2012 Arabian Horse Times Youth Nationals Yearbook

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| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |





| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |





| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |





| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Kids & the Arabian Horse ...


ood Luck ... courtney & emma at youth nationaLs



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

The Boggs Family • David, Terry Anne, Courtney, Lyndsey, Emma & Jake Elk River, Minnesota

Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 11

SARAH ESQUEDA JOTR & JTR 14-17 THE BIG DANCE+// H/A English Show Hack MAMA MIA LOA+ H/A Country English Pleasure CP RUMOR HAS IT Arabian Country English Pleasure PSYTATION EA+ Arabian Hunter Pleasure PSYTATIONS SHOWGIRL Arabian Hunter Pleasure TRISTINA CB Arabian English Show Hack

Trained by The Burkman Centre Cynthia Burkman 805.350.0342 www.burkmancentre.com/

CAITLIN PIGOTT JOTR & JTR 14-17 TA PRELUDE+/ ArabianWestern Pleasure Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western MOONLIGHTT CYZZLE+// H/A Hunter Pleasure Showmanship H/A Ladies Side Saddle English COWGIRL COOL+ H/A Western Pleasure HA/ Ladies Side Saddle Western

Highland Pride Arabians The Hawley, Esqueda, and Pigott Families www.HighlandPrideArabians.com

Sawyer Tehan

&Wind Saber

Y o u t h N at i o N a l s i N h a l f -a r a b i a N h u N t e r P l e a s u r e W a l k /t r o t 10 & u N d e r



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Strawberry Banks Farm 716.652.9346 ~ East Aurora, New York


Best of luck to you and Sammy in your LAST walk trot class! We are SO proud of you! Lots of love, Mom and Gowie.

Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 15



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Youth Contender

Allison Cederberg ...

Pocos secret WeaPon Half-Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Western Pleasure JTR 14-17

Graice Arabian Hunter Seat Equation Not To Jump 14-17 Hott sauce Half-Arabian Show Hack JTR 14-17

Dc KHustuM MaDe

Half-Arabian Show Hack JOTR 17 & Under

Msu afire Blazon Arabian Show Hack JTR 14-17 Arabian Show Hack JOTR 17 & Under

Dc KHustuM MaDe Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14-17

Msu afire Blazon


Hott sauce

A special thank you to: Blackwell Stables Grand Haven, MI Michele Blackwell

Pocos secret WeaPon

Lynn Van Dyke

DC Arabians

Dru & Allison Cederberg • Billings, Montana • 406-245-2091

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Sarah Delisi CA & Jeapordy

N a t i o N a l

C h a m p i o N s

Competing in their final year at Youth Nationals in H/A Saddle Seat Equitation and H/A Country English Pleasure 14-17 “Thank you to everyone who has made my youth career a success, including my amazing parents who have supported me throughout the years, Lisa Jo White, Janet Barber, Katie Beck, Tom Thorpe, Kelly Mathews, Brian Murch and Strawberry Banks Farm, all of my friends, and finally, Ryan and Elise. I would not be the rider or the person that I am today without your guidance. I am forever grateful for everything that you have done!” —Love, Sarah

For your consideration after Youth Nationals

Liberty Meadows Training Center Ryan Strand Elise Worman (816) 651-7424 Raymore, MO 18


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

o Gdream

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Liveimagine —Henry David Thoreau


Cedar Ridge arabians The Ames Family ~ Jordan, Minnesota 952-492-6590

Thank you caretakers: Richard Tirado ~ Jesus Hernandez ~ Kelsey Cook ~ Abbie Styes

www.Cedar-Ridge.com Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 19

Laura Morton & Toi Slamtastic NatioNal ChampioN


(Matoi x Fantasy Watch)

Half-arabian EnglisH PlEasurE JOTr & JTr 14-17

Proud Parents: Joe and Janice Morton 20


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Emily Moore & Starr llight NatioNal ChampioN

(Reign On x Charm ETA)

ArAbiAn English PlEAsurE JOTr & JTr 14-17 ArAbiAn PArk hOrsE JTr 17 & undEr Proud Parents: Tom and Elizabeth Moore Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 21

Courtney Boggs & BP Klassique Bey NatioNal ChampioN


(Fairview Klassique x BP Meditation Bey)

ArAbiAn Show hAck JoTr And JTr 14-17

Proud Parents: David and Terry Anne Boggs 22


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Sierra Crooks & Good Vibrationss NatioNal ChampioN

(Afire Bey V x The Small Town Blues)

Half-arabian Country EnglisH PlEasurE Jotr & Jtr 14-17

Proud Parents: Julio and Genevieve Calvillo Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 23

Abby Weiby & Ames Admiral NatioNal ChampioN


(Hucklebey Berry x MC Jakita)

ArAbiAn Country English PlEAsurE Jotr And Jtr 14-7

Proud Parents: Steve and Carolyn Weiby 24


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Emma Boggs and BP Klassique Bey NatioNal ChampioN

(Fairview Klassique x BP Meditation Bey)

ArAbiAn Country English PlEAsurE Jotr And Jtr 14-17

Proud Parents: David and Terry Anne Boggs Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 25

Emily Pate & CRF Hott Pants


(Matoi x Saucy Camille)

Half-arabian EnglisH PlEasurE JOTr and JTr 13 & undEr uPHa CHallEngE CuP JTr 13 & undEr Proud Parents: Simon and Jane Pate



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Lana Trautman & SF Spellbound NatioNal ChampioN

(Afire Bey V x Spectra PR)

ArAbiAn English PlEAsurE JOTr And JTr 13 & undEr

Proud Parents: Bruce and Karna Trautman Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 27

Laura Morton & CRF Intoxicating


(Matoi x Glamorize)

Half-arabian Country EnglisH PlEasurE Jotr and Jtr 14-17 Half-

Proud Parents: Joe and Janice Morton 28


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Emily Moore & CW Knoxville Rush NatioNal ChampioN

(Navajo Moun x Shetaxa Bay)

ArAbiAn Country English PlEAsurE Jotr And Jtr 14-17 ArAbiAn sAddlE sEAt EquitAtion 14-17 Proud Parents: Tom and Elizabeth Moore Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 29


Sales Offerings

Ames Distinguished (A Noble Cause x G Kallora)

6/20/2008 Bay Arabian Stallion 2012 Scottsdale Reserve Champion Scottsdale Signature English Pleasure

4/23/2009 Chestnut Half-Arabian Mare

CRF Hott Pants+/

Im The Man CRF

5/16/1999 Bay Half-Arabian Gelding National Reserve Champion, Scottsdale and Regional Champion

1/3/2008 Chestnut Half-Arabian Gelding

(Matoi x Saucy Camille)

My Starina BFV

(Brush Fire V x Royal Starina) 4/24/2008 Chestnut Half-Arabian Mare


Ames Heart Throb

(A Noble Cause x Glamorize)


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

(Matoi x Glamorize)

RJ Ames

(Brass x Toi Jabaska)

5/17/2006 Bay Arabian Gelding U.S. and Canadian National Champion, Regional Champion


All Maxed Out RA (HH Maxemus x Marliera)

3/19/2009 Bay Arabian Gelding

Dun With Style RA

(Brennas Golden Dunit x Minding Ps and Qs) 4/18/2009 Bay Half-Arabian Gelding

CRA 2 Ben There Dunthat RA

(Brennas Golden Dunit x Minding Ps and Qs) 3/11/2009 Buckskin Half-Arabian Gelding

Gone N Dunit RA

(Brennas Golden Dunit x Marliera) 2/5/2008 Bay Half-Arabian Gelding

For information on reiners, contact: Brian Welman, 612-991-5881

Cedar Ridge arabians HH Maxemus

(Zee Mega Bucks x Khabreah)

5/9/2000 Bay Arabian Stallion U.S. National Champion Reining Horse

The Ames Family Jordan, Minnesota ~ 952-492-6590

Visit our website for sales list, photos and videos.

www.Cedar-Ridge.com Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 31

Multi-National Champion

Multi-National Champion

Multi-National Champion

Multi-National Champion

Proudly shown by Remington Monroe Equine LLC

Half-Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR and JTR 13 & Under Half-Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Western JTR 17 & Under The One & Only Multi-National Champion

Proud to have been named The Arabian Horse Times Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Horse of the Year Half-Arabian Specialty Horse of the Year

Country English Pleasure & Show Hack JOTR and JTR 13 & Under

Hunter Pleasure JOTR and JTR 13 & Under

Ladies Side Saddle English JTR 17 & Under

Trained by Burkman Centre • 2460 Hwy 135 • Los Alamos, CA 93440 Phone: 805.344.1100 • Cell: 805.350.0342 • www.Burkmancentre.com

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Personality PE H/A English Pleasure JOTR &JTR Native Costume JOTR &JTR

SA Kappuccino Scottsdale Champion Arabian Country Pleasure JOTR &JTR Show Hack JOTR & JTR

Owners: Dean and Terri Wikel Berlin Heights, Ohio Trainers: Danny Wolf, Pegasus Arabians Susan Shea, Shea Training Jezabell PE H/A Country Pleasure JOTR & JTR H/A Show Hack JOTR & JTR

(419) 541-1102 www.pegasusarabinas.com www.sheatraining.com

Appropo H/A English Pleasure JOTR & JTR

Sombra Do Pai Arabian Country Pleasure JOTR & JTR Show Hack JOTR &JTR

Razzmastazz PE Scottsdale Champion H/A Hunter Pleasure JOTR &JTR

Buttons and Bows PE H/A Hunter Pleasure JOTR &JTR

Harrlem H/A Country Pleasure JOTR &JTR Show Hack JOTR & JTR

*Horses available for purchase. 38


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |





Trained by Kiesner Training • www.KiesnerTraining.com




| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes



Proudly owned by Raymond Arabians LLC • Houston, TX




Available for Purchase





Joel’s Cell 865-556-0413

W W W . K I E S N E R T R A I N I N G . C O M

Ashton’s Cell 865-556-0412 Volume 43, No. 1 |



National Champion Half-Arabian English Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17 ~Available for purchase

Trained by

W W W . B E L V E D E R E F A R M L L C . C O M B E LV E D E R E F A R M , L L C Trainer Tara Carpio, 706-402-9258, tara@belvederefarmllc.com • Trainer Les Sichini, 205-420-9354, lsichini@aol.com 2900 Rome Road, Cedartown, GA 30125 • mickey@belvederefarmllc.com, 770-597-0121 42


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

National Champion Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17

National Champion Country English Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17

National Champion Mare Halter JTH

Volume 43, No. 1 |





2012 Youth Nationals

A Preview by Kara Larson

A member of the Youth Nationals Show Commission since its inception, Sharon Richards uses one word to describe how it feels to see the show reach its 20th year: amazing. For young exhibitors, the show has become the culmination of each season’s practice hours, saddle sores, and trips around the country for shows. But in the early days, Youth Nationals was nothing more than a lofty idea. “They said it would never f ly,” recalls Richards. “Everyone was so negative about it, and now, I think it’s one of the most important things that AHA has done for the Arabian industry.”




2012 Youth Nationals—A Preview

Volume 43, no. 1 |



Her fellow show commissioner, mickey Hegg, also remembers the days when other members of the community had little interest in the idea. “Lois Finch was the [the show’s] guiding light,” she says, citing the respected Arabian judge and advocate who died in 1998. “but there was skepticism from a lot of people. some thought it would be nothing more than a glorified 4-H show. but after three years of fighting for the show, it finally passed at convention in 1991, and we had our first show in 1993. in that first year, we were hoping for around 500 entries, so when we had over 750, it was a huge success.”

Mickey Hegg and Lollie Ames accepting Readers’ Choice Award for Show of the Year.



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

As an indication of how far Youth nationals has come in 20 years, the event took home the 2011 Arabian Horse Times readers’ Choice Award for show of the Year. “it was quite the honor to win at the readers’ Choice Awards this year,” Hegg says. “it was the first time we’ve ever won, and we were very pleased about it. Last year was one of our best shows, and it was really great to be recognized for our efforts to make Youth nationals a great show.”

2012 Youth Nationals—A Preview

A Show For The Kids, By The Kids Youth nationals, which now attracts nearly 1,000 horses for eight days of fun events, clinics from experts, and competitive classes, is unique in that it is all about the kids. “We’re looking to make it fun and keep the kids enthusiastic,” says Hegg. “That’s why we meet with them every year at convention and ask them what they want out of Youth nationals. We consider what they want to ride in, what they’re proficient in, and what is offered locally for them. We try to do it with a positive attitude for the kids, because in the end, we really just want them to enjoy the show.” This year’s Youth nationals, held in Albuquerque, n.m., begins on Thursday, July 19. “As in the past, there will be clinics on the Thursday before the show from the APAHA Horseman and Horsewoman of the year—Johnny ryan and Crystal mcnutt,” Hegg says. “For these trainers, it’s such a well-deserved honor and the fact that they’re willing to share their time and expertise with the youth community is a great opportunity for all to take part in.” Friday offers the AHYA Convention, which will be held in the Youth Hall, and then on saturday morning, July 21, competition begins. That evening, a kick-off exhibitor Welcome Party is scheduled in Heritage square, and for the next seven days, a diverse array of classes satisfies every taste. interspersed through it all will be a list of events that have become favorites over the years: the Parade of regions, the stick Horse Contest, the Dog Costume Class and more. “everything on the schedule is pretty much status quo from last year, but we’re very excited about the events, clinics and classes we’re offering,” says Hegg. “This will be the second year of the Cutting clinic we started last year, which was a huge success. because of its popularity, we’re looking at Cutting very carefully to possibly add in the future. We also added a good deal of dressage classes last year, and we’ve added another division to this year. Another area where we’ve seen a huge improvement in the past few years is the over fence classes, which are very exciting to see.”

Volume 43, no. 1 |



A Family Show What is it about Youth nationals that keeps entire families coming back year after year? Perhaps the answer lies in the most basic element—family. This show offers a place for every member of the family to have fun and enjoy the atmosphere. “You have mom, dad, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma and the dog all there experiencing the show, and on top of that, there are the friendships that are formed at the show,” Lollie Ames says. “The first time a kid goes to Youth, they might not know many other kids, but through the week, they meet all sorts of kids and quickly become friends. by the second year they’re at Youth nationals, there’s hardly enough room in the win picture for all the friends and family members of that kid. The camaraderie of the kids and all the friendships formed are really incredible.” The show isn’t just about bringing home a plaque, adds mickey Hegg. “of course, it’s a great accomplishment to get to Youth nationals,” she says, “but we hope that kids appreciate being there and are grateful to their parents for being there to support them. it’s apparent how much family is involved when you see a kid hugging their mom after a class, or the moment when entire families pour into the arena for the win picture of their child. it’s always such a special thing to witness, and that’s one of the things that makes Youth nationals so special—the presence, encouragement and support of family.” After 20 years of finding out what works, what doesn’t, how to make last-minute changes and overcome challenges year after year, sharon richards believes that evolving and taking the show as it comes are the most important aspects of running Youth nationals. “We want to stay current with the times and make sure to offer changes to reach out to the youth,” she says. “it’s difficult to predict which way the show will grow year to year with the changing age divisions, but we’re always willing to adjust the schedule to give everyone opportunities to show. “The kids are the backbone of the industry,” richards concludes, “and in order for the industry to get bigger and better, it all starts at Youth nationals.” ■



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

2012 Youth Nationals—A Preview

AHYA President LAurA KiLLiAn

Arabian Horse Youth Association 2011-2012 President Laura Killian has a love for the Arabian that is reflected in nearly every aspect of her life—and she sees that love as a part of her future. A junior at Penn State University, she hopes to be able to use her marketing major and equine science minor to pursue a career in the equine industry. Laura caught the “horse bug” as many young girls do. She started in 4-H with a pony named Cocoa Puff, but soon moved on to the family horse, an Arabian. She and Kirashana+ had a successful and diverse show career. “I was able to do hunter pleasure, native costume, equitation, and showmanship,” she says. After a few seasons in the main ring, ‘Kira’ began anticipating the announcer’s calls and Laura’s cues for transitions. It was dressage that brought Kira’s focus back to her rider’s aids and improved their harmony and bond. In Laura’s final year as a youth exhibitor, however, her horse passed away. She had one other Arabian, MS Spanish Legacy++, at the time a 3-year-old, but she wasn’t ready to show at Youth Nationals. So, as someone who never got to enjoy Youth Nationals as an exhibitor, Laura understands the importance of the show’s offering an experience for all—exhibitors, spectators, parents and everyone in between. “When you’re not able to go to Nationals as an exhibitor, it’s sometimes hard to feel like you’re really part of it,” she says. “I realize now that Youth is different. You can go down as a journalist to write about the show, you can volunteer to help the AHYA in activities, or you can just go to watch all the great classes. There are so many opportunities for everyone to enjoy the show and really be a part of it.” Being a dressage girl at heart, Laura especially likes watching the upper dressage level classes in that expanding and improving division of Youth Nationals. “I know how difficult it is for Arabians to develop the strength for the collection required in upper levels movements,” she says. “So, I understand how much time and training it takes to get the horse and rider to that point. It’s really incredible to see how talented the young riders are.”

As a rider and involved advocate of the Arabian horse, Laura has gained much appreciation for the kids of the show. “I always tell people that you can’t force an Arabian to do anything,” she says. “They have to want to do it for you. So the fact that all these kids have put in the time to make that partnership work, and have made it to the national level, is really quite impressive. I think that sometimes, because kids have spent the summer with their horse, giving them treats and standing by them while they graze, the bond with their horse is stronger. Sometimes that’s more valuable to the rider and horse than being on their back.” In the end, Laura knows what is important to the success of the modern-day Youth Nationals and the Arabian breed itself. “The biggest thing is communication. Today, there’s so many Internettype relationships; however, the face to face interactions at Youth are still what make all the difference—people being able to communicate barn to barn, discipline to discipline about problems, promoting the breed, and sharing our passion for the Arabian horse. We want to involve 4-H kids, Girl Scouts, and youth from the community in this show so they can learn about how great the Arabian horse is. We want the Arabian to be represented in other open breed shows and help people realize that they should have an Arabian horse in their own backyard.”

