Thesis on Rural Agriculture Systems

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Extracto Man-Powered De-Weeding Machine (Rural Agriculture Systems)

Vamsi Krishna Poluparthi SPA/ID/348 Fourth Semester

Department of Industrial Design School of Planning and Architecture New Delhi 110002

July 2020


Certificate This is to certify that the Thesis titled “Extracto� submitted by Mr. Vamsi Krishna Poluparthi in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Master of Design (Industrial Design) of School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi is carried out by him under our supervision and guidance.

Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi


Acknowledgement I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for the immense help and guidance I received, to all those who were with me through the completion of this project especially during the hardships of COVID-19 Pandemic. Foremost, I convey my heartfelt gratitude to my thesis guides, Prof. Naveen Rampal, Prof. Rahul Tyagi and Prof. Vipul Maheshwari for their continuous support, patience, motivation, enthusiasm and guidance in the entire journey. My sincere thanks to Prof. Parag Anand and Prof. Aditi Singh for their support, encouragement and guidance in the research & concept stages of my project. I thank Mr. Mandeep Singh, Head of the Department (DoID), for his support & contribution for my project during online discussions amid lockdown. I thank all other Department Faculties and the Workshop Staff who helped me throughout the project and supported me during model making. I thank all my Juniors & Seniors who helped me throughout the project by getting involved in the whole process and asking insightful questions and giving advices throughout the project. I would like to thank all the Experts, whom I have interviewed & gained knowledge for my project during my research stages and further later. Professionals: 1. Dr. M. Jayanti (Principal Scientist, ICAR), 2. Dr. Anil Kar, (Head of Agriculture Economics, ICAR), 3. Dr. L. Murali Krishnan, ICAR and 4. Prof. Dr. Vijay Raghavan Chariyar, IIT, Delhi Farmers: Chinababu (Farmer), P. Appala Naidu (Farmer), Yellayya Naidu & Gurrayya Dora for their views, comments, feedback and direction. I’m grateful to my family, friends and the batch of 2018-2020 of DoID, SPA Delhi for the strength and support they have provided through the completion of the project.

Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi


Declaration of Non-plagiarism I, Vamsi Krishna P hereby certifies that no part of this report is reproduced or copied from another literature source, (published or unpublished). All works used for the purpose of this study are duly referred and acknowledged in the relevant portions of this report and sources indicated.


Name of the Student: VAMSI KRISHNA P | ID/348 Dated: 31st July 2020

Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi


Declaration I, Vamsi Krishna P, the author of the thesis titled “Extracto”, hereby declare that this is an independent work of mine, carried out towards partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Design (Industrial Design) at the Department of Industrial Design, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. All primary research conducted by me for the Thesis Project, “Extracto” was undertaken with prior declaration and co-operation of the concerned parties. I declare that the people surveyed, interviewed and contacted were aware of the academic nature of the project and provided their consent to use the information provided by them. The matter embodied in the report, other than that acknowledged as a reference, has not been submitted for any other degree or diploma.


Name of the Student: VAMSI KRISHNA P | ID/348 Dated: 31st July 2020

Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi


Abstract India is the second-largest producer of wheat and rice, the world’s major food staples, and also the second-largest producer of several dry fruits, textile raw materials, pulses, coconut, etc. Agriculture is unquestionably the largest livelihood provider in India, more so in vast rural areas. It also contributes a significant figure to GDP. As it is well-known that Agriculture in India is diminishing gradually and the Indian Farmers are facing a lot of problems, especially subsistence farmers (farmers who grow food crops to meet the needs of themselves and their families), primarily 70% of its rural households still depend on agriculture for their livelihood, out of which 82% are small and marginal. However, youth in developing countries like India have a negative perception of farming. Young people are usually not interested in farming and agriculture, due to their perception of farming being antiquated and unprofitable. The image of agriculture traditionally has been more about subsistence, you produce enough for you to eat, it does not seem like a business. This negativity has been spreading throughout the country, as these subsistence farmers are not able to save anything through farming. If this continues, there would be no one practicing agriculture in our country. Farmers are committing suicides and taking their lives due to non-payable debts. Cause of the poor fertility of the land, farmers are using more and more chemicals to gain more productivity but again the uncertainty of the crop being profitable is more. Farmers are not showing any interest in farming, despite all the hard work, they don’t get any profits. There are many unresolved problems that are faced by Indian farmers to see hope in Agriculture. This project is taking a positive and encouraging approach to help the farmers and enlighten them about the non-usage of chemicals and the use of machinery. Machinery has changed the whole perspective of farming and it has not been practiced in India to such extent to show that strength in farming. The aim of the project is to help these subsistent farmers and support and promote agriculture for the coming generations.

Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi


सारा​ा​ा​ां श भारत गेहूं और चावल का दसरा सबसे बडा उत्पादक है, दनु िया का प्रमुख खाद्य स्टे पल है , और कई सखे फल, कपडा कच्चे माल, दाल, िाररयल, आदद का दसरा सबसे बडा उत्पादक है। कृषि निषविवाद रूप से भारत में सबसे बड़ी आज़ीषवका प्रदाता है। अधिक षवशाल ग्राम़ीण क्षेत्रों में। यह ज़ीड़ीप़ी के ललए एक महत्वपणि आूंकडा भ़ी योगदाि दे ता है। जैसा कक यह सविषवददत है कक भारत में कृषि ि़ीरे -ि़ीरे कम हो रही है और भारत़ीय ककसािों को बहुत सारी समस्याओूं का सामिा करिा पड रहा है , षवशेि रूप से निवािह ककसाि (वे ककसाि जो अपिे और अपिे पररवार की जरूरतों को परा करिे के ललए खाद्य फसलें उगाते हैं), मुख्य रूप से 70% ग्राम़ीण पररवार अभ़ी भ़ी अपि़ी आज़ीषवका के ललए कृषि पर निभिर हैं, जजिमें से 82% छोटे और स़ीमाूंत हैं। हालाूंकक, भारत जैसे षवकासश़ील दे शों में यव ु ाओूं में खेत़ी के प्रनत िकारात्मक िारणा है। यव ु ा लोगों को खेत़ी और कृषि में आम तौर पर ददलचस्प़ी िहीूं होत़ी है , क्योंकक उिकी खेत़ी की िारणा प्राच़ीि और लाभहीि है। परूं परागत रूप से कृषि की छषव निवािह के बारे में अधिक रही है, आप खािे के ललए पयािप्त उत्पादि करते हैं, यह एक व्यवसाय की तरह िहीूं लगता है। यह िकारात्मकता परे दे श में फैल रही है , क्योंकक ये निवािह ककसाि खेत़ी के माध्यम से कुछ भ़ी िहीूं बचा पा रहे हैं। अगर यह जारी रहा, तो हमारे दे श में कृषि का अभ्यास करिे वाला कोई िहीूं होगा। कजि ि चक ु ा पािे के कारण ककसाि आत्महत्या कर रहे हैं और अपि़ी जाि ले रहे हैं। भलम की खराब उविरता के कारण, ककसाि अधिक उत्पादकता हालसल करिे के ललए अधिक से अधिक रसायिों का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, लेककि कफर से फसल के अनिजचचत होिे की सूंभाविा अधिक है। ककसाि खेत़ी में कोई ददलचस्प़ी िहीूं ददखा रहे हैं, परी मेहित के बावजद उन्हें कोई मुिाफा िहीूं लमल रहा है। ऐस़ी कई अिसुलझ़ी समस्याएूं हैं जजिका सामिा भारत़ीय ककसािों को कृषि में आशा दे खिे के ललए करिा पडता है। यह पररयोजिा ककसािों की मदद करिे और उन्हें रसायिों के गैर-उपयोग और मश़ीिरी के उपयोग के बारे में प्रबुद्ि करिे के ललए एक सकारात्मक और उत्साहजिक दृजटटकोण ले रही है। मश़ीिरी िे खेत़ी के परे पररप्रेक्ष्य को बदल ददया है और खेत़ी में उस ताकत को ददखािे के ललए भारत में इस हद तक इसका अभ्यास िहीूं ककया गया है। पररयोजिा का उद्दे चय इि निबाि​ि ककसािों की मदद करिा और आिे वाली प़ीद़ियों के ललए कृषि को समर्ि​ि और ब़िावा दे िा है।

Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi


Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................... vi 01.

Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... 1


Introduction to Agriculture...................................................................................................................... 2


Types of Agriculture................................................................................................................................. 2 I. Nomadic Herding .................................................................................................................... 3 II. Livestock Ranching ................................................................................................................ 3 III. Shifting Cultivation ............................................................................................................... 3 IV. Rudimentary Sedentary Tillage ............................................................................................ 3 V. Intensive subsistence farming ............................................................................................... 4 VI. Commercial Plantations ....................................................................................................... 4 VII. Mediterranean Agriculture ................................................................................................. 4 VIII. Commercial Grain Farming ................................................................................................ 4 IX. Dairy Farming ....................................................................................................................... 5 X. Specialized Horticulture ........................................................................................................ 5 XI. Livestock & Grain Farming.................................................................................................... 5 XII. Subsistence Crop & Stock Farming ...................................................................................... 5




Birds, Bees & Butterflies .......................................................................................................................... 6 •

The Repercussions of Losing Pollinators ............................................................................. 6

What do Birds have to do with it? ...................................................................................... 7

Primary Research..................................................................................................................................... 7 •

A talk with Farmers of current generation ......................................................................... 7

Cash Crops .......................................................................................................................... 8

Main Crops .......................................................................................................................... 8

Insights from the farmers ................................................................................................... 9

Interviews with Professionals .................................................................................................................. 9 •

ICAR - Indian Council of Agricultural Research ................................................................... 9 o

Dr. M. Jayanti, Principal Scientist........................................................................... 9


Dr. Anil Kar, Head of Agriculture Economics ......................................................... 9


Dr. L. Murali Krishnan ............................................................................................ 9

IIT Delhi ............................................................................................................................. 10 o


Prof. Dr. Vijay Raghavan Chariyar ........................................................................ 10

Field Study ............................................................................................................................................. 11 •

Akbarpur, Haryana ............................................................................................................ 11

Gunupudi, A.P. .................................................................................................................. 12

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Secondary Study .................................................................................................................................... 13


Stubble Burning ..................................................................................................................................... 14


Tools of traditional agriculture .............................................................................................................. 15 •

Modern Practices of Agriculture ....................................................................................... 15

Intensive Tillage. ............................................................................................................... 15

Monoculture. .................................................................................................................... 16

Use of Synthetic Fertilizers. .............................................................................................. 16

Irrigation Technologies. .................................................................................................... 16

Chemical Pest Control. ...................................................................................................... 16

Genetic Manipulation. ...................................................................................................... 17

Disadvantages of modern methods .................................................................................. 17


Industrial Agriculture ............................................................................................................................. 18


Subsistence Agriculture ......................................................................................................................... 20


Scope of the Project .............................................................................................................................. 21 •

I. Restoring the traditional practices with a balance of modern technology. .................. 21

II. Solution for the protection of BIRDS, BEES and BUTTERFLIES. ..................................... 21

III. Solution for stubble burning to control the air pollution. ........................................... 21


Final Brief ............................................................................................................................................... 21


Concepts ................................................................................................................................................ 24 I. Seed sowing drone ............................................................................................................... 24 II. Pest repellent ...................................................................................................................... 25 III. Bio-gas Chiller ..................................................................................................................... 26 IV. Multi-purpose solar powered vehicle ................................................................................ 27 V. Portable plough cum seed sowing machine ....................................................................... 28 VI. Paddy sowing revolver ....................................................................................................... 29 VII. Atmospheric water generator – drip irrigation ................................................................. 30 VIII. Neem oil extractor cum sprayer ...................................................................................... 31 IX. Real-time crop checking drone .......................................................................................... 32 X. Foot planter ......................................................................................................................... 32 XI. Cotton deseeder ................................................................................................................. 33 XII. Mobile cropping ................................................................................................................ 33 XIII. Weed cutter...................................................................................................................... 34 XIV. Winnowing machine ........................................................................................................ 34

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x 16.




Final Concept Development .................................................................................................................. 35 •

De-weeding in the Fields .................................................................................................. 35

Types of Weed that grows in Paddy fields ........................................................................ 36

Different ways of treat the weed control ......................................................................... 36

Primary study: Paddy Fields .............................................................................................. 36

Weed Problem .................................................................................................................. 37

Effect of weed on crop...................................................................................................... 37

Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 38

Concept Development ...................................................................................................... 38

Attributes .......................................................................................................................... 38

Concept of the Wheel Mechanism ................................................................................... 40

Concept Model.................................................................................................................. 42

Parallel Products………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….43

Final Concept ......................................................................................................................................... 44 •

Study Concept Model ....................................................................................................... 44

Exploded View .................................................................................................................. 46

Statistical Data .................................................................................................................. 47

EXTRACTO | Scenario ........................................................................................................ 48

EXTRACTO: Product Detailing ................................................................................................................ 49 •

Standard Views: Wheel Option 01 .................................................................................... 49

Drawings: Wheel Option 01 ............................................................................................. 50

Standard Views: Wheel Option 02 .................................................................................... 51

Drawings: Wheel Option 01 .............................................................................................. 52

Study Prototype ................................................................................................................ 53

Prototype of the wheel ..................................................................................................... 55

Design Iterations ............................................................................................................... 56

Final Design: EXTRACTO ........................................................................................................................ 57 •

Final Model ....................................................................................................................... 58

Design of Extracto ............................................................................................................. 59

Exploded View .................................................................................................................. 60

Technical Drawings: Dissembled Parts ............................................................................. 65


Design Studio Sessions & Guidance....................................................................................................... 78


Feedback from Farmers......................................................................................................................... 79


Table of Figures ..................................................................................................................................... 80


Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................... 82 Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi



01. Preface The aim of the project is to aid the subsistence farmers who are struggling on the edge with all the problems they are facing. The project started with a broad topic on ‘Rural Agricultural Systems’. Extensive research is done on the same from which many findings of rural farmers and their struggles are found. Primary research is done with the support of professionals from ICAR, IIT Delhi and FieldKing, and also the experts in the field, the farmers. Several interviews are conducted and all the information gathered about various issues faced by the farmers is studied, from which the design brief has been generated followed by several ideations and concepts which led to a final design brief, after constant thorough discussions with the/my faculty members. The final brief is designed with the aim to empower the Indian farmers by using alternative energy and reduce their dependency on other unwanted resources. Primary and secondary research has been done on this topic and de-weeding is selected which has more opportunities and needs to cut down the costs which explain how that concept is going to help the farmers reduce the input cost and increase their profit margins by eliminating the use of chemicals for de-weeding. It resolves the problem of manual labour and saves them from the respective health issues caused by such physical activities. The concept is further explored and developed which led to the final product ‘Extracto’. Inputs and reviews are taken to validate the necessity and workability of the product.

Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi



02. Introduction to Agriculture It is a process of producing food, feed, fibre, and many other desired products by the cultivation of various plants and the raising of livestock (domesticated animals). The practice of agriculture is also known as "farming". Many scientists, inventors, and other professionals devoted themselves to improve farming methods and implements, which are widely engaged in agriculture. Agriculture or farming is the science and art of cultivating plants and livestock. It is the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, thereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that enabled people to live in cities. This history has begun thousands of years ago. After gathering wild grains begin, the nascent farmers started to plant them and then domesticating cattle, sheep, goat etc started over 10,000 years ago. Plants were individually cultivated in different regions of the world.

03. Types of Agriculture “Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation, but the only riches she can call her own.�

Figure 1 Beginning of Industrial Revolution

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These are the various types of farming practices all over the world. I.


Nomadic Herding It is based upon the rearing of animals and pastures. This practice is performed by the people of the semiarid and arid regions. These people stay on the move with their animals in search of natural pastures for their livestock to graze. The type of animals reared differs from one region to the other. Northern Africa, parts of Arabia, and parts of northern Eurasia are the typical regions of this type of farming. This is a subsistence type of activity. Livestock Ranching Under this system of farming, the major emphasis is laid on rearing animals. Unlike nomadic herding, the farmers live a settled life. This type of farming has developed on a commercial basis in areas of the world where large plots of land are available for animal grazing, such as the low rainfall areas of North America, South America and Australia. Animals are reared mainly for meat and wool, and they are kept on large-scale farms called ranches.

Figure 2 Nomadic Herding

Figure 3 Livestock Ranching


Shifting Cultivation This type of farming is most often adopted in the tropics. Under this system, the land is obtained by clearing forest areas using a slash and burn technique. The land is then cultivated for a few years, or until the fertility declines or the land is overtaken by the weeds and other native flora. At this point, farmers move on to clear another area of the forest. This is a subsistence type of farming that is almost always done manually. This type of agriculture is usually adopted by people living in tropical regions like southeast Asia, with a major emphasis is on grain crops. This type of farming is declining due to pressure by environmentalists.


Rudimentary Sedentary Tillage This is a subsistence type of agriculture and it differs from the aforementioned types because the same plot of land is cultivated continuously year after year. Fallowing of land is commonly adopted to maintain soil fertility and is a technique often adopted in tropical regions. Besides grain crops, some tree crops such as the Parรก rubber tree are grown using this system.

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Intensive subsistence farming (With or without Rice Dominant) Intensive subsistence farming is practiced in tropical regions that have high populations and receive a large amount of precipitation. Rice is the dominant crop when it comes to this type of farming, as it can employ and feed a large number of people per unit of area. The southeast Asian region is where most of this type of farming is done. This type of farming requires the use of both manual and animal power, and farmers try to enhance the productivity per unit of area with the use of manures. Commercial Plantations Although practiced over a rather small area, this type of farming is quite important in terms of its commercial value. The major products of this type of farming are tropical crops such as tea, coffee, rubber and palm oil. This type of farming has developed in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America where the colonial influence of Europeans has remained. Most of the plantations were developed to provide tropical crops to the European markets.

