Arab Horse Couture - February 2019

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RANDALL E. BRODZIK Photography & Design


CONTRIBUTORS: Jean Paul Guerlain - PARIS, FRANCE Hares Fayad, MD, Al Badia Magazine - DUBAI, UAE Arlene Magid - UK Julie I. Fershtman - USA Judith Wich-Wenning - GERMANY visionpure, Eva Reifler, - FRANCE Nancy Dye - USA

©2019 ARAB HORSE COUTURE LJB Publications LLC - All Rights Reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, scanned or electronic process without prior written permission from the Publisher.


Arab Horse Couture

February 2019





10 Riding in the Classical Way on Your Beautiful Arabian Horse Written by Jean Paul Guerlain

16 Paola Marinangeli A Portrait of the Italian Artist Written by Judith Wich-Wenning

24 COVER FEATURE *Emandoria The Extraordinary Written by Arlene Magid

Cover Photo by Gregor Aymar

Arab Horse Couture

February 2019


28 Equine Health Maintenance Programs at the Boarding Stable What's Best? Written by Julie I. Fershtman, Attorney-at-Law

33 visionpure The Hero’s Journey Chapter 4: The Goal Written by Eva Reifler

38 Stop Giving Your Power Away to Others! Written by Nancy Dye

44 A Tribute to Mrs. Wigdan El Barbary Written by Judith Wich-Wenning


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

Riding in the Classical Way On Your Beautiful Arabian Horse By Jean Paul Guerlain In the past, in addition to his role as master perfumer for the French perfume House of Guerlain, Jean Paul also accumulated World Championships in Dressage and Carriage Driving. Guerlain is amongst the oldest perfume houses in the world. The House of Guerlain was founded in 1828, when PierreFrancois Pascal Guerlain opened his perfume store in Paris. Jean Paul is fourth generation Guerlain and the last family master perfumer. He continues to travel the globe to develop new fragrances.

Longeing - Starting the Young Sport Horse Arabian in a Soft and Kind Way With Lots and Lots of Patience

good fit so nothing rubs. The cavesson shouldn’t hurt the horse’s nose, and the half-halts are felt more on the horse’s nose than in the mouth, which is the most sensitive part.

Dear Arabian Horse Lovers,

The longe, ideally seven meters in length, is attached to the middle ring of the cavesson. The snaffle reins will be twisted around each other and the throatlatch of the bridle opened and refastened to secure the reins. The saddle is securely on, making certain it is light and comfortable with a soft protective saddle blanket/lambskin and the girth is protected with lambskin as well. After about two weeks, let the stirrups down loosely whenever you are longeing your horse so it can get used to them.

The exciting time has come to put your young horse in their kindergarten training class, longeing. Their foundation is built during this training, and, as always, we want to keep the horse both willing and happy. Be sure to make no mistakes that can scare, damage, or injure the horse while training at this time as well as in the future. It’s best not to start longeing before your horse is three years of age. The young horse is more likely to hurt itself during training, such as when the back hoof touches the front leg, etc. Be sure to always place leg protection on your young horse. As your horse gets older and its trainging continues, it has better balance and coordination; however, please keep using leg protection to protect it from any possible injuries.

The circle you longe your horse in should ideally be 14 meters or so in diameter, since it is not good for the articulation of the horse’s joints to turn in circles any smaller than that. Initially, you should walk around with your horse in the circle to show them the way and make sure to praise them all the time. If the horse wants to move inwards from the circle, flip the longe line slightly to make waves to show them to stay out on the circle. Use your voice with the same words each time but use a soft voice for coming down from a trot to the walk and a sharper voice from a walk to the trot as well as a trot to the gallop.

Longeing a horse correctly is a great art. On the longe, the trainer can see if the horse is moving with the right rhythm. When the horse is moving to the left, the longe line should be kept in the left hand at the height of the horse’s mouth and the whip in the right hand; vice versa moving in the opposite direction. The longe cavesson is placed over the snaffle bridle, making sure the bridle is soft and of middle thickness, with a

Arab Horse Couture

February 2019

Use your voice in accordance with the temperament of the horse. Do not pull on the line, use your


voice. Do not crack the whip, simply lift it up to signal the horse to move forward and lower the whip to slow down. Stay behind the head of the horse. The longe line should be kept taut and not twisted so as not to allow your horse’s legs or your own legs to intertwine with the longe line.

new tasks. The next week a cavaletti may be introduced, you will see when the horse is ready. For the show horse, as they begin training slightly younger, running on a straight line is better for the joints rather than circles; however, again, do not overdo it.

Work on the longe is the first step in obedience/ confidence training. The horse should recognize our superiority in rank to itself and respect us but never fear us. This trust/confidence is built for riding the horse further on in the training process.

After longing the horse, make sure the hoofs are cleaned again and that the skin is okay underneath the girth, etc. Perhaps the horse is hot under the saddle and requires a small shower and a wet sponge on his face. Please check his mouth that the bridle has not rubbed. Now, carrot time!

The work on the longe line should be no more than twenty minutes in total, spending ten minutes to each side. Every second day only, when the horse stops while longeing to change direction, you should walk towards the horse. The horse should not walk towards you. Always be calm.

Important information: As this is the first time your horse has had a bridle in the mouth, make sure the dentist has checked the mouth and teeth as well as the overall health of the horse before you begin longeing.

After a few weeks you can place a pole on the ground, walk the first times with the horse over it. The horse can then walk and trot over the pole by itself, building confidence and performing

Enjoy your Arabian horse‌.is he or she enjoying you? JPG Please write all questions and comments via email to:

Paola Marinangeli A Portrait of the Italian Artist By Judith Wich-Wenning The Italian painter Paola Marinangeli is a very friendly and charming person with a huge passion for Arabian horses. She lives in Rome, a hub for art and culture from many different ages. Paola’s paintings all carry her typical style, which make them easily recognizable at first glance. Arabian horse breeders and art enthusiasts around the world collect her paintings.

