Olympic Urbanism: Creating Sustainable Olympic Legacy

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Olympic Urbanism: Creating Sustainable Olympic Legacy

CEPT University
PUD21272 Master Plan Studio PORTFOLIO
Rafa Musadhik


UD4001: Master Plan Studio – Unit 3

Studio Mentor: Brijesh Bhatha

Studio Tutor: Purvi Chhadva

Teaching Associate: Parth Patel

The studio focuses on the design of large Greenfield or cleared brown-field developments with an emphasis on creating an urban form for livable neighborhoods.

Mega-events impact the development of host cities due to their scale and catalytic effects. The Olympic Games offer one such opportunity for the host cities to create new landmarks, improve and invest in its infrastructure and provide a backdrop for urban renewal.

India is set to bid for the Olympic games in the coming decade, and Ahmedabad has been chosen as the host city. The studio unit brief in this context is to create a Game plan and Legacy plan for the same on one of the sites proposed for the event along the Sabarmati Riverfront. The focus is to create a framework plan that can maxi mize the use of facilities built during the events and create a flexible, sustainable, and inclusive urban form.


Preface: Studio Brief Project Background
Project Intent
Vision, Objectives
Design Strategies
Master Plan Framework
Key Learnings References 01 02 CONTENTS 03 04 05
1.4 About Olympics 1.5 Olympic Legacy 1.6 London Olympics Site Contextualisation 4.1 City Level Context 4.2 Precinct Level Context 4.3 Site Level Context 4.4 SWOT Analysis Game
for Game
5.2 Game Plan 5.3 Way forward to Legacy Plan Legacy Master Plan 6.1
Envisioned around Open
6.3.1 Built character Facing Public Open Space 6.3.2 Built character along Arterial facing Public Open Space 6.3.3
character Around Neighborhood Open Space

01Project Background

This chapter include the background study as part of master plan studio to understand in depth about Olympics and its legacy, Green Olympics and such terms defined by International Olympic Committee. Further looked at case study of London Olympics and Legacy master plan, to understand the scope and scale of the project and various strategies adapted to achieve the legacy. The case study has relatable qualities with the proposed project site in terms of ecological features, thus helped in understanding the sustainable aspects that can be adapted in the master plan level.

Project Background

Project Intent:

The project’s goal is to create a sustainable Olympic Game Plan in Ahmedabad that will subsequently be evolved into a viable Legacy Master Plan. Studying various case studies and developing a critical awareness of how the country hosts the Olympics, from finance to design of the legacy plan.

Methodology :

The development of the Olympic Game Plan and the Legacy Master Plan needs extensive research and multiple stages to achieve the objectives. The methodology outlined above discusses the main milestones that constitute major phases of growth in either a group or an individual, as well as the actions required to fulfill those stages.

Site Selection 01

In a group of 12 : Study the feasibility of site to host Olympics analyzing the parameters contributing to it.

Preparation of Game Plan 03

In a group of 12:

In reference to the individual case studies the entire group planned the Olympic master plan with venues and infrastructure that can accommodate the mega event.

Case Study 02

Individual work : Analyzing various case studies to comprehend the strategies adapted to deal with Olympic and post Olympic stages of master plan.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022


To overcome the issue of speculating on future infrastructural advancements, owing to the event being held in 2036, the following assumptions were made before envisioning the game plan :

1. The land chosen as the site for Olympics has been acquired from AMC and is a single ownership property under a developer.

2. The Olympic games are taking place in 2022 (and not in 2036) and the legacy plan will be developed for the years following that.

3. The Riverfront Phase II has been completed, the riverfront road is constructed and the site is leveled to the road before the Olympic games take place.

4. The ongoing metro phase construction is completed before the Olympic games take place.

5. The existing Narendra Modi Stadium will be utilized as one of the permanent venues in the Olympic Game Plan.


In a group of 12:

Following the game plan, determining the negotiable and retaining structures for the Legacy master plan and dividing the site into 3 parts that can be dealt with individually by each student.

Finalization of Transition Plan Preparation of Legacy Master Plan


Individual work :

A Legacy master plan is proposed for each individual site with an objective to create a sustainable residential township considering the assets from the game plan.



The Olympic Games are the greatest sporting event in the world, bringing together the best athletes from around the globe and attracting millions of spectators. For the athletes, the Games are often the pinnacle of their sporting careers, offering the chance to compete at the very highest level in their chosen disciplines.