Volume 43, no. 1 |





| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

With National Champion Pauillac+/ Leadline 2-6

With National Champion Koulom Bey+// Leadline 2-6

The Redmond Family 200 South Refugio Road Santa Ynez, CA 93460 Office (805) 686-5555 Managing Trainer: Marisa Basinger www.wolfsprings.com

With National Champion Apache Amistad+// Leadline 2-6


Volume 43, No. 1 |



Santa Ynez, California www.wolfsprings.com



National Champion

Western Pleasure JTR & JOTR 14-17

National Champion Osteen/Schatzberg photos

Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14-17 (not pictured) Trained by Cactus Rose Ranch



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

National Champion

Western Pleasure JTR & JOTR 13 & Under



National Champion Half-Arabian Western Pleasure JTR and JOTR 13 & Under

farrara photo

National Champion Ladies Side Saddle Western JTR 17 & Under

Half-Arabian Reining Horse 13 & Under (not pictured)

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Reserve National Champion

Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR and JOTR 13 & Under



National Champion

Hunter Pleasure JTR 3 & Under Trained by Cactus Rose Ranch

Osteen/Schatzberg photos

National Champion English Pleasure JTR and JOTR 13 & Under Park JTR 17 & Under Trained by Beethe Arabians



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

National Champion Half-Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR and JOTR 13 & Under

Santa Ynez, California www.wolfsprings.com

National Champion

Gelding Halter JTH 17 & Under Trained by Midwest Training Centre

Trained by

Beethe Arabians

National Champion Country English Pleasure JTR and JOTR 13 & Under English Show Hack JTR 13 & Under English Show Hack JOTR 17 & Under Volume 43, No. 1 |



H/A English Pleasure JTR UPHA Challenge Cup H/A Saddle Seat Equitation 13 & Under

Shown by Elaina & Elise Roeder


Chris Wilson: 417.761.2031 Shan Wilson: 417.848.3943 58


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

English Pleasure JTR 14-17 Pleasure Driving JTD 17 & Under

rockin’ the stone Age!

Presents their

2012 Youth NatioNal CoNteNders Celebrating 55 years of business in the arabian horse industry!

Green Acres Ranch, Inc. | Katherine Rich-Elzig | Temecula, CA 951-302-6045 | info@greenacresranchinc.com www.greenacresranchinc.com

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Keeley Bullard

NatioNal top teN

B lack P rimo + (Allience+// x Card Trick)

CompeTing in: Ha/aa Country english pleasure JotR & JtR 14-17 Ha/aa Show Hack JotR & JtR 14-17 Ha/aa ladies Side Saddle english JtR

NatioNal top teN

g reen a creS a cclaim

(green Acres Fabius x green Acres Sheera)

CompeTing in: Ha/aa Stock/Hunter Gelding JtH 17 & Under

NatioNal CHampioN

S ting Sma

(Baske Afire x Rasberry Sting) CompeTing in: arabian Hunter pleasure JtR 14-17 arabian ladies Side Saddle english JtR 14-17 arabian Hunter Seat equitation JtR 14-17

Special ThankS to Bryan & Joanne Grossman for allowing me to ride Sting SMa!



| a R a bi a N HoR Se t i meS

Jordyn Merlo ReseRve NatioNal ChampioN

D urrango ++++//

(Ohadi Indian Fire x Porcelain Copy)

COmPetIng In: ha/aa hunter seat equation 13 & Under ha/aa sport horse Under saddle 17 & Under

sCottsdale sigNatURe ReseRve ChampioN eNglish pleasURe


L aDy V ictoria

(IXL noble express+ x Victoria Bay) COmPetIng In: arabian Country english pleasure JotR and JtR 13 & Under

volume 43, No. 1 |



Olivia WelCh NatioNal ChampioN

kD k OntagiOus

(Baske Afire x Teena g)

ComPeTing in: arabian Country English pleasure JotR and JtR 13 & Under arabian Show hack JtR 13 & Under arabian mounted Native Costume JtR 13 & Under arabian Gelding halter Joth 17 & Under

Whitney Campbell NatioNal ChampioN

W yman O aks J Oey +// (Arborlane Tangos Wee Pee x HL Reata)

ComPeTing in: ha/aa Country English pleasure JotR 13 & Under ha/aa Show hack JtR 13 & Under ha/aa Saddle Seat Equation 13 & Under Upha Challenge Cup JtR 13 & Under ha/aa Native Costume JtR 13 & Under



| a R a bi a N hoR SE t i mES

Maya KiKuchi

Y ahtzzee

(Apollopalooza x primroza Afire) NATiONAl CHAmPiON Â

s toli +/

(Defiancce x JM Madame eSQ) CoMpeting in: HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under

CoMpeting in: Arabian English Walk/Trot 10 & Under Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation Walk/Trot 10 & Under

HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Walk/Trot 10 & Under A/HA/AA Showmanship JTH 10 & Under

Olivia DiOriO C ape C rusader

(Allience+// x Lacey Memories) CoMpeting in: HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR and JTR 13 & Under

HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation 13 & Under

Volume 43, No. 1 |



youth nationa


Makenna Makenna RookeR and Cea IMa dIva Half-Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Western Pleasure JTR 14-17

MAkennA ROOkeR And Relience

Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14-17

MAkennA ROOkeR And GSF AMbienze Arabian english Pleasure JTR 14-17 Arabian Park JTR 17 & Under

Cea IMa dIva

Trained by Rushlow arabians



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes


Trained by Rushlow arabians

GSF aMbIenze

Trained by Rooker Training Stable

nal contenders


Noah ROOKER Noah RookeR aNd SR heReS JohNy half-arabian english Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under half-arabian Saddle Seat equitation Walk/Trot 10 & Under UPha Challenge Cup Walk/Trot 10 & Under

SR HeReS JoHny

Trained by Select Show Horses Stable

Shawn, Carmelle, Makenna and Noah Rooker Tel 810.629.6169

E-mail carmelle@rookerts.com

www.rookertrainingstable.com Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 65



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |





| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |





| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |





| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |



2012 Youth National Judges

Their View From CenTer ring by Kara Larson

The 2012 Youth Nationals has finally arrived. All of the tack, grooming supplies and show clothes have been prepared, the

horses are ready, and hundreds of youth exhibitors are getting set for the marathon week ahead. One of the last variables

of the show is how the judges in center ring will mark their

cards. In their divisions, they will determine the outcome of every class at Youth Nationals. So, before it’s too late—and

with so much riding on their opinions—let’s see what a few of the judges at the 2012 Youth Nationals have to say. English/saddlE sEat: Leslie Connor, Patty Kent and Jack Thomas WEstErn/r Eining/trail: Grace Greenlee, Margo Smith Shallcross and Judy Wright hunt sEat/Working huntEr: Susan Ashe, Sarah Good and Dianne Grod huntEr PlEasurE/shoW h ack /shoWmanshiP: Scott Brumfield, Donnie Bullock and Duane Esser drEssagE: Ida Anderson Norris and Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez




2012 Youth National Judges _________________________________________________

Susan Ashe

Hunt Seat/Working Hunter _________________________________________________

From a judge’s standpoint, what separates an inexperienced rider from an experienced one? An experienced rider will have plain, secure basics. What do you hope the competitors take away from the show regarding the overall experience? i hope they are able to see how far they have come with their horse and learn what their homework should be for next year! If you could share one piece of advice with every exhibitor, what would it be? Always remember that the most important aspect of showing is sportsmanship. You see hundreds of horses everyday at YN. What are a few of the little things that can make all the difference in getting noticed by the judges? The things i look for most are the big ones—turnout and showmanship. At YN, the class sizes will be bigger than most riders have experienced all year. What are some words of advice for using the ring effectively to get seen by the judges? it’s not always easy, but try to make sure that you are seen by all the judges. In the pattern-dependent classes, performing the pattern as described is key; however, there is more to it than a perfect pattern. What aspects of a pattern class are important to you when judging at YN? i look for showmanship, presence, and confidence. _________________________________________________

Leslie Connor

engliSH/Saddle Seat _________________________________________________

How important is the first impression of a horse/rider team when they enter the show ring? it has been repeated millions of times, but the saying “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” is certainly true. even though judging does not officially begin until the class is complete and the gate is closed, in the english division a bold, confident entrance, with a poised rider on a quality horse in the proper frame, will certainly catch my eye. You see hundreds of horses everyday at YN. What are a few of the little things that can make all the difference in getting noticed by the judges? in a performance class, a quiet mouth, really smooth transitions and good ears.

At YN, the class sizes will be bigger than most riders have experienced all year. What are some words of advice for using the ring effectively to get seen by the judges? ring generalship is so important when showing in a large class. in order to show your horse to its best advantage, try to stay out of crowds. rating your horse so you can maneuver in and out of groups smoothly is essential. it is always preferable to stay on the rail when you can, but when you are covered up, obviously, you won’t be seen as well. However, that does not mean riding around in the middle of the arena or riding right under the judges’ noses! being aware of the traffic and staying clear of it as much as possible will allow you to make some great passes down the rail! And, one other thing: if your horse does make a mistake, don’t panic. Try to recover as quickly and smoothly as possible. if i see that the problem was caused by another horse or some other circumstance beyond your control, i will certainly take that into consideration, and a nice recovery could actually work in your favor! In the pattern-dependent classes, performing the pattern as described is key; however, there is more to it than a perfect pattern. What aspects of a pattern class are important to you when judging at YN? Performing a pattern with precision is desired. However, if it appears mechanical or forced, that is not an appealing presentation. A pattern that flows and is graceful, with all the components done correctly, ridden confidently by a perfectly turned out rider in proper form, would be my idea of perfection. such a pattern shows me that the rider is in total control of his or her mount, and yet, they also appear to be in perfect harmony with one another. Also, remember that the rail work is equally important, so a small error in the pattern portion of the class does not mean that you will be out of the ribbons. What do you hope the competitors take away from the show regarding the overall experience? of course, i hope that showing at Youth nationals will be a positive experience for all the competitors. Just qualifying was an honor in itself, and all the exhibitors should take pride in that accomplishment. Also, i would like for them to think about how very fortunate they were to actually get to participate at Yn; hundreds of other young people would dearly love to have that opportunity, but, unfortunately, never will. Finally, i hope that the chance to see old friends and make new ones, and the great thrill of the competition itself will create many wonderful and lasting memories for all. If you could share one piece of advice with every exhibitor, what would it be? remember that win or lose, you should always practice good sportsmanship. Volume 43, no. 1 |




Duane Esser

Hunter Pleasure/sHow Hack/ sHowmansHiP _________________________________________________

You see hundreds of horses everyday at Y N. What are a few of the little things that can make all the difference in getting noticed by the judges? one thing that is key when getting noticed by me would be how well a horse is turned out. A horse that is well prepared and conditioned can actually have an amazing effect on the overall impression. it can also give the horse a boost in the quality element, giving more eye appeal. Tack that is clean and fits the horse well, as well as clothes that fit the rider well and are suitable, are also important elements. Additionally, as a judge, i look for a horse that is well-studied as to the way he or she is shown, without over-showing and running it off its feet. Faster is rarely better. it is always important to listen to your ground expert/trainer or whoever you trust most. How important is the first impression of a horse/rider team when they enter the show ring? First impressions can be powerful. A team that displays confidence in each other becomes a noted team. early in the class, that can be important in getting a positive impression to make your cut and advance on. but also remember that understating can be just as detrimental as extreme overstating. Discovering how to show your horse to his or her advantage is the key. After you’ve made a good first impression, it is also very important to maintain and confirm that impression all the way to the line-up. Given that the whole class is judged to the line-up, never give up because many have found redemption, even when the first impression was not picture perfect or as they had dreamed it to be. never stop presenting your horse. _________________________________________________

Sarah Good

Hunt seat/working Hunter _________________________________________________

From a judge’s standpoint, what separates an inexperienced rider from an experienced one? To put it simply—experience. To me, this means active participation in events leading to the accumulation of knowledge and skill. What do you hope the competitors take away from the show regarding the overall experience? i hope they take away a greater level of sportsmanship and have a 76


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

personal best at the show. We all know that there is only one winner in a class, but it is important to learn that winning is not everything (although it sure helps). If you could share one piece of advice with every exhibitor, what would it be? To enjoy the competition and always learn. What does the diversity of classes offered at Y N reveal about the versatility of the Arabian horse? i believe that all horses are versatile if trained correctly. You see hundreds of horses everyday at Y N. What are a few of the little things that can make all the difference in getting noticed by the judges? never underestimate ring presence, the turn out of horse and rider, and tack and clothes that fit correctly. At Y N, the class sizes will be bigger than most riders have experienced all year. What are some words of advice for using the ring effectively to get seen by the judges? Use the ring, stay out of the crowd, and show off your horse and yourself. it’s important to remember that you are being judged the second you enter the ring. In the pattern-dependent classes, performing the pattern as described is key; however, there is more to it than a perfect pattern. What aspects of a pattern class are important to you when judging at Y N? As a judge, i look for an air of confidence. it’s also important to stay relaxed and, of course, to have correct position for that class. _________________________________________________

Patty Kent

englisH/saddle seat _________________________________________________

How important is the first impression of a horse/rider team when they enter the show ring? it’s important to maintain position, impulsion, mood, and consideration of others, if possible. What aspects of a horse/rider team demonstrate that they are truly prepared for YN? The team is truly prepared if they position themselves properly for their entrance and then maintain a good position so that they are noticed and command attention. You see hundreds of horses everyday at YN. What are a few of the little things that can make all the difference

2012 Youth National Judges in getting noticed by the judges? To me, showmanship, command of the ring, and being in the right place at the right time means everything. At YN, the class sizes will be bigger than most riders have experienced all year. What are some words of advice for using the ring effectively to get seen by the judges? The riders should be able rate the horses for optimum position. it’s important to have good spacing and to be seen by all judges. The approach to the pattern, with correct stops and starts while keeping their cool, is also very important to standing out. In the pattern-dependent classes, performing the pattern as described is key; however, there is more to it than a perfect pattern. What aspects of a pattern class are important to you when judging at YN? i really like to see correctness of execution and that the pattern is performed with apparent ease. What do you hope the competitors take away from the show regarding the overall experience? Friendships and fun experiences for a lifetime. If you could share one piece of advice with every exhibitor, what would it be? To remember to come prepared, don’t overdo, get rest, and consider why they are there. How can we encourage our youth riders to continue as adult riders? i believe that they should feel confident and ride for the love of the sport, not just to win. _________________________________________________

Ida A. Norris

Dressage _________________________________________________

In the dressage classes, how important is the first impression, specifically the first salute? it is essential to make a good first impression. remember that horses at all levels of dressage are required to halt (legs immobile). Look at the judge to show respect and wait for the judge’s acknowledgement to proceed. In the pattern-dependent classes, performing the pattern as described is key; however, there is more to it than a perfect pattern. What aspects of a pattern class are important to you when judging at Y N? it is essential that we as riders/trainers … do no harm. Harmony between rider and steed demonstrates good training. The purity of a horse’s gait is the

most important aspect of a horse’s performance and health. The quality of the gaits and the horse’s ability to bend and show correct balance in all exercises will demonstrate suppleness and good training. In comparison to other shows, what is different about judging Youth Nationals? i’m sure it will be more fun! What aspects of a horse/rider team demonstrate that they are truly prepared for YN? When both partners are in balance and confident with their skills, the exhibiting becomes easy. From a judge’s standpoint, what separates an inexperienced rider from an experienced one? An experienced rider is a horseperson who understands and demonstrates that exhibiting the horse is about the fluid, attractive, harmonious performance of the horse. it is not about the rider. effective riding in all divisions, even equitation, is about letting the horse shine. How can we encourage our youth riders to continue as adult riders? i think we should offer more interesting classes to adults. even on the ground—classes like long lining, lead trail—we want everyone to be able to participate. How about costume that is not Arabian costume? maybe you can ride or lead—just a suggestion! What do you hope the competitors take away from the show regarding the overall experience? i hope they take away a better understanding of ethics, the joy of hard work, and the love of the horse. If you could share one piece of advice with every exhibitor, what would it be? A smile goes a long way. remember that you are there to exhibit your horse. be sure that you care for your horse with kindness and attention to his comfort, and ride him in a harmonious and supportive way to allow him to show his best. What does the diversity of classes offered at YN reveal about the versatility of the Arabian horse? Aren’t Arabians great? my first international level dressage horse was halfArabian/half-Appaloosa! You see hundreds of horses everyday at YN. What are a few of the little things that can make all the difference in getting noticed by the judges? my personal preference is neat, traditional attire that shows off the horse rather than the rider. it’s also important that riders look at you when they salute. And a smile goes a long way! Volume 43, no. 1 |




Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez

Dressage _________________________________________________

In the dressage classes, how important is the first impression, specifically the first salute? The first salute gives the judge a feeling of whether or not the rider looks confident and is proud to present his or her horse, so i think it is very important. In the pattern-dependent classes, performing the pattern as described is key; however, there is more to it than a perfect pattern. What aspects of a pattern class are important to you when judging at Y N? if you are referring to a dressage test pattern, it is very important that the rider is able to perform accurate movements and transitions with his/her body as close to the letter as possible, and to be accurate on circles, corners, centerlines, etc., as well as riding movements from letter to letter. In comparison to other shows, what is different about judging Youth Nationals? nothing really, except that at Youth, i look for potential riders who could turn into Fei horses or UseF young rider tests. What aspects of a horse/rider team demonstrate that they are truly prepared for Y N? Correct and clean turnout, knowing their tests well, and being able to deal correctly with any problems that may arise at the last moment. From a judge’s standpoint, what separates an inexperienced rider from an experienced one? inexperienced riders are not able to ride accurately and present themselves as true partners with their horses. They are quick to fault the horse and not themselves when something goes wrong. it is very important to have the correct attitude and exhibit proper sportsmanship. How can we encourage our youth riders to continue as adult riders? by having the adult riders be proper role models, and by offering programs designed to work with young riders only to improve their education. What do you hope the competitors take away from the show regarding the overall experience? i hope they feel confident that their scores ref lect the partnership between horse and rider, and also that they can take home useful comments that they can use to improve their riding and tests. 78


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

If you could share one piece of advice with every exhibitor, what would it be? ride for yourself and your horse, and don’t look at other competitors and complain that they have a “better” or “fancier” horse. it’s all about improving you and your horse as a team each time you show, no matter how you place. Just keep trying to bring your scores up each time. You see hundreds of horses everyday at Y N. What are a few of the little things that can make all the difference in getting noticed by the judges? i think it’s important in dressage that the rider has taken time to establish correct basic work with his/her horse, as this is the foundation for upper level dressage and any other type of riding. _________________________________________________

Margo Smith Shallcross

Western/reining/trail _________________________________________________

How important is the first impression of a horse/rider team when they enter the show ring? A first impression will set the stage for the ride. When you first enter the ring, the call judge is normally the one closest to the in-gate and they are checking for overall correctness in tack and attire—but also, each judge is getting an impression of the depth of the class and which horse/ rider team stands out from the crowd. If you could share one piece of advice with every exhibitor, what would it be? enjoy the moment. sometimes the roses will elude you, but knowing you have done your best and enjoying it can have its own rewards. The memories can last a lifetime, and more times than not, it is about the ride and not always the win. What does the diversity of classes at Y N reveal about the versatility of the Arabian horse? The diversity of classes at Youth nationals not only shows what a wonderful athletic horse the Arabian is, but also the true nature of a versatile horse that functions in a variety of roles. many of the same horses show back year after year at Youth, oftentimes carrying several family members in different divisions, which shows the true versatility of the Arabian horse. You see hundreds of horses everyday at Y N. What are a few of the little things that can make all the difference in getting noticed by the judges? Having confidence in yourself shows the minute you enter the ring. i personally love to see a rider who can use the entire ring, and not

2012 Youth National Judges ride small circles or constantly cut in front of me and the other judges. ring presentation is important! in pattern classes, knowing how to execute the pattern with finesse and not allowing minor errors to ruin the entire ride can get you to the winners’ circle.

