Arab Horse Couture Magazine - FALL 2017

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LAUREN M. BRODZIK Photography & Design JENNIFER TEMPLIN Business Manager/Advertising CONTRIBUTORS: Jean Paul Guerlain - PARIS, FRANCE Hares Fayad, MD, Al Badia Magazine - DUBAI, UAE Julie I. Fershtman - USA MAISON DORIN - FRANCE Zbigniew Kotowski - POLAND Judith Wich-Wenning - GERMANY visionpure, Eva Reifler, - FRANCE Nancy Dye - USA Diana Cantey - USA ADVERTISING; E-NEWSLETTERS; MARKETING; PROMOTION; PRESS RELEASES: + 248.866.8756 EDITORIAL INQUIRIES: + 248.866.8756 SUBSCRIPTION HOTLINE: + 248.866.8756

FALL 2017 ©2017 ARAB HORSE COUTURE MAGAZINE LJB Publications LLC - All Rights Reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, scanned or electronic process without prior written permission from the Publisher.

WWW.ARABHORSECOUTURE.COM Arab Horse Couture Magazine custom logo design by: Marian Duncan;



Table of Contents FALL 2017

8 Classical Riding Riding in the Classical Way on Your Beautiful Arabian Horse Written by Jean Paul Guerlain

10 On the Cover - Straight Egyptian Arabians WS Thee Antar & Muniqs Jazeebah Cover Photo by Diana Cantey Photos & Editorial by Diana Cantey


28 ARABIAN HORSE FINE ARTISTRY Zbigniew Kotowski’s Painting



38 An Interview with Dr. Nasr Marei Albadeia Stud Written by Judith Wich-Wenning

48 visionpure The Hero’s Journey Chapter 2: The Calling Written by Eva Reifler

58 Equestrian Law I am Not a Boarding Stable BUT.... Written by Julie I. Fershtman, Attorney at Law

61 When World Class Athletes Lose Their Confidence Written by Nancy Dye

FALL 2017 Arab Horse Couture Magazine






lassical riding works because it has stood the test of time. It works without fear or force and most definitely without gadgets. It is working with, never against, the horse. It is opening the lines of communication between horse and rider; listening to the horse, being aware of how every move you make means something to the horse and being able to ask yourself, “What did I do that made the horse respond in that manner?” When you do not get the response you were looking for, there is nothing about making him do it, the responsibility lies with you, the rider, to make things comfortable for the horse. The results are achieved through cooperation not coercion. Classical Riding is foremost concerned with the acquisition of a classical seat; this is a balanced, deep and feeling seat. In this context “seat” includes the seat bones, pubic arch, thighs, lower back and very importantly—the abdominal muscles. Classical riders develop wonderfully light responsive horses because they ride from their center. The horse is ridden from the seat first, then the legs and into the hand. The hands receive what the legs put into them.

The emphasis is placed on you the rider to learn about your own body and how even slight variations in the way you hold yourself affect the way the horse moves beneath you. How can you expect self-carriage of the horse when you are not in selfcarriage yourself? When you think of Classical Riding, you think of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria or cadre Noir in Saumur, France. In fact, Classical Riding is correct riding. It is horsemanship, not just knowing how to ride. It includes all around knowledge of the horse as a species; its psychology and physiology. Now you must find a good classical instructor who will understand the sensitivity and intelligence of the Arabian horse. The basics of a well-



In the past, in addition to his role as master perfumer for the House of Guerlain, Jean Paul Guerlain also accumulated World Championships in Dressage and Carriage Driving. Guerlain is a French perfume house, amongst the oldest in the world. The House of Guerlain was founded in 1828, when PierreFrancois Pascal Guerlain opened his perfume store in Paris. Jean Paul Guerlain is fourth generation Geurlain and the last family master perfumer. Jean Paul continues to travel the globe to develop new fragrances.