For any host country, it is also the chance to write its own chapter in the history of the Olympic Games and to share in the unique values and spirit of the Olympic Movement. And yet the Olympic Games are about far more than showcasing a city and creating great memories. For hosts, the impact can and should be felt many years after the Olympic flame has been extinguished. They provide genuine lasting benefits, which can transform an Olympic city, region and country.

Inform Guide

Awareness and importance of including a well planned legacy framework in the post event periods across countries.

Framework on how to include urban regeneration planning principles across city level development plans COUNTRY GLOBAL CONTEXT

Raises the profile of the city, increased tourist income, long-term infrastructure investments

Design strategies for better use of Olympic venues to create value to the community (Improved quality of life)


“Olympic legacy is the result of a vision. It encompasses all the tangible and intangible longterm benefits initiated or accelerated by the hosting of the Olympic Games/sport events for people, cities/territories and the Olympic Movement.” - IOC.

Source: Author generated from the information by International Olympic Committee … (2015)

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Impact of Olympics

Organizing large-scale urban events, like the Olympics, have become part of urban strategies by governments to improve the urban structure, to promote the city’s image in an international showcase and create economic growth. These major events generate attention, investments and potential for the organizing city and thus act as a development engine. Many cities showed that even without actually hosting such a major event a city could already benefit from the catalytic-effect to speed up existing urban developments.

The image, branding and identity of the Olympic Games, changed over the years, from a modest sport celebration with minor urban impact, to an enormous festival, aiming for large scale sustainable development. However, the overall image the Olympic Games want to promote is the idea of Olympism, of sport as a means to global social development.


Impact Goal



Infrastructure Improvements More public and private investments and Developments Environment Enhancement Improved Policies and Governance

The relation between Olympic legacy and urban regeneration lies in the possibility of the defined legacies to resolve issues related to economic, physical, social and environmental conditions.

Source: Author generated from the information by International Olympic Committee … (2015)


Before deciding whether to bid, cities and countries should develop an initial Olympic Games concept, which can guide their feasibility analysis.

During the Invitation Phase, potential host cities should focus on the following key elements:

• Master Plan – Guided by existing infrastructure and venue plans.

• Sport and venues – Analysis of existing and planned venues to assess the viability of hosting Olympic Games events and training – Development of temporary solutions where an existing venue is not available.

• Infrastructure – Analysis of existing and planned infrastructure, Opportunity to address specific urban issues.

• Village – Brief description of the Olympic Village requirements and global numbers.

• Accommodation – A thorough description of the Olympic Games accommodation requirements.

• Transport operations – Exploration of the Olympic Games transport solution, existing infrastructure, facilities and daily use, and fit with the city’s overall Olympic Games concept – Legacy opportunities, including longterm sustainability plans e.g. changes to mobility patterns.

• Security – General review of safety and security requirements.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022

Source: In research from International Olympic Committee … (2015)

Green Olympics

The IOC’s five sustainability focus areas and strategic intents for 2030: Environmentally friendly Olympics + Environmentally healthy city = Sustainable Olympics

Olympic Legacy

Legacy is a major part of the vision for the Olympic Games, and it goes to the heart of determining the rationale for hosting the Olympic Games and the value to be derived from them. Hosting the Olympic Games can provide an unrivaled opportunity to transform the host city and country. Hosting the Olympic Games provides a powerful catalyst for cities and countries to invest in the future, with tangible and significant benefits. Only with a clear vision and direction for the Olympic Games, aligned with the city’s long term development plans, will a tangible legacy be released.

To be effective, legacy must be placed at the forefront of all decision-making, throughout the planning and management of the Olympic Games. If managed correctly and incorporated into planning from the outset, the Olympic Games can have enduring benefits on the host city’s infrastructure, environment, economy, sport and society.

Legacy refers to physical improvements (new venues, infrastructure, public amenities and green space); socio-economic benefits, in terms of increased resources for sports development, social progress (jobs, skills, education, health and accessibility), tourism, business development and inward investment; and intangible intellectual and emotional benefits (new methods, standards, knowledge and experience, as well as community cohesion, increased national identity and sense of pride and well-being).

