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I,……………………, here by solemnly declare that the dissertation work undertaken by me, titled ……………………………………………………………. is my original work and whatever information I have incorporated in the form of photographs, text, data, maps, drawings, etc., from different sources, has been duly acknowledged in my report.

Date:………………………. Place:……………… IRA RASTOGI 1506160003 Vth Year B.Arch. School of Architecture & Planning, K.R.Mangalam University,Gurugram

CERTIFICATE This dissertation report is submitted by IRA RASTOGI, 1506160003, student of 5th Year School of Architecture & Planning, K.R. Mangalam University, Gurgaon, Session: 2019-2020.

Originality of information and opinion expressed in this dissertation are of the Author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Guide or the Coordinator or the Institute. Date:………………………. Place:………………



External Examiner:

Ar. Nisha Sharma

Dissertation Coordinator: Ar. Praveen Gupta

Dean: Prof. Hemani Singh

School of Architecture & Planning, K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram.

Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

ABSTRACT The report presented is an attempt to understand that floating water architecture can be a lone possibility of sustainability in futuristic context. The first chapter is an introduction of the concept and explains on the lines of why is there a need of the same. It is supposed to provide a context to why this study is needed. The next section of the report is the research question which has to be addressed in the study. Following this is the aim of the study which led to the formulation of detailed objectives. An understanding of scope is established after this and limitations are identified. Methodology is sought out and firstly issues are identified. This gave an insight on the major aspects on which the technical detailing is to be done in the study.

These problems are chaptered separately and can be dealt with as a single chapter in the dissertation. Further sections of the report explain the working of floating Architecture, its types, components and characteristics. Study on the developments in floating architecture is done chronologically starting with floating bridges, floating entertainment facilities, docks, airports etc. Floating buildings are analysed. This led to the selection of the primary of an international port terminal of Tokyo where there impacts, materials based etc. are studied. Then the economics of it all has been worked out followed by energy requirements and efficiency details. Later the physical infrastructure of the floating building structures is studied under the heading of sanitation, solid waste management, water supply etc. Transportation facilities are also discussed pertaining to the central concept of floating architecture. Finally, the working of how the building will ‘float’ is explained in details followed by learning and experiences.

Keywords: Floating buildings; Energy efficiency; Built environment; Renewable energies.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On the very outset of this report, I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt gratitude towards all the people who have helped me in this endeavour. I would also like to extend my gratitude towards K.R. MANGALAM UNIVERSITY, School of Architecture and Planning, Gurugram for providing me a forum to enhance my knowledge. I am extremely thankful for the invaluable guidance and assistance from my Coordinator: Mr. Praveen Gupta & My Guide: Mrs. Nisha Sharma without whom the exercise couldn't have been performed efficiently. In addition, special thanks to my colleagues and friends who have helped me throughout my dissertation. I would also like to acknowledge with deep sense of reverence, gratitude towards my parents and family who have always supported me morally as well as financially.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

CONTENT ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 Keywords: ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 2 CONTENT ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 CHAPTER -1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 PRFACE ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 - INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 – Need of the study .................................................................................................................................. 7 1.3-Concept of Sustainability and Floating architecture................................................................................ 8 1.3 (a) Sustainability ................................................................................................................................... 8 1.3 (b) Floating Architecture....................................................................................................................... 8 1.3 (c) Sustainability of floating architecture ............................................................................................. 8 Source : ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 1.4 - Sustainability .......................................................................................................................................... 9 1.5- Environmental design process in floating buildings ............................................................................... 9 1.6 - DESIGN STRATEGY FRAMEWORK FOR FLOATING BUILDING ............................................................... 12 CHAPTER 2........................................................................................................................................................ 13 SYNOPSIS .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 2.1 - AIM ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 2.2 - RESEARCH QUESTION........................................................................................................................... 14 2.3 - OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................................................... 14 2.4 - SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................... 14 2.5 - LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 14 2.6 - METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................... 15 2.7 – ISSUES/CHALLANGES ........................................................................................................................... 16 CHAPTER 3........................................................................................................................................................ 18 TYPES OF FLOATING WATER STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................ 18 3.1 - FLOATING WATER STURUCTURE .......................................................................................................... 19 3.2 - TYPES OF FLOATING WATER STRUCTURE ............................................................................................ 19 3.3 - COMPONENTS OF FLOATING STRUCTURE ........................................................................................... 20 3.4 - PONTOON SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................... 20 3.4(a) Advantages......................................................................................................................................... 21 3.4(b) Disadvantages ................................................................................................................................ 21 3

Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development 3.5 - MOORING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................... 21 3.5(a) Advantages ..................................................................................................................................... 22 3.5(b) Disadvantages ................................................................................................................................ 22 3.6 - Analysis and Design of Floating Structures .......................................................................................... 22 3.6(a) Characteristics to be considered : .................................................................................................. 22 CHAPTER 4........................................................................................................................................................ 23 MATERIALS & CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 23 4.1 - MATERIALS USED FOR FLOATING STUCTURE ...................................................................................... 24 4.2 - EPS (Expanded Polystyrene)................................................................................................................. 24 4.3 - Rexwall Composite panel ..................................................................................................................... 24 4.3(a) FACT ................................................................................................................................................ 24 4.3(b) ADVANTAGES ................................................................................................................................. 24 4.4 - Concrete Pontoons 2400, 3000............................................................................................................ 25 4.4(a) TECHNICAL DATA ............................................................................................................................ 25 4.5 THE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................................... 25 4.5 (a) Advantages of floating construction ............................................................................................. 25 4.6- TECHNOLOGY OF THE FLOATING PLATFORM ....................................................................................... 26 CHAPTER 5........................................................................................................................................................ 27 METHODOLOGIES ............................................................................................................................................ 27 5.1 - Methodologies and Sea Energy Resource Assessments ...................................................................... 28 5.2 - Sea energy and floating buildings ........................................................................................................ 31 5.3 - Energy efficiency opportunities of sea energy .................................................................................... 31 CHAPTER 6........................................................................................................................................................ 33 CASE STUDIES ................................................................................................................................................... 33 6.1 - IBA DOCK (HAMBURGH) ...................................................................................................................... 34 6.1(a) INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 34 6.1(b) PLANNING FEATURES ..................................................................................................................... 34 6.1(c) MATERIAL & CONSTRUCTION FEATURES ....................................................................................... 36 6.1(d) Energy and Sustainability Features ................................................................................................ 37 6.2 - Floating Houses in IJburg ..................................................................................................................... 38 6.2(a) INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 38 6.2(b) PLANNING FEATURES ..................................................................................................................... 40 6.2(c) MATERIAL & CONSTRUCTION FEATURES ....................................................................................... 40 6.2(d) ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................ 40 4

Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development 6.3 - Drijf in Lelystad Floating Housing ............................................................................................................ 41 6.3(a) INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 41 6.3(b) PLANNING FEATURES ..................................................................................................................... 43 6.4 - Yokohama Port Terminal...................................................................................................................... 45 6.4(a) INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 45 6.4(b) Site and General. ............................................................................................................................ 46 6.4(c) PLANNING FEATURES ..................................................................................................................... 46 6.4(d) CIRCULATION SEQUENCE ............................................................................................................... 46 6.4(e) CIRCULATION .................................................................................................................................. 47 6.4(f) DESIGN APPROACH ......................................................................................................................... 48 6.4(g) Sectional Evaluation ....................................................................................................................... 49 6.4(h) TECHNICAL DETAILS ....................................................................................................................... 50 CHAPTER 7........................................................................................................................................................ 52 ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................................................... 52 7.1 - COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE CASE STUDIES ................................................................................. 53 7.2 – INFERENCES OF THE CASE STUDIES ..................................................................................................... 54 CHAPTER 8........................................................................................................................................................ 55 NEW FLOATING BUILDING CONCEPTS ............................................................................................................. 55 8.1-Planned Projects .................................................................................................................................... 56 8.1(a) - Floating cemetery ........................................................................................................................ 56 8.1(b) - Floating off-shore stadium........................................................................................................... 56 8.1(c) - Floating mosque ........................................................................................................................... 57 8.2-Analysis of the study .............................................................................................................................. 58 CHAPTER 9........................................................................................................................................................ 59 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................................... 59 9.1-FLOATING BUILDING AS LONE POSSIBILITY OF A DEFINITION OF “SUSTAINABILITY” ........................... 60 9.2-FLOATING BUILDING AS NEW PARADIGM FEATURES ........................................................................... 60 CHAPTER 10 ..................................................................................................................................................... 61 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... 61 10.1 - LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................. 62 10.2 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................................... 64


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development



Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

1.1 - INTRODUCTION As it is known environmental issues such as rapid growth of human population, depletion of the energy sources, global warming and increasing water level have affected the ecosystems and biological diversity which need to be considered with sustainable design strategies and innovative solutions. As the population and urban development expand in island countries which have always faced the problem of scarcity of land, city planners and engineers generally resort to land reclamation to reduce the pressure on the existing land and underground spaces. Using fill/materials i.e. material to fill the sea to create land like seabed, hills, underground excavations, and even from construction debris, engineers have been able to create relatively vast and much needed land from the sea. In past few decade countries such as the Japan, Singapore, and Netherlands have expanded their usable land areas significantly through pugnacious land reclamation projects. However, land reclamation also has its setbacks. It is suitable only when the depth of the water is considered to be shallow i.e. less than 20m and when the depth of water is relatively large and the seabed is fragile, land reclamation is no longer considered cost effective or feasible. Moreover, land reclamation not only destroys the marine habitat but it may also lead to the disturbance of toxic and harmful sediments. When the engineers faced these natural conditions and such environmental consequences, very large floating structures offered a more reasonable, attractive and achievable alternative solution for producing land from the sea. The increase in the rapid growth of the population in many countries may lead to scarcity of land in the near future; they will also face the same problem like small island Countries. Thus one can say that “very large floating structure will be the futuristic approach of the city planner, architects and the engineers for providing the basic need of shelter for the people of their country".

1.2 – Need of the study

Figure 1 World map showing population density


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

Figure 2 Showing how to get the space?

1.3-Concept of Sustainability and Floating architecture 1.3 (a) Sustainability Sustainability is improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting eco-systems. Sustainable architecture seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by enhancing efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space. 1.3 (b) Floating Architecture Floating architecture can be defined as a building for living/working space on floatation system without navigation tool 1.3 (c) Sustainability of floating architecture An energy and ecologically conscious approach to a building for living/working space on floatation system without navigation tool. Source : Wikipedia. British Columbia Float Home Standards, Housing and Construction Standards


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

1.4 - Sustainability Sustainable design is one of the most important factors in the building and planning process. Sustainable construction has emerged as a guiding paradigm to create a new kind of built environment: one that meets the needs of humans in the present without limiting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Climate change and energy consumption have a significant impact on the sustainability. The first step in identifying and addressing environmental sustainability issues is to explore new concepts for renewable energy sources. Floating building design refers to many possibilities for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. For instance, offshore wind energy, wave energy and photovoltaic cells on the sea can be used to provide new renewable energy source for the future and reduce dependence on other resources. Creating a floating environment will not only provide a number of important benefits, but also influence people’s lifestyles. It is clear that building a floating house has the disadvantages including issues with accessibility-based transportation and threats to the marine environment, but a series of environmental solutions have great potential for solving these problems. Sustainable architecture is a general term that describes environmentally conscious design techniques in architecture. It is framed by the larger discussion of sustainability, the pressing economic and political issues of our world. In the broad context, sustainable architecture seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by enhancing efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space. Most simply, the idea of sustainability or ecological design is to ensure that our actions and decisions today do not inhibit the opportunities of future generations. This term describes an energy and ecologically conscious approach to the design of the built environment. To create a sustainable future vision, there are certain demands that need to be met. As already said, it must be a sustainable solution. To ensure that the goals are reached, it seems logical the solution should have a hybrid character. The combination of different solutions gives more chance for success since one solution can work out better than the other. Flexibility is needed for somewhat the same reason. The solution that is given must work under various conditions to be feasible. Developing sustainable construction strategies should be considered to build floating buildings through new and innovative architecture concepts. Floating building constructions offer great opportunities for producing more cost-effective and energy efficiency solutions in terms of environmental complexity. They are varying from a compact core to more dispersed configuration so that they can be constructed on an industrial scale under controlled conditions. Floating building construction concepts can provide unprecedented opportunities for carrying out energy efficiency innovation and improving building energy efficiency beyond minimum requirements. They bring about chances of successfully introducing new concepts like cradle to cradle in the building world. The sustainability of floating buildings should be proportional and compatible with the natural habitat of wildlife in the sea. Meanwhile, according to the British Columbia Float Home Standards, floating building means a structure incorporating a floatation system, intended for use or being used or occupied for residential purposes, containing one dwelling unit only, not primarily intended for, or usable in navigation and does not include a water craft designed or intended for navigation. Therefore, sustainability of floating architecture can be interpreted as an energy and ecologically conscious approach to a building for living/working space on floatation system without navigation tool.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

1.5- Environmental design process in floating buildings The development of the sustainable strategy in construction highlights the important role of sustainability to achieve efficiency and higher-quality performance in the buildings. In order to achieve sustainable development by promoting floating buildings, it is necessary that the analysis and design of floating buildings to be considered in relation to environmental sustainability indicators. Development of design criteria for floating buildings (not intended for navigational use) should also include a series of guidelines and frameworks such as global and environmental issues related to water, and understanding emotional and psychological aspects of living in floating buildings. Floating buildings can provide the concepts of sustainable design in architecture that are summarized as follows: promoting renewable energy generation, accessibility, reuse, recycling and self-supporting. To create a sustainable floating building, it needs to take key design points into consideration. But, there is not any prominent standard related to design it. For example, Queensland Development Code 2006 is only reference that provides recommendations and design criteria for permanently moored floating buildings. According to the mentioned guideline, the main principles and concepts of environmental design process in floating buildings are as follows: 1) Access: A floating building must have adequate means of access to and from the shore appropriate to the likely number of people accommodated in the floating building. 2) Flotation system: A floating building must have a floatation system which maintains an acceptable level of stability appropriate to the use or likely use of the building and which will not be affected by minor impact; and is capable of withstanding the most adverse combination of loads it is likely to be exposed to. 3) Mooring piles: Mooring piles must be designed to adequately and safely resist all lateral loads resulting from the most adverse combination of loads which are likely to act on the flotation system and superstructure of the floating building and any vessel attached to the floating building or mooring piles. 4) Materials (generally): All materials used in a floating building or any structure associated with a floating building must be suitable for the conditions to which they are exposed. 5) Materials (fastenings): All fastenings used in a floating building or any structure associated with a floating building, must be appropriate for the conditions to which they are exposed taking into account their ability to be maintained or replaced if necessary. 6) Location: The location of a floating building must maintain an acceptable level of amenity between any other building and any proposed building. 7) Safety equipment: Floating building must have appropriate life safety devices suitable for marine use. 8) Fire fighting equipment: Floating building must have access to appropriate levels fire fighting equipment to safeguard against fire spread. 9) Minimum water depth: Water depth under a floating building must at all times be sufficient to prevent grounding of the building. The development of floating building concepts for solving environmental issues should include a series of considerations such as waste management systems, durability of materials and accessibility. Therefore, environmental performance assessments of floating buildings can play a key role in forming and planning


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development of floating offshore bases. There are many factors that should also be considered for design process methods in the floating architecture that can be summarized in the following steps: • Long-term lifecycle • Long-term GHG emissions • Resource usage strategies • Minimal environmental impacts • Recycled and recyclable.