ridden and trained horse are the same for the Arabian horse as for other horse breeds. Sadly, many times you see the Arabian horse being treated/ridden like another species. The Arabian horse loves to be ridden (ridden correctly), to have a job to do to express themselves and to burn some energy. Just a few basics….no matter what discipline you enjoy with your Arabian horse, you must make sure that he is ridden round, with the hindquarters underneath so the back is round not concave. Otherwise, you could run into some back problems with your horse. Let me give you a few names of classical riders who have written some wonderful books: Alois Podhajsky, who became the Director of the Spanish Riding School in 1939; Nuno Olivera, an outstanding Portuguese Dressage Rider; Egon Von Neindoff, author of “The Art of Classical Horsemanship”. Also, reminding you all of the big responsibility you have in your life of owning an Arabian horse. Be sensitive, loving, humble, understanding, patient and show empathy and humility. They will become your best friend. Sometime, ask yourself the question, ”Do you deserve a beautiful Arabian horse in your life?” And please, if you must sell your Arabian horse, see that your loyal friend is going to a good loving home.

Wishing you all a wonderful Autumn season! -JPG-



Cover Feature




























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r. Nasr Marei is one of the few true

My love for the horse grew up with me. I learned

connoisseurs of Arabian horse breeding in our time. His stud farm Albadeia in

riding when I was 10 years old In the Equestrian Club in Cairo but rode mostly mixed breed and

Egypt was founded by his grandfather Mr. Ahmed

warm blood horses for my training. I continued riding and became a competitive rider in show jumping

Marei more than 80 years ago. Dr. Nasr Marei has led the breeding program to new heights. He is not only a highly acclaimed breeder but

and dressage, winning many upper level-jumping

also a well-respected judge and an imaginative

me two warm blood mares to ride.

photographer. In 2015 Dr. Marei received the prestigious Milestone Award by The Pyramid Society. He was also the recipient of the Life

Meanwhile, my father continued breeding Arabians in our new farm, Albadeia in Giza near the great

competitions. To encourage me, my father bought

pyramids. Of course, I would ride our Arabians in the desert at the pyramids for hours. Until this point in time I just loved our Arabian horses but was not

Time Achievement Award from Arabian Horse Alliance, USA in 2013. Being in Dr. Marei’s company is always a great pleasure: Warmth, kindness, honesty and reliability are just a few

involved in breeding decisions or the management of the stud farm. That came later in the sixties after I returned from the USA to pursue my graduate academic work for the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees at

characteristics, which come to mind when talking to Dr. Nasr Marei. His dedication for Arabians as well as his vast knowledge about these horses is impressive. In this interview Dr.

the University of California in Davis.

Marei shares with us his personal views and gives us an insight into the latest developments at his stud farm.

Upon my return to Egypt in 1971, I became more involved in the breeding program and joined my father in managing the farm. He held several top governmental posts and was quite busy and therefore depended on me to care for the stud farm.

Judith Wich-Wenning: Dr. Marei, please describe for us your first memories related to Arabian

My breeding education, skills and experience had just begun to be serious then.


Having made this brief introduction, my answer to your question is that the love of the horse was always in me since I started walking. The passion grew all the time and my fascination with the Arabians never ceased but in fact became stronger by the day. Now that I am I retired from active business and living in the farm since my father passed away in 1993, my bond with the horses has

Dr. Nasr Marei: My relationship with horses dates

back to my childhood. My father was already breeding Arabian horses when I was born. My earliest recollection was that I used to love to go to the stables in our farm situated about 50 km away from our today’s stud farm. I was fascinated by this creature and would spend part of the day with them. I have pictures when I was three years old on become stronger. the back one of ourAnsata foundation mares that my Judith Wich-Wenning Above: Theofimmortal Iemhotep photo, grandfather bought from The Royal Agriculture Right: A son had of legandary Ansata Iemhotep: Ansata Riyadh (x Bint Faras Azali) Society (The EAO today).



Dr. Marei with Simeon Sharav (Asfour x Simeon Shaula)

Judith Wich-Wenning: Some years ago, you have exchanged several horses with Simeon Stud, Australia. Please explain how this has influenced your breeding program.

Judith Wich-Wenning: What do you enjoy most about Arabians? Dr. Nasr Marei: The Arabian horse to me is not simply the love of the horse itself but also I am fascinated by its traditions and heritage. I love their history and the legacy that goes with it.

Dr. Nasr Marei: My father entrusted me with a treasure and left me with a great foundation herd. I started reviewing the qualities of my horses and breeding program. With my greater international exposure to the world of Arabian horses, I realized that I needed to get rid of some undesirable characteristics and enrich my gene pool with more desirable ones. To do so, I had to reach out and infuse some distant bloodlines. In pursuing this I had to import some horses from abroad.

