2013 Ohio Buckeye Coverage

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Buckeye Show

The 2013 Ohio Buckeye Show Celebrating 50 Years by KARA LARSON The Buckeye Sweepstakes Horse Show, held from May 2428, or Memorial Day Weekend, at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio, has a reputation as a high caliber Class-A horse show where a championship can mean a great deal. As the show director for over a decade, Cindy Clinton shares her thoughts on another successful Buckeye. “The Buckeye slogan is “where National Champions are made!” This is where the best of the best come to test the water in the performance divisions. You can usually make your decision here on whether or not your horse is a national contender.” The Buckeye may offer some of the highest levels of competition of any Class-A show today, yet, there is much more to the show. The famous Progressive Party gives the exhibitors and spectators a unique opportunity to socialize and enjoy food and drinks provided by various farms at the show. Getting out of their own barn and out into the hospitality of fellow horsemen, the Arabian horse community gets to interact on a different level than the one they experience inside the show ring. Clinton sees that events like this really set the Buckeye apart from

other shows. “My favorite part is seeing everyone having a good time and knowing that the majority of the people appreciate the work. It’s taken a long time to realize you cannot make everyone happy, and even though we were down approximately 60 horses this year, we focused on the positive. This year the schedule was wonderful—that is one benefit of the numbers being down, because everyone had more time to socialize. The footing was also exceptional this year; it took us a little while to get it right, but when we did, it was worth it. The competition was tough as usual. The Buckeye does not get a lot of junior riders normally because of school not being out, however, this year those classes were incredible. I watched a JTR country class that was possibly one of the best classes of the show, if not the best.” For Clinton, this year’s show also served as an indication of the promising future of the Arabian show industry. “Some of us wonder where we will be in another ten years. Where are the trainers and the breeders going to come from? This year’s show proved that the young trainers are here and ready to step up and take the reins. As soon as those front Memorial Balloon Release in honor of Marla Ruscitto.

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AEPA PrEsidEnt PEtEr ConwAy How long have you been president of the AEPA? I have been involved with the AEPA since its inception. Joel Kiesner shared his vision of the concept at Scottsdale in 2006 and I was all in. I am not exactly sure when I became President, but the truth is that the organization has an outstanding Board that works as a team to make all the decisions.

Judges John Lambert, Todd Hickerson and Myron Krause with Raven Gropp, winner of Cloud Nine Youth High Point Award.

Progressive Dinner

row stalls became available, those young trainers were on the phone, eager to move up and fill the spots of those not there. They decorated, participated in parties, and made it known they are here and have the talent to carry on into the future. This year was the 50th anniversary of the Buckeye and it confirmed that we have the talented and dedicated individuals to carry on into the next 50.” As Cindy Clinton and all involved in the show move forward, they hope to uphold the Buckeye as a show willing to grow and evolve with the times, all the while keeping those loyal to the show looking forward to next year. “I hope the Buckeye is an example that our shows can be fun, exciting, and open to trying new things because if we don’t, we are going to disappear. We have too many things to compete with nowadays.” In trying new things, the Buckeye is not afraid to be the first in line. “Lisa Blackstone’s Horse Show App is an example of trying new things. The exhibitors and people at home love it. We were also one of the first to try Arabian Horse Global’s live feed. It’s a

What is special about the AEPA? The AEPA is all about making it more fun and profitable to be involved with Arabian English Performance horses. Everything from developing an objective scoring system to funding large prize money classes is focused on that objective. We wrote a manifesto that defines what an English Performance horse should be, what is desirable and what is not, so that breeders and judges can all be on the same page and work toward a common goal of ever better judging and ever better breeding. The large prize money classes reward excellence in breeding and training. They also draw people’s attention and create excitement about owning and showing these incredible horses. What was the class at the Buckeye? The AEPA Buckeye Yearling In-Hand English Futurity is unique in our breed. The class judges yearlings on their potential to become English Performance horses using specific scored attributes. It is a chance for breeders to showcase their program and to see what other breeders are producing. I personally find it a fantastic opportunity to see what particular bloodlines are working well, etc. One would have to travel all over the country for a chance to see that many yearlings that were bred using English Performance lines. It is also educational to see those same horses perform a few years later under saddle. Why is the Buckeye a good show for this class? It is well attended and at a good time of the year. We can bring the yearling in and teach them to trot in-hand, show them at the end of May, and then turn them back out to pasture to grow up. All in all, it is a great experience for them. And this year, it was a great class of yearlings. I would have gladly taken any one of them home with me! What do you hope the AEPA does for the Arabian English horse? I hope it gets more people to participate in the English Performance division—really, that is the whole point. We want it to be fair, fun, and rewarding.