“Well, it was as I now always at first sight. I was fascinated by such a special beauty and their harmony.”

Asked how and when she became interested in Arabian horses, Paola remembers: “I have always loved horses and dogs since I was a child and started to paint dogs very, very early. Occasionally I drew some horses, but just for fun. I always had books about dog breeds and horses in my library and twenty years ago I noticed in one of these books some Arabians. I knew a little bit about this breed, as well as about Andalusians or Thoroughbreds, but never thought before to go deeper into the study of Arabian horses. Well, it was as I now always say.…love at first sight. I was fascinated by such a special beauty and their harmony. Soon the desire came to portray them and represent their beauty and fascination. The first works were done just for myself, to test and to experiment. Then an Arabian horse breeder in my country noticed my works and this was the start of a big passion. It was very challenging and gave me

and continues to give me a lot of joy. It is a source of pride for me, and my artistic inspiration reached maturity from the technical and emotional point of view over these 20 years of hard work. My passion for these wonderful horses is stronger than ever.” The famous Straight Egyptian stallion Hadidi (Norus x Hebet Allah) was the first Arabian horse Paola ever saw. “He was also one of the very first Arabian horses I have portrayed. Also Polish stallion Piruet (Probat x Pieczec) was among the first Arabians I had the chance and joy to see in the show ring and at the stud farms where they lived 20 years ago. They were two different types of beauty. But there is another source of inspiration, very strong and still among my favorites and this source is Albadeia Stud in Egypt. The owner, the late Dr. Nasr Marei, was one of the very first Arabian horse breeders I contacted at the beginning of my painting career to have photos, suggestions, critiques on my works...I am very much indebted to Dr. Nasr Marei, and I am honored to have been his friend.” “My first encounter with the Arabian horse was love at first sight. No other creature is able to provide more inspiration and emotion for my art. Twenty years ago I decided to dedicate my painting activity to Arabian horses in addition to dog paintings and portraits. The fascination, elegance and nobility in the Arabian horse breed is something unique and the important cultural heritage behind this breed is so remarkable. This is another factor that guided me towards a strong desire to explore this breed deeper and to be more and more involved in painting.” As many Arabian horse artists, Paola Marinangeli is fascinated by Egyptian Arabians. “Straight Egyptians are absolutely my biggest passion, but I have a special feeling also for Polish bloodlines,” she remarks. “I love the sweet beautiful eyes of Polish mares and their fantastic movement!” Asked if her profession has anything to do with Arabians, Paola explains, “Well, my painting activity is now my profession. I have retired by my ‘first job’ five years ago after 30 years of service with UN Agencies and now I can dedicate all my time and energies to painting and photography (that is another strong passion but...not horse related).” (Left) The Italian artist, Paola Marinangeli, during the presentation of one of her paintings as a special trophy at the World Championships of Straight Egyptians in Rome.


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

Paola is very proud of her home. “I live in the center of Rome, one of the most beautiful and fascinating places in the world. I love my hometown and my country – well, I am proud to be Italian. I live with my sister who shares my passions and actually is my secretary. We have a lovely Italian greyhound female whose name is Farida, a name given to her as a tribute of admiration to Arabian horses and also because this name has a wonderful meaning, unique, precious! I really enjoy reading and music, and I love the history of art that I have studied a lot over the years with a special emphasis on Far Eastern and Middle Eastern arts. I love photography (my late father was a very talented photographer), I love cooking (being Italian it is so natural to enjoy good food), and I love to be in touch with people coming from different countries, cultures, and religions and being able to share with them my passions.” “I would love to travel more and visit farms and shows, but it is not always possible, as I need time to produce

“To portray Arabian horses is not an easy task… I do love to represent the Arabian horses the way they really are and not exaggerating the breed main characteristics…” my paintings, not only Arabian horse related. When I have the chance, I visit stud farms to meet the horses I love most. Shows are always very exciting, it is a nice occasion to meet friends, and, to me, it is also a way to learn more about Arabian horse conformation.” Paola Marinangeli has already sold her artwork in numerous countries. “I am very lucky because I have clients and friends in many countries, this makes me feel very happy and proud. Some of these countries include: Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, USA, Germany, France, my home Italy, and other European countries.” Besides horses, Paola has a second passion. “I have always loved dogs. We used to have dogs in my (Top Left) Watercolor / Gouache (Middle Left) Oil Colors (Bottom Left) Graphite Drawing

Arab Horse Couture

February 2019


family. I can’t live without a dog around me, and my painting activity started with dog breeds years before my involvement with Arabian horses. My favorite dogs are all types of Sighthounds and there is a reason for this strong preference; they are like Arabian horses. Sighthounds are creatures of great beauty but also great personality. They are free spirits who love their human companions but pretend respect. Both Sighthounds and Arabian horses have a long history, being human companions from the ancients of time. Breeds like Salukis and Sloughs have the same cultural heritage like Arabian horses. There is another factor, more related to painting technique. Both Sighthounds and Arabian horses are the most difficult types of animals to be portrayed, so it is very challenging for an artist to show their beauty. It is easy to exaggerate some characteristics, to make Sighthounds with long, long muzzles or ‘Barbie looking’ Arabian horses. My goal is to show their beauty the way this beauty is. This is absolutely what I am trying to show with my art.” “To portray Arabian horses is not an easy task; a lot of study, dedication, exercise and strong passion are required in order to obtain good results. I do love to represent the Arabian horses the way they really are and not exaggerating the breed’s main characteristics, showing the elegance, respecting the perfect combination of elements that create a wonderful horse with an excellent stamina, a beautiful horse but also a functional horse. My realistic style of painting requires a lot of care to reach this goal.”