I admire their beauty, harmony, intelligence and disposition. They are companions and family. I am extremely happy to get a new foal and terribly sad when I lose a horse. I worry immensely when one gets sick. I check on my horses every morning and before ending my day. They are my lifestyle.



Dahoom Albadeia (Farid Albadeia x Simeon Safir)

sired by Asfour whom I loved very much. The superb mare Simeon Safir (Asfour x Simeon Safanad) and the yearling colt, Simeon Sharav (Asfour x Simeon Shuala) were my choice.

One day, the accomplished breeder, Marion Richmond of Simeon Stud, Australia was visiting Albadeia. She wanted to acquire the king of the farm, Farid Albadeia. I was not able to part from him being such an amazing stallion and a great sire. Marion settled to take one of his fillies, Wed Albadeia (Farid Albadeia x Momtazet Albadeia). She also fell in love with one of the best mares, Ibtehag Albadeia (Badran Albadeia x Halawat Albadeia). We came to an agreement by which I would exchange them for two horses of hers


Simeon Safir is a flea-bitten, gorgeous mare. She is 22 years old and still breeding some of the greatest foals. She never disappointed me. She gave me finesse and good movement. When she came, she was in foal to Anaza Bey Shah. The resulting filly was the amazing Hekayet Albadeia. Both won the Egyptian


Ibtehag Albadeia (Badran Albadeia x Halawat Albadeia)

done very well with them and for other breeders. Sharav himself has to his credit a good record in the show ring in Egypt and in Europe. He was sold to Iran five years ago. I still have four stallions sired by Sharav and many mares. Again I proved to myself that outcrossing with some selected bloodlines would improve my herd.

National and International shows in Egypt several times. Their progeny is still proving that I had made the right choice. Unfortunately, I lost Hekayet a few months ago. Meanwhile, Simeon Sharav produced some great foals. The strongest influence he consistently passed on to his get was the great shoulder, upright long necks, beautiful heads and lovely body. Sharav was leased to Ariela Arabians in Israel, which is a remarkable breeding program, for over two years and has

The success of this exchange incited me to do more. So I leased several stallions from other breeding programs. I leased Majd Al Rayyan



(Safir x Ansata Nawara), Laheeb (Imperial Imdal x AK Latifa) and Al Maraam (Imperial Imdal x

horses to distant relatives, I am witnessing at present my achievements that took place over

The Vision HG). They have impacted my herd in a substantially positive way.

the last 20 years.

the stunning young stallion Bariq Al Shaqab (Al

two generations down the road. Having already infused new bloodline and outcrossed my horses to distant relatives, I am witnessing at

Adeed Al Shaqab x Wahayeb Al Shaqab). I bred him this season to several mares and waiting

present my achievements that took place over the last 20 years.

I am continuing the same path now. I leased

patiently to see his foal on the ground.

My plan for the future is stop adding new

Judith Wich-Wenning: Please tell us about the

bloodlines and use my current amended gene

latest developments at Albadeia!

pool so that I would not loose my identity.

Dr. Nasr Marei: The process of learning breeding is a continuous process. There are

Judith Wich-Wenning: Which young horses are

many new things one learns everyday. I believe that a breeder should always work on the refinement of his/her herd. So my objective in improving the quality of my horses is still and will always be, underway. As mentioned above, reaching out and infusing new selected qualities is a must for my endeavor. I also became more selective in making breeding decisions. My experience was enriched over the years by judging major international shows around the world and visiting and studying what other breeders are applying. I always keep in mind to maintain my “Albadeia� looks and types. Thanks to the priceless foundation horses I inherited from my father, I was able to take this urther into the future. I am gratified to hear my fellow breeders around the world saying that I took Albadeia to a new and higher level. tAs we all know, breeding horses is a long-term process. One will never know if he/she has chosen the right horses and made the right breeding decision except at least 8 years or two generations down the road. Having already infused new bloodline and outcrossed my