different world than it was twenty years ago. A lot of people just cannot make it to the show anymore; they are too busy. It’s amazing how many emails I receive from parents and grandparents thanking us for having the live feed. Change is hard, but we have to step up and try new things.”

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2013 Buckeye Sweepstakes Show May 23-26, 2013 • Columbus, Ohio Results provided by OHIO BUCKEYE SHOW COMMITTEE.

ArAbiAn EnglisH PErformAnCE AssoCiAtion

AEPA Arabian English Futurity Yearlings – Champion: NOBLE BACHARAH, Ex: Allen Zeller, O: Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc.; Reserve: WAVE CA, Ex: John Diedrich, O: Conway Arabians, Inc.

Arabian Supreme Halter Champion, Arabian Supreme AAOTH Champion and Arabian Mare AAOTH Champion H TREJORA H (Aria Impresario x Trejor I A), with owner Frank Hennessey of Hennessey Arabian LLC.

ArAbiAn HAltEr

Arabian Supreme Halter Championship – Champion: H TREJORA H, Ex: Michael Wilson, O: Hennessey Arabian LLC. Arabian Breeding Supreme Championship AAOTH – Champion: H TREJORA H, Ex: Frank Hennessey, O: Hennessey Arabian LLC.

AEPA Arabian English Futurity Yearling Champion NOBLE BACHARAH (IXL Noble Express x Bonita Afire), shown by Allen Zeller for owner Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc.

Mares Arabian Mares 3 Years Old & Over – Champion: H TREJORA H, Ex: Michael Wilson, O: Hennessey Arabian LLC; Reserve: GAZMAALA, Doug Burger, O: Janice and Ted Hlavaty. Arabian Fillies 2 Years Old & Under – Champion: F PINNACLE F, Ex: Michael Wilson, O: Frank & Frank Partners LLC. Arabian Mares AAOTH – Champion: H TREJORA H, Ex: Frank Hennessey, O: Hennessey Arabian LLC; Reserve: PA PASHA, Ex: Elaine Finney, O: Elaine Finney. Geldings Arabian Geldings – Champion: H DIYAS H, Ex: Michael Wilson, O: Elite Arabian Horses Int.; Reserve: RRA MARQUESAS, Ex: Dan Whitt, O: Jean Warner. Arabian Geldings AAOTH – Champion: BEIJINGS FIRE, Ex: Lori Whitt, O: Dan Whitt and Lori Whitt; Reserve: H DIYAS H, Ex: Frank Hennessey, O: Elite Arabian Horses Int.

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AEPA Arabian English Futurity Yearling Reserve Champion WAVE CA (SF Specs Shocwave x Amberr Fyre), shown by John Diedrich for owner Conway Arabians, Inc.

Arabian English Pleasure Champion SF AFTERSHOC (SF Specs Shocwave x SF Sweet Elegance), ridden by Vicki Humphrey for owner Lee Ann Flynn.

Arabian Country English Pleasure Champion FIRE AND BRASS (Afire Bey V x Brassmis), ridden by Joel Kiesner for owner Candace Avery.