Figure 3 showing before retrofitting


Figure 4 showing after retrofitting


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

1.6 - DESIGN STRATEGY FRAMEWORK FOR FLOATING BUILDING Some floating building programs do not address potential sea energy resources and energy efficiency solutions. To analyse the environmental performance and energy saving opportunity in floating buildings, design strategy aspects of using renewable energy sources should be taken into account. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on high-performance floating buildings that simultaneously can supply affordable energy and mitigate climate change. Design strategies for floating buildings based on sustainable architecture and sea energy resource can not only improve sustainability goals in the areas of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and water but can also increase the attractiveness of floating building designs to avoid climate change and global warming. Also, floating buildings can be generally regarded as positive in ecosystem because the buildings have a closed premises services system, sometimes stimulates diversity in water milieus and provides a protected habitats for small fish and other aquatic animals.

Figure 5 showing design strategy


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development



Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

2.1 - AIM Is to study floating architecture in terms of Sustainability.

2.2 - RESEARCH QUESTION Floating–Water Architecture: The lone possibility of a definition of “sustainability” in the future context.(?)

2.3 - OBJECTIVES  To establish how significant floating water architecture is; a quick retrospection of futuristic approaches in architecture.  To see if the technology is feasible in such an architectural genre.  To check the level of effect the social and cultural has on the architecture.  To determine the quality of living conditions it can incorporate.  To deduce how “green” the architectural style is with respect to the futuristic context.  To figure out to what scale the technology can be interpreted to.

2.4 - SCOPE  Explore new materials which are stronger than steel & lighter that can be used for floating dwellings.  Gathering information about floating structural details in various cities through secondary case study.  To explore new technologies regarding floating architecture.  To research new ways to make a floating dwelling green.

2.5 - LIMITATIONS  Time limitation causes lack of detailed study of structure of a floating dwelling unit.  Absence of very large floating structures like floating airports, bridges, storage units etc. in India for case study.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development


Figure 6 showing methodology

The summation of all the problem leads to a simple question is floating water architecture a lone possibility of sustainability in futuristic context. These problems can be chaptered separately & can be dealt with as a single chapter in the dissertation. The first thing is to know whether the city or any other structure for that matter is cost effective or not, for that I am looking into newly developed materials which are easy to make is lighter that aluminium & stronger than steel, scientists in today's era have developed new materials which can be used instead of carbon fibre which cause a lot of pollution during its construction. To solve this problem of a source of energy I am looking into all the renewable energy an ocean has to offer, from wind energy to tidal energy everything can be a possibility researching upon the renewable source of energy it might solve the problem of a source of energy to the city. Then comes the connectivity it can be done by ships or ferries or if the city is close to a coastal line then a floating bridge can be constructed for connecting this city to the main land. Research has already been done in the literature survey, so looking into alternative source of connectivity that is cheaper and is sustainable i.e. does not get affected by tidal waves, storms etc. To prevent the floating structure from drifting different types of mooring systems are available, and to prevent it from calamities like tsunami there are break water facility it's a floating wall around the structure preventing huge waves to enter inside the perimeter thus pre-


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

venting the structure from huge waves, there are many type of break water facility and it can be done by design. Proving a better quality of life depends on the architect, how the design is made interactive and also blends in the nature, how does it prevent seasickness and how can the city be made in situation where the sea is rough. That leads to research of stabilizing uses of a floating structure, and the effect that the salty air of ocean has on people staying near it. For providing basic amenities to such a floating structure we need to have a self-sustained city that grows its own food, it can be done by using vertical farming and creating fields in air that can produce food to the people. Scientists have suggested vertical farming but they are not able to find a location or a company to fund their project so that it can be tested, as the cost of construction is very high, which can be reduced with the help of the new materials that are being developed, basically the task is to look into whether vertical farming is feasible or not in such context. Providing proper sanitation is a huge problem, a city of 50 lakh produces a lot of solid and liquid waste, dumping it all in water is not a solution, I have looked into what can be done but I was not very successful in listing out the alternative of sanitary system, which can be a major problem. The job is to integrate my research and to put it together so that it proves that a building on water can exist peacefully with the environment, that may lead to a new discovery of land and a new hope for humanity when the land is endangered. When global warming is at its peak the land near the coastal line will get submerged by 4km according to the scientists in review in times of India newspaper. This will lead to scarcity of land in the next 50 years. This might be a solution and a sustainable solution of future.

2.7 – ISSUES/CHALLANGES After the literature survey one can arrive to the conclusion that floating structure are no more an unachievable task, using technology & skilled labourer of this era a floating city can be made. Some conceptual drawings related to lily pod city in Japan reveals that in the next decade or so there will be people living on water on such large floating structure. But as it may sound interesting to know that we can build cities on water it has its setbacks, there will be lot of problems faced by the architect as well as the contractor to build such a city. The main problem they might face while its construction are: 1. Providing quality of life in the open ocean, & not letting the resident to have seasickness. 2. Making it cost effective, as in using material which are cheaper as well as strong 3. Providing connectivity to the main land 4. Providing source of energy to the city. 5. Providing the basic amenities for day to day life.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

6.To preserve the ecosystem of the ocean by providing proper sanitary system to dump the 'waste in place where it does not harm the marine life. 7. The main problem is to prevent such very large floating structures from storms, tsunami & other natural calamities& to provide a stable environment during these calamities. 8. To convince people to come & stay, even if the city gets build there are a high chances that people might not want to stay in place which has very less surety of surviving during a calamity, people might not be ready psychologically to stay on water.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development



Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

3.1 - FLOATING WATER STURUCTURE A floating water structure is a structure unit with a flotation system at its base, to allow it to float on water. It is common to define such a building as being "permanently moored" and not usable in navigation. Floating buildings are usually towed into location by another ship and are unable to move under their own power. Floating water structures have environmental benefits such as insusceptibility to changes in sea level, and minimisation of disturbance to the ecology of the harbour or seabed. They can be built off-site and then towed into location, minimising disturbance to the build site. If the building is decommissioned, it can be relocated elsewhere.

3.2 - TYPES OF FLOATING WATER STRUCTURE According to Watanabe, Wang, Utsunomiyo and Moan (2004). There are mostly two types of very large floating structure, namely the pontoon-type and the semisubmersible-type. Semisubmersible type floating: These structures are raised above the level of the sea using column tubes or other structural elements to reduce the effects of waves to minimum while keeping a constant buoyancy force. Thus they minimize the induced motion of the waves and are therefore suitably set out in high seas with huge waves. When these type of floating structure are attached to the seabed using vertical strong chains with high pretension as it is provided by additional buoyancy of the floating structure, they are commonly referred as tension-leg platforms. Floating oil drilling platforms that are used for drilling and production of oil and gas are examples of semi-submersible-type vary large floating structure. On the hand, Pontoon –type floating structure: These structure lie on same level as the sea level like a huge plate floating on water. The use of these types of floating structures is generally done in calm waters only, often inside a lagoon or a a cove and sometimes near the shoreline. Giant pontoon –type floating structures are also known as Mega-Floats by Japanese Engineers.    