“I have reached a very good level of quality and a maturity... but there is always room to improve... However, my efforts have always been to respect this wonderful breed and stay true to my ‘personal’ style.” (Top Right) Oil Colors (Middle Right) Graphite Drawing (Bottom Right) Oil Colors


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

“[Arabian horses] are an endless source of inspiration for me… a vision of beauty and perfection, and a joy for the eyes and soul!” “My favorite painting techniques are the classic oil colors on board, canvas, or paper. I also enjoy painting in watercolor and a mix-technique of watercolor-gouache. I do, of course, also enjoy the basic technique of drawing with graphite pencil or water-soluble pencils, which is an ethereal, essential technique that perfectly suits the ethereal beauty of the Arabian horse. I like to paint head studies as well as full body horses. I believe, in the case of a commissioned portrait, it’s the head with the right eye expression that can better represent the portrayed ‘model.’ Painting under commission is the biggest part of my work and also the most challenging one, but I do love also to portray ‘fantasy’ horses. When doing that, I draw my personal ideal of an Arabian horse beauty. Over these twenty years of painting activity, I also had the honor to cooperate with different show organizers and to provide original trophies for the Championships. I would like to mention in this respect the World Championship Show for Straight Egyptians organized in Rome during the month of October.”

For an artist, it is imperative to improve and refine both the technique side but also the emotional side of his or her work. “Encouraging words of appreciation by my clients and friends assured me that, over the years, I have reached a very good level of quality and a maturity as far as style, soul and feeling are concerned, but there is always room to improve, to develop new techniques, and to experiment with something new. However, my efforts have always been to respect this wonderful breed and stay true to my ‘personal’ style.” “My dream is to organize – hopefully in the near future – an exhibition to show my works and how my style and technique improved over these 20 years of Arabian horse painting. Also, I would love to produce a book to show the best of my paintings and to tell something about my passion for Arabian horses. They are an endless source of inspiration for me…a vision of beauty and perfection, and a joy for the eyes and soul!”

(Below) From the Series “Fairytale Horses”: Orienta Aysha in Two Different Poses

Arab Horse Couture

February 2019


(Left Top) Oil Colors (Left Middle) Oil Colors

(Left Bottom Left) Oil Colors (Left Bottom Right) Oil Colors

(Right Top) Oil Colors (Right Middle Left) Oil Colors


(Right Middle Right) Watercolor/Gouache (Right Bottom) Oil Colors

February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

*Emandoria The Extraordinary By Arlene Magid

The State Studs of Poland have produced numerous world class horses over the years, and Michałów Stud has always been noted for its superb mares. On January 16, 2004, history was made with the birth of a grey filly who would become one of the most famous horses ever born in Poland: “*Emandoria The Extraordinary.” Her thirteen year show career has been a succession of triumph after triumph, and her life so far as a broodmare is equally very successful with her offspring and grandchildren winning titles in North America, Europe and the Middle East. *Emandoria has won the hearts of all whom have experienced her.

*Emandoria’s dam, Emanda, is the 2001 World Champion Mare, and Emanda’s dam is the stunning Emigracja, queen of the renowned “E” family of Poland’s Michałów Stud. *Emandoria’s sire, Polish National Champion Stallion, Nations Cup Champion Stallion, and U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Ecaho, is known for his beautiful daughters. His daughters include Polish Gold Champion Mare and Best in Show Palmeta (dam of three National Champions), Scandinavian Champion Mare and Scottsdale Reserve Senior C h a m p i o n Mare *Olita, and of course, *Emandoria. All of *Ecaho’s get are also noted for their athletic talents since he was the only stallion to sire winners in Halter, Working Cow Horse, and Reining at the 2013 U.S. National Show. The extraordinary mares in * E m a n d o r i a ’s dam line have p r o d u c e d N a t i o n a l Champions for an astonishing seven generations!

*Emandoria was bred to be Arabian royalty. Her sire, World Champion Stallion and U.S. Reserve National Champion Senior Stallion *Gazal Al Shaqab, was leased to Poland for two years when her dam, Emanda, was bred to him. *Gazal Al Shaqab’s impact worldwide on the breed has been enormous. His get in Poland helped to establish him as that rarest of sires, as his sons and daughters are of equal quality. Fourteen of his sons and daughters won National titles in Poland. Among his Polish born daughters are Polish National Champion Filly, U.S. Top Ten Junior Mare, World Champion Mare, and National Champion producer *Pinga, the unforgettable multiple World Champion *Pianissima, U.S. National Champion Mare AOTH and National Champion producer *Perfirka, and Polish Gold Champion Mare Norma who is also a multiple National Champion in shows in the Middle East.

(Opposite page)

Raphael Curti - Privilege SFQ - Belgium *Emandoria *Gazal Al Shaqab | Emanda


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

*Emandoria’s show career has established her as one of the world’s all time top show mares. She is one of just three mares to be a World Champion as a filly and, again, as an adult mare. She is one of just two mares to win the European Triple Crown twice (Nations Cup, European Championship, and World Championship), with the only other two-time winner being her paternal sister, the one and only *Pianissima. *Emandoria is the 2016 World Arabian Horse Association (W.A.H.O.) Trophy winner for Poland, and is the only mare to be named Dubai Gold Champion Mare three times. She has also been shown since she was only a yearling and has won major titles each year. *Emandoria has also produced ten foals, seven of whom have been shown, two have raced, and five have won National titles. She has been bred to six different stallions thus far.