ArAbiAn PErformAnCE

English Pleasure Arabian English Pleasure Championship – Champion: SF AFTERSHOC, Ex: Vicki Humphrey, O: Lee Ann Flynn; Reserve: PARSIFAL BEY, Ex: David Gamble, O: Amy Gamble. Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: NOBLE HALO, Ex: Jim Stachowski, O: Hart Farms LLC; Reserve: REJOICE REJOICE, Ex: Brian Murch, O: Strawberry Banks Farm. Arabian English Pleasure AAOTR Championship – Champion: CP SHENANIGAN, Ex: Katherine Kirby, O: Katherine Kirby; Reserve: EXPRESSLY BELLA, Ex: Karen Mahan, O: Karen Mahan. Arabian English Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: ALL EYES ONME, Ex: Zachary White, O: Meagan Mains; Reserve: NOBLE HERO, Ex: Matt Huke, O: Matt Huke. Arabian Country English Pleasure Championship – Champion: FIRE AND BRASS, Ex: Joel Kiesner, O: Candace Avery; Reserve: BELLISIMO PR, Ex: Dalton Budd, O: Matt Huke. Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: MD TSUNAMI, Ex: Ryan Strand, O: Alexus Mattingly; Reserve: CECILLIA, Ex: Shawn Rooker, O: Kimberley Kay Munro. Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 55 & Over Championship – Champion: ROXBURY, Ex: Elizabeth Hoffman, O: Elizabeth Hoffman; Reserve: CL BERRY SUPREME, Ex: Paul Heiman, O: Valley Hei Farm. Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 36-54 Championship – Champion: MISTER BIGG, Ex: Lori Foster, O: Lori Foster; Reserve: FIRST HEIR EWA, Ex: Sarah Jane Sneath, O: Gordon and Georgeen Sneath.

Arabian Park Horse Champion EXXPECTATIONS (A Temptation x EA Candy Girl), ridden by Brian Murch for owner Strawberry Banks Farm. Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 Championship – Champion: SPIRIT AFIRE, Ex: Alexa Cohn, O: I Ask LLC; Reserve: RUMORR HAS IT, Ex: Jessica Hart, O: Hart Farms LLC. Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: HES THE BERRIES, Ex: Olivia Kern, O: David and Olivia Kern; Reserve: BELLISIMO PR, Ex: Matt Huke, O: Matt Huke. Park Arabian Park Horse Championship – Champion: EXXPECTATIONS, Ex: Brian Murch, O: Strawberry Banks Farm. Arabian Park Horse ATR Championship – Champion: MANDALAY BAY, Ex: Cathy Vecsey, O: Hawk Haven Farms LLC; Reserve: RONDE VU, Ex: Gregg Shafer, O: Nancy and Gregg Shafer.

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Arabian Western Pleasure Champion ZEFYR (Sundance Kid V x Pattrice), ridden by Jody Strand for owners Laura Koch and Bert Sanders.

Arabian Hunter Pleasure Champion MONTELEONE LOA (Millennium LOA x Fantasy Fest), ridden by Lisa Monaghan Powell for owner Monteleone Partnershi

Informal Combination Arabian Informal Combination – Champion: EXPRESSLY BELLA, Ex: Shan Wilson, O: Karen Mahan; Reserve: AFIRES ROYALTY, Ex: Larry Hoffman, O: Richard Pope.

Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR Championship – Champion: KJR LEXINGTON, Ex: Hannah Beall, O: Richard, Hannah and Laura Beall; Reserve: RDA MIDNIGHT BLUE, Ex: Dianne Wren, O: Dianne Wren.

Side Saddle Arabian Ladies Side Saddle – Champion: KJR LEXINGTON, Ex: Hannah Beall, O: Richard, Hannah and Laura Beall; Reserve: MM SABE, Ex: Kelly Morgan, O: Cynthia and Morgan Kelly.

Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: CANDELIGHT JAZZ, Ex: Emily Kuras, O: Emily Kuras; Reserve: LOVES TROUBLE, Ex: Kinkela Harkins, O: Windabrae Farm.

