covered by the report. a. Explain the process for deʺning the report content and the Aspect Boundaries. G4-18 b. Explain how the organization has implemented the Reporting Principles for Deʺning Report Content. G4-19 -ist all the material Aspects identiʺed in the process for deʺning report content. G4-20 For each material Aspect, report the Aspect Boundary within the organization. G4-21 For each material Aspect, report the Aspect Boundary outside the organization. STAKE)0-DER ENGAGEMENT G4-24 Provide a list of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization. G4-25 Report the basis for identiʺcation and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
2-3 11-12,19-23 7 8-10,35-36 7 10 7 10,23 7,10,23, 42-43
18-20 Annual Report 67,85 11-12,37-39 17 16-17
4-9, Annual Report 61-69 21-22 12,24-27 21,24-27,38-42 30 19-20 18-20
Standard Disclosure G4-26 G4-27
Disclosure Requirements Report the organizationƭs approach to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group, and an indication of whether any of the engagement was undertaken speciʺcally as part of the report preparation process. Report key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting. Report the stakeholder groups that raised each of the key topics and concerns.
REP0RT PR0FI-E G4-28 Reporting period (such as ʺscal or calendar year) for information provided. G4-29 Date of most recent previous report (if any). G4-30 Reporting cycle (such as annual, biennial). G4-31 Provide the contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents. a. Report the Ƭin accordanceƭ option the organization has chosen. b. Report the GRI Content Index for the chosen option. c. Report the reference to the External Assurance Report, if the report has been externally G4-32 assured. GRI recommends the use of external assurance but it is not a requirement to be ‘in accordanceƭ with the Guidelines. a. Report the organizationƭs policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. b. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, report the scope and basis of any external assurance provided. G4-33 c. Report the relationship between the organization and the assurance providers. d. Report whether the highest governance body or senior executives are involved in seeking assurance for the organizationƭs sustainability report. G0VERNANCE eport the governance structure of the organization, including committees of the highest governG4-34 ance body. Identify any committees responsible for decision-making on economic, environmental and social impacts. Report the process for delegating authority for economic, environmental and social topics from RG4-35 the highest governance body to senior executives and other employees. G4-36
Report whether the organization has appointed an executive-level position or positions with responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics, and whether post holders report directly to the highest governance body.
Report the composition of the highest governance body and its committees.
G4-39 G4-40 G4-41 G4-42 G4-43
Report whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive oʼcer (and, if so, his or her function within the organizationƭs management and the reasons for this arrangement). Report the nomination and selection processes for the highest governance body and its committees, and the criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governance body members. Report processes for the highest governance body to ensure conʻicts of interest are avoided and managed. Report whether conʻicts of interest are disclosed to stakeholders. Report the highest governance bodyƭs and senior executivesƭ roles in the development, approval, and updating of the organizationƭs purpose, value or mission statements, strategies, policies, and goals related to economic, environmental and social impacts. Report the measures taken to develop and enhance the highest governance bodyƭs collective knowledge of economic, environmental and social topics. a. Report the processes for evaluation of the highest governance bodyƭs performance with respect to governance of economic, environmental and social topics. Report whether such evaluation is independent or not, and its frequency. Report whether such evaluation is a self-assessment. b. Report actions taken in response to evaluation of the highest governance bodyƭs performance with respect to governance of economic, environmental and social topics, including, as a minimum, changes in membership and organizational practice.
Sustainable Development Report 2014
Page 18-20 18-20
44 44 44 44 45-49
13-14,28, Annual Report 30,36 13-14,28 13 Annual Report 30-50 13 Annual Report 42-47 15-16, Annual Report 38-47 12-14, Annual Report 40-47 25-27
Annual Report 40-47
Standard Disclosure
Disclosure Requirements
a. Report the highest governance bodyƭs role in the identiʺcation and management of economic, environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities. Include the highest governance bodyƭs role in the implementation of due diligence processes. G4-45 b. Report whether stakeholder consultation is used to support the highest governance bodyƭs identiʺcation and management of economic, environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities. Report the highest governance bodyƭs role in reviewing the eʹectiveness of the organizationƭs G4-46 risk management processes for economic, environmental and social topics. Report the frequency of the highest governance bodyƭs review of economic, environmental and G4-47 social impacts, risks, and opportunities. Report the highest committee or position that formally reviews and approves the organizationƭs G4-48 sustainability report and ensures that all material Aspects are covered. G4-49 Report the process for communicating critical concerns to the highest governance body. Report the nature and total number of critical concerns that were communicated to the highest G4-50 governance body and the mechanism(s) used to address and resolve them. a. Report the remuneration policies for the highest governance body and senior executives. G4-51 b. Report how performance criteria in the remuneration policy relate to the highest governance bodyƭs and senior executivesƭ economic, environmental and social objectives. Report the process for determining remuneration. Report whether remuneration consultants are G4-52 involved in determining remuneration and whether they are independent of management. Report any other relationships which the remuneration consultants have with the organization. Report how stakeholdersƭ views are sought and taken into account regarding remuneration, G4-53 including the results of votes on remuneration policies and proposals, if applicable. ET)ICS AND INTEGRIT: Describe the organizationƭs values, principles, standards and norms of behavior such as codes G4-56 of conduct and codes of ethics Report the internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behavior, G4-57 and matters related to organizational integrity, such as helplines or advice lines. Report the internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful G4-58 behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as escalation through line management, whistleblowing mechanisms or hotlines. SPECIFIC STANDARD DISC-0SURES CATEG0R:: EC0N0MIC ASPECT: EC0N0MIC PERF0RMANCE G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organizationƭs activities due to G4-EC2 climate change ASPECT: MARKET PRESENCE G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Proportion of senior management hired from the local community at signiʺcant locations of G4-EC6 operation ASPECT: INDIRECT EC0N0MIC IMPACTS G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EC7 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services supported G4-EC8 Signiʺcant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts ASPECT: PR0CUREMENT PRACTICES G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EC9 Proportion of spending on local suppliers at signiʺcant locations of operation