Figure 4 Intensive subsistence farming

Figure 5 Commercial Plantation

Mediterranean Agriculture The typically rugged terrain of the Mediterranean region has resulted in typical livestock and crop combinations. Wheat, vineyards and citrus fruits are the major crops, and small animals are the major livestock reared in the region. Horticulture is a major activity of this region, and most of the crops are grown during the winter with the help of winter rains. Figure 6 Mediterranean Agriculture


Commercial Grain Farming This type of farming is a response to farm mechanization and is the major type of farming in the areas with low rainfall and population. These crops are prone to the vagaries of weather and droughts, and monoculture of wheat is the general practice. Prairies, steppes, and temperate grasslands of South America and Australia. Figure 7 Commercial Grain Farming

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Dairy Farming This type of farming also had its origin in Europe, from where it spread to other areas. Close proximity to the market and a temperate climate is the two favourable factors which have been responsible for the development of this type of farming. Countries like Denmark and Sweden have witnessed the maximum development of this type of farming. Figure 8 Dairy Farming


Specialized Horticulture This type of farming has developed to take advantage of a large demand for horticulture products, especially in areas of large-scale urbanisation and high-density population. It has been most successful when used for vineyard cultivation in areas of France, northern Hungary and the Swiss Lakes regions. Although Whittlesey's agricultural classification is quite elaborate, the regionalisation on the basis of this classification is not something permanent. Due to Figure 9 Specialized Horticulture changing market demands and developing agricultural technology, a number of changes have come into the agricultural pattern of the world since Whittlesey's study. Large demands for fruits and vegetables in the urban areas have resulted in modified land use in many parts of the world, and such factors impart a dynamic character to the agricultural activity


Livestock & Grain Farming This type of agriculture is commonly known as mixed farming, and originated in the humid areas of the middle latitudes, except Asia. Its development is closely related to the market facilities, and it is a typically European type of farming. Great Britain and New Zealand are examples of areas where this type of farming is common practice.


Subsistence Crop & Stock Farming In this type of agriculture practically nothing is sold off the farm. This type of farming has been common in areas of middle latitudes with lower fertility of soils, or in areas with rough terrain. It has declined significantly after the collectivization of farming in Russia, which was one of the major regions where this was practiced.

Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi



04. Birds, Bees & Butterflies

What Do the Birds and the Bees Have to Do with Global Food Supply?

Figure 10 Birds & Pollination

Birds do a lot for us—beyond being easy on the eyes, their assistance in the pollination process helps ensure that we humans have enough food to eat. But more pollinating insects, birds, and other animals are going extinct today than ever before, according to a report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), an international conservation task force. And without immediate action to protect those species, it warns, the global food supply could be decimated. About 16.5 percent of bird and mammal pollinators (that includes bats, marsupials, monkeys, lemurs and rodents) are currently threatened with extinction, while more than 40 percent of pollinating insects—especially bees and butterflies—are similarly threatened, according to the task force of about 80 experts, which met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to release the report.

The Repercussions of Losing Pollinators The loss of these creatures would have a reverberating effect on the Earth’s plant life—animals pollinate nearly 90 percent of the world’s plants and at least 75 percent of food crops, according to IPBES. Crops used for biofuels, fibres, craft and construction materials, medicine, and livestock feed are also dependent on pollinators to successfully reproduce. The decimation of these animals may limit the availability of crops that depend on pollination, such as apples, broccoli, and almonds, and make humans more dependent on crops that don’t require pollination, such as corn and carrots, or those that can be pollinated by wind and water, such as tomatoes and eggplant. “To maintain the wide variety of foods we need to stay healthy, we need pollinators,” says Ann Bartuska, deputy chief for research at the USDA Forest Service and an author of the IPBES study. Some of the major causes of pollinator species losses include habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change and industrial agricultural practices—especially the planting of large-scale monocultures, says Dr. David Inouye, an author of the IPBES report and professor emeritus of biology at the University of Maryland.

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What do Birds have to do with it? “Bees are clearly the most important pollinators,” says Dr. Gretchen LeBuhn, an author of the IPBES report and professor of Ecology and Evolution at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “However, hummingbirds, orioles, and a variety of other flower-visiting birds do provide pollination service, although primarily to wildflowers.” Worldwide, there are about 2,000 species of pollinating birds, according to the U.S. Forest Service, including honeycreepers, honeyeaters, sunbirds, and some parrots. The birds help fertilize plants in the same way as any other pollinator—by transferring pollen (via their bills) from one flower to another as they flit between plants feeding on nectar. Bird pollination mainly occurs in tropical regions, where they help pollinate a few food crops, including bananas, papaya and nutmeg. “While we may not eat the wildflowers birds pollinate, those plants are important for the health of the global ecosystem as a whole,”

says Dr. Eugenie Regan, senior principle consultant at The Biodiversity Consultancy, a UK-based environmental risk-assessment firm.

05. Primary Research Agriculture is one of the few occupations which cannot be abandoned. The farmers have been facing a lot of problems and with the industrial agriculture coming into the picture, a change in the fate of traditional ways of agriculture can be seen, affecting the farmers as well as the environment in an enormous level.

A talk with Farmers of current generation Chinababu, 43Y (Owns 10 acres of land). He is practicing agriculture from last 25 years, in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Crops that are cultivated: • • • • •

Paddy Ground Nuts Sesame seeds Cotton Toor dal

He used to cultivate crops using traditional ways, tillage using bullock cart, manual labour for sowing and harvesting, using compost from dung, bio waste as the fertilizers, without the use of tractors. It used to take a lot of time. These are yearly crops which gives a yield that will suffice his family needs for one or two years. Paddy is the main crop they used to cultivate apart from Cashew and Mango farms and Teak wood etc. After a few years when tractors came into the pictures, bullock carts became extinct and chemicals, including pesticides and fertilizers, are extensively used which reduces the fertility of the soil.

Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi



Started using mechanical pumps for watering the lands, charging motors. He even encountered someone using drones for water irrigation and for spraying pesticides etc. They are shifting to cash crops and fibre crops nowadays. Reasons: No income & No MSP No manual labour available on time Lack of fertile land causing over usage of chemicals Industrial Agriculture has shown farmers, a faster way of practicing agriculture but it is expensive when compared to traditional methods. The government is not supporting much with the MSP they are supposed to get.

Cash Crops





Palmolive Cashew farm Sugarcane Banana Watermelon

1 acre 3 acres 2 acres 1 acre 1 acre

10,000 No investment 10,000 5,000 5,000

50,000 20,000 25,000 15,000 15,000

Main Crops





Paddy Cotton Wheat

1 acre 1 acre 1 acre

8,000 5,000 8,000

20,000 12,000 15,000

Livestock management Domesticating cattle to feed on the grass. Milk from the cows is a source of income to meet daily needs. Now the dairy farms came into the bigger picture and the use of milk has been increased. It is giving more income than cultivating crops.

Appala Naidu, 50Y (Owns 4 acres of land). He is practicing agriculture for past 30yrs. Prefers modern ways of practicing because it saves time. Much productive work with less effort. But it is always preferable to use sustainable ways instead of fertilizers like compost made from dung. Neem oil instead of pesticides and insecticides for curing plant diseases. Crops grown: • • • •

Pine trees Paddy Sugarcane Black/green pulses

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Insights from the farmers Wooden posts are located at several places in the middle of farms, where small birds and butterflies come and sit on these posts and feed on insects. This is an effective way of protecting the crop and preventing diseases. The use of chemicals is gradually depleting the fertility of the soil but the usage has become more of compulsion in order to cultivate the crop. This results in excessive expenditure for a farmer due to these external factors of cultivation. Hence, the margin of profit is very less because of these factors of industrial agriculture. Farmers need a much efficient way of farming which does not diminish the soil fertility and also save time, effort, and money with cultivating the crop. He is employed and spends less time on agriculture, so he is cultivating pine trees which has a crop time of 3 years or more. So, after 3 months of raising the crop, it doesn’t need monitoring until the end. Dairy farming is the new way for farmers to earn more profits but it needs investment for the startup and buying all the cattle and constructing the sheds and providing all the sources etc. That is the future plan after his retirement. If these small-scale farmers have enough money to start a new dairy farm or go to some other field of work which has proper income that can support the family, they are leaving agriculture. That is the long term cause a huge scarcity in agriculture.

06. Interviews with Professionals ICAR - Indian Council of Agricultural Research I. Dr. M. Jayanti, Principal Scientist • • • • • • •

Need machinery for the development of Agriculture Manual labour shall be reduced. Can take the help of technology for machining in farming Machinery helps in speeding up the process and reduces stress in the labour. Farmers are cultivating paddy and other main crops but it has been reducing Regional differences are there in the agriculture In few areas, they are focussing on the profit and few are focussed on their daily needs.

