2012 Ohio Buckeye Coverage

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2012 OhiO Buckeye

The 2012 Ohio Buckeye Show Report From A Horse Show Manager by Cindy Clinton

The buckeye

was once again the place where national champions are made. Just watch for next year’s prize list cover!

This year we were down a little in total numbers, but the competition, especially in the english division, was the best of the best. it is hard to know why the numbers are up one year and down the next, and i have decided that i am just going to quit worrying about it and make sure the people that are there have the best time we can give them. one thing that is different at the buckeye from most shows is that the bAHAA (buckeye Arabian and Half-Arabian Alliance) board wants the show to be successful, fun and a great experience for its exhibitors more than they want to make a lot of money! so, i’d like to say thanks to a board that puts the show first. And this is a good time to add that in addition to the standout competition, our social events, as usual, got high marks.

“app.” she has made improvements since last year, and we could see the judges’ cards within seconds of their being put into the computer, which eliminated the usual rush to the office to see the cards. The app also showed the entries in the classes just like a horse show program. You could get on your phone or computer and see who was stalled where, what vendors we had, the entries in classes, a map of the facility, and the judges’ cards, and then we also voted on the crowd favorite in the classes. stan morey would be proud that most of the time the judges and the audience agreed!

in addition to the show and its activities, we also saw a meeting put together by some of our exhibitors to discuss various procedures and rule changes. We were fortunate to have AHA executive Vice President Glenn Petty with us, and i would like to thank Glenn and Johnny ryan, a member of AHA’s national Performance Futurity and maturity Commission, for attending the meeting. Johnny addressed questions from some Cindy Clinton, Show Manager of our amateur contingent, and of course, not everything was the hopefully, he and the amateurs same at this year’s buckeye, because we’re always trying understand better how and why things happen the to make it better. This time, we made several schedule way they do. in the long run, i think the amateurs and changes and, like most shows, added the select classes. trainers that attended realize they need to talk to each The turnout for the select classes was very good, and other more openly and often. it is hard for the amateur we will expand where we can. We realize that we need owners to be able to attend convention and have their to offer something that everyone feels they can be voices heard, so i was thrilled that they could use the competitive in, and that we must continue to cater to buckeye to get their feelings across. our exhibitors. A popular aspect of this year’s buckeye was that once again Lisa blackstone was on hand with her horse show

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As usual, i want to thank the exhibitors for bringing the best of the best—and wish everyone good luck at the national shows.

2012 OhiO Buckeye

2012 bUCKEyE SWEEPSTAKES SHOW May 24-27, 2012, Columbus, Ohio 2012

Results provided by Ohio Buckeye Show Committee.

Purebred Halter Arabian Supreme Championship – Champion: RRA MARQUESAS, Ex: Dan Whitt, O: Jean Warner. Arabian Supreme ATH Championship – Champion: PA PASHA, Ex: Elaine Finney, O: Elaine Finney; Reserve: FESTIVALL, Ex: Shauna Mitchell, O: Shauna Mitchell. Stallions Arabian Stallions 2 & Over – Champion: FESTIVALL, Ex: Danny Thompson, O: Shauna Mitchell; Reserve: MERLLInn RAH, Ex: William Miller, O: William Miller. Arabian Colts 2 & Under – Champion: SHOWWAn FA, Ex: Danny Thompson, O: Natalie and Keith Davis. Mares Arabian Mares 3 & Over – Champion: JUSTIFIAbLy SO DCS, Ex: Dan Whitt, O: Bonnie Heiser and Rondelle Delong; Reserve: PA PASHA, Ex: Terry Holmes, O: Elaine Finney. Geldings Arabian Geldings – Champion: RRA MARQUESAS, Ex: Dan Whitt, O: Jean Warner. Arabian Geldings AAOTH – Champion: FLyInG CLOUD bHF, Ex: Anthony Whitt, O: Anthony Whitt; Reserve: DAnA PALERMO, Ex: Lori Whitt, O: Dan and Lori Whitt.