Creating sustainable legacies is a fundamental commitment of the Olympic Movement. Every city that hosts the Olympic Games becomes a temporary steward of the Olympic Movement. It is a great responsibility. It is also a great opportunity _ Jacques Rogge, IOC President

Source: Graphics- Author generated from the information by International Olympic Committee … (2015)

| Master Plan
| 2022
Tangible Intangible Sports and Transport Infrastructure Sustainable Urban Regeneration Public Recreational Spaces Experience: Long lasting Legacy Increased Environmental Awareness Tangible and intangible elements of sustainable Olympic legacy

London Olympics Legacy Case Study

The Olympic discipline took place in many different areas in London, but real core of the

was the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, East London. (Venues built in short walking distance)

Development Model:

In April 2012, the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) was formed to deliver the long-term planning, development, management and maintenance of the park and its impact on the surrounding areas after the London 2012 Games.

Site context: Chosen site is situated at the intersection of four boroughs, London Legacy Development Corporation area. The site was formerly industrial/commercial development together with Lea Valley Park and was a known depository for building rubble from properties demolished during the Second World War.

Environment sustainability: Reuse, re-purpose and recycle 90% of the soil and materials in the site.

• Soil and river ways decontaminated-cleaned

• Green areas extended and air pollution substantially decreased. East London is one of the largest urban renewal sites in Europe.

Olympics Source: (Allies and Morrison - London’s Olympic Legacy, 2022) Source: (world-architects-southpark-olympic-park, 2022) Source: London Legacy Development Corporation.

Venue Planning Strategy:


Olympic: Hosted the cycling events, permanent Olympic and Paralympic venue.

Legacy: Remains open to public.

Copper Box

Olympic: Hosted handball, modern pentathlon and fencing. Paralympic: Goal ball Legacy: Multi-sport arena open to community, athlete training.

Aquatic Centre

Olympic: Hosted swimming and diving events.

Legacy: Reduced capacity and remains open to public.

London Olympics focused on making use of existing 20 venues in the city with two temporary facilities; only building five new venues in the Olympic park.

Source: Behance. /gallery/4589451/Olympic-Venues-PART-1

Olympic Urbanism
Master Plan Studio
Copper Box Basketball Arena Velodrome Eton Manor: Paralympic Venue Riverbank Arena Broadcast Centre Energy Centre Olympic Village Chobham Academy
BMX Track Park Live West Park Live East

Considered clear post event use strategy in design, such as recycling, dismantling or down-sizing and create flexible stadium in terms of use by combining sport function.

Olympic Stadium

Olympic: Venue for athletics, opening and closing ceremony of Olympics.

Legacy: Home of West Ham united football club.

Basketball Arena

Olympic: Hosted basketball, handball and holding area for athletes during opening and closing ceremonies.

Legacy: Used for common wealth games.

Warm-up Venue Riverbank Arena

Olympic: Riverbank arena hosted hockey, paralympic games and European hockey championships.

Legacy: Riverbank dimantled, Warm-up venue used as London marathon community track

Olympic Stadium Warm-up Venue Aquatic Centre Waterpolo Arena Stratford International Station Westfiled Stratford City Orbit

Legacy Creation Strategies

Legacy Master Plan for London: Goal- Catalyst

Urban Regeneration

Prepared to promote and deliver physical, social, economic and environmental regeneration in the Olympic park and surrounding area by maximizing the legacy of Olympic and Paralympic games. Legacy plan is in charge of ensuring long term success of the facilities.

Game Plan: 2012 Post Game Legacy Plan: 2030

Pre- Game: Strategy at Urban Level: Help city expand to east, regeneration of deprived districts, incorporate legacy plan in Olympic plan to define the permanent structures.

Infrastructure Strategy: Develop Stratford international railway station.

Environmental Strategy: Remediation of contaminated land, reuse and recycle of demolished material, large-scale energy solution by developing combined cooling heating and power (CCHP) to serve largest community in UK.

Post- Game: Securing permanent user/tenants, construction materials and chairs recycle to other venues and to Rio de Janeiro, selling apartments in Olympic village before the Games

Source: helmofthepublicrealm.files.wordpress.com (August, 2012), Retrieved December 4, 2022

Legacy Plan incorporated: 5 new neighborhoods | 7000 new homes | Social Infrastructure | 3 schools | Nurseries | Community space | 100 hectares of open space | 10000 new jobs.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022

Developed Zones:

North Park: Leisure

South Park: Leisure, Big events

International Quarter: Commercial, Residential

Marsh gate Warf: Commercial, Residential, Community space

Sweetwater and Fish Island: Mix use (residential, employment and retail

Residential cluster: Marks 60% of built use

High-rise residential: East Village, Fish Island and Pudding Mill

Low rise residential: Hackney Wick and West Ham

35% to 50% affordable homes are provided in each cluster.