Meeting with few other professors & Scientists has given some insights about the present situation:

II. • •

People are not seeing the value in Agriculture They consider it non-profitable as they can’t consider this as business.

III. • •

Dr. Anil Kar, Head of Agriculture Economics

03. Dr. L. Murali Krishnan

After the machines are introduced, the agricultural operations became easy Not enough manual labourers for farming. Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi

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IIT Delhi Prof. Dr. Vijay Raghavan Chariyar Rural life needs: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Food Music Language Fabrics Herbs Aboard Union

Using more technology is not more development. The current generation thinks success means more consumption. Life has become all about consumption and being consumed. Economic advantage has been leading to cultural loss.

Figure 11 Flow chart of Cultural Loss

There should be balance in the following four systems

Farming Pastural land Orchards Forest

Agriculture, cultivation of crops Pastures for livestock feeding Need fruit crops Forest for ecosystem balance

Regular attention for farming Feeding the livestock is necessary Need little attention Needs no attention

Insights o o o o o o o o o

Need for machinery Reduction of manual labour Should restore the soil fertility Should reduce the usage for pesticides and chemicals Need efficient methods of practicing agriculture Birds, Bees and Butterflies are to be saved which are the major contributors to the farming Need more care for dairy farming Stubble burning has been causing lot of pollution which shall not be encouraged. Need help for subsistence farmers in the farming

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07. Field Study Akbarpur, Haryana This is a small village in Haryana, where they grow wheat crop in major parts. This is a field study that helped me look at this topic closely and it helped me gain some useful insights.

Figure 12 Sugarcane crop & wheat cultivation

Figure 13 Crusher, Food for cattle & Garden Mower

Figure 14 Sickle, Tiller & Grain Storage

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Gunupudi, A.P. This is another field study near my hometown, that is in Visakhapatnam district. The paddy fields are abundant in this region which is in my scope of design brief.

Figure 15 Paddy Cultivation, Grains

Figure 16 Weed growth during the harvest season

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08. Secondary Study Traditional Agriculture can be defined as a primitive style of farming that involves the intensive use of indigenous knowledge, traditional tools, natural resources, organic fertilizer and cultural beliefs of the farmers. It is noteworthy that it is still used by about 50% of the world population. Human has sacrificed their natural resources for economic development from the dawn of human civilization to the modern world. In the evolutionary period of agriculture, people used the practice of slash and burn cultivation or shifting cultivation, which is still prevalent in the tribal region of northeast India. Here, we are giving a brief note on traditional agriculture and its impact on the environment, which is very useful. Characteristics of Traditional Agriculture

Figure 17 Traditional farming

1. Extensive farming with indigenous knowledge and tools 2. Indigenous tools like axe, hoe, and stick 3. Method: Slash & Burn, and Shifting Cultivation 4. Cattle raisin helps to create fallow land 5. Absence of accountability and responsibility to the Environment 6. Lacked by surplus production

Traditional farming Methods 1. Crop rotations 2. Compost/ dung fertilizer 3. Neem oil for plant diseases 4. Natural weed 5. Biological pest control system Traditional farming is very similar to organic farming where the farmer has a mixed farm of livestock, fruit and crops. Nowadays only a few farmers get involved in traditional farming in the least developed and developing countries, besides that most of the countries use modern technology, chemical fertilizer, and pesticides.

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09. Stubble Burning Stubble burning is intentionally setting fire to the straw stubble that remains after grains, like paddy, wheat, etc., have been harvested. The practice was widespread until the 1990s, when governments increasingly restricted its use. Indigenous Australians, long supposed to have been nomadic hunter-gatherers, practised systematic burning to enhance natural productivity in fire-stick farming. Figure 18 Stubble burning

The burning of stubble, contrasted with alternatives such as ploughing the stubble back into the ground or collecting it for industrial uses, has a number of consequences and effects on the environment. “It has been estimated that one tonne of paddy straw contains approximately 5.5kg nitrogen, 2.3kg phosphorous pentoxide, 25kg potassium oxide, 1.2kg sulphur, 50-70% of micro nutrients absorbed by rice and 400kg of carbon which are lost due to burning of paddy straw. Causes and Prevention: Stubble burning refers to the deliberate act of burning the straw stubble that remains after rice, wheat and other grains are harvested. The stubble burning in the regions of Punjab and Haryana is one of the main reasons for the high levels of pollution in Delhi. Advantages • • • •

Removes residue cheaply and quickly. If the producer's drill or planter has a hard time going through wheat residue, or the amount of residue is unusually heavy, this can be an advantage. Can control tan spot disease. Tan spot spores over summer on wheat residue, and burning will usually kill most of the spores. Burning off the residue results in a warmer, and potentially drier, seedbed. Burning late, however, can reduce the beneficial effects mid-summer burning has on take-all. May help control Hessian fly. This is one "advantage that's a little more hype than reality. These flaxseeds will not be controlled by burning. A slow, hot fire can kill flaxseed that is in residue above ground, however.

Disadvantages • Removes a major source of organic matter from the field. The residue and stubble are an important source of organic matter for the soil. • Can harden the ground • Reduces water infiltration capacity, temporarily seal the soil surface to some extent. • Loss of nutrients in case of wheat straw. • Results in smoke pollution. Air quality concerns are the major. Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi

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10. Tools of traditional agriculture

Figure 19 Tools of farming

Modern Practices of Agriculture Modern agricultural systems have been developed with two related goals in mind: to obtain the highest yields possible and to get the highest economic profit possible. In pursuit of these goals, six basic practices have come to form the backbone of production: intensive tillage, monoculture, application of inorganic fertilizer, irrigation, chemical pest control, and genetic manipulation of crop plants. Each practice is used for its individual contribution to productivity, but when they are all combined in a farming system each depends on the others and reinforces the need for using the others. The work of agronomists, specialists in agricultural production, has been key to the development of these practices.

Intensive Tillage. The soil is cultivated deeply, completely, and regularly in most modern agricultural systems, and a vast array of tractors and farm implements have been developed to facilitate this practice. The soil is loosened, water drains better, roots grow faster, and seeds can be planted more easily. Cultivation is also used to control weeds and work dead plant matter into the soil.

Figure 20 Intensive Tillage

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Monoculture. When one crop is grown alone in a field, it is called a monoculture. Monoculture makes it easier to cultivate, sow seed, control weeds, and harvest, as well as expand the size of the farm operation and improve aspects of profitability and cost. At the same time, monocultures tend to promote the use of the other five basic practices of modern agriculture.

Figure 21 Mono culture

Use of Synthetic Fertilizers. Very dramatic yield increases occur with the application of synthetic chemical fertilizers. Relatively easy to manufacture or mine, to transport, and to apply, fertilizer use has increased from five to ten times what it was at the end of WWII. Applied in either liquid or granular form, fertilizer can supply crops with readily available and uniform amounts of several essential plant nutrients. Figure 22 Synthetic Fertilizers

Irrigation Technologies. By supplying water to crops during times of dry weather or in places of the world where natural rainfall is not sufficient for growing most crops, irrigation has greatly boosted the food supply. Drawing water from underground wells, building reservoirs and distribution canals, and diverting rivers have improved yields and increased the area of available farm land. Special sprinklers, pumps, and drip systems have greatly improved the efficiency of water application as well. Figure 23 Irrigation Technologies

Chemical Pest Control. In the large monoculture fields of much of modern agriculture, pests include such organisms as insects that eat plants, weeds that interfere with crop growth, and diseases that slow plant and animal development or even cause death. When used properly, synthetic chemicals have provided an effective, relatively easy way to provide such control. Chemical sprays can quickly respond to pest outbreaks.

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Genetic Manipulation. Farmers have been choosing among crop plants and animals for specific characteristics for thousands of years. But modern agriculture has taken advantage of several more recent crop breeding techniques. The development of hybrid seed, where two or more strains of a crop are combined to produce a more productive offspring, has been one of the most significant strategies. Genetic engineering has begun to develop molecular techniques that Figure 24 Genetic Manipulation selectively introduce genetic information from one organism to another, often times from very unrelated organisms, with a goal of capitalizing on specific useful traits.

Disadvantages of modern methods Excessive tillage led to soil degradation, the loss of organic matter, soil erosion by water and wind, and soil compaction . Large monocultures are especially prone to devastating pest outbreaks that often occur when pests encounter a large, uniform area of one crop species, requiring the continued and excessive use of chemical sprays. Modern farm systems lack the natural control agents needed for biological pest management, and larger amounts of sprays must be used as pests rapidly evolve resistance. People also worry about chemical pollution of the environment by sprays and fertilizers, and the possible contamination of food supplies. Modern agriculture has become such a large user of water resources that overuse, depletion, saltwater contamination, salt build-up in soil, fertilizer leaching, and soil erosion have become all too common. Agricultural water users compete with urban and industrial use, and wildlife as well. Hybrid seed has contributed greatly to the loss of genetic diversity and increased risk of massive crop failure, as well as an increased dependence on synthetic and non-renewable inputs needed for maintaining high yield. Genetically engineered crops have the same negative potential, especially as the selection process takes place less and less in the hands of farmers working in their own fields, but rather in faraway laboratories. In the future, in order to take advantage of new technologies and practices, farming systems will need to be viewed as ecosystems, or agricultural ecosystems. By monitoring both the positive and negative impacts of modern farming practices, ecologically based alternatives can be developed that protect the health of the soil, air, and water on farms and nearby areas, lower the economic costs of production, and promote viable farming communities around the world.