Arabian English Performance Association AEPA buckeye yearling In-Hand English Futurity – Champion: WP STATE OF SHOCK, Ex: Rob Bick, O: David and Cindy Bandy; Reserve: ESSEnCE OF FIRE SMP, Ex: Mike Miller, O: Rodney and Jacqueline Thompson.

Purebred Performance English Pleasure Arabian English Pleasure Championship – Champion: DEFyInG GRAVITy RGS, Ex: John Ryan, O: Cheryl Doran; Reserve: H MObILTy H, Ex: Joel Kiesner, O: Dynasty Arabian Partners LLC. Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: REbEL LOVE MA, Ex: Gabe De Soto,

O: Kimberly Jarvis; Reserve: bORnE THIS WAy, Ex: Jim Stachowski, O: Douglas and Jeri Smith. Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR Championship – Champion: CP SHEnAnIGAn, Ex: Katherine Kirby, O: Katherine Kirby; Reserve: b LOVED, Ex: Heidi Green, O: Elvin Berkheimer. Arabian English Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: HIGH PHILUTIn, Ex: Kelly Svoboda, O: Kelly Svoboda; Reserve: TEMPTInG FIRE, Ex: Kate Batterman, O:Boyd and Julie Batterman. Arabian Country English Pleasure Championship – Champion: STRICTLy bUSInESS, Ex: Jim Stachowski, O: Long Point Ranch; Reserve: FIRE AnD bRASS, Ex: Joel Kiesner, O: Candace Avery. Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: AFIRES GUnS nROSES, Ex: Joel Kiesner, O: Starline Arabians LLC; Reserve: CP TRIPLE SPEC, Ex: Gordon Potts, O: Shamrock Farms LLC. Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 55 & Over Championship – Champion: AFIRE AnD bRIMSTOnE SCA, Ex: Susan Knipe, O: Kenneth and Susan Knipe; Reserve: SHEZA DRAMA QUEEn, Ex: Pamela Gaffney, O: Jessica Deback and Pamela Gaffney. Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 36-54 Championship – Champion: nIKO AFIRE, Ex: Carol Skeuse-Hart, O: Springwater Farms; Reserve: bASKE ALARM, Ex: Christine Dorrestein, O: Batavia Arabians LLC. Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 18-35 Championship – Champion: MM SAbE, Ex: Morgan Kelly, O: Cynthia and Morgan Kelly; Reserve: TRIbbIAnI, Ex: Christina Nardi, O: Frances and Christina Nardi. Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR – Champion: HES THE bERRIES, Ex: Olivia Kern, O: Matthew and Sara Siemon; Reserve: AUGUST EnGInE, Ex: Zachary White, O: James Bammel. Park Arabian Park Horse Championship – Champion: GSF AMbIEnZE, Ex: Carmelle Rooker, O: Nick and Volume 43, No. 2 | 191

2012 OhiO Buckeye Juliet Carden; Reserve: Chino AfiRe, ex: Patrick First, o: Dr. marijo Kent-First. Arabian Park horse ATR Championship – Champion: MAnDALAY BAY, ex: Cathy Vecsey, o: Hawk Haven Farms LLC; Reserve: RonDe VU, ex: Gregg shafer, o: nancy and Gregg shafer. Side Saddle Arabian Ladies Side Saddle – Champion: KoRnWALL, ex: susan Copeland, o: Joan Keeler and susan Copeland; Reserve: GJR ShAMefUL, ex: Hillary Hoffman, o: matthew and Jody Hoffman.

Arabian Supreme Champion and Arabian Gelding Champion RRA MARQUESAS (Ames Charisma x RRA Martina Bey), shown by Dan Whitt for owner Jean Warner.

Driving Arabian Pleasure Driving Championship – Champion: SKYWALKeR SMA, ex: bryan Grossman, o: Joanne Grossman; Reserve: eXXPeCTATionS, ex: barbara Chur, o: strawberry banks Farm. Arabian Pleasure Driving ATD – Champion: eXXPeCTATionS, ex: barbara Chur, o: strawberry banks Farm; Reserve: SKYWALKeR SMA, ex: bryan Grossman, o: Joanne Grossman. Arabian Country Pleasure Driving Championship – Champion: PASTAChio BeY, ex: David Gamble, o: Amy Gamble. Arabian Country Pleasure ATD Driving – Champion: AUGUST enGine, ex: James bammel, o: James bammel; Reserve: CL BeRRY SUPReMe, ex: Paul Heiman, o: Valley Hei Farm.