A diversity of landscapes: 100 ha of open space in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, 45 ha of biodiversity action plan area, 6 ha of wildlife habitat, and children’s play area, civic plazas, neighborhood squares and gardens.

Variety of open spaces within the neighborhood: Squares and plazas for shared community use, active public space at the venue entries, front gardens, private back gardens and roof terraces.


Olympic Village: 3,300 no. of apartments

Aquatics Centre: Capacity 17,500 and 2,500 post Olympics Swimming events venue

Copper Box Arena: Capacity 7,500, Multi sports venue, only indoor permanent venue

Olympic Stadium: Capacity 80,000 and 54,000 post Olympics- Hosted athletics and other sports events

Velodrome: Capacity 6,000 -Used as indoor cycling track

The Orbit: Observation Tower, Capacity 300 at a time

Sports and healthy living: Encourage community sport, events, healthy living, active lifestyle, leisure, recreation and play opportunities in the park.

Socio-Economic benefits: Quality neighborhood, access to jobs, promote economic development and create new jobs.

Community engagement: Communities feel sense of ownership, public art installations, and creative space for diverse communities.


02 Site Contextualization

The proposed Olympic site is in the new grown area of Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority. In this chapter the proposed Olympic site in Ahmedabad is studied in a group of 12 to understand the potentials and challenges in and around the site to host Olympics and analyzing it under various parameters contribution to it. Learning further the surrounding context in city level, precinct level and site level in framing groundwork for design development and strategies.

City Level Context:

City level connectivity: The site is located in between the Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad city centers, along the periphery and also is in close proximity to the Narendra Modi stadium, sabarmati riverfront phase 2, and job centers like GIFT city, Gandhinagar, Kalol. It is well connected to BRTS, MRTS and AMTS Road Networks and also close proximity of 6km to Sabarmati Railway station, upcoming Bullet train terminal, and 6km from the Ahmedabad airport. Overall Site is very well connected providing choices and options for accessibility.

Legend Ring Roads Highways Railway BRTS MRT

Kalol 15 km 16 km

GIFT City 15 km

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022

Connectivity and Walkability:

Site is primarily connected by major roads like SP ring road, 2 state highways and the developed riverfront road on the southern part of the site. The location also provides multiple access points to important transit routes such as airport road, Motera road.




Arterial Collector

BRT Corridor MRT Corridor

BRT Bus Stop MRT Stop

AMTS Bus Stop By Foot


Precinct Level Context

Precinct Level Context:

Predominant built use :

On observing the built use around the site, it can be concluded that the precinct is a popular choice for residential developments due to the connectivity the area offers showing a great amount of varying residential built use around the site. The area along the ahmedabad gandhinagar highway, along the eastern part of the site also has industrial and institutional developments. Further consultation with the current developers in the area led to an understanding that the area has a high demand for 3BHK units with mixed use buildings being the predominant typology in the area.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022
0 0.5km 1.5km 1.Gamtal Row Houses 1 2.Bungalows 2 3.Row Houses 3 4.High Rise Apartments 4 5.Mixed Use Apartments 5 Legend Residential Commercial Mixed-Use

TP scheme :

There are no TP schemes announced or implemented for the site extent, this being a special case . AUDA has also officially announced that 7 villages around the motera sports enclave namely chandkheda, motera, Zundal,Bhat, 0 0.5km


Precinct Level Context:

Open Spaces and Sports Facilities:


Stadium / Sports complex

Swimming pool

Skating ring

Gym / Sports centers


Public open spaces


Predominant parcels of open spaces within the vicinity of the site extent are either under developed or not developed in general. Observing the various sports facilities within extent of the precinct, we can observe an adequate amount of varying sports facilities. But these being mainly private , make them unusable for people of all social classes hence not inclusive. 0 0.5km

Site Level Context


The majority of the site falls under a single watershed implying that it collects all the storm water falling in that area. The streams (major and minor) direct water to the nearest catchment area, with the water ultimately flowing into the river. The new riverfront development will signficantly alter these natural water flows, but there is an opportunity to avoid flooding by retaining the major streams and maintaining an outlet into the river.

Legend Watershed Catchment area

Site Level Context:

Topography and Surrounding Features:

The topography of site is gradually sloping towards the river with a non perennial stream running across the site. Natural water bodies can act as an asset to the site for further redevelopment and rejuvenation. Currently river is not easily accessible from the surrounding which can cause it from being neglected. The riverfront phase II development could enhance the river edge and the visual connection to th Olympic site. Ash pond is used to dumb ash from nearby Amul factory which could be rejuvenated and enhanced as a landscape feature in new development.