What do you hope the competitors take away from the show regarding the overall experience? i hope they have a wonderful memory from Yn and enjoy exhibiting their horses. it’s not whether they win or lose, but if they do the best they can and have fun doing it!

At Y N, the class sizes will be bigger than most riders have experienced all year. What are some words of advice for using the ring effectively to get seen by the judges? many of the classes will be very large, and knowing how to work the rail can make you stand out. Use the entire ring, going deep into the ends of the arena, and do not be afraid to cut across the arena to better position yourself. but it is also important to note that when a rider keeps cutting in front of a judge, this does not present a positive picture to that judge.

If you could share one piece of advice with every exhibitor, what would it be? be prepared, listen to your trainer, and trust what you have been taught and what works.

In the pattern-dependent classes, performing the pattern as described is key; however, there is more to it than a perfect pattern. What aspects of a pattern class are important to you when judging at Y N? Knowing how to hit your marks, i.e. in reining, executing clean lead changes in the correct place, getting past the cones in rollbacks and stops when required, and executing circles that are equal size and shape from left to right are key to a better score. Certainly executing obstacles and maneuvers with a high degree of difficulty can increase your score, but doing so poorly will have an adverse effect. Knowing the capabilities of your horse and yourself is key to a better score. _________________________________________________

Judy Wright

Western/reining/trail _________________________________________________

How important is the first impression of a horse/ rider team when they enter the show ring? The first impression when a horse/rider team enters the ring is very important! A confident-appearing rider on a well-turned-out, quality horse certainly makes a good first impression. What aspects of a horse/rider team demonstrate that they are truly prepared for YN? A horse and rider that are well fitted to each other, and a rider that knows the rules and is confident about his/her performance. A rider needs to be aware of their position in the ring in a large class, and be aware of the judge’s position without “staring them down.” A rider doesn’t have to “run over” the judge to get seen.

What does the diversity of classes offered at Y N reveal about the versatility of the Arabian horse? The Arabian breed has proven its diversity and readily adapts to many different disciplines. You see hundreds of horses everyday at Y N. What are a few of the little things that can make all the difference in getting noticed by the judges? Things that make a difference in getting noticed by the judges are: a pretty picture that is pleasing to the eye, a welltrained, good-moving horse, and a rider that rides well and has the “ring savvy” to be able to stay on the rail in a good position. At Y N, the class sizes will be bigger than most riders have experienced all year. What are some words of advice for using the ring effectively to get seen by the judges? Place yourself in a position to get seen alone if possible. Personally, i will notice a rider that evaluates the traffic in a large class and can ride on the rail (where they are more easily judged if they not behind a “pack ”). They should use the corners of the arena to keep themselves visible, by riding deep in the corner if the crowd is coming up on the inside, or cutting across the corner or end of the arena if there is open space ahead and the crowd is behind. Think ahead! However, always be aware of your position with regard to other exhibitors around. Don’t cut anyone off or ride up too close on them. In the pattern-dependent classes, performing the pattern as described is key; however, there is more to it than a perfect pattern. What aspects of a pattern class are important to you when judging at Y N? if a pattern class is a horsemanship or equitation class, i place most of my emphasis on the rider’s hands, body position (including feet and legs), and how they cue their horse—not on the exactness of their pattern. i am mainly interested in how they get the performance out of their horse while maintaining their form. ■ Volume 43, no. 1 |



Headed to YoutH NatioNals ... From tHe Great NortHwest

Cole Schimmeland

Fox Appeal

Fox Creek x Empress Of Bask

Competing in Ha l f-ar a b ia n englisH p leasure Jotr & Jtr 14-17 Ha l f-arabian p leasure Driving Good Luck Cole! — Papa Irwin Prestige Farms LLC I r w i n S c h i m m e l • 3 6 0 . 2 5 6 .9 4 3 2 • P.O. Box 8 1 4 , Hi l l sboro, Oregon 9 7 1 2 3 80


| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Triften x Bint Mi Toska

Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 14-17 Arabian English Show Hack JOTR 17 & Under Arabian English Show Hack JTR 14-17

Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Arabian English Pleasure JTR 14-17

Philander Bey+// x Krisstina

Kelly, we are so proud of all your accomplishments. Apply the dedication, persistance, hard work and commitment you have for riding to your future endeavors and you will be successful! Remember, “Persist until you succeed.� Love, Mom, Dad and Amy

Arabian Mounted Native Costume JOTR 17 & Under Arabian Mounted Native Costume JTR 14-17

Larry & Jody Hoffman

. 651-437-8849

. hestenpark@aol.com

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Half-Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under Half-Arabian Western Pleasure JTR 13 & Under

Color of Fame X Aldebaran Scarlet

Half-Arabian Western Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under


Half-Arabian Western Seat Equitation


Walk-Trot 10 & Under

Zach back: Darian Jerome



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Larry & Jody Hoffman

. 651-437-8849

. hestenpark@aol.com

Matoi X MC Jakita Offered for your consideration

Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 13 & Under Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation 13 & Under Arabian English Show Hack JTR 13 & Under

Half-Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under Half-Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 13 & Under UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup JTR 13 & Under Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation 13 & Under

Baske Afire X Small Town Blues

Half Arabian English Show Hack JTR 17 & Under Half-Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English JTR 17 & Under Half-Arabian English Show Hack JTR 13 & Under GTF Hallmark x G Calumbine Offered for your consideration

Larry & Jody Hoffman

. 651-437-8849

. hestenpark@aol.com Volume 43, No. 1 |



Youth Team

L to R: Karli, Sydnie, Drue, Kelsey, Gabby, Kori

Karli Kelley & HF Hale-Bopp+/ & SF praline+/

GaBrielle GreenBerG & Save your pennieS+/

Drue lanDay & FSF loaDeD Gun+

Kori Kelley & HF Hale-Bopp+/ & SF praline+/

Arabian Western Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under Arabian Western Seat Equitation Walk/Trot 10 & Under Arabian Hunter Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump Walk-Trot 10 & Under Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 14-17 Arabian English Show Hack JTR 14-17

Drue lanDay & GS Here SHe ComeS Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14-17

Drue lanDay & BaDDBBoy Too+/

Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump JTR 14-17

GaBrielle GreenBerG & Taa roCKeTS reD Glare Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14-17 Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump 14-17

Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English JTR 17 & Under Half-Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump 14-17

Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 13 & Under Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump 13 & Under Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under Arabian Western Pleasure JTR 13 & Under

SyDnie ST. Jean & Taa KHaBallo roJo

Arabian Hunter Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump Walk/Trot 10 & Under

KelSey mCmaHan & SSinaTra

Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 13 & Under Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under Arabian Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump 13 & Under

Chris & Michele Culbreth | 480.225.9453 | CCulbreth@aol.com | 14530 E. Wildcat Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85262 www.CulbrethEquine.com Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 87

h t u Yo


(Baske Afire x HH Zodiahana) 2009 Bay Gelding BASKE ALLIENCE

(Baske Afire x Miss Allience) 2004 Bay Gelding NOBLE HUNTER (California)

IXL Noble Express x Hidee Afire 2006 Black Gelding SF SWEET INSPIRATION

(SF Specs Shocwave x SF Sweet Elegance) 2007 Bay Mare PUREBRED COUNTRY ENGLISH NOBLE BLISS

(IXL Noble Express+ x Brandie Afire) 2007 Chestnut Mare STRICKLY BUSINESS

(Apollopalooza x Giovanna ER) 2006 Chestnut Gelding TURN ME ON CCF

(Turn It Up x Sireyn Bey Berry) 2009 Chestnut Mare WIZE BEYBE

(Afire Bey V x Wize Berry) 2008 Bay Gelding WWILL I AM

(Afires Heir x Nobilitys Lady Di) 2008 Chestnut Gelding


ZALIKA MV (California)

(Mamage x Kaybette) 2007 Bay Mare (California) (Baske Afire x Gloria X) 2009 Bay Gelding



(Afire Bey V x DA Desireeable) 2009 Chestnut Gelding ERA HORACIO


(Baske Afire x Pavlova X) 2007 Chestnut Gelding EXTRAORDIN HEIR

(Afires Heir x Gwyneth D) 2007 Bay Gelding






(Afire Bey V x JR Briar Rose) 2007 Grey Gelding HS JUSTATEMPTATION

(A Temptation x HL Justalusion) 2003 Grey Stallion MATTALIVIA

(Mattaffair x Tobachette) 2007 Bay Mare


(Afire Bey V x EE Miss Barbary) 2009 Bay Mare MIZ KATARINA BASK PF


(Baske Afire x MZ Kitty) 2007 Bay Mare HUCKS BERRY BEST (California) (Hucklebey Berry x Fire Essense) 2001 Chestnut Gelding






(Afire Bey V x Misschievoos) 2008 Bay Gelding GALAS PRINCESS

(Hucksbar x Gala De Cognac) 2009 Bay Mare KNIGHTZ ON BROADWAY

(The Chosen One x El Balma) 2004 Black Gelding MOVED TO TEMPTATION


(A Temptation x EE Miss Barbary) 2008 Bay Gelding POWER IMAGE DF

(Kashmir DF x Daca Lovely Image) 2000 Bay Gelding ROL BURNIN LOVE (California) (Cytosk+++/ x Firelite DGL) 2007 Bay Mare



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| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes



(Baske Afire x Shes Real Bad) 2006 Bay Mare BARACUDA SF

(Baske Afire x Diana O’Lee) 2004 Bay Gelding BLACK TIE AFFAIRE+//

(Apollopalooza x Reindance SFS) 2002 Bay Gelding PACKIN HEAT PF

(Baske Afire x Calloway’s Marguerite) 2007 Bay Gelding PROMMENADE

(Toi Trouble x Fantasy Talk) 2001 Chestnut Mare




(Baske Afire x Endless Legacy) 2005 Chestnut Gelding SPECIAL DELIVERY SMA (California)

(Baske Afire x Irish Expression) 2006 Chestnut Gelding SUGAR MOUNTAIN

(Baske Afire x Kelly Le Brock) 2006 Chestnut Gelding THE INTIMIDATOR

(My Alybi x Cynfully Delicious) 2002 Chestnut Gelding HALF-ARABIAN HUNTER PLEASURE CURTIS LOEW

(Baske Afire x Aladdins Tapestry) 2009 Bay Gelding TOUGHER THAN THE REST





(Jullyen El Jamaal x Aladdins Tapestry) 2007 Bay Gelding HALF-ARABIAN ENGLISH/PARK ALI HOT TAMALI

(Ali Fire x The Fix) 2007 Chestnut Mare CARAMEL CHIPS LOA

(HF Mister Chips+ x Caramar) 2009 Chestnut Mare LATOIYA BF

(Matoi x Movie Maker) 2004 Bay Mare LUDICRIS

(Baske Afire x Precisely Poppy) 2007 Bay Gelding MOJITO FIRE

(Ali Fire x Captivating Style) 2007 Chestnut Mare MS KAT BALLOU (California) (King’s Kat x Pro Baska) 2000 Bay Mare MA PARTY GIRL (California) (IXL Noble Express x Halsted’s Polka Dot) 2004 Black Mare



(Baske Afire x Believer’s Eighties Lady) 2006 Chestnut Mare


(Triften+/ x Rina) 2005 Bay Gelding SHOCQUILLE ONEAL

(SF Specs Shocwave x Ring Girl) 2008 Bay Gelding STA TOUCH OF NOBILITY (California)


(MHR Nobility x Spirit of York) 2004 Chestnut Mare BORN TA BOOGIE++++//


(Apaladin++ x The Country Rose) 1999 Bay Gelding

STACHOWSKI FARM, INC Mantua, OH • ScOttSdale, aZ • San MarcOS, ca • 330-274-2494 JiM StacHOwSki: 330-603-2116 • Peter StacHOwSki: 330-620-0194 www.StachowSki.com

Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 89



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Emily Moore and F u n ky W h i t e B oy

UPHA Challenge Cup JTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation 14-17 Half-Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17 2012 Region 12 Reserve Champion Saddle Seat Equitation 14-17 2012 Region 12 Champion HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR 14-17

Proud parents: Tom & Elizabeth Moore Vicki Humphrey Training Center Canton, GA 770.740.8432 ~ VHTC@VickiHumphrey.com www.VickiHumphreyTrainingCenter.com

Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 91

Kayla Hipp and M i l l a dy LOA


We are so proud of you and admire your hard work and dedication to this wonderful sport! Have fun Sweetie! —Love, Mom, Dad and Logan

Proud parents: Mark & Londa Hipp Vicki Humphrey Training Center Canton, GA 770.740.8432 ~ VHTC@VickiHumphrey.com www.VickiHumphreyTrainingCenter.com



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes


Lau and

p fa H o l ly wo o d To i + /

UPHA CHALLENGE C UP JTR 14-17 HALF-ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT EQUITATION 14-17 HALF-ARABIAN CO UNTRY ENGLISH PLEASURE JOTR & JTR 14-17 HALF-ARABIAN PARK JTR Region 12 Unanimous Champion Saddle Seat Equitation 14-17 Champion HA/AA Country English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Buckeye Unanimous Champion HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR UPHA Champion Jenny & Toi on a Roll!

Proud parents: Michael & Vicki Lau

Best of luck at Youth Nationals! —Mom and Dad

Vicki Humphrey Training Center Canton, GA 770.740.8432 ~ VHTC@VickiHumphrey.com www.VickiHumphreyTrainingCenter.com

Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 93


Gropp and

A p o l lo M c C a rt n ey


Region 12 Champion Half-Arabian Mounted Native Costume Open Region 12 Champion Half-Arabian English Show Hack ATR Reserve Buckeye Champion Half-Arabian English Show Hack Open Buckeye Champion Half-Arabian Mounted Native Costume Reserve

Proud parents: Jeanne & Billy Gropp Vicki Humphrey Training Center Canton, GA 770.740.8432 ~ VHTC@VickiHumphrey.com www.VickiHumphreyTrainingCenter.com



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Available at the conclusion of Youth Nationals


Schweit zer and

sa M a n d o l i n

HALF-ARABIAN ENGLISH PLEASURE JTR & JOTR 14-17 Region 12 Unanimous Champion Half-Arabian English Pleasure JTR Region 12 Reserve Champion Half-Arabian English Pleasure JOTR

Proud mother: Laurie Tomlinson Vicki Humphrey Training Center Canton, GA 770.740.8432 ~ VHTC@VickiHumphrey.com www.VickiHumphreyTrainingCenter.com

Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 95

Bailey Grig sby and C o p s N Ro b b e r s + /


You've inspired us with your hard work and determination to get it right -ride, baby ride!

Proud parents: John & Susan Grigsby Vicki Humphrey Training Center Canton, GA 770.740.8432 ~ VHTC@VickiHumphrey.com www.VickiHumphreyTrainingCenter.com



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Hews Oldham and C h i h u ly

Half-Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR & JOTR 14-17

A Championship Pair Headed to Albuquerque!

You’re an amazing young man, and awesome rider. Love, Mom, Dad, Hannah and Jack

Available at the conclusion of Youth Nationals

Vicki Humphrey Training Center Canton, GA 770.740.8432 ~ VHTC@VickiHumphrey.com www.VickiHumphreyTrainingCenter.com

Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 97



Miss Pension

(Pension x Misunderstood)

McKenzie Tobeck competing in Half-Arabian English Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Pleasure Driving JTD 17 & Under


Spiderman D

(Bacardi Afire x Promises PR)

Mia Tobeck competing in Half-Arabian English Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Park JTR 17 & Under

6620 320th Street East • Eatonville, WA 98328 • Office: (253) 875-5033




| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Memory Maker and



(SJ Mikhail x Afire Lily) • 2006 Purebred Arabian Mare

McKenzie Tobeck competing at Youth Nationals in Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14-17 Owned by Richard & Janet Thompson, Park City, Utah Offered for your consideration.

Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 99

Leanne and

Prim N Proper


Leanne Asper competing at Youth Nationals in Half-Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17 UPHA Challenge Cup JTR 14-17




(Cease Fire x Broadway Babe)

Leanne Asper competing at Youth Nationals in Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Arabian Native Costume JOTR 17 & Under and JTR 14-17 Arabian Park JTR 17 & Under (O Dirty Danser x Lady Givenchy)

6620 320th Street East • Eatonville, WA 98328 • Office: (253) 875-5033




| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Amado, Arizona



Neiman JCA++


2003 bay, Legion of Merit gelding by Jake Jamaal++/ out of an Afire Bey V daughter. In both 2010 and 2011 he earned Top Ten honors in Side Saddle at the U.S. Nationals. He was Top Ten Western Pleasure Select Rider at the 2010 U.S. Nationals. At Region 2, he won the Side Saddle and Western Pleasure ATR Championships. In Scottsdale 2010, he won his Ladies Side Saddle Western class and was Reserve in the Championship. Neiman won the Trail ATR Championship at Region 7 his first time shown in trail! Big, sweet and talented, Neiman is easy to ride in the arena or out in the country; an ideal and versatile mount for a youth or amateur rider, and open quality. See his video on Youtube. Search Neiman JCA.


2004 Half-Arabian, palomino mare by NRHA Hall of Fame reining stallion Nu Chex To Cash. This mare made a stunning show debut taking Reserve Champion in Sport Horse Under Saddle as well as 1st in HA/AA Sport Horse In-Hand ATH. Now winning in Hunter, Western Pleasure and Trail, she is already on her way. Show her to the ribbons and then go out for a nice stroll through the desert. Fancy, strong, and uncomplicated. See her video on Youtube. Search Check This Out. CHECK THIS OUT


2005 Half-Arabian/DHH, black mare. She is by Armani FC and out of the great National Champion Dutch Harness 2005 mare, Pauletta B, imported by Pegasus Arabians. Being Half-Dutch Harness gives this mare size, motion and power! However, she is gentle and easy enough for a youth to handle. She has been shown successfully in both Open and Amateur Hunter and has earned a U.S. National Top Ten ATR in 2010 and Scottsdale Top Ten in the Open this spring. Most recently, Calypso was named 2011 Youth National Reserve Champion in H/A Equitation 14-17 her first time at Youth! She is beautiful and striking with her 4 white socks and blaze! Fabulous dressage prospect! See her video on Youtube. Search Calypso PE.


2008 bay gelding by Jullyen El Jamaal and out of our Reserve National Champion Working Cow Horse SC Chipawa Chinks. Well started, Chaps is a nice mover and is going over the trail course with confidence. This gelding is a wonderful working western horse in the making. This 4-yr-old possesses the qualities you are looking for in a competitive performance horse. His loving personality will steal your heart! See his video on Youtube. Search Chicago Chaps RS.


2007 chestnut gelding by ML Flamboyant and out of a Magnum Psyche daughter. Shown successfully at Scottsdale 2011 and a Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Championship in 2010. Numerous wins in Sport Horse In Hand. This boy, standing at 16+, is handsome and athletic, yet gentle and people oriented. See his video on Youtube. Search Paytriot. FOR INFORMATION ON THESE GREAT MOUNTS WHILE AT YOUTH NATIONALS, CONTACT US IN BARN P PAYTRIOT

Courtney Spicer, Trainer/Manager (520) 398-8328 Office • (520) 990-8763 Cell courtney.ranchosonado@greenvalleypecan.com Susan Shea, Trainer (602) 717-7432 Cell info@sheatraining.com Nan & Dick Walden, Owners 102


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Volume 43, No. 1 |



Jordan Alvey & BA True Blue Owned by Jordan Alvey • Newnan, GA

Featured in Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14-1


youth national contenders



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Maris Castang & VJ Ticketmaster Owned by Maris Castang • Newnan, GA

AppeAring in: Arabian english pleasure JOTr and JTr 14-17

Meind Games CF FeATured in: Arabian Country pleasure JOTr and JTr 14-17

Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 111

Gabrielle Aguirre & Top Gun CF Owned by Kelli and Gabrielle Aguirre • Jupiter, FL

Appearing in Half-Arabian Show Hack JOTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Show Hack JTR 14-17 Half-Arabian Country Pleasure Driving



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Gabrielle Aguirre & Cabana Boy SOF Owned by Kelli and Gabrielle Aguirre • Jupiter, FL

Featured in Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Arabian English Pleasure JTR 14-17

Good Luck to all youth exhibitors! Tish Kondas and Carla Schiltz Newnan, Georgia • Barn 770-252-3300

www.ShowtimeTrainingCenter.net Volume 43, No. 1 | youth 113

Quintin Roberts & EA Golden Girl

Arabian Country English Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under Saddle Seat Equitation Walk/Trot 10 & Under

Quintin Roberts & Relience

HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Not to Jump Walk/Trot 10 & Under

Quintin Roberts & Rocket Man JB UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup Walk/Trot 10 & Under HA/AA Country English Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation Walk/Trot 10 & Under



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Jeannette German & Just Press Play CCF

HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR 13 & Under

Rushlow’s Arabians

Romulus, MI • Ph: 734.782.1171

Abby Mills & Michaelangelo DD

Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 13 & Under Arabian English Show Hack JTR 13 & Under

Abby Mills & Annies Elva May

HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR 13 & Under HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Western JTR 17 & Under

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Hannah Feldmaw

I’d like to thank everyone who has ever supported me in everything I do, not just my horseback riding. I seriously could name a million people who have supported me and I appreciate that so much. Dad and Mom, thank you so much for helping me in showing and horses and everything else in my life. I appreciate it more than you can imagine. Just to name a few, Donna, Papa, Nana, all my

friends, Jen, Lisa, Tami, LaLa & Tom. And of course Kaz, Malieka and all the horses that have helped me become the rider I am today. ‘Live your life out loud.’



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes


Youth 2011:

National Champion: PB Hunter Pleasure JTR 13 & Under Top Ten: PB Hunter Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under


Scottsdale 2012: Top Ten: PB Hunter Pleasure JTR/JOTR 13 & Under Top Ten: Hunt Seat Equitation 13 & Under Sixth Place : Arabian Ladies English Side Saddle 17 & Under

Showing Youth 2012 Arabian Ladies English Side Saddle 17 & under PB Hunter JTR 13 & under PB Hunter Pleasure JOTR 13 & under

A Plus

Scottsdale 2012:

Top Ten: HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR/JOTR 13 & Under

Showing Youth 2012 HA Country English JOTR 13 and under

Donna Waggoner W Training Great Beginnings to Solid Ends www.d-wag.com 707-236-5952 d.waggoner@live.com

www.d-wag.com 707-236-5952 d.waggoner@live.com Volume 43, No. 1 |



with Victoria Roe Wimpys Little Cat+

2011 National Champion Reining Seat Equitation 2012 Scottsdale Champion Reining Seat Equitation 2012 Region 1 Champion Reining JTR



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Grady Byrne with

TR Ima Rockin Kid

2012 Mother’s Day Slide Youth Rookie Champion Owned By Equine Veterinary Services Bein Performance Horses Trainers: Jessica Bein • Lauren Whyte-Thomas Manager: David Bein

Scottsdale, Arizona Cell: 480-220-6710 www.beinperformancehorses.com

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Logan and Just Joe Logan Just Joe Western and Pleasure JO/JT 14-17 Western Pleasure JO/JT 14-17

DLC Total Eclipse

DLC TotalPleasure EclipseJTR 14-17 HA Western HA Western Pleasure JTR 14-17 DLC ExxtraExxtra DLC ExxtraExxtra Hunter Pleasure JO/JT 14-17 Hunter Pleasure 14-17 FinanceJO/JT Charge

FinancePleasure ChargeJO/JT 14-17 HA Hunter HA Hunter Pleasure JO/JT TR Texas T 14-17 TRReining Texas JTR T 14-17 HA HA Reining JTR 14-17 TA Ocala

TA 14-17 Ocalaand Reining Seat Reining JTR Reining JTR 14-17 and Reining Equitation 14-17 Seat Equitation 14-17 Jet City Starlight JetHA City Starlight Reining JTR 14-17 HA Reining JTR 14-17



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Logan and Call Me Awesome Logan and CallPleasure Me Awesome HA Western JOTR 14-17 HA Western Pleasure JOTR 14-17

Volume 43, No. 1 |





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Volume 43, No. 1 |





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Volume 43, No. 1 |





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Volume 43, No. 1 |





| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Volume 43, No. 1 |





| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

In case you ever wondered where the term “sitting pretty” came from. Sydney Dazzo

Amanda Burns

Visit bischtraining.com for updates on Amanda and Sydney and other show news.

8700 East Black Mountain Road • Scottsdale, Arizona 85266 • (480) 250-4616 • dedebisch@gmail.com

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Amanda Burns “Instead of focusing on how much you can accomplish, focus on how much you can absolutely love what you’re doing.”

Black Ice WP H/A English Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17 Showmanship 14-17 Dream Another Dream H/A Sport Horse Under Saddle 14-17 Hunter Hack 14-17 JK Bronze Arabian Reining Horse JOTR & JTR 14-17 Arabian Reining Seat Equitation 14-17 Arabian Western Horsemanship 14-17 Rest Assured Arabian Ladies Side Saddle English 14-17 Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation 14-17 Paris Hilton PE H/A Saddle Seat Equitation 14-17 UPHA Challenge Cup 14-17 H/A Country English Pleasure JTR 14-17 Rakkas UB Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR & JTR with Gordon Potts

Visit bischtraining.com during the show for updates and other news.



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Sydney Dazzo “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

Blackjack LOA +// HA/AA Country English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR 14-17 UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup JTR 14-17 HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation 14-17

6719 Emory Oak Place NE Albuquerque, NM 8711 (505) 362-7637

Bad Badleroybrown Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Arabian English Pleasure JTR 14-17 Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation 14-17

Visit bischtraining.com during the show for updates and other news.

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Sydney Dazzo

SF Nitro Shoc HA/AA English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 HA/AA English Pleasure JTR 14-17

Rodan LTD +/ Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 14-17

Berry Berry Wise Arabian Country Pleasure Driving JTD 17 & Under

Bad Moon Risin LOA +/ HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle English JTR 17 & Under HA/AA English Show Hack JOTR 17 & Under HA/AA English Show Hack JTR 17 & Under

6719 Emory Oak Place NE Albuquerque, NM 8711 (505) 362-7637



| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Visit bischtraining.com during the show for updates and other news.

r e t r o P h a r Sa

Caliente Virtuoso

Half-Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR and JTR 13 & Under


Arabian Western Pleasure JTR 13 & Under Arabian Western Horsemanship JTR 13 & Under

Josh & Jennifer Quintus Pilot Point, TX Barn: 940-686-5141 E-mail: colonialwood@gmail.com www.colonialwood.com

Crescent Creek Farms Robin Porter & Maudi Fleming 2357 Advance Road Weatherford, TX 76088 Ph: 817-594-7027 www.crescentcreekfarms.com

Volume 43, No. 1 |



P resenting O ur 2012 Y outh N ational C ontenders

27109 South Creek Drive Magnolia, Texas 77354 136


| A r a bi a n Hor se T i mes

Phone: 281-252-6228 chtrncntr@aol.com www.chaseharvill.com

Emily Schwing & SS K h a r b e n K op y

Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR and JTR 13 & Under 2012 Region 9 Champion Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under

2011 Youth National Top Ten Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 13 & Under

Julia Junker & P r odig y A f i r e

Arabian English Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation Walk/Trot 10 & Under 2012 Region 9 Unanimous Champion Arabian English Pleasure Walk/Trot 10 & Under Undefeated in English/Country Pleasure Walk/Trot in 2012

Madelyne Patrick & F ra n k S i n at ra

Arabian Country Arabian JOTR and JTR 14-17 2012 Scottsdale Top Ten Arabian Country Pleasure JTR 14-17 2012 Region 9 Top Five Arabian Country Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Price Performance Horses

Madeleine Simms

Multiple National Top Ten

Multiple National Champion

Smarty Ames++++//

BL Expression

Showing in: Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR and JTR 14-17

Mike Neal Arabian Center

Showing In: Arabian English Pleasure JOTR and JTR 14-17 Arabian Pleasure Driving JTD 17 & Under

Multiple National Top Ten

Meisters Tribute+// Showing in:

Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR and JTR 14-17 Arabian English Side Saddle JTR 17 & Under

H o r s e s A va i l a b l e



| A r a bi a n Hor se T i mes


P u r c ha s e


ix years of tears, triumphs, and hard work has led me here; my final Youth Nationals. This has been an amazing experience, and I have so many wonderful people to thank for this astonishing journey.

My Parents. Thank you so much for always supporting me, not just with my horses but in my life. I can’t think of anyone else that I would have wanted to share every moment of this experience with. You guys have always been there for me to lend a hand, or to give me words of encouragement as I trotted into the arena. I love you both very much, and I can never thank you enough for giving me this opportunity. My Brothers. I will never forget the multitude of texts and phone calls after each of my classes. Even when I had a bad ride, each of you were able to make me laugh and help me to try harder in the next class. Also thank you for always understanding how important this journey has been, and becoming a part of it. My Friends. How can I ever repay you guys? This experience wouldn’t be filled with nearly as many laughs if it hadn’t been for each of you. Thank you for always being; a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, and a smile to make me forget the bad ride but remember the wonderful memories. My Trainers. Katie Beck, Mike Neal, Kevin Price, and Kenny Price. I can never thank each of you enough. Each of you have worked unforgiving hours just to ensure that my horses, and myself were prepared for the upcoming horseshows. I have learned so much by working with each of you, and I will never forget a moment that I was lucky enough to spend with you guys. Also, thank you to the multitude of trainers; Lisa and John White, Joel Kiesner, John Golladay, Jody Strand, and Joe Reser, for lending a helping hand along the way. It is because of each and every one of you that I am the rider I am today. Finally, I’d like to thank my horses; Meisters Tribute, Smarty Ames, and BL Expression, as well as my past horses; Zefyr and DS Major Afire. I have learned so much from the hours that I have spent with each of you. I consider myself lucky to have had this opportunity to train with such talented animals. It truly has been an incredible journey, and I look forward to being a part of this community for years to come. Sincerely,

Madeleine Simms

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Lauren Sheehan &

Unmistakably French

Half-Arabian Country Pleasure JOTR and JTR 14-17

Amalia Perry &

Four Of A Kind+/

Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Walk/Trot and Equitation 10 & Under

Kaley Smith &

Bogota SCA

Arabian Country Pleasure JOTR and JTR 14-17

Just A Talkin AKF

Half-Arabian Show Hack JOTR 17 & Under and JTR 14-17



| A r a bi a n Hor se T i mes

Kevin Price, Trainer priceperformance@yahoo.com www.priceperformancehorses.com

Volume 43, No. 1 |





| A r a bi a n Hor se T i mes

& Baywatch +//

Nik ki Larson

Competing in: UPHA Challenge Cup Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation Half-Arabian Show Hack 13 & Under 2012 Unanimous Scottsdale Champion and Unanimous Region 7 Champion Saddle Seat Equitation 13 & Under Proudly owned by Mary Bowden “Thanks to our training and coaching team–Taryn Lundquist and Laurie Martin Show Horses!”

Danielle Gib aut

& Phantom JD Competing with Phantom JD in: Hunter Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17 Arabian Geldings In-Hand

SR Asanti

Competing in Western Pleasure JOTR & JTR 14-17 “Thank you to our trainers, Natalie Jones and Carolyn McDonald!” “A special thank you to all the trainers and people I’ve met over the years for making this experience unforgettable every step of the way!” — Dani “Sending my best wishes as you complete your final Youth Nationals and begin your journey to college. It’s been surreal watching you grow up and progress over the years in your competitions. I’m so proud of you!” — Mo m Volume 43, No. 1 |



2012 Youth Clips

Through The ’Era’bs



| A r a bi a n Hor se T i mes

2012 Youth Clips


ver the span of two decades, the Youth Nationals hasn’t exactly seen many “eras” of history unfold. However, the theme

“Through the ’Era’bs” allows the youth exhibitors and spectators to experience everything from cavemen, the Wild West and the roaring ’20s, to the spandex and legwarmers of the ’80s, and even the unknown future. Each region will represent a different era, and whether they offer a walk down memory lane, an experience straight from the history books or a look into the future, we can be sure it will be a one-of-a-kind experience for all! To get in the mood, we asked the youth of the show to answer questions that follow this wide-ranging theme, offering their thoughts and insights—and telling us something about themselves at the same time. Enjoy!

Volume 43, No. 1 |



Logan Chisholm __________________________________ __________________________________

Graduating Seniors

__________________________________ __________________________________

Logan Chisholm

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Long Meadow Arabians Your age: 18 Parents’ names: Jeff and Tina Chisholm If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the roaring 1920s If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Will Farrell—he always keeps me laughing. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, it would be… my trainer, so I could boss him around! Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… becoming a Baylor University Cheerleader. If I had one wish, it would be… to be a youth rider forever. My very first horse memory is… on my third Christmas, I got a pony that my grandfather dressed up like a reindeer. After high school graduation I plan to… cheer at Baylor University where I will major in Business.



| A r a bi a n Hor se T i mes

Sydney Dazzo

Sydney Dazzo

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Dede Bisch—Bisch Training/Sandro Pinha—Arabians International Your age: 18 Parents’ names: Vicki and Sam Dazzo, Jr. If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 60s because of all the fantastic music and wild clothing. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… singing. I was in choir a short time in high school and wish I had pursued it. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… my academic achievements in high school. If I had one wish, it would be… to travel the world and meet amazing people. My very first horse memory is… riding Buster Jiggs (my retired trail horse) at a Dude Ranch in Colorado. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… make bubble noises out of her mouth while bored in the crossties. After high school graduation I plan to… attend the University of Colorado at Boulder, and continue to ride and show Arabian horses.