Arabian Stallion 2 & Over Champion FESTIVALL (Stival x CJ Miss Cosmopolitan), shown by Danny Thompson for owner Shauna Mitchell.

Western Pleasure Arabian Western Pleasure Championship – Champion: ALeRRo, ex: Gordon Potts, o: Jerry newman; Reserve: KJR LeXinGTon, ex: Larry Hoffman, o: Hannah, richard and Laura beall. Arabian Western Pleasure Junior horse Championship – Champion: ReSSTiTUTion, ex: Tommy Garland, o: barbara Lynn Hunt; Reserve: enZiA fMA, ex: J T Keller, o: John and Cynthia moore. Arabian Western Pleasure AAoTR Championship – Champion: KoRnWALL, ex: susan Copeland, o: Joan Keeler and susan Copeland; Reserve: WGA KiD RoSe, ex: regina Kruger, o: regina Kruger. Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: GT SUnfiRe, ex: elizabeth Uhle, o: Carylyn and Donnielle baase; Reserve: eVeReSTT, ex: Lauren miller, o: Lauren and eric miller.

Arabian Mare 3 & Over Champion JUSTIFIABLY SO DCS ( Justify x K Alexia), shown by Dan Whitt for owners Bonnie Heiser and Rondelle Delong.

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Hunter Pleasure Arabian hunter Pleasure Championship – Champion: MonTeLeone LoA, ex: Lisa monaghan Powell, o: monteleone Partnership; Reserve: eXCALiBUR PA, ex: Daniel Wolfe, o: serajane organ.

2012 OhiO Buckeye Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: EA TRADEMARC, Ex: Chad Judy, O: Empress Arabians; Reserve: BCR MIDNITECOWBOY, Ex: Abram Cotton, O: David Carr. Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over Championship – Champion: EXCALIBUR PA, Ex: Serajane Organ, O: Serajane Organ; Reserve: AWESTRUCC, Ex: Sharon Fant-True, O: Sharon Fant-True. Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 18-39 Championship – Champion: PA METRIK BEY, Ex: Jenny Lynne Wood, O: Edward Wood; Reserve: NOBLES ANGEL, Ex: Katherine Kirby, O: Katherine Kirby. Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: PHERRARI HEAT, Ex: Susan Ness, O: Laura and Susan Ness; Reserve: EVERESTT, Ex: Lauren Miller, O: Lauren and Eric Miller.

Arabian English Pleasure Champion DEFYING GRAVITY RGS (Afire Bey V x MA Nobella), ridden by John Ryan for owner Cheryl Doran.

Show Hack Arabian English Show Hack Championship – Champion: A TO Z, Ex: Marggie Rushlow-Roberts, O: Michelle Kimbro; Reserve: MM SABE, Ex: Larry Hoffman, O: Cynthia and Morgan Kelly. Native Costume Arabian Mounted Native Costume Championship – Champion: HL SANCTION, Ex: Cathy Vecsey, O: Hawk Haven Farms LLC; Reserve: HIGH PHILUTIN, Ex: Kelly Svoboda, O: Kelly Svoboda.

Half-Arabian Halter Mares HA/AA Mares 3 & Over – Champion: FASHIONISTA SF, Ex: Terry Holmes, O: Elaine Finney; Reserve: CRA FAMES COCO CHANEL, Ex: Dan Whitt, O: Alicia Judd. HA/AA Mares ATH – Champion: CRA FAMES COCO CHANEL, Ex: Anthony Whitt, O: Alicia Judd; Reserve: FASHIONISTA SF, Ex: Elaine Finney, O: Elaine Finney.