To classify according to their geometry: Pontoons. Semisubmersibles. To classify them by location: Coastal VLFS. Mega float Offshore VLFS Mobile offshore base(MOB) Pneumatically stabilized platform(PSP)


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

3.3 - COMPONENTS OF FLOATING STRUCTURE As a Universal thumb rule, Mega-floats are floating structures with one of its side’s dimen dimensions greater or equal to 60m. A Mega-Floats structure consists of a :sions greater or equal to 60m. A Mega-Floats structure consists of a :

Figure 7 showing mega float

{a} Very huge pontoon Floating Structure. {b} Mooring facility to prevent the Floating Structure from drifting . {c} A floating road or an access bridge to get to the floating structure from shoreline. {d} A breakwater for reducing impact on the floating structure by the force of the wave {typically needed if the significant wave altitude is greater than 4m}.

3.4 - PONTOON SYSTEM All our pontoon systems are modular and any shapes and configuration are available. All systems can be moored either using piles or Sea flex. Pontoon systems are durable and require only minimal maintenance through their lifetime. Concrete pontoon system consists of steel reinforced concrete pontoons connected to each other at site. All units have positive floatation due to their EPS core and they are unsinkable. Concrete pontoons can be designed to be installed on very demanding and challenging applications including floating breakwaters. Aluminium pontoon system can be equipped with wood plastic composite, hardwood or GRP decking. Floats are made either of GRP filed with EPS or reinforced concrete with EPS core.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

3.4(a) Advantages

  

Manufacturing and assembly easy and inexpensive Unlimited size Capacity of positive load

3.4(b) Disadvantages

  

Suitable for inlets and bays Low mobility Ingress of water on deck

3.5 - MOORING SYSTEM The mooring system must be designed properly as it ensures that the floating structures remains in its position so that the installed facilities on the floating structure can be reliably functioned and to ensure that the structure does not drifts away during storms or under critical sea conditions. A freely drifting floating structure may lead to damage to the nearby facilities and loss of human life if it happens to collide with the ship. There are a few number of mooring systems such as the pier/ quay wall method, mooring by cable, dolphin-guide frame system, and chain, tension leg method. The design procedure for a mooring system includes the following steps: 1. The mooring method is selected, and then the shock absorbing material, the nit is made sure that the layout and quantity of devices meet the operating conditions and requirements and the environmental conditions. For example the layout of the mooring dolphins is in a way that the horizontal displacement of the VLFS is effectively controlled and the mooring forces are distributed appropriately. The behaviour of the VLFS under various loading conditions is studied. The quantity and layout of the devices attuned so that the displacement of VLFS and the mooring forces do not surpass the allowable values. Lastly, devices such as guide frames and dolphins are designed keeping in mind the designed load centred on the calculated mooring forces.

Figure 8 showing different mooring method


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

3.5(a) Advantages

   

Mobility. Suitable for all types of water Deep and shallow waters Benign and harsh (conditions good behaviour at sea).

3.5(b) Disadvantages

   

Payload is limited, as is the case with all semisubmersible vessels. Large internal movements: danger of fatigue in the structure Connector technology still experimental. High construction and operational costs.

3.6 - Analysis and Design of Floating Structures 3.6(a) Characteristics to be considered :  Horizontal forces due to waves much times greater than the (non- seismic) horizontal loads on land-based structures.  In framed, tower-like structures the horizontal wave forces produce extreme bending and overturning moments.  In a floating structure the static vertical self-weight and payloads are carried by buoyancy.  A particular type of structural system, denoted tension- leg system, is achieved if a highly pre-tensioned mooring system is applied.  Sizing of the floating structure and its mooring system depends on its function.  VLFS’s usually constructed at shore-based building sites remote from the deep water installation area and without extensive preparation of the foundation.  Owing to the corrosive sea environment, floating structures have to be provided with a good corrosion protection system.  Possible degradation due to corrosion or crack growth (fatigue) requires a proper system for inspection, monitoring, maintenance and repair during use.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development



Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development


EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) Rexwall Composite panel Concrete Pontoons 2400, 3000

4.2 - EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) Polystyrene is a synthetic aromatic polymer made from the monomer styrene, a liquid petrochemical. Polystyrene can be rigid or foamed. General purpose polystyrene is clear, hard and brittle. It is a very inexpensive resin per unit weight.    

Density: 1.05 g/cm³ Melting point: 240 °C Formula: (C8H8)n IUPAC ID: poly(1-phenylethene-1,2-diyl)

4.3 - Rexwall Composite panel 4.3(a) FACT The developed sandwich plate is laminated on both sides by special process with different core`s. A flame retardant has been added to ensure that the material can complies with Fire Safety Standards. The plates can be bonded together to produce a tightly closed seal that is maintained even after decades of continuous building- physical stresses. A carefully coordinated process gives the plates a high measure of strength to produce a strong, insulating wall that is resistant to dynamic stresses (low energy manner of construction) with a surface that has the final structure of a facade. The enormous strength is the result of the sandwich construction in conjunction with the tear-resistant glass-fibre fabric. The technically defined dew point, combined with the outstandingly adjusted transverse diffusion of room air, exclude the formation of condensate. The material does not absorb any moisture so that condensation water cannot form. 4.3(b) ADVANTAGES Energy Efficient Can produce savings up to 40 percent. FAST TO BUILD One third faster than conventional construction. Reduce Costs. Rexwall does not require steel, wood or concrete.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

4.4 - Concrete Pontoons 2400, 3000 The All-Concrete represents the latest know-how and design of the Marinetek pontoon portfolio. It is light and inexpensive but still gives a very long service life. Its’ innovative endto-end connection box, mooring wells and lifting system are all rust- proof. Internal cable ducts are available for water and electricity. The Pontoon has been designed for economic freight, easy installation and for modern marinas. Pontoon length can be chosen in 3 m intervals because of the 9 m long float. Mooring is by piles, chain or Sea flex.

4.4(a) TECHNICAL DATA  Concrete strength: 45 N/mm2 watertight, steel reinforced plastic fibre concrete. Exposure class according to European EN 206-1 standard.  Core: Expanded polystyrene, density 15 kg/m3  Reinforcement: Partly or fully hot dip galvanised or stainless steel  Optional accessories: Concrete coatings, wooden deck, fixing rails, cable ducts and fenders (timber or plastic).

4.5 THE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION • All construction materials of floating buildings are carefully selected. Steel elements are either acid resisting or hot zinc coated to prevent corrosion. Supporting structures, as well as other materials, are light and durable. All structures are designed according to local conditions in the final location: wind, temperature, wave, streams and ice factors are taken into the consideration in designing structures to last in challenging environment. • Houses are assembled in factories in dry conditions which is a safe method of implementation since moisture problems, caused by humid weather conditions during the construction phase, are avoided. • Floating buildings are built using either large-elements or modules, which are transported to the final destination as ready assembled or packed into containers. Elements (or prefabricated house) are assembled and lifted onto pontoons. The actual construction work does not need to carried out in the final location site which will reduce the environmental impacts and hazards to local business and residents. • Buildings are finalized and floated to the final station where the floating platforms are anchored to the seabed. 4.5 (a) Advantages of floating construction • Floating construction is ecologically sustainable solution – at the end of its life cycle it will not leave a footprint on the environment and can be transported elsewhere.