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11. Industrial Agriculture

Industrial agriculture is a form of modern farming that refers to the industrialized production of livestock, poultry, fish, and crops. The methods of industrial agriculture are technoscientific, economic, and political. They include innovation in agricultural machinery and farming methods, genetic technology, techniques for achieving economies of scale in production, the creation of new markets for consumption, the application of patent protection to genetic information, and global trade. Subsistence farming, who farms a small area with limited resource inputs, and produces only enough food to meet the needs of his/her family. At the other end is commercial in tensive agriculture, including industrial agriculture. Such farming involves large fields and/or numbers of animals, large resource inputs (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.), and a high level of mechanization. The 20th Century saw massive changes in agricultural practice, particularly in agricultural chemistry. Agricultural chemistry includes the application of chemical fertilizer, chemical insecticides, and chemical fungicides, soil makeup, analysis of agricultural Figure 25 Industrial Agriculture products, and nutritional needs of farm animals. Beginning in the Western world, the green revolution spread many of these changes to farms throughout the world, with varying success. Other recent changes in agriculture include hydroponics, plant breeding, hybridization, gene manipulation, better management of soil nutrients, and improved weed control. Genetic engineering has yielded crops which have capabilities beyond those of naturally occurring plants, such as higher yields and disease resistance. Modified seeds germinate faster, and thus can be grown in an extended growing area. Genetic engineering of plants has proven controversial, particularly in the case of herbicide-resistant plants. Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi

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As of 2006, an estimated 36 percent of the world's workers are employed in agriculture (down from 42% in 1996), making it by far the most common occupation. However, the relative significance of farming has dropped steadily since the beginning of industrialization, and in 2006 – for the first time in history – the services sector overtook agriculture as the economic sector employing the most people worldwide. Also, agricultural production accounts for less than five percent of the gross world product (an aggregate of all gross domestic products).

Figure 26 Diversified Farming

Indian agriculture is under an invisible emergency In 2019, three weeks after the kharif harvesting season began, reports emerged that farmers are selling their produce at a price way below the minimum support price (MSP) announced by the government. Except for a few crops like paddy and maize, market prices for most of the 14 kharif crops, including moong, urad, tur, Niger seeds, bajra, jowar, ragi, cotton, soya bean and sunflower, dropped 8-37 per cent below MSP. While farmers incurred massive losses, the news did not trigger much outrage among the middle class. The reason is simple: If food prices remain low, household budget remains intact. In fact, the government got a pat on the back for keeping food inflation under control, and nobody really bothered to know what happens to those farmers who produce that cheaper food.

Making agriculture sustainable is good and not for climate alone

Figure 27 Climate & Agriculture

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12. Subsistence Agriculture Subsistence agriculture occurs when farmers grow food crops to meet the needs of themselves and their families. In subsistence agriculture, farm output is targeted to survival and is mostly for local requirements with little or no surplus trade. The typical subsistence farm has a range of crops and animals needed by the family to feed and clothe themselves during the year. Planting decisions are made principally with an eye toward what the family will need during the coming year, and secondarily toward market prices.

Figure 28 Subsistence Agriculture

Tony Waters writes: "Subsistence peasants are people who grow what they eat, build their own houses, and live without regularly making purchases in the marketplace."

Despite the primacy of self-sufficiency in subsistence farming, today most subsistence farmers also participate in trade to some degree, though usually it is for goods that are not necessary for survival, and may include sugar, iron roofing sheets, bicycles, used clothing, and so forth. Most subsistence farmers today reside in developing countries. Although their amount of trade as measured in cash is less than that of consumers in countries with modern complex markets. Figure 29 Farmer ploughing

Poverty alleviation Subsistence agriculture can be used as a poverty alleviation strategy, specifically as a safety net for food-price shocks and for food security. Poor countries are limited in fiscal and institutional resources that would allow them to contain rises in domestic prices as well as to manage social assistance programs, which is often because they are using policy tools that are intended for middle- and highincome countries. Low-income countries tend to have populations in which 80% of poor are in rural areas and more than 90% of rural households have access to land, yet a majority of these rural poor have insufficient access to food. Subsistence agriculture can be used in low-income countries as a part of policy responses to a food crisis in the short and medium term, and provide a safety net for the poor in these countries.

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13. Scope of the Project I.

Restoring the traditional practices with a balance of modern technology.


Solution for the protection of BIRDS, BEES and BUTTERFLIES.


Solution for stubble burning to control the air pollution.

14. Final Brief

A product to empower the Indian farmers to reduce their dependency, with the help of alternate source of energy

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Figure 30 Statistical Data of Farmer suicides

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has confirmed, in the National Crime Records Bureau’s accidental deaths and suicides in India report released on Friday, that 11,379 farmers died by suicide in India in 2016. This translates into 948 suicides every month, or 31 suicides every day. In July 2018, the government had told the Lok Sabha that 11,370 farmers committed suicide in India in 2016. But it had said that the data was provisional and the NCRB was yet to release a final report. That final report of accidental deaths and suicides in India has now been released. It was last released in 2015. The number of farmer suicides has shown a decline as per government data, coming down to 11,379 in 2016 from 12,360 in 2014 and 12,602 in 2015. For 2016, the NCRB has not released information for the cause of farmer suicides. Analysis of the 2010 data shows that majority of the suicide victims are in the age group of 30 to 59. They number 9,910. As many as 4,409 farmers who committed suicide were below 30, while 1,645 farmers were senior citizens. The five most affected states are: Maharashtra (3,141), Karnataka (2,585), Andhra Pradesh (2,525), Madhya Pradesh (1,237) and Chhattisgarh (1,126) (see map). Calculation of average number of deaths during the decade reveals that over 45 farmers are committing suicide every day. Moreover, out of the total deaths, around 15 per cent suicide victims are women farmers.

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The National Crime Records Bureau started recording farmer suicide cases in 1995. The data compiled from 1995 to 2010 reveals that over a quarter of a million farmers (256,913) have killed themselves. The deaths underscore the growing agrarian crisis in India.

Figure 31 Farmer suicides data

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15. Concepts I.

Seed sowing drone

When seeds are poorly distributed, either crop stand of plants becomes too dense or have spaces in between when plants are too few. Weeds also grow and compete with the crop for nutrients.

Economic costs can be direct in terms of yield lost due to poor crop stand (too many or too few plants) or through the increased cost of seed when high seed rates are used.

Seed dropper - Add-on to the drone

• • • •

Seeds are thrown into the field uniformly Reduces the manual labour Reduces the wastage of the seed Less intake of nutrients & It can also be used for fertilizer spray.

Figure 32 Seed sowing drone

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Pest repellent

Rice is the staple food for almost all parts of the world. Paddy cultivation is followed by most of the people. However, most of the paddy farmers face huge economic losses in paddy cultivation due to damage caused by insect pests.

Figure 33 Pest repellent

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Bio-gas Chiller

Self-sustainable system for earning high profits. Bio-gas which has the ability to produce methane which has been used for cooking. It also can produce Electricity which small scale dairy farmers can use to produce electricity for milk chillers. Reduces the manual labour and it can sustain by itself. This could be one of the best solutions for Dairy farmers.

Figure 34 Bio-gas chillers

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Multi-purpose solar powered vehicle

Four process in a single stretch

Reduces the investment in the equipment and labor

Reduces manual labor

Solar panels are attached on the roof

Uniform sowing and uniform spread of the resources


No use of external sources

Figure 35 Multi-purpose vehicle

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Portable plough cum seed sowing machine

Figure 36 Wheels between the two main tyres are the attachments for the tillage and seed sowing.

This is a portable tiller and seed sowing for farmers. It saves time and operated manually and saves a lot money and hard work. This could be one of the smart tools for farmers.

Figure 37 Portable tillage cum sowing machine for small scale farmers.

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Paddy sowing revolver

This wheel helps in sowing paddy crop seeds within minutes operated by only one person. This is an effective way to sow crop seeds with bare minimum labour. This could be very effective way of planting considering the current ways of practice. Practically it takes 6-8 persons to work in a field to plant them.

Figure 38 Paddy sower

Now it is much easier with the revolving wheel, where the plants are kept in a row of cardboard pockets. One person can pull the board from one end to the other and plant the crop effectively. Cardboard pockets where the paddy plants are placed.

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Atmospheric water generator – drip irrigation

Figure 39 Atmospheric water generator

We know that electricity can be created from sunlight and coal can be made from wood. But, now it is possible to get water from thin air on a scale that can make a real difference. Water is not a commodity yet, but it may soon be, so here is what may help when society hits that stumbling block.