Arabian Country English Pleasure Champion STRICKLY BUSINESS (Apollopalooza x Giovanna ER), ridden by Jim Stachowski for owner Long Point Ranch.

Geldings HA/AA Geldings 3 & Over – Champion: JUST GORGIAS, Ex: Terry Holmes, O: Elaine Finney; Reserve: ROHARA GIOVANNI, Ex: Danny Thompson, O: Shauna Mitchell. HA/AA Colts and Geldings ATH – Champion: JUST GORGIAS, Ex: Elaine Finney, O: Elaine Finney; Reserve: ROHARA GIOVANNI, Ex: Shauna Mitchell, O: Shauna Mitchell.

Half-Arabian Performance English Pleasure HA/AA English Pleasure Championship – Champion: ERA MOONLITE SERENADE, Ex: Jim Stachowski,

Arabian Park Horse Champion GSF AMBIENZE (Apollopalooza x PWA Tusea), ridden by Carmelle Rooker for owners Nick and Juliet Carden.

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2012 OhiO Buckeye o: norma and John Diver; Reserve: BORN TA BOOGIE, ex: Gabe De soto, o: Hannah and Tabitha bell. HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: AFIRE SIREN, ex: Jessica Clinton, o: Vicki Humphrey; Reserve: EVES FIRE, ex: Joel Kiesner, o: starline Arabians LLC. HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR Championship – Champion: JOE FABULOUS WP, ex: Carrie Fritz, o: shamrock Farms LLC; Reserve: LATOIYA BF, ex: Cathy Vecsey, o: Hawk Haven Farms LLC.

Arabian Pleasure Driving Champion SKYWALKER SMA (Baske Afire x HH Zodiahana), driven by Bryan Grossman for owner Joanne Grossman.

HA/AA English Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: STEEL STRIKE, ex: Abigail Patience Gay, o: Abigail Gay; Reserve: FELLOW YOUR HEART VH, ex: erika schwartz, o: erika schwartz. HA/AA Country English Pleasure Championship – Champion: NOBODYLIKEME, ex: Joel Kiesner, o: Deborah and ronald Pearson; Reserve: PAF HOLLYWOOD TOI, ex: Jessica Clinton, o: Jenny and Vickie Lau. HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: JB CAT SCRATCH FEVER, ex: Jim stachowski, o: Katherine and steve Kirby; Reserve: COOL HAND LUKE WA, ex: Joel Kiesner, o: Jessica Anderson. HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over Championship – Champion: SHOCK AND AWE DSF, ex: Kimberly shackelford, o: Don and Kimberly shackelford; Reserve: JOY RIDE SF, ex: Carrie Fritz, o: shamrock Farms LLC.

Arabian Western Pleasure Champion ALERRO (Magnum Psyche x Tuscany Bey), ridden by Gordon Potts for owner Jerry Newman.

HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 18-39 Championship – Champion: KHRAAVE, ex: Hillary Hoffman, o: Hillary Hoffman; Reserve: HCA LYNARD SKYNARD, ex: Devin Lally, o: Frank and Kriss Lally. HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: PAF HOLLYWOOD TOI, ex: Jenny Lau, o: Jenny and Vickie Lau; Reserve: HOUSE OF BLUES, ex: nora shaffer, o: Laura and nora shaffer. Park HA/AA Park Horse Championship – Champion: CATWALK, ex: shawn rooker, o: rita and Chase steer. HA/AA Park Horse ATR Championship – Champion: POLKAPALOOZA, ex: Lori Lawrence, o: starline Arabians LLC; Reserve: REA MY ALLIENCE, ex: Gregg shafer, o: nancy and Gregg shafer.

Arabian Hunter Pleasure Champion MONTELEONE LOA (Millennium LOA x Fantasy Fest), ridden by Lisa Monaghan Powell, for owner Monteleone Partnership.

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Side Saddle HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle – Champion: ALL DOLLED UP EA, ex: Katie burr, o: burrline LLC; Reserve: SRF SPRING LODED, ex: Andrea Plemmons, o: ricki Luton.

