Looking back to January 2009
A Lifetime With Arabians
The Wisdom And Wonder Of Old M ares
by Sheila Varian
I have that runs fro m a small country road up to the top a hill on a long, gen of tle slope. It has goo d native grass, and thought that with 45 I acres, they could kee p far enough apart that they wouldn’t be hurting one ano the r. We had bred Starlyn and checke d her in foal, but at that time we weren doing a lot of pregna ’t ncy checking; so, all I really noticed as the months went by was that they were hea lthy, the two were not friendly and had little to do with eac h other. Then I was out che cking the 45 acres one morning, and saw the two mares I together up on the top of the hill. I wa wondering what the s y were doing there tog ether when I saw this tiny little foal— and I thought Oh, Arabian Horse Tim my God, Starlyn has es has invited me to foaled. But could I write about things get near them? No learned through the pe. Not in their life I’ve years that I’ve lived So, I got my binocu time. lars and lay in the gra with horses. I got my first horse when I wa ss, trying to tell if the baby was okay. The s 8—Judy, a 16-han d Morgan/Percher tro ubl e cross for my dad to wa s, wh ene on ver I put my head hunt deer on—and would hear all this up I I’ve been looking at snorting, and I was them with curiosity thinking, the y could and amusement eve over the hill and dow go r n sin int ce. o some rough countr y! With foaling season They’ll have that baby down the coming, I’ve been thi re and it will never nking about the old mares that I’ve get out. So, I left and known. We raise ho went back to the bar rses in domesticated n, trying to figure it ways, but we should out. I couldn’t. n’t ever forget that Two or three times the wild genes are a day, I would go to still there, and under the pasture and try standing that can ma to call them. I used grain, laid out hay, ke for an amazing education. Years ago sat quietly hoping , I saw this very cle would get used to they me. Nothing worke arly with a couple mares named Starly of d. They wouldn’t let n and Shellah. me within 200 yards of them. I could see Starlyn was a tall, ran that the baby was moving, but I couldn gy, chestnut Half-A ’t tell if it was a filly rabian owned by a young girl named or colt. Candy, who had bee Three days went by n a like this, and then teenager when she and Starlyn spe it clouded up to rain nt most of their tim I was beside myself . e together, and the , worrying about tha apparently had bee re t baby up there in the n some tension. It rain . I we nt out to the 45 acres hadn’t been the bes match, and Starlyn again to see if I cou t was a nervous, hys out a new approach. ld figure terical mare—but the I didn’t have a halter so was Candy her n, or rope with me, owner. When Starly and I stood down at n got the gate, wondering to be 19 or 20, Candy decided to what I was going breed her. Starlyn had to do. Suddenly, wa y up on top of the never had a baby, and was pretty distru hill, Shellah perked her head up and her stful of most everyt hing. ears swept forward. Meantime, Shellah She looked straight at me and down the was a smallish bay mare, a daughter of hill she trotted. Sta Ferseyn. I didn’t ow rlyn was attached n her; she boarded to She llah ’ s sid e like here. Shellah didn’t a burr in a dog’s hai other horses, she did like r, and the baby was attached to her. She n’t like any people, she didn’t like gettin llah kept trotting to up in the morning, g me, not a hesitation and she didn’t like Sta rly n following Shellah like , going to bed at nig Mostly, she didn’t like a foal, with her bab ht. her as the rain beg y following much of anything. an to come down. Starlyn was similar because she was so She llah didn’t hesitate, distrustful and worrie didn’t slow down, but d, which made it trotted right to me hard for her to like and stopped anybody or anything in front of me, Starly either. The differenc n right next to her. was she didn’t kno My heart nearly e w why. Both of the stopped beating. m were bossy, Shellah because that’s who she was, and Starly Qu ietl y, I slip ped n because she expect off my belt and pu something bad to hap t it around Starlyn’ ed neck, and led her out pen. s the gate and across Since neither mare the road, with the baby at her side. We had a great temper ament for being wit headed to the barn, other horses, I put h and with a sigh of them by themselves relief, I put Starlyn in a 45-acre pastur into a clean, dry, str e aw-filled stall. And Shellah? She turned on her heel and wa 276 lked off in the other
Beginning with
this new year,
Arabian Horse Tim es
• January 2009