Gelgelah Albadeia (Imperial Madori x Anhar Albadeia)

especially promising for the future? Dr. Nasr Marei: The list is long. Basically all horses that qualify as of good breeding

potential can be significant in designing and implementing a breeding program. All young horses (four years and above) that resulted from the use of the leased stallions have become the new foundation for the future. I have the daughters and sons of Laheeb as well as his grand sons and daughters. I also have Al Maaram’s sons and daughters and expect their get soon. From Majd Al Rayyan, I have at least 4 generations. Same goes for many other stallions bought or bred to my mares, like Simeon Sharav, Imperial Madori, Bar Sama Halim, Rashdan and Adl. I have more than six generations for each. Besides of course the get of my original horses that are purely Albadeia and EAO. All are important and useful for breeding. They constitute the genetic tools that I can select from to better and improve the qualities of my horses.


(Safir x Ansata Nawara), Laheeb (Imperial Imdal x AK Latifa) and Al Maraam (Imperial Imdal x The Vision HG). They have impacted my herd in a substantially positive way.

bloodlines and use my current amended gene pool so that I would not loose my identity. Judith Wich-Wenning: Which young horses are especially promising for the future?

I am continuing the same path now. I leased the stunning young stallion Bariq Al Shaqab (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Wahayeb Al Shaqab). I bred him this season to several mares and waiting patiently to see his foal on the ground.

Dr. Nasr Marei: The list is long. Basically all horses that qualify as of good breeding potential can be significant in designing and implementing a breeding program. All young horses (four years and above) that resulted from the use of the leased stallions have become the new foundation for the future. I have the daughters and sons of Laheeb as well as his grandsons and daughters. I also have Al Maaram’s sons and daughters and expect their get soon. From Majd Al Rayyan, I have at least 4 generations. Same goes for many other stallions bought or bred to my mares, like Simeon Sharav, Imperial Madori, Bar Sama Halim, Rashdan and Adl. I have more than six generations for each. Besides of course the get of my original horses that are purely Albadeia and EAO.

Judith Wich-Wenning: Please tell us about the latest developments at Albadeia! Dr. Nasr Marei: The process of learning breeding is a continuous process. There are many new things one learns every day. I believe that a breeder should always work on the refinement of his/her herd. So my objective in improving the quality of my horses is still and will always be, underway. As mentioned above, reaching out and infusing new selected qualities is a must for my endeavor. I also became more selective in making breeding decisions. My experience was enriched over the years by judging major international shows around the world and visiting and studying what other breeders are applying. I always keep in mind to maintain my “Albadeia” looks and types.

All are important and useful for breeding. They constitute the genetic tools that I can select from to better and improve the qualities of my horses. Judith Wich-Wenning: What is the key to success for Albadeia Stud? Dr. Nasr Marei: Love, dedication, financial sacrifice, acquiring broader experience, studying and analyzing with an open mind and learning, being objective and truthful and critical to myself and finally more love to the horse and to the breed.

Thanks to the priceless foundation horses I inherited from my father, I was able to take this further into the future. I am gratified to hear my fellow breeders around the world saying that I took Albadeia to a new and higher level. As we all know, breeding horses is a long-term process. One will never know if he/she has chosen the right horses and made the right breeding decision except at least 8 years or two generations down the road. Having already infused new bloodline and outcrossed my horses to distant relatives, I am witnessing at present my achievements that took place over the last 20 years.

Judith Wich-Wenning: Where do you think the Arabian horse is heading? What would you want to change, if possible? Dr. Nasr Marei: The Arabian horse “TYPE” has changed significantly with time. The best horses of the 60’s and 70’s are not the same horses that are being bred today. The World Champions of yesteryears cannot even qualify today for major shows.

My plan for the future is stop adding new



Breeders have selected to evolve in many ways. In the past, one could distinguish between a Spanish and a Polish horse. Or between Egyptian and Russian types, etc. Now, the differences in their distinct types have become less and the result of the current breeding approaches is what I call the “UNIVERSAL ARABIAN TYPE” resulting from mixing all Arabian types together including Egyptian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, American, etc., bloodlines. The distinct differences between these types are diminishing and all breed more or less the same horse.

horse of his/her dream regardless of his show ring performance. Breeders need more genetic tools (a larger genetic pool) to be able to use in refining and breeding their ideal horse. The constant use of few selected bloodlines will result in diminishing the size of the genetic pool and hence cutting down the number of options that a breeder can use. To summarize what was said before and to answer your question, I do have concern that the existing Arabian horse types and diversity, which are very important for future breeders, may disappear.