*Emandoria has produced five sons. Of these five, four were born during her lease to the U.S.A. by Pride Of Poland USA LLC. Her first son, Epic MP by Eden C, was injured as a youngster and has not been able to compete. Her second, Etro PA (by Enzo) is a Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt and a Regional Champion sire. Her third is Royal Emanuel, an Eden C son who has been named U.S. Top Ten Stallion AOTH three times and is also a Regional winning sire. *Emandoria’s fourth son is Emerald J (by QR Marc) who was bred by Christine Jamar’s Jadem Arabians of Belgium. Emerald J has had a highly successful show career in Europe and the Middle East with titles including 2015 Dubai Gold Champion Stallion, 2017 Chantilly Gold Champion Stallion, and Nations Cup Silver Champion Stallion. Emerald J has also been an internationally successful sire whose winning get include European Nations Cup, Menton, Dubai, and World Champion Gallardo J. *Emandoria returned from her American lease in foal to Eden C and produced her only gelded son, Em Eden, in Poland.


2009 Las Vegas Arabian Breeders World Cup Supreme Champion Mare Polish National Champion Mare & Best In Show Nations Cup Reserve Champion Mare European Bronze Champion Mare World Bronze Champion Mare

*Emandoria’s daughters have been quite successful in the show ring as well, including two who have raced. Her only daughter born in the U.S.A., H Emandila H, is also her only offspring by U.S. National Champion Stallion *El Nabila B. She was a Regional Halter winner as a filly and is the dam of Swedish Gold Champion Filly H Emahlee H. Since the end of her lease in the U.S.A. and her last son, *Emandoria has produced only female offspring. First was her daughter, Emandorella by Eden C, who has raced in Poland. Her second Polish born daughter, Esmeraldia by QR Marc, also raced on the track. In 2013, *Emandoria was on lease to Ajman Stud where she produced AJ Emana by AJ Mardan, who won the Bronze Champion Filly title at the 2015 Bruges show. *Emandoria’s two most recent daughters have only competed in Poland thus far and are both by Vitorio TO. Emanolla, born in 2015, was the Białka Silver Champion Filly, Radów Gold Champion Filly, and Best in Show and Polish National Silver Champion Filly in 2017. *Emandoria’s youngest daughter, Emrossa, placed well in her Yearling Class at the 2017 Białka Show.

2010 Wels International (Austria) Gold Champion Mare European Gold Champion Mare World Silver Champion Mare

The 2018 World Championships ended in Paris at the Salon du Cheval. *Emandoria was honored as Platinum World Champion Mare, being shown for the last time and bidding farewell to her show career.

2005 Polish Reserve National Champion Filly European Reserve Champion Filly World Champion Filly 2006 Białka Show (Poland) Champion Filly & Best In Show Polish Reserve National Champion Filly European Champion Filly Nations Cup Top Five Filly 2007 U.S. National Champion Junior Mare

2011 World Top Ten Mare 2013 Abu Dhabi Gold Champion Mare PSAIHF (Saudi Arabian) Silver Champion Mare Dubai Gold Champion Mare Nations Cup Gold Champion Mare European Gold Champion Mare World Gold Champion Mare 2014 Dubai Gold Champion Mare

2018 Sharjah Gold Champion Mare Dubai Gold Champion Mare Platinum World Champion Mare

Arab Horse Couture

February 2019


(Top Left)

(Top Right)

Royal Emanolla H Emandila H Emerald J Etro PA

Royal Emanuel Emerald J AJ Emana AJ Emana


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

Equine Health Maintenance Programs at the Boarding Stable

What’s Best? By Julie I. Fershtman, Attorney at Law

When teenagers learn to drive, they’re sometimes cautioned that they’re actually driving five cars at once – the cars in front of them, behind them, and on either side in addition to the car in which they’re seated and steering – and must watch all of them to protect their safety. In a roughly comparable way, those who board their horses at other peoples’ stables have every incentive and reasoning to be watchful of the other horses on the property. Knowing that all horses are current on their dewormers and vaccinations can be just as important as making sure that your own horse stays on schedule. All it takes is one horse with a contagious illness, such as strangles, to cause disastrous problems throughout the whole barn. Should boarding stables impose equine health requirements for all horses on the property? Should horse owners demand it? This article discusses a few options as well as problems to consider. Which one is best? You can decide. Option 1: Stables handle all vaccination and de-worming arrangements. In option one, boarding stable management will schedule all vaccinations, de-wormings, and even sometimes farrier attention for each boarded horse. The preferred veterinarian of the stable vaccinates all horses (such as tetanus, rabies, EEE/WEE, and west nile) during the same visit, and horse owners are billed afterwards. These arrangements are more common with training stables, as trainers develop their own individualized “program” based on their preferences and experience.


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

Option 2: The stables’ preferred veterinarian recommends a vaccination and de-worming schedule to the owners, and the owners then handle arrangements on their own. In option two, the stable’s preferred veterinarian posts a recommended list and schedule for de-wormings and vaccinations. Afterwards, boarders must make their own arrangements within the timeline provided. To ensure the owners’ compliance, stable management might request proof, such as receipts for products purchased or veterinary arrangements the owner made. Option 3: Owners get to determine what deworming and vaccination arrangements are best and make their own arrangements. Some stables allow their boarders the total discretion to make all decisions on when, where, how, and even if vaccinations and de-wormings will be done on their horses.

Take Caution Depending on how the stable health programs are administered at the location where your horse is being boarded, problems can occur. For example: Insured horses. For horses insured with equine insurance, some policies require that only a licensed veterinarian or qualified person under veterinary supervision can administer injections to the horse. Consequently, if the boarding stable owner or manager (who is not a veterinarian) injects a boarded horse without sufficient veterinary oversight, coverage could potentially be denied if complications develop from those injections. Billing issues. When stables arrange veterinary and farrier attention, some pass along the actual invoices so that the boarders can pay each professional directly, with shared farm call charges. Other stables pay the professionals first then bill their boarders for reimbursement. Over

About the Author

the years, some stables and equine professionals have been known to impose surcharges on each bill for routine veterinary attention (with surcharges that may or may not be disclosed to their customers). Boarding contracts can address the issue and specify how the boarder will be billed.