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1 1 3 2 1 2 3
Sabarmati River Ash Pond


Some of the natural vegetation can be retained and some needs to be uprooted like Prosopis Juliflora which are commonly seen at the river edge and hugging the stream and ash pond areas. Lush green vegetation is clearly seen only covering the water body in the site. The northern portion of site along SP ring road are mostly agricultural land.

29 1 3 2
1 2 3
River Edge Vegetation

Site Level Context:

Strength: Well connected to major transit routes, proximity to NM stadium

High residential demand around the site

The upcoming Riverfront project will create a vital public asset for the Olympic Games and Legacy Plan.

Weakness: Prosopis Juliflora within the site would require long process for ecological regeneration.

| Master
Studio | 2022
Overhead Metro Bridge Local Commercial Shops

Opportunity: Extension of transit connectivity and upcoming TOD Zone along the riverfront .

View points to and from the site

Increasing demand for community living and hence potential for development of other townships and amenities

Threat: Ash Pond within the site is restricting the land development which acts as a waste dumping site.

Mix-Use Development

High Rise Apartments

Key Map

03 Game Plan

This section is focused on the preparation of game plan or Olympic master plan to create a base for its legacy. In a group of 12 within two week duration a game plan was prepared by referring our individual case study learnings. Starting with a common vision set that align with IOC guidelines for green Olympics. That is followed by spatial design and planning strategy to achieve the set vision and to finalize the retaining Olympic structure a transition master plan was created.

Vision and Strategies:


“To develop an Olympic park that is ecologically sensitive with an accessible public realm that interconnects the city to its communities.”

Objective and Strategies:

Connect: Design multiple articulated entry points for better accessibility and connectivity to the site and also provide inviting entries through landscape design for the Olympic park.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022


Create a central integrated spine that connects various elements on the site including various stadiums forming a ceremonial path which acts as an asset to the Olympic park.


Responding to the existing natural system by developing a streamline to act as the foreground for the public realm and the activities along it, and also rejuvenate the wetland to develop an Olympic plaza for the park.


Proposed Game Plan:

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022
0 200m

Design Development:

The design of the event plan evolved as a way to connect to the existing surrounding and create articulated entryways into the olympic park that will be celebrated. A single continuous spine is designed to connect the two extreme ends of the site connecting to the various larger stadiums and will also accommodate the public transit route that goes through the site and connects to the existing route forming a loop.

The various natural elements are rejuvenated to act as a foreground for the planned public realm. A singular ceremonial path is designed as a way to connect the stadiums around the redesigned stream.

Iconic Tower Main Entry Parking Parking Ceremonial Path Hockey Stadium Aquatic Centre Motera Stadium Spiritual Center Olympic Village Rejuvenated Ash Pond Parking 200m 600m
Media Village Football Stadium Practice Grounds

Mobility Plan:

The central spine of the event plan accommodates the main transit pathway that comprises the AMTS route. This is considered in accordance with the existing routes that will be extended to cater to the Olympic park , forming a loop through Motera bhat road. There are also internal feeder systems provided to transport people in private vehicles that form a loop from and to the different parking zones provided in the event plan.


Major Roads

AMTS Route

Feeder System Route

AMTS Stops

Existing AMTS Stops

Feeder System Stops Metro Stations 0 200m


Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022

The entire Olympic event site is divided into 3 parts of areas 1.1 sq.km, 1.1 sq.km and 1.6 sq.km respectively with varying natural assets and permanent structures retained like the Olympic village, aquatics center, hockey stadium, iconic tower, football stadium, media village to cater to the neighborhood and their needs. Legend

Transition Plan
Olympic Thoroughfares Retained Waterways Retained Venues Site Division 0 200m 600m

04 Legacy Master Plan

This chapter involve the application of all learning from the previous chapters in terms of strategies, design and planning aspects. An Olympic legacy master plan is developed individually with a vision to achieve sustainable Olympic legacy. First by forming strategies to align with the vision, then creating a framework for master plan.

Further to understand the design better the master plan is is delayered through various layers. Detailing of master plan is achieved by showcasing two different block developments one is residential core area and another facing city level public open space. The chapter is concluded by setting guidelines to achieve the envisioned built form and legacy.