This was facilitated by the easier communication and exchange between the breeders globally. Artificial insemination, export/ import of frozen semen, embryo transfer, etc. have become easier and with high rate of success.

I would like breeders: 1. To preserve the threatened old bloodlines. 2. Evolve and change in the herd but within certain limits and try to breed a type that reflects the breeder’s choice and minimize the impact of show ring effect.

The show ring, whether we like it or not has affected the TYPE of the breed. Many breeders just follow the vogue, trend or the winning type and breed the horse that represents the type that wins in the show ring.

3. The show winners are not necessarily the best breeding horses. Many breeders are not showing their horses. And in the same time, not all winners are good breeding horses.

Variation in type is needed and expanding the gene pool should be an objective. Trends or fashion come and go. Russian Arabians dominated the show ring at one point. The Golden Cross horses followed that. A new vogue followed: the Polish Arabians, which was followed by the Egyptians. Now, the Universal horse is dominating the ring. Each of these fashions would last few years. A breeder will have to change his strategy accordingly and will never have his/her own identity. All of these breeders will be breeding the same horse.

4. We should emphasize performance disciplines in shows. The Arabian is not only a pretty horse to look at but it is a serious performance horse as well. This in itself will help diversifying and enlarging the available gene pool. Judith Wich-Wenning: What are your plans for the future? Dr. Nasr Marei: I am now in my 70's and a major concern is how to carry on Albadeia and keep it true to its program. I am in the final stages of preparing a format for continuing the Albadeia program with the same goals and passion as has carried us through the past 80 years. It is the legacy I owe to my horses.

I am not saying that the breeder should not evolve and stay static. What I really mean is, a breeder has to be dynamic and evolving after setting goals and venture within certain parameters that will provide him/her with the

Straight Egyptian Arabian Owner and Breeder, Judith Wich-Wenning, is a freelance photographer and journalist and works for numerous Arabian horse magazines around the world. Moreover, she is the author of the highly acclaimed book “Jewels of the Desert - The Magic of Egyptian Arabians”, published by Orienta Publications. Judith Wich-Wenning, Orienta Arabians, Germany;





The Hero’s Journey

Chapter 2: The Calling


t has been awhile since our first chapter and we are glad to be back with the 2nd: The

drama is over as fast as it started. The horses are panting, but go back to grazing immediately. After

Calling. Before getting started, you may want to take your notes and re-read what you have

all, there are only two options regarding survival: “It” eats them or “it” does not eat them – this time,

discovered? Has your relationship with your horse changed since our last article? What happened

it didn’t. As I reflect on the “trellis situation”, it dawns on

in your life? If nothing has changed – that is fine too.

me that I react the same way when difficulty strikes in my life. Rather than sitting down and


reflecting on the situation, (which would have been safer for anybody in Shaman’s situation, including him) I can become frantic, too; I go

In the evenings, I often let the horses out to wander freely on the lawn and in the garden. One evening, the most dominant of the herd, Hollywood Zips Shaman, manages to get his tail caught in a plant trellis which he inadvertently pulls out of the ground, dragging the entire thing along. Quite by chance I see what happens, but am too far away to intervene. He bolts. His mares join in the charge blindly, setting off a frenzied race through the garden as I watch helplessly. I dread the worst. There is nothing I can do without putting myself in danger, not with four terrified adult horses running at full speed (most of them without a clue why) towards me for safety. Lacking courage and/or thinking wisely, I hide behind a bush. Finally, after a felt eternity,

around in circles and run for help without considering the consequences or thinking my actions through. My only objective: getting rid of the difficulty quickly, but not necessarily as effortlessly or as safely or even as beneficially as possible. What have you learned about yourself by observing your horse? Do you have comparable stories to share? How does your horse reflect your behavior back to you? How does your horse’s day to day routine simply jolt your mind into action and give you insights that would have been much harder to get on your own? How do you feel when you take the time to sit down and think about possible solutions?