Julie Fershtman is one of the nation’s most experienced Equine Law practitioners. A lawyer for nearly 32 years, she is a shareholder with Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC, in Michigan. She has successfully handled equine cases in 18 jurisdictions nationwide and has tried equine cases before juries in 4 states. She has drafted thousands of equine industry contracts, is listed in The Best Lawyers in America, and is the recipient of the ABA’s 2017 “Excellence in the Advancement of Animal Law Award.” Her speaking engagements span 29 states. For more information, please visit:

Conclusion All parties to horse boarding arrangements can benefit greatly from contracts that explain how equine health maintenance will be handled. If these issues are important to you, insist on getting it in writing. Plan ahead and protect yourself. This article does not constitute legal advice. When questions arise based on specific situations, direct them to a knowledgeable attorney.


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

The Goal Chapter 4: visionpure By Eva Reifler Inspired by and with amiable permission of Ulrike Dietmann, author of “On the Wings of Horses” The heroine or the hero can never really let go of the call, despite the obvious – it just seems too farfetched, and so she or he start creating something that is tangible for her/his current world of perception.

learning in the UK with Anna Pell and her beautiful herd of horses that grazed freely under a blue sky. These horses awakened my sense for energetic boundaries. Suddenly out of nowhere, I was able to perceive their energetic bubbles. Energies I did not know existed, and, yet, all I needed to do was silence my mind and be present with my body. Easier said than done.

Where horses are concerned, goals are often involved. The horse is expected to jump over some funny hurdle, to run with the correct and even gait, head down – back up. There are specific terms for each goal. Catching your horse out in the pasture or lifting its hoof can also constitute a goal. Or loading in a trailer.

At that time, I was a novice in spiritual things. I was very curious though and was in constant search as a way finder of “that something else,” which I knew must exist beyond the material world. During my studies to become an Eponaquest Instructor in Arizona, I discovered the power of using the awareness of my entire body as well as the heart as sensory devices and effectively steer towards my goal. During one exercise, Shelley Rosenberg, author of My Horses, My Healers, asked me to formulate my “heart’s desire”. I was intimidated and a bit frightened as I turned to the giant 18 hand horse Telluride, a Dutch warm-blood and a mountain of a horse who was nowhere near in size compared to my gentle little Arab. “I want to allow vulnerability” I said bravely and stepped into the pen. The horse barely moved as I approached him,

With all these goals, the horse is expected to do what we demand of them. Why should they? They were born to graze freely, that’s all. Why should they? Let’s just sit back for a moment and consider the hero’s journey of horses. What goals do they pursue? Why are they still in our lives, even though we no longer need them for labor, food, transportation, or war? When they do not fit into modern civilization at all? I did my first private sessions in so called equine-facilitated


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

Perhaps you’re thinking, “I don’t have the ability to handle horses in such a way or hear their voices like that,” or maybe, “the author must have been smoking something!”

and, with no clue what to do next, I stalled. A common reaction to a new and vulnerable situation (see Chapter 3, The Refusal to Follow the Call). Then, he simply turned his head and laid his long, slender neck around my body – gently holding me in a seemingly eternal embrace, pressing me softly against his warm, silky shoulders. For outsiders, it might have been nothing spectacular – just another horse and woman cuddling – or frightening – will he squeeze her? For me, it was a profound experience: my attachment style at the time could best be described as “avoidant”, and it was almost unbearable to allow such an intimate embrace for such a long time. The unconditional of the situation brought tears to my eyes. And then it was over. Hard as I tried, I could not repeat the experience. I already was back in my mind and did not allow the feelings to flow freely any longer.

What is your goal? Write it down now so that you can return to this paragraph and revisit your first impulse, as it may change later while reading this. Remember that it’s about moments, not about right or wrong, not about good or bad. What is your goal with horses? And with yourself? Are you a horse owner? Do you share your horse with someone else? Have horses always been special creatures in your life, even if you never got particularly close to them? Many people have an intense relationship to this animal even if they have never ridden, live in a crowded city, or have no room for horses in their lives. Nonetheless, they are close to them in dreams, thoughts, and their world of feeling. In my childhood enthusiasm, a bike or barrel had to stand in as a horse because my parents were not horse people, and our cows were off limits to me. I put reins on my bike handles and called it Iltschi, which was my childhood hero’s black mount, the Apache Chief Winnetou*, supposedly an Arabian stallion, doubtful though I didn’t care – he was gorgeous and extremely smart. I was so enthusiastic that even a screaming green bike became a horse.

For me, it was an experience from which there was no turning back. It changed everything for me: my association with horses, my view of human beings, my philosophy of living, and, ultimately, my whole life. When I stepped into the round-pen with Telluride, I had set a goal, a heart’s desire, and he responded. It was not a usual woman-horse goal, and Telluride picked up on it. What is your goal with horses? Perhaps this all seems interesting to you but high-flown. I can understand that.

Arab Horse Couture

February 2019


The photograph of my dream stallion, Iltschi, accompanied me throughout my youth and inspired me in countless ways. It was just a poster, but, every time I looked at it, I felt a deep peace. It was the perfect connection between man and horse.

What is your goal? Do you want to be close to horses? Are you trying to experience their wisdom and integrate it into your life? You are reading this article. Why? What do you expect to gain from it?

What is your relationship to horses? What is their position in your life? What dreams do you have of them?