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• Floating construction offers an excellent option to high energy self-sufficiency due to the propitious conditions – besides district heat, also hydro, wind and solar energy can be exploited on coastal areas, which are recommended over district heat, since district heat is more challenging. • No large or noisy construction site that cause hazards to the environment due to the traffic and noise. Houses are built in factories or on another site so that the surrounding area will not get disturbed. When the house is finished, it’s towed to the destination. • As the interest and utilization grow, floating house is easily expandable. The resale market value is approximately a third of the purchase price. • The waterfront will remain available for residents, hotel customers and all who wish stroll on the area also during the implementation phase.

4.6- TECHNOLOGY OF THE FLOATING PLATFORM • The floatation device is durable and unsinkable solid floatation, protected from deterioration by water, mechanical damage due to floating debris, electrolytic action, water-borne solvents, organic infestation or physical abuse. • Steel-structured pontoons which are type approved, tested and observed to be durable. The filling material in pontoons is high-quality EPS. • Pontoons are ice-resisting and extremely stable also in wind conditions. • The mass of the pontoons is typically more than two times larger than the mass of the house above the pontoon. • The pontoon is wider and longer than the house, and the mass center of the house lies as low as possible. • Besides, the structure is tightened with Seaflex rubber hawsers and concrete anchors to the sea bottom, and floating bases are equipped with stabilizers. These factors make floating structures to be extremely stable. • The effect of waves will be minimized by installing a floating wave absorber into the objects.


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5.1 - Methodologies and Sea Energy Resource Assessments As mentioned above, design criteria of floating buildings are focused on a series of environmental issues and architectural design challenges. Furthermore, environmental aspects of floating buildings have led to the development of sea renewable energies which are emerging as new source of energies. Therefore, it is necessary to focus simultaneously on the potential environmental impacts of floating buildings related to renewable energy including large district energy systems (e.g. offshore wind turbines) and architectural design process. To develop these aims and meet the sustainability goals, the relationship among floating buildings and implications of sea renewable energies for energy efficiency should be determined based on their relevance and significance and new criteria. It is clear that development of floating buildings needs more comprehensive approaches to address technical challenges which should be taken into consideration, but in spite of all these requirements, floating buildings can be considered as the major opportunities for climate change mitigation plans and energy efficiency approaches. Although in the context of floating structures many of the studies are current based on these aspects, sustainability benefits and advantages of floating buildings are still unknown.. Therefore, architects and designer should be involved in all phases from evaluating floating buildings in terms of sustainability indicators to understanding their potential effects and energy supply. For instance, in the Rijnhaven in Rotterdam, the floating pavilion is remarkable not only because of the spheres floating on the water, but also because of its climate-proof, innovative, sustainable and flexible qualities. The floating pavilion is a pilot and a catalyst for floating construction in Rotterdam (Figure 9).

Figure 9 showing The floating pavilion in the Rijnhaven in Rotterdam

The level of sustainability of the pavilion is determined by the materials used, its flexibility, as well as its fittings. For instance, the building’s heating and air conditioning systems rely on solar energy and surface water. It contains various climatic zones; the energy is used only in places where it is required at any specific moment. Where power is concerned, the pavilion will largely be self-sufficient. The pavilion even purifies its own toilet water. Whatever is left, can subsequently be discharged into the surface water. Sustainable practices through innovative architecture including concepts, methodologies, tools, applications and passive


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design strategies are quickly becoming the catchphrases of the architectural community. Advocating environmentally-friendly technologies and innovative research methodologies highlight accurate paths for architecture and the built environment. As building on solid ground may not always be the conventional practice, therefore, design community is required to create facilities that are environmentally accountable through new concepts and strategies. To illustrate the potential applications of floating buildings, it can be referred to many examples of floating buildings that have been built in recent years. For instance, the floating houses in Lake Huron have been designed with regard to significant water level variations caused by annual climate change. Therefore, to adapt to existing conditions, structure of steel pontoons are used to allow houses to fluctuate along with the lake (Figure10).

Figure 10 showing House floats in lake Huron

As can be deduced from the above-mentioned project initiatives, along with an architectural style, a number of solutions for the environmental problems have been successfully adopted and implemented. Although, in the recent projects, offshore energy potentials have not been taken entirely into consideration, there are few projects that have focused on offshore energy supply. In recent engineering practice in relation to floating buildings more innovative investigation methods have been developed for floating structures. They are classified based on their shape, mobility, and function. (Figure 11) shows various concepts of floating structure proposed for construction. It includes two types such as floating bridge and floating home that are being used recently.

Figure 11 showing Various concepts of floating


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

Floating structures can be realized on an open water surface. The structures can move along with the water level. This way any water height is possible, so the buildings are not at the expense of water storage. The floating buildings can be permanent in water, but when the floating body and soil underneath is made suitable, the floating building can also rest on the ground when the water is low or when there is no water at all. Floating buildings can play a role in providing sustainable energy future and renewable energy sources. Important objectives of floating buildings also include ways to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the built environment. Offshore energy sources have potential advantages that have been given less attention and should be considered as one of the objectives of floating buildings to provide new sources of them. Wave energy as one of the main energy sources has the potential to address the development of effective energy efficiency policies over other renewable energy sources. For example, wave conversion can occur all hours of the day; therefore, when electrical energy usage is low during the night time “wave energy can be used for economically powering desalinization and hydrogen production� (OPT). Sea wave energy conversion can provide renewable energy for coastal cities and communities, but can also generate a new building typology. To illustrate this point, the design of floating hotel "Salt and Sill in Sweden was done with the environment sustainability concept such as heating energy for the building which is actually generatedby geothermal wheels from underneath the building, at the bottom of the sea (Figure 12)

Figure 12 showing "Salt and Sill in Sweden


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

5.2 - Sea energy and floating buildings Wave energy and sea power technologies are new environmental power generation, costeffective and efficient compared to other energy sources. Recent global energy problems have caused concerns about finding solutions in relation to sustainable and most efficient alternative energy sources. For instance, sea energy includes largest untapped and abundant source of renewable energy. The initial design phase of floating buildings along with architectural design projects can produce environmentally friendly energies from oceans and seas. Although, nowadays the use of these resources are growing, merging them with floating buildings can be acquired a massive transformation in the energy and architecture. Floating building as a potential design can be equipped with sea energy resources and make it entirely self–supporting, self-sufficient and self-sustaining. Currently many marine-based renewable energy sources are in development, but other renewable sources such as the sea wave energies are still fairly unknown to sustainability research. Sustainable features of the floating buildings from an energy point of view can also be considered as efficient and costeffective ways to reduce CO2 emission. According to Paula Bernstein in sea energy resources are proving to be cost competitive, and cheaper in some cases, than traditional fossil fuels and nuclear resources. For instance, sea wave energy is actually solar energy in the form of wind that blows across the surface of the sea to create waves. The amount of power in sea waves depends on a variety of factors and conditions. As mechanical energy within the waves is converted into usable electricity by using a wave energy conversion device.

5.3 - Energy efficiency opportunities of sea energy Regarding global energy crisis, ocean and sea energy can become more interesting and lucrative. Sea energy resources are divided into three main groups: a) Tidal energy b) Wave energy c) Sea thermal energy (Figures 13 and 14).