the trellis finally falls off Shaman’s tail and the

How does your horse reflect your behavior back to you? 49




Chapter 2: The Calling

I intend to explore this issue further. The horses are not much help this time as I already struggle too

I wake up with a startle - the horse kicked me directly

much to get through the daily routines and am thus

in the chest! I jolt on the impact, almost jumping out of bed. Phew…only a dream. Puzzled by its violence, I

unable to hear their subtle messages – [Note to self: it is a significant risk, when you transform your passion

ask: what is there to understand?

into your profession and I need to give myself more

Is this finally my new calling, as I stumble to crawl out

regular down time]. As William Bridges explains in his

of a daunting, depressing winter period in which I drag my body out of bed every morning by sheer obligation

book Life’s Transitions, during change there is a period

to feed the horses? Wouldn’t it be grand if I just could

called the Neutral Zone in which we move from what is historical and comfortable toward the New. Now, acting with my heart and not so analytically as in past

stay put? I could hide under my comforting bedsheets or behind my computer screen all day.

endeavors, I feel disoriented and uncomfortable as old behaviors no longer function and new ones have not yet emerged.

Two new horses arrived in the adjacent field. A grey and a bay Arabian gelding – sweet little horses. I sadly discover burn marks of overtight halters on both. They are so shy and yet so curious that I immediately feel drawn to them. I remember an earlier discussion with

One morning, three weeks later, I finally wake up with the sensation of having more energy available than just to get through the day, a peculiar feeling and what

their owner, in which he mentioned the option to

a relief. I am exhilarated, but wisely decide to take

purchase one of them. My heart makes a leap… and so does my pocket book.

my time and consider all my options. I presume I am moving from “neutral” toward “new”. Not without some

I manage to approach the bay a couple of hours later: El Karnak still has his halter on and does not allow being touched. I send him a silent message – more like a MMS not a text: “if you’d like to come and live on the

difficulty and discipline, I stay true to my new “Trellis” awareness and decide to do a visual journey. I invite you to find and explore your next calling by practicing the following exercise: Exercise

other side of the fence, you must let me take off your halter.” He sighs, looks at me and lowers his head. Now I can approach him more easily, stroke his soft cheek and remove the constricting straps around his head. The grey is lame but does not want my attentions – at least his halter has already been removed. I can’t possibly allow my heart to yearn for yet another horse – my barn is full and so are my days. My pocket book is emptying at a dazzling speed. The vision during the next night is so real, that I cannot help but think: leave these horses alone. My pocket book sighs as I decide “no new horses.”

You may read the below text first and memorize it or have someone read it for you, slowly and evenly, or record it and then play it back to yourself so that you can let your thoughts and impressions and sensations flow freely. The most important instruction to follow as you do this exercise is not to think up anything. Don’t decide what “should” be there, or try to invent impressive images. Just watch what happens. If nothing happens, that’s fine, too. Prepare some material for journaling afterwards. Think about an unresolved question, a problem, or difficulty you are having in your life. Maybe you can dwell on it in the presence of your horse. (The question I am asking is: what next step will add new purpose to my current life path?)

Why does this little Arabian come into my life now? What is he telling me? What next step on my path is he inviting me on?





Your Personal Question: _______________________________

find yourself to be alone, that is fine, too. Do not try to make up impressive pictures. Simply allow the


situation to be exactly what it is.

________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

• As you start walking the path changes, it becomes steeper or rockier, barely discernable from the terrain

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

and you are struggling to move ahead, but something

• Install yourself comfortably at a safe place in the house, under a tree, by your horse, etc. Close your eyes

or someone keeps pulling or pushing you forward.

and breathe deeply,

you change? Is it more familiar? Or less? Do you see sand and mountains or green fields, a forest or a lake –

What do you see? How does the landscape around

In and out, … in and out,

maybe the sea? Is it day? Night? Foggy? Sunny? Notice the details.

Breathing is a gift, you do not have to do anything to breathe With every exhale, you release tension

• Follow the path – it will get easier. Your companion is by your side.

In and out, in and out,

• All of a sudden, the landscape changes and you

Feel how you settle into your body

arrive at a valley. As you look down you can make out thousands of spots of all colors: grey, black, brown,

Feel how your body settles into your chair (or sofa or

golden and a feeling of peace and knowing overcomes



You may be surprised by how solidly the chair and the

• Curious, you walk closer until you can identify the

ground are carrying you

different bodies, so many horses united and grazing peacefully – find an inspiring spot and invite the horses to help you answer your question.