Sarah Delisi

Sarah Delisi

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Ryan Strand and Elise Worman— Liberty Meadows Training Center Your age: 18 Parents’ names: Jennifer and Samuel Delisi If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 20s; “The Great Gatsby” is one of my favorite books! If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, it would be… Kate Middleton. She is the epitome of grace and beauty, and she has one amazing closet! I collect… shoes. My very first horse memory is… when my family and I would go on vacations and I would beg my parents to go trail riding, or even just go over and feed the horse’s carrots, despite my dad being allergic to them. Eventually, my mom put me in lessons so I could be around them all the time! After high school graduation I plan to… study Communications at the University of Iowa.

Danielle Gibaut

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Cactus Rose Ranch Your age: 18

2012 Youth Clips

Danielle Gibaut Parents’ names: Michelle Maier and Duncan Gibaut If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 20s. I’ve always loved the styles from back then. The one song that sums up my show career is… “The Middle,” by Jimmy Eat World. It’s always been played during my championships at Nationals and is reassuring that, “It just takes some time, little girl. You’re in the middle of the ride and everything will be just fine.” If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… photography. If I had one wish, it would be… to go back in time and tell myself how fast time really can go by, and to enjoy it. I collect… seashells. Every summer my family and I go to different beaches and I always end up coming home with bags full of them. My very first horse memory is… when I was 8, my friend and I would always ride ponies and one day we decided it was a good idea to try jumping them over a chicken coop. The last thing I remember was our parents yelling before I hit the horn on the saddle and passed out. After high school graduation I plan to… attend Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, and join the Notre Dame equestrian team and possibly study abroad in Europe.

Liz Haven

Liz Haven

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Lowe Show Horse Centre/Verhage Farms/Burkman Centre Your age: 18 Parents’ name: Jane Haven If my horse were a celebrity, Brando would be… Cee Lo Green. He’s laid back and chills, but has his moments. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… having an amazing singing voice. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, it would be… Ryan Gosling—I would love to be that hot and wanted. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… winning the tournaments I have with my club soccer team. If I had one wish, it would be… that my kids enjoy riding Arabians as much as I do. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… try to protect me from a trashcan. He pushed me out of the way then snorted at it, not letting me get him away from it. After high school graduation I plan to … be a Graphic Designer.

Sarah Jeu

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Joel Gangi Your age: 18

Sarah Jeu Parents’ names: Stephen and Susanna Jeu If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… Victorian England because of the vast societal, architectural, literary, and theological changes that occurred during Queen Victoria’s reign. The one song that sums up my show career is… although rather cliché, “Love,” by The Script. There have been many instances in which I felt like giving up— I think everybody has experienced this at one point or another—but it’s quite difficult to quit something that you absolutely love. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… helping others. Whether I create a useful invention; discover the cure for cancer, (although it’s safe to say that my chances of achieving this are pretty slim); or simply inspire the people in my everyday life, I hope to be able to help others in any way that I’m capable. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, it would be… J.K. Rowling. Her initial idea—a boy wizard who attends a magical school—transformed into a book and then movie series that impacted an audience far greater than she ever imagined. Despite them being children’s novels, the “Harry Potter” Volume 43, No. 1 |



Koy Moody

Kelly Svoboda

Sylvia Rogan

books offer something that everybody can enjoy, learn from, and remember. I wish I were half as talented as she is. If I had one wish, it would be… to be happy every day. I’m always worried about small, trivial things and because of this, I often neglect to just enjoy life. My very first horse memory is… riding a pony at my friend’s birthday party when I was three years old. After high school graduation I plan to… attend Washington University in St. Louis and major in Mechanical Engineering.

she is the only person I know that has been kicked out of the Youth Nationals Dog Costume class for two consecutive years. If I had one wish, it would be… to start my own breeding program with Arabian and Half-Arabian horses. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… have this huge, bright expression on his face every time after a lesson when he expects carrots right away. It is funny how much he loves them. Even if he is getting un-tacked or getting his bridle taken off, he will turn around and walk towards me oblivious to everything else. After high school graduation I plan to… attend Texas Christian University, where I will be double majoring in International Finance and Supply Chain Management, while being on the Pre-Law track.

show career is… between “Drive,” by Incubus, “Get Back Up.” by T.I. / Chris Brown, and “Gold Forever,” by The Wanted. They all have some lyrics that fit pretty well with what my horses and I have gone through. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… horseback riding or creating music. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Michael Jordan, because it would be awesome to dunk a basketball from the free throw line. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… Playing guitar and undertaking the task of wake boarding, which I plan to master this summer. Also, graduating from high school—it was a long, complicated haul. If I had one wish, it would be… to get a job and be successful in the horse business. After high school graduation I plan to… attend William Woods University, and study Equine Science. I also plan to continue showing at Arabian shows with my horses.

Koy Moody

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Gordon and Wendy Potts—The Brass Ring Your age: 18 Parents’ names: Lynn and Susy Moody If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the Roaring 20s. If my horse were a celebrity, Pop Star would be… Michael Jackson. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… making a difference in the world somehow, either by successes or contributions. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Juliette Dell, because 148


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Kelly Svoboda

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Larry Hoffman—Hesten Park Your age: 17 Parents’ names: David and Melanie Svoboda If my horse were a celebrity, Triffik would be… a young version of Michael J. Fox—small, but talented. High Philutin would probably be Taylor Lautner—he is a flat-out stud. The one song that sums up my

Sylvia Rogan

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Linda Brown and Samone Rector— Prairie Gem Stables/Gem Arabians Your age: 18

2012 Youth Clips Parents’ names: Liz and Eleanor Rogan If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 1940s because everyone’s fashion was so simple and Captain America was around fighting off the Nazis, and that would have been a sight to see. I love the Captain. If my horse were a celebrity, CP Merritt would be… Henry Cavill. He is elegant and handsome; I mean, have you seen the movie, Immortals? The one song that sums up my show career is… “When You Come Back Down,” by Nickel Creek. It is such an inspiring song and when my horse, CP Merritt, had to undergo surgery, it was a low point in my career. After he had rehabilitated, I was there for him and the very next year went on to win two Top Tens in Show Hack and Saddle Seat Equitation. There is a line in this song, which represents my feelings about my career perfectly, “When you’re soaring through the air, I’ll be your solid ground, take every chance you dare, and I’ll still be there, when you come back down.” It means so much to me that we have gone on to do great things after a catastrophe. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, it would be… horsewoman, Ellen Whitaker. Not only is she one of the top show jumpers in Britain, but she is also engaged to actor Henry Cavill. If I had one wish, it would be… to help the Arabian industry continue its legacy of producing beautiful horses. This is why I will be going into Equine Reproduction in college. My very first horse memory is… going out to Prairie Gem Stables and riding a Tennessee Walker named Truman. After that occurred, a horse bit me on the thumb and I bled everywhere. My now trainer, Linda Brown, thought this would scare me from ever coming back, but after earning two National Championships,

McKenzie Tobeck

Kathryn (Katy) Harmeyer

two Reserve National Championships and 12 Top Tens, I think it is clear that I am in for the long haul. After high school graduation I plan to… kick major butt throughout the summer at two regionals and Youth Nationals. I will also be attending Colorado State University in the fall and studying Equine Science and Business. I plan on joining the judging team and becoming a judge by the age of 21, and a USEF steward by the age of 25. I also want to be involved in some type of reproduction business.

day that he rode Zodiac Matador to his first National Championship. It would have been amazing to feel Matador at that point in his career and know what it was like to ride one that good. My very first horse memory is… bringing home my first pony, DHC Aaahhh. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… escape from Region 4 during the night and roam the parking lots. After high school graduation I plan to… attend Western Washington University and pursue a double major in Business, as well as French and Spanish.

McKenzie Tobeck

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Mike Whelihan—Whelihan Arabian Farms, LLC Your age: 18 Parents’ names: Mike and Beth Whelihan, Rob and Sonya Tobeck If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 40s because I love the clothes and styles. If my horse were a celebrity, Rocky would be… Elton John. He loves to wear sparkles. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… a successful career in the Arabian horse industry. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, it would be… my stepdad Mike Whelihan on the

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10 & Under

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Kathryn (Katy) Harmeyer

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Kellie Wendling and Dalton Budd— Select Show Horses Your age: 10 Parents’ names: Jennifer Foster and Bob Harmeyer If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… spending a day with the Greek Gods. The one song that sums up my show Volume 43, No. 1 |



Tyler Hickerson career is… “Girls Just Want to Have Fun,” Because we do! If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… writing and illustrating books. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… getting straight A’s on every report card. If I had one wish, it would be… to win the walk/trot national championship and taking home the trophy. My very first horse memory is… riding Casper and walking around the tiny arena at the old barn. I was 4 years old. My earliest show memory is winning a ribbon that was taller than me at National Show Horse Finals when I was five years old.

Tyler Hickerson

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Todd Hickerson—Hickerson Arabians Your age: 9 Parents’ names: Todd and Karstin Hickerson If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the Old West, so I could be a cowboy. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Boom, Boom, Pow.” It’s fun and full of energy. If I were to become famous, I would 150


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Kayla Hipp

Sofia Kauderer

want to be famous for… playing baseball for the San Francisco Giants. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, it would be… my dad, because I would like to train horses. If I had one wish, it would be… to have a cattle ranch. I collect… bugs.

trainer that something was wrong, and we finally figured it out—she had somehow got her tongue over the bit.

Kayla Hipp

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Vicki Humphrey Training Center Your age: 10 Parents’ names: Mark and Londa Hipp If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Audrey Hepburn, my trainer says, because she has a beautiful elegant neck! If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my trainer, Vicki Humphrey, because she is an amazing person! If I had one wish, it would be… to win during my last year at walk/ trot! I collect… Breyer® horses! My very first horse memory is… when I took my first lesson on a horse named Applejack for my birthday! The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when I rode her for the first time during a storm and she was freaking out. I kept telling my

Sofia Kauderer

Trainer’s name/ Farm Affiliation: Christy Higman Clements—CHC Farm Your age: 10 Parents’ names: Mallory and Tica Kauderer If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Adam Levine. They both have first, middle, and last names—Adam Noah Levine and Red Status Symbol. Adam likes carrots, and Red likes making carrot juice. I think they’re similar in some ways. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… horseback riding. That’s what I love to do. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Madonna. She is a famous singer and she likes horses, too. She owns a couple, and in several of her music videos, her horses show up in them. If I had one wish it would be… to be able to do all different kinds of riding. Like, if you put me on a Dressage horse, I would know what to do. I collect… horse statues and posters. My very first horse memory is…. me riding a white pony in Harbor Island on the beach.

2012 Youth Clips

Karli Kelley

Karli Kelley

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Chris Culbreth—Culbreth equine Your age: 9 Parents’ names: Dan and becky Kelley If my horse were a celebrity, Hale bopp would be… Lance Armstrong, because he never wears out. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being an olympic soccer player. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Crystal mcnutt, so i could ride all of the great reining horses. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… getting straight A’s, all of 4th grade. If I had one wish, it would be… to be able to fly. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… drank out of my water bottle.

Isabella Perricone

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Christy Higman Clements Your age: 9 Parents’ names: malow and steven Perricone If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the early

Isabella Perricone 1900s, when you got around only by horseback or horse and buggy. If my horse were a celebrity, sF blond Ambition would be… madonna. because of her name, ‘blondie’ is going to be around for a long time and will do it ALL! The one song that sums up my show career is… “i Feel so Close To You,” by Calvin Harris. Horse shows are the best of times and i never want for them to end, and my horse and i are so close. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… acting and raising money to save endangered horses for the sPCA. i have already raised and given $400. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my Godmother maile, because she lives on her farm. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… the person i am, inside and out.

Valentina Perricone If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… J Lo, because she’s always Hot to Trot! The one song that sums up my show career is… “Love You Like A Love song baby,” by selena Gomez. i live to love on my horse minnievan and show. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… dancing and saving endangered horses. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my trainer Christy, because i want to train other little girls. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… being a good sport!

Valentina Perricone

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Christy Higman Clements Your age: 7 Parents’ names: malou and steven Perricone If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the Disco era, because i like to dance. Volume 43, no. 1 |



Morgan Rivers

Morgan Rivers

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Jill Amen—in the irons, boerne, Texas Your age: 8 Parents’ names: Dwaine and Judith rivers If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the Ancient romans and visit the coliseums. The one song that sums up my show career is… “my Deliver,” because riding Gracie shows me God’s blessings. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a very accomplished rider and always giving God the glory for my success. If I had one wish, it would be… for all the people of the world that are sick and hurting would be healed, especially Laura, Lisa, Lucy and Augustus. I collect… purses (what girl doesn’t?), chapsticks and business cards! My very first horse memory is… riding my miniature horse named Pumpkin, and falling off the rear of her, i think i was 3, and immediately begged to get back on!!

Quintin Roberts

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: marggie rushlow-roberts and Chad roberts—rushlow Arabians 152


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Quintin Roberts

Sydnie St. Jean

Your age: 8 Parents’ names: Chad roberts and marggie rushlow-roberts If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… elvis Presley. He has really nice hair. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… riding horses. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… shawn rooker. i want to ride horses that trot really high. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… having good grades in school. If I had one wish, it would be… to have my horse srF barbary Jac back. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… to drink his water like a dog and deliberately shake his mud knot out.

If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… my kindness for helping sick kids. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… playing fast-pitched softball with an awesome team! I collect… and save my money to shop at the horse shows! My very first horse memory is… when my Poppy gave me my first horse when i was very little.

Sydnie St. Jean

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Culbreth equine Training and mgmt., LLC Your age: 10 Parents’ names: Pete and stephanie st. Jean If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the renaissance era. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Dynamite,” by Taio Cruz.

Zach Stransky

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Hesten Park Your age: 9 Parents’ names: reid and Daria stransky If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 1990s, so i could see my dad play in the mn state High school basketball Championship his team won. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a running back for the minnesota Vikings. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… coming in 2nd in the mile at the All-City Track meet with a time of 6 min. 30 sec. If I had one wish, it would be… to win someday at Youth nationals.

2012 Youth Clips

Zach Stransky My very first horse memory is… saving my brother Joseph when he got trampled by a horse. i ran to get my grandpa for help. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… walked into the middle of the ring when i entered the ring to start the class. __________________________________ __________________________________


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Abigail Buschette

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Don LeFever—LeFever Training Centre Your age: 12 Parents’ names: Karen and brad buschette If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… to go back to the Jurassic Period to see what dinosaurs were like in their natural habitat. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Pumped Up Kicks,” because the excitement of riding an Arabian gives me the same feeling as that song. If I was to become famous, I would want to be famous for… owning a successful Arabian training facility while also being a veterinarian.

Abigail Buschette

Grady Byrne

Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… the progress i have made as a swimmer. i started swimming about the same time as riding horses, and have had good luck in both of them. I collect… schleich® horses and memories. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… The way shady’s smile always makes me laugh.

accomplishment I am most proud of is… playing guitar for seven years.

Grady Byrne

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Jessica bein—bein Performance Horses Your age: 13 Parents’ names: sarah and Greg byrne If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… 9999. If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… seabiscut. He is an amazing horse. The one song that sums up my show career is… “sweet Home Alabama,” because my career has been sweet. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… playing guitar. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my dog, because i want to see what being a dog is like. Beside my horse successes, the

Whitney Campbell

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Katherine rich–Green Acres ranch, inc. Your age: 13 Parents’ names: sarah and Greg Campbell If I could visit any era of time for one day I would chose… the 80s, because it seems like such a fun time with the crazy music and outfits. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… singing, because i have always wanted to be a singer and i sing at my school and house. If I could swap places with anyone

Whitney Campbell Volume 43, no. 1 |



Emmy Farago for a day, I would choose… Taylor swift. she is such a great person and role model. she has done so much for people in need. she once filled all her empty seats at one of her concerts with homeless and abused children. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… volleyball. i have been playing volleyball for three years. My very first horse memory is… my first lesson seven years ago with my trainer Katherine on a 30-year-old purebred stallion named Zody. The funniest thing about my horse is… that he won’t go to the bathroom anywhere but his stall. if he has to go potty when he’s in the crossties, he will paw and dance around until you take him to his stall.

Emmy Farago

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Don and Jordan LeFever—LeFever Training Centre Your age: 13 Parents’ names: Trent and Alice Farago If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the stone Age, it would be interesting to see the daily life of a caveman. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a professional athlete or a professional



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Hannah Feldman horse trainer/rider. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Franklin Delano roosevelt. He was a good guy. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… i’m a good kid who does well in school. If I had one wish, it would be… to own a horse stable. My very first horse memory is… walking into the barn, and smelling the fresh horse manure!

Hannah Feldman

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Donna Waggoner Training Your age: 12 Parents’ names: Julie and Gary Feldman If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… when horses were the main transportation! If my horse were a celebrity, malieka would be… Jennifer Lopez. she’s beautiful, talented and she’s kind. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Good Life,” by one republic. it never gets old! Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… my academic grades. I collect… breyer® horses and schleich® animals.

Jeannette German My very first horse memory is… walking around on a horse named Jasper at Alisal ranch in santa barbara when i was four.

Jeannette German

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: marggie rushlow-roberts and Chad roberts—rushlow Arabians Your age: 13 Parents’ names: Larry and susan German If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… elvis Presley. He has really nice hair. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… doing something really nice for other people. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… having good grades in school. If I had one wish, it would be… to go to Youth nationals every year. I collect… breyer® horses. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when he was found licking a turtle in the pasture.

Cameron Hickerson

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Todd Hickerson—Hickerson Arabians Your age: 11 Parents’ names: Todd and Karstin Hickerson

2012 Youth Clips

Cameron Hickerson If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the old West so i could be a cowboy! If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… playing football for the Pittsburg steelers or baseball for the san Francisco Giants. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… buster Posey, catcher for the san Francisco Giants. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… making the all-star team. If I had one wish, it would be… to have a 5,000-acre cattle ranch. I collect… football cards.

Julia Junker

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Chase Harvill—Chase Harvill Training Centre Your age: 11 Parents’ names: Kurt and Jennifer Junker If my horse were a celebrity, scooter would be… Tom Cruise, because even though he is a little guy, he thinks he is big-time and the cutest creature around. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Don’t stop believin’.” Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… making it to the Western

Julia Junker regional tournament with my soccer team, the Cyclones. i’ve been on this team for six years and making it that far was very rewarding. I collect… breyer® horses. My very first horse memory is… when i was two, i would nod my head at my mom’s horse, showcase, and he would nod back and flap his lips really fast. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… doing a 180 and sprinting towards the barn after smelling some cows that were across the street.