Driving Arabian Pleasure Driving Championship – Champion: AFIRES ROYALTY, Ex: Larry Hoffman, O: Richard Pope; Reserve: PRINCESS OF BASKE, Ex: Barbara Chur, O: Strawberry Banks Farm. Arabian Pleasure Driving ATD – Champion: CSP VIVA LA VIDA, Ex: Elise Roeder, O: Elaina, Elise, Edwin and Kristin Roeder; Reserve: PRINCESS OF BASKE, Ex: Barbara Chur, O: Strawberry Banks Farm. Arabian Country Pleasure Driving Championship – Champion: MM SABE, Ex: Larry Hoffman, O: Cynthia and Morgan Kelly; Reserve: TEMPTING TANGO, Ex: Brian Murch, O: Janet Wojcik. Arabian Country Pleasure Driving ATD – Champion: MM SABE, Ex: Kelly Morgan, O: Cynthia and Morgan Kelly; Reserve: HES THE BERRIES, Ex: Olivia Kern, O: David and Olivia Kern.

Hunter Pleasure Arabian Hunter Pleasure Championship – Champion: MONTELEONE LOA, Ex: Lisa Monaghan Powell, O: Monteleone Partnership; Reserve: PHERRARI HEAT, Ex: Linda Fuller, O: Laura and Susan Ness. Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: AVATAR BLUES EXPRESS, Ex: Sharon Blendinger, O: James and Janet Senneker; Reserve: BCR MIDNITECOWBOY, Ex: Abram Cotton, O: David Carr. Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over Championship – Champion: KRYSLER, Ex: Cheryl Sepulveda, O: Cheryl Sepulveda; Reserve: LORD OF THE DANZ, Ex: Julie Ferrara Ott, O: Julie Ferrara Ott. Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 Championship – Champion: NOBLES ANGEL, Ex: Katherine Kirby, O: Katherine Kirby; Reserve: ALLIONCES KNIGHT, Ex: Alex Plemmons, O: James, Alex and Andrea Plemmons.

Western Pleasure Arabian Western Pleasure Championship – Champion: ZEFYR, Ex: Jody Strand, O: Laura Koch and Bert Sanders; Reserve: KJR LEXINGTON, Ex: Larry Hoffman, O: Richard, Hannah and Laura Beall.

Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Championship – Champion: JB CUT TOTHE CHASE, Ex: Ashley Nickelsen, O: Judy and Ashley Nickelsen; Reserve: JASON ELJAMAL RL, Ex: Megan Weiler, O: Ray and Lynn Price.

Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: KHOSMOPOLITAN MD, Ex: Jody Strand, O: David Teigen; Reserve: BASK N FAME, Ex: Joe Reser, O: Richard, Hannah and Laura Beall.

Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under – Champion: POWER IMAGE DF, Ex: Abby Mills, O: Amy and Abby Mills; Reserve: GS LORDOF THE RING, Ex: Isabel Chism, O: Lisa, Bruce and Isabel Chism.

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Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: PHERRARI HEAT, Ex: Susan Ness, O: Laura and Susan Ness; Reserve: GS LORDOF THE RING, Ex: Isabel Chism, O: Lisa, Bruce and Isabel Chism.

HA/AA Geldings ATH – Champion: SHOCK N ROCK, Ex: Lori Whitt, O: Dan and Lori Whitt; Reserve: JUST SPOTACULAR, Ex: Kelly Vaughn, O: Venita Proffit.

Show Hack Arabian English Show Hack Championship – Champion: A TO Z, Ex: Marggie Rushlow-Roberts, O: Michelle Kimbro; Reserve: MM SABE, Ex: Kelly Morgan, O: Cynthia and Morgan Kelly.

English Pleasure HA/AA English Pleasure Championship – Champion: EXTREME HEARTHROBB, Ex: Shan Wilson, O: Emily and Kathy Shippee; Reserve: TF BALAGIA, Ex: Bridgette White, O: Raegan Knotts.

Native Costume Arabian Mounted Native Costume Championship – Champion: DA TRIPOLI, Ex: Sara Erwin, O: Brian McKee; Reserve: HL SANCTION, Ex: Cathy Vecsey, O: Hawk Haven Farms LLC.