Figure 13 a) The example design of support structures for tidal energy; b) Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC).


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Figure 14 showing Ocean-thermal-energy-conversion.

However, sea energy is not completely developed yet due to some unsolved technical problems. In addition, sea energy has the advantages of clean, pollution free and renewable, which are of great practical significant to improve ecosystem, fight climate change, conserve energy and reduce emissions. Sea energy could also provide energy for exploitation of mineral resources, energy resources and biomass resources. To establish linkages to these resources, may be needed to implement new and innovative technologies but marine technologies are new, unproven, and their cumulative environmental impacts are not known. Though sea energy systems are expected to have little negative impact on the environment, the technologies are too new to gauge all factors so that prolonged studies are needed. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) facilities are being used now in commercial-scale projects. These technologies can be used for many different purposes not only for producing energy source but also by increasing interest in using natural resources and their integration with floating buildings. The ocean thermal energy can be harnessed by means of a thermodynamic cycle, which uses the temperature gradient between the cold deep waters and the warm surface waters. Figure 8 shows sea surface temperatures recordings which include suitable area for OTEC. It is estimated that, the amount of solar energy absorbed annually by the oceans is equivalent to 4000 times the world energy demand in the same period. In addition to providing another clean indigenous source of ocean energy, offshore wind can also be considered. Offshore wind is the movement of air from the seas and oceans, the kinetic energy of which can be harnessed by wind turbines. There are advantages and disadvantages to all types of offshore wind. The main disadvantage of offshore wind is that they require higher installation costs, operations, and maintenance and connection costs. Although landside wind farms are cost competitive with conventional power plants now, but land based plants have issues such as limited good sites, bird and bat kills, noise, and visual impact and so on. At sea, winds are stronger and steadier, so there are existing ocean wind farms off Europe and some proposed for the coast off the US.


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Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

6.1 - IBA DOCK (HAMBURGH) 6.1(a) INTRODUCTION - Location: Hamburg, Germany - Completed year: 2009

Figure 15 showing IBA DOCK Figure 16 showing location of IBA dock

- Story & floor area: 3 story, 1,623㎡ This building was the headquarters of the IBA (international building exhibition) Hamburg as well as an information and event centre for the IBA. Now the building is being used for Urban and Architecture information centre are in Hamburg.

Figure 17 showing site plan of IBA dock

6.1(b) PLANNING FEATURES  The building and the gangway move up and down with the daily tide of 3.5 m.  It floats on the water even in extreme storms and adjusts to the nature.  A bridge leads to the entrance on the top deck, accessing exhibition and presentation areas, a city model, cafeteria and an outdoor terrace.  East to the exhibition area there are offices for the staff.


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Figure 18 showing floor plans of IBA dock

Figure 19 showing interior views of IBA dock


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6.1(c) MATERIAL & CONSTRUCTION FEATURES  The building is made on a 43 m long and 25 m wide concrete pontoon that serve as a pier.  The 3-floors structures were built in a modular lightweight steel frame with prefabricated modules.  They were assembled on site and can be dismounted when the building changing the location and passing bridges.  Subsequently the modules can be re-assembled and varied.

Figure 20 showing sections, material & construction of IBA dock


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Figure 21 showing side elevation of IBA dock

6.1(d) Energy and Sustainability Features     

The IBA DOCK is also an exhibition of innovative construction and energy saving technologies a great example of sustainability and energy efficiency: Almost all components are reusable and the whole building can be assembled/deassembled/re-assembled. The IBA DOCK uses only the environmental energy of the sun and the water with CO2-neutral heating and cooling system. A heat pump exploits energy from the Elbe and the electricity demand of this is covered by a photovoltaic system on the roof. Other cooling or heating is not needed.


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6.2 - Floating Houses in IJburg 6.2(a) INTRODUCTION - Location:IJburg(AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS) - Completed year: 2011 - Floor area: 10652.0 m2

Figure 22 showing location of ijburg

Figure 23 Floating Houses in IJburg

Given the strictly geometrical structure of the triangular allotment created through the diagonal slicing of the basin by suspended power lines we tried to give the plotting along the jetties the perception of a seemingly detached informal layout of water dwellings. By varying the distances between the dwellings as well as their orientation, we attempted to create a simple play of continuously varying views. This effect is enhanced by reserving considerable space between the floating homes for boats, thereby achieving a number of objectives without resorting to artifices Waterbury West is a compact urban district with a density of 60 homes per hectare. The floating homes are accessed from the jetties. There is also a row of platform homes built along Dwarslaan (dike).The building system was designed in order for the dike homes, that are suspended on pylons above the dike on the edge of the basin, to be developed in much the same way as the floating homes, thus creating uniformity throughout the area as a whole.

Figure 24 showing location of Floating Houses in IJburg


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Figure 25 showing floor plans & sections of Floating Houses in IJburg


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6.2(b) PLANNING FEATURES  The floor plans consist of three freely laid out storeys.  The lowest storey is partly submerged and has room for several bedrooms.  The next storey is a raised ground floor that offers privacy from the jetty and the heavily trafficked waterway, but which also offers access to the terrace and the top storey, with a view of, for example, an interior patio.  The layout possibilities are numerous.  The top floor juts out, thereby creating two verandas at ground floor level, wonderful relaxing spots for reading a book or, in contrast, socializing.

6.2(c) MATERIAL & CONSTRUCTION FEATURES  The floating homes are supported by concrete “tubs” submerged in the water to a depth of half a storey.  A lightweight supporting steel construction is built on top, which can be filled with glazing and brightly coloured plastic panelling.  The occupant can then later change the sides on which he desires a view or privacy.  Other options include the possibility to add extensions by means of a pre-designed extension package.  Sunrooms, verandas, floating terraces, awnings, etc. can be easily attached to this skeleton frame. 6.2(d) ANALYSIS  Material used : WOOD (for partition walls),steel beams(for framing),glass (for opening, ventilation & light)  Sanitation: waste is collected in a storage tank, below the house and sent through collection boats/ships for treatment.  Source of energy: Transformer supported by wooden pole.  Water supply: Supplied by the municipal corporation.

Figure 26 showing exterior views of Floating Houses in IJburg


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

6.3 - Drijf in Lelystad Floating Housing 6.3(a) INTRODUCTION Figure 27 showing location of derif

Architects - Attika Architekten Location - Lelystad, The Netherlands Area - 200.0 sqm Completed year - 2012

Figure 28 showing Drijf in Lelystad Floating Housing

“Drijf in Lelystad” consists of eight floating dwelings, for eight families in Lelystad, the Netherlands. Having lived on water in their childhood, these families always dreamt to live on water again.The families united in a collective partnership called “Drijf in Lelystad” (Float in Lelystad) And commissioned Attika Architekten to design eight different but matching floating homes. The municipality of Lelystad, a New Town in a polder 4,8 metres under sea level, provided a water location by widening an existing ditch (poldersloot).

Figure 29 showing site plan of Drijf


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SECTION Figure 30 showing plans and sections of Drijf



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6.3(b) PLANNING FEATURES  Since the families all had their own specific requirements and wishes, each dwelling got its own characteristic size, colour and shape.  Direct contact with the water was leading in each design: unobstructed views, split level, abundant daylight, water reflections on walls and ceilings, water terraces on different levels and direct access to the water.  The façade panels are composed of matching colours.  The palette of colours let the dwellings blend into the natural surroundings.  All dwellings have two basic colours, thus providing coherence.  Colour accents, chosen by the owners, make one dwelling stand out from the other, giving the homes their individual character..