Kori Kelley

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Chris Culbreth Your age: 12 Parents’ names: Dan and becky Kelley If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the Wild West, because i would get to ride a horse everywhere. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… winning a gold medal at the World equestrian Games. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… a jockey, because i’ve always wanted to ride a racehorse. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of

Kori Kelley is… maintaining a 4.0 GPA through 7th grade. If I had one wish, it would be… to get a saddle seat horse. My very first horse memory is… getting my very first pony, Jake, for Christmas. i especially remember the saddle that came with him.

Alexis Kiesner

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Joel and Ashton Kiesner—Kiesner Training/Kellie Wendling—select show Horses Your age: 11 Parents’ names: Joel and Ashton Kiesner If my horse were a celebrity, beamer would be… Tim Tebow. He is such a hard worker and a good horse. my

Alexis Kiesner Volume 43, no. 1 |



Maya Kikuchi horse indy would probably be britney spears, because she is good at what she does—energetic, and sometimes a troublemaker. If I was to become famous, I would want to be famous for... curing cancer! Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is... my school report cards. If I had one wish, it would be... to have all my wishes come true. My very first horse memory is... when i was three years old; i had a shetland pony named Peaches. i rode her all over, in the barn and in the field almost every day. i still have Peaches and love to ride her. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is... one night, my friend and i were petting my horse in his stall when all of sudden he trotted out of his stall and ran around the farm loose. i ran after him for a while, and it was scary then, but now, it’s kind of funny.

Maya Kikuchi

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Kathrine rich–Green Acres ranch Your age: 11 Parents’ names: Keiji and Yukiko If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the ice Age. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a 156


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Nikki Larson national champion in country english. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… trying my best in riding. If I had one wish, it would be... getting red roses. I collect… breyer® horses. My very first horse memory is… Preschool Pony picture day.

Nikki Larson

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Taryn Lundquist and Laurie martin show Horses Team Your age: 12 Parents’ names: John and Lori Larson If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Jennifer Lopez. she is beautiful, sweet and most importantly, powerful. The one song that sums up my show career is… “more,” by Usher. The song to me is about pushing yourself to your limits and always wanting more. If I was to become famous, I would want to be famous for… creating a medicine that would make aged bodies go back 30 years in how they perform or feel; i’d dedicate it to my grandparents whom i love so much. If I had one wish, it would be… that my horse rum’s ringbone would go away so he wouldn’t ever hurt. He’s now enjoying a happy retirement

MiKenna LaVenture giving fun rides to my friends and me. My very first horse memory is… with a horse, ray, the saddle slid under her belly and the next thing i knew, i was under, looking up at her. i now triple check all girths, but i was only five then. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when rum was at the end of the showmanship class, quite bored, and he bit his tongue. He started shaking it around and he kept hitting me with it!

MiKenna LaVenture

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: shannon beethe—beethe Arabians Your age: 13 Parents’ names: michael and Kara LaVenture If my horse was a celebrity, it would be… beyonce, because she is a successful diva who uses her back end well! The one song that sums up my show career is… “Dynamite,” by Taio Cruz, because it is a fun, upbeat song. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Lindsay Whalen, professional female basketball player for the minnesota Lynx. she is from a town very close to where i live. she plays the point guard position (position i play), and she is not very tall like me. i would love to

2012 Youth Clips

Lexi LeFever learn about her days as a Lynx player, and what it is like to play basketball on the Women’s olympic Team. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… maintaining my crazy schedule. i play a grade up in school basketball and my team went to the state tournament; i dance on a competition dance line for Woodbury Dance Center, i practice 14+ hours a week, and compete at several competitions; all while maintaining an A- GPA. If I had one wish, it would be… to be six feet tall. This would really help me with my basketball skills! My very first horse memory is… going to my first horse lessons. i loved to ride the horse, but i refused to lead the horse in and out of the arena. i would scream and cry until my mom did it for me.

Lexi LeFever

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Don and Jordan LeFever—LeFever Training Centre Your age: 12 Parents’ names: Don and Teresa LeFever If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Lady Gaga. she is a crazy little mare. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a pro

Kelsey Faith McMahan

Jordyn Merlo

basketball player. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… basketball, because when i first started in 4th grade, i couldn’t even shoot a basket. now i swish 3’s like no other. My very first horse memory is… when i found out i got my little girl splendorella, i was the happiest girl in the world. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when we were giving her a bath and she was drinking the water from the hose.

is… my acceptance into the national Junior Honor society. If I had one wish, it would be… to be successful in all i do. My very first horse memory is… my first lessons when i was five and i almost fell off of a paint named Popcorn.

Kelsey Faith McMahan

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Chris Culbreth—Culbreth equine Training & management Your age: 13 Parents’ names: bill and Ginger mcmahan If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the future, sometime in 2050! The one song that sums up my show career is… “Change,” by Taylor swift, because it reminds me that you need to work hard and keep your head up in order to be a champion. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… singing. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of

Jordyn Merlo

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Kathrine rich–Green Acres ranch Your age: 13 Parents’ names: robyn and Greg merlo The one song that sums up my show career is… “Long Live,” by Taylor swift, because the meaning of the song is not being able to do something without that special someone, and i would never be able to get where i am without my horses. They are there with me the whole time. it’s the love and passion we have together. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Katherine rich, my trainer, because she has a beautiful home with great people, and i would want to ride 14 or more different horses every day like she does. i would also love to have the feeling of being able to pass down the talent i had to other little girls and boys like she does. Besides my horse successes, the Volume 43, no. 1 |



Mikayla Michels accomplishment I am most proud of is... being saved by Jesus Christ on easter of 2012, and i am so proud of myself because it made me a better person. If I had one wish, it would be... to run through a huge, green pasture bareback on my horse, Durrango, for hours. After that we would lay there and i would think of all the amazing memories we have together. My very first horse memory is... the day i met Durrango, my first horse i ever owned. it was the happiest day of my life. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is... when i stand next to him, he puts his nose right next to my ear, starts breathing really fast, tickles me with his lip, and after that he will rest his head on top of mine.

Mikayla Michels

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Larry and Jody Hoffman—Hesten Park Your age: 11 Parents’ names: Tracy and Karen michels If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the renaissance. If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Tom Cruise, because he is cute, very nice and versatile. 158


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Abby Mills The one song that sums up my show career is… a couple of songs, “more Than A Feeling,” by boston, and “Titanium,” by David Guetta. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… all my accomplishments in my horse career, volleyball, basketball, visual arts, and track. i would not be a stuck-up, snooty person and i would try to help as many people as possible. i would always have thanks for the people who made me that person, and helped me along the way. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my dog skylar. i think it would be cool to see the world through his eyes. He always seems so active and attentive. i wonder what goes through his mind. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… being named Visual Arts student of the Year at my school, which means i had the best grade and work throughout the whole year. Also, my track accomplishments, winning five 1st and two 2nd places at my first track meet.

Abby Mills

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: marggie rushlow-roberts and Chad roberts—rushlow’s Arabians

Allie Ollila Your age: 12 Parents’ names: nick and Amy mills If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Taylor swift, because she is sweet and all country western, and my gelding would be Josh Hutcherson, because he’s good looking and goofy. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… riding horses and writing fiction. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… stacy Westfall. she can ride a horse with no saddle or bridle. If I had one wish, it would be… that my horses would be immortal. My very first horse memory is… riding ponies at a fair. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… scratched her hind-end so hard she almost knocked a sturdy wall over.

Allie Ollila

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Alexis scott—AKs Farms Your age: 11 Parents’ names: melissa and Chris ollila If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the Dinosaur era, because that would be awesome— they could eat me! The one song that sums up my show career is… “Home,” by Philip

2012 Youth Clips

Emily Pate Phillips. i love every second of riding a horse, but at times it can be hard, painful, and frightening; however, my family has always made me feel safe and supported like i am at home. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… my school achievements. I collect… schleich® figures. i have 12 dogs, 16 riders/workers, and 82 horses! My very first horse memory is… riding a horse at my relative’s horse ranch in California when i was two years old. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… i was walking Conway out for a lesson and he stopped and sneezed his dinner all over my face; my trainer just laughed.

Emily Pate

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Leah beth boyd—Cedar ridge Arabians Your age: 12 Parents’ names: Jane and simon Pate The one song that sums up my show career is… “Hold on,” by Toby mac. To me it means to keep trying and you will succeed. Hold on to what you believe and nothing will stop you! If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a horse trainer, like Leah beth boyd.

Amalia Perry

Sarah Porter

she has 34 national and reserve national Championships. i so admire her! Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… being a Christian and having Jesus in my life! If I had one wish, it would be… a barn full of Arabian and HalfArabian horses! I collect… Trail of Painted Ponies. My very first horse memory is… my first riding lesson at Cedar ridge Arabians with Ultimate! i was able to get Ultimate and tack him up before my first lesson. He smiled in our first picture together. A wonderful first horse memory!

If I had one wish, it would be… to spend every day with my horse, Ditto! I collect… pets! i have Ditto; a rabbit named Wilson; a lizard named Walker; two cats--midori and saki; and two dogs named mia and nadal. My very first horse memory is… getting my very first horse, Jatura, in iowa. i was four years old and my grandpa “bubba” bought me a western saddle that was just my size to ride her in for my birthday! The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… whenever i ask Ditto a “yes” or “no” question, Ditto either nods “yes” or nods “no,” and sometimes i don’t like his answers!

Amalia Perry

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Kevin Price—Price Performance Horses Your age: 11 Parents’ names: marie and Jim Perry If I was to become famous, I would want to be famous for… riding my horse in hunt seat competition and be known all around the world. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my horse “Ditto” (Four of A Kind), because i’d like to know what happens behind the scenes at the barn!

Sarah Porter

Your age: 11 Parents’ names: Howard and Kay Porter The one song that sums up my show career is… “The World’s Greatest,” by r. Kelly. it reminds me to give all of the credit and glory to my savior, Jesus Christ. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… acting on a TV show or movie. i would like to be in a show with the Disney channel actress, bella Thorne. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… my volleyball championship. Volume 43, no. 1 |



Mackenzie Rivers i have a lot of fun playing on the volleyball team with my friends from school. I collect… all kinds of crosses for my cross wall in my bedroom and i also collect trinket boxes. i have about 25 of each of them. They each have a special memory for me. My very first horse memory was… on my very first day of my riding lessons. my instructor told me three times to sTAY on the rail. i said okay each time, and finally rode over to my mom and asked, “mom, WHere is the rail?” The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… tried to steal the Cheez-it crackers that i was eating. He was very persistent and almost begging for a taste. my mom even took a picture of him trying to get them from me. i had HUGe smile on my face and couldn’t stop laughing.

Mackenzie Rivers

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Jill Amen—in the irons, boerne Texas Your age: 11 Parents’ names: Dwaine and Judith rivers If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the time of the egyptians, when the Great Pyramids of Giza were built, and i would ride 160


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Faith Robbins max like the wind in the sand dunes. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… shining God’s light through my riding. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… always working very hard to keep good grades. If I had one wish, it would be… for people to see God’s love through me and my horse. I collect… miniature statues from everywhere i’ve traveled to remind me of that place. My very first horse memory is… riding a small, very sweet, Welsh pony that my daddy got us. Her name was Adalitta. i was three or four when we got her.

Faith Robbins

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Kellie Wendling and Dalton budd— select show Horses Your age: 13 Parents’ names: mike and Lori robbins If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… to spend a day in the 1950s, because of the clothes and way of life. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Fly,” by nicki minaj, because the lyrics sum up my goal: i came to win, to fight, to conquer, and

Elaina Roeder to thrive. i came to win, to survive, to prosper, and to rise to fly. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… having a nonprofit organization that helps special needs children and kids that are suffering. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… the President of the United states, because i would see what it was like to run the country. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… getting all A’s and high b’s on my report cards. My very first horse memory is… riding at a ranch in Colorado when i was three, and my very first lesson on CJ at select show Horses when i was seven years old.

Elaina Roeder

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: shan Wilson—Chrishan Park Your age: 13 Parents’ names: Kristin and ed If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the time of Christ. If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Katniss everdeen. she is pretty, tough, and pushes through pain. The one song that sums up my show

2012 Youth Clips

Noah Rooker career is… “The show,” by Lenka, because it describes a little girl trying to make it on her own, but still needs help. If I were to become famous, I would want to be… an olympic world record holder in women’s pole vault. i want to be the person everyone else is measured by. The accomplishment I am most proud of is… clearing 10 feet 2 inches in pole vault as a twelve year old. The funniest thing my horse has ever done was… at Youth nationals last year. He kept turning his head around in equitation. i tried so hard, but some things can’t be overcome.

Noah Rooker

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Dalton budd and Kellie Wendling— select show Horses Your age: 11 Parents’ names: shawn and Carmelle rooker. If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… mario Chalmers. He is an under-rated superstar. The song that sums up my show career is… “Johnny be Good.” my horse’s name is Johnny and sometimes he is good and sometimes he is bad. If I was to become famous, I would want to be famous for... being a professional athlete.

Nora Shaffer If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Justin rose. He is my favorite golfer. If I had one wish, it would be... to make everybody in the world happy. I collect... sports jerseys.

Nora Shaffer

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Larry and Jody Hoffman—Hesten Park Your age: 12 Parents’ names: Chris and Laura shaffer If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… 1973, to watch secretariat win the Triple Crown. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… inventing something. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… playing hockey and have always made the A team. If I had one wish, it would be… to have no poverty or world hunger. My very first horse memory is… riding my mom’s old pinto mare show horse when i was three. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… last year at Youth nationals, my horse Annie dug a hole into the horse’s stall next to her, and took his hay. When they tried to fill the hole, she dug it again.

Emma Sitzman

Emma Sitzman

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: randy Anderson—Western Cross Your age: 13 Parents’ names: Joe and Therese sitzman If my horse was a celebrity, it would be… Adam sandler. serious, but silly. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my sister, because she rides amazing horses, has awesome friends, and i love her! If I had one wish, it would be... to have a big barn full of horses! I collect... eggs, because i think they are very interesting. My very first horse memory is... when i got my very first horse Lego. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is... when i fed him a sour punch straw, he tried to chew it, but spit it out instead!

Volume 43, no. 1 |



Joseph Stransky

Joseph Stransky

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Hesten Park Your age: 12 Parents’ names: reid and Daria stransky If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… July 4, 1776. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… breeding the most champion horses. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Jared Allen of the mn Vikings. His is my favorite position to play in football and he is awesome. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… the 2011 nomination of Jr. AllAmerican Holstein Cow with Anika. If I had one wish, it would be… to own a large ranch with horses and cattle, both beef and dairy, with enough money to show all three. My very first horse memory is… on september 11, 2009 when i got “smoked by a horse.” i was trampled, and had to be airlifted to rochester where i spent 2 days in the trauma unit. Thanks to the medical staff ’s quick response, i was able to return to a normal life without any disabilities and begin riding horses the following spring. 162


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Sawyer Tehan

Sawyer Tehan

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: brian murch—strawberry banks Farm Your age: 11 Parents’ names: mike and Lissa Tehan If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a teacher, and being the best to my students. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… to be sammy (my horse) for a day, so i know how he feels when i ride him and also what it really feels like to be a horse. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… being a good person and playing soccer.

Jenna TeKolste

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Performance Plus Arabians Your age: 13 Parents’ names: rob and Kari If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the Fabulous 50s! If my horse were a celebrity, ‘samee’ would be… martha stewart. They are both down-to-earth and a little spunky. The one song that sums up my show career is… “The Climb,” by miley

Jenna TeKolste Cyrus. i am always striving to do better and just being good is never enough for me. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… a 2012 U.s. nationals judge. it would be breathtaking having two-dozen Half-Arabian english horses stamp around you at a strong trot. If I had one wish, it would be… to be an inspiration to someone younger than me. My very first horse memory is… going to the barn when i was really young, and wanting to ride “George,” the miniature horse.

Lana Trautman

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: John Golladay and Leah boyd— Cedar ridge Arabians Your age: 11 Parents’ names: bruce and Karna Trautman If my horse was a celebrity, it would be… steve mcQueen, because he was really cocky, but performed well. That is just like my horse! The one song that sums up my show career is… “The Climb,” by miley Cyrus. it is about how sometimes you are going to lose, but you have to keep trying. If I was to become famous, I would want to be famous for… finding a cure

2012 Youth Clips

Lana Trautman

Gabrielle Aguirre

for Feline inflammatory Peritonitis, an

__________________________________ __________________________________

The accomplishment I’m most

__________________________________ __________________________________

incurable disease my cat got.

proud of… building my own model

rocket. Having built rockets with my

dad sometimes, i was excited when the rocket-building unit started in

science class. i built a rocket all by

myself, and it went the highest in the

history of my school.

My very first horse memory is…

when i was three; i rode on my very

first horse. i thought it was scary and started crying.

The funniest thing my horse has

ever done is… when i was walking by “spud’s” (sF spellbound) stall,

and noticed that he was rubbing

his butt against the wall! everyone

started laughing and spud let out a

loud whinny!


Gabrielle Aguirre

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Tish Kondas and Carla schiltz— showtime Training Center Your age: 15 Parents’ names: Gerry and Kelli Aguirre If my horse were a celebrity, Cabana boy would be… matthew mcConaughey, because he is sleek, sexy, and confident. Lady marmalade would be Kim Kardashian, because she has a body that commands attention with curvy lines, especially from behind. Top Gun would be Lebron James, because he is a dominating force, and even though it’s hard work, he is always having fun. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… teaching people about the Arabian horse, which isn’t as well known as others. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… my academic achievements and my grades. If I had one wish, it would be… to go to Youth nationals and have the best rides on my horses and win a national championship on each one.