To create an active and resilient community with diverse open space system which can adapt to host larger public events which can cater to local communities and accommodating venues which facilitate various sports events.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022 Vision

To manage large influx of visitors

Establishing Connections: Event and non-event

Objectives and Design Strategies

To host larger public events and cater to local communities

Hierarchy of Open Space: Three layer functions

To attain sports legacy and active community

Development need to be sensitive to the ecological features in the site.

Sports Anchors: Creating a network of sports facilities

Blue Green Network: and road network are proposed along the natural drain.

01 02 03 04

Master Plan Framework

Legend Legend

Primary road

Stadium access road

Secondary road Tertiary road

Local road PT stops

Establishing connections to manage the large influx of visitors and day-to-day movement.

Establishing Connections:

Primary road: The retained thoroughfares of Olympic master plan are connected facing the stadium which act as the main arterial road.

Stadium access: The Olympic stadium can be easily accessed from the major roads like SP ring road, metro, Koteshwar-Bhatt road without much disturbance to the residential neighborhood.

Secondary roads: They connect the traffic from immediate neighborhood towards the arterial facing stadium with transit stops at walkable intervals.


Public Road

Shared street /Pedestrian priority street Cycle track

Pedestrian pathway Sports facilities

Tertiary roads: with slow moving traffic cater to the residential neighborhood.

Experiential connectors:

Public trail: 9m green trail along 15m road Pedestrian prioritized green fingers extending from stadium and ceremonial path towards immediate neighborhood with sports facilities along.

Shared street: 12m Serving day to day movement of neighborhood with slow moving traffic, tree shaded pedestrian movement facilitating on-street parking and street vending.

Pedestrian pathway: 3m Facilitating movement within the residential cluster.

Sports as activity generators for network

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022

Public open space

Neighbourhood open space

Legend 9.6% Private Open space

Public open space:

A city level open space which can host larger public events, connected from all directions.

Neighborhood open space: They are connected to the public open space through green public trails with pedestrian and cycle track. Consist of accessible sports facilities activated by public plazas and retail for day to day essentials.

Private open space: Anchored by private sports amenities like play ground, clubhouse, swimming pool and garden.

Private open space Sports facilities Plaza 17.5% Public Open space

Built Strategy

Residential Public Amenities /Mix use

Commercial Commercial non-retail Institutional

Th built use along arterial road are mostly mix-use, commercial and institutional, ensuring an active edge.

Low-rise (G+1 to G+2)

Mid-rise (G+5)

High-rise (G+9)

High-rise (G+11)

Th built-form along the arterial are highrise with podium typology as they are the high value land facing the stadium.

Built-Use: Residential: 76% Mix use: 4% Commercial: 3% Commercial non-retail: 12% Institutional: 4%

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022

Built Density:

FSI achieved: 2.11

Max. height: G+11 (36m)

Min. height: G+2 (9m)

Figure and Ground: Ground coverage: 23%

Developable land: 61%

Public greens: 17.5% Public road: 22%

Public buildings including Olympic stadium, exhibition center, main club house, institutional buildings, hotels and office bildings are encouraged to practice vertical farming to ensure long term sustainability and resilient community.


Affordable housing is proposed in close proximity to the nearby metro station.

School is located within the residential neighborhood with easy access from arterial road.

Olympic ceremonial path is retained which could be used for marathon and such events.

The structure of the master plan is developed by a hierarchy of open spaces which can adapt to host larger public events as well cater to the local communities. Sports anchors are provided in every residential cluster as well as open spaces connected by green public trails creating a network of sports facilities to encourage

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 18 18 19 19 18 18 18 18 Amenities Sports facilities Public open space Neighborhood open space Private open space Plaza Shared street Olympic Stadium Practice Ground Exhibition Center Main Clubhouse Sports Academy Agricultural Academy Hotels and Office Spaces School Affordable Housing Villas Shopping Mall Office Buildings Retained Media Village Student Housing Neighboring Hospital Retained Ceremonial 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 16 Legend3 3 10 14

communities. encourage an active community.

Shopping Mall along SP ring road can attract more public

Assets retained from Olympic master plan are media village converted to commercial use, Olympic stadium, thoroughfares, athlete accomodation converted to student housing, ceremonial path to be used for marthon and such events, waterways, practice ground and exhibition center shifted closer to stadium.

Retained Olympic Assets

Agriculture and research academy would help in maintaining proposed vertical farming

With greenhouses extending from the agriculture research academy, the retained water body edge is treated ecologically sensitive.

For the stadium to be used to its fullest during non-event days, a sports academy is proposed nearby, which would also be responsible for its maintenance.