The goal will from now on determine the direction of your journey. I invite you to make the first step of this journey. Decide on a goal and write it down. Phrase it clearly. Reread your spontaneous answer to the question about your goal at the beginning of this chapter. Be precise, simple and decisive in naming your goal. Have the courage to express what you’ve long known.

This step of the hero’s journey is about manifestation. Our dreams solidify to a concrete goal as they enter the process of becoming real and transform into reality. Without reality, they remain illusions in which you imprison the truth about yourself and your journey. What is reality? A stable full of manure, a lame horse, or an exorbitant vet’s bill? Or an office job you loath? The opposite can happen as well, maybe you don’t have enough dreams or illusions, and your reality has become so inflexible that you have forgotten dreams exist. What is a goal? It is a signpost to unknown territory. You don’t know whether you will ever reach it, get stuck, turn around, or even veer off the road and pursue a new goal en-route. The goal might turn out to be non-existent, as for Christopher Columbus who was looking for the sea route to India, or your loved ones could possibly not adhere to your travel plans. By setting a goal for yourself, it gives you a direction and motivates you take the first step.

The goal need not be a major one. It can be something apparently insignificant, for example the wish to be fully present with the contented expression on your horse’s face as they’re munching on some delicious apples you brought them. If you love challenges, you might want to set yourself a seemingly unattainable goal, like winning the next national show jumping competition, or becoming the next Oprah Winfrey. I decide to draw one of the horse cards that Linda Kohanov designed together with the artist Kim McElroy. The forty cards represent a path of initiation, similar to the hero’s journey. Their meaning is described in Linda Kohanov’s book Way of The Horse. I draw the card with the intention of finding out something about resources which can help me to reduce my anxiety in reaching my goal.

I suggest you draw a card as well, perhaps you own oracle cards like the Tarot. Any deck of cards will do. This is an intuitive technique for finding additional information. There are different ways of proceeding. I simply draw one as I dwell over the question, which I wrote down. You can also cut the deck of cards–face down–in two and then feel for which pile the card you are looking for is in. Try to pick up information in the form of energy, not reason. When you have selected one pile, you keep repeating the procedure–until you have only two cards left to choose from (if this was in a book format, that would be two pages). Even in spiritual matters, precision can give you security. I draw the card 9 – breath of connection: Socio-sensual Awareness, Heart Intelligence, Nonverbal Communication. As the horse’s breath moves out away from her body, the wisdom of her heart does as well. *Winnetou is a fictitious Apache Chief protagonist in a series of adventure novels set in the American Old West by the German author, Karl May. The stories were shown on screen during the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.

THE GIFT: When you use your entire body as an organ of perception, you embrace the world and sense your place in it a lot more deeply. THE CHALLENGE: The idea that we are separate beings is an illusion. Managing the contagious nature of thought and emotion is difficult when your head is at war with your heart. It reminds me that I am not alone, and that there is a vast source of possible resources I can tap into. I already feel better.

What message did you get? Write it down. You now have a goal, whatever it looks like, and you have a message saying which attitude and motif will help you achieve your goal. I call it a mantra, a spiritual formula which will accompany you in realizing your goal. I will now ask that you draw up a contract with yourself. You write down your name, your goal and your motif or mantra, as well as the date. (For example) I, Eva Reifler, hereby draw up a contract with myself for the attainment of the following goal: I would like to experience what it really means to be at one with a horse. My mantra: “It is much harder than I thought, and that is okay,” (quote by Martha Beck). Artimont, 23rd March 2018. Signature The moment has come for you to start your journey. Cross the border and go out into open country! Follow your goal.


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture


Giving Your Power Away to Others! By Nancy Dye

Are you giving your power away to others? (How well can you ride when you have less power?) Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.

Are you affected by your trainer, or your teammates, spouse, parent, friend, or child? Maybe even feeling emotionally controlled by them sometimes, either because you want to please them or you are afraid of them? Do you get upset or freeze up when your trainer yells at you during your training? Does your riding go downhill at a show when they stand there to watch you?

My clients are all affected by their trainers to one degree or another. Some in a positive way, and some in a negative way. They either love their trainers and are motivated to perform at their best to please them (but devastated when they don’t achieve that), or they feel nervous and even scared to train or show with them if the relationship isn’t that good. This is especially true with impatient and overdemanding trainers or ones that “yell” at their students.

While it may feel that this is something the trainer is doing to you, making you feel nervous or self-conscious, the truth may be that you are allowing it to happen. You are allowing that person to affect you emotionally.

Either way, it seems to come down to this: the feeling of needing to please them. This feeling adds pressure to your ride, and, when you’re showing, that’s a distraction you don’t need! Performing well in the show ring is all about your focus, and, where your focus goes, energy flows! We want you focused on executing the details of riding your horse.

So essentially, you’re handing over your power to that trainer (or another person) on a silver platter!

Arab Horse Couture

February 2019

How can we get around this issue? Assuming that we can’t change other people, places, and things, let’s think about how we can shift this problem in our own minds. Whenever something is affecting us negatively, we need to look at the meaning we are giving to the event. So while most of my clients’ performances are negatively affected by the feelings they have for their trainers (even if they love their trainers, remember, it is important to please them), each one has a different reason for why this is happening. That “reason” can be found in the unique “meaning” that each person is giving to that event.


For example, take Tiffany, who is an adult amateur owner-rider. Tiffany has several very expensive horses and goes to the “A” shows. She has a lot of respect for her trainer due to their technical competency. The trainer is known for being honest and brilliant when it comes to matching a rider with a horse. They are also considered one of the top trainers in the country, and Tiffany loves the barn because all her friends are there.

her trainers see her like that as well. And since she now believes that is who she has become, she then performs that way. Why? Tiffany described a pattern where she gets all this negative talk in her head. Then, she just allows it to consume her until she is in such an emotional state it has her chasing her negative feelings down the rabbit

Remember that we will always remain rather consistent with who we believe ourselves to be.