If we can capture the moisture from the atmosphere then the extracted water can be used for agricultural purposes. If drip irrigation can be done using this process, it would be a lot easy for the farmers who are struggling with water scarcity. The water could also be used for commercial applications as well - water ATMs, food production, bottling. This industrial unit consumes eight units of electricity per hour and produces 40 litres of water, which is 0.2 units per litre.

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Neem oil extractor cum sprayer

Figure 40 Neem oil extractor

Neem oil insecticide works as a systemic in many plants when applied as a soil drench. This means it is absorbed by the plant and distributed throughout the tissue. Once the product is in the plant’s vascular system, insects intake it during feeding. The compound causes insects to reduce or cease feeding, can prevent larvae from maturing, reduces or interrupts mating behaviour and, in some cases, the oil coats the breathing holes of insects and kills them. It is a machine that can extract neem oil using Solar / wing energy and use it to produce neem oil and use it to spray the crops. Neem oil spraying is one of the ancient practices used in farming. This is an active repellent for the unwanted ecological system and a friend to the useful insects. This could be one of the best ways to prevent the pests and at the same time reduce the usage of unwanted chemicals and fertilizers that are spoiling the soil fertility and killing the value.

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Real-time crop checking drone

A robot that can scan the field for the farmers and keep a real-time check on how to manage the crop and how to maintain the health of the crop in difficult damp conditions.

Figure 41 Real time crop inspecting drone


Foot planter

This can be effective in eliminated the tough physical activity of bending in the fields for hours and help the farmer plant the seeds/saplings with more ease and comfort, avoiding any type of body cramps.

Figure 42 Foot planter

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Cotton deseeder

Cotton deseeding has become a problem for the small-scale farmers. After collecting the cotton, they have to send it to cotton deseeding facility and then to other facilities for the post processing. So, this tool can be a solution for all this trouble and they can deseed by themselves with a simple and easy process.

Figure 43 Cotton deseeder


Mobile cropping

This is a solution for the farmers to transport the crop which is located in bad climatic conditions. The concept is to make the transportation easy for the modules which hold the crop, to a place with most likely climatic conditions.

Figure 44 Mobile cultivation

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Weed cutter

So many times, we wonder what happens to the weeds in the farm that are right next to the crop, which grows close to the main crop and takes all the sources and shares water and minerals that are supposed to reach the main plant. This is to de-weed those unwanted plants right next to your crop.

Figure 45 Weed cutter


Winnowing machine

Winnowing in olden times is done using 5-6 people and it is a lot to spend for small farmers and with the help of this machine one person can manage the winnowing and separation of grain processes. This can be a done using exhaust and wind blower to separate grains. This could be a good solution for the farmers during the post-harvest processing.

Figure 46 Winnowing machine

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16. Final Concept Development After looking into a wide spectrum of opportunities and the need for product design in Rural agricultural system, I have observed a lot of problems that are existing in the subsistence agriculture and farming. There are significant solutions for almost every problem in agriculture, but the availability of these tools is a bigger problem. Farmers doesn’t know what type of tools are available in the market and are not aware of the usage and the pros & cons of existing tools and how effective are they etc. This study has helped me a lot to look into the problems and opportunities available to help the smallscale farmers in particular. Farmers are the backbone for the country and we as product designers are responsible to provide them the effective solutions to support them in all aspects and reduce their hard work and time consumption in farming processes. Paddy and wheat are the main crops which are majorly consumed in India. Above are few areas of interest where I found few opportunities and solutions for the issues that has to be addressed.

De-weeding in the Fields Paddy needs 90 to 110 days to and the main rice growing season in the country is the 'Kharif'. It is known as winter rice as per the harvesting time. The sowing time of winter (kharif) rice is June-July and it is harvested in November-December. Sowing of wheat takes place in October to December. Wheat crop needs cool winters & hot summers, which is why the fertile plains of Indo-Gangetic region are the most conducive for growing it.

Figure 47 Weeds around the wheat crop, Weeds growing in paddy field, Conventional method of de-weeding.

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Types of Weed that grows in Paddy fields Common weeds in rice fields are grouped into three categories…



• • • •

• •

• •

Saccharum munja Eleusine indica Eragrostis interupta Paspalum scrobiculatum Leersia hexandra Eragrostis aspera

Scirpus erectus Cyperus haspan

Broad leaved weeds • • • •

Eichornia crassipes Salvinia molesta Alternanthera sessilis Ammanea baccifera

Different ways of treat the weed control a. Spraying b. Hand picking c. Mixing the chemicals with water and throw them into the crop

Primary study: Paddy Fields

Figure 48 Yellowing in grains, lack of minerals in the crop, Weed Problem in paddy fields

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Weed Problem o Weeds are often defined as plants growing where they are unwanted. o What makes these plants so undesirable? o What sort of problems can weed cause?

Figure 49 Weed management in the paddy fields

Effect of weed on crop Farmers are often concerned that weeds may reduce crop yields. Weeds use the same nutrients that crop plants use, often in very similar proportions. They also use resources such as water, sunshine and space that might have gone to crops. The more similar the weed and crop requirements, the more they will compete for those resources. Weeds that compete aggressively with crops reduce their yield. Weeds are most damaging to crop yields if they have some advantage over the crop. Four factors are especially important: density, timing, size and chemistry. More weeds are generally a larger problem than few weeds, but weed density is not the only concern. For instance, at very high densities, green foxtail plants tend to compete strongly with each other and thus remain very small. These small plants probably have little competitive effect on the crop even when there are many of them. At medium densities, green foxtail plants grow larger and can severely reduce crop yields. In this example, a reduction in weed numbers may actually increase the weed problem. Ecologists have defined a critical period of weed competition. This is the time when the weed reduces crop yield. Weeds that are removed before the critical period, or that emerge after the critical period do not cause any appreciable yield loss. The exact timing of this period is not an “inherent property of the crop� and varies for different crops, for different weed species, and under different conditions such as year or location. In general, weeds should be removed at early crop growth stages. Early weed removal was found necessary to protect field pea yield.

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Immature weeds can interfere with harvesting operations. Weed seeds in harvested crops cause dockage and increase risk of spoilage. This can reduce crop value, or increase shipping costs. Weeds in grasslands are generally those that are less palatable.

Conclusions Weeds cause many problems. Most importantly, weeds can reduce crop yield. Weeds cause greater crop losses if they occur in large numbers, if they get a head start on the crop, if they are especially vigorous, or if they produce allelopathic substances. Other problems weeds cause include dockage, tainted products such as feed or food, increased numbers of harmful insects or diseases, and more difficult harvest.

Designing a tool for small scale paddy farmers to help them remove the weeds in the farm.

Concept Development

Attributes • • • • • •

Reducing the manual labour to the minimum Reduction of operation time Handheld tool that works with mechanical energy Design for damp conditions & Loose soil Reduction of cost and hard work Efficient methods of removing weed from the roots

Wheel with blades Figure 50 Conceptual Sketches - Form Exploration

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Figure 51 Study Models

Weed Carrier

Weed collector Figure 52 Conceptual Sketches - Form Exploration

Handle with gear

Wheel with the blades


Spring mechanism to help the wheel rotate Weed Carrier

Figure 53 Conceptual Sketches (Form Development)

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Concept of the Wheel Mechanism The wheel plays a major role in removal of weeds, as its own rotation is the mechanical force acting on the field. The paddy crop has a specific distance between the plants and regular intervals that will help the tool remove the weed properly. o o o o o

Avg. distance bet the plants = 220 mm. Clear distance bet plants = 180 mm. Avg. Plant width = 60 mm. Wheel diameter = 600 mm. Wheel thickness = 180 mm. 180mm


Figure 54 Wheel design

Each wheel has 6 discs with locking arrangement that will easily hold the plants and pluck the plants out. These discs are arranged in zig-zag manner so that the wider part will allow the plant inside and then gradually the narrow part will hold the plant tighter and pluck it out while the wheel rotates away. So, this way the plants and the roots will not stay in the field and it will reduce the chance of weeds growing again. Currently, the weeds are removed using the hand. Manual labour has to work for a whole day in a difficult posture to pluck these unwanted plants. Which will cause many health problems for them and it cost these small farmers a lot. There are some new machines that will cut the weed above the ground but that is not a permanent solution. Hence, designing a tool for these farmers which will have a low maintenance, durable and feasible solution to remove these unwanted plants so called weeds. Zig-Zag shaped Discs

The disc arrangement that will hold the plant


Figure 55 Wheel with discs that will allow them to hold the plants tighter. It digs into the soil & hold along with its roots.

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200 mm depth

Axle (DĂ­a 200mm)

Figure 56 Wheel side profile

Figure 57It can be an attachment of two wheels which will cover two rows in one stretch which will reduce the time of operation. This will reduce the cost of labour and hence the input cost reduces.