You are entirely safe and confident, carried by mother earth

Which one of you has information for me? Ask it to approach you and ask your question. There may be a group of horses approaching you. What do they look like? Do you know them already? When you are ready, ask your question.

Your mind is quietening, let go of the thoughts and activities of the day Drop your awareness into your body and become completely aware of your body here and now

As you sit comfortably and fully aware in the present moment, you start to picture a safe place, a place that you may already have visited or one that you have

Wait for the answer. It may be clear and

imagined. So please imagine to be at this place.

verbal, or come as a symbol, as colors, or be completely irrational. Take your time to explore and know that you can come back to this place any time.

• Something strange happens – you perceive a small path leading away from your place and you start walking – curious now? You realize that you are not alone and that you have company – a gentle, supporting presence. Look around – who is it? Maybe your horse? Maybe another animal, or maybe a person? Whatever you see, it is all right – should you

• Now it is time to return to your safe place. You get up and/or turn around and thank the horse(s) for their/its answers. You and your companion start to walk back through your landscape, the rocky path to your safe place. You sit down and your companion disappears – he will be back whenever you need him or her.



• Now gently open your eyes and start journaling,

An idea starts to form in my head: And if I organized

maybe the answer leaves you puzzled or questioning.

a Horse Assisted Education Trade Show, inviting the

That is ok, trust, that it will clarify itself.

different players in this field to exhibit their work to the public? Allowing it to discover the various

• If the answer hasn’t yet come into consciousness,

offerings and profiting from a conference held by a

don’t worry. It will. You may also visit your horse to

famous guest speaker? Never in a million years could

commune and journal in her presence – she may kick-

I have come up with something like this on my own. With this idea in mind, many daily decisions seem to

start your imagination into gear as we already laid out in the Autumn 2016 issue of Arab Horse Couture

fall into place. In turn, it releases energy and allows

Magazine (page No. 32ff).

me to focus on what is important.

Your personal equine journey will not always

With your horse as a guide or companion on this trail,

immediately result in clarity or the need to act. Envisioning your purpose in an unstructured way

new roads appear and allow for your personal growth. Footnote:

leads to a peacefulness which allows a depth of understanding about how you relate to the world. From this your purpose will emerge. Sometimes the calling is more like a phone call with clear

Do you enjoy reading our articles? Are you following us on our journey? What is missing? What do you like or like less? Please share with us so we can make this


series interesting for you:




backyard horse owner named Jane boards a few horses during the winter months. Jane’s

• One day, a boarded horse might escape from the pasture, wander onto a nearby road, and

facility has box stalls and an indoor arena, making it desirable during the snowy winter months where

injure or kill a motorist. But the motorist never signed the stable’s release.

Jane lives. Jane doesn’t view her activities as a business. She views herself as earning some extra

• If Jane’s contract had indemnification and "hold harmless" provisions, through which the

money and helping friends.

boarder agrees to protect and defend Jane if a third party makes a claim, Jane might assume

What could go wrong with this arrangement?

that the injured motorist’s claim now becomes the boarder’s problem, not hers. Jane might

Plenty. Legal Standards Can Be Higher for Businesses

assume, for example, that these clauses make the boarder responsible for paying her legal defense costs, settling out the matter, paying a judgment, or dismissing the lawsuit. The problem is, even if Jane’s boarder has liability insurance, that policy probably will not cover Jane in these situations.

In the eyes of the law, even if Jane’s business is intermittent, it’s still considered to be a business. Consequently, if a customer or visitor is injured on the property, a lawyer will seek to hold Jane to the legal standards of a business. This can be a problem with premises liability cases (such as slip and fall cases). If a visitor or customer slips and falls on ice in the barn’s parking area and accuses Jane of failing to take reasonable precautions, that person’s lawyer will probably seek to hold Jane to a higher standard of care that businesses owe to their customers.