2012 OhiO Buckeye Driving HA/AA Pleasure Driving – Champion: BASKE IS A GENIUS, Ex: Matthew Siemon, O: Paul Heiman; Reserve: RIFTEN, Ex: Peter Stachowski, O: Peter Scocos. HA/AA Pleasure Driving ATD– Champion: BASKE IS A GENIUS, Ex: Paul Heiman, O: Paul Heiman; Reserve: RIFTEN, Ex: Peter Scocos, O: Peter Scocos. HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving Championship – Champion: DRAMBUIE LOUIE, Ex: Jim Stachowski, O: Norma Diver; Reserve: ALL DOLLED UP EA, Ex: Katie Burr, O: Burrline LLC. HA/AA Country Pleasure ATD Driving – Champion: ALL DOLLED UP EA, Ex: Katie Burr, O: Burrline LLC; Reserve: VSH ELEKTRA, Ex: Abigail Patience Gay, O: Abigail Gay. Western Pleasure HA/AA Western Pleasure Championship – Champion: JO MONEY, Ex: Joe Reser, O: Angela and David Daugherty; Reserve: THE GIRL NEXXT DOOR, Ex: J T Keller, O: Shamrock Farms LLC.

Arabian English Show Hack Champion A TO Z (AA Apollo Bey x MC Zia Jabask), ridden by Marggie Rushlow-Roberts for owner Michelle Kimbro.

HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: WNA MIDNIGHT COWBOY, Ex: Joe Reser, O: Jessica Clark; Reserve: CHALL ABOUT ME, Ex: John Ryan, O: Elaine Finney. HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR Championship – Champion: THE GIRL NEXXT DOOR, Ex: Leslie Doran Sommer, O: Shamrock Farms LLC; Reserve: IMA ROCKIN N ROLLIN, Ex: Brian Wheeler, O: Susan and Brian Wheeler. HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: DOCS ECHO, Ex: Susan Ness, O: Laura and Susan Ness; Reserve: ANNIES ELVA MAY, Ex: Abby Mills, O: Nick and Amy Mills. Hunter Pleasure HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Championship – Champion: EA WORDS OF WISDOM, Ex: Chad Judy, O: Empress Arabians; Reserve: KHARASELL, Ex: Charles Ethier, O: Drue Domenica McNeil.

Arabian Mounted Native Costume Champion HL SANCTION (The Chief Justice x Overlook Seratifa), ridden by Cathy Vecsey for owner Hawk Haven Farms LLC.

HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: VR WESTON, Ex: Joe Reser, O: Susan and Brian Wheeler; Reserve: TOUGHER THAN THE REST, Ex: Sharon Blendinger, O: Sugar Hill Farm LLC. HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over Championship – Champion: VSH LOLLIPOP, Ex: Sharon Fant-True, O: Sharon Fant-True; Reserve: AMAZZZING GRACE, Ex: Christine Leverett, O: Michael and Christine Leverett. HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 18-39 Championship – Champion: KHARASELL, Ex: Drue Domenica McNeil, O: Drue Domenica McNeil; Reserve: EA

HA/AA English Pleasure Champion ERA MOONLITE SERENADE (Baske Afire x Undulata’s Lady Delight), ridden by Jim Stachowski for owners Norma and John Diver.

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2012 OhiO Buckeye

HA/AA Country English Pleasure Champion NOBODYLIKEME (Majesteit x Citybythebay A), ridden by Joel Kiesner for owners Debbie and Ron Pearson.

HA/AA Park Horse Champion CATWALK (MHR Nobility x UF Supreme Surprise), ridden by Shawn Rooker for owners Rita and Chase Steer.

WORDS OF WISDOM, ex: marla ruscitto, o: empress Arabians. HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: JUST PRESS PLAY CCF, ex: Jeannette German, o: Lawrence and Jeannette German; Reserve: RELIENCE, ex: makenna rooker, o: makenna rooker. Show Hack HA/AA English Show Hack Championship – Champion: APOLLO MCCARTNEY, ex: raven Gropp, o: raven Gropp; Reserve: SKIDMARKS, ex: marggie rushlowroberts, o: mary Whalen and moira Custodio.

HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving Champion DRAMBUIE LOUIE (Baske Afire x Isabel’s Supreme Lady), driven by Jim Stachowski for owner Norma Diver.

Native Costume HA/AA Mounted Native Costume Championship – Champion: HS TOMMY HILFIGER, ex: Katelyn Thomas, o: Katelyn Thomas; Reserve: APOLLO MCCARTNEY, ex: raven Gropp, o: raven Gropp. Reining HA/AA Reining Horse – Champion: NIP TUCK, ex: Lee mancini, o: Debra and Whitney mol.

UPHA/Equitation UPHA Challenge Cup JTR – Champion: PAF Hollywood Toi, ex: JENNY LAU, o: Jenny and Vickie Lau; Reserve: i Take You, ex: ALEXIS KIESNER, o: Alexis Kiesner. UPHA Arabian Breed Walk/Trot Challenge 10 & Under – Champion: Lifeinthefastlane CmJ, ex: KATHRYN HARMEYER, o: Tara Hassinger; Reserve: rocket man Jb, ex: QUINTIN ROBERTS, o: rushlow Arabians. HA/AA Western Pleasure Champion JO MONEY (Poco Van Star Two x Kickin N Screamin), ridden by Joe Reser for owners Angela and David Daugherty.

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Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 14-17 Championship – Champion: CA Jeapordy, ex: SARAH DELISI, o: sarah Delisi; Reserve: WCF berry especielle, ex: KHRISTINA CATES-WILSON, o: Jennifer Lonchar.

2012 OhiO Buckeye

HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Champion EA WORDS OF WISDOM (Phi Slama Jama x Pearl Of Wisdom), ridden by Chad Judy for owner Empress Arabians.

HA/AA English Show Hack Champion APOLLO MCCARTNEY (Apollopalooza x UF Supreme Surprise), ridden by owner Raven Gropp.

Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 13 & Under Championship – Champion: Rocky Roses, Ex: ZACHARY WHITE, O: Lisa Jo White; Reserve: I Take You, Ex: ALEXIS KIESNER, O: Alexis Kiesner. Western Seat Equitation JTR 17 & Under – Champion: GT Sunfire, Ex: ELIZABETH UHLE, O: Carylyn and Donnielle Baase; Reserve: Vallejo Miss Moon, Ex: ANNA SLACHTA, O: Anna Slachta. Hunter Seat Equitation JTR 13 & Under (On the Flat) – Champion: Just Press Play CCF, Ex: JEANNETTE GERMAN, O: Lawrence and Jeannette German; Reserve: Independence Day HS, Ex: KEARA JOHNSON, O: Kevin Kobrzycki and Keara Johnson. Hunter Seat Equitation JTR 14-17 (Not to Jump) – Champion: Everestt, Ex: LAUREN MILLER, O: Lauren and Eric Miller; Reserve: AZ Painted Echo, Ex: LINDSAY HANNAH, O: Lisa, Lindsay and Rachel Hannah.

HA/AA Mounted Native Costume Champion HS TOMMY HILFIGER (Versace x Sabahs Fancy Lady), ridden by owner Katelyn Thomas.

Walk/Trot Country English Pleasure 10 & Under – Champion: HEY BEY BE, Ex: Olivia Baker, O: Deborah and Justin Baker; Reserve: ROCKET MAN JB, Ex: Quintin Roberts, O: Rushlow Arabians. Western Pleasure 10 & Under – Champion: CA MOLOTOV, Ex: Cole Reser, O: Michele and Joe Reser; Reserve: PURE PLATINUM, Grant Reser, O: Angela and David Daugherty. Hunter Pleasure 10 & Under – Champion: RELIENCE, Ex: Quintin Roberts, O: Makenna Rooker; Reserve: MOHEGAN SUN, Ex: Alicia Bergeron, O: Sandra Coffin Lamothe. n

Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 14-17 Champion SARAH DELISI, owner of CA Jeapordy (Sultan’s Affirmative Action x Three Timeza Lady).

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