HAlf-ArAbiAn HAltEr HA/AA Supreme Halter Championship – Champion: SHOCK N ROCK, Ex: Dan Whitt, O: Dan and Lori Whitt. Mares HA/AA Mares 3 Years & Over – Champion: PRISCILLA HR, Ex: Doug Burger, O: Heidi Boettner; Reserve: LAST GOODBYE, Ex: Jason Reed, O: Martha Murdock and Barbara Sear Henson. HA/AA Fillies 2 Years Old & Under – Champion: ARIA HA, Ex: Dwayne Burger, O: Janice and Ted Hlavaty. HA/AA Mares ATH – Champion: PRISCILLA HR, Ex: Lori Taft, O: Heidi Boettner; Reserve: ARIA HA, Ex: Ted Hlavaty, O: Janice and Ted Hlavaty. Geldings HA/AA Geldings 3 Years Old & Over – Champion: SHOCK N ROCK, Ex: Dan Whitt, O: Dan and Lori Whitt; Reserve: JUST SPOTACULAR, Ex: Pepper Proffit, O: Venita Proffit.

HAlf-ArAbiAn PErformAnCE

HA/AA English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: FEELING GUILTY LOA, Ex: Mary Trowbridge, O: Kathleen D'Auria; Reserve: VOLUME CONTROL, Ex: Matthew Siemon, O: Debra Booher. HA/AA English Pleasure AAOTR Championship – Champion: ERA MOONLITE SERENADE, Ex: James Diver, O: Norma and John Diver; Reserve: GSF ALEJANDRO, Ex: Bill Castro, O: Bill Castro. HA/AA English Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: TOI DIVA CRF, Ex: Faith Robbins, O: Michael, Lori and Faith Robbins; Reserve: MCLUVIN, Ex: Waylen Smith, O: Allison and Waylen Smith. HA/AA Country English Pleasure Championship – Champion: COOL HAND LUKE WA, Ex: Joel Kiesner, O: Jessica Anderson; Reserve: KREME DELA KREWE, Ex: Mary Trowbridge, O: Kathleen D'Auria. HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: DRAMBUIE LOUIE, Ex: Jim Stachowski, O: Norma Diver; Reserve: UNCLE CRACKER, Ex: Shawn Rooker, O: Ann and Bob Knoop.

HA/AA Geldings 2 Years Old & Under – Champion: BASKGHAZILLIONHEIRSMP, Ex: Mike Miller, O: Smoky Mountain Park Arabians LLC.

HA/AA Supreme Halter Champion and Gelding 3 Years Old & Over Champion SHOCK N ROCK (SF Specs Shocwave x Card Trick), shown by owner Dan Whitt.

HA/AA English Pleasure Champion EXTREME HEARTHROBB (Afire Bey V x Express Yourself ), ridden by Shan Wilson for owners Emily and Kathy Shippee.

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HA/AA Country English Pleasure Champion COOL HAND LUKE WA (Mariachi WA x Watchful), ridden by Joel Kiesner for owner Jessica Anderson. HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over Championship – Champion: KREME DELA KREWE, Ex: Kathleen D'Auria, O: Kathleen D'Auria; Reserve: SUGAR MOUNTAIN, Ex: Heidi Green, O: Elvin Berkheimer. HA/AA Country English Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 Championship – Champion: GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS, Ex: Mary Catherine Snodgrass, O: Mary Catherine Snodgrass; Reserve: CF CELEGRITYS TOI, Ex: Tess Piotrowski, O: Curtis, Cynthia and Tess Marie Piotrowski. HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR 14-18 Championship – Champion: TOI SHOWGIRL, Ex: Kelly Svoboda, O: Cathy Johnson; Reserve: NOBODYLIKEME, Ex: Matt Huke, O: Deborah and Ronald Pearson. HA/AA Country English Pleasure JTR 13 & Under Championship – Champion: SHOCK AND AWE DSF, Ex: Alexis Kiesner, O: Don and Kimberly Shackelford; Reserve: APHRODISIAC, Ex: Madison Stringer, O: Madison Stringer.