• If the boarder’s liability insurance is unavailable or non-existent, the boarder may lack the funds to protect Jane. • People who sign releases can, and sometimes do, file lawsuits. Depending on the applicable state law, the language within the document, the nature of a particular claim, and how the document was signed, the release may cause the claim to be dismissed. Still, if Jane is sued, she’ll need a lawyer to defend her and enforce the release. Jane might lack the funds to do this.

Contract Limitations People in Jane’s situation sometimes assume that a release (where allowed by law) and a boarding contract are all they need for protection against claims and suits. That assumption is wrong for a few reasons:


Insurance Problems If Jane has no insurance coverage for a business activity on her property, her homeowner’s


WWW.EQUINELAWBLOG.COM insurance policies typically have a "business

• Before boarders bring over horses, check your

pursuit" exclusion.

property, including barns, stalls, fences, and gates, to make sure you're comfortable with their

Damage Control

condition and safety.

Here are some ideas to consider for those seeking to board horses belonging to others on an

• Understand the obligations expected of you when you operate a small business, such as inspections and arrangements to respond to

occasional basis:

possible hazards.

• Contact your insurance agent to make sure that you're properly protected. Your agent will explain that you’ll need to purchase some form of commercial liability insurance or a policy endorsement for a side business activity.

This article does not constitute legal advice. When questions arise based on specific situations, direct them to a knowledgeable insurance agent or attorney.

• Have all visitors to the facility of legal age sign properly worded waivers/releases (where allowed by law) and boarding contracts. (But as this article explains, use well-worded documents and know their limitations.)

About the Author

• Now that you are taking in a boarder for compensation, your state’s Equine Activity Liability Act (now in 47 states) probably considers you an “equine professional” or an “equine activity sponsor.” These laws often require equine businesses to post special "warning" or other signs.

Julie Fershtman is one of the nation’s most experienced Equine Law practitioners. A Shareholder with Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC, based in Michigan, she has successfully handled equine cases in 17 jurisdictions nationwide and tried equine cases in 4 states. She has drafted thousands of equine industry contracts and is a Fellow of the American College of Equine Attorneys. Her speaking engagements span 29 states. For more information, please visit

• In addition, Equine Activity Liability Acts often require “warning” and other language in contracts used by “equine professionals” and/or “equine activity sponsors.” and




thought I would share this story that my husband, Jack Miles, loves to tell every four years as we watch the Olympic sports.

best--and all you have to do is borrow confidence from someone else. So, you don’t ALWAYS have to have it on your own.

This took place during a national gymnastics competition when he was competing to win the gold medal for the best in the country. Easy-going.

And as fast as you can lose belief in yourself, you can also get that belief back, just as fast.

Just prior to his turn on the gymnastic rings, as the gymnast before him was finishing up a spectacular routine, my husband suddenly lost his confidence. It is hard to believe that the very best in their particular sport can lose their confidence for no apparent reason, right?


Nancy Dye is a breakthrough mindset coach and resilience trainer helping people to transform the quality of their lifestyles. Nancy was trained in I mean, wouldn’t all those past successes strategic intervention with Robbinsjust naturally give you the confidence? Madanes Training (Tony Robbins and Cloe Can confidence really totally leave you Madanes) and has over 30 years as a right before one of the biggest events of weight loss, peak performance, and sober your life? Yes, apparently so. And the lack coach. She specializes in “jumping over” of confidence in a dangerous sport comes adversity, addictions and diseases, and with a lot of other serious concerns. transitioning through life stages. My husband turned to his best friend, and teammate, and told him that he was not feeling confident. His friend said, “Oh, don’t worry about that, Jack. You can just borrow my confidence. I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will win this.”

With a career in sales and marketing, and having been coached by the top sales trainers in the corporate world, as well as by some of the most elite equestrian trainers, Nancy redesigns the inside lives of executives, entrepreneurs, veterans, and athletes.

My husband was helped up to the swinging rings by his best friend and then performed his routine…perfectly. As soon as he landed, having nailed the landing perfectly as well, he had tears running down his eyes. He knew he had won.

Nancy is married to Jack Miles, a former Olympian gymnast who is inducted into four athletic Hall of Fames. For oneon-one coaching or information on her “Mindset to Walk on Fire” workshop, Nancy can be reached at:

From a total loss of confidence to being filled with the complete confidence necessary to do your most perfect



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