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Concept Model

Storage Compartment for tools Handle Grip

Mud gear

Weed collector

Mesh to filter the water


Zig-zag shaped Discs to dig in and pluck the plants with roots Discs arranged to take in the plant & hold it tight to pluck it smoothly with roots

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Parallel Products

Cono manual weeder

Kisankraft paddy weeder

BIZEN Manual Weeder

CIAE Paddy Weeder

Krishi Usha Weeder

Priya Paddy Weeder

Weeder made of iron wheel and blade

SRI motorized weeder

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17. Final Concept Study Concept Model De-weeder is a tool to help small scale farmers in the weed removal process. The entire design is based on the function of the wheel. Naturally, the weeds are picked out with hands, 5-6 people have to work hard in the sun in an awkward position for the whole day. So, this will solve the problem for the subsistent farmers who have very little land and want to reduce financial inputs in farming.

Figure 58 Final Model

Body Handle



Mud gear

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Mesh to collect the weeds

| 45



Figure 60 Wheel Options

Figure 59 Different wheel designs Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Exploded View

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Statistical Data Below is the statistical comparison of how it used to be & how it is going to be when they use the deweeding tool instead of handpicking the weeds. It shows the input cost and the time of work and other attributes which clearly shows you the difference that it can make. In many ways, it helps the small farming in reducing the input costs and earn more profits.

Figure 61 Difference between traditional ways & Extracto

For 01 acre

For 01 acre

No of persons = 6-8

No of persons = 1-2

Time of work

= 10 hours (5 hours/day)

Time of work

= 2-3 hours

2 days approx.

Cost of work

= Rs.500/- (if 2 persons work)

Cost of work

= Rs.4000/- (for 2 days)

and the Machine Cost

In 30 days after sowing the crop.



1. Precise hand picking of weeds 2. Employment for manual labour Cons 1. Hard work for the labour which leads to health issues 2. Waste of time considering the amount of weed that is growing

1. 2. 3. 4.

Reduces the input cost to farmers Saves time and money Reduces the hard work Gives more yield to the farmers with minimum input cost 5. Leaves more profit to the farmer Cons 1. Leads to unemployment 2. No precise hand picking in this case

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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EXTRACTO | Scenario Man-Powered Weed Removing Machine

Figure 62 Extracto working scenario

De-weeder is a solution to help small scale farmers in the weed removal process. The entire design is based on the function of the wheel. Naturally, the weeds are picked out with hands, 5-6 laborers work hard in the sun in a bending posture for the whole day. So, this will solve the problem for the subsistent farmers who have very little land and want to reduce financial inputs in farming. With De-weeder, a single individual can finish the de-weeding within 2-3 hrs which takes 10 hrs in handpicking.

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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18. EXTRACTO: Product Detailing Standard Views: Wheel Option 01

600 mm

1002 mm

420m m

Front View


180mm 60mm

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Side Vie w

| 50


Drawings: Wheel Option 01

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Standard Views: Wheel Option 02

600 mm


420m m

Front View


180mm 60mm

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Side View

| 52


Drawings: Wheel Option 01

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| 53


Study Prototype Made of Cardboard

Weed growing area

Single Wheel

Internal bars Field External bars Paddy Crop

Figure 63 Study model by cardboard

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| 54


Study Prototype Made of Cardboard


Single Wheel Field

Weed growing area

Paddy Crop Figure 64 Zoning of paddy field

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Prototype of the wheel

Figure 65 Representation of the operation

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Design Iterations Insights

01 04 07

Mesh provided is too delicate to make the machine stand when necessary.

Does the weeds has to be collected instead of scraping them?

When the machine is not in use, the weed collector could help to stand in the same position.

02 05 08

The weeds shall be collected then and dump at one place, so that it would not re grow.

The horizontal bars might stamp on the weeds which would not work for deweeding.

While in work, if the person wants to take rest, what would happen to the machine?

03 06 03

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The Mud gear is too close to the wheel which might obstruct the movement of the machine.

Easy maintenance for the wheel and weed collector

| 57


19. Final Design: EXTRACTO Final Model


02 Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Final Model Side Views


02 Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Design of Extracto Man powered De-Weeder is a Mechanical machine designed to help the subsistent farmers in the De-weeding process. This machine is a solution to many problems these farmers are facing. It solves the health issues of manual laborers, helps in the reduction of cost input, and also saves a lot of time. The final iteration of the design options for the wheels of two design options in wheels. The main working component of the tool is the wheel, which helps in de-weeding and this machine works by mechanical force and it is feasible for the small-scale farmers.

Figure 66 Mahindra Extracto Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Exploded View

Handle Bar

Cross Bar Axle Storage

The inspiration is the basic function in the process, the handpicking. That’s the best way to remove the whole weed with its roots, so that it won’t re-grow in the field. The wheel while rotating, allows the plant to go inside and hold tighter and pluck it out smoothly as it was plucked with bare hands.

Link Bar



Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Material Study New Magnesium based alloy as World's strongest and lightest metal to change the world. •

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a material using magnesium which is light like aluminum, but as strong as titanium alloys. This material has the highest strength-to-weight ratio known to mankind.

Magnesium can be used to engineer bike frames that are lighter than aluminum while maintaining high tensile strength and damping capabilities. All of that leads to a much smoother, more efficient ride. Magnesium also comes in at a lower price point than popular lightweight materials like carbon fiber.

Magnesium wheels proved to be impractical because they were prone to corrosion and they were mostly used in racing sports. Magnesium may be lighter than aluminum alloys but are easily flammable.

While Magnesium is the strongest and lightest metal as per studies, it is easily corroded and flammable. It is more expensive than other metals like aluminium and steel.

Despite its convincing material properties and characteristics that could suit in my scenario, it does not help in the environment I am designing for.

Steel vs Aluminium Corrosion resistance: Aluminum doesn’t rust. o While malleability is very important for manufacturing, aluminum’s greatest attribute is that it is corrosion resistant without any further treatment after it is spun. o With aluminum, there is no paint or coating to wear or scratch off. Steel or carbon steel usually need to be painted or treated after spinning to protect it from rust and corrosion, especially if the steel part will be at work in a moist, damp or abrasive environment. Strength: o Aluminum is more malleable and elastic than steel. o Aluminum can create shapes that steel cannot, often forming deeper or more intricate spinning. Steel is a very tough and resilient metal but cannot generally be pushed to the same extreme dimensional limits as aluminum without cracking or ripping during the spinning process. Cost o Cost and price are always an essential factor to consider when making any product. o However, steel is generally cheaper than aluminum. The cost of raw materials has a direct impact on the price of the finished spinning. o There are exceptions, but two identical spinning (aluminum and steel) the aluminum part will almost always cost more because of the increase in the raw material price. Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi

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Materials & Design

Handle Bar: Handle of the Extracto is 420mm wide and perfectly fits the grip of the person and eases the pushing action. The handle is bent little on the edges where the person holds, which reduces the wrist point strain and it is ergonomically designed to the human hand. Silicone is used for grip and handle because it has excellent property of heat-insulated and anti-slip. The handle is made out of Aluminium and welded with Crossbar. As aluminium is lighter than steel and non-corrosive without any postprocessing.

Cross Bar: Crossbar is the mainframe of the Extracto, as it connects through all parts of the machine. It is aesthetically pleasing and as the De-weeder is manually operated, the curved shape of the crossbar helps in pushing the vehicle easily as the force transfer to the wheel. Though it is corrosive, Crossbar is to be made out of steel, because it is very tough and resilient metal. Galvanized steel can be used to prevent rusting as it is designed to work in a paddy field when it is damp and muddy. It has to be strong as it holds the wheel and its axle.

Axle: Axle connects the wheels and to the crossbar. Wheel and Axle is a machine consisting of a wheel attached to a smaller axle in which force transfers from one part to another (axle to wheels). It amplifies the force which can move a larger load attached to the axle. Axle is made out of Galvanized Steel which is non-corrosive as the working conditions are damp and it has to last the harshest soil in the paddy fields.

Storage: Storage box is provided for the farmers who are using the machine, to keep things that are needed for them during the deweeding operation. It could be water, towel or any tools to clean the wheel if it gets stuck in the mud. It can be very useful during or after the work is done. The storage box is made up of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS). ABS is noteworthy for being very lightweight while also being extremely durable and shock absorbent. Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Materials & Design

Mudguard: Mudguard covers the upper portion of the wheels and helps in avoiding water or mud splash on the person behind during the operation. It is 50mm away from the circumference of the wheel, as the wheel is not motorized, the water/mud plash is not fast like bikes/bicycles. Mudguard is made of steel sheets which are galvanized to avoid the corrosion.

Weed Collector: Weed collector is behind the wheel, when the weed is extracted from the ground, weed collector will take them inside and vents out the mud/water from the perforated sheets. The side walls are firm and the pivot holds the whole part together without any movement away from the axis. So, it won’t affect the paddy plants that are in the middle or on the sides. It is made of galvanized steel sheets, as it is very tough and resilient, to hold the mud and filter the whole weight of plants, water and mud together.