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
Page Annual Report 93-95 Annual Report 93-95 Annual Report 31,49-50 2-3 14 Annual Report 90 Annual Report 34-36 Annual Report 34-36,43 Annual Report 43 15-17 15-17 15-17
23 11,23
29-36 26-27
Standard Disclosure Requirements Disclosure Proportion of spending on local suppliers at signiʺcant locations of operation CATEG0R:: ENVIR0NMENTAASPECT: MATERIA-S G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EN2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials ASPECT: ENERG: G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EN3 Energy consumption within the organization G4-EN4 Energy consumption outside of the organization G4-EN5 Energy intensity G4-EN6 Reduction of energy consumption G4-EN7 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services ASPECT: WATER G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EN8 Total water withdrawal by source G4-EN10 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused ASPECT: BI0DIVERSIT: G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach ASPECT: EMISSI0NS G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EN15 Direct greenhouse gas (G)G) emissions (Scope 1) G4-EN16 Energy indirect greenhouse gas (G)G) emissions (Scope 2) G4-EN17 0ther indirect greenhouse gas (G)G) emissions (Scope 3) G4-EN18 Greenhouse gas (G)G) emissions intensity G4-EN19 Reduction of greenhouse gas (G)G) emissions G4-EN20 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (0DS) G4-EN21 N09, S09, and other signiʺcant air emissions ASPECT: EFF-UENTS AND WASTE G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EN22 Total water discharge by quality and destination G4-EN23 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method G4-EN24 Total number and volume of signiʺcant spills ASPECT: PR0DUCTS AND SERVICES G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EN27 Extent of impact mitigation of environmental impacts of products and services G4-EN28 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category ASPECT: C0MP-IANCE G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EN29 Monetary value of signiʺcant ʺnes and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations ASPECT: TRANSP0RT
Sustainable Development Report 2014
31,37-38 38 38 31,37 37
38 37-38
37 37 37 37 31,37 37 37
37-38 38 38
18 10,23
Standard Disclosure G4-DMA G4-EN30
Disclosure Requirements
Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Signiʺcant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials for the organizationƭs operations, and transporting members of the workforce
ASPECT: SUPP-IER ENVIR0NMENTA- ASSESSMENT G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach ASPECT: ENVIR0NMENTA- GRIEVANCE MEC)ANISMS G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4-EN34 Number of grievances about environmental impacts ʺled, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms CATEG0R:: S0CIASUB-CATEG0R:: -AB0R PRACTICES AND DECENT W0RK ASPECT: EMP-0:MENT G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4--A1 Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region G4--A3 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender ASPECT: 0CCUPATI0NA- )EA-T) AND SAFET: G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4--A5 Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and saftey programs G4--A6 Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender G4--A7 Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation G4--A8 )ealth and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions ASPECT: TRAINING AND EDUCATI0N G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4--A9 Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by employee category Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of G4--A10 employees and assist them in managing career endings G4--A11 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender and by employee category ASPECT: DIVERSIT: AND EQUA- 0PP0RTUNIT: G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach G4--A12 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity ASPECT: -AB0R PRACTICES GRIEVANCE MEC)ANISMS G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Number of grievances about labor practices ʺled, addressed, and resolved through formal grievG4--A16 ance mechanisms SUB-CATEG0R:: )UMAN RIG)TS ASPECT: INVESTMENT G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach
Cho Thavee Dollasien Public Company Limited
7,42-43 42
39 40,42 40 39
42 12,24-26 25
7,43-44,Annual Report 38-50
Standard Disclosure
Disclosure Requirements
Total number and percentage of signiʺcant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening Total hours of employee training on human rights policies or procedures concerning asG4-)R2 pects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained ASPECT: SECURIT: PRACTICES G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Percentage of security personnel trained in the organizationƭs human rights policies or proceG4-)R7 dures that are relevant to operations ASPECT: )UMAN RIG)TS GRIEVANCE MEC)ANISMS G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Number of grievances about human rights impacts ʺled, addressed, and resolved through formal G4-)R12 grievance mechanisms SUB-CATEG0R:: S0CIET: ASPECT: -0CA- C0MMUNITIES G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, G4-S01 and development programs G4-S02 0perations with signiʺcant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities ASPECT: ANTI-C0RRUPTI0N G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Total number and percentage of operations asessed for risks related to corruption and the signifG4-S03 icant risks identiʺed G4-S04 Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures G4-S05 Conʺrmed incidents of corruption and actions taken ASPECT: C0MP-IANCE G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Monetary value of signiʺcant ʺnes and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliG4-S08 ance with laws and regulations ASPECT: GRIEVANCE MEC)ANISMS F0R IMPACTS 0N S0CIET: G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Number of grievances about impacts on society ʺled, addressed, and resolved through formal G4-S011 grievance mechanisms SUB-CATEG0R:: PR0DUCT RESP0NSIBI-IT: ASPECT: CUST0MER )EA-T) AND SAFET: G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach ASPECT: PR0DUCT AND SERVICE -ABE-ING G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Type of product and service information required by the organizationƭs procedures for product G4-PR3 and service information and labeling, and percentage of signiʺcant product and service categories subject to such information requirements ASPECT: C0MP-IANCE G4-DMA Generic Disclosures on Management Approach Monetary value of signiʺcant ʺnes for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the G4-PR9 provision and use of products and services G4-)R1
Sustainable Development Report 2014
Page 15-17 19,25-27,42
30-34 Annual Report 90
16 15-17,28-29 15-17,28-29