6.3(c) MATERIAL & CONSTRUCTION FEATURES  The floating homes were built in Urk, 40 kilometres away from Lelystad.  They were constructed in timber frame on concrete caissons and towed over water to their destination.  The size of the narrowest lock determined the width of the houses: 6,9 meters.

Figure 31 showing exterior views of Drijf


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Figure 32 showing concept & elevations of Drijf


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6.4 - Yokohama Port Terminal 6.4(a) INTRODUCTION Architects - Foreign Office Architects (FOA) Location - Osanbashi Pier Category - Pier Area -48000.0 m2

Figure 33 showing location of yokohama port terminal

Figure 34 showing rear view of Yokohama Port Terminal

Completed Year-2002 Yokohama’s Osanbashi Pier has been a fixture on the Tokyo Bay since 1894, connecting with the Pacific Ocean and providing Japan with a marine gateway to the world. In 1988 the pier fell under construction and in 1996 a competition was held for a new passenger terminal. The Foreign Office Architects (FOA) won the competition and the new terminal should be fully realized by November of 2002. The steel frame structure was designed with the beautiful scenery of the port in mind. It is a three level facility of a gentle curved form. The occupiable roof curves back in to form the ceiling of the level below and then again to form the floor. The inside space is barrier free without columns or beams and the vertical circulation is accomplished through ramps and elevators.

Figure 35 showing Site plan of Yokohama Port Terminal


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6.4(b) Site and General. The major pier possesses the ability to harbor vessels of varying sizing including the largest passenger ships. The port has both pedestrian and vehicular connection to the mainland. The seamless transition presents an “inherent dichotomy between global system of transport.” 6.4(c) PLANNING FEATURES

Basement- machinery rooms First floor- parking Second floor- passenger terminal, multipurpose space Roof- roof plaza, visitor’s deck 6.4(d) CIRCULATION SEQUENCE The circulation sequence shows the nodes of interest as one would approach and enter the port from the city. The approach shows pedestrian and vehicular sequence. One can perceive how the programmatic elements are merely zones and there is no concrete separation between zones of program and circulation. The overlapping zones provide for the diagram at right where only the beginning and end of the s equence are non-overlapping nodes.

Figure 36 showing planning sesquence of Yokohama Port Terminal


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The utilization and perception of the space is constantly modified by the size and arrangement of the ships. The major circulation paths become evident during high traffic times but the gentle curves of the structure allow people to flow almost completely unrestricted. The two distinct flows are that of embarking and disembarking, the two overlap constantly, and adding minor circulatory flows such as visitor and passenger pick up, completely bring the architecture to life.

Figure 37 showing circulation of Yokohama Port Terminal


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6.4(f) DESIGN APPROACH The design sought to encompass the general functional imperatives of the cruise terminal (as a smoothly functioning link between land and water transport) and the specific civic possibilities suggested by the pier configuration itself. The structure was conceived as an incomplete or partial building -partial, both conceptually and formally, acknowledging that such programmes frame thresholds in two distinct yet overlapping continuums: the cruise terminal cycle and the buildings civic role as a place of rest and recreation.



Figure 38 showing floor plans of Yokohama Port Terminal


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6.4(g) Sectional Evaluation As the structure takes shape, its extraordinary form becomes apparent both externally and internally. The working sections and earlier conceptual sections indicate the innovative geometry. These geometries expose the abstract bands of space that are used by the architects, along with folds in the ground that are translated into enveloping structures, in one big operating platform working in an active and efficient system. For example, the piazza situated at the center of the project has not only the function of channeling the flow of travelers but also of producing a field of stresses likely to incite them to explore various directions. The architects conceived and saw this as projecting the urban intensity of Yokohama on the inside of the port itself, an element as significant of their approach to the project as the philosophical and technical prerequisites that they have developed and systematically apply.

Figure 39 showing sections of Yokohama Port Terminal



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Figure 40 showing site section & views of Yokohama Port Terminal


6.4(h) TECHNICAL DETAILS The terminal is a shed building measuring 412 meters in length and composed of 27 steel trusses averaging 42.5 meters in span and placed at 16 meter intervals. The trusses are joined longitudinally by trussed members of conventional configuration, and purlins carrying, either metal cladding or glazing.The trusses are carried on concrete piers extending from the basement parking level through the apron to the surface of the main level. The large shed employs a unified form thourgh repetitive structural units to enclose a single homogeneous space. The transformation yields a complex of spaces that smoothly incorporates the multiple terminal, civic and garden programmes within and below its span.

Figure 41 showing views of Yokohama Port Terminal


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Figure 42 showing material & construction of Yokohama Port Terminal


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 

Construction of floating buildings shows that they not only have environmental benefits but also conserve offshore energy resources resulting in economic benefits. Floating buildings can be an interesting way to combine sea energy resources and floating architecture. To ensure a sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach and to achieve desired objectives for floating buildings in different climate regions, a new design strategy and framework should be determined. The construction of floating buildings relevant to architecture design but also encouraged the use of sea energy resources and integrating them into the design. It reviewed energy efficiency opportunities of sea energy as well.

Figure 43 showing exterior views of case studies


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Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

8.1-Planned Projects 8.1(a) - Floating cemetery - Location: Hong Kong - Design time: 2010

Figure 44 showing Overview and interior of floating cemetery (Source : LaBarre, S., 2010)

This floating cemetery gives totally new concept of burial at sea. It is really difficult to find a place in Hong Kong for cemetery (see Fig. 44). As burial grounds are very limited, private cemetery space is extremely expensive and there is a long waiting list for public burial site. According to Buddhist tradition, people wants to provide good resting places for dead ancestors. There are some debates whether to build a multi-story columbarium or develop the land for cemetery. So the architect proposed a floating cemetery near harbor. Visitors can go to the columbarium by boat and keep the ashes in a designated niche or scatter them over the sea. There should be quite different atmosphere comparing with the existing cemetery on the land. This structure can be a sort of artificial park and provide good seascape to the prayers(LaBarre, S., 2010). New paradigm features from this project can be summarized as new concept of cemetery and provision of artificial park for good seascape. 8.1(b) - Floating off-shore stadium - Location: Worldwide - Design time: 2010/2011 - Floor area & no. of seats: 260,000㎥, 65,000seats

Figure 45 showing Overview & Sectional View (Source: Sebastian, J., 2011)


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This stadium was developed by the German architects “Stadium concept” for the FIFA World Cup 2022(see Fig 45).The floating off-shore stadium can be relocated to seaside place across the oceans(Sebastian, J., 2011). Therefore this stadium can be used by more effectively than usual on-shore stadium. The stadium can be operated by diver’s renewable energy resources such as hydrothermal use of water, wind power and solar energy. As floating structures are located on the sea or lake and there is no obstacles, wind and solar power is easy to obtain. And sea water can be used as cooling material in summer in the Middle East region. Its global mobility, long-term utilization and various economic efficiency show great advantages and so can be a new model for 21st century sports facility. Once a big sports event such as World Cup or Olympic Games was completed, operation and maintenance of the stadium raises economic problems due to low utilization. Almost all the countries of the world have access to the sea. This unique floating stadium can be one of the most innovative and sustainable facility worldwide due to economic efficiency and long-term utilization. New paradigm features from this project can be summarized as new concept of mobile sports facility, adoption of various renewable energy system (hydrothermal, solar energy and wind power) and long-term usage by different relocations by different people in need. 8.1(c) - Floating mosque - Location: Palm Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE - Design time: 2007 - Story & floor area: 1 story, This floating mosque has traditional Islamic arches and two rows of transparent plastic columns that support the roof and give daylight through the prayer hall. The mosque could be floating by the large pontoons made of concrete & styrofoam(see Fig. 46) and selfsupporting as possible in terms of energy.