Character Areas

Stadium district Waterfront district Luxury residential Affordable residential Commercial district Institutional district

City-level club house is proposed in proximity to the stadium, with easy access from arterial road.

Villas are proposed slighly away from the hustle even during event-days.


Public Open Space

Non-Event Days:

During non-event days public open space act as city level hangout place around the stadium experiencing the water stream, park and public sports facilities.

The water edge is designed to deal with dry climate and flexible for higher flood water level.

Retail and cafes along the parks facing stadium activate the areas even in non event days.

The green public trail and pedestrian-cycle track along water edge ties together all the facilities connecting to the immediate neighborhood.

Park has diverse functions like flower gardens, children’s park, sports courts, fountains, food court extension, cycle and public green trails.

| 2022
Olympic Urbanism
Master Plan Studio
Cycle and pedestrian track Children’s park Key Map

Park and other spaces are designed by keeping a buffer space from the stadium which can accommodate larger public during events.

Bicycle hiring point

Pedestrian prioritized streets (with paving and demarcated pedestrian crossings) ensure safe movement and flexible functions.

Food court Basketball court Flower garden Pavillion Olympic Stadium

Public Open Space

Event Days:

The open space can adapt to accommodate large public, temporary stalls, venues and host public events.

The larger public can access stadium area from all the major roads in the immediate neighborhood without much disturbance to the residential area.

The waterfront is designed to be flexible as per water level as its non perennial stream. Water sport events can take place when water level is high enough.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022 Key Map

Stage events


pedestrian prioritized streets with intermediate transit stops thus can encourage more visitors to utilized public transportation.

Temporary stalls Pavillion Basketball court Flower garden Bicycle hiring point

Built Character Facing Public Open space

Mixed use block by the waterfront: The block by the waterfront facing stadium are hotels, office space and service apartments with active ground floor commercial along the arterial road as podium typology.

Vehicular movement is restricted to either edges towards the bridge to access ground floor parking.

Transit Stop

Key Map

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022
Sports facilities activate the open space with pedestrian path extending to the water edge. Amphitheatre Swimming Pool Podium Floor Public Green Trail

Mixed Use Block Guidelines

Goal: Development responding to diverse open space system.


Built edge facing the arterial shall be built to line with retail and cafes on podium ground floor.

Vehicular Access and Parking:

Vehicular access is restricted to either edges to access groundfloor parking.

Pedestrian movement is encouraged continuously along the built edge abutting private open space.

Pedestrian and cycle path along the water edge shall be connected to the pedestrian boulevard along the street adjacent to ensure smooth pedestrian transition.

Open space Guideline

Minimum 30% of plot shall be left as water edge.

The built edge facing open space shall some sports facilities extending to

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022

Private Open Space

Podium Floor

as private open space facing the shall be physically accessible with open space.


The built form shall be of podium type up to 6m height.

A step back of 15m after every 4 floors after podium floors shall be kept on any one side facing stadium.

15m 15m 15m 15m 15m 15m 15m 15m 15m 15m
Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022
Neighborhood 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 6 1 8 Neighbourhood open space Private open space Plaza Public green trail
like supermarkets Transit stop Shopping plaza Bicycle hiring point 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Legend Residential neighbourhood with daily essential amenities Key Map

Built Character Around Neighborhood Open Space

Parcel boundary

Vehicular access to parking

Parcels are placed around Neighborhood open space with extended plazas accommodating daily essential amenities like super market clubhouse etc opening towards the open space, further activate the space.

Vehicular access to the parcels (ground floor stilt parking) are provided form the shared streets to avoid traffic congestion on secondary streets during events / public visiting Olympic park. Shared streets are paved with pedestrian priority and on street parking facilitate for ease of residents.

Basement parking is provided for public access in the building facing arterial road for visitors to commercial space, thus they do not disturb residents daily needs.

Pedestrian access to the parcels are facilitated form neighborhood opens space, plazas, public green trails and vehicular streets.

Pedestrian access

PT stops

Transit stops are along the secondary roads in walkable distance.

School ground extend as neighborhood open space during non working hours.

Sports anchors in the open spaces, cycle and pedestrian tracks along poblic green trail enchorage the community to stay active.

Cycle and pedestrian trail Scool ground Sports facilities


Residential Neighborhood

Parcels with peripheral built edge enable private open space

Amenities like supermarkets opens facing open spaces activate the area. During school hours these retail activities are at peek.

Public green trails are the easy pedestrian and cycle access towards the stadium immediate neighborhoods.