After hearing all that, I was very surprised when Tiffany wrote in her journal assignment that “My trainer hates me and I hate her.” What? Yup, and then of course, the pieces of the puzzle began to come together. Tiffany complained about riding great at home, but falling apart at the shows. What I found out is that there is an assistant trainer who works with Tiffany at home (which is a common scenario). At the shows while in the ring, Tiffany is aware of the head trainer watching her. What was the meaning that Tiffany was giving to the head trainer watching her? “It’s like this Black Widow spider just hanging there on the rail of the ring,” she said.

hole as described in the book, Alice in Wonderland.

Yikes! This is what we call “demonizing people.” No wonder she feels distracted when she’s in the show ring, but then it gets even worse! Tiffany said to me, “I just know she wants me to fail.” And, then, that’s pretty much what ends up happening. Because Tiffany “buys into” her own belief about the trainer wanting her to fail, she starts out doing well in the classes and then it all falls apart.

Tiffany’s thoughts and self-talk become more negative and her “story” becomes more bizarre until she ends up becoming trapped in her own nightmare of selfsabotage and failure. Tiffany is acting as if she is Alice, and she feels trapped in that identity which is causing automatic reactions she believes cannot be controlled. To reverse this, we started by working on transitioning the meaning that she has been giving to the trainer. Remember that Black Widow Spider? What other, more positive meaning or association can we give to that trainer instead?

Sadly, this scenario has occurred many times, according to Tiffany, and has become her reputation that she just keeps repeating. Tiffany has now started to personally identify with these past events where she has repeated a pattern of failure.

I went back over the exact words Tiffany used to describe her trainer, and she actually had listed some wonderful qualities as well. Since she saw these things as good qualities, she personally values those qualities highly. For example, she values honesty

She now sees herself as a rider that starts out with a lot of promise, but, in the end, she can’t deliver! She also believes

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February 2019


and competency in one’s job, having a good reputation in the industry, and the ability to match riders with horses.

to you negatively about your trainer hanging on the rail as a Black Widow spider, I want you to talk back to her and say, ‘Have some damn grace! She’s a damaged child.’”

When describing herself, Tiffany always strives to be kind. In fact, even though her trainer is sometimes rude and behaves angrily towards her, Tiffany still always comes to the barn with a smile on her face. She said to me, “I always make it a point to be nice, no matter what. I hate it when I see people who can’t extend grace to others! When I see that, I just want to yell at them, ‘Have some damn grace!’”

“And of course,” I said, “you can follow with remembering all her brilliance as a trainer; all those other qualities you value, such as the fact that she is honest in an industry that doesn’t always value (or act upon) it, AND she has achieved great skill and competence in that industry.” This is how we use our values and identities to shift, in our core, how we see ourselves and others. This is how we stop handing over our emotional stability and our empowerment on a silver platter to others… and giving them even more power to win that silver platter at the show!

I asked her, “What is your definition of extending grace?” She answered, “People confident, and selfactualized should always extend understanding and compassion to those around them. That’s being gracious to others.”

who are centered, self-aware,

When we learn how to control our own inner world, we no longer need to stay trapped in the rabbit hole of frustrating ourselves with trying and failing to control how other people affect us.

Aha! Now I had her! So, Tiffany also highly values being nice and gracious to others, being self-aware, grounded, centered and self-actualized. This was all great stuff I could use to help Tiffany find a new meaning to give her trainer.

In fact, using this method, we will no longer listen to the voices in our head directing us to go run down that rabbit hole. We will be feeding our own mindset and emotional strength, riding off our own power in the show ring, instead of volunteering to hand it over and serve it to others for their benefit!

“Tiffany,” I asked, “how could you see your trainer in a positive light?” She thought about it for a while, and then she answered she would see her as a damaged child. Wow, great!

Sidebar: The following week I read these updated notes from Tiffany. She said to make double sure she was REALLY interrupting her emotional pattern when she saw her trainer, she painted the damaged child pink and added a pink tutu! Well… okay… that should cause a “pattern interrupt” of your negative emotional state! (Humor is always the best pattern interrupt.)

I instructed Tiffany to really exaggerate that image, just like she had exaggerated her feelings to come up with a vision of the Black Widow spider. “Give the poor little girl a sweet face, then add those leg and arm braces kids with polio and cerebral palsy have to wear. Really conjure up a vision that makes you feel compassionate towards her! Something that would make you want to embrace her.

If you feel you are allowing others to affect you too much, a great book to read is Co-Dependent No More by Melody Beatty. This is a classic life saver for your emotions! It has been a best seller all over the world for over three decades.

“If you were a self-aware, grounded, centered, and selfactualized person, how would you respond to your trainer’s inability to control her emotions?” I asked. She answered that she would extend to her some grace!

Want to be independent and free from allowing others to affect you too strongly? Make a decision to do whatever you need to do to

“Great,” I said. “So now, when you go into the ring, if those same old voices and visions from the past start talking


February 2019

Arab Horse Couture

finally break free from being emotionally controlled and to become independent of your emotional prison!

Nancy specializes in solving the puzzle of why people are not performing at their best and customizing the right strategy for “jumping over� adversity. She handles all areas of a rider’s lifestyle to include relationships, career, addictions, weight loss, health, and transitioning through life stages.

Emotional strength and fitness is your key to independence! Create a new vision for your riding and your life. Break free from those people, places, and things that you believe are holding you back from becoming a better rider and having a better lifestyle.