HA/AA Park Horse Champion DOCTOR MCDREAMY (AA Apollo Bey x Out Trot ‘Em), ridden by Matthew Siemon for owners Debra and Jessica Booher. HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving Championship – Champion: TOI SHOWGIRL, Ex: Larry Hoffman, O: Cathy Johnson; Reserve: NEVER ENUFF, Ex: Martha Murdock, O: Rattner Bloodstock LLC. HA/AA Country Pleasure Driving ATD – Champion: TOI SHOWGIRL, Ex: Kelly Svoboda, O: Cathy Johnson; Reserve: KREWGERRAND LOA, Ex: Elizabeth Hoffman, O: Elizabeth Hoffman. Western Pleasure HA/AA Western Pleasure Championship – Champion: THE GIRL NEXXT DOOR, Ex: Joe Reser, O: Shamrock Farms LLC; Reserve: ONE KNIGHT STAND, Ex: Christopher Hall, O: Sheila and Jenna Curley. HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: BALENCIAGA, Ex: Zachary James Powell, O: Sandy and John Zuccarini; Reserve: ZEES A DALLAS COWBOY, Ex: Jody Strand, O: Michael and Leslie Kvistad.

Park HA/AA Park Horse Championship – Champion: DOCTOR MCDREAMY, Ex: Matthew Siemon, O: Debra and Jessica Booher.

HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR Championship – Champion: JO MONEY, Ex: Angela Daugherty, O: Angela Daugherty; Reserve: IMA ROCKIN N ROLLIN, Ex: Brian Wheeler, O: Susan and Brian Wheeler.

HA/AA Park Horse ATR Championship – Champion: REA MY ALLIENCE, Ex: Gregg Shafer, O: Nancy Shafer and Gregg Shafer; Reserve: DOCTOR MCDREAMY, Ex: Howard Booher, O: Debra and Jessica Booher.

HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR Championship – Champion: ZEES A DALLAS COWBOY, Ex: Jill Mohr-Lochner, O: Michael and Leslie Kvistad; Reserve: AUR U CAUSINA RUKUS, Ex: Irene Pashtenko, O: Irene Pashtenko.

Side Saddle HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle – Champion: GLORY STEALER, Ex: Rachel Enns, O: Laurie, Rachel and Dale Enns; Reserve: CEA IMA DIVA, Ex: Marggie Rushlow-Roberts, O: Carmelle Rooker.

Hunter Pleasure HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Championship – Champion: GLORY STEALER, Ex: Thomas Theisen, O: Laurie, Rachel and Dale Enns; Reserve: SLAM DUNK KS, Ex: Nicole Spinella, O: Michelle Harbridge.

Driving HA/AA Pleasure Driving – Champion: BASKE IS A GENIUS, Ex: Matthew Siemon, O: Paul Heiman.

HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Championship – Champion: MAYBELLINE CA, Ex: Thomas Theisen, O: Conway Arabians, Inc.; Reserve: EDWARD CULLEN, Ex: Marggie Rushlow-Roberts, O: Mary Kuras.

HA/AA Pleasure Driving ATD – Champion: BASKE IS A GENIUS, Ex: Paul Heiman, O: Paul Heiman.

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HA/AA Western Pleasure Champion THE GIRL NEXXT DOOR (Exxpectation x Starry Spumoni), ridden by Joe Reser for owner Shamrock Farms LLC.

HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Champion GLORY STEALER (Heir To Glory x Callaways Anythings Possible), ridden by Tom Theisen for owners Laurie, Rachel and Dale Enns.

HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 40 & Over Championship – Champion: DA TRAVAIL, Ex: David Carr, O: David Carr; Reserve: ROLLIN DOUBLES, Ex: Laura Lynn Dickert, O: Laura Lynn Dickert.

Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 14-18 Championship – Champion: Baske Afireball, Ex: RAVEN GROPP, O: Raven Gropp; Reserve: GSF High Caliber, Ex: SKYLAR GUNLICKS, O: Kellie Wendling.

HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR 19-39 Championship – Champion: FSF DUDLEY, Ex: Jessica Lampe, O: Jessica Lampe; Reserve: GLORY STEALER, Ex: Rachel Enns, O: Laurie, Rachel and Dale Enns.

Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 13 & Under Championship – Champion: Toi Diva CRF, Ex: FAITH ROBBINS, O: Michael, Lori and Faith Robbins; Reserve: Aphrodisiac, Ex: MADISON STRINGER, O: Madison Stringer.

HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship – Champion: ADELITA RTA, Ex: Allison Davis, O: Alexus Mattingly; Reserve: RELIENCE, Ex: Makenna Rooker, O: Makenna Rooker.

Western Seat Equitation 18 & Under – Champion: Finally Dun It, Ex: WHITNEY MOL, O: Karen Schankin; Reserve: Docs Echo, Ex: SUSAN NESS, O: Laura and Susan Ness.

Show Hack HA/AA English Show Hack Championship – Champion: APOLLO MCCARTNEY, Ex: Raven Gropp, O: Raven Gropp; Reserve: PLEDGE OF ALLIENCE, Ex: Mary Catherine Snodgrass, O: Mary Catherine Snodgrass.

Hunter Seat Equitation JTR 14-18 On The Flat – Champion: Relience, Ex: MAKENNA ROOKER, O: Makenna Rooker; Reserve: Everestt, Ex: LAUREN MILLER, O: Lauren and Eric Miller.

Native Costume HA/AA Mounted Native Costume Championship – Champion: APOLLO MCCARTNEY, Ex: Raven Gropp, O: Raven Gropp; Reserve: CARRY ON LOA, Ex: Lindsey Claire Farni, O: Lindsey Claire Farni. Reining HA/AA Reining Horse – Champion: NW SMART DECISION, Ex: Michael Monico, O: Kathleen Monico; Reserve: DESERT HEAT, Ex: William Thomas Jr, O: Manda Westervelt. HA/AA Reining Horse AAOTR – Champion: NW SMART DECISION, Ex: Michael Monico, O: Kathleen Monico; Reserve: MEGAS RED CHEX, Ex: Patricia Holtzman, O: Patricia Holtzman.


UPHA Open Challenge Cup JTR 17 & Under – Champion: Baske Afireball, Ex: RAVEN GROPP, O: Gropp Raven; Reserve: Mandalay Bey, Ex: FAITH ROBBINS, O: Jeff and Heather Johns. UPHA Arabian Breed Walk/Trot Challenge Cup 10 & Under – Champion: HPF Somebody Stop Me, Ex: EMMA WILLIAMS, O: Emma Williams; Reserve: EA Golden Girl, Ex: QUINTIN ROBERTS, O: Rushlow Arabians.

Hunter Seat Equitation 13 & Under On The Flat – Champion: Rainier WW, Ex: SLICIA BONDAR, O: Sandra and Alicia Bondar; Reserve: Independence Day HS, Ex: KEARA JOHNSON, O: Keara Johnson and Kevin Kobrzycki.

10 & UndEr

Walk/Trot English Pleasure 10 & Under – Champion: ROCKY ROSES, Ex: Rex White, O: Peter Marsh. Walk/Trot Country English Pleasure 10 & Under – Champion: EA GOLDEN GIRL, Ex: Quintin Roberts, O: Rushlow Arabians; Reserve: HPF Somebody Stop Me, Ex: Emma Williams, O: Emma Williams. Walk/Trot Western Pleasure 10 & Under – Champion: JO MONEY, Ex: Cole Reser, O: Angela Daugherty; Reserve: Charming Berry, Ex: Megan Strand, O: Janice and Jody Strand. Walk/Trot Hunter Pleasure 10 & Under – Champion: RELIENCE, Ex: Quintin Roberts, O: Makenna Rooker; Reserve: Charming Berry, Ex: Megan Strand, O: Janice and Jody Strand.

Volume 44, No. 2 | 183

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