Crosslink: Crosslink is the part that connects the weed collector to the crossbar. The link is welded to the crossbar inside the storage compartment, so that weed collector won’t move away from the axis. It is made of galvanized steel as it is one of the main components of the machine and needs to hold the weed collector in place.

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Materials & Design

Wheel 01: The metal bars with different heights placed alternatively, so that the weeds will get locked between these bars and get pulled out with their roots. The bars are made of galvanized steel and the discs are made out of aluminum and steel alloy to give strength and non-corrosive properties.

Wheel 02: Zig zag shaped discs allows the weeds to go inside and lock them tightly as the discs get narrowed and plucks the weeds while moving away from the plants. The discs are made out of aluminum and steel alloy to give strength and non-corrosive properties.

Extracto | De-Weeder Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Technical Drawings: Dissembled Parts

Weed Collector connected to the Crossbar with pivoted joints which will help the collector to rotate and dump the weeds.

The crossbar is bent and is given a curvy form so that, the transitional force needs to be applied would be less.

Optional 01 is with horizontal bars at diff levels which would lead the plant inside and lock between to pluck it out with roots.

Optional 02 is with vertical discs that are arranged at 12 uniform intervals, which will hold the plant and pluck it with roots.

The handle is designed with a perfect grip to hold and it is comfortable for long hours of usage.

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Standard Views Option 01

The internal and external bars allow the plants to go inside and while the wheel rotates, they get locked between these bars and pluck these plants out as the wheel moves away. The unwanted plants are plucked out and will be carried further to pile up some waste and collect it later.

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Wheel Section Option 01

Figure 67 Wheel Section: Option 01

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Technical Drawing: Option 01

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Standard Views Option 02

The discs with a distance of 15mm between them will allow the plants to go inside and the zig-zag shaped wheels lock the plant as if it holds the plants with hand and pluck the plants out with its roots while the wheel moves away. The unwanted plants are plucked out and will be carried further to pile up some waste and collect it later.

• • •

Each disc is of 30mm wide. Distance between consecutive discs is 15mm. Each wheel is 180mm wide. And both wheels are separated by 60mm space for the crop.

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Wheel Section Option 02

Figure 68 Wheel Section: Option 02

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Technical Drawing: Option 02

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Weed Collector Detail

Lift the Pivo ted Joint Collect

Figure 69 Working Mode

Pull down Weed

the Collecto handle r Dump

Figure 70 Dumping Mode Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Weed Collector Detail

Working Mode De-weeding and collecting the weeds in a compartment, so that the weeds re-growth will be contained in the field.

Pivoted Joints

Dumping Mode Once the collector is full, lift the handle and dump the weeds at one place so that it will be easy to collect the whole.

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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Weed Collector Detail Technical Drawing

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Weed Collector Detail

Lift the handle to dump


Pull down the handle to move Dumping

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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EXTRACTO| Scenario Man-Powered Weed Removing Machine

Figure 71Extracto Scenario

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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EXTRACTO | De-weeder Man-Powered Weed Removing Tool

Figure 72 EXTRACTO Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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20. Design Studio Sessions & Guidance

Figure 73 Design Sessions

Figure 74 Discussion Sessions with Faculty

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21. Feedback from Farmers The project and the concept were discussed with farmers to get a feedback and validation. The overall feedback was positive and re-assuring that the product will help these subsistent farmers in deweeding. The aim of this project is to empower Indian farmers by providing agricultural implements using alternate source of energy. As the farmers are the actual users of Extracto, I have explained about the usage and the cost of equipment and its scope of work. Extracto works with mechanical force and it does not use as many resources as manual processes. There are few guidelines to be followed, i.e. like the paddy sowing should be precise grid format and also according to the machine dimensions which are fine by the farmers, as it will help them in many ways. Farmers are very much interested in using Extracto to de-weed their paddy field, as currently deweeding is done manually, people are suffering by sit/bend for most of the day to de-weed. It would take a lot of effort with health risks, it will help the farmers to reduce their input cost and so, their profit margins rise. By traditional method, people are suffering from back pains, knee & feet problems etc., It will be a major advantage in emergency situations like spontaneous rains etc. It will help in reducing the chemical content and helps in restoring the fertility of land. It will save time, money and hard work by using the right tools. Extracto is the solution for the Subsistent farmers to overcome de-weeding problem in Paddy field.

Watch how it works?

Watch the attached video @Extracto_Product Animation 1080p (Only if you are checking pdf)




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22. Table of Figures Figure 1 Beginning of Industrial Revolution .......................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2 Nomadic Herding .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3 Livestock Ranching .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 4 Intensive subsistence farming ................................................................................................................................. 4 Figure 5 Commercial Plantation ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 6 Mediterranean Agriculture ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 7 Commercial Grain Farming ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 8 Dairy Farming ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 9 Specialized Horticulture .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 10 Birds & Pollination ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Figure 11 Flow chart of Cultural Loss .................................................................................................................................. 10 Figure 12 Sugarcane crop & wheat cultivation ................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 13 Crusher, Food for cattle & Garden Mower .......................................................................................................... 11 Figure 14 Sickle, Tiller & Grain Storage ............................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 15 Paddy Cultivation, Grains .................................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 16 Weed growth during the harvest season ............................................................................................................ 12 Figure 17 Traditional farming ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 18 Stubble burning ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 19 Tools of farming .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Figure 20 Intensive Tillage .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Figure 21 Mono culture....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 22 Synthetic Fertilizers ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Figure 23 Irrigation Technologies ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 24 Genetic Manipulation ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 25 Industrial Agriculture .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 26 Diversified Farming ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Figure 27 Climate & Agriculture .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 28 Subsistence Agriculture ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 29 Farmer ploughing ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Figure 30 Statistical Data of Farmer suicides ...................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 31 Farmer suicides data ........................................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 32 Seed sowing drone .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 33 Pest repellent ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 34 Bio-gas chillers .................................................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 35 Multi-purpose vehicle ......................................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 36 Wheels between the two main tyres are the attachments for the tillage and seed sowing. .............................. 28 Figure 37 Portable tillage cum sowing machine for small scale farmers. ........................................................................... 28 Figure 38 Paddy sower ........................................................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 39 Atmospheric water generator ............................................................................................................................. 30 Figure 40 Neem oil extractor .............................................................................................................................................. 31 Figure 41 Real time crop inspecting drone ......................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 42 Foot planter ........................................................................................................................................................ 32 Figure 43 Cotton deseeder .................................................................................................................................................. 33 Figure 44 Mobile cultivation ............................................................................................................................................... 33 Figure 45 Weed cutter ........................................................................................................................................................ 34 Figure 46 Winnowing machine ........................................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 47 Weeds around the wheat crop, Weeds growing in paddy field, Conventional method of de-weeding. ............. 35 Figure 48 Yellowing in grains, lack of minerals in the crop, Weed Problem in paddy fields ............................................... 36 Figure 49 Weed management in the paddy fields .............................................................................................................. 37

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Figure 50 Conceptual Sketches - Form Exploration ............................................................................................................. 38 Figure 51 Study Models....................................................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 52 Conceptual Sketches - Form Exploration ............................................................................................................. 39 Figure 53 Conceptual Sketches (Form Development) ......................................................................................................... 39 Figure 54 Wheel design....................................................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 55 Wheel with discs that will allow them to hold the plants tighter. It digs into the soil & hold along with its roots. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 40 Figure 56 Wheel side profile ............................................................................................................................................... 41 Figure 57It can be an attachment of two wheels which will cover two rows in one stretch which will reduce the time of operation. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Figure 58 Final Model ......................................................................................................................................................... 44 Figure 59 Different wheel designs....................................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 60 Wheel Options..................................................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 61 Difference between traditional ways & Extracto ................................................................................................ 47 Figure 62 Extracto working scenario .................................................................................................................................. 48 Figure 63 Study model by cardboard .................................................................................................................................. 53 Figure 64 Zoning of paddy field .......................................................................................................................................... 54 Figure 65 Representation of the operation ......................................................................................................................... 55 Figure 66 Mahindra Extracto .............................................................................................................................................. 59 Figure 67 Wheel Section: Option 01.................................................................................................................................... 67 Figure 68 Wheel Section: Option 02.................................................................................................................................... 70 Figure 69 Working Mode .................................................................................................................................................... 72 Figure 70 Dumping Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 72 Figure 71 Extracto Scenario ................................................................................................................................................ 76 Figure 72 EXTRACTO ........................................................................................................................................................... 77 Figure 73 Design Sessions ................................................................................................................................................... 78 Figure 74 Discussion Sessions with Faculty ......................................................................................................................... 78

Note: Mahindra logo is used just for reference.

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23. Bibliography ▪,275%20million%20tonnes% 20(MT).

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▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ &utm_campaign=cppst Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi

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▪ ▪ ▪,lightweight%20materials%20like% 20carbon%20fiber. %20found%20that%20the,energy%20than%20the%20mild%20steel.




Thesis 2020 | Department of Industrial Design | SPA Delhi

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