Residential apartments facing the arterial are podium typology with commercial or retail podium use.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022

pedestrian stadium from

Public green trail along the secondary road ensures shaded and segregated pedestrian movement even during event days.

Intermediate transit stops along secondary road and arterial facilitate to the residents as well as visitors during events.

Built form and setbacks: The buildings facing arterial road abutting public open space (stadium side) shall be of podium typology (6m steps back after 6m height) with a front setback of 6m minimum creating a linear plaza along the street.

To ensure visual connectivity to public open space for building away from arterial road, no building abutting the arterial road facing stadium shall be continuous beyond 40m length above 9m height. A step back of 15m from the arterial road shall be kept after 30m height.

Ground floor use along the front plaza shall be commercial retail to ensure active frontage.

Plaza facing the neighborhood open space and green public train enable retail and such activities.

Plaza along the arterial facilitate the spillage of activities and enable an active edge.

Public parking access to basement avoid disturbance to the residents



Parcel facing arterial road

Built-Form Guidlines

Section through Residential Neighborhood

Hierarchy of open space with three layer function: Private open space are in every parcel or cluster, Neighborhood open space act as a block level open space which are places at intermediate distance in the residential neighborhood.

Formal sports facilities as well as play grounds alows flexible usage for the community.

Hardscape plazas enable informal vending and seating space for community interaction.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022
Private open space Neighbourhood open space

Hierarchy of Open Space

Neighborhood Open space are placed in a way that they are accessible by public trails, shared streets and directly from residential clusters around.

Shared streets are paved streets with slow moving traffic, with on street parking, enabling tree

Clubhouse, swimming pool and such sports facilities activate private open space.

Linear plaza facing arterial road

Public open space

Private open space

Public plaza and open space


Neighborhood Open Space

Neighborhood open space facilitate people to perform both leisure and day to day activities. Going to school or work, walking reading cycling, relaxing, and socializing

Proximity of public green trail and transit stops make them easily accessible.

Neighborhood open space are placed along the secondary roads connecting to the stadium thus there is a visual connectivity to Olympic stadium.

Neighbourhood open space add to the Blue green network which are planned in response to natural contours to facilitate the storm water flow.

Rainwater Infiltration:

Public green trails accommodate Hydroponics and rainwater infiltration towers along with avenue of trees along the natural drain.

Olympic Urbanism | Master Plan Studio | 2022
Olympic stadium Transit stop Bicycle hiring point Plaza Clubhouse
Hydroponics and Infiltration tower Hardscape community space enabling informal Play ground Basketball court Children’s play area Public greeen trail

05Key Learnings

The Olympic Legacy Master Plan is designed to ensure long lasting sports legacy, with maximum utilisation of retained venues.

Sustainable legacy is ensured with ecologically sensitive approach like considering the natural drain of the site for road network and green open spaces ensuring rainwater infiltration.

The structure of the master plan is developed by a hierarchy of open spaces which can adapt to host larger public events as well cater to the local communities.

Sports anchors are provided in every residential cluster as well as open spaces connected by green public trails creating a network of sports facilities to encourage an active community and thus adding to Sports legacy. They shall remain inclusive for a long lasting legacy.

The legacy plan will respond to the large residential demand in the vicinity.

Learnings from the London case study helped in bringing out the legacy strategies for Olympic venues and environmental sensitive design strategies.

The site proposed has ideal features required for Olympics in terms of connectivity and proximity to multiple transit stations and economic centers. Transportation system may require to upgrade to accommodate the future demands adding to the proposed mobility plan.


Current homes | Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. (n.d.-b). London Legacy Development Corporation. https://www.queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk/the-park/homes-and-living/current-homes

International Olympic Committee. (2015, May). OLYMPIC GAMES FRAMEWORK. stillmed.olympic.org. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from https://stillmed.olympic.org/Documents/Host_city_elections/IOC_Olympic_ Games_Framework_English_Interactive.pdf

Allies and Morrison - London’s Olympic Legacy. (2022, May 9). Allies and Morrison. https://www.alliesandmorrison.com/projects/londons-olympic-legacy

Chen. (2015, January). Legacy Creation Strategy in Olympic Cities. www.researchgate.net. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yawei-Chen-2/ publication/273298633_Legacy_Creation_Strategy_in_Olympic_Cities/links/560109cd08aec948c4fa9891/LegacyCreation-Strategy-in-Olympic-Cities.pdf

CEPT University Master Plan Studio Rafa Musadhik | PUD21272

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