With a past career in corporate sales and as a luxury lifestyle realtor, Nancy has been coached by some of the top high-performance sales trainers in the corporate world, as well as by some of the most elite coaches in the world of sports. Nancy redesigns the inner lives of athletes, executives, entrepreneurs, and elite military and veterans.

Start your new life on your new bridle path today! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nancy Dye is an equestrian breakthrough mindset coach and resilience trainer who helps people to transform the quality of their lifestyles and careers.

Nancy is married to Jack Miles, a former Olympian gymnast who is inducted into four athletic Hall of Fames. For one-on-one coaching or information on her workshops or riding clinics, Nancy can be reached at

Nancy is certified as a strategic interventionist from the official coach training program of Tony Robbins and has over 30 years as a change agent; shifting people into peak performance.

Arab Horse Couture

February 2019


A Tribute to

Mrs. Wigdan El Barbary By Judith Wich-Wenning

Last year, we had to say good-bye to several important breeders of Straight Egyptian Arabians. In January 2018, a true icon of the breed passed away: Wigdan El Barbary – affectionately called Dani – from Cairo. Mrs. El Barbary had a passionate love of Arabian horses for decades; they determined her life. At her stud farm, “Shams El Asil,” located south of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, she raised Arabian horses of a classic and historic type. Reaching 95 years of age, she bred 8-9 generations at her stud farm, an enormous lineage for a private person. Dani El Barbary’s interest for horses began in her childhood at her father’s farm near Cairo. Later on, she honed her riding abilities in Europe and took part in show jumping competitions on an international level. Mrs. El Barbary was the only female member of the Egyptian team at that time.

as her stallion. He had a most impressive pedigree with Morafic, his father, being a true legend. Bilal’s mother, the famous Mona, was a half-sister to the impeccable Hanan (by Alaa El Dine). Bilal I was Mrs. El Barbary’s darling. He stamped his get and “Shams El Asil”, and had an enormous influence on Dani El Barbary’s breeding program.

The next step in her life was to begin breeding, as the talents and characteristics of the Arabian horse fascinated her. In the 1950’s, Mrs. El Barbary began to learn about the history and bloodlines of Arabian horses. Breeding farms in Egypt were scarce at the time, so she went to the “Mother of the Egyptian Arabian Horse,” the Egyptian Agricultural Society (EAO), to learn more. The director at that time was no other than the mastermind Tibor von PettkòSzandtner. He became her mentor, and Mrs. El Barbary was eager to learn as much as possible from him. One of Tibor von Pettkò-Szandtner’s important wisdoms, “no legs, no horse”, was just one of the many she adopted from him.

In order to add more dimension, Mrs. El Barbary purchased the stallion Misk (Wahag x Nazeema). This bold, striking chestnut was a counterpart and supplement to the typical Saqlawi-style Bilal I. A combination of these two special stallions resulted in the famous SEA Sukkar Maaoud (Misk x SEA Farah by Bilal I). He was named Supreme Champion Stallion of Egypt at the first Egyptian National Show at the EAO in 1994. Waley El Ahd (Beltagi x Set El Hosn II) was another important stallion to Mrs. El Barbary’s breeding program at Shams El Asil. This typey grey from the Moniet El Nefous line was the epitome of unique charisma that Mrs. El Barbary treasured in Arabian horses.

In the early 1970’s, Mrs. El Barbary assembled a solid foundation for her stud farm. She immediately fell in love with and chose the refined, snow white Bilal I, a Morafic son out of Mona (by Badr),

Dani El Barbary was an unmistakable person, small and petite, yet with a strong will. She went her own route in life and was sometimes controversial, but she never


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Arab Horse Couture

followed the crowd. When looking at Arabians, Mrs. El Barbary always found it essential that a horse touched her heart. She was a respected, international judge for the Polish National Show at Janów Podlaski Stud and the Arabian Horse World Championships in Paris as well as others. Mrs. El Barbary had her own opinions regarding showing and presented her horses in a more natural way without excesses. She disliked an extremely dished face, makeup, and exaggerated posing to the crowd. Instead, she placed importance on those typical traits which once made the Arabian horse famous: intelligence, friendliness, pride, courage, and agility. The fabulous bond between Mrs. El Barbary and her horses was obvious. She intended to preserve the horse as a part of Egyptian culture, and it

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February 2019

was essential to her that people should not try to change or “improve” the Arabian horse. She was always afraid that the most important characteristics like a dainty, light stature and overall dryness might get lost. As well, in her opinion, a desert creature like the Arabian horse simply could not get any better. Dani El Barbary was a visionary Arabian horse breeder. She influenced many people throughout her life, and many horses that came from her stud farm were both considered very popular at home in Egypt and exported internationally. For example, when Saudi Arabian Sheikh Khaled bin Ladin started his famous “Rabab Stud” in Egypt, he


spent a lot of time in discussion with Mrs. El Barbary. “Shams El Asil” contributed much to Sheikh Khaled’s initial breeding program. He purchased get of Bilal I and Misk. As well, the chestnut Ibn Adaweya (Akhthal x Adaweya), who was born at the EAO and used as a breeding stallion at “Shams El Asil” for many years, also found his way to Rabab Stud. Character and type were always fundamental for Dani El Barbary. She trained colts differently and didn’t push them at the high speed rate which was common for other stud farms. Colts at “Shams El Asil” grew until they were two years old with their only training being plenty of human contact. Mrs. El Barbary’s intention was to evaluate their individual qualities as a future breeding prospect. Only afterwards did the colts receive basic training, and later were saddled and mounted. Dani El Barbary was a true inspiration and encouragement to many. Her passing signals another chapter of history has been closed, and she will be dearly missed by everyone in the Arabian Horse industry.

Arab Horse Couture

February 2019


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