Jordan Alvey My very first horse memory is… breaking my mini pony named mini Pearl. i was on her at one end, and my mom was at the other, shaking a grain bucket. i clucked and mini started trotting towards her. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when i would ride mini Pearl, and when she had had enough, would walk into the arena and lay down and roll. Her way of telling me she was done and i would have to step off.

Jordan Alvey

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Tish Kondas and Carla schiltz— showtime Training Center Your age: 16 Parents’ names: Tim and Judi Alvey If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the prehistoric Dinosaur era. If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Kate middleton or Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. They are both elegant. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… finding a cure for cancer. If I had one wish, it would be… to have land or a horse farm. I collect… horse show ribbons. My very first horse memory is… when i was eight and i got my first horse. Volume 43, no. 1 |



Leanne Asper

Leanne Asper

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Whelihan Arabians Your age: 17 Parents’ names: Diane and Alan Asper If my horse were a celebrity, Prim N Proper would be… Queen elizabeth ii. she is the epitome of what is “prim and proper.” If I was to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a track and field olympic Gold medalist. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… being the idaho state champion in the 800m race and the 4X200m relay. I collect… horse show ribbons and track bib numbers. My very first horse memory is… sitting on my mom’s show horse, santa Cecilia, after she came out of the show ring. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… if you ask my horse Giorgio what his name is, he will touch his stall plate with his nose!

Keeley Bullard

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Katherine rich—Green Acres ranch, inc. Your age: 15 164


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Keeley Bullard

Amanda Burns

Parents’ names: Chris and mike bullard If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… 2112, 100 years from now, to see what i accomplished in my lifetime and how far i would have come. The one song that sums up my show career is... “Waka Waka,” by shakira. it has the same emotions in the song as i have before entering a class. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Carrie Underwood, because she has worked so hard to get where she is, and i would like to see what a day in her shoes was like. If I had one wish, it would be… that i was brian and Joanne Grossman’s spoiled daughter! My very first horse memory is… trail riding in the Arizona desert when i was five, and watching wild mustangs fighting. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… firing into the show ring like a rocket, bucking and spinning, while listening to the trainers on the rail yelling, “Hold on, don’t come off in the stands!”

Your age: 15 Parents’ names: Danny and Deborah burns If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… mick Jagger, because of his lips! The one song that sums up my show career is… “The best Day of my Life,” by George strait. That’s what shows are like for me. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… helping others. I collect… all my show ribbons i’ve won. My very first horse memory is… when i fell off at my third lesson. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… smile at the cameras.

Amanda Burns

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: DeDe bisch, Debbie Cooper and Gordon Potts

Maris Castang

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Tish Kondas and Carla schiltz— showtime Training Center Your age: 16 Parents’ names: Kim and Jean baptiste Castang If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the Viking era. If my horse were a celebrity, Aleutian would be… simon Cowell, because he is not easily impressed. VJ Ticketmaster would be Wilmer Valderrama, because he likes to show off and he is a ladies man. meind Games CF would be michael Cera,

2012 Youth Clips

Maris Castang because he is a bit awkward and shy, but really nice! The one song that sums up my show career is… “Don’t stop me now,” by Queen, because so far my show career has been so much fun, and i just want to keep going with it. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… an astronaut, to experience being in space. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… success in school. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when i was at my first show with Aleutian, he decided to make a complete stop during the canter to take a pee.

Allison Cederberg

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Lynn VanDyke and michelle blackwell betten—blackwell stables Your age: 16 Parents’ names: Dru Cederberg If my horse were a celebrity, msU Afire blazon would be… ryan reynolds in The Proposal, because blazon is a huge sweetheart who hardly ever does anything wrong. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Lose Yourself,” by eminem. When you’re in the show ring, anything can happen.

Allison Cederberg If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… inspiring other people. If I had one wish, it would be… to go to europe My very first horse memory is… riding my pony Charlie. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… at region 13 one year, me and “J.r.” (Thee Aristocrat) went reserve, and for the picture he picked up the roses and held them in his mouth.

Juliette Dell

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Kellye Hill, bob battaglia, and Jimmy stachowski Your age: 15 Parents’ names: michael and susan Dell If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… my horse blaze is already a celebrity. He is quite popular on Facebook®. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… getting selected for multiple leading roles in musicals at my school. If I had one wish, it would be… to work and train hard, so i can finish strong in my last few years as a youth rider. I collect… panda stuffed animals. My very first horse memory is… my

Juliette Dell first Youth nationals. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… on blaze’s birthday, he wore a party hat.

Jenna Dillin

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: randy Anderson—Western Cross/ eddie ralston—ralston Training Center Your age: 15 Parents’ names: Linden and Holly Dillin If my horse were a celebrity, rage of Fire would be… robert Downey Jr. as ironman, because he’s feisty and always gets the job done! If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for... being a daredevil.

Jenna Dillin Volume 43, no. 1 |



Olivia DiOrio If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Danica Patrick, because i’d like to drive racecars for a day! If I had one wish, my wish would be… to spend the rest of my life involved with horses! My very first horse memory is... my mom leading me around on my first horse suzie. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is... when WC Khoronado would play with a rubber dog toy and toss the toy back and forth with the horse in the stall next to him!

Olivia DiOrio

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Katherine rich—Green Acres ranch Your age: 14 Parents’ names: mike and Liane Diorio If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 1950s. The one song that sums up my show career is… “i Won’t Give Up,” by Jason mraz, because we have overcome struggles, and my passion for riding my horse is still strong. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… making people aware of the importance in protecting wildlife for future generations. If I had one wish, it would be… to 166


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Mary Catherine Ellis become national champion with my hunter horse Cape Crusader, aka “blackie.” My very first horse memory is… when i was four, i rode an old horse named “brandy” and a tractor spooked her and she took off. no one thought she had it in her to run that fast. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… whenever i wear a jacket, he will pull the zipper all the way up and won’t let go.

Mary Catherine Ellis

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Chris morrill—Chris morrill Training Center Your age: 15 Parents’ names: Cathie and brian ellis If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 60s, definitely! i love peace signs, the hairstyles and the flowers! Flower power for sure! The one song that sums up my show career is… “stronger,” by Kelly Clarkson. everything tough that i went through just made me a stronger rider. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… working with charities or for horseback riding, of course—anything that i had to

Sarah Elizabeth Ellis work hard to accomplish! If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Taylor swift. i love Taylor, she is an inspiration to many around the world, not just for her amazing singing talents, but for how involved she is with charities, and anti-bullying programs! Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… attending Camp olympia. They have an olympian of The Day in which they select one kid from all the people at the camp to get a necklace and i received it, which i thought was really cool! My very first horse memory is… the first time i rode on a horse named mr. blue. i was so nervous and excited at the same time. it was no problem—it was actually a blast.

Sarah Elizabeth Ellis

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Chris morrill Training Center Your age: 14 Parents’ names: brian and Cathie ellis If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 50s, because i love poodle skirts, and i think this was a fun period! The one song that sums up my show career is… “Don’t stop believin.”

2012 Youth Clips

Sarah Esqueda even through all the rough times, i never stopped trying and i overcame them. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… emma Watson, because i have always wanted to go to Hogwarts, and i love Harry Potter. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… being accepted into the national Junior Honor society. My very first horse memory is… my very first horse show. i went into the class on my Half-Arabian hunter horse, ice, and found it wasn’t for me, so i switched to english. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… use the restroom in the middle of her class and then was afraid of it the rest of the class.

Sarah Esqueda

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Cynthia burkman—burkman Centre/Highland Pride Arabians Your age: 15 Parents’ names: Tony and Keri esqueda If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the Victorian era—i love the clothes! If my horse were a celebrity, “The big Dance” would be… Prince William, because of his class and elegance.

Bailey Grigsby

Raven Gropp

The one song that sums up my show career is… “We Are The Champions”, since i always try and ride for the roses. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… my first year in high school—it was great! I collect… photographs—the more memories the better! My very first horse memory is… riding my pony “Kokomo,” and winning every class at my neighborhood show.

her style. If I had one wish it would be… to have my retired hunt horse, mWF Ultimate, back with my family and me. i miss him. I collect… fortunes from fortune cookies, because they help my outlook on life! My very first horse memory is… when i took my first lesson at Vicki’s barn as a five-year-old, and walked under the horse’s belly to get to the other side and mount up!

Bailey Grigsby

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Vicki Humphrey—Vicki Humphrey Training Center Your age: 17 Parents’ names: John and susan Grigsby If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… elvis Presley. He’s classy and cool, but also flashy and fun at the same time. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Change,” by Taylor swift. i chose that song because everything about my riding and horses has just gotten better every single year. Thanks, Vicki! If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Taylor swift. i love to sing and i love

Raven Gropp

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Vicki Humphrey Training Center Your age: 14 Parents’ names: Jeanne and billy Gropp If my horse were a celebrity, Apollo mcCartney would be… Larry the Cable Guy. if he had a voice, it would be that country, redneck, “funny kid in the class” kind of voice. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my trainer Vicki Humphrey. she gets to train and ride so many awesome horses every day. That would be so much fun! If I had one wish, it would be… a cure for cancer to be found. right now, my dog that is 11 years old has been diagnosed with Volume 43, no. 1 |



Matt Huke hemangiosarcoma. it is awful watching her go through this. I collect… horses. it seems if i get one, they stay with me forever. so far i have 10 horses. six are hunters and four are Arabians. i love them all the same, and it would be hard to part with any of them. My very first horse memory is… being on a pony on a hillside and my mom telling me not to let go of the reins. so i didn’t, and when the pony went to graze, he pulled me over his head and i went rolling down the hill. i was so mad at that pony’! The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… dumping me in the olympic Grand Prix ring in Conyers, Georgia. We were coming up to a fence and instead of going over, he stopped and threw me over. Then he ran to the middle of a mound and looked back down at me. The sad thing was, he is only 10.32hh!

Matt Huke

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Kellie Wendling and Dalton budd— select show Horses Your age: 16 Parents’ names: Craig and Jodi Huke If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Katy Perry. she expresses herself, and also has a great sense of humor. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Ups And Downs.” i’ve had 168


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Hauna Allese Krekemeyer

Hannah Kulik

my share of great rides, but i’ve also had some reALLY bad rides, as well. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… making a video for school and publishing it on YouTube. it currently has over 3,000,000 views. If I had one wish, it would be… to be a nationally recognized horseman. My very first horse memory is… getting a pony ride for the first time when i was nine. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… took my chicken sandwich out of my hand and ate it. Then she slobbered all over me.

father, their heavenly father. My very first horse memory is… my mom took me on a trail ride when i was nine and the horse i rode was named Comanche. i felt so amazingly bonded to this horse that i knew from that moment, this is what i wanted to do. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… we purchased our Half-Arabian Palomino, Paris, when she was 10 months old. she is such a clown. When you turn her out and try to chase her, she runs around one time and comes running back to you, swings her butt around into your face because she likes her bum scratched. she does this every time. When you try to chase her away she won’t leave you. she’s like a big puppy dog.

Hauna Allese Krekemeyer

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Kimberly Verhage— Lowe Horse show Centre Your age: 16 Parents’ names: Laurie and Dean Krekemeyer If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 1400s, but only for a day! If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… discovering a new element If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… no one, i am who God meant me to be, and i’m happy with that. If I had one wish, it would be… that all children would know their true

Hannah Kulik

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Lowe show Horse Centre Your age: 15 Parents’ names: Deborah and Glen Kulik If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… to go back to the early 1900s, because i love the cute little towns that were popular back then! If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… definitely the male version of shakira. He likes to wiggle around a lot!

2012 Youth Clips

Jenny Lau If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being the best singer in the world! If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Christina Aguilera. i love her voice! if i were to be her for a day i would never talk, i would sing everything! My very first horse memory is… going riding at Griffith Park when i was really little. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… i think everything my horse does is funny—he is such a character!

Jenny Lau

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Vicki Humphrey Training Center Your age: 17 Parents’ names: michael and Vickie Lau If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 50s. If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Adam Levin. He’s a total pretty boy, but a little weird and completely okay with that. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Without You.” i could never have done this without my amazing horses, trainers, parents and friends. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… doing something that helped people. I collect… hotel room keys.

Savannah Leyda My very first horse memory is…my very first lesson on this wonderful grey Arabian mare named belle.

Savannah Leyda

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: LeFever Training Centre Your age: 17 Parents’ names: Jody and George Leyda If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 1920s. i love this era because it was a time of consumerism and living life with no regrets. it was a time of bliss for most in our country. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… aiding the world in a positive way. it would feel great to know you helped people in need. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… somebody famous, like scarlet Johansen, just to see what she experiences in her day to day life. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… my grades. i am proud of myself for working hard and staying committed to school; it has really paid off. If I had one wish, it would be… that everyone could experience the privilege of owning a horse of their own. My very first horse memory is… my

Christian Martens very first show with my new horse Hanna. it was outside and pouring rain. Hanna was afraid of puddles and it was so windy, i lost my hat. most people would have been frustrated, but that was one of the best times of my life.

Christian Martens

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Lowe show Horse Centre/Verhage Farms Your age: 16 Parents’ names: eric and Laurie martens If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 1800s. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… developing a new pharmaceutical product that helps people. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… my schoolwork and grades. If I had one wish, it would be… to travel the world. I collect… clothes. My very first horse memory is… sitting on a pony at preschool.

Volume 43, no. 1 |



Emily Moore

Emily Moore

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Cedar ridge Arabians/Vicki Humphrey Training Center Your age: 16 Parents’ names: Liz and Tom moore If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Dumbledore. They both have fluffy white manes. Although Ziggy has some lowlights to make him look younger. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… bringing peace amongst Wizards, mudbloods, and muggles alike. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Victor Krum. He is a great quid ditch player and is well respected amongst the wizarding world. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… beating that bludger away from Harry during one of our quid ditch games against slytherin. seconds later, Harry caught the snitch, and the crowd went wild! If I had one wish, it would be… to get the nimbus 2001 flying broomstick! my nimbus 2000 just isn’t making the cut these days. I collect… Chocolate Frog Cards. so far i’ve collected Dumbledore, ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Gringott. Pretty psyched about it! 170


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Laura Morton

Laura Morton

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: John Golladay and Leah beth boyd— Cedar ridge Arabians Your age: 17 Parents’ names: Joe and Janice morton If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 20s! i like the classy fashion, especially the homburgs for the men and flapper dresses for the women. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a wellknown author. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… getting the highest GPA i have ever gotten my junior year of high school. If I had one wish, it would be… to take away a severe scoliosis issue that is causing a great friend of my mom and i, the inability to ride ever again, and eventually have to be wheelchair bound. My very first horse memory is… riding ponies at horse camps, wishing someday that i could own my very own horse. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… he opened up his stall door at night when nobody was around and also let another two-year-old stallion out. They were both found eating hay together where the big stacks were the next morning!

Mayree Nolan

Mayree Nolan

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: bill Flood and brandon Flood—

Flood show Horses

Your age: 16

Parents’ names: sarah and Tom


If I could visit any era in time for

one day, I would choose… the 60s, because the music and clothes were

great—where fashion and music

were free.

The one song that sums up my show career is… i don’t yet have a song

that sums up my show career, because

it’s not over! but there are many bands

and songs that push me through each

show. i love listening to shwayze and

The beatles.

Beside my horse successes, the

accomplishment I am most proud

of is… my volunteer commitment to

erika’s Lighthouse and serving on their teen board.

If I had one wish, it would be… to

ride my horses solex and Timmy one

last time.

I collect… spoons, is that weird?

My very first horse memory is…

riding in massachusetts in the dead of

winter, and the barn had no heat.

2012 Youth Clips

Hews Oldham

Hews Oldham

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Vicki Humphrey and Jessica Clinton Your age: 16 Parents’ names: matt and Kathy oldham If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Conan o’brien. He is fun to be around and he is a ginger. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Asphalt Cowboy,” by Jason Aldean. i drive with the trailers to every show, and it is always worth it in the end! If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being the best Arabian horse trainer in the world. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Jessica Clinton. she won the rising star award and has my dream job. she is an AmAZinG horse trainer! If I had one wish, it would be… to become the 2012 Half-Arabian Country english Pleasure JoTr and JTr 14-17 Youth national Champion. My very first horse memory is… getting surprised with my first horse spirit.

Lian Oteiza

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Christy Higman Clements Your age: 17

Lian Oteiza

Madelyne Patrick

Parents’ name: maile Aguila If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… since i previously stated that i would want to be Angelina Jolie, then he would have to be brad Pitt, as he is extremely handsome and is very charismatic. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… finding the cure for cancer. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Angelina Jolie, because i would get to be married to brad Pitt. Besides my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is... winning an award at my school for most athletic. My very first horse memory is… on one Christmas morning, i woke up and walked outside to find my very own pony. The best part was that i rode him bareback in my nightgown, and Christy told me i could only walk once around in the big ring. Well, i was mischievous and went twice! The funniest thing my horse has ever done is... Ghazi gets very jealous when he sees me with my other horse Justin. so they have competitions on who gets my attention the most.

Your age: 16 Parents’ names: suzanne and mark Patrick If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… my parents era when they were young kids, to experience the way they lived their everyday life. If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Frank sinatra, since his name is Frank sinatra. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… coming up with the next cure for cancer. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my horse, to find out what he thinks about during the day, how he feels about me, and how he feels about his job as a show horse. My very first horse memory is… when i was 10 years old and my parents surprised me with my first Arabian horse. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… during a lesson one day, my trainer Chase Harvill had finished warming my horse up for me and had hopped off for me to get on. As he is an english horse and full of energy, he somehow forgot that Chase had been working him. When Chase hopped off, my horse spooked and turned around and looked at Chase as if to say, “Wow, where did you come from?”

