Laura Ramsey Blackburn RANDY SULLIVAN TRAINING CENTER Do you prefer to ride bosal horses or bridle horses? Why? This is a fantastic question! It depends on the horse. Necks that are a little too long or a little too short are easier to deal with in the bosal for me. The perfect neck and a really broke horse you can ride off your legs, bring on the bridle and all the drape that can come with it! How do you make a pleasure horse look like it’s a pleasure to ride? What traits must they have? I find it’s good to think about the traits I must have. Relaxed seat, confidence in the preparation, a mindset of belief in the horse. The horse can move square off all four legs with impulsion and a pretty headset with a soft jaw; that helps but it’s really our job to trust they will be a pleasure, not second guess them or pick at them and try to softly correct or cover a bit when the bobbles pop up. What is the key to a good warm up prior to a class? I like a brief warm up as soon as possible in the horse’s career that it becomes realistic. I would prefer to get the horse loose but not ask for too much before I really want to ask for it all in the class. Keep it positive, don’t make the horse crabby. Think about what the goals for the class are and then work towards those attainable goals. Not every class needs to be a swing for the fences and the same goes for the warm up. Do you have a particular tack or clothing obsession? I love the tooled hats out right now and think they add a fun new spin on the western look. I like Harris tack and the monogrammed headstalls they do. This feels like a high point in western fashion; so many fun looks and people embracing what they feel good in. I am here for that, and I am always here for all the sparkles. How important do you feel the AWPA class is for breeding? Extremely important. Winning is fun but winning money is really fun. Incentivizing competitions increases the value of the animals and makes breeding more financially feasible. The industry needs more quality babies hitting the ground every year from diverse breeding perspectives. Those babies need to be marketable, valuable and have earning potential. The AWPA is key to making that happen. What horse past and present, exemplifies the western pleasure discipline? I love a great moving, beautiful mare with a lot of substance and a great neck like Vera Wang or PA Maya. The OG great for me was/is C A Hermoso.
Donna Clay Lubben RANDY SULLIVAN TRAINING CENTER Do you prefer to ride bosal horses or bridle horses? Why? As a former English rider, the bosal just makes sense to me. It’s a comfort zone I am used to. I feel balanced and more in sync. How do you make a pleasure horse look like it’s a pleasure to ride? What traits must they have? For me, smooth and true gaits are key. Chemistry between horse and rider. If you are lucky enough to have this, the rest will come. What is the key to a good warm up prior to a class? I rely on the expertise of my trainers. Each horse requires a different routine.
How important do you feel the AWPA class is for breeding? Being relatively new to the Arabian breed I find the AWPA so exciting. The anticipation of it all is thrilling. I will say the Arabian community does this right. What horse past and present, exemplifies the western pleasure discipline? As I was learning about the breed and disciplines, I found myself attracted the Jerome line of horses. I have a bit of a sweet spot for them.
Tell us about your favorite pair of boots. My old Arita paddock boots. Have had them for years, just put new soles on them. Some things are hard to part with. Ar abian Horse Times | 65 | Western 2023