Figure 46 showing Perspective & interior of floating mosque (Source: Reinl, J., 2007)


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Roof and columns are made transparent by composite material. Sea water is purified and pumped from outside through the building components like floor, wall & roof, and it flows out again over the roof via the columns. A transport controller ensures that the transparent columns always keep the water in full, to give continuously visual attraction (Olthuis, K. and Keuning D., 2010). And the floating mosques are also eco-friendly, pumping water from the sea through a veinlike system cools down the building by 15 degree Celsius, in other words, saving air conditioning cost by as much as around 40 percentage. The roof and walls could not absorb the heat because of porous exterior material, consisting of a sponge like ceramic substance with highly low density. The fat external walls have a high accumulative volume due to their extraordinary density and great size (Reinl, J., 2007). New paradigm features from this project can be suggested as new concept of mosque with light on water, adoption of renewable energy system(hydrothermal energy usage and solar panel system in cooling), and application of maximum daylight influx & special exterior wall material.

8.2-Analysis of the study On analysing the sample floating buildings, new paradigm features with the framework of new concept, renewable energy and green building can be summarized as followings. - New building concept: floating building itself comparing with same function on land. Especially floating burial at sea in small land country and floating stadium for global mobility & economic efficiency - Renewable energy: hydrothermal energy, solar energy and wind power. Especially hydrothermal energy for heating and/or cooling due to floating building on the water. - Green building: modular construction, ready-made equipment elements, raised floor, local raw material, grating in walkway, artificial park, dual purpose usage, long term and relocable facility, special wall material. As floating buildings are constructed on the water, new concepts of building had to be introduced spontaneously. Renewable energy systems were employed in many cases due to no obstacles around the site. Especially hydrothermal usage under the pontoon was adopted in most samples. Prefabrication and modular construction method without building waste, usage of local materials, long-term usage by different location by different people and others were introduced for environmental conservation.


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Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

9.1-FLOATING BUILDING AS LONE POSSIBILITY OF A DEFINITION OF “SUSTAINABILITY” Construction of floating buildings shows that they not only have environmental benefits but also conserve offshore energy resources resulting in economic benefits. This report presented that floating buildings can be an interesting way to combine sea energy resources and floating architecture. To ensure a sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach and to achieve desired objectives for floating buildings in different climate regions, a new design strategy and framework should be determined and, therefore, this report presented ASEM design strategy to design and promote floating buildings. This guideline or framework which encourages the construction of floating buildings in terms of renewable sea energies, sustainable and environmentally friendly architecture. Threw the study conclusion says that the construction of floating buildings relevant to architecture design but also encouraged the use of sea energy resources and integrating them into the design. It reviewed energy efficiency opportunities of sea energy as well.

9.2-FLOATING BUILDING AS NEW PARADIGM FEATURES Floating building on water has been emerging as a strong & attractive alternative architecture. Floating building on the water is already new paradigm comparing with the preconception of building only on the land and current conservative building regulation. New paradigm features from the sample projects can be extracted as building itself on the water, use of hydrothermal energy, solar energy and wind power(renewable energy), introduction of modular construction and ready-made equipment elements, use of local raw material, dual purpose usage, long term usable and relocate able facility, use of special wall material(green building). Therefore the floating buildings could contribute to the development of major new paradigm features such as the various concept of renewable energy and green building concepts. Especially, use of hydrothermal energy and modular construction would be expanded more and more considering the location of the building. In case of new floating building design, hydrothermal energy source among renewable energy system need to be considered at least, proper modular & prefabrication methods should be considered for green construction and maintenance. In addition, the concept of floating building needs to be changed from “building on the water” to “making the floating land and building on the water” for the easy understanding and realization.


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development



Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

10.1 - LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 World map showing population density...................................................................... 7 Figure 2 Showing how to get the space? ................................................................................... 8 Figure 3 showing before retrofitting ....................................................................................... 11 Figure 4 showing after retrofitting .......................................................................................... 11 Figure 5 showing design strategy ............................................................................................ 12 Figure 6 showing methodology ............................................................................................... 15 Figure 7 showing mega float .................................................................................................... 20 Figure 8 showing different mooring method .......................................................................... 21 Figure 9 showing The floating pavilion in the Rijnhaven in Rotterdam .................................. 28 Figure 10 showing House floats in lake Huron ........................................................................ 29 Figure 11 showing Various concepts of floating ...................................................................... 29 Figure 12 showing "Salt and Sill in Sweden ............................................................................. 30 Figure 13 a) The example design of support structures for tidal energy; b) Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). ....................................................................................................... 31 Figure 14 showing Ocean-thermal-energy-conversion. .......................................................... 32 Figure 16 showing IBA DOCK ................................................................................................... 34 Figure 15 showing location of IBA dock ................................................................................... 34 Figure 17 showing site plan of IBA dock .................................................................................. 34 Figure 18 showing floor plans of IBA dock............................................................................... 35 Figure 19 showing interior views of IBA dock .......................................................................... 35 Figure 20 showing sections, material & construction of IBA dock .......................................... 36 Figure 21 showing side elevation of IBA dock ......................................................................... 37 Figure 22 showing location of ijburg ....................................................................................... 38 Figure 23 Floating Houses in IJburg ......................................................................................... 38 Figure 24 showing location of Floating Houses in IJburg......................................................... 38 Figure 25 showing floor plans & sections of Floating Houses in IJburg................................... 39 Figure 26 showing exterior views of Floating Houses in IJburg ............................................... 40 Figure 27 showing location of derif ......................................................................................... 41 Figure 28 showing Drijf in Lelystad Floating Housing .............................................................. 41 Figure 29 showing site plan of Drijf ......................................................................................... 41 Figure 30 showing plans and sections of Drijf ......................................................................... 42 Figure 31 showing exterior views of Drijf ................................................................................ 43 Figure 32 showing concept & elevations of Drijf ..................................................................... 44 Figure 33 showing location of yokohama port terminal ......................................................... 45 Figure 34 showing rear view of Yokohama Port Terminal....................................................... 45 Figure 35 showing Site plan of Yokohama Port Terminal ........................................................ 45 Figure 36 showing planning sesquence of Yokohama Port Terminal ...................................... 46 Figure 37 showing circulation of Yokohama Port Terminal ..................................................... 47 Figure 38 showing floor plans of Yokohama Port Terminal .................................................... 48 Figure 39 showing sections of Yokohama Port Terminal ........................................................ 49


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

Figure 40 showing site section & views of Yokohama Port Terminal...................................... 50 Figure 41 showing views of Yokohama Port Terminal ............................................................. 50 Figure 42 showing material & construction of Yokohama Port Terminal ............................... 51 Figure 43 showing exterior views of case studies ................................................................... 54 Figure 44 showing Overview and interior of floating cemetery (Source : LaBarre, S., 2010) 56 Figure 45 showing Overview & Sectional View (Source: Sebastian, J., 2011) ........................ 56 Figure 46 showing Perspective & interior of floating mosque (Source: Reinl, J., 2007) ......... 57


Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

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Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

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Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

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Floating Building Opportunities for Future Sustainable Development

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