Madelyne Patrick

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Chase Harvill Training Center

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Caitlin Pigott Kendyl Peters

Kendyl Peters

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Lowe show Horse Centre Your age: 14 Parents’ names: Jon and mindy Peters If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 80s (but would definitely want to stay for more than a day)! If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… michael Phelps. He has proven to all of us that he is quite the swimmer! The one song that sums up my show career is… “Good Times,” by Alan Jackson. To me, showing is not all about winning. i want to have fun while i’m doing the thing i love the most in life. Why do something if you’re not going to have a “Good Time” while doing it! If I had one wish, it would be… to be able to be a bird so i could fly. i would love to be able to see the world from up above. I collect… Fancy Folders, a style of uniquely decorated pocketknives. my favorite one i own has a turquoise engraved indian head on the handle. My very first horse memory is… when i was five. That is when i competed in my first horse show, hunter/jumper, on my pony Tinkerbell whom i still own today. 172


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Cassidy Raymond

Caitlin Pigott

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Highland Pride Arabians, inc. Your age: 17 Parents’ names: Jim and Alison Pigott If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 40s, because i want to see what life was like before all the technology we have today, and America experienced great prosperity in that time. Life seemed simpler back then. If my horse were a celebrity, TA Prelude would be… Luke bryan. Luke is his nickname and c’mon... who doesn’t love Luke bryan? The one song that sums up my show career is… “Don’t stop believing,” by Journey. no matter what mood i’m in, that song can get me pumped up. i always listen to music before the show and usually my barn mates and i pick one song before each year that is a must to either play in the dressing room or sing in the warm up before every class. My very first horse memory is… when i was about three at a local horse show in my lead line class; i earned first place, but was very unsatisfied because my favorite color (pink) ribbon was unavailable and all i can remember was being so mad at my brother because he knew my favorite

color was pink, and he still gave me the blue one! The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when we first got my horse malibu sunset, he was very green, but we bonded immediately. i remember when i would visit him in his stall; he would always take the tag off the t-shirts i wore to the barn.

Cassidy Raymond

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Joel and Ashton Kiesner—Kiesner Training Your age: 16 Parents’ names: David and Kim raymond If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 80s. i think it would be awesome to see all of the cool bands and amazing clothes. If my horse were a celebrity, Heart Throb would be… Jonah Hill. They are both very quirky and funny. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Amanda Hendrick. she is my favorite model and i think it would be amazing to see what a day of hers is like. I collect… guitar pics from some of my favorite bands, concert t-shirts and concert tickets. My very first horse memory is… the week or two before Youth nationals

2012 Youth Clips

Anna Redmond

Elise Roeder

Makenna Rooker

when all of the Kiesner youth goes to the barn and we hang out and get ready for nationals. it’s really good bonding time and we get to see each other more than usual since we all live in different states. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when Heart Throb goes on the walker at the barn he will watch me the whole time. He’ll walk all the way around, but will keep his eye on me. When he gets to where i am standing, he’ll try and stop, but then the walker will just hit him in the butt and make him keep walking, but he will still be watching me.

people in need in every way i can. If I had one wish, it would be… to end all suffering in the world—people and animals. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… i was riding Canzy around the farm bareback, and something spooked her. she took off running and i fell off her. A minute later, she came trotting back, trying to find me. it was a really sweet moment.

into Chrishan Park when i was seven and riding the cutest horse named buttercup. i was hooked for life.

Anna Redmond

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Wolf springs ranch Your age: 14 Parents’ names: Tom and Carmen redmond If my horse were a celebrity, Canzy would be… definitely, the Queen of england. she believes that she is queen of the world and everything always has to be her way. The one song that sums up my show career is… “A moment Like This.” it sums up my show career, because i’ve had so many unforgettable moments in the show ring with my horses. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… helping

Elise Roeder

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: shan Wilson—Chrishan Park Your age: 17 Parents’ names: Kristin and ed The song that sums up my show career is… “Dynamite,” by Taio Cruz. i listen to it every time before i show. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being a singer/songwriter. i love to play the piano and i love to sing. If I were to swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… siri. For one day i would know everything. Besides my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… my three gold cups in piano. I collect… my mom and dad think i collect walk trot horses. i love them so much i cannot let them go. My first horse memory is… walking

Makenna Rooker

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: marggie rushlow—rushlow Arabians/shawn and Carmelle rooker—rooker Training stables Your age: 14 Parents’ names: shawn and Carmelle rooker If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… a Kardashian, because she is such a diva. Her name is so fitting to her personality. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for... winning the Hunger Games. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is... getting straight A’s in school. If I had one wish, it would be... to be fluent in a second language. My very first horse memory is... showing my horse Destiny in lead line and being so upset after receiving a blue ribbon, i just wanted a pink one! eventually, the show managers started to leave a pink ribbon in center ring for me at each show. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is... create himself a Facebook® page; he has more friends than some people have! Volume 43, no. 1 |



Sarah Schweitzer

Sarah Schweitzer

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Vicki Humphrey—Vicki Humphrey Training Center Your age: 16 Parents’ names: Laurie Tomlinson If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… to go to egypt and watch the pyramids being built, i think that would be a cool experience. If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Daniel Craig playing James bond, because he likes a challenge and is always game for anything. The one song that sums up my show career is… “The show Goes on,” by Lupe Fiasco, because even though there’s been tough times in this sport, my dreams still live on and i won’t give up on them! If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Cathy Vecsey. i would love to ride mandalay bay, and i would love to be working with her horses. she’s an amazing person, and i would be honored to be her. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… getting into mercy High school. i worked very hard and through that hard work i am able to attend. If I had one wish, it would be… to ride mandalay bay one more time. 174


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Emily Schwing

Emily Schwing

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Chase Harvill Your age: 14 Parents’ names: robert and Jennifer schwing If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… to live in an era when they rode horses to school! If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Adam sandler, because he can be a goofball! If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… Chase Harvill so i could ride all the cool horses! If I had one wish, it would be… to have a horse to ride in every class! My very first horse memory is… riding a pony when i was four, named missy. she took off with me, and when my mom caught her, she thought i would be scared and never ride again, but i got mad at the pony instead. i got off and yelled, “bad Pony, no Carrots!” i would only ride the big horses after that. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… last year at Youth nationals. His stall was in the same area as the chairs and he would make everyone play “fetch the chair” with him. He would pick up the chair with his teeth and throw it as far as he could. if you didn’t bring it back to him, he would

Megan Sitzman bang on his stall door and throw his head until someone would bring it to him to throw again!

Megan Sitzman

Trainer’s Name/ Farm Affiliation: ross Tarkington—ross Tarkington stable/eddie ralston—ralston Training Center Your age: 16 Parents’ names: Joe and Therese sitzman If my horse were a celebrity, Amerikan eagle would be… Clint eastwood. “eagle” always gets his cow like Clint eastwood always gets his man! If I was to become famous, I would want to be famous for... stunt driving. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is... receiving an outstanding soloist award at the Texas state solo and ensemble contest. out of 24,000 students, 256 received this award. If I had one wish, it would be... to breed an amazing english horse and name him/her spontaneous Combustion! My very first horse memory is... when i was grooming my lesson horse and she almost sat on me! The funniest thing my horse has ever done is... the first time i rode my Half-Arabian english horse, she

2012 Youth Clips

Kaley Smith would randomly stop and attempt to rub me off on the rail!

Kaley Smith

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Kevin Price—Price Performance Horses Your age: 17 Parents’ names: Donna and Kyle If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 1960s, because the music was better. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Talk To me,” by stevie nicks. it was played when my horse Just A Talkin AKF and i won our first national championship. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… being the first person to go to mars. If I had one wish, it would be…for more wishes, of course! or to meet Jack White. I collect… the fortunes from all of the fortune cookies i’ve ever eaten. My very first horse memory is… from when i was five when i won a trophy at a show on a little pony named Toby.

Amelia Stroud

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Wendy Potts and stephanie sage— The brass ring, inc. Your age: 14

Amelia Stroud

Kana Sumiyoshi

Parents’ names: robert and Karen stroud If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 50s. If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… elvis Presley. He is dark, handsome and talented. my other horse would be Chris Colfer as Kurt Hummel on “Glee,” because he is good looking and not very manly. The one song that sums up my show career is… “stronger,” by Kelly Clarkson. When i felt like i was dying, i was actually learning to become a better rider. I collect… pictures. My very first horse memory is… when i won at region 9 with my first horse, That Cowboy Look. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… take the riding crop out of my trainer’s back pocket of her pants and tossing it on the ground.

If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… singing. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… cheering for my school. If I had one wish, it would be… to have healing powers so that i can help anyone and anything feel better. My very first horse memory is… having my first bonding moment with a horse named Tiger. He taught me to walk-trot and canter. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when she escaped her stall somehow, but we found her in the feed room eating all the grain.

Kana Sumiyoshi

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Todd Hickerson Your age: 17 Parents’ names: Teresa sumiyoshi The one song that sums up my show career is… “stronger,” by Kelly Clarkson. my life has been about toughing it out and trying your hardest to achieve what you think can happen. Volume 43, no. 1 |



Mia Tobeck

Mia Tobeck

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: mike Whelihan—Whelihan Arabian Farms, LLC Your age: 14 Parents’ names: mike and beth Whelihan, rob and sonya Tobeck If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 40s. i like the music and the era. If my horse were a celebrity, bombey would be… Gene simmons. He’s the horse version of him. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… my awesome horse training ability. If I had one wish, it would be… for more wishes. My very first horse memory is… sitting on the yearlings while my mom cleaned the stall. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… madesro almost bucked my stepdad, mike, off in the driveway, at 20 years old.

Abby Weiby

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: John Golladay and Leah beth boyd— Cedar ridge Arabians Your age: 15 Parents’ names: steve and Carolyn Weiby If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the future, 176


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Abby Weiby

Olivia Welch

because i’m just really curious. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… something awesome! If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my horse, because i really want to see how he sees the world! If I had one wish, it would be… to end world poverty. I collect… nutcrackers. My very first horse memory is… seeing two people riding through my neighborhood.

from his point of view. If I had one wish, it would be… to show at Youth nationals forever and win red roses every year. My very first horse memory is… riding my uncle’s horse, Hopey, at his barn in Texas when i was about three. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when he got loose, jumped the back fence, and ran a few miles. it took 15 people to catch him!

Olivia Welch

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Katherine rich—Green Acres ranch, inc. Your age: 14 Parents’ names: Jim and shannon Welsh If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 80s. i love all the bright neon colors and insane hairstyles. The one song that best sums up my show career is… “Titanium,” by David Guetta. it is basically saying no matter what happens or what people do or say, you always have to keep going. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my horse so i could see everything

Bailey Wikel

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: susan shea—Pegasus Arabians Your age: 16 Parents’ names: Jerry and Lesa Wikel If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Leonardo Dicaprio. He has hot, pretty boy, written all over him and Leonardo is HoT. The one song that sums up my show career is… “All i Do is Win.” it’s this because winning to me isn’t necessarily getting the blue ribbon, but being able to go and have a great class even if i can’t come out with a ribbon If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… having found a cure for a disease, or to have made a difference in the world somehow. I collect… Painted Ponies. i’ve collected them for a while because

2012 Youth Clips

Bailey Wikel they’re horses, of course, and i’ve always loved the different paintings they have on them and the meanings some of them symbolize. My very first horse memory is… riding the ponies at the state or county fairs. it was my top favorite thing to do at the fairs and i loved it. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when i turn her out and my sister is in the paddock, she will chase after her just like a dog every time.

Tory Wikel

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: susan shea—Pegasus Arabians Your age: 14 Parents’ names: Jerry and Lesa Wikel The one song that sums up my show career is… “stronger.” With my every ride, good or bad, my horse and i get stronger and learn from our mistakes and successes. If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… finding a cure for a disease, and help to save many lives. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… the president. i would want to see

Tory Wikel

Claire Wimberly

how much work it is and what he does on a daily basis. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… maintaining my good grades while traveling during school and getting honor roll every quarter this year. If I had one wish, it would be… to end world hunger for all walks of people, because everyone deserves to have food and water daily and be happy and full. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when i was washing her, and i gave her a drink from the hose, she drank it and then spit it all over me.

accomplishment I am most proud of is… the community service project that i started with my sister. We collect travel size toiletry items, group and bag them, and donate them to a homeless shelter in downtown Houston. it’s so rewarding and i’m glad that i get to do it! My very first horse memory is… walking down the street at five or six years old to a small pasture where a retired Arabian lived. i always loved giving him carrots, i’m pretty sure that’s where my love for horses began! The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… well, it wasn’t funny at the time, but it is now. it was my second year in 13 & under, and i was in a showmanship class at a youthonly show. my horse, sugarr Plum, was a little antsy because it was cold outside, and on the trot away she ran into me and i face planted in front of everyone! she trotted to the center of the arena, then stopped and looked around like, “Where’s Claire?” it was so embarrassing, but when i think about it now, it’s pretty funny.

Claire Wimberly

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: randy Anderson—Western Cross Arabians Your age: 17 Parents’ names: David and Kelli Wimberly If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Paula Deen. she is southern and she loves to eat! Beside my horse successes, the

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Hannah Wimberly

Hannah Wimberly

Trainer Name/Farm Affiliation: randy Anderson—Western Cross Arabians Your age: 17 Parents Names: David and Kelli Wimberly If my horse were a celebrity, it would be… Tyra banks. she acts like a supermodel and she can “smize.” If I were to become famous, I would want to be famous for… finding a cure for equine laminitis, the illness that took my sweet mare Hr Julene two years ago. If I could swap places with anyone in the world for a day, I would choose… my horse morgen, so i could understand her innermost thoughts and feelings! Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud



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Sarah Beth Womble of is… being selected to be a “Peer buddy” with an autistic boy at my school. it has been the most rewarding experience, and i’m excited to do it again this year! If I had one wish, it would be… to continue showing even after i graduate high school, and hopefully be involved with horses for the rest of my life. The funniest thing my horse has ever done is… when my horse morgen is not getting the attention she wants, she makes a noise with her lips that sounds like a fart. she chooses some really awkward moments to do it at, too!

Sarah Beth Womble

Trainer’s Name/Farm Affiliation: Joel and Ashton Kiesner—Kiesner Training/Tara Carpio and Les sichini—belvedere Farm

Your age: 16 Parents’ names: mickey and Dee Dee Womble If I could visit any era in time for one day, I would choose… the 1970s. The one song that sums up my show career is… “Thriller,” by michael Jackson. my show career has honestly been, a thriller. During the five years i have been showing, i have never failed to be amazed and the road to get to where i am today has been a thrill. Beside my horse successes, the accomplishment I am most proud of is… having played on many winning sports teams throughout middle school and my freshman and sophomore years of high school. i have pitched multiple shutout games in softball. my teams’ accomplishments include a region championship in basketball with an undefeated season, and my soccer team was undefeated all three years of middle school. If I had one wish, it would be… to wish for another wish. I collect… snow globes and stuffed animals. My very first horse memory is… my dad leading me around on a horse at my birthday party when i was really little. When he would have to give my cousins a turn, and took me off, i would start screaming and crying, and i wouldn’t stop until i was back on the horse. ■

2012 Youth Clips


Volume 43, no. 1 |




Celebrate Your Youth National Wins october 2012, issue 10 of 2012, Volume 43, no. 5

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| A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

2012 Youth Clips

Yo u t h A d v e r t i s e r s


4D Performance Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 6D ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182, ibC A AKs Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 B beethe Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 bein Performance Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118, 119 belvedere Farm LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43 bisch Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131-134 burkman Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 13, 33-36 C Cedar ridge Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-31 Chaos Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138, 139 Chase Harvill Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136, 137 Chris morrill Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103-108 Chrishan Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Christy Higman-Clements Training . . . . . . . . . . . .69-73 Colonial Wood Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Crescent Creek Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Crystal mcnutt Performance Horses . . . . . . . . .120, 121 Culbreth equine Training & management LLC . . . . 87 Cylent Arabians LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 D Dazzo Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 134 DC Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Donna Waggoner Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116, 117 F Feldman, Hannah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 G Gem stable/Gem Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Gibaut, Danielle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Green Acres ranch, inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39, 59-63 H Hesten Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81-83 Hickerson Arabian show Horses . . . . . . . . . . . .126, 127 Highland Pride Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 13 I iib Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 J Jeu, sarah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 K Kiesner Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40, 41

L Larson, nikki. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 LeFever Training Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 45 Liberty meadows Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Lindsey James-showgirl Apparel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Long meadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120, 121 Lowe show Horse Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iFC, 1-8 M marriott-Albuquerque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 midwest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10, 11 mike neal Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138, 139 mistikal marketing Centre, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 P Pegasus Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Performance Plus Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Prestige Farms LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Price Performance Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-140 R ralston Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 rancho sonado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 raymond Arabians LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 rogan, eleanor & Liz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 rooker Training stable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64, 65 ross Tarkington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 rushlow’s Arabians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114, 115 S select show Horses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-68 showtime Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110-113 stachowski Farm, inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88, 89 stevens, Holland monroe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32-36 strawberry banks Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 15 T The brass ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128, 129 V Verhage Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Vicki Humphrey Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91-97 W Western Cross Arabians & Pintos . . . . . . . . . . .122-124 Whelihan Arabian Farms LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98-100 Wolf springs ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53-57

Volume 43, no. 1 |



BRass GlaMoR shoT

(Brass x Glamorize)

Half-Arabian Country Pleasure JOTR 14-17


Juliette Dell

Half-Arabian Country Pleasure JTR 14-17

U.S. National Champion

U.S. National Reserve Champion

Raven afiRe

(Afire Bey V x HL Raisa) Arabian Country Pleasure JOTR 14-17

Youth National Contenders

Arabian Country Pleasure JTR 14-17

U.S. National Champion

JC veRiTas

(Versace x AH Shahrazade)

Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 14-17

U.S. National Champion

TC MaTadoR Trained by baTTaglia Farms (Zodiac Matador x Love Me Love Me Not)

UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup 14-17 Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Equitation 14-17

r e k c a r c Nut Sweet U.S. NatioNal ReSeRve ChampioN


(Undulata’s Nutcracker x Ames Déjà vu)

Half-Arabian English Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Half-Arabian English Pleasure JTR 14-17 TRAinEd by STAcHOwSki FARm inc.


The Redmond Family Santa Ynez, California www.wolfsprings.com

Managing Trainer: Marisa Basinger • Office (805) 686-5555

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